PORTLAND DAILY FIESS. SEPTEMBER 23 PBICE 8 CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUKE 33, 18G2--VOL. 19.' PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, 1881-_IffiBiiMSaai _ MISCELLANEOUS Succeeding to the Presidency. Chicago Comment. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, EDUCATIONAL MISCELL A.NEOUS THE PBESS. Published by the every day (Sundays excepted,) irrrr-^-^Trrrtii wOTfTT-rn.>"Tir^fgprri^'l"*tLr^a::s::Ka::ra The Surgical Treatment of the President’s FRIDAY MORNING. SEPT. 23. How Vice Presidents Tyler. Fillmore PEBLISHlNfi CO., PORTLAND Miss Se wall’s School, and Johnson Took the Oath of Office of Case. At 109 Exchange St., Portland. In the 567 1-2 Congress Street. Every regular attach^ of the Press is furnished President—the Official Records Terms: Dollars a Year. To mail snbscrib Eight it THstatefair with a Card certificate by Stanley Pullen, Senate. Several leading Chicago were nreeiM signed physicians advance. an Seven Dollar* a Year, If'paid in The fifth year begin* Sept. 15, 18S1. _ -FC ►n.- Editor, All railway, steamboat and hotel managers asked Wednesday what they thought of the Careful instruction will be given in English Studies, PRESS will confer a favor upon us by demanding credentials Since the on which Washington took of the President’s case in THE MAINlfSTATE Latin Greek, French and German. Boarding piec- day surgical treatment to our es for from out of town. of every person claiming represent journal. the oath of office and entered upon his duties Dr. is everv Thursday Morninq at $2.50 a provided pupils Massachusetts the of the autopsy. Edwin Powell published light or to the Princi- if in advance at $2.00 a year. For circulars, adndsdon, apply P! on the 30th paid as President of the United States, in so far a year, 78 Winter St. tiotographs. do not read and oommnni said: “It was perfect every respect, pal, jy23-eodtf Superior We anonymous letters of until now—a of more was for the Presi- Rates of Advertising: Ono inch of space, the LAOT cations. The name and address of the writer are In April, 1789, period I can see. Everything done ength of column, constitutes a "square.” than three Vice Pres- do. The wound on the Pictorial Arts at the Maine State all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- ninety-three years—only dent that surgical skill could $1.60 per square, daily first week; 75 cents per IMl SEMINARY, '*S5£*%S£Si5 From report of Committee or Home School for Women. one teach iechauic tion but as a of faith. ident!’have succeeded to the presidency— a not three insertions Young' Charitable was mortal one.” week after; less, $1.00; continu Only guaranty good necessarily “Ought after first cents. ir»g household arte, cooking, dress-cutting, &c.; liter- Fair of 1881. Inc every other day week, 60 THE SRST We cannot undertake to return or prep ve com John Tyler in 1811, Millard Fillmore in 1850, the to have been able to have tracked Half three insertions or 75 ary work of high gratle. Always full. Vacancies “For She BEST SPECIMENS 03 PHOTOGRAPHY, surgeons “"quar, less, cents; m that are not used. tilled in order of Send for unications and Andrew Johnson in 1865. The official a ball is one week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. applieation. catalogue. PRIZE is awarded to C. W. IIEAff IN.” the ball bettor?” “No. Tracking .Special one-third Mention this paper. C. C. BRAGDON, Principal. a Notices, additional. “C. W. HEARN ot Portland also exhibited some ssipmor Crayon proceedings under which each qualified have the most difficult thing imaginable. The Under hoa.1 of “Amusements” and "Auction jy21eod2m WHICH WAS NOT Associatiou. President and his Doctors. for him Mr. Frai ik Goddard, The interest at this time, and they are Sales," $2.00 per square per week; throe inser- work executed by peculiar books contain an instance in which a ball en- tions or less, $1.60- ENTERED FOR A iJBEiTIIITM.” The account of President Garfield’s given below precisely as they appear in the tered the elbow and in the left Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State MISS MARIA E. right lodged ODELL, The above report speaks for it> iclf. written minutes of the of the Sen- Press (which has a large circulation in every part wound with the illustrative engraving given proceedings shoulder, and another instance in whioh a ball ef the for for first inser- Exhibition, The minutes areas State), $1.00 per square TEACHER OF FRENCH AND also Fourteenth Triennial in the Pkess this will be read with ate of the United States: entered the Adam’s apple, went aronnd the tion, end 50 cents per square for"each subsequent DRAWING, morning follows: iasertk.n. Qermnn and Italian. -OF THE- eager interest and mournful satisfaction. throat and lodged where it went in, and no communications to Address