MÉMOIRES DE L’ACADÉMIE D’ORLÉANS AGRICULTURE SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS Déclarée d’utilité publique par décret présidentiel du 5 mars 1875 ANNÉE 2012 VIe SÉRIE TOME 22 Volume édité en 2013 5 rue Antoine Petit 45000 ORLÉANS site Internet : http://www.lacado.fr ISSN 0994-6357 L’Académie d’Orléans Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts, héritière des sociétés savantes qui ont existé dans la ville sous l’Ancien Régime, dont l’Académie royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts au XVIIIe siècle, a pris en 1996 la suite de la Société d’Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d’Orléans. En couverture :.Embâcle de glace sur la Loire à Orléans devant le quai Saint Laurent, le 10 mars 2012 (Photo Joseph Picard). 3 Sommaire du Tome 22 Pages Communications Claude-Henry Joubert Chopin-Liszt, accords et désaccords………………………………………. 7 Gérard Lauvergeon Voyage dans l’ancienne Prusse-Orientale, de Klaïpeda-Memel à Kaliningrad-Königsberg …………………………. 19 Pierre Muckensturm L’invention de la liberté politique. de la Constituante aux Radicaux : 1789-1900……………………………. 31 Jean-Pierre Navailles Les Anglais dans la caricature française et vice versa, 1814-1904 .…….. .41 Gérard Hocmard "Le Titanic ne peut pas couler"…………………………………………. 55 Jack Boulas La photographie : l’obsession du premier inventeur et le résultat présent 65 Olivier de Bouillane Le combat d’un romantique : Gustav Mahler (1860 – 1911) …………. 85 de Lacoste André Brack La vie dans l’univers, du rêve à la réalité…………………..…………… 97 Henri Le Borgne La tragique histoire de l’Empereur Xuanzong………………………….. 105 Bernard Pradel La fin de la République Gaullienne (1965-1970) ………………………. 113 Jacques Varet La géothermie en France et en Région Centre ………………………….. 125 Michel Pertué Représentation de l’espace et organisation du territoire en France au XVIIIe siècle …………………………………………………………. 137 Michel Monsigny Impact des nanotechnologies sur l’agriculture et l’alimentation ……….. 155 Marius Ptak Internet et la révolution numérique permanente………………………… 171 J-M. de Widerspach-Thor Le traité de Versailles de juin 1919 ou l’espoir en attendant des jours meilleurs ……………………………. 187 Abstracts in English ………………………………………………………….……………. 201 Dîner-débat Invité : Jean-Paul Pollin La dérive des dettes publiques … en questions …………………………. 211 Varia Gérard Hocmard Pour saluer Charles Dickens ……………………………………… …… 221 Michel Monsigny La médecine personnalisée est en marche (mucoviscidose)..……… ….. 223 Marius Ptak Prix Nobel de physique 2012 ……………………………………… …… 225 Nos confrères publient ………………………………………………………………………… …… 227 Hommages Christian Loddé Me Robert Girault…………………………………………………… …... 231 Joseph Picard Dr Antoine Geisen…………………………………………………… ….. 232 Jean-René Perrin M. Éric Lefebvre………………………………………………….… ….. 233 Assemblée générale du 7 mars 2013 Rapport d’activité …….……….………………………………………………………………… 237 Rapport moral ……………………………………………………………….……………………. 241 Membres de l’Académie…………………………………………………………………….……… 245 Académies et Sociétés correspondantes……………………………………………………….