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S STAND 3. UEHKLT KSTAr.MSHETi 123. O niJVq'C AT RAILWAY NTW8 DAILY ESTABLISHED VOL. LNO. 227. INDIANAPOLIS, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1900. DDtnii O IC. ( TRAINS AND SUNDAYS. I CENTS. () the military situation near Peking, but not sumc his campaign at Kennctt Square, Pa., and able man, and, though broad, he was a .1 word came nor did Admiral Ilemey send next Saturday. It was announced to-da- y master of detail. GOAL SENT CIPHER anything on the situation. The last from ALL GOOD MEN by Oliver W. Stewart, chairman of the na- RICH MAN DEAD "Persons who were on Intimate terms NEAR THE General ChafTee came from IIo-SI-W- u, and, tional committee of the Prohibition party. with Mr. Huntington agreed with Mr. Sage I according to calculations, he must now K that Mr. Woolley would try to beat Colonel that $20,000,000 was a liberal estimate of the very near Teklng. The officials are taking Bryan's long-distan- ce campaign record, value of Ills estate." into account that an advance to Peking made four years ago. The distance covered COLLIS POTTER HUNTINGTON, WELL-'KNOW- N HUNTINGTON'S CAREER IN BRIEF. ALLIES SAin TO Iii: OM.Y SIXTEEN another message nton minister leaves much still to be accomplished. It ME31IIEHS OF REPURI.ICAN ARVIS-Olt- Y by Colonel Bryan In that campaign broke ay PROM conger to-d- by RAILWAY MAGNATE. MILES PEKING. at Peking. was stated an official who has CO 31 31 1 TT E E AX SO I'M CCD. the record, but Mr. Woolley Is confident of President nnd Director of Many Com lived at Peking that nothing short of the surpassing it. Much heaviest artillery could make any impres-.lo- n panies and Owner of Land. on the walls of the imperial city. StevetiMon to Address Students. Collis Potter Huntington was born in Wn of Southern Pa 1S21. Another Unconfirmed Report that the Received ty the Stair Department The walls are fifty feet high and wide Aug. 1!. Adlal President the Harwinton, Conn., Oct. 22, He was of Those Who Will Assist the CHICAGO. E. Stevenson AVas Tnenty-Sne- n AVIth-nel- d .airn to-morr- cific nnd Other Companies nnd D- in a local school, secured his Army but Miles Yesterday, lnt It Contents enough en top fur two coaches to pass Campaign Managers vrlth will reach Chicago from Mlnne- - educated from the Public. abreast. From an offensive standpoint the tonka Beach and will address the Order irector in Many Concerns. freedom from, his father when fourteen Distnnt Last Saturday. walls afford opportunity for planting guns. Their Wise Counsel. of United Irishmen at Sunnyside Park on years old by promising to support himself, business, spent while from a defensive standpoint they j Wednesday. He will address the students and, engaging in mercantile couia net e orcached except by the use at the Dixon (111.) College Thursday night. ten years In traveling through the South OF A CONFIDENTIAL NATUKE of very heavy projectiles. In response to the recent appeal signed DIED AT PINE KNOT LODGE and West, subsequently settling in Oneon LEGATIONS ATTACKED AGAIN Although the situation admits of the EUGH H. HANNA SELECTED by Mr. Bryan, General Stevenson and Mr. ta, N. Y. In March. 1S4?, he started to rro?pect of an assault on Peking, yet gov- Hearst a large number of applications have California. He spent three months trading ernment officials were decidedly more hope- been received for membership in the Na on the ishthum. and then completed his 11 OI llOMIlATlDMENT no m;ws OF A. ful to-da- y tional Association of Democratic Clubs. HIS St MM ER CAMP IN THE LUE journey, opening a general store In a tent RENEWAL THE bit contained that a solution of the Chinese AS INDIANA'S REPRESENTATIVE ON problem would The prospect is that nearly all of them will 3IO UN TA IX REGION. in Sacramento. he opened a hard- OF MINISTERS AT PEKING. ALARMING TENOR. be found without recourse XUW Later to such heroic measures. The improved THE COMMITTEE. be represented at the meeting to be held ware store In the same city; became as feeling Is based largely on the belief that at Indianapolis Oct. 3. sociated with Mark Hopkins in business. China, realizing that the sacred capital is and in 1S60 matured a plan for a continental Republican Tide lu Kentucky. Stricken with Heart Disease Late Fev Defenders AVere Left on Auk. 8 Statement Made ly Ofllclals Hint the about to be besieged by the armies of the Senator) Depev, T. C. Vlnitt Aldrlcn railroad, with Hopkins, Leland Stanford Situation at rekln AVas Neither world, will yield every thing and that the Si cclal to the Indianapolis Journal. Monday Night and Passed Away and Charles Crocker as his coadjutors. According to Report Which Kenn Promi- H.