The Australian pines of Bowman's beach have everyone talking, but has anyone asked the tourists what they think? —seepage3 What's Playing in area theaters for Christmas? — see page 24 Since 1961 Still first on mmo Sanibei and Captiva islands VOL. 34, NO.49 TUESDAY, DEC. 12, 1995 2 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES 50 CENTS Dear God, please let it snow Wasting no time, newly elected Mayor Bob Janes, right, and Vice Mayor Bob Davison, roll up their sleeves and get down to business at last week's Council session. New Mayor: City has a Courtesy photo Cast members of the Pirate Playhouse production "My Three Angels" look wealth of talented people upward for inspiration ... hope ... maybe snow? The show runs Dec. 8 through ty for input during the Council's deci- Jan. 6. For more information call the Pirate Playhouse. By Brenda Ordonez islander staff writer sion-making processes. "We have lots of issues facing the Council member Bob Janes is City in the next year," he said, "such as Sanibel's new mayor. Bob Davison the continuing Australian pine issue, A peek at what's coming up "This Week'* was elected vice mayor. and sewer assessments. We want to use After a three to two vote by written the wealth of talent we have on the >ou don't ruu to he n youngster island to work on those issues." to be uirious ihiuit what s mrnm)! up ballot, outgoing mayor Wally Kain passed the gavel to Janes, who then Janes said he also feels strongly, on-isi<uul this uivk, IIUMIL'II it htlpt. chaired the Council's Tuesday meeting. about strengthening intergovernmental \s s.mihc'1 cine 1 ( ii;'lr..i pii'piu Settling into his new role and Council relations. He favors close cooperation fill thC |<>llll_Sl <>l M.M-OI1-, till |ll.ill |l> chair, Janes inadvertently pushed the with the new town of Fort Myers iind the iaiesi on me greatest is> in button that summons the police — his Beach. "This Week," The Islander's weekly first act as mayor. Janes was elected to City Council in source for annual, bi-annual, and — 1992. Previously, he served on the well — rare occurrences. What's coming down the pike Sanibei Planning Commission for six 'This Week" can be found each years. A former professor in public week on page two of The, Islander. Janes said as mayor he'll focus on administration, he was involved in Foi Christmas related news turn to continuing to build on the things Minnesota county and city government. page two for all you need to know Sanibei has done in the past, and mak- He has been an island resident since about the islands. ing certain citizens have the opportuni- 1977. Sanibei offers hand to Southwest Florida's newest city Fort Myers Beach By Brenda Ordonez "We want to start building a positive Beach Council. Islander Staff Writer relationship because I think together "Bill's a good resource person — a has Sanibei connection we can be a formidable force for generalist — so his on-site assistance," There's a new kid on the coastline beachfront issues." Price said, "will mostly consist of find- — Fort Myers Beach on Estero Island, Inter-city cooperation, . - - " ~ _ ing answers." Southwest Florida's most recently cre- especially in sharing ser- Sanibel's expertise was ated city. And Sanibei is among the vices such as emergency "Their sought by Estero first in line to congratulate its citizens, operations management number one Islanders prior to-arid i and extend a helping hand. and the like, is something responsibility immediately after incor- Calendar 14 City Council members passed a res- Sanibei may want to poration, Price noted, olution last week to officially recog- explore with the new city, is to get because of its relatively Classifieds 21 nize the "Town," a term the Beach Price said. ordinances recent experience in Op/Ed Page 8 chose for incorporation. Price said he asked City on the incorporating as a city in In the resolution, Council offered to department heads to think book." 1974. Police Beat 6 the Beach the City's assistance and of ways their particular What are the most Shelling Tips expertise during its start-up phase and expertise could be helpful —————--- important decisions fac- 4 the transition from county to municipal to the newly-elected Beach Council. ing the fledgling city? "Their number This Week 2 government. The resolution authorizes Price to loan one responsibility," Price said, "is to "It's exciting that there's a sister city them the services of Assistant City get ordinances on the books. At the What's Playing 24 within sight of Sanibei," City Manager Manager Bill Mills for the next 60 same time, they need to hire a city Gary Price said. days, as needed and requested by the manager and city attorney." 