y ■ . ■ ■ - ‘..v'vVVv /'M‘ ______‘" Sundayu nday-Editipn-^ Weatherlier M o r e N te w s V y j|

M oore r e Spori> Fair, Warmeriritier riw K Fam ily Com ics ' I f er ,,*%F V Feature Section ' ■ TThe h Mnjric VnlJey Newspaperivspapci' DeillcniedD< to ServingBf »nd^nnd| PromollnjrProu Iho Growth'ofb'of NineN ine IIrritated Iduhn CountiesN nm tlcH •

n o ' ' ■ I ‘ _ ■ TTWIX w i : FALLSrro~AITOrSUNIUvsuNnA^^on‘t>H!'nt ’'\ 11. iQGA ' ^ ■ ~ 7 - ~ ^ TEN CENTS.. 1.' |j|| G o l d w aater t e ] Raps I M BBoise ViVisit - I U t t e r fD i i i s s r p g a r di W W i - Hannedied.;by ., I O f G o dI by b j Dem os f SAW LAICE CITY. OOct, ct.io 10 ((U ri)—Son. Barry. Gold- ■ ^ H . wiiwr »aiil toniprht tho10 pomiici'iDemocratic party and Proaldont -Johnson Hhowoil im t'utlci-‘uttor diaregnrtlc laiv of Go’d” by Tgnor-ECnor- ^ . Preside!dent ■ inff tho scjiool pniyor* iaauoi»auo in th e ir l.OG^t-platforBi, HisH is | ntttick won tho iipproOnl-oOal' of TU uavufu. wciVay, ui-yojir- ~~m ------T—JJOIS 1 0 K S K U ^ .^ T n ,( U PD n — = l(lnho_nomnrr»tfl ItllO lQ -ll niuiouncod i -j • ^ today I’reaiilont T.yudonn B. .lohnaoi.lohnaon will Bpend an hour -■olcl. hiiWl of th? .M ormmon on church/withchurc whom tho GOPG O P I ^ to d a y 0-c0nfchriid-bafQi:e-flD0ftking in11 ttha h e _ ■ , ., ’ uL tlie UoiHo air lenninallal when ho .'brlnga hia campaipru ' - iioiirby M ormon tnbornnclo.*nacIo. RBut ut Golriwatoi:^)'ew noI out-o u t- | to tho th o tJem ntato Mondayay niuht.uiuht. KoiaoKt attorney Cnrl P. right political ondoraomont I ^ ------UU u i'Ui*U tv M dn lio -c h a 1 r-nuvh-Xuu-J-fuu-Julmaoii^umnhrGV. uluiaoii: aaid tho ' _ j j |[ || fromfr o tho ailinfi: churchm ai). I Preaidcjil-will deliver ono of the imajor apoochoa of a~ ^ M e cK ay wiahod Goldwator.v n to r I day’a'ennipaiKn t'winir through HotKocky Monnti^in atatea "aucccsa"“ ki juat aa ho aiml-B im l- I at thetho Hoi.^o term inal atartinKitartinj? at 0 p.m. Tlio announce- larlyla r told Preaidont John-lo h n - I ^ ment ruled out J.ho atalo-t a l c - . . son recently: - . I - h houae o u a e atepnt aa the aito5 forf o r -V i",...... ' „ . “As n Republican I wlah you I ththe o apoocli. Tlie Proaidont'a ' T well," He waa pictured ns trying I I n j u n c t i o n ' . N ‘ opponeopponeiil, Sen. Harry Gold- i ' NEW YORIC. O ct. 10 Ifl to nvnid campaign cndort>ementii. I wwater ater apnkc at tho atato 1 _ ^ MclCny said uf th e nonntor's I u a l o 1 _ ^ federal Judro signed . ! a action eupitol early In SopttMiilicr.ih c r . .' nn pr prollininary Injunction j. apeech, which called for' action I to reverse the' supromo court I 1I TheT he IIItinho cnnipalitn chairmanrman ; Bntin Bnturdny restraining the ; | school prnyur decbilon ondI crltl- _ | , Raidsaid frcifrco husis wiil bn providedivlded '•• API* aPL - CIO Internnilftonnl 1 iJ' clzed' the Democrnta *'I have I ■ ■ ------V-...... -rto-r to hftul- hnul-to'the nlri>‘'rl'A iln-eoun-coun- - i^inRnhoremen'Anakoolation i^>nit( ------>1- rend Jt. It-is a good spe«c)}." I « - , > ' ty resld'residents who havo no other- from striking Eaat and , ;1 Goldwntor flew into Saltt Lake ■ • \ IranHpoitrnnsporfntlon. • . Cliilf Gulf CottRt, porU Jn tho • i . J , pinnnlng to Mtenci to greet ■' next ncvt 70 days. j ^ J ^ H b Oily after denouncing Johnsonihnson I , ' tho prohldent will bo Jdnho’H two Th In the Pnclflc Norlhwe.st nn a I ■h two : T l.ni • lUx-kworkers, who , V j H i ' *'powur-hunRry, prideful mnn." I • Dotjtncrntlc'congre.sHmen,noi])ncn R*»lphRalph /ilruoniruol; Scpi. no, hnve been > '(■ I ilnrdlng Imd Ccnnpton I. Whito,IVhito. back at w.i>rk fnr 10 days ' 11 He snld the preKldent is offering I Jr. BurKBurke hiild an Invitationn hndhad undoluulor n rt-.stratiiluK nrdej* 1 ■ ' “a.-bho;]plnu list" .of promised I -b’ucn-CxlciLlciLl‘l.QPYLRohcry[^ bcneflth In nn effort lo gtt votes. I lert IS. ‘ th a t was l\’'Uf(l O ct. ____ j. yj I l E ^ Smyllo.''Smyllo.''u Republlcnn. The OOP candidaie campaign-ipaign- | .. . - , ...... ■' ■ 4 .■ prcKi('PrcKldent Harry a. Trumanrum an ••...... m ed during the dny In Wa^ihlng-wihlng- * Fldon WUH thei IokI chief oxecutivo to ten. Oregon nnd U lnh —- which I’LANSINT, KPKAKINOO ASSIONMENTH ASSIQNltl to explain thpt pro- lefl. lefl. nre John llepwnrth, nuhl:Rulil: Jack.Jack.Ramaey. T Flirr, and Eldon w«h the have n lolnl ot 10 electoralI votes p« poRcd Ttvlii rnlls com niunltynlty coUege college dialricl ii ore five memliertiflru ofnf Kvnr Fvnns, Twin Fulla. The (kimmlltcn[''Ommlltce of- 25 apeakem bureau nro- pro- vlKltvlMt Idaho.Idi Ho camo during hi>i Final l4 | | ' Plans f , nnd which went for vico presl- tli the Cnmmlt|^^ nf 2.*}. Heatedieatfid 2ire lire II. U I,. (Herb) - Derrlek, TwinTwln ' videil videil ipeakent for 20 Twinvln FaUn oouicounty nrganfsaifonn ifurlnrurlnr Falla, Irfi, and Robert Ulastock, Jr., Filer, and standing, from Hepti Heplenilier, 27 are sclieduleillied forfo r Ootolifir.Ootol (Tlmes-Newn photo)hotoi DemocratiiDemo nre hopefulI Uie • *M *• 1 <* SOIdent Nixon in lOfio. Fi president’spresldej visit will help Uio A |» i ilevard. Asked by GOP senntorinllatorial w tV ^ W * * * •■■■■• ------' naiinnn. ■ nallonal ticket carry the ".tK «tnto Ai’e M ade tor »r, died wt cnndidnte.1 Ernest L. Wllklriaon ' y j' for Uie first time alnco 104H. ^ n T^ln to whnt I "ndvlce or encouragment" # eel was he hnd for Ooldwator. McKny • 1, ;■ Device •. [j * ^ * * * C fof l C Event an and Bpc told tho smnll group whoS met Committeetee ]Plans 27!7 SpeechesSj MOSCOW. Oct. 10 (^ - I g (flee photo on page 17) ganlsa- to with him In hl.t hotel suitefitilte _ , • Forest lookouts which hnve ;I M. President Is w- nclincro.sn the ctreet from tho M or- ^ t . il been largely replnced bybv [i i i Pinna nro bolna completed for, ^ i clz. mon temple nnd labornacle: I , the annuul Twin Falls Chamber III ^ “ o ! alrplnnes for fire detection t-fp i ren"I wl*J» him jjucccfis nnd to On ^ Juniorior C ollege in COctober p»r|>oses s jijny be ojj ‘S Uio j }i• R estin p ; A fte;C r,l. ofj|T£m ComipcrcB bniKiuet to be held pur I'Vldny evening nt tho Twin Falls cfitnnd true lo hlH princlplca,nclpica, niade to 20 T\\ Loe of • wny out with development ; o il le to 20 Twin Fnlla county orgiiniziitionirgiiniziitiona by the Committee of • hlBh pchnol cnfcteria. 9 which 1 know he hns done." nt Uio UiUversity of Idnho ■ I r i l in minute 25 apeakera bureau durinf?[lurinf? SepSeptember to explain1 the ]iropo]n*opo8Cd community cnileRC of ' nn InexponMve Infra-'B ,; L atest T rip, "'“iuFeatured guest at tho yearly li • “pcOoldwnter wnn a one-minutepersons 2fidialrict for the county,y, it waHwaa reportedn Siilurilay. Twenty-aoven Twenty-so\ additional apeechea(cchea ,chfu> worklng on‘communlcBtlonn.-ia pre- 14 perannally W to ;J,500 county ' aoldwHter's hometown of „ Phoo- spaco Instrumenlnllon facility, Infl t : ou nlrcrnft to doloct 4,^;* fire ;, i nix, "J Arlz.. to htart a 30-hour "P"" ‘ 600 Blue ter limes nnd BtrcnRlhcnftl hia pre- p( II the Apollo branch of the natro- i-J I chal- rcaidontft wh.cn tho apeak- I from n great dlstnnce. The I;i’ through teven Westernvoaicrn ^ j,j sr Twin h« 1’'^'’'='* linylnR. "I chnl- yc s 1.000 toI AttA ttend ' %,! coulpm cnt in u.se. however, ! •48 am nm congrcs.s'' to p/is.? thom,»?nn” pro- injr campaifi-n ia concluded, iiuiion- „pc,,sj^ny jo r nctlon to isn't economical to opcrntoirnto nijo P resident nncl hU. wife.„,,f. Boise Thursday night witl\ Ffed,ff'|B BERT A. SWEET, BU.a Clinic i|ei POficd school prnyer conslltutlon- nnd is u.scd only on limited >. ji tVii Assolln. officer of pubUo anftlr?j3 M • . . , 6(» niUB t«UM Imiilevard. nlj nmendment. expand educntlnnnl facUltlcn In I ‘"®“ : Lady Bird, relaxed nl their LBJ [»t ‘ the nrea was .■iirL^^.‘'Cd by Bhiiw. .1 .scalcs. ■ • I ranch Ihomn aflt-T Kipnrate «^in voto. branch of the HABA ond will boT^ J | formerVTwIn FaUn mayor,Oct. lUeil 10, cm Tho senntor ndded that “tho |"£ lE A M eetet inir T. F. ii 1 ^ trnn.‘iportcd to Twin Palle by !H Hi 3:45 «.m. Hnlunlay Innttended T ^Jn wli Umn hns jiurely come" for con- "Tlierc nre nmin Umn Bon Jun- M'ekliigM'ckliig trips th n t ended lo- , V, FMU Cllnle hmipiUI. Sweet wn* ho nn.i.r,r,n l»f or iwo~yrur L'oHivvf>toi/i-Kt-ft ^ .,'‘Challen.^in;r Tiaditionallitional TeaTeaching — To RaiseiO thet h e ' - • ,pother({Other Friday niglit in Newo i o O r- t ' ! J nd busl- Rre.vi lo rtctlfy the supreme court , M, leniis An * exhibit ojM*nlnff n t 0 n.m, | a well-knowii ImilneumAni n and gen- tnl decl.sion nnd cnllid lo r K pa.iange hmiH ‘n * ' Ihc UnlK^d Stale.s."'• 8hnw8huw LevelL c ' of Literacy by 'I'eacliiuff 'I'oacliiii}? More M odern Coiicept.s I ^ Intcn- Friday at the high school will I nirmber ol ■everal organisa- v/ti pointed oul. in • J ilt Johnson faced onolher Intcn- Friday Idnho In of tho amendment for eubmis- J” in V arious Kieldtf,*' ia^ tho fliome aoi for tho nnmmlin iUh- t 100 P er Cent sivo week of campaigning' — In- shQW one-quarter scale models ^ tlimi. for four ncialon to tho stales. ^‘'R egistration In Uieso® Jimior tric(,rj( t Idaho Education.a uHaociutiiaaaociation meetinR which will -pw f TIT' eluding u serlea of appearancesarnnces of the Qemlnl and Apollo com> j* * * * W me collcRes runs ns high as 24,&aO In i.~ l>cgin_nt,8 a.m. Monday,lay, in the tho Twin Falla high i'cSachool Donors J J ( in UFU X ' !i"‘KIn Pennsylvania nnd NewAT York mnnd spacecrafts, the luni^r ex« II ------‘ Chlcngo-Clly Junior eollegtf.-and * - - - —ln-hU-drivB_ioc_a.J:ilcGl5li'n::or-islvn'' curslon modulo which wUl m ak» t? 33,7(i3 in Long Bench iCallf.)iCaiif.) K.VIgym nasium , ^ri'ii. IFelbn□leu J.,T. DfctDfctzriCfm horl.vrpt*cflldentr sidentr ...... _ ■ * *d -h *'** Hopubllcancan rl^ Tire“ ilcfteiHaniinamiriJirtlTB-inoan------Bert Sweet,le owner wJ ^2 MiTJ.^11. e i r X H M .tt a T W J3ICity college." he added. wilwill conduct the acsaionion which ,ii ia expected to aeo fibout' I Ii and a full-size space sulL Tho md aona '■vi' • £» ,1 * ' "Idnho has only Bol.soy Junior 1,0001,0 educatora from nine aouth central Idaho countlca.."ntS Drive^ Listed v^r;Tlie chief executive waaI/as re- dlsplt^y dlsplaj will be on loan from tha * college. Norlh Idaho Junior[\lor col------ivIvan a i A. Booker, director:tor of ((See photo on page 1010)) ported to be planning nenr-con-nr-cnn- NASA NASA and will bo dismantled at ' | JEormer TJF^li'" H earing for In tlm 10 p.m. Prliloy. J I lego and Rieka collcgo In this > National Education aHHOcl-nHflOcl- Firstrird reports from the United tlnuoustlnuoui campaign sorties In the 10 p.n .erved as 1 1 j 01*V ci^legory.lei and the totnl regls- I i n Falls S3 dnys rem aining liefore Amer-Am er- Also a t th e banduot Uio 1064^ | alion m em berahip diviaion,viaion Fund cnmpaign in Twin Fallti 2J d«y vin Falls A i v a o J tratlon w on't reach 10,000." Idaho CAP .r in 1 ,n >>nve been encouraging to fund loans go i to the polls on Nov. 3. 05 ChamClu ber of Commerce bonrd Mayor, Diesd on the cll) 1.V01JJJI?! J tr T T^ittn. ” ®>«d nationwide f ' A r H n K 1 0 n, Va., will rIvo flenders, c , reporta W. W. P Pressey, r e s s _ e y , ------membora membc will be introduced and r ) f - A tho first m ajor nddress folIoWlnR .im in 1 ncESo noBLEy, oci. io- two,wi riiia nvAr - atalUtlcs , show that this U the J* olloWlng chalrm nn of tho- drive, Tho »d- printed renorta-. of organixation IkTt A. Sweet, ar.. 73. 600 nine i^ r n f year tho postwar baby boomTruiS be- Has Simulate1.1 1 .^ tho“i ' rcRlstration. welcome'.”'® V/by vanccd ynnec gifts section of theSL’-d,*.?; drive PJl acl p e r C lipI businessSS' wUl be presented. g| Ltikca boulevard, form er Twin }’“burgh, Pa., men were bound over 1 CRon Kroll, chnlrm nn. Twin Pnlls «‘‘ j i to dlatrlct court on chargesm wil of l serloualy. The Q /In P alls jjjjj, jjjcroased 20 p er ccnt overov«r _ A Ch«.Chamber membera and nil In- J'ulla mnyor. died At 3:48 a.m. liinntino number of teen-aRcrs celebrating ^ 2 I r e city oommlBHlon, treasurer’s ro- the >previous year. Iq !• terestcd persons of the commu* SaiunWy In Twin Fallai H Clinicd was armod rpbbery and aiaault with Aim 14 l^ielr 17th birthdny in lon-l is ^Search Tasks® ^port nnd. nom lnatinB committeemmittee innurftncojp* companies reportingcporiin. Is X o lia ta l fo r^ ,nliy-p i can obtain tickets for the liospllal: Cham ber “ m H'" BhooUnB S A large report. mo j. nrv club of Mra. Norma Nowcomb, Mlg.Mig. H i l i3 ,700 000, n fantastic ones mUllonmllUon caOODlNQ, Oct. 10-A lar«« rep" 100 per cent employe particlpa-ivrticlpa- _ event at the local Chamber of Mr. Sweet wns born Oct. 10, P' zoom over the 1003 crop,I. plotpiece of tinfoil made Inio) the ex- TlTho president's Idaho appear- tiontJon are MutuiU of New York, Commerce office. In Viola. Mo., nnd nttended01 Dluo Hr I' 9'“''''' holdup.wheel ^ These children wero born inIn actacl size of nn alrplnno wns the nnconnci wno nnnouncod onlyIlly FFrl- rl- EqultnbloEqult Life Aa.nurnnceu/SS nnd T X .F «J . G irl, 2 MKsourl puWlo scJiooJ nnd busl- Rr Mra. Newcomb, In a ness w he for el 1047, when thero wero only 43 obj' object of n alx nnd one*halflalf hour day.dny. But Burko snld onI exton- Helmbolt iiclm Jnsurnnce agency. . M V V ¥ iiri'i college. He opcrfttcdtho a First kl'H- de chi\lr, wns called aa a witnessFridny for millionjq Amerlcnns liged 17 nnd simaim ulnted ROnrch nnd rescuocuo mmis- is- Hlvo»lvo effort would be mndennde to chicharter Seed compnny collect- , Cindy Noel Sclfres. 3-year-old year.-! before movluK lo lie Idnlio lodgo In ,tho of preliminary henrlng Fridny fnr th« daughter of Me. nnd Mrn.year-old W ll- d to the ijnder. Today there nre 70 mil- alonsioi of tho clvll nlr patrol.rol Bat- turn out a largo crowd. He said cd frfrom all Ita employes for tho rn. W ll- ernl (tore In MUisoQrl lynl for Arch four flU morning, which waa closed to the lion. ‘ urdurday. . earncaravans already were beingolnn or- drivedrive. • Hnm '8cirre.H. 047 EnaUand drive. 1014. ; uncll lio. public. ii( imnnniM ^I'od a t Magic Valley Momorlald drive. • > 7. Muel- Ench new crop of 17-year-oldsyear-olds iTwelve airplanes fromI severalaevernl nanlganlzed to bring Johnnonon sup- AirAmong the trtjcking companies lomorlal ' . ' — Mr^Swect-Uica—operated. Tho _a El -- The two men, Robert W.?her, Muel- 25. will bo larger thnn Uio Inal, lev- portspnr of Idaho. pJlotod.byjy mcm- portportera from throughoutt IdahoIdnho tumiturning in 100 per cent dojmtlonsm m tionj Vir.' 7 :40 p.m. Friday. A c BcwliiB machine compnnyloJ«j, for and bIx lor,\ 33, and David J. Cypher, 25, w Wanner ^he attendinglay. physl- Ac • ' n-P 4tU - oUnR-aIX-at.-ahQiiLl0UiLniUllDnjlUllDiis__ JitrJjnrn, of the civil nlr pnitrol,rol, ppar- ar- nnd nnd enstern Oreeon. from the employes wore Wagner “j'” ”" r physl- ^ fe ynurs and In 1020 becnmo-KnlghU owner 'wer»-arrontfld-Au(i^lMn-P4tU> * here to ol Ovoc the next quarter'.cr' ofo ra a llcitlcipnted the evenc-wr-part-of piirt-of —-EaiitoFn-ldalio-DemocralaJaald—^Et •alaJaald JiuclTrucklnit company. ConsolidatednfluXiwd clan, hor death wna causedS from of lhe Dert A. Bweet nndalso flonawna burgh ■« and wore rotUrnkd here to ^,^-chokUiB—oa_a_nnper‘ cliped from she ~ ladduck. century.-ahaw_pQlntcd-Qut,-Btal-mt,-Btal- a.va.wficlc-flnd program by tho CAP. theythej nro planning a speciallal train FrelghlwaysFrela antr 1'aclllo llUury , ;llp she I fumluire cioro. Ho mnrrledf-EasUJm H n- stand-trial.-Charloa-Bhadduck. ■ notei In cc istlclnno s n y the numbermber pf Twenty-flvo*1 vehicles, aomeabme to’to Bolie. Beveral“cara will be mouimounlain Express. . - picked, up in hor home! ’ --^ *cl inilmnn on Nov. n 10, 'written 1012. owner of tho Parish motelBhooling In womenis in thoir punk chlldbenr-hlldbenr- witwith radios, olonn with 05 (IS per- addedadd to train No. 17 leaving PliFirst Socurily bank. Twinvln FFalls alls ------, ~ r — Id SprlnfffJeld, Mo. Ho eervedlie West." ns which the robbery and shoolingleas, - wIng yenrs will bo doubled!i; Despite sonsons. IncludlnB senior andnd cndet PociPocntcJIo «t 10.-30 n.rn. Mondny. Title nnd Triut company. Idaho mnyor of tho clly of Twinn to rnllB hlB occurred, / also was a wilneas, - In nnk^anri Surviving, besides her parents, ’ hold In a decline in the- blrUi rateate afterafte r mem em bers of tho BroUp. partlcl- AnotherAno train wUl get themem back FlnaFinance, Twin’Fails Bank and . “ parents, from 1043 to 1040, aerved on 'lhe■ * T he men nro Btlll beingcu hold of In a a lO'H. they assert, thla broader pnipatod In tho event. to I Pocntello nt 3:36 n.m.n. Tues-.TrustTues-.Trus and Fidelity Nationalnnl bank ®*“® .J' I*'® brothers, Jamcs Sclfres county (nlr bonrd nnd wns trena> • and'Marvin Sclfroa. triplet Sclfresbroth- . . 4 n.?. « Cnssln couniy Jail In Hcu, $ 20,000 of a Hpopulation base inevitablytibly will iTlio Idea.of tho simulatedited pro- day. day . were the flnnnclal instltutiona ^ )t broth- ’ ' iircr and director of IlcUanco 110.000 cash bond o r a $20,000 P'menn a repetition of - lha baby grjigram U for tho CAP to0 find a t The: Boise stop will bc the th e lalost st repoireporting 100 per cont particlpa-nlvir nr* ors j}' gnd alntera. Kevan Bclfrea, Crcdli corporation. , larucjpa- j^j^^Bhn ScifrcH and P atriciaBclfres, Bel- ^ nroperty bond. thfl at- « losloat airplane and rescue anynny sur-aur- of tthe day for the campalgninRpalgnlng tlon. ' Id a Bel- ^ Ditrlhcr W o rftrv n r I t he nerved ,» Tho population referenceence bu- vlv vlvors from tho downed1 plane,piano, pref.president. He Is expected to leave TheTh city ndmlnialration.Inn In-I n . ' grnndparents. Mr. and tero Mrs I^ld'nrd K. Smith fa the at- nnrV nm! Mrs. R. L. H offland and Mr. and W W on the OPA rnllon bonrd. Ho wns m nwllllOTT T h ft^ o n lT ^ lu in im h e—mLnalntf -horo-about—iO-hon -pan.--for_W^W aahs.aahi apcctlon_offlce.aped city airport, nnd : pnsl prc.sldent o f Iho allT- Cham ftfrT ber tom ey-for-the-stat«-nnd-;OS am I oftT — m irM tT n u le jrT l)a t“ B,r-mlllloTT Mr. ami ' ' TW •inTi^H In new bnbles will bu arrivingvlng an-an - pinplane's wherenbom s wnaa a slmslm- - IniUIngton, D. C. He will como to fillerflllei plant wero lhB~cUy-officca?^officM -Mra.^Hnlt.Lewj8._nil Twin FalU. of Commerce nnd IloLnryfind club Mra’ Auncfit. attorney for tho .lojcadefense. 10 ” jjy Bll «m Funeral sorvices wUnjo~ljeId~nrIn FalU. ------V irlea Par- requested Uie trial be cloaed to ulated radio messnRO to0 Burlfiy Idnl Idnho from Denver. supporting supp the drive by all ®"‘cm- U a.m. „ Monday at Whiten vmortu- e id -n r------— ^ .. — :------and also pnst director of Blue _ • - Ail thla. S hay declnrea,fts. shows notinffnoi the plnno" was In1 trouble. B Burko said a apenklngUff p plat- la t- ployea. pioyi , l*akP3 Country club. J m ortti- W I - I Calif. Hint tliere’ la no time to0 lose In Dyi pleclnar .togoilwr bitsIts of 1«- totorm n will bo conalrucledi ftt ftt the th e A» Aii pornonx nnd buslneMes.•.AB nnvpar- ary chapel wllh tho Rev. Donnld Ilp was n member of the First cli nr« Hoffmnu Officiating. Flnnl. Donnld rites A / ' bo con- A v A li planning to take care1 of the formation,for ns to flyintiB condi- tern terminnl for tho preHldant'smt'n UKO. uko. ticlpallng ticlp In the campaign ore "y Baptist church. Masonic lodRO ,th aign nre Memorial^nl rites / ' needs for expnnded educationlatlon fn-fa- tlona,lio who mlBht be flyingylnff the He He «nld Sen. F rnnk Church,urch. D,, D,, 'Blvrn 'b1v«!I window stickcra, “ itemorlnl \ No. 45 AP nnd AM. Roynl"i'h'."R“v, Arch m2 Americans Are j; plnno, and by tallcin« withvlth per- i('.u„ i('.u will ihlroduco tho preKldent^ireKldent, .The . Tl; kick-off for the general ______' Mnsonfl.'Twln Falls council lio. pt o p e ^------■ '■ z Kona who had been prompted Booker'sB topic will Iw) "Chal- "Chal- drive drlvi wlil be Oct. 33. . ^ ^ 7 7 Roynl Select) Mnflona. Tho El Named by Pope ^ uroup lo- lonnes for tho Mld-SlxUcs.*' Cci Kornjj Slirlnff tem ple,. DoJse. nnd jo J* _ about tho location, tho uroup lo- lonp ies.*' Ccintrlbhtlon.H to Unlt«d F im d \U VATICAN CITY, Oct. 10 W - lin s calcd the’ Blnmlatcd nirplnnc Mondnym oftnrnoon Will be apent supportsupp the American RedSd SCrosa, W i n d C a u s e d tlio-Qrnhd-Com>nnndry-KnlHhtB -wi '•'f'S'r T raffic D eaths S 10 miles areaa of Arthritis .nnd Rhoumntlamim FFoun- oun- -m^ jf '' 1 Templars of Idnho. Ho miiv nlao fliVfr.wns bi P«wl VI hus appointed nUie ■ ...... -hear—MuldQon._ubQiU IQ miles jtii sed r f' Tin<^m,nmniiY-ifnnwn7wtrnt1"tHT - ^r^HLicni TnmtTniniavrscnuta-nf-Amerieftj - V l - put—Cuban Ore.; a «. of the acodesy IrtHtltuteSlumhi'r. of the M a g ic V o llo y • «> ______ttl.-lho,.noW .MnrtauBh_BChool rlleos will Ohio BUvto univertflt^ Columbus, ’ dropped nl-nolfto, Pasco, Wash., ------buildlng'ln which-flve men\ schoolwere ------|^2iliilsil dntiRhter, Mrs. Sylvan Joppeeen, * .... 26 nnd Wondover. Utah. Thn IdonV ^ neh -wore - - ■■■■' « HoLsc; ft brotJjer, C. E.vny Sweet,' homo “ nnd Wllllnm Wilson Morgan, an ...... ■,...... 2 ^ - "ilVS S enate, w iththGOPHouse^^ G O l KInjured Sept. 30 has determined I" nntlons nstronomy profasHor nnd director To plot fllBhla throjiRh the nrea ^ ththnt at a gust of wind causedterm lned ex- Twin Fulls, nnd four alsterc. Mrs. William.-* 1 9 6 3 ...... 3oo 6 nscnphiB fallout, help vicllma nnd ex- 1'loHnrrlnBton. Twin Fall^rMrs.he Soviet Y of Yerkes Observnloi'y, Wllllnm.'* :llma nnd j, y k e N ROniflON)N Republicans Rc still hopee to rc- posed roof trusses to topple, ctjus- J. J. Dyer, MurtnuBh. 1 nnd Kiday. Mra. A Bny. Wis.______■ _ . •—______— ------tnl take medicine thoDOI needing jq io ib e , Oct. lO I^w ith1th deci- tain Uln thn aenate, wheUierher they ing tholl mishap, Zolft Qish nnd Mra. Chnrles P a r- •l* ______. f;|nn.s by the voters a littlettle over h had' ad a 23-21 edge-tw o yearffoarff ago. TinTli« report was revealed Satur- rott. both .Sacramento, Calif. — thiTO. weeks, awny. It nppuars But But Democrats can list lifleiuitat leiuit dnyday lby Cornell, Howland. S Hayes atu r- __ _ I'’uiieral ucrvlces will bo cnn> 1(3 fh«t fho lOfla Idttho Jflglfllnturflalfllnture jo jo cOunlle.s i where th e■y' y 'm might ig h t afljjd , j d Mnrryfleld, IndepondentHayes i ly Is Needed \ ependent dueled at 2 p.m. Mondnyi InWater the ( Supply Is B urley G irl Is ,. willwin bo polltlcnlly dividedd mkee dontrol u ihad been reported that some Lie water longer boing used. B expects TwinI Fnlla. Tlie firm i aays S the condition1 w llh head l.fJurieH nt »n work- Umn R epublicans'htlveI to «topfltop resideresidents of, the MurtaughJiat.som area e s canciT society and can bo left at ” nlnce fo! M emorial hofcpltui. .1 nftornfinr Both.partips“ have been work- Uiiu White nioruuHi^r mniledun tobefore box f, The city of Twin FallsVished'by expects 'Uesi nnd most, logical place for jr' n.iirnftd lug hard Cin leglalative campaignsimpalgns them. then ,. had been concerned ugh thnt area the ii t; f consider to operate on water •furnishedIn g v h enby Iwun-r Jh n n p r ' I^lgo Lakes Jn track f” by a UnUn> .Pnclflc« train.Vi-.i(n : nnd n nufliber of races couldould ppro- ro - Republlcnns n< held a 31-201--0 edge nccldiOccident might hnvo beenthnt thotha }i accolcnit- deep wells until next; springvheniR of the Bnnkn' river canyojv ' duce uiweta. in in the t hou.se nnd expectcl to ro- faultfftijit of the truss designt>een or fnb- tho .. H “ v i S m RUHHIA \demijnd forces reopeningpr ofwater the I It ‘money to0 build a Tho child wria throwniwn rromfrom j results will not only go Uiln control. DemncrnlHiiH don't rlcallrlcallon. 1 or fab- " * H MOSCOW. Oqt.. 10 iDPI'—Cuban:er for In- o gale lo lot Snake riversm. water new wnter aupply an d monci^moncit la the th trnck where hhe wns'n.s filttliiB fiimiiB („r (Hr toward deciding suchch ques- expect expt to win It, but hope to Th' many, people < bundnnco. v e rt noticed hor when he,e orosfcodoroshod ^ tox. jbut will be qarefully roads roa'ear, n wouldn't apprecltfie the tor fact prob- thal 1 The city’s financial picture tff *tr«et. He Imd Ijloivnrloivn Uio tnensiiredniet by poUtlclndsI looking RepubilcnttIlep counties, likejjk.o Adn ternatcrnnllonal Confenence of Build- tram a statomenb on our water prob- whliitle nod slowed to about 10 ahead^he to Uie electloix of a gov* and Bf Blijld- .!.y' at -th.-Twlil-Fa!j.;*W «h— conference hi Cnlro, the soviet o ell In in- goo't '''' f a gov- and Canyon. Pete _T ing C pointedniiid out.nuk tMhMl In eenneetlon wUk two M ' NeWs ftBcncy Tna» anld rosort Kiday. to I lem wouldn't go ovor wellIblns In Uie In- 1 Looking at the bnd sideIde of tho inllen per hour. ern plUdtMd far tlfe week-end with eeni ■ Improved'nddlllonal Wa Ing to hnve to come up wllh . the leg- minority lender, presumingning Ro*no* na sw many mnnUis out of tho yenr. \ ^■X>crrickc nnld. i "Wo could Always resort to I practices which for tho t pnrt have boon Btop.aap in, \ ^■sinturo and not always too suo- i flHid Derrick. ,iro wofl 1 ^ ■ I ’cterrliiK to drllllna 'nddltlonal 1 ^^Uecp wi'lla.. • I The city rolurnod Uili woek> i

. 'i'' ■ ______

----:------______\V ■ Sunday,;undav,0ct;i1.19M Ocl - WXT a q I azG ltoii^— ya in B rief Carey PI 2 Twin FaF«ll» Tlnf^et-Newi WV^eather, f C d l / Temper^[peratures Hazelto] wm^Eails-NewsjiiJE I • r v « . ■ Knullill hrange n ra n i" will meet at-Ute Mn. Kaiwfd T. M -„ MAOK5<110 VALI-VALLKV-rFair and KtUe warmer ihreufh o m a n - D i e s {fl'JiftlJ a t 8;30 p ^ , . TJ)o AdrfUoni„”r.ml.''w“ avenue wei at F fli) Iff 74,'jowa n to 33. except Camasr r pralrlr, W om an- un will feature a dlwujuilon mittedd to 6el. li Aiphon;Alphonsus hospital, ‘ ; T .P• .t l d U ( J S » C lnwB'lK.tf>IK. ii> 25. OutlookOl fur M onday In fafclr ir anand d mllltle ilit wMniV- T p w 1 - TT•X !' ■ I on tlw10 jropoMidpropoMd Jljuthor dofteue tiolae,, ThursdayThuraday for hip (suraery. I^C llO C ^ . puralurouo f»Tfca«Uforrcai' fnr «uod*y «r«i.l 38 tal o l 'tl l ■(I I da. OIKldlnir. M <" « A t I C l ' O I ivln ru lU county. ------roniB ■3.1 1*1 00 *t Huhl, 30 io SA a. t t TVrlnTS.li. Vnlv .i u , SJ lo m » 1 . -f ; Jerome ■ '•>' ^ S c h o o l ■ ■-----^ TheJ Twin PalU cocommunity of cAREV. Oct, 10 - ‘ S inmulated^ m lal ' tLY/yZ:;iu1y and 20 to Ott at. Ilupert. Temperature«r»tur« »at t 3 p.*n. Kat««l«y ha7.WSKITOl^, /TON, Oct.O ct m - '’Mr*. »I*I|.. N, N, C. c. I'rim m , 315 O ra n t thff.TwJn•»ln Falls pu lli .county.count Farr^Bu- meolin* t . , Y • wtt«.Md whllwitli 30 .10 pe*’ humidity at Twin ValUFalls weathurw burrau. crlmrJoiie Hnkelnbi lU moot ni at the hlnh .f»ry . . . ttlae,, " one Flukelnbumrn n m \ - .trimi.. -hiia beon ll"’ “admltt«d to a ycnu wjll mmeel eet aat t u p.m . BriiooJ «ymnnslum nelr.r 30.M. . ton. diodUud early Salanturtlny m orn- Nampaa hoflpltal. lioiipltm. liny atIt the tho Fonn Fontt lh Bureau office. J^.ym n.alum T ..u,,daiw ..,^-^3, ' P iivt'lVing i n j Um t ■ •Ijiu ntIt St. Benwl-B enwllcf* ho*PM«J' , , , . T.— T" ^ • ... Officer*ors will be nojnominated for , mnnm WEATHErt BYNOPSiaO P Sia / , , Jorome.10 , Mountalyintalij . ItoeUHoek G.«nii. will comrounlty and TwinIn PolUPolls BClBChool dlatrlct No. 1 dry nlr _moved Into tho nortKernn JntormountIntennountnln roBloi) Inaf , ommunlty and deleaalos Jo jijottwlon t^ s onn of ,ei«ht-school dls- ,o,,,.v w«i bom Peil. 10, 1»01. n t B f,„V,"“ p.jn, 'E Ttiekdjty ld In .Oie uic^ county.: convent 411 lit onn o f .el mul twiuv brlnRlnw fair wenther• nnd swncwl»omewhni low«r tuip- ' bnli. ■ tftcb (amlly U fjecied,couiuy.: Tho ut«upconvention w wm ^ projjrara.. and ’ cbtn • irlcin thnt thiit willwill,' benefit from ,un i ,,, I .» B . ta. S he ce ra. M M il- o r« .«IB o » • >-»' >d. T h e uroup wUl study two T ' i r t UopuW " ’'" 'P tn li wo?o '"I- ‘’•IK orJn'"^^"'",!!; ‘ irrrtl.to tho vnll"yii of »out)iorn Idaho. ProwITenatircn nlnfi are "J. °1 1005 u an d to nnxfllton In aikeil to to brina bring « pie. Pi propoaaU rocommen . nn*iiwtfiUln runfc"-Mink"’moiille v cihiwroom ii*d '!? [;!no ri:,e, 1 . ov«i Um Intorm oiintnini re«lonreulon and thla ahould rer • - _. ik jrn a ksaU rocommcnded by the Pele Ce> iinjt p fontftlnlnir, nntnlninB .ia drlvlnB slmtj- 5,^}!^ IJ/ »'<.'"»'*hunl»>n 'ini of fa ir w eather ovor UiosoU,.« \v»llo,. .t l.».t Siie waa » S;memWirr of the , ■ , p . ■ Btnte rcBOluUflwir«B0 luU h mostly clcnr BUU a u nUfl 1. ,.„,n.»l,,in'.'n 1 in"mo8tly la the mid to ' vlvlha. boaldea lier hdaband. Onrdon■don T ToWm,oWm, Jr.,Jr aon of Dr. T uw arora, Nev., hna «»«lltod, frlend’B nticniidS - ■ , rulln, , 1 il<| 70'b. mill, m’ m inum s Biimuiy niltui w n i-n ^ra. Gordon R. Tobin, 163 the air force tiirouB lonsr was presented by the • '• « rl’Alenfl. Idnho yo'.', nnd lower 30'n, In enKlorn Idaho to mostly'maiuy'in’u.:,;,;;! ■■■tL 1i..,l,.,.i «.n. .>^iiiiinii-omcLiiCoerer heh e Isl& a senior pre>med ins at,t LacklandLncklaPd air (qrco ba.o, th n t wll)will tent th e BlmulntnrB for “ n fur UilH nvonimi. « hlffh tuinjieraiureflires Inin southoliouthflrh Jdoho todny punernllernl aervleea wHl b e hold ntudonl.nU______■• . , Tox. . ______, S'r .cSraBe^iJ^uHi -5 m' •' • ...... ^ VftU>o n j ^ J ift U to nchlnil drlvl,,.., t Mnlnd. LoWrcndlniin lA^tt jit i p.m.,.m. Monday M onday n t.tho C a lv a r y ------■ -■ ■-— Loynl O reen U\o d from oa a t Idaho Palln to^73,at Mnlnd. Lov - Preen_ the adoW nt h niul cofilji. 'r»nvtd-fran~54-w<:-f^lrnnld-to-43.^L-au0lui— 3pnl church, Jeromo. wUh ^ y . %p- ^ . Broup. E x e i’CisC Dcrvlnlon and Buhlnnce In ‘' % , X n t ‘UIw Hupervlnton nJ ndwnt HunjiUlnn. m odetuto tem peratures an d I tevr-John-^llt-omclaUDIL ------A L r | . | . | p > ^ f 'A '- i l 'i * - r c i , 'The8 firstffrsc .ffrnde BTnde ccfnaa received - r ^ i thin pi^ojflclprojflcl nreare bolnB' conducted hould bo fiivornhlo for linrvoH nctlvltlosivltiBB llio noJnext two or three pinnl rite*r«e* will bei In Bunaet V Ct’Xtl^^ ;C—O O U X liO ------^hajjtlM JUmde^ ii>Idnho stnle depnrtmwl of "'J"'''" Vafley-TrMlKe-Coiu Jjv OnrI{Jft)io tut refntiVBly liBht windn nnd only motlnrnioly m oderately warm\ tompern- Memorial park uni , beat repreaentntlon »tlon- unOor the dlrecilon ed and RAsl^rned Uiree vlo- Rol>ert II. Brallafc £ l,a m ie d j„ 1 i - I rd u c n tlo n ’ unOni will procludH upllm um dryintf condltlona.lltlona. tlon ofS'w WhUo IJS me ™ftui?y", nne,I »;.d .Ml,n, M rt U. B ralU ford, 1037 AU s first jjygt arjiders' (rrnda parents Vk. ------OT A.r-Drtuke~f.t*to-dllr«ctoi^ot P r tnktfr-w t^o» wl» PnlJa. Memorlftl*xitmoriala mimny he rhnde w lailonI polniB polhiB by Tfl Twin Falla Po- turos drive, was finedfir IIO and refreahmenU tlHvorr nducnilon.eduentlon. ^p,TEMPliRATtJRlC AND~PRECrPtTATlQxcrrtTATiON^— ------^ .Oii-iflhrln«LJ5rJpPiiiulntLjJr^PP***^ -Chlldren'fl lice JudBO Judao Harry T u rn er for cos'ta and an d OMtenodojiaiffned Uuree viola------A iocnllocnl InAiniiInstniclor will Iw put ither fit j,li p.m. carf: niuhohi lem icmperalure pernlure Itiiit 13 houra. honpltal,S . S alt Lake ^ T,peedlJ)ji-worn-Vahllji)ff-worn-Valdl-L^4!Ullff J3 3 3 tlon polnM polnU .by Judge Judi Roblnaon • Pacific Aic ■ ‘ ■ !n chrtrt{fflrtrt{o oof f l)mtlm unit while it la : lomperaiuro . I'.fit ifl honr«. prnclpltatlonpltailon for 3li hours e n d l n a ------• -—— ______Hoyburnjrn avenue. |l $13 and costa, for a stblPilffTr'Vlo fiUitlonnrtjned Into TTwin ran., any., ^ 7 “,^,;.'',"^'^.;^'i,m. CBT. , , and Jane L. Okleberry,Okl< Twin ' M ary Ptnlsior, as, omimeMlrtor liuBlnnd. HUUon M ti. Min. Pfe...... 113 and coaU. Qunnstrom,vsirom, 17. both :lU ipert. were ------Allniny, N,,VI V. V ___ iH 111 MrmliliU —------I ' W a t ed 111,11 and cost*c and na- fined |lliIl& by Judae JiJake Wall for O w 1 IA i'fi, ...... MO 4f. Mltlhnil. Tei...... - - 5' (Conllmiedntlmied From Froni P«ie On*) alnnedtl ihrcdihrco vlolativiolation polnta by apeedJnc.Ilna. Oarloarl Short Ifayden. n, J3 C I-/C U X " ...... tM 411 MOwguUtf ------8 Dedicated ' .....; «7 J ’, Ht.“ ’r.ui I’.ul r.l 'ir. ready pledRod to au > turner were iConnoth E. Hoyburn,urn, .waa waa fined |IS in Ru- ■ r r ■ ' ' 1"" ', m iclfJr; W'"agnerAsks a g n c S?. po»c6 court foe •)«•>■...... ——- ■Jll iBflo, T1>1» Tneftjw jr. route. 3: Gerald'L. Cuff, Po^t police court fo , iHiurtli avenue n o rth , and U^e peaco^CB wwtth tth anon iauto. ^0 K e n n e d y S»“i!foS,‘’'''""'‘ '» s * » • - ...... S S fc/l^iiu. ------ni:r” t i hnuor revenue* wl' v e r h a iil o f iiS-i'*'"' nmi L^y " r ;::- m *> tp bo sT m ade p*:rin'“ii;erS up wit wId :'w P. Walkup, = ^. 6U Second Norlynrlyn 11. II. Fikatad,Flkstad, IC, Rupert, DAUU M4A6 a ,. Tex.Tex, Oct,O 10 m — >ii» O— v e r lii ...... ; ■ « r . : _____ , Ml ;i" In cityy «rvlce'char«eatarvlce'chnr or a booat 10 cnat avenuo caat. fined (10 $10 in R Rupert police ^ monumentanumont to titho lato re.l- K ? " of ^ ■ • niirr«i..------...... ?,!j In thoB millmill levy.levy. . . OeorBo.me s.8 . a»lv»n, Qnlv 10, courttorrunnln,a^, for running a stop »l»n. ^^nt John, l " .r P. - Kenj will bo J u S e™ '■'’'“'■‘'“y Tax a x Prrom-am r i^/v.. i.iui, -T h oitltv'-atao-new tK r a ta o - n e i Ja a new po- TJjlrd.avcnuoLavcnuo eiut, enat,. wna rined la iter Rose, 33.V '. ' Rupert, was dodlcatodaUd Monday In front ot 5.™ “"‘I P«t N, C. . . ,n Twin Pajla pj^euod »15 |IS nnd nnd co.U C' and na- p<,,|co court for »po i » '■« hnu\ otof ItlAlwftIdaho's tux M ructure. n^nvrr J,,,- ■ ...... f,i ”ii Hi. I.______^ ' fl/Kl crlliOmlcrillclxrii 1the Republican J’*? V,''""'' ' ,.k« ciiy _____ n «T city mBntioengniio InIn aa project! ^ re- 1 three Justiceviolation polnta by uoydyd D. Hayden,Hnydon 31. ; Heyburn, compnnlonunion Cuatlnacftstlna 0of the lectern ficS tn w"* w ‘ lt\cuml«-nTrB<*n.nirniTTSen. ' -- '11.' . n^ Ifl >*'•• M «rl.arls------_____ <0 • fiftllcttiBd fUUd# - fn p. Atlilnaon, aaj aiioiTp nvo- nnrry•ry K.k:. CaldwellCaldwell, 16, Rupert, At th the e foot fMt of the« qiinrt^lto- exerclaca vould be m 10 lax situation In Idnho H Bl H^ttln ...... nidiard 0> aalmon,_Burloyi „„ j Bd plllnr are two InacrJp- ®, »“«d use of exp •TiJo U»x Mtu ,,„IU ______61 ST KhMVfiwrl...nrl ------...... -- i r.H^ ‘ chnnU nnd aval [Ined ISB by Judjro Wall on covered pillar are i Im«- o h}»««©<>ij>.>iu ------OrcBory Edwin McOroer, » „ckloM-iiiBMi drivlnn dHvm« cloharae. - <-lon» --O—_one. n e . a quoti quotation from a Involved m ti,e J i.“ W nnner nnld, "und will J-u-un.’ nu MM.-*. — r.ll a ...... ■ Ui-owUi.'’ WnRiior fii„ ______na S.’> r«mimI hi.Hi. rln/.rill/. ------—:___“ I to Bpend Bome tax Icliarilwn drlvo. Ooodlniixllnff PollcoPolice JJudffe A. V. ®®”Century ^ i!2 ir£ Enallah l n ! poot, the believe there »oi , cnntiritJflriuo to do no unle.Hs (ho lejf- u ,'” Vru.«U,. n< *1^ ' T,»r..,n, • . ------ii^i . • ■ Anyrjm Jmprovomon j^ rv o m e n t elU.Dr In the PhUllplllp a..01bflon,O .. Olbaoi nler, WjV( Carter,r 'fined Iintd ColcenColeei Kennedy, a m em orial mw plnfjuo. . mnnlfeatitlo ire nnd th e uovt-rnor fnco i.itii* UcK-kn.K-k ...... -...... — !!'■< jj:?".’','"®'...... ^ • jAluluro nnd the iitrlr4 • 71* •!" WlchJln ...... ------• li downtowntown areaarea oror lU perimeter lined (200 >200 nnd and coBt« coi by K lne tl&, Dnnlol3ftnlel RodrenueRodreauez, $15. John V nen thoy Must an e«ffle. Immediate ^vicin tip ) tho Uio probloproblem.” i'"* amui'Im Bcest a portion of Bcnia*: •Johnston hlnnd. 700 mllu aner listed D)r/v> companies Somot» temporalteinporatuni extrcmrK from withinthin the IJnlUnited Stnt«s ex- Involvearea tax tax m money oney. Hill ?U5tlce Justice of of th t»io e pence Lynn Sllm nn,vn. ' 110, HO. RJ^inR lclw rd H anaon, thou seest a W nin'er UsUjiI i ilBBltiv an d Ilnw nif. l3nWrr at a t 4 4 p.m PST: Iflflhost -tcmIcnipcniiiiro pcrntitro lust m lioum ,e wll) lifted bo nextllUod ^ Wftll fo r.d ru n k drlv t Carter fined DennU Colter Wohn Pit*aorold S Kennedy ^ — I - nornMon. tempejaturu last. IQ hourn, precipitationM M m tor for 2. hour. ondl,w for:dninle drlHne, and wna i f f forro^^lnfni drunk drlvlna. Rlclinrd ftwrtlfed his arrival a t Dio I « J candidate predicted Uiat Jowfst tempcTatu ™ ,.l-.. * d„y. in J. Tlio cimdldula 30 dny. in Jail In llcu of * s™nson in T w i. as finedfta, 130 for * Tr«<*«T rad e M art ..Nov. 33, ^ r i ; ' "Indiwtry«try wlUwill b BOck< oul Idnho 4 p.m. PST. people will flock to Idalio ►“•h"" Ml., w e. ,.vrr ______fz M 7r. U m t tho pcoplo whc •. , spoodlnBinB by Judgo Judae C arter. Dnr- lOW- I •n rt peoplo wih ______lit 4( .Itl Aiirlii.r«u»raua ...... — M wjrvlces are th e c '^ o T le A.a . WWilson. I.»,., 214 Quincy i«no BB.rtlome artlom e paid fla tn fine tor ' Rt. R«v Cuthliert Darda- * when Mr. BlickBJ/ek t an d hlfl cohortn ------. /Iff • .'U i)h» ...... •*’•* tor tliflsc■losc »ervlcp.i.aervlcM. For example, olrccl, wiu fined r quit playhiK M lrlch nnd [(..J,,,. r _ ;___ . _ r__ r.l fl2 .llllirBM __ ----- . WlU fined 125 nnd cost^ speedlnB. bishop of Coventry, will v r* w v w im vo quit- playlv ------I'i l i 01 Ihe fU\ca.nca, bonds bonda nndan IccR coUcci- ,^jui nssSuncd».ssluncd thrthreo violation ______make tho 3:3i who pny for ine^wn .ntlnuod .Tom Pa.e Onol 1“ It In tho naUon. Xfo opined ------inchoon iruests in prayer as^ \ hlahoflt In th e nin t Z 'm u _ iiX 41 ...... -.. ■ Rft ilj m ln a Ihc aolf -v»-» ------Malcolm>lm Allrodr-tJtal Allrodr-Utah-Stntfi_uni=. -^rd-of'lhe-naaaiisin f Uie Income ond oVtBo thin i;i*i.grvnu ------veralty; bualnona edi of-the-^aAaauinatlon.roach- thftt If U)fi hicomo "i‘r< e i t ' _____•• s« ones who pay lor for tl tho polf coureo. If y; buslnons education. Dr. ^ Yrndo Mart I I bienniumlum nro tlitho satne, the ;------Lawrcnce’nco nrrickson.Erickaon, tUniversity of 0 Trade Mart last Novetn- wlll^^bo fo u r m llllo i dollar. Tho, bolUenockboUlenoclc inI ihb theory » ■______i wlh four iTir TDAHO-rnrlly cloudy throtiKhiKfj Sundnyeimrtny nnlffht with little ja that Diore la »u jrnla; '‘Releafllnff the Po- . ___ I I in th o red. _ ^ 1ro!r?h? fh^i ^dSrlmeSt N tlllO llS t«iitlal1 of Tencher nndni Child In jnor'aald Uw cltlien. of lewperaturo'ature chniiffo.chai HlRhs OS to fiS. lowsWH 3^3!> to 48,45, rlvotl trom th e tlr itions Take I I ,; ■Wnaner wvid t ------or Hlrcct IlyhUnR. Art." Mnrnnret JohnJohnfion. nrt su- I .111' I f \ M ah o ««>are nJreid;already overburdened n t - T T W pervlsor,or, AlplnoAlpine BchofBchooi, American Laxes nnd U>e only aoiullon T k l t * —— • I « Actuallyu“uy’'“tho'1ity the cU; rnbic. very S l a P O t t r s . C h m c h I , « \ l h Ux««i ivnd til 14 rkOYVI T €l ICS lltllo ' trom(torn dltcctd ltcct UtMS. ThlJ t i p a l U . l 5 * . Fork, Utah; U tah; -EnffllBh-EnffllB Tonchlng ^ ' I ^ to Uios •itUAtton attuatton Ut to «et rid ot V | 51 0 ^ 1 * ^ a Multipletltlple Respona Reaponalblllty." Dr. I I .niY IH mntory tax, make a »eol- lagica. Valley Hospn U b P ltiH o • yi.ftr's bmlBct b I ■ U\e inventory tnn m oi RO, U.A.R. Oct. 10 Ctinrlca Kegct, Idnho , laxua raliica ralacd‘““.‘'“f »7S2.«a1122,•.?™.^ ” ot tualtliot CAino, poiiticnl tr.A.n. comm a m — CS Keael, Idnho Btato uni- ^> Campaign V jaJJJJJ W J 4 ^ iatlo ndiUAtmenlndjufltment of the Inoome f,, .. iolitlcnl committee of tho vorsity;y; mmodern odern conceptsi In * • nd adopt a broad boso tax. bt> liCnCdlCiBcncdict’a. Jcvom o M agicsic VVnUcy alley M em orial omount,nl. , ,, in "nofiallRncd” nntlc U x. jwid ad o p t ft A/ICf»tJM5 complcl Uirned" nations Bummlt home economics.economica. HoltHelen Kcavenv. I' —T ‘ "L ef*fs wBot t «nnp * new, firm Admitted Adml ■ Admlti complellon 0^ conferencflcncfl hn.ihn.i adoptedndop a resojH. consummr r apeclnJMl,sprclnlMt. w ith th e U.B. ^ ation and w at oh Idaho Calvinin CliatfliCliatfleJd. Richfield: Robert)Wt p P. . Hacketl,Hacke Jnnlco M ar- ,10 nmhway ;i‘“ “ w m|>J« „„„ ^„inrirm mm Ji’oss U.S. ■ foundation nnd leclnrlnR th n t peaceful co« food nnd d;’UBd^UB adnadministration; WASHINaTON. O . ! grow ,"' h#he decloTBtdeclared. p®le Jonesones and Mrs.W Oernld Pow- lone Urrubozo, Mi ,t in iiap o rm ii™ c«l.Hi-nc«—mnca wim m —Im- Imperinham— la “Olanaroom-Appronch SHINaTON, Oct. 10 wn - —------ell, both;H Jerome. Jerome. M rs. E. A. P in - droRBOu, T ah et Ei will be the «lri>irowwlble, Jnforaed iroom-Appronch to Moderi. Tho wifevifo of Idaho’s Bon. P rank nWport {acllUlca will tie slbJe, inform ed ‘ sourcoa anld M ath,” Fred JluBhea,Huflhe Pocatello ciuireh will pnnii • VI kelnburir.irir, l!» Hnzel » llo n , n nd Mra, (■ I’chrHon, al Tw Jl Ml! participate . next „ s L . o ^ n T inry before thla la a reality. hiRh achool; and Prank Pi Horn- min n camDalcnmDalan to u r lo D 6 O il iflO OCfll Wi agio Valley '*«' • Wb.to“p»alo“o,or. Pocaiello; Devorly Jea n , ordine to Derrick, water la TJie move move was wa" n n Bhnrp aet- Rnn, NowMow York City, mathomat- Democrntlocratlc women \ will mnke 33 I.U . r .nd Mr.. noBcr tapor.ant^to^.^^^^?ant to auccessfuliy expand back for for moderate m^erato forces 1 nt tho lea conaullnnt.insuUnnt. cities nnd ID. sintos. ( ' ' ^ 1 ’ Michaellael oullck,oullck Mrs. Raymond nnd 10. states. Ity 10 n tlrac t now indiwtry. meetlnRm nnd and .eomod aeomoc .to put tho otheror apeclal.poclnl RuesUBueat nppearinn Mrs.. Church saidsnld the t trroup of' Itta and dauahler, Mrs. °“numii e,e .w fcl'l"B«^ corner will bo Dr. Jame. Sin :;;1| i ■ F u n e r a ls s r ' C■urpin ' i n ^ and d Leon Petoraon, . : fn™t'hTrd."o,n';.c.rif. e Dr. James Simms, In Bpe- cabinetIt and conffre.«ion«lconpe.-! wivea | U l l l G l I B Md E- Vlsscr. Mra. E dw ard to Brow.i IdoolOBlcnl bntllc between clnl education;ducatlon; Dr. S.s San Sher- Is dividedIded intoInto elahtolaht loams. She r' IIANSEN-WmiNSEN-Ptmernl services for »« Jerome;jrome; clCharles Karns, b a b y r pno lim e the city h ad more CommunLntunL« China andar tho Soviet n,lo, aoclnl .oclal .tudle.,atudica, Dr. Joaoph nnld th e memborB \ Bally Boll Brown will be Boise: M Mrs. rs. RRlti ita M urua. R o th c jlTdward R Bduciunio water an d Hberal Union, ;he members wero chosen ^ , Mr*. Bully B bU Henrst.-t.- aoclnjBoclnj atudlea,Btudloa, Prof. WU- by Mr.*. Ljmdon . at a p.m. Monday at Reyn- Borden,1, MMrs. « . R*j Bohnlnct,L -* mMra." s D s O ^ BIrd, l>"ll':l»»•3 rcB,.rdl.ia^u:rctfardlna usaae were net. The 47 nationsnationa windlnn up llnm Corbin. Corbin, Bpecchspeech department addroa* meeUnaa. co ll . held ftt a p.tn. M< nnyllM and-Mrs. Dora j,_ MItton. I « meoSs™comluTt°proS RIGHT GUARI funeral eliapel, Twin Falls. Trncy Bayllas t D M ltton D arrell D. Og- Thoso waterwater policies policies will have to ihelr Bca.^lonaBea.^lons here alao showed of tho0 fncultyfncultv of IdnhoI State conferences nnd appi ' V , \ o!d4 /itnern) eliM aU ahOBhone. M\d Clifford Vlsscr, enees and appoor on owHo b y th oe Rev. TlenrjHenry Raybom, Bap- »*l ^'oaho f« v S r. its. aordo'n changedinnged .and . ond altered. The » definiteInlto policy ofo nlljfnment unlveralty..^jty. ond lelevialonBleviaion proariproBrama. minister. Concludlni rites Wlaemoj), Twin T 'sa of BolUnR water outside nRalnsi the United liBt m lnlatw . Ci lOJ), Twin PalW,. CurilaI Millnnd .071,aon. nnaan Dnrrcii D ry- S m fu wfu I th e United Statea. w ith A numumber ber of Uiotlte Btnle st depart- Mra.. Church winwill Join Mrs. SPR a Y le at Sunset Memorial park. «lrtBhths dtm. nddadd T«lnTwin Fall.:P Gertrude ' iiy J “2?'“ Umiw V", will reco'lvo cIom u . a. policy Intn i^Jitln La America ment of educationeduentlon ffom Bolae OeoraoB Dixon, wife ot a newa k/IIlHI ivm be Stthiel_____ A son wns bo Dn wns bom to Mr. and Lind.iey. Mra. Loul ny. Free IrrlBailon water tho mnlpnip inrRct. hJao will,’lil be be prcaont prcaont tto have the pnpor columnist coluninlat andnn dauuhtor Xfty Ortunmer. WendcU. dnUBhier. Newell 1,: i ’ TW-IN IN fAPALLS—Punernl L tS - serv- Mrs. Rny Qromi :fir,“ Nei^n “w"'^Shn“'o?. w'” “'‘SndtTKo t siud^.yeS^c T he sources aaldBftld the reaolu- tcnchersirs evnluate thel th eir tonchhiBo of th e lale Bon. Do " lo«« lolor r DBert ert A. Sweet, sr.. will ------:—------, and TlmoUiy Tve fiflcnl yeor cloae.i Dec. 3i (jon oponAorcdwnAored by IndonesiaIn wna and preparations.reparations. of New Mexico, in a I DEODORANr inducted at a p.m. Mondoy V,1 t t T Ralph Llermf new budget will bo dmwn .njn^ost, cortnln to be1 npprovod TiiesdnyIdny willwm bobe tnkontnk up wUh the Bouthwestlouthwoat antand southorn \ { bo co?\ducltd at K i . T r r M " “ r >sthe S next \ 00 daya. Tliat forelKn mini 1 In tlw;e rJratFirst BftlBftptlat church by V ^ lH H C l > forelitn mlniatera at the A panel!l of buslnesamobufllnesamon nnd edu- California,'nia. tev. Smest Slasselblad. Pl* lu r ch H e a d «„■< r/il!:!’SS’ SlUc': ! of time could bo Imporiani contorcncoonco later Jn thetl dny. Most catora for challengechnllonse and Inlor- Mrs.• AnthonyAnUiony Celt Celebrewe, wife BEG 1 00 SIZE r - I tho R«v. Em«Bt orderly growth and devol- of them wcro rep », > Tia1_yjtp#•itea-'wlUJ»JitUl_tttJCSKia bfl — o l . I Earl B.It. SearsS e w . nnd LeHoy L, Loo, “ ,h„ S em wcro represenied on matlon.I. Servingservlna on thitho panel will of the Bocreinry Bocretnry of hoallh.I edu- J; i W lla cemcemeteiy et«ry by Twln^lls iV l -Sht>sIioncr-O ltO S -niiftoBslST—iSYiisnr-p'nro <:nmmUcne which be Q. J. SmSmith, ith, WilliamWlllli Qrnn'te c'‘^“?h_nnd^nnd welfare, and Mw. NO. 4S. A P and. AM. w im the people want, chanRoa ended Ha hn work PrldayTrld nlahl. tnTd"'J.r ‘T t ; : "ATirtpmOTTr~aB—T^ Andnniorr, h ^ -P l»^gh- Bftyh.-wJl ^QL- I • ' ' Jodne NO. 49. A r • 'Tk m.' zelton;;“"%.S\l?“ Rosclla Ca « 'u “tr"w, t»r‘L «’'y_.Jr!|.Vl Uti. a Knt«htaliahta Temp Templar escort. The x t The. indoncainnIndoncainn p proposal wns Palla: Jnmca.Ropof.JnmcB Rope;, Burley, 1 nn wnRtor, wilt vtatt 1 Ferry, anc ,o clly lOTour Belon, IdifitlHI'TiT—1110'“ II I; U fumtlyy »uoi»»t»uoB«sU4 memorials bo 5812118 1 OSt aie«'« I 1.1 drown nnd approved, :nf to llie~“ 'lConununlBC B«rft-Mooro,^ooro, fluperJntejflijperJntendent. Cns- lay «nd Wedneadny. ----NOW-69^ to the Cancer society and Mooro, Kim berly. in ly Bchool». T h eir dlficua* I LiW I wade to the C«wi ^ ’■ nUih. Dcrrl=tj|ddo^ 10 view on peaceful coexist- county Bchoobi. Tl- m lott at White mortuary or SlioailONE.iSUONE. ciil connre- Kayleen'lecn ouman,OUma Hnzelion; ' Qupmjc•w re CITY n r r v 0Oci \0 o il — re«n-d ns an expr«‘,sslnReKpre,snlnR rrsorvatlona Mouautrnp."trnp." n chnllochnllcnRlna lec- C y / ~ In'thU couununliy durlna Hlrniii Si-ott, Paul 1 1 I . JfANSEN-FunNSEN-Punoml iorvlce. for 'S' ) Scoll. P nu\; R obvn Cole. j.,rt‘nfh;“ cC.»nadlnus , S , s ^ve Si“«n About t1ie tl,e rc.olutlo,resolution. ‘‘""o hyly P/nnkFi-nnk O,O. MeM cIntyre, <11- . Solly Dell Brown .will Ue J'” nntii of November, Actlv- Durley;>•; Mra. MelbjlMt Johiwon, Eli/abcth a cold sJic of public relutlona, • Cnl- , 1 ' } Mrs. Bally Bell III Include an orunn con- Penrl Wheeler and ;tli a cold shoulder todny. The defeatdetent of 11,„Un moderalc. ; ' conductedicted «t*t 3 3 p.m..Mondayi »t i ', Wheeler and Gladys Park- gomo 8tudenl.i 6iudeni.i RhoutodMu lnsult.i wna seenicll flsn. hnvllichiivlUK malor »U- “ “ml”1 Teaciicr’aToachor. nnNoclatlon.noso, ^ oliU fulfcral chapel. Twin S^J^.cldnrSL!!,y Bcott HoWerty. Tlobe, a cr, all\ ftupcrt.Rupert, . Ill iicr• ».iII.H hhchhe dcovndrove lhrou«h the niricance. The debui hv Lh* Rev Henrv Ray- l’retcU‘n»ilna nuwJo.ml«Jon for four eve- . icp. The debiiie on ponce-. . - . hlrt'pi.^\ of Uibthbi ptovmovlnclal capital iful cooxlatence■xlstence had beenb ihe key' AliniVKVIIRIVF. IN UKUKULIN Y D ,,r------& ,2 Sdinr-:.C wiiv he rturlna the wwk <>l Nov. 15 G oodiniTnodinfi: M cm orm i in nic heart of /cpi » Rt.-.Rov. Norman Foote. Admlti h eart of |frpivrutl.st te n i- tP.stlnu • sroundnround bebetween the BERLIN,ILIN, Oct. 10 nil'll—Anil* Broup Y II - \ \ < neynoUat laBUMtt furitorn Momotlnl park, fc" ' A d m u u a tor:.', . ’ HiodrtrrttHKitHK nndfind the(he iChlncfie-llnc American Ai;ierlc.in buslnmmcn,bi .X jf * h Om may call (roiii nooinmni JllilloiLQl-tllLIipbcoonl ..julirison • f . TSiiu. by the m .nn - Juhhaon a n d Oenc T o r r 0o r U tt orunntoUlow oruni hnd BuppQrtprft'nl-lhl.t-etprfl-nl-lhl.t-eohfeionoo, UU'mb.rr^. of . Ihoiho NiulonnlNftll A'iHo- y . ft'iii —; ...... ■ bom.1. Sunday Oojwludlnj «ml untrt tlmo of I hi Idaho, 'f and nn niml-' pinion,in. bolhboth Ooaooillns- threiitencdjned to lmrn\ harm ihe-30*yeari>. ------rTT,T-^^=------v.- -- - ■ . . cliitlon of ^f(lflIifnct^( Monday al noynold. >■ dinner n-t ' lor Nov. r . I of ^f(lflI(^nct^(^o(^s tn u le v 'ir , • * : held nt aunatt_ pU m iu ed old inuiDiirh.jDiiiTh. UuiOut t:there wn.s nn T \ i* J - - TxiTtmi'lonr-TTilMirm—'lonr*TTilMton—t to— Euvopor ------sl^ £ i : J— ' Prlendaal mnyChanel. calJ . • wmininInm llnuxrchaiimanItnux,- of the 'Rnymoi'u^m o iiit ItH a« tf nii « r, Porllniid, mnj.ir -incldont Incldont oUJur-lhrtnoljli the UGlGCl — — ■ conmilio.icmIO.10U on ChrMluuC cduca- ore. . Delects I horr ““‘‘'ytncluy byI'J air from T 1)•. 6 pin. Sunday w .** . b \ MtvloeaZBLTON-*-Pim*rALwvlcia Mondw tjon. iTixirts' m wru- tlu'tlu' chuii'h hclio«il — - up of lecn-ftRcrs; teen*fttters.' Ttio * rest o( N. j;,.,acnnnny. ocrm Oct. 10 ifl— aoldorf - ; [’ . . Junerali.lrs. ch»pel- C horlotte Flnkelnbura m T V irrCiiWered reuWi'rer pupils nt this C'n nssla'M s 's l n - M c o m o r i n l ------iua_popuUiunii_uii_ r E.iat Ocrmiui .u in u lst . ' ...... be held a t 4 p n i. Mondny thiie. A dm lit r*MJlod-io iha Wii^il. ihu h u ____ Y i m :------jrA0 Z SCalvary t't'S N -* Epiicoptxl - church 'ivachcrsshcrs Include Inclui n iarcn C off. ^ r a Dryuij Hni Cd .ol.ncr«»nd pSnce .si<,,,d ‘'“ " ''..thiilnl.slry S ’' .inuounccdS ™ todny. OrTOnrK-RPKCirTOnFR BPl'riALR . X ------the Rev. Jolm IXilk officl- mnn. Uiitvii Marvn t'to Bro< y io '. Mil-. WIUK no„, ilnbtry hpokr.smnn suid Bfnnmlni Plnn'u 1 .t ^Mfti. ; r botn S . r jju S ru ^ j. shouhliT iDiUoulder nIoilB 'IVi l, nini Phn'U ... I.SO ’ nt tho1 Cftivnryto th e B Shrine Crippled Hnl Rata,tan^ lU.v.u.lluiw.i -llovey und " ohii iV.n ’ nilK Hurley; Afra.. kUc .spoke. IIoiidlnK a 8c]i>ntlf)c co)>. 131 7lU Ht. 8nutl»~M:. ^ A . ccom o m f forf dnd inspiration • I. I ' with lr«n^the Rev. hOiSplffl!, Jc '^flalt—ti*k»f-Mr*.—CUaudc—Cia .u d i^ C ic :.a _ « _ .c a c h f r “ "SU ncli.Hamilton. Rut^er!! Paul; an\l Pivk j o u r uroujiBroun of nbdinbdnt 200-d tm i ». Austria. • I - ___• tfc i *Untr. rin«l r«ea a.v.Utnnts. ihph, Ruplorit » h o u t e . K houted "Uilli tlic M||M||j||j|jj^^ , ■ sunteuMemorlftl ______IllrthiIllrtha qiu't'n" fl.s its Jjorher buJief'proofbuJltf; Jim* w m r n m . . fhe bepulfy o f m u s ic . ■ V, * ' I . dlreoUonrjlL—Fune-al ot W sorvlcesi for • |- y i , A bonon wii.s born to Mr. and nu.slue moved ntoved slowlyMowly ihrouBh the i ttJ 1 Twinincfl rviiu. B. WM«' ard will be con. J 5 l * luKe d l ? e Ivesults K nr>'ftn llnrrty. Duricy. ’ l.sirpct.i. Vm* > ,\ n\nde Id at 3 p.m. Wedneadny in T fcr - , , X O uur r ccliQpof h o p o l has a richly toned organ, ond I .] ChMdMft'i(iberUon-Dlckard h ^ P l chnpel by A rai Reported IjA n i |p |||jlim i ” tfiose heaven th « w r v i c h ' 1 ’ l«v. Dwisht . c ity .E. Wllchor, pns- IVCjJI ose heavenly tho sorvtcos of a skilled orgdnist ore ' iV • of . th#' " Buhl , Melhodlhl JEROME. Oct. DME. Oct. lO-iTlio Jcrom e ’ A C Qvatloblo (f dosi'rod. Always, if Is our ' : 1 DUiii«—Fu*'*’"*jh .'ila so n ic rites will bo u n - DuplkMte',itc'nildaejoUib n r i d i plnyed fV l/\C ' ■ )■: I 1 ’ Glftrenoethe dlfecUon B. Wfti of, the' Buhl Satunl.iy»\y nfipimrtflniviXiJi' »t Ji'i'Dine MASONS NOTICISt IceT* to a s s u r e perfection in ■.* I No, 63, A 'TltnlT AM. by Eplscop;vl p«rli>h »(Sl U6lS'' Y < ' * ducted «t 3 P^n [kU Parlhh Wll. You oro requ ; C. , the Albertion-Dlhlpful Ma.ter R. p. Itard- nor,,, h and hOuth v,nnnera wore i'ou , n n Oro P AA requested tn to moot ot theis M asonic a s o n ic T \ g . Ih e R eF»l«nd< V .D w la h may t call at the e . c . Hoi'luom,MonluomeVy a n d Mra. I-UUjOO Pr^./v>. .m . to Attend Funeral Servicesrvlces ofo f. . . byll[S ] f fi: , tor ri-tmm-O^a.m,_n.m. ot . th® I Hnny LiBHi.,.lir4U.Mr». Lloht. fir .T:, U .. . ft if ; > • -ohuroh.'WMonlc I'.s and Mr.i. D. WYitkin.'t, ^ R R O ; th a B u h l cpmclery. !icconil, nud Mrjt. , mul Mrs. M. A, Ouerry BRO. BERT A t SWEET---SWEET ALL. WOOL X 34 HOUt H0UR„AMBULANCE SERVICE! ra. A. J. Meeks, th ird .. . .r J E X -R E S I»£N T IIIKS . nnrt *d '’wiMwt'M winnor* were “ ACRI1,AN-|;j V l < Phona 733-im ..... ^ .MBEN, O ct. 10 ■..» j’ranli Mrs. u II. VnnI To tie held nl Ihe pind M rs, i . . - D «o,.*o,. Ch, r” Sfb.” brou“ '‘ i“ ' "■ . 'lii'-lcbiiiHiirlebatis. first; .Mrs. cor«»o.i Choice A,«a Rug,, Lat9» La.g. SolsfStlsHs.i.c* ______'■ . J of I'l* hrotljcr-ln-Uw, M. D. Hnrtruftllortruft nnd n Mrs, A. W, •▼M ivsivsvonday; G et'. 12 a t 2 P.i ^ ' i 1 b?.Tth.nvhicr,Ward* Berryviiji', Ark., of pmnt*, socond o . second, and Mrs. C.-n. ^ (Commandery fscort)^ roke WednoMtny mornlnB. weiterotlvn tl> j^nuh n d MtB, irvliiB iflH I I tfVtrd SX-REBin w as a fonuer rcMdem Towle, ii iW .TAXI . f . '^'E. M.'Gopner, W. FATE Fuvnitui*!l i t u v e - T l .v I lUMBEM, >"■> . SundJiyi5unc Ocl, .IT, 1944 ■...... i - f l l Y o rk C W y. " j.;,Iv m nray, a y . in'cretnry-lr€ift«uri»r of r^ i r.t -fr€andidates_^ / AveaTracloi* M Twin rallj Tirnes-Now* ’3 ' JflS o f R e c o r d M tU on .JpijHon, ou n i-r o f' ilu>tl,,. i''otho i-ompii-ompany, nlHO wilt ntteiid. _____ ^ __ , .S - ’ % M IN in O K A C O l’NTVV nrin5tt5"co®srrT^ Per ------0 (u>dUiB-niu;Lui:..niul_lnimianuiiiiUuiiL___ _Ollicc_lltMO ilicc_J OI\M L from jwjarly ' I'nllfP t^ o u n Klniy mil Juiti™ <>“'•— , ^PersoimeHo— . .. -i-omimny 3 und Vatiuhn UarnmiiTim d.ooo.i'ovdd,o«o,l''»ui dpnIiM-B nncl pdHonnrlm n r l ------HOll 11. May*. Ho\vp.X:. A ttend ■Event; 11!::lint dr,confpronc alom: with Wi'llimnillimn Aii.-iiralla.Aii.iirall^t. auiilh Vlet Nam, J«r-.lor- houni-houHi- wllwill 1> lii'ld fo r all D om o- , % Aie Selectecl ( H WllllamB, u. Ruiwrl. J5,i5. nno o Mtut and E. D ftvlt. H e y b u rn . „ , ll. Btrvpn.son, inan,u;i'r of' . Uu*'Jmn d;»n. yii’rhiniu'. an public U In- ncM by ^^H |H EM Q i^'aEi|[^r'’' ^ lUH\Hn, H,\a‘Uon. »l3.fi0: Chnrlr*iinrlps "111«'in ntti'iuint ili.- woiUiuidp V'm‘*l V\»r.l UolwrUolH'rt O . n tu n h a m , pi.-.Ntdi-nid d.'iu '"■■^ti'rn hpnibiphB ro. will‘ a*“* t - vlli-d to ,nltrnd nnd ri'fronhmonlii , . nviwrt Chivmber-otI Com- I 11 C. Cjiiilu’rB, lUltcUliw. Kans..Kan»,. tractor diMicis .M iitni-nn- Hatui*^atui'^ iH"oT ■'Ihr■'ihi- Mlnl-Ca.-cla Wiinipir.i'iuinu'iii ‘''"d>''"d iliplllf 1‘VPnt. willwill btvM btvM'ivpd. ^__ ' i fa rm e r JL \ J'i A ■ ,ColloU; .ii'hniilo U DRnlcln. .Jr..-Jr.. - - ■ ■ [Inldokn ' s ‘ ; ^ S 'm . ) « r Aniunu-i.i ion. T ex.. $«'0: J«n»eHJaiUPH , ^ O. Alvord.-Tex... Hft:.r jf t:...... r H im «. " Ed iraiK. - »I-i " ! Opposed •• • l)v k ’ Jo-J o itnltn " J I liotliflJ. jetnjore, Kn»w.. « OUB BIOOKSTST evemEVEBI 1 ul -tw niorcd by UicI Dck eoertM MTi; n.ivi.i A. Persiill. ArlUiRion. I R u p e rt, Srfn«e: ^ » 'P h MoOnU. nuporl, ► C • Sl'i 'and Larry , n itfh n m , I fwiworfil uy.uie nupcrl arnino; M ^ Filei'Graiifvc jS.,HiMiilc, \Vii.sU., fo rte lfe d u -»L’5 I P io n eer S o Duiioiio. r ““'' r'";'"”; I F II-E n , o»-; 10 - - A re.soln-ri'.sohi- boiKl,bi'iKl. • . I o ran u t; noy Paul, I’nulP a u l ■ (loitlo n opj>o.s;i;^- !b,. pip.sciu juJunlori n lo r i i. lUtl.-^o bolh I P au l. inu i t e u f “TiT' roii M- »»»''«■»■ I’lili. I Jmr UM iwi-< npprovfd,s;>,iIirovfd,s;>, n. no imi,( nupHl Lc«»e C. Di;-, .ALWAYS ^ FIRST• QUALITYQUALITV ^ . / \ < ■Jll w rea i)V tlio Mliildokiva. ccnim- o o n - ■ IhlK Dfl wri'l; by Pi’.pi- Gi.iUKoKO No.[i:nii, Mnhl.. SlO .U tU ')\ ecfiJlp- SUPER-BUYS.BUYS!.; -I] jrinn'i burenu;, Fml Ilnlclll. Iliinni. ■ 3JA imt'ininu'in;' D.'imUl 11.1 8Q)ly;\ DoUi*.• ii«.vburn. MlnUlokiv Nnlioiiiillull...... I ■ C ''Kmnc^ri uniuii'imii»»'i ...... Oranue .{u, Jl f. Hw«lton. Emciiioii arauue ifaiiuri* 111 (i'unH(i*r ronlK irailoii. , , onrf aeorc# ClarboiK. nlsoso Hn?.-Ila?.- 1 l'.\STOU I'llIU JI* F. l.KMO.'J ■ | Rp No. I g,.iu' J^hcrmain OleniiH IVrry. / /yfTy . I nee I . nrw iianlorn r i»f n f “V ^^nUlRP NO. I H,. . Plton. MJnlilokft couixiy l ic e t ni .1 Kt’ of niut nmt Mclnnln. Uol«c. buili Orowcr’s (issoclntloii. J the« Twhi rftlli*. Flier nml !* , •..Mul *' J""'*"' dt.strii't inIn thi.slss aian.l in day.s In Jail with bIk , , Irv The outstanclJiJB fan n err of tho , » Uuhl i Srvfnlli-duy Advenli«t ,’ [irc.spni uiyuN Mi.-ix'tuled u p o n p a y m e n t of.; 'nted nt ' rhiin-hpN. llr rr|»)Bi’f>t I'antnrr, l.inr '“ P" i-oi;;rnd.'d U w pre.seni | dy.is vfiir nward will he presumed nt r»i propohtU Is •■i-ii;iii-i>: in.idPQuatp.ii-o.m.spquutp. i-o.,i.s tor p o n y la rco n y . i '#<'1 >*..<1--. ■ -farmer Unlo. Illmteriii* wl»» Irmufpr- * tlie niiimnl huslncn.smpn-fnrmnr »i a n d .. . . Miciiola.s rrd to Idaho • I'lilU. I'lmtor‘!lt(.^ «■*'>’'"»’ •' 1 fc-l.vfc-Iy.h' .1. aiattcr. Filer. »2ft. n tu \ dinner Nov. 8 In lhe 8U Nichola.s rr „ i . 'I'l'i' ''> ‘>hltlon lialniL'd I'hai li,fo.st,sIt fiwt.s diunk m niofor vehicle, j ------— I—Le n io ii-li-a —iia ltv c -o t—CauailiL- K i ' t ' rn-t^nrr-Ttoiv-m W nrr-m r-^ ------: ptirtlclpnunt; grwuP'gr«iip,s «»itnd rrccntly f«nipleled c)ii>rcht tu r c n ^ J. 1^, lljl,.mu' the if M"' in U iclr *^ervlcr In A frica. pifAciU (I cAUdltlnte from their Unlvpi'Miv[_oL. Idaho and IdahoIdiitin I H Ix J ansen W om an il croup nnd. the cnmlldulcd a le l.s * * * ■ * St.-Sl.lU' uidvviMiy. and proji'i-tr.l ^ judBfd by ft comnilticc iit hi;, j ,thU fl«iirp. tji>,rtwb.ihi.s i)f a c o l-,[ I I C s N e w P r e s i d ee n n t : f .J • iPiie t^l.lW.s;vi(trnl>, !o’aN.siM-ll ~ r-rhe.candldfttcA will bo Jmlp^cT ' 7^i'^T*CTJl(rr.->‘T^-Hii^t-rrKr-*l7lO»r--—^,'!!:?m_LllANS|;N. o.-l.. in - Snninn;lr:ii Jni | _____ / » i ■ , vK\ Oct. 37 «m l 211 on ft p o lm ^ y ^-, j ~ - 000 n year iiivralf, I Popson. lUiiti-, Mont.. daURtTrJrinjHTTJri ------r—^------ji------\ R'l ’V HR lit-VTSfe (nil. Topics the farnjers will l>c f S l S T o ta l rcvi'tuio In .siniii u u d i* r;‘” ^Mr, mid Mr«, Roy P«p.wm.'I /. It ’\ ' w a • ------juilKcd on Inchule, pmontiuluuHlHOfAtlventists:^ the piTM'iii propo>;il, the rm>lu- rt-rtolu- ipccntly Installedstalled, j / // ! , •iW wll ' ' \ D'W i of ciuuUdatc niftierlnl. conunun-jm m u n - ^ tlo n clnliiii-;l. w ould bl- SrtlH.OOO.tll" 000.' pI'I r ‘*-‘'i ‘l''n t of tlin n u tte WtVOKlPv' okIpv ' f f ' / / . 'N ^ w i iritani* j / . ^ ■ ok -ity uotlvUy. BcnorftrpcrHonal Jm- berves ^ H ereA ...... F o u r Fotindaiiiin. MethcHllstV'iJani* j / prcs.“lon, n ttm id c to w a rd f n n u ' coni.viK ('OMiM.i:Ti:n|.-Il '/ailnn tor colh'ue ntiulenlKR run{l!rtvnjl! I \ ^ jiiR nnd community, noncraleral lip-up- jpn.sior piiillip p , Lonion LsLn ththe e DUnUCY.] Oft. lO-Capi.I*. John ■'!»>".'(’“'m: -workliiif ppoplp. j po.irnnce of farm au(f home. , new pn.stor of the Twin Fulls.P u lls A. D u ff. :-7. M.n of M r. a nid d MMj'.s.l p -I ' 'Mm lK s Dop.soii 1.-J employo«l,-o«l nnt t , \ • 5 h . » Also cftndldnlcK will bo JudRcdjp..„,w ' 1^‘ler nnd nuhl Sevonih-dayiiy Ad-A d-'John Jol A. Ouff, JO.")!! Yale iivpiiu«‘,i avenue,i lhe Victor Chi'mlcftl company,■any. a \ I V > ( - . ■ on ntllliiitlon of rcKOiuces“ J* "!“nml. M vpiitlhi . * cliurchc.i. rpplncluRK Pns--.Pns--i UuBurley, has compleied a 14-woeki4-wt‘Pk |I bi'anblanch of Stuuffer Clionikulo n ik 'a l ■ exUtlnff facllUlM, llvesKtckp.... • pi'n'I.^r , IQC Ditto riln y rrln i;. wVip hflit.Mn'r.p;'fl'lilT.n' »fJlt'‘‘r.-iwuiT{‘^J wlUK avlmor' cour.‘.<;cour.‘.’ Afrlcn. I ''WELERS * Pnsior Lemon hm ttlvenIven a* ' \VENDELL, Oct. 10—Imniprove- prove- number of Iccruren slnco hU re-«• * • Your Now AuthorixecAuthorixed Bulova and .R1en(.^ mnde In the pnrktnRkliiR lot lurnkjj ,o |j,j, country, Other Famouiamoui WolWofch Dcoler - Penney'sley's Unmistcilistcikablei vealv d u e s l ' idjncenl Iq the 100P hnllnil wriewore . ____ . reported by Unymond Lancn.ster Tt Hi the Tlmriulay meeiinn■^of"odd of Odd ItMinidoka Demosn o s I'ellov lodse No. 131. laincasltM' ^ D R i LLY REDUCED!ED! listed thnt .the Improvemt'iU I DRASTICALLY I projeot will be completed soon. Complete Plans dnp”^cc- IIU P E R T . Oct.. 10 — MlnlrtolcaInldoka Ilk 1 Jnnics D. Ifnrtwell, lodRc hcc- * E . P e n n e reinry-tren.surer nnd ril.strlcttiicL six county , Democrai.s .compioted 1 ^ MAIN AVE. ^enney's Unmistaknistakable Values!dlues! i deputy arnnd mftJiter,.nndH WnlterWniiiT •Plnns " for a dinner feaUirlnK Hep, Stockhom, lodae dolonalo,Ite will Li Httidlnt! find Sen, Frnnlc. J f N O R T H Bttend lO O P ftrnhd lodueii?ft ^p.s-yps- ^ In , n l1i . j in 4 Democrat.-i dinner will be • ilonn at Idaho Falln Oct. lD-23. , . 1st DOOR NORTH rv«*H hv •'<‘' ‘1 Tue.sdny. O ct. $ e oJO o o O $ 3 0 . RefresJiment-n were served bv 5,» X OF ORPHEUM J o e S ellers njiil Jla rlp y WJJ)i)ini.s.itiih i..,c 27. lit th e nup«'rl, Flr.M ChrI.sUan S 2 8 » » VJJhnm.-.. ch , THEATRE ' 9 0 . 3 8 ® ® * 2 = ------^I’ickcts iliny bp nurchaspdd ffrnmj r o m i ______. ATTENDK 8EMINAIIill ^ nny Domocrallc candidate, pre-, SCORES OF FUR-TRIMS,^IMS, TOO! Natural mink— some coior-rrcolor-matched, dyed squirrel,luirrel, bleacibleached wolf! MISSES', ^VENDELL, Ocl. 10—TlieTlie RRev, ev, uuln ln ct c h a ln n n n o r nt th e D pm -I *^ ^ "6r»ENS“W0NDAY—rv I I ~JC JDRIORS'rPETITE-JUNlORS-A •JUNIORS-AND-HALF SIZES.-All-lajr-pcoc.-All-lur-ptuaducisJabdcd to show counticountry of origin of im« Idward V. llnrBrnvcn, of theih" Doiivo'""! I^ needs. Formerly with Herre vith Herrett's Jewelers. Como>T»0 conference aUo will attend. Intermountain Fuel Co. i in soon! “ 733-CC21 — T»rfn Fall#l«B I i TRY TIMEB»WEWa WANTN T ADSA D S L