…… 253 Académie d'Orléans Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts VIe Série- Tome 22 - 2012 5 COMMUNICATIONS L’Académie laisse aux auteurs des travaux insérés dans ses Mémoires la responsabilité de leurs opinions. Leurs titres et qualités sont précisés à la rubrique "Membres de l’Académie". Académie d'Orléans Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts VIe Série- Tome 22 - 2012 7 CHOPIN – LISZT1 Accords et désaccords Claude-Henry Joubert RÉSUMÉ On a fêté en 2011, le bicentenaire de la naissance de Franz Liszt. Liszt fut un homme engagé, dans la musique, l’idéal et l’amitié. Cette causerie évoquera tout d’abord Chopin, son séjour parisien, ses relations avec les grands pianistes de l’époque, Kalkbrenner, Hiller, Mendelssohn et Franz Liszt. On rencontrera George Sand, Marie d’Agoult, Eugène Delacroix, Gérard de Nerval, Victor Hugo, les saint- simoniens et même Pierre Leroux, Bakounine et Karl Marx. Et l’on parlera de mazurkas, de nocturnes, de polonaises, de ballades, et surtout de cette amitié tendre et tumultueuse qui lia Liszt et Chopin pendant neuf années. Accords - désaccords, amitié — fâcherie, entraide — rivalité… Mon propos ne sera pas musicologique, simplement respectueusement admiratif et affectueux. Pour y voir clair, j’ai divisé mon intervention en cinq parties : I Chopin et le 11 septembre II Liszt et les épinards (un sujet peu traité) III Chopin et Bakounine. IV Chopin, compositeur antillais ? V Le style de Chopin, "style dont les effets ont été et sont encore déplorables". I.- Chopin et le 11 septembre Chopin est Polonais, mais tellement Français ! Un peu Lorrain ; son père, Nicolas, est né à Marainville, près de Nancy, son grand-père y était charron, comme le fut le père de Joseph Haydn. Mais Frédéric naît près de Varsovie, à Zelazowa Wola, le 22 février 1810 ; dès octobre de la même année, il réside à Varsovie. Bien doué, ce petit Frédéric ! Sa mère lui donne ses premières leçons de piano, puis ses professeurs sont Zywny et surtout Joseph Elsner qui fut directeur du conservatoire de Varsovie. Chopin, à 16 ans, fut son élève de composition : le petit-fils d’un charron prenait des leçons avec le fils d’un menuisier… À 7 ans : première composition, éditée en 1817 : Polonaise en sol mineur. Le petit Chopin, pianiste, se produit en concert, il joue parfois de l’orgue. Mais le 27 mai 1825, à l’École centrale de musique de Varsovie, il donne un récital d’éolopantaléon. Peu avant, toujours en mai 1825, à l’église évangélique, il donnait, en présence du Tsar Alexandre Ier, un concert d’éolomélodicon ! L’éolomélodicon inventé par le professeur Hoffmann est sorti des ateliers du facteur Karol- Fidelis Brunner. C’était une sorte d’orgue dont l’agencement des tuyaux, prolongés par des 1 Séance publique du 19 janvier 2012. Académie d'Orléans Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts VIe Série- Tome 22 - 2012 8 trompes en tôle, multipliait la puissance. "Il rugissait, écrit un auditeur, comme des trompettes, des cors et des trombones réunis." C’est tout Chopin… L’éolopantaléon, de l’ébéniste Josef Dlugosz, était un piano doté de soufflets et de tuyaux. Un critique, dans l’Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung note : "Sous ses doigts, cet instrument qu’il maîtrise vraiment a produit une grande impression". Chopin, à 15 ans, au milieu de tous ces tuyaux, c’est véritablement le premier plombier polonais. Très jeune, Chopin joue en concert. Comme Liszt, il improvise en public, sur des thèmes de Rossini, de Boieldieu, d’Auber, ou sur des thèmes populaires. Il compose ; à 20 ans, à Varsovie, en 1830, il donne ses deux concertos : - en fa mineur, le 17 mars, - en mi mineur, le 22 septembre. Le 2 novembre 