Memory and the Panorama

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Memory and the Panorama International Panorama Council Journal, Volume 2 2018 Memory and the Panorama Edited by Seth Thompson Selected Proceedings from the 27th IPC Conference Blagovesta Momchedjikova Molly Catherine Briggs Sylvia Alting van Geusau Thiago Leitão de Souza International Panorama Council Journal, Volume 2 Memory and the Panorama Selected Proceedings from the 27th IPC Conference Edited by Seth Thompson Blagovesta Momchedjikova Molly Catherine Briggs Sylvia Alting van Geusau Thiago Leitão de Souza 2018 International Panorama Council International Panorama Council Board of Directors, 2018-2019 Seth Thompson, President Guy Thewes, Vice President Dominique Hanson, Treasurer Thiago Leitão de Souza, Secretary-General Ruby Carlson, Past Secretary-General Blagovesta Momchedjikova Gábor Turda Sara Velas International Panorama Council Journal, Volume 2 Editors: Seth Thompson, Blagovesta Momchedjikova, Molly Catherine Briggs, Sylvia Alting van Geusau, and Thiago Leitão de Souza Cover and Layout Design: Rukaiya Banatwala Cover Photo: Panorama 1453 History Museum Copyright 2019 © All rights reserved by the International Panorama Council and the individual authors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of the International Panorama Council and individual authors. Individual authors are solely responsible for all their material submitted to this publication. The publisher and editors do not warrant or assume any legal responsibilities for the publication’s content. All opinions expressed in this journal are of the authors and do not reflect those of the publisher and editors. Publisher: International Panorama Council International Panorama Council c/o BDO Ltd. Landenbergstrasse 34 6002 Luzern Switzerland ISSN: 2571-7863 Preface Founded in 1992, the International Panorama Council (IPC) is The focus of the second edition of the International Panorama a worldwide organization of panorama specialists, committed Council Journal is the theme of the 27th International Panorama to supporting the heritage and conservation of the few existing Council Conference, “Memory and the Panorama,” which panoramas dating from the 19th and early 20th century, and sought to examine the presence of memory and historical truth the promotion of knowledge and awareness of the panorama, within the context of the panorama. Hosted by the Panorama including its current relevance and development. Since the 1453 History Museum with sponsorship from the Istanbul organization’s beginnings, annual conferences have been held Metropolitan Municipality, the conference was held in Istanbul, around the world. The yearly IPC Conferences are intense Turkey, September 19 – 21, 2018. encounters, discussing and connecting the past, present and future of the panorama phenomenon. IPC is a non-government and not- On behalf of the International Panorama Council membership, for-proft association, according to Swiss law. we would like to thank Kemal Kaptaner (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality) and Salih Doğan (Panorama 1453 History In 2017, the peer-reviewed International Panorama Council Journal Museum) for their efforts in hosting a wonderful conference. was established in order to stimulate and foster interdisciplinary We would also like to acknowledge the great work of Ruby research on the panorama and its related forms. Carlson, Dominique Hanson, Blagovesta Momchedjikova, Molly Catherine Briggs, Thiago Leitão de Souza, and Sylvia Alting van Geusau for their contributions to the conference and journal. Seth Thompson President Table of Contents Constructing National Identity through the Lens of the Painted 07 Panorama: The Bourbaki Panorama in Lucerne Seth Thompson The Panorama of Rio de Janeiro by Victor Meirelles and Henri 14 Langerock: Part 1 – A City Memory’s Representation or a City’s Invention? Dr. Thiago Leitão de Souza The Miniature Metropolis as Memory Palace: Memory-Making at 24 Panstereoramas Dr. Blagovesta Momchedjikova Battle Panoramas Fighting for Relevance in the 21st Century: 34 The Panorama of the Battle of Murten, Tyrol Panorama, and The Bourbaki Panorama Jean-Claude Brunner Rebirth of the Panorama of the Battle of Morat: A Forgotten 40 Memorial to a Crucial Event in European History Gaston-François Maillard and Laurence Garey The Borodino Panorama: Current State and Plan for Development 45 Marina Zboevskaya “As It Is and As It Was”: Pompeiorama and the Resurrection of a 48 Buried City Massimiliano Gaudiosi A Fad That Faded 55 Suzanne Wray Immersion, Chromatics, and Atmospheric Effects: Recalling Period 60 Perception in Turrell’s Celestial Vault and Mesdag’s Panorama Dr. Molly Catherine Briggs Pierre Loti Panorama: Project on Memory Registration 69 Nuri Özer