Refuse Baseball Standing 1 Superbas Still TIMELY m OF SPORT MNTS HAVE M in Three Leagues to Check Pesky Cubs] p-, XATIOSAI i.r %4.t i: oamks to-bat. Colonel Thompson Praises Army Michael O'Suliivan's Fali on ! made only flve hlts, but they took ad- I in. ilinatl at Nrw York. Big Ed Walsh Relieves Lange. but Proves ( ><¦< »«.. at Broofclyn tlwol. Ragon Pitches Fine Ball, j'.antage of their opportunltles. and Navy Men at Stockholm. Thursday Fatal. M, lonia nt PMIailelphia. with the Usual Results. For three tnnlnga lavender held the Ptttsbergb ut Bo-ton. Lavender Wins Honors Bcetrstesa, bat in the. fourth laa* Rl>l l.TS Ol QAMEfl \KSTI.R1I.\Y. Biiaerbaa a two-hngcer hy Wheat was followed Nre York. 4; (inrlnnatl, 0. Ing seor- INSPIRATION TO ATHLETES DICK DONNELLY ALSO HURT Shut Out When of the Battle. an out and Tinker's , Cincinnati 4*'hl--iig».. *: Broofcltn. 't, DAY bv InftsM ¦ to one «d*1e any f.-eling of elvlo lt"g stole Champions Make It -(. laaSBB, ".: Pliiturlrlpbla. -.ling tbe Fixth lnning- Dauhtat .-dngled. aa well aa Cut- Mrs. MIHIN.U. l.i;.t(,l K MANUIM.. prtde and hrotherly feellng. i«ec..nd and »<-ored on a edngle bv McGraw Picks Up Another Fitler'a Pandora and Klng Consecutive Victories. w. i. r.4 tv. i.. P.i'. Steals 4.-. aa .4*»» Rapa Ont Four Hits and refumin? nbnoltitadi to ba of any materlal ahnw. Dora Nru tork 7« ?4 .715 4 In'nati. returned to the arame Twirler, Named Percyman, Win Bhies at 88 :li .881 81. Lonle 4*» N 4!0 t'ie QlantS where rhecklr.g ik<> Dauhert Cfclmgv 81 .SSS Four Baae8.Warhop aaeJstanea to of aliaoal two wseh* from Lake. Pltta .',4 81 JM Braieklyn II Ire roneerned, the after an abeanca Virginia League. Spring ON FIRING LINE Phlln 10 44 .811 Boaton 58 e* .BSB Hard in Pinches. tl..- <'btcsgo «*ub* mlght nature of the day WM fBT* TESREAU to The fleWtog <"olonel Robert M. (By to Breoklj n bupsrbas dlpped their colors Heinle Zimmerman in the BtXtB Thnmpsori, preaident Telegraph Tho Tribuna.) amt:bi4 an k ajajni to bay. Tiie Tribune and arere nlBhed by of the Olymplc games commlttee, ln a Hea GIrt, X. J., Aug. 2,-Those :r<;- Te'efjiaph to ths oobeeta <>f Praali L. Chanes innlng. wh«, ^ ^'^ who Ne«c York ut I hieigo. Chicago Whlte a flrat^Tla time to report to Acting Secretary ot tho Navy came to erjoy tiie second day of the F«a _ i..r hy !ZZ in itt < leveland. iiilcH-'.>. aarf. a.Tha tha third stratght game over to McOraw'B Big Youngster Phll.-i.ielnl.m of Ihe BerlOB land raeed clear Beekrnan Amerlcans 'llrt and L*ke IU.-imti nt *t. l>oiii«. ISoi aren the tbirrl game f»<-.iie of I lo 'J faalerdag afternoon. Jaclt Cotahaw. Who had slngleu. Wlnthrop, pralscs Spring horse ahow learned Be3t of ut flet here this _p Who ln the events and mak< s tbat Michael Fine Fettle and Has Mft-lilngK.n fretu the New Terh fanheea BagOO, who caa yell b.uder than any followa : partlclpated O'SuIllvan. who came to vr.sTEKDAV '1 h<- BCOCa inention of trie gri-f m tbe Rgst it* OF OAMBe afternoon by a aeore of B to 1 To all fa- >ber in apttv'ty. plteh.-.l a grand game parilculnr representatlvas hurdle race yeaterday, dled Rube Benton, Hank UH Wr '. ae of ( im .!«.... .¦>; New York, ". tenu an.l pu*rp0808 the So* Bewed up the agalaat Jlnuni Lavender, wheee chlef Kl,,. i, po the army and navy of thia country. '.arly tbla morning ln the Ann May M»- H .-..1. imn. I| Betroit. 0. banimerlnp faet The leiter to Mr. Wlnthrop, whlch bear* morlal HoHpital, at lake. 0 Days Star Sl. I «ui*. <». ;;..m. in the firHt innlng by cialn te Bsaas and glory Uss la tha Spring Dleit Ilo-tun. <4; to the of I1* and was written on board the Plitlaitelnhla v». UevelnnS irnini. the curvea of little Jack AVarhop that he atopped ths career of "Rubc" data July Donnolly, well known rider of Jump- ln de- eri. who The QfeWta bud bttir clifficulty \MlltltW 11 Al.lK STAMHNO. tene of four rv.ns, a load which the .M;muard for the tin>' being. That he tiie ateamalip Cantania. says: fgg at the *ame hurd)9 as O'SuI¬ foatang thr Real on the Polo a. ia r.c. W. I» rr. Tankeea snere never able |8 overcome. ;,t least fulled io prnd the game Into sxtra "Th.: Olymplc gamea are over. and our llvan, waa badly abaken up, but though 48 88 .4*0 toam on to America. I bls ahoulder waa afternoon. and lnci- Boaton 4VS Hl ,SS1 Betroit Tbe vhriton never rave np hope. however, innlng* wiis di-o to the faet that "Hub" Is Ita wajr back lame he net only at- CaTiJUndB yeaterday \V»»h'ton «S 8, aSS.CIeraakUBd 88 Bt .l«4 ln fhe of to on tended the ahow Nevr York Sl 83 .".l» :inrj were 848188aad in .ome ¦aaaaure by Nortbeii atads a ghastly muff of fl fiv take liberty reportln* you but handled one cf the iifntally Beered their tourteenth conoaoai- Pblla M tl .5*18 off E__?: aoti o HlII entrlea ln the 3* 4*7 .80» Blll _;*rtatar.p &"..!