1830, il quitte Varsovie pour l’Europe : Dresde, Prague et enfin Vienne. Lorsqu’il monte dans la diligence, ses amis du conservatoire, Joseph Elsner en tête, lui chantent une cantate dont la dernière strophe disait : "Quoique tu quittes notre pays, ton cœur reste parmi nous". C’était prémonitoire : le cœur de Chopin, conservé dans du cognac, repose aujourd’hui dans un des piliers de l’église de la Sainte-Croix à Varsovie (son corps est au cimetière du Père- Lachaise). Il en est de même pour Félix Dupanloup, illustre évêque d’Orléans, dont le corps repose dans la cathédrale d’Orléans et le cœur dans l’église de son village natal, Saint-Félix, en Haute-Savoie. Le 29 novembre 1830, la Pologne se soulève contre la Russie. Les émeutes et la répression — terrible — vont durer jusqu’en octobre 1831, précédant la "russification" de la Pologne. Chopin est désespéré. Dans ses valises il emporte 14 polonaises, 2 concertos, 20 mazurkas, 9 valses, 10 nocturnes et les premières études de l’opus 10 qu’il appelle Exercices (c’est déjà ainsi que Domenico Scarlatti nommait ses célèbres sonates). À Vienne, Chopin vit avec son ami de longue date Titus Woyciechowski., un ami très intime. Certains ont vu de l’homosexualité dans cette relation. Il est vrai que leur correspondance est très charmante : "Titus chéri, je cache tes lettres comme le ruban d’une amante. Écris-moi et nous nous dorloterons de nouveau dans une semaine" etc. Peu importe ! C’est un langage affectueux, mais adolescent. Je ne serais pas étonné que Chopin ait vécu toute sa vie chastement. À Vienne, il se lie avec le grand Czerny et Johann-Nepomuck Hummel (l’un des rares élèves de Mozart). Il travaille à un concerto pour deux pianos qui, hélas, ne nous est pas parvenu. Il est exaspéré par le caractère bourgeois de Vienne. Le 20 juillet 1831, il part pour Munich où il passe tout le mois d’août. Son passeport porte la mention : "se rend à Londres en passant par Paris". Paris doit donc être une étape ; il y arrive le 11 septembre 1831. Il y restera et y mourra le 17 octobre 1849, entre 3 et 4h du matin. Cette vie parisienne, cette vie française, était annoncée. Les origines de Chopin sont lorraines, françaises. Il se nomme Frédéric, François. Son père, professeur de français, lui écrivait toujours dans cette langue. Cette arrivée, le 11 septembre 1831, est donc une date importante. Paris est la capitale européenne des arts. 1830, c’est l’année d’Hernani, de la Symphonie fantastique, 1831 celle de Notre-Dame de Paris. Kalkbrenner vit à Paris, Rossini dirige Les Italiens, l’Orchestre du Conservatoire est dirigé par Habeneck, Feydeau préside aux destinées de l’Opéra-Comique. Frédéric est ravi : "je connais Rossini, Cherubini ; de mon appartement, 27, boulevard Poissonnière, j’ai une vue magnifique qui s’étend de Montmartre au Panthéon" (…) "Je vis très intimement avec Kalkbrenner (…) Il est le seul auquel je ne sois pas digne de dénouer les lacets de ses souliers !" Encore une exagération juvénile… Le 15 janvier 1832, dans les salons de Pleyel, Chopin participe à l’exécution d’une Grande Polonaise précédée d’une Introduction et d’une Marche composée par Mr Kalkbrenner pour six pianos. Les six Académie d'Orléans Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts VIe Série- Tome 22 - 2012 9 pianistes sont Kalkbrenner, Hiller, Osborne, Sowinski, Chopin et Félix Mendelssohn (que Chopin appréciera peu).
