Guide for Americans”

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Guide for Americans” Contents Chapter One 1 Introducing the European Union 2 Chapter Two 2 How Is the EU Run? A Unique Governing System 6 Chapter Three 3 The EU-U.S. Partnership 13 Chapter Four 4 Economic and Monetary Union and the Euro 18 Editor’s Notes The entry into force of the European Union’s The term “European Union” (EU) is used in Chapter Five Treaty of Lisbon, in December 2009, ushered this brochure whenever appropriate. Other 5 European Enlargement and in a more efficient, more democratic, more terms, such as “European Community” and the European Neighborhood: transparent, more united, and more secure EU “European Coal and Steel Community”, are than ever before. The treaty’s provisions have used when the historical context is appropriate Europe Whole and Free 21 modernized the EU’s operations, reinforced its or to describe the statutory functions of bod- capacity to take action, enhanced democratic ies that still have legal identities within the EU. Chapter Six processes within the EU, and given the EU a 6 The EU on the World Stage – single voice in external relations. All information regarding EU institutions, Policies, Tools, and Global Relationships 26 policies, and programs is the most recent avail- The evolution brought about by the Treaty of able at the time of publication. For updated in- Chapter Seven Lisbon is only one of the many aspects of the formation, please consult, 7 European Union covered by this “Guide for the website of the Delegation of the European Signature EU Policies 38 Americans.” It also outlines the growth of the Union to the United States. EU from its initial incarnation as the six-na- Chronology: Milestones on the tion European Coal and Steel Community to Where possible, financial amounts appear in 44 today’s 28-nation partnership; the day-to-day U.S. dollars and are converted from euros us- Road to European Integration functioning of the EU; the EU’s Economic and ing the appropriate annual dollar to euro ex- Monetary Union; the EU’s relations with the change rate. United States as well as other international ac- tors; and signature EU policy areas. Ambassador’s Welcome As we progress into the 21st century, the and Steel Community. We have deepened our partnership—known as TTIP—that is a once- European Union continues to be one of the cooperation on foreign and security matters, in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the world’s most successful studies in economic created a single market, developed common greatest economic corridor in the world and and political integration. Rooted in democracy, policies, allowed citizens to circulate freely, give a significant boost to global trade and the EU is a community based on law and and launched an economic and monetary investment. values, and a society built on cooperation and union that includes a single currency shared solidarity. Through the years, the European by 19 of our countries… so far. As we envisage the roles the EU and the Union has evolved like a living organism, United States will play in the years ahead in and continues to grow, adapt, and develop to The transatlantic partnership has continued to a globalized world, we need a deep mutual accommodate its citizens and the wider world, prosper for more than six decades, constructed understanding of: each other’s values; our striving always to foster stability, security, and on a solid foundation of common values, respective histories and political evolutions; prosperity at home and abroad. including a commitment to the rule of law, the how decisions are made on each side of the democratic process, respect for human rights, Atlantic; how our economies and currencies From the earliest days of European and alleviating poverty. work; and our respective and complementary integration, we found a steadfast partner in actions on the world stage. the United States. Following World War II, Together, the EU and the U.S. tackle global the U.S. helped to ensure Western Europe’s challenges and promote peace, democracy, For these reasons, our Delegation has security, encouraged European cooperation and sustainable development around the published, “The European Union: A Guide by requiring joint administration of the U.S. world. Every day, we work side-by-side for Americans”. In the pages that follow, we Marshall Plan funds, and welcomed the to help stabilize fragile states, end nuclear have endeavored to cover the most important initiative by the six founding nations of today’s proliferation, fight terrorism, and eradicate details about the European Union—what it EU to place their coal and steel production deadly diseases. We strive to become energy is, how it works, what it does—presented in under a common authority. The United States independent, grow sustainably, and together the context of the EU-U.S. relationship. I also was the first non-member country to officially combat the threat of climate change. encourage you to visit our website at recognize the nascent European Coal and Steel, which offers Community, just months after its inception in A deep-rooted part of our relationship revolves comprehensive details about many of the areas 1952. around our trade and investment ties, which covered in this “Guide for Americans”. David O’Sullivan, already create millions of jobs on both sides EU Ambassador to the United States More than sixty years later, today’s 28-member of the Atlantic and account for approximately European Union has transformed the European half of global gross domestic product and continent, spanning a substantial part of its one-third of world trade. We want to create territory and counting a population of more even more opportunity, by making it possible than half a billion. The EU has made a lasting for our businesses and workers to succeed in contribution to a Europe that is safer, stronger, a very competitive global economy. That is more prosperous, and considerably more why the EU and the U.S. are working on a far- influential than the original European Coal reaching transatlantic trade and investment The European Union: A Guide for Americans 1 Jean Monnet, President of the ECSC High Authority, Chapter One and Robert Schuman Introducing the European Union The European Union is unique. It is not a and religion. They support free market While contributing to economic recovery, this federation like the United States. It is neither economies—where economic development plan would also control the raw materials of a state intended to replace existing states, and growth are driven by the private sector war. The Schuman Declaration was regarded nor an organization for cooperation between and facilitated by governments. They believe as the first step toward achieving a united governments, like the United Nations. It is prosperous countries have an obligation to Europe—an ideal that in the past had been much more than any other international help poorer and less developed regions and pursued only by force. organization. nations. And they value living together in peace and promoting these principles globally. Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, What makes the EU unique? Never before have Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands countries voluntarily agreed to set up common The EU sets high standards for membership. accepted the French proposal and signed the institutions to which they delegate some of Candidate states must have stable democratic European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) their sovereignty so that decisions on specific governments; respect for the rule of law, Treaty in Paris on April 18, 1951. matters of joint interest, and which are directly minorities, and human rights; a functioning applicable to citizens of all the countries, can market economy; and the ability to take on the The Six set up the ECSC High Authority, be made democratically at a higher, in this case obligations of EU membership. Prospective to which member governments transferred economic policies; and the second to create a European, level. members must have the capacity to adopt portions of their sovereign powers. Coal and European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC and implement the body of EU laws and steel trade increased by 129 percent over the or EURATOM) to further the use of nuclear All EU decisions and procedures are based regulations that ensure cooperation in a next five years. energy for peaceful purposes. on the treaties agreed to by all EU countries, multitude of areas in addition to trade and the under which sovereignty is shared in specified economy, including citizens’ rights, freedom, Encouraged by the success of the ECSC, the The Six signed the treaties on March 25, 1957, areas. The result is a union of 28 Member States security, and justice, job creation, regional Six sought to pursue integration in the military in Rome. Often referred to as the “Rome covering 1.7 million square miles with half a development, environmental protection, and and political fields. A European Defense Treaties”, both the EEC and the EAEC Treaties billion people producing almost a third of the making globalization work for everyone. Community treaty was signed, but not ratified came into force in January 1958. world’s gross national product and speaking and political cooperation—forerunner of History: The Union’s Origins dozens of languages. The Member States are the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Building a Union, Treaty by Treaty The economic integration that would lead to bound together by a desire to promote peace, Policy—was not achieved until 1970. When The European Union has been built through today’s European Union was conceived in the democracy, prosperity, stability, and the rule these efforts were derailed, European leaders a series of treaties that represent binding wake of World War II, as a devastated Western of law.
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