C h e v/ ] r o Ul e t ll

I ' AODED^MF^^ I ' ' * SNU^GLYs r STRETCH ^ STRETCH-BACK . SKI PARKA HAS; NYLONN' SKI PARKA {, j j t ------Q111LT_SKI-PARKA------‘ ------Sm., mod., Lgo, I il1 0 O 0D A STRETCH BACK ^*7‘“^7zzr:tlT99-ili , e x l r « U r g o ...... I ^ t O O Sliei 19 AJ)Q A ^!""ppy^Snnppy nylon ilf«lch bouncai b*ck FASHIONABLYp A e u i( SPORTIVE! ; Now! Aci0to ll'oIhs Him look t>io likoi . — ^ . quit)no tlfolclt pAnel iiuoM In Ilia tplntbetplntbed wlib coloiful floial prinii prinu S'T*R*E S-T.R-E-T-C-H SKI JACKETS i ...... ' pubncVI Nylon IaIoIia' q u iliu dtl to Du- A^li< A<.liotvJtp*» m c icli l)»ck on. nyloo . j ,, P o n l't A.4-01. OAcron \.l<' p o ly t.iffv t.iffirlA pA'kAl Oilind to wArm D.t- *" \ eitor iiberlill. Now comfort>rt ccufli, u fli, croi> crop> ' ’0U "I| fjo1yt'»lor. N owJW loll-loil- ‘ polyo»tcf bsliino.: : : 1 2 . 9 7 - ' rol|.«w«y tiood. ‘ ‘ iwiv ^ Aa' / lioocl, CQinforl c u lli. ' Mood. Fathlon lilii llia ilop«».ln priniatl >. n y lo n laffet« I »kl laekali. tlia I 1 \ »iictchtiictch It in iba coMon-ind->pin- ______do* b«cklng. D»efon:»i) polyaiior ------— 11' - / V *______tloj;__li« \ t.btib o f IIIIliTo I r5r~PLUS^«7mtl.I------/] j I ^ \ CChooto hooto red or blua in imtll, mad*' lun>, }*roo. w t I vm \ W '

o r l cp f O f W Fl /■ / ( v e r I'I » ' \ i '

comes!S tnintwoUikdsiids of pickupsi p s TrimT Fleetside I Pickup (shownl o w n ab(a b o v e ) . . . or handyJy StepStepside Pickup w ith runnir ' S p P* :h running boards be- , ^twcren cab and rearreal fenders. T heres are G6 ’ i/4ror8-ft bodies,.plus; ■ ^ ■ ■ es,. plus an extra-long J 9-ft. S tepside;ide body.bod; Floor oiF heavy/y woocw ood planking w ith full-lenE S f , ■ -i full-length steel skid YOUR BEST BUVIV ItJ MEN'S ' HORIZONTAlIZONTAl S-M S-T-R-E.T.C-H _ SPEClAlSPECIAl BUBUYI . WINTER WEIOHT strip s. T ailgateg ate Ihelheld snUjjIy by anti-rattle-rattle latches.I You g et I heavyweight JACKETS! 1 . ' ^ — PRINT PDIKI ?IANKETS ' « dDENIM e n im p PANTS a n sm ooth indepcndeilependent front suspensionsion anand self-adjusting. • 72"x90" 5 » 9 9 ' SJ*oiS,M,L, XL 4 4 ^ 0 0 ' I Si 4.44 "I c Rayon and atryllc bUnktU wiifb Suparnip brakes. Checkleck outoul a Chevy pickupp for yyour kind of job. " ■,! Q,Qualiiyl Style! VaIu^I Mnn'i'I loiton lataoiti«toan jickrii ' 8 (O 1 8 4 ^ • ' i ' »r« •mrA ruuuDil lor wufkk we*r, groAUforgr8«t.,f oM- . .^y4#far, flul(iafre»il»r fo maehin* ^ hour louur®. Diirfcm n polynitar ()olyo»t«f (ilmr(ibiir (ijlnil foftju protection for inutbmuch l«ii nionanionsyl let-on wmlbnnd,Ultnnd, Sl«SIk hlolvf«ihlon hloh-fi Fall huci.' , *lukawarni"lukewirni waltr.wjlti l&HI).’; . ■ ...... " ll-fl&HO ■ " ' ' ' n _ MONDitVs. t I LLS h o u r s 9 i\.M . (CHARGE ITt { . to « P.M. . ■ . FRIDAYS SliDp wllhiHit cdih t I f I f TUES,, W 6D ., . S CHEVROLET, II wfianover y«u wnntl itEN JENKINS Cl rr,iNC. 1 -■ SHOP TIL . . JW'^^nnettf^ r ^Ui«AVaHH»TOU«J»VJ " » THURS,, SAT w(l«l enue West ^ TwinTwin FFalls _ Phbno 733-3033>33 . |LII

■ \

' . V ■ ^ . V .■ , ' ■ L ^ . : . L . . ■ 1 ■ M t ' . GtEN 313 M ain A venue V/ sjg ie jfcia i ; ------■■ ../■" V

■'~:~SonclayrGe^r~Vlr-1 V6A-,------L------___ NATIONAL Is Soon Curriede i MARQUIS Cl 4^' twin NII» tlme*-Naw» A^hd^tASfej .Is Soc 3UIS CHILDS.WRITEST WHIRLIGI/ILrlCr ■■■Mn ^ S H I N G T O ^ - , Dy AKIIKKW Tl/LInT v tn >'*iu>»lli d epartm ent who longlontj htivo i Jv •'> W-why PrealdentIldent JohnaoiJohnaon haa erjil. nobert p. KenZdv ______' claimed that,t tho Um lieat wny to V '•|j o m t baclc InU) prior to lh? nAsaaslnniiou , l‘ublllb»4 « t\\1 •!»■* •Un4*lr tl |Jia«riu.»nj ^ IUwonVh»f« Jjiwi w..t; thaa ParFor ICBSterlEMiam TIaor t , ''' n J' ' i Ui« atate. why brother wanted to m « tint Y w U V»>U. Idftha, by Um TiaM»>N«wa I'ghiUMi'* I'gblUhti »“«"• W*'* f'M < ^ < ^ B h s to removeI Ita label HM as an in - ^ — -C..,...:— _ he—w ill-o.om .e.i^^^B JAflKD HOW JACKjA,cu MDI.I.OWl MUM.owNEY liM S rffli lern atlo n al outlaw.tnuinw. • ( V: rKh.rru6li«h«r UnitedUnltfld State; Blntcs’ view- i / ■ ; ' ^ , sertauw O o ld-^H H Mh WKHTKUnuEM T.OWBU. niCKCK WJt.KJLni\vil.KM.nnnns ^ IL : point, thla couldlUlci lieiMi ncconRccnmpllHhcd ' water will apend llUilnMs M»nai(luu lullUirluir AilvnriuniuA« T iiilv 'alg n . the nuclcnrclcnr armnrm* s Itflil ' ’''j' • • ll t r o n B hold1 ol of tlti >to^, hlT^iuat Jm"? i:nt*r»rf u trtli A pTtl iiU i . Vu ; W T U -HUm JJUJl .l-illin>ninmnnl diinamnmn ( I H ' ^rTXlirr U ^ XSFzlf.*' ' Republican or- B H n H . iha iutfUirnrf In T«*Ib r»U«. liUtxr, uml«runrt.r lH«IM « Cimaloiifl.., ' , ' M«rch «. 1I7», I Irjslat now 1$ tho \ j ^ \ ■tinricitil>tinN ratknATi>a h Proponents of audi step* Inslat now ',5 ji?L Hr CafMar-*av IJB.no. nir now hns no K»- ^ B. Dewey .out of jiiarly 3,( . . thentlo nuclenr power. Peking now haa ’T * , on 5i',"'ncw S ' « “ f,; Kr IUIt»l*aya1>la In •dvan'rt, within«KMn w«hUh^ ^ ^ aortlea that coattail ridl a. HKCONP OPPOIITUNITV—TliBTIib effort to Rct .. Tother~^Uk*—w ate^—altllng. ft tcfji b an woidd be n ^ ( ^ ^ have to be akillful Just to I ' A cliieveim cnlit RItG ect C O l Cl Red China to accede to the teat ban w .kllltui Just to hani c„nilldr,lca no mnttrr h™ , In th e form of a oecond chance,hancfl, ofQ(-coiirfio. co I i ' ' u i C ^ on And keepep afloat.nn™t. TlThot 1. the squeeze they nre In cjMfi Ifva year/t nao ■ lu # -I ____ -J\.ccor(Unff to thoJoKlnlfttivofifllfttivo rcnrRunltrcni was offered a place lij tile club two yo where S tephenlen M.M .^oung *Voung flnda a4 nlnloat* everywhere e lUt of dlnlnmiitlc pel- \ \ f f f "Mfit hlm aelf }n hla effo rt lo be « xntlon ftcWtho UrS. conrn’OHH-iHyef lBt~Un lon-am t_tU e ____ L ^ ^ J to a aecond ^ term at “t^j'.'jroi, tlM i n i to adjourn ouch ycnr byly July .il,.U, £DXt-opi United 8tnt««. This aecond chanceclianco wouldwoi lilvfl , J/ ------—^ 78. Jn tim o ot cmor«oncy or>r ununleaB leaB corc o u K rc a s PfiUjng an opportunity to showhow Uiothn woiworld thnt ^ / ~ — — ------Dy-aenAle-alahdarda-Uilft provides othorwlHO. , • tu Intentions are peaceful, thotiglitUotigU ItjfIts nuchgr In the aere "aT and l‘‘‘«!Tow‘'^^'ftn‘^ yellow i Sen. Carl h HnydenS U ” of 7 a/ r L ^ I ; S ' r ^ r ^ ^ ^nco tho law wnn pnnnodmnnotl In 10‘lG10 ,-|t *’''Mif™ilyitu™cron!e»‘'’tiillt: lounh In Bpurnlngs celebrated hla a7th blrthdi t h n t co n trrcm i h lia Mo»cot*'n policy of cii-e«litonce.!ance. b u t tlthoy nrft other day. At D3 Tlieodore him beun n ra re noHBlon* th a t conprrci to extend tholr ln» i - ! ' ??u ^ n - towna la ngflln and ntmin • not found It noccHnary to provldonrovido «otlior- r«»ll.t.. Even while .eeWnn tn exletld tl ^ggflB SB Q S^ cb Oreen of'f Rhode jBlandJelan was n^nrch for moro workers wi „t ,Ofl«lon nt tho Jlu.n«^^nd ^wer^ov.,r [ll.-wnew ^na.,o,„ nrtf/oim ol Anla * . \ / / I of two mlndada '(U)out nbout retiringretir In «cntlal Rklllf. As clrewbcr wirfo. In 1063, tho flr« t floflwion n idmlt prlvntflly thnt \ (/ alnce hele could In all prob- only iho imemploynble st ^__ Bflth conarrfifls worked rigIght h t up to D(Dcc. .IJ, Communist Clilna pledgedJ to a policy of co- ability have1 been reeloctcdreeled to the relief rolK lO-BOCOnd-fttJaaion oporntloii, peace :nnd trnde willflU dn cjn more mora ftor theJr only ft wock“bcrforo-tho-Bocona-ft( anoUier term. Tuft nnswern the "vmi car, only tho Jm- povorty-mrlBcen conntry-thann aB policyiwllcy ofof.*pcnd- _ (g g C p K r Out Voungr hhaa as in RRoben obert T uft, hnd It so Rood" claim bv t , wnH to convopc. Thi« year, only th rda to raUte at th« Jr.. nn opponent wlUi a ponding olcctlons spurredr« d thot h o Congi-CHI.:com "> onent wlUi a name of tho tlircat of wnftUon nj nepubllcana beUevo beUeve Ui mmn agic In levels for-unlonlzcd wnritfn men to quit HH enrly aa thoy tlld.did. . Meanwhile, of courae. tho Mno reglmn rcfflmn’ i can Ohio. lie laI i7 yenr.^yonr.^ old.'ole T h e up. *i1ils la «h appctil to Uu HrviAii w o H vo Its onta. Tlioro la now respect and f president ■ muat carry the Afl ffovcrnmenk nnd tho timoH \vWO live amnller-counUmnllor- countrica like |------— •."' 1 ^ ^ m at carry th e atate middle cla,sa in n .Mnie wlie — — ^------I----- ...... ' by a generouama marglu, it ti bo- Republican party hn-s lono ■* — r—Jn tdL‘omu--increnfllnKly_iC{>mpie>^_ Cambodia, Thailand. Laoa «OfJ nnd theth« tvtwo VJet lleved, If thee wsnatorMjnaior la to make solidly grounded on Uwt w o ll b o co m o tliC Nam s percTi oTJ C hina's doorstep.r«te{>. Prince SlJmn- P tJrT T » » long congrcBaoa may well, bocom« He la aware th at union ' ______oiik, the neurotic .bixis_ot-.Cambodln,:_ftml)ndla. wllwill nel. nil X A l l i / I J N l C W S V et y b u n g !* scrappy «r ; rulo.~™ — ------,, nuicIinntrKfi?~nndlBnco-now^wliftn-li«-i^W hon—ita—doclare.s;(_ r !* scrappy and full apply to o n ly a porilon ( Interpretj^reting the News of a bouney kind of humhumor. or. W h a t labor force nnd for older Longpvlty, bow over, In!h notn o t ncceflHnecefli ftrily th a t Red c h in a Js thft *'wnvenve of tliBth e future." 1 I T O T Y ^ T M ' T - t - ia-Jnort>.-Uick weems to coi rH T E R c: - - : =:JKara!ii^ K.iafii[S5jQ_cQmft_i^ rlng AJStronaut J o h n ench rlae in wnRc.s thrent ^ nv JAMKSVIES MAIllvOWMAIllvO^ Thla la thole problem of preal- Olenn entered the Demi ono dlfltinffuiflhinff accompllwhmercomplishment nf a c t i o n —T lils primitive red the D em ocratic now pinch in rLslna cosu in urlmltlvo nuclenr I ' ' rO S Ty-r-' T M ? AB«ociated I'reM*rfu Newa New* Analyat Aii dentlal disabilityalllty — how a diaa- primary with the promise t tho lofflnlfttlvo branch wanWiUt thothe hoi Honutc H provides Peking: wllh wUh at new wenpon f ^ I I I the promise Uiat all In the Goldwater .scli« k_7iJ_/J_/ -WASHINaTON.TON. Oct. 10IC UW bled presidentnt posscapiissea on hlahi dii- hla jrront televUlonlevtalon appeal would victory.Ohio la essential i ratification• of tho nucloarl c 10 ft r tcHttent hnn ngnlnat tho Soviet Unlon'a efforts to didomlnnic I vice prealdent when pitted against Young. ouflly, Moscow could I Ono ol the IronluIro n lu In Am A m erlca'a tiea to Uie Vice prealdent {alnst young. Before in Uie elcoUiral column wli treaty. Tho only major billHbillrt p«HHodpaHHOil w o r e th e com m unlat world, Provloualy, Moscoi ' ' ...... ' fionne of valueses la la thla; th is; Whllo W h It’a he can’t pcrTonnTonn Uiemtliem nndand ,ho* the race begonBgon OOlen len hadhn th e so u th ern states nnd a scat a «iirnin.r flrhnolfl precn Itaolf as the world's onlyonly commtml/itcommiir nit- . Aid progr/imfl to cojloffofl,fl nurmnK nurHing scflcnoom nUhough itIt hashan mademndo merely Bdlhir'i n«t«tnet«t P olel SShetf, a fcderni crimeime to to th thrent( rea ten Uie he taicca Uiem.m tacit baclc wmm-h. when * I. tp slip ““J*an d " fall In- In the Itocky MouiiUln j nnd m ental; h ea lth . P residentmldont KcnnotlyKcnii « ^ ^inrl. tho Mao regime In effect hns Issued1 n v#how columnnn HormiK/niwm aK/ i eccu* Jlfo of ft presidentealdcnt It la la not a able or thlnkanJ. h.ho UIs .lthou„halt] r M r cad In auch-a way na Bo' are Illlnola. CnllfornU •iho tux cut nud warning to Its comrndcs In otheroth er coimtrJescountr th n t p|«> »hl» tpj,e» ]• UL federal crime othera disagree, lU tcnae of balance Indiana, Cnllfornla by nii two urgent -concernR—tlio tax cut Im up for soveroi rc n t estim ates i» dcunite civil riffhta—wero locked!fl In commitcommitteo. it must bo reckoned with Inn tlwtho nuclcarnuclei field. vu-. r» » . to kill him . C:ver since pn,.w.„t P resid en t Dwtaiti O ■ ^r^x. From Uio Wc.il'a viewpoint,lit, th e Blivcfsllvci IJnlnir , 5heU eeiumn m had > l«arl at- wiioth.r the jlnmotm the Johnsdn-Humphrcy sld > mnncvjver. It tnkes "• •’••umedI upenupon Iti* id» rir*turn. Bon^lxv'l th e glamoi'oufl a.s- nola leans Ih a t wny nml U ThiH 'ycnr it waa a differentforont storyRtory. Tno thnt there l» aflll time to mnneuver. 1 5 congreaa haa tor- tronaut couldd havo havo t>eat*n beaten Young la rnted even. ____^_lfflt_of Important IcgialationAtion Dimctcdonnctc by nt lonnt five years nfusr thee developmentdovelopmci of n )ICK------WF.ST '■B^^PfflHoBwald dl If— m ore o r Icaji — never be known. Son ifl-sosttlonprimitive weapon to build nn effrclenfceffrclent atomic »V DICK WF.ST >0 known. Some ob- weeks to ro, Uils M wiier t h e c 6 mrrCBS7^ c c o nlrt d - 8acHBionr-ia-iuuuCflBlonr-la dilem m a b u t once Borvera felt thnt th a t an a n undcrdoR un Ooldwatcr oratory will be fiv4-_niora_yenr« _to WAShINOTOIV. Oct. ic I don® nothing when psycJiology would havo \ nnd incUuiea: . create a hydrogen bomb. Desldcs,sldcH. bnthboth AmericanAi 'Moimtftlnj^cUmber.nImbcM imdtiUbUidlytiitdoi would havo worked centraied. •ln/>omr> ln ¥ P iit niid Ru-sHiaii Intelligence now know where where Chhm'fi nro tho mastU^nrtlci^liitti *nrtlculiito PreBUlem t went h'bme'wUlioul — T ho 1 0 -blUlon.do\lrtr • Income tax Id It will 1)e hlRhly athlete*. Conalder Uils .1 " “ 'l« ar P la n t ta located, .n d It «111 l>e ! federal crim e to klU \ tho civil rigbtn Inw, aidtl to urlmn urlm n mn«H vulnerabla to Uie air power ofof bothboth these thcs, court- (jttote: ' tra n a it, tho federal pay/ rnlKo,rnlKO, theIh o n n l i - t^le.i for some years to come, , even though the J^0JlQ r|Q ] aow how Uie Dalla.i _____ ' eiigion , & in America pornrty^profprnmr-oxtfinfllon_of_thQIflion of Iho footl nut time pa.s3Bs quickly, and Ihose In tl fuaUllcs S r'" than ^ulini'' n' loBR hiu rtep[irtmrnfc-who-fttVor-a-L'pcact'_eHmpn!'{'I'Tj" s:;: For this rea- D. Elsenlioweried hod th e handling a heai of • atnmp plan, tho wilderncflftlOflft bill.Dill. ward, Rod CJilna Inslat we cnn't wn«te waa aMoaalnated by Ily LO U IH CAASnLJ • « .rd..„on.,r„t.-th.u Ron LeV Harvey tack In 1065 consreaa haa >UIS (JABSKI-S nnyihlniir outrlijht. We ore On tho debit aide, congreaaonRroas fnllodfallt to tlmt timo, Timy want to s atort i\:z talking i Oawald did not mented Itself—morefhlle-ln-Uialr-oustody. or Ic — ^TlnllciLtrtiiLjntemiitloWiiLJn^*r««tlonaJ ___ly "stewards,” or tnistce.% < «. ttcOBnlz. t.hnt »» ««rtln»t murtltr. »ly after Kennedy's Tlie next few wecka wll k . lake nny. action on such,ch long-fltuilonff-BtundlnK ______Perbapn you recoBnlza t (vmmlt a feder- with tills dilemma but few weeks will be a time, talen t “and nioiicy ' ' •' ...... ‘-—•3 ft com m cnt by DivrryDurry ]BIslion, fctlcral miUiorltle/ial offense li when attain' It hadOM don« It aeemed nothlnB -r- for crucial periodtKl for thousoiUioURatida of hft» been plactsii nt onr OJi I l [ mattera na5 J -g who WHS rc/crrliiffcfcrrlnj lo lo Jlouill Jurbcllctlon ovjrii«-owftMlnatfid Uto cut ...... that congreaa...... ^ would Protestant churclieschurclies from coast and are responsible before f Setting up n bnaic — and onforc hence no nuthorUyl*realdent to h John l.lkewlse ftederal 'w’e'n't hom crime e wl to kill. ^ for th e un.wifi.'ih nnd consir for conRrcHHmen. O t l l C r S ''^A t*nny rate,te, you BurolBuroly rec- Rato, to b rln j P. chdrires, Kennedy and, maklnir It a Ill,federal or to crime conspire 1 to TJiey will be conductingconUuctlnj th alr use of- all these rcioiirccs. codo of ethical behavior fo r congroHj Views of Othei ognir^e th a t itIt wasn'tw asn 't a com - pro.-^ccuio tho-aasasaln in 1 by BlvUer ncntitlill. rarr™..t-?::rr''.— becnuco he did- a pixsaldent dent even and tiioush pthera In annual membershipibershlp cnnvaases canvaj to Membcis of UiU \j In tho wftko of the Bobby Bukcr nci iRlTAiM >el Berra, Berrft. rcfcrrlnsrc court. • not. It was the whole world;eed saw him. how Uie 1 obtAln pledgeaea oof f ...... pledge a definite jwrccnti ______tbo Holona poatponed tho tliaiim-oeiililt;di«agr( NuanoKs in niniTAiN itiT A iN to ynnjjeo Btadiunj. evaporated. financial aup- , Tnlnillon-to-atull.t-JbeJIiiltM Lgm lM I»|» 1° per cent col^rtcnlo. cltl. I rogret Umt Bi.shop. , Dallas police police botched the handlli '•JW . >»come to the c) job bv croftthTRnrxommiflflion-to- who a rres te d Oswald who waaMvcn-mnn oAiaaainat comml.- vort I o r Uie Ute ^ JN ’, Many «t nslde lo per «i rnmont ethics for ilespwe mStlittjrposlttvir ttvn—A-mcrlmnir-whtr-ren J - b y —Ohkif—Ou«Uoo lomtelLrMii—[%__ •..•/.Jji ... moro for contributions to tho whole area of government othJ< o t hnyo m an y Of th e Everest Jrt Mny.S rT lOM, o ^ o cou u ld To 5ne of U»e «crcrifCrVltff-llnB’inc. Toxas-Btatir JoclrHuby whUe-ln-Uwlr-ou I a couple of years. oni thu’week ^ Kennedy.T»urdcr. Under «; Im m ediately1 (Inklw a fte ilr lU Keni InvoaU- "cliurch and lo oUicr ii sam e dJfflcultlp.5 which Americairlca faceafaces today?lo I t hnvo been Monet this week cauae.i.-auch-ns-Ute-comm rt n irh Ihft mnH- la a mlslakon lype of libernllamilUm which nwumes n <>lx.mnn AmAmerican erlenn teamlei of addJUonftiiUioritlcfl to Bccret hnd no aJaylna: in lOM;e n n It .d y aeemed . kllllnn - .mW Kothing was d o n o to curb the ov2r Uie case nnd a while — that congreaa ‘ This la called UUilng •tend Ujat color does whJclj J wns a» memberm em ber conquered con “ .*•' fedcinl crl .port on a.pt. 20 It ” ”','’r do a good J o b B u K PedilJon waavaa JoUcdJolted, bby bnd stranRo rcluctancc that it pronidentinl dlanbllity. thotho houae noURC totook no ijouslng if they aro not to bccomtf becomtf au nu Under- nows ^ « Uon to Bccret aerv- gatlon of Kennedy'#do any more’kUllni then ger from one'financialle-fin an cial crcrIfiLn to pny dues to Uie church Ji ilso Bllont on m cd- prlviuved section of the community,nmuulty, cor condemned The iaie.st molcoroloolco 1 • , im der tho heads II fedcinl of Inexc crime to laaued Ita reportIn tho on pnat. Bept, another, dependingMinding on bak bake aalea they pny dues to n loiisp, cu action. T ho houao wna ftlao b l e n t on moteoroloRlcal data, t,,,riinpss dd that congress haa nnd bazaars to pay tho p lassod by tho son- to perlorm the menial tasks' °fof our soclc , ascertained by dtallnff^ie ' ilgca, dl.strlct a tto r- strongly rccotnm eiidcd. m I to pay the pastor's club or bowling kasuc. Dui icftro aftor. a b ill wna pasaod“ by^ th If colored people nro forced to llvo » , o “ L T l ! : : ■?>«.. 1.3 h.s.ory,,or™iclr n-sslstnnt.s, U.8, It'a federalIng offcnso this to final as step salary and keepkeep the roof jrepair- pledRcs seldom bcnr nny rc: ife end *n recorded forect a t o . linuses because they nre at thohe end of thetb queue dlcnteduint thoUto maxlHiun ntttxlittum te n ,. oottnr,;.s., Itna U ttcvor agenia, p n i,c postal l In- nato.a president.now 47 years alnoe “ft* relationship-u> their Incom )rs flrat made U a Church memWra react ; There was nlso tho flnacoInBPO of tryi trvlntf to for homes, and lo tako uiiakllledled Jobs becaiiwcftuse they pcrnturo wouldUld be aoflO ddetjrccH. Provide forIson a problem guards, game Sut congrcaa wtu In a ru nem'bers renct ' ln K Donomhifttloniil rcpons in i.nnrf.mQ Lourt nece.«nry IralnluB for^or nnyUilnganyUilnjr el«> the We had nnttclpiitcdtlclpiitcd aft highh or ««'lscn rcoUca before agcnLs, and quit, which n® It did to five threaten dnj a wide variety of ways to UvUie can* piled by Ihc Nntlonnl Cotw ! nullify the nillnK of thoho oupremoHupremo court rMnfor^o thele stereotypedstereotype. Imnao only 10. “ « cause a monumcnlnl ert vass appeal; Churche.s show thftt Blvii ; rcftpportionm cnt, o( rncinllst.s. U will nlso threaten t< ; with some of Uie ter. The uibject la boun on otnto votlnK dlntrlct reapportion t) threaten to crcnfe u woj bv fiwrtthen too t»._Jale ta Jay Bovernment.. >ma of Uic prealdcn- come up ngninnea doubly next odd y«at when Some refuseuse to blgnblRn pledge m ajo r Prolcslniit bodies nve — h------tVAjt-tyjrlnff to oViito it; Intointo golniTffolnj? nwny » potenilaliy violent aituatlon.—Th®Lion.—The Observer,c in nfldilional supplies. tIujTluis Uiei'c ------tins exhibited------aucii a there'a no reasoniboi^d tb'th a Uilnk t In 1065 cards. T h ey say sny Uicy do not n. like out to les.s thnn 475 pfr yc,i ; C nnd /fInSy b o w ln f ir tnoio "cO courlr-fnr m 'l f u t m ew> io u d o u .— ------lell Iliyn our r Broupgroup lc«Ucleader. My- puted lo bo stance excellent that forIt comes gresa will mttreia do any pMaoit more’ luldl- ' f ^ '‘“down Y " I"to a I>promise member. Even when nllouni «f~^»»~Wa&l)ii)atou. Jmr,______latlon maktnir It n J church a 6 apeclflc m nde’ Tor 'the fact tlmt ■ ' ■ time, w hich t t hnd nlronilyintly brnntcilbrnntctl. k i s o - s i /.k a u d i t lend of inexcmable than it has In tho pnat. h week. ‘'W e’ll give an d teen-agers iis well ns Uia lateful decision "People travel for hu It sccina odd that congres ; i Potomnc pundits hnvo0 oxplnftiitio'oxplnnntiolia for Tlte new house Oirtce butldlna™ " Inn WA.l.ln»lon, Was to undertake tho of inile.s to aliave nt tlila or m;*' 'tM y tiMur r '- the- -of—fnmlllM—ttfa-rcpixicnU □nco 1o romnrlcnblo. difforonco hotwoc never pius.sed a law «lnco It la IP“ now ortlMr. o ', S 47 ; r . years*In ir u Uto t ‘'u Ilno n ; „ ,i, „t theirr door. very Imprcsslvo testlmonli o f t h o o tttn c o n - million dollars to a pos.itljlo t)3 m illion dol ,------; . . . . I Khali n o t attem p t t m j ^ ! : first nnd BOCond halves1 ot tho 88tl » mllllmi dollnr,. All w m riy ilS:«l r couraw^ .Qlwier «rlbo the reakor a oproblem f Um' which Uie leglslntorsto flratUl. pr«i made dency. ^ ThU u.uallyIly mean,means that they’ll ProtesUint atewardslilp. ; sro ss: that time. U has been tho aubJcct>of con rward. knowing full other than tobeforo say that nnd li could federal crlm®en commla«lon-«Bld to threat* drOp“a~numcninl crisis in prc^vident. lave alwoya received Uon plate when ththey ey cocom e to does n o t pvibUsh Wli T h e aboynnco ot nnrtloaMrtjflnh politicspolitii lol- Jtrucuoj,. it Ims nscaped full public scru Id be Rt least five us over terrain so steei our next. )jot nJiow- couldn’^ climb It In a jiolJ Tills becomealetl«ra doubly and odd Uio vol- chucJi—whlch!h la by no mem eans a figures on giving, ft » * lowing tho nosnaslnntlo^;loQ ofoi rresldrro cn t cnuso the wijwrvlslng offico of Uio capllc the more auperstl- Whtu finally------w* crowdc It Is rem em beredao big 'th aby t 1040 In th a t tv g u lar occurence,ir«nce. m on complnJnt among Ci' Koimcdy. which cnrrleiled over IntInto tho tect has been beyond Uio Todcliouch of ot Indo indopcntoi! tloi,, ,„m,U6r.ri of SwUia party™ ‘ r " con- on tho summit—onexcellent Old for aliav- 10B3 congrefiaarvlce aet paawd up a pro- At the otherler extremeextrem e nranro Uiose bishops th n t Cnthollca aw ' — lvonc(ynioon-porlod-«»uallyjiIlo\veiL an 111 omen. summit, two’a______a crowd—wo______tional leRlslatlonirch tecUon. m aking who take seriouslyrloualy ththe o CChi hrlsU an leas generoua Uinn ProtcsMi • preniont: tho solldlfylntrnir of thotlio Domo- cotiRres.-! of Ipglalanon nuUiorlzIng the lnff_&omc*fl0.^1ca 8cma_Uiat-Uilstx^_miji_ravel for hundred* TTOgrttl c runwraa tu- to threa anolyKe ten-: -and tenchlnff -thatat none of uaus owns Aupport of the church. iy« thftt in placc.s m »df. Wo wero Uie firsfc ' criitn behind tho Proaldontflldent becnibecauae It accounting office to conduct a "alto a' have nt tlila apring," to a vice president,bi« to iiifw » presl< d-cnw Bfld------• ■ ------— our lanes wide, we of cllmbera ever to find Its elect or other officers In Um xvfts nn election y e n r; nnd pcrhupaperhm llto projects directed by tho hltherio aacroaati eaciicd the baao of ji niountalu pinnacle w «f ftf 111! I.vndon’H nrchllpct. First such audit la expected ot attempt to de- of aucceaalon secretto Ute service, prealdei above ^ *1 v I I moat Importnnt olemont of nil, Lyi Vi; ir 5 lown far and wide anytiunff lo Ray. Wo were 1 mrn lor complcllou »a'TTi.'hM t""M SSkSir r° o' ' Tln-w»rr«n-comml««lonUon from th«,Wlilte I Ic iliril IH I I 1 I miiat6rrul touch on thololiiciiio dollciilo < s; f. of Madhon Coun- winded to apeak.to any . tltot It toolc proililsnUi hav«nnd oUier nlwtiy. aourcea mc on tVv^ald Cl'J.U Jacoby,tf Bridge ’ ' '' ot conitroas which, If notot hnndlcilhnndlcd c(correct- Ono miereailng point: Tho conlroclor . ^ Novcrthelcs.?, Old n an hj ildered capnbte of llted out the Impor- duccd us to,h li demonstrate “ "•'■“ •nlnil le tte r, .utd Uto ' I' ly. produced moro dlBBOimijcoo n n n c e thnn t h n n a w e c t Iuiro new oftlco bulldUiR la MiUlhDw'McC?ojli»s' M atthew Mc th e prealdent. " - Uie samo McCJaakey accused of making 1 arks, InclmllnR a bnslo Xlbic. IUv t wna w i pur® < SI, “ I'l* >>1' >“«> - ^ : harmony. . • I o l i m U n g » HS.mo ,P „L » ivntera uero re- cloih. I of-Uireat«nlnff, ob- Rl^AMW DErENDH DErENDH lhla didn't worry T<*d loo i . ll'i - ,n Mckbnok oiv an o lh fr ciipUnlM cityclly conacoiwtructloii ^ vntera v c oTS''’C.; Vfl and other “>■ » com- OS I>MMOM>n hn-r an uiUfltCff f^uct nrolrrt In aasocliitloii wirn thn-fitsrrrfUf« » 11 crowd—t»o c n u u W»Uv» " M a rc h wcUon. I>MMOM>N . an d he procccdfri to Plny — ' A t liny r n t«. b otlv-thn-fianrHflntf hp dUcredttfd-Bobby having a aecurlty It waa one ofof UiQKoUiqko free-w free-\ heel- more round.s;jf truiiip'-Wf»' 1 ’ ■ ' t h o elo cto ro to definitelynitoly bayphnvo :n “do- Cnker. — Jtlstoty_t>iM„biiU)ti- ' “ Jol* W“* to unolyi. vcro Uw first team HVftliatild !h to Uie Ulfw* W lille CW noUW Jnir rubber-bridgeridge gamea. gamea...... — earded-four hearts flfm I , aomothlng’* congreaa toto talk tnlk abou nbout thi.l , tlndltlns miiy very wellveU beli. embnrrnxsln#emba ~ \ t Y to membera pf th e lioiiflc, e.specJallypedaUy to lo th e .j-ujl«» W H I * ! ver to find Itself on protecting the prealriei -JiJgiu.CftnUP-0)n{a, Dummy discardPd mo.clu^ 'I ■ i ' ■ , c a m p a ig n . ______majority Democrats, A safe forpcaat forecast U la 1that the ^OTHTT^iiiirs VX J pinnacle wlUiout nieanlnff the— secret - aervlce, T~t id lo be ahut out by a heart. • ^ — ------' nm llt ^ij)i bo'compU'lcd ucforoucfore electclcction day. . •> nny. Wo were all tl ? Z : ■ SMALt THUEAT TO COL, ______"Y rillLIIL NEWSOM only on# of M, the Old contradl nag had In- peoplo corjaldered capnbk t pasftcti; Ted Von his queen, so Ttd plM«a * ‘ , . Aa nny ttood communistnist Itnowa, knows, one of ‘i m n q k r o n t m rP kItlOHT* i g h t * , W ltm c JiOUflE,-8!lsae*3U 8E,-8uaaex.-Enir- wUlcIi beaet NATO,0 demonstrate which ll our violence to the prealdent. nyton, O,, jumped to lUa nee and thre»'Ewn" ; I Iho most dnngoroua thinirsinjjA nbout nbout capital- c The frusiratlons of the coUiUl wnr, war, tho on^creebi r*'”- l^^Once-neutra-Once-neutraf Nnr- wan founded It aa wna ttie-keyatc pur® cheese Thouaanda of-Uipeat«nlnff npndea. ■ hla Inst diamond, . . Ider and wlaer after West dofcnaca «BftlnatM ------Etui had to le.d . i ism Jb Its appeal, throuuhouffh'tho the inaldloua ins welfare atalo and the frlwiniiarrlCjilnnn eng euRendered M dder an d wlaei scene, abualveOct, andIB clecllonaDiM other i j ■ ------<'r Intcirrtitlon have cO"tly leanonaMona of WorlW orld war ‘U.st aRRreaalon. ■ 7. 1. .oo-othcLCftnliJ'UJi* ' power of advortialnff, in'ihftto the wonlfnort^pqwenit pressure for fu.sior IntegratU munlcatlona havingcool. a lec . — ----- 10 m e W0 nunc«jies growih of cxtromoextromo rlrl«htwlna **‘J* committudtted fully to NATO Others have foiind expr nn u)li Join on the NlORTH O R T H 10 played a low chili iC' of'floclallat youth. ^ ^ - - ■______• Intereat r^nch Uie VHille T lk J 3 lo conic up with , , , . orKniitziitlona In the last fcfv■yt' yeara.jw ira. T»f il e matt ^ *'*0 fullyh MHHIMHI wmoi) Pnrk c( at nrltaln nlao Joins. , W • . T(iko American softdrlnkB, drlnkB, for for exnm- lomprelSenslvo fttudy yet madouido of whnWhnt these that it^H PP PQ4 2 was Jji lr which amouR the . nlr ■ !!!!0!!Z=Z=ZZ:Oernian government V Q 4 2 )!/ 1 . , plo, whoBO aeductlv«t signs algna can bobi w o \) itroups suind for, who leads them,Ucm. how ihthey oprr- bo the^^P' fepresentedirs includes ora It. '♦AK02>>AKQ2 > was oble to. discard 1 U « 1 I; I fill nround th e w orld :rom from m mountu otint!^tj;p^|Ji?^^^ mohpy Mns ndw l«en f^nrter.onBCt : unlonuu-•fj'om .aermany, ...... Brltlah partlclpallonman here Intnkea ii tho ♦ A 10li,Al0fl8 fl 8 ' ’ on dununya ^mt'tlwisLeftBUe of triBjjer ofBrflC?*° n • Norway men ' from the------ft 1 fleet Itaelf la doubtful. Tlie n ’ ' to doBortfl...... ’* that In Uie event of WEST ’i m mJnl»^rlp.i o f Rome.the contradlfitloo*, Parlj aervatlvea preaentlyly wrtuld In face powe ex tln e. Non® AOOS {:} V/oil, tho Kremlin JflI jrolnjr'to going'to do do aome- The Vtudy is to bo published|l,r>l on Oct. I) 'lATO, which In'104D cool townrd th e plan. And ’ »«llltaTj' planners, • And he expreaaca V-KJ 10007 8 V 3 of dl«mJiAinw»y.T'|l«'S j ' * thinir about thiB kind afof lmpcriuii«m.impcriuU«' Ac- "i^nimer on thet' r niRlu ir Iu "- - a ctrcum- na UtB-keyafone of L«borlfea who co tt I d “ cQfil 1 87 8 v a havecfihlimi Ui« ftcdnn'"®™ ■i\% catora nnd 1 iRt th e m ultllRtoral 4J100 -- A♦Q«T O it'i would have, thrown We«)H 4m , ■ cording to Radio Free Europe, Uu Mcjon Ihnt U.1 mnln tiorth-Mofc3 deemed e'xpert«« agalnatcomimi-In their fU power alter. Oct, is election! m'paiKn am inunitlon «rn Arctic w a t« r a ^ & ^ V P in. •’ even leaa th analmply cool. would " be the *K 7 4 4^J0QS*JOO tho thb-d dIanioiKl. jr pi^ p aro d to flond mllllona of bottlt 0 evlla. Ju at nil he Ha i i t i i • ona of bottlert of a nRalnsi Scnnior Ooldwatcr. Vei. its rei confer lOUTH . • Weat ,wo^ld bo ‘S. Fii , . now (to tho .West) tnst^it§ fionantion Bonflation calk'd l« llkply to bo much moro lonR-ruii. It Slie Z l l ' - 0 . „ amaU in the i'enumber found of expresalon tho t tliff will O Join erm ana on ao- I V 3 ' A B H i tending b u t WUoi) larao in Pnrk acope confer- c‘'»‘*"lnu Umt■ na RrlUiln the leaser nlao of J two J j • • • —-*«Kvaa** to tho U nited StateaStatea tUldand \VcHlcrul'*‘“‘’j''‘‘\V iwaembly of a vast, storeMore of intohSfornuitlon woiihl^^ • inioiiR Ihe nine na- West Oernian govcrni on jhe programs azid personnel,»p|. fhe UuvrcoDnvC’ hilei ^ fir.n tartjet•Rel i.hii- _v—_____ ^'■Itlsh forelRn offico con n communiam and I...JA 8^ CAHn SENSB L aitack desinnca to fo lnternRtlonnlnted includes undcra trade o»lcHUly favoraInflation it. and unem- I I'V n . e li; ' ^^o**rocipo for Kvaa doean’t ni m ovem ent nimed M Miy Hovirt aitack dosiJ^ om .aermany. and German here takei .« '< b o H irt n tttk c i( s ; xIiierfcnn ,,? ;s ';‘„t‘; PoUiJm-ojk? I’OJAte the Norih o rlh Ame/t^a Aniericflti cod-) Gennany following- *Q3^ Q 3 •• - Q -^T he blcidlnif N* H ' aeem thereI willwill bo anyany Im'iri)- Uiat spmids nn esllmajcd 14 to 25 millionmllllor d 0Uar» Uneui f.om K»,roprEl,rope, ‘ tromfrom the thePord forftlan view thatWorld In v\'arUie I.evei -Norlli and South S outh vulnerable vuJnera .M#Hh Km * K -44 • - 'flcnie-defoctionB in the5 CttpUnlUticcnpUnllatic camp, '"''•'‘U-"‘'d. ■ . ’• Rome. Parli and Germanyno wrtuldback toface the ex Nor- Weak NerihCaat 8i iich atinck lhUlnllvP^*'“"' iFj’ planners, law - ‘'‘‘• '- “ '’yw.ny. An<,n of Thus a Drlton cinlms thj «« i^e (ho moat ex- monda ond Ted wcui a Uau f n ' ‘'‘‘P’ looseness with which thev ascribe ev. tttlonnl undcratand- S® l»natio)i and ui 'ed was lltue dla- «an bid- It.' v H ' ‘ ■ . poned t o vookn-. It is nnow o w fufully lly n jii a tu r a ! - U»'y dj.ilike to a ‘’Communist ,consi)irnc) , . . U.S. plan for-a'Tinclcnr-i ’ . « appointed whonon he aawsaw the dum- wtinAV'S QUK9T1®" Join Any n m lil. fieri, m anuede aupplemcnlai by niL'ted ] help inftvian Oennany ftcljon, follO Uia my, U nppenred to ninl ther B l : \ t i d ana Ua mnnufucturo: t u r e aand.an n d aa le a ro dcmrterncy the be.st antidote lo such ex from the Pord foun- « ” World war I. ■fld to nimther® wns — , ^rSlInninnH'* force by which ihe crews Is but a hop to (nijet Cut to come effects back to ap.the And no way to mnkp-the|kp-the contrnccontrnct un- Vou ""Jiai ons »rma of lt4 own. wl ‘i® J " . ' I fhht <“'^f»J0HltUrmiolilwlihi WW l do you ■ . '“ Itlnj,«orw.gl»nvegliin o i itic I i e • r, U real meanlQs. >u'Jop of njjiand by dummy’s «co flnnd nd playedprayed the jack ’ . „.,i utai itlon tlmt ff cio/ik n/ w»"i'.vuwttru ‘ 111* X AtUntle,-j-u, of nJodea. W««tMt tliowedfthowed outou buti ^ iniw«riNe»» .. RranlertMo dlstln- “‘‘o J« .Ko„ to ■pucoura.c ‘Sw.IS";,';",;!,

to^cl.tiit. that Ih. Jow a'w STonr,,I||,“' • • - ' a : ir' a Tinclcnr-nrmod • -J- .Onp-scnndlnftvlan iiiilion 1 Uy n.Lxcjl NATO *p^,Ikcr. aAld. ™ , a i l l ' ^.^«p to (lulet pom.sI.’ n a T O troops ind imclBrir i irnii.n dcninnda for in Norway SvG uVie ,J h ^01 lu *uh noj . „ , . ' . . ' ., ,5 Sunctflv,uim Oct. } t, •i Twin Fal Fallr. Tlj^og-Mowg , ^ iV ' ---—---— ^ ------...... V, . ■ — ^------— i.------g i