New Jersey in Focus: the World War I Era 1910-1920
New Jersey in Focus: The World War I Era 1910-1920 Exhibit at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters 125 Symmes Drive Manalapan, New Jersey October 2015 Organized by The Monmouth County Archives Division of the Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon Gary D. Saretzky, Curator Eugene Osovitz, Preparer Produced by the Monmouth County Archives 125 Symmes Drive Manalapan, NJ 07726 New Jersey in Focus: The World War I Era, 1910-1920 About one hundred years ago, during the 1910-1920 decade in America, the economy boomed and the Gross National Product more than doubled. Ten million Americans bought automobiles, most for the first time. Ford’s Model T, produced with then revolutionary assembly line methods, transformed family life for owners. Such personal “machines” led to paved roads and the first traffic light, reduced the need for blacksmiths and horses, increased the demand for auto mechanics and gas stations, and, when not caught up in traffic jams, sped up daily life. Some owners braved dirt roads to drive to the Jersey Shore, where thousands thronged to see the annual Baby Parade in Asbury Park. While roads at the start of the decade were barely adequate for travel in the emerging auto boom, New Jersey became a leader in the advocacy and construction of improved thoroughfares. Better road and rail transportation facilitated both industrial and agricultural production, bringing such new products as commercially grown blueberries from Whitesbog, New Jersey, to urban dwellers. In the air, history was made in 1912, when the first flight to deliver mail between two government post offices landed in South Amboy.
Scott, Natalie (2015) Screams Underwater. Submerging The
View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Sunderland University Institutional Repository Scott, Natalie (2015) Screams Underwater. Submerging the Authorial Voice: A Polyphonic Approach to Retelling the Known Narrative in Berth - Voices of the Titanic, A Poetry Collection by Natalie Scott. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland. Downloaded from: http://sure.sunderland.ac.uk/6582/ Usage guidelines Please refer to the usage guidelines at http://sure.sunderland.ac.uk/policies.html or alternatively contact sure@sunderland.ac.uk. Abstract This PhD thesis is comprised of my poetry collection: Berth - Voices of the Titanic (Bradshaw Books, 2012) and a critical commentary which discusses the collection both in printed and performed contexts. Berth is a collection of fifty poems taking a range of forms, including dramatic monologue, and found, sound and concrete poems. It was published and performed to coincide with the centenary of the Titanic disaster on April 14th 2012. The collection encourages an audience to see and hear Titanic in a distinctive way, through the poetic voices of actual shipyard workers, passengers, crew, animals, objects, even those of the iceberg and ship herself. Though extensively researched, it is not intended to be a solely factual account of Titanic’s life and death but a voiced exploration of the what-ifs, ironies, humour and hearsay, as well as painful truths, presented from the imagined perspective of those directly and indirectly linked to the disaster. The critical commentary introduces the notion of factional poetic storytelling and, supported by Julia Kristeva’s definition of intertextuality, considers the extent to which Berth is an intertext.
Issue 123 December 2019 Cold Water Long Term Submersion & Survival Research and Case Histories Greetings, There is a LOT that goes on at a DEMA Show. The For more years than vendor floor is packed I would have with all things scuba and thought, I have even though it has shrunk attended the DEMA in size over the years, it is Show. I have an indispensable venue experienced DEMA in for those in the scuba / 4 different cities and underwater business. managed to make a great many friends The meeting rooms are and acquaintances in separate from the show floor and classes or programs are that time. held hourly each day of the show in numerous rooms. Some of these are private, some are paid attendance and the rest We started PSDiver are open to the attendees. These classes and programs Monthly (now PSDiver Magazine) with a concept I presented include everything from lectures on travel locations to to some of my friends at a DEMA in Las Vegas many years training agency standards and revisions, to John Hott ago. This event is where I connect and reconnect with a lot conducting an OTS FFM Technician school. of people in the scuba world. Each year I usually This year was no try to make one or different and we two of the lectures have added a related to PSDiving. couple of new This year I made it sponsors to the to the NAUI PSD magazine and our presentation. I was workshops. only able to stay Shearwater and for a brief time but my understanding Dive Right In The TDI Tech Party, this year held at Scuba have joined is their program is Bahama Breeze, had the largest turn our PSDiver still being out to date.
