Huntington Vision: Huntington Community Development Plan Town of Huntington, Massachusetts Wayne Feiden, AICP, Feiden Associates, Planning and Environmental Consultants or
[email protected] Huntington Vision: Huntington Community Development Plan, 2003 Town of Huntington, Massachusetts Huntington Vision: Huntington Community Development Plan reflects the consensus of numerous town boards (Select Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board, Conservation Commission, and Open Space Committee) and the dozens of residents who participated in community forums. At our numerous community workshops and board meetings our planning process was open and inclusive and attempted to ensure that all viewpoints were represented. This plan is intended to help guide future planning and policy initiatives. Our Vision and planning, however, is a process, not a onetime effort. We commit to continue to work with our residents to ensure a future we all can embrace. Visioning and Workshop Sessions Format Kick-off Planning Session (3/13/02) Steering Committee* What Should Huntington's Vision Be? (4/3/02) Community workshop Planning Session (5/1/02) Steering Committee* Did we get Huntington's Vision Right? (5/22/02) Community workshop Final Planning Session (5/29/02) Steering Committee* Community Development Plan Kickoff (1/22/03) Steering Committee* Land use and housing (2/26/03) Steering Committee* Economic development and natural resources (3/19/03) Steering Committee* Open Space, resource protection and housing (5/20/03) Community workshop Natural resources, housing, economic development, transportation Community workshop (6/24/03) CD Plan--Working meeting (9/24/03) Planning & Selectmen CD Plan--Working meeting (10/22/03) Steering Committee* Transportation Final Workshop (10/30/03) Community Workshop *Steering Committee members participated during Planning Board and Select Board meetings.