^ ^ H ^ I H ^ H ^ H ^ II HI II ^ II ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ (19) European Patent Office Office europeen des brevets EP 0 377 668 B2 (12) NEW EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) mtci.6: H04N 11/00, H04N 7/00 of the opposition decision: 09.07.1997 Bulletin 1997/28 (86) International application number: PCT/US88/03015 (45) Mention of the grant of the patent: 08.06.1994 Bulletin 1994/23 (87) International publication number: WO 89/02689 (23.03.1989 Gazette 1989/07) (21) Application number: 88908846.4 (22) Date of filing: 09.09.1988 (54) COMPATIBLE TELEVISION SYSTEM WITH COMPANDING OF AUXILIARY SIGNAL ENCODING INFORMATION KOMPATIBLES FERNSEHSYSTEM MIT KOMPANDIERUNG VON HILFSIGNAL KODIERTER INFORMATION SYSTEME COMPATIBLE DE TELEVISION A COMPRESSION D' IN FORMATIONS DE CODAGE DE SIGNAUX AUXILIAIRES (84) Designated Contracting States: (56) References cited: AT DE FR IT SE EP-A- 0 213 911 DE-A- 3 244 524 DE-A- 3 427 668 GB-A- 2 115 640 (30) Priority: 14.09.1987 GB 8721565 29.12.1987 US 139339 • IEEE Transactions on Communications, volume COM-31, no. 11, November 1983, IEEE, (New (43) Date of publication of application: York, US), R.L. Schmidt et al.: "Transmission of 18.07.1990 Bulletin 1990/29 two NTSC color television signals over a single satellite transponder via time-frequency (73) Proprietor: GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY multiplexing", pages 1257-1266- see page 1260, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 (US) left-hand column, line 4 - page 1260, right-hand column, line 10; page 1261, left-hand column, (72) Inventor: FUHRER, Jack, Selig line 59 - page 1262, right-hand column, line 16; Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 (US) page 1265, left-hand column, lines 5-8; figures 6-9 (74) Representative: Powell, Stephen David et al • Patent Abstracts of Japan, volume 10, no. 32 WILLIAMS, POWELL & ASSOCIATES (E-379) (2089), 7 February 1986 & 34 Tavistock Street JP-A-60-1 90085 London WC2E 7PB (GB) • IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-33, No. 3, August 1987, pages 173 to 180 • International Broadcasting Convention, IBC 82, XVI +376 P.; pages 158-164, R. Rawlingsand R. Mocom: " Multiplexed Analogue components - a new video coding system for satellite broadcasting". CM DO 00 CO CO Is- Is- CO o a. LU Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 0 377 66858 B2 2 Description ture modulation of the video carrier. Figures 7 to 9 dis- close the production of a luminance information signal This invention concerns apparatus for companding by separating and shifting a high frequency luminance non-standard television signal encoding information. In component to a low frequency range using a subcarrier. particular, this invention concerns such apparatus em- s This low frequency range signal is then modulated onto ployed by a system for generating a widescreen televi- a phase shifted video carrier before being linearly added sion signal which is compatible with a standard televi- to the main signal. sion signal receiver. DE-A-3 344 524 relates to a method for increased A conventional television receiver, such as a receiv- compatible resolution for colour television transmission er in accordance with NTSC broadcast standards adopt- 10 systems. Signals to be transmitted for increased reso- ed in the United States and elsewhere, has a 4:3 aspect lution are subjected to a filter function or a linear ampli- ratio (the ratio of the width to the height of a displayed tude weighting, said signals being modulated on an ad- image). Recently, there has been interest in using higher ditional subcarrier outside the standard colour spectrum aspect ratios for television receiver systems, such as 2: and linearly added to the standard video signal. 1, 16:9 or 5:3, since such higher aspect ratios more 15 Rawlings R. & Morcom R., Electron. Eng. Assoc., nearly approximate or equal the aspect ratio of the hu- IBC 82, September 1982, Brighton, UK, 18 - 21/9/92, man eye than does the 4:3 aspect ratio of a conventional Pages 158 - 164 : "Multiplexed Analogue Components television receiver. Video information signals with a 5:3 - A New Video Coding System for Satellite Broadcast- aspect ratio have received particular attention since this ing" relates to a video coding system employing multi- ratio approximates that of motion picture film, and thus 20 plexed analogue components. Horizontal high frequen- such signals can be transmitted and received without cy luminance information is aliassed and transmitted in cropping the image information. However, widescreen diagonal vertical-temporal frequency space. There is al- television systems which simply transmit signals having so disclosed de-emphasis of the high frequency part of an increased aspect ratio as compared to conventional the spectrum before folding, without using subcarriers. systems are incompatible with conventional aspect ratio 25 One aspect of the invention is claimed in claim 1, receivers. This makes widespread adoption of wide- another aspect of the invention is claimed in claim 6. screen systems difficult. In