
The Australian pines of Bowman's beach have everyone talking, but has anyone asked the tourists what they think? —seepage3

What's Playing in area theaters for Christmas? — see page 24

Since 1961 Still first on mmo Sanibei and Captiva islands

VOL. 34, NO.49 TUESDAY, DEC. 12, 1995 2 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES 50 CENTS Dear God, please let it snow

Wasting no time, newly elected Mayor Bob Janes, right, and Vice Mayor Bob Davison, roll up their sleeves and get down to business at last week's Council session. New Mayor: City has a Courtesy photo Cast members of the Pirate Playhouse production "My Three Angels" look wealth of talented people upward for inspiration ... hope ... maybe snow? The show runs Dec. 8 through ty for input during the Council's deci- Jan. 6. For more information call the Pirate Playhouse. By Brenda Ordonez islander staff writer sion-making processes. "We have lots of issues facing the Council member Bob Janes is City in the next year," he said, "such as Sanibel's new mayor. Bob Davison the continuing Australian pine issue, A peek at what's coming up "This Week'* was elected vice mayor. and sewer assessments. We want to use After a three to two vote by written the wealth of talent we have on the >ou don't ruu to he n youngster island to work on those issues." to be uirious ihiuit what s mrnm)! up ballot, outgoing mayor Wally Kain passed the gavel to Janes, who then Janes said he also feels strongly, on-isillll_Sl <>l M.M-OI1-, till |ll.ill |l> chair, Janes inadvertently pushed the with the new town of Fort Myers iind the iaiesi on me greatest is> in button that summons the police — his Beach. "This Week," The Islander's weekly first act as mayor. Janes was elected to City Council in source for annual, bi-annual, and — 1992. Previously, he served on the well — rare occurrences. What's coming down the pike Sanibei Planning Commission for six 'This Week" can be found each years. A former professor in public week on page two of The, Islander. Janes said as mayor he'll focus on administration, he was involved in Foi Christmas related news turn to continuing to build on the things Minnesota county and city government. page two for all you need to know Sanibei has done in the past, and mak- He has been an island resident since about the islands. ing certain citizens have the opportuni- 1977. Sanibei offers hand to Southwest 's newest city Fort Myers Beach By Brenda Ordonez "We want to start building a positive Beach Council. Islander Staff Writer relationship because I think together "Bill's a good resource person — a has Sanibei connection we can be a formidable force for generalist — so his on-site assistance," There's a new kid on the coastline beachfront issues." Price said, "will mostly consist of find- — Fort Myers Beach on Estero Island, Inter-city cooperation, . - - " ~ _ ing answers." Southwest Florida's most recently cre- especially in sharing ser- Sanibel's expertise was ated city. And Sanibei is among the vices such as emergency "Their sought by Estero first in line to congratulate its citizens, operations management number one Islanders prior to-arid i and extend a helping hand. and the like, is something responsibility immediately after incor- Calendar 14 City Council members passed a res- Sanibei may want to poration, Price noted, olution last week to officially recog- explore with the new city, is to get because of its relatively Classifieds 21 nize the "Town," a term the Beach Price said. ordinances recent experience in Op/Ed Page 8 chose for incorporation. Price said he asked City on the incorporating as a city in In the resolution, Council offered to department heads to think book." 1974. Police Beat 6 the Beach the City's assistance and of ways their particular What are the most Shelling Tips expertise during its start-up phase and expertise could be helpful —————--- important decisions fac- 4 the transition from county to municipal to the newly-elected Beach Council. ing the fledgling city? "Their number This Week 2 government. The resolution authorizes Price to loan one responsibility," Price said, "is to "It's exciting that there's a sister city them the services of Assistant City get ordinances on the books. At the What's Playing 24 within sight of Sanibei," City Manager Manager Bill Mills for the next 60 same time, they need to hire a city Gary Price said. days, as needed and requested by the manager and city attorney." 1 Tuesday*,Dec. 12^99SK..:T.HE ISLAMBEIfy AT 2 THE isUfflfek ' Tuesday." bee-. T2.19S5 ••V, •„> '•• •, Do beaches need a Bandaid, or iiiiiiiii State prunes mangrove laws reconstructive By Anne Bellew surgery? Islander staff writer

The City of Sanibel stands nearly alone in its By Brenda Ordonez opposition to the state's new mangrove trimming Islander staff writer law, according to former Mayor Wally Kain. Santa's Shop at Library Kain made the comments to those attending last The band aid approach or long term care? Voluntary or mandatory assessments? Those were week's Sanibel Vegetation Committee meeting. through Christmas the questions of the day at an information-gathering The Sanibel Public is the first stop for Santa Kain said the new law is popular throughout most public workshop on beach erosion and renourish- this year. An animated Christmas display, 9'x8' in of the state. ment held last Friday. Beginning tomorrow the so-called Mangrove dimension, will be on display at least through Members of City Council and the Planning Christmas. More than 1,200 man-hours were Trimming & Preservation Act, which became law Commission considered a two-fold agenda: the spent constructing this display, designed by Mike in June when Gov. Chiles did not veto it, will over- City's Gulf Pines (GP) beach renourishment project ride Sanibel's much stiffer regulations. and Annelle Rigsby, and you and your family — Council had turned down an earlier request to won't want to miss it. For information call the build sea walls as a way to solve erosion problems in Kain stated that freshman Sen. Jack Latvala X- library at 472-2483. that area; and the City's current policy on beach ero- Where, was inspired to sponsor the new legislation sion. when a property owner in his district experienced Shell Club Christmas Party problems with the old regulations. GP renourishment "Anyone owning on the water ought In the meeting, Assistant City Manager Bill Mills Dec. 14 to be able to see that water," said Latvala. said that Sanibel over the years has tended to let The Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club Christmas Latvala, Chiles and the Department of nature take its course when it comes to beach ero- Caleb Perry of Louisville, Kentucky, says the Australian pines are "pretty cool Dinner Party, 6 p.m., will be held at the Putting Environmental Protection (DEP), however, now sion. However, he noted, the emergency situation in Pelican, Beachview Golf Course. Members are feel the act goes too far. Gulf Pines can be addressed with City administra- urged to make early reservations for themselves Latvala is presently working on corrective legis- tive and engineering assistance — already under and guests for this special event. Please state pref- lation; in the meantime, the DEP authorized way — in accordance with the Beach Management Tourists speak out on Bowman's pines erence for Salmon or Beef Tenderloin Marsala, Sanibel's City Council to regulate and enforce the Plan. when making reservations. There will be a cash new rules starting tomorrow. Mills said construction costs for GP renourish- What do tourists think about the pines? Jim and Elaine Crawford, Buffalo, New York: ment are estimated at $1.7 million. Several work- bar, and hors d'oeuvres. $22 per person, includes "We've been coming to Sanibel since 1974.... can't Environmentalists worried shop participants quickly calculated the cost to each Much of the public imagine not having the tax and tip. Send check to Eileen Nash, 450 Lake of about 33 property owners in the impacted area at Murex Circle, or Bob Latham, 119 Periwinkle comment on the trees. Nothing here is Environmentalists are concerned about the over $51,000. The City's tab is around $128,000, or native ... [we're] against it Way (both on Sanibel); or you can call Eileen at Australian pine manage- killing of or the removal of the trees — either 7 percent of the total project cost. from an environmental 472-9631, or Bob at 472-6943. See Islander cal- ment plan the City pro- would destabilize the resultant ex-posed shoreline. In their Nov. 21 meeting, Council directed City poses for Bowman's standpoint." (left) endar (pgs. 14-15) for standard club information. Mangroves this high will be a rarity on Staff to proceed with efforts to piggy-back onto the Shorter trees will continue to hold the shoreline. waterfront property throughout the state. Beach Park has focussed And since fallen mangrove leaves are the founda- CEPD project. A tie-in with the same dredging com- pany that will renourish Captiva's beaches could on what island visitors Kiwanis Tree Lighting, Gift tion of a water-borne food chain — which includes Other rules applied, depending on the trees' want to see — and not shrimp, fish and, eventually, humans — the shorter locations. Sanibel's rules imposed additional save Gulf Pines residents $500,000 to $1 million, Delivery, Dec. 16 8c 23... Mills said. see — as they bask in the John Brooksbank, On Saturday, Dec. 16, 6 p.m., the Kiwanis will the trees, the fewer the leaves. restrictions on property owners. sun on the Beach. Toronto, Canada: "I think host its annual Christmas Tree Lighting. Santa Timing essential it [the beach] would look Erick Lindblad, director of the Sanibel-Captiva Now, although anyone wanting to trim man- bare without them." will arrive on a sleigh and the Kiwanis Boys Tagging onto the CEPD project, however, The Islander talked to Conservation Foundation, commented, "Not only groves will need to have the project area inspected Choir will sing Christmas Carols. requires quick action on the part of City Staff, said out-of-town beachgoers (right) This year's Christmas gift delivery will start on would the food chain be affected by the cumulative by the city — both before and after trimming — last week to find out just Elaine and Jim Crawford John Brooksbank property owners may trim any mangroves that are . City Manager Gary Price, particularly in setting up a of Buffalo, New York. Dec. 23. Gifts must be turned in by 5 p.m. on the impact of individual waterfront owners' "hedging' how they felt about the 10 feet high or less (measured from ffie soil sur- mandatory tax assessment district, with all its com- 23rd. All gifts should be wrapped, labeled, and in their mangroves, but the roasting and nesting of a much-discussed trees. Here's a sampling of their face) to a minimum height of six feet under certain plexities, to insure project funding by the affected wide variety of birds in the trees' canopy would be GP residents. GP residents at the meeting favored comments: Caleb Perry, 9, of Louisville, Kentucky: "[The a bag with directions. Parents should have cam- conditions. eras ready when Santa arrives ... he'll be very eliminated along with the canopy itself. the mandatory approach. trees are] pretty cool, pretty neat." (Below) "In the end, the degree to which the law permits Mangroves taller than 10 feet may only be After a lengthy discussion about the merits of vol- busy. For more information call Richard Muench trimmed by a city-licensed Professional Mangrove at 472-2812. trimming has the potential to seriously affect the untary vs. mandatory assessments, the Council Pam Osburn and Marie overall economy of the entire southwest Florida Trimmer, who must be on-site, supervising at all directed Staff to proceed on the basis of mandatory Casto, both from Ohio: Benjamin Bodden and Pipe Organ Concert at First area - the tourism industry as well as the sport and times, while trimming is taking place. At the pre- assessments. "We're nature people, so Susanne Boehler, stu- commercial fishing industries." sent time there are no such licensed trimmers on Members, however, cautioned GP residents to we think the trees look dents, Karlsruhe, Church of Christ Dec. 17 Sanibel or in Fort Myers. Under no circumstances have a voluntary assessment plan ready in the wings nice. They're a natural Germany: We're close to Islanders are invited to a pipe organ concert, New rules are trees to be killed, defoliated or removed, as a back-up should the necessary legal processes for barrier from the road. nature. Sunday, 3 p.m., featuring contemporary, classical Under the old law, mangroves seven feet tall or according to the new law. mandatory assessments not be in place in time to Depending on the overall "We prefer the beach and Christmas music by Robert G. Chilton, organ- less could not be trimmed, nor could trees be Taller trees provide much greater protection hook-up with the CEPD project. management plan, it with pines. We were ist, composer, arranger. Chilton will play the wick topped. Limbs larger than one inch in diameter from the winds of tropical storms, and have the would definitely be a neg- pleasantly surprised to see pipe organ, and will be accompanied by synthe- could not be cut without a permit. strength to break and diffuse the concurrent storm What about the rest of the island? ative thing [to remove the just this green silhouette sized orchestral sounds. Marilyn Mahan and Heidi surge. Sanibel's engineer/consultant on erosion issues, trees]." (left) — no development." (Not Dunmire will perform solos. Ken Humiston, Humiston & Moore Engineers, said Pam Osburn and Marie pictured). at the meeting that, in general, the island is stable, Caleb Perry with the exception of south of Blind Pass, Gulf OLD SANIBEL PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING Shell Island Garden Club Parents, teachers, kids! Pines, Point Ybel and Bay shoreline, all of which Dec. 19 have historic patterns of erosion and accretion. "Chef Danny is known for enhancing his This month's Shell Island's Garden Club meet- The Islander wants to know what The City's Beach Management Plan provides for classical style with New World influences and a ing, 1 p.m., at the Sanibel Library will be a your favorite youngsters want for emergency assistance in these four areas when it is whiff of the exotic." deemed to be in the public good. At the meeting, -Best Restaurants, Epicurean Rendezvous potluck luncheon social. Everyone should bring a 0M EDITOR: Louis Rom Jr. ^ special festive dish for eight people to enjoy. i s6tjij&£ junior, a &ew Barbie ADVERTISING MGR: Tamara Goodman proponents of long term beach maintenance island- "Is there anyone out there who doesn't think Bring an appetizer, salad, or dessert. REPORTERS: Frank Wagner, Anne Bellew wide argued for a change in City policy that would chef Dan Mellman is a Genius?" CONTRIBUTORS: Capt. Mike Fuery, Bobbie Sharp and Art provide for on-going beach renourishment. Remember gifts for Friends Who Care are due linitfae, Stevens - Jean LeBouef, Fort Myers News-Press now and should be delivered to either Jean AD SALES; Tracey Markwalter, Andy Potts "We feel this issue must be addressed city-wide," toucningj s] CLASSIFIEDS/SUBSCRIPTIONS: Barbara Casali Don Fleming, President of Condominium iliiiiii Halstead or Kate Dietrich. Residents and visitors Association of Sanibel (CASI), said. "We need to get are welcome to attend. Hostesses this month are CMsfmas, LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: ' je Islander will publish the cutest, Islander Center P.O. Box 56 all taxpayers involved, plus federal, state and county Elietie Nash, Jane Hale, and Kate Dietrich. The 2407 Periwinkle Way Sanibel, FL 33957 support." $15 dues for the fiscal year beginning in October touchins Sanibel 472-5185 FAX 472-5302 SUBSCRIPTION RATES are payable now. Call Kate Dietrich at 395-0488 $22.00 $28.00 $28.00 $42.00 Editor's note: Please see sidebar on page 2 * $20,75 Newspaper $26.42 Newspaper Annual Subscription Annual Subscription PERFECTION for more information. Call Frank, A&ie, Brenda: or ton at $1.25 Sates Tax $1.58 Sales Ta* U.S.A. Foreign Annual Subscription Annual Subscription "Experience the Traditional 472-5185 with lists, ideas,' or stories Uw County Florida si for our (Dec. 19) issue* or fax us at Postal Information Holiday Specials island seniors play, Christmas The Sanibel-Captiva Islander (USPS 481-400) is published every Tuesday and and Not So Traditional" 472-5302. is distributed throughout Sanibel and Capliva Islands by the Breeze Corp., P.O. Box EQUITY is our only concern. If you've been turned Mobile Home Roof Overs, Vinyl Siding, and Screen Entries Dinner, Dec, 21 & Dec. 25 56. Sanibel, FL. 339S7 Second Class postage is paid al Ihe Sanibel Post Office. Screen Enclosures, Seamless Gutters Sanibel, FL 33957. down for a loan on your home due to credit or income SANIBEL'S ONLY FINE FOOD RESTAURANT Island seniors will get together to see "My Postmaster: Send Address Changes to and Lots More Three Angels" at the Pirate Playhouse,, Thursday, Sanibel Captiva Islander reasons, look no further. Do yOy f^ggo HELP FOR: FREE Serving P.O. Box 56 • Debt consolidation • Add a room or make repairs 481-2550 ESTIMATES BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER Dec. 21. They also will gather on Christmas Day, It is the policy of The Islander to correct Sanibel,, FL 33957 • Catch up on payments • Pay Saxes or I.R.S. Family Owned & Operated 1 p.m., with a planned potluck. Island seniors will any errors or omissions in previous editions Classified advertising deadline is Friday at 3 p.m. Reserve Noxv For The Holidays Error Responsibility: In Ihe evenl ol an error, we are responsible only for the • Stop Foreclosure * Start a business Reservations Accepted provide the ham. Reservations are recommended; as quickly as possible. first incorrect insertion of an ad if, in our opinion, there is a loss of value. We do not Call today for your free Turkey or Ham assume any responsibility for an error beyond the cost of the ad itself. We assume We have a no qualifying loan waiting for you. We can close in at the time of reservation you will be asked what no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisement but will reprint with installed purchase of $400 or more Children's Menu without charge lhat pan which is incorrect. We are not responsible lor any credit or reimbursement after 30 days from publication date. a few days. No up front fees. Application taken by phone. Licensed & Insured RX0053389 20 YRS. EXP. Exp. 12/24/95 2407 Periwinkle Way • 472-6882 type of dish you plan to bring. For more informa- (on Periwinkle between Palm Ridge Road & Tarpon Bay Roaii Sanibel) Columns: Opinions expressed in columns in The Islander and Letters to the CUSTOM FINANCE LlC. MTG. BRK. BUS. 772-2700 tion call 472-69S9. Editor are those of the person writing the column or letter and do not necessarily refiect those c'the newspaper. • Join our lonq list of satisfied customers 4 THE ISLANDER Tuesday. Dec. 12. 1995 Tuesday. Dec. 12. J995""tHE ISLANDER 5 Shells" offer shellers a rare catcK Questionnaire results The results of a survey asking property owners their opinions about SanibeFs beaches and their fish. The causeway islands also have their share. It's maintenance were presented at last Friday's public Sometimes the shelling world combines with not too often that a stinky mess yields a great shell workshop on beach erosion. island fishing to provide a unique specimen for your SHELLING specimen, but in this case the mystery of why and A coalition of the City, the Sanibel and Captiva coilection. If you've read or heard about the current how the fish are dying are benefiting shell collectors. Chamber of Commerce, and the Sanibel & mysterious deaths of the common saltwater catfish, TIPS Captiva Islands Association of Realtors prepared you might be surprised with the kind of "shell" this A good shell book can help anyone tlte questionnaire and mailed it in September to all fish offers. By Capt. Mike Fuery When looking for a special gift this holiday sea- owners of Sanibel property with addresses in the In my fishing column this week we talked about son, consider a shell book for someone interested in continental U.S. Of the 6,239 owners receiving the deaths of thousands of hardhead catfish, a com- ' the islands. While we might have some of the best the questionnaire, forty-six percent responded. mon species which no sports fisherman is going to shell collecting in the world right here, we also have miss. However, when large numbers of these fish things to do to the shell before adding it to your col- a great deal of reading material which make fine, Hera are the tabulated findings: die, shellers gather to look for crucifix shells. This lection. If the catfish's head is left on the beach too inexpensive gifts. isn't a typical calcium based shell like a whelk or long —like for several months, it will weather and There are several local island authors, including • 58% favored a City pto for renourishtag the conch, but rather the body super structure in the top crumble. The best specimens are from skulls which myself, who have books available which deal with island's beaches. Property owners who are not of the fish's head. Once the catfish dies and the body are only a few weeks old. You can tell if the shell is what could be found on our particular islands. registered voters on S&ntbeJ, or who do not live deteriorates over the course of a couple of weeks, a ready because if you shake it, you'll hear a rattle. Too All the local bookstores have a great selection of here at least six months of the year are the most special collectors' item emerges. old a skull bone and the rattles will have deteriorated, books on shelling right on up to coffee table editions likely to want such a plan, The crucifix gradually falls away from the rest of too fresh, and it is not hardened enough to collect. which weigh a ton. One of the most handy books a the body and the spinal column and forms a two- A short bath in bleach will do two things: One is novice collector can have is one which shows the • Sanibet voters marginally — 52% — disap- sided shell. On the top side of the bone is a flat sur- clean out any remaining flesh which might be hidden. identification of the many kinds of shells found on prove, face, but it's the underside which interests shell col- The other is to whiten it from the normal cream to a local beaches. Get a color identification book which lectors. bright white. In normal beach times, just an occasion- can be taken out on the beach. • Owners living on Sanibel most of the year are Turn that over, and underneath is the perfect form al crucifix shell will be found, usually from a fisher- Learning the different kinds of shells is half the equally split between wanting and not wanting the of a body on a cross. Of course, some collectors man releasing a fish which didn't survive. But, when fun of collecting and being able to quickly identify plan. might see different things into a form like this, but if there is a red tide, or in this instance, where there are things found on the beaches is a great help. Good you look closely at the figure, many claim it's Jesus lots of fish washing to shore, then it shouldn't be too shelling this week and watch for those crucifix shells. • 52% of owners who would like a plan prefer a — they say you can make out the distinctive cross hard to find. combination of City taxes and beachfront assess- Soon to be 90-years old, Edie Mugridge, regularly catalogs shells donated to the museum. and body attached. Not many crucifix shells wash to the beaches, but Capt. Mike Fuery, an island resident, is a profes- ment to fund it. One-third favor City taxe$ exclu- Whether you believe it or not, the crucifix shell is a sively. in shores on the inside waters, facing Pine Island sional shelling and fishing guide. great addition to any display, but there are a few Sound and Estero Bay seem to have the most dead • Beachfront owners are more in favor of the Museum highlighting new exhibits plan than others, with &. preference for City taxes By Anne Bellew or a combination of City taxes and beachfront Local waters in need of'Iddney'transplant Islander staff writer assessment Beachfront owners, including condo- By Anne Bellew ter-feeding organisms like.sea squirts, mussels, oysters and minium owners are 40% of all owners. Sanibel Police want you... Islander staff writer sponges - animals that eat the algae which is killing the bays. Three new exhibits are in place for the Christmas • Owners in favor of a renourishment plan are season and the upcoming year at the Bailey- The Sanibel Police Department Just as humans need kidneys to keep their blood clean, With the right kind of habitat under the proper conditions, much more likely to think beach erosion is a seri- Matthews Shell Museum on Sanibei-Captiva Road. Probably most familiar to islanders are the needs volunteers. nature needs "kidneys" to help keep her coastal waters and the filter-feeders can thrive. A habitat the size of a kitchen ous problem than those who disapprove. bays clean. And the waters along most of Southwest stove can support enough of these creatures to filter 40,000 Sailors' Valentines, a well-known shell artform Honda's shoreline — where it is difficult to see one's feet in gallons of water per day. Sparkling clean water — a kidney • Owners tend lo want the plan whether or not developed in the early 19th century. Contrary to The Parking Enforcement Bureau waste-deep water — are in the throes of a "kidney failure." transplant for Mother Nature—is the result. they are in business on Sanibel. myth, sailors' valentines were not made by seamen needs help selling parking permits Overwhelmed by algae blooms. The Foundation, through its research data, is expected to to while away the time at sea. more often they were and entering data on the computer. Researchers with Sanibel's Marine Habitat Foundation, lead the way in cleaning up canal systems, and possibly other • Majority of owners, whether or not they want constructed by female residents of Barbados and Inc. may have the answer to nature's problem. They have bodies of water. a renonrishtnent plan, feel the beaches are impor- other Caribbean ports for the New England whalers produced "dead end" canal water, which is clearer and clean- The filtration process could clean and restore Florida's tant for ecology, ambiance, businesses, vacation- to take back to their loved ones in Boston, New If you want to do your bit, call coastal wetlands, which have been destroyed by develop- er than most of Florida's coastal waters today. With visibility ers and residents. Bedford and Museum's exhibit of Sailors' Valentine's, including an Parking Enforcement at 472-3111. ment, and eventually, entire bay systems could be "treated" of more than 40 feet the water is clearer than the water in Newport. antique given to the museum by Cora Staples San Carlos Bay — 50 years ago. in this way, according to the Foundation. • 67% of- Sanibel 'property owners do1 uot-vote When the whalers Results of the "dead end" experiment are part of ongoing The Foundation's facility, on Tarpon Bay Road, features on Sartibel. 59% do not live here at least six stopped sailing and in numerous Naples workshops satisfied world-wide research conducted by the Foundation over the past four an exhibit illustrating this "kidney transplant" process. The months of the year. Only 12% are hf business on these islands ceased demand for cameos, many of them featuring the cus- Deadline for Islander years. The research is a by-product of the organization's orig- exhibit was on display at Palm Ridge Place this past Sanibel, to be ports of call tomer's own portrait. inal efforts to develop man-made marine nursery habitats, Saturday as part of the Foundation's grand opening celebra- for ships seeking Since earliest time, man has admired and used community news is Friday designed to functionally replace natural nurseries, such as tion. supplies by the end mother-of-pearl, the iridescent surface of certain mangroves and seagrasses, which have been destroyed by The celebration also included a children's poster contest, a of the century, this seashells, as a symbol of purity, beauty and nobility. before publication coastal development. fashion show, food and drink provided by Hungry Heron, Santa's coming soon shell artform disap- Mother-of-pearl was used by almost all early tribes Water filtration occurs naturally and is carried out by fil- raffles and live music. peared. in Egypt and Greece, by the early Britons and the On Saturday, Dec. 16, the 1995 Annual Christmas Another new Indians of North America. Tree Lighting will be held at 6 p.m. at the exhibit features The custom of using mother-of-pearl continued Community Christmas Tree, across from the cameos, an artform through the ages, perhaps reaching its climax during WEATHER Community Association. Santa will arrive with , , requiring the talents the Victorian era when inlaid boxes, lamp shades and WATCH candy for the children, and the Kiwanis Boys Choir A sample o cameo work in ^^ room screens were in vogue. will sing Christmas carols. the museum's new exhibit tQ turn a pJ of & The Shell Museum is open Tuesday through Santa will start delivering presents at 6 p.m., seashell into the delicate relief image of a human Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $5 for Saturday, Dec. 23. Anyone wishing Santa to come to face or landscape. The shell most often used is a adults, $3 ages 8-16, and free for children age 7 and their home, bring your gifts to Sanibel Central Fire under. Last week's temperatures in bull-mouthed helmet from Zanzibar with its numer- House by 5 p.m., Dec. 23. ous layered shades and colorations. paradise were recorded at the Sanibel- All presents should be wrapped, labeled, and From the time of the late Middle Ages, seashell Captiva Chamber of Commerce as follows: placed in a bag with directions to your address and carving has held a significant place in European art. DECEMBER with a note why the present was given, along with During the Renaissance, this artform reached its hey- your telephone number. Kiwanis says to have your day in France, but by the 19th century, Naples had camera ready, because Santa will be very busy that turned into the primary center for the art. Craftsmen DAY DATE A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. — night. For more information call Richard Muench at Tues. 12 2:11 4:43 10:20 10:14 472-28112 or your local Kiwanian. Wed. 13 3:07 5:22 10:59 11:31 62 Thurs. 14 4:14 5:59 11:41 "Collectibles in Sunday, Dec. 3 79 Fri. 15 5:39 6:36 12:20 pm 12:54-am Mondayrbec. 4 79 60 Sat. 16 7:16 7:13 12:57 pm 2:14 am Country Charm" am ...Your Tuesday, Dec. 5 80 62 Sun. 17 8:58 7:52 1:37 pm 3:19 CRAFT MKT, "ReCreation of the Wth century General Store" Wednesday, Dec, 6 80 60 Mon. 18 10:33 advertising EXCLUSIVES! Have a need for... SANIBEL & CAPTIVA AFGHANS Thursday, Dec. 7 80 57 ..•• •• .1 mi HIM •mm in mil numminiillilllllil SOMETHING UNIQUE? to 20% Off Regular Afghans Friday, Dec. 8 80 62 DECEMBER A SPECIAL CHRISTMASGIFT? 0 Excluding Christmas & Sanibel Saturday, Dec. 9 80 60 Lots 0$ Christinas Decor David Winter Cottages 10%'OFF-Dec. 13-24 • Buyer's Choice Christmas Carolers • Lizzie High Dolls - Daddy's Long Legs SPACES AVAILABLE FOR YOUR CRAFTS - • Large Assortment of Candles, Afghans, Deadline Candle Rings and Holders, Potpourri, Jewelry, Wall Hangings, Shell Lamps, Florida LOTTO 772-8733 Friday 2:00 PM Lilllput Lane Cottages, Melodies in Motion Dreamsickles 8c so much more! 1302 Pine Island Rd. This week's Florida Lotto numbers were OPEN MON.FRI. 9-8, SAT. 9-5, SUN. 11-5 Mon.-Sat. 9-6 (Behind Galeana - Used Cars) 1446 PERIWINKLE WAY, 395-0888 4-6-9-29-34-49 Sunday 12-5 Cape Coral, Florida 473-5303 WE SHIP UPS TufeSitevS Detail 2.ylfla&uTTHO8»3ANE)EEHT fi

