Eversharp 13" Tests for Dependents Slated Tomorrow MCAS Defense Plans Beginning at 5 A.M
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U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, July 20, 1956 Postponed. Parade "Eversharp 13" Tests For Dependents Slated Tomorrow MCAS Defense Plans Beginning at 5 a.m. today, MCAS Kaneohe joined with the Terri- Gates of the Marine Corps Air tory and the mainland in a mammoth civil defense drill, known as Station will be open to the wind- "Operation Alert 1956". ward public tomorrow to view the Civil Defense agencies everywhere in the U. S. and its territories 1st Marine Brigade. FMF. ceremon- are assuming the role they would play in the wake of an all-out enemy ial parade and review originally nuclear attack. planned for last Saturday but A simulated nuclear attack on areas postponed because of inclement Honolulu and other strategic in the U. S. and territories will Combined Charity weather. provide a realistic approach to Dependents and guests of per- the problem. Drive Announced; sonnel of the Brigade and Air Sta- Here. the operation has been tion again are invited to witness the labeled "Eversharp 13" and will parade. rev:ew and aerial fly-by test the efficiency of both passise Starts September tomorrow morning at 10 a.m.. on active defense measures on the and Plans the regimental parade ground. Air Station. Although primarily a are being formulated for 1st Marine the conduct of the third annual Brig. Gen. George R E Shell. Station problem, the Brigade. FMF was to man its com- Combined Charity Drive during commanding general of the Brigade. Fiscal Yen. 1957. it was announced FIRST King mand post briefly this morning and will be reviewing officer. Nearly HONORARY MEMBER-Hawaii's Governor Sameul W. by the 14th Naval District last week"- 7.000 officers and men of the Bri- (right), who pad an official visit to the 1st Marine Brigade, FMF-, check communications. of the exercise will Conducted throughout the Naval gade. on the ground. will be led Wednesday Training value was made the first honorary member of the Brigade by by the surprise ele- District. the Drive reportedly was by the 4th Marines Rein!' C.O.. be strengthened Brig. Gen. George R. E. Shell, Brigade commanding general. Genera! This lies in the sim- a huge success in the preceding Col. Bryghte D. Godbold. Planes ment involved. Shell took the territorial cl-ief executive on a brief tour of the Air conditions which prevail at two years with funds pledged and of Marine 13 will ulated Aircraft Group Station and outlined the Brigade's functions and facilities during the i.e.. wind collected exceeding assigned goals fly-by overhead as the last ele- the time of the attack, morning visit. Gov. his Col. exact loca- by a wide margin. ments of the parade pass the re- King was accompanied by military aide, direction and velocity. zero" and other The idea behind the combined viewing stand. Jack Conley, USA. tion of "ground factors. drive. according to 14th ND sources, In addition to the 4th Marines These simulated conditions will is to provide one annual solicitation (Reinfl and M.46-13. Headquar- Leadership Stressed not be known by civil defense for funds allocated to recognized ters Co.. 1st Marine Brigade. FMF authorities until sealed instructions charities rather than be concerned and Company "C" (Iteinfi. 7th En- Organizes NCO School; are opened at a designated time with a large number of smaller gineer An.. FMF will participate. Brigade Some of the problems to be solved drives throuhout the year. Martial music will be furnished in the exercise are: removing eva- This years Annual Combtned by the Marine Barracks. U. S. Na- Classes May Start October 15 cuees : providing transportation: Charity Drive will provide funds val Base. Pearl Harbor Band in maintaining traffic control: calling for the following established charit- conjunction with the 4th Marines A Brigade NCO school is presently being organized to train out rescue teams and treating in- able organizations: Reinf) Drum and Bugle Corps. NCO's in the field of leadership and to assist the individual in quali- jured persons: restoring utilities and American Red Cross. Following the review all guests fying for promotion it was revealed recently in Brigade Order 1500.5. communications: supplying food, Navy Relief Society. Hawaiian for are encouraged to proceed to the It is anticipated the first class will convene on Oct. 15 and that feed and fuel and surveying Auxiliary. static display on the parade field. it will be a continuing school, conducted every five or six weeks. radioactive fallout contamination. Welfare. Sta- Coast Guard examine weapons and equipment Major elements of the Brigade Liberty is cancelled for Air Honolulu Community Chest 4:30 a.m., today un- of the 4th Marines tReinf) and ask and Air Station will be given quotas Bonne] from (which combines a number of sep- til the exercise is completed about questions. as desired. of