ail Tuesday, April 6,1811. can in instance follow a ball.” or ’ The of the wound and the probe every PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Pupils received singly In class description Immediately after the decease of the Presi- “What was the immediate cause of death?” Apply at Miss Sargent and Miss Bt lbury’s “Old Mechanics’ Fail-’ course of the ball is admirably clear and dent, Mr. Webster, Jrs. chief clerk in the The loss of a pint of blood School, 148 spring St. jlyi ,odtf will make itself understood by all. It is Department of State: accompanied by Mr. “The hemorrhage. ENTERTAINS ENTS, Beall, an officer of the Senate, set out for the would not have been fatal to a man in health. OCTOBER, patent that the hurt was mortal from the residence of the Vice President, iu. OPEN SEPTEMBER AND Virginia, The fact is, the President was a fleshy man first, that the patient was past all surgery bearing the following letter: New Portland Theatre. EATON FAMILY rather than a muscular man, anyway. I was SCHOolT PHOTC )GRAPHER. on the second of July, and that the large Washington, April 4, 1841. Huntington Avenuo and West Newton street, oppo- To John Vice President the United at Williams College with him, and he never » resources Tyler, of NORRIDGEWOCK, ME., 0 SVIaine.- Grounds. and beneficent of medical skill 518 Congress Street, Portland, dti site the Coliseum States: Sir— It has become our most pain- could climb Saddle mountain like the rest of & Saturday, eepl3 could his life a. brief time and ful duty to inform you that William Henry Friday 3Elot£i.Tk3li!©l3L©<3.1850. ~~ only prolong ns.” “Could anything have been done better SEPT. 23 and 21. <®r Harrison, late President of the United|States assuage the agony of his dying hours. We than it was done?” "No; I don't see that it Fall Term will commence Sept. 5. For circular FOR SALE A THOUSAND ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES has departed this life. If had known the track of the 03-Hemcmbcr this data particularly. Remeui. was could. they and references, apply to can rest assured that all done for him This distressing event took place this day, at j ber the prices. <9 ALL THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES. ball and treated it on Lister’s antiseptic plan, U. F. EATON, Principal- that the President’s mansion in this at HALL. that possibly could be done, city, thir.y it might have made some difference; but they Survival of the Fittest. jlylS A FULL MACHINERY minutes before one in the The __dtf_ FOR SALE. the of the art were morning. coaid not be blamed for not discovering the expedients healing lose no time in the chief A SUPERB ART GALLERY. We despatching track of the ball.” Instruction in and M ass- in his and that no human in the State as a English exhausted behalf, clerk department special Dr. Edmund Andrews was asked what he and Boilers MILITARY AND COLONIAL MUSEUM. to bear these tid- ies! Stndiets. 40 Sleai Engines aid could avail him. That he lived as long messenger, you melancholy thought of the Presidential surgeons, and a FLORAL PYRAMID. ings. 3 io 75 II. P., also, great variety Shaft- CATARACT AND to the said, “They did everything as well as it could Steam he did is the strongest testimony We have the honor to be, with the Given to private pupils by the subBoribwr, ing, Hangers, Pulleys, Belting, Pumps highest be done, so’far as can be seen at this distance ANIMMENSE CAMERA-OBSCURA. of his obedient and Wood working tools. faithfulness and professional skill regard, your servants, from the patient?” “Could they have found S. L. HOLT & CO., INSTRUMENTAL Daniel VOCAL AND Webster, the ball?” “No. The finding of a ball is aug27eodlir.‘ 07 Sudbury St., Boston^JUass. physicians. of State. J, W, STEPHEN BEftRY, MUSIC. Secretary very difficult. The different folds of the body COLCOIiD, In our and and har- Thomas Ewing, impatience anxiety slip over each other aftor the ball has gone JOP..J. fLJ of us have con- Secretary of the Treasury. and the of the cban- 1 '*’**'W var Jb sale. Refreshment Room, Coat and Package Rooms, solicitude, many through them, continuity Kty/ vvrvvvj Tarrn or assing John 148 Pearl Street. \St\Sj Press ttilica, Daily Newspaper, Bell, ne1 is broken. Then the in be- Room, Telegraph UCUiUCU bUV probe slips of a Perlecr Exhibition. Secretary* of War. )an24 dlf Plum 3treet. and all the conveniences tween organs, and the surgeon can’t toll bat No. 3? near markets and school, cuuawiiuoi railroads, gepl4 their ignorance of things beyond human John J. Crittenden, he is still the wound, when he is J abundance of sounding ENGLISH & CLASSICAL SCHOOL IOCATED260 acres, gomi tillage, wood, AVIHUAUOJ UUUV1U1I house and 2 and for their failure to an in- feeling at a great distance from it.” “What J.
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