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RS-" _ . - _ _ J"’' ? J Mg , SAUK CENTRE HERALD, THURSDAY, ¦ f - FEBRUARY . ~ J * Awarded Sunday was a beautiful day* • '—A new and complete assortment of The sleighing is fine. 1898 Highest Honors—World’s Fair, Fresh made taffy At Bishop’s. Ladies Muslin underwear. See window This is perfect winter weather. 1898 display, at A. Dahlem’s. ' \ dQold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Lantern globes only sc. each at Have you seen the new display at P, ' 4 Wil • Wm. Scherffius’. Olives, pickles and chow chow by A- Johnson’s Gallery? •Die the quart At Bishop’s. The City Laundry does not shrink Beggs’ Eye Salve willcure inflamed 2g3| flannels. Have you seen the new display a or weak eyes. Nothing better. Try it. “ A. Johnson’s Gallery? *. , Blank books, tabletsand everything P. J. B. Perkins. ¦ 1 s in school supplies at D. Cleveland Parents attention—buy your school Have your laundry done up at the & supplies at D. Cleveland & Co’s. Co’s. City Laundry. Will call every Mon- Spring is Near and SEEDING will Soon Demand Attention * Buy the best—the Majestic Range —New Dress Goods, Braids, Trim- day if desired. J. B. Schoenhoff. —of How Bros. & Co. mings, Linings for spring trade just The improvements on the mill flume CREAM at A. Dahlem’s. our entire and comptehenMve —New carpets, large and small rugs received are progressing satisfactorily. About We want you to call at cur New Ware House and examine stock of Farm Machinery and tools, but particularly the tapestry and lace curtains at Mel. An elaborate write-up of the anni- a couple of weeks more will suffice to Bleid's. versary of Washington’s birthday may- complete it. part BAKING Last Monday St. be found in another of this paper. Frank Brown, who was compelled to was Valentine’s day and the mails were loaded down “George Washington the Ideal Pa- give up his positirn in the store of L. powa with sweet and awful missives. triot”will be the subject of the sermon S. Bishop, on account of illr.ealth, has at the Church next to work. —New spring dress good, latest nov- Methodist Sunday returned <APore Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. evening. elties in single dress patterns at Mel. To the ladies of the Womens Relief STANDARD, recognition of s Tiger VO YEARS THE In Lincoln, Birth- Spring Blied’s. Corps. There will be a special meet- Press Drill day, “Old Glory” was flung to the ing of the W. R. C. Saturday March Weather The rain falls on the just and unjust. Signals. breeze on the G. A. R. and public 19th, full attendance requested. Cherry Cough Syrup cures a Cold, t on strictly scienrtfr The daily weather forecasts are received by school buildings. Which has ro upcricr. Itwill rave yen time and money, It is built telegraph every morning except from Asthma, and LaGnppe eaught in rain The Detachable heel on Kentucky principles, and always gives satisfaction. We also keep the Sunday The ladies of the Eastern Star enter- the United States Signal station at Minne- or shine. keep it. J. B. Perkins. Drillcan be stripped off and sharpened upon We tained their friends on Tuesday evening apolis. Immediately receipt of the and hardened, as it is made of a solid lorecast the signal flags are displayed from Trade your old stove for a new one Lunch was served and cards were a fea flag-stallof the High School piece of high grade steel. the building. and pay the boot to How Bros. ture ofthe evening. The explanation of the signals is as fol- Men and women who are broken lows: Black Triangular flag, Warm when The overland train on the Great The Congregational Church willgive 'down, discouraged, suffer with pain placed above; and cold when placed above Northern will be known as the Alaska a sociable and serve supper at the resi- disease,•should Rocky another flag. They absence of this flag in Limited. Itbeats all previous sched- dence of J. A. Caughren on Friday and use Moun- dicates st ationary temperature. tain Tea. Makes people well. 35 cents. Blue Flag—Rain or snow. ules to the coast three hours and evening. Supper 15 cents. Everybody A boy who wants to attend DRILL' Flag—Fair. school SHOE White thirty minutes. go. MflW Blue and White—Local storms; A. C. Werland has made two very would work for his board. Any Geo. A. Stanton, Platmo finish is all the go at P. A. winter, and one who has use for such a boy please Local Observer. Johnson’s Art Gallery. fine violins this is now A seeding machine which commerds itself to all intelligent farmers. Come and let uo turning out several guitars. He is a send word to the Herald office. show you the supeior merits of these drills. We also keep iu stock a full line of THE WEATHER— weekly record. Ladies desiring a trnsparent com- fine workman, and makes a superior —Beggs’ German Salve is a cure for Weather record forthe week ending Febru- plexion free from blotches, blemishes, ary 18. 