The Ukrainian Weekly 1992, No.27

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1992, No.27 I Hh published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! Ukrainian Weekl V Vol. LX No. 27 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1992 50 cents Ukraine's Parliament U.S. vs. Ukraine: 0-0 tie hailed as victory votes more autonomy for Crimean Republic by Marta Kolomayets Kiev Press Bureau KIEV - The Supreme Council of Ukraine on June 30 granted the Cri­ mean Republic greater autonomy, including rights to territorial citizen­ ship and ownership of its land, natural resources and waterways. Two hundred and sixty-four deputies voted to adopt changes to the Ukrainian law on distribution of powers between Ukraine and Crimea. But the law goes into effect only under the condition that the Crimean Parliament tailor its constitution to agree with articles of the Ukrainian Constitution, which remains paramount. The Crimean Parliament also must repeal the Crimean law on the referendum, which was scheduled to take place on August 2. "If this law is passed (by the Crimean Parliament), it will show the whole world how controversial questions between states can be resolved without shooting," said Mykola Bahrov, a Crimean deputy to the Supreme Coun­ cil of Ukraine and chairman of the Crimean Parliament, alluding to the raging strife in Trans-Dnistria and Kristina Lucenko South Ossetia. A Ukrainian and a U.S. player battle for the ball as crowd cheers. (Continued on page 2) by Kristina Lucenko team played mostly a defensive game, train for the match at Rutgers Stadium, compared with the United States Special to The Ukrainian Weekly but did have two.important scoring opportunities — one early and one late team which had practiced there all week UNA awards PISCATAWAY, N.J. - The first in the game. long. Thus, the United States team was international game of the Ukrainian able to acclimate itself to the conditions Because the team arrived in New of the playing field. National Soccer Team against the Jersey late Friday, it were unable to SI 24,000 United States may have ended with a 0- (Continued on page 3) 0 tie, but the outcome was deemed a шттттшттшттштж triumph for the Ukrainians. in scholarships A crowd of 11,815 gathered at Levko Lukianenko installed JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The Ukrai­ Rutgers Stadium in Piscataway, on nian National Association has awarded Saturday, June 27, to watch Ukraine as ambassador to Ukraine student scholarships totalling SI24,000 play its first international game outside for academic year 1992-1993 to its its borders as an independent country. by Christopher Guly stitutional lawyer and former head of members in the United States and "It was a tremendous, tremendous the Ukrainian Republican Party, was Canada. success for the Ukrainian team," said OTTAWA - A Royal Canadian named to the post on May 19, ending Meeting at the UNA Home Office Ukrainian coach Victor Prokopenko at Mounted Police escort, amid vice-regal months of speculation. A candidate in here on June 12, the UNA Scholarship a press conference after the game. "This pomp and circumstance, greeted the the presidential elections held in Committee reviewed 254 applications is the first time this team, which is made arrival of Levko Lukianenko, Ukraine's Ukraine last December, Mr. Lukia­ and approved grants to 229 undergra­ up of professional players from U- first ambassador to Canada, to Gover­ nenko served as a people's deputy for duate students in amounts ranging from kraine, played together as a team." nor General Ray Hnatyshyn's resi­ the Ivano-Frankivske region in the SI,800 to S300. dence. As Canada's representative of Ukrainian Parliament. He spent de­ The awards were allocated as follows: Mr. Prokopenko is temporarily the queen, the country's constitutional cades in internment and exile as a one for SI,800, one for SI,700, three for coaching the team while Valeriy Loba- head of state, Mr. Hnatyshyn accepted political prisoner of the former Soviet SI,500, five for SI,200, three for SI, 100 novsky finishes his coaching commit­ Mr. Lukianenko's letters of credence on regime. and 15 for SI,000. ment in Egypt. The former USSR June 16. The ceremony of protocol intro­ Also awarded were: four scholarships National Team coach plans to officially The governor general also announced ducing the new Ukrainian ambassador for S900, 12 for S800, 11 for S700,20 for take over as Ukraine's head coach that he would visit Ukraine, his an­ preceded similar proceedings for the S600, 39 for S500,48 for S400 and 67 for sometime in August. cestral homeland, on September 29 to new representatives from Ghana and S300. Coach Prokopenko cited the team's October 1. Visits to the capital city of Nepal. Among these scholarship awards late arrival, due to visa problems Kiev and a stop in Bukovyna in the Following Canadian tradition, Mr. were six special grants: originating in Moscow, as a reason why Chernivtsi oblast, where Mr. Hnaty­ Lukianenko arrived in an open-air ^ The Anthony Dragan Memorial the team didn't play to its full potential. shyn's family has its roots, are expected landau, complete with RCMP escort. Scholarship, named for the long-time Because of the fatigue and jet lag to be included in the itinerary. He later departed in the governor (Continued on page 12) experienced by the team members, the Mr. Lukianenko, a 64-year-old con­ (Continued on page 9) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 5. 