Police Beat MPH; Richard Frenz, Greenwich, Connecticut, 55 City Council Round-up POLICE MPH; Salvatore J. Mascola, Fort Myers, 59 MPH. Friday, Dec. 1 — Traffic citations on Sanibel- Captiva Road: Barry S. Mercado, Fort Myers, 55 BEAT • SPD ran a Missouri driver license check on Larry Sanibel Isles Subdivision. MPH; Austin L. Mansur, Winnetka, Illinois, 56 C. Sullivan, 29, after he was stopped for 50 MPH on • Larry Bator seeking reconsideration of a decision MPH; Randy J. Nehrt, Springfield, Illinois, 57 MPH. Sanibel-Captiva Road. Police learned Sullivan had a that his two lots are held in common ownership and warrant from Missouri for violation of parole. therefore only one unit can be built on it. • Robert Lawrence Clark, Sanibel, was cited for an Fort Myers, cited for failure to stop at a stop sign on Sullivan was jailed for extradition. SPD cited him for The Council approved the modified plan submitted expired tag. Tarpon Bay Road. suspended driver license, and obstructing justice by by Rob Loflin, natural resources director, for the failing to have his license with him. removal and management of Australian pines and • A watch was found on the beach on Nov. 30 and • One rear-end accident set off another rear-ender Brazilian pepper at Bowman's Beach Park. The mod- turned in to SPD. on Causeway Road near the Chamber of Commerce. • Police cited Robert H. Trepanier, Tilbury, ified plan, according to Loflin, leaves more pines James K. DeRidder, Fort Myers, slowed to turn into Ontario, Canada, for passing in a no passing zone on standing. Loflin said pines killed in place will not be • SPD arrested Daniel Michael Smith, 27, Cape the Chamber office, then had to stop to allow bicycle Periwinkle Way. visible at ground level. Mayor Janes emphasized it's Coral, for obstruction by disguise — giving a false traffic to clear the entrance. A following vehicle, KEY a management plan, not a clear-cut plan, and called name to an officer. Smith was also cited for a broken which rear-ended DeRidder's vehicle, was hit also. Wednesday, Dec. 6 — While conducting routine for the formation of an implementation committee to windshield and driving on a suspended license. He SPD cited both Charles F. Hansen, Lake Worth and business checks near Wings on Periwinkle Way, SPD work with Loflin in management of the plan. had two active warrants for arrest through the Lee Michael James Ladd, Fort Myers, for following too responded to a man's call for help from his Australian Pins Buffer Areas County Sheriff's office. balcony. Seeing flames and smoke coming from the closely. Ladd was cited also for no proof of insur- Pine Removal Areas LEGAL NOTICE ance. Vehicle damage estimated at $500 each. apartment, the officers called the fire department, Bowmans Beach • Bryan Miles, 38, Deerpark, Md., when on Palm then entered the apartment to help the man's wife get Kill in Place Areas CITY OF SANIBEL, FLORIDA Ridge Road by the SPD for Monday, Dec. 4 — Traffic citations on Sanibel- out. They emptied their fire extinguisher on a burn- Park INVITATION FOR BIDS an expired tag, they discov- Captiva Road: Harold C. Mills, Palos Heights, ing couch with little success. SFD did contain the Pines Thinned Along Trail ered an open container of Illinois, 52 MPH; Todd B. Rachman, Fort Myers, fire. Legal Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the City Manager, City of WHERE THE alcohol in the vehicle. John Michael Carrigan, Sanibel, 61 MPH; Lazaro Sanibel, Florida, at City Hall, 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibel, Miles was arrested for DUI Diaz, Fort Myers, 51 MPH. • Adeline Lelanne was cited on Sanibel-Captiva A map outlining areas on Bowman's Beach scheduled for "de-pining." until 2:30 P.M. on Tuesday, January 23, 1996, and at DEALERS BUY and for failure to sign and for having an expired tag and improper passing. that time will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid accept a summons. • In making a left turn from Donax onto By Brenda Ordonez • The Council congratulated Sanibel's new neigh- offered later than the above time will be returned Periwinkle Way, William Hopgood, Halifax, Great • Louissiant Joboram, Fort Myers, cited on Islander staff writer bors on Estero Island — the recently incorporated unopened. Sunday, Dec. 3 — Britain, hit the trailer on a vehicle driven by Karen Sanibel-Captiva Road for no rear lights. town of Fort Myers Beach. City staff, especially the The work for which bids are to be received consists Traffic citations on Sanibel- Hanhie, North Fort Myers. Hopgood was cited for Agenda Briefs; Resolutions: city attorney and assistant city manager, will be avail- of the following: Captiva Road: Peter failure to yield at an intersection. Damage to his • Police spotted an unoccupied 1990 blue able to the new town to provide assistance and exper- CONSTRUCTION OF A REST ROOM FACILITY AT Bernard Galvano, Fort rental car was estimated at $240. Mitsubishi, Florida license BAN GUNS, at • Appointing and/or reappointing members whose tise in the start-up and transition phase. BOWMAN'S BEACH PARK Myers, 57 MPH; Periwinkle Way and Mitzi Lane with a flat rear tire term has expired to the following committees: • Environmentally Sensitive Lands Acquisition Christopher Giles Wagner, • William Howard Paul III, North Fort Myers, and punctured gas tank. The fire department handled Historical Preservation— Existing members reap- Program: Council rejected as too high, the owner's Bids shall be properly and completely executed on a Port Charlotte, 59 MPH; cited for expired tag. and had the car towed. pointed. offer of $299,000 for nine lots fronting on Tarpon standard bid form. Each bid shall be accompanied by an Hummel Figurines Alexis Reyes, Marco Marine Advisory— Existing members reappoint- Bay Road. Council agreed to purchase: a lot in acceptable certified check or cashier's check made ALL AT 25% OFF Island, 57 MPH. payable to the City of Sanibel, or an acceptable Bidders • Terry Beerman, Periwinkle Way, turned over to Thursday, Dec. 7 — Traffice citations on Sanibel- ed, except Ted Cole, who resigned. Tarpon Bay Subdivision on a quit claim deed for Bond, in an amount not less than five percent (5%( of SPD two clear plastic bags containing a green leafy Captiva Road: David J. Ryan, Park City, Utah, 55 Vegetation— Existing members reappointed, $600; a lot in Sanibel Gardens Subdivision for $4000. the total bid price. • Catherine Ann substance. Beerman said he found the bags on his MPH; Dennis Grengfego, Fort Myers, 56 MPH; except Dave Almas, who resigned. The Contractor to whom the work is awarded will be Gonchoroff, Fort Myers, property and thought the substance was illegal drugs. Robert J. Fischer, Stamford, Connecticut, 64 MPH; Wildlife— Existing members reappointed, except Approved Ordinances: required to furnish an acceptable Surety Bond, letter of cited for going 59 MPH on An SPD test showed the substance to be marijuana. Andrea Lynne Cartun, Owings Mills, Maryland, 54 Alice Anders and Wanda Slayton, who did not seek credit, or other security in an amount of one hundred Periwinkle Way near The bags were placed into evidence for destruction. MPH; James L. Putt, McMurray, Pennsylvania, reappointment. Appointed John Buckley. • Permitting conditional use of docks, boat davits percent (100%( of the contract price. Donax. improper passing. Code Enforcement— John F. Jones reappointed. and boat lifts in the Bay Beach Zone of Sanibel No bidder may withdraw the bid within a period of ninety (90) days following the date set for receiving pro- Tuesday, Dec. 5 — Traffic citations on Sanibel- Thomas Redford did not seek reappointment. First Harbour Subdivision. • Kathryn A. Malfregeot, posals. The City of Sanibel reserves the right to hold any Captiva Road: Wende M. Caltreaux, Cape Coral, 52 • Marie Myrtha Daniel, Cape Coral, was stopped alternate David Fowler became a regular member, • Consenting to Lee County establishing a and all bids for a period of not more than ninety (90) 1995R.C.orBing& on Middle Gulf Road for failing to drive on the road. and William Hillebrandt moved up to first alternate. Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU). Assistant days and said bids shall be and remain valid and in full GRONDAHL Christmas Plat SPD cited her also for driving on a suspended City Manager pointed out that Sanibel taxpayers will force and effect during said period. The City of Sanibel license. City Manager Gary Price recommended the realize a savings under this user-fee, rather than prop- reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive List «74SI OURS '5595 Council consider disbanding the Fine Arts erty tax, system of financing the Regional Solid informalities. Except as modified in this Invitation to Bid, • Troy S. Vargas, Fort Myers, cited for not yielding Committee as a standing committee. With no items to Waste Program. all provisions of Section 2.11 (f) Sanibel Code, shall You Won't apply. right-of-way when exiting the parking lot at Lazy consider, the Committee has not met for several • Establishing regulations to implement a new Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Flamingo on Periwinkle Way. years, Price said. Doing so, he noted, would free the state law for trimming mangroves in Sanibel; licens- Finance Department, City of Sanibel, 800 Dunlop Road, Believe The members to offer their services on other committees. ing of professional mangrove trimmers. Sanibel, FL (941-472-9615), upon payment of Five If the need does arise, Price added, an ad hoc fine arts Dollars ($5.00) per set, which payment is not a deposit committee can be assembled. but represents the cost of printing and time in preparing Island Golf Scores "Freshman" Council member Francis Bailey, Planning Commission Variances: the documents and is non-refundable. Holiday speaking of committee appointments in general, said Beachview Mens Richard A. Noon, III he doesn't believe a person should serve on more Council upheld the Commission decisions in the Parks and Recreation Director B.& G. Angel Ornament than one committee concurrently. City Attorney Pritt appeals of: Savings!" Beachview Mens Golf Association : In a two- pointed out there is a prohibition against dual mem- • Walter and Regina or Figurine List 3195U man scramble, over 18-holes, Wally Rahn and 5 berships and said that where they occur, it's a case of Wolczek seeking a permit OURS»14» Ken Karasin took first place with a 50. Rahn and people having been "grandfathered in." for a minor subdivision in Karasin eked out the win over Bill Alquist and anibel Factory Stores is perfect for Holi- George Brauch, with a 50-and-a-half. Eight golfers day shopping! With over 55 real were locked in a four-way tie for third place — Smanufacturer's outlets like Barbizon, Florsheim, Prestige Fragrance and Welcome Kohmescher and Blankenship, Wilcox and Myers, Home, you are sure to find gifts for everyone Judson and McMahon, and Hoffman and Bilgore. on your list! While you're shopping at Sanibel On Dec. 5, in a three-best balls net on the back The "Natural" geftforthe Holiday Factory Stores, bring your receipts totaling at nine the foursome of Ralph Suechting, Bill least $200, dated December 5th-24th, to REED Alquist, Sam Jaffe, and Harvey Schein held on for & BARTON, and receive a free Christmas or- a one point lead, with an even 105, over the sec- Geroninio nament. Offer valid while supplies last. ond place team of Bill Blankenship, Chuck list 129.95 Stop by American Tourister to benefit the Mlakar, Bob Myers, and Bill Pritchard, who came Christmas carols, joyful times, party times... Ours 103.95 Foster Care Advisory Services, and make a dif- in third with a 106, 1-over. ference in the life of a foster child. You can Decorating time, too. Large Selection Available even benefit the Oasis Youth and Family Cen- — Dick Grant Many for Fishermen or Golfers ter by visiting Kitchen Collection, Fieldcrest This year, welcome your family and friends with an inviting Cannon, Corning Revere, and Famous new look - window treatments, carpeting & tile, furnishings, Brands Ho use wares. wallcoverings, custom bedspreads, condo refurbishing & Ilrnvt <-lul-i GIFT WITH" 1978, 79. 811, 81 The Dunes, Mens Golf Association shutters, including our coordination & installation. Uorliri ! [utiuurl IMalii Vlur tltou r.- Just • PURCHASE IT'S THE SMARTEST SHOPPING Don Sikkena an Lee Stalker led A flight in an Plan riow. lp in K. C am! THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! 18-hole tourney with a 66, followed by John Ford Plan for you NEW LOOK for the new year. (ISC. iI]rUir Italrs and Ken Zeigler with a 68, and the duo of Bill Hon.- Kri. W-i Christmas Ornaments from Reed & Barton McNulty and Erhart Becker close behind, with a Sal-Sun KM Phone us for an appointment at your home or our studio. 941-472-6551 In B Flight Gerhart Sachs and Ed Fowler shot a /Ere you looking for a thoughtful and unique gift this holiday season? You can help MEN to save this endangered species by adopting a manatee for someone you love. "Par- iwr tOt:™n away with fim Place- Bil1 Arthur and [email protected] Den i ENTERPRISES Max rriedersdorf were far behind with a 79. The ents" receive an adoption certificate, a photo and biography of their manatee, and a & of Geo Visit Our Studio af Sanibel Promenade, #15, 695 Tarpon Bay Rd., 8:30 - 4: newsletter subscription. Your contribution will go toward education and public aware- I 193 Sun Ceiiturv Kil. Z°T^ Laurson and Bob Louwers- took ness, research, rescue and rehabilitation, arid lobbying efforts to protect manatees No|ili-«, H. SS««S place with an 80. Decorating and their habitat. - . 941-598-4088 Nine h le winn \ «hnd Drawer swit foh ra th3 e day were Bill Den Card S.,oll, ,.f !>.« Tr.rl, I-". l» K»U I« Tf5ff > 7 *. Walt Badger Save the Manatee® Club Summerlin Rd. & McGregor Blvd., Before the Sanibel Causeway (941) 454-1616 Riff Morgan also with a 37. ». CINDY MAJLSZYCIKI Vt'v Ship Anywhere- 500 N. Maitl.iiid Avenue, Maitland, FL 32751 Mon.-Sat. 10am-9pm: Sun. llam-6pm Closed Christmas Day All rnnjiir ranh arri'|««l or call 1-800-432-JOIN (5646) Scorecard playoff. m^ Jews begin celebration of Hannukah this Sunday evening Tuesday, 8 Commentary Dec. 12,1995 By Anne Bellew 4 cups sauerkraut Islander staff writer 2 potatoes, grated Beginning on Sunday evening Dec. 17, and last- 1 tablespoon sugar ing for eight days, Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, 11/2 caraway seeds will bring cheer to the dark nights and short days of 1 whole onion winter. FROM THE DESK The first Hanukah was celebrated 2400 years ago Place half of sauerkraut in a Dutch oven; place OF THE in the land of Israel when Syrian soldiers tried to meat on top of kraut. Mix grated potato, sugar, car- coerce Jews to worship the Greek god Zeus. away seeds and remaining sauerkraut. Put mixture CITY MANAGER Outraged by this, small bands of Jewish villagers, on top of brisket. Add onion and boiling water to By Gary Price led by five brothers and their father, the Maccabees, cover. Cover pot and simmer about 3 hours or until waged a war against the powerful army and defeat- meat is tender. ed them in what could only be understood as a mira- cle. Potato Kugel (Pudding) State trims mangrove laws When the war ended and the Jewish victors went to Jerusalem to celebrate, they found their Temple 3 large potatoes, grated and drained During the 1995 State Legislative Session, a in ruins, desecrated by the Greeks. Legend has it that they also found their seven-branched Menorah 1 large onion, grated new statute, entitled the "Mangrove Trimming 1 teaspoon baking powder and Preservation Act," was passed. (candelabra) had only enough oil to last for one day. When the oil burned for eight days, this too was 1 teaspoon salt And In one fell swoop SanibeFs own success- Salt and pepper ful mangrove protection programs were preempt- deemed a miracle. 3 tablespoons flour ed by the State and replaced with much The Temple was cleansed and rededicated — thus Flour 1/4-pound butter or margarine weaker.and in some cases, more complicated reg- the name of the holiday, Chanukah or Dedication. Shortening Jews could again practice their traditions without ulations. Add onion to potato. Mix in all dry ingredients. Under the new law most trimming projects fear. Boil potatoes in peels. Peel while still hot and put Melt butter and mix in. Beat eggs well and blend in.- must be done by a new category of licensed con- In Jewish homes on Sanibel and Captiva, and through ricer (or processor). Add salt and pepper. Add 1/8-pound butter to a casserole or baking dish tractors called "Professional Mangrove across America, families will light one candle on the Saute livers with sliced onions, then put through and melt. When hot, pout in the pudding mixture. Trimmers." Florida licensed landscape architects menorah the first night, adding one each night for grinder (or processor) and season. Flour hands, take a Bake uncovered at 400 degrees for 1 hour or 'til are automatically qualified, but regular lawn and eight days, to commemorate the miracle of the oil. small amount of potato and make into a small patty. brown. garden maintenance companies, or tree surgeons Adults and children alike play dreidel, a game Put 1 teaspoon liver mix in center of patty, fold over will have to successfully complete a City-spon- with a four-sided spinning top, each with a Hebrew and make into ball. Place on a floured board and con- sored training program to become certified. letter abbreviating Nes Gadol Hayah Sham which tinue process 'til ingredients are used. Lebkuchen The City Council will be responsible for the " means "A Great Miracle Happened Here." Deep fry in shortening until golden brown, then new state program, so property owners with man- 3 eggs groves they want to trim should contact the drain on absorbent paper. Keep warm until ready to Planning Department for details on the new law. It's about Miracles serve. 1 pound dark brown sugar Under the new law all owners wanting to trim Chanukah is about miracles — the defeat of the 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, allspice and mangroves must allow City inspections of the strong by the weak — as well as the oil that lasted ground cloves project both before and after trimming.. The new Letters eight days. Potato Latkes (Pancakes) 1 tablespoon cocoa law allows trimming of mangroves 10 feet high But more than that, Chanukah is the celebration of or less in height, to as short as six feet high, if the the right to freely adhere to and practice one's reli- 3 large potatoes Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon project qualifies following a City Inspection. "Killed" palms at Bowman's I never let him in the yard unless I am home, and 1 gious beliefs. Chanukah reminds everyone that 1 small onion 1/2 pound dates, 1/2 cup seedless raisins Trees taller than 10 feet can only be cut by a keep an ear out for what is happening. . whether one's beliefs are Jewish, Christian, Moslem, and 1 cup walnuts, cut up licensed Professional Mangrove Trimmer. Beach would be tragic sight He reacts to the fence in much the same way he Buddhist or Hindu the desire for religious freedom is 2 tablespoons flour Any land owner considering mangrove trim- reacts to my wood burning,stove — he doesn't put universal. 3 eggs 1 teaspoon baking soda his nose up against it. ming should be aware of the following values of To the editor: The struggle waged by the ancient Maccabees and 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cups flour mangroves and how a trimming project can be A year ago I got a three-year old dog who had celebrated on Chanukah further charges us to respect gone through three previous homes. The rescue designed to minimize environmental impacts. The Tourist Development Council (TDC) has the religious traditions of all. Grate potatoes and onion together. Beat eggs well; Beat eggs well; add brown sugar and beat again. Such work should be kept to a minimum neces- group in my breeds club saved this dog from the given money for the benefit of Bowman's Beach Park pound. She was rather wild and would run away. Her Special foods including potato latkes, knishes add to potatoes. Add salt and flour and mix well. A Add all ingredients in order given, dissolving baking sary to protect this important resource. on Sanibel. training took much longer and continued to include (both of which are fried in oil, reminiscent of the mir- pinch of baking powder can be added for softer pan- soda in a little hot water before adding. Grease 2 Since Mangroves are a vital component of the These funds ar used to promote tourism in Lee ongoing obedience classes, but she is now trained to acle of the oil), cabbage soup, roast goose with bread cakes. Fry in 1/2-inch-deep shortening 'til golden large flat pans. Spread mixture flat and thin in pans. local estuary and provide multiple benefits to County. However, the City of Sanibel has a plan to the fence. She will not be destroyed for being unman- stuffing or brisket with sauerkraut, kugel (potato pud- Bake at 350 degrees 30 minutes or til done. Ice while people, fish, and wildlife. They provide essential brown. This recipe makes about 18 pancakes. use this money to cut the Australian Pines from the ageable. ding), stewed apples and lebkuchen are served at the Serve with applesauce, hot stewed apples, cinna- still warm. habitat to more than 90 percent of the commer- beach and kill them in place. I now have two dogs who go in and out during the family reunions and dinner parties that are part of this mon sugar and/or sour cream. cially and recreationally important fish and shell- "Kill in place" means standing like boney skele- day whenever they want, who chase each other season. Below are a number of favorites. Icing fish species in South Florida. Contributions to tons for many years. The wood nicknamed "iron- around the yard, who lay chewing sticks or sit on the mangroves to the marine detrital food chain wood" turns to an almost steel-like consistency that steps watching people pass by. Potato Kugelettes or Muffins can be made using forms the basis of the estuary's exceptional pro- makes their removal practically impossible. The aus- Maybe the invisible fence is not the perfect Knishes Dumpling the same recipe with the addition of 1/4-pound of 2 cups confectioner's sugar ductivity. tralian pines that were killed in place on Cayo Costa answer, but in many cases it is an excellent one. butter or margarine. 1 teaspoon vanilla (now thought to be a mistake) about 15 years ago are Let me say at this point, I do not know the people (hors cToeuvres) Sweet cream Privacy issues still standing looking like a war zone as a reminder of selling these fences and I did not buy mine from Privacy issues should be carefully addressed gentler times. How can the TDC fund be used to them. 16 medium-sized potatoes Brisket with Sauerkraut denude our beaches of live trees, leaving people with Add vanilla and cream to sugar to moisten. Spread when considering trimming. If only one owner People must remember whether they use fences or 2 pounds of chicken liver on cookies while still warm. When cool cut into nar- little protection. not, their responsibility is to their animals. trims, a narrow view of the water can be row strips. Dip knife in hot water to ease cutting. obtained, but if adjacent owner trim, suddenly 3 large onions 4-5 pound brisket private backyards, homes and pools become Jane B. Kennedy Susan Laudl clearly exposed areas. Sanibel Sanibel "Windows" better than hedges Obituary LEGAL NOTICE The trim area along the shoreline can include Benefits of invisible SANIBEL FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT "windows" with significant areas of mangroves fence plain as the nose Do you have He served on the board of the Salvation Army FIRE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING left at their mature height. Instead of hedging all Peter J. Pirsch 2351 PALM RIDGE ROAD, SANIBEL mangroves across' a 100-foot shoreline, owners on her dog and was a member of the Detroit Institute of Arts Founders Society. Until its sale, he served on the could trim out 30-foot "windows," leaving something to say? Peter J. Pirsch, a Bloomfield Hills, Michigan DECEMBER 13, 1995 mature mangroves to perform their full natural To the editor: and Sanibel resident, died unexpectedly on board of the Formica Corporation. 1:00 P.M. functions along the remaining shoreline. The Islander welcomes letters to the Saturday, Nov. 25. He was 59. He was also a member of Orchard Lake AGENDA: This is in response to the letter about invisible editor and guest commentaries. AH sub- A native of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mr. Pirsch Country Club, the University of Minnesota Height should be based on "need" fencing from Cindy Weinstock, missions must contain the writer's name, Alumni" Association, the Bison Club of Bucknell 1. General Business Homeowners should take into consideration I have had many dogs over the years on Sanibel moved to Detroit in 1979. . " " University, and was a charter member of the 2. Discussion and approval of financial contract \o the height needed or the amount of trimming nec- and trained them in various ways, including obedi- address and phone number for verifica- He graduated from Edifla High School in 1955 enter into a lease-purchase agreement for the pur- Sanibel Shell Museum. chase of two fire engines and equipment. essary, before they start trimming. An elevated ence and tracking. tion. The right to edit letters is reserved ,-# and in 1959 from the University of Minnesota Mr. Pirsch is survived in Detroit by his wife The City of Sanibel would only approve a small where he was president of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. stilt home might have a living area located at 12 by the editor. Please limit letters and Sue Ann; children, Julie and Peter E.; his mother, INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE ITEMS WILL BE feet or greater; a post trimmed height of 15 feet fenced in area in my yard ,unless I left corridors for guest editorials to 500 and 1,000 words Mr. Pirsch's career included work as vice presi- Irene; brother, Tom and sister, Gretchen, in .wildlife. As this would not contain my dogs, I decid- dent of operations for Litton Microwave in AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT THE PALM RIDGE in a view window would allow for good water Minneapolis. FIRE STATION ON WEDNESDAY, December 12, ed to try the invisible fencing about two years ago. respectively. Minneapolis and president of Glastron Boat views, while reducing impacts to mangroves. A memorial service was held on Wednesday, 1995. Sanibel residents have a well-deserved reputa- I first used it on my eight-month old dog. The Opinions expressed by the writer(s) of Company in Austin, Texas. training took place over several weeks, where he was the letters, commentaries or columns are Nov. 29, in Bloomfield Hills. Memorial donations tion for designing with nature and protecting the In Detroit, Mr. Pirsch was a was a group presi- may be sent to the Salvation Army, 118 West If a person decides to appeal any decision of the environment of this fragile barrier island. The exposed to his boundaries and was corrected when he not necessarily those of The Islander body with respect to any matter considered at such went near those boundaries — first by the collar dent in the Building Products Division of Taylor- Lawrence Street, Pontiac MI 48341; and the City is certainly hopeful Sanibel owners will con- staff. Send your comments to: based Masco Corporation. meeting or hearing, they will need a record of the pro- beeping, then by a firm "NO' from me. Michigan HumanE Society, Post Office Box ceedings, and for such purposes they may need to linue this unique approach to island living when However, after one shock, he got the idea. Two At the time of his death, Mr. Pirsch was respon- considering (rimming of mangroves. 214182, Auburn Hills MI 48321. ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is years have past and he has no problem with the sys- sible for seventeen of Masco's 31 domestic build- made, which record includes the testimony, and evi- tem. He knows just where he can go and doesn't THE ISLANDER ing products divisions, each contributing to dence upon which the appeal is to be based. r 's iu>te: See related story on page 2 leave the yard, even when someone walks by with P.O. Box 56, Sanibel, FL 33957 Masco's outstanding profit performance in recent another dog. Editor's note: See more obituaries on page 10 L years. 10 THE ISLANDER Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 THE ISLANDER 11 Recipes for a "chicken" and potatoes kind of guy Christmas travel running smooih