■ ■ : ' ' ' 1 ; T w in F a I p to w n M e r c h a i^ exfTndexf! a IIfMrtyim s

L- ^ ’ ’(.ll t 1 ^ 1 " ' f l , ( f l

'■ V ______


A C i i x i a JURH -M q

W e aDre r e proud p and haph a p p y th a t thh e e 44tl t h

DDistrict i s t r Idaho E d u c a t i o n A s5 s S o D c i c c i a t i o n

h a s; selected s e l e Tw in^ F a i l s for tK e3 A n nr n u a l

: M onday and T uesday,ue O ctobertober 12 and 13! ______m eeting)Js4oj: \ ^ sponsor>onsored by thene foilfollowing UPTO\JPTOWN MERCH/iRCHANTS OF TWIN FALLS>^■-■-5 . ■ l '





its the future of I daho • ^ ■ ’ STERLING JEWELRY CO. j' MI Inin your very capabiapable hands rests the, J • CAMERAlAMERA CEhCENTER STERLING TANNER'S JEWELRY t W and a n the nationn . . . the KennedysJys . -. . Johnsons and CARROLL'SCARROLL' TANNER CITYC IT Y DRUG DRU TROLINGER'S TROt

•— GoidwQter-s-of_the_i-±hq-iutur.e are beinc. being. m olded in the ^ CLOSLOS BOOK SSTORE TWIN SFALLS BANK i — ^— ------— ------tt-TRUSt-CO. - T R ______^ ^------—scl i-—school-Fooms of our^nationou by-people-peopI e l i ke you, whose D &a B SU PPLPP Y ' J, D U TTCH'S C H 'S FURKFURNITURE TWIN FALLFALLS TRAVELODGr- H . ■! ~ devotion to your)ur chosench professionsion arand civic duty are FIDELITYi t y n NATION a t i o n a l b a n k vVANS a n s OF TWIN FALLS j

FIRESTONEIRESTONE STORES SI WESTERN WESTI AUTO j V .— unparaMeled inn thethe-world-today ! ------^------— u r A ------^ ^ FIRST5T SECURm SECURITY BANK T~ ^ WILEY DRUG ^ |l





------^ ------^------KK^Rb^fr-tH( ^ R b ^ fr-tH O E S ------^ bW w AY BlllLDEBr^^ZZ J







PRICE?RICE h A r OOWARE t TWIN w i n fF/ a l l s j e w e l e r s . , C L f n ctnd extend.d tot y-ou ain n 'invitation ir — ------■ , ■ ^WILSON-BATCS I M .' ...... ■ ^ .; ...... ■ ...... ■______. - ROGERSONdOGERSON » HOTEL _uJ ...... 4& COFFEE SSHOP ■ YOUIYOUREE MOTOl "'*^""’ ‘ " „. :' ' ■■ : t : 1 T ...... 7 " ^ ' ■ " ROPER'!ROPER'S ZIMMERMAN'S itMl ___to com^ ■ome a ^ a in i l / \ n _ ' ' ' SSXV.MOR X V .M O R CDRUG ; . REMEMBER!MF . IF rIT'S IN-TOWN.;.VN..^. ITS UPTOWN!)WN! ■;; . ■ . ' , V. ______^ ^ S ■______, • . ______*• T'.r’— I I !■ liB nm - - ______

. 'Sunday,inday, Oct.O c t. 1 'VT 6 TwinTw(n Fall*falli Tlnr>e«-News XNejwrs t C/W A f o u Md MIda aKo~~IHH||||[B |a |H Area Sell M in id olci ------PAVriTK,riTK, Oct. 10 W—Rep. oompton r. WWhite, hite, jr.',-n.,Jr; IdR.. u’iM take p artirt In n« rJlilK^nrU cutting ceremony in In f^yette TMes^l^V; H otlds ld s FiJF'ii'St ' ■ M H PJAPlai 2 Jlliv i i v e em n les mnrkmgU tompiHionc o m m a of a ati'eet Improvementinent pW)jEclixoject. V'adr’nil did V rA Plans ,. wA*teir«i™ioii,"‘ '""I WOJI (ibtalnuditalnud lo aulat In financing thehe «nUnaW«eatenalve conaUuctlQU ■ . -PTAM-ec - A’li’esteir e s t e d f o r ’^ '^ttrkshop r k s lic : s TKS s ---- -Mi ' - ..BOlHi;,it, Oft.Oct. 10 CiwAh |dab«-v«eUma(Ion.bureatitlon.bureais trtglnr*r.i t»t* 4 | P . .RUPERT,ERT. — Wi^a lU iFaBT. a siT , Oct. 10-10-The Mini- at Uie.atai« jS arlnoipal of tiltf Vt^aahlaf- ■ doka county council i ^ n l l Y l f y I w O a Hhumway.“'nniniwkV.^'ltniRe,' h a« -h aait-au ttied ^oto anAn. . eight-elcl|t-m « a tflitm T w .- principal of ounty council of P ta lua »«nt‘on to be held Nov i S tea> C lin | U I 1g ^ O ^ c l S w ater nic|i^r(a ex|H>r(« wtileh w) will aurvey w a teir r resoiirceHrfl«o»ircea In TluillM"d. ' . '&n juniorilor hirh-a^hahlgh-aehoot-dUcuaaed aet Oot.t. 2333 aau th«th e datd ata.fo ? r Im . ' ' . ____ ^ HaroldT. T. NpJson. Npl>»t)n. rrfUnal dlr«e(«r for the10 reelamatloireelahiatlnn burran. suld new n)otl)6da-or-Kr()otl)6da-ar-Krouplng-aLUir. ffllat(va-workahoD-ini-worluhoD4n-Uie..Mlnl------T'-' aoobiNo.iDTNO, OclOct. 10. -^T w o Hiiumwayay and spvvh«rv ethera will make at reoonnaUiiarcconnaUoaiine aurvey of denta nccordlneiccordlne l(\ tlielr nblllty, doka-eounty._})lalt-.& Juvi'nllcRw mro .fcrreated%r Thura- 5,„,„ne and t-'lira tin riv er baalna In a a rtbbeu e a a l TlialiaiTiiulidiut. during the meem eeting o f tJie torlum . </taUior^i Dlone of tliem. compared:d wlUi 150 In tlia corresponding periodperiod last lust ye ycar> ' ' - ■ ^ 1 ability Oeveb midAiid atatudenta nre >. . Ihtiy drovrtdrove Omtlm car lo pooa '^K'r.' f allowed, to ppKreuppjireu \to a higher ua Huy, Ore,,re„ wherewher« they tl wrecked It. IIOIHI’:,K, OeL 1» W.—Cenatmetlen In IiiAhn Idaho darfrtdttHrtir fioper cent rrom .thethe 1003 mejwenih. lh« . 1 0 6 1 . CChevrolet h«vrolet litaUonwaKbn. Hrcurily’ HankKanfc ef Id ah o aaM today In IU Ila mwonllily onthly een»tr««tlnn JUIININ K. FIIANCIH,FIlAN JK. FARR aaldaald ntnt lenatlenxt onoi cinxa fa IlXtjlAli R. ^lOKK]k lO K l^ E N ' KMldrntlal eanatruetlon amountedMl (n'l2.S4l,i(o 12.S41.0M> the >)»nl( . i .a aon of Mr. and Mra. reading: fromfrom necondnecond grndei booka ■ t. which UteyUiey werewore driving when report. Keeldentla . . aott or Mr.' and Mra. wflroere nrreated In Qootllng. »«*'*< 'Jnw"wn IZ.< 1^,per een(, hut commercialI eenatruetloieenaimollon waa up n : JTefm K. K._ I Franclfl. ’raneffl, «r{.ai tVendeX, in nn effortetlon to to lej»m le«>n U)0 baalo „,,J * win he hoiinred at , W> Mlekeben, r.oata 4. ------T}io ywUmuUm wwiiiIU bo-arrrtlgnedbe l>e- !»«' centI to(0 a letal(etal of |2J)14,7D2. R honored at a faretreH reading' andand apelllngapelllng skills,a mere- SJSJ l•I, will will ba w bMMWd ai a yofirpj-ohnt^mntitt*-3hnt»-tipriK*-OT-BJ7-fip«n(i«tv ______■ teallm onlalnnlal atAt 8 p.m/p m. Bunday at by helping them i 'endell 1LI>« cliureb, I I « . higher levels o f iear eU teaUmenUl at S pM, nna Uioe KOIFOI *!win.wlft Inveatlgate a SON VALLSVTfVALLKV, Ocf. IU l/pT~-J-)r.-rvnn-TtigramrSan-C levela of loam lng. Bundayif In (he(lie AeeauUAom ward J ‘ ^<'W| chftfRfl oof f JInteratate n u rs u i tranaporta- elected todayloday aa na n» new prealdent of tijo We.nternMlern AwiocliiAjujoclutlon of hnll- . ^ nier-tb^mluUiiwhotna j ------aaio-^QOUirlnclp*iChQOLJiajnclpal aald i t is ehapel.I. M ietalM ie ta lu iin wUl^ enter fffr - j « f * tlon of ttdionatoion vehlclea. vithr wny Surneona.(Tfona. OfflOUlcera wero elected at the,fl clou clofJ> of0 ! thi th e croup'fl i»sV ' the* syftuun w lin Jo ueno^ <• tralnlnr On Oct. 11 „j|,„ ,, IfimUKlw-flK-nTtnl~nrMhi|irllfni ~ H e aadqiiarlerB d q ii aecond vlca prealdent; Dr._anAmminm Owena. Kansas Olty, #„r iiweeka i 0 progreia aa their nbllliy mlulon.n. lie He waa waa graduated h. y, and Dr. H arry O . Ifund, Son ZliifneJ,XUitM). CCalif. all^ 'tra"nlnr. If** wm I ia* frnm MlnteoMlnleo high eehaoli fn : « H this traininrrimin'r 7ir‘tae < ^O.Pauiul Moore,Moo™ pprei, reald en t.o rU ie ------• ' ■ SCH00l'S 0UT_ I F o r W ei e s t E n d BUH VALI.EY,l/ALIaEY, Oei.< 10 Vn—A eonaumerir apeelallatan«ela«J>t‘ftfr ‘ lhe U B Chileann mUalon mUalon, • Introducedntroduced aeveralwv< of hla — ...— ^ . .-• f»«d andif drug ■dminUtrationad aald loda/,, theIII. agen««no>'« rrtm w ■ •———— . _ cluUrmen«i includingincluding Mrs.I Vnnce VISITSV'ISITS OIIOTI n n O T IIE R I SHOW 1 ^ U tn protect th» eoniumer. Helenen Ken»ri»y, Kenvnny, ef Ur* V liS f-fc H■a • v^rw^ . BeckwlU), program. D SEN. Oct. 10 ^ M r. an d ~ . H G O>P P O p p e n e d Denver, waa the main speaker at,i. a meetlnrr «f tl.. M.1.0 P e rs•el'll liin I'l rv e 1 -^ A publicityiiltn-d^maSn^efrr';, and maR; ?aul °$,‘l.^S Ireland ' nnd 'tlwilr it**' JU eonomica aaaeoiatlon at KUn Valley. A^out 10< O l t l l l S i -I. 1- n ich a rd Dohje, momU Wayno 'C Pjikr. ’'lcSSE Icglsinti f"’' t’o'dnSer!™iiffhtera haw a« boonbe vliltln* V■ ”MON. & TUES. I S ) . nu iru.U. Oct.ocl. lo-nID^Tl,. W«,t End K X ba neellng, whieh eontinue* Sunday. ^ '■ F jibr. icglsinturo. Ireland’#,'a brother. brother. W Wayne Ire-| OOP I\eii(fquftrter»endquartera U now open read proponed leglala- land. Laaaa VesoA.Vegan, Nev.'Hev. TlMy were ti' - M m e SHOW DAItV) f l a J ' in H«hl;l locfttftdlocated IJIn t?ie OrUJIn A n n o u n n c c e s uo?f„ come r up forr election nt called there by tho i J n t tliB corner In ten e o -.. tJA U DIVKLL, W ^L . oOet c t 10 W»—Ledru A. Wllliama,lllama, 70.-1 0 ^ reretired colleire. - Z t th ere by tho serloua JJI-, ^ AT 3 P M . bulldtna fit tliu cm -MM- « tiio Stateto PTAl*TA conventionconve Nov, nejia of WWayne ayne na tho th< reault of‘ _ tto n ' of MftlnMain utrefll«tre«t .nd nroTd- protejMr,', died Ffr riday ti a/Ler an Sllnejis of n in e m o p th pal of Cal4well high achool and aa Caldwell ; r i m ^ r t f ' l l r ' l * *•“ 1 after a '“'■''tbrief dlscuaalon a heart, nttaclc.attack. Hte mothor. m( Mra. I / ■ *Ll CHItDBeN ______3jy H ^ T ^ I way av«nuewinue withw ith Mra. JnrnM *» W-lnolpal o r Cali R o oU m I H M < 11,e uroupup decided to wnlt until W. A. Ireland, and a i C. iicUlUlnMlllln M«a- . liaadquarleri lupwlntandentmdent betibefore Joining Ute Oollege oof t W«UIdaho0 locultvfat in IMS. _ [roland, and a alator, Mra.( ^ ^ ■ ADl/trs ------JO. W | . B T . O ct. 10 _ noom “ “"W-wldointy-wUle loaliiloalalntlve pro- Deward Btovlna,DIevIna, Jlaywwd, llaywi CalK.. j v^r ' «up«rvlior.wr. >Ia aarvadd to(or r thraithree'yeara aa acting prealdentd.nt ofot thatM, (coiicw. '. hlv. Uen .nno?“S ZZ ‘° '”vbc held Oct. ' ?'22 at Mlnlco alao werere there,there. ___ 1 H j t hee .termedlarmeil unfairu. praetleea. ftfra. D an Everhnrt. iraaldantlal nomlnaa, ajid a n Everiiart. S e c o n d ______j3j|J^^yj--A JK O :A gIQ 0NS ~ walar. pr^jd«nlUH ffnulo, Mra, Edwin EEnuert, Mra. " ^ clMtton ‘formation.informttion BOIBE,, Oct. ro 10 I un—Kb'change~wu~made-Inlade-In tlia-Oie-iorecaat./or Qeno Holyf LenDcll coffBBaffM Mndand ddou»hnul« are H ,ho’« onionmlon ('roperop in tha post monUi. the U.S. de|department of Delilah JKuntcr.Uunter; Third ttrado Bel- Services He t>«Utdr servedr«il cat t thtll. e haadquartera .Brlciiltiirere anld todny,toi with, production atlllItlll forecastforecftfit a t 1,070.000 ty DurBoaa,)aa. M re. WWlUc illard S teven- O t T ^ >n Tlieron Brown and EvlneE' Bubcl. aololat nnd organlaU orgonlaU HHHHHflHH /v.» 1A «- lOAIIO FALLS. < Oct. 10 i^T lio potato0 harveathmtal In noom mothers for PILttR. Oct. 10 'tvd -at the hallway mark today. It waa cx mothera for the ftpuclal Concludingidlng aerTlces aerTlces were held' fo r malcinsf Twin 1 favorable v/cnther tho harveat '• could bo c( ta "ilucMlonn clwa clofa oM at« M Mrs. Vernon In Twin »,l.oe.e.e..Fnlla cemetors ------1 J the propoaed coramu couUt bo compleicd la „.,h w -, Vcrm reek to 10 nityh in th e 10 eaat rdahpahp countleacounties which pro- nd Mra. Vernon Tliroclt- ill w ork for: .-I ______district were dtacuiM I th a n TO p^r cent of ths atata’a potatoes. A Biirvcya today ______I ■ ^v&nBrcr^of-tb«-f Sur^iafVMr”wiwr“more--ihon-liaU-conipli:to-if-complcto-ift.-FieniPJ'ii _____ ..MeCTlNQ.BLjt die, Roth, Bvana. • and T eton countlca; h alf com plete In DInfil EETWa-BUlXEO____ R(0 RfiV Dll Tw in FftlU. » t th e T t lete in Dlnshum, Dullu. ci.OVEft,ER. OcUOct. 10 _ ReyLOHyeJLn. _j„int)ividuoiInillyiduol fre_edpnifr« — ALSO C d Lemhi counUes, and one-third complcie In -A LSO CO-HIT "N IO H T ^ S T FAIL™~” ° “ «hi(f meetlna of the J . complete In BonnovUie, communityItv oof t ththe e rTwin Foils IN JERO M . _ - yjrtDtttt'OPHJOTirtonHOPfN-i'i’t*------SnroW urr^s S Hand S Clark if countlea. IN JEROME . _ , r r S A (i{ ththe e iitflfjhigh aacJiool audl- Clark Fnrm Durcnu will mi JAY an d MONDAY . “Bolancod “ ' “ "«<><• ht"!budget K” s:ao. a US una loioa 1 B M B W ' p.m. TuMday,“X nt i llw r ' c l o S e ? MC t torJum . VI' ra!iM#VVi!i, s”''t iie k leVILf.K, Ocl. 10 l.)%~Hluta Sen. WVllUam illiam J. Oeinpc. 1».. Id ah o , Hchool. Elecuoij ElecUoij of QriiL-erso will S p enKor co r FrankF • ProiporCty—SP,o.p«i.v_so„„d- tu ciftt.nni:N- ase — ------I 1 I Ik rea»n Uia dUtilct la Dem'S?™"e!o minoritymhiwitj It-udnr In the aenuln In (heIbe tOR3lOR;i IcBlnlaturr, i,e hold. t ¥ . vplftnncd fofor r onaone coicounty rather uMrUti toduvoduy (bthat a t uctlonai of th e UepulilicaUH:ann inIn ththat a t iacHi^lnh pro- -t, -, —______,----- = --——_ ■ ■ Tracycy SiSinatra m monoy onoy } ' ■' ihnn multipleI tlplc councounties l.s be- X ! d no ba!u fir basis for clalma (hat the pnrty fa la ““one one of proBre##'*l In ., , , , AAmorfeo's m ortee first ^SKSSC*'^- ; cttusc If thelhe vote werwere colled for nr-Bn ^i,i vAld r..Ciov. Itoitert ll. tsmylle made that claim at a The Devilevil aot t 4 O'clock( • NoHonolNaflonal gtfongfh—itroi vvomon Pr< f • muJUnJtf ciKmtJea »nd « woman Prosicfont jaJB BgH& j roNiown mpaign workahop for GOl* ieglalnllvetlallve canilUtivtCH.candli “TUu B SS^W # l 1 7 H f W fcte f^itnncd:d in EastmanEasin^an Color poaco [j * ...flndlotga. . and look who's rilfl n o t vote a. two ' llee-sald, *‘muai have been on one Ofof hUhlu uiuuual nut-»f- r-4- - JoNtij^jhe whole mo I B S j U S ^ ! ^ ^ PLUS COLOR CARTOONCAt th o n o w I during the 1D83 seulon of (he irgUlaturc,f»i»i»ture. to (o waU" kucIi Adull* ______i ve ilrof}pcir(y (n ------7it I r.i. IClctI Ai olhcr counlica vou J r . 12 1r 4 4 ______-. JO- B'p'* L'.imni.imni. Ulcliavtl Ulclu.tl W. W. I HcmUickj, “ Evnns. He went on > deifinnstrated anything but progreaii.------1------SSffi-US'POR e e -U S -fO ------■>_ ChliJ i )L yn, v ^ * v^dtr __ _ F»* ! . • i))nl il, h eusicreiisler lo Blnet volora In ,, wns Inslallcil todny nt' (G CHOICE OF i r ______ftenM acW ono county■y to volovoto orcm th, meaa. , Oct. ll, 10 m-l/f^—\V. W. Dcnhon. noise, wns hialnlli d l M W u i ^ ■uro. of the Jclnho dlvlalou of tho Americanmcrlcnn Cancer Can eoclcty. . . 'i' : Dr. Hobml E. Llbyd, noltie. Dcn.son:n.son la dlrcclordire of thn i n |0 t 1 l S « iSO U tt' Kvana cxpfalned t vital ulatlatlcB In the state healthIth dcpnnmt'UC. dcparinu Chosen • Its, bbuqaets, • j ENDS collcBo dlatrlcta t " ’fn'‘e meiia a « r ’ ;; n '?■ president-electelect by tllthn orgnnization'a annual1 meetincmooting wn.-.wrj Dr. Quen- drraH gem er ., proved, tho atfltc booj d 11?.' ‘ w i t wn H ow ard,d, DoUe.Doise. COfher new o/flccra aro Anton DropDropplna/Boise. . rongemenfs, “ ■ T U E S , I ★ IW O TO R R -V - V I U ^ | _ ' - 'm s • i' f®* . appoint ■esldent; Mra. Frank Il'anscn, Burley,fley. aecretary;aocretar .nnlph J. hnfh paMl |i Kisses ftirmylhesident ‘1 truatees toi findfT rioc'a's’on'^n’j a ic i? L ''r r;r‘''Bji.^Jr., Boise, treaaurer, and Dr. nobort>R oborl E . u Ll m , Bolao.i )tfi reol and^ . appoint t«ftchor* for coUeso. Tlieso five tru sommlttoo chairman. I permanenpermanent ^ : 'oKGROW U V ' N-UP PICTURES~ T U R E S ' ARLENEE OAHLOAHL£ow*m« mmumm EU MLACH ^^iTSISt I be replaced by eject FALLS, Oct. 19 U^Induatrlallalala from IhroIbroufhoul iHe • J5oxt schoolrtafillt”"™ election. inAIIO FAt-LS. O trom ‘ ‘ .. eonntry are-0 eipeeteflexpecte'l for a aemlnar on Induatrlal.duBtrtal uieausea of atfbmlc- W 1 1 1 N * H . S "ONLY 2 CAN PlAY" A Ju n to r ci>}}cs» in In Idahn I'aUi<■'»“ next Tburvilay and I'rldaV. The prorram U • ^ ‘ // “KIWIS** 3i10, *,35, 10.35 ''PlAY” ti30, 5;00, liO ^ould nw. neoejwwiwneoeMatlljf have to be- ,p„„„red by t,y the IdahoIdi Falla Chamber of Commerce and a baa re- J L V ' illUNNE KIW I" 3,la, a, ' • filn pn a Inrae ficnle. n »nd atate govemmenti!. nr«e scnle. no^d Evans, cjlved the atte attention n d n n -o f l>oth th e federal and atate go ^WfiODWAHB, Q Q but raUier eouldcould beali)iiesln in a amall Qnv itobertrt 1^.E. timyiiaHmyl will deliver the keynote■note addresa T h u rad ay .' ^ ^ ; ' -wny and growirow auchinch aaa tlia Boise ' e X 733-3074 w l l n y 5 ® $ ! l ^ Ju n io r collcBotoaa which .Had It. be- ^O IB K jOct.Oci. 10 L4V—An UIV Idaho l^lls buslncnaiCRfl achool operatoroi wna ^ 1 Binning irt 1037 in th Tlday night aa Idaho'a outatandlngng handicaphandicapped person j o f » BlrU'^ dorm ^ itory 7 n l «« rtST'-ve^SleSlf'!ir. Olenn E. Clark received the award from the Idaho • ”— coDoLglrli’ h* r Orlpplccl Children and Adults, the Eofiter Eaater SealS aocJeiy- ^ T’ Tf7^Tr^ \ a Potor SoHers ' ' ^ umn . •, &vnna lntroducc3*“ mntCTT, notco;-who-madc. the.prwcmnlipn^>rwcmnUP2t_»i^i_clnrit ___ I — I | j - - ^ ’ ElmEIro Sommer EETA, ■ 'y^ 1 , Ornnce, Twin i^lla £ landing example of n peraon whoi vuijwfttcdadjusted toVO avia nnb — unity ieailnr. Clant'bi~n-vlcllm-of'pollo-in-Clil r fr S fS r r n ^ — MEWL ' I !' The moetfna.(Mnn, ftratftrat «of Uia aea- community lend. :-'vHtoaa-d'llilhoKmpanled at ANNUAL ANNI CALF, YEARLING,R U N G , ! • I i ^ ; P * « n o by Oetores Delorea Butta. ------ENDS ^ Mrs. ijujj^nlurcn Butta. JJutla. prealdent, CdW fni TeiTd HEIFER SA LE- 1 w aa In cliarge or tli \ - T - T r ------TUES.!_ *GRAND-VH A L (OllU COX DAVI 5 p i F a S ) Mra. JueracnS"K Kruse.r'ur.J"c:^fS?: W ,tt,A«t.,.ltt,t »end (he mlnuteamlnutoa aniand Mra. Or- Commiite*>mmlite» Ch.Chilrmin I I A L II FinalI ShowSho.w olof Season - 2 FAil/ISlYFAMILY HITS!HI vllle Relnke,k..«av.;th..r.aaurer’a gave tiie JftONDAY, ( I / * W port. IDAY, OCTOBER 19th,’ oat t 1121 2 N o o n . l V T r ' \ ? ; ! ^ The Rroupup voled lo donate n&* m n n 000 r»K , Colvos, Yoarlings, Cows and Heifor ] I to R nowly-formodMormed cltcltlMo'a com-1 * 1000 Colv. and Heifors X 1 ^ 1 \ ! P _ T f ^ I j mlttoe to buy Inntnu Inatructlon booka I '»*’•»» •»'* »!' »ll STRICTY GROWER con’«1gn«cl WoU hloh co«uv conUy «uu. c JEW 1 BCTBt '' nnd equipment.iment. Nann Namea nnd du- { ' Top nutiiiy,»)ily, wiihv/Hh c Good Walo^lno Condilion. Olila Callla v^»V^ll b«bi Moved ' | | ' T j £ A J -1- ’ K____ties of .this conunltteei conunlttee will be an- I In or* d»v ot lale. ( SiNiORS-HE/lwSlDNteTOlNEEDwK i f l i H E A i aoon,~n, aftldaold.Uia prMdentu __Al.o,_ol..i.IM>_m«fk youf oU ndtf (of ili» 2nd Annu*lnu*l Sal*Sil« on NiNov. lOth. j ROM AomE-iN-HrICE-IN-A-LIFEJIME ExW nCE5E ^ I I Ml'** BuUa,Ua Introdne Introduced T h o m aa' ------I M M re-a=.g|W lOM ro , , iiimcr, BuporUjlcnaciupoiiiUdnneiit, tviiu 'in------— -a Tfl'Birm '^ATTRS ------. t tu rn pi'c.sentodrntod Artliur ArUiui Chatburn. I ruaaerr tii t ■ ^jcf" —~ « r« ti — i a 1 ( 'l * l M 4lliiii , I . priJicJpul, ChntburuChatburu Introduced' v i .tMETT *..r LIVESTOCK COMMISSOIN 5— ------i^iiiDAX>Ay_ocT„ _oawji i« 1' ! /•- tlifl fncullyy n t U»e acachool, 1 • 7. *•*B«k 491 fmmrf, id«k* T*l«pli»nt 3M:4»3M:4»33 rp» ; ' I D arw in Yoder, aUulent«Uul council ’MMei wWAYIANO ay u n o JAM! proaideat. BpoicaKpoko o on n ththo alm a an d 9iS>3D0lI>0I CwMn a Oa«'»leri ail l a p e ------purpf thlhe e orffnnorgnnizailon nnd JOWN iJOHN 10)>W-.JtM W AVIAWD, A u c llo n ttrt ' ' | 2 5 | * ' l l l i t . ' e^rnnnnrow-membeTTOw-memberriUp-l^ttt*- **— — F / -UUilltifrd, voder)der hitroduintrodxioed Cllenda ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ iM m ■ ~ i jL k u^ Jlt'i I t 'i Fun andI Action...every time M^tary. jand Tantmi _ j^ || 1 J« • ' i)wvj»5»i th»y g«l S ^ \ \ n W U ciiysiuoios RemjahnicnUnienu were'aervedwere by -todies' Mixed if4* , the exetiuUveUve board. Pall leavea j ___ - > _ ?•' . ftnd Jlowerars decomtecdecorated the room ff^ |jf I K l ; I 1 ' ' »nd pumpkin eahtUe I WNRS’ ' ' t w d tl>e U m fa,— ^ 1 & -P R ^ C E , i J ' ■ i. For ^ s^^aT D iarasM S ' ' i : ,ii '!'■■■ . ROCK-K- K 9 pm1 'til 1T 1 om doilyr BOTTOMOM I During O c t i ug Octoberl ' 1 ^ ' ; ^ | y s o i mn m w f I ! ■;: , PRICES I su pK e nK s C c O O i P e . ' li' i'f; Call yovr ^ hjt "THE COLDEST _ ' N | | ! i | H H - M j B EW m T ^ f - § | P H y«rm Aatnt T^P BEER IN TO W N " W ~ T— ■ »»>« rarw A ^ m o v I VERLMECL MECH/^ .J tio y[V r ierviierving Phzal W e c h n ic o l o r * K - -.1 733-3«a3 73S-3633 '' ER E! - s S S W , a '"RSX-AODISOM-AODISOM-AVIt^ The ■,rr--RER] r . . PLUS; PLUS 2nd DISNEY HIT ~ ■ B « - S - MCTORV^ftAOJO-TwJ'^W OIO T«/ln Falla------f i I J ft K APPUANCE .. .. i ' i r ' ‘fSSTASTATE TE FAR^ /^ A MUS|C'flOX::r:^r«li..... B uhl ~ "A"A-T TIC5ER7WALKS» - lAIIILYN-MiWL; INIUItHCICOUMKItl \ ^mrn ______------I I J DON'S TV .'i !!__ __ —-AUO A IIO —---- ■ -TlTAIITf— ^ Akl A V r W SAVB»ON OROO, Twli ------WDAX O O ^ ^ ADDISONON AVE. AVE, ^ w . GARRARD-...... r i 3 0 & 1 0 :1 5 m r.'ird . 75» • “ ...... B o rlay J t i g e r q ( M M , I I' C h ild . < - i i y „ , ro. * .*„„.Nr- f I > 1 ^ ; M j- i ...... 3 5 ° A.41. M ...1 .r-n .rr.e H.ll j ...... ^ . » l.r-P a rr« M.H.»l« | | | ■ ■ ■ " r t • ’ \ . ''■v".-'::,iilihs.- ■■■ . t \ , ’ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - . . ' . ,;■■

-'■■A. ■ '■ ' '■' ■■ ■; ,•■ V : V : ■ > / ■' >w • : ------———4-S r -—Sum Sunclav,-O ct.-.l 1, 196;1.. GOP, I^egioir^in .... Twin Ffllfs.TWnos-NewiPn ^ . 7 . • Present Flags * g s - Rupert Youth EEK ONLY I lIjjjL V' M l th ONEG WEEK ' To. New “Y” Giraduatecl tlio to T^vln — ...... — — md'thcf WithDcfjrec it i:90 — , nur*K nur-K ftT . Oi-t: lo -r'V H r* r : •- win Lieut. JohnJ A. IIilbbi\rd, xanm ofi S M C M C rpV rm ta'ry 10 Ul. lormal H ||||||m ; _ ^ ' Mr. .and Mr*. Lci> E. Triicy, Uu------HHCT7TT3 {Wirt,jwrt. luuhas pnulunted «?Uh nu M.B.M.u. rfuc dccllcnt“M'* OcU IB. deuivodewivo In nui’lear iniilnpi'rlnui'rlnu . J.Il® [ i p W |B 5 ^ ^ S 2 il 2 ^ ^ ^ ""X*. — Thomn* walker will Teprowntpresent - ;^- from the nlr forr<* InKtltuiolo of A*; . . ^ II ti,rAmerlc«n Lealon iresrnt- * -v*^.W Wdit 1 £2 Techuol' Techuoloiiy (Al-TI* nt Wrightright WJ ' I ' • '" * ina the Unllod Bfntcji rifttrns nnd PnnerwPutterMi ni nlr fom> l)n*o, O, • m v l Mend win 8lv« ‘l'«) I*'™*’"Idaho ' -Lleut«< Udird v - tepubll- iwHoLj. torce I , AcwDtlnir' the ■ the »l».n to th.^he “ "Y'h•«erv«; t ] ^ ' r n ^ i ' - ■' '}' I ■ ' \ Mftinm Cftrtft in KnRl«ndId nnd m\ mile west of GoodlitK nlrpori>r( UU shownshnw: aliofp. The Cr«sna IRO) wanwaa It, It. I.. Jacobi, both Sealtl*. vmrewere iiUntlncidhitinr IIhe nlaiir. The plane wai provldi'a officer 1 M'UTlPd, ll.H. nil* imati force •’ ^ -■■O r .•//><: '■' /' j ''■/u ** runnlrjff tliroiiBb th e Btftt«^ con-‘^^n- ,ia, iianiateil when It hit a deeplep IrrlKatInn IrrlKatl ditch. The plane crashedu h e d demnlUhcg. demr (Tlwaa-N'*wi plioto>______tlinlot • • perwuincNm Utnh 0 oppori Unity for im-also •..-/■ 12 } * •' — .ritutlona and 13 atates, to,to ththe e ----- ' ,. ■ ' . "~ ------r------enrnn- Uie I , '■ /■•'•.'*: ■ f__ ilbrnrlei of Twin PnlU county. ^ —------T lie event,-fiponsored annuallyinimlly OhleaOhlenffo. t form er hlffh schoolichool Pawcr-Pawcr-nnd Llnht eonipany: BlneerUm unlvornj and other holds. It Ir' » r n S may be wed for rfa.cftri:lV'G !• by tile Idaho Biate Chamberber of prjnclpil. prjncl . ' Jantc.H llrrlln, lloliie, president. part ' of thn nir unlverRllyRyfltent ■ by history and (tovernment;S'Speaker 3T £flslesf wny to Q ot^b u r mdnoy'i Commprco. l.i ftchcduled for Nov. • TO bo honored at the hmchofmriionii AlbPrl.Hon'H. Inc., and r. Oil- ^ h ..r**’lc h I'Oiuluctjt lhe profcM lonal; !? -b u rt Reg, 109.95 clnitBM.m hIBh s c h o o l . ... 0. in DoLse. . K ihiti bert Uiinb. Anicrlciui F uUh, prod- julllUiry •pdjicatlon 'proeram for' worlhl NHfmoo«;flni»ir'bunk bod HlBh Mhool and Jjnilor hlah IJ .. will l)c lhe man oho*cn «rJ- thl» lilont, of unnb-Wt'Mon, Inc. , P e r r y ^ . Nelson. PocnTe)lo.cnTeUo. year’syear’a Idnho Brt‘“ *n'^’' . . tlie n lr ‘forcp: ^ Unnep - 1 convorli to t»A/o fuH-slzbz6 twin bocli.bocl». '\ g |^ n n IS' ■chool «tudentji rrom \iichoolsii .’"il! in Boise U Meet John Cmli'it. pohtlrui writer 'llio lleiili'uaiU h ‘„a Brnjunle tlw connty will attend for tho „ chnnUK'tr p re Hi rte n t,'s a idId th e yenr,ycur , John irthe! Includes 2 bunltot, Donrds,-2ii.rd^ .2 rnftl- . lhenie lar (hls ymVK icusion'lsslon Id nre planned of Uuppvi. hlch ^cl^(wl and was prcfientntlonii. I cniuntlK.slom‘d In 10A3 upon coin- (rossos, Iftddor r«nd- ^joard.yard, rails. rails, ' "Idnho li'oks iihead.". durluK the day on ono-ycarr nnelnml , • . ■ Will (ll>C»firt tile IdahO " ’“Is Reported -j m In- bit.'>liu*h.s climate. nml - ' of tlifl nlr torco reserve; 1.1>p(oco comptpfs ...... rUESENTED CIFT Kocji will sp naBt elaht years, hn* been pre- noi I fiueat Tho luncheon speaker will be Kello Bnlt nt- 10 «-ni. Mondny a t the court-''all! cmmnii I d in n e r s e t £»sio iflnted a itlft ^om tlrt cliurch church apespeaker f^r -Uie-Sflth nll-IdoTio jic ealtlcnt company: Ed NaUBhton, Bnit nt- 10 i -IdaJio jierbert-V; Proohnow, presidentxnlt of Lnko Cliy, preoldent • of U tah iinu.ic. ' KIMUKIILY, Ocl, 10 - -nio »,ortl for her Mrvlc^. ______^ConsrcBj), , t,>» -• of Uio first National bank of Lake IC, Kimberly Methodlst-church will I'oUl 'Its annual turkey dinner , , .. ,\m *^=30 p.m. WedncMlBy for th e inclu jfJrihn nilJw(onnry pro«rani. JroMi , I ...... , I i . i . p i T.V. SERVICE RADIOI. MCORD PIAYIRS | Incoln TAPI RICOROIRI • AMPllrilR» ] ■ ' • ‘Vh :* ■ •'•'. •' "• Camera Center I — - ■ ...... Then. 733-4921

Colonial Stylo Urn toj3-;bunk r I •with fino nulmbg mJipIo fin- . ^ ^ . 9 5 ' ■ i '

ish. Convort» , Into .fuM-sizo ^ twin badi.. il .'Dunkalts B^irdt, i V 0 8 “® ; 2 mattrossos, ladjJor and.guard I rail includbd.-A IramBndoui | IHHHI v ilu o l ......

Ib I elew A /y a ' '

(Fourthmrth ofaiof a Series about Idaho JrrisatU Tn..:"; R e f f - < WAGON WHEEL BUNKL T fen- r o I f ^ f t S g {} furoi »olId, heavy lods tfonilruc- If do- ■ tlon, with decorator wagon- |i wheel «fyUng; Make* tw o I good'lookhg fwin beds if do- I U U Y ee a a r s o f H aj r d WV o o i r k H a v e lired. SIMMICKS! ' • ■ I ho Irrigation Development) tun NO GIMMIlYDAY LOW PRICES! PP] r o d u c! ef ic d I d a h o ’’s O ut t s s t t a n d i n g w h OOC m rjvm D AY ig\ lire IRRIGAT ------n o - 1? O WY N - . TERMS P > ^ J IR I» . !• I O N DEVEIK) D t O T M Ea N v I e i EASYOne TE! ISMtErice: _ — ------Large'SCale'tecTaniatiow; L a r g e ‘ iow aiitaiid-lrrlglilion workirk----- ^ ' Thusrabout-lialf-oHi-half-oMdaho’sirrigated-acres .4 I in IdalIdahobegan aroundd Uie turntu of the century,ry, are supplied in!n whole or in part byn federal g ^ I BothiorJQiiea TUFTEDI TOP I andluand has continued its1 dramaticdrama growth to thishis water development—ipment-the other half has an I MATTRES§_^ day withi^undiminishedV shed prospectsjorp thehe independent waterrater sousource. ■. “IKKaMKH^ S A N D . TL mm g % 0 0 futurefu tu w .’ The most substantiaibstantial irrigation growthI IT ir \ dB0)C SPRINGS 10-yr. Guar. Mo«Most'of the'rearlyf 3,0(30,3,0(30,000 acres of irri-■ri- recent years is found in the cum ulative enter- D | ! ' FOR BOTIT _ B0)C SPRIh .— ------—_gated.Iand.in gated,: cultivation;ion in Idaho1 were devel-eI:=___prise_oLIdaho-farmers,ifarmers,uslng_eI.ecMcited-acres pumpinc ------•* ------;------noped-1 y federal “j® millioim illion acres were disyelopeiiveloped entirely by fed-3d- More than 1,000,00000,000 acresac; of/irrigatedIf landhas anin n i MATTRESS

eral rtreclamation, andid federalfede projects alsoIso • southerni Idahoo have waterwi supplied by pump- | a n d " . a y A O O fumfurnish is supplementalI water to irrigation dis-lis- ing..r-from w ells11 s and f:from the Snake Rivei ^BOXSPRINGSMA W g % 'rowth in ' n ^ 10-y r .G u o r. tricts and canal companiesipanies for more thanI a itself—using low-cost electric powerive e from n te r -, » AND millio)million acres. •i_ ' investor-owned ; d utility companies. BOX SPRII punaping-.______L _ . ^ 10-yr. ,Guo ' f: '■ iuetivity;—^------H— ^------R/frPAA'^M KStW BlL. V , The successful:essful result for Idahoo haghas comeco Irom co-ordinationdination of alHhe?e—id ------land in ^ efforts towardvard a single purpose—thatie—that of developingg the stistate’s water by pump- resources andnd comconstructively buildingIdiilg its economy withoutlout imptimpairing exist-: ke R iver -- • ing agrictiltural d tural development ver from , * ‘‘ I Mdttress & Box Sprinns ■ Th« larta fp tU O »••>>*!( Idaho’s tirtie-tetime-tested-approach to watglwatgrjxtiljzation is produciiproducing resuits— ■ tr.. manty <«n I; buy, ««w y*uri •> l>

I ' j ^ g A TAX-PAY,y iI N n g c i 4 ;i z eE nN VWH E R EVE'ERriT Rrr SERVES

' . ■■. ■ - 'i 'L . ’ ' ■ I ' '■ ■ V '— ■ ' ^ ^ . . * r . -•------^'-1------

>' ..J, '■ ? * a. ' ...J . . ■ ' . , BuflejrClulr • ‘T-' > ■ ■ I •• S ^ ^ iM ilC Z I ^ w s o f t e e c o r d Sundny* Oct., n1 1, 9 W&H 6 4 ..... llllll lagajg ' ■ -■, ' N ews.'o ■■ EfSi ' TiVIN COUNTV 3 ■. ‘0 5 ; Twin FallsIs Tlmos-Ne r Installs ' ' :juilke CouK :le Woodrow R lt- .H e m n n P*. Blovera.iBVem. routerouU I, tllltor /ro.15 Jatkl» Woodrw RU Kim berly, 136 nnd,nil co«U,oo«l«. oveo v tr- l«r;-to M ri. SylvU M. flM ll Jrm rntlon. noMr D. Wllllnm U Ol»rk.W •nd loM HuJ New Officersfficers OR OVER? i s t i n welBht on reulntrntlon.rir. Uotfer .10 .nd M.,Kllrd irom Mrs., Mr... CatharineClharlr « Mrs. Austin Paiilnen, Twin FallH.;. 110 ri Bonusy, Oct. lO — Now t ' ciulji. InjtuffMeMi miifflor*... HiiifflorB, Hnrdwlclt Eiflrd. ‘clSdir SSe^J; . 'e route 1. Hnn- M rs. Carol . Ijutchlni^IJutbhlni w« w al flosFM . tb t tJie C»r«dlt womei — A -S n ico CUrKe.^routo'oits“overw«laht llni «rant«l-tt-dlvorM_from_Mor.t<]M,from_Morton breakfast olub_I were Install Corj*ln«n»«I Co.uolh, - jpIoii,Q i’edT at7 wm^UJa-and cosu.,^ts. overw«l8ovcrwemiiK ,nj ler former nan name ThUwl»y-«vonlnK-r^lowlnB- J f N(S o™ » !‘ « 7 c" ; 3 “ 7 “Compcin)<'«------r ^ on „- .,.- 1 ^ of Carol Ann ■ Xooihljr~war-i«.'Loomili^Wttm dlnMr-meetlng al N«Cion'a_c^ 1 . .Pnllee ( Court w ilnut >tr..t, .lorod to li«r., KarHEarl« II.H. BartleyD.rtl< iiuUlHnK offloer w a s M Last Riles i Jon Hoyer. 304 Walnut stre vorca from Mr«. DorU' Dayley. Poeatello,Pocaiello,'. a pi ~ G d X D E R 6 5 . . Oct. 19Ip—Fur—Punftral , D | | K n E 4 ti o and cosm. dtflorderly-condtaSiiv.conaua - :ley, and the “! d«> pr«Bld«nt of the Pooatello clu for Mm- ■Jrvlt rfi worft chnduoUitl for w tth « m otor vchlcle.-_ • tonilnnt' Bi™"i™?.. l»rIif,'' 'w™ N«w oW cr. w«M Mn Dan ; • villliun (Vlolft) Austin AUBtm ntnl to .■n.iMTV niuno.vBomlco A. Phllllp..XM . Molny, pr««ldent;int; Mr.. ., VernV< Progtom f ; m. TJiUJ’inJuy In ihn thn I'lm t Meth-M MNCOI.N COUNTV DlvorooB were aran ted to Mi» P « l« r» n . Il™‘ vlo«vlo. prmldeipre«lilenl: • No |,liy,l,»| | . • . ciiurch by 11^0tho Rnv. Rov. Kd'Kdward . . ShonhAiie JuBllceuailcB Courlc o u rt vivlnn V. .Oohnell fro m’“f”.,® IU * ' ».rb.tii BtUnn. «»onii vie. pr, ...... !i!''" i i i i i iii iji(i Lii,' -pr" I ...... I nniniinn i M. OiieMfl.‘ 15 fine, tS cob Connell;'nnd to Mrs. Penny M 8l«ln«.0l»ylon,:iS2 !ol.yto; «T« • ■ , Jw'TJwn Ptiaintrfl(I wnawtui % a aponXer Ape Tniiuiu Ll rirn lnaM fn na drlVBr'Btlrtypf »- Y»nirff frnm JnmMnnw. MclnturfiMctnturff. r.i.rv ^p d jlr... KennethKtHMlh g'rlw.-arto * ®’"n'i»«y uitepud , >: ^ , . an«l r'('tid>hfl oblHiary^ . I n o f t l m 'Y lo m ! iroiienlid la Mr. S y ""’ '"^“1:”“' «l ki. , , * lo w ■; I •iinfiniient*''wflr«*re .M Writ. rii. , C t ~ noODlNOI COUNTYCOUNTV iBooster Fete Is W«yn« lUyden, Burley'.,, out-oi iP'“' Mlleiuei . ^ ' . . ipniioir, Mrn. P aul111) Mori9^cU 10lO — BoosterBOO.1 W yatt. ' vlr.n. UiRoy Bchreiilt. /rom Mlchne) ralmer:f. ? to Rob nlBht w«. ohMrvtd Ior Orch. bronnWt''' f Mrs, Dorothy TERRY, INSURANCI ! . Mr«.’ Fftelh- Kftton, ora Kehror from Mm/M tr lc tea ^ M MrT o y - VAlUJ' o ran ilo ,.W « d n .K l.y BV th e l Nelson, Mrh. . ' .(Aa«««y) • . alnyrd Ihn prejud# cin(tnn<1 pofit]ud«pofi Kohrer; to Mrs. PHtrtcIa M. Bi newlj. !n,tolM g ,, Dejumel, Dayley, fnov«r-ta'nob-' nl"« » '“■ Mr., ___ mil nccornpunlcd Mro.. VJ jer from Mlfton L. Uoyer: to Jl( Pocatello; Mra,^:r.aj'.*„”, Pearl Bn^ns t T-«.t »id„ f ert wminrn Tumeyinioy fromIrom Mr*. b y B m * rnioiftt: :------— L ^ tit? o K e nansocti JJrown.1, bolh both Burley. Burle: 733-776t , pnili)flftr«n w«rftsro CnrICnfl 0 0*1»lta)er, . llan n n h P> Tum cy;. to Mra. 1 n', Q Qtnnt l:nnt Zkjlll Z.o))lnBer, llun E. Joncn /rom Vohn id o Jo^ floilera, prqw Voiina and Jonos; lo Andrcn ?O. Treccla ' fr> MrT m asttr: McirvlnIn Lowry. Rate-»a1 • I U Mnrtln HeriUner. C • ^ — _ -Mra, virginin H. Freccln; >to » “W '*■ i;!.i.nBr:' M inon MoOro,Moorc. overseer;ovctBoi ’ . , iTnlJornry. pjillbBorom WBf« ^ . Oraco Dolorcn O'Keofo froiti”! KIrBy Hlll^owiirdiMird: McWliraiM e tv iira itp '------—------— ------D. ^driow , * trick J. O'Keefe; lo Miw. Mi »»n. .Inwtoward; ard; MMrs.’ r.. R:K;ir- nniTjer n e n n e lt, T». .D . *!i Phllllp O. M uior nUnniftin . . n«nrK« T3«in«on. Arnold nuriyon,V.\\ II, M iller ^rom Phllllp Q. Mil In. . ' to Mrs. Bnrbnra, JonnJoan UilerLnler frfwm . ' jo« sellers. .Aocrotni V •. “ aiydft PflJer«*»«',■ Murrny.M u m i y . SAtter- a lellers. .Aecretnry; Meld. BiiBftnfl Sonreii/M erie T nrf , Frederictc JuJluJ Lnler:wrnll, to f^Am N Mis. riorlnft Bchmldt.;hm ldt.’tr«Murer; ’treMur. • ■ ry. Pi'ylo Oenn.'-Mixrvin, n«i Charlotto Hrllno MJlUken fiM.? Mr». MMon-Moore.;oore. I'lorn;Flora; MMrs. • KnnnVtlh nrndnhaw .. D h o Dnvid Artliur Mtllllcon;MmiWun, tolo M^ l., „ o „ „ rd Nlccum.;n, Pom onn; Mrn.W PTPemftn, K eith An(lflr«o», Ila Lowe from Lionel°"“L™ Lowo; l'»rlty Williamstnn, Cer««;Corea; WMr*. * Wftrtl, Vern ftoyim. AJ,Da» M rs. QotCy Rhondos from 81 1. Indy oiiRlstnnl , - nnd M. U-OfttM, flf.. C. Rhondiis; to, Mrs. DoraVZDora ,Znc- M rs. Fc«t«r Andor&Andor&fln, ' ■ r •» ConcliidUig rtte»:,wBra conduct- eoj carclll fronr PAi^ytsy V. Zuccnhzuccnrelll; ,ocmror, nnd Mrs,Irs, Nlcoum home ho fl ed n t.th o u u h l c«metfcry. to John D. Lovernovcrn from f Mra. ccotxomio chairmrm an. an, I Anno. Mnrie lo v ern ; to D atnni A. varied program,jnim , nrranijod.orrnnired.'by II ( l^ ^ B APPOINTKO CnUNJir.f Owen from Bhirley Mrs. AndorMsn, wna prcaentodpreJient«d. A II JEROME,. OcJ,..'lOcj,..'io ~- l>flAnnD Owen; lo RalphIph W. DnmDnmond dinner waswaa wrvod aorved pr prior n f t U M n , Jw om e, hna hn» been np- 'from Mrs. MurueJruel DnmDnrnond. ond; to ^ ,„cotlnjr. I ■ pojjitid ft Te'nldBnch bnli CO M/rs. Cnrlone Dro.verirc.ver frem nRob- ...... - - ■ 1 , o r . n t Otljvwa unlvorMty, O e rt C. Drc.'iscr, and»nd to Mrs. Linda Ll I' ...... r f l E ® : . 1 ICwiH. A Junior. ntinnhti l«Ik thfl the t. . L. Mnrlnl from Gornrd A. MmM nrlnl. *iii n l a n i - U —* ul Mrs. Leon W. John J. hopcxs Irom from Mivi.Mni. Mi Mabel , '• j 1^ • I ■ ’. ter-of.M r, .nnd Lci irfi. Mnrllyn Jonn • • • _ _ L _ toftlrtwln, jiTomc. , P. Lopez; to Mr.K. Mnrllyn J ' ■ . • ■ s I ’ Andrewa from Boyd Vernon ifrflWffr—to—Robort— w _ .K c l _ g l o bIE e SEEDs e e d 'I 11 I : Property' TTratisfi ralisfcrg. *• ■ • V '’. h. J'»»* Itoyal Z2n liiilirrl W, )'ei«r>nn•r»nn ^<)^<> n«in Oain O. PiW . •■' ' l»l B, HnuUw.HHl »uj>. otist to Jw^BSS K- M. (".<'• Jam** K»i)l D e y e l o>pment p m e at Sun ValleyValle Hypnotist t< • » . Jo lm K.-Aiiu<'Tl>B»vr, liita !« 2. ■ • . . ^ , . Htirtilif T . lii'l*"'n‘ In llnnIii’n K. M«nrlil#,I X V r « H T ' 1 irin |_ li>t it, I'liirk I,'K uiiitn iiclude “Clusters”rs” Appear in Jn i O/'KuitirtBii Co (''rank’ } »,i,. •W iJM n eliM • rt. W'.iiNlCi'i, HIKUNK',. K ^ N K ',. IS-U.ll.IS- ' . • V. • O ■ cl. 10 (Al — tera n t vnrlouafl locations.locfttlonii. HHe Bftld Cjl.^ ^ ’ . I , ' Vcinia IlBrnar.t.r.t I..In lUyinmf Il.yrnnif.t ll.rn. BUN VALLBY. O ct. U 0 retain th« rwtlc SllOSllOllClone 'I TP ' Birii III li> P.rtsidriit, Jascph LcBil«tt lh» Idott Is “to retain tho corporiitloii plnns cliann withoutDt mnlclnffmnlclnir ift clly . ' - >)i}nrk a. H int l<«k««ii» j."i(»nil«uV.'M« “‘‘yu nlii4 1I> (UniKK atliifc bulldlnffn nt of It. otfnt. ‘'Orentr Dr. ■ ■ ' ' rn n . lot S.-VrtlliK>n« Vitiii Or<]Orr^ariia. -th ,pre.H»rve'exlatlng bulltl •nnhv indlciitM vou hyi>notl«t. “arcat S iS S w b i -■ I.riiiia »pcknl««<>"‘/" lo Ar* tk 'Vl„ . -'" ® ‘“‘ VftUey. v/lillewhile de\devftoplnK "The topoarnphy Indlcat icre for two allows. if XHINK ■ ; I..1 I'lnrkti^’i..-iiJw.mn,L»r- 1, TK T». In •‘oluotars”'otors”' nt virloiitr can locnte a cluster here, ,i rho pubhc lA In- ■ . - -...----- e-4 ;fl00'ftoro-prop«. .j,.p-thor»-and-wQn!L_Ufl_nSnt bTnbl# w 'Tl'od-liiB-flhOiS7!i_io i be . I • ; . Mn, li'l l?». .Murk 14. TK T». Wl|n I"to NN«.rl orl H. nrll- crtv . acn one from tho other," h i. each dny n cT h o "f^------—— .Jn«k I f T P T t. . . - d tlie JinRji con. ® P-"'- “ I I . ■ . U»M. |.it4 S. fl, Mo«Uu> niiana T^. •VV B. ' (itieuei|, He ftnUl the oompnnyjo'mpnny ciconalders UoBOtt said1 tlie develop,nent JnnRi of LlncQJn .chooiU niidllqrlum. niidllqrlum I V> ; NoUii Vlclor U> niiana VS. i\t for grow th In cepi cnlls for doviilopm* _ L ^ _____ Jn t fl. n ic k .j «.i.im ..n.______P>’0J»pectB brlB ht fo r arc M thrtt people civn The Ji IbU schoolchool nnnimlnnnual staff I StourlaU-nttracL- UyJtlffjra^l»i|M PfoP ’ ' ■ ’ rilfWclc-lli-W. 11, 13, tiioaV S. lllll* thB-numbef-of':tourlatft-; ^'"owneraHtp-bniita; U-*Ponaorlna,Lh(Sj>rpJficP-.Lhe_vrpj"cf. * . Int* 10. u . 13. block ed to tlie resort,irt, purchasedpnrchi by iihn on a joInV ownership B of Iho few living ^— ------j ^ — ------uhdlscloaed niun. mul lenso to b bihor ihor VftcatloncrBynca D r. K it, one of iho ttw (Ut/ IlktM IA lUynii I*'** Jansji for ‘an uhdlscloaet jtUiA, hna been n ^ A i W llllnm JnfiiiH, wbon th ey arenfln’t ’t \ialnjualntr thethem. .njiuter hypnotlat«, hna bt - WELCOWWELCOME TEACHERSU— 1 , i j o . 2(1. Mr.rl< M. n ju * JJlkM W, company'* phUoso.^ j[fi5IP»rtAn on ththe e road f>«J* i r in t y l>Mda , ^ recltora, are In aim ValJei IB induatrlea in the Europe, HowaiJ.vail. AloskaAlaako. nnd I llainl lliMiflnr .*n»v.peratlona u i a e i t throiiRh United Btates." he anld. 'Thtfl Canada, T sn it «■. W arT»n , H «m«nii*4 ir r r to O. HiiriM V tub. Will obseivd operations I C a., p a rt Int Ut/ amamlMl Hiir Bon. 1" RQlna to continue.ontinue. 8 So 0 v/a’ be* O n h is tour he Iinahna hypti'hypnotized ' >-»l«ral Ul l« JJ, . W.w. MM'M*»»wr«n»lo*^ tljo w inter seaaon. .oooiwr.ons. LAYAAY AW WAV AY I NOW FOR CHRISTMAS JanMVa .tl entliuslwtenthusiast and an llove there Is qulto quite a futifuture tor mor# than 00,000 persons. A1 Store IFor Your Every ' ■ In t 1ft. )>l»rk 9. i.»« C am ay au nhow here he will ' • Ptnl FMl.ral to II. 0. U m .ll.rn.lo on thetho iMO1040 U. a . Bun Valley.” ,fA Durlnsf th e Rhow h ere h tenm before tho Lftffjott ««ld ther® 'n i#*.-p**4 — — — .Olympio_nkf tenm befr tallS "f « ” l.n1 .n.« hypn».l.h>'pntwi3, tfGIFTi'#GtFTS • BOOKS sed. Plus Free Parking! - Jn * '”‘j. t T nrrirln JW V « fq ii>i" |.to Ci *' *“'■ canteled.tlirolywthe OlymplM. Is some dodornlxatlQn._of_.« Need, PIu re.sted In develop- biilldlnBS. H e anld snld th ere will bo .. I ' «U*>. 'till fl. RmiI. aiilk primarily tntere.sted In I ilzftllon of exbtlnff to the top of BnldyBaldy, Dol- ' 1.1 Truit ia JiitiM Jt m en t oi; now Bkh»kh runa nnan d ItftiJ. aomo m o d ern u atlo n o r « I nnd Half Dollar ' T. F. Till* •«* Planned before no> for ench room. Lettaott »nldd plannlnaplannlnu ^ will be Til* v iit» m b. Ko. ». m e r, w hen a 3Q-mllllot30-mllUon dollar vide a, bnth for ench rooi Anaolea. Ho said «ak, loi ai, Mcml* Vlit» mb program probably Ho aald a sludytudy show*shows t tho Idea dono In Loa Ansolea. Ho , T rum.Vofirr«jih* iU * D*»4 Ca I^S?51R!*5 Mo.jo, ho nnld, nn eittohslvooitehslve i study U SprhiBs slcl ru n Is prom ts ------— . V* - ' ' A rnoliU . i>«rt 37>lo-lfi. said nddltlonI of one majormn lift • —------— ( ' ll. ■ .IwaiUcan •NEWS WANT. AD3 %" ^ T . r . T ill* a.iil T'iferi. n i.l lo Cl01,.n« * Pl«nned. . t additional build- would tncrenseM theth e trafftraffic p at- rm V TTMES-NEWa WANT I»*rl.J.i», J r ., J*t*i* a. ,J,a, J.)ufkiiiijck ], vxr* . tjoBKoit'Balddeveloped nddUlonn In cluu- tem coniildcrnbly.rably.______p______o n FA ST 8lELLINOELLINO RE3RESULTS l'>lr. 11^ * • U h l... . ■ . . Jntis wlll'bo. dovoloped ^ T . K .'T ltl* mn.l».l Tnwt T rw it to WW»U«M 8. - ■ BSiBaj* lr *1"' .X ‘ ' U t # . lot 12. hlml TTnMt n u t tnIn IJli>b»rt », C H E: C K K PF R I C E ■ - Jloliln*on. )»rt lnu,l< II. . KImMKltn Nil. 3 , ■ulH|lvi>l.>n. . ‘ T, V. T ill* anilni Trtj»»Trtj»t t«tft VoMi'i'V.jt - ■ y •• KUa<. l«l U. .W«fW3.I'IneU a. 0«k O.k I I'.rU .ulil ■ A N Dr Q Q U U A> U T Y \ ■ T. F. T«I* en,t-Tnnlnif-Tnul tu t OtbHfTj T, , , ].* rM n . lot* 7. B. 9. blockblnrk 1.1, VaniUnUrb.Va: *1CL l ml Tfn»» lo Arthwr W. • . T, K. Till* aiul Tni.t In A A T SAFEWAY S A F E . ■ T..F..TUl« an.l Tni»t‘Vn 1 3 , • ' . nitMm^cri^. lot la , b lo « k -t, L< ■ • ' . T. I*. TUI# aMm/J Tr««» Tru»» Ia to ’Htrojrf T. ^ '' Q >» ' , . Aaiia.'IOt.S. blockck I, Kai>>UKai»U mb.*11 - ' F &, P 46 COZ. CAN ; ^ UuU CUlM D**tUn»*:..M*llon i*«l i4>I.* Fr«neUr«neU L. CiimJ. Lyi,. • i^art^lat 0, hUieklock 3. lifffhl'llluhlf^n.0,-blifcU-.a, hluhl TOJUKH C E ^ Dnh lliUb tno^t«ry l,Ury lUllHrT»Tt—1«rlUIlK ------" j " j ^ j ■ Q M A T C THiS-tOW,, b0bGW P.RieEi-v^. u . I« ^ H ig5HWAY h w a \ WHOLE K ^ E L l II ' ONEO l WEEKEEK ONLY ■T ^ iO R W j VACUIVACUUM PACKEDK E D .,.,.^...8?^1


B j O W 'A 1/2 Gol. G ol .,, ,:S 9 ^ IW-I € E x n a ■ b t ^ w i S& CLARK WHITES/HiTE.SATlN“^ ^ R E D HHEART E> s ulUQAR. < R . . . 1KiP 0 1 ^ . 1 5 ■i ' ■ T . Gone36ne tto .' lAlkl i W O R S TTED E D I I I R O M E ■&■ a.' D E L IC I0 U 5 ' P | i I SAFEWAY HIGH QUALITY CNiniNG V P U M P K tiN “ V ttARTORTON'S ^ 4 4 Ply - 4 Or. 100% Virgin Wool GROUND OVlRSOmUTIFlmUTIFUL COLORS APIApPliS , JEWELSEWELRY PIES rr^~Ti:Yiqw:Vl^m^cr ^REG: G—1 r ^ 9— BEEF J ...... 6 * ®1 . VHERE ^ALUE ^ I- ■ 1 . 4 9 > ONE WEEK ONLY ...... BlBUSHEL 4 ■ » : 3 i q i 0 ( ! l AMOND j r . M A G IC V A L L E Y 'S ' lARGKTVARIETr VARIETY Pricesrices EiEffecHve Both A . pricej»RrCES VI <*wi ew T w ST iTmk m M (IMG'S^ DEPARTMENTm m Twin FFalls Stores v ' ARELO\^2 LOWER, ■ • ■LYNWOOD*' ■ STORE':ORE •, r n ^ t^ n r n m ;-v, 'i' ^ 1 ' ' • • , '• ' . I* . ■ ■ ■ • . ' ■ ■ ; . . 1.' '__ • .! ■ ;: " I ------'"~ r— ' .L-''. f '' ■ ' ' ' — ^ i '..»k lM r'in[B||||HH S ^ S h SSlUjjBi MttfiSBlMIi '1 * 11 I - ! M

MHW' t m *’9 ^ w r ^ C T ,''''aa:i ■ V .• l.vW



NO for perfect awfalera like ihene«e wornwrtrn nil wwnni r 1nHRtr|ue and mmohair ohair srarna.yBtna. ’T h e la rr* eaMe Ir carried "BWIBMifF'’^y^'‘'. ■ ■ .'rl liy ^Im. I.CII McKirliUUl,, Irfl,Irfl. nnd MiMra. Grnrite l.nyh. Mr«.ir«. Me* only tn the buatlli'iii aomimethtnr ethtnr newnew I In detail. Mra. McFarland ' , !|' l-'nrlitnd shown thU i.n)artrt wklNkl ■wenterawenter on the aloppM nf Hun» Vnlloy.Vnllpy. nntliind Mrs. I.nyh aro nirmlierairnilirra of of the the Alpha Nu chapter and - jl Mnt. I.Ryh rrlaxrit In llii« llil« heavenly pink crrallon knlUiMlJM