« Ihe offlcers whom to come opening olaaa for .v I 80 445 J8I BB. 1-onla the. fact tbal they knoekd Lange ths flfth lu'iing. when the Cubfl aeored ^4,00 yoti permltted ponl clan of Hnnk binaaa Mp O'SuIllvan waa tjve vi.tory OVer tha th" rubber after four rnntnsa and made their winning . to tho gamea, on the rifle and fenclni? rlding Puck. a cheatnut LIAIitl. into Total*.¦ ta»»i geldlng owned Peter o|.,iy hy ;i ¦oora of * to «V Thc Reds IVrKRNATIOWL lt for Bl Wal«h to iiep Evers beut out a bimt in tbe flfth for T«Hala....VliiiMil teams. by Hauck, j., of Bl- to-bay. necensay Innlng. when he th» 0A*arn the hreach. .»nd jimmy Archer Bhot s ., .....i for Flaher ln nlnth "Tha Hfle team, aa you have learned beron, met wlth the accldent wen beld powerleea beieee running a Btartar, 0 0 I 0 0 0 Venark at MfiMtreai. The prei eilent eKtablialied by Ed SWOe- ths TroJSB l O.J from the reporta in the press, took the that eaus. d hia death. O'Sulll'an waa Jtff Tearcau. and only Jeraea < nt Borbeater ftwo>. sin_le into left fleld Wblch ChleagO. 0 0 0 10 10 0 0-2 prtchlng of big llj ncv. who made flve hlta In five limea at Vic Saler OUt 10 honors. Tho Hwedifih nfllcials the manager of Mr. Hauck'a e.abte at <:i. four eafetle* or four to the -JRr*1f^raTbaaa fell, and before O'SuIllvan could g« clear flaah la tha paa came ln tkv eaghth inn¬ .lerva-y 4 lly r*.. R4»»heat«r O'llflelder mnne Sehulte then Urove out a long fl.v ,'""J. ;,'s«» Daubart Doubleplajra-MHUr. pllment to Hweden, and ln every way Ballinwre \ h. Toronto iruini. was contlnued hy '/.,:, (unnsaNfi-. the horao rolled on him. took traim. tlm-a at bat. further Zarh Wheat and Bvera B li ,j',;,r*,.t l; on they showed their apprrciation of the Donneliy waa lng. when Bob Bonchcr alugled and Pr.ivideme iv Buflulo reltable riouer ananli i-».8*ler. Flret baa* Tlal Chase in to-ln Montreal 10 80 .400 al the park to-day. aad femlntne Mfan8'1 target an.l it waa marked a mlai. Thln not regaln consclouen.sB, and dUd at 1 to fonl to Horzo* Tloblitzell Bpplauded th* New York captaln ».* he muat have been rlue to a deiv-ctlve car- O'StSOk tlila morning. Mr. llau.-k ltad tho "re ilinnts dld not OF That e of tJie £>»rn only three addltlonal Mifetlea bostdeji one of tho other IioIoh without other entrb-.s ln to-day'a prograinne, but anri Beala Beeker through fact thal Larry Doyle WIN IN NINTH Itheea mad-' by CaaTaaBj nnd one of theee a trace. team wai led all were wlthdrawn. bn^es ln the CARDINALS leavtng Tho ajjly got aii 1ati,?le.l 8*8 881 the waa marle by Wolv. rton. who a. fed aa the Lieutenant Cotnmander who Jumpera provlded the feature conesta, wh-n the got tr. > ) Mawr Second Defcat by LaahBg, tffth Innlng, QhTAta for Vic- plnch hltter In the nlnth Innlnr and Three Heats After Losing Bryn iti.'Pln d hls own sense and though the fencea were etlff onei the bttl seorert only Rally and Pound Shultz I Wins men by Me l.lgh douhl** and twn singles-. the way.t for a tally whlch Chaae Four. of dev.tton to duty and dlaolpllno. The programmo waa run off wlthout any »erl- run. The blun-i^r of Doyle r.nd the Phillies. [ehaped to Raffles. Myopia one tory Over drove wlth hla laat eafety Hal Two our team waa handled waa a sub- oua accidenL The honore were falrly well chanca t.> aaaao de- W8y rterkri- Bjavi tha Reaa 8 Philadelphla. Aug. Z-The Cardlnals a/ided a dlatlnctly touch to iit? Je.-t of constant remark, and the King dlvlded between the Glen Rlddle Ftrm on an outflcld slng'.e. here pnaaaaaj ¦ eouble play feated tbe Phillies ln to-day'fl game performance and establlshed a 018088*881 took 04*eaaton to come to the fleld on and the Blenhelm t'arm. The Vlrglnhn, v hb-h fev- of the vrterans remember ever .'. a rally off WINS. TOO by a SCOVS Of ts 3 by batling of hls rwn by uteallng four baae*. ARMY TEAM to see our men tho rllles. a was the atar of and choke of two JOHNNY HUBE A VICTOR purpoae and Btr&ppii.g eheatnut, having BJfeBfl beione. Bj lalts'a dellvery la tbe lnning. TVarbop had little on the ball when ba "One service the oftieera ef tbe former etabla, whlln Algoma, tls the home plate. effort great ef runa at In the home team's Boyle. wrnt Into the h<>*. and ln maklng th»lr team to the Branch did the best won th* innlng by 'aMng hit- in the 8*88 their tnaplrution rxjng champlon, SnodpTass opened Walrvh and Doela went ln aa pineh four tallles th» fv.x a.eumulated f}ve of Black Birds Beaten by Aiken athletea their Bubmtsalon to for Blenhelm Karm. ,i couble alom: the left flekl BOUl il'" of them. 2:12 Pace After Hot, by ready mJ llarmon fanned a'.l their hlta. Theae lnrtuded a trlple by Captures drlll and to the Mra. t'ecll Fltler added two blue rlb- took tblrti When MoDeaafaM could no: a Fast Match at Narra- ordtrs. whleh Impressed C. The acore follewe: .olllna and .Tlmmy r'aJAhana two-hagger. in Day of young men und dld mueh ln semirlng a bons to her strlng In the harneea horae handle Doyle a aavage Meet, BBad acorod on piin,\nFLPHtA Fight Closing ai uoyia The feeitllUea nere ald«l to a degree gansett Pier. ef will whlch i.a*» made the ulaaeea with Pandora and Klng Dora. a doubie to oentre by Beala Beeker. There ahfhpoae. ahrhpoae Meet. feellng good Il-igglua.ib 8 0 1 40 Paalcertcf.. lll 1 * o by fTarhop'a arlM thi'.w to cateh a man Parkway gaines an axcoptton to all that The latter was placed third to Pandora In was no one out. tith Merkle rrp al o t .i 401 1 io te T * Olymplc UaTas -." 