The Nazi New Order the President of the United States of America and the FIRST -"A Peace Whid1 Would Not Be Based Upon the Prime Minister, Mr

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The Nazi New Order the President of the United States of America and the FIRST - What Is This War About? ~oint Progratn It: s-e ERMAN :. i eN t" d unon by 8 agree r 1t oOseve (EY CENTE :~~. · dent R prest: . "Minister Univer"iy. of To!edo U b ~:~j and prune h·l\ I I oicd lf-dPnfU ted in part from chure 1 "" 1\· qf,pterature Vtf nston . h nlans {or f, ~WutIf~!f t d Wit r by t e Wo'ft'it"€-itize . ation, Chicago Group, conlras e Or d er 86 East Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill_ . The Naz1· NeW 'Ike Eight Points The Nazi New Order The President of the United States of America and the FIRST -"A peace whid1 would not be based upon the Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, representing his Majesty's - waving of olive branches and tearful misery­ Government in the United Kingdom, being met together, mongering of pacifist old women, but a peace that would be deem it right to make known certain common principles in the national policies of their respective countries on which guaranteed by the triumphant sword of a people 'endowed they base their hopes for a better future for the world. with a power to master the 'world, and to administer it in the services of a higher civilization." -Their countries seek no aggrandizement, territorial Adolf Hillel': "Mein Kampf." FIRST - or other. SECOND- "In this great struggle ... there can be no more -They desire to see no territorial changes that do - consideration of the claims of impotent un­ SECOND - not accord with the freely expressed wishes of qualified and arrogant representatives of other nations." the peoples concerned. Alfred R.osenberg: "Mylhlls des XX Jahrhunderts." THIRD- They respect the right of all peoples to choose the THIRD: :'Not one of t~ese sm,~l\ nations has a right to • form of government under which they will live; tndependent eXIstence. General Haushofer. and they wish to see sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them. FOURTH: "A maximum of economic security. for the Greater German ReIch, and 'a maxImum of FOURTH. T~e~ will e~de~vor, with due respect ~or their - eXlsttng obltgattons, to further the enjoyment consumption for the German people in' order to increase its by all States, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, prosperity. This is the aim which ' European economy must on equal terms, to the tr_ade and to the raw materials of the set before it. " R.eichsminisler Fun~: July 26, 1940. world which are needed for their economic prosperity. FIFTH. "All soil and industrial property of inhabitants - They desir.e to bring about the fullest collabora­ • of non-German origin will be confiscated- without FIFTH• tion between all nations in the economic field- with exception and distributed primarily among worthy members the object of securing, for all, improved labor standards, economic advancement and social security. of the Party .. , thus a new aristocra~y of ,German masters (Herrenvolk) will be created. This aristocracy will have SIXTH - After the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny, slaves assigned to 'it, these slaves to be their property and - they hope to see established a peac(! which will to consist of landless German nations." afford to all nations the means of dwelling in safety within their own boundaries, and which will afford assurance that Reichsminisler Darre: May 1940. all the!' men in all the lands may live out their lives in free­ SIXTH- "It is necessary to think not only in terms of a dom from fear and want. , • National State, but of a World Empire. The posi­ tion of the Poles or the Negroes in the colonies must be SEVENTH -Such a peace should enable all men to traverse , - the high seas and Oceans without hindrance. considered, under criminal law, from the point of view of the supremacy of the German people." EIGHTH- They believe that all of' the nations of the Reichsminisler Frank: Munich, No.,vember 22, 1940. ,- world, ' for realistic as well as spiritual reasons must come to the abandonment of the use of force. Since no SEVENTH: "O.ur Fleet will be developed and enlarged to future peace can be maintained if land, seq or air armaments a sIze befitttng our world power. It will take continue to be employed by nations which threaten, or may the protection of German interests in the worI'd into its threaten, aggression outside of their frontiers, they believe, pending the establishment of-a widpr and permanent system strong hands and will carry the German Bag and the German of general security, that the disarmament of sud1 nations is name, together with the German merchant fleet over the space of the globe. " essential. They will likewise aid and encourage all other