S^n^ay, Ocl. n , T964)964 ______^ ______; rwfn Fall* T)me5»Novt>> 9 Local Sorority)rority Previewsews FallI and ' | • RibiTEnS, T»wn* Skinner,kinner, left,left. and Treia Skinner, danglilerainglilera ofoi Mr.»ani1 Mrs. Ivan Bkinner,I f ' " two beautiful awrnler* nl the Alpha Nu B(rike a cAiitsI pM« tar»r tho'cameth e cam era a» Ih e r ahUu' theae two beaut IphA Nu ■ . Winter Hand-iiand-Knit Fashionishionsfor 1964 - . elinpter'* faililon ihnw.. TAwnsTawna la I* wearing^ aoft jrnen uheokerboardikerboard diTftlincdjiw^alrri! fnHhlnnril with Ih a gay-col6rrd n^arf. Trexa It ifrt wearing wlth _ /. :«;dWy_’ ------.ny NOUMA iii:ii/iNGi:iilli:ii/iNGi:ii Pnii ^fnahlona for 1004 alronaly reflect tha ^ B 8tfln j V ' rltjm. IJnea, JlttJoltt}e low]ov heelnheelA tindi fforffeoua knlta. “fiport* J f __ fiuri:ly_tU‘'fin wnnipn_c«'Kii_lj^lyc «• r t ll I n 1 y iii m ust linvo ive*' laI Uie U»e dowrlplloideurlpllon of onr buny, nctlon'flUed j / •’iL'tidecl to tlielr knltLlnK"'loiik"'1() Imvo hnvo crL'iilcd crL-i fiucU— llv srto3dayrA d a y rA i-th i-tha-w e -w ord BugBCBtiirtJiB-eropliaBla— _ A • Blyll]>h nnd el<^|{nntiloiiH. fashlonh. (OMiUiiaad aia n F ace 12. OoL 1) J . W W W * ' W * * * * * ' * * «

jf a l 18 ...... ^ i i r I' , - . J j j H

. .- r : I V « W V V h'cnrR thla benutlfiil hlack nnil whilee awea(« A R | I CONNIE 1IANHHN wenrartle neck. th(* The bent blnck comes to » xraolouaBoloua V E n y ^ l «r fnBhloned with a turtle neck. Tlie V l while. ThU war one of the mnnxX hnnil> ' / :. . In front to Rocent theit while. iliB Ep>illoii ThU ' Blsm a Alpha, Alph»lph» Nu / Am*} H Itema modelet: nt Ihs Ep>illoi U \ \ 9 ebaptcr'B fa ih lo n nhnw. '. , ■ |« ^ ■ •• ■■-,. . . • ■* W m m m :( ■

TlIEftE nEAUTIFUl.I, VKLI-OW m o th er and d aughter BwealerR, awealerR, wornw hy Mra. Jo h n ’fhelljert and used AB'a cardigan or buttoned up *a a . «»i»r h er cUuKh(er, P«lilile. are wnrm warm anda bulky nnd ciin lie. used a b'A up An » ■Up over sweater. The#®Be ore perfeotperfe partn ers for w inter hoUdaya. holUlaya. Mm.? Thelliert an d Debbie m od- Nu ohAfter'a faahton'ahow . (TJmea-NewBble ele

\ m ^ — It > ' ^ f c i S ill . | ^ n

aBSEa ,Efl had B ioueh of tn a tie aa they cr«BieA p t e K N im N (i NKFni.RnIra. fleortfti»ii • i°« Putnam , left, la wearing b ahort w fcM Mro. l a n r a llriKgfl. left, a n a la n le a ■ . nCTir nunST, left.I, ntedelamaiM n thlfl thl wedge'blue m'ohair sweaterweater witwitli li wliUe trim border. Imported ' Ihew lov.ry (Iiilflli. Mn.ho»y n.ori* eoAt.for Pu everythin* from aportnrl* tV to anail MODRMNO s t tljB» AlphJi NuNil ehiehapler'i faahlon ahow kM Mr*, la ImpnHail ’ thre«'t the rightright (ouch(ouflh.far.h«ujy..MM.?llwana 4c«lgga_ - ona Ib sUppad Into niaoa b«tw««R alternate Rliowa thU rUihv purpla,pie, cardiganeartllKai aeeented Vy a white snowannw drordrop yiokeJ.^hla aWfiater waaiaJKnl>n_ made ennliKi nut. Jim. t.yieh ftld^ i>«'i» im ttnned'ebllsr. "« Mra. Ptitnamnam CnilCnd atyleat Rleevka. The te<|UlnRlUlna Br«ar« atnm iri on th e y arn an d ona Ib sUpiMd ■ Jjjj^knlltlnr wttwlodI ' iniliknd waaWM showi a a t th e A lpha bloo ihow.. (TimefNewi> u m .ila lu h lo n .d Wllli. « ;’Jl|li[ the •III* Alpha Nil ch;ipter’ii laihlon ihowhow h6l(th6l(\ atatltohea. Mlaa Henman»n weBraweara thla nlnkn tiulU rfiy:>w eat«rrA[errAit’aU-ovekr-pelrLac>eeul.eiL.ih«.HdiiU«_: it aU-ovckr MBI-N.WI Mm. I>»vU m oil.i.il Bluditorlum. ll'B Alpha (Tliij^ea.NewBNi phate) «j yanii, »U kid uobtlr.air. (TlmeB-Naii(TlmeB'NaWi photo) \ . «t tha Dliliiir lUiu luilllotlum. (Tl f , ' .’ •

t. ' ' . ■ ; 1- ' ' , ■' '■■■ ■ ■■ ' - , -.wi •v I . ^ ■ 'Mrs.Tdddls ,: ^Iiirdfly70ct7lir»964—'\r ^ 9 6 4 -— ^ ' ''' T llllll^ ''* . 1 ^ 0 Twin FaIIs Tlmei-NevAtirim e i-N o w / '-Hostess for— ------: Beta Sigma Pbi i^ ^ H * WENDELL, Oct. l&-Mrsr.H^M rsr.H oV0 V ' ljudy Harding Is ard Todd. Wendell, w was-hostess as' hO steu I for the first regulaf meeting of p Unit President XI Alpha EpsJton, Jerome.rome. oh«p-> chap*' r!LKR. Ool. ip~Judyludy JUrdlnHarding ter of Beta Sigma Phi. V.M elfcica pbfilctont. of Ut Opening .cemarks were given ^ j iiiurfl Te«oh«r» o( Amerlc*. by Mrs. Phil Thoman.an. chapler Colflpn Ulnohaw will iicrvaserve a cooperation ,vicp liiTfldont: ParW p>president. Bhe ui'ged cooperation on the part of itll' membersnembers for ,----- IriTreifli'yi-Utultt-OftJ'dnir.-U'*! O'UM new year. Yearbookarbooka were ------— 1 hurf>r; Judi Hinllh. reporter, reporter. «n distributed and programsDgrams dls* > • 'jviiiciu UlrlcJi, hifttoriRii. for October . 'I'lio o raA n lu illo n win m eel onone '. ctcussed. Special date« for October |i1uiu «i\ch mo»th.-. . ,1 Includeir the ritual dinner held at KKay's aupper olub, Twin Palls: Tuesday will be Psl chapter: l ^ ^ r rniih m h j- | party, and Tuesday U their model P' Marian Martin'Aartin j p j f ; ^I^PS meeting. :| ■ ^ ^ 9 Action wat taken t& purchase , Pattern a coffee pot and a pamera.'Mrn. M H B .^ their golden weddint annlveriars^iih a„ Paul Dartoi, Jeronie. Is In c h ^ ge home', ona-half mile north and oamera-wlll movtf'from hoateai to ni ^w^*'^iwflwt^TW F?Tnfww!oinnTOnv»i"'*^ ci etween 2 . in d 5 p.m. Oet. IR. T he eounie rt. hostessh with ebch in turmbelng responsible for pictures. . qi and Mm. Long were m arried In Klrlnvlli* i f t e ? T.m »ro: Sind” daho R In^BSO. , r , He Is a e a rp e n le r The cojipie l • M rs. Todd, secre.taiVi"ttiOM WlH l PfO'S .1. chliar.» pl.n t..lieIte preaentprewni forlo th e event. ‘ vvide a boi for flpe money and jM Mrs. Donald Lowman. treasurer, Is In charge of the convention Xi flOOIALLV CORUe S | fund. Volunteers are1 S needed i for Wendell * WSCS l ^ * ^ - : : the snnck bar at Bt. Benadlct ^ hospltnl'and any member inter- Circles V. Meet II - - t i ested Is asked to let tileUie hospital wtcNDIUjL. Oct. 10I!.*.. — "A new.™ Weddmg know Individually...... aqaae opens new doors,"S." was ththe e INVITATIONS a n d ' I I I ' , ^ . Bugaestlons submitteditted by all tiitiUe of the 'program^ at WflOS ANNOUNCEMENTS p ^ " P t = ^ inemK"rT7 nr-thB-ioolaJ-TO?etinjiaJ-TO?etin#s#8 -gipclirmeetlnga.^-gji ------;— ;------ll Hill—■ ■ ■ H i Vwere discussed. Mrs. Eva R equa woji Jiofltesshostess " ' “r r ~ . , y afifi* * £ i.■■?;.'■■■•■■ •■'.‘■.J...... Refreshments wereI served from i^r|o Uie Celia Dowan group meet- Personalized llielte snd Mm. nichard Hlerllnr. Therhe tea will „^ table coverod withth lace and jnu. .Mrs. Roso Maurorror wan co* co- • Accensorlcs PLANH for HI. Kdward’s Council offlf CalholleCftdtnll. 7.WU, Mr#. ar»nl GUI«lt« and Mi J ' MAKING FINAL PLANH fo Um, niiiiliM Ilf b .l a TuM diy « t n»e Ilu new n « » p«rliparish hall. (Times-News pheto)photo) ^centered with an arrangement hostess.. • Table Bervlce 11 ' Womsn's annual membershipmembership tea .are, from left, Mrs. Dnnaitl of white and yellowlow dahlias.dahlias, Mrs. Grace Urbanrt and MMrs. rs. • W edding Docks \V ' 7 * * W * ll Ughted Upers In gold holders ^ D row n preaented;ed theth e pro-p ro - • N apkins * . . Mrs. Joseph Bengoechea. fnmlly J U C te d completed the> tableI decor. gmni'. tI ■ • Oibles C ' and parent eduentlon; Mrs.Ton- Rupert Desertsert .. I Tour Conducted Ic J P U b j^y walker, rural life: Mrs. BHOflllONE. Oct. 0-Members—Members Jt„-,* Mrs. Harel Haverlanderland was p m tAMi>L»s o n m ouiit Catholic Unit's > Plre airls • A TT tN D MlE EET E T hosteflj^, .1 for tho Ruth: Robb circle <; C«4* nernard Krellkamp, medloftimefllcftl mis- mi»- Guild OfficersC erS of tho Odnko Cwnp Fire qJrls • kowRkl. ycnr- . * ■I group loured tiie Oreenireen GiantQlant PILER. Oct. lO^WomenWomen from ^eld In the evening.f- I' The H ills of Idaho ' -^Y Annual Tea3 0 OSet c l mo„s; Mrs. Uo Jankowski, year­ I the Bnake the First Daptlst ohurehlUrch attend- Mrs. Mabel Hobertson and book; Mrs. LeOlalr, budaol. and in r^p H company. Duhl. nnd the Bnake t rr,“trZ^ Are Announced•V'-''-* potteiy. ilngorman.man, t ed the Baptist women’slen’s assoola-assocla- Mrs. Irene Miller presented ian k » THUii bioo. O y Mrs. Rudy Ashenbrener, parlla- npanled by Uon meetings at Ooodlng last ^ 2-?1l For Tuesday p .,,.. mentarlan. nuPEIlT, Ocl. 10—officers-Officers for They were nccanpanled by I —^ 4 1 St. Edward's Council of Cntl le narlsli arc the Desert Art guildd havehitve beer^ Mrs. Chnrlea llnnMn.'gujirdlan;n.'guJirdlan; week.^ Attending were-Mrs.™‘^'r".' i;ii Lyle - membership • All women of Uie parish arc in and Mrs. Abel, Mrs. Ilichard Morgan, Mrs. —'•fill olio women’s nnnual memlJersh Pen nnnounced and includeslu d e Oran Mrs. Hownrd Johnson and Mrs. ^ G«ne |||g |a|||||jjM H p ^■'-^sfm tea will be held from,m T3 tS to 5:304: invited to attend Uie« lea. Whittaker, president;’,; Louise Za-Zft- William Mabbutt. 1Russell McCauley. Mra. Oine | I new parWJ h. tf */■ dronsy, Durley, vice:e preelcJe’nt;prestde'nt.’ T iie next cliiti m eetingBting will be 1 KovaJ- and Mr*. Marahall JJAhn-6h n - I ' ^ " T i \ IJ'”' ’ ■ Lucille Detmers, Hoyburn.yburn, secre- Wednesdny nt the Hansennnsen homo,home, ison. ' ■ , ______I I* />in3-l officers are Mrs.Mr.. DonADonild Bcst Costumej m e , tury,. and Evona Duff,iff. Heyburn, ------— —- - — n lll—l Zuck. president: Mrs.H. John Wa-W ^ ■ ’ . ireiuiurer. v-’a r ^ l ters. vice prBsldcnt;.Mr9, Wll»n •P»'-'^e-G »ven-'H ------O------uH d-m a m b e r s began Uielr 4 X ^Ji 1 Mlnno.' Mcond vice preBldor Bco?dlng see- Pf*” ^^e boot Hallnw-Hfillnw- 'fourth y ea r and W hittaker urged ' r ii" — Mrs; Robert I'Vlen. recording m to Mrn. Roy interested persons to atten d one reinry; Mrs. Loo Jnnkowskl,r>i#nu/*wt cc cor- een costume went to Mrs. Rov ' . « «nii Mrs Smith at the Salmonn Social cliibVcliib'ft of the meeUngs o r contact t^nyt\ny -'WeTic • V V^ 'V c /Jl'V lc S in e ^ I reBptmdlng secrBtary. and M held a t th« m em ber of Uie KUild.d. T h e .group Uoyd l/«Clair. treasurer.. October meeting held at thr n Include I'onie of Mrs. Eldred.Taylor.ed. Taylor. meats each Tuesdayy evening nla t r im—\ 9 1 7 1 standing chairmen IncU it i\tcd the pro- i^e Rupert Civic building, 9-17 Mrs. Jiick cubit, sanctuary;iHiiarv- M: Mrs. Mrs. Smith preaented tho pro- - Mlniro. a ltar riowors; Mrs.Mr* 1*^iy‘MTi.-8 am -JordanJordan s-Ms-Mrs. ------Ins and spoolnl handling.andllng. BeiBend Florence Duker. librariesarlr« and Ilit- J . v-—' , to Marian Martin,. TlmBi-NeTimes-News erature; Mrs. Georgerge KlmmKlmmet. : - - F O RrEXA-MPfcE-- ^ E X jE - ■ ratlern Dept., 333 West jaUi aSt., social action; Mrs. John Wat*Woters, ^ I : Hew Y ork U , N.Y.. PPrint rin t plfclrplainly organitatlon and developmer nam e, a d d re u wlUi tone, «laealee aiand Mrs. O. J. BmlUi. chab'man,liab'man, ai and ^ Mra. Ed Goldade. co-chalnnico-chainnan, . ■ ‘ style number. ^VVv Free pattern directIrect to yoyour cooperating wlUi Catholicithollc chtichtrl- J X 1 door—chooee it (romom 300 desldesign Ues. _ 2SwaHtet^. m o ? ' Ideu in new fall-winterWinter patUp a tU m _ M rf. Claudtf iVstweUer,eller, hospl;hospital ?. 7i I > cntalaat Bchool, casual,Dasual, oarecareer. I n d hom e visits; Mrs, KelleyKell A U dreuy slyleA~-ali alaesliliesi Send 60 Cargill, orphanage; Mrs. ClaraCls 71 H o "FASHIONIN IS A LOOKLO NOT A PRICE"c E “ ' S J K M m I cen u . Murphyi funeral dinners;ilnners; MMra. X M M John Larrtbeau. welfare;welfare; MMra. V K ' TRY TIMES-NEWSa WANTW ANT MADS R. L. Ullman, discusalonusslOT^clubs; elul ^ ___ _ "EDEN JR."R . " ■ ' ■■ j Black Suedelede NEWGIEISIRDLEDBSIGTS:IG N I | S t I ENDS PANTYLEGPAN BULGEJLCE i ^ V*^y I Now, you can'can enjoy never-befora II ' comfort andI figure-flatteringfigure- control " - h m in a pantymnty giigirdle^B EcJ^^TTrV y. ( ^ ' ^ I ^ i -, W I ^ * w 8 b i j f t f 1 J §4^X0 . $841S W t I i: ' V I ' "JUSTJUST PLAIN COMFORT" ~ ""POGO^'^ ^ ^ ^ " I .....------^ , r 7 lniifij|i . Brown1 / A 7/ T \v m ' ‘QfeN■Qfe N i aturalist 9.99 / I' ^ A lls /Alf S \ ' — ------— ------o-n at' U^ T r ^ral. a l . i s t 7 - ( n ) ------O ' - I 1. One versed in 1Notgro! Science: , Q esp. a student of animals or plants,its, , ^ i \ \ B \ A 2. An adherentadherent ofol IvJoturalism, I f r t l r f \ 3 os in1 art or litcliterature. tU « W itte iMMii •! ^ ' I / / a \ ^ 3 ««tHria lyen m uh ______■______^ ^ — •______: X J 1 - The-Nafenga-M h ^ P st— ««oa-wirM-T»f-Ui._PJT______!______toyMu-vMyMMI «*4 4 /VJ - . . TITIH AND.SPIRIT SPIRIT o OP r b i l l ATKINSON'S ^ wufuni^y • , SON'S ^ "ROXY"f" ■ <; Autumnum n Col Collocl'ion of Ladies'dies' ' ^ y u ^ ~'i' r cbM7ENSATE,Viin^«lE, a new design ^ c e p t Sport'SSports C lothos for -Blac.k'or3orwntorwn ■ — V — - [ wUl not rulJ downUown wwhen hen, iltf ride up wiien j'ouI mnd.stsnd. . r< f • • I I 1 T h e b ljK u l Lycr».ycr» meih li}«rtili) iiretch u nMded for comfortsblacomfortibl | y contrpU eHmtnitemlnite thighthtgh bulge, girter dig, pnly pinch, iM ;;a?chi5^t*ESu7. ■ 12.99» I i f H' • I 0 • S ^ u ?.' ' I The lupple whlijierwelghtiiperwelght ppower net of michlne waihableuble LycriLytr* i Spandex withrith Antron hNylon ftrmi and imoothi thela figure.figure, i J ... , . The vertical itretchtretch front iand bick paneli fljttcr at tlicy - I / c o)AT- a t EVENT I I diaen indind tHm the figore; > '■''' i I OPEN 711 H ■ An ovonlnt thotthat meritsmorit an "A plus'" wi'th H * — ; T h e Long Legr Tinty,rin ty ,Illu Illuitrited il with rerticsl itretchiDitlita. D itlit^ I 9 P.M. WEEKDAYS:d a y s ■■ - V , ■■ . H •, stylo- mindodminded womea wom o'! ° - * I - underlay frontf ro n t psiiel.psNel...... O nt/$6.95$ 6 .9 8 j ^ ■ budget!! AA beautifulboautifu: coltecMorto^ H i Wot 6 nco you soo and try on, . ■ TheLonjtLegrsntywlLeg Tsnty with rsrtlcsl «r«tch Bitltie underlay ^ 2jP H ■ coats that dnco yoi igreo, . . . $48 hover bought a * ■ ; ; , ' frontnt pnelp n e l snd vertical itreich soft iheen Sitln ■ y o u 'll o g rc o , . . . $. r . . ? a t t hHE e ■ ___ bottor coot.:oot. SovoralSeveral styles in an array ■ ^ ------b ick -ju n eli* ^* ^< ______^ ______of top quality^uofify fabricsfabric ond high foshion ______■ The Extra I.engLong Leg rintjr w ith front indd UUck*’ e k ’ Hi colors. Soo this IncomparableInc Cdnoc- . ■ is week at Carroll's, downtown ■ . ptiicis U SboVfleee^ v e ...... e i • ... O f t i y s m , B tion this wook at C » S J * . 3 , _ . V, ’Twl'i Falls.oils. Ask to seo the Luxurious _ h d / U J l SUBURBANb a n • - Fur-trlmmodhmed coot ccollection, too . only 89.95. < ' . . . , SHOESES K S ^ , CARR(CARROLL'S downl6wndovynt6 wn Twin ' Faffs }■ /T O DD Y Y ^ t b G S • LYNWOODUOOD ' . • downtown , .... JEROMEJC ^ - "Shoeses for the fnf/re Fomlly"

...... H h h s b

i i ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ' : '■ ■• , ‘' ■ V ■ - ' ' ' ~^...., • •, r '______.. :■ , ; ..... —7<—— - ' , ■ —-i—:------....------• ,.Sundoy, Oct. 11, 1964*64' Twin FeFalla TImes-Nawt -H ■ - ■ ijf: H Hobo Party ■• - ..Sur "NeheTWed-in— - ■ ■ Set by Loco I' H m ~ Roya ^Ni^tahbors-3 r s - —H Pinna. wrt« made for a hobo TetViple [daho ■ ■ party pnrty nt the recular meotioRHR of H ....«— scene * H the .novni Nelbhbora lodgete a t' cere- ■ - Uie lOOP K hnlir lor Uie AUB. 38 « Jjj morrlaaerrlage H S T lie ciiintw of th e dlatrlctt will many J.iii dauitbttr o(f Mr. H b H ' be Invited Inv nn npeclal Bursts. Blow aayl« Ann i« « «nd . f f l ■ and pIcA for the supper willIII be H mademnde by tcvernl of tne membera. - •"'* * mri N™ “ ° ' “ f.-1 *,"J t- ■ - ^ 9 A reportti cn th e aaalstanoon tr|v« S*^" w!«n M' .■ ' ^ en thpIh Duhl cnmp In the rltunl ------,—— fuuoral-iPivloo-for-Mrti.-Krmmarm m a — iipaok ■■' nelln ell wns Blven by Uiose attend*' * 1 ,1 Ing. H I OOU- ■ n j ' ‘ OffO/flciMs pro tom w ere'' Mr*.Mrs. ronta, KSSi'T"-?'J\. • ’WjilltV/jlllnm Arn>gn, Mrs, GGrace race H .■g'j S ftit t ' " r . ' • ®‘V”Sivmplew, P Mrs. au sle P rn ti; M*-*. puliop W'd M « n ^ M « ' •0*^“*'^3 ra n t ■ t ' ■ ■ i\. \1 , V: ■ • Ohrln Clirla 81ms, M rs. L au ra Kcinder inder felvln ■'. • •' ' '•^^•.,1 , an d Mra. Irvln Lall. • ' V ' : ' RefiUefrc&hnienis were served)d by • 'V I * ’ ■ ^ . • • Mn.M n . 1 Lnll niKl Mra. O. F ..niisw ell.' II«n «nil' Mr. ■ U K speclni Bift wnis Blvene n , ,tp t ^ . H p r « - pI ^ \ ------^ MYrLliiiAiiilninn^ ^ , m...i - J ■; ■ Counselors Co Arer e " " I 3 « x « s a - l : ^ K 4 ' T Introduced at I “niiullsr^bul""'' o' broiuo-ool- . ,. J - C . ■ Int rtii chrysanthcmumi and tan- J T rL S pon» m»rk»a Ui. r.- . Jfl . OpOpening Social I .- • . V-J f f - u .. . nicBICICPIKLD. Oct. lO '-Oopen- p e n - ■ S > r « ' «>>'*• " Ill'IS TZ" * Ing «socln] of ihe LDS Belief SO'ao- H fJSy dftpeii.w lih aoW • " 'Ir u u - . )'.'''■■■■/ 'f . . J- .«'• , *' ' clBtyclDty was held nt th e church ' S n -M io K '* rliiboM Ulll i»Hpotted "il , :- ■'•. ? V iiiiiK., , j a w l ' j jL k , -A. J . wUhlwllh Mr.-i. Euitone Treemun, prenl'prenl- H Sricliery complflted th a M tllna. n . deiU. In clmrge. She Introduced • ' £ bri.li> w” ' “ «“™ ° her counwlors, Mra. Clifford ' ^ .S'' WWnrd ard nnd Mrs. Ralph niloy, Jr. H .nd iniretiu APPHquod In c n io w - fro n t M B . a n d UUB.RB. GALKOALKN 11. N irin o i ^------Ter------Tenchers—tnlMkdnood—by—kr—the. the. — , 1 MMiund tho yoli" “"I <™ ‘ , ,v ad- ’ (OavlsDnvis pbol photo) conn*connoclorrt were Mra. Elm o> Pnl- P n l- ^^^^^^BCK9iEiflS9»SRSlB B »ncl. Tiny laUior. hold by »P- — M ——------teraortcraon, ' lllcrnture; Mrs. M Mnrk nrk ■■ Soucil IW*«™ onhiuicod1 t lh io o ------^ ■ Jaynes, thcojofly; Mrs. .Cllvo j ^ B m C ^ - u t , L e t of tlio lull slilrt. Tlio uownBown centedjjonte with tangerine - colorodjlored wonwomen'a choir, She will be om- ployed ns llbmrlnn In ther n pub- i L X Chppn,m’iv Roelnl sclonce; M rs. Mnry M nry QIIII.K'QII L e a o v e offlceraera were inatiInatnlled Jn .eeremnnlM eon- enn- OAmmjeommltleet Connie toyinglnn,iginn, IrsgMeIrngtie preRtdentjpi C athy Marshall* , u Inaliionod wlUi a bcitoou)atenu „o„ot t annd ribbon. ^ „ j>‘°> ipiunrt ahofl, vlfiltlng loncliers, nndd Mra.Mru. dueleddncle nt the Twin rnlti high aehool |gymnashim, Hhnwn from frnm vlrn |v p reild fn l, and Linda» CumfhiH,-CumthiH,- aeeretary«treaaurer.aeei (Times- olnted Mr.- nnd Mrs. Thomna Prescottescott lioallcfttlon depiirtmenl at Portland leckllno nnil toaturocl n iwln «d M r • Slate college. Jumnu Ed^i Johnson, work director.ctor. left iare Hokb Ann i~lnclalr,tlr, chairman nf the' central planningn n ln r Newa photo) ’ mUlimo nncl th o rt »looye«i wwith llh worowere reception host^. oi*^' - M«. Prtcmnn presentedI book d» -^1, «!/ ■' ■ Itiinnm hiltt*. Hor boullantrItr veilvoll KarenKa Hall, CaldweU, reBt»tor-lister- Neher.n a grndii'nte of Joromejorome giff* ^f npprccintlon to retlrlnd * • * * •om a ed BUeata a t ft table. elusionelusion, followed by tho Uieme Frcnch llluolon toll (rom a od m ndunte officers. Mr.s, Cllvo Cnpps, Mrs. unit officers nre Busnn Arrlng- Arrlng* brener. Nnncy Unckett, Ml^s^s acv'- hoik,hoi^K, "MninoniK t o ' rAuember,**, . i l« n of cluiitcrod tolrf poarUpearls yoyellow to orBnhdy and .decorated>rated of Uiei XJolloRe of Idnho with ft KvftKvn Sorensen, Mr?. Lyle biS; Deeds Officers w I Are j ssoms. with a miniature bride In ft BBbb In rooloity. He wns Dukeuke of antjnnd li,o„ onpps. ton, president; Dnrelyn Jenr.en, ertion nan d MI-sr WndAwortli.ll. hiuii;hiwt; byb Llndn Orovea. In Ulo lOialM o t oran«o blOMora*. w ith vice president, nnd Cnlhyy Beck. . Mis*Ml&ii Ilnckert gnve Uiee cun-1 Rcfr.ncfrcKhmenifl wore' served. , oen- sefcUng* ot whJt« and gold. int4inter-Collcfllfito .K n ig h tst nnnnntl Mra. RlJcy conducted gamea.amo. In stalled fo r Mno , ------i iur- ' Mrs. KenneUi Polkmnn, Mrs.M rs. ittan9(ta chosen "Abbott of the yew " nnd ' secretary - treasurer. Mra. Mno . ’ y*“ ' nnd M rs. W. T . Plavel and Mr«. . Ellla la Uie cpomior. juniorlor unit and Neal Perkins, Mrs. Raymondmond inIn ] lOM. Ho received n fellowshipowfthlp Doeda sangln duet. Mrs. Clifford (-j| j whitrf pord and’ Mra. Clyde Hansenonscn to graduate school of experl- nnvli ifr"°ii- G irls'L ea g u e offlceiofficers nre S o n n y Bnlllfien. :-^v^nrtM .sr,5K ?i experl- Dnyley gnve the prayer. Refresh- , - w nift president; Snndy aojie. vice pres- V were In charBO of tho'gift room metmenUl paUtology nt the Unlvor-Jn ver- mentament weVe served by tlie newlew of- "MomfUl.i ‘Mt to rcmunber" h lhe ond Mrs. Mlchaol Nehor. Cald- Bityajty of Oregon medlcnl school, jicers. ncort Ihemi Ident, nnd R ltn JnnkowakI,K see* ^STUDENTS, ITS, \ ' '“ "tikoM ot nonllm ont Uio and them o for the Twin Pnlls fccnior retnry-trensurer. Mrs. ■ M M ark ark L ^a^l well, and Rel»ccft Bird, Bussum,isflum, porP o rtlan d , where the couploHe will n«iRegular weekly Hellof society high school' Olrls’ lenRUo tills swnn brido woro a blue unrU r, a J043« Holland. jj dUplnyed tho g ftu.U. ; ; realrodde. ' 10 tills sw nri lij tlie spon.sQr. Lny m her nlioe; carrloa o meet4nga will begin at I p.m.P->n« year. New offlccrs,-Connlo Coy- aop 1 Hendrickson dlsplny-,P ^O uents attended from CnUlwoll,xUlwoll, ench W ednesday. ' ^ 10 Coy- Sophomore unit officers nre Come in to i s lCimberly;-PiIerr-AbeTdeenrPrM-r P r w i ------—:------w— ¥ ------JnctQii^pcciildcim—CaUiy—Muci■—Muci Janta-Janta—V4ctor»-.prcaldcut^__Dlnnfi — l- j ^ o M p m from tho mnld o( honor,'• and T h e bride’s table _WIW-Coverwl ,ton, Burley. Rupert. AmoVlcnn l / ^ bhnll, vIco pre.sldcnt, nnd Llndn y,v i, wor# a diamond crMtad allvor cnAurer .WMONDAYnBTTUl^ “ TUESDAY-aird- J ' X m WHfif^ “''"r Por nnd Lewiston. Utah;“NlSJa" Napa, Knitting l>.i C lassiS Cummins,Ciimi .sccretnry • trcn^iirer, ” , »rUt watch, a g«t w'» with yellow boWa nnd ribboniDDon . Chicago. i_ j were Instnllcd In ceremonieses con- SlmS l m « o n d s , secrelary-tronaurer.•onaurer. • loops nt Uie tnble's edge. jjj brldeuroom. • ioop» fo rm - Bu.wum, Hollnnd. M C . dueled lu Uie high achool11 gym- Mrs.Mrn. II. Benson is the sponsor. C lerlc^ Pour heart-slmped cakea form- ^ Held by Unit SL The central plnnnlng commit- See ^ the Newlew SKI JACKETS ' janJce M«kley. Am«rlc^ Po tiered Mra. G all HendrlcUsonin nnd H/nAOBRMAN. Oct. 10 — me T he nnsluni. Tho Fork UUh, collego room mtale ate of ed thet base of-the-Jwr-tteMd " nlttlnff Prelude nnislo wns providedldc!d by if®t«® Includes**■ Rose Ann Slnclnlr. . • aid of wedding cake. Whlt^ p llara13 dt-(It. datdaughter, sylvln. fct«d tho0 bride first In a aerlea of knitting ved bv enrol Berg, Pnmeln atephan. the brld«, icrved oa m aid ol wedt latUce ^ kilchen shower. Shelie wna cinssclnsses was hold by membcrnbcrn of Karen McKinney, followed by atephan. Ua/ ]joiior. Sha was a ttired in In a vldedvldei the tlera and whll« lattice « :lub nl the welconjo Riven by Rasleile Sin-sin- Helen Kuykendnll, DInna. Brown, "7by • goltl« h ea rts and woddlnar bell* ce•n n t«ter- r- *‘1*0 by the girls of0/ Uie0)0 the Post Noble Oranda club nl the v lormal-lenBth Bown ol Bold* n ear crated ^^^or n t Budgtv hnll and by the home 1 of Mrs. Plossle Manvli. Mnnvli. f*’"'’-clnlr. Ju d y J J x a c k o n unvonve the |i colored brocndo laahlonod withw ith a ed «d with\ yellow rosea decoraUd «« OB the Introduction to Girls' lenRue. .ii. aleevea th e cnke; Two wedding bellaI wltliwlLli Uie BYU s e c o n d stnko0 LDS Mrs.' Elwood Grimes given the iniroi , n ? T , a n tiq u es sh o w m d sale bftusuu nookline. ah o rt al«#VM th e i Lr«. Relief society bonrd. knittknitting hisintctlons. P""'tPoints on tho five nspcct.s of IWp ^ £\ PACIFIC\CIFIC jiB v i ^ u n d Batin bowa and two dovea «ri7- I Huff- "'“re given by Helen Kuykcndnll,U°nd"li: BOISE, IDAHO and ft boU-aliapod wrap around «JjUrIng two 'silver wedding bands ^ bride’s pnrents hostedMted a OtOuesLn were M rs. W ren H uff- lor for atetter, HnRonnnn, nnd Mra. Lln tSeverson. Krlsiy Wndhworth,li.worlh, 0ona accont- *^'A*^5interplece'entwined wlU> Ute home of tlio bridegroom'sgroom's ft. TiieT plnco will be nnnouncedlounced Ml;Mls.i Drnckcn hvitnllcd"> lliothe A ilm luion t^ c « n ua y d | ciJ wJUj caioadM ot aum m er ivy I and parents. , InterInter.______^____ I| gcncrffcijcral offJct'ra and Afiss Coving-Coving-, yellow chrysanthemums and Pj« \ i w |QCT and gold and tanBerlne-colorad summer ivy with gold grapes ata t |S r m 'i'i Mii'i ...... I...... ^ ribbon. , the base co m p u ted tJieI table ' Brldexmaldi, Patricia Knowl-. arrangem ents. T ton. Napa, Calif., coUegft Jrlend JrUnd Jierahel Hall, Aberdeen, -of the brld®,-and-Norma,-NBhM,-Neher, ftunt-of-the-bride..j>oured,_MrB. _ STUDENTS.iJS,.. k lister of ths brldeBroom,I, wero Dolan Condle, Provo. Utah,i, and ' — ------f dressed Identically to thb• maidm aid Mra.Mra Orant Hall. Caldwell, aunts -J--— ------Df honor.:______ofof tliei bride, out n n d served.3“u« Uie Comorin Mond bride, a lOflO graduatelate of NEW "PERMA-STRETCH"i^STRETCH^i^^^/ Berlnc-colored fuBl chrywinthe-santhe- jorome high school, wns grad- 8 ^ . BY PACIFICC TRAIL ^ mums with tnnBerlne-ooloredTod n et unledunt4 from Brlghnm Youngg u n l-i­ ■MSn Be one of the first ipI wear PnclfioPnclfle 1Tratl's sensational nylon •nd ribbon background. yepversity Ulla apring w ith a BA wrmnnont "controUetl nctlon" stretohl Tho brldeBroom'a m o th er ohoee deg M ra stretch Jacket with permnnent "cor >r chose degree In English education. She C a r c l l g a i i )ncron 80 for weightless warmih, and a tnnRerlne-colored crepee dwSssdr«ss waswna president of Young hall Boys'"HallsIs of Ivy"Iv Zip Quilted lo Bonded Dncron 80 for > ^ reversing to contrntlngng nylon tnffeltnffeln. Mnrquls utyled with with m atching.flhoea and*d* beige dormitory,don a e n lo r prealdentlent of *9”" fm M M le hood, zip pockets, knit cuffs. Waah new hide-nwny double hood, zip pc Sloves. She wore a corsageuvBe of nutBudge hnll, nnd a memberber of All the rugged good]0 0 d looks of tho occonnplishedied Al-A l- / m H w t ' black,, teal burgundy or vicuna revera- ffhlM fngi ehryaanUtemumams ftc-oc- rnumter-Houae council find select *n wear, tool Loden, black,, teal buri p in o s t . . . p lu s ththo e ddown-to-earth o w n -t features mothers M Sll'Pfl Ing to blAck. ■■■■•"Tj admire (machineI woshabiliwoshobility, shapo-holding ciuali- Men's ahes 8, M,, L, X L _____...... - 1 0 . 9 5 ties, etc.) 100% Orion AeryAcrylic with a bpid *T Q Q NOW^S THEflE tiwin-color stripe. 6 t o 2 0 sizs i i e s ...... / Boys'sliea fl to 12..... 14.98: 1 4 . 9 8 :H to 2ft ....16.98 . JOHUIMELHEI j: — _— ~Y6uNG-'MEN!S-JA>EN!S-JAmiEM_ I m m Put your lawn to sleeplep foi* the win-. ler and it will stay green also . . . Pullovt'ri from ...... 8 . 9 5 wiiony ou use . . Cardigan, from ...... 1 3 . 9 5 '

J-3 0 T See New/ ImporiImported . Si(i SweatersI w e o t e r s FERTILIZER^ .A wor;w o rn & BUGG \ i Jaatzen doess the veim stttile s C - CONCONTROL . ^ n t o nn. . I Something to cheerr oabout— b o u t - young sportsmon cfil) ^ For ft beautiful lawnv n next yyear KNOCK OUT. THE —— - —the-voung haturelartheirtho deft, - - ...... j ^ W x ' t ______- ^WOllM^ND-BUGVnowrwitlTmowwithH-901-rTT-tt‘& iu of(oL^ - tivQ on night crAwleri«irt, tlugs«tiugs, , tkfrf, futrortsanfswith' I equal elan, Do 2 Jobs for theth Price of 1" Applaud Jantzen's way of doirdoing / r . ^locondglahle filingsgs with fine 50 Lb.Bog Covers wool .,. applaud IheIhestandouts standout ,1 1,000 Square Feet of the season in tho^ ...... | r j H | p ■ WEAR TriE RACINGRACK LOOK _ for ONLY ...... ihoutabout colors. BY' PACIFIC TRAIL7 -y V Pacific Trail capttjresCS the sleek, roclng't look In "OJUaloK Shown here, "The "WoolWool PutI,"Pull," "" rOTM ... w nter repellent reversible revomilblo oof f IDuTont Type SAS nylon.. APPUcaTORS tm l SPRBADERSPREADERS LOANED FREE V/lil. ^u\. New brlc-n-brao quilt,lit, outlined nnnd nccented with oon> Iho pureh*!. dr J.301!)1 FERTILIZER,PeRTIU2 Worm and Dug toncon. . 'long sleeve, V-neck pullover,puilovor, IQW trnatldg Nordic strlpen.>CA. Mnraula nlntyled with new 'sapd>up . trol. — colkir, hlde-nwny doublo:.hood.ubio'hood. CyrCypress reverslnv to'loden; , full fashioned of 100?i0Q% wool; 330*40. , j j r wtilCe to navy: aanduneine to bonanwibonanza tirown; teal to powdtfr; . • '■‘♦TTiyiH ^ oyster to vicuna.' „v, , W, , Mon’a aliea S,.M,. IL, » XXL L ,...... '...... lO .B B. - — (^sLymir-capy^'JBook\y~"Book olPremlenlsP------Free for tho. asking- ’ ’ ^ Hoyg* bUm 14 l« 20!0 ------scrvrce.- I. asking—^m e'a Public — 8.98 .

' ' I D j C SEED & V / 'jiistw car^^ilo ^ ' MANY OIHE* JANTZENlANYZeM ^ ROMPBWS GLOBID E FEED CO.I. STYLES FOR MEN AND BOYS, IF It's front fiioPER'ST^rH'sftOPER'S ,■ R IG H T .------Wo m en a n d OIRLSoirls ^ ^« ^ .(?|,/// ai fourth Av.nu. South Fill, V and.ajailtW^ , TWIN FAaS f BURLEY • RUPERT^* BUHU South Twin » • .' , » '' j ^ ...... ; i |^...... ;

■ .. . r , 1'I ' . ' ' ■ -v' ■ ■ . ' , • . '■AA ...'.. .^ ' --- -——-- -— ___ _ - t , . »■ > - . - - - Clubb ConveC onvenes' - I lyiiiirlny, P rt 11, HAZELTON., i:iotv .J! 1 2 ^ T wvln in FoHiFalti TlTimba-fQbWs ^ock3i_E:^ioLEyents- Lestor S aunders3S™ ^flyhOstjw^f"w waa hc a " ’D ? s K .“LSSu\^^^^ .h4*r bridgege club at. a dou^ir.t guest. . • ' ' ' ' uncHebn. ' , . LocalI. .Sqror S o r o r i t y I WomAu Uie Moose wilt ... —Next 'mMUrirSnirbTTtr for (heir formol enro V Prlxfl rln’nora werew ere Mra. D on- a t th e hom e of Mr*. Dalich ■' Has StyWSjyl^oy^ I^ ^ P || m fetln s . 8 p.m. TuesdayTuesd tha pi9|K\' "Moose home. C Ohrlstma h ristm as In OS'------■ Of H'ond^a n d - R n i t s tob«r pi^rsmram will beb« presented' Cniittnu«dnued from Paga 0 - tlia MoOMheartlooseheart commlttec.c< ;• }s on clotJipuIDS with ci»»»casual, relaxed, w J C S B ij nrlnK 'Rifts for MooseheartMoou or ------._ciifiy_Mne(i.I. And llil*this Is exactly . L j S m 'M Moosehnven.m. Drill pra^lce.wlllprai . .y wiml thinH fMlilflh'-faahloir~ lihow“‘pre- be hold followlnBllowlng the meeting.n VlPWPd. ______— hlliJ unity club,ub will meetmeetT at a p.m. ~ ' "■[ \V', i‘ T)ift ulylBle uliowshow wniiwns made nos< •luln by the Yarn,Yarn. ishop, those * WfldnMilayy at lhethe homehorn Of Mrs. j. John Sommers.nmers. Mra. Leonard j ' » ViUJjirnt wnmenvomen nndand girls who . ' ■ 7 ' . . I nin(i« thn knltwonr, knltwotir. nrnnd Uie ®arls ^ Atb«fl Is cO'hostfiM,O'hostfisa. Membersjare Mei / forupnny nnfland KinneyKinney's who cop- . „ axlced to brlnR)rlng two ddoz< o w n cookies . . . ' ^ I ' . triliiitffd (hnho nct^xiinrlncrt^ssnrlos. ' • ^ nnd tha recipe.Bclpe. TTh* h * programprc will ., , ' \ \ . Mr*. t)JfUIfUin )n PflUii'nPeUii'son, Jeromw, be RlVen byoy Mra. Eva Olson.t f . \ ' nml Mr«. ,Ivnp .Ivtin SSkinner, k i n Twin . • Mif if. I . '______t'rtlhi nnrrnlciJ.ra te d . ' . IfANfiBlNti — ,H Hiuiseniu>m Jtoyal l * •' \ . 'M /M nW iiinuiuui Hill *• ^ WelRhbofs of Amerloo will meet % " V ^ lirr /1 ftntl womnn /roifrom Uirourihr A ' ' ' •'i I -1^ n yM. Jqf. < thn lodge , , ' out M rkIo,0 Vnlley-vnlley. Mrs. Dayld m • ■ hnll. Membersbn7Jiar. IFoateueiostesses are lkfr«.1^! Prnnk . ■ " W bhair BbucU^ ‘ Hurflf. nmltl Mm.Mrs. OrorgoOrn .MnPnr- , 4 ' Wrillht andid Mrn. W..Q.W ..a Cttllcp. --Jp t " ’' iiuut wernI In chnrRp oft publlcliy: A M. olub\lir niftflt'l^r a M MlU lt. ANDANI> MUH.M CHAtCLLtj W. DAVkti, DAVJlti, Jj ui t / . I . \|M bS A ileevelfisk.dreis of wool/ . ' rui> Lny)} Lny)} und iir} M rs. Cnrl ^ T f c ■ Zenobln. olub will m |nurley>^orlralUi) [ r^pl^r, UrcorntlnR;pcorntlnRj Mrs. > OeprRo . y y • luncheon andan d to m MW v a t noon r- \ 1 v K ^ 9 B boude ihat-will qo- ^ I'litnnm nnd nn20. ond nnd Incorporatffd ^^c^ In ^ RevoluUon will meot fo . 1 Ik-ki-^A >‘*'‘1 matchingitching occessdrles accesw for • Plzza/Go)d or Turquoise/ J \.jrlilt? her waddingding trlp.-^ trlp.-^* ,‘ th e Bttito of of Missouri, MU«o»ir Is one of •- ^ , ' luncJieon Vo‘X'*ir«,*.'.SS': Monday at Rites Unite M o ch a , c o m b in a tlo n i; SljEot fho InrtteiUtiflUiacndst-noo^aendgmlg soror- • # • u 1 ' ■ • erson hotel deiert rt ..^I^ . The ridebride IsIs Aa. 1003 1003 graduate . le world. T here nre more — m ITU ilOlJiER Mr^. P. ir.^ 'Stowell s t o S foi Valley0V Coufw O U piC of Mlnlco:o highhigh school school and nt- H M fgyng { HlPd in the world. Th< ~ M ir,^Nn WRH. KUUT U MOI.I.EB .link’s schookof business, JHfflWiOSy { • thtin IB.Oflfliflfl ch'fJptflrs ch'fJptflr* nnd m *rr - fllutphlion photo) ,______, tlons If youoil hnve hava notn o t 'been con- p.mraiT... ofct.// * lO-Tl in rrh^ tended Link’s school-of 00 mernbers throuRhout * * * ------tncled. Mrs. Carl Emi A S S S J D0 l«. Theho .bridegroom.brl.legroom attended - _ ' Ihnn 40,000 merrtberii » unlvcralty. Spokane. # / • the UnUetled BM^n Stftf4*fl andi nbrond. ^ , . dlMUAs "Ours sconstltutlc i t s r - 2 9 .0 0 ■ Tho Bornrltyrlty Is I* not nol directlytl con- L A ^ ^ . . X K /',^ , Da ton tf tf ^ Avrri^we-i'SlnrrllM w S !“nndTdnta”md Idnho BU State unlver- I • jipcj«(l withIth nny academicaca> Instl- A ^aT V/ Winegar, W in< Mrs. DoltoL yuiiuii Amono claw of the 1 tutlon. butlUt donndons pUplnco n grcnl i i^ ii - n « , I £>ccrt>n tint church will meet S£s;r"Rrf owlywods realdfl In Dur- j deni o f emphn«l«nmphnsirt oron*«liicHtJon, /V lO ll© r Recite r\© ( G ISUL.tJobUn ssc Monday at.tJJi. the churchchurcn pnrlor. S e th Ennl., nut * i'werp s « Davis " r Is. co-ownor ^ ), Oct, 10 — Mrs. NeV« if, if. jf. k nnd Charlie’s Texnco r*"!!ri^ \ , nnrt l» founded fouiidPd on on thO' stimn ..••.• i \ / Wllllnm'D«vl«, Jr.,.«on 5f.v‘?oo'“«ntlon I irififtlR nnid d ' prliidplM prliiclpf<'fl n> c 6 llt|io N u p tia•ini l \/f^\A/<;Vl Dalton presentodpresented tUie leiuvon. u n d -A -H n n d club nd Mr.„wminm Davie. Btntlon. ./ f f j i I lUl VWWJ needful t«town guests nttended I ^ nororlttPfl. Sinu needful in family 2 p.m. Wednesdny at r , Oct. lO—M ary Ell«n Uvhig," foror UioUia NaonNnoml circle of ^rs. A. V. Klater, nrey, Hailey, Blackfoot. \K2'i ! 2 Kpsllon 8 l«nm AJpl ^._V. KUter. wer ^ “ S.liblj, i. rln, rln« nup n ^ tln l« W e ! S o ‘rS lu ! O n S , '> - i r t^rsrLTt.!: dauchter of Mr. and the , United'Presbytoied Presbyterian Worn- avenue’west, ^Ils, Cnmby, Ore., nnd I ) • f rd freely: from tho If if solomnlxed■d by the He nev. aoome ^ 0 , AnBOto, Onllf, M. W lnegar, Moscow, unionin an t UioUte hohom e of Mrs. . ^ ;oles, Cnllf. I <^ / M m 5; iniiiRe mpiinn. "Ptir/Hj 10 brldo of Kurt Lew s l. N. Ingram. :ONB — Opal Rebektth W- Qiwrtcrman,crman, Jr.,jr., V 4^ 1 '■ InK." nijo piirjMiRe U ^ rillOSlIONB — Opa »f i f i f f W[J Jt3- 11 of Mr. and Mrs. Nds Mrs. AustinkURtln Walk*Walker conduct- ^111 meetI meet at at R i B p.m‘. TUes- Alter vases/ases of dusty rose nnd PARTY IIELHHELD | W I \ to provide cnlfiirn! ; Rupert, In a double ^ dtho meeting and le I f tlnnnl prournmH, to i cetlnu and led tlie priiy- ^{, e loOF lO O Fhall. hall. white gJndloJl ,nnd [nony Aug. 23 a t tho or. She gave;ave UieUte devodevoilbnnl sorv- I . 1^ jyi jyi candelabra formed t HONE. Oot, 10 — Julie f ! novnlPiit projncw nr I L u theran c h u r c h , ic«* nnd annouHoed J diock, 0-yenr-old dnugh- Mario ValVailey'a only Complela ailldren's ‘ Borlrtl ncllvltlen.■v’[uir,or"n"L[Sr.“S for n' Sther.', nnnou»foed Prefibyterial SHOSirONS^ElpfscorON®-E3plscopaI guild ground decorations,«r«tlon, for ll.. e.re- *f„,''Sr'.°?„'d°S;r'^ ’ . will to held Oct. 211 I fr. nnd Mrs. Perry Kftd------tnrtnnJMt«r*M«»ibew.tSr-MambOMJhcctJjs:^ ^y^„ow^ mid Oct. an n t .Edon, „ n , „ „ t .i a. t 2 J p.m . T1 uesday a t nr.ony. , ■ obrntad lier blrUidny an- •*“•nd Maternity Wear Shop gladlolLAnd ROW. yejr .pa^iclnatlng hi ride, elven In mutrlnBe '“" l • ' nich month,llh, once once for foi thelr ediF ,ov5 ' nd l^n*^ pntlnff In rIvIiir the the home1 of Mrs. WJlllnmWill Haux. Tho brldo, given In y wIUi n party. Mra. * nnd service- proffrnrn.n ‘'" ‘J hronM-coloreir^fihn's. TBMbiTlyirBTi'ttir-wnisrd“WrirrWllmj»-Dlnnoh-- Mw on*: Is cO'hoAte'ns. by hor fftthpr,.wbro{vfl<,thpr,.wbro{vfloor-lenRUi X crttlonnl nnd servlci IS wllh .yellow satin -lnca-antl-_«lll« orgnnsui Hadlock wns was hostcfls for Uie ■ 1S6156 KMAIN AVEMUE NORTH I nnd nsnlnn for the i aoclnl func J^i’^ S Ia o d the ^ n. Onle Droolu. Mrs. ¥ ¥if if' if if — “■—^ ^ — gown-of-lnca_and-_«l!l a tty ^ O am c5_wero played rated tho Jones Leonardonnrd and nnd M Mru. Ulclmrd aifO S lIOlONB—An N B -A n nil nll-day work wUh laco} trim and ao 1liicc tramT S tlonn. d by cathedral candof- Wl wns designed with a «nd refreshmentareshm onta served.serv< Il~ •;------• _ — ■ Epnllnn RlRmnRl»mn AlpAlplm 1, till.,I X '."'"""' '''' Mrn. Ju liu s QoettBche m oetlng fo fo r r tho tho I I^DS4DS Relief so- The drcwi wns doslgni closlno: prnyer. ^lety will be held TuesdayTues nt the square necklineiDckllno andnnd illy p o in t ------< • tl witli mnnyny typentypon of o f nwaclnHon u„Vld • PUBh-Piigh- waswm soloist, ac. PVod N lew ert nfislsied ch u rch beglnnlnB►eglnnlng a a t t 10 n Jn - A ateoves. Ai pillbox hhat o t 0of allk and — a fiutetIt rveninifoveninif nat a friends .-mttnninri1I byhubv MMrm rs. n C.r* L.I, Wnod-woou M rs. Prod Nlowo: ilenued her fin g ertip veil fl or n potluclcthick dlnned in n er w ith Uie frnm wlUi the serving, noon lundieouitlieon will will be served, poarln rcleaaed her fin . or »n intemntlonnl j , 5XL meetlnar will bo held The work1 leksonleason will beI present- of illusion.an. She carriedcnrrli a bou- hiiRbnnriB. o r nn 1 rt« Div«n In marrlaoe Tho next meeting i ilnk bnby carnations and .*» 1( conventionn In nomejome ffnr corner of . . wq Tctlon wlU» Uic tonoher’s ed by Mtrs. rs. ShermanQherman Sorenson quot of pink bnbyxarni Iftther wore a floor- conjunction wlUi U ntered with a larga or» , the Innd. But whntev VI of 'p « rd . .ole' “ .d nible .tudyudy WedueB,Wednesday at Uie during thele afternoon.afternoon, An apron roses centered with a But whnlnver 11 ta.Oint lir,iJr»ow,: of'pe*! /111 be held In prepara- cnld. Herer Jewelry IrIncluded a * ' hrlURS people tooeUiei Incenc, fnnhlonedfnnhlo with . PrMbyterInnesbyterlnn dchurcli. Bur- shower will be held I: . .» them frlcndH,?ndH, Uiero is a special iw,,up« bele tlon for theUie Nov. 20 bazaar.b drop pearlrl nocklncenecklace an£and earrings. O J r / / i/ * ) / dice, baloau neckllno J«y* u « i, rom tho bridegroom. ^ f/r/^ f ]\*//> 4 I** brnnd of clo.enr« cloneneM Which 10J.B M M if if if ' a Rl(t from the bride sleeves. A self waist- •’ ■'* ’ — Harmony club will Tokens\ of sentimentsentlm«i included „ linn been1 onoone of IEBAs finest accentedlenied thithe conlrollod LJ EDEN — ITarmonii 23 p.m.p.m. Wednesdaywednej at the a blue garter,xrter. Rift from har nunt. \ y I V I chnmifl. d skirt and laco motifs O O!)Cfa C lU lI IIH eld C. Ennis, a whlto lace y ■ • Knch yenr■enr chnpleic h n p lm from nil J- o c 7 UH nil . Mrs. M rs. II., II. P. P. Paul. Pro- Mrs. R. C. Ennis, a ' 1th soqulna and pearls OAliEY,y, Occ. occ. 0 «>—I—I ’l’he LUS lla - gram toDloPlo Is Is "Votera "V oter Informa- trimmed hnndkcrchlehnndkcrchlef belong- /l'*/3 / l f / 7 / 4 '}' „ over the world donatedonato more thnn -anraiiNi down tho skirt front lief societyoly opening social was ^ one million dollnra Ing to herer maternalmntemal gigrandmoth- •/ et ^ tg l V a v l l f / / i "“" r. ”lS nSf"?,Sr„23™led' th oe bodice.ta held a t UioUie Carey LLDS cliijrch. u u ix penny in her shoe. • I, helping others,Dlhers, nnd they have ©ibuw-longlh •tf if if cr and n P®*^"y I*' h er uw-lenglh veil of silk Tlila marksmrks Uie opeopening of Uie Vnlley Salntpnulla ,,T. club Siisnnno10 ™rifiher »er WfliWfl«-m«ld~of -— ~ \ \\) A - j ij, fun dolnff It. as held by a pillbox of regular meoilngsm eetings UiUmt will be r ? S j , ■ i I Ench Btnte hns lU > It at a p,m. Monday nl honor an^lni\ DeloresDolores A«Ann Bnster- A \( \ j [ / r 'nt‘ -h n . U. own phllnn- S'e)lo KnlXlace and seed pearls, held nt the CjircyCurcy LLDB cliurch S >, ;?! IS bridftfimftlfl. Tliey worff ' ip thropic project. Idn de bouquet of stophan- ut 7:30 p.m. oucboucJi MMonday. L*'® homeB ofof JuanllnJunnltn Sutcllff.E 220 rchea uns brldefimaW. Idnho C rippledr i T p e "c"l;rid're'n" C avenue east. Idenllcal street-lenRslreet-lenRth th drosses of centered w llh a wlilco , a film wjwW.W shown.ahown. games were avenueu 1* east, M dusty rose.se. EachEach carrlcd'cnrri a bou- [ / ^ " * If— AdiiJOtT-to'-;o'-whloh-Uio-proceeda whloh-U oychld^^______------— -Dlfty«cl_nnd_jefrofihmindjofrofihments served. _ v ¥ ¥ baby cnrnailons nntl > ------— frotn.thlBjttyleijly le nhow will Blv- M atron of h o n n o r wna t h o ------‘t • en, Lnjit yenr the *of i yenr the loforlty-doiinW brldB-« «l«ler.-Mr«,~ g-thfl.Huost book, which '“S n ^1 :sr» J. Rles. ; Rorse,'brother-nois f^r ^ i ed «3.3B4.7BI.1S stntcwlilntew ldo to thlB colom bln, ■ Bdl »Kondlnii_lhe.»u..l I . Hefferman- • worthwhile project. ft to the brldo from Mr. C A 4.-A /^ vs4* C U Df the bridegroom, wns // lie project. Bridesmaids: s woro t e v M / r c i T S r “: r d . \ ; ^•s. ‘ ‘“a^i■n Glen Sanders, who retC Cd l atu t ShowerbH n. aary Lynen, Burloy. j u r J . M ^ • Ench ESAtSA chnptetchapter haa either ,y Katherine uglas Moore, pocalello, 1 ft chnrltnblB,blo or clvlo-projectclvlo- and ii-ranclsco. Mrs. Rc It Uielr wedding 50 yenrs SHOSHONE.HONE, Ocl. 10 — M rs. and DoURlas Moore, s. Nels D. Moller, Los Michael H Heffernian, efferm an, Uio form er were ushers,ihers, Michael Mlchne A on Is , 1 _ Is active In m^nymany nanational drives MarilynMnrllyn 1Moller. .later IS ncolyte. * “ io help 'ImproveImprove healthhen nnd llv- q( bridegroom, was among the women Joyce llntmsker.stmaker. n’nswtis honored at served as acolyte, InR condltiona th rr ' with tha McepUon. a plnlff and blue showersho at Uie Traditionallonal weddingwedding music was ^ iltlons throughout tha fioor-length gowna by Mrs. r^y Cunning- , ^ world. TIiblia 'Alpha Alphn Nu chapter, jmed bodices, acooj er wedding trip to Nor- home off Mrs. Richardnich Jones, played by Mrs. Roy / I ' ITBA. everye r y yenr Rlvea -food. a„ti elbow-lenirih all ., wJieie liio brldcjrroom Mrs. Luellaella L, Kinney Klwie wns co- hnm. stnlloned for two ycnrs, hostf.'s. The bridc'H mothflmothflr wore « 1 ,* rlothlnpr nnd toys o t sn tln clrclliiR;lrcllii« thelhe mldrltf end- » ■' J," icn-cropo cnHomble with 4 family InI TwinTwill rnlliPalis at Christ- ^ ^ a w oro.a blue jrrMH m o- ncffj.sterjufferJiiff lheihe cur.stsc« were P«lo Breen crupo cuhi t wUh groeii acccuiorles Mrn.' *MpI>l ehlvley.ehlrley' Olidi Undu , nccc«mrlca.iccessorlca. The T bride- / . \ y mnn. Theyey sponnonsponsored a coffeo , ,j„ct above jurbro,. ■ jroora'5 mothermother worowore a I turquoise hour for Musculnr Di whlt« orchid irom her ahlrley, Jerome, Jhoath skirls. Enc “ S a J _____ , . llnon dressreea with w ith whlto wl: accas- ^ put out canisters canUters (ofor th is, also. „«j|.Bav of^/tonlltlorSSry* bronze-< juquet. Tlie cake,ako, decoradecorated In a Bmnll nmnii plnlt ninii carnations ___ • i For the pastMist two yeayears they have ” ”.® im pom „pons centered ride and bridegroom n?' were "sfork" fheme, wn.-s fn* ss form ed th eir corsages. ^1 th. «v.> EMvX.»s» t.r Beal a«ni drive,4,.hrM aanthemum pom p !d from UiB University l,eflt«r Johnnsen. nici I )' BWilnled In t h t EnJt< How carnations an d ',1^1! eotlon was held In the ; J In Twin Pnlls. )lored satin ribbons. ). MoUer received hU QS aunes wer« plnyed all foliowing tho cere- ^ ?} There ar« msny [•degrees In agricultural Paul WInktor was so Vri!'m.ny well-known '‘3 ' dK " ’m Moller, o1|“ " LOS Angeles, it li Al mony. honornry members li 3f the brldcBroom, waa cs’ and was affiliated Jf^ m ¥ ▼ T he bride'srldo'a tabletable waswai decorated *• 1 from nil wnlks of 1 z T i ‘, 's,i!":urs n. •>« Ushers wero Dan Sigmagma Nu * fnfraternity, lie r> i iUI i a I ^ with a whitewhite sntlnsntin floor-lonnthf ; I ^ 1 V Lnwrence Welle, th e i intly an ensign In the r O rtV fl( 1 III v; i f ■ jf> > 'T- H elen 'iin y es, th®. t lid Darwin Nelson, Ru- U l l y n c i C J cloth coveredivered with with pink pli net and 'n ^ r f 1 o.rl Derry. Sen m n - S*A''''d.™.'ni. i^^ora' brlJ. rK.iv.j h«r wENDKi.L.oct.DELL. Oct. 10 — Mrs. trimmed1 with pink iribbon nnd ^ V ]Iope, th e0 nctor:actor: AsAatronaut and n e In lora nnd dur n« imword Todd wnj ho g Mrs. Alnn'R,n R, BhepaiShepard, nnd Dor- . ,. . Todd was honored ^lUi bows. ‘ sten. Metropolitan opera The bridesride's mothermot chose a « « P Ml.y t.year .n r haah u b«been t n v i l l n i ^ «urjirlsBIse birthdayblrm dny nnnlversnryi Mrs. R R. . C. C. Ennla Ennis and M rs. g< othy Kirsten, Metrof een mohali' ault with *ecrotaryy lor for Delta Dal q«mm« party «tt her .home.home. Pred Ennis,:inls, nuntHnuntn ofof th e bride. star, to mentionnentlon Just a few. ilally ESA h a sb a e n matchingC accessories.nccessork Tho brldo- »OTOrlty. Arrangementsgements for the party cut andI served the tthree*tlered » Incidentally ESA s attended from Spokane, were madaIda by Mrs. PhilPl Tlioman wedding: cake.cake. Mrs.Mrs. ClydeCl Oreen. J ■ nlcJcnnmeded ththo e “Bw•■Bwootheart so- groom'a mothernother worowor a blue green Qwwt' attended fr b e c a u a 0 international wool aheathath dress withv mntchlng Marysville,Marysville, Calif., and and Mrs.s. Sterling Crothers,Cr< Jor- Hailey, aunt aunt ofof the the bride,b) served mrlty.” because : omo. ------—. nnd Mrs. Ronnld FnffR I/*** ; I ' hendQDortersrtera Ixbi loclocated In tho accessorloa.oa. Both wore v lavender __ ------—: punch and Mrs. Ro I . ■ sweethcnrtrt town olf tho nation, orchid corsages.oraages. ^ ~ ' — 1 >1 Ivovelnnd,I. Colo.,Colo,, neinestled nt the A receptioniptlon was held at the ; J, loot of theniia mftje m a J e a t l o Rocky D e iu O amimma m a hou«houso at tha uni- n_ ' " m ountnlns.nji, ______'. veraliy.--with Jack! -W E fcG^G ' O M E-

- — - J - - r a tT E; A C3 H t E R S ! WE WANT YOU)U TO SHARE IN QUR

p ., W . SSENSATIONAL E t 'IAL R E D U C T I^ '■' K SAI ------ALE: • * JUniLBB

— r . ______fFine .Casual and DressyD Dresses! ------W -r------All New:w Fall Arrivals imuim GROl3ROUP T ■ ' r^ - !-■ J / a l u e s to 29.95...« 1 2 » ' I BIGTDADAYS etty Rose. . Mmr'm WED. OCT. 15 GGR0UP2 R O I Fashionbilt THRU Value/ a l u e s to 49.95« ... 1 6 * “ /< I a J l THRUO CT.-24_____ ^ , Many\ a n y StylesStyle q n d C olors in oil SizeS' SAT. OCT. ' "DSsUlKr"dres Ik f j r A k A\ mMILLION.... ill I\ " 39.95 3 9 .? to 159.95 7 ^ J Z /M ' NOT n o t LIKE T V r in ^ i i Z T A M I l i f e A MILLION »VELCOM^ c « . K 9 | OTHERS''' JG S| . I ■'-:;-0THi L, Moinlill! Ave. N.‘ , TEACHER5