The following soup is a meal in itself when served of the carrots and sprinkle with the tarragon. Cover SPD steps up presence with good hot Italian or French bread followed by a WHAT'S and simmer for six minutes. With a slotted spoon during holiday season shoppers: salad. It amply serves six. remove the meat and carrots to a warm platter. Add COOKING? the chablis to the pan liquids and cook rapidly to Getting on and off Sanibel will be a • Lock your cars and place personal POTATO, WATERCRESS AND BASIL SOUP reduce by one third. Whisk in the cream and boil bit easier during holiday and winter- items in the trunk — out of sight means By Bobbie shar until it just starts to thicken. Taste for salt and pepper resident season. Traffic control has less temptation for would-be thieves. 3 cups chicken stock '^4\%- p and add the rest of the lemon juice. Put the chicken been doubled Christmas through • Keep your purse or wallet as 3 medium size red skin potatoes, scrubbed &c and carrots along with the mushrooms back in the Easter, says Police Chief Richard secure as possible. Women should be pan.coat with the sauce and when heated through especially careful about not leaving diced CHICKEN AND CARROT FRICASSEE Plager. With the addition of two police 1 medium onion, diced remove to a platter and sprinkle with the parsley. I aides, traffic will flow much smoother purses in shopping carts. served this with angel hair pasta, it makes four help- • Be cautious when using credit 1/3 cup fresh basil leaves 2 pounds carrots, peeled & cut into fine julienne through the intersections of Causeway 2 leeks, trimmed, washed well & sliced ings. and Periwinkle and Casa Ybel and cards. Be sure to get them back after 1II cup water completing a transaction, and use them 4 tablespoons butter Salt & pepper Periwinkle. An officer also will direct 1 bunch watercress, washed, trimmed & The next recipe is a simple and delightful fruit one, traffic at Tarpon Bay and West Gulf only with reputable merchants. 1 tablespoon lemon juice perfect to serve after a rich entree, but use fresh drained Drive as needed. 6 tablespoons butter pineapple. Merchants: 1/4 teaspoon allspice 2 cups mushrooms, sliced thinly Salt & pepper Keeping the holidays safer The cast of The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. 2 tablespoons shallots, minced GLAZED PINEAPPLE Shoplifting and passing counterfeit 1 cup light cream 1 tablespoon flour The Chief says during the holiday money are two main areas of concern 4 whole chicken breasts, boneless, skinless, & cut in 1 large pineapple, trimmed & peeled The music of Andrew Lloyd Webber Place the stock, potatoes and onions in a large pan. season the police department will focus for businesses around the holidays. If half 1/3 cup dark rum Bring to a boil, tum to simmer, cover and cook 20 on parking enforcement and having you suspect someone is stealing mer- By Frank Wagner Cats, With one Look and Seems as if 1 cup chicken stock 2/3 cup dark brown sugar chandise or trying to pay with phony minutes. Melt the butter in a saute pan and add the more patrols in the parking lots in and Islander staff writer We Never Said Good-bye from Sunset leeks. 1 tablespoon fresh tarragon, minced butter to grease an au gratin pan bills, Chief Plager urges caution and 1/4 cup chablis around beach accesses. The depart- Boulevard and the simple and touching Cook stirring over medium heat until wilted. Add ment will use two motorcycle officers. suggests you: 1 cup heavy cream Slice the pineapple into half inch rounds and It was interesting and vastly enter- ballad / Don't Know How to Love Him the watercress and cook another five minutes. Add Boat patrols will be increased as well. taining to hear, out of context, The from Jesus Christ Superstar. the basil to the potato soup and cook three minutes. 2 tablespoons parsley, chopped remove the core. Put the slices in a glass or ceramic "SPD, " says Chief Plager, "has • Call police immediately. Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. Your The entire company of singers was Add the leek mix, allspice, salt and pepper to the bowl. Stir the rum and the sugar together until the strict enforcement of DUI and traffic • Follow the shoplifter and try to get full concentration was on the music first class, but Nat Chandler was out- soup. Bring to a boil, turn to simmer and cook just Bring the water, salt, pepper and half the juice and sugar melts. the tag number of the car. one tablespoon butter to a boil. Add the mushrooms, violations, and that emphasis will con- and the individual performer without standing in everything he did. He has one minute. Pour this over the slices. Marinate two hours bast- • Try to delay the "funny money" cover and cook three minutes. tinue to help ensure a safe holiday." being seduced by all of the stage trap- a big voice, his tones always pinpoint- Fit the medium blade in your food mill and ing occasionally. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place passer — without putting yourself in Drain and set aside. Do not throw out the liquid it the slices in the buttered dish in one layer. Pour the pings in a completely realized produc- ed. His vocal technique was unerring; process the soup. You want some texture. Return to jeopardy. can be used in a soup or a sauce. Take a large saute marinade over the slices. tion. There are usually those complex his gestures strong and relevant. His the pan and whisk in the cream, bring back toth e Below are tips for • Keep the counterfeit bill. heat and serve immediately. pan and heat the rest of the butter, when hot and Bake for 20 minutes. Remove to a serving bowl shoppers and merchants stage designs, magnificent costumes, acting skills helped create the illusion foamy add the carrots and shallots cook over medium and pour the sauce over the slices. Let sit 15 minutes professional staging and - for shows of the characters he represented; his I had not thought about an old fashioned chicken "The most important thing," the fricassee in years. Then recently I was browsing heat for five minutes stirring. before serving. Immediately soak the pan in VERY like Cats - many bizarre make-ups to magnetic stage personality and person- Sprinkle on the flour and keep on stirring for five hot water, do not let sit or you will be in BIG trouble Chief Plager offers these tips for Chief advises, " is not to play police- give a mediocre melody a push over al charisma carried to the rear of the through an old cookbook and came across a recipe. I shoppers and merchants during this tried it but did "twitch" it up a bit. minutes. Whisk in the stock. Place the chicken on top cleaning it. This will serve four. man. We don't want anybody to get the top. balcony. holiday season: hurt." It is surprising how well his hit Other singers in the company were tunes held their fascination during the Francis Ruivivar, Susan Powell, Obituary Pottery shop offers kids a Dec. 5 show. Special guest star Laurie Christopher Sieber and Susan Spencer. Beechman is obviously highly simpati- The musical director was Edward G. break for Christmas shopping co to the compositions of Sir Lloyd. Robinson — I kid you not, that was his Alice F. Amerine of Bethesda, Md., Brian (Amy Koucher) of She has one of those mesmerizing name. Delaware, Ohio and Hal (Amy) of Dublin, Ohio; and' Why many retailers take the on sale for kids, ages 12 and under, to The Deadline for voices. It seems to always be just on Here is a first-class, national touring eight grandchildren. approach "You Break it You Buy It," view and choose something special for Alice Fulton Amerine of Worthington, Ohio and the edge. It has a whine, a touch of the company, with incomparable singers, A memorial service was held yesterday at the Sanibel's "A Touch of Pottery" is offer- their gift at a special price. Sanibel died Saturday, Dec.*2 at the Arthur James blues, a torch quality, and at times, 36 fine musicians — many of them Cancer Center of Ohio State University. Pontifical College of Josephinum and interment will ing children of Sanibel a break -— The sale will be held Dec. 19-23, even emulates the simple street sounds local — giving a powerful, exciting The Islander Born on Feb. 22, 1932 in Canton, Ohio, the be in Worthington. from expensive gift buying. Tuesday through Saturday. Proceeds of Edith Piaf. performance. Yet it was not sold out. It is the Friday before publication daughter of the late Allan P. and Lily Fulton, she was In lieu of flowers contributions are requested for A Touch of Pottery is offering kids will go to benefit Sanibel Elementary a member of PEO, the Ohio State University the Cancer Center, Doctors Hospital Development an inexpensive way to purchase a spe- School. She brought to life Memory from should have been. at noon. Hospital Service Board, the Sanibel-Captiva Foundation or St. Anne's Church, Columbus, Ohio. cial Christmas gift for their family, A Touch of Sanibel Pottery is open Conservation Foundation and the Worthington Area teachers, or friends. Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 ACROSS 1 2 3 4 Fax us at 472-5302. 1 Statutes Republicans. The Islander published obituaries of islanders and The pottery shop's "seconds" wi/11 be p.m., Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 5 — Island, NY 14 10 '"—, poor She is survived by her husband, Ivan Robert former islanders at no cost. Send your obituary 1T Amerine; two sisters and two brothers; sons, Stephen information to The Islander, P.O Box, 56, Sanibel, Yorick" APPLIANCES • • WALLPAPER -DRAPERIES 14 Director Kazan (Kimberly) of Redding, Calif., David (Mary Louise) FL, 33957, or fax it to (941) 472-5185. 15 Kind of berry 16 Nemesis of DECORATING SINCE 1978 Boss Tweed & DESIGN CENTER 17 Become flaccid 18 Kitty Hawk's iiSBEAch locale 20 Black mark 22 Lariats Obri§bnas MoMay Deadlines ^FIOOR&DECOR 23 Bad time for Jonathan M. Praete, MJX, Caesar Publication Issue Date "We Create Beautiful Lifestyles" 24 Tithe Proof Deadline Ad Deadline 25 Interdiction is pleased to introduce 27MsKett Islander 12/26 Tues. 12/19 Thurs. 12/21 29 Of inscribed markers STOREWIDE SALE 33 Hen product \ Shopper 12/27 Tues. 12/19 34 Scandinavian Thurs. 12/21 Herbert M. Simkin, O.D. 6 MONTHS NO PAYMENT NO INTEREST H inlet (Classified) Fri. 12/27 Noon 36 Struck hard 37 Be overly fond and 39 Musical George Eagle 12/27 Tues. 12/19 41 Movie dog Thurs. 12/21 42 Actor Jeremy 44 Dodecanese 3 No. Carolina UHULJ UHUL1H HHQQ "-" freeze 12/25 - NO PUBLICATION - Verticals * Mini Blinds • Draperies • Wallpaper • Furniture island 46 Bit port UULILJ UUUUM LJUCiU Merry Christmas FLORIDA Carpet • Vinyl • Ceramic • Wood • Appliances 47 Loose cloak 4 Surfeited QEHUH DOOQUOBOHie Interior Painting • Custom Cabinets • Upholstery • Carpet Cleaning 5 Self-centered SG 49 Raison d'— mnam uJUfeiLju : 12/27 Wed. 12720 Thurs. 12/21 EYE HEALTH 50 Weep 6 Oaf 51 Adversary 7 Realtor's unit warn ULJUH fejuouum OPTICAL 53 Note 8 Grenoble's river 3reeze 9 Finches [ODD BQEOBD ULJUUU 12/27 Thurs. 12721 Fri. 12/22 55 Beliefs UUUU UUULJtl feJULJDJ opening in January 1996 57 Broadway 10 Curse aUUClH CJE1QUH EHH musical 11 Singer Cantreli IHUDUUQ QHBH EH30 Breeze 12/28 Fri. 12/22 Reg. Deadline 60 Southern school 12 Invites interiors locale 13 Rds. QQQHD BHEH1 16970-6 San Carlos Blvd. 62 Theater box 19 Cotton sheets UUULJULJ uuutimyu reeze 12/29 Fri. 12.22 Reg. Deadline 63 Othello's 21 Ridge of rocks 11SIMINIV181d| 3 |1|P|"HH| M 11! South Fort Myers by Pam "friend" 24 Raleigh native uuuu UULJUU Quail 64 Corruptible 25 Darken Shopper North 12/27 65 Entities 26 Marketplace of lUUUU LJUUUfeJ UU1UU Fri. 12/22 Reg. Deadline In-home Shopping 66 Dill, old old Greece style 28 Cat's-paw Now acceptii^appointments for January Decor To Your Door 67 Combatant 30 Virginia Dare Lehigh Shopper 12/27 Fri. 12/22 Reg. Deadline was part of this 68 Russian 56 Fury 2240 Periwinkle Way negative 31 Petal essence 45 Appear 432-0999 32 On tap 48 Develop 57 Seafood item 35 Pub missile gradually 58 Kind of arch Island Living 12/28 Tues. 12/19 Thurs. 12721 Sanibel 395-2525 DOWN 59 Experiment 1 Obscene 38 Warehouse 52 Pale 11575 Marshwood Lane, S.W. 40 As a rule 54 Casaba 60 Hush-hush gp. 2 "I cannot 61 Feminine suffix Experienced Eye Care You Can Trust Fort Myers, Florida 33908 437-2182 tell—" 43 Kind of rule 55 Fictional sleuth Tuesday. Dec. 12. 1995 THE ISLANDER 13 12 THE ISLANDER Tuesday. Dec, jgl'igfls Reviews Reviews Goss to chair Sanibel Music Festival Continued from page 12 By Frank Wagner By Frank Wagner They were both outstanding. An excellent playing of Verdi's overture to Li tently pull him through the "Show of Shows." Islander staff writer Islander staff writer Little more can be said about the artistry of this forza del destino afforded Maestro Nadler the oppop The writers portrayed are familiar to many: International singing star. tunity to draw from his musicians many differed Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, Larry Gelbart, Mel Congressman Porter Goss, of Sanibel, will be The period known as high season is, in every sense He is a master showman and knows exactly what sounds, tones and moods. Tollcin and Neil and Danny Simon. the Honorary Chairman for the 10th Anniversary of the word, upon us. That means the scheduled he is doing 100 percent of the time. The relaxed body Baritone Donnie Ray Albert then took charge o entertainment events for the island and surround areas NBC is threatening to cut the "Show of Season of the Sanibel Musical Festival, according stance, the small but suggestive movements of his the stage and sang several selected arias from tin to Flo Walsh, a member of the Festival board. are many and varied. feet, legs and hips as he shuffles through a rumba or operas / Pagliacci, Un hallo in maschera, Andrei Shows" to arr hour, instead of the usual hour- To keep you abreast of the area's current cultural and-a-half. It is the time when America is samba, the articulate right hand that seems to sensu- Chenier, La Traviata, II trovatore, Rigoletto an« "We are pleased to lend our support to this spe- explosion, here are mini-reviews of last week's hap- ously and constantly caress his torso are major factors encored with a stirring piece from Verdi's Othello. besieged by Communist witch hunts led by penings Joseph McCarthy and Roy Cohn. cial occasion," said Goss, who will, of course, be in his overall impact. Albert was an imposing stage presence with a full accompanied by his wife, Mariel. Laughter offers viewers some insight into It may not be the most masterful voice in the rich voice and a sense of acting that brought eacH "The people of Sanibel are privileged to be able Julio Iglesias at Harborside recording industry but it is certainly one of the most character very much into focus. The aria frorr the downfall of one of the funniest men of our to enjoy the extraordinarily high quality classical potent when it comes to selling records. His way with Othello was most compelling. generation; Sid Caesar, the comic who grew in music the Festival brings to our community," he popularity while performing at the many resort There were very few audience members who were a ballad is sensational and regardless of what he is After intermission the orchestra gave a powerfu added. hotels in upstate New York. not totally captivated, or affected in some small way, singing, you immediately recognize the voice. reading of Schumann's Symphony No. 4 in D Minor. by Julio Iglesias' Dec. I performance. The female The program contained many of Iglesias's standard Maestro Nadler has performed miracles with the Sid is portrayed by Ron Orbach, a power- Watch the Islander for news of the 10th contingent were especially smitten and made pilgrim- favorites: Crazy, Brazil, Let It Be Me and the lovely, Southwest Florida Symphony. His quest for perfect house of timing. Anniversary and its fabulous roster of artists. ages to the stage with flowers during the entire con- haunting song written by Sting, Fragile. Orbach uses his broad knowledge of the The fall edition of the Sanibel Music Festival's cert. tion in musicianship and programming becomes more and more evident. comic style of the early days of the Catskill newsletter is now available. Look for it in the mail. The Iglesias concert was a self-contained, well Southwest Florida comedians, managing to come off as wise, yet planned and executed spectacular. The setting was still eliciting one's sympathy for this big lug, For subscription information call 3376-7999. simple, attractive and functional. The built-in light Symphony at Mann Hall Neil Simon's riding on the crest of success - maybe too Volunteers are always welcome, please call Flo show had it own superb impact. Laughter on the 23rd Floor much, maybe too soon. Walsh at 395-1616. Congressman Porter Goss In fact the lights heightened each moment of the The opening performance of the Southwest Florida The company, Ernie Sabella, Mai Z. show and must share top billing with Iglesias and his Symphony, held Dec. 2, and conducted by Maestro If there were ever any doubts in your mind that Lawrence, Anthony Cummings, Ray DeMattis, top flight musicians. A special mention must be made Paul Nadler, got the symphony season off to a good Neil Simon is the master of comedy, situations and Ronnie Farer, John Plumpis, Michelle of his saxophonist and the gentleman at the keyboard. start. It was a full house and everyone attending was character one-liners, an evening with the cast of Schumacher and Richard Ziman, is totally pro dressed-to-the-nines. Laughter on the 23rd Floor last Wednesday would' and plays with an ensemble spirit one seldom immediately dispel them. witnesses. i~ The plot, such as it is, deals with the masterful The language was a little racy and the four comic Sid Caesar and his group of writers that consis- letter words left a few in the audience a tad aghast. But, what the hey, that's life! I didn't See REVIEWS, next page see anyone walk!

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472-5800 RENT BOATS JENSEN'S TWIN PALM RESORT AND MARINA XREWS SEPTIC SERVICE 24 fir. Emergency Service o Water Taxi To Outer Islands o co Septic Tanks • Grease Traps 01 Lift Station Pumping 00 Be your own Captain O Pine Island Most Homes $85-$95 O Closest to outer islands Sanibel Homes $125 Fabulous Shelling on Deserted Beaches Excellent Fishing Area 731-5868 CAPTIVA IS. 472-5800 AUCTION • 95 channels in all • Digital technology for • The only mini-dish you the most advanced don't have to buy picture and sound • Equipment, programming, • All available with just 7341 COLLEGE PARKWAY and maintenance starting one easy phone call THE ACADEMY AT FORT MYERS at about a dollar a day* Island Rover WHiini' MERMAIDS PLAY The complete contents of the school will be sold by Dee Smith at absolute auction The West Indian Manatee is a gentle and slow-moving aquatic mammal. It h believed they can live 60 years or more, but 15 IBM Computers, File Cabinets, Office Ft. Myers Beach at Snug Harbor there are only about 1,800 left in the . YOU WONT FIND ABETTERVALUg J.\' ITHi. &:T'&i Furniture, School Desks, Chairs, Copier, TV, FREE SODAS - SNACKS i or renew your subscriptionto fhe Island's preferred newspaper — Winner* of the F\onda Press Association 10.00 AW - 12:00 PW VCR, Chalkboards, School Supplies, Playground 1 Excellence, and Best Front Page Makeup — and receive this beautiful, full-color, 18" x 24" print FREE! Equipment, Books, Lawn ME Equipment Stop by the Islander office or call (941) 472-51 85. 1S.11 !"„! !J>. .. "._• . • -3 LJ;J t-i •_ J r-; :jr. t.u tsu iss, Buyers Sales Tax Charged, Sold 12:30 - 3:30 ic Cnuise 3 as is, Cash or Check, Everything Must NAME , *20.00 Be Removed Day of Sale. ti«aM*io.oo STREET AFT. NO. 1:00-7:00 Sunset Ctniae DIRECTIONS: U.S. 41 South to West on •prices may vary. Does not include installation or premium channels. Territorial restrictions and taxes may apply $25.00 f>.f>j CITY STATE ZIP ., .^College Pkwy. Auction will be on left 7:30 PBUn 10:00 PW tKttattfiigltt Chaise Sanibel-Captiva Islander just west of the Brown Derby Building. ^ PHONE 32075 N> $2

mnammB begins at 10 a.m. at the Island Civic Center. $2 for mem- South Seas Plantation on Captiva. Please call 472-5300. Monday, Dec. 25, Sunday, Dec. 31, and Monday, Jan. 1. Community Church. Call Topper Schram at 395-0130 or begins at 10 a.m. at the Island Civic Center. $2 for mem- bers; $4 for non-members. Call 472-5743 for information. FISH at 472-0404. TUESDAY bers; $4 for non-members. Call 472-5743 for information. NA — Narcotics Anonymous group meets at 7 p.m. at St. 'STEP' IN SHAPE — Marie Mailloux's low impact exer- ARTHRITIS WATER EXERCISE — Class meets at the Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Sanibel. cise class for all levels and ages will be held at 9 a.m. at ISLAND TROLLEY TOURS — Sanibel Trotley offers a CROW TOURS — CROW welcomes visitors Monday CHILDREN'S ART — BIG Arts' drawing and painting the Sanibel Rec Center. $3 donation requested/free narrated tour of Sanibel and Captiva. Find out about the class with Marjorie Bronsted runs from 10:45 a.m. to Sanibel Rec Center pool at 11 a.m. Call Coby at 472- AA — Closed step meeting at 8 p.m. at Sanibel through Friday for a guided daily tour, 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. 0345 for information. Congregational United Church of Christ on Sanibel. babysitting available. Call 395-2543 for information. islands and what they are all about. $10 for adults; Tours of the wildlife rescue facility begin in the education 12:15 p.m. $8 per session. Call 395-0900 for information. departs at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. from Chamber of pavilion and proceed through the outside compound. STEP AEROBICS — Sanibel Fitness Center holds step Commerce. Call 472-6374 for information. CROW TOURS — CROW welcomes visitors Monday ISLAND TROLLEY TOURS — Sanibel Trolley offers a Each tour takes about 1 hour. FRIDAY through Friday for a guided daily tour, 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. narrated tour of Sanibel and Captiva. Find out about the aerobics at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Free to members. Call 395- CROW will not, however, offer tours on Sunday, Dec. 24, BRIDGE VIDEO — Island Seniors view video about the Tours of the wildlife rescue facility begin in the education islands and what they are all about. $10 for adults; 2639. Monday, Dec. 25, Sunday, Dec. 31, and Monday, Jan. 1. game of bridge at 12:30 p.m. at the Island Civic Center. CROW TOURS — CROW welcomes visitors Monday pavilion and proceed through the outside compound. departs at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. from Chamber of Commerce. Call 472-6374 for information. STEP- AEROBICS — Low impact, step training workout Call 472-5643 for information. through Friday for a guided daily tour, 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. Each tour takes about 1 hour. AA — Wednesday Women's group meets at 7:30 p.m. at at the Sundial Resort at 9:30 a.m. $3. Call 472-4151, Tours of the wildlife rescue facility begin in the education CROW will not, however, offer tours on Sunday, Dec. 24, the Sanibel Congregational Church WALK IN THE WETLANDS — A guided, exploratory trip extension 3815. BRIDGE FOR FUN — Island Seniors session begins at 1 pavilion and proceed through the outside compound. Monday, Dec. 25, Sunday, Dec. 31, and Monday, Jan. 1. through the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation is p.m. at the Island Civic Center. Call 472-5743. Each tour takes about 1 hour. NATURE CRUISE — Sanibel-Captiva Conservation AL-ANON — Group meets at noon at Sanibel offered daily at 8:45 a.m. Meet at the Nature Center prior ISLAND TROLLEY TOURS — Sanibel Trolley offers a Foundation's daily one-hour natural history boat cruise CROW will not, however, offer tours on Sunday, Dec. 24, narrated tour of Sanibel and Gaptiva. Find out about the CAREGIVERS — FiSH-sponsored support group meets Community Church. to the walk. aboard Captiva Cruises' Lady Chadwick, departs at 4 Monday, Dec. 25, Sunday, Dec. 31, and Monday, Jan. 1. islands and what they are all about. $10 for adults; the fourth Tuesday of each month, 10:30 a.m., at the p.m. from South Seas Plantation on Captiva. Please call AEROBICS — Sanibel Fitness Center hosts various pro- departs at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. from Chamber of home of Topper Schram on Bunting Lane. Call 395-0130 SELF IMPROVEMENT — "Twelve Steps for Everyone" NATURE CRUISE — Sanibel-Captiva Conservation 472-5300. grams: Nice 'n Easy at 7:10 a.m.; Mixed Impact Aerobics Commerce. Call 472-6374 for information. or 472-0404 for more information. meets at 11 a.m. at Sanibel Community Church. Call 472- Foundation's one-hour natural history boat cruise aboard at 9 a.m.; Body Shaping at 10:15 a.m.; Short Step at 2684 for information. Captiva Cruises' Lady Chadwick, departs at 4 p.m. from NATURE CRUISE — Sanibel-Captiva Conservation THURSDAY South Seas Plantation on Captiva. Please call 472-5300. 11:30 a.m. and Mixed Impact Aerobics at 6 p.m. Free to members. Call 395-2639. TUESDAY Foundation's one-hour natural history boat cruise aboard AA — Closed men's discussion meeting at Sanibel Captiva Cruises' Lady Chadwick, departs at 4 p.m. from COUNTRY LINE DANCING — The American Legion ISLAND TROLLEY TOURS — Sanibel Trolley offers a Congregational United Church of Christ at noon. CAREGIVERS — FISH-sponsored support group meets South Seas Plantation on Captiva. Please call 472-5300. Post #123 on Sanibel offers country line dancing every AA — Closed women's meeting at 10 a.m. at Sanibel daily narrated tour of Sanibel and Captiva. Find out about Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. The sessions are under the direc- Congregational United Church of Christ. the fourth Tuesday of each month, 10:30 a.m., at the the islands and what they are all about. $10 for adults; TOT'S ART — Marjorie Bronsted teaches BIG Arts' SANIBEL BIKE CLUB — meets every Tuesday; the first tion of Sandra Dee. Call 472-9979 for information. home of Topper Schram on Bunting Lane. Call 395-0130 departs at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. from Chamber of course for youngsters 5 to 6 years of age from 1 to 2 p.m. Tuesday a covered dish meeting, 6 p.m.; second, third, SENIORS AEROBICS — Island Seniors aerobics class or 472-0404 for more information. and fourth Tuesday at 8 a.m., at Skip One Restaurant. begins at 10 a.m. at the Island Civic Center. $2 for mem- For more information call 477-8600. SUNDAY bers; $4 for non-members. Call 472-5743 for information, SANIBEL BIKE CLUB — meets every Tuesday; the first offered. Tuesday a covered dish meeting, 6 p.m.; second, third, AL-ANON — Group meets at 8 p.m. at Sanibel AA — Open meeting at 8 p.m. at St. Michael and All and fourth Tuesday at 8 a.m., at Skip One Restaurant. Community Church. Angels Episcopal Church. PAINTING & DRAWING — Gale Bennett teaches class Dec. 12 Doris and Keith Trowbridge, RSVP by Dec. 1 - at BIG Arts from 1 to 4 p.m. Call 395-0900 for informa- please call 472-3665. For more information call 477- AA — Closed discussion meeting at Sanibel AA — Closed meeting at 9 a.m. at Captiva Community tion. 8600. Congregational United Church of Christ at 8 p.m. Center. NATURE CRUISE— Sanibel-Captiva Conservation CROW TOURS — CROW welcomes visitors Monday MADD - The next General Membership Meeting of 'STEP' IN SHAPE — Marie Mailloux's low impact exer- Foundation's one-hour natural history boat cruise aboard through Friday for a guided daily tour, 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), will be at 7:30 cise class for all levels and ages will be held at 9 a.m. at Captiva Cruises' Lady Chadwick, departs at 4 p.m. from Tours of the wildlife rescue facility begin in the education p.m., 1620 Medical Lane, Ft. Myers. For more informa- the Sanibel Rec Center. $3 donation requested/free South Seas Plantation on Captiva. Please call 472-5300. pavilion and proceed through the outside compound. tion call 936-2902. babysitting available. Call 395-2543 for information. Each tour takes about 1 hour. AA — Open discussion meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Captiva CROW will not, however, offer tours on Sunday, Dec. 24, FRIENDLY FACES LUNCHEON — will be held at noon, STEP AEROBICS — Workout class at the Sanibel Community Center. Monday, Dec. 25, Sunday, Dec. 31, and Monday, Jan. 1. at the Vineyard on the Islands, 4115 Sanibel Captiva Rd. Fitness Center begins at 9 a.m. Free to members. Call Call 472-3644. Visitors and Islanders are welcome. For more information 395-2639. FITNESS WALKING — Sundial Beach Resort offers call 472-4861. invigorating, morning, walking workout starting at 8 a.m. BODYWALK — Sanibel Fitness Center program runs STEP- AEROBICS — Low impact, step training workout Course varies from beach to nature trails on Sanibel. $3. from 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. Free to members; $3 for non- members. Call 395-BODY. CROW TOURS —- CROW welcomes visitors Monday at the Sundial Resort at 9:30 a.m. $3. Call 472-4151, for information, call 472-4151, extension 3815. through Friday for a guided daily tour, 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. extension 3815. Tours of the wildlife rescue facility begin in the education AL-ANON — Group meets at 8:30 a.m. at Sanibel BRIDGE VIDEO — Island Seniors view video about the game of bridge at 12:30 p.m. at the Island Civic Center. pavilion and proceed through the outside compound. WATER AEROBICS— The pool at the Rec Center on Community Church. Each tour takes about 1 hour. San-Cap Road is reserved for an Island Seniors water Call 472-5643 for information. CROW will not, however, offer tours on Sunday, Dec. 24, aerobics program at 10 a.m. $1 per session. Call the Rec WALK IN THE WETLANDS — A guided, exploratory trip BRIDGE FOR FUN — Island Seniors session begins at 1 Monday, Dec. 25, Sunday, Dec. 31, and Monday, Jan. 1. Center at 472-0345 or Island Seniors at 472-5743. through the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation is p.m. at the Island Civic Center. Call 472-5743 for infor- offered at 8:45 a.rn. Meet at the Nature Center prior to the mation. WEDNESDAY MONDAY walk. ISLAND TROLLEY TOURS — Sanibel Trolley offers a NATURE CRUISE — Sanibel-Captiva Conservation narrated tour of Sanibel and Captiva. Find out about the Foundation's one-hour natural history boat cruise aboard Commerce. Call 472-6374 for information. $8 per class, ball 395-0900. SANIBEL-CAPTIVA ORCHID SOCIETY — will meet Monday, Dec. 18, 11:30 a.m., at the Forest Country Club islands and what they are ail about. $10 for adults; Captiva Cruises' Lady Chadwick, departs at 4 p.m. from KIWANIS — Club members meet Wednesday for break- 'departs at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. from Chamber of South Seas Plantation on Captiva. Please call 472-5300. LINE DANCING — No partners needed to enjoy coun- SCHOOL AGE STORY HOUR — Sanibel Library pro- for a "Holiday Luncheon With Orchids." Hans G. Meyer, a fast at 7:30 a.m. at the Hungry Heron. Visiting Kiwanis noted orchid authority, formerly of Brazil, will be the guest Commerce. Call 472-6374 for information. welcome. Call 472-1537. try/western line dancing each Thursday with Island gram for youngsters in kindergarten, first and second AL-ANON — Group meets at 8 p.m. at Sanibel Seniors' instructor David Bennett. Beginners at 2 p.m. at grades begins at 3 p.m. Call 472-2483. speaker. Guests are welcome, reservations required by Island Civic Center. $2 for members; $4 for non-mem- Dec. 14. Cost is $10.50. Cah Dr. Faye Granberry, 472- CROW TOURS — CROW welcomes visitors Monday Community Church. DING DARLING BEACH WALK — A beach walk led by through Friday for a guided daily tour, 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. bers. Call 472-5743. NATURE CRUISE — Sanibel-Captiva Conservation 6940. Charles LeBuff and sponsored by the "Ding" Darling Tours of the wildlife rescue facility begin in the education AA — Closed discussion meeting at Sanibel Foundation's one-hour natural history boat cruise aboard Wiidlife Society. This is an historical and ecological pro- pavilion and proceed through the outside compound. Congregational United Church of Christ on Periwinkle OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS — Meeting each Captiva Cruises' Lady Chadwick, departs at 4 p.m. from NATURE CRUISE— Sanibel-Captiva Conservation gram conducted by Sanibel's long-time naturalist and Each tour takes about 1 hour. Way at 8 p.m. Thursday for those people who desire to stop eating com- South Seas Plantation on Captiva. Please call 472-5300. Foundation's one-hour natural history boat cruise aboard lighthouse keeper. $10 per person, parking fee is extra. Captiva Cruises' Lady Chadwick, departs at 4 p.m. from CROW will not, however, offer tours on Sunday, Dec. 24, Call 472-3177 for more information and reservations. pulsively begins at 7:30 p.m. at St. Isabel's Catholic Sanibel B.C. — Life and Wildlife on Sanibel Island Church at 3995 Sanibel-Captiva Rd. For information, call ISLAND TROLLEY TOURS — Sanibel Trolley offers a before the construction of the Causeway. A slide presen- 395-0063. narrated tour of Sanibel and Captiva. Find out about the tation sponsored by the "Ding" Darling Wildlife Society islands and what they are all about. $10 for adults; and presented by Charles LeBuff. At the Refuge Visitor NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY — meets departs at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. from Chamber of Center Auditorium. Recommended donation is $10 per the third Thursday of each month at St. Hilary's Episcopal Commerce. Call 472-6374 for information.AA — Open person. Church, 5011 McGregor Blvd., at 7 p.m. For more infor- meeting is held at 6:30 p.m. at Sanibel Community mation call 939-9085 Church. SANIBEL HAMS — Island group meets Wednesday for The Islander breakfast at 8 a.m. at Jerry's. Call 472-5130. FITNESS WALKING — Sundial Beach Resort.offers SANIBEL HAMS — Sanibel Emergency Radio Amateur invigorating, morning, walking workout starting at 8 a.m. Unit is on the air at 7:30 p.m. Sanibel frequency: 146.79, LIONS — Island club meets for dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Course varies from beach to nature trails on Sanibel. $3. pi of 173.8. Unit welcomes check-ins by visiting hams. Sanibel Community Center. Visiiing Lions welcome. Call for information, call 472-4151, extension 3815. Call Jerry Deutscher, KQ4UW, at 472-5130. 472-2155. AA — Closed discussion meeting at 8 p.m. at St. Michael Community HEALTH DEPARTMENT CLINIC — Free medical and All Angels Episcopal Church. AA — Open step meeting at 8:30 a.m. at Sanibel screenings are provided from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Community Church. Island Civic Center. Call 472-5743. SATURDAY ISLAND TROLLEY TOURS — Sanibel Trolley offers a CHILDREN'S SCULPTURE — BIG Arts class runs from narrated tour of Sanibel andf CaptWa, fvp4 put about the 9 to 10:30 a.m. Call 395-0900. islands and what they are all about. &fOior aduits;. ROTARY — Island club meets for breakfast each Friday departs at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. from Chamber ot STEP AEROBICS — Sanibel Fitness Center holds step at 7:30 a.m. at the Hungry Heron restaurant. Visiting offers information on activities of Commerce. Call 472-6374 for information. aerobics at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Free to members. Call 395- Rotarians welcome. Call 395-0512. 2639. m. and 1 to 4 p.m. $35 per person. Call 472-5161. WALK IN THE WETLANDS — A guided, exploratory trip non-profit groups and civic organizations. through the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation is 'STEP' IN SHAPE — Marie Mailloux's low impact exer- WALK IN THE WETLANDS — A guided, exploratory trip offered at 8:45 a.m. Meet at the Nature Center prior to the cise class for all levels and ages will be held at 9 a.m. at through the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation is To submit new listings and update existing ones walk. the Sanibel Rec Center. $3 donation requested/free offered at 8:45 a.m. Meet at the Nature Center prior to the babysitting available. Call 395-2543 for information. walk. fax your information to 472-5302, or send it to AEROBICS — Sanibel Fitness Center hosts various pro- STEP- AEROBICS — Low impact, step training workout grams: Nice 'n Easy at 7:10 a.m.; Mixed Impact Aerobics AEROBICS — Sanibel Fitness Center hosts various pro- at the Sundial Resort at 9:30 a.m. $3. Call 472-4151, at 9 a.m.; Body Shaping at 10:15 a.m.; Short Step at The Islander, P.O. Box 56/ Sanibel, FL 33957. extension 3815. grams: Nice 'n Easy at 7:10 a.m.; Mixed Impact Aerobics 11:30 a.m. and Mixed Impact Aerobics at 6 p.m. Free to at 9 a.m.; Body Shaping at 10:15 a.m.; and Short Step at members. Call 395-2639. 11:30 a.m. Free to me Call 472-8443 for information. LIVING AGAIN — FISH-sponsored support group for grief recovery meets at 10:30 a.m. at the Sanibel SENIORS AEROBICS — Island Seniors aerobics class SENIORS AEROBICS - Island Seniors aerobics class Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 THE ISLANDER 17