-Er- astus legationers will be delivered on the terms nnd and Other WABASH, Ind., Aug. G. Early Tuesday Morning. They paid the expenses of a survey across Rcnchrd MinnKhai. Detter Nor Vore. lime of the allies. nent Men on the List. Burgett, a "Wabash contractor, who for the Sierra Nevada, and with a fifth partner The attitude of the United States concern the last six months has been engaged on organized a company, of which Mr. Stan- ing the landing of British troops at Shang- - work in Kentucky, thinks that the trend ford was president and Mr. Huntington of in that State Is xmmistak-abl- y NO WORD FEOM GEN. CHAFFEE hai has been made known to the foreign sentiment LEFT ESTATE OF $20,000,000 vice president. Congress agreed to pur- EXODUS FROM THE CAPITAL governments through their representatives GENERAL POLITICAL NEWS toward Republicanism, and that the chase the bonds, and the work wa rapidly here. This has had the effect of practi- national and State tickets of the Repub- pushed. Following the Union Pacific, Mr. cally eliminating the United States from lican party will be elected. Antl-Goebells- m Huntington planned and perfected tho A It 31 Y StTIMHEn TO BH question. is a winning issue for the Republicans. IIIS INVESTMENTS MOSTLY IN RAIL railways, an At IMtlNCE TUA N AND MANY OFFICIALS ALLIED the Neither the French nor the ClIAFRMAN HANNA TO OPEN THE California system of built CHINESE CAPITAL. German government Is disposed to accept WAY SECURITIES, lantic system, which, by the Southern HAVE FLED, IT 1 SAIO. 5CAR THE CAMPAIGN' IN JERSEY. McKenzie Moss for Congress. calmly the landing of the British troops. NEW J. Chesapeake &. Ohio, forms a GREEN. Ky Aug. The Pacific and and it is understood that strong representa BOWLING 1. continuous line, 4,000 miles long, from Cali Republican convention to- tions from France and Germany are now Third district fornia to Newport News, Va., and de- day nominated J. McKenzie Moss for Con- He Was Trobably ot Flghtlne nt Pel-Tsna- ff riearjr Gans May De Necessary to nat- being made at London. As summed up by ' Home on Thonaii the Larrelt veloped an aggregate of 16,90) miles of Detail the Bryan to Re Welcomed has already been nom- Ynns-Tsu- u ter Down the Wall If Re- a well Informed uiplomat these are that for gress. Mr. Moss Lnnd Owner in the Country steam water lines, including the route to and and on the ArrUal Mclvlnley Roose- (antl-Goebe- l) Demo- and Ho-M-A- Vu. I)c every British marine landed Shanghai Thursday inated by the Brown Born Amid Poverty. China and Japan. of Allien nt sistance Offered. at is a cousin of Hon. Adlal the France Germany would velt to Spenk lu Chicago. crats. Mr. Moss Mr. Huntington at the time of his death and also land a ma nephew A. rine. Is felt, moreover," Stevenson, and a of Hon. James was president of the Southern It that the Issue to Peru. and director Involved relates not only to Shanghai,' but McKenzie, late minister Pacific Company; president and director of Aug. virtually to the control of Yang-Tse-Kla- ng RACQUETTE LAKE, N. T.. It Pacific Mail SteamshipCompany; presi AMONG THE CHINESE ALL THE POWERS IN HARMONY the entire NEW YORK, Aug. 11. Senator Ilanna, llrynn Confers with Politicians. the PANIC valley, known as the paradise of Collis P. Huntington, president of the dent and director of tho Southern Pacific chairman of the Republican national com CHICAGO. Augi II. Mr. Bryan spent the Railroad Company, died China. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, of California; director announced the fol- with members of the Adiron-dack- s, governments mittee, this afternoon day In consultation at his camp. Pine Knot, in the Com Foreign have manifested a lowing of advisory commit- and with of the California Pacific Railroad 750 NEGOTIATIONS UNTIL THE members the Democratic national committee about midnight. Apparently well pany; THREW DOWN THEIR AnAs A Nil PEACE desire also to learn the views of the United C. parts country. director of the Galveston, Harrisburg of Thomas different of the AI-TIN- tee the national committee: callers from 11 o'clock, he was taken NAN-T- S G. - on retiring at & San Antonio Railroad Company: presi- PLED FROM ministers Ann succored. States concerning the instructions of Rus Platt, Chauncey M. Depew and William L. Among his callers was- United States Sena- to Peking. M. suddenly with a choking spell, which was dent and director of the Guatemala Central sia her minister at De Giers. Strong, of New York; Samuel J. Waln-wrig- ht Baker, of Kansas, w'ho merely paid his response tor quite common with him, and which was Railroad Company, and director also In the In to inquiries here it has been and W.