S » > t D R i j W ' I -»■ W ' m J_ __ |_^ Sttnclay, Oct. 11, 1964i4 -TwIn.Tnlls-Twin,Tnl tfjriM-N'cw..' i s ' . 'l l l l , , ..V ' =^-Hal-Ieweeni^— 'I'He'-l N ancy I l f M M agic V pTle^lley^vorites; -Party Pari Slated ; C ostello I : • wiik** RICl'pl ««ciri WINNIR-W nnii . .'{“{ II^NQi ia NSEN. O cl 10—yS I'tj.sfiJifiP l r 1^1 ' • ' MRS. ELMER>AER JOHNS!J O H N S O N - ■' Hulloww Hullowocn pnrty will bn hcUt «!• k n it t in g GLASSES Cl ^ i i (p Pennsylva^'Q ■ ’ . ' I om n13, , NirlUld ., * . 7:30 p.np.n). Oct,.an 111 Woixlnimi ------•...... ' . V ------«^-^mlL.hv__mctiibor»rf»t/-Umll-.by- Ibi^ .niiilmS £ .. JBegiHiiln B g n 8 ^ M Q n db f i y,y j _ 0Oct.c t . _ rj 1;30 p.m;- ^ !vi | • frunrhy Apple B'l«>PhB-lt\ch > sqtiinr Unklnu'pnu. Diiice Wwoo(hn< oodm en nml tUflr RUests;- ■ • » w l . .(I'ln'l;ti tnl^leniftonu flour »*'a t 350" , deurw* for 30 minutcH.utcH. Prlte*Prlic* will l» ulvoii for the , i , l ' j to(wp.)oiia bftklMK powderr CiUcm ' and top with rwopvoet-I- bboBt est coj coatiune* tn cltffcrciu uue n i t ’ ^ N o o k ' " ■. tella, '< ttoiinpoiin o n iinlt . enecl whipjwd civain. cnt«Borlo^i. cnlenorl . . _ . • - THE KNIT I nith.. I I C R « . V ’— - • , Iit t nn yy Bl< iv*:nndb1UI ChrlHtlCh Brown, Jnn nrown.I'l'I,""' •. F e a t u r i n g .C h ris tm o s Gi(1 I ' w A ! '* T ' fin - b M i irvfki ( ‘ * fall IBPHlHi . 1- •‘']‘^l«'“ U vnnlUft '. 3 ^ ooUJ .lir m d l m i \ 11 B it AWU 'H M l. u n u m i I Clip choppof) wi^nut* uaau v mu^inUjeagerje in ,t,|nfStonei. cftrnntloo*-00*. —~.— , , ------— “T------DlliiH.I cup uriiicil npplcs, tJr.!*'*' a ift flour, monjturp. th en ■wera slfl * * _____ .^i _ ■ ■ 'S ‘P i 20th.Century M rs. Bloss Is . ’TJffiHTT'tfUh ■ utuuiB powidor Effle nnd ,r ' n.i{ t ------••• iw ill. lU'iii f,!tt Uiihtly nnd m ixMr*. In ’ » ' ^ ‘ " Club Convenes; UrUnit President -«ui?nr Ji'ok'i juul nihpr dry InsrodlonU. y S " c u p i u i n , O ol, io -M i« . R o b e rt■ Stir In vuiuila. nut* and apple*. ^ K For Luncheon >I' «!«» DlnMWan elrctcri pi'CKiclnni of the ■mrn “ ^roua Into >mre»Mid and floured l*» . . Pnat Noble Onincls club nt a no* ^^ ^ A c t . GC s i i r 5 0 3 l l f c S IdeB- Mra. P aren Fnlor, president.Jent, 1,0.,t tiimicr ni the homo n( Mrn, dresa welcomed m em ber* and Buaat*t* of Altn.Altii Blkefl. "' M 01,. « ' “ « pin'* ■>«“ w 'lM ' Shower Given. j Id of th e T w entieth C entury oUibb mna n«in u th McD.i^nouiiU wua .elected ;DLIB9. d 'l ,10 — Mrs. MarvM ' 'l-i SJrtlcI '» “'»“!' "’"'1at “5of they ■’ met for' a luncheon and vice preRldeni ntid Mlnervn Ldr- (pTnncii nnri iiifiint flon -were h o n - 11 proaram- a f tJia Dlue Lake*Ake* ain.ain, aeoretnry-ircuRurcr. / , by.PENiPENGUIN S k nml »llll« °",‘l . r H 5 ™“ '; P'2. .,(■ rtJHtnllfl. aid, Country OounI cJub, OuaaU were (rrcat-reet- OnOnmo* wnre plnyi'd iliirliiff iho k S r ot liu brliHiroom. waa w « ed ,d by b> the piano mualo of Mr*,M rs. evenevenintr. Mr.i. Einmn McKinley;------DllflH. ------X wn* co-ho.stchK. I nocclvlHK snm e prlM* w era v— m.n urry UlioJe" a «nd n d TTed e d l lI o t h . ' wn* ''I oml- Liuiciister hnd, Mi-R. Krcd HenderMn. Mr*. Effle ' f \ unncili nlioclw, Jl- ' “ ' Hftllowcon H*! color* were promj- nent everywhere. The head table .•, Lnncn.sUT 11,rc hohleBso-s,1 > Uutler,I ^ H Mrh. Franca an d Mr*. j . »,. hrliH. n tn t for Uie next mceiuii: nl the lOOF[ JHclt B l l-'oreinani O ' :R 0M THE ■ 'A ' • ; Tl„ brld.'« m other » “«*1* "« waa w u centered c wlUi a Jarsa pump- Co-ho8t«Mcs wera Mra. H arljcrl a drew colorful fall Jenvaa. KMra. , ______M pluci while ehlHon dreM „ >f uio n S tro u d .n n a w rv M«lv«rn Btoko».- O ' LTih wlilln «eceii»orl«i '1--® O. o. A. A. Cedertjulfct; analatod by Mr*. ^ B i «• »l «hll« cnmnllon..■ m e u . U. ^ aerpa, arranaed table deo- ^ a no» JUBroom'. moiher »»'• oration*. “ratlc " i^U / i fm tun Va/kMrH, ■ „? -Mra. Walter Miller, member- w t lielw Inee ■'r"*' -M n locted t f S S . »nd . whll. carna.s ahip thnlrman, Introduced , Mr*. q, 1 M r», B y RUSS CUNNINGHAM M P I a y m p . . ■ . 6 0 - - ' ' ° ' " ' ' ^ , *um j. a. Mllrany, Mra. D, A. Mo- ur- “ 'S lo n WM h.ld .t: 1”,® til. a u lra an d M ra. J . T. TURttw,P naw i • COLOR I ' * om. of ll» hricle'* Qihtt raomember*, m t tIb clottclotheji. ' .p'fyRir/i llllliH I A film on heart dlaease.,, Ita . CoColor can also ' ' ^ \ M /f l wS'couplo renlde* In Palrflald,flald. m mnjor njoj cau«e, wa* preacatedlated help to drunn- V there lh« brldearoom U *MUUnglitlng throu throuBh the courteay of the Twinrw ln tir^tlr.e—o r to hide • ^ B li fntlier on tJi# Coatella farm*.arma. Palla Pall* division of Uia Idaho Heartlearb —Particular fur- ^B V M V mjuiooimaaoclatlon. nllohlndn. Sup- ^B Mr*. J. W; Hanbury. program j;i> K trlklliily Jnit P r o je c ts chnlrman, ohnlri Introduced Dr. Ber'' handsome «ofn, iho prize of your I nard L. Krellkamp. poiil prenl-,Tin jjy,„livlnir room. A nhnrp color con- f \re DiscussedI . dantd«nl! of the Idalio Heart osaocln-°®‘ ^rnuitrnut with the wall b«hlnd 11 llANaEN, Oct. 10 — WellnMslfnre lion, tlon. who.-taklngr as hi* topic♦1; ♦ will mnko your ^ofn Bt'nnd om .' rol.cU wcro rilEoudwd nti theth e -"Your YOU! * heart," explained that cmplmslj-.inK ii.s llne.s nn{l bentitv.'i W R I l «Ml»lor aoclnl Club medtlnitnjtlntt now now ia heart attaek paraon hnaiM a q,On the other Imiul. If you have .M nt 111. home ol Mrn. £l*le EUle much much~batt«r ehanca to a«C baok ^ a chnlrcl with which you In u sf ------enry. Tlie projects will l)e: vot- to to lh their iiaual normal work. "To «mjii‘•mako;do" foT.n while, or ono ( on fli .Die next mcotlng. r*diicreduce chanocs of a heart' at-ot- whlcwhich Ib 80 coinfortiiblu'you don't i ' i * Mrs, Ucf;.sle Oorncy wo/t a (ruoat.ruoaL tnck. tnck, wo.muat be more relaxed,axed, wornwont to part with It, but which a , anicst «ame prizes were won dnlly daily exerolna I* nece*saryy -to to ij , nwkwnrd-looklnii, you cnn ' ’ Mrs. OlDnn Ooit. Mra. Donaldonald tlevel develcH) co-lataral circulation,";lon." mmake ak It blend inio the bnck-1 gif Iley. Mn. Henry, Mrs. BlrchleIrchle aaid Bftld : Dr. K rellkam p.,- / / BrouBround and become leaa prom- • rovm-Mnrr-lr-P—Ur«onr-Mr#» —~"Ej'cifinn«iDTirinhBTic8“-JffB; KfB; |"e«.lnent-iiy-U flln(r-ft-m ntehlntr*oi------CO f“ r a » " « M < f c x ------WV.herever - h e r e v e n you drive . ■ ■ 6i* I , TV. Tilley nnd Mr«. K enneth’K^i not brf a dnidBery! We aliouldlould blenblendihir' color behind JC, i/sen. Mrs. Raymond M cK ln- JJ°* ' ^nd tnkea ‘a lot of thought| to l ‘ 3 . | ir wtia program ohftlnnun., " *i* hava • fa r lea* aw o tato rah lp an d con- , Give them the .j /alk ... you'll trovel'fur-. j ' more active individual partlclpa-cip a- color wllh wlndom andnd dl-i-11 Q 6 - w a l k . . . ) Mra. L. P. L n r« n is hostess Io r |V^® vour crimination — but the effort U ,W .d,„^nym«tln,. * tlon. ffxerclaaa ara B«>d for your heart and njJnd aa weJJ."I. hej,e wpll * worthwhllel We’ll be glad*.nSl lo finest- d - "therher in cocomfort and fash- | .tnted. Dr. Krallkamp alao statedtAtad {] JP f|uei- ^ 1 l l l l that exceaalve amoklnB Increaaeaeaaea ^ your H I j HB ionon with oneo of oury/arm , ‘ J Cleanup Held tha rUk of a heart attack a*s the Ideaa Into nctlon. Come:>= In I -YAMAHA J BU88. Oct. 10 — A_a«neral ace ua — for all your I home;clun'i % ^ .coronary arterlea narrow after furnlahlng jurn problema, 1 »nup wulon wa* ^ a~ T jy - B y p f ' wonderfulvonderfui cor coats. In Ribtn of lha C hrU tlan W om- J^om. amokinjr. ”'*cnll A piano equal lo the most y 'I fellM-ihlp a t th e O llu Com* aummlng up )ila talk he M hnck,-| gifted student —tho con- n MRl l corduroy,:orduroy, plaids, poplins iniyr cnurci. itat»stated that we ahould diacourasejrage RH ^SV RBBSH H I ns^or - -cort-halUpiano-priccd.(or------5-L Ih* Interior of Uie churchIretT* wa* atrejia, kee(> wclBht down,lown, M iwd apd hymnal* repaired.d . fl i l l ^ I ' ajn n d d m o r e e . . . m a n y w i t h |j, ni« nekt meetlnB will baI at a t a 3 ‘ forset to exercise and learn H Iht to tho home. . . \ 1 1 II ^ lurch, to relax.______' n. Wednefcday a t Uia chufch. to re d dl.-!- >:2 t s a , B cozy pile ro n u Z ;ozy pile linings. H rind to l|fc.s|) O' I L V O l I fjue«- \ m S y 1 I , your ^ J . . • • ' 'i,; . J lll l 'A Wlrtlir v/tir a’cir• (tr roitrott ihtt g^vti you iddtd ftiM en • intrlQut. Thlihl| "pritnit""pri*nU" ctr coil will givt you til you '' SALE o f t h ^ ”i WARNER A ^ V |A ||||M w iianittn In iht mtnm tndi'ln lypt {oHtr and lU tvaf. Acltpttd for> r MMinntioli innttolt wwtii tir. ll fetturai axltntfBd httvy 131 Rlinnhnne BL K. L-'-. \ l \I polo cloth ihtll.iHtll. Ctmtl,C tm tl, t rtcf, * d , o / t y . blick. Sim B lo It. . 49.95 ; S T A R T S M O 'V ’ 'S MONDAY ^ ______»

M ODRNING R N I h ■ a e*rco®tt w lllh l h ? a r ! i B Importantit ddofign « i 0 ii detailaetj now i ^ I, lllll m ltlullul looking trillion ol wool p o i o *’o'h. H^a 0ct.l2th-6- 6 CDays Only I j a M L ftihion tmph.ili,h 111 il or lb. .ODk or W.II.OQ tn«tintH. C doi. .A fyliv tntJ wiin^ly«„n,ly UImtd td wHwilh pl.id n n o oI. Ctmtl. r.d. • SEAMLESSHESS !STYLES " I I ,> 1 1 IfJtn, btown,n, o'«V.B'«V. *'*•» »'*•» • '• ®‘ '(

• F O R EVA V A SSTYLE T s Somothrngr«g for you . j) • SUPPORTERORTER STYLE From the>e Boyt-Boyi. ‘ k lwtyi ittmmi t lo look juil thif much btltir wtiin li'i I C dipltd lo worptn'i womtn'i (iihlon. Mt’t t ihliMiylo Vn.r coHir «, «id in unconyilictitd:om;ilictitd miicumiiculint-look btiom ti biuiilully |< i| • EXGITEMEN'EMENT AFOOT H H V H H jB •ectpitblfl (nr> t ctuottctr

I ' ' ' ’'"-I— | ’l-95...... *1,19* 1 .1 9 ...... »3.50 lf yeu win!nl •a cot!cetl tiJt tli/t mtkti mt' yoo look bright ind htppy | ■ B U u p iro ro n T r ______D lh>i wiftitfr tltt th* Mtiitiim t tlmtIII il'l Vttplng you iriog, tna wttm, you'dI’d btiitrbttitr pitnpItn lo likt t looW tt th't ofltnno of ■*5.95 . . . . . *4.79 . ourt. Tht wool pitidpilid ll Q«igty-tnouoh looking wiihoul b tin j * 4 . 7 9 . . . 2 p r. *9.50 bitrino »ndd li'iil'l o^vtn ^ihtth* ilch Irimmlno louch ol t xJtap' j 1 ' . W iim lining ft tUo ol Dotg pilt. Rad, g^'V) '^...necent pilt colltr. Wiim lining ft ■ beautiful COLORSOLORS - W ild Rose, ----- —^---- brewnr*itf»-l*-4e.------‘ ^ i Puff, Black Pe \ your legs l lack Pearl, D riftw ood,t : . ■ 44.fe .; .| ■C edar, Spice Bork,Ork, .J .J ' with , T exquisite i ^ r D H Check >lie otHerfHer Tii^unusuorvolM M ~ ' ^ fit stockings o ■ oil ovor the store-diitore-during the lost ■ days of ouii big 1 I f - Buy now on your ccconvenienf; Paris ando ' IjtEM O V A l Paris, jr.,jr., GhoiGhorge Acco/untjnt . ' : 1 VAl SALE * . . . " . • ' ' I.. ' ■ J N k • ,1 ' ' >• '*'■ • . ' ' . •■ • . L- Junior L eagi •V.. ___ ■ r : Sunday,y;oct;n;V Oct, Hi r964V — r League ■ 14 Twinlln ,PallsPalls TlrTlrtia*-Nbw». E lects; OfficersO ffice ' . TTynnmoniorleeinie-ohlo rie a g ne - o f r th e r R e ^ —rrrr— ” ■ Mary’ QrqVffic| ^------:—— :iioy,C.,.amveB.-.QooillinveB,..a90dlntf. b<'cni7i9 j . . ’ y ------— J- •r,-treaiurer;_Dcnny_ner;_Dcnny_RQan,._ii?i:.|______^ __ • • !)>/> hrlU* otof KonnfttJKunnatj) .^S. Ruby. : s ’ jJatflot; Tawnnwnn irulJmcriruJlmcr and Ter-1 apil.Mra. U(j»llw Ruby. • ; ’ 'OT f •.fon.of MP. upil. Mrn. t . ' Y ' ' J I’oternon,in, song Bong leajl leajlora, ond; - - - ■' Tl FulrflMfl. Bept.Sept. 0 nta t rtifl r ira t ■V yl OrlBiby and Chndi / MoUiMllBl '«l)i\rc)u Oo ' • Mr*. C heryl arlRaby a eln irclu OooillrtK. ,. *•'T i ' vi** IrUli, recreotlon. • . -Thb lUv.'v.' V^nrrenV^arren ’>lcCoitheU ' • 0 jntlon. ' ■ JLN E W^ J ^ 9 t 5 M o d d e e l l s a t • ' ' , , pnrfnrmnd Uiotho doubl«doublft rlnB cere- , • ’ . Aftor-^tlioo'meetltiB. meetlns. |ii ^ *jlrlliday ‘-jhdijy-beforoire oa .bnckn.background wt- •' !' ^ , ■ jjnnlvernoryy cnkecnko wo* pMsrved for - ' ' c tinu of tnlltalt biuikoubojikoia nf larflm , . • . ' ) LoiilBo OrlBfibyB«by nnd OhiChad Irlah.’ wliit'fl'cliry^iftnthemum'^inn’themumH ond pink . , ' ; Mr*. ‘SHdaa Tet«r«reteraon6 n iand Son. ' I • lilndlnli, Trho ho 'pfiw*’pow* >worn deco- ' ■ . Tracy, were0 uiie«l^. gucHta. ______■ 1 fr«, F./> Mftrrl* nrwl Mra. r ( - — — " " V e r y S p e c i a l P r ic e H — a ir "III mjUttJUilUl ilU" ■.'.■‘l . i . . . !. " " >< ' 1 lima iiiim1 ‘W^ 'wt f ugmi ig gl l H Hn m 'i .iiul m h I ...... * i ' i.M ■ Uniifl nnd pink’pink' oKtern.asters. ' ' ' U'r • I Idaho State;o unlveraltyunlver*lty iand Twin jk Mrs. Doloroflorof QhndvQhndwick, Good- . FnlU DUBlneaaneaa colleBo.collene. - ' 4 ^ ' IriR. plnyndd Ihftthn tradlitrndltlonnl wed- '■v. O ut:of-towown n Buest*Bueat* attended r|lnR mvwlc.Ic, LurryLnrry 1llqbnon wna ’ J U tm ffonr^Coeurir d Alone, OrOranROvUlo. m b H I M ' M / r.olol«t. mett. Mountain Honie.i • !■ ■ de. .Blvon In'rnnrrlnfte tU f’’.' ‘ ^ 2 ^ . ; QoIm , Emmett. Moimto : Thfi brldw, Blven 1 • ' Twin Fnlla.111), Dllaa.Dlbu. 1!Hasermnn, ^ • hy'hor fftthnr.ther, w wna m nnttfrod In a ^ ' Fairfield. HillHill City, Joro Jorome..Wen> H ' ■ Ilnnr'lpnBthIh whitew hite nlallpper Bi»Hn f \ "ifc I ' ■„ .. , dell, Ketchumhum and Sc|Sc|o, Ore. H ■ (fown .ntyleded wwith ith nojsoftly pI«of«d f , ' "i •I' ■ ■* hftll-shnprdd skirt. ThThe. aloovolrw I ,1 Pre-nuptlttl alioweraahowera > were bW> H ■ H I hndlco fenlurcdntured ka Ulow rounded ;■ ’ I . , . J en for theI brldo by MrMra. Harold ■■ h B H i■ s !|V t I ^ I TwcklJnff wJlJjvilh A JnckfJnckei of CJjnn- ; . i '■ • .«.v ' Kniofel andtd CnWlyn Car<;ilyn Kt K nlefel and VVeek i tllly Ince bound In.nnIn. antln'. nccontn ^ Mr*. Ned Rolnoy.Rolnoy and Janet Jo ■ ’ «)(1 with a, htshhlKh nrcklnrckllne nnd sf’t . . Mil. Mll.^Ai AND MllH. KENNKTII K.B, BUDir nU D ir R ainey, MMountain ountain UHome. K ( OnM , In «leovc(j. ThftThe deliirl:detiirhablB chnpol * fi I it o f Iho0 bbrldo, rld o , wnji was mntron of ' litiimr. j}rU}i!.vi)niiiAirJdMmnldjJ w rre M rs, ■ . i • ■v t t t i f W r < [ Ulchnrd arftven.nrnves, Ohmahndlifu.,Bltilor- ^ A W n Ir ! • hi-law" nff tho-bride;thft - briU Luclndn ■Walking fleel * i x l i F I M jl , Rockntt^nTid—CollcftOTid—Colleeh—»7ohnw»nn —------W tv ^ c e - I 1 Mounliiln Home.Ilome. ThoThr mntron of pIVtOdVE^FIRM , -SUPPGRTr— ------■ . honor uu{l;l the brldembrldemnalds rQw i" . Woro th wlnt<{rwlnHJr hoth ot pink and ■ . ^ . mnd« ^llnl1flrnllor tn llthat of the . A r t I l \7 0 ^ ^iirI-J? brldo. Ench:h cnrrlctl cnrrlcd a alnRlo Iona XJ-U n V/Vd Ovaled Toe Htommwl w W hite hite chrysanthemum.chry Plow fir frirJirJ waH wnJj Uebr/i Ue Morr% GIVES .PLENTY OF WIGGLEGLE ROOIROOM. vy coiinin of: thth/j ji bride. brldi She wos . . n a dros.1 Identical to dreA-tod In ft droM .*■ ' This Iji th a plain pumlump p thstth a t will'wll Y '''|# thjit or Ihe brldesmolda.brides - fiho ■ ncuttorrd white rose'rone' petnls from bacoma tha mainstayistoy of youryou • J t I R . : n inco flowerwer basket.bftskct. ^ • , I CnrrylnBB ththe e rhiRBrhifts on a w hite 4 I sntln pillow)W wa.i'WII.l OrBtforyOren Qnives, < nephew ofIf tho bride. . . ' f Lowell ,Ruby,Ruby. iriU HIU City, C brother. • ^ 2-speedid flexibility...flexili o f tlve bridegroomdetrroom. , was wp bcat mnn^ / U«hera w*'f»ifo re RlchnrdRlchi Oravt>s. 3 & _ ^ aoodlnff. brother’of lhe bride.; ’4 ^ ^ % ^ _ j Sl Automaticitomatic soak cycle, too !— I Arth Day,V. CoAi]rCoe»r d'Ad lene' nnd ♦c OEAUTtFUL FIT ^ > J • I . William neck. neck, Twin PnllB.' Tht^ g SUofvm^^^^^tFUL ' < Uflliera nUoUo' served ns candle- S i JlflJjtcra. A \ SREClAl SRECIAl • Gentle agitationag and spin for ...... - ijr h o —brld&'a_mothirid a'a-m othcr—choafi—A. __ delicates, W ash & W ears.______j ' ^ turquobc'blun•blue Rllk brocadebi dresa 5 ^ 3 C ! ^ 5 2 E -|NTR0DUCT(RODUCTORY— j ---- aju3!5l2^3F-^ delicates, L - i'.L nnd Jncket•t ntylc f Black Loather, ^ $ 2 3 4 * 1 " . •' nhapcd nrch,rch. Tlio caVcake woa baaed / > Brown U..hor, T p j-rQ I down—let currentsurrents lielplieip ; ■ I , on a mirrorTor which woav enclrclod ■ I ■ A I'emove heaviestlest solll T h I, ] .'. w llh pinkk Blndloll. T h e cake wos ^ I ^ siz'oj id n. *r »or # i THIS WEEK m ode oridid aerved served b;by tho bride- V \ /jH e 99c I 'Broo*n’» ’ a o u n t , MrMra. R aym ond ^ \ \ nuby, Wendell.'endell. She wo* osfllated \ A by Mr*. Iibwell LbwoU Ruby,Rut alater-ln- / { law o f tholhe brldeflrobridegroom. JET'SIMPLEIMPLE DEDESIGN rOR I ■, The brldejiroom'iarldosroom'a toblo woa MAXIMUM DEPENDABILI1YI ! centered wllh w.lilt< W.>ilto condelnbr'a . ^ — ■ MAXIMI ; holding roae-pink c cnndle*. Pink 1 frappe wn*;aa Borvedaerved bby Mr*. H er- J' I * ■ berl Edwards,'Mquwords.'Mquntaln Home; BACKED BY STHON^Sr , . ond coffoofeo wo

— = =^o=tft^F0 ^ftD iES=«Sd 1 € ^ l l E ^ m :— ^ ~ ~ ( f l WeI hovehave nevernever been so enthused wilh ony i r . ■ \ V ^ g\g^ W -• newV FrigidairoFrigiclairo footurd during the, 19 yoofS Tl ■ — ------L j S k - - 1 5 4 “ ...... a ^ FrlgldolreFrlgldolre dpoterc os wo ore about llie now " m r T H IS W EEKiK. Jet actionaction agitatoragita in tho now 1965 Frigida'f® I ' rr, ' ||J|J washersshers .. .. .„givi giving tho som o'suporior washinff j A long wing claclassic broguegue 1that’s allII sh(shoe! I PPlus FREE^EE actionion osas inin thoth past without the only com* . i A loi ■UpMBH Larger tthnn lifesiie toyoy animals int ever ™"'m entioned— tw isting of the cloth** ■ x i , ’ — — HrhatVrtshtJ-ATt-ugflo'drliuelty-ljf-hU6ky-lboklnB-btt)guaJ3QastlnB ijie —------— ^ fHeM EVt^r9?i-3-^eT“AeT-(0N -FRlG lD A l^ ------cla^iC lines n n d long(woorabllity. woarnblll Pliis: . ^ L 5 2 E I ' (See them in our window)mm)~------“ — th^new-^ r ■ ■ , • Soft, rrciily graineda u’p^ar laathorfU washer-sher- w on't c'even tangle apron strings . . • '• Soft, riclilininas~foam•foam heahaal pad ■Our.guaranteer,guarantee ofi satisfaction— If of ^ Dbubla solo and hoel^ioel^ and wrap-around storm well o . of 30 doys,days, you iare not an enthusiastic boostflf ...... will not bo obligonj ll 19.99 p r of FrigidoireFrigidairo wow ashers you . or If you Fprefer "Try » Irt you’’ a See'fort for youVsclfyourself. yelconie^eja^hei^hers .V . 7 K Signod» [|L w * ELVIS^ CAW , ^ | B : 'nmS^^Ds msma c n 9 3 i " / f ' y .. 'i , ■ . ■ f,iT-'.T'; o-tH 1rl9A4-—:—-r^ c<.,^vices'Are --r ■ ■ g| GilGirl, 8, OpUmisliit;linii^tii': A lio iit ■:■ I Kvii.Kv,;;"r 1 M: i.r...-;-Ncv/!i ' ■ Jt5 '.- "■ ||j W'C Chaific,os h i Qf Saving;HerSaving Leg ; ; '. m OAMDEN.OAMl N.J.. Oct., )0 W Ifi — tenrhlng tearh ln g for home proyokca I'X.. ' ...... ' l i i ^ B " 'Bisnc^yTnBnt^flttr^ltr^Anl{«n3nivrc~HVic’-H l^Iraraf" n ra f • ...... '_ I' I mM 11- - i-I'.l! - I.- .• UIV • — -^ H brmvely bravely obttmUUc ^boul • the ., ••sin.’iv ^ ,,r„vB lltUo girl," |„ l t ( l ^ 1;. .,,.v ;, . ,. . .m{„lvi.,l ’ to neral ohanoeso h a n o e s ^ f ao.vhig h er right leg. nim nr 1 't leg. ono of th e nuralng BupurvlV','•»';••, i.n • ' u’ . '. - ■;. : .■- l!;‘s f;irly . . kway H U bt If it c a n 't bfl anved, she siiys . -if'Yt lJ«ii a very good pii|'lcti:.:l | l c t i : . ^ .:.v : . ' .• 1-. ,v; .'-•;■! . .• , . m a > 1. Iidik;.'’ p ^ ‘ ■ .. sllBsliB w anU "a w.ootJen o n e~ lf it . dooan't cost too much." Jack AnituAnitu, wIiOBe leg^waa, nilII blitbiit »ai^— - -' ’ 'T~'.'' MMVored vored I'tldoy'whcii slie i'eiiDll bo-tMKb o -:H |H W | O B B iM iig , . . . inlat. n aaa a th Ute wIkmIa of a frc^hiht H Z T j Uud4 train, waa given "leas Uidn a bO- ■ ■ 'fl 1 rtliur • M 60 “ohknc«"-by doctnraLaiuwcat:lH ‘l I Jersey hospital despite herr high H |i ^ Mrs. th e hopes. ' large- 1 g ' lierHer megtal atate — admImired^^^^^^^^^^^^f^jHHrTr^ ired^^l~j ll li „ I ' by all saromut her — ha« nothingo t h l n g I B I I I I D U B H r a Gl H i ^'. V , ! • O o- r to do wlUt it, explained Dr, Nor-I^B'Nor-lH'M 1 " J I B jM n M i [|'-..;-v renk. I ^ m man an Ukbold, in clinrgo or-the^^| M■ kl I nl *ShI .“•' *! UeU caae.'caae; ;------S S - “* - « I "It's a cane of being lucky:ky o«r r H | H unluck) unlucky." D r. -Kkboid «ald; *'If U B J u u U i ■ leg cnn ■ - wUl.bowlU.be at leaat* 10 days'before& "GdATSrS^'Cl-A!';!^-. ^ a ■• ' W A rea G range M V ' anyOilng anyOilr positive U khOM^l. • Tlio youn({atcr,.' a Lhird-grn'deWdo ■ ■' . RED.'HEA.D;-HEART. . " .^ . : pupil 'nt Mlckln elem entary aoliool, WiU on hor wny toji plny-. A n n ou n ces I ' eround when the nccldent. uc-j «urred. Pollco satd she wna try-; New Officers ■ iins. n s to hop. onto the low.'met-i - K raniiii.l: j ' ' ;s. al step of a boxcar whenm ahe / oi- fell. i for . Ndrs< l^ilrsefl a t th n honpllAl!s Inten- 4 OZ.y z . A.PK(V 4, Fl I »ieer '. live caicare unit dencrlbod her• todnytoday . . ' . as "not crying or aad>. eiUier." In- •■... '''.■' . "My leg hurts a little," aho .EEG;EG: . M A a ”»nmimge; “...... ■’■ .' ,...... ’TepeaU?drepeaU several tim e, "an d I MJ'-. ARMY RKBERVIBT wIUiI theth e mUIImilitary in(eliU«nee unit fromfrom armnrmn ored ruvalry, for » Jointoint wecliyeiuiu ’eek^eiti map exeroUii, MarineKrine want v ■■ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ BIIOSHONB, BIIO OcU Ift-^Alfred OnSF.IlVANCR IIKLD nnco won\ part of the nnnualmnual a A.. WaWageman., son of Mr. and ve Intelligcnee» SHOSHONE, Oot. 10 — Mom- Btownn Btownrdshlp canvnss of iho1 locnl local .Mrs..Mrs. Chrlii c Wngcman, Shoohono iber- Armv * Reserve .* ______Ir hers of C hrist cliurch EpiscopalHcopnl ‘jouitrL'i couitrL'ijailun. cinuliictca byy tho tho hna i,ft« reported roi for duly with flght- SSSp.rM'Sl.o"-^^^ , n n "K l A plwcrved ok-ierv Loyalty Sunday durlHRhJrlHR Ihshop's coniniliico underr Uie Uie equiidron equi li nt the naval.val nlr olr * . '' , • ' ' aervlcus Suiulny m ornhiit. PledRO?lcdR« chalrni chalniiim-slilp of Dr. Pnul Jacob- Jacob- fitation, stAtlon Cecil field,-Pin. He Is np = UnitDiiUsinT.ln ' 1 «r • A reu cards wero renewed. Tho obaurv-baurv’ *''*'*•______electrUelectrlclnn'H m ato first clawi. ■tiiiLuttESTmiI *l«wftrd, ^Twln>nlla Twl , Unit of the Idahodaho drill every month la to utilizeutilize ------T ------jrinff nnUonnl gunrd, lioth . nrmorodlorod bettorbette trnlnlng program forir tho CUude E. Bowman, * rotlrlntf irmy unita hutead of tiio four-hour - S !« thB MW m im b crir of cavalry, onvnlr wna Joined by nn army unlti •-hour u n it once-a-wcwk program wJjIcUU wob ^ . M^UvB ccwimltl«« andI will rcaervo mllltnry IntoUlgenco unit once WOB hold-over momborflibers fromirom Port Lawton. Wash., 'for for formerly form used. B Albert Fredrick nnd rrwtl& Mlari- arl- n ft week-end wee map cxorciae. f f Mr. * n d Mrs. B o w m a n arearc TheT I i b combined unit' maneuver n Sitimal** to 8tiil« aran ae. lau being mi held near Nlng ara |y ,t In youru r hI e a r t y t n o w h @ ''@ E : " s ; i u ' Ailed Sprlriga an d tho unita wUl work3iRedCi^at I f you kno •John M ^ni w fti InsUiUed Spr'ni «MUr--or~Uio_Plon«'er_a™n|ievn ae «n Korea. K orean m aps wUl SfViwond tiirm. Other ofHoor*lloers bo bo"UBod-for-tho-nmneuvor.—^ Y“' .J 3 Starts Includ# pcorae Sulllron. overBwr;seer; The The execclae Is tho first of Ub urer; kind to combine two lucli unltj T^. Urt. 0 «orae Sulllvftn, lecture?; kind [ , John Klamm, itew ard; C harleaarlea forfor oiono program. JLF u n d D iive ■ ■ ¥ ■ ...... Ejmton, aJuUtant tteword; Mrs, Mri, xij* Tiift military Intelligence unit a&ouFB JM Aveltr. e x p la in ; an d MMrs. rs. iala forformed to act aa Intelligence n m H i, Oci. lo — th o tmmmlmnual jliuMll Acockr trcoaurer. impposupport for the nrmorod cavalryvalry Crana memberahip fundf u n d nho- rnlalnfr cnmpnlgn In the .WestW est ^ ______' Also Mr*. W nrren IlolllnBcr,nger, nnd cconslataof InterproUjro. pho- "V"' coep- to Interproters, order of battlejattle offlclnlly begin Tliurs-['hurs- ■ iccwtAry; Joe Avelnr.' gdUJkoep- to In telll- ^nd will conclude Nov. I.*) " cr: Mrs. John Klnmm. Ccrca;:orea; apccln flpeclallata nnd n counter Intelll- ^liy lonn; genco crcw. nnnounco.5 Mra, George Prltz, Mra. Burt Vnti Every, pom onn; gonco ».»«« chapter chalrm nn. ’ Tho Mr».'John McQlll. Flora; Mrs. M rs. t Twentyw ( mon from Port Lawton Charles Enslon. Indy oaslatflntBtant were ^oro flown to Twin Pnllaa ^yby 0 . 3. « ^ 3 1 8 j g ilcward, and pete Wnkewood,vood, ninrln niarlno.reservo fllcra for tho^ ex-®*' Memberahip cnmpalgn volun-I'olun- . ' H executive commlttceman. crclflo,crclso. teera n.sslatlng with tho programogram ■ New onicera were InBtnllednlled Thi Thla week-end’s drill nlso10 Is will receive their mnterlalH und JH durinn a Joint Inatallntlon-nnd• nnd »R-drill-for drll the marine fllora.-who-who inforinnlloii-nt-hifoi ninotlnga alnted - ^ ...... booster night at th e R uapert p ert ro returned tu n to IMrt Lawton Batur-ntur- tor for 3 : p.m. nnrt f! p.m. Wedneadnyicsdny ■mH|B| • Hi E ^ A ij CI Ornndo hall and two BO-yonr■yonr dny.day. t A nother m arine flight crow aat t t:the R. and a cafe. Tho0 two membern. Carl Mcrz nnd Jamesnmes will r- re tu rn to Tw in Pnlls to pick ccsBlonagcaol are being hold so thnt A. llnndy, of tho Hoyburnburn up ththo Intelllgenco unit Sundny.Iday. thos, LiiRiic. actlAir Kccrctiiry and Tx« i ^ « ■ • -^T K®*"*'Kern, Mra. Bnrton Sonnor tind omnilticeniuii of tho . s t a t e | l l ( Mr.i. Georgo Harvey. B uhl bu.si- iraiiBC.' LnRiio wus nlso Install- Dies, in Nampa «;»•ness d istrict; M rs. Cnrl Las.ser. ij offlccr. Mcrz nl.so recclvod;‘""j ,,, DUHL. Oct, -10 - Olnroncoenco Qjoyer nrea. nnd Donald Woll, M-W«r pin. Handy wns 1111 nnd Ward. 16, lormer Bultl rooldont,lent, cnstlefordnnat area, iMti* to attend. , died Prldny evening nt Uio homolomo . _ of hla daughter, Mrs. Roger Brb,Erb, Attlitlnir LaRuo wlU) Uio’« ln> I Nnmpa, of n sudden-illness;------Y -j liIJsilon were Mr. and M rs. Carl «Ho ‘ wna born April 10, liiao.^ In 1-^'Leaves Uruguaylay ichroclc, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dernnrd•narrt chnrli chnrleaton. Mlch.. and movedd to MONTEVIDEO.M( Uruguay, Oct. icott. mnrshals.anrt regalia bear- T,,ni,«Jdaho In lOOd. He farmedI In 10 U Ml — President Charle.\ de rj. and Mrs. Hownrd B runs.runs, .,,0 t Buhl-Castleford aren until 0.tuI i n 47- ilanlst.. until O.TUII0 of France wound up a 47- ft few yenra ngo when he movedoved hour vl.slt in Uruguay todnyy nnd Past masters of tho county’sn ty ’a jo NnNnmpn. bonnboarded tho French cruiserr CoNCol- irangcs wore Introduced and Ho Ho Ls survived by tV/o d auJg g h - b oert rt for Rio de Jan eiro , Uio10 la.st ircMnted boutonnlcrca. P*aat n st tera. 1Mca. Erb nnd Mrs. Mildreddrod atop on his 10-natlon goodd will nastcrs In atlendnnco Includedbded Houk,Houk Boise, nnd ono brother,thor, tour of South America, He Ls iwJjjr, echrock. Acock, Lamtc,iRue. Ray \Ward. WendeJI. due in Uio Brazilian cnpital loward Bruns, j a k 0 Ellera, Pun ' ' '1^ ^ " ‘ ' ;ilera. P unem I aervleea aro ponding.ling. Tueaday.Tuea ' I . V'- liomas Mnbcrly. Franlc M arlcle,rlcle, Pinal pinai rltea will bo In tho Bulil3uhl ------terz. Albert Fredrick. Burt Van city cemotery. c • TRYt r y TIMES-NEWS WANT AD3 ^D^^^^HBRSOrTjPrS^ ’• .very. Scott. John McOlll.:a ill, ^ - - - - . - . • — ;iau(lo Bowman and Mr. and H Irs. Qeorgo aulllvnn. Dooaier night waa observed nth displays of fall flowers nnd Mds and handiwork. ' Hefreahmenta woro provided by 3th .OrnnRcs, with M rs. Carl y c EF lark and Mra. Joo S heltona lu Biev' lantMuid-a-eoolaHiouHeHow-- — -— 1 B »MUBES— 1 I - !6 Cub Scouts leceive Awards TIRES tSl n Pack 69 _ _ J Ticniy.fiix Cub Scouta '-and ------1 ------r S i i 10 adult lender of pnck 00 hnvo' — $ | 9 9 - ~ eii prewntcd awarda. BIKS' ' i - • D«n four won a fnther pnrUcl-I c l - E i tlon cnnte.si and deji throo ro- r I'M the Honor Den awnrd.lInnl" Pomiilolo >vHli Q Q - TUBES — 9 9 c en four uho lecelvod Uiu pni‘- par-1 * ...... " “ C 1 ■' t attendance nwnrd. . Awiirds wcni prem nted to, theUio iiowlnu: Dell one. s tn n Prookol, I B l ■ •r. p«ii two, Kim Jonklnn, bob-1 I. Jinitiiy-Skiiiticr. gold nrrow;k ! CHRISTMASAS LAYAWAV _ "ftV| _ „ . ,r Dell Uirre. Onry K oulnlk, Uiroohroo O U A I 3 U.INILO*INLY! ) d » s 9 l ""T ’ ver arrowsi Tcildy Wlmllo. two row 0 '“y ABlior, Bllvorliver BARBIE a K KEN EN 5 ^ ^ “'''.M ir.. Uoyd MoKlnnoy, S. n Dob 1Do- .' DOLLS,LS, i n B i i m1 i i ^ 2 “MIcy. nil threo Mlvor nr- rt , J^f’lniborR, donnernner ARBIE-KEM. &, TAMTAMIE ie ~ S B l^ ~ ~ ------U mreo silver nrrowa; John I B arry t r y Goldwater.Gol says:l y s : "I stand for the pro'proven policy/■ ofof.peace . pec , _ , 'cr arrows'"*’ - CLOTHS throughough stength S' thatt was thetl hallmarkrk of th the Eisenhowerwer yecyears. ' - , wolf • . n .. It.servedi;erved the cause_olfreed)f_freedotri and avoidedvoided 'war duringrtheigrthe Ilast ^ .. . :___ Republ^ccpublican administration;tration. It will do3 so ageagain. The Republiclepublico.n ' ' . ■ .lU “ won snnd - 2 5 % T s f f ' ‘"''""l-rnwi Kit Bixton.tton, S ' ,51 M iyor n n d ' Jo lt ’ partyrty is tfthe party o f peace through preparepreparedness. Thislis'adminr adm IM, bnUi woll; Kny Koto, E ,r I'Mlor, Bobby p i E m M . 4 s istratiqnratiqn isi letting theie peacepeac slip awayy as.it hhas three timesimes sirsince, ', • ' -1914."4."

Uiil' JT,''"" “KRIES , i Buhl n ~ Mombor* o t (i l r C , , 2 "“"T olim dovotod (J tlw ‘Uh* ' 249 MAIN AVE. :E. E F O B BB A S R R Yr ^ C ( O p wW w i u' fcaUVk iillhVaf,, wof* or«l«)ralB ■ ' ■■••'• ,^™^D«„„j,.^„rniinanil nn IN^b.r«‘b. 15,1.5, UMO. ■ V . up In tho pro- aurvlvliiK nro na nnn.non. c. W. * vJj. Jlrown. Hnnnpn; two didhURhtera. . "W hite Instilled Mrn. Mnnron WWhlttlnRion,. liltllndto nnnlnst the ,I vi^lskcau^lskea ..of,u>f \ mid Mrn. M aynnrdynnrd WllHnWllllnmyi.Vor- srowora In his district nn( • riiin, Mn.; n spite hM exctisitaisna Aa hni M o ; ' th re e alstrra, i .Onk«. I’lirdy. Mo,; tlire( ' fnrm economiconomlo of . ' - Mr,i. Corn VnnVan llook, Mr«. nirdlfl DodHot\.Dodson. FKlmlwirly. hla n n d ’ Mrn. l«nu u Sm ith, I n hnlf-Mafcr, Mrt. opnJ nowen. • Bmilh OatP, Cnllf.; ubKlx Brand- -Ai'ea-LibvaiLibvai’y chtldron. nnd 1& Rrent-srandbhll-Rront-si , tlHMI, ConchidlnRR Jiprvlcfta .hn\, Gets Books cnnduclcd nt auiiacl, : pnrlc. . 10lO—Recent -F ’ H |H IHn IH H bcs4 ficlU-ra inn novebrnovelr nnd non- fiction (ire amnonB' ons' the COO hooka DIKPLAYlNOINO I'OBTKRa I'OSTERB FOB UNITED FUNDIND artare TtodiieyRodni llartb, left. Karl Knulici) and Ltbii nt the city library,brnry, received /rom Knulien, senutinut mm»it«r aiter ofol K f PTA CouncilCoun ml Twin FoH* Fire the Idnlw atnteate library.Jlbrnry. acoiii'nI Tw inn PaUs.Pa JJ#. 1( It UU et. Tlie rtelmet,net, one nf ■six tie- Tlie- nonfictionjtlon books , Includell (Times-Newaw photo)______’ photo) IGGOQ Mnrshni Fred lllrBriu m prevenUiiii content held thU week;ek ntat WashiWashlnfton some on presentsent -dny Irenda Irer in — ' ~ ;i Disciisscis'*®®V nitn| =5= is - ^ = ^ = 2 hobbloa nnd avocation*. • Q l^ lo -n brncket taxpnyernpnyern who -d•do- not tjRUrlnir Income tnx—which hu i kshop w *, * •. * f(V sV >»'* ~, , ^ ~ . Thnro nro twotwfl“ dazon doSn* newnewly re- x 5 0 1 1 llSl a 1X I 1CI.I1. t H l cJnlm nny of)f tho tnany npeclali opeclal Interest for hlsh bratiw j - Workshoj ‘T ltK f S P I. • printed cliwHlcadca and-and' therthere nre p - -• cntcRorlcn whichilchoffortnx offor tnx breaks,I Income tnxpnyera — nnd n Mi, \ \ inurRfiT. Oct. 10-Planslo -r fnr TTl Meeting■ l/liljg Se r tho childrenchildren’s ooc- Lfkaorl Tl frkl’ nB 'insucconali:unaucceMfully to come nutomntlc tax. Bavlnj ffv. ?.bief Helmets Are monthly mecthiR tlon. Tlio booka>oka will bc iat the J riU lJ U S C U nttnch tho proposalproposal to 'the th 1004 urea for middle nnd low Incoii ' I - I . tlip county-w»ldo ide Iralslntlvo Ifsfllnlnt work- ■ ^ [ neRiilnr monthly me bill, t«onR b ro ad en - tnxpayera. f ftJiop flpoijfloredroil by thoUio Mlnldokn j ' ' f -| Southernjthern Idnho pl.ili library nboutt four months. monthi T T O„ • Income ,tnx bill, Lons bn I cd nnd rovlaedBed It nnd pulp u t Jt Jn Even under the rcdiic*^ m,, I " . -co u n iy I*TA\ council was dls. A W lirtlOdocl C l toI Contest WinnW ® nnd Qnmo wisoclnllonnAsoclntlon w will b o ------• ' “ I . C I A . I J m j ’*-'-!- Uio ConRreaalonnlaalonnl RecortRecord juat which will npply in loos,» nm. r r ■*" :‘“7ctihftcd rturlnB^-lheIlt-tho -romilar-miiot- rftBUl nTT;T-xV;;nm‘-riiiii. .-conducted atat'J;:iOpm.Tue.‘i-. 'J;30 p.m. ' SKIIVINOX WWITH ITH NNA’ A W llbcrt McUlll. uiiui* ,|„v ot Twin Falla , Jr .. .!v .n before conRreas.ross. adJQumodndJQumed. ried m nn who earns tioo.odai ■ T' ' ind of tlM> council FrldFriday afte r- ■ .v/iuihlnislonI Bcllool,bcUooI, the Twin nnd Mrs. a ilb c rt McBni c T w in F alls clt^ BIIOSHONK.15, 0 tiiudonU were _ f w eek.while oervlnB nboni oophoies. yyy tochrilclnnsInns helped L( L o n s in th e hlRhost rate would b« u for ntntn officeflee hnd beenhoc invllfd wllh Texaco Flro Chlo C hlof hdlmelH - .TUo Tcxnco liclmclH v >110^11 Iq USS Enterprise,, S ?oirowTn,?followln t'h“. iR wInnliiR nated by Andy Cnppi x o complt'jjon ot op^rnUon a I, au orlRlnnlly nd- arnwlnR up tho proposal. per cont and his tnx would u to pnrtlclpntete asna panelpnnul membern, fur MiinnittlnR wlunln Luncheon ,/ opystlon Soa Or- £;,"g^„"“JJon. RuflaoU . " i LonB. a D. T he Inteat; versionveraion o f thnth plnh <30.800. ______•* «a wfill nn two membersmombc; of the niul po.sters on ,(lri> i)iireventlon. Texaco denier,ler. as prlw.-tpriw.i jn thu Bchool bonrd.I. two membnra monib of tho Thero wus on«tin winnerw inner |w r clmia. conteHt. iff nnd two PTA rep- They woro KellyColly KlolrKlolnkopr, aon Prior to tho awardlnnnwardlOB of tho C iO llClucted lllC tC d Ijy ------tonchlnB ctnff nnd two the nniiouncemcnt of rA&enlntlvi^i.. Panel P anel modernlor mod< for of Mr. nrid Mrn,.Mrn. Art I Kloliikopf; prizes nnd tho nnnounci the workshopip winwill be announced.ni Ann McRlll.: dnunhteidnuijhter of Mr. tJio winnerfl.•fl. Twin FaFalJ.'i Flro A ------^------M arshal F redoa HlBRons 1 Bpouo lo A l e a Chamber L i i i a m . 11 Plnn* cnllI for qucjitlquestions from tho atudontjn on flroliro pnprevention. ' ^ ' th e floor wJUII bo In .wrllten.wrll form, IfX- ^ 1 1 ^ 1 * t T I HiRRcns Inn hl.i remarkremarks to tlie nUPERT, O Oct. ct. 10—Pund.s- P u for • . nnd membora of the tll-' student bodyly stressed iiIndlvldmil tho Howell canyon recreationrci ------• tflochof* wJlJ5L’ »ervoi'rvr„''X.' a Hansen I i 'i ' flro preventionIon andniid tdid nroa nre wUJl-beingiJl-bclnff .sollci6ollcUcd.tind ... — ...... ______Lowdor explj^lnod 'dUcu n-fl l-l^ l^ lc ents Ihnt flro:iro la a n rdosood Irlend m«mber.H of tho Rn iip upert frt Cha’ml>erC be Umltcil ■\'o"" lo 1 PTA^rts;atr,l ] BureauL l l .1. ;H X-J.VFJ.VAO ^ iinnirernu:crnu.13 coemycoetny. of Coinmcrroreo wero u rrtnlnded i only. , • ■ • I - T he a.s-suniblynibly wnn 1’h e ld at donations • of , Rn.>i Ras .nnd nnd ’uso of ! I' Some of thsthe ItemaItems toto-bo voted 5l/kfi.- ■ WaahlnRionI school auditauditorium in trucks wereu stillfitlll needed,needed when net-_ioc_«_JuPj:!if?9n ______--...-- ntnfo-convontion-fn- -JL l4 3 < rllO II— — two^flP.wlnns:—J— ------:------. _ elude nchool1 flnancins.flnanclnd, sourco of ______mcctlnif Tliursdnylursdny «t 31Hiridns’s . funda. montnlonlal healthhenlt clinics, HANSEN. 0ct.-400ct.-40 ■Jack LonR ZT^ J fnmlly courta.ts, klnderBorlen.klndersu hnn- wns reoleclodd chnirmrchnlrm nn of i'ho T I )oT 11A ’ Robert Bnlch',nlch, chnmbci chnmber dlrec- ' Idlcappod childrenilldren and«nd certUlca- iMrm HurenuII atlit a mo* nioeUnR. h eld . X i l l l l l UO J - f ^ 1 1 tor, comiuctcd:tcd the meomeotliig In , . I I R tlon of tenclMjra.:liern. Thursday nlRlit;Rht at ththe Ilnnscn __'p k 'l tho nbM'nce0 of Richard Bohlo. len Cheney. Iteyburn. vilb»Rn hall. Othor O th o r olofficers re- n s I IJU7 llio* president. I ‘ t Mrn. llnrlen Cheney, udn Robert Potty- O U lU llO 1. 11 f r prealdent of)f thothe council,coun noted elecied includn Robe ported trucks nnd lalrmiin, nnd Charles & . Bnlch reported trui V the voting of stateatnte officersoffl would iirove, vice chalrmnn, n T 1 ' donalloius of>r khs KHs hiul bcbeen very ) 11’ luko jjIjiwi TThursday Jjursflny andaj votthiR Potueek. M-creiiiry-irccKiiry-treaaurcr. l |^ O I|] l m1 SG O H r, but nnich holji la _ ' (Bll thli I*TA'A propn-scd propo-sed plalforin irvln Ki'vniii.u iiniiouaim o u iim l lh.it htlll iH'cilcd1 h»hi i:i'ii:ci lin­Ihl- rOiid to I woiikl iJiko placepluco ThursdnyThui eve- rttnveiiltiiii pl;iii»l)l.iii» lor Ithe eouiitv jjoiHl:;. OCf.net. I'D l'» l.in-Scn. l.T>—a AUin -ii„. i'„iiioirll(V.'llcv ii-cnMiloiiii-chmHo tir -convi will “‘JfpiSmf-r.nipiuhn]^ntji n f f.hc road i;ravploded this full nndni plnn A klnderBnrtenla rte n surve survey Is belna bo held Nbv. ifi.* ^ .. . Johnson ftdmlnlstrnUo:idmlnlstrntlon nt a to havo thelio roiid~ljTaclcloppcdroiid“ bTa'c ' ------—------conducted by-theliy-the state PTA nnd Lont(, Potueektucek andnnd Radford conferencecronco todny todn w hich next y.-ur. the county' coimcUcouncil «will bo in Wnlkor wcnnro ejected na vottnR touchcd offCf a a dnylonB dnyloni Demo- Donmions4 maymny bobe cnllcdcr In j chnrse of theth e queitloiquestionnaire for delcRute.H to* th e couni In Bouthwcfltem Ida- or lert nt thelie ChamChamber ber oc f Com- I tlio couniy^ tlon. AUcrnntetk; t n cho.se . \ S «"r.“ K 0V™n - . mercB officc.s. or wllh OuiiOufi Ooode. P ln n s werefre »lioalso dlJdiscussed to and Pottn?rovo.- Id the recently nd- chalrmnn ofif tho hlRhwnyinijhwr corn- ' print a councilincll booklet wltli pro- Decnime of'V il]o iio coun S t'S ™ ; JoSncd ’"c“;ongrefi# .r‘ot ”?n' mndo “renl mltteei friuna outlinedined for thiho yenr. tlon. the nexf'roRuln I U)o field of govern- Henry Dock o c k tcr,t e r , iiRrlculturcuri D j ~ Units weroro Inatructeiinstructed to stress will he lield1 Nov.NOV 10.w! InsS f 0“ ■>' commlttce chnlrmnn,,repichnlrmnn,,reported on « -|1' nidmberahlpp to the V PTA. Units tho usual aocontl“ O"" IThui ’Uurs.li.y, Nov. jnlled th o reel'ectlon d f iho anniinlI bu.sln(;.ss-nuriculturcbusln(;.ss-uui ii I nlBo were remindedreminded tli that Oot. 91 U. . ______■' President Johnaon ,'*a."a terribly dinner. . Is the deadlineline for the first mem- —------n ------» urnent mailer"Eillcr" and nnld the Orant CatmuU.atmiiU. chnlrmchnlr nn of berahlp report^ort to the state PTA ^ ■ ‘ w Prealdent'* Republlcnn,Republlcnn opponent, the CanRrefwloimlys.'iloiml ActionActio com- office. > uniu roprosont... „t /p U m iltlS Sen. Dnrry•y Ooldwat«:Ooldwater, “prac- mlltee for'Uietlie ChamberCliamber of1 Com- County unit* reprt t^ncephai I Bpeaker for the na included Heyburn. ^ '• _ tlcea hia politics,;>olttlc3 , thothe 1 wny moat merco wa.s B peaker the moetlna included ;wo tlio twlat.," luncheoh. HeHe dlscus.scddlscu.s.scd 1 a report . , i Paul, PerahlnB.hlnB. Plone Pioneer. Lincoln I oG O Q- people dance Uio twlal Aflnlco and Wnahlnff- © JolnlnR tho two acnn Bonntora were from tJie natlonnl CChni hnm ber of r Memorlnl, Aflnlco and ipton I. White, Jr., of Commerce concernlnRconcerning RrantsRn and ton PTA. •._ Reps. Compton I. Whi the firat districtdistrict findand Ralph R. funds whichch are nvnllnbletivnlli for . 1 Mnry Annnn Aaaon p prescnled a A f betterment, plnno selection;tion nflcrafler tthe bualncia tllllU V 'll HnrdlnB of)f the aoconi Bocond dlatrlct. coimnunlty betterment, ) I tneellnff. I. both Democraticocratlc cnnd:cnndldntes for Cnlmull thnnked membersmeml who Mrs. Cheneyinney armaarmoiinced th> iN, -N.J., Oct. to U l - „cl|,ctlo n . ' . finished tho10 politicalpolltica nctlon m-taitpocuui-snil nm; — — «vt««lnr—i November moellnB .w -revlewln*— ^lefllfilation. .oour«ie hnld-rrrfinlly1..rrrfinlly nnxl,nnj recpgj. _-r______— _____ i ______• , ; ll the aecond1 T\iesdnyTueadU '^fof Uie month flrmod_cnmvsra of St.Bt. I«nl»-lyi>0 „([ectlni( lilahoIdnho tnduslIndustries, onld nlzed chnmbt?ribt?r members w ho nro ' i ^ ft at Mtnlco hiBhhlBh achool achool. and Mra. cncephalULi, liavo hav e bconjnporlod be. d thero wcr« wero nroftii -of runnlns forr public office officc Includ- ■ff* j! ' IS. EddlUBlon.Iton. school librarian. In Iho cnmden.areaidcn.nrcn “< f N'-” •’'I " n,o p resenIt t farm pjn ro osro sr m u h lcli Jl'K Mi'i-vlnn Llii«.UiiK, JoeJoo .Shelton. 1 f will preiientn t tite proa proRrnm. «cy. iht* N.J.I. fc'tntolicfwntolioalthdi'parl- „ero unsatlaraotory.itlafactory, Ubut added: OiiriuT;er; XJitydUuyd ICnodclKm nnd ~ ------mont «al^ today. . . "Bnt thele pooplo people wh who burrc.sI Theo John.son...son. s,a. IS. nil of persona oyer jj,nt the Rovernment [ Ret out of Oue.sfa off the club were wer Robert I Harreses LinzyLin; Is 1(15, hnvB,,bct*netMi attributeda ttrll i lo the tjie fnrm proRram wotwould put In Thomn.s, BrLsbaud.irLsband. Queen.s.Quee Aus- .'hlch begiui In AURUst. jeopardy ththe e economeconomy of tlie tralln; nndd RonaldRonnld 8 ., Cutler, . _ _ li Honoredired at Rites lIei\lU» nuihorltie.v.Bahorllie.v aald tho out- whole country.”ntry." • r\»nem l services aervIcoS forj . HWrCT brcalc-tenehed-lU-rdied-llfl-peok-durlnB. «r ^ , J lilnay werere oonductetconducted at 3 p.m. Uie Bc^cond\ nnd Uilrd.Uilr weeks of ------——: ^------^ __...... ------■ ______Bnturdny at nb ReynoldsIleynol funeral Boptcmbcr. • , ' • chnpel with1th tlietJJB BlaJiopBia Clnude ^7,0 oufbrrnicbrrftic -Js-J.i cenieredt In & , 1 . Il Brown. Jr.,r., LDS second«ei wnrd. u,o ^aii\dpiini-DurlUiRton - Diirltni county ^ ' ! . P' ’ offlclnllnB.*• nrea in thon kftuthernIteulhern piirt of the ^ Ml I OrBnnlstIt wnsMra. wns M rs. ] Bonnie Luk- state, ncrjississ'tlv* tly* DelawareDel river bo you havei a stopste and go;o bathroom?batl , - 1 • kr nnd the10 opeiUnBopenlnar prnyeri w as from PhllnUdphln,nUdphln. ^ ' ' , alvct\bylu\vciKTUorr4Uwr Thomock. Soloist „■ wno JinroidJld Luker andr n duot Snlurdaj^’.n .n totnltotjy IncludMU aev- ^ i wna ojuiK by Mr.MT. nnd Mrs. Luker. «n newly Idrnllfled- Idmilfled- cases. An- W Would you like,ike tcto have enoughi.nough h o t water T he cloalfiRulfiR prnyer wns Riven other nuspectedi^cted cast* wn.i droPiH'd ‘•‘I bsDI HH ------by arnt -Monite------Montk;------Xrom .thD priDVlous.uprevious lotnl when it ^ * t -H------PftHbenfeiwfe w ■ wwe e f r •-I»ai»«y^HBIi» e flrtfiniilnwluiiiMl-Uic.piiUmkJiiul th r 1^ , Tumor, Lee Jeffery.,E. anoUier nllmeiit.llm ent. • . ’ • . ^ sen.-Jlin Turner, Lee ---- 80 0 ^ raI n 4*1^un t w m nunovtwit m I a i~' fl otn ITl — ~ .... A. Tolm iin.IU1. Howard C. Tippln Tlie dlacaao•aan is ththe e *nme forlu W t harg-youMrouia==l:reul3—tttlcor-^ar-bi^ . nnd Fred> Kllnke. of encephnlUlsilUls thnt :hit Houston. Ocdlcnllanlion of UieU\e graveB wni by Tex., aouUicrnlern luinou. llUno: Kentucky ^ v llt? Arnold Hollnnd.Collnnd. PlnnlPlnn rltp»-woro an d ArknnsiuTiisiuT In .tile.U p ast few ^ the . I B 11 1 A _ _ ------neld-nt-l'wln-PnllaL'wln-Pnlla o cem etery.-— n iontnsr” :* ' ’-— , - - ~ appointmappol! ent?' ___ snsf l.i'cnrriPd by the J IlC C H J 1 . noAnn^AUtt TOto TiiFFTp 'llicfc dl.'cnsf Is cnl . . ! \ BHOailONE,tONE, Oct.Oct. li)-0((lclal iivt;irUcularly tluvso con- ^ Chang© to Naturalfatural Gas andId the green light I \ Wcdnesdnyny ntnt thethe church.,cl . talnliiR pcwaoe. > stoptop M H H lill ^ w W ill i l l be on ^2li,|. hourahours a day, V HONING STARTSi WHIWHEN 5 - ski M A tjUWI SCH shop You can buyr a nevinew N aturalII Gas w ater f b TRY BEFORE yf Oo Uu ' B B(i U Y l ^ Whnlovorlovor your Inilifcllno, f rom Aspon td tho10 Alps...whntovorAlps.!. wlin ^ n- H t? , your Inclinationinclination ntns n iklor... HontI Ims anoroatsklforyou, oront ski toi k ^ That's'I why you .ac>00 so many Hoads,..fromrom practlcopr.ictlco clopo ^ heater l l U c l .U o apd have an jOd supply of hot^ roclplco, ivhorovor tlipro's oravlly' findand jnoiv, snow. Youra1 « tve an unlimited su] ^ nro horoloro now. CoComo «bo thorn. , ■ ^ waterwatei* for onlyy a.jll a ^Ime a dayl — IMSSli / h c a d I ^

* n o n ’si i f-,TT — WllWILSON-BATES 1 0 M l t I k I • - . . . . ^ APPtilANCEE . ^ 637 Blua LoVLokoi No. T*ln ■Folli'alli ‘'733-079B* 733-0: ^ . ' ' '. , IntermountaIn I r ita In iGas Company ' TWTWIN IN MMUS - . BUHt — .jEROftE J •_ I ...... I ir-" r ; ■■V ' , ■ ■ , '' • • • • 'r‘‘ ... ■' t- - . . ■...... _____ „. . J J - . . : - - - ^ 1