1 Tuesday*,Dec. 12^99SK..:T.HE ISLAMBEIfy AT 2 THE isUfflfek ' Tuesday." bee-. T2.19S5 ••V, •„> '•• •, Do beaches need a Bandaid, or iiiiiiiii State prunes mangrove laws reconstructive By Anne Bellew surgery? Islander staff writer The City of Sanibel stands nearly alone in its By Brenda Ordonez opposition to the state's new mangrove trimming Islander staff writer law, according to former Mayor Wally Kain. Santa's Shop at Library Kain made the comments to those attending last The band aid approach or long term care? Voluntary or mandatory assessments? Those were week's Sanibel Vegetation Committee meeting. through Christmas the questions of the day at an information-gathering The Sanibel Public is the first stop for Santa Kain said the new law is popular throughout most public workshop on beach erosion and renourish- this year. An animated Christmas display, 9'x8' in of the state. ment held last Friday. Beginning tomorrow the so-called Mangrove dimension, will be on display at least through Members of City Council and the Planning Christmas. More than 1,200 man-hours were Trimming & Preservation Act, which became law Commission considered a two-fold agenda: the spent constructing this display, designed by Mike in June when Gov. Chiles did not veto it, will over- City's Gulf Pines (GP) beach renourishment project ride Sanibel's much stiffer regulations. and Annelle Rigsby, and you and your family — Council had turned down an earlier request to won't want to miss it. For information call the build sea walls as a way to solve erosion problems in Kain stated that freshman Sen. Jack Latvala X- library at 472-2483. that area; and the City's current policy on beach ero- Where, was inspired to sponsor the new legislation sion. when a property owner in his district experienced Shell Club Christmas Party problems with the old regulations. GP renourishment "Anyone owning real estate on the water ought In the meeting, Assistant City Manager Bill Mills Dec. 14 to be able to see that water," said Latvala. said that Sanibel over the years has tended to let The Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club Christmas Latvala, Chiles and the Department of nature take its course when it comes to beach ero- Caleb Perry of Louisville, Kentucky, says the Australian pines are "pretty cool Dinner Party, 6 p.m., will be held at the Putting Environmental Protection (DEP), however, now sion. However, he noted, the emergency situation in Pelican, Beachview Golf Course. Members are feel the act goes too far. Gulf Pines can be addressed with City administra- urged to make early reservations for themselves Latvala is presently working on corrective legis- tive and engineering assistance — already under and guests for this special event. Please state pref- lation; in the meantime, the DEP authorized way — in accordance with the Beach Management Tourists speak out on Bowman's pines erence for Salmon or Beef Tenderloin Marsala, Sanibel's City Council to regulate and enforce the Plan. when making reservations. There will be a cash new rules starting tomorrow. Mills said construction costs for GP renourish- What do tourists think about the pines? Jim and Elaine Crawford, Buffalo, New York: ment are estimated at $1.7 million. Several work- bar, and hors d'oeuvres. $22 per person, includes "We've been coming to Sanibel since 1974.... can't Environmentalists worried shop participants quickly calculated the cost to each Much of the public imagine not having the tax and tip. Send check to Eileen Nash, 450 Lake of about 33 property owners in the impacted area at Murex Circle, or Bob Latham, 119 Periwinkle comment on the trees. Nothing here is Environmentalists are concerned about the over $51,000. The City's tab is around $128,000, or native ... [we're] against it Way (both on Sanibel); or you can call Eileen at Australian pine manage- killing of or the removal of the trees — either 7 percent of the total project cost. from an environmental 472-9631, or Bob at 472-6943. See Islander cal- ment plan the City pro- would destabilize the resultant ex-posed shoreline. In their Nov. 21 meeting, Council directed City poses for Bowman's standpoint." (left) endar (pgs. 14-15) for standard club information. Mangroves this high will be a rarity on Staff to proceed with efforts to piggy-back onto the Shorter trees will continue to hold the shoreline. waterfront property throughout the state. Beach Park has focussed And since fallen mangrove leaves are the founda- CEPD project. A tie-in with the same dredging com- pany that will renourish Captiva's beaches could on what island visitors Kiwanis Tree Lighting, Gift tion of a water-borne food chain — which includes Other rules applied, depending on the trees' want to see — and not shrimp, fish and, eventually, humans — the shorter locations.
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