Life in 1912 by ALookThruTime Table of Content Enjoying Life and the Arts in 1912 4 Transportation in 1912 6 Answering the Call of Nature in 1912 9 What did they use for Toilet Paper in 1912 11 Facts about life in 1912 and 2012 13 Schools in 1912 14 Roads in 1912 15 Life Events in 1912 17 Communication in 1912 19 Prices in 1912 21 Women's Fashion in 1912 24 Men's Fashion in 1912 26 Hats and Hairstyles in 1912 28 Life Events in 1912 30 Jobs and Careers in 1912 32 Sports in 1912 34 Women's Roles in 1912 36 Medical and Health Issues in 1912 38 Companies Established In 1912 41 1912 at a Glance 43 Miscellaneous Facts about 1912 44 Headlines of 1912 46 Celebrities in 1912 49 Popular Music of 1912 53 1912--The Year of the Presidents 56 1912 At A Glance 59 Titanic Special: Titanic Is Born 62 Titanic Is Launched 64 Titanic Leaves On Her Maiden Voyage 67 Music on the Titanic 69 First Class Life on the Titanic 72 Second Class Life on the Titanic 78 Third Class Life on the Titanic 81 Alexander's Ragtime Band 85 The Officers and Crew of the Titanic 86 Heroes: The Titanic Band 91 Songs Heard on the Titanic 94 Iceberg, Right Ahead! 96 Autumn, heard the night of Titanic's Sinking 102 Nearer, My God, To Thee, Last Song Played As the Titanic Sinks 104 Carpathia Arrives….Titanic Survivors Are Rescued 106 Carpathia Arrives in New York 110 The Recovery Effort 112 The Titanic Hearings and Aftermath 115 What Happened to the White Star and Cunard Ships? 120 Bonus Article: Remembering Those that Perished At Sea 123 Enjoying Life and the Arts in 1912 Have you ever thought about what life was like 100 years ago? Life has changed considerably in the last 100 years! Today we have numerous forms of entertainment from television, radio, internet, MP3 players, Wii’s, Blackberry’s, Kindles, and a number of other gadgets that keep us entertained.
CINEMA, COMPUTERS, AND WAR By BRENDAN PATRICK RILEY A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 2004 Copyright 2004 By Brendan Patrick Riley ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank my family and friends for their support during my years in Florida. In particular, my mother’s support has meant a lot to me. Deep thanks go to Gregory Ulmer for his wise mentorship; I shall seek what the masters sought. Robert Ray also provided excellent guidance; his thinking and advice have proven invaluable to me. I thank Nora Alter and Roger Beebe, who provided insightful comments that helped shape this project and my plans for its future. John Sabin was a great boss; I thank him for both my time in his employ and his work on my committee. C Bradley Dilger deserves thanks for his friendship and advice in things both technical and academic. Finally, I thank Jenny for her love and support in everything. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………………………iii LIST OF TABLES………………...……………………………………………………... vi LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………vii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………ix CHAPTER 1 FILM STUDIES IN THE AGE OF ELECTRACY………………………………. 1 A Crossroads in Film Studies……………………………………………………...1 Grammatology……………………………………………………………………..5 Electrate Method from Electrate Technology…………………………………….. 7 Cinema, Computers, and War…………………………………………………… 11 Technological Innovations and Electracy……………………………………….. 21 2 MODULARITY AND MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP……………………….24 Modularity in Programming……………………………………………………...24 Creature from the Black Lagoon (1)…………………………………………….. 25 Ford/Taylor……………………………………………………………………… 29 Creature from the Black Lagoon (2)…………………………………………….. 30 Jaws (1)………………………………………………………………………….. 33 Sergei Eisenstein………………………………………………………………… 35 Jaws (2)………………………………………………………………………….
