VOLUME XXXII. NO. 24. SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEK 21, 1912. Price Three Cents. 112,000 be discounted, at 5 per cent In First National Bank in anticipation MANY RED MEN of assessment on Broadway Improve- ment. ~ / VISIT SENECA TRIBE A note for $5,000 falling due -was ordered renewed for four months. The visit of Grand Sacbem Charles A resolution appropriating $1,300 M. Curry and other great chiefs of for paying public dock bond due Oc- the State to the wigwam of the Sen- tober 1 was approved. eca Tribe, No. 23, Improved Order of, Council Will Ask for Bids on $40,- On resolution fi sale of school bonds Tidc Assists Contractors in Remov- When Athletics Shut Out South Red Men, on Thursday evening, waa to amount of $50,000 was ordered ad- the cause of one of the biggest pow- 000 Worth at five Per Cent. In- vertised In the Financial Chronicle, ing It to Temporary Bridge Over River and Carried Off County wows which has taken place in that terest—Other Business Trans- Wall Street Journal, Perth Amboy Cheesequake Creek—Work Will Championship Honors—Borlund council for many moons. Evening News and South Amboy Cit- The chiefs and warriors of the Sem-' t acted. izen. Mr. Slover voted against issu- be Rushed on New Bridge Over PltChCd Oreat Ball —Notes by moles, Po Ambo, Pasayunk, Osage ing of school bonds. Innings. j and Chingarora Tribes gathered within . Bids for painting both engine houses A resolution was adopted submit- Creek. the wigwam of tho local Red Men to Were awarded to William T.
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