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United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,879,606 Walter‘ et a1. ' . [451 Date of Patent: Nov. 7, 1989 [54] EDTV RECORDING APPARATUS for IDTV/EDTV System,” IEEE Transactions Con [75] Inventors: James M. Walter, Columbus; sumer Electronics, vol. 34, No. 1, Feb. 88, pp. 228-235. - Krishnamurthy Jonnalagadda, Masami Itoga et al., “Two Channel FM Recording For Plainsboro; Robert E. Flory, High-De?nition Baseband Signals”, IEEE Trans. Con Princeton, of NJ. sumer Electronics, vol. 34, No. 1, Feb. 88, pp. 78-84. M. Isnardi et al., “Decoding Issues In The ACTV Sys [73] Assignee: General Electric Company, tem”, IEEE Transactions On Consumer Electronics, Princeton, NJ. vol. 34, No. 1, Feb. 1988, pp. 111-120. [21] Appl. No.: 205,146 Y. Yasumoto et al., “A Wide Aspect Ratio Television [22] Filed: Jun. 6, 1988 System With Full NTSC Compatibility”, IEEE Trans actions Consumer Electronics, vol. 34, No. 1, Feb. 88, [51] Int. (31.4 ............................................. .. H04N 9/79 pp. 121-127. [52] U.S. C1. ...... ............................ .. 358/330; 358/ 12; 358/16; 358/11 Primary Examiner-John W. Shcpperd [58] Field of Search ................... .. 358/12, 15, 16, 310, Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Joseph S. Tripoli; Eric P. 358/ 330, 11 Herrmann; James B. Hayes [56] References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS [57] ABSTRACT 4,476,484 10/1984 Haskell ................................ .. 358/ 16 - Extended de?nition television (EDTV) signals includ 4,485,401 11/1984 Tan et a1. .. 358/12 ing a compatible composite wideband signal and a sepa 4,510,520 4/1985 Parker et a1. 358/15 rate helper or extended de?nition signal are combined, 4,521,803 6/1985 Gittinger 358/141 for example, for recording purposes, using frequency 4,535,352 8/1985 Haskell ...........
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