4 o l LoboruSb... off fin»t and a wild pltch Wentherlnr [Bj Tetagrei b Tribune.] bave taken before. Throughout the regular claaa, but when ahown for ,-;.r. took on a reeeal ; ! B .- Magee. lf I! t Trottera !n the t:il claaa cloead R. I.. Aug. t-Two place ead everythlng 1 .' thal bad Innira. Jack settle.l into a Whlrl- Sarregansett Pier, l»ora Into rlght KonetOhy.lMI lll IBICmVnta, rt, z « 1 at Parkway Hght aarneaa the gamea eenatant rernarh waa made those sultable to a runabout Klng hue. Merhle hit a low Itner 1 1 i» i.-i 4 00 9 SO and the ^ox at anna precrarnine the and navy rn\> gi.mes. rsapeettvelg rf. 3 1 0 1.1 ia, lb, -vit:d atrld* kept to Caa- aiiny about the splendld dimlpllno of the men. dlaplayed ao much dash that he eaaliy fiel.1 and rataurted for hon-.". The 11 1 1 311 Kua 4 0 14:" a and oertag va Myopia and Doyle * iength. A by Itodie, followd hy meetlng yeaterday, Mr'. D Mawr BSeoadfl lt cf., 8'.' n 1 l" Doolaa. aa... 812 4 0 trlple " th" i th- i- Bubmlaaaea ln trninlng, and tha gal« took the blue from hia atablemate, Mark i.ail hit safu. but MttcheO played In ruiie .1 il dlnatlon to ln< 8" v th- and t'i" tlnal for 4117 81 KnMf r. c. $00 ; II long fly In the slxth innlng. a*OB4*ed their CamdSfl Army. t.iok believed "" r' thev furnlaheil sll th* lant way In whtcti they their loaaaa. ni.ii 8 manner that Deyla the HHrm..n. p 4 0 : 0 :¦ f> Beatoi ..i-r r'in. ln the Bral l.'-al tbe p. s p Randolph caae, betsrsea ths «' JJ i feel i am a hundredfold for for the ball was caught and darte.i back for Ult*. P.... 0N 1 .. .xdtetnenl tbat eren the Baeet aarffruetae- Aikon leauia, made ui' tbat repald Wlth F.V.ry Queen tnellglbln -Miller. 181 0 00 I.ange waa relleved after one man wa« Ulsch P'rd aad to third. Wheri hc fmally dlscovered tbat arlah tbe PseB anythlnK l have dor.e ln helplnc eecure saddle claBB under 15.1 hands, A. W. At- Ii ylc. 1 '»0 I II ln the flfth Innlng. DurlnK hta atav Uo oouM t_~dav_ card at polal Judith the the ball was a °arr hit hfc tlarted for Um tVVatah. l " ° 0 ° * jout ln the nral heat RafBea b-d bla Be d thia reault. kinson's Kogemont earrted off blue, 100 0 0 0 four lits m-ore.l onI> twr. ratM i-.r thc Club. iv. ;;. thlrd and wa.« aOonin. «t:m ln were "The Bwedlah newspap'nj and the and may attempt to wreBt the laurola PJMher taraed Yankee«, but he wai unaf-ody, ano" ('ui- to thr' j idgeaf the -.,- Mi*se« Allen, of Washington, h'm ln the dash d Swedlah have been loud nnd con* from Mr mare tn the chara- only h f. w feel behtnd rotsia ...anirriii bilian refUBed to riak tha 88188880. Haa io-, relth Caacada tralltm H ref* i aad 1 tec ths Black Btrda, and people Oppenhelm's ahol a mtodUd| .stant ln their pralfs- of the American to-morrow. for tbe goal. Mlke" MltcheO per- three baawa an baiis ai-ied ¦eatertal a not urge Caacada untB ibey lurned M tr.-H*. Mles and Matter BttehOOeh WSTB plonahlp tne fleot-footed .HMitrd f.->r S'aton ln *¦ ver.tli funir.g. tnarerl mj fa- and I assure you that le«'t throw bonre aiKl eetit te .. Ihen he drova game repreaentatlvea, The awards: for l>or.|an iu nlnth limir.B IB4»tt*»l for Kl. tiie prepegatleo ef the eladtora' talHoa. the boa f.,, t-.t on ti.-' Alkea team Ths ran down i»ff thlrd Bechui, the wire j ,-t na be two thia waa largely due to the good h°l 14.'- liark VofU ilfe-r in nlntn Innlng. IBatted for Bhnlta ln A* la cuetonn-ry to expeet ln tbeoe time*. retiU to b reah al wa* of nlx pertoda aVOd ln th- llrst <"laa» 2H Oaddle r°nl*'*. BSceedtoMI in tried 88 r< a.i. BeCOBad. nlnth lnning. of ti..- odaoara aa the team. handsi.Fir*r. M. B\ McDonald » CharMt- the laaaTUiWbUe. tbe edvent of Wai ii aaMBBed b aeclded waa galnlng taft. m Htf k and afaetsr Hltehcock b. 14.2 handa, be^ond, Fr«d Wet- to McDonald beat sr " l.arlmer, who came to the team Krancea, ra., ;.ut (if>rk's flne IhtoW Lafltta.,...88888188 j in the naxl beal Caaeade too* ll ,, Tbe team did not "". 14 1 hanl*; third. PYederl " . I " '' '¦ lull ln tha actlVltaM of fhe New York |. flcered iWlca tacbTa Kair, eb. hhn r< fi * compietlng the tiouhie Phlladelphla.. Rafflea -Aent up in it for from tiie Nuval A. ad. niv, haa done re- Lewisoun > Paich. ple. g.. 14 1 hand*; «hty hy blta llanaai1 l'a-'i"-t. l/.vr.ii,n. 'men untll the nlnth Innlng. ».»n they at tl.e Bral turn and agaln, nor araa asesaaaty, Mlaa Q. Conklln'a Hlack I'ear Meik'.r a aaaned tt> luig first Twi -omm CaBoada Bn- wars markably well Me Im an olflecr of un- commendej, pjay rrrey. Thre< m.'K'-0 manased to coiiect two aaan**1ea an pui ti,. air and Btayed there. tb- only *ro»i» f..r th.