, - ; ■ . _____ ^SUnday,SlMl Och_11* i4__ TwInTwin FnIFalls Jlm oa-Nawi ' f i m e ^■ N N e e w s j E oiruni^:oice: r n c . l R c a d e r j - - ;s IssiIssue With ' •= ^=> FiiFiler Man Questiouestions Levies Stalen*®*^*® o.f f ULloyd p Walkerr Forum1 Rules FFor o Junior CollegCollege District sentfld *Ui« *50,000 aw ard. P o r ^bplnlonj p i ormn'tiiy. it pui? Wltor,Bdltoi-, Tlmes-NewsJ • ' down IInoreatod levies In Uielr - like Bti.wlnBwing wlmt? whnt? • * ., , Uo Uo controvoray. ■ * .Th«The prninotera hnve Ihelr fnctfoct whoolschool idistrict. ; .. . guilt Plonw, Mr. Walker, wake “up. ^ . sheet out' and publlslied In the n<»ceii bv » WM® of Letlflrs iniKt cojiijjly tvlih ‘ the Rfcently, ivin nils refused'used ptln. In-Oot. 8 -taUBIssue open open iy^eyeaiand^oara.ahd be- •Tlmos.Nows,------^------nn-lnoreasofl-levy-wi:nii-lHor dldTBuhl.ju h l. -- -v-—------Hood “ “ « - 'w « ;o n ib o T T O r a T ? d S - I r-dU »-J«‘f Rioting tloydaoyd fore fore JjJy%-aUirt crlllclalng 5 good , « .d m u .t b . In a r r Tlio « "vhy, tJia pronpsed collcRfl>lleBe Ail,All schoolscl districts will «n 6ed " — !Ste Democmtlo con-cen- P*ttlo patriotic people again read a ®- U limited JO Tw in FelU oounty"uuy nioro money;i, this Is Inevitable,.able. I ^ . J. W*lk*^ clinlrmnn. atftk-itak- gMd good I book llko "flone Dare Call ^ l’®"i'>“i'yin« or pon3oti . could could be I mlslendlng; Uiere w Is no Ij knowi{„oy Kiler will need m ore _ I. £S1 never ive to explainjloln It It TreTreason," and enlighten your-oat- fJ™ noi '*,»’;<>,l»rmlll«,I; mi K,t-e t- leanlloitnl Iiniiill on tlie m axim umI «l» «l*e money.money, . S ^ ^ r« U lp n ^ ■rMlIy «Bsaid d *olf. , 4olf. u H . i ^ ‘ lunnil with th e of ot a n Junior ji college district. . nmrAi alble Mr. Walker; .not all-Republl-Libll- tru tm e nnmo nhd nddrcu ol th e Whe fn'rti Prer,ent.sclKKii d istrict taxeses In w l J for JiU IrroBponatWe Mr. the Whe.'c-are the. exlstlnK faclU mills me;-Caw-lft Hud IV k i PollB itatemenUi." nndI hUhls cnna aaro 'oxtremlsla or backedd byby wrlur. wri ' . ■ ■ Iitl»« les? T■ h u c'ould be R bljt a« es. '" " ''‘ "1 want tiiem. Maut of thom are Just i M, TMin m ils « |» , n u h l1 '41. bo tlon iTuirk! nr>, Klinbcriy 37, Unnseninsen I en - pnlrlotlc,p i an d Interested In w h ^ t '.lUn ■[iter S The promoters *tal« b collene 30. Ca.sileford 37'u, MurtaUBhh 40, . 110 Is goes oii around them.» ■ ^ Mti *0 could bo oiiernted on 00 por com Ooyllntf n.'^n/ihV, n n d JlV ln l-^allH_3:{, a^^ .

of U1C.S0 dlatflciA are In‘Twin '. • = S Uslnff th elr flBUres of Income ‘'J.; T w in ’ Wtt-.H, . ^ - = ■ "‘7 Usim ;oun- ■ In tnble 6 and their expenseses In county and adjacent coun- . tAbJo 0 , Mjo flxpeiuwrs, would n o t , ""I'wiih 10 uk. b»uo with wr. |7 ;, w r Figiu-es by^ppoP p p o n e n to f exceed the' Income on 5 mills.nillfs^ Will'"Ill tho taxpayers, approveive eR w ittTon both »l»‘!™ f‘f- *■ ■*» ll' an ‘hiitlo comity Junior coUabo dla- .. Tf K-aHlto ftppnront to thlB • ^ ■ These tnblea, aro based on ’ nn ‘ . ’ enrqllm ont of 300 students. WiViial lint f't’ 10 mills cost' and JiLr Uut Mr. Walker has b«n ¥ |- ) atu- npprove addltlonaf future levies • . . ' ' rfVfit for the pwt 5 fow Junior J l l Collegeg e Q u e s tio n e d ”"S.hsppcnB to 6 mills nnd 1,100 stu- npprnvt dent*? ■‘A biff percentnae of thoae “ "Chool districts? ..Tills■ Tills ^■s- '• ferlS S 'S 5r.SI no*t Editor, Tlmes-News: i „ hajf’'“ii . i.'ocT’1.100 fliiidentJi would be- from .l« whatwha( each toxpayer must de- nets ^^r. Bover s ta te d .la s t Week' j i lf ^Tli •I'*wn'nkers In O oIbo:e In adjncoadjacent counties nt Twin PallsPnlln clde; heiv can't approve the Junior w K wouUl’l'kojllio J"Jwe volvoted for a lunlor college dls: the. 1 pro- county taxpayers’ expense whowijo collcBe d istrict anil welsh on In- t nn In Twin-Palls cqunty wow we i vld vld nnB that 50 per cont vidinS off. tlthe the S? woulcfwouUf pny* for prtvldlng thotj,o dependent‘l^Ppnd school district levlailevin.1 . ' ' ' iitn't would be voting for a 10 millionHlojj state state liquor tax be used for "sup-su p - -facllltlcfi.-/acnitl ■ If we tare to m aintain evon our , S;dollnr tax'raise. Figure It. My port of Junior colleges throuBh-lUBh- Iu t would\v. lie traRlo If Uil* fllnBle,lnBiA presentPrcsoiU level of education. V ' y l - IniB- fiRuros toll m o th a t wlUi' an out out t the stjito on n county basis, basis, county county district Is opproved1 andnnd . CLARENCJ5 BEVBR “ irV^'oh why. i. thl5 .dmlnh,-reni- 'In;™nnflonnod vnluntlon o f T w in 'F ^ h s an d : . •V»iv nnd UlOfiB Of tllO PrOOl- K ? Includeded In In Uio tnxpayprstn continue to vote (Pller) f f i cnblnct nllowlnir the near,innr. cmmtjcm m ty a t *46,flIlDJJ44 figuredd ata t tho tho t district the.money would bd W , ■*., * * • thlfl eight m ills, plus th e 103,713 llqunrqunr dlvld divided between the citlcs“ K In * » * V W oomplow thin •tnx It > would take over 30 yenrs-oars the the « county unlll the county be- Tfc ndon to rnlso 10 million dollnrs, • cnmt o i i w Politics, Nott Teas Interest oim- ■ To furUier clarify n dlscrep-rep- dlatrl dfaWct Iroo- ancy, Boise Junior college mill ^ Thl.'to Th m. ,t„i„ J )omb levy wns eight nrid one-third nid. atnto Intellectuals,s. WriterW ri Says ■ EB^M TnrV co^-^SS.''orml fnlll" In 1003-0.1; olght m illsS In • • R ROBERT S. BLASTOCK, Jr. ' The t\ilnklnff person In ‘quite Jw.rU bt tSO.MO In tox-lroo gov- »ov- 1003-n1003-04 nnd Is n in e nnd one- ono- (Pllor) • ’ EditorEditor, Tlmes-Nftws: . • ' The ' * * A « “Soc•■Boclety, Politics M ix Success-ccess- likely to wdpdor. too, whyr this ..' fully at Tea Given by Mrs. TIem-Hem- Item,Item. burlodI on pnBO S off thoth e " S “ m'Hn'’ hnd l'l« M ourlly _ _ fro n t som e pnpor. •does not furUjor re - y'm M .l.Vrancii i«llhdr»wn Jn Juno o t M , Ingway"—headlines on the front samo r idH bnc*u80 ot communlBt doftl-i'll M L*J.1 other Criticisei paRo of last Sundoy'a T'ImesT lm esi vealvenl Senator£< Ooldwatcr’s chargeliarge L ’.M icises Actions K"’Nows. thUiat a t nnot only Is Red China In- MI. TWii. m«n'« wito. brothur • r r V ‘ Inter- volved In theso nuclear npgolla- •nd oUitr olo«o frlondj v m f k f ^_iL This Ll no doubt very Inter- volved communUt mnmbora, lind r O p- O V / 1f T .F . S h e r*itt-s if f ’s Department;X l|/ .S e<“• ?I 2niat^w i,.' mo to onllill theUie chnmtcharRo thnt.the admlnlstraUonraUon peoplepoonlo are entitled lo consider,isldor, sponsusponsered hy (Iia Twin Fallsalls Chamber ofo Comineree duringr Italia annual Iiabanquet and meellng. Fri- Ibout cbmmunllit nttom pta to) qb-Ob- wns wn« very vi much up In arms aboutbout sheriff, ^eri aa the Incident tooktopic today Is tryJns to draw a veil^ell of hij,i Usub onllrclty, , and In all llata Im- day. 1The display will be ahownRhotrn at a t theth e T Twin F alls high seheolool from 9-^a.irO-^o^m. until 10 p.m. There-U - It nnd still cnnnot forget },ow how plncoP nco outside the cUy. Our JJttlelittle Mcrcc secrecy over Its oporntlona-na- Inin plications,nllcntit and one would Uilnlc no clucharge to see the exhlhlU.illn.______Uln nuclmr dntii. lioS Birl gave on accurnto doacrlptlonIptlon forolBiforolflin affairs. of fnr Btlll thin mnn wns «lvon roynlroyal llB>>tlSnghtly our sheriff took It. J*” of far moro consNjuenco than Uian . “ '“"I” — ..... , " ■ •lend the man and cor. Dick had tho soclnl and political ncllvlllea hard lo got suBor leBlsIotlon. but liMtment nl n Whlto IIouso din- ourOur lltUe gU-1 ond a friendj j j. handled a cn.w Involving thofo foi-M' * * * * tho ao J. S. had beon confronted by an ox- . of ono or a dozen Mra. Hemlng- l^ fli I • because of ihe secretary of agri­ ner and with nil nt tho O, S. had b hool. «oyoral yenrs ago nnd still W*« wnys. mina" M.F a c ts on S uigar g a r LegislationL e ^ Bovemment'a exponao nn d ppro- ro - lilbltiohibltlonlst on Uielr way to scliool. c3 . O culture and Congroaanian Cooley, know his 5vhereabouts. Writer W T Asks: M RS. I. M. JACKSON ' A * * * * * . .* * * ...... I , ______wfi_Jlnd..dne_of._our-Jew - caali‘._. I Oallod-the-aherlff and-told '^ iri ■ ...... (Klriiborlyi ' ’ A l’ crops will hove lo take a out for him that Dick was certain he W i . ed by Claiborn M WhidrAre ’- Ai*e Outlined by ( ItWB. lV<» Offender was. We n Jack D. Clalborn, Republican.ibllcan flcatlonfloatlon oct w hich would have ••per] Writer Scoreses VcVoter Apathy,J V waiteda two days for our sheriff K y l have •■Perhaps If M r. Stepanovich i« |b'£i Extremists? ' fltfttc representative fromI Twin Increasedlncreos< Uie sugar beet market-jorkot- olectedelected to the legislature," Olal- to take some kind of-action, • Writer Says Falls counly nnd president; of the Ing allotmentalio by 37S.OOO tons ond ^ rn oi ^ while our offender waa freeroo to Bfiltor. Tlmes-News: na ond born opined, "ho will be success- Lack o f I n terest r e s t iin Politics . pursue this line of activities.les. WhiW ho nre Ute extrenilata? Any- I w l l d Idnho Beet Growers aAsoclatlon,:iatlon, the mamainland cone sugar’ mar- fui In correcting ( the problems of 5, rIv- who speaks out against the GOP ^ Not Dead,f Xrcimberly, i. expressed sur pprise r i s e keting kMIng allotmi ent by 335,000 tons th esu g Editor. Tlme«.New»: you rmust but VOTE.. Get out MeanwhileMe the city police, glv- one v, the sugar beet grower, the wheat hlch en the samo information, woro Hbcraliberal nnd socialistic thinking. T ||c Bnlurday "thht we havo nn an au- fo?fw calendarcalc year of 1004," Clol-C loi- grower,grower. Uio beef producer, an d I don't auppoM nnyono htmhas nnrtnnd «work for your party, which en t thority on sugar loBlslatlon in bom ni ftrist. ever It may be. Become nn Am- successfulancci In tracking downn our which seems lo prevail amonn i;o .Tust ” U a Sleeping ZX lon in bom noted. ' " hicreas*increiuie the prlco of beans." ever he«ttl of Uie Irate m o to rist ever 1 offender, when one littleB clrlRlrl mnnymany of our politicians today.lay. Is' Editor, Editor, TlmoR-Nows: I nmf tho pe Robert Btepano-epano- .‘-Tlils.-tius bill," Clalborn continued,tlnued, ClalbornClalb Is due to attend a whoklclted-the-tolBM« out off, hl«hi* cerlcan. r^ w t . 0 Don't' alt back and claim the wnawas able to Identify a 'mugz shotalio Ifnmciimmcdlntely labeled a rlghtwlngitwlng We Wo are hot good .writers,r .Uiat Pv -vlclu" ^ ^ ...... —- “passed UieTBenate-aa amended,londed, mrgarmignr 'boot Industry meetlnB In car becfluw It had a flnt tiro. Dwi Is up to me nnd the editor. Ex- on -Lu horltftgo unless you deserve« It of him.hi An arrosl wns made0 Fri- F ri- exttotexltem lst. Is up 3 Am Tlmes-Newss-News and nnd wr wns referred back lo the Denver Mondny where plans aro •^Thls Btory comes to mind ench nnd. ^ you don't doservo Uie title tllTe daydny morning — an arrest1 thntth a t I fi'finy th e extrem ists thn a t we cuse cuso o o u r English, w’e ViTlte Am- Quoted f,i,oU;d Clalborn aa snylngB that house,house. Tlie sugar beet Industryiduntry to be workedv out for ocreoBe al* time I licnr one of Amerlca'fl unless you arc willing to work couldcoult hnve .been mnde Wednes-sdnes- need to get rid of In this coun- orlcnn. orlcnn. .‘..oq- i 110 fnce f*lt that If we could prevail/all on lotmontslotmon for Uio lOOft crop. nd do Tlio editor mny mnke % lot of growers In Idaho face f*lt thn Woret-«n6mlc3_atBte_!-‘I_ ttmrr?)S _ n p t for-lt-nnd-bo-ar-part-of-iu ------—— day...Jifld_aur_ day.. 4licrirf-doQfi_any-i-onyn t^Lartry are Uioso who believe and do Tlio ------JH?ycrc.riltlUct)DnqJn_{^t-ncrea^oi^ongo Projldei President Johnson to support[upport Intcmted In polltlce, I know‘ ♦ ftepubllcnna j, nnd Democratscrnts thingthlni with the Informntlon given the f(followlnB: ' ' ------mlatalcBH. mlatnk ------— ------t-dom -'ihis’resblullon, It~would' poss'llit m -m ich as ‘'If two sliall agree ns touchingiichlnir the Democrat-do’m- 'this res noU^lnR ftbout It and d o n 't w^,V„ a n t alike-i.i,-*. nre n disgrace to that pnrtyrnrty to him hi or passed it on to some- OlvoOiv aid to tho enemy such ns "If 1 jjvcn ” •'^^ted committee and the John- house.'' i ^ to know imythinit." o r ‘'W. hy"r unless Uiey nre willing to work Onoone lhe, know wax w orkingUB on W’hentwheat to Jlussla and ateol'andI'nnd oneono tilingt It shall be given," ' * , “ 7 M in id o k a *houia I.vote?" "W hat'i Uie use. “" ‘"Jf ly po- ferUlizer plants lo Tllo. nible.Bible. What haa this to do0 with ndmlnlslrntlon " cnrry7 out jieHe aaidst many telegrams wero ' for tha party. Tliey. are a dls- similarslmll reports. Say—tho city po- fcrUll ust do their plan of doing noUilngig .. .‘ hentjjeni to tho President from Ida* X T'_ tliBy’ll win anyway." they llcel , Ha\Wave Increased our nationalitlonal GodOod nndn America.? We must do their r gmce to their country If they Heel pom- ho and other beet sugar slates X 0 Amerlcnn politics ere every- «re m their I know every parent will11 foe)fee) ‘^obt<^*^ht 1limit'four times'In thoe past a lot of confessing of ourir sins Thursday, Thui atepanovJch, pom- ho and V a t « Y o u n g s te r s I'ory- (ire not willing to express their I 1 1 rep re- urglnB him to -au p p o rt Uio0 reso- O one'A buslneu. Tlione who ddon't o n 't choice at Uie polls. aana I do, thnt when a reporttort of four yeans t\o that today every to GodOo< and one's faults to5 eacli ocrallc ocrallc candidate for slate repre- urglnB take nn ncllve part nre dolntr jr for this nntiiro Is tupfjed In to some- fnmll;fnmlly of five In the UnitedJnlted other. other, Bcntallve, Bcntati ond Clalborn's oppon- lutlon, without success. A m.j lolng j I Intend to do my. best for this m was "The result — no notion was /V H more sood for our enemies than tlio IRepublican party If .UieyUiey one. placed In offlco ns a public Qtatei^tatca ha.s nn 111.000 mortBORortBBRo The aops mnko lots off mLi-mta- ent. ent, charged cl that clalbom was "The on was Attend Meet ate Is- taken In Uio R8th session of con-con* •. ■* * “ Uiclr own accntd. - - can uiUBc me. Ia thore n Democraticrat Bervont,«ervp wo rtot only wontt con- hnnglhnnBlnir oyer Kis hend a s CliQlr tliolr takes.tnkey. Tlio GOP b are not as yet cojif^lng coniA nntlonal and slate Is- taken Ii When proporllbn’Ate .share of tho0 na- dead;dead;' They mav havo been sleep-sleep. BueiW sucM^ j^ho ottncked tho} Dom- gross U to allow Uia marketing'ofting'of ^ RUPERT, Oct. -10 — seven « Apathy can and will destroystroy slttlnositting back doing T)othlng who cern, we wnnt action. When Propo oduced Minidoka, county 4-H youngstersv peo- cnres to see if he can outdo me? does this seemingly harmlesstss sex tlonnltlonal debit,Infr.Infr. T1 h e y are'^'irylnB to -,uach .teach MrallcfaUblnlfltration's ocrallc -pollcieirpollcieir oxcoaa ,sugar that waa produced Mlnldo our wny of life unless these peo- cares sou^nd somo o f th e best people, .'o r oil sub 3 * .. took part In the 1004 Portland pl# get up off their cans endand laIfl UiUiore a Republican sittingtting offenderoffer turn Ihto aomeUiIngeUilnB DellDellovo It Is economically sou^nd some lo, or tfli suBatvMet acreoBo allotmLmenUi. ents, a t Uie :request o f Uie UflDA." P nt out to pny 10 bllllon dollars a yearoar Inin DemocratsDemoc who believe In1 civil Stepanovlcli step also chargedtd thntth a t OlalbClalborn's atatem en t, madet«/i'. In Intornntlonal Uvestock exposl- lUrt actlns like U.8 . cltl&ens.IS. If back bnclc doing nothing who thinkslinks worseworsi and take hls torment out to pnj e con- Saturday at PorUond, Oro. free he con outdo me? If so Z chal-dial- On on his h victims? IntercIn terest oh our natio n al debt, rights,rlRhLs, nnd as many thingsigs we the the "Republlcnna“R created aI atole-stale- the foriform of n news release, con- ** the; havo no Interest In a free he cai V-that Tlie group, made .up tha coun- 5 Uie longe you-to a contesU X thinkhink ThesoTh reporU miut- notot bo nnd have . fro«ottcn .what.at . It c«n'tcan't understand. . mate'on mate’( future-extension-ofof thetha tlnued;-iiWhlle-It-lj» tlnued* true-thot j tountry. they .do not deserve Uie lonce ire haa ty ’e 4-H beef. Bwlne, sheep an d prouctUin- nor tho prlvUeaesleges I can bo a better citizen than treaUsdtreat as petty complnlnUiIts by moammoans lo balance the budRot.;et. ThereTho Isn't any common» man «uBar aesslonlon of Uie secsecretory of agriculture has y a 4-1 orelgn In Russia or America. We have congre bo no Judging teams. proTiiitd by It. you. you. onyan y sheriff. .• BellIJellevo in a no-wIn foreign In Ilui lit nf ennounnnnounced Uiero would bo no J What I tm trylnir to s e t neroBJicross - RAY ORANDALiL TliTlio loss of Dick Pnuler'sr's In- policy . In our flBht against Ood- n few good Negroes and a,ir lot tw of i ^ Clnlborn ^ilall snld Soturday/ that ncreage reetrlctlons for lOOS, lOflB, I1 TlioTho dairy lenhi Ineludea Nor* l5 VOTE. Vot« ftffninst mle e If iTwIn Pnlls)) voluivaluable service haa m ost surely lean ccommunLsm. bad w wlilt« men. Just uslnnr0 hk this the atatement si ho mode Oct. 1l hasten to ^ in t out that the In- nia Tuckor,Tu Randy Butler and ce de- T ry to ■whllewa.'Jh an d sweep UioughtUiougl for example. Somo his- , p lan t -Alnn Woody, T h p beef, swlnv an d * ifr A been felt by our city police de- Try to th iA ^ true statement of theth e duslryd uslry certainly will not p lan t -Ainn W partment.p " S He hns continuedjod to underimder the carpet such rotten tory sayssn tho former cnme to this . the ncreage that was plantedod thla nheep®‘>®®P team Includes Lola Abo^ Bobby Innd by Uie boat load to gett awaynwny • the acr, p .,, ba of old to tho pollco depart-loDart- P°htl(political mnnouverlngs as Bobby Innd b UiUilt true," he conUnued,Unued, year, wwhich la eatlmated to nro-pro- Louise phliups. and Elaine Krae- I J I menu bnd the FBI. BnketDnker nnd BIlllo Sol E-stes.i. from w' ar. W h at do you Uilnlc, ,uuo» < e com - duce 3.400.000 tona of sugar.- mer. MMaking the trip as on al- Man W a r n s AAbout b o u V oting for m.nj to lie, friend and reader? ' "lhat ^the house agriculture com- duce 3.^ So Dick, this Is my personalirsdnnl PooF\j®1 It In tholr prlvlleifo to lie, friend INE nilUfo wns coiislderlnff sugar;nr leg- '."The' 1003 prodyctlon whlehhleh isIs ternateternnte U H arry Lord, endorsement of falUi In youtu that «l<>nl. misrepresent and wltliliold:liliold .-W. C. BTONBIjjv Lilalion at that Ume." Ilo-ex-ilo -ex - market,m arketed. In 1004 exceededcd UiDtho TlieThe group Jofb Thursday un- orlonn __ i* imlttee Inventory for Jon. 1,10G5?^houldkhould ngent,naent, Vnnco Smith .and Mrs. G LE Bollovo Jn iwln«? th e tftxpnyers'ryor” ; J W l [7 had adjourned the committee Invento Voiintt Is the m ost Im portantrtant breeds“IJ®®**! contempt for law; 'It In- MRS. LUCILLE DEAGLB Bol Rites Held for Sept. 20 without taking actiontlon on be InctIncreased some; it stillm will W nrren KlnB. buslncaa before Uie Amerlonnrinnn vltcs *ovory mon to become a^ law (Twin Polls) monomoney to buy votes. Tiyf r* iiAAt YouUia are seleoted for tha vliole hlmsolf: It Invites anarchy. Bellevo It Is wrontr to encour- iVXcl t o n '’’'‘rkellng relief for the domesUcjmesUc have somosi 000,000 tons of beot , public (ills m onth. TlJo whole K our- Martha Tarleton BUBar In excess of lhe quotaOta forlor “ "2". nccordlng to Uielr' 4-H Let'a keep our Amorlcan system ■**.** ntie o u r nchool children to pray p,,n, rtha T Jndustry. sugar Ii . “ work during tho year. Tho trip world ,la watchlna; an d waltlnjrnunB , , responsibility Immoral services for Marthafiiifiir J. ..Qh Pr‘day. Oet. a, SenatorJonator thetho lOfllOflS marketing year." ° for our presidential choice. J q to Qod o r rond tho Bible In our Tarleton'I'nrleti were conducted Satur- nenno 1* flnnncod by funds raised by . , for Justice, by electing officials ^ 1 J S i?h?o schools. (j(jy n chaDfii °®f'nott from Utah Introducedoduced ConciConcernlnB Stepanovich's ao- i ,5 youngsters with the help of Th# alory on tho fro n t p ag e'o f w m i Citizen Defends n White mortuary chnpel late to cuaaUon that the Republicans V Uf wlUi ChrlsUan principles, values Bellevo th a t wo should hnvolave a uy t)iet),e Rev. Bmait Ilassolblad.bind nn -amendment In the senate to cuaaUoi r tlio county's 4-H Loaders As- lu t Sundny's Tlm es-Newa Is a «nd r ”lnaer- the-house-pftsscd tariff recJassl-Bclassl- hnd h a d erecreated oatalem nte. Clalborn .QpinMr * ^ an d policies. Person’s Rightt "slronR “ n' centralized BOvcrnment;one lo10 Pftiiboarers wor« Paul Plnaer- ^ ® I'not'a Builder’s club. dliBraceful example of tho typotyP® SR»,»i tudy, tho clocllon Issues, p la t- rwi , rule a went people. so,, . J havo snld, "The facta ore It was not a of official elocted to tho offlco rnrmn ,,,,, son. Albert Gregg, Earl E. Har- office fqrniB i>nfi rt^ndldntPBj nnd hfl nn - I V b U l^ ^IdsettrH^ftT-DsnentrWelter-ieel*- nfttltetr jmrtlann pi;Qblfim-Jn-^thtt_comz1 com- _____ o nUgRTH QP llOMOIt -of BJiBFifr uy-A-mmbHiy or vftusro i S S : ^ * v dollars from th e people, then Blve jy fng kllotm ent by 373,000 tonsma anand d mmlttee. itt^ * Tlie administration never vnj.v. In Mississippi, ■ • Inform ed'voter on Tuesday,S-To-Ghoose-Party-3 n Blve jy nnd e j Noymnn. I never prtER, Oct. 10 — Mr. and Mra. Nov. 3. Edit)Editor, Tlmes-News: 11 It aw awny ns a reduction of taxos tax«s Nancy Nnni Brackett was the organ-o rg a n - m ainland cane sugarr mmar- ar- tooktoofc na ;posillon on sugar, ondmd the predpr^d WilsonW woro guosts of honor . Juillco Ornndels o f th e su­au- MRS. JANICE BARTON .Re:ne Mr. Detweller'a amuse-imuse- “*’‘1 'nt tho same tlmo IncreaseCrease j^t j^t andnnt Gary Mojor wos soloUt.lolBt. keting relief for th e domimestlc estic Boverolaeverol bills Introduced neverver got at a house-warming party nt premo oourt w om ed o( th e con- (Twin Falls) men tlons' Bovemment expondltures, ^ , C oncluding services wero0 cocon- n - "UBnr Jndustry. out of tthe house agriculture« comcom- - their homj>.h< given by th e P rogres­ wquences of such official law- mont to another’s convictions: 8“''* '' * * W * I would like to ask Mr. Dot-net- BellevoD«1 Jn h.mrio!iM nnd doles ducted dHcted in Sunset Memorial1 park. "On ’On Prldny, Oct. 2, 8ienntdronnt-wh»n-l«-the-lndlvld»al% i n i t r - -^tottcher.-Poi-irood-or-mrlt' T C r a party nfflllatloris determined'TOmoii - Mwnpto whole people by ItsitfXMidates C f l Use • Cy“by financial contributions? I , thought the •Amorlcan way wns Crime Is contajtlouB. If th e gov-_ Editor, Tlmea-News:- thou It’a ■YiiUior amusing, to watch/ntch “L ? P®rsonnl conviction nndF thnt = IChurch .ll to Honor * * * * tho thed dosperatlon of the local Re- choice J"”*' be mnde by vote or If one _ publlcon candldaUjs as they {® "trongly enough, could con- Former Irn Organists 2 B IG l( C A T T ;a l e s t*S . Brnsp for cnmpnign issues. Tlmo tribute Ilnnnclolly ond physical- ■* ” Citizen Wonders K iislnff ‘y- WEWENDELL, Ocl. 10—A newew or- nfter tlmo they, continue using cnn In memory of Mrs. PaothF aeth Items w hich aro of n atio n al con- SliBlnce what you hnve stated Why Demos Failn [£", u n«i Enton. W endell, Will bn dedlcnted com Instead of material whichch isJS l« n«amusing: and that one Is ,,n. nol durlnir Bpecinl services nt 3:45 L c a l f & FEEDERER SALSALE-MONDAY,)AY, OCT.0 12 J. of -local ond atatb concern.I. In recofrecognized as a. Republican un- 1. SPECIAL CAL filftv- nnm e^^ls.on th e -crhn/.if h e c k P-hi. Sundny n t the Wenfloll To Name Partyy. ... aome respeots, this la rather olev- less - S S . Mtt»»odU,tHihui-al»r...... fendoll C c J l l y C "^___ * fcauor“ fimM-Krew«: ■------flr. or. Hie w&lly jfthruses tlie voters: fglHK Hgnment!^0GFeR©SSSR:EDaCS& R:ED ^U V Ek(M o5tai55J-:iStooo) - ■ ■ big Deniocrat. Also,' It mightr»if bo h« 7 The now organ wlir be dedl- iim» be ejcpected a t th is 7 'r*'®’*'? general publlo aees big ° n^orb ‘^’'tod In thft-nnme of Mrs.,.S: Ent-' 200 WHITEFACE /VS {M ontana) - 500 LOCAL C tjno of, year, nature's autumntumn “Plnshes Doing mnde but • they '^®*' W*"' Dotwiiller,absorb ^‘'tod FEFACE STGCfK COW S {M on L O C A L C O W S , aome of God's teachlngjr on« •«««even J’"* who ’ hns played music fnr " “ ‘1 candidates* blazlnanzina ”®vor "®ver do find out how these Re- . Iho church since 1010. Mrs. J2aton nalgnnienta early! bl lboarta covar Walio'. countiy-ntry- Publicanf’'"'!'' candidates atandI on his his rmade up,'"Sinners fop ChristChrist n-ns i'nV transferred from the'.^an. Oer- Please imake your eonalan ntenlt m^ll*'"'T‘‘“ P'“"dld-nrrny-oI,y_of iMUCfl-ConcBrnlnB-ua-rlght-herehero socli Sooloty,-!_.*o-li«.-mny-be-more -m ore mnn-MothodlAt-ohuroh-at man- aioSioux u x — ’ ------Varying colors. , . ^ In TwTwin Palls and Injldoho. WhatK i aunllfiod to Judge 'and not»ot bfl bo City, City, Ift„ to Womlell In lOin.- 1 do those Ropublican candldotus 7 . t.£""“* 'moovoroil nn- hJ S jjcjy Judged. . Other Otii memorlnls-also willIfi bo 2. SPECIALL BLAs Uielr choice. nndand i Mrs. Oarl' T.,n«nfichled, Ru- iSniu **hd give the Domoorata a chance Uieli i HEIFERS ^ * to make Twin Paljs a better place t. pert, h as completed Uie ' ■ first Z l 100 OPENI BLACK YEARLING HEIFER! d“hS " ■’"'•'""ll"'-”’■ phase of his air force baslo iralnirnln- - the r« l uL' ‘"'“rloolc m bnllonlnff?ninfr i th o atoto Of Idaho , 'andlclaiM- p arty nfflllatlon.itlo” ? proRrens. L iE S T na V. ■ nnRYAN v A N ingIng nat Lackland air forco base, TVi.in Idaho U a comparaUvely youngo unu lls) To*.Tex. ff you needJ any qfol these cattle,tie, give u s a ccJI . . . . . oro r better yet, Viln "tf^t*- Y et It la behind tha tim;lmos es . "...... ■....- I .I I I ------In so many ■ways. Tlio Republl- i plan to attendtend anand see a REALEALAUCTIpNI A ll • p th» chns keep pro-otlclpg trial and T?ln Lf?' o' H>« Srrnre«ieC_infithQds_Oortalnly-IdaUo ^ MMldJ^l OomoorntW S liMagic Valleyilley Calendar “,',""“'™'d tho Domo.emo- ““n®'*h study, the good and bad «— Son- niothodsof othor states and comecof"® OCT. l i - i s •'»r Slitr up with somo programa that; will ^ f^l^PourU i districtllstrlct idRhoIdhho Sducatton nstfoclatlon con- I school. u n i o m s.nalf}. iiclQ-tho.p«Dplft.of-Idolio-and-UiBtUiB vontlon TarJn |naiu h/gh school. ^ S t oo c c k k I l a n d INION STOCKY/RKY/RDS r. t s . *4 AND M • - - W , r S ‘ to aolv.solvfl >tnto atate b ^ o m o ono th a t is u p wwith ith -' wt v m P A t^T ii„"r„T i,*’cioV^^^ dls Community Childrens theater wm will ^ FREYA, SPOKANE, WASHINGTONW ASHII n PHONE•h o n e KEK 5-2444“ — undl- tho tlm A -antt progressive. • prosipresent the "Pled Plw r" atIt tho O'LearyO'Lcai Jimlor hiRh school. what T^s, It's tlmo for a ‘changelinael NOV. S>Y6.? .. RUBERUB SCHMIDT I on Time for the faemocraU to holp thi Mooso nnd Women of Uie MoonoIfOOHO I M ES P. SEABECK,• A B E C K , O w n e r »“•>’ .tr,”'c™ J‘nTo'n.^'’!’'?-^'-‘’'* " -n-h?;U io„.T "'--Sfp tUSSELL GLADHART .... the peopio of Idalioi . . NOV. JJI CLAUDE W ILHITEirCLH ITEirO fficflM cinagerje, RUSSELL OUNNINailAMMi MRS. LrcONARD HUBlt IU ipon«or ths Decio Minstrel ihow et (TwUvireiij) ^ (Twla.^ls) . .

'L*.: ¥fs : " ■ r ■ \'( ■ '.r. , ' ^ ■■ ■ ISUi: DKOOPS I1; Xvll •> fkc ^ W r K f p 4 tonlffht nnd i!5 ■ ¥ V dlana turned five aecond-lii^Ur land Browntt/n tt 21^-723-7 bbefore a crowd of toni rri.M _ IM m • iifahtf Or»fOft intorcoptloTiK l^to scores toe 1 tho Eiiatorn dl- I'—iv . dropped thoho BrownwBrown; to aecond place, in the Kaf rrH.TTi: ll?111 as fihocklna favored nice 34^r. v IhIoh nifio0 of tho N ational p'ootball lettgue.Kuc, .lohi.Itilm Ilonry j.::;:: i„,.„.„,.d r 1 . ------|>unu ' ------«-J« 4-»| »rdai*-.,,« Linebacker Jack Chnm JohnHon, Jl fullbackfullbiu *whn I'unihUa iAit ___.. .. 0 — r j — ..‘.J ' , J •■roko a 7-7 deactloct wlini ran llko a, halfback; halfhnck Rc^'od G v v o # » iiaA ‘ w V ______1 R-ii.* «OH.a Brabbed ft Walt Mcneynoiiis tl illSC , * * ■* 1 VUMtllM4 t ______iM> t------. J threo louch . ; —.Ilii'JilniJ-r'J'J'-j;:-’'39- : «•« Mft . —■ ‘a i IB wlUi n tnuchtlownchtiown wllhwith only 10 • tho. ball acroM Uio r I , f'umhiM Jn«l . . I . • , ,1 ,2 Ku.liin* jarWaa*li*** - " - it* liCcoiulH loft'I wiien when eiiiiw e»«« scored Btrlpe. RolnaJt to to Joe th e McCollum.foi joji,^ wilbur. on n tnrkle e V«r.l* p«nil|i*<) • - • Une. blit tJiey, fo ropont tt 10 mo«t yard touch- jf,je pasa. took Terry Desyiv W Vti! *-k -}4 > W « - - 4-IN4.IH i-ii on a rd20 run.-yard run. . ' , ^ I'aai** lnl«rrfpl*ri»ni»H ... . 3 3 J Frofino'.s lL*ndtni( icadlnit Rroimd Rrour .iialnor second half In OrcRon' t( , , 10-yard throw for n toiichdc - ; It wiu lilso) aft StcclcrS tcclcr nwhinff rumt ...... -— •• I-” wm fullbnckck Lovl LovJ owOw em wJlo C OI.LIDINGING AT TIIE NKT, Victoria MnpieB Leafs*Leafs’ BBill ill Shvets81 (0) nml Lntf-.Anreltfa B ln tle t'. The Vandalsto PBBSdidn't to Qoi Joe hap- n,rco plnya nftor auy noun iliirlnr » Vi^fBtem Iloefcey iencue.enm n l-'r{day rftcord, topplnir hl« ow JI 41 totaled Bflyarda yarda tn tn alx nix trltn, Vonnc ohaHeIHA .Into Into the |K«arnf(cr tho puck during » Wes acoroboard ho until two-point only 1 conver- yille Intercepted a Waldo r ’"i'f lain r ; ; - » Iln Al Mlllitr has fallen to the ice. In fnrecroiindfnrecrount U niades' Maro Bolletlu. Loa A of ina yuniB1 huin. jtaiu.looo. it. d.A iL* W ------“------Lent**' *onlle Al Mlllitr 1 malned torobey .play. batted Dut thei ball at tho lUco 37 and returned TJJo Stn^Iersers tnoUtook an 10-0 Jrj^d ’ w. w w _ T% ' won 7-5. (APAP wlrephotowirephotol earlier Rlck-Vaccadatolr rlB bt Into < C h ap - u,o 10 ]n tho flrHtI qutirlerquarter rnnd were syracuac imnlhnled dominated the plny T T fn a 'a R llV A , ' L J ft in ds. tJje en d Mn« •______never In trouble..rouble. MUMike Clark throuKhout theho cold,cold, snowyb aft- ^ s BM uJllM r .y ------~— ndaln Rot pomcaalon ’ ” , . _ IS Sundoy,Sunday, O cf. 11; 1964 Idaho nsaln wau ab tho blclced IV 31-ynrd-yard Holdflold »oal nnd cnioon, JioldlnffInff th tho o BB rulnaj to a h v t * i • - . • r//£ TiA/ieS^A/£\ Quarterback Mike M< ; Johniion UiirALa t upu p tho rr mld^tllo for nilmm fotir yarda yarda throuKli thr tho 'n“el!ry"'S23 Aubutn Wins Ti: louchdown. Tlie blK njr. W lCllltai i t a mHI ' g who iiacl rem arkable aeco n ns-ynrd touchdown. ^ ' 8UcceSif'"Wltn~hlir-keBpo I fullbiiclc dimhed,hed 45<5 ynrtyards In the who0 accountednccounte for half p y t t j I [ Rocond qiiiirlcr, bnnt puclicd out"at'fh.Tdaho to Joe Me 5? “ .But Loses-Sidlc OranRo'aBo'a 2 200on yards y.i rush- Q J .- 4 R l l O o mI H p l . '1 Twin ralla,I for pasflcd a iq yard to Vern AUBUrirr, Oct. 10 (iD-Jim Drowns' defcnHlvoonslvo mcoMcondnry lu >n an „,.yIfl-yard burst 1 ll rnco to the corner fin down run. Iho OrCRon 41 an d It sidle. trylnB to pull Aubiirn-fi period and n two- LOGAN, Oct. Oct. 10. lO-IUTD (UTO U inh I mrel^a nimlet’ llmvlo tried IdalVo'to p b b s atlllto. J( had a behind dosplto tlio pnln 0 • Except lor.® nn iD-yiirla viml'touch- In the flnnl quarter, State's leakc proof proof lino lino and tiie I down- pi\M from PnmJcr?n»nk ily^ to ( .enmB l-’rJday nlfht. man for tiie two-point pulled fihouidor muBolc. (on> In T ^h i -tho K lDHR‘‘abst rurun n of tho day dazzlhiR nmnlnBnnlnff ofof HoyRoy Bhlvors. Jy. / Onrry Collhw In -the rny nnd Don Holder *■ ^ Roliejlu. Loa Antelwi,' gion,'but Tobey1 30 seconds batted t rem ain - o th er shoulder loone lotlny, tn by nophomore Craig Murray and Doi [on’a Robb llasklna tho TlRors went on without 1 i _____ quarter, tiio, S.tflolora t f l o l o r defcnae oyd “ J T^m."Little. Ho re- poworod the e OBRrmive OBRrmiVO ARRicn t o ------. ______Into Oie’nlr —' rlBbt Intc ------Btoppcrt-^hr-Drownjt-eol-Browna-eold-ln-tho /!£ll>fiit on ,.Floyd Little man's hands.a M onahan paaa and to dcfcat CliaUanooffn 33-12.' jlvlnB up only flvo turncci n puH^DO-ynim t-Il0^nrdn-1<;i-aJ^“ -’-lnler»Kll<'ll»lJlirBcciionnl-YipU^ry to - « 1 • WIIIPH FUIIMAN flrHl hiUf, eWluK u p t a the second period, ilW "m r vlaltlnit/lalllnB W Wlch lchltn. . A Jf^^A//TlA/C Tlio V andalsran oub Rot tho poi clock. It wna a costly victory for I ^ irst dowtiR. touchdown In tlio srcoi T IlflT J iT I'S ' ~WIttIA'XfBBUH0r*05f jilsHefl'thoBJJ flcconda B'afpo i with 'fumbllrBrTtBcnr-whoso~20: 0- )unt return In Syra- The Arr[e.-j.Ic.i . bonstlnBb o a stin a the nn- Y ...... - Tho at«lerii-iwea•ra-iwea «e> aeven min- Ings Nip India;I.lVl..A.C4/Xt.k;7 wcfivor'a! ■ 0 3 -y a i InR when ,lona B erry and failed 330 ynrda i In to K entucky Inst week drop flO-yafd touchdown history,, — - - tlon'B hiBhost-acorlna-ost-Morlna-machlnc.______i I 1 on nn flO-ynrd to • exploded for 31 polnU ■I T ^ 'l - --wlUx.a..paaa.lnlorcppUon the fow inchen«, Ho nalncd needed loo yards them from the nnllon’e lop l h ' drlvo In ttio third quarter,qunr with ^ - • Idaho I Johnson pUlnR Into the r." “ On Last Vfl l -V L X I flj C l V / J . position for a N [ Monahan pasflcd to G o l o r a d o wirMu m.i, at. Last-Second PI Jrom Uio four-yiird Uno. . • a d o ' Leyde a t thoIth’only OrCRon 15 yarda41 rueh- '" t "houldcr and tra rir.t .lown. ...___ IS -IIAZKLTON, Oct. A IG-yard-paaa)-yard -paaa on the down that carried tho.. I Tt\A Btooiornlera niAhectrushed' for' ?54 ^ >Y7* -1 i • ' Uiuainir yarilar* — u it «S • k d e n - i i a z e l t o 10— W nppenred rtlme, IdalVo' finished atlll with 1011 Konny Howard satd ho will • I > ynrdu whllo hpldlijB hpldtijB tho-ttrow|iJ thi ■■ lild*'''liidffes V c.'.".'.-ruii« — IU 31 final play ofof thotlio j?n’Kti’no carried tho Valleyalley ViUlniViUlngfl to a past Furman a i-u todn h o Bround.______M aid'up for^perhnpa th rea we ; to Ofl. C ’ l>ai>a«« Inlirrfpltilrf» p n jT _ *'*a ] 1 20-Kl comc-from-bclnc-from-bchind victory oveif; the Shosh(Shoshono In- But with 30 seconds i - —• J » dians lasC n'prht. Tl — ■ — — inR, OroRon’a Robb l i v KumhUa tn.l . X I # t n'flrht. Tho deqiafvo pitch uenfc from Lijpo iiri Slips B Y U byj j y 7i VF Y»r»li prnall>r!ihone aRaln pounced . ' K>8 tnte domlnnted tV If 01>orn'» bO-yard•yard tcoiscorlnu romp j„ d j® aecondcond period with nn Wcsioruren:en in in flr.st flr.st flight on* n Vnlleyey fumblofumble ntat tho 30- the flrat hnlf nft«r tito * Ilnnls. ynrd ilno. Stovo Stove Thom cashed ) i^M ^ touchdown. MUwourl tmln,„ >n tho third duarter: \ , " z \ r o , th o viM i- raced over fro m 13 Sinclairir toppledtoppled J. J. C D, Clnl- that brenk: In on a 12-yard 12-j end ■ ' ' ‘ 1 ; ■ three ncorlnB threntJi . cl Larhcn ousted Dr. sweep, !' ' th b W lldenta1 “■well in In in ohocit ch« J In tho 'I'l" ' B““l»aal, Inin thithe acorelc, foTwl’or hia fr^^lfirst touchdown Ln^c'^ ousi Inst lin u ; . in n t nyn ...nnnrt- » BOUO'gone lU In tho first po-' Gleu llass.ass, bom botli I I up, In Sophomore!)re fullbnck DnloD Per- ' The Rama took th ir» set up the scorlnB ecnil-flimlal plny.plny. ' kins Ktarted?d Vallry bndbnck with a H v - J K nnsns Btnte**Itatft's DoutrDouf Dusen- half kickoff? onin theltl.l ? rf rlod. Shtvora set up SERVICE a ao-vnrd n m ' - MciubcrHL‘rH nlso nre reminded re 23-yard offff tncklo ruriin n In tho. / ; ' bury, the nntlon'stlon'B leadinBlendir punter, niaxInB tho1 ° dowiiflo d o w I S d ’ “r^iaJJh P>»)' ™ best bftil tourney tiiird quarter nnd minu , !• Jumbled r fourth down i •ter nnd minutes Intor ■ / jurth down pass from with Eddlo Brlt'aBolt's rciRcorhiB ptt.Hs Six, minuteslillZTunrr^ later, i ^ will bo mndo a t a scored on tho the Biimo plnypl from ^ ! center tn tho,ho flretflrat period.pe Hla to lullbaolt Al U'arU'nr frtfrom the six. phinRcd overver from from five f y ard s S i rth ner C d rtlnner Wedneaday. js ynrda out.Dut. He alsoalao convcsrted.C' A ! h u rried , lowV puntp u n t waawoj ■ lilooked oob Wolfa converaloiconversion provided Bl>}verfl rncc ciUt’rliiff t h o m eot ^ .w . • \ n n d M issourirl toolc overove at. the the victory marnln,mftrRln ®ud. broka to the t the stnRO for Torres , . __ 5 ™ ' " ““ I'l 'call “ 1' the Ppro " shop That »el the Blaco Ic , K 'S tn to 33. scorlnBacorlnl In in nine r playa. Two ■ minuteslutPS latelator. Oborn and ■scamperedlicrca 70 70 yards yai iMloro „ j 3, j 3371„ prior to ywcdiicS. "nd EiiRllahBh to pull offofl tho win- I i i . • Johnny Rolnnd□land gathBOth tliot touch- m-abljcd a CSV punt on hi* 44 *^1ub brouBhbuiiht down down on i Iho 6, ,,j nlnR victoryiry after thothe cclock had Hv •, . ^ I d'^wn from -the thn nnil,nnn on c .loiirUi and daahwinl thmnghthrouBh ColilTndo "’U tah Sato tato ndtlcd added a a field goal ______-:______nciunlly run•un out. IIu IluRhes rI went m I . t down.______■^______^______... B taie'a ontlro1^ tpiui,ipini. • • i fur ft lT=tr-hnlftlmo-leO' = ' ■■■■- ...... "■"■■ Inff-tacklo for the^jglntthe noint after. ri 11 D C mECHAmCSW/i^ t Oklahoahoma Statete StunsS Colordorado^Wittilith 14 -10 UUps( p s e t I j 1. Rem.(i i i i i [ BTIXiLWATER,iTIUl, OklnOkla., Oct. 10 roachod thoB Cowboy nine-yard act up tholO BuffaloeaDuffaloes on their yarda to thoho nine. nine, ovor threo; plnyaplaya later,lator. • D «^.. Oklnhoma BtnteBtate drove (lA yarda lino to takoD a U-1014-10 Bl{( ClBht own 43-yardrd line. ColorColorado drove Out Oklahomalahoma 'StatG'a State dcfen- Oklahomana Btato'a Blate'a wlnntnu w r\©QU for n touchdownhdown enrlearly In tho conference victory today.I for n firstt down on itho Okin- sivo line n met e t tho thn clJullenRB ciintl an d drive cam o0 aafter fte r CoioraiColorado kicked ^ I lourth quarter,rter, then stoppedi a. .Colorado'sI late nurseBurae camo aft- homa Statele 13n and qiquartcrbaclc dumped thoh o Buffaloes bn ck to off follow lnRInR Its Ro-nherRo-nhend touch- ^ 1 frnntlo Colorndolorado UircUireat which or Olcnn Baxter'alaxter'a 30-ao-yord punt Bernlo McCallcCall picked up four tho ;:o wherelero tho tho Cowboya Cowl took down,ln thoiho third qunrter.qunr Bax- Q ^/1rk|||■ ______I ' ______»t ¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ If ifi .¥ ¥ ¥ ifi )/i ¥ ^ V-. lor'a 20-yardird pass to LyiLyun CJjftd- IvlUUI

' .TI^B El'IC E ^ r in t «ti>wn»------13 ------OUR^Winti EXPERT MECH I ll » ‘^#•3 Uu.hlnit yaraatt■ ritatt _-r^ t(l2in: I2A S g E P (nlirr*pi«l , 0 >• f 31. .B Remove'Your'O^ a la r 'a I 'u n li ...... - <•:« 7*3* t: □L . r»mMtn Inti ------I I j ^ ,• jiiii.ir™ ”75 ue WintiRegular Tires Vr * * Wick and his elRht.ynr(elRlU*ynrd pickup ^ on a faktf HoldfioJd goni njtflr njtflmpt wore ------2.------Mount- - ^..... Your j F S ^ *• tho-blB-plny»4iwUjft4nariy»4iwUjft4narciv______' rullbnck WWait alt OnrrliionOnrrljio pluuB- i tJ from-om the one»jone.ynrd line FAIVIOUS— W\ nte M r-TI , V ' ^ ^ ll'® toluchdown u c h d o w n on a fourih If yf>ur Imtli'ry in 2H .WAHNINC I'liiii lejivo SS....S044 n o M ------1------piaro it nnw 6-Voit B W H i — - _ w*t)»3. a l»ivBalance <•(.«( fi(jp. Your m FiroHtohe, ^ Exchango EJfcMng' Clll Nipsfips MiaMiami On Conversiconversion out MIAMI, -Fin.. Ocl. ]10 I f BH \ ^ / CrnlB Morion,rlo n , IKqtb« hpcihpcond beat H m . , r ...... poiiaur In collaflc funibuil:olhw« tonlbiOl.lii H ■ .flPlJir A ^ n'na f o r c e d to cnil H E R T R E A D S ^|H ||N |m H Ulanchflcld'a too 'MOUS MAKE BATTERIES A ' ^ B 8 aalviiRo a 0-7 victory i uur liiitil'ry in 211 mniTthu ol«| it oan rAtt. w jtu o iit” IF ■ ’Ilar'TPCT nETHEADS APPtlEO ON SOUfiO TinE OODIil Ifl^P fornlA over Mlaml'a \ NiNC niid lejivo you Rtrnndj'd. Iloplnco it nnw > a l«nv <-(i«rt ficpcnrlflhlw hnttpry from Firoiitohe, . M iam i’s team . fl,hlcli ...... hiffhJy sophomorepJiomore (onwmno Ijpcniwe ■ of the loBS1 of 17 plrtycitplrtyc’it throURh • ' academic fnllurofailure mul violation • o f tralnlni?)B rulu.n, HhocJa-dHhot iJjo ' T .— -^— ------—!------■ r^'- — ^ ^

I .1 < < ^*-,v—-1-— i^—■— TT-- ; ^ Jf Jj— ^ ^ E T V IG 1 ~ ~ ~ ,', ' • ^ ¥ V“— ” ■ ;—; “-» ■ •«■ •« ------—»—V ------r Stolen llliniIlii I iiM-r iir ^ g iK gaM if ^ i Penn Stati5tate G6;W' p a s s Triggers r i g I @ * a « ^ Line Ll Stamtand Kills bWio-Statitate Win I Cadets-•LaptHope"" lias Oct.. 10 (UPD—.rolin.FlirnMB-1 4 8 - i y flgflWiPCT torcoptotr pnB9 in tho fir s t fo u r ■ " x S i i ® * b q HB V„ Oct. io m- — Ponn State fo'»' . 9 k ^ f 7 r % K . m iu'cli r ItH-oiily touchdown today, then 5r;r.“irtfrf nn Oliio Stuto HCorln(( nplurtfourgo ' P i * iK a.a ^ X V c I i ii'V ovor Bccond-riinkocl lIllnolHH to- ' 4 heJ|(^UEeQl3*jlpfcjki^^ m 0 1 iiuloiiH jroirliinR"j^iTfl“lir!th (rty in ji— H t ' 1 Imltod lllinola' atrqngoat tlrfcatn*oat ,. •my G-2,-Hnapplhir J\ tliroc-Kftmo lo.Hintr •od-up N jiJ^iy IJtini<, aftor lofling • t ■ ^^jUQKj ‘ '■‘^[lic^lillli R >IUl’ ^°n,U|l'il vPalmey B l Gams -I gglPcdroirLead^ - ^ 1 • FiF irials^f ■ ' - I t h a i i . t ’„!r Filer Over := ''rhnc-Wm’ld M e e t I w Hailey 45-6 iinnd. g >• J f l H j K i(u>i.in r only VinoiNIA WATBU, Englimd. ■ *.;jf , liA iLEY . O cl, 1 0 ^ aordoh '. all on Ocl. JO.tAl—Arnojfl_^imer bliidf.bUld-r. - ■ 7*u*. Poriro Started Filer ronina In thn noonod old DitrnniTtafttP=W«nt- , ” K.14 quarter wiirn he ran fov 'JB ■ 5?<"'TS°«'rto"ovor«^i.yby TrV: worth'a domnndlnir fl,03(J - yartf • • ■ ’ ft yards on vpuut return yenterdiiy. sub- ^ If ; „rw K “ "rit.up »nou.«fmother west course — Into abject sub- , » n-n- Uio W lldcnts’ rniitiled . Ui« . mission todny and marched ovorover t t ’ , Hnlley W olverines 4S-0. tail In I t . into th e flnnl of Uio first %<> p.” jpfcM BK T I Four I State ' Lnrry HopworUi followed with ho 40 world m atch play Rolf 'to uuma- m ft- p (■|h||V BIa||n9 allowed two talllcft In a row, one on a art- ' rcopt- ment. ' \ > -he end yard end «we«p nnd nnotlter on ttffnln The 3B-year-old U.S. Mastersnsters ^ WKST rOTNT. N. t V„ thoir Oct, n AS-yard i( pohs Inlercuptlnn. Miko a short punt foil rtonclttd on championchan from Lntrobo, Po., I'onlymiircluul tu G2 yanlrt for - ItH-oiily . Touehotlo tc ROt llio first two extra . ^tlio ‘’'nuckcyo DUCKCJ 41. B ut IlllnolnIn lost lont iinmshcd,,inii«g down llttio Gary Player,layer! (V r ttor- pninla but Uio Uilrd' onn failed. n the South Africa, an old rlvnl, ttR nndand J»m* ; L ,o ^ —rr.’UTie-npnrttlrirtTDmoiuloiiH Rhfy k I snfcty jroirli fllUelds added six mora.Jn iro « ,b n S O,;t«r.lo0 wnsw«» .00 Inin thoir 3(|-holo sernlflnalIflnal f r mimite.Hnnd RU to uiiH'ot A rm, jntcr- y G-2,-hiv t*'° wcond quarter from 10 yard* . irt tho match.' nn th« ‘*nd Stov'o T aylor m nde Uvo con- IISd l»r i> l»-J"'-‘' >"l!» ° '' f*f lo.HinfcTcepled Hti’onk. T ho I'irod-up.N ^lai EnB land’s matc)i piny chamham - t'iV •llieii-I'cnn £ fii-H t tln'oo f f unl n r hua- o s , Version to ' leavo tho score 81-0 ®‘*”" pion, Nell Colea, defeated LrutoDrute ;/ ni the half. • ...... “m"J.r M0r»d w o inuchdownii,Hi, on Dovllnn„v,| of Auatrnlla 3 nnd 1 Inin i i . «hi«, Ilnlfl Rcorod ‘ T>'" Wlldcntjj mndo It 33-0 nt' J " 55„[ (our ynril plunnM«, , nntl nml u ,„ oUior Bomlflnnl and win will ’ ^glPM TW nHBgregai (liUul—TTTT Iho Ponn in Sliito ii\ii I''® *nd of the Uilrd with scores , ..vlcfcpr Bol* riin lt, nilflflpdnlflsed moot palmer Sunday In tho.e.30- 30- iM rtw o -y ard l i n o w ithII Icsrt over Slileidi nud Touohette. John S m conversion W . "vicsood-:cocd- I,olo. Jor tho »14,000 first g ■ g g flg g i^y g g jg jjg i i^ L G" lhaii.two t niinutoa tb play.Ihn no. KnufnumX ••ocoverod a fumble on ,|„ n«t two nnd boolecl ?nniinr'ii Ulo. klcUo/f aud Lloyd O nry ran 2n P'’*’’® • ynrd n W W * * . I'I' ” r«;n‘ field Bonln for 30 nnd 3(1 0 |0,> UPBNDI’I) IllinnlR fiillliaekliMk. Donn o n IlansenHi falU to ito p Ohio tlie ffnvnrril lllini, OcfriiRlve end Dnve uiZ fn Uio ball lo lhe Uireo-ynrd lino to |l for The runfttc.up will receive M,- Ive end Dnve Mnellrr (Rd) preeitdeA (Im cnnvcri set np Shields’ tally. Touohette ; to A ly eight, polnU io r biMA state's Bolt Funk 1(13) fromim kkicking ick ln r n fourth fiu n rte r field goni fo n i illvln,(livlnff irnnKtn. Ohio Htnlp^ptnyrr^ p ln y er I#|r WW.l lllnril Baiyler (33) nijd No, Ills lefi . I'vnnfU, Army I I f 400 of tho Jifelfpotr^t^lftd'^by^ Vlr.r .liwni------.H ,17(rhu/«h punched over from JO yfird* /or • Iho dny. ' ., i ’ tobnctobacco com pnny. Saturday's•dJ,y-s Saturday. The field goal llfledifleil Ohio RiRtnte's margin to 20*0 over flS«« U lUrh Cttllnghnn. (AP’ MMlrrphoto) lrrpholo)------Quni1(ii>lilna 1-. H» <0* •»».« ------Army’sI'BMliitf >ar.li|« _ 1.10 hwI.mM '7»‘ IiU.s. lIAI UDtli conversions failed, ; — ------los«rilosors Bot $5,000 each. In fim Early In lhe fourth Sharp , Palmer, plnylnR his first mal«h ’r> . ___T-u 7-u*. poriro ~ A / e W S 'suntloy,Sonday, OOc>. IT, 1964 Jt9 _ tV,*h«n mndo It over on a qunrUirbaok -PiratGS-CroWJii^-11- play—toucnapionL-slnca-Jin-woap^- -«a -B- j j id ta iii-C o p»s s- i‘. : r m J — the U.S. (vmnlour dinmplonshlpnshlp . . . 1 ______forvupiMm me um _____ • -\ « y«nen1r-frtmT-Uio-iOnind~miR«od ard s < r 10 yenrs nRO, was flimpijnirt- |IH B H jj|||| ___- Iho•v«T.i» Bh u cd » from n.n- Ul if. ’ it ¥ M ' , Hnlley Queen, lC)ownVUL benlnblo.SJ" Ho started slowly^nnl nnd |jwG olf Am ateur 1, Hailey's only Rcore followed on- was ono down after nine holes. iir /*% f* Four plays later, Penn State ' Lnrr M Then ho fnlrly exploded nnd nnn p /~i vJ punter Frank' HerKliey allowedJ TTnm two^ ta ^1'°'’' Lnrry D urk to JInJ ^ htmsi-lfi f r i to b» tnckldd In theSH Twoond yard BlnRhnm t fo.r D5 yards, to. tha ■ I treated Uiq tree - lino p arr j 744 Jleani , C row n.1 1 thrco, Aflcr three tries to punch • Wendell 20-7 SScourse like a tom Uunnb layout. ^^y// '^^|r W Btichwzonf, Rlvlivi tho C adets th o ir n fi5-y only two points, safety. -- nin« - Touch the ball ncross, McQuffy ttin off HAOERNfAN. Oct. 10 —• Ha- AftAftor 111 holes Palmer was/OS 4 nOME,B( Oct. 10 (iW—A quartetunrtet jgjjy J f W K ^ y -W In Ulo a ^ " Btnto’iTl'ie slriiteKy paii! off!® H*®‘"‘ er- P tncklo ^ 'n ls for tho score. Tlio extra eeniitin crowned Its homecomtnitimlnR up. Hoi nhot n niornlntr roundId of of Brltl.sh I amateur Rolfers^whoH^wiio o^ •• 1 I point try failed. ' 5 « n l».l nIjM tralU n j W en- 00,00. fiveII u nder pnr, on a courseourse wouldn’twoul let ihemnolves beB dls-din------^------Khfy klclccU off n flc r lhe safety „ dfii 7-0 . but cnmo bnck Inn ththe e soBBymbb, from ovem lBht rnlns. Tlien turbed turb ;by n Uilrd stralfihf dny « nnd isunrd Johii nunnclU Inter- ouch- stnrtlnR Uio afternoon round,ound, of of drlvlnRd rnln.t Bc^i Ills brcuUi, he was nine down,lown. classed clau lhe defendlnR American A 1 t V* from tho two cllmnxlnR the. 02- (iu«n durlntf haUUme coreii)on-■mon- T in< h e llllle South African ra l- tenm. lenn which wound up In fourth",S At *•* Pocatello0 S ynrd mnrch. But O^rry Banker's InA dm conver«lon nttc-mpL was wide to ’“J S b y team cnplnlns W hite1 nndf»nd lied Hod to i win n couple of holosR but pince, p)nci 13 Ktruke.s bnck, n fterr once poCATELLOpQ, Oct. 10 l/HMl —- U B DukH DonnlnB, G loria r ‘«ni}iBMninR a »t t th t« e I2th Palm er Klanimod1 Uio hnvlnic be-'n only ono Ktroko be- o-'d. An-A n- their-ow n 20 to th e S tale two. ^ te rs o n kicked the ex tra point _ , pciltpciltlona. “i,, G ary _ Second place went to n CnnaCnna- oUlcr stroke bade wn.s G ary ^ In'^/ On th e next piny, Ruard Bob „ ■or Uw 1-0 Icftd. . ^ 1 g ^ l^ rl Tawzer,. R upert, n t 70. ^ r \ v l I ICano nailed tallbnck M nrk H am - tl dlon.u"n team, which posted Sntur- Uivaerman’a tlrat touchdown INips Ai’izona :nrtlnR John Klnaey, Twin Palls, leads • A |v \ J lllon for n-one-ynrd loss. Two lame oiler li sustAined drive fol- -jf day’s be.Ht scores nfter stnrtlnR Joh flvo strokes behind Brltnlnn and nnd tho tho chnmplon.shlp fllcht lor ■ r W Btlchwch' pofiscH fell Incomplete JrJ, ?• dwintr th# kick-off. Alan Doyor I -m m ' e i tiBil for Bcconil w llh tho Unltod[Jnltod AinntAnintouers wltii 71. B ■W In Ulo en«l zone to give P en n °,,,J lUihBd over from tho fourPS nnd In •*■■•■* 10-7 Upset !S ______8l„lc t.u. bnll.- ^ lob aould klckcd Uia exAvtra tra StatiBtntefl. •non •Ror Willey, Boise, won • • ■ ®* ALBUQXJEflQUE. N.'M. Oct. BrBrltnln scnred a Rrond tntnlitnl of derby Bnturdny nfternoon, c com- o m-' ' . ■ 10 l/n —■ Tlie Now Mexico LobosX)bo3 B05 B05 for 1 th o 72 holes over thehe fl.- posed of tho 10 low scoringcoring I■ White set up the next tally .on unvelunveiled tk passUijr nttnck and 070-ynrd070-3 .j)ar—1 3 - -OlBlntti -, BolfBoif entrnlentrn^Ua. Vcm^UurBfl.-Onlftrlo,:itnrlo, ------____ 1m ...... - ■ M n H • ■ lonB'piaj lo Gould, w ho wns ^ brulslnff defense f o r 'o 10-7 course. cnur^ Cnnnda* flnl.shed wllh w llh Ore., Ore., wna necond .nnd N Nolan olan ■I lopped ll tho one-yard lino,nno. ^psg^upsQt victory over Arizona In n D07, D07, Now1 Zenland took thirdcl withwllh Wnthen.Wntlii Pocntcllo Country club, IH ‘U g H r ;V''' - WilJe piulied it over on ft qunr- wW © estern a Athletic conference■ence 000 andn the United Stoleji fourth wns woa thirdt In iho derby. ► J trbtck inentc and O ould nddcdluuca game nam e tonlaht. with DDIl. \y n ' he cMi?erilon. , ' «j-h( Wllllam.s, who plnys out of tho 1^ I g . f <^ 1 ' The triumph. New Mexico’silco’s Scores Sc( nro counted for>■ the Hilljjm nlr, force base rolf courao, flm tf||i||gM^v^B ... On Wendell’s Mcond plny’from third ■ from third strnight ovor Arizona andnnd three three best from ench teamI each won , the pro*nm yesicrdny wllh ■ .m m crimmijB.Wliite lnt«rcepl«dd tho third In n row this senson,^son, dny. dny. T ho team ’s hlB hest fcore o f T^o,„ Johnson,:i. AArt rt J m . IA.U for Ihe flnnl tolly. Tlie kick knockedknoch Uio Wlldcnt^ out ofI Uie Is dlidiuonrdod. ' Brooks, B i^ok Wnyne Lewis nnd Glen ailed. confo conferonce load, , •,,, s ' ■ B axtromax tr . . . T h ey Bcorcd nn 18- Higermnn wn.% on tiie wayny loto TinTlie Lobo pnss defense held m ider 124. moiher touchdown w hen tho the Arizona’sArl?.o qunrlerbnck Lou Wlilie C _ ,■ tame ended wltii tho ball onn ththo e In chockchi m ost of th e wny, nllow-K Snell’s RunsiC 3 Sccond wnsji tenm hendedled ty t y | B ip sg * IsliC'yard line. Ino:InB hhim only one completion In pro Clyde Thomsen, Twin Falls. ------, ththe e ffirst three periods nnd two C-* PInylnR wH'h Tliomsen were ' short sh o rt completions In the wnn-r oSparks l Jets; , JnckS Pyne, Bob Murphy, 'Glen E S ® » ^ InR m om ent* of* tho Rnme. I Blakely nnd Jim CnrlUits. Tlic scores T h e Lobo defense also con* 'I sccond plnco tenm fthot 120. H H M trlbuted to Jnck Abendschom’sS 1.Past « OaldaiidtlC l In the grosfl nmntnur Awccp- .fl 4 ^ rflhfrtiin J7. Darlrtiniilh 7. Rnme-wlnnlntf ffnmO in-ynrd field Roal. * stnkcistnkcs, Carl Tics.*), Twin Palls, H R | 10. Mi>ly Cri»i 0, • recovi events Il-lfcr. M. UUI»h 7. ■ recoverlncr r, nn Arizona fumblee on NENEW YORK, Oct. 10 (AT-The—The fired n 6B to win. The events WftU. pvccftded the rcgulftr lournu- Vi. t). iho tno W V ildcat 27. New Mcxlco took Nnw *York Jets com bined Wnl<. pvccw lUrnn- o k t t INO p o u n Y A B;DR nS FOnF O n AIlMY, AlIS fulllmck Dnn Parcelli U Na •nil No. 40 la Funn SUIc'i Mlko Irwin. Tempi, u. I). 1.1. seven, flovon plays to Rot lo th e two, SnellSnell's tank • like runnUiR with ment. , I Vlllinov* at. Dclroll 0. from Is. pulled down by penn Slate’sUate’s JnhnJohn IlunncU II Jn thn first period Penn ■2 apset Tlotory over Ute Army Cadetx* lUrt.r.1 X Cnlumt.lii 0. from whoro Abondscham bootedloted nlert defense tonlRht and of nctlnn at MIchle, stnilliimum Katurdny.Katurilny. Also Identified fnr Army • (Ar v r»nn hiiia B, Army 2. the tllO threo-polnloV I with 3:10 left, trniintrniinced Oakland 35 ^ 13 m’J. In n . .------ifi. Urnwn 7. New No« Mcxlco scored enrly, drlv- wind'wind-chllled Amerlcnn Fooibnll C ^ , jtflrnfll 31, p»nn 0. • . Inir H( T»nnr..f, 1«. Cnllro* K. Inrr iV/SJt no yards In 14 plays. Fullbnckbnck lennulenRue cnm e. , ^Squires’ n Toee I ; : jjl'llmnr Jiotk J!0. Chllfurnu. r«.. Bob Hammond J dovo ono yarda forIor wiiwith Sncll recllnB nrf lim » J Uio touchdown. ynrdnynrds In '30 cnrrles, both club I i Wntr. n«m* .11, Air Ffirr* 1. w ta » recojds, recoji nnd PcorlnR two touch- Lifts Cowboys l|in I ^*** I IV downs, • the Jets registeredid all , T T m 1 ) o tlieir pointa In tho first three I It 2t. Jnclliji*-50. - u ^ s e W alloijs fri? three U t a h Ohli> Suio *n. IlllnoU «. rw «- ' -m «• quarters. qunrt • Jk. Wl.roiuln 7. H P . Onklnnd tallied twice Inn the ’ LARAMIE.LAI Wyo., Oct. 10: IM- Sic c h h o o l S lia ls 5";l',l,*,:r .0. Tm» u . C nlori.ln JO. I f \ \ ^ IrlJy 3I-7TaUy^ j. S Iiiff penalties nullified two other victoryvictor lodny over n Ulnh team |I / MOCCASIN LOAFERS, n, LOS ANOELisa, Oct. 10 w - nnUler touchdowns, nnd the0 Jets t,hatt,hnt 'was picked ns ono-of,)f, thej the: Mi \ » Halfback Mike Oarrett ripped hrid for downs twice Intilde thoirthclr cowboys*ctiwbc touBhe.st competilorsjctilorsi __ M # '• 'J \ \ X Jnhn C .rroll 7. fU.tern MlcJiia^n»n I. off J2121 yards nuhlnff nnd scoredlorcd f«fethfrifttho WoRlern AUiletio confer-'onfer- ^ f Wax hide En square I \ . J . . JlotliU ao. JUmU.'IppI h , t,rfotrfo touchdowns tonlRlit . ns It wns' th e Jo ts' second victoryIclory #rfce *- —------arcelli U Nok 82, Bam C im m p an d No. 40 U A»hi,rn s!i ____ Tho T h o n n -p o u n d Q n rrett sonrcdlo tci ------. - n ------r-tn;------tc'— rr-f------te n —fiophom uro fnlll7irck"M1lte^ period Penn Btite poated • 8-2 apset Tlotor aFr tU T ^w * ------h'lahla ' tl touchdowna fwm flvo (tnd . rlorida14 I statet c ^^vcuport Bcorcd frow lUe one. Army ■ (AP wlrephoto) Tm.V't * h” ' •• one yyards nnd was rem oved wlUi Later In the enme quarter,' 10 minutoA remnlnlns In tho « J WyomlnB mavod 01 yards In six :^iln. Kamo. Rips l-{] Favored3 Q l K' plays, one of th em n U(l-ynrdi pnss • T h e ABBles scored quickly for 1 _____ fr^m_Wllkln/from 3o n _ to Uiijbnckk BllJ______B U I ______. ------taio—opening—touclidowft—when ■‘X/*- . Dodd. Wlliclhson Hit Jerry MMarl­ a ri' Mlko Pltmhn Intercepted a pass JV ( JI99 'S7C^ntii^lt>^r„^non on a 40-ynrd pnss playy for T J by craltt 'PortlB and returned■‘i It J . . llio th e score. Kl Squires kicked both 3a yords to Uio Trojans' seven,jven. TALLAHASSEE,tai Fin., Ocl.:l. 10 pdlntJipdlntJi. Four plnys later, workhorse Jim (^_f Jim (^—Florida Btate unlvernlty look Utah utnl scored first on a 40-ydrtf[•yard ‘ S p e c ia l S tab ler scored from th e one.le. completecnnipl c o m m a ’n^d of fifth - ,1 qunr- MBTOyOfM aouthorn Col In the sooond rankc nl. H second-jiuartcr pas.H from qunr- i>ond ranked Kentucky today, scored lerbnck |pri,np ErnJo Allen to splitt end ’ WyfroflA < • N'>v m:. A *.'* quart(quarter drove (14 yards Ini ll Inhi everyrvi qunrtor nnd waltzedo« to i^y n,,,, Jefforson.1 Jcffcwii kicked.ciekod > j y Q r Q H 8 ® f l |H r ^ ■ K SIZES plays, with FertlB roiUnB out n ^" 'w iw oni. wSni wnWilnn f^ lp *‘’nferenr« t , A thleticilotlc to to end or Hn^-ney Iioesnor. Ho Um Tensl-to-Dllelnlkoff1 oombl-JJIK VClemson IC 19-7 Jfnel ifti^ Hfttemoon.[OO” - ffiURhf caujthi th e ball on Uib Snowr Ifl, nation,nallor so Tonal frequenU y UirowJirow ATITONfl,A -n i On,, Ocl. JO t/P* — ^»lter halfbackback twisted twlnio. free of'sovornl tacklois[Iflis to S]Spooner an d fullhack .Lee OeorRl OeorRln'B Bulldoffs used a sirouR unr- ond ran Uie ball' Into- tho end NarroNnrronioro. . runnlnrunnlnjr name to build up nn Welcometie TiTieachers. . . i.Jo r .zone.------, jcp,,Kentuckv'a highly rnled half- hnlf- enrly early 1 lead, nnd-ihen-luniedI thO'thO’ •.. . ^ • I . I Bolsii touchdown caninnmn Ijack.'l)"c>f-' »todRor B ird, rolledI lipup Rnmo Rnmo ( nverr to on aKiircsslve do* “ in I’ll l‘i’® jo u r th quarter on Iniel’«lol’o ^.iinslderabloi-onsld yhrdnso, but nioAt most fense fenno t^o slo p Oionison's Tnter.-> IS BRAm s m 1931" w P‘'“» to end. Johnohn of o f ilt' t WM m hi*-ow n en d Off ththo e 10-7 10-7 ii In nn InterseotKinnl Xooi>j ''FAMOUS BRAHl cold Qronby.' ., neld.field.' ...... I :■' .•. ball 1-. sama gi ■ today.'■ ' ^