Tuesday, AIDS benefit 16 Dec. 12,1995 Show Biz Arts Leisure Continued from page 16 Continued from page 16 each one of us to devise a combination that would When asked about the selection of numbers u> be never fulfilled, he became an early victim of AIDS. best display the backs of the costumes. We, had to done in a specific program I was told anyone may sug- I had been assigned to create, among other things, learn each one of the five .short combinations, demon- gest numbers but the final decision is in the hands of a wonderful vaudeville number to Everything Old Is strate them for Jani. Then and only then would he Brittain. Show Biz New Again and Violet has been assigned an original choose a winner. President of the Southwest Florida Gay & Lesbian number titled Showstoppers. I cannot remember a time when it seemed more Chorus, Paul Rodino once again stated their goals: as it Wnz Geoffrey was responsible for the redo of Rhapsody than likely four choreographers, plus one, would say "Good chorus singing is our primary aim. We arc not in Blue and Bolero. I sat in on many of his rehearsals "Thanks a lot, but no thanks." politically oriented. But we do hope as audiences hear By Frank Wagner and was always fascinated by the way he moved. He Strangely enough each of us went to a separate our singers and appreciate their glorious sounds they seemed to be the size of a Watusi, with arms and legs spot in the studio where we had a good view in the may change their perspective about an alternate life that were endlessly long and a torso and hips that mirror, gnashed our teeth and put our tootsies and style. A little understanding goes a long, long way." defied physical limitations. tushes into motion. The benefit has been strongly endorsed by BIG Arts. Island Theater Wing, J. T. Smith Encore Productions. Too many choreographers He had a great gift for choreographing on a phrase After a painful few hours he reached a decision by Off Beach Players, Old Schoolhouse Theater of music rather than a specific count. It's a wonderful combining a little from each of us and saying that can be complicated was it. Foundation and the Sanibel Musical Festival. Tickets way to translate the feeling of music but it is almost are $25 (tax deductible donation) and are available at impossible to get a group to move as one if you Encore was a fabulous show. It had a marvelous They say too many cooks can spoil the soup, industrial look about it, chrome and steel set designs BIG Arts, Old Schoolhouse Theater or call Ann Park al I'm here to tell you, the analogy rings — taps — choreograph in this manner. 472-0492. If you already have a ticket, but cannot Jani's final triumph of managerial decisions came with hot colors as the basis for accents. true, even on Broadway. This was the last of the really big spectacular attend please call Ann so the ticket can be resold if nec- when the full company, some 60 strong, got into their essary. That was exactly what happened during the shows on a regular basis at the Music Hall. Rock con- finale jackets. They were constructed like lux-tails During this wonderful holiday of celebration and rehearsal of Encore at Radio City Music Hall in certs took over and the only live show was the annual 1981. At the first general production meeting with a plain front. But, the entire back and tails were giving, it seems most appropriate to help those AIDS heavily beaded in various designs. Jani was deter- Christmas Spectacular which I worked on for approx- victims with a donation for The Hope Hospice AIDS Producer Bob Jani read us his tentative schedule imately 12 more years. for each choreographer's allotted pre-rehearsal mined that the jackets should take stage for a time Program. This can bring a much needed bright new aura during the finale. to their holiday season. time. He then outlined the number of rehearsal Next week: More about Noel! Noel! hours each of usiiad in which to complete the He had a choreographer's meeting in the large stu- dio with all of us, includ- assigned numbers. The Island's premier builder To say the schedule was tight would be a vast ing dear Linda Lemack understatement, I will never forget the look who had assisted every- ...§ince 1983 Geoffrey Holder got when he asked how many J. T. Smith and Company offer non-stop raucous laughter at the Old Schoolhouse Theater. one of us choreogra- phers. We each had on a hours he had with the entire corps de ballet. Inc. Not only was there no corps de ballet but you borrowed finale jacket never got the entire group of dancers before the with a top hat and cane. "Hello My Baby" greets you with laughter Jani became the ring- full rehearsal period. You had to use your allotted SS studio time to devise steps, then pattern them in master and instructed GEORGE your head or on paper. We were never allowed the By Frank Wagner tion onstage and off. Regardless of the name, every en luxury of creating on our feet during rehearsals. Islander staff writer individual is doing his/her part to maintain in tip-top PARKER condition the Grand Ole Entertainment Dame of the Get Your Ebot A battle cry went up immediately from all of INC. . s the choreographers: Geoffrey Holder (you may The jokes were so old they had whiskers. You Islands, The Old Schoolhouse Theater. WANTED knew every punch-line the minute one of the top • NEW CONSTRUCTION | remember him from the old 7-Up TV commer- The password for the evening was "damned the ROSEVILLE POTTERY bananas began to set it up. The sounds effects used to •REMODELING'DESIGN | cial), Adam Grammis (off Broadway choreograph- torpedoes, and full steam ahead." Regardless of a & PAPERWEIGHTS call your attention to an oldie-goldie pay-offs would pitch problem here, there and everywhere, a few mis- er), Violet Holmes (the Rockette's choreographer) be the envy of Spike Jones and his City Slickers. placed steps, and a mad search for dropped lyrics the (813) 466-51001 and myself (the baby-sitter for Ginger Rogers). 995-0130 During this evening of non-stop laughter with J.T. evening was fun, fun, fun. STATE CERTIFIED GENERAL CONTRACTOR Everyone wanted an assistant to be with them for Smith and his Community Vaudeville/burlesque per- Hats off to J.T. Smith - the Players: Bob Brown, HCG-COO7963 In The Door. as much time as possible. formers called Hello My Baby, everything was done Judith Friedman, Sheila Hoeri, Charles Kelleher, Joan with such beguiling innocence, shameless exuber- Knowland, George Madison, Nancy Madison, Fred We have how much time? ance and totally endearing concentration, you forgave Nordstrom, Marj Nordstrom, Ginger Parker, Dick The new choreographers didn't think there was this crew of merrymakers anything. Patton, Cherie Pierce, Nancy Smith, and Kelly Walsh TAXES enough time allotted for studio rehearsal. It was a The opening night of the Second Annual Sanibel - and musicians Chris Luard on Bass and Sam INCOME TAX PREPARATION stand up, pound the table and scream for your Vaudeville was given for the benefit of the Old Wierman on Boom-Ba. • Individual • Corporation rights kind of production meeting. Schoolhouse Foundation. At the beginning of the Highlights would have to include: Joan's sweeping Jani changed only a few things. I'm certain he evening a nice pitch for contributions was made by rendition of The Boston Beguine; Ginger's turn with • Partnership • Estate-Trusts already had carefully planned what specific hours an extremely compelling voice over done by Don the boys creating her new act aptly called G-I-N-G- • Foreign Tax • Non-Resident and times he would mediate. There was a wicked Abbott.. One can only hope that the envelopes, readi- E-R; Charlie's love song to his Rubber Duckie; Aliens gleam in his eye that made it obvious he was ly available in the program, were filled to overflow- Marj's diva rendition of Glitter and Be Gay; and the TAX FORMS AVAILABLE FOR ALL STATES enjoying refereeing. He had let us all known he ing with that precious green-stuff. laugh getter of the evening - Bob's drag as Hortense. felt this kind of competition would put each of us - For many, including myself, this edition was much If you are in need of an evening out where you can THOMAS R. LOWERS, M.S.T. on our toes - so to speak. funnier, tighter, and moved at a zingier pace than last whoop it up and laugh to your heart's content, see 1619 Periwinkle Way, Suite 102 year's first presentation. Hello My Baby! Not only will you have a great time, 472-5152 Sanibel, FL 33957 we dance? It would be an impossibility to count the rehearsal but support a very valuable community project. On the first day of company rehearsals we were hours spent by J.T. and his group to get a show of Performance schedule: Evening at 8 p.m. through I assembled in the big studio awaiting the arrival this sort to this amazing state of excellence. Saturday, Dec. 16 and one Sunset Performance on the master. I was standing by the piano chatting Everyone connected with the show pitched in and Saturday, Dec. 16 at 4 p.m. gave it their all. Remember, this is the holiday season ith Geoffrey Holder when all of a sudden Tickets are $20 for evenings, and $18.50 for and time is of the essence and extremely valuable. THE ONLY soffrey told the rehearsal pianist to play a Sunsets. Please call 472-6862 for reservations. All Let's call it a huge party. Or maybe a gala celebra- NAME IN veeping waltz to liven up the proceedings. major credit cards are accepted. The waltz was sweeping and before I knew MEN'S WEAR what was happening Geoffrey had grabbed me YOU NEED saying: "Mother's leading" and we were off doing Pirate Playhouse offers "Hope" for AIDS victims TO KNOW! a swirling, twirling Viennese waltz with Afro- By Frank Wagner have put on about two concerts a year. Musical Director cuban overtones. Islander staff writer I'll never know how we rated on a ballroom Stephen Brittain clearly states: "Our goal is simple. We competition chart from one to ten, but we ended to pursue a mission of excellence in choral singing. We The Southwest Florida Gay and Lesbian Chorus will demand a commitment to a rehearsal Schedule. For this thunderous applause from the stunned company. present their first on-island concert — a benefit for the If you're an advertiser who wants to reach more people m thi. Lee County area for Geoffrey said; "There, wasn't that fun. We've program we have been rehearsing from 7 to 10 p.raevery Hope Hospice AIDS program — at the Pirate Playhouse, Tuesday night since early August." the money, get a Loe-hold in rhe Sprini/Uniicd Telephone- Yellow Pago? Move ol .ill reached the age where we can do anything we 2 p,m., Sunday, Dec. 17. Brittain went on to explain that the singers were your potential customers use .1 Spnnt/L nited Yellow Pages directory most often. please. You've got a pot, I've got a pot, all God's Many of your favorite holiday tunes will be presented allowed only three absences during a specific rehearsal It's the best place to get a leg up on the competition. Children got pots... Put them together and they by a group of 32 singers. period. These singers come from a three county area U your feet are killing you and you're looking for relief, search no further than the spell the Pot-to-Pot Waltz." Treasurer and Founder of the Chorus, Doug Gathers, including Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach and Sprint/United Telephone Yellow Pages. The official Yellow Pages. The one you've moved to Fort Myers several years ago from Orlando. trusted for years. Sit back and put your feet up. You'll find what you're looking for. I must add his oft-sung version of Mammy's Naples. Brittain reported proudly: "We have yet to dis- Senile. {Apparel Little Baby Loves Short'nin* Bread (with the orig- He had been a member of the Gay Chorus there and felt miss a singer because of absences. As they learn new entlemen s For local advertising sales and information, call 1-800-735-6232. inal racial lyrics) always sent me into a flat spin. strongly that such an organization would fulfill a great music many of the group have become quite proficient at Adam was very much in the Gower Champion need for many in Southwest Florida. sight reading. So not only is there a joy of singing and ^| Countess Mara • Alan Stuart w style of personal dress and movement. His prefer- The first concert was held at the Arcade Theater in learning but also a wonderful feeling of camaraderie." ft'stejslrting ence was free movement combined with a lot of downtown FortMyers on Nov. 14, '92. It was ajoint con- ft Sansabelt • Palm Beach* Euro $k cert featuring the Orlando Gay Chorus, Tampa Bay Gay The musical director also explained that there are no rock 'n roll action. Adam's ego was quite phenom- audition requirements to join the group. He then added: % Sportif»Kaliala»HigginsTrs. 'h enal and he seemed to be stepping off in all of the Men's Chorus and South Florida Lambda Chorale The program played to standing room only, was well If we find that they have a tin ear and are not a vocal Sprint, right directions. Unfortunately his potential was received., and raised the seed money needed to begin the asset to the group, they usually volunteer for back stage If Sizes-Reg. 37-48 Short3646 Long42-54 || , United Telephone Southwest Florida Gay and Lesbian Chorus. positions. The technical personnel are vital for any suc- » Executive Fit -Reg. 41-48 Short 40-46 ^ Yellow Pages See SHOWBIZ, page 17 From that time to the present this group of singers cessful production." , See AIDS BENEFIT, page 18 1333 Cape Coral Parlovay • Down Town • 54S-5450 ^ 18 THE ISLANDER Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 THE ISLANDER 19 Potpourri

BIG Arts' Tenth Theme Show musical creations of living Austrian composers. The ninth annual BIG Arts' Theme The program is being performed at Show will return to its traditional posi- Chapel by the Sea, 100 Chapel Street tion on the calendar — Sunday Dec. (on Estero Blvd), Fort Myers Beach It 17 at 4 p.m. will begin at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. This year's theme is "Reflections" Laurie 21. It is free and open to the public. and will consist of visual works incor- For more information please contact porating the theme. Pictures are limit- Beecliman, Mike Boodenow, Director of Music ed to a 24" dimension in any direction. one of the Ministries at Chapel by the Sea at 463- 3173. Artists may submit their entries for many judging on Friday, Dec. 15. The show will remain on display until Jan. 5/96. talented Covenant Presbyterian BIG Arts has been fortunate in performers in Church's Annual Christmas obtaining the services of Dudley The Music of Uphoff as juror for the show. He has Concert JIM: e Gr«at Shop* &

* 4 * Pick •i MORE! Stanley & Livings ton's A TRADITIONAL * \ Food For Kwik CHILDREN'S SHOPPE tf Menss anadd LadieLdi s Thought Classic Outdoor Clothing CHRISTMAS CLOTHING m (iM Shoes Leather Bags TOYS & BOOKS i By Paul Gaeta Santa Stops Here ... COLLECTIBLE CLOTHING Why Don't You AND For a seasonal centerpiece, place an evergreen wreath on the table and TREASURES heap gold balls or other ornaments in the center. Use last year's 472-0304 Christmas cards to decorate place cards. FLYFISHING TACKLE KAYAKS 472-2221

* • . * *

All-in-one-seasoning-bottled Italian dressing. Brush eggplant slices , r..' •-•. with it, let stand, then broil 5 minutes per side. Or use dressing to ..y,' saute' and flavor chicken parts. MICHElOB/MICHEtOB LIGHT sou Here's how to utilize the nutrients that potatoes lose when you boil Attefttw them: save some of the cooking water, mix it with dry milk, and mash it into the potatoes! $3*99 ***"«& Person * *. * Sure, you love traditional, two-crust apple pie. But have you tried 6/12 0Z, BOTTLES A Gallery of Fine trading in the upper crust for a streusel topping - flour, butter and Tribal Art from sugar - laced with crunchy, flavorful walnuts? * * * Africa, Australia PEPSI *4 PACK, America's favorite ice cream toppings are hot fudge, chocolate fudge, and Native America If we don't have it we 'II create it. caramel, butterscotch and strawberry,, in that order. Two tablespoons - just right on a sundae - add about 140 calories. Tel & Fax 941-472-0003 (941) 395-2200 24/12 OZ. CANS T.6. Ut VIMMIN D Am*


Seafoods SEAFOOD EMPORIUM 1523 Periwinkle Way 472-1366 1473 Periwinkle Comer ot Tarpon Bay Rd & Periwinkle Way I PRICES GOOD THROUGH .12/26/95 A79.7R79 472-3161 Tuesday. Dec. 12. 1995 THE ISLANDER 21 Twin Junonias for sisters Welcome to Sanibel!

HAPPY ^ ill)

Islander photo by Brenda Ordonez Sanibef newcomers — and old-timers — broke bread together and raised their Sherrie Preston of Westtord, Mass., (left) and her sister, Joan Bird of Winchester, voices in holiday song during a luncheon at Tarwinkle's on Tarpon Bay Road Mass., each found their own Junonia while scouring intently on opposite sides of last week. The monthly luncheon is held to welcome new islanders and give Blind Pass. The sisters have been visiting Sanibel for 17 years. seasoned residents an opportunity to renew acquaintances. Fascinating tapestries, felt hangings at BIG Arts By Frank Wagner Of the many felted hangings my favorite is Red Islander staff writer Maple. 1560 PERIWINKLE WAY Send your theater Before retiring, Bujnowski was, for many If you have even the slightest interest in the use years, Professor/Chairman of the School for Corner of Dixie Beach Rd. & Periwinkle Way, Sanibel and application of fine silk, yarns, dyes and fab- American Craftsmen at the College of Fine & news to rics of any kind, the Phillips Gallery has an exhib- Applied Arts at the Rochester Institute of it for you. Technology. He, his wife and family have trav- Frank Wagner. Some 26 pieces by Donald Bujnowski, made of elled the world over studying and teaching the various fabrics of all textures, colors and sizes, are many arts of needlecraft. As both teacher and stu- Fax him at featured in the Phillips Gallery, BIG Arts Center dent he explained that his world of different tech- on Dunlop Road. niques with many different threads keeps expand- Exquisite stitchery hangings made of rare ing. ^-^ 472-5302 or drop it Chinese silk are offered. These three pieces were He explained that if you are interestecHa,— a actually done in China on a special machine quick art sale — do something with Monet type off at the Islander Bujnowski learned to use. Maple Tree is a magnif- water lillies. His statement was swiftly justified as icent small piece, but the; artist immediately the first piece was sold on the first day the show office at 2407 explains it was not for sale. It was a gift to his was hung It was a Woven Anodized Aluminum wife — enough said The other two small silk creation entitled — guess what? — right again! Tkree Crafty Ladies ING masterpieces are named Cape Cod and Dunes. Water Lilies. ,^ Periwinkle Way. Each is priced at $500. For those of you interested in knowing more FABRIC • RUBBER STAMPS • CRAFT SUPPLIES My three choices from the woven tapestries dis- about Felting as a Technique and an artist's cri- played are Autumn Oaks & Birches, Birds from the tique of his own show, Bujnowski will speak on Free Craft Demonstrations Wednesdays 4:7 ^S Ml Marsh (2 pieces including the use of actual feath- those subjects at the BIG Arts Center today, ers) and Colorado Hills.(an unusually large and Dec. 12 at 2 p.m. The exhibit runs through tomor- complicated tapestry).. row, Dec. 13.

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"Excluding sale items IMPORTS BY PINO TILE I & Paperweights flobn Collelte 9lrt As one of the largest importers in South Florida we don't have to sell seconds to give you LOW Prices 985-0130 Pino has mucMo'offer you, the customer. We have easy payment plans and a ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE on CDUI5T/ARD SHOPS WRIGHT SQUARE materials & labor, not to mention the no extra charge for 16" & 18" tiles. So come on in and check us out! Rated 3 1/2 Stars SANIBEL FL 33957 (941) 472-8333 HIGHLANDS, NC 28741 T2"X12" 12"x12K Jean Le Boeuf MEXfCAN SALTILLO MEXICAN SALTILLO FORT MYERS •••1/2 PAPERBACK Genuine Handmade Paperback 12000 S. CLEVELAND AVENUE Includes tile, setting (next to Wendy's) material, labor & 939-4277