- Baaeh Btrda blk. in 12 handa. and Murray eaaeed what Mt Hte'.en rjee»-a- »1 uatial ai.u l am a ;re tha not exr»edlng 15 1 In the meaawhlla, Wlngi Hnggllia. a run over ieht-d an «¦«»..' wtnner, bul hla two in tb.> third period, by hfJafl J. Allen. promiae, axpeti- '.'.At» 14 .sa.ldk- hor*e«, of Hi4ii«'-r, C»akes, 8. XLige'-. Knabe. Huggh *' id on be hamiai -Klr»t. A. W. Aikinson * Koaemotil, ch, might have been an Inalag proiiiic . new enc4 hi haa tha trip wlll of play'-Hugg.iiM ¦¦ >. l"-H»' Bt rt Danleia was as busy na the paper- waa aborl ll ad Tl Mlaa Brolly Bandolph, «i»" galasd m., 151 Hand*. eeeond, .1. B. Kenieraor. * when he went OWl to Hoblltzetl. on ba*< ¦ Bl Louta, great Bervlce I > hlm. The navy may w. ll Mr*. Frank talltea un i Konetchy, Lafl <«f In lefl tiei.i nnd , foul and i honora ln i»>i" for '>.. k.-x by acflng aa ,-klp. eb. ru.. 15 hands: third. B, wac on '. Flrat baae on ball*.off Mar hanajer proverb palpable man that haa sjiveetht-art. b. in.. 18.1 Wllbeti RoMnaon, whe coacbing Phlladelphla. at " of foul y^alnat be proud of every repre- Kauenbacti, Jr. a, mon j <>ff Beaton, J; off Bhuata. 1 Flrst bsc-.- himaelf between h i-aii doaen h.-.r.i hit back the fool of ,....,.., allowed easlni I.ji. la. base. caiii. in for lila Bhare of the aanted her at the tlfth ., ,. thlrd .,n error... -Phlladelphla, l. Btraek out-Ry liar balla and aafa hlta Ra d»trlva i Jlnuny Thia .-. .!. ntly pul hlan on hla iw ll daablng Cbevy Oiaae ln Olymphad." riaus 1 iharn-'B* hor»ea. not exceedlng 15 1 for he Bboald have aeen the ball wi I; b) Beaton. o: by shultz. l HIta OB b a maa- Another tvlrler was addod yeaterday] Mra. C. CScll Fitler'a Pan-Jora blame, r^iiuliz. 4 ln I »»n- Callaban of a aecond doubie by he w..n ibe m Bt thn i.urtn The llfth and Rlxth hand*)-Flrat. Mr*. L. or, bad 11 been enutght, ahould r4eaton 7 ln .' iinlngs; off graMkbtgl to tha increaslng etaff of the Queen ch. m., 13 banda; ae, ond. urd Orth. T'.m- l:4v the iii loua amaah ln thi ,, ,:> blcfa made tha rall blrda ..tuks. Alksn winning by rapldly a Mob cb. s. lal hands: third. ihlrd tn aeore after Prnplren-Klein eM leadof'a ia tlian He-Ilj Caw, ch. 151 have heM Doyle on .. me II Gianta Ha none other I'erryman, Mr* .'. ( ..ill Fltler'r. Klng DoTB, elghht Innltec. winiame. the Cell i it u m he o ild have d a BCOrs <'f * tO ^, {., now with the iUchraond club of the vir- hands- blgnly >omniendeu, Mr*. E. a«*bg* eatch...... , th< .a game behlnd tha bat, gral lf ?.- had a m ,; :,i ,i tbn i goala t" Brjra 18 ban i* Tearei ahowed hla mettle ln no uncer- geod Hl w111 ln the fall. gai BRAVES ahowed ln n«< uaoertala maaner that be Johnny Huba won Ihe ! Mawr -e.-..ii.ia, and tha letter leara araa gituu l.e.i«.,.. report Claaa 8 iham»*s hor«ri. tn runaboutad.Ftri ¦er, aad the way be shot hls WARNER BLANKS Mra C. Cedl Pltler'a Klas Don* ch. g-._t_* will Booa ba naraibered aatoag th* fore- e' eiv ln' h o* tne fc-r k. 11 Prlnce, jr. foi of the st. aecond. Mra. C. Cedl Fitler'a Mark iizziir.^' over thi plate brought Regtr Breenahan, manager hs-.d*; A'.r.ln- aplttera mo-t oatehera of the Dal rari.'o, k Hanna. ch tt.. 18.1 hands; third, A. W. "i.ina." For aeven Brown a Puzzle lengue Loula x.'ti nal League bnaeball club, has br. 15.3 hand*. to the builnga Former » a Fiina. g.. bla game at thlrd baa- and let i * n Ihaa eieea ai d ht .. wd Ityopta colori and aeored a goal alm<>*t toa Hlghl-ir.d three no wldely acattered that played proteftted Um vletory of the Phiiadelphia «i«»* 23 (h.a-.y or miidie w.-ight jpeen alnglee, .Pirates Pound Dickson. ko t.y thal waa within reaBonable that be leoh a recerd ol - bi fToen th.- throw-ln, and atyopta made an- hunttr* and «iien Ri-tdi* was the heat nothlag Club in Thuraday'a liamc. Tho ground Jueipara).Ftret, *.- ln 1 ihuffle, dtatanea of hia beal Jobrtaj won *»*h other befen lha Brel peribd ended, n.-nr.-.i Parm'l Ml»a Dnl>. ch. n... 10 han.le; iha* the Reda could do, and when dam*cr Kostom Aui,'. 2.-Warner, Pltteburghs poetUea and for the proteet la that fallod to Oltn Rlddle rarin'a Mlat M-'rn. eb. f- lai reerult, shut The i*coro followa. Betrl rlght al ba aboa a R ,. .. bj i rta< Tb Btaii thi.i -i J. J. BcDooald'a Fare F.s'ell, ch. ihreatened i-i the < lg'nth inning joff roae Brown rnlvfrslty aouthpaw allon a clalm of an inneM fiy ln the flfth la: third. a Hcore of 1 to ft, made bla im. too I <¦ ln 1 I .' «" perlod IfeKeon aaadi a third goni for g. Irt hand*. ll. his wrath nnd vetoerl a!l seofflng propo- oul to-day by rmrAnr.. nt.i Innlng Wlth men on flrst and B800nd iaa 24 .qualirlcd lig-htweijht huntera and ln the sev- ii e tao ewept raader lha arlra little aad tha odda arers rnaski u| b tfltion^ Me waa alded and abetted ln The T'irat'-s* tailies all esSBS «lir 1. r"> »ar' M the Myopia, and one our KoaetCh) failed to hold a fly era) Flrat, H ciheim Farm'* Algoma. from Rath tt) 4 0 0 0 18 n»niela, lf 4 10 181 n atrong Johnnj forr- Mawr bnd mude a goal Tbere- > 1*1 hand,: aecond. Mlaa R. B. Waaaer- hin; frnth, wh'-n Ulck-son wan balted the 1 oi 5 04 getng bryn off back of flrat baae. A clalm ot. third hla Berimping of by Laury Doyle, >s,irier. lt>. 