II" "

------::------l _ - . • A . . ■ ______’ • ______, •, I F.' ' • - \ ^ . — I . . - :r ^ -r-* . , I I _ . _ ■r. TV i T 1 / 1 n I b J ^ I , O P S Tr M ' . -I- I h I - • M v _rv2. a . • i n t e r ce e e p p t e S R P ®iss " iHPiniKI ^ T r i p l t rErThreat T l 1 . Is Decisic i s i v e i n S A d a mison s o n S p a r h l H Senator ^ L io n s5 ’ 2 1 - 1 4 Wi^ih i n P ^ ! tor Victohr l ' .TEUOMQ, Oct. 10— Triple ■ Tho opporlunln«:ijf BoraliBoi*ali doft;ii,sivu tiiilL .sot upLip all tho thi Al ' F>-' ■ ^ ^ K i^ n iS ffe ^,®— T H p lo thueiit nnd Uoir\i I woro Rynonymou.s5 Ihflthint nljrhtniu:ht an the Jjlir (; oJ ik ncorinif, Iho.'onck bi'ohkei'breiiker ono n ‘il-y a n l pn.sri liit(}rcoptif»i Hpiu'kcd tho h^flpiro,(J GoodinK • nin Frltlny nfghtt niul tho IJiin s’(|pf<:'at(!rl thon lucklo.-i ru ^ ^ ln g Seiintors to njii {Jns>’‘“}i{W)“ \ v h l k " u v o r 'th i r J f f r o K 2 1 -H in n l>atll(.‘ nf niidofeuttiil(!il toiimtonmp A . 4 B ^ B 9 ^ V nrMrht^mmo T lgcrH 1 Twhi FailH nruin«21-l,’4 in Hpito a }{t'ont Gooding: loam foliowoi] hy n )u.'anlif|il rtiH-hy-'Rn'i'flH’i odilK loimi etfoi't,-the I Two fiimbloH, ono folipwoi] 1 y-'Rori'nh’fl I '*b | S S ^ m & v ^ ^ H A dn m H o n AvnH th o1 d o m ln n t- ~ ,Slovo. J’riMKMv set up ih' r;’^W HHBH|l^^ domiimt, — ^ inrr fuctoi* of'tho-inihic m ] I'lr.-^t 'tuT T ' fNM'hli y cnrtm n !-Kfthio n« T T .- .,! f ' ihi{a^Mi.i).n.l.n.8;Mwin(;hKHinf J U h; l^Tliirs^miiTilinnimi j Jiiiiliiiiliiif I ll1flptoat(;,1 m p u n t r o tu n iH — pnHHlniH:a«intt nn;l nnt! ■ mj^ ^ H i ‘vcii-yi-iii'.jinxT w iii''^ (ivor; Twii pfi’cut kickinp: kont tho Tnv- ( I'll 11m. 'Iho vii'lfii’y K k h (i v (0 '' ored Jeromo chib off balnnce nil On t h e . ^-arey.Belis I iI Hunih ^'^lM pn.s.s<‘fl^l«n of th niRht. So Jitlnffy was the th e Ooodlng aoodlnR 1 'o iKouTliri]! Idaho confprencnrroncn leu* k^^B /i ' defensede nint the Tlsers'l«r«'ilsopm deepest J O J / ■ A U m iCC >'n‘l U'" in.sUlo trnck loward t th h r I ’ . FttOM r ALL ANGLESAnuLiia „traluht chain LBBJ^^'j • penetrntlon Just rilcked.«! lllnt)ie SliU.Sen- - H i l C t l l l Uht ciiani'j • V V ^ H ator* 25-ynrd line. G oodina had ^OVKV '• plmi,shrp, V V ^ 3 nt loodlnu hml OAriEy, od. io_Tk H ' » V L A im V . I^OVKV ■^L snltefl nway nt hnlftlmeilnui.c with .•llll fc tcnlecl0«rtyp«„u„„.7„,;5* of tiie pu.st I'xjicpt fur Ihr twokO fiiniblr.' Quotiibla qiiotcji of tlio pa.s h J i S a 33-O.lendT-throe of the touch- e< ed Druncau 34-fl yeaterdi*^^'™ fow dnys: >1 . Twin J-'allH tontrollpd play li IB r downs comlnu' withinIn ono one nn«l nnd ir up a tinnke Rucr M th e UnWerfUy otof WftUoIdaho U thek ti)i; Hvht hnU and UnrahahwuRfov-l wus for ' B ' % oiio-linlf minutes-bf fore the .end ci I (liiy prio r to lciivln«IK forfo r’ Ii>wnlowii.j iiiiiHle tn -l(-av«> tlir. (ipltl al-hnlf rore th e,en d champronslilp' bnttip. B ^’ i of the second qunrler. . ,. .’ • n| «lmllnrly unbcmen cnmi. cnnch D«« AmJrcm UfiJiwas looklnilooklnif thnn with a 14-H drndlock, Blit Ilii V Jeromo took tho opening kick- tj for ft Ic 1 c k o f f In llll! ja si two pi^rlfttlH Uiij'al penlngklck- ty Mushers ncu ,v?ei? liorali ■.. B ^ B A j BII i)olnR forced to punt. Goodlnn rc- TJon p<*tprsm, t!? umn to replnco | ^ B | B k * (iriinlnnlcd plny, iiiiciiI drlvlim t n off and moved to mldflelddfleld before q Urunoau pa^s and reUimM*^'B tho Injured Rny ^ ^ a B . 'Ix* T« im Fulls flvo-yard Iln 'B l . ^ B B ^ l piled with nh Adamson quick yi Mlllor. lie choho K ' { ^ B - brfor<> bi-lnu Hloppcd nnd o on n th r ' f ><>r.l, (or tl„ ?lm cCv » [^B V v kick (hat dlod on Jerome'slerom c s 30- d down and Leo Cook '] 'I'lm LavcnH to I^nH g |a ^ B | la,st plny of Ihn uamn Ni.'oinu n '’v.iXk ynrd'llne and when Jerome hnd n Iry. th en went 9 ^ pt'iuiHy nullify a fhililId Koal. B | | B B n B K ^ . J O i & ^ ^ V ft V J „ r o r , i . s (low nfleld to \ ■ B 'B rjI. to return the kick Adamson tihoolc wiihii't six nilniiio B k J r J l 100.10is, on n ip.yard punt return q, w a t c h th e re* old wiU-’H Twin r'lillK forK«d. In Ii \ ■■ , to JeroiYio’fl -sa-yard line. After front. Diivo C hurcli rccovonii ^ B j^ ^ B DnnDl Hendrix lilt for four ynrds. ,, '" O k n v . n Uornli fumble at dm Bruin nil ^ H ^ ^ B ' Adamson wound up what he had » . n n nn tho ic"‘il L 'l^ B 'i^ B yjird line niul twn plays- lai<> ' A< UnR." -ho c a l lc d ^ H J T ^ B ^ B htartodhti with n 38-ynra romp off . I ,/X ijcott Htroui,'bur'll np th r niUklli' ta 1 l)iu'k. ■ vrrrntl to Ihe l«'ft kIjIc iincl mri'uk Olio first down after:ter thothe cn- ^. « »?,■ H u t Hf.slf.iiitU ito*»r (j Bk aaaln nunt* nni?. rom ping no ynrdi jdhn iilsot) WllhwaVhtiind- hliuul- ■’*' touchdown. ^ ^ ^ ^ B su suing kickoff Jerome again punt- . , Inir thrn> nnd wild "Deo’"Deo' you'rovou're ''!* rxciianno of piints ••ndci od and Ooodlng robotnidodoundod wwith ith !; Ihl! fir,St. q uurtrr but on *hi- flr.s ' on ll»o flvf." llclilirnn Klnle Imek John OrAran-(30)in -(301 Is M lohlran playviw urere Jo h n VVan* ans (18). B ill Vearby m n n\ ), , BIckMick a ,,nlne-pl«y, 45-yard drlvo which J; extn tiyH nn eye 1’*"^ «‘‘cond period"r'lod’li a hlkih S '■<<. M lolilian Kla d with a J *I-n nthftininyT** . f Andrm didn’t. Imt nn «yc. O ff Inrrv alnppe'l l»y « •“'“t nff ll(ht-Klilr(r V ’ V ¥ , M V M M jyk ¥if. In the -second quarUJr.rt«r, Adam- f rklniiWplclnn th r an-ynrd line. F our plnvs iateiinter 1 L ^ Retting runs of 14, 15 and 35 P n Potersoiv to o rc ^ H _ - hole-tn-ono. JCrnloJ BchnclUir.Bchnclt^^ UnHlng^plUhged iil.tcOII xnrd.«t-befdre-he-flnnlly-wentr*lnilly-wentr*ln f coverad-3.n-yftrdi-«n(tt«§H i.r.. Ofidrn, d ld n ^ let one nat t Hln#:Blue ‘''o- "'''.'■'™'-Micnifan-T-J^an Rallies toNipto Jj MichigjMgan Statel^V/ I from ihe one. Thnt cnme with ** Jnat touchdown. Lakffi • Coji n try chiblub Monday Three mlnules Inter UHorah ornli wa; wa.s ' 1:35 left In th e hnlfIf nndm id 1:30 ------■ bother hUn iniicli. In fronr n,i John Astorqulaorquhi waswa; EAS'f LANSING, Mlch..Mlch. Oct.[day. Oct. - Niderson two' mlnuUss later on a e ed Wolvorlne,s. , . ■ irtier QoodUxg h ad two m ore. • 1 ■•It WHS my inih o r JDlhinih iholr*liiolr- swanned und er andd fumbled,fumbled 10 1/I1 — Michigan, It!, in, vaunti-dviiunt(';1 - Doth M lchlsan louchdown.i play coverlnjr 31 ynrds,Is, . The Spartnn? recoveredrecovered a jcrome tried a spread forma- J lii»oni!>, I BUCM.” Schnelt«rinelter Mild. Q uenton Howard takingIng pimpjmc's- i'^' ground guino Ktymled*d for iiutrt'niort* eniue on pn.ssc8 ns BobJob TTimber- im ber- MlchlRnn Stnte, tiedled for the J Mlchlftnn fumble on theth e Wolvor- ^jon,i( th e next — kickoff and BearsRaUyJ "I BueM It wnn IB brcftiiMiau^0 I know slon from Horah nt the•he zn-yurc2n-yurd thnn three quurterK. hcored iwlotwlco lnko hit Itlck SygnSonX on a flve-five- No. 0 spot In thla week’sek’s footbnll I: Ines' 17-yard line onI Uie secon-l sccon.l throwth a backward pass. Mike f 1 hnd in flt one lime." -- - line. Tw;o passefl foil Incom liicomplott plnto in tiio cIOHlng mlnutOHles nnnd n d «li*-d r - yard pnss to cap-a 73-yardi-yard drive.drive, :poll, led from (lie early mo- r plny of tho cnmo ondand atevcSteve woodhead broke up the pattern and Davo RoKe was ntopprdtopprd aft- fcuted MIchlRitn Stateto 17-10 to- and Byjinr pa.Hncd to JoJohn h n llclien- n - iincnts nunlhst Uio soventh-rank-.venth-rank- JudnyJ scored from theUie one flvollvo nnd*... thon recovered'theEsryi ball nt ToX)verconicl Twin rallA football fansfniis wait- nr one ynrd. Tlien on fourth nndnnr ------r:------— ------P------plays , later. . . . ,u Iho oncryard Ilno. Adamson then j Inir lo wiw Jo h n AAlorqulaorqtila turnturti nlno Preeco fmlrd to pn.-m niif Mlchlsan did not setget Into thetho (Uppetj, ^ one-yard pasa!LTo“Vr to Wood- ' Grand View I Jooso hln slwteci, l>« hcpeioforehcFotofore wus prch.suro(i by two 'Bruins. d S . " ; 'Ht , ; 2 0 Sunday,,O Oct. ctri 1 11,, 1964 ■ r / / S scorhis column untilf** , the last head, for ihe score. Adnmsondamson also B trapped, lluowlnff arm.rm. Botgot the flnnlly eluded thn pnlr’ and broke r//S T/A/I£S'A/£Wfc 3 plnyp of the first hnlf. when Tlm- converted. On Jerome’s.ime’s. nex». BLISS. Oct. lO-nftllyln|(»,B I treat in the Mcond half of (he to tho fildellno. Thcro he pickedplckec 1 ^ _ V ¥ • V Mif. scrlmniage.“ Rusty Boyorloyor Inter-Inter* P Palr of touchdowiw in th«fa;B • T\C-ln ralls-IIlR liland Ranic.Banie. He up n block nnd snllod to the Iiru. Mich.Hi. copied a T iger pass n t tho 40- n'q u arter th e Bliss Drnrs tcortj,B wound up Uto nlRht wlU»wiUi in nnt- l- Hrvcn-yiird lino wiieje Twin Si » ynrd hue. and Adamaonmson chose 221-10 victory over Orind T n B tenjplii. U completion*,s, 230 v^da v ^ d a >>all.s‘ G rorge am lth wns wnit- }?‘ ’j tho next play lor a 40-yard0*yard wor- y'yesterday. B nnd one touchdown. Ing. Tho two collided', Bmlth be- M l 4. 1} hiR strike to Boyer. Ilownrd Field, jot (he iV jB of ItJt followed_ft a quotable ing knockctl down, and I'rcccc )\l/ InUrrtpUil - ft 0 hi the last half. Adnmsondnmson dla-dia- off01 to a o-o lend follOTtuiB nuoaeBtJon made by coach"coacirPaul Taut went In-stnndlng up.------i-ai ».io played hla punting abllliy,Iblllty, once atacor«los.i.first quarter khis^B Ostyn ut - hairtlme., ^ V I S , „ . *■'! Jj' ”■ alls hnd I'od nn ff m a m . YiriJ* p»nsilir.i ll,li • iSID kicking“I' from hla owniwn 10-yardlO-ynrd Ij'liftercepted a Dave FlcmlniiuB All O styn aald wnn, "WW hy dmdon’t t opportunity to capitally^* on a i w i i ill74> on a Jf line to' th e T iger 10. Midway n ynu try a fow paw>c« tills half, ______* »v * * II* 10. Midway an d rambled 03 ynrds to i n t B I tills half, i)rcnk wiiun GeorRC McAdams•Adams re- — ------I through the third quarterlarter Good- e bIUh returned the touchdmH Jo h n ?" coviTcd u fumble nt Borah’uJ o r u h ’s 24- _ _ _ berlako booted n 20-yard0-yard field' ingim started another drive,rive, moving jt moments later ns FlemliubH ------—Tlia,-promoUoa-of-Joa-McCQl. “"o- tl'e Bruins' Tom , ,7&-yftr(l8_lhJR_Dlnyi»i_l2ftnJIIenj:i-I^nnJIIenj: eiend*-WiUl-Modloy-with-k^tmrB foa-^lcCol. Lynch-fumbled the ball backTRna its’ Beav«n'-Field^J- i d C l — -^TSTTrAfrerDrcTtTrdhhedSniacr5 .ohnedy had drlxd? got Uie laat twovo ynrda to yiy^^d pass and Ken CoxruiSiJ J«m to Ute UnlveraUy/ of I*t carried to n first and 10 nt scored nnd _ ^ _ (3 _____ and 10 nt tliroe extra points, when John Hankln.ionson ran - a ( every WnfililnBton threat)hreat) for a n mnde r It iis TimberlalcoICO passedpofiscd ipIp “ Blii^Tcy, ocL la-THeTOurley-THeTQurley ^nnlcw~lt-l«-’ij u the flnil^B hts son could make Ihe;o irnvellngiravellnu tho Druln 15-ynrd line before the Northwestern hnd two conver* two conver* two-ynrd sneak lo capn a 7fl-yard76-yard E0-7 up.sct In the PacificIflc AAthletic thletic Steve,g Bmlth. Bobcats jjc blew two goldenilden oppor- Started. • ■ club, and he told Andros,■os, "I“I hope Bruins stiffened nnd tookwk over at a» * * * t drhx'. But Northwcfltern?rn bouiiccdbounced c conference today, lub because tho alx. But the drivee pnld off * * * * f ------tunlUes early In UieB game but Iteming stunned (ht SrtiB Joe cnn't make 7 0 ur club because w Minn fitrrnkc 7fl ynrds,yards, it was the third loss of the ' , tJien I'll know you've 8otgot an heck aa (wo plnys Inter, faced:ed with n ' W. Minn. ^ w i-v -h ci cnnie ,-back last nlRhtIt to(o defeat *when h e lofted a pass UlaM 12 ‘ i« ' wUli Milam's 4n-ynr'd pntis’lopnsa .to Cna a heu.son • for Wn.shlnBtoii,[ton. which which ■ ^111IJS the Mountain Home Tiaers.Tigers 1(1-0, 1(1-0 H” av k ln s th a t covered SO iiriiB I of ft ball team ." third nnd six aituatlon,. Astorqula AMornuu “a ,i!ns Biiiiii.fzek Hclllnu up» n touch- Declo Romps S I .And Uiero wns no boastoast t tO'0 ‘ Uie tried a pass. A big Borniilornh line-line­ I'ainlng yariUi* . . I-IK IHI' M ¥ V V I ^ Mountain Homo fumbledumblca the lh» loudidondB atAtementI man grabbed one armII nnd As- ‘“*‘?io»?5 dow n, iV if l opening.kickoff on thelie five-yard fivn.vn.rd t h e n .h e h it Norm McAnk:B • • • , . , Taaiifa lnl«rf*pl*il > 0 I J Mllani took over for Moyn;«Moyers w.iii. 'oHU Bobcats In » ao-yarder to clinch litB « lorqula, not wanting lobe) be dowdown- n- i>unii ______»*3i•M lOi nnd unt Nqrlliwfstcriin a iouch- louch- i u ,t ,i„w«. _____ . la ' o-u x To 46-7 Win.TT 111 ■ s? line but held the Bobcats in ^ Conch Jim Wallace, Ooodtntr, .Q down on n 3U-yar AJ 3 WELLS. Oct.\JO—The-The Dodo defensive unit nnved unved the totouchdown. B ence champion summedled up hU Satterwlilto to mnke the- stenl first two touchdowns nnd missed 0 iirton's Ions passes, 05 .... dny d In rolllnff oyer Wells-40*7. Wells--40-7. wlwhen quarterback Ruuua* Mallory •. - - . D .■ to oome along >ww." Prom Uiat'polnt on Twin Fnlls • • • Twin Falls their own territory, yard-s to K ent K ramler, er, nndan d 3» * * * A * Wells , fumbled bn theI the third third we went lO'yords on a quarterback i MurtftUBh mentor DeVon3«Von An­An- m(innged a first down nnd Tom Myers, who sprainediprnlned nn ynrds to Dill Crockett,t, set tliD.sctlio.nc y iincj been rated as ^ a po.salble po.salble P of the game nndd two two plays plays keep. ke Just before halftlmoE f K little 24-0 Winner I derson w atched his Devlbi eventually droveve to the niikle lute In tho firstst halfhnlf andnnd Gopher scores up. jRose Bowl team earlier.lcr. I*)Inter Joe Blnffliani.weiitent 25 25 ynrds ynrds Roblri Rc Church climaxed' scorliiB r r (schooli record. NowT can you ^BBQ BB#!J||ini ball on the 'Wa.shlnstoii( 1 JO30 earljearly ^scamper. Bltiffliain hud an o th er T P ilf underwny with a dve-jx’* keep your arm* nt youru r side?" aide?" In the first period ancl Oregon io r 3 ; Tennessee TiltX l l L touchdownS nni In the firstquif- Stato pushod over trom;™,° there,s?" ‘„T^ al * - ■ I KNOXVILLE, T«]nn.,., Oct. 10 (ff teiter nnd Marv Greco, comlnf ^ After WashlnRton drove GO ™ Sophomore quarterbackerback Arl th e Injured ILnt for .the IW ya^dii to tnke a 7.(1 lend. Oreffon tn " scorclc.'s third quar- an Duck Suj^ess^ess E B r j l ^ ^ Horncts .ui'nf withw llh thihHr eir fi'* Tcpnessceessee for a tli tim e in three weeks, sdded «• S tate u.sod an o th er nitercepiloninterception firstfi mrltiB bnckflcld a and7u iJ aecond o ^ u \ IJl como-from-behindind victory ot: o th er on a two-ynrd -iQ-iicuup_n-fleld-BOi\I______i„ •inSnrJ^tn- -OV,cc_BoalOii_collccc_today_ln-ftuoday-ln-ftu JnJn-Uie-tccond.quartciLCJtfUi^g. ‘------nnJtr-llneT-Lftrr>—DnrrlnirtnirTlp- 1 gam e. fum bled while in punt famuti* ^tw^Hlmlers^1 ters^ ------^------. . ped p, fnr 25 ynrd.i and I th ,i?r e first»iJ], Interaoctlonal ^ foolball game. fu , touchdown. Then DoeloSlo blockedM n S r.^ OnI»»n. a 173-poundcriiider from an nnd the Red DevlLs toolt ov«f * S ^o»ora. Pa.: picked upIP a falter- fa lte r- ththe one-ynrd line. On th# u« cll " “•»> recovered nt ! O ver-A iixioiiskious . Georgia Tech A »" Uvo-ynrd line. Onn ththe J nexLnext Tcinie.s.sco th at h ad mnde pliplny Greco sltimmcd home. In the first Tlie second hnlf »nw Murtiui!' 17-fl °«o“'"nn itorcd on a diveaivt ?" down. In the first . Ovor-anxloua hunters "^were Tips Navy 17-0I I U plny.jj| htjl yards after constantly threatenlni "I'd «c; the hlffhllBht of the openinepenlng day the third quarter kickoff:off for the utnnUjt-ohnrgcdatr with iHei** of duck senson Baiurdny, In Uietile JACICSONVILLE. Pin..'la., Oct. 10IQ - ^ n e Frie.i booted four extra ' f^»-aeornla Tech. rldlnjrllnjr n four pt pofnts. four extra “game-tying* i touchdown.n- of hands. At one point penij^ MaBlo Valley nrea. as they ban**bang- ^^^^^^^^BBB j !. Gnllffa completed five pns.iea movedmt tjie Devils from * ^ ed nwny at irerss onn MormonM orm on ______L., ■ b Bomr winning streak, could pplay la y ______— -----— ____ ■ ” on-nn-Bven-tonaii-T^'ith-a-iiy-fooi. ~ ------In-a-row-ln-thermarclirHhirpiTyTliTHhirpiTyT nnil JO'on thfl“CnsllBforo-«^ ■ j-Mtn'Oirbeforelhey came witwithin hln ' ^ ^ ItUiaminck bnok-to-mldficld-iiUlllxUM- —^— ranee:—H unter—iMtecws-ttn—'SS 'tin thttrrr e —;------B g ^ g B B P I V ■ - I B — -iiall— taam— hi—tho—oountryt—»» — Navy Coach -WayiuJ Ilordln=S^i>^l:Scores-f Icwk- C O fC S HiirWaiiMand-fnr IhoI slx-pQlnt- slx-pQliit- jirinnb i- Ward finally Vallc^' WHS alqioaf »ero.Pro. exceptoxcept B v "T u B i B ^ ^ B I . ■ or. Fred Mnrtln converted. toi ll) tlie area around W ilsonIsonReser- Hcser- ^ B> -v^^^BblB . ed a t It UirotiRh thoI* of (;.M,ii„ir llll, jn„mr n • ‘ 'Cted. touchdown from a vnw Vttlr an d th e )w rlh aide aUlo mnln m nln v.- •' ' ^B|^^^^B HIK l l ' Ula Middle*' 17-0 \nnn U)to TMT w h In n..m« o, ------a lte r hlft 33-yiu'd gaHop Wt in th e O ato r bowl lant nlRht. ^ ’ IlKATH W ARUIOnSi o n s ______. cnnal w here the dnckA avera«ed I j « nw„. " I three per man. LOGAN. Oct. 10 Ifl — G uard W ithout All Americarlcn RoBerRoRcr •'■■"•ii :;i. T«in k»ii> u . . . Je je rrry We.st scored 31 pointspiilnS'S mift - MAnooNSTOr TOUNI , . The. supply o f uoBie on Mormon staubach, who didn't oven mnke •‘•••-•-n- i.t - ■------^ BOt 37 to ' B T A R K V n iE ..M I« I.O ttl^ rcRcrvolr was eailm atedIted to be .|H||^ % % ' ^Pv:V WT trip from AminpoUH becaiue forward Elitlii Baylor got 27 to I nround 800 by coaservatlonrvatloii of- ' Irw'' ^ f o(^ an ankle Injury. Navy wa,n liB "f"'Ml "•0, ■ ' lend r the Los AnBoles Laker*Lnkorn to ——. IlnUliiick “ "“ ‘. I S JlctMh ChM-lcs Dlftk<*.e. Jcrom e. ■•i- ' punchless nifnlnst Georgia Tech’a , ...... a lll-O.B victory ovor!• thtlw e 8nne»n «pi«prlnl«l Ior-t»o tewilM "^. M'-. % ^ .r.i«Tech'...... rniFriincl.seo Warriors in a NniNation- Inn- UMcliiloutoi n , “" I j S nnd W all Browni, C amnas as prairie. prnlrle. aV B ^T ' B B lK . ^ ■ .t pursuit defense. Accordlnir to Dlnke, most the •-•1, lii.iMi vir« 1 Ml.-',,.-' al Basketball : ns/ioclatlon10,' exhlbl- .«I,11,1. sis iioflt o M h e B V ^ n k ^ Alfp'" And Navy’s secondaryry wns vul- _ •.•i,. w,-M.irii 7'■. tlontloi gnnie tonight. en h u n ters fired before the IniRc E ,' , nerablr to tlie pas.sr.s^ of TTecli’n ech’s waterfowl cnme hi vantfoingu whichwlileh Sb M ^ " '^ B^'-' liruco Flsclier, who hlihit flvo of ^ _ kept many flylnjj nroundiround the B ^^ seven for ii'i ynrils. m er\'olr some distnnce‘0 from the j f w for the the Jnnd. Out of 35 hunter.sJrs checked ^ | ^ B * ? HONDA ------tli»ra-w«r«.,ronly—1&- «ecii«-nnd«eelie-niid ------h u n t e rti— i ------—TRA1190” T three ducks taken. Blnke nlso ' f ' ' j B k . j IK' ’] Pitt;Nip^West”~------^ — noted thnt the duckt-A were inIn [A - • Ff:ATUn«Bi 8(*mlsrJ« abundance Uiere but the hunt- hunt­ aL|,*. ■ ^ Pf^ ' .aulpmein spark arr««t< ' er’s Interest: was centeredred on thettie B B ||^ » ^ ' M l Virginia 14-0■0 ■' ■ Inmer irame. riT T S B U R O H . Oct,’ 10 (.P — m u H B ,r, 4-rn««i Accordlhff to Jim UrnnKn, con. i . J ' riit'u Panthers, their neenec nnnv- tjijaV- - , i - ' —M . u I n m • 11 ' I aen’ntlon officer In the Twin J t'J f '' J * 'terback Fred Mnziin^k imntyweli pr«nty well ^ lw fe-4 -W ,„iooth-ninnlnr^4- ^^1 The Panthers put'UieDie ball hi • • -few duck* to*ba found. ^ play on their own 3a and march-march* Full 8 H.p,i Tlie Haeennan Valfey aren ■ ||k ’'i fd to a touchdown in 15 runningrunnlns ^11 Seei ‘,K th s now ^:rs.:r..sc!' - was much the lame ns na TwinTn’ln plnys with iullbnck Burry ^tc. W ' \^n^< W > TMIlfl accordlno: to oonaen'atlonnaen'atlon . Knlsht smnshliiB (or<■ 35 ynrd*ynrds ■V'TtSHOcf^-a officer ‘ PVank Smltli.I. ainltha m lth iiiiT r n p M k v k u v hHIDK. id k . |>avfi»a :tlllum (101) N o rlhuriilern u fu le rn quarterbacU,quai drops-ilio Imllill In Ihellie *' cnrrlcs In.the5 drive. checked about 15 huntersers nnd n seromrquarter, but rrcovrreil nn rovrreil nnd picked up a yard InI (he lllirHlg TenTe iarne tiaturday In .Mlnnrap-Mlnnrap- Maaurek sneaked over from ^K&SiSiBir lO S M O tO H S neBllBlbla amount of ducksucks wwere w e oils. M lnnrsnta'a Fred-nnrdnnrd i70)170) and Hob nruggera lundrrindrr lilm) hiti Mllani, .MinnesotaI went oh“ UU«p one for the score and JUii B tA SIO S Iv ‘ counted. ' . . . « and Juii ' lo win ijl-ia. lAP wlrephoto)photo) , . Jonea convened. | • 4 2 1 M ain ,A vo,I, E£««*■ o « f Phone 7 3 3 - t i ^ ^ . -1 ._ __^ '.. ^ J' . ■' . I — J ' ■ . ' ■ p , " ■- „--- • •• ■— , ■■ “ ______<’ __ ‘ • ’ ■,;i4 "a NK k M S I 32 Z - 1 I NM MNTIj i h z o t n • .M . * ' ¥ ¥V- M V • M ¥ • M ¥ ¥ M ' ----- S Z f f l E l i ! [anticrR Ri ilp^R elie

* i t c l i f o r H o o m e r , jj 'irstPitc ®':Sets,_Eirstirst M a t i t f . y . Girab r a l s S eriesie s E d g e * m rdod bullclofi' ,/jm Iiout«ii'n rIx - J |B IM Ha In 1964 01 0 (U PI)— MIcUoy Muntlo rownrdod bi ri niK' 4 < w«Z >- III 4 Olympics, ' inimntic nlnth-innln:? homerunun toda>today to vrivo the New'' VarUYork , U I f . . M’OKYO, Oft! Tl (Sundny)(Suntlny) (J Ilman,Ihnan, * a- -A- * • Vl p r-l ir. homiM'.- ill worlir«o.-ira Ifl n (M'not. t^-liich. 195-pound- y /O compotltion. Mantle Hhareil [ ^ p y i B^D m u d t o n G i v Q a l l ■ h '^ ^ ijlin li Irf II fiil nmiL'l tho previous mark wlth.hallllvIllOl ■ \ ~ < rialria l clotiving i n m o n w . of famcr Baho Uuth. h eat ,nf {lio men'n JflO-Mieter•tor free- Oeler, fnraipr world hohtor ". ' , III th r dlsi'UR thniw, piilleil A crowd of 07.101 «i\w M,tanllo> antle's ''' .*.“ Btyle and Ird a Rrneral A m erican ^ , ;redit to0 M;Mantle; ■,. drlvo give tho 2.'*-ycnr-oidd Dou-Don- - \n ierican ^ mm«-|p in hU rib race d u r-, . r ' advnnte-huo tho aemlflniila.liila. fni fnif praodrr (o«lny iind in n ’ 1 0 (U PD— .Iim, Bouton tlirowIV hiah ia ton hia first world lierlBH winuln aft-' uiH hPiftw' (1‘ieHtlmmliln piirilrinant .In Muntlo In tho Now York ynnkooailkoofl ”r ft tenaolouis striiftjfte with'■Uh 3,1- k *<’.»!• *•“ secondsIds below'below J'“ Ol>mj.Je jramrH. i'.-H . 4 . hiill year-oUl left-hander Curt aim Hlm- - I'olleil, "Oh, ho boltoil thut bnll . th e cild ri'cdrd,. liet lu'TlomTiomo b in hi 'jpp n„i,- Glcjjcfiacu ttainir room ,vo)lctl» 0 ’ f it. moriB, th e one-tim e 505,000 Phil-Phil'' lOGO by John P ev ltt nf ^UBtraljA. AuBtrnl|A. umutunceil, u» !| i' M n n tlo h « l J uUflt iit letlled offo f • th o : lust ot tho ninthn i n t h „d,ndelphia PhllUcH' ijonuH heauty (•inir hom er off St. Louln I'ollcvcrlle v o r th«th e c a rd in als r(*;icucd off til<» th e • » , ■ • ^ *.i , . Minule.sM h later Wijco Aiialhi,\iiBlhi, a 55 -- I ------baneball ncrnp heap fourr years ' * „cv Schulte th n t ttAvojfAvo ^ '■ ” '•/;'a ’ Vale ^Indent from ^noclieater, ago. .i-K, eapuned thn jiecond heat, Jj^-^ a It «J*o gave the Yniikees lhe Parker Leads Iowa Stands, j nnd Don ScholJnnilt?^, I.nko '0 .‘>- Jilnv aiul n 2-1 o=l(to hi ■*■<• . .. load for the fir.st time in this H aorles and m eant th a t Uiey‘y’cm could 'ia P J ' American ivoriil »oi-iw- , r » ri win thoir 2l»t Rerlos hiIV theirth eir . M■}<. rr'"' Tigers'Past hnnnv Uoiiton bfinmetl.1 , Off\J Indiana ^ ^ j £ s 5 ' event, nvon hts iN'iit. * ilnff to • __ ^ '* . KOI golden hisiory without ruiiirnlnRituvnlnR 5 ? * '* . . . 4 . M p a "T h af.i juiit w h at T wanted," -g-v J“S ft lime uay goJnff io ___ ‘ to pL-LouW where ttio sixthKtii and ,. ‘ old Ocl. 20. m nam o 1 5 I?*iiiw8j Au.stln' nald, "Of. coiinie iJman'n B j R a lly l lll* - - Wfl'/'enth games are Hchciduled. ’ v S y y J '■ timetlnio wa.s* (ft.Hler, hut 'th n moat D ie tr ic h 2 5 -6 MnntlOr who imd commutediit^d nnan S 'm Bolnft to do In chnnao M . Im pnrtanl lliliiR Is Reltlnnliiinn all all nniCIIPlKLD, ] Oct. 10 — Roy Dct 10 error that led to the Cardinals'irdlhala' ^ ’ “T • name to MlckcV " , 1 3DLOOMINOTON, 1 Ind., Oct. 10 <>n- (hri‘i> Americana hi. tlui-sonilfl-u-Romlfl- pnrle wny/’ he UaIcII iiaiu he Uoofllors*Uoq furious com ebackok Jorfor innInaU' National leanue. pennant ■ ,, ,b compel Itlon. hold hcforo9 a piiek-puck- P;i Parker f.tiiricd It off with his H drive, who took ih«,mound after v Iltiu Cardinal tMril liaBnman. iitrlilfii off i»r«d ft bivicbnli. , fta 2121-30 victory. )d nfter WAMCINO SAW^Y TO0 nUOOWT,nUGOVT, Ken llnyiir, Ul. Lfli>in Cardinal rmf« nrf pj, tijt,tho new .15-y-IS-yard trot In' iho flrat qXiarter, ^ ianlle snld Just before ho tTn,.,v aimmona left for a plnch-hltierh-hltlcr (hethe field foUowInc Mickeykey Mantle’llMantle’fi linllnni-flf-iiie-idiit^iI linmrninh n m rn in thith a t *avi» thp VankPfH a 3^1 b u t. the-B lue Devll.s camo back M It tho'unbeaten Hawk- f'*' world KrrlrH victory Hnlurday,lurdny, YankeeYankt th ird I>»hd cnnch TTrank rank Crose/• rig 1------m andhiR lead bu ilt by MIMlBabs Wll- W li- ['''ct rich 's, lone ncoro n n d 'le f t Um> . fl room find Bftld: , . m lows InHlanainriiana a a "big" fa.nt Imll but chanffeschnnffes * ' ----- ' " *------r------~r:------;------t“ fiurnrlse. halfllnio koic a l G-0. • -■. 1| Dot a P in t .ilownt — 17 3T (.nf variety ^ lard came na a dlatlnct.fiurprlse. (ui-uitL^Lainl here to g et a _ J* j ” speeds effectively with a variety ' Sunday,.bcK H i 1964 21 «ir.^t •^'^n Jim-seh p u t nichflold J m ___ oLp t. Ditches. It wn5 a brJIllnnt vie- 2 1 jTot off m ft very noodH nlart." „y.., ahend hi the third tjuarter when, . HiB li didn't have’ to wnlt long.lona. rl ...... —..JIH8 I5-JTB-JT tory. tor - —f-' shoshe vialcl, "Hml a fte r thom e firstu rs i ‘ , 1,^ kickoff back fiO yard.*5. « ■ 1 M an- I'M'M lnt*r(*pi*il - 0 . , ,5 e Ilot yielded a rini in tho fifth - - —^ dlvo^X-waa_fiQ_clo3Q_tQ_InBrhldlvo, p,.r I had 10 hit tlint." M nn- i;«I'unc* ...... SI l»3S Krac Parkun-Uicu.hlt-J«clc_Illlcy_on_a___ -llB ••I imd t!>o horns," • J duo partly to the Mantle errtir, f Kraemer-EriRol nnd ^ T am arn ao.y/inl^n.x. PJI.S.S and niley ran Uio “ “ • rumbiM I n i l ___ _ I * ( ^ \ \ l F’edeiiovrt lhat I figured I ’could fp 10 {hat point. M antle10 Imdh ad v»V»rd« pankllMd «7 4*4» pitched pit his way out of a hnsea- ^ , i .!! remalnlnn HO to put tho TiRera- filled jam in t{ie filxth, had the ^ I niovo up on Ihe second‘ dive be- outq,,. in front lfl-0. iicd ftS (ftie of lhe roir rUU ofOf * * * * fill ^ U j cauao back diviuR is niy apoclRl* j , I Bftnic. niaJtlnjT an error on . ■«ui B potentla4i>\vlnnlnR run hi yorlnc W y apctcmi- jdjiRcn niado tho final touch­ 'innim! football ‘ cam paign r micl aA pooHlon In the scvpnth aifd was m F w ly- dowdown early In Uic fourUi on a n McCarvcr'fi fifth innluuT^ ,i» ,hitter third straight conference Pr' ifl that lodloUio Bt. Loulsf^Ji* leronce trouble In tho ninth ^ w "Qi cnnrae, U Ia too early to 00 oo-ynrd-j run up tho middle, Park- • loa* for In d ian a. Jw J hen, an eri>or by nhorlatop Phil , toll, hut the fact lhat wo havo cr iran around left end to finish I.. n,n* Indiana, down 31-0 goingig Into LjrLina gavo,thfi Cardlnal.'i a chiincu ___ ■ three AinerlcanH hi tlio3 flrnt »ilx Hlx ihp Kcorinuftt 25*0. loiilon. who allowed only Uiat chiinci! ______' 1 «uifi t'h® fo u rth period, fo u g h t back jqto tjiite uio load, menai^ that wo ahould, bo good v ie noberv.son and Tony W ard ’ 1 urmd run In ‘Im IHU'.n ““I'l thfl twd totichdowria and gamhJetltied on " two-polnt converslom, makingnaklng wrMcCarver opened the fifth with I * Only one American\ womwoman an ththn' n t held OicCricii away from tlio A aom nfter enuftliia out I,a Cnr- the,, fJrat hut missing by Inches - , 5,1 Uireat 111 Uio n in ll. ond “ "j Inches „ alngio-to rlRht field andsHi con- Indians- JL. Sco;Score in Final. a - nuallfiedtoll? tor Uio fhiala In tho 200 goaUgoa '^ ! on tho crucial go-ohend try.'• . tintlnued to Kecond when the th e hall . » ■ threi meter bren.ststrokn. I’Ijohfl C_yic tho-lO-oa-UraB-xau Uio- out,______:: Bq oyer, th rew h ia Klo^e_ i^crosH hia i atest ball player th a t ever iLiiniured and had to bo taken io a dc ice. The .FentherwelRht Bobbyf DouRJns, of 1confldcncD from hln tenrrt to- M l body and kiiocinrd“clown ihe-uttit: lhe UttltT 'HoiRok«»~l U uLiuK H ^w aiiJnjiim Lj Lhe - Minico SpartttnH-from -tfeU hifi: on points day in a 42-0 trouncing of Iowa V l itf,"— • ------turnini? point for Hie 1tt=] : - J3'rlclgciK)il.J3hlQ. won on points day ------But-jic-cou?dn’f'..recovcr h^llmlu llnje e ------:------t u r iiainiuK in the fourth quartern/n nrntcfl larft ffom llayrullah Salilnlcaya.'Tnr-caya,'Tnr'.' srnsrnnr ------B l loutfln, who Ifl.st pitched Sim - Q ■ and McCarver crossed tho plate -J] ,— diunB-cftmc aftcr thoy_Jjude ld in t h r ynrc e o p la^ H f o r n v ic t o,m r y Iv. . l5cy- fitKi Auble, Ith accn, a, N. Y.,Y.; FPullback Hon OelachlRRcr, ■] ^ uid. “I wns Burprlscd I did O with the run that tied Uio ncore I J fSd ^ ix t li- R a n k e d Purdue Ha^-US Hucco.sflfully hold theIS marredSpar- wlien the Spartan tn center, Tv ntyio beat"Bul(inbanlftv,-MonROlla.-on nROlla. on phiphiylhR h li^ f lrs t Ramo ot _ lh o ...... ■ ' vtU u I did coii&ldcrlnR. tho a t l - l . polni.n In tho bniUamwclRhttamwclRht yenyear uiinrJtfhH' Injured hi pre- fl m layoff. But l n a 1fn^0~ln-nhc-thlrdr*TnlaslnR-boUv;oq i Qcorglov, DulRarla. eas to n 20-0 first rtuarter lead. i| ^K lh-w hlch would havo Sd.™ dtlvon FX alcons 34-7 aa Tom Tresh popped ou'i,'’S out but Over ^ Badgers'C l. S mm' fnmblo nfter tho Spnrtanarl nf hadm' ^ compJotlng OHO to TyJcr ^HiVleaiton« St. Louis nin— Colo moved to second on Joele Pepl-P epl- ““ drivdriven to Uie onij-foot mnrlctl, altei nnd for a first dnwn aa tho quaricr ^■otmnmltl'lTiive-beert-Mllovod-■oliovod —~ — A lfl I ^ R C n ACADEMY,'fj Colo., n tn lore's walk and zipped ovrrQvrr the th c lLAFAYETTK. Ind.. Ocl.:l. 10 (fl nfteafter Clark GrKftn mnclom from one ended. It look tho Bparlnns abc tllhtr ei1 In lha btiUpcn bccauso ho ^icl ind Jun- Tom Poindexter's threo-yardrom Qrlf-| ’ ------— ^ ------indav'fi before a record fansin s Inin “nB ll*®® serlfia, two each-ln-In 1052, q Gordon Teter. IflO-pound Jun- To ^wuld tiave to start 8und(iy'fi 1053 .nnd 105Q and one each hiIn lor hulfbaclc. ram m ed over3VLT two fipufipiirt and Jim Whlstler'flnn d flvo- loal • ' . • ' H u t t h Kune. P(i2i»hing . . , Nolrtll.m* AlrKnrc*Ir Knrc* starter-sta because tho 35-year-pldyear-old i.„.in* i>, rRri(>s* _ 89 fio «(i forcedlore to punt themttolvea oul ^ ■ ^ r d Injured his rig h t hhCcl c d Inhi fi FIril ■•■•■ j., |nl«rr;■ >«Tdi«. _ ua . 1J3 3 John Dreske took tho tr ball ie s ' u on p ' ...... i.iH Ii.ji M I f>en bca.son.- i»il* u n l.______8.3.1.5 s 6-ni s-ni the the 13 an d brouRht It lana (o thocould 33, nl/ “''•rTj^ I f * ~V * ” 1 V * *“ * g I'a iiM tnifrctplfil _ 3 , .f t ^1. HI. Louli IK»w Vortli >'umf>(M fi !cm{ _____ 0 > 3 wijoro wi» WhlflUer'a threeand unsuc- were Hi ^ ...... fc -— . I'unis ______J.«S 7-*l ab r il hr ah r l> >>l v VumhlM i m t ______I fl n i.-i„ Kl.ui.l R 0 11 ll I.Ini •*'4 ' II’’ I) 0 Y«rdi * p«n>lii»cl ----- SO jo J9 ccsaful CCS! paaaen. one nullified by a Ipuke Topples Yard!'i p*na(fi*4 — SO ■f ],,, Hi.ick 4 (I 0 II .Mali* 4 n (I ll .. 15-ynrd personal foul, and'”™ Loula °'“| §—©—® °-|^ :i< H I u(I H I , ife w•* wtfe * A 7 . lA.* * * , WllWhilp 4 0 1 0 MatillR' :i I U 1 Caldwell's four-yard pluiiRO0 ball gavo on m l I f ^ K. ll.'iyr 4 0 n n ll»w«rit 2^ I,l I n?, fo,,touchdownu on ahort runs,la, younR lhethe ball to tho Indians at their paryland 24-7 down paaa on the Irtsh 23iz and (;i. < o t « Tw»> ;i » « {o tho 33, - ' - . a i v ------,„., , . I f ___ ■ dURIIAM. N. C.. Oct. 10 Wl - hn Piul M r«rvr 3 1 1 0 Vonl.nin ■L i II (» o » n I) HUll nuurterback Dob ariose0 passed owiown 24 with two minutes« remain- tinsuc- 0 — tprlnted untouched Into Uiouu end Shaiiii.m ‘ a 0 I u C. Huypr Hullnull sevi Bcvcn yurd.^ to Dob H adrlckdrlck fofor r ImrIur Jn lhe Rame. | ■uke'.jiiua.DovJU lurnoa ftium» fum- - Sn.j;onc jAis than five hilnutesS A/ier A/ler AUAvfl]m, n .l iMiuuton s o O-u Uied by a nKSSSHBSSSSi -a i* 0 0- U another and. ffJiard Bill nownrdn o w a rd ^ jJlaj-}cy Sen;iett carriedan d Louis tho ■l« »nd an Intcrcoptod uaas”f"n to-I ' t*,. opening kickoff. It waa-na Air •« v\v«Hk '> n o •• “ ' ‘S ■ a y Into two second h alf touch- ti;® iMfhrk 0 0 0 II wf*'wrapped It up on a 23-yarcfarcf dOBhdoBh hjh first, play foMlvo ynrdniTid-^aa-aiiRO Ravo — / n ^ S ^ S s S ^ ^ S B i ^ f l ry°over moment of glory. anil wllwith an Intercepted pass." * , foil Bfnryland** ^ victory over S3 ' ' . followed by a 44-yard s oprlntat tholr by ’ i77-.7,= Tho unbeaten Irish regroupedroiipcd i> I 0 0 n «' Wl.sconHln„ Rot lla onlyy totouch- u ch - MU'Mlko Pierce, glvlnR th'oIS remain- Indians' ^ ■ PullbS’ck Mlko C urtis. whoBowhn«« minutes later UedOU the U.O ______------down on the prettiest pinyny of of tho Iho a a f first down nt tho Spartan 30. ■ n o yard phuiBe in tholo toeacc . »core 7-7 bn Nick Eddy's 40-ynrdlO-yard t T.'iiii* :i2 i n i T..ui* ;« 2« 2 a fi s 2 2 Rftme. nft,i a iS'l-yuwl pn.sa fromrom loleft- ft- OrlfflnO rl tried one pnsiirried for thothe -> loft Nmmp out .whrn wlnnlnif rnnin .r.iir.i, »riiiril, . Hftrold Diiuult to end ton tied tho ncoTB•orn ntn t touchdow n trip UiroughL ., left .L A.W,.lUrr for .Maxvlll I.. . ml., to end touchdown before he mnd-^aa- connected — —------'-•..ll ■0-10, anvcd the Rame forr Duke behUid a wall of blockers,ocicors. i Il—Klloti uut for Ulmmtiiui'll In mil. Dili. Jam J a r es Jonc». witiwitli Nen) Barisar Jn Bprlnt tlie endby U in tho Eddy outran ' two Air . porcoPorco .SI..si. bull* ___mm ni» onti—i f ra rolnta s^ono for tho tally nnd put Uie ■ vnrHs Now V.irU ...... lllll lIDUllll ( 11 I)1—2 S i - i . a *- rlo m kickod tour cxtrn ro ln ta ijon 0 In d ian a ' •'■• 1 l™ i.‘ SoH;‘"““’““'' toitacklers In the last io ’yardsy aras „ M,ntip. Hn», ni* —• .Mn»vtti! .Mn»vtti, for for the Dollormaker/j nndnd Jease 1"“Indiana ahead 13-7. Dartan 30. ) la^pTTss' «to'*'rv-tlio-*ldcUnc.------^ ^ ------cit Hi. I.<»iI« Knvo nno for t lio BudBiir.i.Bera. DB uhl'ft first touchdow ns camefor the In " * e aorlqus.about atareo...r e o . . . ■-II^ntchca^-m-ryTiniirnlini «»in U. New York fi. -Kttl K J 2| “nd racod to thetho NNotre Pame, unleashingIff tho “*j U-Iloyrr, firoat, MaiHlc. .^(a^v(». PPurduo Rrabbcd three Wl.scon- nioni'j Iirsnpiiirtom fter-the*apar—connected — P’l'y® In ter• quar-q unr- powerPow that earlier cruKhedi WWla- ls- HHnn — Mantlt. H^HImmoiii.11. Hliaii'HiiBii. Bln sin paaaes In th e last .flMnrterUnrtor aa tans returned tho Iclokofftlie lo end the ■ ...... Scotty OJacken h it end con; hey h ad l^t>hl 40 an d hacl to 1 olva p u t Uieth6 ,' ; I lit end consln and Purdue, criilsod to " a ..... IP H R KllH imlin HO “the 1“ BndBera roallzod they hnd K i i ... tt touchdownchdown secondaecc touchdown on a 73-yard3-yard simmi.n*^in ------H 4 I I 1 :i ;i 2■' no no chanco on the.Rronudtl aRalnai hall up. 1 ■rom tho 21 to put Duke1 ahead marchmai In 13 plays In tho second sciisrimiu, i. — ii i i i> o» u» Uiollio mftBSlvo B oilerm akerr defonaodefense Pr.icrco- returned the n puntcame In 10 I If you'ro aari 0 u s ■ 1:!^:______» ______pcrl period. , P ^ ^ platoon. yaryards and’wJth a 16-yardtho'Spar— penalty — V—------IJ ^ f ^ ------tj,e ------the Indiana alnried tho ball roll- • UsionioiM ; • Mjj|jjB inRIn* at thelr own-30-yiu'd line. PiercePiei and Baxter moved tt to i _' tho«Spartanth e 40 In 'twopu n plays t 10 j t , winwlioto Dft^renttfded-three-moi’o.rd penalty------B . y t i i c o —— -0»J.Qiaffln—handrd nff toball Harlc:/ roll- • _ #■ # ’ DeiDennett who loolc It tho romaln- hiRinR distance. O rlffln faked n haihaiidoff to -Qnxler, faded back, nncand dropped n short52.irtw-moj’O. pnua to------M[ / V W o Wr e i ^ PloPierce fe;^ a 7-0 load. | VTINENTAI 0 lin riiv \ m • .T. • —' ------T------T h e-8 p artan i-cam o -b aclL carly _ _ In lhe uecond ht^lf when they bioblocked nn Indlnn punt and REGORDER lootook It on tho Duhl 40. D rent MnMnuRhnn nnd Loula Caldwell"H, r o i CONTI]3ver heard anything like It! A ffu(ly u ( ly sself e l f - c o n t a i n e d ______thothe flrnt down nnd Polndoxier stern. The ultim ate foilfollowed with another, brhiRlnR iBabguallty hoine m usic systerri. The u Che(he ball to the B uhl is Ifl. Jo“J- h n -TA-PE-HEeOenjoym ent. Ideally suited to your mmq: ost exacting BrcBrciike threw a nhort one io. ^ PillPan ^ Tyler for the touchdo^vn.wiou'So't You've never' playback heard requirema ents. ancand Poindexter, rufihocl over.for. U>elh e extra point to tlo ' Uie t S game.i ' i Z — T!i-ntes6ioBabguallty'4 speeds, 7f4,r344, f m an dI % % . |lps, p s . IIhc n c l u d e s - ...... The ^pariaiut itarted!«■ Jolm tholr In stereo stereoenjoyment. microphone, dual preamjreamps ps an(and power' I drive t^th o oile Into,ouSoivn‘ In the ' record orS'and playback stereo-m ri atched widei-riinge,speakers riinge,spe; (2nd . ______^ j third and .4lmoiit Ravo1 over.for tho baU . , _ , ■ , I up bofuro tholr flrat down.tlin gnmo.' They . 4-Track, n4 lid.)speeds, 100% 7) transistorized for Instant recgrdi or I iUi\look tho hall for onotod yard thelr hi dynamic. stereoThe w orld'stnicr m ost advanced3d portable tape, recorder.. •j threethli playn nnd punted, bhl, tho e in tho amplifiers-and sterecCAINsi Inc...... T w in FoH» ' I upball waa called back on a hold- ...... T w in Fall! I tiiR penally and they woreIwnl'Thoy Riven speaker In lid.) 1009J• MUSIC BOX ...... thr<1& ynrda uml tholr firatynrci down. In , ' p l a y b a c k . T h e w o r ldSKAGGS '; FURNITUREr,URE ...... Burlojr ' Poindexter ball did mont dfI, thoblit, balltho ' ■ .MUSIC S H O P ...... R u p e r t' ...... hiRhnndlhiR. gaining 30 on f » th how e 07 - , - IS /oro dlvcn ' ^fg//, ' MJOSLIN'S, APPLIANCEA N C E ...... B u h l H H • MEKTINOHET Poll rat down, q ,,, JORDAN , , STUDIOy ...... G o o d in g ^ ITAn. IjloU (iroat, t'nrillnnli' >liorUto|i,(slop, -.(/ulA an iTi'elatie plhy, leaving th e ga Mlcuey 'hai SIIO&IIONE. Octi lO-Cham-, m M tbi between lVUr.l« nnlifg Mantle'*.homer in the nInUt khva (i y nnil » ber of Coipmerpo will mootr tho Mon-; bnll Slurca^ ■ ^ kerlet «aa. S»turd»y. C day lioon at tha.M animttauot t)io ca / 01o.II m C enltr ■ " S«lurd«y. Oro»l w.nl on te throwr ULins m S.2>1 «d|« In Ui* lerlcc. (AT wirei . V •, . ' ■ -'1 ' ' ” . kvlns the gnme tied »t l-'l iinlll MlrUry ' S ^ • " ilnUt KHVA (he Y»nU» a 2-1 victory and a ber O -C h a m -, I cc. (Al* w ireplioto) . m ot M on-i Ittau A • r .. . ' - u U ' ' , . ’ ...... y . ijnm »^jw ^^unda^jO cM 1J9^^ 1 ^ ^ — ' _ ■• >r __ . .1■. , . ,' . ' ■ ------

5 i : n I " \ ^ ^ T Tewelerii n l09MAlM.Ave.GASt

SPlCI W ^ U E K fPEPARTI| f l R f N UI mI 'V t r nleSTORl c 3 ' EVERY BOY30Y WANTSW, o i i r .: .-■ ■ ; W A T E R f ^ ' ’HB 5 1 TER PROOF ’ , : ;,v k > Army dOMB: O M B A T Wtitcli K CHECK THESE EXCITIN(EXCITING FEATURES: w ^v lk • 24 hour military dla! * Walorproof ’'^hock-roaislartt Shock-rosisN ONLY I * Luminous MarkerBr HandsH an d s . * Antl-Magnotic V ^ H P B V r^F ^ im S m * Unbroakablo MainsprinoalnsprJnd ' llK,. * Swoop Socond HandH and v t r * Ruflgod Nylon Strop . ^ Al' All Ihu plui lllyitrAladiralad military In* I 0 '■ra ttruclion minua/ll O OIFt'fppclall IF t'fp p c la ll . . 1 0 0 ^ ..-'.h'-- { ■ ■: < 1 ) .1stj f f l ;■ CLOSE-OUT!junfT "BfflBjffiS j , , . ■ 1 V - # < w 'v '» v »i«. oii"'0"‘» fri |; IHAMILTON

iM ../I . rr;ir:A^,‘;iV"''"-;0 DIAMOND ' ' ' " f . . WATCHES ' 1I 1i ;; ■ . I...... I %OFF I ' ^ III UK flr'l'l' I I'.'i S i?irb;'rv= I ('«- *■; widdxii »i"«»- *" '"'^^oi •‘•"•ly itylwl. HK .old ^ J9 7 « ' . '4 SETS ONLY - ■ WALLACE 8. GORHAM Stainless Steel ______l_.. ^;""‘*°""~""'“'« »ii7w 1 ^ ^ _ _ „ F lA fW A R E Wt SG k ^ K ^ t i c . « □ K U & fflM teg ai |.y(ly his'l im...... )47M i s i Vl o r r lumonil «»'*<•** •tf, tiv""!- ' \ SPECIAL GROUP------I I ’ •' .' 14K |old.I. BDlhBolh H»>i»H«^» J4 HKiotcl. Al) 3 „n ,t Jgyjjjj Nationall”^ Adv. ' - B - : I WATCHES:h es ■ I “.• i dumc I' ;______ISS3B0B93SESn^^ - I :^':..V:- " ‘nH * *In '* cholc* '2 u * «ef 14K OtAMQND'S ENLARGED I iVworwh»tKO>d ^ ^ | | j W i A | m ------7 0 SHOW O C T A It-- p ------Vl OFF * * 103 CoordtnalDoordtnatcil . .j, • B«it dinntrwar* vetu« w«'v« uint 1 ' I LIM e s c ^ ^ ; Decoifatorr DDesign e sig n P ic c e s I faalurtfilur«< i.cl!•<« I”' I,™Iranilucant* "* '";"" ",''of lino chlno.-A iramandwi voIm , lor Iht M«1mq«Molmac d elont,Ioi bu( wo otio Inilud* S (^ WWW ••OtiMUd '••(»»«'••C vf< ••rvic*vIco lor 8 tialnl tIalnUii, chromo plol«d lebUww I # . .|U• lUvtM « ,M aiitftM iu endi B IniulatodIniulotod lumilumbUri lor hoi or cold l>«v*rBO«L 11 Itli:;"*'* trulylyoKquiillt «quii».b.au baouty (or all occatloni-amooKin' ! P 12.77 . r. !T ^ :. • • 6M...M uiubMTvaUw*UmkUH « 1 f t , -n,f c«nlll dlnnarwor*dinnarwdrt volvolual ■ r/x' ^Ao^ce\ ^ 7 )WGI* ContonnlolContonnlal Voluo d» Jonien'i 7x35 Power I BINOCULARS I \^y' 7 7 7 l l ! ^ 17-Jeweewei ELGIN! ■ V CQMiUk «Miki Urrk*t< ' ^' 7 f l e a c h ;? ' . h e I' V'A .. Onit wmej,»na»,tw»1»ali!U...tln twi' - -- ■ I - ' ti tpLUSTAX ■ QNLY j m ippllinoscu yoityi» nted,nte wint Md «l. ^ S n R B S ^ j i'- r 'A itnsiUonal uvlnii Diul u«lnisl Suy (or your /'; .Ba.'Ki3*l .■ I iidi. (tr (lilt md S»VE. / .:•'»'“llL.II^TM/MBtUtMn. '«.•»'»’ P u i h . B u » o n ^ SAVtSAVti *' a '•iU0«M( krumb.lmy. % O S 7 r d e r $1 Q | B ' I Y H PLUS TAX - ^ 5 ------3-ROLLS-OF-TAPE-FREtt W ITH EACH RECORDER . ? ;9 S I ' '• AIWA DoLuxo ------Puih. Button ONLY ' (mo I iibftil U ;aupi,ip.t.5i;^:; V fe, |flr j I "KEYSTONE", AllTAPE Automol RECORDER MOVIE OXiTFn 9-95 •'” S ; ' I TAPE-FREE------b; m A U u to m d t i 0 ^ tAQH>4riBlil» 1 lECORDER...... I ------o W ^- WEEKLY 1 ^ ' ' I ^«ip| ltl«)r.>'IMM^A■•^ ‘ k .. ‘ REMINGTON Roller Elocti ...... ' I — ^ ^ v SWI l i . 1 ^ r tefe : x...-"^ 5-IZ v , Z SHAVER AU AutomoHe - ^1 ^ ^^ (' ' - o x i T F i T s^88^ ^ g if l r 'l ■>. ' lr** or kuniin#, rfilnili.Wl- ' .... 9 9 * 9 5 I ‘ Ill^^cVfU -.','i • • ' V .«•»». iu'c»i. *•«. Cnmpiot , . '; V aV ■ **«V »• el'i**-»».>» ■ LADY SCHICK Electric ;\\v^V' ' 'v -' ' ' ■■''■'^ SHAVER ...... C . n n m I ' ; tf^O;MONEV DOWNI •, ' ^ • W ^ ’ ------w o i i T ^ f — m ' Slieck*R«t1ttonf JKa :i.' r p H B 4 ^ C E 'Duilpreof jB M Anll'Magntlle |4W jfl ^• ' Lumlnoui DIot ' IJUGGAGE Unbnol«ilil>MalnipTlng^pr X ' ; ; / ■ ■ RADIO . ■ _ SET ■...■■ > J pUli wilK c*««, btliiry. cir* . U phOA*. OIR boi*d.. . SAVE ON I I AM/FIAM/FM BmNSISTOR S v I1871 o l J V $587 fe,: ■ ■' .; . ' ^ H■ p 3I(.3i(. ■Ut*mllM4II ilyllna. • ttfT ^ I j f 1 ■ ■ •Undlni tUndln TMrCorminff, AnlNut* MIM g o l d ■ . <■ \. \, for b*l b'lnfini In iltllont lou4 ' IJWWm l S ' i X N O M O N E Y \ j l i } ■ ■ 1 0 8 7 - • - i »n

. -..■ . .... - . ■ ^ E , lk ... s. - G ■ S. ■ I-'.: . . '.