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Wanted: Deck or pontoon boat- Palms and Citrus trees planted, 5 to Wildlife/Conservation Jobs - Game Dec. 12—Dec. 19 (PERSONAL SERVICE [ Make Money from Home. motor, very reasonably priced. | CHRISTMAS ITEMS | 6 ft Citrus, $89.95. 12 to 14 ft. wardens, security, maintenance, $4,000. Product Value Phone 549-4961. Queen Palms, $99.00. 12 to 14 ft. etc. No exp. necessary. Now Hiring. Christmas trees. Southern red Coconut, $199.00. Triple Pigmy K & J's Do It All. Pressure cleaning, Sells for $500. 12/16/95 —SSSS—21118663-70 For Info Call (219) 794-0010 ext. cedar. Locally grown. You pick, we Date, $125.00. Pineapple, $200.0C. 7601, 9 AM to 11 PM. 7 days. commercial & residential, i Pays a $350. Commission Wanted To Buy: Old Dolls, Antique upholstery and carpet cleaning. cut. $10 - $20. 543-2565. Christmas Palm, Triple, $200.00. — SSSS—21118705-i The Crow's Nest McGregor at Royal Palm Square - 939-2787 Absolutely a Lay-Down Sale. Purses, Antique Teddy Bears, Old 12)16/95 —SSSS—21119522-72 Dwarf Royal, Triple, $200.00. 14 to Dependable. Lie. Days call 335- Perfume Bottles and Older $200 - $500 Weekly. Assemble SANIBEL & CAPTIVA 6944. Eves: call 995-3403. No Paperwork Blue spruce Christmas trees, any 16 ft. Royal, $250.00. 8 to 10 ft. products at home, easy no selling!! 'Tween Waters Inn • "Goodnight Desdemona, Goodmorning Juliet." Costume Jewelry. 941-624-6763 Areca, $180.00. Growing Grounds, 12/15/85 —SSSS— 21077107-73 941-336-7777 Ext. 29 tree $16. Two locations in Cape You're paid direct, fully guaranteed. 12/14)85 —SSSS—21120039-72 Pine Island. Call 283-1171 or 850- Captiva Drive, 472-5161 A production of Bill Taylor's Theater Conspiracy. Credit card problems? One low 12/14/95 —SSSS — 21113557-74 Coral, Del Prado and SE 24th or Del No exp. necessary. Call 7 days Pirate Playhouse Prado and SE 2nd. Red and white 2450. (407) 875-2022 Ext. 1516H49 monthly payment. Cut interest. No Must Sell - Health problems • Auto 12/15/95 —SSSS-21 120432-4 • The instrumental group known as Topper plays Performance Schedule: Dec.14, 15, 16 at 8 p.m. harrassment. No fee. Counseling air conditioning shop. Cape SWAP & TRADE | tent, grower direct, freshly cut trees. 12)16)85 —SSSS— 21118810-74 2200 Periwinkle Way 472-0006 12/13/95 —SSSS—21121085-70 your favorite rock 'n roll from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and Sunday matinees on Dec. 3, 10, 17 at 2 p.m. available. Non-profit agency. Industrial Park - Good location - 75 Acres Ozak Ark. Wilt trade for Ft. Myers Memorial Gardens "Postal Jobs" $12,68/hr to start + • My Three Angels — A touching holiday story NACCS 1-800-881-5353 Ext. 106. Turn key operation - Asking $35K - house on the water in Ft. Myers & 2 burial spaces in benefits. Carriers, sorters, computer Dec. 12 to 17. No cover, no minimum. $8 (members) $10 (non-members). 12/18/85 — SSSS—21102B70-71 Will stay to get you going. Days 772- Cape Coral area. 901-872-3094. COMPUTERS & trainees. For application S exam by Sam and Bella Spewack about three convicts 4140, after 6 P.M. 574-8653 Christus Garden information, call 1-219-791-1191, Alone? No morell Florida's 12/22/95 —SSSS—21119256-70 with 44" x 13" bronze Please call 472-0006 for further information. respected dating bureau since 12/18/95 -SSSS—21114357-71 COMPUTER EQUIP. Ext P2177. 9 AM - 9 PM, 7 days. who befriend Felix Ducotel and his family on 1977! All ages Including senlorsl GREAT FLEA MARKET •"Auction*" memorial marker with vase. 12)17/85 —SSSS—21118921-74 Second Street Playhouse and Dinner Theater LOCATION. Cape Coral - Bargains! Five brand new "Epsons" Current price $3,000. plus, Christmas Eve, 1910 in French Guyana. Directed Call (Bringing People Together) 1- Sat. Dec. 16th 10 a.m. Multi-Media, four brand new Security officers up to site 800-922-4477 (24 hours). (Men 55+ Commercial land for lease, one 7341 College Parkway take $900. for all. Corner of Second St. and Woodford Ave., 481- acre to six acres - all or partial from notebooks, all $795. Best of all, I'm supervisor for Fort Myers area. by Robert Cacioppo. large discount). The Academy at Fort Myers. here to help after purchase. Retired 728-2725 9111 12/29/95 — SSSS— 21108964-7 $300. monthly. Call or fax 941-542- 12/13/B5 —SSSS— 21120933-74 Medical and life Ins. FORT MYERS 1919, A.M. best time. Fax - anytime The complete contents of the professor. Computer Doctor ol Performance schedule Nightly at 8 p.m. Matinees Retired Police Officer of 30 yrs. Sanibel. Call 472-1274. Bowflex exercise machine, like new, Weekly pay. Uniforms • Eleemosynary - Lee Blessings delightful comedy 941-542-2000. school will be sold at absolute provided. at 2 p.m. every Wednesday. $22 (evenings) and seeking full time employment. auction. 12/16/95 -SSSS — 21120474-3 $450. RCA 27" console TV with Available for security or 12/15/95 —SSSS—21117233-73 Class D Lie. required. Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall produced and directed by Robert Toperzer. Make lots of money with your remote, lour yrs. old, $350. Canon $17 (matinees). Call for reservations and further maintenance work for personal or "EARN AMAZING PROFITS on the Computers, office furniture. 35mm camera, A-1 professional Call collect 813-87S-4648 business purposes. Excellent See display ad. computer - recorded message - 8099 College Parkway 481-4849 Friday and Saturday evenings Delicious Dinner at Information Super Highwayl For 513-347-0036. model, flash and case included, on Monday. references. Call (412) 828-3267, FREE recorded details, call (941) Bruce C. Scott, Auctioneer $100. 772-9592 after six p.m. information. All Major credit cards are accepted. 12/14195 —SSSS—21121023-74 12/15/95 — ttSS— 21120286-73 • Nutcracker on Ice — This lavishly costumed and 6:30 and Show at 8 p.m., $22 please leave message. 331-2095" 941-334-9318 12/15/95 —SSSS —21121471.70 • Actor/Director/Audience forum after the 1 2/1 2/95 — SSSS — 21110484-3 12/15/85 —SSSS—21117764-3 Mortuary driver - Ft. Myers area. AU 415 Must be professional and clean-cut. brilliantly staged spectacle on ice features the Sunday matinee - Bountiful Brunch at 12:30 p.m. Free Information by Fax (813) 632- 12/15/95 —SSSS— 21121399-74 OFFICE & Tuesday, Dec. 19 performance. Smokers Needed PETS & SUPPLIES Must have good driving record. dazzling skating artistry of Randy Gardner and and Show at 2 p.m., $19. Call for reservations. 9051 - Work at home - Be your own Company venicle provided. 772- Call for reservations and further information. to participate boss - Have fun - Making Money - I COLLECTIBLES j RESTAURANT 9161 leave message. Pager 1-813- Tai Babilonia., 3 and 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13, In market Powerful opportunity, do it today! 483-8749. research studies. 12/14/95 —SSSS—21120054-74 Alexander Dolls - 2nd Series EQUIPMENT NOTICE: Florida Statute 12/12/95 — SSSS-21120671-76 $45, $35, $30. - Call - Germany shipment! I Europe export President's Wives. $750. 941-639- Old Schoolhouse Theater 4380, Punta Gorda. Affordable Office Furniture. Quality 828.29 states that all dogs & Home Workers Wanted: Make $480 998-4427 cars, boats, goods, car-conversion. used desks, files, chairs & tables. weekly! From your location. Process • Yesterday. (A Tribute to the Beatles) — See the 12)17(95 —SSSS —21121277-6 cats offered for sale in Florida 1905 Periwinkle Way 472-6862 NAPLES 12/16)85 — SSSS— 21118785-6 TUEV German custom Deutschland Buy, sell, trade, lease. We deliver. In must be at least 8 weeks old, grocery premiums, We mail checks Beatles brought magically to life by the interna- Verschiffyngen! Europa export "Collectors" - 1995 Hallmark Star Plaza corner of Old 41 and have an official health weekly! Application, send long self- • Ho! Ho! Ho! The Christmas Show J.T.'s annu- Market Research Company autos, boote, gueter, Special Edition "Barbie" Holiday Pondella. 997-5S59. Out of town: certificate signed by a addressed stamped envelope: SFL al Christmas show takes a look at the many faces, tionally acclaimed group Yesterday. It is a delight- Naples Philharmonic Center wants opinions. autoumruestungen, TUEV Memories. Mint. $295.00.283-5983. 800-452-1857. Air Conditioned. veterinarian, have proper Food Discounters, 81 Weaverville Get FREE products Deutscher Voll. Phone/Fax 941- 12 PM to 6 PM. Visa/Mastercard. shots and be free from Rd Ext# 24, Asheville, NC 28804 ful look back at the world's most famous musical 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd. 597-1900. 277-1953, pager 941-432-6103. 12/1 5/95 —SStS — 21121504-4 1/5/96 —SSSS—21050292-75 intestinal & external parasites. 12/17)95 — SSSS-211210B8-74 foibles and fancies of the Holiday Season. Take and CASH in exchange 12/15/95 —SSSS—21121201-74 Restaurant furniture, fixtures, In accordance with this statute, Applicators jobs $11 hr. Will train. legend. • The Tallis Scholars - Present music from the forgiving yours! GARAGE SALES f This publication will not the entire family, they'll love it! This is not a gimmick FREE 900# equipment & decor items. 275-4487. Local work. 813-971-9778. 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14 Renaissance on their 1995 North American Tour. 12/15)95 —SSSS —21113615-73 knowingly accept any ads 1)13)96 —SSSS—21121158-73 Limited Engagement: Dec. 18 through 27. or sales pitch. No Tricks/Gimmicks. High Income. Saturday, December 16th. 7 AM - 3 advertising dogs or cats for No Set-up/Monthly Fees - PM. 16145 Old US 41 Rd. Watch for One large/one small fluorescent All seats are $15. 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12, $28. - Call - lighted business signs for sale. sale that do not meet these HIGH INCOME POTENTIAL Regular Performance schedule is Monday through 998-4427 Your/Own Program. 1-800-775- the signs! Tee-Shirt Blow-Out sale, requirements. SALES - No Experience Required. 0712 Ext. 9193, More info call 542-4561. • Beauty and the Beast This is a not-to-be-missed • The New Four Preps . Featuring Three Golden 12/16/95 — SSSS — 21118786-6 T's Sweats and more for the whole 7/9/2014 —SSIS— 21096341-79 Open Territory. Will Train. Call 1- Saturday at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 1/9/86 —SSSS—21121280-6 family. 1 2)1 5/95 —SSSS—21121118-71 theatrical treat. A musical with innovative stage Groups in One. Lead singers from The Affordable Breakthrough in Surface Holly's Expert, Loving Pet-sitting 800-699-6099 Ext. 81402. Sunset Performances on Friday and Saturday at 4 Repair Technology - "Remarkable - ATTENTION: NETWORK 12/17/95 — SSIS—2U202B5-72 Service • while you're away, HELPS 1/9)96 —SSSS —21121281-6 effects, gorgeous costumes and exciting choreog- Association, The Four Preps and The Diamonds. Like Magic!" We repair damaged MARKETERS 25 years accumulation. Collectibles, CAMERAS, TV, visits your home - provides Help Wanted! Retail seafood p.m. Tickets are $18.50. Formica Countertops, Bathtubs, pottery, books & household items. professional, personal and loving market seeks dependable, hard- 1500 Angel Drive, Sanibel, off Dixie raphy. 8 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 13, $34 Porcelain Sinks, Cultured Marble EARN $4000 - $1600 PER care for your pet(s) - short/long term working, bi-lingual (Spanish-Eng) Beach Blvd. Sat., Dec. 16th - 8 AM - STEREO & VIDEO - licensed - pet taxi -19 yrs. in Island employee. Full-time. Apply in person Tops. Apartment Mgrs. Call For 8- WEEK PT WITH THIS INTL 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16. • The Naples Philharmonic Holiday Pops Erich 5 PM. Sony 8 MM Handycam, 2 ban. paks. pet care, 472-1176 at Pine Bay Seafood, Matlacha. BIG Arts Center MINUTE VIDEO, Intracoastal CO. GET IN ON THE GROUND $42, $35, $26. Kunzel conducting, with the Philharmonic Center Resurfacing, 941-575-9193 12)1-5/85 —SSSS—21121555-3 A.C. power adapter & assoc. equip. 12/12/95 —SSSS — 211(19112-3 12/15/85 —SSSS—21121396-73 900DunlopRd. 395-0900 12/23/95 — SSSS — 21119601-6 FLOOR IN SW EL-AREA Telephoto lens, 1 tripod - carrying Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies. Housekeeping Inspector needed. Chorale. 8 p.mTT^&yJFriday Dec. 15.; 2 and 8 PROMOTING PRODUCTS ANTIQUES case, 48 MM tapes, 2 video One male, one female A.K.C. Reg. Benefits. Sanibel Accommodations. In the Phillips Gallery: Would you or a loved one like EVERYONE LOVES! cassette tapes, complete with shots. Great with children! To Call 472-3191. Authentic antique oak "Hoosier" Harborside Convention Center to be checked on Via Phone 24K GOLD COIN JEWELRY & instructions. Used once. $450. Call good homes only!I Sire and dam on 12/IS/Bi — SSSS-21121S43-3 • BIG Arts Music Series presents cellist Steven & p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16; 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. cabinets. Unbelievable selection, all 1-2 times a day? OTHER WEALTH ENHANCING 945-6016 premises. $375./each. 941-283- Light Maintenance F/T - 30 hours, 5 71373 Monroe St. 334-4958 excellent condition. Huge - selection 12/12/95 —SSSS—21120733-70 17; $30 (Adults) $l5XStu4ents). Call 339-1769 leave name & PRODUCTS. 5305. days weekly, 6 hour days. pianist Carol Honigberg in concert: of corresponding depression era 12)15/85 —SSSS—21119418-70 • Billy Ray Cyrus In Concert — The Achey 'Glenn Miller Orchestra phone # - INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE, kitchen glassware. Other oak Saturdays a must. Tropical Sands 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16 Will call back with info. COME & COMPARE. pieces. Jack & Ann's 657-3631 or Discus for Christmas! Babies to Resort - Ft. Myers Beach. 463-1133. | HOME FURNISHINGS | breeders. Raised on city water. Ask for Johanna to set-up Breakey Heart throb will be the entire show from 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 18, $21. 12/15/95 — SSSS — 21120046-70 FREE SEMINAR, 657-3989 evenings. Immokalee $19 by reservation or at the door. VISA/MC Wholesale to Public. Perfect gift. appointment. start to finish. No opening acts, no fillers, just the Cash Paid for Mortgages, Annuities DEC. 13TH, 24 piece crystal glass ware, 12)17)95 —SSSS—21121545-5 • Reflections: a new BIG Arts Theme Show. This • The Will Rogers Follies — Winner of 2/2/86 —SSSS—21106129-74 813-549-5701, leave message. & Trust/Probate Benefits. 1-800- 7P.M . AT THE LANDINGS, radio/phonograph, with cabinet, 12/21/85 —SSSS—21121048-74 Sanibel Beach Club is hiring Country Western favorite, the darling of the line Broadway's coveted award for Best Musical. You 200-0223 Fishing Tackle: Local collector pays bathroom organizer, porch is a Juried Exhibit featuring entries by local and HELM RESTAURANT, top $$$ for (pre-1950) wood fishing Free to good home. English Bull cleaning staff and inspectors. Part- 3/1/96 — SSSS —21121184-72 MCGREGOR & COLLEGE, furniture, books, tools, and misc. dancers - Billy Ray Cyrus, 8:15 p.m. Friday, Dec. see a parade of girls in ravishing costumes and lures, reels, wood bobbers, tackle items. Call 694-7370. Terrier. 283-4832 time, top wages and lolls paid. Call statewide artists. Opening reception to meet and All Island ISM 3/95 —SfSS—21121417-79 472-3382. FOR RESERVATIONS catalogs. Single items or collections. 12/12/95 — SSSS—21118773-73 15., $27.50 cowboys doing championship lariat twirling Water Conditioning 267-3419 12/16/95 —SSSS—21121549-3 greet the artists from 5 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. Water Conditioners • Filters Michael Echols after 5:00 p.m. 489- Two matching sofas, cream Coming attraction: 8 p.m. Dec. 19, 20,21 • Tanks & Pumps 12/13/95 —SSSS— 21121435-74 0587-weekdays and anytime background with light mauve & pink HORSES & 17. (No admission). Aerators • Water Heaters Location! Locationl Location! weekends. floral colors, never used. Both for OFFICE & CLERICAL • Anita Baker in Concert — this gifted, entrancing $40. Sales & Service Restaurant. Ft. Myers Beach. Estero 2/23)86 —SSSS—21106209-73 $650. Moving Sale -lots of furniture LIVESTOCK HELP WANTED Regular Gallery hours are 1 to 4 p.m. daily. Culligan • Wtr. Factory Microline Blvd. Owner financing! Property & Bea's Antiques, 3000 sq. ft. of must go 694-0730.

^-'•"'^ 2 Register Mustang horses $1,200. singer, songwriter, and producer will be appearing Insured - Licensed #941496 business. Jewell Real Estate 463- Antiques. Roseville. Nippon, Art 12/13)95 —SSSS—21120120-72 $40,Q00/YR. INCOME POTENTIAL. Interesting classes and workshops are given daily. 6105. Ask for A J. Pottery, Heisey, Tiffany Style Horse Boarding $125. mo. Horse in Fort Myers for the first time. Put this on your Richard, 454-7235 trimming, shoeing, available. 543- Home typists/PC users. Toll free (1) Please call for schedule. BIG Arts office hours are In the Philharmonic galleries: _--"'"•"" 12115/95 — SSSS—21121194-75 12/17/95 —SSSS— 21121536-5 Lamps, Cookie Jars, Porcelain, Daybed, white iron & brass. 800-898-9778 Ext. T-4363 for Sterling, Bronzes, Paper Weights, .2249 list of "Don't Miss Events." 8:15 p.m. Saturday, Opening Friday, Dec. 8 ^.^-~~*"" Complete with 2 Orthopedic firm 12/14/95 —SSSS—211 20988-74 listings. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. CREDIT PROBLEMS? COMMUNITY always buying. 1535 N. Buss. 41 Ft. mattresses & trundle. Never used. 12)13185 — 5$SS—211011B9-74 Dec. 30 • Artists of the Boston ArrClub, 1854-1950. FREE INFORMATION Myers open Wednesday through Still in box. Cost /$800. Must sell - FREE CALL CALENDAR Sunday 10-4.995-0130 $285. Can deliver. 278-3379. GENERAL-HELP Customer Service/General $53.50, $48.50 and $43.50. Tickets are available 1/12)96 —SSSS—21108502-70 Island Cinema • Yaacov Agam: Multidimensional Art.. 1-800-597-6421 12/25/95 — SSSS — 21121195-78 WANTED Office. 12/15/95 — SSSS— 21121325-70 Immediate openings at now for all three spectacular events at the Open Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. "WANTED" Reflections Antiques Brass bed, queen size, complete 535 Tarpon Bay Rd. 472-1701 "ARTISTS & CRAFTERS" 95/96 Christmas Sale HOME TYPISTS, our fast growing 24 hr. Harborside Box Office and all Ticketmaster loca- with Orthopedic firm mattress set. National Fire Protection Co. A two-theater complex (Theater schedule permitting) Docent guided tours ABSOLUTELY FREE | SESSION - ARTS & CRAFTS 15% - 30% off everything Cost $900 - must sell $250. Never PC users needed. $45,000 income SHOWS. SANIBEL ISLAND - JAN. used, still in box. Can deliver. 278- potential. Call 1-800-513-4343 F/T with benefits. tions: Peaches, Marshalls and select Specs. For of the exhibitions are offered daily at 11 a.m. 17TH., FEB. 21 ST., & APRIL 3RD. in store until Christmas. • "Money Train" with Wesley Snipes and Woody Will PAY top $$$ for your running 50% off most tamps. 3379. Ext. B-1261 Permanent cars & trucks. FREE pick up of non- NAPLES- JAN. 20 S 21. & MAR. Apply in person further information, please call 332-6120. Closed Sundays. 27TH. FT. MYERS - DEC. 9 & JAN 15501 McGregor Blvd. 12/22/95 — SSSS—2112H96-76 12/16)85 —SSSS — 21092625-6 Harrelson (Rated R) at 7 and 9:25 p.m. running cars, appliances, scrap M-F 9 AM - 6 P.M. 27 & 28. SARASOTA - MARCH 16 Miner's Plaza 489-2799 Avon all areas. $10-$12 hr, average. $3 Gallery Admission. metal, etc. Some restrictions apply! 1661 Estaro Blvd., 26A • "Goldeneye" A James Bond Thriller with Pierce Call 454-6501. & 17. & JAN. 10. VENICE - MAR. 21. Tues.-Sat. MEDICAL & HEALTH j Workplace, friends, neighbors. Your Broadway Palm Dinner Theater 12/16/95 — SSSS — 21121546-3 'FREE BOOTHS TO NON-PROFIT 12)16/95 —SSSS— 21120305-5 products at cost. No door-to-door F.M.B. Brosnan (Rated PG 13) at 7 and .9:35 p.m. ORGANIZATIONS. WRITE/CALL required. Part/full time. Insurance 12/28/85 —SSSS— 21117525-5 Bingo Hall Fraud Exposed! Senior Pace Saver Excel 3 wheel scooter, 1380 Colonial Blvd. 278-4422 Naples Dinner Theatre FOR EXHIBITORS APPLICATION. FOR THAT SPECIAL GIFT! never used - Retail $2,800. Make available. Independent sales rep. Full time Receptionist/ Tickets are $6.50 for adults, $4.00 for seniors and Citizens reveal startling secrets, COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, ART & Sandi 1-800-956-216S. many Bingo Hall operators don't The Purple Place offer, includes batteries & charger. Reservationist. Good pay and children 11 and under. • "The Sounds of Christmas" — a Holiday Present 1025 Piper Boulevard North (800) 741-3108 CRAFT SHOWS, P.O. BOX 1835, 941-946-0380 1)12/86 —SSSS— 21096698-71 want you to know! Be informed! BOCA G RAN DE, FL 33921. 941 - 1940 Sutvanee Ave. benefits. Weekends required, days wrapped with Song and filled with Dance that • Music Mania, the all new restaurant policy will Send for shocking free details: JPC, 964-1457 Fort Myers. 12)21/95 —SSSS— 21121075-75 $35,O00/YR. INCOME potential. only. Sanibel.Realty call 472-6565 Reading books. Toll free (1) 800- 12/12/85 —SSSS~-2112C872-3 Dept. "1020," 1339 Princess Street, 12/1 5<95 —SSSS—21104669-74 Sparkling crystal, beautiful Sanibel Island Comedy Club plays through Dec. 31. For further information present a sensational new musical The Regina, Sask. S4T-3Y9 Canada. silver, fine china, elegant MISCELLANEOUS"! 898-9778, Ext. R-4363 far details. 12115/95 —SSSS— 21121126-74 12)14/95 —SSSS—211011B7-74 and/or reservations please call (941) 278-4422. 1940's - When Radio Was King. CEMETERY • candelabras. Pressure cleanersl-PSI 1760-$199, # t|j -& & £ $ Loco's Island Grill and Cantina Off US-41, two blocks north of Plus — a delicious gourmet menu created and CHRISTMAS TREES CREMATION 2000-$399, 3000-$699, 3500-$899. Job interview - Probation got you THESE ARE DINGBAT? Rabbit Road at San-Cap Road 472-8833 Scotch Pine Edison Mall. Loaded. Factory Direct Catalog. Full worried? Get clean in just 2 hours - And They Will Help You Guaranteed all natural Herbal Arcade Theater Douglas Fir, Fraaier Fir Mon.-Sat. 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Warranty. O/Nite Del. Lowest Prices. You use them to Dra* • Opening Wednesday, Dec.13 will be a nation- supervised by Chef Philippe La Croix. New Simple Cremation, Since 1972. 24 Hours. 1-800-333- products available Purple Ringer, Starting at $14.95 936-1572 Attention to your Classlfie ally known stand-up comic. Showtime is 9 p.m., 2267 First St. 332-6888 Naples Dinner Theater dress code - Men's Jackets a dignified alternative 12/23/85 —SSSS— 21130717-70 WASH (9274) "the tobacco shop with the hippie Open 7 days/week. 9-9. to the expensive 12/18/95 —SSSS—21072132-71 flavor." 3915 Broadway, Ft. Myers. We have many more t • Christmas Fever with the Sweet Adelines — Fleamasters Flea Market. choose from. Wednesday through Saturday. Requested, not required. traditional funeral. APPLIANCES Bahama Cruise!! 5 days! 4 nights. 936-7464 Barbershop Quartet Singing at its Best. Across from Hess Station. Cost discussed Underbookedl! Must sell!! 12)15195 -SSSS—21108550-73 Featured in the Cantina — Wednesday through Call (800) 741-3108 for reservations and further 12/24/85 —SSSS — 21121336-5 Appliance Surplus. Washers and $279/couple - Limited tickets. 1- ANSWER PHONES - $9.00 HR. - by phone. PT-FT - NO EXPERIENCE. LOCAL 10/2012014 —SSSS- 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, $10. information about the Naples dinner Theater's Call for free literature, dryers from $65. Refrigerators from 800-935-9999 ext. 181. Monday 21107706-79 Sunday; music by Charlie Jenkins and Company. BUSINESS thru Saturday 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. S1 HIRING. 1-809-474-6545. 1-800-891-9377 $99,337-3315. -SSSS —21116075-6 12)15/85 —SSSS— 21120208-73 14299 1/1/B6 novel, different and new approach to Dining and OPPORTUNITY 12/30/95 —SSSS- 21098B32-6 Claibourne & Ned Foulds Theater New washer and dryer, not used, 1/1/96 -SSSt — 211084B3-5 Acrylic appliers,:$11 hr. We train. PART TIME - HELF Entertainment. C.P.A., Retired -Professional Tax $4,300 Funeral Package, lot ready lo pick-up in Cape Coral, S.w. CRATERS AND FREIGHTERS- Labor, mgmt. Local work. 813-977- Services. Corporations formed, new included at Coral Ridge Cemetery. 8th Place, close to 47th Terrace tor Crating and Shipping - Domestic .7886. WANTED business setup. All done Must Sell - $3,000. firm. Private only $750. 941-277-1953, pager and International. National 1/13/86 —SSSS—21117379-71 owner, call 505-325-8704 for info or company. Door to Door. Fully Part-time clerk needed. No nigl reasonably. Experienced, creative, 941-432-6103. >: ' ': ; Sundays. Apply at Goo professional, confidential service at Coral Ridge- 283-0540 ask for Ann Insured, Residential and SINGERS!!! Commercial. Furniture, Art, Country, Easy Listening, and. Boutique, 2440 Palm Ridge your business or home. 693-6770. :•• Sanibel. 12/22/95 — SSSS—21O3»643.7» •- Antiques, Machinery, etc. Free Pick- Gospel! Nashville Talent Scout Up. 772-3100. making "FREE" One Song audition 12/14/95 —SSSS—21119525 To submit information to Mini Marina/Salis - Repair facility, BUILDING SUPPLIES | 1/5/86 -SSSS—21118439-72 recording for Record Producers. Delivery drivers, flexible u in Gape Coral on the water. Real WANTED TO Orlando/Bahama Cruise!! 8 days/7 Thur. Dec. 14th. 2 PM - 10 PM- Drivers needed for deli' estate, equipment & exclusive Steel buildings, some blemished flowers. Apply in p panels. 40" x 30' x 12' was $6,400 nights. Underbooked. Must sell!! Days Inn North 13353 N. Cleveland boat/motor franchises. If you're We buy old paintings, old oriental 1 Ave. Bring back-up cassette, Stephanie's Florist, 1904 B' looking to go in business & like rug, old books, old silver sets, old will sell for $3,030. Also, 1-50 x 75' x $199/per person. Limited tickets. 1- Drive, Fort Myers, Florid1 18' $8,039. Open ends, guaranteed 800-414-4151 ext. 181. Mon.-Sat. 9 acappella, or quitar. NO bands. NO boats, this is for you. Reduced, clocks, old musical instruments. calls Askfor JO E CUMBERLEDGE. 275-7673. $225,000.0.8.O. 574-6444. complete parts. 1-800-292-0111 a.m.-10 p.m. ST 14299 481-3999, 481-5150 anytime. 12/14)35 -SSSS — 21118507-74 12/12/95 —SSSS—211? iat's Playing 12/23/95 '— SSSS— 21107B62.B1 1/2/96 — SSSS-21036344-71 12)14/95 — SSSS—211210B6-74 12)22)95 —SSSS — 21119491-5 send it to Frank Wagner at our fax number — 472-5302, or call him at 472-5185. Tuesdav. Dec. 12" 1995 * THE4SLANDER * 22 MMfcvlf^Jna ***»