Admiral Raeder: January 28,1941. practicable measures which will lighten for peace-loving peoples the crushing burden of armaments. ' EIGHTH: "The pacifist-humanitarian idea may indeed ~e- come an excellent one wpen the most supenor FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. type of manhood will have succeeded in subjugating the WINSTON S. CHURCHILL. world to such an extent that this type is then sole master of th.e earth," August 14, 1941 Adolf Hiller: "Mein Kampf." FROM A FOLDER BY THE COMMITTEE TO DEFEND AMERICA WIN THE WAR wm THE PEACE that the Nazi leaders would becOlJ1e to a demonstration of how much they What Is This War About? rational. know about the details of carrying Harry Scherman Since he himself was behind the forward revolution. NEW conception of the war is scenes h e was quickly able to judge What could impel the responsible spreading in informed circles, how futile this hope of change was. leaders of eighty million people to ~ directly traceable to a single Soon all his instincts rebelled at what such an apparently fantastic adven­ book written by a German, "The Rev­ was personally required of him as a ture as "world revolution"? They are olution of Nihilism." leader of the Party, and he resigned driven by a sense of mission. "The es­ This new interpretation, briefly sum­ from it. This was in 1934. Since then, sence of the German mission today," marized, is that the present situation outside of Germany, he has ~atched, Herr Rauschning says, "is the con­ in Europe is the result of a deliber­ horrified, as his own deepest forebod­ sciousness of being the chosen people ate program for world revolution, ings about his land and people have with a permanent and universal task." Which unexpectedly to its megaloma­ one by one been verified. Finally, he What is this task? "The new German niac plotters, turned into war. wrote this book. will to world hegemony is the definite It is also well to keep in mind a few Two facts about it are well kept resolve to transform the world order facts about the author, in judging in mind as one reads it. First, that it under German leadership." coolly how much weight to give to was written more than a year before Precisely what "transforming the such extraordinary testimony as he the war; this is particularly pertinent world order" would involve, in the presents. What is known on this side in judging how much weight to give sense of attempted economic change, of the Atlantic about Rauschning? Rauschning's testimony, since many of is not certain ; but forcible govern­ his most important predictions coin­ He is a German in his early fifties, mental domina tion of the rest of the cide so remarkably with later events. formerly president of the Danzig Sen­ world by Germany is crystal-clear as Second, that (although it is called in a ate. part of the prograrr•. sub-title "A Warning to the West") it Descended from the German mili­ To any ordinary person this sense was primarily written as a warning to tary caste, and an officer in the Great of national mission is itself incom­ his own countrymen. It was plainly the War (when he was wounded), like prehensible. Herr Rauschning provides impassioned attempt of a patriot to most of his countrymen he was chief­ the key. It arises from the deep be­ awake Germans to a realization of ly preoccupied politically with the in­ lief of thE' Nazis, which seemingly what was going on amongst them. Of iquity of the Versailles Treaty. Noth­ they share with some economic astrol­ course, in this r espect it has been whol­ ing, he was convinced, could go right ogers nearer home, that the British ly futile; it has not been published in in Germany, and therefore in Europe, Empire is in the midst of a great de­ Germany, and certainly will not be until its unjust terms were corrected. cline and fall, like that of Rome. for many a year. Mere ownership of He believed, it appears, in a peaceful it wi,thin German boundaries would "Scarcely any other opinion," he pan-Germanism patterned along Bis­ unquestio.nably now mean death. writes, "is given currency by the Na­ marck's ideas; a sort of informal eco­ tional Socialists with such diligence nomic United States of Europe, in "TomOfWW \\' (" Own tIll' \ Vorld" as their bplief in the doom of the which all were equal as to sovereign­ The main burden of Rauschning's British Empire." This is not some­ ty and a ll were reasonably happy and testimony, as st.ated above, is that thing to come; the dissolution, they acquiescent, with Germany simply the the Nazi leaders, having successfully helieve, is in full process. natural I cad e r hecause of its geo­ gained control over eighty million The granting of full independence graphic position and its acknowledged Germans, are consciously embarked to the British Dominions in 1931 was industrial supremacy.
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