4 18 baae, lb.... »©. Lobeit. Mi RontforS, b. _.. l«.l bai.d*; re'ord at bat. J"" ahowed tha way t» lha Betd ha the,'mt.-r Bryn Mawr BOVOr rav.. a ehanOS iiian.i'a b. m.. io Arthur Fletcher and "Jack" Murray, box. Glbeea bad a perfaot folllna f. 1 1 1 1 0" Bterrett cf. Huba i. mfleM B) as made, hut n.rt allowed. .1. ,r. M.Oonald «. Lady Annabeile. lb... 111 o .< Staa, rf.... 4on bul thia tlrae Bt :t H. trled hta t.. u.. and after IsadlBg hy ?. to beal Myoptaa . whotc at times eut off rettlnir four alngles. neat thia play the home team pcored banda. «,. I ir».. Btartllng piay r«:iuhun.lf 4 1 1 ! 0' Blmmona, :;¦ 4 1 I III . ' !»inlv Following Clasa i«» ihunt^r* and Jumper*; oi,er.. tacti h *n.t ba "...'. la noi . tlfl n' half time won a \>r> nure hits Murray backed into tbe wall The aeore followa: i rf.. ."11 I 0( TaoMork. T>, 4 0 1 running hv th."n the rfctory. i;:-,i Rlddle Fartn'a The \irglnlan. b. S ."¦' IVuver. ar H 1 .' I 8C Martlr.. i ¦ ZI8 rival ln tbe neai ;.'.iv .-.i u ima bj .. aoora .a H to * gouis, handB- iecond, Hlenhrlm Farm* Irl»h Nora in tiie aecead hinlng te grab a long drive BOBT" III.a-k. c... 181 I ». tVUllama. e M * 41" Blenhelm Panri PmHBURQB ;,..: nll lha waj nd aa theugb. althougb loalBg a g.'.'.i by foula ticKsoa At a meetlng of tho Boeton elub Cb m !« 1 lianda; third, by MeDetHTdd. ab r h p»a e ab r h p i l i*, p 281 <> -< VVartiep. i> 1 oe oiti speclal artatocral eb. (¦< laJ hand*, hlghiv eaBn- il-r.zer .-f II 1 4 80 ]f'Donald,tt) S»l 1 ">0 Walah, p lf,0 0 0. .Hartsell. 100 <.<<> ha would wln Ihe race He waa ptalalj :all ln th«- Beveatb perlod Of tha National Laagtte yeaterday lamea i. .ileti Rlddle Farm'B W'lllow Klng, b. "Bube" Henton pitcbed for the vhrttora, 00 4 0 0 n 0 0 ftVolverton. 111 0 8 1 Car--. hf.. .1 2 1 r'ampr-ll. ct aii m in de ne,t heat. however, and Thers was a deaaerata atruggla aii of New York, the g., 1*4.t hand*. In 'J. -l 0 1 0 H « " I! Gaffney, preaent _ and starte.l with burning ape.-d. all M'K'nlelbSl i ». Bweeney, 8h 101 |'r\,Mare:i la the, the and and fi \\ajnier.aa (.0:041 Jackaon. lf.. 401 |«i,f.:,.r. 180 0 0 8 lohnay ladmed M foi hla own. through name between tha army trenaurer and prlnetpal owner of the or- he allowed onl] aeven hlta, 0 4 .. 1, BO lll 0 Tltua, rf... I ,, only tbe I ln tha money Caaadea foura Caasdea had a *"..! by waa cho.aen huc- DEFEAT these came aionK la one thc event- i« . ganl/.itlon. presldent, RUBINSTEIN lanlna, ,s -on. rf. so o o uo Devltn. tb. 40110 To:.' M 1 Totala... anaweri and made th. Bnat but - i0 paoara ap goal. Wurd, who re- IN_ ful fifth. Tiie New York men took full M'Oarthy.JbS . 8 . 7 0 O'ltourke, s*i 200 pled oeedlPg John Montgomery 1 '1 S 0 0 r». J 0 0 0 0 0 .Batterl for in '».e nlt.t> ll ¦.. * of tb.- *_* K.-nerou*. At of the other and l Bridwall, Wnilaaaa tha aell l waa et tl al none afterward Army rently realgned. Mr. Qaffney a f. w days Receives Setback at Hands of advaataere opportunltlea, . 0 0 liHr.'rleli. <;... 4 0 1 ] .! 0 tButterl for r.'arhep tn t»,.¦ r.c Ui '.nutr.r to Bnloh tha ;.>¦ baif time tba acore waa 31.. t<> i'-j ln lha thclr on tln baseM made up for Dl. ktmn. p... 1 t. J 0 0 0 ten Wol^erton In thr nlnth Inr.lna |B«i;eJ horeaa waa anateua ago pur.l.ase.l Mr. Ward'a stock and the BPeed 10 ,i neeh; >¦ a gam>- «... well at Ghess. of that might have I...r.ri-;iy. p 811 0 :..: Pt.-rrett ln the alnfl htnuig nnd little Johnny Huba won t>> favor sad In Btock owned hy Junies I'arroll, of Ne.v Lowtzky any lack tlmely hitting 100 8 00 .'¦ sb.w to The Trihjna. ] *K!lng. 111 I 11881 ¦. (he wl ip. Theaaaa iii da left played that tbe acortag araa thers C. of w * Bi Te!e»rriph been in ovldeuce. Cluoage Vork Jamea Connotly, Boeton, ren^ation wax \e»: II I I IM t M ... .., ...i the elubhouee r wn .. i.. twi n Aug. 2..Another The (iiants began theer leur ef Ibi TaSak T,.rWa.818817181 te I waa bsvi than half goal n aeeretary and a member ef th>i Brealau, Two !*.» 8aaa bebtnd hla them from ths Bfth to the atati <.t the ln tbe pendlng internatlon-il in Merlii' fatined blt--4';»ll*imn Tbrea Ita reran la te get hi the aulhj r...;. r.i of dlrectora, repreaentlag tha mi¬ furtalahed laaSeB the aecond lnnlhK. .vjt.,.-rke In aeventb Innir.r Colilna lilta < »ff, 4 ii. 4-> 1n '" tb>. tournatnent by defeat Bodle, " f"ll"'1 *"' la.^i wlth Army alwaj shead !.ep* masters' -. R"1,1 ¦ perlod, ef Boston holdera "i atoek for a Btarter. but Murray waa paaaed 0 0 8" Mnt-a: ofl VVa>h. I l:i 4', ibi.lnaa bai norlty intereeta Kusslan cham- 0 0 0 0 .. To .i-'iii ti.