the per- affording approximately 51% of MAG-13 Display arate organizations) . sonnel standing-by. noon tomorrow. Hawaii Cancer Society. the qualified NCO's an opportunity "Eversharp 13" is the fourth Hawaii Heart Association. As a special feature of the re- to be conducted to attend the school during their Pleases Crowd such operation Societies for aid to Crtppisd CUL. view senior youths of local Explorer spokes- tour. here in the past two years. a dren and Adults. scout. Boy Scout. Cub Scout troops. man stated. and Captains of the four major Cotnpletely equipped, the school Arme.ti On Airport Day Because of policies of the or- little league teams will accompany will be staffed to handle 90 tau- Brig. Gen. Geroge R. E. Shell in Pour squadrons from Marine Air- ganizations themselves. the follow- dents who will be divided into two ing are not included in the drive: the reviewing stand. craft Group 13 represented the Ma- Housing Project rifle platoons. Oahu Tuberculosis and Health As- rine Corps at Honolulu's Airport Subjects tentatively scheduled will sociation and the National Foun- Day held last Sunday at the Inter- Underway for Paralysis. include: Leadership, Technique Gets dation Infantile of national Airport. The Drive will be conducted dur- Jaycees Invite Military Instruction, Drills and More than 40,000 spectators. young ing the period September 30. 1956, Ceremonies, Mapping. Explosives. With 55 Units but contributors will be allowed and old. attended the 5174 show hour 30. 1956 for Kaneohe Marines ABC Defense, General Tactics, Of- which found Marine Fifty-five sets of quarters. 45 for until November the the Corps dis- fulfillment of pledges. fensive Tactics. Defense Tactics, play drawing more than its share enlisted personnel, are currently Kaneohe Marines have received Special Tactics. an" r Operation. under construction at MCAS and Local chairmen and committee a letter of the swarming crowds. of invitation to join the The subjects will comprise will be completed sometime in Feb- members are now being named at Kai a total lua Junior Chamber of Com- of 158 hours instruction. Newest piece of equipment ex- ruary. 1957 according to a Public Kaneohe for the policy. publicity merce from Robert L. Opedal. hibited by the group was a 110K-1 and financial committees. Names Detailed information for Works spokesman. president of the group. the Bri- four-place helicopter, one of three Three single units are for senior be announced as soon as all gade Noncommissioned Officers' now in service with In a letter to Capt. Glenn B. Marine Helicop- officers. seven units for junior offi- posts are filled. School is contained in Brigade order ter Squadron 161. Its counter-rotat- Stevens. 1st Marine Brigade. FMF. 1500.5. cers (three of them duplex) and and MCAS Information: Services (See MAG-13, P-2) nine units (four duplex) for staff RETIRED MARINE GENERAL Officer. Mr. Opedal said the Jaycees noncommissioned officers. The re- APPOINTED CONSULTANT are sincerely interested in having Hawaii Air National Guard maining 36 units are two-story four- The appointment of Lt. Gen. Mer- Kaneohe Marine Corps personnel, plexes and are slated for enlisted Thanks MCAS For Assistance win H. Silverthorn, USMC (Ret.) offixrs and enlisted. become mem- personnel. ODM consultant in the Plans bers of their organi zation. -Colonel W. B. Steiner Officer units are being construct- as an Commander ed on the Kaneohe Bay side of the and Readiness Area was announced Composed of young business and recently by Arthur S Flemming, Di- Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station Hilltop area. The nine staff NCO Professional men between the ages rector of Defense Mobilization. Kaneohe, Oahu, T.H. units will be located at the corner of 21 and 35, the Junior Chamber of Lawrence St. and Mokapu Road. General Silverthorn will assist the of Commerce Dear Colonel Steiner: is dedicated to a dou- f'he remaining 36 sets of quarters Assistant to the Director for Plans ble purpose: (11 improvement and "I would like to this opportunity to express my appreciation, and Readiness in coordinating the development will be near the present Station of the community and along with the officers and airmen of the Hawaii Air National plant nursery and playground. north development of preparedness pro- /2 improvement and development Guard, for the valuable assistance and excellent facilities furnished of school building. grams and in testing the operation- its the Individual members to train by you and your men to the 199th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Of sturdy. permanent construc- al readiness of mobilization plans. thera for business advancement and 8I99th Replacement Training Squadron, and tion, the houses will have hollow civic leadership. the 199th Weather Right (Forecasting) during their annual summer encampment at tile walla. concrete floors, wood BULLETIN The group sponsors local civic Kaneohe, 9 through 23 June 1956.