OIL MILL GAZETTEER Official Organ of the National Oil Mill Superintendents’ Association
OIL MILL GAZETTEER Official Organ of the National Oil Mill Superintendents’ Association. VOL. X V Ii., NO. 10. WHARTON, TEXAS, APRIL, 1916. PRICE TEN CENTS From Secretary-Treasurer Morris It is unnecessary for me to go into details vention, and certainly hope I will succeed much concerning our next convention, for President better. Leonard’s letter in the March issue was to the Let everybody boost for the convention and point and brings out in full everything connect be sure to be on hand yourself. Yours to ed with our next meeting. However, I want to serve, F. P. MORRIS, impress upon the minds of all members that in Secretary-Treasurer. order to succeed as we have planned, you must * * * attend. Let’s make this our banner meeting BIG FIRE LOSS AT TYLER year. I have letters from superintendents from California to North Carolina expressing their Tyler, Texas, March 17.— The Tyler Oil desire to be there, and if nothing prevents, you Company and the Tyler Ice Company suffered a will see them. Now then, let’s all who live, fire loss last night of between $25,000 and closer be on hand. The meeting has been ad $30,000. The oil company lost its big seed house, vertised throughout all cotton growing states, in which there was no seed, and its hull house, and I will continue to do so from now until the in which was stored a large quantity of hulls. convention meets. If President Leonard and The damage to the walls of the large mill build myself, assisted very ably by our never tiring ing will amount to several thousand dollars.
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