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VOLUME XXXII. NO. 24. SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEK 21, 1912. Price Three Cents. 112,000 be discounted, at 5 per cent In First National Bank in anticipation MANY RED MEN of assessment on Broadway Improve- ment. ~ / VISIT SENECA TRIBE A note for $5,000 falling due -was ordered renewed for four months. The visit of Grand Sacbem Charles A resolution appropriating $1,300 M. Curry and other great chiefs of for paying public dock bond due Oc- the State to the wigwam of the Sen- tober 1 was approved. eca Tribe, No. 23, Improved Order of, Council Will Ask for Bids on $40,- On resolution fi sale of school bonds Tidc Assists Contractors in Remov- When Athletics Shut Out South Red Men, on Thursday evening, waa to amount of $50,000 was ordered ad- the cause of one of the biggest pow- 000 Worth at five Per Cent. In- vertised In the Financial Chronicle, ing It to Temporary Bridge Over River and Carried Off County wows which has taken place in that terest—Other Business Trans- Wall Street Journal, Perth Amboy Cheesequake Creek—Work Will Championship Honors—Borlund council for many moons. Evening News and South Amboy Cit- The chiefs and warriors of the Sem-' t acted. izen. Mr. Slover voted against issu- be Rushed on New Bridge Over PltChCd Oreat Ball —Notes by moles, Po Ambo, Pasayunk, Osage ing of school bonds. Innings. j and Chingarora Tribes gathered within . Bids for painting both engine houses A resolution was adopted submit- Creek. the wigwam of tho local Red Men to Were awarded to William T. Hammell ting to voters at tliQ fall election tj rejoice with them over the good for- On Wednesday night the draw (it Murray Borlund, outpttching Harry by the Council at regular meeting acceptance or rejection of an aci Applegate, shut, out South.River and tune which lias befallen their Tribe last Tuesday evening. regulate salaries of the police in this the county bridge at Morgan was ineidently pitched his team to the. (luring the last moon. The members Present—Mayor Welsh, Councilmen city. moved by the Owcgo Bridge Company county championship when the local of the ianthe Council, Degree of Po- Manhattan, O'Connor, Slover, Stanton The report of city treasurer showed to'the temporary structure erected to nine clashed with the South Hlver cahontuH assembled with the warriora HON. WILLIAM HIIOIIIOS, nine on Saturday. Neither side scored and Stuart; Clerk Mack, Solicitor balances ns follows: City account, bo lined while, a now lift bridge In for the occasion. Many pale faces Candidate for Preferential choice on until the sixth inning when Frank De- Pearse, Engineer Mason, Treasurer $3,541.4-5; Sower account, $11,047.48; being constructed. were also present at the festivities. IJfliimnrnllii Primary Ticket. Demo liinny poled a safe bingki to centre Perrine, Street Commissioner Connors Water account, $C42.(ifi; Broadway The IniliBl'er was made by tlie. usn Held, Atkinson made, his second two nrnU should vote for him on Tues Chief of Records and Seals, George and Collector Sutliff. improvement, $1,926.10; which waa of two scows M pontoons. The old bagge1 r und Delancy scored on Hig- day next, an hiH record shows ho I gins sacrifice,. Eight hits were col- O. Cllvor, presided over the conference received and ordered filed. draw was previously strengthened by Minutes of previous meeting were with the people. lnetfid off Applegate who has been and in a few remarks told of the prog- approved as read. Licenses for plumbing were granted under pinning it with huge timbers, touted as tlie county's best. Three of ress which has tjeen mado. by this The clerk read petition of property to Thomas Vail and Kelly & McAlln- so that in Its weakened condition thoHe were collected In the sixth whon Tribe during the past year. Since there would not be any liability of the tally of the game was rec- owners against alteration of southerly den. corded. AtklnKon'H batting was a feat- January 1st, 105 pale faces have been line of Portia street. On motion of An ordinance granting permission Its breaking in two, At low wntor THIEVES ROB TENTS ure In landing tho game, but Jack initiated into the tribe while twelve- Mr. Manhattan it was received and o Public Service Street Railway Co. tho scows wove moved under tbo dviuv Uiggins. making two spectacular applications are pending and the war- referred to special committee appoint- one each side of-the abutment, and plays kept the South River team from riors have twenty-seven prospective to place switch at Broadway and Main AT MORGAN BEACH scoring. The following