Tuesday 26 Classified Dec. 12, 1995 Real Estate

PART TIME - HELP TYPESETTER Camaro 1990 RS coupe. Clean 1975 GMC Truck w/20 ft. box, 350 24 ft. Manta power catamaran open inside S out. Runs & looks good. LOW MILEAGE Chevy (new), 4 spd., rebuilt fisherman, twin 85.H.P. Yamaha. Mac Experience Preferred transmission, back overhead door, Trailer, electronics, new bottom WANTED $450 down. We OK all types of CUTEST LITTLE 472-5185 472-5185 credit. 489-4422. Dealer. side cargo door, good tires, runs paint, like new condition. $20,000. Apply at: MERCURY BOBCAT Part-time clerks needed. Must be 12/16)85 — SSSS—21118448-72 great, MUST GO! $1,995. OBO. 481-6241 Classifieds THE BREEZE CORPORATION IN FLORIDA . (941) 540-0357 12/14/85 —SSSS—21120000-73 able to work flexible hours - No Ford Tempo 1989, 4 dr., clean nights. Apply Goodwill Store, Fort • 2570 DEL PRADO BLVD. inside S out. Automatic, air. Only 1979, 66K, 1 2)14/85 —SSSS — 21120048-5 Myers Beach Center - 19041 San CAPE CORAL, FL. $199 down with terms on balance. 90 YR OLD LADIES CAR ATTENTION Carlos Blvd., or Sanibel, 2440 Palm 12/26/2012 — SSSS — We finance. Call Russ T. only @ AUTO - AC REC. VEHICLE! I NOT USING YOUR BOAT? Ridge Rd. or 11801 South 21111749-7S 489-4422. Dealer. LOOKS & RUNS LIKE NEW. TIRED OF PAYMENTS? Cleveland Ave. & 3226 Del Prado Cabinet cutter experienced with 12/16)85 —SSSS—21118453-72 ONE OWNER NON-SMOKER Coachman Motor Home, 1992, 34 RELOCATING? Blvd. EOE. Drug free workplace. WE PAY CASH FOR WELL radial arm saw and or panel saw. GARAGE KEPT ft., Adapted for Handicap with 1Z/16/85 -Sttt~211193B5.j 1986 Plymouth Reliant 4-door MAINTAINED PRE-OWNED Experienced instafler also needed. $1,850. hydraulic lift, approx. 11,000 miles. Apply 911 S.E. 15th Avenue, black, cold AC, automatic, only 31K Like new. Asking $49,900. Call after BOATS. NO HASSLE!!! miles. NEW $2,985. Call 472-1095 850-3065 5 PM 941-574-5849 WE COME TO YOU!! Industrial Park, Cape Coral. 12)15)95 —SSSS— 21116148-74 PROFESSIONAL 12/15/95 —SSSS—21120113-75 12/15/95 —ISSS—21121581-3 12)16/85 —SSSS—211 18806-74 FISCHER MARINE Pontiac 1990 Grand Am, 1989 Hyundai Excel GL, red, 4 dr., (941)694-4626 HELP WANTED Drapery seamstress experienced in 1990 Regal Prowler 34 ft. - rear 12/15/85 — SSSS—21121295-78 drapery work. Full time position, immaculate, new paint, air, gray cloth inlerior, automatic, cold queen bed, full bath, well-kept, a/c, am/fm stereo, new a/c parts, '94 Hurricane deck boat, loaded, Hairdresser/and or nail tech. year found. Call 995-6966. automatic, stereo. Other extras. Just $10,000 O.B.O. Also 8 ft. slide-in $275 lot fee with terms arranged extra low 63k miles, runs & looks truck camper, freezer, shower, sink prime condition, fresh undercoat, 85 Immediate opening / booth rental' 12)15)85 —SSSS—211212B2-73 great, $1,800 O.B.O. 549-5620. Del Prado Salon. Call 574-2221 ask here. 489-4422. Dealer. 6 hot water tank, $550 O.B.O. 433- H.P. Yamaha. List $13,000 - asking for Mary. 12/16)85 —SSSi— 21119444-72 12/15/95 —SSSS—21117672-71 2630. $9,700. Moving - must sell. Call 549- DOMESTICAUTOS \ Nissan 1992 Stanza, 4 dr. Many 12)15)85 —SSSS—21120218-75 6803. 12M3f95 —Slit—211 ZO920-74 1988 Ford Taurus, cold a/c, P/S, — SSSS—21121311-70 P/S, power mirrors, am/fm stereo, extras. Clean. Maroon paint with 1985 Jamboree Railye, 24', sleeps 12/15/95 RESTAURANT - '93 Geo Metro, low miles, cold A/C, brand new base coat/clear coat deluxe interior. Must see. $550 6, rear bed, 6 new tires, 46,000 1973 National 23 ft. center console, gas saver, just $500. down and maroon paint, perfect gray interior, down. We finance. Call Russ T. only miles, good condition, asking head, new batteries, transom & out HELP WANTED $189. per month. Call Dan Yaple at 3.0 L, V6, very well-kept, only @ 489-4422. Dealer. $14,500,466-0413 drive, tilt, needs some work. $4,500 Roger Dean Chevrolet 574-3326. $2,600. O.B.O. 549-5620 12/16)95 —SSSS-211 18445-72 12)15/85 —SSSS—21121306-72 without trailer. $5,500 with trailer. 12/16/95 —SSSS—21058966-82 Now taking applications for all 12/15/95 —SSSS—21118512-71 Mazda 1992 Protege, 4 dr., clean. 36' - 1991 Nomad Fifth Wheel by Call 283-4863. positions. Bar, dining room, kitchen '92 Geo Storm GSI, automatic, air, 1992 Ford Festiva GL, red, Extras. Air, good condition. Only 12/15/95 —SSSS —211214B4-4 & office. At the new Riviera only 44,000 miles. Call Bruce Smith Skyline. Tri-axle, slide-out, queen automatic, cold AC, JVC stereo $450 down with low payments on bed, micro, washer-dryer, awning, 1986 Cobia Sportster, 18 ft., cuddy Restaurant. Opening soon on for more info Roger Dean Chevrolet radio w/cassette, 65K mi., $3,900. balance. We finance here. 489- cabin, sleeps two. 140 Mercruiser, Sanibel. Please call 472-6866 9 AM 574-3326 central air/heat, light oak, used only Call 472-4754.1985 Nova "Made by 4422. Dealer. 3 months. $15,900 O.B.O. Call 995- radio, always dry stored. This boat is -3 PM. 1Z/16/B5 — SSSS—21060201-B2 Toyota", 5-speed, stereo 12/16/95 —SSSS—21118449-72 beautiful! 283-1998 or 283-9577, 12)15185 —iitS—I1130JB7-3 4381. '92 Pontiac Grand Prix SE loaded, w/cassette, tilt, cruise, cold AC, one Mercedes '89, 300E, gold, dual air 12/15/85 —SSSS—21121371-78 Pine Island. as low as $388. down Call 332- owner, excellent condition, $1,900. 12/15/95 —SSSS—21121507-4 WHO bags, excellent condition. One SALES - HELP 0448, Dlr Call 472-1095. owner. $1,500 below book. $17,300. WANTED 12/16(35 —SSSS—21074014-72 12/13/95 —SSSS—211204B8-3 Call 629-9190 or 629-7593. MOTORCYCLE & '73 Omega, 28', 9' beam, '92 Camaro V-8, T-tops, loaded, 1984 Pontiac 6000LE, excellent 12/15/85 —ISSS—21120335-78 MOPEDS must sell, Real Estate Sales - Sanibel, Captiva red, 1 owner, only $487 down. Call condition, new tires, air conditioned, 1986 Honda Accord LX, 4 dr., cold looking for best offer. & Marco Islands. Small, hard 332-0448, Dlr. battery, $1,800. 945-1294. a/c, PW, PDL, PS, PB, burgundy 1995 XL Sportster 1200. Must sell Call Ed, 997-7066. DOES working office looking for honest 12)15)95 — SSSS—21O7B43B-72 12/12/95 —SSSS—21120691-70 exterior S interior, new top end on before repo'dl Asking $12T'S. Of 12/15/95 —SSSS— 21121526-74 licensed real estate agent. Friendly •95 Toyota Tercel, only 3,500 miles, 1988 LeBaron Convertible - engine just done, $1,000 in custom course I'll negotiate! Extras work environment. Contact John full factory warranty, as low as $518. Loaded, red with black top, 78,000 ICW 15" chrome Quasar wheels & included. Black leather jacket, $80. 1984 Manatee boat Gee, Sanibel & Marco Island Call 332-0448, Dlr. miles, very nice and extremely tires, very dependable, real eye Helmet, $25. Serious inquiries only. 18.2 cuddy cabin. Fully Properties, (941) 472-4808. 12/16/85 —SSSS—21083677-72 clean, $5,700. or partial trade or catcher, sacrifice, $2,850 O.B.O. 994-7900 or 275-8698. equipped, front anchor, very MtlSC —SStt—21102270.3 beat offer. (941) 997-4880 549-5620 12/15/85 —SSSS—21121166-70 low hours. 1985 - 90 HP "93 Honda Accord Wagon, very 12/15/95 —SSSS—21120480-71 clean, low - low miles, for more 12/12/85 —SSSS—21120705-70 Mariner S/S prop, aluminum tilt Wanted: 1986-1/2 Toyota Supra with Targa Experienced Display information call Erik Herman at '87 Mustang LX, clean, $2,600. '84 PERSONAL trailer. New battery & tires. Roger Dean Chevrolet 574-3326 Charger, $800. '87 Ram Charger, top, only 87,000 miles, automatic, $5,000 B.O. Advertising Telemarketer. Full 12/16/95 —SSSS— 21100687-82 . clean, $5,000. 458-3438. fully loaded, same body style up WATERCRAFT through 1991 or 1392. Great Call 472-2661 Time Position. Guaranteed '91 Geo Prism 4-door, automatic, 12/12/95 —SSSS—21120719-70 Base Salary Plus 8% to 12% condition. $5,500. or best offer. 1995 GTS Sea Doo three seater 12/15/95 —SSSS— 21121542-3 A/C, $500 cash or trade 1986 Cadillac Seville, black & silver, Partial trade. (941) 997-4880 w/trailer. Must sell, brand new, less Commission Structure. Full $159Jmonth.. Call Doug Higham at two-tone poaint, same body style as 21 ft. Crestline Pontoon Boat, 50-HP 12/12)95 —SSSS—21120703-70 than 6 hrs. Full warranty until July Force. New Bottom Paint. VHF, Benefits. Roger Dean Chevrolet 574-3326. 1991. Leather interior, 60,000 1996. Serious calls only. $5,000 Send Resume to: 12/16/95 — SSSS—21101803-82 miles, loaded, showroom new. 1988 Subaru Justy, 5 spd., 4 wheel Depth Finder, Full Coast Guard Priced to sell $5,350. Call John 470- dr., 49,000 miles, 40 MPG. Days firm. 495-4368 mobile, 992-0013 Package. Engine Needs Work. Larry McDonald '92 Pontiac 4 door, auto, low miles, 2039. 941-332-7998, eves. 941-540- (Bonita Springs) $1,500.(941)575-9368. General Manager, only $500 cssh down or trade $149 12/12/95 —SSSS— 21120760-76 4133. 12/16/85 —SStS—2-Hm.6O 8-75 12/16/95 —SSSS—21121655-6 Charlotte Shopping Guide per month. Call Donny Colton at 1985 Cadillac El Dorado - Custom - 12)13)85 —SSSS—21120936-74 128 W. Charlotte Ave. Roger Dean Chevrolet 574-3326. POWER BOATS Pj ^SAILBOATS | 12/16/95 — SSSS—2H04872-B2 Vogue tires, 66,000 miles, trunk Punta Gorda, FL 33950 straps, front grill, rear tire, yellow E C T OR Y 941-639-1136 '95 Cadillac Sedan Deville, Montana body, white top, all options, J978 26 ft. Luger, fiberglass. Sail blue with matching leather loaded CLASSICS & HOUSEBOATS BoauAluminum mast, S.S. rigging 12)29/85 —Stst— 211204S3-6 excellent condition - Best offer. 540- 1996, 30 ft. Lil-Hobo Deluxe, with all the toys, save thousands 7777 or leave message. ANTIQUE AUTOS 750#r~swiqg keel. Sails, anchor, over new. Call Dave Large, Roger Outboard & Trailer, Loaded. List needs woriC-Najrailer. Offer. Call 12/12/95 — StSS—21120B42-70 $38,751. Will Wholesale Dean Chevrolet 574-3326. 1988 Gazelle factory made replica 283-4863. • •**•* 12/16/B5 —SSSS— 21112863-82 Lincoln Continental 1991 Signature $29,700 1996, 30 ft. Lil- 12/15/95 —SSSS —2i>K485-4 of 1934 Mercedes Cabriolet, Ford Hobo, Week-N-Der, Outboard & Mustang 1988 coupe. Clean. Model. By original owner. 61,000 front engine drive line, red & white, HAVE YOU miles with 10,000 miles remaining Trailer, List $34,726. Will Wholesale \) Automatic, air, deluxe interior. Good over $16,000 new, asking $4,800. $25,700 1995,34 ft., Aqua PERSONAL LANDSCAPING «vf.- PRESSURE WASH BEEN SUCCESSFUL transportation. Only $180 down, low warranty. Loaded and looks like Call John, 470-2039. new. Priced $11,400. w/warranty. Cruiser, 12 ft. Beam', 140 HP WATERCRAFT CARPET CLEANER payments on balance. Past credit 12/12/85 —SSSS —21120753-76 Outboard, Loaded, Demo. List AT SELLING? no problem. 489-4422. Dealer. Before 10 PM 549-6945 18/13/95 —SSSS—21120873.74 1976 Mercedes 450 SE 4 DR, V-8, $ 5 7,8 42. Special Yamaha Waverunner III, 1991 TOCALLYOWNED LOOKING FOR A 12/16)85 —SStS—21116863-72 110,000 original miles runs great $38,500 Call Capt. Dick 1988 Buick Regal. Runs & looks model. Fresh everything, $2,500 CAREER CHANGE? 1992 Cadillac (2). (1) Eldorado - $2,500. O.B.O. 542-5700, 772-5641 Ludwig (813) 772-9657 or 1 (800) Neg. 540-4980. wife's car - immaculate, 6 yr, 75,000 good. Well maintained. High Miles. after 6:00 P.M. YACHT-55. • • Rock • • Shell Join Sanibel's award winning Asking $3,800. OBO or will consider 12/13)95 —SSSS—21120935-74 newspaper as an advertising mile warranty, $16,900 d.B.O. (1) 12/14/95 -SSSS—21121046-73 12/15)85 —SSSS—21078371-74 m. STEAMER CARPET CLEANER Seville, white-blue, 6 yr. 75,000 mile trade or partial trade for 17 - 20 ft. Jet Ski 1990 Kawasaki 550 SX. Small or Large Qualities salesperson. We need a good boat. 278-3260 '64 Comet Caliente convertible, 1990 Larson DC 228 23' Walk Excellent condition. $1,800. - 458-' warranty, immaculate, $17,900 auto., 70,000 original miles, 6 cyl. Around Cuddy. Enclosed canvas. Satisfaction Guaranteed motivated self-starter with O.B.O. 941-349-5840 Must sell 12/14/85 —SSSS—21121012-74 3298 _-•""' Grading Tractor, Backhoe & Front New top and interior. Great shape 200 HP Johnson, Loran, Depth 12/14/95 — SSSS— 2maS88-70 good organizational skills & the one!! 1989 Pontiac Sun bird 2 DR Coupe, $4,500. 543-4747. finder, stereo-tape, ship-to-shore desire to succeed. Expand on 12/15)95 —SSSS—21117577-74 cold A/C, immaculate, new tires, 12/15/95 -SSSS—21121162-70 marine radio. Hydrofoil trim tabs, End Loader Service an existing accounts list. Lumina 1991 4 dr., V-6, air. Other looks and runs great $3,400. OBO only 129 hours total time. Excellent BOAT-PARTS & PRESSURE WASH ~O« 542-5700, 772-5641 after 6:00 P.M. DECKS Salary plus commission, extras. A-1 mechanically. Good 4-WHEEL DRIVE condition, always under cover. ""SUPPLIES Serving the Island for 17 Years excellent benefits plus gas paint. Trade welcome. Past credit no 12/14/95 —SSSS—21121045-73 $13,500,472-1095 —"" CAPTIVA allowances. problem. We finance. Call Russ T. '84 Caprice Classic, loaded, great VEHICLES 12/13/95 —SSSS—21113916-3 Wanted: All used small outboard SPECIAL only @ 489-4422. Dealer. shape, $1,995. or best offer. 574- 1984 Chris 33' Mid Cabin - 2-340 motors, any year, any condition. Call Tamara Goodman 1578 Living Room, Dining Room & 12f16)9a —tsss—21117578-72 1992 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4X4- H.P. under 40 hours, 6.5-K W. Gen., Running or not. Also wanted: S for a confidential Interview 12/15/95 —SSSS—21121173-72 Neglected or abused boat and (941) 472-5185 Must sacrifice at Auction price of air, microwave, refrig., V.H.F. Loran, Pathways thru 2 bedrooms CONVERTIBLE Germany shipment!! Europe export $15,900. 48,000 miles. Excellent stereo, winch, full canvas, swim motor packages. Some used parts 49.95 P.O. Box 132 cars, boats, goods, car-conversion. platform - Many extras - Best offer. also available. 458-8252 V Buddy Murphy LOW MILEAGE condition. Call 395-0038 leave Serving The Islands & LICENSED & INSURED • ••••••* TUEV German custom Deutschland 542-5526 1/2/96 — SSSS—21116B97-71 12116)96 — tttt— 11110501-3 NICE MUSTANG, '85, message. Verschiffyngen! Europa export —SSSS—21120808-78 12/14/95 —SSSt—21118082-70 20 ft. fiberglass pushpole with foot 472-4439 LANDSCAPING 472-4439 RED 50 K MILES 12/20)95 CALL NOW 472-7070 "*"""" * autos, boote, gueter, 1992, 18 ft. Wellcraft C/C. 115 HP $150., aluminum poling platform w RETAIL SALES AUTO A/C autoumruestungen, TUEV Yamaha, trailer "EZ" loader, VHF, backrest $75., 5,000 IB. electric Women's Specialty shop on $4,900. Deutscher Voll. Phone/Fax 941- TRUCKS & VANS \ Sanibel Is seeking Full-Time CB, AM-FM, live well, 2 batteries, davits $1,750. Call 542-4164 463-2066 277-1953, pager S41-432-6103. "89 Ford F150 pick up, black, full Bimini top. Complete road cover. 8 12/12)85 —SSSS—21120823-70 or Part-Time Sales Associates. 5)S5 —ssss— 2itiaiaa-74 12/15/95 —SSSS—21121202-74 size, as low as $492 down Call 332- ft. beam. $11,500 OBO. (941) 283- Call Joanne at 395-2433 1994 Saturn SL, red, 4-door. Mint 0448, Dlr. 0475. Mercruiser 4 cyl. Model LOCKSMITH REMODELING condition, 48K miles, 5-speed, 12/16)95 -SSSS-21079431-72 12/15/85 —SSSS —11118668-4 MCM485, 185 H.P. LOW LOW LOW stereo radio w/cassette, driver's air CHILD CARE '93 Chevy S-10, extra clean, low Free! Free! Free! Sell your Boat! fresh water cool. bag. No AC. Must sell, going to Call Ed, 997-7066. MILEAGE school. $6,000 firm. Serious miles, as low as $399 down. Call Free Pickup! We have Customers NICE BUICK '87 LeSABRE inquiries only. Call 395-9470. 332-0448, Dlr. waiting! Free Advertising! No 12/15/85 —SSSS— 21121523-74 ADVERTISING SALES 12)16)95 —SSSS —210SO097-72 44K MILES 12/16)95 —SSSS — 21121554-3 Gimmicks! Consign wilh West Coast REPRESENTATIVE ONE OWNER "Chevy Astra Vans." 87 thru 94. 15 Boats.... Get Quick Results! 454- BOAT TRAILERS HOME BUILDING 1989 Oldsrnobile Regency - White 8043 Call Today! 454-8043 Join Southwest Florida's NON SMOKER to choose from. Passenger (some NANNY SERVICES & REMODELING with blue interior, 4 door, fully with dual air, extended & regular), 12/12/85 —SSSS—21118933-76 fastest growing newspaper GARAGE KEPT loaded, excellent condition.'81K Boat trailer 19' - 21'. Galvanized A full service contractor cargo, utility with bins. Make offer. 1993 Bayliner Trophy, 20', walk- group as an Advertising LOOKS & RUNS LIKE NEW miles. Asking $7,250. Call 472- 941-955-6227. single axle, 3000 pound capacity. Don't leave your precious dedicated to exceptional 1210. around, cuddy, canvas enclosure, lesperson. We're looking foi MUST SEE 12)15)95 —SSSS—21104674-74 $750. firm. 945-6516 quality at a reason able price motivated, self-slarter with 12/16)85 —SSSS — 21121556-3 120 H.P. outboard, low hours, 12/14/85 —SSSS—21121047-74 A GIFT!! '92 Chevy S-Blazer, 6 cylinder, equipped, ready to go. Work phone children with just ISLAND LOCKSMITH \ood time management and a $4,900. automatic, only 32,000 miles, Call 800-741-3114 Ext. 233, 6:00 a.m.- ADDITIONS » KITCHENS 'BATHS willingness to succeed. 463-2066 SPORTS & IMPORTS Darrell Campbell for special price at 2:30 p.m. Tommy. BUSINESS & SERVICE anyone. AND SECURITY SERVICES BENEFITS INCLUDE SALARY, 12-13/S5 —SSSS— 21118328-74. Roger Dean Chevrolet 574-3326. 12/15/85 —SSSS—21120471-75 ,. , , , ..• ,- ff FREE ESTIMATE AUTOS DIRECTORY 24 Hour LICENSED Michael J.ValiqueHe . cos6909 COMMISSION, MILEAGE 12/16193 —iSSS—21104B68-B2 Cimarron, 1991, 21 ft. WAC, 140 Call ' INSURED |s|and Resjdent Ljc #CC ALLOWANCE. COMPLETE 1990 Geo Storm GS, 2 door, black Dodge Dakota 1992 work truck. Sky H.P. Tohatsu, low hours, hull and Emergency w/gray interior, custom teal S BONDED Hurricane Protection Consultant PACKAGE. BEAUTIFUL LINCOLN blue, good mileage. Only $350 motor warranty. Loran, fish finder CARPET Services 472-2394 i chrome graphics, $1.100 in ultra down. Past credit no problem. We and VHF $7,900. Offer. 542-7294 'ADONAIA&SOCIATE&,InG. TOWNCAR, 89, custom wheels & Pirelli 205-55-15 '•nance. 489-4422. Dealer. 12/14/85 —SSSS—21121050-75 INSTALLATION & Phone: (813) 472-0200 Fax: (813) 393-1587 For a personal interview call: SIGNATURE SERIES. tires, miles right, priced to sell, 12/16)95 —SSSS — 21118454-72 an 0 pry you czn ' Larry McDonald 1989 Baretta 20.2 cuddy cabin, 305 CARRIAGE TOP, 89K MILES. $3,700 O.B O. 549-5620 '91 Astro van, 4 3 G cyl engine, Chevy engine Just tuned, only 250 REPAIR Ganaral Uanagar @ WIRE MAG WHEELS, 12/15)95 —SSSS—21088843-71 1 813-633-1*36 or write: excellent condition Musi sell New nours. New interior, prop, VHF, Chartotfo Shopping Guide ONE OWNER, N/S, 1988 Hyundai Excel GLS, gray pain', low mileage, $8,700 Will depth sounder, compass, bimini RETAIL STORE PRICES GARAGE KEPT - A MINTll W/gray interior, power sun roof, cold negotiate. Home 772-4921, work top, 1995 dual axle trailer $7 850. 128 W. Charto«» Avo. a/c, 5 speed, great condition, very 278-3224. TOO HIGH? Punla Gorda, Ft 33350 LOOKS & RUNS UKB NEW. 772-3369. dependable, must sell, $1,350 12/15/85 — SSSS— 21119246-TB 12/15/85 —SSSS— 21121 152-74 SACRIFICE - MUST SEE O.B.O. 549-562Q $6,900. All major carpets, sheet vinyl * * * * 12/15/9S — SiSS—31112125-7-1 1992 F250 ext. cab, 7.3 L diesel, '79 Trojan 25' Express cabin SECURITY -tttl-- 3112885?.B 463-5587 well maintained, all maintenance cruiser, great shape, $5,995 or best and ceramic tile lines INSURANCE MANAGEMENT 13M5J8S —SSSS— 21118437.71 1994 Subaru Legacy, S/W, 4X4, records, $15,500. 433-2630. offer. 574-1578 available. Free estimates and Auto, AM/FM stereo cassette CD. 15M5/85 —SSSS—21120218-75 12/15/85 —SSSS—21121175-72 KILLS & TRADES Spirit 1992. Gold on gold. Automatic Electrical sun-roof, Mags, 16,000 shop at home service. Excellent transportation. No miles. Still under warranty. Days 1994 Ford Explorer, 4x4, XLT 4 25' 1988 Space Craft open Installation available. HELP WANTED unnecessary red tape. We finance 941-332-7998, eves. 941-540-4133 door, A/C, loaded, 15K miles, cherry fisherman with large T-top, 8 1/2 Insured

'' /1


i 1 1 : : v ; 1 ;:; :- -iv. ^V.•.;;••/"• .:" • "•• '"• ^'•••'K':(<-4 .:'':,, *V;.;; :V: '^-;-''.: ;i': v:;:^^;:-::^'-:;;^;;-;;^^^:^:^;^ *^;^^

Poinsettias Arrived at FOREVER GREEN GARDEN CENTER The best selection on the islands available in Italian cuisine as it was red, white or pink meant to taste. Dine in lush outdoor gardens Open Mon.-Fri. or inside in an exquisite 7:30 AM-5:00 PM Mediterranean setting. New Saturday Hours 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 941-472-0690 iJCE 472-5354

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14Kt Cold Sea Life STORE HOURS: d otjjer fioe je-Wclry Haodnjade oo site 10-6 M«T»W & Sat B 10-8 Fri • 12-5 Sun. 1-8OO-472-7572 • Local 472-8677 (941) 395-2433

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CQn Modernization may make handyman obsolete

To some, the day of the handy- household occupants learn to live addition to labor and parts. man is long gone. You are a rare with and love the myriad of Then there is the indignity of make selling a homeowner if you can find some- diminutive visitors who meander in spending time on the phone trying one to come in and fix a sticky through the hole in the screen door. to track down and beg a repair per- door, a leaky faucet, a worn screen Anyone who has ever needed a son to deign acknowledge the small home easier door or the dozens of other little small household repair, which sure- problem, because most home annoyances constantly cropping up. ly includes everyone, has experi- improvement professionals are not The home selling process just became easier More likely, the door continues enced the frustration of trying to interested in small jobs. due to an exclusive system put together by to be pounded open, the dripping find a professional to do a small job The cost, coupled with the agony Prudential Florida Realty, the state's largest faucet stains the sink yellow and and the rage of having to pay trav- of waiting for the return call and independently owned real estate brokerage. drives you to distraction, and eling costs and service charges in See HANDYMAN page 3 As of November, clients who list their prop- rties with the company will receive a comple- lentary Preferred Home Seller's System,

1 'hich contains pertinent information related to -.r ' - - 1 'j t- n "'\i,-- idling their home. Included in the system is a customized marketing analysis and plan for Goraeous Island jjierr home and tnef'r^qr4j|^Y,e»4UlJliU'aUQn, , Buying and Selling Your Home.

The publication, which is said to help reme- dy the confusion of home buying and selling, can be a useful tool for home owner and buyers and feature articles and tips about purchasing, owning, decorating/renovating, and selling a home. Its realistic resources include charts for determining how much can be spent on a home, home inspection checklists, how to make an ffer, and useful product and service informa- i. "b many people, to own a home is to ieve the American dream. According to .vid C. Conn, executive vice president and general manager of Prudential Florida Realty's Southwest offices, the process of buying of selling a home is exciting, exhilarating, and perhaps a bit intimidating.

"Home ownership is one of the privileges upon which this country was founded; howev- er, there is no question the process of buying or sdling a home is not as simple as it once was," said Conn. "That is why we are pleased to offer our clients this valuable resource which they can use before, during and after the selling or buy- ing of their home."