- ths raads u A K. Hubin8tein. the left flepl a Ilttabrugh. ei.: wllllama B r bll M in tha monef, elghth Army ln llte club. af und llcraog hit Into for baaa, HomUm... 0 0000000 »-4» .4' of M. I.. Lowtzlty, nt Blolen k-ih»- Chaai Ijari Danleia Tb. Bumaaariea folloa aad <>f liw, and tho applauaa about the pten. at the hands Murray Ktopplne at Booaaad, Meyere Titu*. mt* rett. Marttn. ->l.i v Wearer ari /^i.lei fourteenth round. This T».; Bnar - io id waa lor aii ars patrlota In tha banged tbe ball at Orant, who 8 as >in- 10 ln 8 8-8 "*f I'"l,' Uefl on baaei bioaco. 4, N»f» rork, YI'.O'I IIN'«; -~20 L'twAM iii.-.. tremendous, Bobi i K" te, tha Cinrlnnatl pil Lelpatc, 4'*f Dlckaon, Inalnga: ,-r. balla- s' ,;; 2 ¦eeondfl to they OOUM do no more Of Vtenna. who won hia gam* scored anrl to 1^-C 0*1 ru>"« i-iosion. 3; PltU pBeb.wale8. i...... - play to the Rocliester club Of the Interna- Schlschtsr, while Murray Hei-zt.g weat an.l Miller. an.J Hherl.ii.n. . Braj I,' day Kusstan'- 11. baae on t-Hli> Off Dlckaon, Bgaa ,, rtoi. and Ihs *.-oro was ti to .'.'» sgalnat fom Hurn, of Llverpool. The thlrd. McOraw flashed the elgn for a turgh. 1 i*«4- r-n e ..;,; ;t tlonal League. |. r.*f Donnelly. I; off Warner. Plr»1 br c -1 -. .' ! ihein. Better team worh and tbe olevef mlsfortmaS enabled iwth Dr. Tarras-h tlouble steal, and breaking away to a per- t;rronj.Boaton. 1. Hlt bj pit.-h^d bali-Mcli..n- ,^i » latoneyi...... 18 I nai ¦ J ilding of vi ry handy Bonlofl wars the Tet to !-»«» him and aasume the feet atart, ridcber reached the mklway, ald. Struck ov.t Bj Dlckaon, l: by Donnelir, JOHNSOIM HUMBLES TIGERS liorllaaa, tt. rPreeerl ...... I Z c.iri Morris, the Oklahoma glant, ij! hmana r,rr,,.r I tTniptrea JohnatBtaa "nd Rtarliaht ..i Klnna ora that glvs ths >>f while Henog hurled himaelf acroaH tho Tlme- 1:41 > altght raargta coming Baat to ve<" lf he caa't redeem lead. La-a.-n. Btar bell. <* ra. fawaai .J gBln to th. Army. il W41H almost tha Tarraseh dsfsatad Balla. while in a tioud of dust. Teareau anded a ¦"¦-¦ himaelf in the aatlmatlon of tha New Dr. plate Senatora Wicld Whitewash in a >*'"".'."i ;, i Arniv agalnat tha New York Btate ,Vi Tstehaaaaa Boored au^inst aUaa*sa, Ms the Innlng by strlkmg out. t-,!, '-::.;'.. Tork boxlng folkrwera Morris tele- M iiobl lne, br * -«h 8ob) ttonal Ouard, for ths Camden team Ihs Vnlt'l Statea champlon, wta After Murray atTUCk Ottl In tb.- foi:rth ATTELL BACK IN TOP FORM Featureless Oamc. :. \*\. | i; . !>¦ . In-j ^r '.'I niily Qlbaon, manager of the ahall, L'ludsd iiunt. i.e Boutlllter and Beadle- he Duraa, af Prague, and the innlng. Heraog wau pa^eed and took see- 1*881 - 11 aWttt 99 Oi m Athletic I'luh. yeaterday that pitte.i aaalnai 'retro.t. Aug. I .lolinsoi, besle.l V. Ihi PACINO whe iirst wiitt hH aiaater. base on a wild hIso i. u ton, played their polo to he on hand night latter proved ond pltcli. Meyer« Think He Has Even on tbe raonnd t-j-day and shut otil Iv- llrtaa, jWayl. i -j \ ! | axpected llonday the af a one Bettors 1 M and Jim Stewart After fourteen rounda utandlng Walkad. Fletcher blt warm down trolt by a ac4»re of i te t1 ¦: aaa*! When Luther arty Riaimermai w ar J J .. Th" lollow waa as l'ollows: to MeDona:.!, who got Meyera at first. to Defeat n 8 4 ¦ a llne-up- meet in a teii-round boat tn tha Qarden. the contsataatk Chance Murphy. 7here wer>- 88 feature.' r»f tha gatrte Hee:tv anikea, b tOrehere) f» Won.Loit. hut the klnd of allowed tn The Tribune. Harrj Bed rorl b. a a rn ¦. .1 Btewart outnotntad Morris in i| speedieat running [R> Telegrapn entataU ti.- work of the pttehaa 2 i ? f:- ND Ki.rt i:.\ n DOl PH CI pg Baatly l<» * ". " Tarraaeb.... 1*1 llerzog te Beeee when FCgan tricl to Han rtaiwiarn Aug. l*-Ta*are ia a wido The followa: b « l»rual. »..... r> n leeal beat iast teiater Hnd tho i«tter weat 4 ?____. «S TS Boore 8an Katbara*. " '' rXKN, Bl Telehmann.. lo L«v.ltxky. ... ' gCKniRDB, the doubie pb. on Fletcher at in i:..-.ei,i i. , (Hbaoai ¦_ V. Ml * to run aaatnat *S «ur" . complete y dllYeienee of opinlon lacal Bfwrtaaa .-¦ * ¦ » r . II. Illtcll- Vo 1 Mlaa I>. Allen. Weat, only up afeCarty*B Rubtnatata.. »J» <*1 ai mhinoti Darrnon T. 8 t>. bMk. c (BteualCe).... :-l> Mloae* . base. lo be a r e \'o '-' Mla* .1. Allull. Bforrta tms a Schtochur... J-* « JjH l.rat dreaaa on the Attell-Murpay fight bi. r li Boa k.i. h p.a ... aleep wallop. anjoyad long |i .'. > "° Iraa B.. b K '... 3 Mr* T Illt.-h s',, 1 1 o'Da; r.,..., Bpl.'lmann- The aeore foi low* held here to-mom w aft»:moon. Hoth m«n Uoeher, rf. II* h*,i.jnt, lf.. 181 « al f^eore) ,.f.» *. coek. Ih.i.k Ueot L A. reat BtnC8| ai d now says he ia hungry Mar-nal.::.: ^, 8b.. 11'' I 0 0 vitt. if. ... oho I II *'". _* ?rt?-..... !_ BS Poater, TltilTTlNO 1:11 i.A'"s ''' K<,; Mi.. h ". k.i iu.,t,i wlth the wlnner of tha M.