accordance with a further embodiment of the in- It is therefore desirable to have a widescreen sys- vention, the high frequency non-linear companding tem which is compatible with conventional television re- process is disclosed in the context of a single channel ceivers. One such system is disclosed in a copending 30 widescreen extended definition television (EDTV) sys- U. S. patent application of C. H. Strolle et al., Serial No. tem, e.g., a high resolution progressive scanning ("pro- 078,150 titled "Compatible Widescreen Television Sys- scan") system, that is compatible with a standard tele- tem", filed July 27, 1 987, equivalent to EP-A-0 325 637. vision receiver. It is even more desirable to have such a compatible wi- In a disclosed preferred embodiment of a compati- descreen system with provisions for enhancing or ex- 35 ble widescreen EDTV television system in accordance tending the definition of the displayed image so as to with the present invention, an original high resolution, provide extra image detail. For example, such wide- progressively scanned widescreen signal is encoded to screen EDTV (extended definition television) system include four components derived from a composite sig- may include apparatus for providing a progressively nal. The four components are processed separately be- scanned image. 40 fore being recombined in a single signal transmission In a compatible widescreen system, it may be nec- channel. essary to transmit auxiliary video information together A first component is a main 2:1 interlaced signal with existing standard information, e.g., in frequency in- with a standard 4:3 aspect ratio. This component com- terleaved form. It is desirable to convey such information prises a central portion of the widescreen signal that has via an auxiliary signal or signals with a large amplitude 45 been time expanded to occupy nearly the entire 4:3 as- so as to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of the auxiliary pect ratio active line time, and side panel horizontal low information. However, a large amplitude auxiliary signal frequency information that has been time compressed can lead to unwanted interference with the standard vid- into the left and right horizontal image overscan regions eo information intended to be processed by a standard where such information is hidden from view in a stand- receiver. Thus, one is faced with the dilemma of using so ard television receiver display. a large amplitude auxiliary signal to maintain a good sig- A second component is an auxiliary 2:1 interlaced nal-to-noise ratio, or using a small amplitude auxiliary signal comprising left and right side panel high frequen- signal to prevent interference with standard video infor- cy information that have each been time expanded to mation. This dilemma is resolved in accordance with the half the active line time. Thus expanded side panel in- principles of the present invention. 55 formation occupies substantially the entire active line IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. time. CE-33, No. 3, August 1987, pages 173- 180 relates to A third component is an auxiliary 2:1 interlaced sig- an extended definition television system using quadra- nal, derived from the widescreen signal source, com- 2 3 EP 0 377 668 B2 4 prising high frequency horizontal luminance detail infor- cast channel should achieve a high quality picture dis- mation between approximately 5.0 MHz and 6.2 MHz. play by a widescreen receiver, while greatly reducing or A fourth component is an auxiliary 2:1 interlaced eliminating observable degradations in a standard 4:3 "helper" signal comprising vertical-temporal (V-T) lumi- aspect ratio display. The use of signal compression nance detail information that would otherwise be lost in 5 techniques on the side panels of a picture takes advan- the conversion from progressive scan to interlaced for- tage of the horizontal overscan region of a standard NT- mat. This signal component helps to reconstruct missing SC television receiver display, but may sacrifice image image information and to reduce or eliminate unwanted resolution in the side panel regions of a reconstructed flicker and motion artifacts at a widescreen EDTV re- widescreen picture. ceiver. 10 Since compression in time results in an expansion At a widescreen EDTV receiver, a composite signal in the frequency domain, only low frequency compo- containing the described four components is decoded nents would survive processing in a standard television into the constituent four components. The decoded channel, which exhibits a smaller bandwidth compared components are processed separately and used to de- with that required for a widescreen signal. Thus, when velop an image representative widescreen signal with is the compressed side panels of a compatible widescreen enhanced resolution. signal are expanded in a widescreen receiver, there re- The second and third components are intraframe sults a noticeable difference between the resolution or averaged before modulating an alternate subcarrier.
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