Prudential Florida Realty is the state's largest independent real estate brokerage and the seventh largest in the nation, with 65 isdth its large offices throughout the state. Headquartered in Clearwater, Fla., the com- pany generated $3.7 billion in 1994 and employs more than 3,000 in sales and adminis- tration. To learn more about the company's exclu- sive Home Seller's System, you can contact the Prudential Florida Realty office in your area. or 472-0949 Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 Sanibel & Captiva REAL ESTATE .3 2 Sariibel & Cabtiva REAL gSTATfc Tuesday. D®e. 12. 1995 Gifts From the Sea for Her a Victorian treasure By Frank Wagner Islander staff writer Head of the Class Once you enter this fascinating shop called Gifts from the Sea for Her, you feel as if you have been transported back to a sweeter and gen- Your star tler time, one of elegant living and gracious man- performers ners. here. Housed within these four walls, located in the Village Shopping Plaza- at 2340 Periwinkle Way, are many objects from this past era: floral jewel- Notify the Islander ry, wonderful scents, exquisite clothing and bolts of your top of lace, ribbons, satins (by the yard). The won- performers and derful scents one associates with the bath and we 11 put their name boudoir of the Victorian woman are always fresh in lights, and intriguing. Marge McCombs well, uh, print. Hanging in stylish profusion are Mother-of- the-Bride dresses simply designed in many deli- Joe and Joan Burns were November's top producers cate feminine fabrics. There are also sensational i for .ReMax of the Islands. » I wedding dresses for a swiftly planned beach cer- emony The names of the design companies seem to speak for themselves. They are: Lace by Margot, 1 * Lady Ashley collectibles and clothing by v•** i-; Ajalahn. Resort and cruise wear evokes period 4 f ». elegance and there are indescribably beautiful tunic tops in crushed velvets that seem to invite you to touch the fabric and enjoy its texture.

i. t The charming hostess, and owner, of this shop of perfect Victorian taste is Betty Hoffman Treece. She says of her shop: Victoria's Cats might fully satisfy cer- "It is a lady's Victorian boutique featuring vin- tain of your reading needs. As I was leaving this Victorian Tracy Walters Art Corace tage lace clothes, jewelry, gift items for special occasions and many other hard to find items cer- showplace Treece said: "Please ask tain to please m'lady's fancy." your readers to stop by, say hello and If you are an avid collector of Angels, you'll have a look. They are apt to find the find this shop is a heavenly haven. There are unique gift they've been searching for Naumann releases November honors angel cards, angel pictures, books about angels, and haven't been able to find." and sculptured angels. There is even a line of McCombs tops the charts Walters top lister for Naumann cosmetics designated as Angel Wing Products. So there — your invitation to stop A collection of greeting cards for every occa- by, say hello and have a look.. Marge McCombs was John Naumann & Cli Tracy Walters was the Top Listing Associate for sion are racked and stacked from floor to ceiling san Roscia got the vote as the Sanibel-Captiva Associates' Top Sales Associate for November. John Naumann & Associates for November. "Trac? and in multiple rotary shelving*. sociatin of Realtors Administrator of the Year. /'Marge has developed a long list of happy and is doing a. first rate jot?," sai4 John MjU,jn^rja i^jidic range,of satisfied customers as a consistent top producer dent. of Tedfdy Bears, since she arrived on Sanibel in 1981," according to "Tracy consistently endeavors to service his cus- alphabet cards, holiday greetings and cats, cats, PMR's Roscia named John Naumann, president. tomers with enthusiasm and his knowledge of the cats. McCombs came to Sanibel and continued her island is second to none," according to Naumann. Treece said: "I have cards from thirty-seven ABOVE: Betty Hoffman, the Administrator of the Year outstanding career as a real estate professional from Walters, an island native and entrepreneur for different greeting card companies." When ques- Southbend, Indiana. A realtor since 1970, she holds years, is a full-time realtor with Naumann. gracious host of Gifts Fro m tioned about the number of available cards in dif- the Sea for Her, says the Susan Roscia of Priscilla Murphy Realty has the distinction of being the Top Listing and Sales He is heavily involved in community affairs on ferent styles, she mentally calculated, in silence, been recognized as the Administrator of the Year store offers a Victorian flavor Associate for John Naumann & Associates for both the island, as a reserve police officer and a past for a short spell then said: "I would imagine for ladies. from the Sanibel-Captiva Association of Realtors, March and June of this year. She has negotiated president of the Kiwanis. He has been the Kiwanis approximately three thousand." "oscia was voted top administrator by all participat- over $7 million in real estate sales for 1995. Youth Chairman for the past six years. RIGHT: Filled to the ceiling sociates and sales people at the Association, If you've been searching for a beautiful with lace, satin, and "every- 'ia has been with PMR for about a year, after antique coffee or hot chocolate set with charming thing nice," Gifts is a place to Southwest Florida from New Jersey, ReMax acknowledges top agents for the month floral designs, a perfume bottle as a gift or an art visitors won't want to miss. iward recognizes an individual's support and glass case for cards, a jewelbox or an amazing ce to the staff and clients of each realtor's Installation and Awards Banquet ing to Art Corace, broker/manager. Joe is a member kaledoscope - you'll find it at Gifts From The of ReMax International's 100 Percent Club, a desig- Sea For Her. ausan does a great job," said Becky Reed of A selective group of Victoria's books are neat- The Sanibel and Captiva Association of Realtors nation reserved for the top one percent ReMax real- ?MR. "We don't know what we'd do without her, ly arranged for your perusal and purchase. Titles held their annual Installation and Awards Banquet, tors world-wide. she's extremely helpful to sales people and cus- such as Moments in the Garden, The Way of Sunday, Dec. 3, at Sanibel's Sundial Resort. Corace said "Joe and Joan are certainly a con- tomers." Flowers, Dear Diary, No Friend like a Sister and This event is held to formally introduce future tributing factor to the success of ReMax of the Robideau, Davison recognized by officers of the island's Association as well as honor Islands," adding that he was fortunate to have them PMR and recognize past officers for their leadership and as a member of the ReMax team. present Honor Society awards to deserving associ- Corace Top ReMax Lister Priscilla Murphy Realty has recognized two asso- ates. Handyman ciates for their November achievements. The following associates earned Honor Society GG Robideau earned the title of Top Selling Membership for 1995, according to ReMax of the Art Corace was ReMax's Top Listing Associate Agent for the month. Margie Davison was recog- Islands: Barbara Amon Chapin, Art Corace, David for November. Corace, ReMax of the Islands bro- common tools you will need and how repairs are simple and can be mastered outset, making a visit to the hardware nized as the Top Listing Agent. McCagg and Steve Potts. ker/manager, has worked on the islands for more Continued from page 1 to handle them. For example, the with no previous experience with tools store in the middle of a project unnec- "GG and Margie are both award-winning, top The Honor Society is a prestigious distinction than three years. the time off from work waiting for the novice will appreciate the illustrations or home repair. essary. producing real estate agents," according to Clement reserved for Realtors with proven leadership and He is a member of the ReMax International 100 service person to show up, often late or of five different types of hammers, such The manual provides easy-to-follow For more information on this 88- Concodora, vice president for advertising/market- involvement within the Association and the commu- Percent Club Award. not at all, make a minor repair a major basic revelations as how to start a nail instructions, indicating the proper tools large-page-book, which, retails at $5.95, ing. "PMR is proud of their enthusiastic and profes- nity. "We are very proud of Art's accomplishments and headache. believe him to be an integral part of both our sales and how to avoid hammer marks on and materials to have and hand at the call 1-800-872-0121. sional services to our customers and clients," he Robert Berko may have the answer wood. added. Burns's Top Producers for ReMax and management team ..." said David McCagg, bro- for you. Berko is the editor of Small ker/owner of the firm. But lest the more experienced Home Repairs Made Easy, a manual among you scoff at a book that devotes Buildable Lot Joe and Joan Burns of that lists step-by-step directions on how ReMax of the Islands were Fischer named Association President a page to hanging a picture, shelves and to do around-the-house repairs. other things on a wall, rest assured that GULF FRONT WITH PRIVATE GUEST WING the Realtor's Top Producers This 3 bedroom home has vaulted ceilings, large According to Berko, such mysteries as the manual gets into the more exotic for November. Bari Fischer of ReMax of the Islands was named unstopping the toilet, fixing the door modern kitchen, 2O'x2O' guest suite with Full President of the Fort Myers Association of Realtors home repair tasks such as eliminating bath. Home is in mint condition. "Joe and Joan have been bell and repairing the garage door are holes in masonry, plumbing problems, Siili^^^^^Sii one of ReMax's leading for 1996. Fischer has been an active within the capacity of even the most Community pool and tennis. Ask I ISII BAYFRONT around level 3 bedroom, 3 bath Realtor/Associate in Lee County since 1984. repairing or replacing cracked or for Chuck Andrews. sales team since they joined with LARGE family room and den or 4th unskilled and unschooled among us. warped outside sliding and shingles, bedroom. Baysids screen enclosed pool with the organization in 1991 She served the Fort Myers Association in many wooden deck walkout to sea walled shoreline. The paperback manual starts your and repairing flashing and caulking 472-2311 Great fishing, walking beach and have been recognized capacities throughout her career, including as a direc- education even before you attack the to Gulf of Mexico. Asking roof joints. y tor, and president elect. • * .-^ on both local and national $675,000 Unfurnished. All problem with an illustrated rundown of Berko tells us that most home WMKof the islands inquires ask for FISH 472- nf thp itl^nHc levels for their outstanding In addition, Fischer is active regionally as a state "H or 472-0949. OT ine isianas sales performance," accord- director for the Florida Association of Realtors. 4 Sanibel & Caotiva REAL ESTATE Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 Sanibel & Captiva REAL ESTATE 5

Big Bank fees leave entrepreneurs feeling burned The following building permits were recorded PERMITS Demolition by Owner at Sanibel City Hall during the period ending Chamber of Commerce, 1159 Causeway Blvd., Scripps Howard News Service run short of cash or are late account) can count toward your printed fee schedule, which federal Tuesday, December 5,1995 included: Temporary Tent by Owner depositing money. Ask your bank total balance. law requires be available. & DEEDS Q: I just received my bank officer if he or she will first call to Also ask about charges for writ- Do not select a bank solely on $15,000: Hoving, 1828 Buckthorn, Pool & Deck statement an'd discovered that I alert you that your account is short ing checks, making a deposit, get- the basis of fees. Service can be $100: Palmer/bissell, 1932 Woodring Rd., LP by Gator Pools was charged a rather high fee for before it becomes overdrawn and a ting a cashier's check and electron- more important. Shop around for Tank by Amerigas Deck Add. by John J. Hull & Assoc. $1,155: Island Wine & Dine (Riviera), 2761 West an overdrawn check. I have been fee is assessed. Inquire about ic fund transfer. the best combination of low bank $3,500: Sowers, 8995 Mockingbird Dr., Enclose $75,000: Island Water Assoc, 3651 San-Cap Rd., Gulf Dr., Monitor Sprinkler & Hood by Firemaster doing business with this bank for establishing an automatic credit Inquire about the "hold" time on fees, goods service and aggressive Screen Porch by Gordon Forsberg Generator Platform & Tank by Owner $1,000: Smith, 1605 Middle Gulf Dr., Shutters by more than three years and don't line or bounce protection for your checks that you deposit. Ask if the lending. $2,400: Craig, 993 Sand Castle Rd., Screen Enc. $1,000: McKinnell, 557 East Rocks Dr., Wrono Enterprises feel I should be charged because checking account and ask about the "hold" period is calculated on cal- Lastly, don't order blank checks I was late getting to the bank fee for this service. endar or business days. Hold time from your bank. Buy your blank with a deposit. What can I do? Keep a close eye on your has a critical impact on your busi- checks in quantity from a check- account balances so you don't end ness. printing company; you will pay a A: Review all your banking fees up overdrawn. And, never assume a Automatic draft deductions for lot more by ordering checks from Claude Pepper Foundation SANIBEL COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY and renegotiate them. Today, many bank's statement is correct. your car, health insurance and your bank. There are several cen- banks are adding fees and increas- Analyze it monthly. mortgage can save you valuable tral sources for business checks to award cities for excellence ' Popular Periwinkle Way that can save you 50 percent or ing old ones. Many are pushing Make an appointment with your time. But it can cost you extra for The Claude Pepper Foundation and ing programs benefitting their senior • First floor office/store front -1200 sq. ft. fees as profit centers to help offset bank officer to discuss your current these services, so review these more off ordering from a bank such the Florida League of Cities are pleased citizens, such as education, athletics, • Upstairs 1 BR/1 BA apartment, 600 sq. ft. the rise in interest rates they pay fee structure. Review your monthly fees. as Checks In The Mail (800-733- support groups, nutrition programs, • Established rental history at $3200/month to announce the "Claude Pepper Florida 1 on certificates of deposit and other account fees. Ask your bank officer Almost everything is negotiable 4443), Current (800-533-3973), or health, legal aid, or any other program $38,400 double net income Cities Awards for 1995-1996." 1 saving accounts. if they are flat fees or flat fees plus with banks. Image Checks (800-562-8768.) The Foundation, located in designed to improve the lives of elderly Zoned commercial/residential Individual banking fees may an individual charge for each trans- If you have not yet established a Tallahassee, was founded by the Great citizens. ' Great investment opportunity seem small, but add up fast. Fees action. It is not unusual for the banking relationship, visit several Courtney Price is director of the Florida statesman, Claude Pepper, who Awards will be given in three cate- > Priced for quick sale at $419,000 for bounced checks are one of the bank to waive such fees if you banks and ask what the bank is Institute of Entrepreneurship and served Florida as United States Senator gories, based on population. Entry most lucrative fees since most of maintain a minimum balance in willing to do to get your business. Creativity at Metropolitan State for 14 years and later as a United States forms have been mailed to all Florida J.B. NOVELLI this fee is pure profit. your account. Check to see if the Currently, there is much competi- College. Send questions to: Congressman for 26 years prior to his cities by the Pepper foundation. There death. is no charge to enter. 941-433-0038 It is not unusual for entrepre- money in your other accounts tion for small business accounts. Entrepreneurs, P.O. Box 1236, The foundation's purpose is to carry VIP INTERNATIONAL neurs to bounce a check when they (money markets or savings Ask the bank for a copy of its Denver, CO 80201. INTERNATIONAL Pepper's political aims and philoso- A "distinguished" panel of experts REAL ESTATE COMPANY, INC. phies, particularly in bettering the lives who specialize in working with the of the elderly. elderly will judge the cities. BuildaMe Lot International The awards will be given out at the The Claude Pepper Foundation is 1996 Convention of the Florida League located at 101 South Monroe St., Got something of Cities to be held in August, 1996, in Tallahassee, FL, 32301. For more infor- to say? Real Estate Boca Raton. mation call (904) 222-5146, or fax Florida cities which have outstand- (904) 222-5396. FISH Send your letters tot By J.B. Novell! THEISLANOER CAPER BEACH PENTHOUSE Panoramic Golf of THE ISLANDER Mexico views. 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1300 sq.ft., NEW • t- carpet and tile, European style kitchen cabinets, and Househunters. The people who are serious How to make a room look larger complete amenity package iv/on-site management, weekly rental income producer! Asking $305,000. about finding a new home and those who Furnished CALL FiSH for availability 472-2311 or just like to look, work on their schedule not fiiliiil 472-0949. Scripps Howard News Service Floor covering should be kept simple yours. and in a monochromatic color. Wall-to- can handle That is, they respond to ads when they see Many people are faced today with wall carpeting is a good choice because them, or at a time that's convenient for them; the challenge of making small hving it makes the floor area appear vast first thing in the morning or late at night; spaces appear larger. while area rugs that break up a room's •S They want to visit a home for sale right Granted, you can tear down walls space make it seem smaller. Low-pile ALL away, or some other time that meets their separating various rooms to create one carpets such as sisal and Berber are needs, not yours. grand space, but in most instances this judicious selections because they pro- The good news is that a homeseller doesn't probably is not a very practical solu- vide less obtrusive texture. Tile and have to worry about the inconveniences, tion. There are stone laid out on a of your classified needs. once the property is listed with a real estate certain tricks or diagonal (in a dia- broker. sleights-of-hand, mond pattern) will This Gulf Ridge home has been reduced to S329,000 . that's a $30,000 Too much furniture SANDALS price reduction! This home price is less than vacant land in the same Then we stand as protection against the however, that fool the eye and This West Side Gulf Front exclusive neighborhood! The house is situated on a one plus acre lot and nuisances that go into marketing a house. make a small space townhome condominium boasts a unique offers three bedrooms, two baths, an atrium and your own personal interior designers and knickknacks ecological habitat in one of Sanibel's most desirable subdivisions. The floor plan with 3 private bedroom suites plus We place the ads and take phone calls. use to make small appear longer and seller says sell! This is an excellent opportunity to purchase a fine home make rooms look tiny a loft. Cathedral ceilings, new tile and carpet priced well below market value We interview the househunters to weed out- spaces appear wider than it actu- with screened porch and open decks. the "just looking, thanks" people from those Beautifully furnished at $995,000. larger. Try some and cluttered. Keep ally is. To advertise in who really want to buy. of these trade accessories to a mini- When decorat- Then we make sure that the would-be buy- secrets and you ing a smaller space ers really want a home like yours and can too can achieve a mum and carefully avoid heavy win- THE ISLANDER, afford it. more spacious select what furniture dow treatments. Even then, you can count on us to show look in your Voluminous drapes the house, point out its best features, and and swags will BY THE SEA Near beach home in a serene enchanting Impeccable, sumptuous condominium, Somerset home. to place in the room. C201 has b n negotiate the sale. This exclusive penthouse features 2 neighborhood. Enjoy the fireplace, cathedral * never ^ rented and provide^ One key strate- choke off light and Mand living, gy is the selection make your room tront corner offers many upgrades along with being oi heavy and fussy. A oversized lot. $234,500. Sanibel's finest properties and innovative floor of color. Tones 5695.000. plans. The seller would consider a smaller rental Edison offers many and color are very important in making more tailored approach, such as a flat condominium as part of trade. Save big, price Charlotte Shopping Guide, GOPHER WALK reduced from $665,000 to $629,000. Don't miss' • rooms appear larger. Darker colors tend roman shade, wooden shutters or sim- SUBDIVISION SANIBEL HARBOUR this great condominium opportunity. Please call ma* * business courses in to make a room appear smaller. Use ple lace panels, is more effective. Prestigious West Gulf Drive. Waterfront 2 Bdrm, 2 bath for more details. condominium #435 at Sanibel Harbour neutrally toned paint or wallpaper on Too much furniture and knickknacks Two one-half acre homesites, Resort, guaranteed leaseback and VIP the walls and ceilings to create an illu- make rooms look tiny and cluttered. nearby beach access, beautiful 1996 Spring Semester Pine Island Eagle, membership to Spa and Tennis Club. sion of greater height and room size. Keep accessories to a minimum and community swimming pool. $217,000 furnished. Open registration for Edison Community carefully select what furniture to place Priced at $235,000 and $255,000. In small rooms, try to avoid wallpa- College's Spring Semester will continue through per borders and darkly painted mold- in the room. One large armoire and a Why list your property with Marsha Clifford? Dec. 15., according to school officials. ings; they serve as an outline for the sofa is a-better solution for a small Fort Myers Beach Bulletin, • Member of the Multi-Million Dollar Club Spring semester at Edison includes on 16-week room's dimensions and can make your room than a four piece sectional, a cof- • Island resident since 1974 session and two eight-week sessions. A large selec- space seem smaller than it actually is. fee table, two club chairs, three occa- • Realtor for 17 years tion of college credit courses are offered in business Paint the trim and architectural mold- sional tables and a console. Lee County Shopper • Consistently markets and advertises listings for optimum exposure and technology.health, math, sciences, communica- ings a slightly lighter shade than the With a little thought and some cre- • Consistent top producer tions, humanities, and social sciences. walls to make the room appear more ativity, your small room can be decorat- • Call Marsha Clifford , Classes are scheduled throughout the day and lofty and spacious. ed to appear larger and more airy. The evening to fit everyone's schedule. Many television adage "less is more" is truly the deco- (941) 472-1511 • (800) 233-8829 • (941) 472-2902 Large mirrors and mirror panels are courses are also available, according to the school. effective tools to make small rooms rating mantra for this special design and/or the Cape Coral Daily Breeze, More information is available at 489-9318 or 1- appear larger. Position the mirror in a challenge. Friscllla Murphy (800)-749-2ECC, or one could stop by the Lee spot that will best make the dimensions Realty, Inc. Campus, located on Summerlin Rd. of the room appear grander, such as Chris Casson Madden, host of the Class schedule tabloids are available on campus and directly opposite the entrance way, or in Home & Garden Television cable show Call BariD at 472-5185. at libraries, schools, the Lee County Chamber of a corner. In addition, placing a mirror Interiors by Design, interprets design Commerce, and some major employers. Information across from a window will make the trends and dispenses decorating advice about admissions can be obtained by calling Sandra room seem both brighter and larger. in this weekly column for Scripps Fahey at 489-9349 Howard News Service. 6 Sanibel & Caotiva REAL ESTATE Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 Market "Seer" says it's inevitable: The bubble will burst Real Estate