******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* COVER FRONTISPIECE TITLE PAGE DEDICATION FOREWORD DIAGRAM OF THE SHIP CHAPTER ONE — Setting Sail CHAPTER TWO — A Floating Palace CHAPTER THREE — A Peaceful Sunday CHAPTER FOUR — “Iceberg Right Ahead.” CHAPTER FIVE — Impact! CHAPTER SIX — In the Radio Room: “It’s a CQD OM.” CHAPTER SEVEN — A Light in the Distance CHAPTER EIGHT — Women and Children First CHAPTER NINE — The Last Boats CHAPTER TEN — In the Water CHAPTER ELEVEN — “She’s Gone.” CHAPTER TWELVE — A Long, Cold Night CHAPTER THIRTEEN — Rescue at Dawn ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* CHAPTER FOURTEEN — Aftermath: The End of All Hope EPILOGUE — Discovering the Titanic GLOSSARY PEOPLE IN THIS BOOK OTHER FAMOUS TITANIC FIGURES SURVIVOR LETTERS FROM THE CARPATHIA TITANIC TIMELINE BE A TITANIC RESEARCHER: FIND OUT MORE TITANIC FACTS AND FIGURES FROM THE BRITISH WRECK COMMISSIONER’S FINAL REPORT, 1912 TITANIC: THE LIFEBOAT LAUNCHING SEQUENCE REEXAMINED TITANIC Statistics: Who Lived and Who Died SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY SOURCE NOTES PHOTO CREDITS INDEX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABOUT THE AUTHOR ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR COPYRIGHT ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* (Preceding image) The wreck of the Titanic. At 2:20 a.m. on Monday, April 15, 1912, the RMS Titanic, on her glorious maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, sank after striking an iceberg in the North Atlantic, killing 1,496 men, women, and children. A total of 712 survivors escaped with their lives on twenty lifeboats that had room for 1,178 people.
Bill Clinton: Philosopher May 1997 Vol. 10, No.5 $4.00 King? "The greatest dangers to Liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal. "- Brandeis and On lfOU'l h'all ··· Chris Whitten's elegant drawing of Ayn Rand as she appeared at the height of her powers, in the 1940s, after she had finished The Fountainhead and had begun work on Atlas Shrugged. Professionally matted, framed behind glass, this print is a bold statement, with these words of Rand's printed below her picture: "Ifyou ask me what is greatness? - I will answer, it is the capacity to live by the three fundamental values ofJohn Galt: reason, purpose, self-esteem. " $19.00, plus $5.00 shipping & handling "This Ayn Rand print really conveys her heroic sense of life." -Jay McNeill On lfOU'l chest •·· The portrait of Ayn Rand appears on the front challenged thousands of readers. We offerAyn of the shirt, while the back has the famous Rand: The Russian Radical in a beautiful question from Atlas: "Who is John Galt?" The hardcover edition for only $21.95 (list price is printing is done in dramatic black on a $55.00), while supplies last! 477 engrossing pre-shrunk 100% cotton white Hanes "Beefy-T" pages. ($2.00 s&h) - a high quality t-shirt. This is a handsome, "The most thorough and scholarly work ever done durable shirt you can wear with pride. on Ayn Rand." -John Hospers "I can't think of anyone I'd rather have ona shirt of mine. And the back says it all! 'Who is John Galt?' Also: Letters ofAyn Rand, edited by Michael I'd wear it anywhere." -Sheldon Richman Berliner.