- Barasa. a u>»i«y *> ./ have Btunch bupportera. Atisll's baekers Mllan cf... *02 I oo Buah, aa. 4 u o for 8 matCb $ . tork. .[SCIKXATI .. Breyer. 1 i* I* NaPaT ..;,. 11.. 4 0 1 I 0 0 17,1,',,. cf. 403 1 i, 0 i * affalr. wlll " . " " rn, ae to the eate wlth whlch he wbipi>eu III. i,, eb. fHacaaaald). f I4 4! 1 !- \on' .'art>-Htewart Morris Bnd J7 l^1"¦"» ahr l. ahr h t>o a« point Moraan. 20. 311 : «» Delehanty.rf 40 1 u oo B. Hairaeaai. 1 4 i P l-rteplorkii.. 3 11 "C lf. 10 £ 1 wiid hhv thnt wlth ¦ " .¦ Jiaile for this 88 Jesa tbe mastera are Snoda/aa.lf 3 n»-rti»r, 88 llorphy ln New York Alr.rfr.iltri. .4 00 I «' U>u8en. 89... 1)0 1 0 4 0 Umemarab, b i, (akihatferi 4 } oiher cnm'ietltors plum, ln th.- flfteenth round tb.. 8 81 t *< Maieana. cf 4 0 2 1 0 " ¦ Doyle 0, eonditiun he Wlll re¬ MoSrtde, ae 4 0 0 J; 0 Muriai-tv, lb. 4 0 l it lri M f M b a (BaUenbecll .-*."* '.i.'n 2 H'lllar.!. "Ounboat" Smlth, nnd laat, but ln the followlng order: Splelmann Beeker, cf. 4 0 1 1 f 0 Hot>llta»!!,lb 4 0 0 f» 0 0 Attell la hia praaanl : w< ''r By earned eatii*. Total, 4 Btaek palred f tfaJker. lb. 4 0 0 Bll Deal Be... moi Dr Ar b k "..".., ilrda earned have Carla ¦Merkle. lb 4 1 14 0 0 MI- rf S 0 0 d 10. peat tbe flotham performanf.-. 8 i l » I hdale, iSmlth] Bj gr-ii VM'Vtt. p... 3 00 1 J 0 j P llit. li-o. Mlnn J. IVnal- hata ln the rlng. ra. iluhliiKteln. Ifarshall ra Pra.plorka. *|Mer«oa. 8b 82 1 I 40B8TBO, 2b.. 4 0 0 f 80! *<'ia*fr.r.|... 106 o 0 0 k, )i Allen, 2 Ilefara, C..88 8 1 0f Mrftoc'd, aa S o 0 r, 10 xhspiaying lota of Bpecd and devernesa Llat I'.'Ul MB-alr.nt J. Alloti H.-feree Fre.i.lle Mleka. having declalvely Telehmann S» Iu-.ras. Harasr. vs. Mleaea, V'et. her.a* 100 ? IC Clarke, 6...181 fi 30. PLAN "ANNUAL CRUISE Mlaa UtoUy Banenhtb Is can he at thla r. te;. Jlm'' I"mlth, Haiia tn. LowtlasTy, but ths BjnssUon ha, go *fe8abi ... 84 4* Totoa.*?o: ... Whipped "Karmer leavlng Breyer vs. Behsaehier, Ti*sreau. pSOO 0 p...3 0i 0 18i n.w v lejaWatoa, for IWSbbSbi againet a beavier akmy akd rjrtrpa rrngr oamb. no Btone unturBOd to t>e ready for Wlllle rlip tweatg tor Ka'tianir lo eiKhth Inrit j». Fleel. . mtftia.*:or. n n 1 will have a **Brat8)d New Rochelle Yacht Olub's m aaeond ten-reuad i»>ut »n Toeala....a)^TlTai(l (.pii..i..-ntV .Muipby big puil la 8 0 1 8 8 f o « BBTM MAWK H- I MYOPIA Uewti Ihe BlItCTOSYOf 11 ot ) o o o x- 4 Washlnrt.'n. H'ca*. has also 8ew Tert. Attell wlll not tlp ths basua . I i H'.-ap. Muiii.v evenlng. Hlcka he«.ten _JABZ 0TTII8BB Clneraaatl. oooooooo o-0 the weight Dttrolt IIMII I to Sail to Newport. 1 W P Stewarl.. 2 I D, }' H,_*r«. 1 ai.ov.- IS or Ui oiark, wMk i/.rt ao 4; Dewoit. 6. \ J Dev raux. II H Itob lleha and haa Improved n wholo lot Flrat h«ae en e-rors- New 1*8*8. L Two- the paaad baaaa^WaaaUaajtea, The .ht.*.n, ''i'H> aanounea twantj a. D. 3|.'l of late. Ihi Mar^ana. or. l Btrnch opl By I; by WHIeti .helle raohl Back j. Paul llBack .; 0, Amory. . fllDCWSr1^ Beaeher, Herzoa. Ple4 ber l>«-rt taa beavier. Dassatts tae B4asra- \vild wlllett. fniplrr-i Hi»rt an«j Con I raa r-owc ihww matehed ^ui> Mlk'* Wblwaa, who nasaa TTair T..rk, I; cindnnstl. f>. Doubla jiiaaii pltch- 1 : ami yawlfl and tbat Murphy will have from a nol1>-. Time | lleopa 0 Total . "I Totul .10 HJeka sa pointa here laat wtater. .lays.Fletcher. Doyla ni)8 Merkle: Mltr-hell. tago .-»-.,- t aatterad for tne annual crulae trimmed <"larV:e it,1 Keejn. F"irr> baae on hklla -4)f* there ian't an ava- ¦' llrvn Mawr II ii.mli haa taken 0818 of himaelf for off 4. wsagtrt aaanflpolel. which Htatt^ freen toho Biay. |.y |:an.lL-ap, ,1; earnert Lewla gOOd lo ffHM*. I '<¦' '"". d, u: Bemon. itruci a .lub, leas 1. I *Jiiil.' i'o $100 of rRoaejr beim; wagsared on bls 1". Th- Bl*St lu. ["."ultle*. Total, 1J. My- tr'oiith^ nnd seenis tO be boxlng better 4Q.. Ifif'H B'a*' Tekretiu. U hy itrnir.n. t \Vi!rl pltoh.flenron. lancha RE0 S0X WIELD THE BRUSH 'mi p 88., on Ar. bevereus, 8; Baatth, :;; Rtowart, aad tak<- gour pick. with about aa Ceve, Btonlagton la.,1, 1. Bnrn Mawr POBJT, I M..-Ke.ui, 4. flrat appearanfB here alnce hla return AUTOS FOR HIRIi rnaa ea Ifatfia .. ¦"¦. LEAGUE for Attell aa tiiere wu« for Wood Leads Team in ,ueari ii Bosera, I, Penaltlaa.T»o foula PACKARl) rRb^> TRI- STATE RESULTS. mueh money Shutting;.N'i» aaaiB. 8884-8. IMI )'. 1; Cheeter. S. S an August 14 has a blg reputatlon ln .Mlasourl. ¦WBldgg Alleiitown. 2; Trenton, 1. St. b,ouia. Aug I BoMon hit Hamilton MQ8I nnd the King*) oaa, iBJCT. CAatDBM / welght, B^ Powell hard. while Wood ii.M Dnoauaa of thta fact he aeeored the tnatob AUTOS-IOWCST WICES T'.einllnK V8. Harrisbur? Craln). WAY HOME and plfcheil ii ii b". leapectlvel). Hdl>. H,lp which «T_r IEST SULLIVAN 0N atronit and st. Loula lost namea of the raohta 1 iiterd ati. Parkar. T i^ noi:teiii«r_ 2 win ba tha Qardea rnagnat. avervthlng Praises but; has a blu following In Maryland, iVllkea-Harre. 