Erbay The Photographic Record of Patrimonial Mexican Panoramas as 73 Protection of Memory Ricardo Alvarado Tapia Shengjing Panorama: A Landmark 360° Collaboration between the 79 Velaslavasay Panorama and Experts of Chinese Panorama Painting Ruby Carlson and Sara Velas The Role of Memory and Subjective Experience of Time in the 87 Perception of Space: From Panorama to Moving Image Dr. Katarina Andjelkovic New Memory Medium of Museums: Digital Records 97 Dr. Fethiye Erbay Dark Rides: From Early Immersion to Virtual Reality 103 Joel Zika Expanding the Panorama Experience with Augmented Reality 106 Jonathan Biz Medina Future Thought to Memory: Panorama Museums 112 Dr. Mutlu Erbay Constructing National Identity through the Lens of the Painted Panorama: The Bourbaki Panorama in Lucerne, Switzerland Seth Thompson American University of Sharjah Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Abstract were made as well as “exotic” locations, enabling people to Using the Bourbaki Panorama, which depicts the French General compare their lives and traditions to others. Charles-Denis Bourbaki’s army crossing Switzerland’s border Lucerne’s Bourbaki Panorama was painted under the near Les Verrières in 1871, this paper examines the notion of direction of Édouard Castres (Swiss, 1838-1902) and identity narrative in nation-building and addresses the following completed in 1881. An identity narrative constructed to questions: How does the Bourbaki Panorama reinforce address Swiss nationalist themes, it depicts the 1871 event Switzerland’s national identity? How can identity narratives strengthen or challenge a nation’s collective memory? How can of General Bourbaki’s French army crossing Switzerland’s these findings inform current and future practices in the border near Les Verrières and disarming. [1] This paper development and interpretation of new and existing panorama will address the Bourbaki Panorama as a model of using projects? national identity as a narrative for nation-building, the Keywords ability for identity narratives to strengthen and challenge a Bourbaki Panorama, national identity, collective memory, nation’s collective memory, and practical identity narrative, Franco-Prussian War recommendations for developing and interpreting painted and digital panorama projects. Introduction In an increasingly global environment, with shifting Collective Memory, National Identity, and geopolitical borders, ever-increasing migration, and the History Painting international standardization of information technologies When considering national identity and a nation’s heritage, and manufactured goods, there is a sense of uncertainty as it is important to understand the notion of collective to how national identity may be maintained or restored. memory, which in its simplest form may be defined as a Many nations have reacted to the perceived threat of way that two or more members of a social group recall, globalization by cultivating an interest in nationalism in an commemorate, or represent their shared societal or cultural effort to renew a sense of community and confidence. history. Collective memory is the result of socialization Many of the few remaining panoramas from the through education, traditions, and customs, including nineteenth and early twentieth centuries can be used as a public ceremonies and monuments. [2] It is also important lens to understand national identity. Much like other to consider how a group collectively forgets by excluding history paintings, the panorama is a blending of myths, or silencing alternative perspectives or versions of events memories, and values. Altering facts to create a cogent from a social group’s memory. [3] narrative was common in paintings that depict significant The concept of national identity has evolved into an historical events, such as Washington Crossing the effective social and political tool over the past two or three Delaware (1851, New York, Metropolitan Museum of centuries because its collective memory and forgetting Art), one of the most iconic images in American history for offers powerful narratives that help groups of people to reinforcing collective memory and national identity painted identify with others in a social group, bringing shared by Emanuel Leutze (German American, 1816-1968). experiences to a socially and economically diverse group One goal of many panorama artists has been to represent of people. an accurate account of places and events through rigorous In Nationalism: Political Cultures in Europe and research. Many of these panoramas depicted recent battle America, 1775–1865, Lloyd Kramer writes, “Most analysts scenes relevant to the cities and regions for which they 7 of nationalism locate its emergence in late eighteenth-
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