Titanic Project Assignments- 1St Period Student Person Researched Malachi J
-Titanic Project Assignments- 1st Period Student Person Researched Malachi J. Bruce Ismay Thomas Thomas Andrews Rasin Captain Edward J. Smith Justin Dr. William O’Loughlin McCoy Violet Jessop Zachary Charles Joughin Brennan Operator Jack Phillips Kobe Operator Harold Bride Kate Emily Ryerson Victoria Margaret “Molly” Brown Nate Isidor &/or Ida Straus Jake Hudson Allison, Sr. Jeremiah John Jacob Astor Rain Madeleine Astor Andre Masabumi Hosono Riley Ruth Becker Josh Joseph LaRoche Axel Frederick Goodwin Elliott Daniel Buckley Maddie Carla Jensen Kevin Olaus Abelseth Rocky 1st Officer William Murdoch Shani 2nd Officer Herbert Lightoller Dillon Quartermaster George Rowe Shawn Lookout Frederick Fleet Lisa Marian Thayer Michael John Thayer Annsley Charlotte Collyer Isabelly Bandmaster Wallace Hartley Gabby Selini “Celiney” Yazbeck Philip Zenni Kayli Alma Palsson Arabella Elsie Edith Bowerman Kayla Marie Young Helen Ostby Daisy Minahan Major Archibald Butt -Titanic Project Assignments- 2nd Period Student Person Researched Mauri J. Bruce Ismay Liam Thomas Andrews Charles Captain Edward J. Smith Basim Dr. William O’Loughlin Miriam Violet Jessop Asher Charles Joughin Carlos Operator Jack Phillips Shep Operator Harold Bride Karma Emily Ryerson Rhea Margaret “Molly” Brown Dazzetta Isidor &/or Ida Straus Taylor Hudson Allison, Sr. Sam John Jacob Astor Milele Madeleine Astor Drew Masabumi Hosono Yozmarie Ruth Becker Patrick Joseph LaRoche Brenden Frederick Goodwin Noah Daniel Buckley Aerial Carla Jensen Garrett Olaus Abelseth Andreas 1st Officer William Murdoch Matt 2nd Officer Herbert Lightoller Maddy Quartermaster George Rowe Abby Lookout Frederick Fleet Angelina Marian Thayer Duffy John Thayer Allyria Charlotte Collyer Hailey Bandmaster Wallace Hartley Yasmin Selini “Celiney” Yazbeck Naomi Philip Zenni Rebecca Alma Palsson Meadow Elsie Edith Bowerman Marie Young Helen Ostby Daisy Minahan Major Archibald Butt -Titanic Project Assignments- 5th Period Student Person Researched Erik J.
TITANIC SCIENCE National Educational Standards ime, Continuity and Change SCIENCE Science as Inquiry Physical Science Earth and Space Science Life Science Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature of Science SOCIAL STUDIES T People, Places and Environments Activities The Great Ship Sinkers and Floaters •• Buoyancy ••• Displacement ••• Design a Ship ••• • Watertight Bulkheads ••• • What Sank the Titanic? Making an Iceberg •• Plotting Icebergs and Locations •• Calculating Iceberg Frequency •••• Water Pressure •• Rivet Failure •• • • Create Your Own Photomosaic •• Photomosaic of Titanic •• Communication What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate •• Wireless Radio •• Survivor Stories Survivors’ Testimonies •• Estimating the Angles •• • Testing Eyewitness Memory •• • Could More Have Been Saved? ••••• The Fate of Titanic Rust in the Classroom • Rust on the Titanic •• • Artifact Conservation •• • • 2 ACTIVITy GuIde | TITANIC scIence PART ONE Titanic Statistics • The largest movable man-made The Great Ship object ever made (at that time) • Passenger capacity: 2,435 HISTORY AND •Total crew: 885 SHIPBUILDING •Total passengers and crew: 3,320 PRINCIPLES • Displacement/weight: 66,000 tons of water • Length: 882.5 feet •Width: 93 feet • Height from bottom of ship (keel) to top of funnels: 175 feet •Draught (depth to which a vessel is immersed): 34 feet 7 inches • Cruising speed: 22.5 knots (miles per hour = knots multiplied by 1.152) • Combined weight of 3 anchors: 31 tons Introduction to Titanic Above: Photograph of Titanic’s massive rud- • Size of propellers: The 2 outer der and propellers. Note the relative size of propellers had a diameter of 23 the man standing beneath them. Titanic and her sister ship Olympic, feet.