1898: instrument. Piles, no matter how bad the case may Mean temperature for the week 16°. pimples and blackheads, should use Highest temperature for the week 339. Mountain Tea. I’llbrave the storms of Chilkoot Pass, be. They relieve at once, Scalds. Old Lowest temperature the Rocky for week.—B° plains frozen glass, Sores, Burns, Eczema, Tumors,, etc. Total prt ipuaticn. snow. .74 inches. The I’llcross the of Seeders, Plows, days. young people took advantage of Clear 1: elouny 4: partly cloudy 2. my wife and cross the sea, Sold by J. B. Perkins. Prevailing wind North and Northwest the delightful weather and the first I’llleave Rather than be without Rocky Moun- Lamps! lamps', lamps! at D. Cleve- sleighing of the season on Saturday tain Tea. and & Co’s. evening. A number of sleighing par- LOCAL NOTES Your hair can be Beggs ties were abroad. The Villard post of the Grand Army saved. Buggies and ~~ will celebrate Washington’s birthday. Hair Renewer will do it as it acts di- :«¦ Jacobi Bros. <fc Mack send laundry Chas. F. Hendryx of this city will ad- rectly on the scalo and hair follicles. Lamps that cannot fail to satisfy: to The Eureka Steam Laundry Minne- the newest styles, at WM. Scherffius’. dress the post at a campfire, in the The effect is wonderful and permanent. apolis every Tuesday, returning on Sold by J. B. Perkins. O urrcwWrrf F< r; e it ifffi.est in this tccticn ol the ccuritry, aid affcids splendid faciliC Everett Hendry is train express Saturday. It is pne of the best laun- evening. es forshowing yog our goods. LU the The ladies Church jtgent between Caselton, and Hope. N.D dries iu the state. All work guaran- In death of.their little daughter, of the Episcopal teed. Mr. and Mrs aresorelv afflict- will occupy their Lenton season by a: Platmo finish is all the go at P. A ed. It was their . youngest child, a manufacturing a new style of hand- & Art Gallery. It is reported on excellent authority TOWNSEND MARSALL Johnson’s little one of eighteen months, kerchief, and other useful and orna- that D. R. Jackson and Mrs. Phelps- bright -—Special sale of embroideries, all the mental articles East- Foster, both former residents of Sauk pneumonia-was fatal desease. They preparatory to an 7| cents per yard at Mel. Blied’s.. have the sincere sympathy of a host of er sale. Centre, were married in Oregon re- <.—New white goods, in India , Linens, cently. Mrs. Phelps-Foster went to friends. —New spring dress goods, never so Dimities, Organdies, Dotted Swiss, at Fancy articles of all binds at D. o Oregon several weeks ago. large a line of new things so early in INSURANCE. A- Dahlem’s. Cleveland & Co’s. the season. combination of A son of Conrad Zehrer killed a The color- Buy Big at D. Cleveland & Next Friday will be Washington’s ing perfect. Bibles wolf in the pasture near their house, is Exclusive designs se- I Represent the Followiug Solid Fire Insurance Com- Co t • birthday. It will be celebrated with lected with great care, in single dress ten miles west of this city on Saturday becoming exercises at the public patterns. panies and Respectfully Solicit your Patronage. >—Farm lands can be had of Chas. A afternoon. The wolf was pursuing a Mel Blied. UJ school. Aprogram has been prepared represented: Worse on very favorable terms. jack rabbit, wholly to the Everything in the line of school COMPANIES liabilities: cash assets: oblivious for the occasion which will direct the New lace embroideries, an endless young man with an old gun. He shot upplies at D. Cleveland & Co’s. Rockford Insurance Co., $ 680,828 $ mindt> of the children into and through America of assortment, just the head you looking something British Toranto, 739,307 . 1,191,712 LU received at Dahlem’s. animal’s full of buckshot. patriotic channels. —Are for Spring Garden Insurance C0.,. 909,081 1,488,,020 especially goods? A Conductor James Sturdevant of the State Auditor Dunn has prepared Mel Scherffius will leave for the new in black Norwich Union of England, 1,356,457 2,229,990 Mat- Westchester Fire York, defunct Tintah branch, will run be- figures Monday young glance at our new Lizard cloths, of New 1,237,665 2,241,054- some showing the increase in Klondike on next. No Milwaukee Mechanics, 914,744 2,368,470 etc., ' tween St. Cloud and Sandstone.