National~ Pastime
'II Welcome to baseball's past, as vigor TNP, ous, discordant, and fascinating as that ======.==1 of the nation whose pastime is cele brated in these pages. And to those who were with us for TNP's debut last fall, welcome back. A good many ofyou, we suspect, were introduced to the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) with that issue, inasmuchas the membership of the organization leapt from 1600 when this column was penned last year to 4400 today. Ifyou are not already one of our merry band ofbaseball buffs, we ==========~THE-::::::::::::================== hope you will considerjoining. Details about SABR mem bership and other Society publications are on the inside National ~ Pastime back cover. A REVIEW OF BASEBALL HISTORY What's new this time around? New writers, for one (excepting John Holway and Don Nelson, who make triumphant return appearances). Among this year's crop is that most prolific ofauthors, Anon., who hereby goes The Best Fielders of the Century, Bill Deane 2 under the nom de plume of "Dr. Starkey"; his "Ballad of The Day the Reds Lost, George Bulkley 5 Old Bill Williams" is a narrative folk epic meriting com The Hapless Braves of 1935, Don Nelson 10 parison to "Casey at the Bat." No less worthy ofattention Out at Home,jerry Malloy 14 is this year's major article, "Out at Home," an exam Louis Van Zelst in the Age of Magic, ination of how the color line was drawn in baseball in john B. Holway 30 1887, and its painful consequences for the black players Sal Maglie: A Study in Frustration, then active in Organized Baseball.
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