7: i:iinira, fi. English Athletes, of fi to 8 Tbe sc;)r« followa: Haddl 3'lt. K. B. Her J. Murit Cheney Prices $150 to $3,000 2. ow 1 Pereaat, Hoyln . 3| ntni BBveral hundred ticketa bave baan rtica. 13: Albaay, Declares Amcricans Are Best. an.l llu ^ l.|.-ut. L. T. s Hing'..amt»ii. 1. Hohiila. A. 9. Dleaa. Mold hta frlenda. who wlll come over ranton, f); - HeurJ . 2| to Tro.v va. fryraciaae iralm [BS CaBSa to Th.- Trlhuae. 1 I'ljiach, .'¦ 11- l»r*per. J. \. MahUte.U. on a speclal traln. Queenstown, Aug. I.Before James B, Liaee, «|« T..tul.11 Total.10 Rock Bottoin. here Aniale. B. K. BUaaartl. _»_____. NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE RESULTS Sullivan boarded tiie Ccltle to-day ralllgtot, .' rt. lAUibdea. Araa**- -.aim-i c..u!i-, 7 leaa |i*iiHiti*a, I, bouta aro on the card tbe V. P. Krauee.. *\ By I Three ten-round Winter Bidlei 30*, * #* I"all Kiver, ', ProtattOn. ')¦ Id ha araa aa*a8aag pi<>aaed with Kenrnah*. -.-.... '-J* Total, 9. CSmdes Hy hHtHllcai>, g4»al: B for **g ,,.,.¦ m co lunedora I C Myrlek. ..LH..-.1 goal*. S: leaa i*naltlr--. '.!. Total, Bn. Bl tha Kalrmont Athletic Club, of The, Lrnra 8aa*»aM. _rePur,d Woreeater, 4: Lynn, l resulta al Kenkhelaa and looke.; Carward n l^mlden. b» WMfTWJMJco, New Ke.lfoni, 2: Hav. rmll. ". Ureee ll. J. Indlvldual goala- LI l>«.- Hoyle, ."; Bronx, to-ntght franala fleaalag win .landorf Automobile lentlr to greater aueeeaa at Bartta. I4»lty, H I. Btoaa. ';. Lleutenitnl Parker. 2; I'ark,- 2; He.-nl!eston. 3; Her- Lowell. ¦'<: T,awrenc L' (flrat). iiltth. ar. i->.vmour. Peimltlet -T.vo foula axaln .t faco I-rankle I'allahan. and "Kld" %V. 62d St Hl nnd biH ti-am Srere greatly i-leaefsi '"J« 1. Mntida. 42-44 n>*L lAwrence, 8; Lowell, 6 (aecond). i-.xjt. H. W*nn.:iner. (ind a«a!n»t l e lioufolller. tuan, who haa roturned to the rOped 81*0118 uuiiUr*« B thr b reOSlved from >»reeld.'nf 0 1 . ,.. <. A Me-rliind. ¦ by dlaptil. l'o-4-ell, ...;?» a reat. wlll meet Patsy Whlte. ioi 8 oa M B. K itei.l.orti . after long AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RE8ULTS Taft. Rs d..raBSai lt would further ettm- TBpana Siinrit". )8JIJ "Kld" Ohetto wlll take flrat tlme Merry Klaie, A. W leeea. In the thlrd bout Mlnneapollu. 4; Tole>l... " I athletlea, aa lt was the Totula...W»i:271J!' Totala.. ..118117141 I'"r1e...!ah1 ¦>. A. IbiHentlwl. RAIN AND HAIL HALT RAOES. abroad K«noeh«. W. K lle'tli. ***" 88 "Young" huatig. 684 *t. Pbone piaaa 2V30.-. Rt. F'aul. 7; Inrtlanapolts. 0. athtetea ropr«-s,-ntiiig any eountry . mWOBt .Batierl for Wallaee In nlnth Innlnj. it,d vving, 4 Qraee. Clevelaad, Aag. t wiiiie ihs horseB ritb' Al'ToMOBILQS Kfinaan Caty. li Loulevllie, In-en tio honored. Mr. Sulllvtm ad- Laewj . ara as followa: ""--FI.K< 1. had J" W. laenberth. on 2 o'eloek Other houts of the night Yaat." 4 4 Mlrwauhee, T. Colutabua, Baetoa. 188818118-1 . Wars Ihs iraek ahorfly before KSW and used "HuPP paaMiig.; ai ¦ mitted tlint KriKland had gn.-at athletee Hyperlon. W N. Ilavler. Dohan va. "Kld" Oravea, at the 8t. txjilla. 00080000.' I W. B. Louaabery. .. to-day at North lland.UI. Worlilng out for Johnny at Hluekholm. but that the Kaiharlne, -« Frankle Nelaon va. Eddle CONNECTICUT LEAGUE RESULTS. thought Two-bajio htu-Uewla _k Qadg, ITOSd. Sb.a 11, ||. 8T. J4aylea. ths tJrand ('Ireiilt raeea on th.i OBIaf RaT Oowanua Club; Amerh-ans were great'T, and until the t>n. Stahl. >l..nne ron» Btabl, Hoojier. IVml-l" Kddle t. 2. h'fclen hiia*» boat.i are: day. a audden of rain and Klng. at Brown'a tlymnaslum; 1HSP Itr^idway- .---¦¦.** ¦few iiavcn, Wavterbury, old eountrh'H followed tralnlng wlth ays- play Waarner an<1 B88M, -Kpeakr- The power entered tha downpotir th.* St. Nlcholaa Holyoke. 4; Bridgeport. 1 i2>, ( Klret ba»e on ballb urT ball eent tht-ni acurrytng to the i.tablen, Kelly va. Kddio 8mlth. at » i>. a boy at t uu' Vvooj Klleen, Vh-e 'omriiorlore W. S <'ree\,.'-; va. llartfonl. 11; BprlnKtleld. tetnatle determlnatloti. laking i: oc littiiiiito;., Birucb By Wao), I; a and Athlatk) Club. nnd "Hock" Bones Jack the New Powell. 1 HWw-Oft HemlltoB. K ln i Inn I'earl II. C. \X Korfer; Triun.'. M W Hou...; raaaverted tbe oouras Into bog ~7pkEDOMETER8._, fourteen and nurflng him along, by .Sulllvan. at the Atlas Athletic Club, of nanxiu annLVU "i«ri-wti aml. NVhlta A.ru_f,___ >' H. Ingn; off )'o*r«ll. 4 In 4 !iiuh>B*»' Ivefl .11 rmstt C W. Massa-olt H. fl. Hart. ataaed anaanacanianl of postponement 1840U'«ay. Coi aMB it«>e«Mli. Pele I World atldeteH would eontinue to lead, un st. Leele. '.. eWtee, 4. rnipln.-.',- o Pi h B MaBBaTaBOi Xolvt. C0r«WN-BR0WN curate. fiiiuiteva rjnclr.iui'l. Kes'd Moaleanrl Besea a -1:40. ,mi Patrl'-la. H. M. IllrabberB. until to-moirow. I Rockaway. Ave. UlUa;, « to 12 A. M. iioihlng was left to chance. and Ptoaan. Tliae