is how the ed previously by council on adjust- street was placed on first reading, then long and henvy pieces of tim- candidates in sight. This raises the ber wero placed so that the ends Atlilellcfi won the county champion- ment of lines on this street. und laid over under tbo rules. For years Morgan beach has no ship: membership of the Seneca Tribe to running ncrons tho center pier reach- The clerk read protest signed 'i.v Mr. Stanton reported that the sow- been molested by petty thieves, and 250. In conclusion of his remarks ed each scow. Mocks wero placed First, Inning—Murray got a good E. McDonough, C. Straub and others er connections at John Coagrovo'a prop articles left in the tents and sehaoks start by fanning Joe Mullen, the South showing tho progress made by tho. from these tiinbcru to the draw anil against the flagging of David street erty had been uncovered, and it WHS have always been considered as River slugger, fireen's liner was e.ap- order, Mr. Cllver called on Great San- wedged tight. When tho tide raised turml by Higglns. Heck waa safe from Broadway to Rosewell street. found that two taps had been made,' us though in u safe, deposit vault. nap Charles T. Grace, a member of the tho draw was lifted and the scowa when his hot grounder went by At- thus refuting Mr. Cosgrovo's claim regret to state that this fall things local tribe, for the remarks of wel- After some discussion, on motion with their burden weco allowed to kinson. Armstrong forced Hock, De- that there had only been one made, have chnnged, and the petty thief hah lanoy to Keating. No runs. come, praising him for his devotion of Mr. Manhattan it was received and drift to tho temporary bridge. Tliu for two houses. boon marauding tho tents and ap Keating Hied to center, Borlund and work for the tribe. filed. Iron cradle of the draw was then re- proprlating wearing material, sui struck out, Stratton filed to. Mullen. A communication was read from Mr. Manhattan stated that commit- moved and securely fastened to th'j No runs. Mr, Grace thanked the chairman for cases, shoes and blankets, etc. Ai Protection Engine Company asking tee on Water Works with city en- icntcr pier. As tho tide began to Second Inning—Keating made a his commendatory remarks, but stated this time of the year many tenters use of city team for hauling fire en- ;ineer would go over tho ground anil recede the draw dropped in Its prop- neat stop on Dokcr and tlirew him that the results which had been ob- go homo during the week, and return gine at parade in Perth Amboy. On consider tho request of the South Am- er place. out at first. Sulu walked but was tained were gained only through the :in the week end to enjoy Saturday and secondC . motion of Mr. Manhattan, it was re-1 boy Terra Cotta Company for uette T SEIE No °runs . ^ ^"-(individual efforts of the members. In ceived and referred to the Mayor. fire protection. All boat traffic was stopped for the Sunday at. the beach, und these people, Delaney grounded out, Albert fo a few appropriate remarks Mr. Grace The clerk read letter from Edward Mr. Stanton stated the hook ami night, but on Thursday the draw could arc thu ones preyed upon. This sor Mullen, Atkinson walked but was out welcomed the ladles of the Degree of when Higgins got safe on a fielders i p caliontas and the pale faces who W. Mines, secretary Public Service ladder company are anxious to bav< be turned and water tralllc; was re- of thieving should be nipped in tbo O sumed. Trolley passengers wero bud, and the matter reported to the choice. McDonnell (lied to right field. ' Street Railway Company, acknowledg- their new truck in time for Perth No runs. wore the guests of the tribe. proper authorities, There can he no Thp Ore!lt ing receipt of letters from tho city. Amboy parade, and offered a motion transferred afoot over the structure, Third"inning—Murray whiffed "Pop- Sachem, Great Chief of doubt but that the goods stolen could On motion of Mr. O'Connor it was re- that the clerk communicate with tin but automobiles were compelled to py" Phair, He did the same to Apple- I Records and Seals, Great Prophet, and take the Cueesequalt* road in order be found with but little effort. ate. ceived and referred to committee on bonding company stating that i Mullen made first base on four ! oreat wigwam fluard remarks to reach Keyport. It Is expected that wide ones. streets. truck was not delivered by the Com rand Mu,^n SVscore'tm i»» <«a,ory to M, Grace and The Chapman and Merritt Wrecking by this Friday night, trafllc will tnc work whictl llc ll!is bination Hook and Ladder Truck Co.