1992 No. 27 Believers and state at odds Obituary regarding Orthodox Churches Memorial Society founder by Marta Kolomayets demanding that the Ukrainian govern­ perishes in bus accident Kiev Press Bureau ment allow them to worship in the Monastery of the Caves (Pecherska KIEV — Volodymyr Maniak, noted KIEV — A battle is brewing between Lavra) and other houses of worship that journalist, writer and co-president of Church and state here, as Ukrainian Metropolitan Filaret has claimed are the Memorial Society, died on June 23, Orthodox Church believers demand the property of the newly formed in a tragic bus accident. Mr. Maniak that the Ukrainian government recog­ Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Kiev was returning on a commercial bus nize Metropolitan Volodymyr as the Patriarchate. from Tomashivka, Mankiv district, head of the Ukrainian Orthodox This new Church, formed on June 25 Chernihiv oblast, where a monument Church. when Metropolitan Filaret united with had been consecrated to commemorate Kerchiefed old women gathered near Metropolitan Antoniy of the Ukrainian the victims of the Great Famine. He was the Parliament building in the scorch­ Autocephalous Orthodox Church, 57. ing summer sun of Kiev this week, (Continued on page 14) Mr. Maniak was born on November 6, 1934 in Kryshtopivka, Proskuriv district, Vinnytsia oblast. He graduated from Lviv University in 1956 with a degree in journalism, and worked in the print and radio media until he fell afoul of the regime and was forced to leave his chosen profession to work as a miner and factory worker. During the perestroika period, Mr. Maniak began interviewing survivors of Nazi depradations and the Stalinist terror in Ukraine, and gathering docu­ mentary material about the famine of 1932-1933 and other atrocities perpe­ trated by the regime. He was instru­ mental in founding Memorial, esta­ blished in March 1989 as a society Volodymyr Maniak dedicated to combating neo-Stalinism, injured in the bus crash), he compiled promoting democracy and human and edited the first volume of the rights, and providing aid to former commemorative monograph, "Famine political prisoners and their families. Metropolitans Filaret and Antoniy at a press conference announcing the union of 33," published in 1990. Mr. Maniak Under Mr. Maniak's direction, the authored a collection of poetry, three Filaret's faction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian society was reorganized as the All- Autocephalous Orthodox Church on the right is People's Deputy Vasyl Chervoniy. collections of short prose, and the Ukrainian Association of Researchers novels "Plot Tvoya і Krov" (Your Flesh of the Genocidal Famine of 1932-1933, and Blood, 1981), "Podillia"( 1984)and Trans-Dnister ceasefire ineffective on June 27. "Reid" (The Raid, 1986) among others. Together with his wife, the writer Mr. Maniak is survived by his wife, as fighting rages in disputed area Liudmyla Kovalenko (who also was his son Antin, family and friends. JERSEY CITY, N.J. - A joint last Moldovan-controlled police station communique signed by the presidents of in the city. The group remained in the UAOC communique on union Moldova, Romania, Russia and police station for three hours while gun­ Below is the full text of a communique issued by the Patriarchal Chancery Ukraine on June 25, calling for an fire erupted around the building, and immediate and unconditional ceasefire was later evacuated to Moldova's of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church at the Church's in the warring Trans-Dnister Republic capital, Chisinau, in an armored headquarters in South Bound Brook, N.J. of Moldova, did little to prevent a personnel carrier. United Nations fact-finding mission On June 30 the U.N. observers sought Communique from encountering gunfire in the to inspect the city of Tiraspol, but were The Chancery of His Holiness Patriarch Mstyslav has been authorized to republic on June 29. told by Trans-Dnister Republic leaders release the following statement: Responding to repeated appeals by that their safety could only be guaranteed by air travel. The group Press reports and communiques from two metropolitans — Filaret (who is the Moldovan government calling for already known from press accounts and is the former primate of the inspections by foreign experts to refused to travel by airplane, citing that mode of transportation as inadequate Ukrainian Orthodox Church) and Antoniy (a member of the hierarchy of the determine the causes and consequences Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church) - about their unification are of the conflict in eastern Moldova, U.N.
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