Welcome to the electronic edition of Australia’s Economy in its International Context: The Joseph Fisher Lectures, Volume I: 1904 - 1954. The book opens with the bookmark panel and you will see the contents page. Click on this anytime to return to the contents. You can also add your own bookmarks. Each chapter heading in the contents table is clickable and will take you direct to the chapter. Return using the contents link in the bookmarks. The whole document is fully searchable. Enjoy. Australia’s Economy in its International Context Cover photos published with kind permission of Peter Morris/Courtesy of Fairfaxphotos.com, Nicholas Gruen, ANU ePress, Butlin Archives ANU, The University of Melbourne Archives, World Bank, wikicommons. L-R: Robert Menzies, Heinz Arndt, John Crawford, Fred Gruen, Anne Krueger, Paul Krugman. Australia’s Economy in its International Context Volume I: 1904 - 1954 Edited by Kym Anderson Published in Adelaide by University of Adelaide Press Level 1, 254 North Terrace The University of Adelaide South Australia 5005
[email protected] www.adelaide.edu.au/press The University of Adelaide Press publishes externally refereed scholarly books by staff of the University of Adelaide. It aims to maximise the accessibility to its best research by publishing works through the internet as free downloads and as high quality printed volumes on demand. Electronic Index: this book is available from the website as a downloadable PDF with fully searchable text. Please use the electronic version to complement the index. Originally published April 2001 by the Centre for International Economic Studies, University of Adelaide.