Pittsburgh Post Gazette or reason. Tuesday In the past 100 years, Gailliot noted, the market Even if the economy averts a reces- Dec. 12, 1995 Henry Gailliot has heard it before, sion and continues to expand for anoth- Classifieds the arguments why "it's different this has suffered substantial declines even as the er four to five years — a scenario time." economy expanded — in 1914, 1962, 1966 and Gailliot puts at even odds — history Prestigious Burnt Store Isles, Punta Government owned homes! Many Two spaces, 2,700 square feet Coquina Beach - 2 BR, 2 BA, Gulf VACATION Gorda, 2 adjoining seawalled lots, with low down payments, owner MANUFACTURED each. Reasonable. Near Edison side. Newly decorated, all amenities. Why, in 1968, computer and technol- 1987. Only in 1914, when World War I broke out, shows that bear markets can happen. PROPERTY Gulf access. All utilities. Marseilles occupant incentives, totalling HOMES Mall. 1923 & 1933 WinklerAve., Fort Available weekly, bi-weekly, or In the past 100 years, Gailliot noted, Court, Lot 13, $63,000 - Lot #14, thousands of dollars! Call 458- Myers. Suitable for Retail or Office. monthly. Call (941) 395-2361 ogy stocks could only go higher $58,000. Will consider trade. Owner HUDS (458-4837) for free recorded Great Buy! Del Tura CC Lake and Call Owner, evenings 941-639- 12)26/95 —SSSS —21024250-3 could the downturn be traced to any noteworthy 8510. Punta Gorda. because the country was entering the the market has suffered substantial (941)283-7256. list updated every Friday. Hare Real Golf Course View, 2 BR/2 BTH, 2 The Atrium - 2 BR/2 BA condo. ****** 12/30)85 —SSSS — 21120561-4 Estate Company. Car Gar, Gated & Secure, Adult. 12)17)95 —SSSS — 21121278-6 SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION Beautifully decorated, overlooking information age. (They crashed). factor. declines even as the economy expanded 12)1B/B5 —SESS— 21118924-76 $52,000. Call 543-1269 gulf. All amenities. 2-week minimum. Bask in luxury! Super deluxe, FOR SALE BY THIS IS A BOLD AND CAPITAL 12/15/S5 —SSSS—21118081-74 RENTAL SHARING) Owner (313) 886-4757. Why, in 1972, stocks in 50 of the — in 1914, 1962, 1966 and 1987. Only exquisitely furnished Gulf front AD. FOR $1.70 MORE YOU Doublewide w/lot, 2 Bdr/2 Ba, 12/26)95 — SStS-21065884-3 cottage. Spectacular sunsets. OWNER CAN HAVE YOUR CLASSIFIED Want female to share with same. largest U.S. companies could only go in 1914, when World War I broke out, AD LIKE THIS. Florida room. Royal Palm Village, Child O.K., dependable, clean, The Atrium - Exclusive gulf front Christmas and New Year's 55+ park. Call 482-5450 or 433- luxury. 2 BR/2 BA, den, wrap- higher because the "Nifty Fifty" were ties between the current market and and interest rates will remain low for could the downturn be traced to any GATEWAY TO THE DUNES. honest, 3 bedroom home, S.W. open due to cancellation. Also, SANIBEL/CAPITVA 4658 Cape, furnished, $300/mo. Utilities around balcony. Sunsets! Phone so dominant. (They crashed). what he terms the aforementioned years to come, making stocks attractive noteworthy factor. still have several special high unit for sale by owner. .12/15)95 —SSSS—211201B7-74 S phone included. Good location, owner for brochure, available dates, season weeks. Full resort 3 BR, 2-1/2 BA, HOMES Like new 24' x 50' doublewide, 2 nice home. 458-9918 and rates. 800-484-7304 PIN 8286. Why, in 1980, oil stocks could only "bubble markets" — bubble, as in relative to fixed-income instruments The other times, he said, the market amenities available. 3 new carpet and appliances. bedrooms, 2 bath, 13" x 40' lanai, 9' 12/15/95 —SSSS—21120266-76 12)26)95 —SSSS — 21087159-3 ATTENTION VALUE HUNTERS! ready to burst. These include "a perva- and other alternative investments. bedrooms, 3 baths plus loft. Easy access on/off island. x 18' x 10' shed, extremely clean. Share deluxe 2 bed,2 ba. ATRIUM - GULF FRONT - 3 BR/3 go higher because growing demand and simply was overvalued and brought Make a call on this one now. The Beautifully landscaped $22,500. BA, DEN, RENT THROUGH Call 1-800-579-1913 Great residence • rental best priced home in the Dunes. manufactured home - Lake sive optimism that reduces the concept These forces make it easier for even back to reality. Today's market appears property. Moving must sell. (941) 997-4880. Fairwayson water and golf course. OWNER AND SAVE. 2 WEEK a finite supply would keep oil prices or 813-472-0225 Needs lots of TLC but is priced Will trade or negotiate - Located in a MINIMUM. PHOTOS AVAILABLE. Ready to deal!!!! accordingly. Great floor plan, Short or long term. Complete of risk to an academic argument" and a cautious market veterans to dismiss his- in need of a similar reality check, ****** N. Ft. Myers Park. CALL 609-985-0322. . rising. (They ... well, you get the pic- Brian, 1-505-344-7383 southern exposure & asking country club activities - swimming, 12)26)95 -SSSS— 21115744-3 12)12)95 —SSSS—21120707-70 tennis, parties, etc. 477-6558. $500. 1)30)96 —SSSS—21102258-3 ture). plethora of investors who have toric gauges, such as the relationship Gailliot said. 12)14)95 —SSSS— 21059417-3 $207,000. Call Charlie Sobczak, Sunset Captiva house - 2 BD/2 BA & Realtor® with Priscilla Murphy MOBILE HOMES FOR inclusive! Immediate occupancy. Ft. Myers So it is that Federated Investors' "become convinced more than they between stock prices, earnings and div- He cited the example of Netscape loft. Nicely furnished, Gulf Beach BUY OWNER - 1000's of properties Realty, Inc. at 472-1511. 12/12/95 —SSSS—21120796-76 town homes, spacious 1 S 2 have ever been that this is something idend yields, that have been signaling with Bay access, tennis courts, pool. for sale all areas/ prices - Call for 12)14/85 — SSSS — 2lmim.» SALE Bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths. chief economist dismisses prevailing Communications, a maker of software Weekly rentals. Call (314) 532- free list. No commissions. 1-800- ROOMS FOR RENT Dishwasher, W/D hook-up, pool. 3684. 408-1999 - T.V. Show Sun. 10 A.M. EXCLUSIVE Periwinkle Park- Sanibel - 1991 26' From $395/mo., $310 security wisdom that fundamental economic and new." sell for some time. that lets people more easily use the deposit. 694-2655. -SSSS — 21116651-3 Ch. 26 or 7. Rated among the top ten Mobile Home. Fully furnished with 2 rooms, bath, private entrance, societal changes will keep today's stock What's new this time around? Indeed, the last of Wall Street's Internet. Even though Netscape had yet 12)23)95 —SSSS—21061365-73 private courses in the nation. 24' x 10' Florida room $24,900. Call new carpet, all utilities included, 12/15)95 —SSSS—21102759-74 Private luxurious vacation resort. Pattie (941) 454-0265 or Bill (603) also lawn. Cape Coral. Prefer Magnificent 3 BD/2 BA house Down payment only 5% and 5% Sanibel's only private golf market on its orgiastic climb for some Optimistic market prognosticators point prominent bears, Salomon Brothers' to make money, it stirred a buying fren- interest will move you into this new 3 437-0512 eldarly lady or man. If needed any S. Fort Myers - seasonal, 2 month overlooking Dunes Golf Course. course community features driving around for shopping, or minimum. 1 BD/1- BA, furnished, to: David Shulman, turned bullish this Beautifully furnished & decorated. Bdr/2 Ba home in SW Cape. Call 12/16/85 —SSSS —21106BBO-3 time to come. zy when it went public this year and 489-2838 about this $97,900. beautiful homesiles, exquisite doctor's will do. $100.iwk. 772-0334. pool, tennis, elec. & cable furnished. Fully equipped. Secluded heated condominiums, , & estate A FEW AVAILABLE 12/13/95 —SSSS—21120904-76 Adult community. $900/mo In his latest annual outlook confer- — The wealth of baby boomers sav- week. He said "a fundamental shift" in has been trading recently at about 400 pool. In Tropical Paradise Setting. beauty. Available now. 482-0383. 12)13)95 —SSSS—21112650-74 homes in a magnificent natural Oak Haven RV & MBH Adult Park, Long or short term people for one the way investors evaluate shares $5,000 / mo. By owner. Call (305) "Park Models", & Reasonable RV 12/15/85 —SSSS—21121230-76 ence, Gailliot this week said that the ing for their children's education and times projected 1996 earnings. 226-5326. Waterfront, 2 acres, Gulfview setting surrounded by a low-weekly rate. Complete privacy. Space Rentals, w/Solar Pool/SPA, Cable T.V., A/C, kitchen access, Sanibef Harbour Resort- Luxurious their own retirement, providing a long- means stock prices will be far higher 12)12)95 —SSSS— 21120476-3 Custom 4/3 includes full apartment National Wildlife Preserve. Peace River Boat Ramp, Adj. Golf stock market could shed a quarter to Until now, 100 times earnings was under house. Beautiful pool, laundry. Close to Sanibel & 2 BD/2 BA condo on Gulf/Bay. Fully A stunning club house & tennis Course. Lettuce Lake Road, off RT, furnished. Pool, tennis & spa. half its value when the bull run stalls. term source of funds for the market than he had thought possible. considered excessive and a good Ft. Myers Beach, (San Carlos covered parking, dock, pier, pond, facility completes this unique 761. 941 -494-1880 or 4666 Beaches. Everything you need. Call Jim 454-0692 leave message. Weekly a monthly rates available Island) 2 BR/1 BA, piling home. 2000 sq. ft. decks, fenced, shed, community. 12/30/05 —SSSS— 21117710-6 Call (716) 834-4080 after 6 PM. even when things turn sour. That leaves Gailliot, whose employ- barometer of market ceilings, Gailliot Covered parking, laundry facilities - shop. Gorgeous landscaping. Under 12)14/95 — SSSS-21121031-5 He wouldn't venture when the mar- Call (941) 472-4222 for 12/15)85 —SSSS-21121553.3 — Rampant technological innova- er is the nation's sixth-largest mutual on deep water canal. $1,400/mo. priced, $269,000. 941-283-1101, Serendipity - 3 BD, 1-1/2 Bath, Sleeping room with private bath & ket would reverse field or how high it said. But, he noted, Netscape is only 860 Oak Street - 765-6565 Pine Island. directions & more information. single wide furnished, all electric, outside entrance. Cable T.V., no may go before then, but noted he went tion and investment that have restored funds company, holding down the fort the most dramatic representative of a 12)21)95 —SSSS — 21121035.5 12)15)95 —SSSS — 21117652-4 FURNISHED MODELS OPEN has double roof, many extras. Must cooking facilities. Non-smoker with HOMES FOR RENT DAILY. see this one! Asking $14,500. 997- references required. $i00./wk 765- Lease/option - completely 7144. the competitive position of U.S. com- for the bears. While he doesn't disagree market in which "price/earnings ratios REAL ESTATE 12)12)95 —SSSS— 21116669-3 6565 bearish in June. Afterward, he relayed renovated 3/2 split plan in Cape 12/15/85 —SSSS—21120475-75 You can only get there by boat Country Club area. All new 12)21)95 —SSSS —21121034-5 that he thought the selloff could begin panies and made the nation's economy that changes cited by market optimists are at unheard of levels." DISTANT Senior Park, own your lot, 24 x 60, or plane. Very private, very appliances & lots of extras. Must GENERAL REAL special. North Captiva Island. less prone to cyclical slumps. are occurring to some extent, Gailliot see. Terms are negotiable, asking 2 Bdr/2 BA, eat-in-kitchen, LR, DR, & in months. His conclusion? "We are headed for- WESTERN $98,500. Call 772-4282. Roof-over including double carport Superb fishing, shelling and NORTH CAROLINA MTS. ESTATE Gailliot said there are key similari- — A strong likelihood that inflation said that's no reason to abandon history a significant decline." 12)19)95 — SSSS-2111B15B-75 & shed, vinyl siding, sprinkler & DUPLEXES FOR RENT legendary sunsets! Like alarm systems, tinted windows. Sanibel before the causeway. • FREE BROCHURES: Cape Coral: 1754 Bikini Ct., S.E. / have 12 apartments-condos Excellent condition. 941-995-6391 Be our guest In our Homes - Cabins near river, bridge to Fort Myers. on Sanibel, 20 apartments in 12/22/85 —SSSS—21121144-74 ANNUAL LEASES Split 3 BD/2 BA, eat-in kitchen, scrumptiously elegant beach Lots - Acreage South Fort Myers A a house Horizon Village, N. Ft. Myers. 1984. (on Sanibel) Lakefront Views dining, enclosed Fl. room, C/A & front 3.5 BR/3 BA appraised at $450,000. In 26'x52' Palm Harbor. 2 BR, 2 BA, Efficiency, $495/mo. beachfront home with tennis, C/H, furnished, move-in condition. raised glassed-in porch - lowest lot IN BUSINESS OVER 20 YEARS 75K O.B.O. Illness. Call Ted 731- South Fort Myers. Would like to 1 bedroom, $595/mo. pool and a golf cart to explore trade all or part for a luxury rent in area. Unfurnished. $36,000. 2 bedroom, Canal front condo, 7494. 70 Sunrise Ave. 656-3043. the Island. Off seasbn rates RAPER REALTY, INC. 12)23)95 —SSSS—21120098-70 residence on Sanibel. 12)15)65 —SSSS—21121302-70 $995/mo. until Thanksgiving $1,80B/wk., The P.O. BOX 619 Principles only. Beautiful settings - Only 1 state then $2,500/wk. till Easter. MURPHY, NC 28906 -Ct *k # * * • Sale or lease - Lazy Days adult Call (941) 481-6815 park, own your property, single Month Security Deposit. Call Elizabeth Falella at STARS REALLY BRING OUT YOUR 12)12/85 —SSSS— 21116663-3 466-9277 1-800-438-8159 wide, 2 BR, 1 BA, carport, exterior 407-647-6111. CLASSIFIED AD I! 12)14)95 —SSSS- 210B5491-3 12)29)95 —SSSS— 20354B9-7 Cape Coral: 2/2, caged pool, tile in screened porch, storage shed. A 12)26/85 —tiii— 20B4055-3 steal for $24,900. Call 995-4381. Discover North Carolina Mountains kitchen & baths, garage w/Genie BOKEELIA Clean 2 bedroom, 1 bath, eat-in Newly renovated 3/2 split plan in classifieds opener, all appliances stay. Well 5 ACRE WATERFRONT 12)15)95 —SSSS—21121373-76 kitchen with breakfast bar, coin Country Club area, Cape, with new - Call Murphy Mountain Land Company for your Free Brochures. maitained clean home. 1118 S.E. ESTATE SITE TWO - 35 ft., furnished, close to laundry on property. Close to Lee appliances & lots of extras. To place an GREAT BARGAINS. Beautiful 20th Crt. $78,500. Transferring • CHARLOTTE HARBOR & beach, 10 x 30 Florida rooms, Hospital and shopping, under new References needed. Annual, sheds & pool. One for $7,900. One ownership. Call 772-2105, $700/mo."Call 772-4282. nvestrn&n_L must sell!!! 458-8306. Work 936------JUB-CBEEK ,- - T tor $470007/neg7- Both excellent evenings. ~ ' ~ 12/18/85 —SSSt—21118156-75 W OWNER WILL FINANCE 472-5185. oc stop oy ai 2-;07 Penwinkic "vv>i\. lake & creekfront. Call Today 1-800- 12)13/95 —SStt—21120937-74 condition/remodeled, 941-454-7113 12/15)98 —-SStS—211H440-72 SEAGULL ESTATES - Olde Florida 837-7656 12)15)95 —SSSS—21121390-74 Duplex: 2 BD/1 BA, all new style 3 BD/2 BA, Whirlpool, beach 12)16)95 —SSSS —21111197-6 CAPE CORAL DUPLEX 2-1 UP 1-1 DOWN Fort Myers Beach Resort Trailer appliances, garage. 2245 Virginia access, swimming pool & tennis. North Carolina Mountain Land, 75 X 100 SEAWALL A DOCK Park - 1 bedroom, swimming, Ave., off Old Olga. No pets. Available Feb. '96 thru May '96. Call Free Brochure, homes, retirement, HOMES BOAT HOUSE weight room. Built-in screened room Available Dec. 1st. Lawn care & (201)666-2464. farms, views, lake and creek SECLUDED & shed. Great atmosphere. 10 garbage paid. 543-6340. 1)8)86 —SSSS —21118727-3 properties. 1-800-747-7322, Pool home, 2/2, mature fruit trees, minutes from Beach. Call 454-5241- 12)15)95 —SSS5—21119657-75 hurricane shutters, sprinklers. Coral - Call anytime. Negotiable. S.E. Cape 2 Bed/2 Bath w/garage - Carolina Mountain Homes, 3520 75' X 100' LOT SEAWALL & Apts. for rent in Ft. Myers, 2452 Large bedrooms, tile floors, freshly Pt. Drive. Available 2/96. $59,500. 12)17)95 —S$SS —21121552-5 Hwy. 64, W., Murphy, N.C. 28906. DOCK Stella Street, 2 bdrm., 1 bath $360. a painted, verticals, screened porch, 12)16)95 —SSSS—21120255-6 Assumable 30 year, 7%. 941-283- JUDGE BEAN RD. month plus $150. security deposit. quiet street, appliances, 9602. Call 574-2207 Hayesville, N.C, creek and 12)15)95 —SSSS—21121193-70 COMMERCIAL washer/dryer, trash pick-up + lawn riverfront lots, several with 1)8)96 —isst—21121049-74 maint., $680/mth. First-last + tremendous views, homes, cabins, By Owner: 3 BR, 3 BA, C.C. Country 90' X 90' SEAWALL 6' SAIL- PROPERTY/SALE security. Pets, smokers O.K. 772-' Club area. Fruit trees. $95,000. BOAT DRAFT 1 BR/1 BA near Hancock and Del farms, now is the time to invest. Call Prado. Clean $340. mo. + water, 4396 : for free brochure, Center Realty, 1- Immaculate. Call 945-4516. JUST REDUCED Office Space. For Sale - lease 12J12/85 —SiSi- 21118764-71 Real Estate purchase. 2,000 sq. ft. Executive 7 clean - vertical blinds. Dead end 800-299-2383. 1 2)15/95 —SSSS—21121 221-70 street. Discount for live-in 12)23)95 —SSSS — 21121283-6 room office, computer networked, EAST END ALDEN PINES ON GOLF corner unit, with large garage with maintenance person. 542-5006 or Andrew May Realty, large and small EAST LEE COUNTY COURSE LOTS Mobile 691-3723. Ready to move- 3 BD/3 BA * den, stilt home - overhead door. Owner financing. in. furnished. f1,500/mo. tracts with creeks, cabins, mountain HOMES FROM $17,900 & UP Boy Scout @ South U.S. Hwy 41. 472-5185 views. Call for Free Brochure, Call 939-4550. 12/15/95 —SSSS — 21121413-70 Available 1/3/96. 472-5185 Murphy, N.C. 1-800-383-8366 or East Ft. Myers. Reduced for quick 40 ACRES; CLEARED, LAZOR- 12)29)95 -HS«-21116641-70 evenings 1-800-837-5034. WANTED TO RENT | sale. Large 2 BD, 2 BA, living room, LEVEL, FARM A WATER 11000-27 Metro Pkwy. 2000 sq. ft. EAST ROCKS Classifieds 12)16)95 —SSSS—211212B4-6 fireplace, family room. Enclosed PERMITS r * warehouse. Frontage unit, with 700 For 7 months every year by 3 New 3 BD/2 BA ground level pool. Mother-in-law quarters, sq. ft. $94,000. Call 995-4380. retired adults (no pets) starting home w/caged pool, fenced yard, fruit trees on .83 acres. LOTS FOR SALE] RESTAURANT FOR LEASE 12)15)95 —SSSS— 21120154-73 10/1/96: 4 Bed/2 BA waterfront $1,800/mo. Available 12/15/95. Captiva $69,900. 693-7025. Beeper 335- [INTERVAL FOR SALE| VACATION POINTE SANTO DE CHANGE OF PACE CAPTIVA GULF FRONT (WATERFRONT) home or townhouse with pool. 941- On Gulf Estate home. Beautiful Vacation Home GREAT CANAL LOT Listed on 6941. 540-7546. SANIBEL Sanibel's West side. Piling home 12/12/95 — SSSS—211196B8-70 . COMMERCIAL Call Marie Wells Call me to purchase or sell vacation PROPERTY 3 or 4 BR/3 BA, ultimate luxury, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths LUXURY HOME 12)15)85 —SSSS— 21117962-70 time share weeks on Sanibel and Luxurious Gulf front penthouse would have nice view of the Bayou. T.Q. CARPENTER Priscilla Murphy Realty, Inc.. all amenities, Your own private tennis court BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE BEACH PROPERTY/RENT Captiva Florida. HERB SIMON, THIS IS A BOLD AND CAPITAL condo. 2 BR, 2 BA, screened Large lot with ample room for your REAL ESTATE 472-4113 & swimming pool, 100 yards to AT YOUR DOORSTEP LEE COUNTY HOMES \ BROKER/REALTOR. Office 772- AD. FOR $1.70 MORE YOU /ana/, with spiral staircase to lap pool, exercise room. Island home. Direct access & a 8335 MAIN ST. CONDOS FOR RENT] 12/12/85 —SSSS— 31120488-3 Gulf of Mexico. Call for times Long driveway into lush 1010, 1-800-831-4453, Residence CAN HAVE YOUR CLASSIFIED private rooftop sundeck. Weekly rentals available. great price at $149,555. Call Charlie BOKEELIA 33922 3 Bdr/2 Ba, 2/car garage. No Pets 574-5697, 1-800-933-1458. available. tropical estate grounds. Sobczak, Realtor® with Priscilla PELICAN PLACE POINTE SANTO: 2 BR/2 BA condo, AD UKE THIS. Gorgeous sunrises and Owner (941) 395-0162 completely furnished, gulf view. $700./mo. 945-6550 Professional Realty Consultants of 216/338-8031 Exclusive, tastefully decorated. Murphy Realty, Inc. at 472-1511. First floor retail/office space, sunsets. Beautifully decorated 12/25)95 — SSSS — 21024247-3 941-283-0813 Weekly rentals available. Seasonal 12/13/86 —SSSS—211 2OB57-74 Lee Couniy Inc. 216/338-5281 3/4 bedrooms or den. Sleeps 12)14)85 -SSSS—21116655-3 second floor office suite, BEAUTIFUL CAPTIVA ISLAND and fully equipped. IJ4)96 —SSSS— 21118124-4 rates. Contact owner, 812/342- Beautifully furnished, 3 BR, 2 BA, 1211719* — SiSt— 20B1B61-82 12/26)85 — SSSS— 2094544-3 eight. 3-1/2 baths. Large contains Lagorio's Pizza, Gingerbread House Substantial savings. ****** By owner. Cape Coral near high 8181. S.E. Cape Coral. Quiet, yet heated pool and spa. school. 3 adjoining house lots, unit Goodwill, Boutique/pharmacy 12/26)95 —SSSS- 17*992-3 convenient location. Garage, instde A new private home with Call owner, 610-664-2371. For all of your service needs CONDOS FOR SALE | Nominated for Architectural 62, blk. 3098, PB21, PG32, lots 41- Call Andy at 472-1439 laundry, lanai. Seasonal or.yearly Victorian Key West charm, 12)26/85 — SISS— 1966727-3 LOGGERHEAD CAY 2 BD/2 BA, Call ma on February and A THREE BEDROOM AND 2 Awards. Terraces and pool 42, 43-44, 45-46. $4,000 each. 540- 2440 Palm Ridge Road, lease. Available now. 549-8368 blended With contemporary THE BUSINESS & SERVICE 1169. EQUAL HOUSING Gulf view. $550/wk off season (May March weeks In Tortuga Beach BEDROOM, GULF FRONT pavilion. All amenities. BEST DEAL Sanibel 1st - Dec. 15th). Jan. $900. wk., Feb. leave message. space and luxury. ©©©©©© DIRECTORY IN 12/29)95 —tttl—21117435-70 12/H)B5 —SStt—21121022-74 Club on Sanibal Island. WITH PRIVATE POOL AND Brochure available. OPPORTUNITY 12/26/95 —SSSS— 2063523-3 $1,100. wk., March $1,150. wk., A two minute stroll from THE PINE ISLAND EAGLE Southwest Cape - area of nice March - weeks 9 S 10 in REACH 215,000 HOMES SPA. AVAILABLE FOR $3,900/week High Season All real estate advertised in IN TOWN! Sanibel Island - For rent office/store April $900. wk. 10% discount for Three bedroom, two bath, pool a beautiful private beach & ISLANDER CLASSIFIEDS homes - Block 1916, Lots 37-38, extended stay (2 weeks or more). apartment 0139. February and VACATION RENTAL. SPECIAL $2,550/week Low Season this newspaper is subject to Get two condos for the price of 520 square feet. Wooster Plaza, home. Located on Cape Coral on the Gulf. WITH CLASSIFIED 10)13)2014 —SSSJ- 1416 Southwest 5th Place, near 908-223-6748 Country Club Golf Course. $800 a March - weeks 8, 3, 10 and 11 SUMMER RATES. OPTION TO Days: 201-589-2111 the Federal Fair Housing Act of one! Beautiful canal front 2424 Palm Ridge Road. High Near historic ADVERTISING IN ALL 8 21107700-76 Skyline and Trafalgar - No sewer visibility both directions. 813-472- 12)26/85 —SSSS— 2O08677-3 month." Available January 1st. in apartment #119. Chapel-By-The-Sea, Captiva USE ALL SOUTH SEAS Weekends: 914-687-0360 and water assessments $4,900. 1968 which makes it illegal to property with dock A davits. OF OUR NEWSPAPERS. Duplex -2-2 BD/2 BA condos. 5020 Extremely clean!! Call Alan at 540- Apt. *139 • $19,500 each wk. library and South Seas Sanibel luxury residence - PLANTATION'S RESORT 12)26)95 — SSSS— 20B3BB1-3 Terms/offers. 458-8551 advertise any preference, SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION 0226. Professional Realty. Walk to beach access. Asking 12)14)95 —SSSS —21087649-3 Apt if 119 - $18,S0Q each wk. Plantation Resort. CALL YOUR LOCAL 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. FACILITIES. Seasonal rental Pool home, Cape 12)15)95 — SSSS—21120028-70 limitation or discrimination Lands End Village, 3 BR/3 BA. 12)15)95 — SStt—2112T287-B3 only $359,000. •PRICED REDUCED- Two bedrooms, two full baths; CLASSIFIED Sanibel Bayous Area. CALL OWNER AFTER 3:00 Coral Yacht Club. Waterfront, Beautiful "sailboat access" 80x125 based on race, color, religion, Commercial property. Fantastic view of Gulf and Ft. Myers Beach - 2 bed/2 bath, HERB SIMON completely equipped 2,900 square feet. Sleeps 10. P.M. EST, 219-272-0889 OR furnished 2 BD/2 BA, all utilities and lot on 160 ft. Waterway. S.W. 28th sex, handicap, familial status Call Tim Davis at 466-9277 Centrally located on Redfish Pass, weekly or stove, refrig, washer-dryer hook-up. REPRESENTATIVE FOR 12)12/85 — SSSS— 21111321-3 BROKER/REALTOR space-age kitchen; Walk to beach. 219-271-0115. local phone included. Pets are extra. Ave. off Surfside Blvd., unit 93, bik. or national origin, or an Periwinkle Way. monthly rates. Save direct. No pets!! $650 mo. - annual lease. MORE INFORMATION. 5972, Cape Coral location. Quiet Office 772-1010, washer/dryer; light, airy great Exercise room, 12)12)95 — SSSS — 2101B634-3 Available immediately. Rates vary intention to make such GULF FRONT CONDO Ideal for offices or Owner, Days 800-227-3633 Jurek Realty. 267-7707, Vickie For a little extra money, you per month. 540-4364. end of block. First time advertised. 1-800-831-4453 great master suite. AVAILABLE! Rare commodity on commercial service business. and ask for Glna. 12)15)95 —SSSt—21121511-70 room with cathedral celling; can place your classified 12)15)95 — SSSS—21110B49-75 Wow! "No bridges." Only $42,000. preference, limitation or Residence 574-5697, North Captiva Island: Beachfront Sanibel, spacious 1,900 sq, ft. Vacant and available for Eves: (201) 627-1267 Custom built 3/2, double garage, SE dan; screened veranda. advertisement in all 8 of our Call 1-314-367-2407 Call 540-7926. discrimination. This publication weekly rental condominium 1-800-933-1458 Furnished with lovely Shaker $3,600 month, $1,400 week home on tropical barrier island. Ft Myers Beach, Sundeck Resort, 12)12)95 — SSSS—21120824-70 will not knowingly accept any occupancy. 12)26)95 —SSSS— 2085677-3 Cape, near Blockbuster Video. papers throughout Lee and Pool, tennis, fitness room. Beach- available. Beautifully decorated, Includes appliances, tile floors, Professional Realty antiques. Charlotte County 1/5)96 — SSSS— 21111323-3 newly renovated apartments. Three parcel lot - 120WX144D, advertising for real estate solid rentals & choice location. Call Ann, 8:30-5:00, 395-0888. walking, shelling, fishing. Steps to Queen & King beds. Walk to Beach, South Seas Beach Villa window coverings. $695 per month. Consultants of Lee County Inc. Photos & references available. water's edge. Water taxi available. 3714 - 14th PI. S.W. - 38th St. off of which is In violation of the law. Asking $485,000. Call Charlie After 5:00 466-0330. 2 BRf2 BA condo. Furnished Restaurants, Charter Boats & 12)14)95 —SSSS— 21091140-3 For Rent 1st, last, security. Pets - maybe. ,26/SS —SSSS- 21109133-82 December 15th thru April 30th Wk/Mo. rates. (941) 549-7066 or Chiquiia to 14th. New seawall with Our readers are hereby Sobczak, Realtor® with Priscitla Please call 731-3131. 6)28)2004 —SSSt— 30005-79 with garage at Kelly Greens Fishing Piers. Discount for 2-3 dock on large lake. Kinnear Realty, Murphy Realty, Inc. at 472-1511. 2 BD/2 BA with "sleeping" loft, Ocean front, Ft. Myers Beach, 5 $1,400. per week. (813) 472-6661 informed that all dwellings ISLAND TOWER PLAZA, 1619 12)15)85 — tSSS—2H21532-73 Golf Course, with pool & spa month bookings. $450 941-466-6606. 12/14)85 —SSSS —21116657-3 accommodates 6. Located on Star Resort, sleeps 6, 2 bedroom, 2 May - $7S5/week. 12)27)95 — SSSS—21064575-T2 $95O./week. 941-463-1842 advertised in this newspaper Periwinkle Way, centrally located - South Ssas Plantation Ouiat surroundings, near 12/22/95 —tSSt—21121157-74 Gulf of Mexico, spectacular Ft. Myers Beach Canal Home. bath, all amenities. Deeded-valued June through September 1)3)B6 —SSSS—21120834-72 are available on an equal Lehigh - North Course, 2 BR/2 BA First Class Commercial Office South-end 3 bedrooms/2 baths, $8 300., $5,000. Week 39 S 28. Will Gulf Cottage beaches, restaurant & Villa - Newly decorated. Screened space - immediate availability. view. Reasonable rates $650fweek. opportunity basis. living room, dining area, lanai, tile accept terms, also weeks Panama Direct through owner. BOCA GRANDE Ft. Myers Beach on Gulf side of WATERFR0N1 porch overlooks 10th tee S cart port. Lowest rates on Sanibel. Call Bob through owner. October - $725/week. shopping. Wo pets/smoking. 312212012 —SStt— 2072220-79 kitchen, 2 car garage. Dock- Annual Cfty Beach. 39 & 5. Call 458-9918. 3JBR, 3/BA, loft, porch, Remember Sanibel Estero 2 Bed/2 BA Beach House. Private complex, immediate 472-5844 for details. Also available 2 BR/2 BA $1,100. plus utilities. 463-5836 November to December 14th Please leave message PROPERTY GOVT. FORECLOSED homes for 12)15.35 —f»i —?111B0t»-78 15 yrs. ago? Great Mid-Island location. occupancy. Owner/Realtor. Call 1)2)96 —SSSS—2111391B-3 Marina Villa at South Seas 12)17)95 —SSSS—21121547-5 $895/wk. beautifully furnished, washer, 466-3123. pennies on $1. Delinquent tax, (941) 369-4890 Try Boca Grande this year. Seasonal, Monthly/Weekly. Second Waterfront House for sale by owner. X-Mas &/or New Year's Week Special January rates. dryer, TV, VCR, pool, tennis, 1/2/96 — SSSS— ;i 115232-5 house off Beach. Just steps from repo's, REO's. Your area. Toll free 12)14/95 —SSSS—21120055-78 steeps 2-8 people, etc. Beachfront accommodations, Matlacha. Beautiful stilt home on Contact Mrs. M. Wreiole MOBILE HOMES FOR Rate applies to 4 people. BEACH - Huge private home, 4 Gulf.941-466-4376 (1) 800-898-9778, Ext. H-4363 for Townhouse - Best location Ft. Beauty Salon for re it, 1200 sq. ft.. INTERVAL FOR REN1 Marina Villa Available BD/2.5 BA, heated pool & spa villas and/or private homes Back Bay. Built by architect. Large current listings. (908) 747-5930. Write: Henry Romersa 12)14)95 -— SSSS—2112I03B-5 luxurious bedroom, 1-1/2 bath Myers. Mint condition. 3,2-1/2. US41 South - Fro' tage. In busy ame room, weight room, available. 12/14)35 — SSSS—211O11BB-74 Now accepting reservations. RENT 50% off Timeshare for one week (Captiva) Dec. 19th through Jan. 10th g 2 Bdrm. Condo - Completely upstairs, pool in deck. 1,500 sq. It. Pool. Minutes to golf. Many shopping plaza. £inks and will arbeque, bicycles, kayak. Available Call toll free for information 12)26165 —SSSS— 20B5678-3 anywhere in U.S. or International. After 10:00 a.m.-11 p.m. furnished on canal with swimming includes quest cottage downstairs, Bad or No Credit? Gov't homes and extras including Corian customize cabinets to fit your needs. 4911 Tanglewood Drive 1995 December 16th to January 1-800-881-2622 Call 334-2039 "•" $110. Special •" North - Anytime from now through January Nashville, TN 37216 1-800-227-1783 pool, close to down-town Cape 1 B/1 B. Approx. 800 sq. ft. 170' on properties available. Down payment kitchen, decorator carpeting, King's Crown - Gulf condo, 2 BR/2 Rooms, Apartments - Efficiencies & 2nd, 1996 April 6th to 14th. Call Boca Grande Coral. April 1st and after available. water Boat house, covered parking. tiles throughout . Tiled 1/5/86 —SSSS—21 121307-74 BA, screened lanai, heated pool, 31, 1996. Call Allan A.S.A.P. 267- 615-262-9859 Or (714) 499-1783 owner (941) 395-2006. from $0. Easy to qualify! For current Mobile homes, starling at $110. per 12/26)83 — SSSS— 206B15B-3 Real Estate, Inc. 772-0616 after 5 p.m. Owner financing. $174,000. 941- listing call toll free! 1 (800) 711- patio.Must see to appreciate! Retail cart space by McDonald's on tennis. 2 week minimum. 617-659- 12)12)95 -SSSS- 160421-3 12)12)95__—SSSS—2111 S727-3 week. Clean and ready. 2659 N . •••»«-ai120«31-76 12/26)95 — SSSt — 21092177-7 12)14)95 —SSSS—21121088-70 2878 Ext. H-4379 Call 941-936-6267 Ft. Myers Beach-275-3916 7460. Tamtami Trail or call 995-6977 2838 9 ^ 1/6/96 —SSSS —21121033-5 12/14/95 -SSSS—21120980-76 12)17)95 —SSSS — 21121335-5 12/26)85 —SSSS— 20B6535-3 12)14/85 —SStS—2ii?nn;<-7^ 35?? 8 Sanibel & Captiva REAL ESTATE Tuesday. Dec. 12.1995 Restrictive covenants in Real Esate


In an earlier column I dealt with the such restrictions are generally con- subject of easements, which give the strued strongly in favor of the property owner of an easement a specific limited owner. use of the real property that it pertains The length of time that a private to. In this column, I will present an restrictive covenant is valid may vary. overview of the subject of restrictive If the term is expressly stated in the covenants, which relates to the same written covenant, a court will enforce area of law - that is, rights granted for that specific time period. However, if the use of land, and restrictions and no time period is indicated, a court may limitations on such use. determine that a reasonable time period There are both public and private can be imposed, and consequently TA. restrictive covenants. Whereas public determine that restrictions must termi- restrictive covenants are primarily nate after that period. However, such intended to protect the general welfare covenants may be valid for an unlimit- and morals of a community, private ed period of time if the agreement states restrictive covenants are utilized to as much. A private covenant may also enforce restrictions on the use of real be cancelled if the court finds that the property in residential developments in object of the original restrictions- cannot order to protect and preserve the value be effectuated and that the purpose of of such developments. Examples of the restrictions cannot be reasonably such restrictions are as follows: pro- accomplished. hibiting trailers on lots; restrictions on Anyone who is an intended benefi- the construction and use of boat docks ciary of a covenant has the right to, and piers; requirements that homes enforce it in court, if necessary. If it connect with water and sewer within becomes necessary to take legal action, certain time periods; restrictions on the covenant may be enforced in a court fences and hedges that may block a of equity which may enjoin certain neighbor's view, or interfere with the actions, or compel that certain other general landscaping of a development; actions be taken to remedy the situa- restrictions on house pets and other tion. However, the person seeking to animals; restrictions on the size and enforce the covenant may be estopped kind of signs posted on any property from doing so if he or she has acqui- within a subdivision; etc. esced to the violation of the covenant Private restrictive covenants arise over a sufficiently long period of time, out of contractual agreements. In the Public restrictive covenants are parlance of the law of easements, they imposed by the myriad zoning regula- are really "negative easements". These tions, of which we are all quite aware private covenants can only be created of. It is interesting to note that, in a sit- by written agreement of the landowner, uation where there is a clash between duly executed in accordance with the the private restriction and the public required formalities of executing a restriction, courts generally will enforce deed, and recorded. Courts will gener- the private restriction even if it is more ally uphold such restrictions if those strict than the public zoning ordinanc formalities are met. However, if there However, the public zoning ordinal is an ambiguity, the court will look to will usually prevail if it is more seve **. . the entire contract between the parties than the local private restriction. and their clear intentions. If, after such examination, the clear intent of the par- Peter E. Kelly is an attorney and ties cannot be determined, the court Island resident whose law office is will not uphold such covenants, since located on Sanibel.

Live Shelling Restriction Experience the vacation of your dreams Florida law again and again. A variety of exceptional condominiums and private homes are available at South Seas Plantation, prohibits the and on CaptWa and Upper Captiva Islands. taking of live shells on or around Sanibel. You can help preserve one of the island's natural resources. Real Estate Sales Obey the law. 472-5111, ext. 5162 Take only the dead Interval Vacation Ownership shells from the beach! 472-5111, ext. 3331 South Seas Plantation • Captiva Island, Florida