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^ 9 0 h ' jK B M

n m M SECTION ,}|

TWINT w l i o FALLS, mAUO.r^N SUN'1)A-V^( 'iD A-v^oijaioni'm ii. infri jUBBLi Vjwrl - ^ 1 "TPf Sky Diver”cr” Is Anxio ' ' y j r f fc te n sS K ) pnTOiis~to~|l I Fl Form C)rgsOrganizationtion in Twinw in F a lls WY a. H. tllAMUKHHr fall freeft( in tho nlr, oponm theUic «onm olof hU frlcuils Jum p I?ift uut t can coicoiitribulc nuich to tlio ncr- aicy dlvhiR la fiut becomingIng aa. parachuteparach' nnd hit a pix£cr(bcdscrlbcd McMiistMcMiistcr's fIftU. Tlie dlvernff havflliavfl votiajiej.votifljiejis of an »cconjpn»ylng ^ popuinpopular sport In mnny ficcllouiian* otof target. targeU picked i a Inrgo open clonr fieldleld of photORrphotORrapher.) , . ’ thoIho United States abd tlie sport In competUlon' diving,r ,- ' .\ho Juno gt grnKs. , .► OeiieOenerally a smoke bomb or a .Is Hinrilng to pick up a feW;v en-cn- sport t«i divided itUo two cclnsHCBIushcb Oh tlUiLs field tlify spreadul out fitreamiBtrcnmcr Is dropped before tho tluiblHhts In Magic Vnlley., QuoQno — precisionpre< Jvimplng' andI aero- aa-worn -worn parncluitc. ThlsMiiIII akyfiky dlv «llvcr Jumps o u t of the a ir- ' i of tlmthe len^ig ndvocatcx ofIf the bfttlc aectlon.a rrecifiloh jumpingmiplng tnrnet that' they’ll try and,Id tmiut pluiio.pluim. Tills ijullcntes Um direc­ tion of the wind, the drift and ' ., upon In tm a nren Is JlnV CChev- hev- la to try tr nnd hit the targett whllo from 6,000 6, foot nbove. tlon ol nllLT, Iftl polk liiroet.-. U\eUm aiacrobntlc Bcctl.on revolvesevolves BeforBefore they.cnii take offr from nllown the diver to. mnke com------MojitMost-of—ChcvaUcr'a_tlme_Jnn e_ Jn arounda round a bcrlcK of twlatsts and Um airjairport thoro nro certainin pro-p ro - peniratlpenirations. ' npeni In,tho^bftck shop of)f thoUm "turna turna whiro~fHinm“ln flpnce;ace;— rcrlbed-rcrlbed—reRiilallona -eonoorulng—orulng___ Proirprom-6,QOO-iccL_lhc_drop-ZQno______: Tlnic.H-Newh*'where h e Is a pprint- rin t- -, . IIn n tltho prccl(ilon Jumpingg there tho alnairplane used, Tlm doorr mmuat uat la barelyban visible. \Wh^ WWhy? hj There Ls no pnt anawer -. for thnt queatlon.’, Plnit of nil, ' It isla ft clmllenBe. Like other ' iiportA thcro Is. nn elem ent of r w ^ chance,chanci risk or hazard. Cut Chev­ alier's nm ln reii.son for leaping dla- hi« Hlfe'a fJr«t-l>-lp-abroad-aml-iiU-fJjd_amI-.JiU-fir»l_irip_b»ck ulnce liee l»e-h e. hito Kpnco Is Mint the fiport BOUVENinH FROM OER:RMANV. M A ffy. IiInoludlwr » l»eer m«g dla- hi# troHii'^" tcnohe&-oHior ihlngs, llko coordl- a now proud poMeRalnna of M r. and an d eaneame an Amerlcnn rltlzen.'. In ththis is pictureplot th e dnuxh(er liTrtreHB- te'‘0*« iiTcd In thi* ploturc, are now prou re- ed in an authentln dreaa■ ofnf thoiho WestW Gcrmnn ^area. DelerB,•elera gallon, mental alertne.is and is lUnno n«lP« ■*"*>*imall daughter, Julle Ann. who r t- ed pnylng attention to mlnuto de­ visit to Deters* native land. It wai UIs i» Twin Fnlls bliitlneuman.man. (Timea-New*(Tlntea phnlo) • t J l j ^ S ,; raumea from * tWt to Be tail. * - * * * > .* *. * , . J-.* . *, : * - -■ *:. * * * “ tThere„ c cau be no elipupa In U\e ------:------' V T ' * - ' i ------aport-aport-of-sky.diving ------______i_ _ Tlie fine line In error is a great tenchlng factor. A aloppy [iidustry•y iin W estrt Germanyt my Hits !»‘aky diver l.-i a dead sky diver. To 'fiky dlyo Lsn't ju st pu ttin g on a pnrnchuto nnd jumpinging out of nn airplane. Many rules and regulations must be followed be. i'ast P aice c e Since EiE n d o f C o o r n f lic t » p diverts allowed to Junip. 10 Imd for 38 or 30 mllcn nlonir tho river. ^*^5^ j rracllcally «» ncnrff ol WVorld orld dflHgldflughler, julle, were with him; Ing for several rensoiui. Bhe had for 2( 0 nvcr. ^ gjjQj drop zone muatlje »r n in acrm nny—lit loiuillilt, In He went baclc home, back:k to nevenever boon to Obrmnny bnfore, So ri Rrcnt w as tho in d u strial\\ con- -picked.-pickei And thlij hna to bo lo- -eil aermany-havo disnppcar-pear- iho Um «Acones and surroundingsJB of It ^wftfl her first trip on a Jet, a centrccntrntlon for wnr thnt a nub-ftub- cntedcntcd In prescribed areas.Ul. Ao- 1 and tho only peoplo who0 nrenro mhlB o jyouth for a vlalt. Ho was7 , bun, a tnxl or a slreotcnrir nnd marhmarine wns completed nnd1 ready cordlJcording to Chevalier'the0 rone7J)ne )t BBlnfully employed nro thooethODc 8glnd nd ho m ado Um trip . b u t.'• UmY'® sho alao enjoyed her firstI river for wnr’ every l i dnya and aft muat be out of normal flight Y>at- ho do not want W worJc. otJJorothor nJght Jh an interview with kboat_ , rJdo when Bho accompaniedpanJed rnldhiff.bont.rnldh JJIko the PT? bonU terns an d clear o f obBtnjclJojM. Ueiino Deters, ft Twin PftllaPalla ththe e ITimes-News, ho said that, ho , her Inmbnnd nnd dnughterLcr on of thotl Allies) wna rendy to go aA chcchcck with tlm federal aviation IH Mlor, WM 14 when thrf bomtomb- b- wns JJust aa Rlad to get backP. . to Qfte of the- fnmed RhinoI river everyevcry 10 dnys. . nRcncnRcncy generally will put the BlR I cam# and prnctlcally bloww thoUm hla nnew homo, tho United Stales slBhUoolng , trips. _ HIjHis fnther wns ft BhIpbuUderbuilder diver onto the trail of .where and |m duslrlal city of Dremon -from iro m of AiAmorlcnT-— ' - . ------“ id nna tlieh. Now he has retired,!d, b\U whenw hen ho-ean-Jum p. PPA re g u la ..__o S Juat Tlm Journey which led him But oven wlUi the a'pecd aria tlieh. Ifl mnp. Kla home waa Juat Tix - and different modes of travel, it was oother th er m em bers o f tho'ffimlily lly aarc rc tloitff must bo rigidly followed. W i •roa the Wcscr river ntt tho from Oormany to Twin Palla and oi*" •n dny carrying on the trndltlon. Tiu aw Jt a business in Twin.Palla was/as a “tlll.tho beauty of modern day carry Tliere la a minimum height ajj ■n of Dardenflcm. Ho aaw It a buj played Umt_j^dlver can perform._If_Jit J . ------long“ lo n r" D n « rr^ho-on*“ b n ck -hmme o m e ,r^rOermony-plua-CllmlnallDn.of-«liy. eri of-«Uy.__ Arcna-in-whlch-DctcrBAn played. UmL s ago thanks to modem trannportn-►orta- of ^ho Bears of war nndid thetho asqs a younRster nre now flltealies for Isn'tUn't covered' In PPA rcRuIalloris ' toren and one-hnlf yoars ftgo thnnl hours booming economy which impress-iprcBs- grei re a t fnctorles. Ocenn-golng It la > I camtf to tho United States—ites— tlon. required only 10 brief hours °°°[ :^-golng It la covered In the rules of the -Ui8-Country_vhlch hnd nontsent of fl>flying tlmo by swift 707 rLuft-Luft- ed thom t most. shipsshlpa ply up nnd down thele river ParncParachute Club of America, ^ ou bombers over hla " nntlvOYaUvO hfinsihnnsa alrllne Jet plane fromI Balt —Di—Dotors-romombered-how s Dre- wlicreJio.whcr used, to T>wlmt ____------whlch_lB whlcl: the.cfficlal..orBanlzod ^ id In order to win n wnr.. LnatLnst Lnko City to Montreal, to Zurich,irlch, men looked when tho AlliesIB were MnMany of his friends nrere stillbIIIi Rrotip that aupervlnes sky diving, * ^ ly Kid AURUiit he wont back. bnck. Swlt?Swlt7.«rland, and to prankfort,kfort, throthrough with It. It waa a militaryrtllltnry nround,nroui ns nro inemberB of his ^tAt preaent Chevalier is trying « iio 9 U an-Amerlciin clilzenflilaen Oern'Oermnny. targtarget bocauso It waa a ahip-Bhlp- immcdlntoImmt family. Some of the to jjotro ft Mnfilo Valley sky dlvh^g Lffl d his wife nnd a-yenr-oldir-old Hla wlfo found the trip Uirlll-hrlll- buUibuilding town which stretchedretched (C ontinued on T m e 25) 25J club organized. an d becomo n£ao« fia datedclalet with the national group. ffH Novice Jumpers have to go |« •' •, . .', • 'r ; -il through a rigid pre-jump train* ra Ing program. However, it is Uke- M strictt HHighw ayly ^Event OOf f f e r s ly. = that most or tho poientrol S ' ' ’' ' ' ' ' club members will be ex-pdra-:X-lW a- In , “ ...... V ------troopers or ex-forest service ^ smokejumpcrs. K 3tizenSsd!hance C tot o S e e FFacility a d Somo of Um safety precautlonjjcautions RlV^—'v-^' ^ j i 3a sky diver has to follow Include [h.v[h '' ^■SQOSIIONE, Oct. 10 — OOpenltlon pen Ulon lines whero there was dodl-dodf- ever.ever The department acUvelyftctlvely receirecent yenra. Source pitata are rouulregular inspection of reserve r !' \ V! ' . fMllvltlca At th e IdIdnho n h o cnteccnted right of way. Political nncAnnea recruitsrecr englnoera at Idaho10 uni- testetested'. Thla cnn be eitherr Rrnvelgravel pnrntpnrachutea. neaervo parachutoarachutoa {J . ' ' V ' ^HiaK dtpartment of hlffhwnyahwnya oftoroften determined where the} new veraltleavora and adjoining Btatoato In- or compacted' earth. CoHcreto:oncreto havohave to go to Salt Lake City for ■ .'\ •, , . ^ A u i c t beadquart^ra this woelcweek hlglvhighways were located. All that atltutlona.atitt wh(w h e n poured ia tested.1. SteelBteel insptInspection and repacking.Z. T'There here i.',', . • ^■(ordtd Uttfflc Vnlley reaidontaidents hnahns changed. lrIn the flold of location}n nnd whei when erected la tested or‘ hnshas to isu n :firm In Salt Lake Cityty Qual-tiual- f.;; opportunity to see wIVhat h a t NoNow extensive research goesrocs mapping,m ar now techniques aroom- como-com« up to opeclflcatlon.on. JfaIt's ificdificci an d licensed to do this. ■>; .V. • ^■skrt itie department tick.t. intointo- highway planning. Thee dc-de- ployed,ploj auch aa aerial phologra-otogra- Ju.ntJust tlmt more nteel, morere rock, qsky1( diving varies fromm place L ^ i ‘ . .. ' , ^ ■ a i i plKM of hlffhway oopora- porn- pnrt>partrAent utilizes modern tech- phy.phy Stcro pholo overlayslyn arearo monmore gntvel an d m ore concreteconcrete to piplnce. Weather and elevationJlevatlon ' Ttre thrown open for' ppub- u b - nlqu plfiniplanning. . In ] picking routes which will do The>p| state operates on the:he tho- ing.'ing. The air Is denaer at saea ea level k tlut-tho dopnrtmentt cnncan TaTankersley pointed out th a t the least damage to farmland•rmland ory ihnt Its Brefttost Investmentcstment and a Httlo thin In Idaho.lo. Con* H ^ ^ v e r and answer eoally—nnd'—and doapidoaplle tho Increaaed omphnsla[ihnsla nnd high value propertyty and jj, jn tho constructed rond.d. IlondHoad aequiaequently, ono movca fastera ster in '• H ll, ih» Job of bulldlneling a on rronds and the highwayy do- aim atlll can bo conatructed* at a mnlntennncenmli la a very Importantiporiant thin air, oven in a parachute. II ^■oaemhfdhway la more complex>mplex pnrtip artm en t. the d istrict operatoaeratos minimum min coat. piiatphase of highway aystcm.n..Rond Rond ac According (o Chevalier, the ■ ^ B d cortipiicntcd th n n It wV04 as 10 wwith ith 100 employes. Tho numberjmbor QuantityQ figures, such na as thothe nmlntennnconmh would bo aI simple he.st tlmo to sky dlve.Ui theiie early m ^■sn aeo, -'of•' of ctemployes hasn't changed1 sub- amountam< of earth fill and excava-excftva- thingthin If thla end of the atnt«taU3 hndhad nionmorning houra. Tho airr hhaan't aan 't ^■Accordlnir to Dnlo Tankoraley,eraley, ntnnintantlnlly over tho years. Andid for tlons,'tlor are computed in IDMIM mn- ma- uniformunlf weather. Tlio cxtremeaixtremea ^^rmed and lan't movingIg about. SSKTTL1NO DOWN to.o eaearth rth Is Jim Chevalier alter fnlllngling through apaceai whila sky diving aoutb ^ M r< 2«ntln8 tho dlatrlct, thohe ro- thntthat matter the number of piecesplecea chineschli rather than on a hand rnlsornlsi havoc with tho ronds(Ida and „h o lo th eo ry b ehllnd.aky in d .a k y oof f 'Twin FalU. Object of)f skydiving UIs to drop sa close aalielie eancan to a pre — ^------h ' r " ’ i------:—— I^H (Cnntlnued on Pnge 2R)2«) . \ « ' , J . , . " , ■ No Real Curei r e ■ ■ fc'V H Exists to I Aid Smokers ^ NEW Y O R K , Oct, 10 un — A T" cignrotte' meana a lot—of dlf* ferent things to differentt pudple. ptjtipio. .■ ...... ; And that's why It is foolluhjoiiuh to ...... -thlnlt_thcro_ia_nny_Qnv'\ ' different h n b lta, n.ssoclntlona,clntloi^, HH i n n d p ay ch o lo g icn l nc(^dit. P r, O. ']g ■ ■ P M. Hochbnum of the U. Q. p u b lic >| honlth Borvlco, WaHhlnRton, D.C., “ told the Amei'Icun J’ubllc,Health s. nssoclntlon. f, V “When wo apeak of Bmnklng , X. cessntion, we do not apenlc merely i? of ft single. Isolnted chnnge. In a il porson'a llfet but of a rather; ^ rndlcal nnd oxtonBlve,plM i n uud 'in iilinnlni aya in amoi(er8,."tho appronchea,a, mnteOi* oth- , - racllltAte FU LL OANOPV O F SsitK lt K bloMibloMOtns eut after hittinglint th*ill* I the* th» Ur««t W ^ f«w !«•}et after«««r » Jump.frdntJoin B.OM (M i ftbOT* ilM r dipirlnunt «mpIo» raml«m tMhnl«UM In Xlmea- o d i an d teohnlaitea lo facllltAtO F I haur tlia iomper. (TlmM-Newi photo) .(0>1 l l lo li li> u r tli> jiun

pnll fl


of highways district offleo la Cd llry- A tt planning apif locating highway* in amo miQUM In highway phuinlng. (Tlmea- odi f. 1 9 ^ ' 5^iwi:NeW s;^ufld^^ QrtJBrM tm STOlSraESfiESR^Ficiipto: j.SE"S5^£?.5 ' _____ “ A • » the ti Campaign Wlign ai'w W aiina" ------^------UARVRy o ver m aity. If n o v Uohf ?dm- there U,little prr noDO.nooe. ArmedArmei w.riAr*» thlit Chrlatlnna might.well cdm- Nominating committee report bine their chrla\lanin comStme^iIcommitment « ‘th Integrity nndd forglvepessforglvepea, a. V M SLB ZS- f l Riiggeating men to aorvo durlna JlS thTn*- ChrUtlan mny enternter polltica ,oOATELLO. OJet. ct. 10 tupn-portUPR-POr , ------^ Thuradny nnd thla will bo fol> ■ ■ k L ■ **" ^ i„?i; catello attorney William D. OUon lowed- by-Uie-«l(!oUon_at_^.l(^•lon_at_a..l»»f -won-nnother-torm-oa-prealdantrr-p-JiSS ^ __ CONSIGN! I n.. or tho Idnho Statetato Unlveralty ^VWII^IWHIonsignmentI sale- Dr. Jack McNee* wa* given thi n Friday. ' nod na commltteo choice?»,nir« fnrfoi Alum ni aaaoolatJon F riday. «?our A nderson rocotello b an k executive oxecutivo John tINlI president, with Armour Anderoor :tod vice presl- UIIM nn firat vice prealdent.lent Two menmor Clnwaon waa elected vice preal- and SHOW wore auggestod for? necondM c^d X vici iJ^nt and throe nowuw dlrectora nirelire nrealdent. Tliey nro KKenneth ?nZh Me- MC' Mra. nobert Hammond. Idnho New nnd William Koch.KWh ClaudeClaudi Palla: Dwight W..T^n.Dot';! Jenaen. Bolae, 7:30 P.M.P.M . TUIrUlSDAY, OCT. J3fli n?ndid for tho nnd Karl Ci.yford.I, Pocntello,Pocatello, •- I Brown wna recommendedoended for ,1110 thi dlrectora of. Uio oa- poat of treaaurer. i!b.'rt” D“'(D“ )| W K TE RLN N IDAHO STATE! FAIRGROU^TdU tre helped'clear the land for theB Twin . Fall* Bight men were namednnrnM to com-com' noolfitlon Wilbert D. (Bill) PIVB OENERA'^IONSif IONS of 'the fnmlly of a formerr Hagerman'Hagermi to Nampa. Ollmore helped el ? iSSn on the »«'». Mw. Vern Horaog.Herzog, Jr.. andandi ■ > giBOISE < r lorla Cortdlt, townait^ In JWfl. Other O th er memlwr* memU are,- from left, Mnrvlnarvin Btokea, Mte for five poata open on Uv Pocatello. - . \ 1 ■ rNlditnl ■ri» ihown.n. Mri.Mra. MonMorrla Hiokea, thn former Horla Cortd nter, Jana Mnrle H(okea,'They areI from Kuna, board of dlreotora.5r a^?He5 They ar!an Durgon. all Pocatello. - Ing next to II. B. inert) Gnmore.whorho will lioonmo< hahilng hU dnughlor, Jana M llill CUy. la ■Uiiillnic n ex t to : m he moved Mra. lleverla Condlt,idit, Hagerman,Hagermi aeated, N Gllmnre**■a’a daughter,dauihtor, stnnley Snow, Eldonin Evan*, Evnna. Nor- Nor' ------~ ■ . lia Bff. ilB llvflil intl HHagerman m ertnan from 1005 to IBM when he movi ------— man Tarter, Elmer Hagerty, Lei 8 good GoldingsIdlngs will soil—s( plus the got of thoie ^ it ' Ik * . ft lie pointed put »everaleral fact* con con- Vogel, Jack Shnw, Jerry Klomi M O V i|N1^3 N C ? ■ well-kriownI Roglstorod Quortorhorso Stoljjons’ 3 T oll* ceming tractor nndd fnrm equip equip- nnd Joneph Uynn...... Loo Bill (AAA).\A A l TinkyTinky. Howk (AAA) Ton'.o Timi Officers3 fol’ XW.O. anfoty. Jnsperr nlao nlfto rend ni nn ...... iirtlclo concerning UNIOEP fofor -(AAA), Blackock DeckDock (AAA)(/ W ar Chomp (AAA), rnilO C C Hnlloweon. RERG J o o :R o o d , I I! I (A A A A A ),'*d^ud's ),- e D lol B o r (AAA) ond l ! '^ ee j i j r J i , AjieaJGiangc ------MrHr-Penton—llnya-npoke-oi “gOpS —WARBERG- C I .fire prevention nndra nrtlclrs s v wer r. rPAINT:&“BODY- irTiTr'tRor intorm otion contact: rfellTtfll) rend by Mrs. Hnyaiy» nnd • Mra.Mn g f ygc Estimi m aates i c B I M bving-Sforoge•Storoge fhonoLancas'hone Lancaster, Filer, Idaho. ■ M / ^7IC I C VALLENJE Y Hold ConfabUAAXM*^ mdiard Jnsper. . n.iKiif. frUH 8 CkperUncid M*n—All1-All Cari» Cjifl— K tAUBrmnlm WENDELL,-Ocl.. 110 0—Tlie - H .« Inl-In A non-pnrtlBnn public frle mt, Glaili, O r r tt ••llmiiae. Complil*mplil* nallenwld»< nallenw ld** llic rfl ulioiild io r.ompr.omn re d fftfncea on aome of tho too enger hunt iler mounlAln hunt which opened ln*tl u t anSaturd liirilo y . lln l r o « » lln i to r tli«10 new n .w otIICDiofflccrn chlclfen dinner will bo oervea b . Trucki.t, - M Worldwide ••fvic*. E*p*rt[(part piehino. piehino. PulliiFu1l|> « A i e t i j Oh'tlio North Boldter mounlAl 10 No na-.wn* tho arnnge women on electlo ' , ' M «(julppad modern vana.a n a . U i e , modara modera SASALE. LE. M>MANAGED BY A hit of Immor wnala enticifldenacted b:by a PAinPIELD high achoolichool studfltuclmil of Wondell arnnao No. na-.wi i w S e fton of a locnl civic lender dried thethn hendlimd »ndt ,,„„duijtei| by MiuUr T nny7«» miln.iiw dny, Nov. 3. ServingIng will beginbcRl. { M MWW « « A thla IfUit week. Tlie Aon of a I wun- ® P-"'- A cooked1 food aale an and \ A f | X hide of n buck doerr Inct yenr..yenr. A few dnys before tho aenaonliuon operol'cnol' WmlnMdny «VBnlnlt,g ot a t llio tho W»lWen ijp ,,ej(, conjuncId in conjunc- 2 * . _ - , ffl MINIC^IIC & LANCASTERI he mounted tho hondend nnd hidhide on n plywood bonrd r toI?n" almiilnt ■<»>' arnnoo Imll. or. j b u i c k OLDSMODIL>SMOBIiee g *0«M T t on a hilt near Plve Polnta on LltUo Smol . .. J « CT. tlon w ith Uie dinner. SALES MANAGEMENT doer. He plnced It oh a hilt ^miln* Of tho Tlio maater InstalledjBtnlled C. 'T. Tlio next m eetingiB will will begin begin « a t 2 rOHMANi c u ni< 'flAUNDIu AUNDtRS g Allied creek. The day thee hunt openopened, he-rgtrloved the remain*>mnln* of t l ^ M ewnrd: Elm er Johnso :imer Johnson. 7130 p .,^ /jth n potluck rilnnei rii-uit 0 P(io«« Vk / an a n LU i nea n e * jilde nnd board nndand coimlcountod ------^ .' ^ .1 » treasurer, nnd Mra.I. Elmer JohiJoiin- jnapor and SMr. rK nn rc i 3«3-J*V..,. >»«»J kAnaciT MUVtM 1 mor® th n n 00 bvilletBt holeahole* In tthe ijike City to a apeclallntlallnt followfollowed ;o officer*offlcera wcwere penton Hny* werowero hoata. hoBta. gyyt%yyitlCXXiCXXX3CXXKXXX I board. He had beenin checklnjchecking on ond ho advlard thoho ImmedlImmediate j attend theth e enrller li In- ■______It And lAtd that manynany were iput nurgery to preventt , periiinn wSi *tnllatlon meeting. laon opened. Injury to tho heart. She •' ' In It befora the aeaaon opened. ^5t a hole on A report of tho *nfety■nfety commicommit- -A few-y«ar*-4mo-ftnoth«rD-anoUier «en- horn with Uio defccl,hohenru a hole tee wa* given by lUchnrd[llchnrd JnapcJnapor. J tarprlfllng h la h aohoolichool alvidiatu d en t tl’"° f ^ho h ew u m o unted a doe'a hendsnd on a bosbonrd Bhlrley la Just n* lively nnd placed It In a field near tthe ever nnd enjoying plnylug —!------T»nHny^rm-west-of-Hni-0l-o f-H n i-O lty t usuoUncUvD-Bamea.------‘■"^B a u q u e t M l I Tlie board wa* riddled with bi 1 letji durlnir Uia huntlns.aeoai,mlC‘««on. ’omltaor" ol t 1 i Tit# atudent watchediTd tho boebMrd Wood river valley.ilrW Lawre Fete SoloiisIons I—ILA—^ 1 __lrom a_8hod ondnd rocognSrccoanU o®nUy. When one0 of the I locnl field, nnd Vlnco Cook, Dletrli haa a alnglo bloom on it. ’i pinch” he al- BnptUt women nroare prepnrlpropnrhig ■ % Illy hn* grown to a height " lit “ the dinner. Herb) Love, Kerricernor H /£^yY // about two and a half feot. wh mber have two ^^d Cook nre member*icmbem of thot ■ wa* about Uib heightjht It attahatlnlneil mre J«n«te Droaaht Uroadhurat, dinner nrrnngementont committee.commltt ■ laat apring.' Hailey, and Lawrence nom Ticket* nre nvnllnbloUlablo In coucoun* H , I Tho Llerman* are wonderwondering jr., Moaa, Arlt, *lx grnndJ nr^nddSuB - surrounding Lincoln couicounty ■ m m m I ' iffhat to do with'I Uio Illy tIhU (jren and ono grent-granddail.granddaugn centralal commitcommittee ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ , winter and do not know whetwhether t«r ______. chairman, - occordlngding to VicVictor ■ I I I lllff to leavone W V % Oier or not tho W . f I prices I' lor aure. But whether or not I I . I child vn* a* hdppy a* the j H) enta remain* Uie quontlon. URSES li ■ Ju a t >a- feW' dayalya before ..the ^ 'a -m b irth d ay S ept. 10, Qhlrley m u i l L / / went heart aurgery at the 1 -"I# hoapltal in Salt Lnke Lake City. Bhei W W AANTED1 J D I ^ wa* operated on FridayFridny and tho . I next Tliursdny wa*la releaaed releaied frot m ^ ■ t I the hoapltal. 0 1 nI E L E S S , f u l l y CCOOKED O O K E I------It vn* durlng'the tlmo Ahe Full'ull or Part- Tim e ------BONELESS ----- ^altlng-tonta-bnck-to-tho-]clrHo“the-ho*-^ ------— ||-CHUNKTUi Ji •• pltal for her flnnl checkup C o nwalescent v a le s Hospital INK TUNA- O I i o n coming homo that aho B IGA Drond Joyod tho birthday. Tlio op II t tlon waa tormed a auccea* , a nid d NursingN l Home 1 A R " S " ^ m S 9 ^ I F $ . r ' H A M jl wna cauao for tho.0 parent* oextra - C|i , Joy on thla apeclallal day. I ' The fnct thnt littleIttlo Bhlrley Shirley h ad I 4.°*! ' nny trouble withr her heart waa ^IC V V IO W ^ ^ j BACONCON SQUARESIES ...... L b . 25c n a lle y r V discovered by accidentcldent UilaUll* m il. ^ ■ ^new 7 ▼ & HazeldelIdel I ' Her parent* only,y knewknow of th e L i .a month-btforB] ...... j y j M FRESH GARDEN\RDE.H RIPRIPE SLICERS' ------Iroulile-foc-about-a month-bt — M aiM ors Por another Infection aho ------— I - - C H I L I ' tnken to a TWIN PALLBFALLS* hoa^ I Apply Ait OfficOffice or Phone 733-9036 I p ltnl nnd whileI being tr

! , ■ " CCOME O M OUT TO EAST;T 5 POINTS PC AND, "The'ho SforeStore Thai';‘ B rought plete Line ■j — ...... - _5AVE:.WlTh!s a v e : OOR WAREHCAREHOOSE PRICES jl Complete Lii Ifl I L0W1ER:R PRICE!PRICES to South Pork" m I CLOVER^ER dli CtUB H 4® i PL U Y W AV l t C O . I SNACKS 1 124 BLUELUE LAILAKES BLVD. SO. 733-0550J-0550 ■ SOUTHI PARK I W lt C i i n l r l y ' i

------r r — — r ----- r:;------t • ’ '^V. ' ' • -- '------r r ------— I'------. y ^ ------______' ; V ' .— - 'O ' '■ ‘ •N . ■ ■■/I ■ /[• ' ' r, :■■ pr^ri^ives in TwinV i n Falls^ . __ Sundfl,y,'Oct. n , W64964 Twin PallftI Tlmog-Nnwi 2 5 ! |v umper-EnGOUj*ag(Jages^pornr~ I HI I Indtt&tFy^m-Wes n in Wesi^GermaiiyJE ia.Tiy H its F a at - ^ U) ihtffher the atari of the Jump,jump, suchsuoV ^ turnliiu end over end...... atrut Uie lonaer lie can delay. In aome awaiswan dlvlnu or homo almllnr mo-m o- ■I VPace, i Localal BusBusiness DigcovThi ohut^r OuWnff tIiia hrlet ta)i Into p a n tlie bt]t the country hna. ril." .Mi ' "I'S.w ^ •'Tiioi-oHji.iiywin no prnblom,” ,[|i tried, diver; hendn for the tnru'ct, on." .Mrfl. Dotfjr*.declared, nddln# i.^m e apace • few norobaUea &re.tried, dive Bo oyonl Is tho Induntrlalrlnl ex.. tliiiiiltni iV cU-Kpltc thbi fn ct nnd thn .“"® * tV.‘' ■* IV ■ . ^ From ehV* Kround iGdlclntf up It ■nRn5roinhAt''<''*rRl‘h’"^‘’*if’''“ir - ^r""^frnnr fn/nrtrthnrthe rtrth cnm nre small,mil.w? the« “ “'1 r))/> trip, buck (n AmerIcA wlu* Jolis,Jnlif). A q W||; . th li'B ^ sh e'c o u ld n o t RotBot rcsldlnitr«“»tn wohi nmj «oulh of Piler, ^ .] If you hnppen lo bo slnndhiBInR on There nre Just not enoughRh Qcr-a c r - usoiWn uso#lo.w u» t1\e ntim l>erdfr peopla •**.I'J. now" o enU'fiHliiiHH. tHonds by ...'. fig S j^ & B ^ , 15.^' the tnraei. somotlnicji yon wQn«wQn- maiu to BO nrouiid. . who fsi 111 k ep t ca ttle In the nhowlishowlntc cnhir slldos of tho Inter- L! i tier if ho Is ever boIhb to> opon III restoration cffoyts,, which hoiuip.hotwp. The "bnrn" pnrt 'of theth e fJ’IP Imnio, for Defers. Tt .Id Uio pnrnchuie. hnvo proved succc/iBful, thho e Oor-Oer- hnu.st)hnu.s»^ usunlly wna entereded first ^If* now ,liind for hla wlfo a er door, and ynuiiRhl» r. . ^—r ^ •. .C hevnller firtid tnnnj’ hflvo0 con*con^ m nnn hnve utt?*. taclodtact hlin cmiccrninK ihe)o or-o r- the old bulldlni; flavor by/ rccnii-recoil- thn "hi"luimnn" portlon of Uieie homo ^ ------irnnlt-.ntlon of ^ )oc»| chjb nnd atrUotlnff oulAldo w alls nonn thoy wnnwna mriitprod. Bhe wna Impressed.ipressed. l-xiril‘'^rt FAHT BTOiWa RESULTS I' j iiSu-* J Ome l>nvo nlrendy mndo.Vt»mna.jum yii.___ ' witre. nithouRh U\ mlvuv InstnacMiistnncw (huuRliihouRh, with ' how cleanftp tho TRY TIMEa-NRWB WANT AM , '♦ tliA iJwlrfo I" now nuMiornized.nized. ., r ■■ - . f ...... He polhtcd out thnt Jumps arenre —X2mrmmnir-tmtirtmivr-*-^retii ■ ■va'i ... .■' TWK «nh.. ow rt—wrf -evpvvwhore.irvwhore.i ' ■.••...... f e i l S52*rmmit»cd "twrnchut'eli''*'Uei). If - - ^g~ buuSsMSWiH^ “ 1 • posnible iho pnrneliutfl Is slorod Always lenvR-placrn for RrnHnD g~~rWTEGmnnd TY....SrY . . . . SCRVJCC . . . — \p ^ H B b w ' unpncked nnd the bnck lawn of for.children \o plny." — ’the-Ohov5n7or-h(imO'(|]ii{lve», (oiira„,/o, ot DEPENDABIL^DABILITY. . . pncklna. aren. The mnln Jump vnrlo\)s VariH of (ho co\intryUry nnd _ .ChUti£.and the rcGcrve chute nro Ite nro juat'plnln cxplorinji occup\ct\ the necessary for your satisfaction In j ^ S I r two aopneate (hinus.- Reserves ' month tbe couple nnd dniiKhtpr;r„ 'f,',li,.T ' l''"" l'ior«tll»nl» nbcosjory (or must be liifipecied.. w ere ovorsenn. j I any product . . .,. throe throe Inflrodlonta Inflrt we guaranfa “It la an exclthiff sport,. .a Tor Mrs. DMcrs h proyertpoyod toto' • . . . whether on theI purchasepurchase ofof a ncv/. bearing akl or ohallenBlnR sport — iioihlna cnngnu ■• ■ be the'trip ot n hfisllme.me-i For _ ro) _ ropoir of, your preffent)nt aid.— aid.— , , •' ” I H her hiiRbnnd tl nb>o proved lo be • ’ ^^Hi matniatcJj It for fihccr thrill,” said Chevalier. n w ■ inlorestlnB, ns he put ll. becmiscbeciuiw; , m JHK ^ Ohc hla wife know nnly n feww wordn wordK . . ______- II •Je ^ $ of the lanimuBf. However. Mrs. r i*m M D eters declnrcs th is did nolkijc'i »oL Itocp Coll or Drop In Soon! ^ _____ M M lier from enjoylim the trip. '' , i > • ' J E I ^ h ~ i ^ ^ B U * v x n ^ l B y l Red Cross-tp-_ 8® S .Qermnny. U«lors snys, haa ca- — I jinlA liko thu Unlicd Statonaton huK P ^ A l I i r s H H Tilshways, nnd much irnvol..rnvol. Is ( ^ ^/\LICALI.733;7330 ~ — sStress Burns by bnnt. In fact, ntoro mnnufnc- lurod mntorlaUi nro iihlppod by h111 First Aidd H H H H H H boat nnd barKo thnn by truck. ■. When you drive tin (ho! ron'cts— ' mii^^^kjRhm m m m Burna nnd fires,' lUted lujM thothe H H w h h tho excrpilon of ji fow of ■ aeoiaecond mnjor cnuso of nccldental ... th p Brent hlKbwnyH—yoU' fHul ■ r M «- w h y m m o f tho cara nr/r siiiftl, ■ MAICO ^ death In Uie home, u'tn-be alrcsn-strcfia- Hi noUTINK JUMP f* performed liy ( c '£H' H l l iVlAIC down, nnd why most peoplo rldo bl- p «d thla fall nnd winter Inn first Mas Wutrr'H flnt. Acrolmtiea nre often pn old ^rldo b l-| ERNEST MICHENEH 1155 5 5 MMoln o ln W. Twin Falli I nld olnases .tnURht by UieJ TTwin w in Init Init to .lieiierit the phntoKrapher the I in a biit cycles, ti\ Delcrs pohUod oul. H H ' Fal Palla Red Cross chnpler, accord-iccord- star atamlBnl m anner. (Tlm es->;ews nli^8ln« to William Dcmadlne,e. llratflra t ------' — -— ------pniulc Bid ch airm an . n otlnr ^ 'poInUnn: out Umt fir# deaUiadeath s - la boh 2M are exceeded only by those T h ere ^ 9 cniufld by nccldentnl fnlla. In the * • • m a iu W H home. " norBftdlne cited i-Nntlonnlatio n al • ' ...... III III M^'ii S JJffn '1Mro“ ProtecUon-niHioolnUon-8ta-) n - s t a ------.' . __ ,______hnvo UbUcs showlnK th n l i l ,(10080 p er- m nna H R O B V v r ’'^^'^ S h IK ^ M Ronx tisi die annually In f b ^«, , 0,300 •- the Bjw of them In homes. ,.. atrUot were, j g Nearly 75 per cent off tlJcsetllCfiO U ii tl H i . deaths are nmonn childrenon nnd H H i ^ B i ^ . . '' th«the 8Red, BGrgiidlne snld. Thirty.T h irty . -twoIW) persons die ns a result« u lt of b u t. I ^ fhfh-ea i each dny nnd nh estimatedLlmnted .. • alway 100 aerlouH Injuries occur;u r forfo r ■• for cl ev(every fatAllty from burna,■n«, lie Vis I atated . vnrlo\ One American hnme Is destroy-lc5troy- h u t- r ed by flro every mlnut« of theth e H I I ^ B day. da: Eatlmnted annual cost of were HK property destroyed by flro'0 lais Inin F o r BW exceaa of 1.7& billion dollnra,larfl, ho be t) added. h .. J^sreadlne pointed outit thtlia n t Inlerc - amoklrjff and the use of matchesnntches — hia w catcause over. 200,000 flrca anid d 1,2001.200 of 111 HM, jdeaUu ench year nnd urged Deter arntikera to*'hol A)nokft~1n-bed,-In—bed; —------~ ------f t l W f l W Iv3rEji^H f H |RH sHB |nA p IfiTO throw away lighted cignrettea.sttea, or i^SS! bustlblo ■■ H j i i H H w jmlfl ^Ujj hBht matches near combustible Ttlshx miiterlftla. He suBgested Uiat by br matches and Hahters be kept out s s i ^ p s oof 7 children's reach. fg B • Heating and cooking r equip- Newspa Wll ^ 9 ment. ho aald, caused aboutlUt Ur,.. I3fl.- . - ■ ■ P I I K w ith MM 000 fires eacli yenr. He9 urtiedurged ^.i; .,, ■ ^ thp (LDlUSTrNG CrilM S Te ttAftA^ f iisforl» f0M te k ln r c tr for » ntornlnrmtnr thithat auch equipment be chocltciichecltcii A, . I terformed |iy Jim Chevalier over Wc- wJiy •I ikydlitnr lo Jim Clievallcrvaller who lai aUempUni’ to ret a aky-sky- j-egulnrlyrei and U)at anfety prt* ■" nre o ften prrfurm eil on Uie way down, nnd ilTlni eWb o rrin lied In MbkIo Vallt .Equipment ehSek U■ (m- Im - JScautlona be followed In Uio p lac­ ofrnpher the Jump wna rxeculeil In a oyclei y>rt*i>t UfttB tha diver MUItHa th e cllk.illlf. , DIFFERENCE T h - placea an d atovea. ------...... Jl. ______=* ■ make a JOJmit“13C;800-flre*-reault-enehi»lt-e«eh — — _ ■______Open H o u s e year from electrScal appliancespllnncfls Unusual ^nnd ouUeia, BerBndlne noted.3t«d. He ■ augBOslcd the uso of proper alze Draws C rowi\V d d Hoi,t,ywooD, Oct. JO5 (UPDim fasea. S nnd urged the replacement —Love blooms m the stranB-anB- of of worn-out equipment and wlr- I't A Our. Ing.in, Multiple outlet plugs,=f over- in peop iv8s~e*eiii dl At S h o sh o nt ie c 32.| a former Miss Jamel. nndand Jonded i„r wiring, and Improper3ptr uao m e ■ ■ r y T a r f c Seym our Schulm dn, 37.I forJO** of nV extension corda are1 rtiajormajor HnOBllONE. Oct. 10 —- MMore ore example. e: - causes of electrical fires, heh e anld.aald. ihu) 100 periiom nttendedled Uiethe They met four yenra «bo nnd SS auggcsted that c current u rre n t ejwi hoiue nt the loctil} atntcatnte when w the nctreas toured Ced- shouldIV, bo shut off beforere lulnff using '‘ Uihvsy department 'WedneadnyIneadny araa of Lebanon hospital ^anannd ? „ electrical fire,fire. • Strife erupts In some D l|h t, Schulmnn f i waa hef Rulde. , " vor tho .. Mla* Our haa nhnouncedmeed Bcrgadlne • aald Umt fJreac« could Iho oJhor side of iho ’ 'Ct i« IjjjjBppi^^V' ’ ' "S^SB Ptopla came from all over tho who prevented nlso Jf rubblah la ilitrlct. Twin rails, aoodlnc.loodinB, ■ • that ^ ahe and i^huimnn, who I tttU(S enough. Whol-o? \A Btchum, ui'Ul recently wna ndmlnls-ilnia- removed«' reguJnrJy trom attic*, UuruuBh, iingcnnnn. K etchum . ;arda; ir ' What is tho conflict ab( Kimberly. Uuport, n ip h fleldfield, , tratlve J' director of ceiJarsrs oof t closeUr,ck bosem enta nnd y ard s; if ’ hos- paint cana and' tightly closed Duhl Bnd Slioshone. Lobnnon ^ nnd Mt. sinnl hos- pn pt*^ilwfty te n s io n a n d polit Y o u _• ■ JM ttursday P»tnU here, wUI be mnrrled,rrled motal nii containers are kept away HI git w ny offlclalB Thuroday J e liquids want ~ and you deserv th a n monilnff sta te d they feltrelt the fiftturdny in London’s Hap- from fn heat, and flammable liquids ; people «tcod register office.. nre nr propertiy stored and not used ' ■ | H H H ^ B s^ ^ M ^ [ ^ k (HI •vent woa a bucccm, that people ® S o l h l w ■ P ° '''''‘‘'' lid .uked many (lueRtlonnitts and ■ ' ------g ------' _ to to start fires or to clean clothing. Informfttlon Rtven showeded tiu5Uuj “ *"■■■■' — He said injury to childreniren cancnn iponsibility assumed b HBWW-.'. W cBpBraSSj^HS workinm of tho stnto hlBhway be preyentfld If handles of cook­ cook- department. . -* • ■ Commendedd ting pots-nre turned awny,“S'. from Death - causod hy ir by. ^rcm I'"jl jL^H BEJH ilW A tour of 1410'dbpartment be. be- * BPRINaDALE. 8 Oct. lO-Stan--Stan- Un Uin edge of th6 kitchenn ranBoranfffl ‘ . ■ . ., =■ t h a y n n at the office quarters,rs. thenthon Jey loy o . EJJla, Bpringdalo, senior a and r If children are keptpt awnyftwny mans hand — strjkes •ent lo the mnterlaln laboratory)oratory_ nt at B u r l e y h lah school,>1, wnawaa fn from heated wntor andd other world. But that fact's le ro ? '\ •nd.enffccj nt tho m ntntonanco' am' lonnnco among tho atudenta honoroffrefl {or fo r tU fluids. B w e •nop whcco refreshmentsIt were hlah hla performance In the NationalaUonnl uergadine urged that firelire ex-,ex- Who did what lo whor wrved. Me ng wsi tlngulshora, water hoaeales nnd Involved? Your newsp an s- We re/re«hmenta were n»lent. cc' contnct the Twin rnJJa Rfld.fld Cross Y o u r fa v o rite te a m v ■ > n o p foremnn. —■ ------—■ ^— ofoffice, ISO Bhoslione streeteeb_cimt. enat. Death claims a rnan.w ■ Welcome to the visitors was thr Idaho. Idnho cnmp- e d all o f y o:e u r life, f^lasa filG DIF ■ od w u i Hr ct , cnRlnocr Blalno ”” Besfllons;leasing- “=® '^y “roInn «* ft vacation 5 Snson hlatorlcnl alffn proj. y. You wan -; and deser r, for - ^^gjPi^SBCS^ ■^tmL-cneiticera-M ajfc-Jonson *ot S ; ““ c^ivTBTiTn M j mn llftx-ftrd J olmi>onr-nM*H-Pal - ■ m U i S M S tribute an infofmati7o I King Of Spuds,puds, Inc.-East' Grandrand Forks, Minn.t* tiew productipts each In some day far-off Iroubl© spot on g .ido of Ihe world. But that fact i« Mj Because your nov/s I a n d . t. Whel-e? Who is fighting whom? H I ARE ■ , • other readers "far, far 1 Q 'G B a i p t conflict about? How will It affect ^ DfFFirRENCE in peopfe on and political maneuvering? ^You H ■■■' I NOW B ■ U Yr l i N G — every day. i you deserve — to know moro thar> ■ ■ I AT n ! PLANT-^------" •act. Porviding the anwors ia b re- • ■ THE JEROME P U assumed by your newspaper, H I ___ . ’ Soundc u n J Cull C u lh . — fl', _ A nd Pws e «M « M ,|„a ln g

1 \\p i^cUifipiipcftfcaused byu nature's ravages or by_ K d — strikes (n some part of the f that fact’s not enough. Whero?L ■ ■ : . ; ; I POI► X A T‘O O E S /hat 10 whom? Why? How aro we >0R \\W \)W HYour W newspaper H a provi'dP4_th8 ons- I , . ■ Top Prle« “—— O ul,l, r®“ 'W A T O FLOOR --- Quick CM vBnl.«t Uwlogdlngling — Promptf PoymenI' , j . Ing you thorough coverage careful I We MV llM» ■ I ' - Vilji-apiopwsu k imd Dluo iui^ lap s a n d p ic tu re s .— • . — 1r1 ------9 M '■ I KtNG:iNG OF SPUDS,DS, Inc. sounds in the middle of the night, i H ■ ■ ______M ftln ala I orki, J„„Minn. .<■ , j, iend's oldest daughter is married. | rite team wins a’ football ganrie, W ■ J e r o m e P L A N T '■■» S T ^ E tTT i ( PHONE .4ia-4500 , _ ^ ifcir^“± zzi ns a man.whom you have respect- f' □ur life, f^la’sh facts are not enough. I’ -; and deserve — to know far, far . | r I ' ■, . . . ■ r nowtpaper-flssumes ■_tho^|mport- |(! ' ■'. ■'... ’ .■ 1' ■, ...... '• • . •• L. .

jnp by mon and .women who have. fi* ance and the,know-how needed to jij edit, the news, 1o produce and dls- * W informativoT^ehfortaining "and "ail- |H ict each day — your newspaper. I.;

your nov/spapor brings you and. |L ors "far, far more," it makbt a BIG PP !E in people's lives .— in your llfo .P ay .

pnpcvtf \Z3\ t \ K m \ V m H a \ H \ n e w s p a p e r .

^ a s . * w ■■ '1 -. ^■■ 7'^ ,V'' ’ 1 1 .1 3 ^ 1 .9 6 4 . - , " ------1 _ — ------MAGIC: VAtL V A tL E Y P O R T RRAIT... A I T . '' V., ' 2 A . TwIn.FalliFalli Tlme'''4 ^ i Foiindd SmS inging j P leasurejasiire of L ife i Aid SmokcM rvwaideL-:tiuii'a#«i»wf«*mwmi^^ «yriolds h u been y throug)! life. B leems; U-just 'sec- I tlie< local business H mail because n uln-demand., even T------iglis when he're- ^ termI the reason, ib - i") rasn’t that I- had jj t )■'' i tn.” 5 " ' £ he comments,'”lt i| had A bsiul voice ft me In Um q u ar- a I ..^ lo .s m o k e r niuKt imj S j[>“t "each clgnrette || .JS!^ irlll^isagree-^ithr^H Sail^K ^^ out that slnoe he k V

en an active, mem-' h d b ir u w eF holr of' the First |j rch and has been M ■ leroiii timeA In .j. . 1 solo work.______u bom at ‘ Cam- E{ -R about paychoaocl'nl u ^ > son of a minister {] Ln church. Through a R effective wdya "to help ^ his mother and M M number of smokers wL ^ "I Just entered K choir vork as a H rse. It Just seemed M hlng.to do and.l I suyed with me I I the Snake River A rti^J thT faeliniei^rrflritaT»rWfi«UHia'l>*ek*rr-»»d'r PACK BTniNOniNO M help* p t birvame hunters getit off the beaten hunters use the'faellRIes ~itar{ed*TiIi~foiw51 Boy BcouU~orAm~erlca 1^ tra o k ftHd Intoite wildflrnciw ilderness ■ress-'where eom petlttentten laIs lowerlew anti more often thanban reUdentsr«Uden(« do, Hunter sueeess teneraUr U hi iT^lnSiw. H «»m«;lie Illinois U-liui commu- J former member 'of ths ] . ' lh« tMptsUUDniens Afef elk, deer, liUhnrn aheep andid metfntainmetfntal geal for the people)!• whe who use use Utem. but *Idaho dees net reqiilN e family moved to j and. Is a member of iiJ ef(«n »r« mere>re lightly hharvested. Flgurra show that nonrealdentnonr employment efof packerspsekers a and guides. (FUh-Oame phote) ondS;.V•nd protwlon.l hisIris'S father min b«: became n PalU Chnmber of Comi^J^ '*•••: ' * ** • * * V * *, * 1* * *f Ww Ww ■ "“ i ~ hn- w u ilw»y«-to10 ChrlsUan il«m»na._ church Q ^ During World'wsr l i K , . • . muieodlnar. What the 1 in gride school. first sergeant In the' iy wun'ttime to lh«t Pullman, I. J Rosemary Jansen, a rwh^ guides. On the other » ipod volM."ilslied he com grade m enti school .1 a t th e locnl h o i p K lY ll^ri I, rifles, telescopes and ammu lu'^c.m . In htdthe .family movod ■ training ^ ? S h owrs s BillionsBi] of DolljOollars Are Spent rote only five per oent foi •nd they nMil«dliere me In tin i) ’ . I f i y o t th e Lourdes i nv JIMA iiuMnin ii u M n i n b ’ o r boUi. ing, nhotguns,I, rifles, telfjicopes,tele of-sUters, but 99 per oe tetl »nd th. cholrt."/ears In H ot Springs. 8. D. ^ I '* lilahn fUh-Kunegame depir d epartm ent It has l>een 1010years, years, nowi nc since ammunition, fish inIn ga tackle, the resident big game hi “ —IIin5W 8lrT*lll“dl«*»r*r-move Reynolds hns two tou - II . DOI8E. Oct.t. 10 — MilMillions of WllUa Calhoun\ Royall, Jr.,J pub- clothing, dogs,s. dog-.food,dotr.food, horses, budget, , him. p D in tlWtime i•'’*1 to jlno Lewiston P aul. h as . J u a t complitid^ ^ Am will soon' become na^i.M ^ ^ ^ . bllUon» of inllMlies to enjcenjoy sport nell unlveralty./. He calledcal Uilslerns, cnmcrn BUppllefi, supplies, nndnn nilfl- to 41 m illion dollars by 1 chrUtUii church «nd he< th e Reynolds Funeral ho? . _____ fikhlnc__and__ <>ll nII n t,t.i i n gg. .Tliesn work. "Wildlifee V alues.a lu e WlUijcellaneoua.______men. th is Is thp tim e ol feetured numerouj( tlm belnor ej Paul also married a num erow lna ouuiooroor «port»isports are enr Special Re f eI re noorice" tot Idnlio' it in ouvioiuiUl Umlumt nil lionrcsl^n -montnniBlenr-put-nway-rot ^ (uirleUjnUnjoloHter'lsnhat-you-get work. -formep-Robertr~atev«iu“ ki Ita outluys by type reels In fnvor of rifles and Joyutl by every,ry member of the Wildlife m a Recreational Recreatio Re- dent per capita ouUuys k ney&a. wuy born et ■ t ^ an d Uie blrUi to Uw coudIi^ fAmlly—remRlele Mas well 0as male: source." of sport are mucli highehiRher thnn Bunsi.Tlie nvemge nlmrod i R/ays seem to daughter, Robyn Marie, In ^ the very yoiinsmg nndand eltelderly as Bolh residentsnts nnd nonreil- tlie correspondingndlng residentreside per lets his' wife know how V point; 111-. 1I'» * i P ‘' ust, changed' hla fnth« f. ling the reaourcea, capltas. But the figures show ne spends on n huntlna trl of the chrlillftn oburoh.graduation Thr - w e im * thojie,lnIn ththo e prlm^r~cent r-c«n ' of ' a Tesident-lleens^-holders si Tlien Cttffl^^2S8iMCilVIMKBMBnBtteMBCB Reynolds says hli Idtt cc. B hunters who fish not easy to projectrojeot Royall’sHoyi fig- Realdent fishermenUhermen spendspi 33 hunUna during the is&3 I city, Mont. • sportsmen are hunters v> did It. It hll euyed wllh it . . . cernlng community unki i durlnff till *'ofI"off" season.Mason. ' ures to tho presentiresent withwit much per cent- of Uielr budgetsbudgi for sensons, Jn addition, n< ontana thnt he be- jt his life's work.»k. He became asso-i ditlon to theI slnglnesln g ln e actlvactivities., shared by other niembertniv! TlieM flaureaf f 04,33404.334 sales In 3S p er cen t of all nonrnonresident ns hunting. Halfyvhat of the thin n figures 'SlSre. the next elghU years ber of the KIwanU club. H of Ute* two publlcatlonfl A greater percent' jjf, got Uiroughn spend the muchfifth i more mortuary for the next elghU: IwanU club. He haa TRY TIMES-NEWB WAWm le of only five years the total amountm t of licensellcei sales coats, na comparednpared to oonly l i l» »3fi5,000 for nonresldcr he purchased an In- served as songng director foifor Kl- poU PAST SELUNO waui' tlinb the elapse of only fh ildents employ the {,^ uqim wtien apparel the family thnn n for and In 1038 he purchased ai > i between volumesnes produceiprocfuced slgnl- for all classes. per cent for the resident Both should be remembered tl inns and amniunl- tercst In thee Drake mortuary,mort wanls for yearsirs and iala a fi form er ...... —■ ______jloon (^upward-trendg-lid-trpndg-In-U ieao —Koyall's—1063—flgurei53—figures—brealc groupa—of—sportsmen,—hpoptsmen,—however. 1053, when-lhese—figuresxperlenc«I packers this time to Pul -piDTiw~TTntiim!Bni TOBmbenjnns^boWd;W^boWd; ^ ~ >n the other hand. wssh. He finlsliediy everytning'rrbm grade s TmrTJf~tlnriJtDT«ref~TmiIttl traditional AmericanAmerican aacUvlUes table whlc^.lUtJiitji 15IS stanstani d ard ex- hav e low foodxl anda n d lodgllodging ex> complied, only 3JOO nonrei h l r t s to surplus of the com m unity.jn ity . In lOiOIDiO hehi b e - . He Is also a mmember em ber oof the « ------. noiu Influence they pense item s for huntershunt and pensea becauseise they caiicam p o u t boutflit Idnho»es huntingand ammunition lli then the family n »ner of the firm, lo- club’s exclusiveive Legion of ]Merit, U f ; | . W j and the enormoiu Influer » per oent for out- to Durley where)lte the he variety comi of came sole owner of the fim ______I _____ hava_on_thB_ nation'snntlon'a eoieoonomy. fUliermen, boUilUi residentsresldei and or guests of relativeselntlves and ]friends. Lnst yenr. Uio number wns ind_anlraiLl_-mt>dci catedJiL125_flecQntLAV«mie^aecQntLAV«nue weat. a group of mennen who have been g w e m mmmd 9 le, tlio numlwr or WilteaidftnUi, ftnd“ ftnd~Jihowi Jihow»” vherB T ho~totnl-nDcmrwldentrexpendl- nnj8ldffntre: 0.000.------It------99 ------per oent of j,!, fir»t two yeors In high's 1050 that the firm— 'Klwonls membersmbers for at least a ' I Por example, ine nun big game hunter’s before an o thitlon er available, move * Uie It was in 1050 that the fl . outdoor sportsmenEmen had lr Increosed tho money .wentent for bigbl game, ture for foodd-andlodging -andlodgii wns A good pcrcentaBe of t nter Inst year still now known asIS the Reynolds Pu- 25 years. Porr theth e pastp a st 30 years g K A H I A T O H ——H [t------by-ov«r-flv*-mlUloni-*n-m lUloitr^nd-Uielr upland-blrdsr-watozifowlr-yntffrff>wl| fiTh nnd ^v* r''f^.tMMli mnr*mora-than-httlf fhnn n the inUllQii-dQllaca-fipent-by^ ^ around, thla e-ihan-four-milllon time to Le^ neraV-home—move U : expenditures In pursuit oof hunt- others. 15,000 sp en t by)y residents 1for thU and nonrc-ildentMI huntershunters. i spend ),|s junior year nnd th 10 million dollnrs pnaco. Wash.,trailing where big he gnme clous nnd completely modemmo record, j Ina and iUhlna-hiid-eaiIng-hiid-galhed by . Royall’s. .1053S3 figures breaks purpose, Qcm state n decade ago, a 8 brush, piles for building Just enst of the cityclt on He bi a memberlember of the local g SH O P loUars In the five down aa follows:vs: ResidentReside game Horses and packers absoabsorb one> which undoubtedlyclt year, escalate compared Rioted Ills senior year and ^ one billion dollars In t dollars by fisher- Addison avenue^ue east. east, Elks lodge, aI past preside president of fi I yenr span. hunU ng, $8,0011,000; uplnnd uplni game third of theJ nonresldennonresldenfs big encli passing year, made thn time of yew -one thingm aboutoun tr belnj spent by Construction)n of tho new funer-fi the Idaho State;ate Puneral DDireot- g The ONLY shop In Twli Plndlna similarnllar faetsfacU ian d fig- 13.753.000; waterfowlLterfowl 13,075,000;i: gam e h u n tin ga ouUny,otJUny, acaccordlna chnses in remote areas rs each year has al home waaI one of the lamestla ors association,in, a past preipresident g b - ii, .„.i.,.u L ' i uros for Id ahno o IsU hardeih ard er to do. flali 114,138,000:0; and oUier-gen-oU to Roynll’s 105310K3 figures. dollnrs are bndly-piitrnway-rods-arid needed, -ioir6fa“l«muitcr-lr-thBtryo 0 Valley district of B ” ''• devoted of rifles ond shot- tnd o u t th a t non- fop two yenrs, taking a pre- yeara Indicate« that abcabout half resident licenseBe holders nnd In- pared to $331,0001,000 sp en t bby n o n - by Idaho h uise-h n ters o ld go ers-sp for en t a jcaV courae. •n ien cafflllow Int lng Itema: resldentn.' lodging, g a s»,000 o l i n efor , and big game move-snd he went wltV years of age elUiereither fishfUh 'or hont. Transportation,n, food nndnt lodg- Percentagess som aom etlm etlm es are fonns of transportation. 1; folks to Miles City, Mont. I t wna Jn M ontana th n t li t upland intewsted In the mor SD.OOO for their wa- profession nnd decided to - ...... Ing. ■■ ------You Are InvInvited to tlthe “ tl.l,^"^.n'e‘" r? x i: ...... i i i i . ^ I-... •, ... .iy v -

^ f e i i i ^ ^ d °.num bcr“w„'.°„b^u‘t RALPHH H ARDING M rnaniJiaA nf fh* tn Of trnnsporUtlon available •s hv American hunter Inst yeai . I ?nm(«r^^n ?hi -wonroutrTOore-Uian-four n- Dl»DINNERR rlAfc SrrnR inriflitrt orown Steadily sinoe .W orlt

- — " 1 1 W EDNESDAY,f , OOC CTO BER 14, :7:30 P.M . es»-mllllonjH>ut-out' ' ll . ..■^^ VY ■: '■ .-.Im inters go for food, I ' '1 .1. a f l j ^ iollne, and other I AMERICANICAN LEGI0I

i - F \ i itt. li ?MP^'.. .31 ; ______■______^ ______; V' ■ M

II ' l l ^ I Iq m u m i 1 1 : I ■ :WEDI

1 . . * ■^n ' T i c k e *1 ■ ' ' . AGRANT j s o ^ ^ h SAWYER ^ RAIP FRANK CHURCH ^ Gavemor of Navsda U. S., , U. s. S e n n to r

m Ralph H arding ^ lard fo r Idaho! UG A ttend T his D ihi I Show Ralph Adulli, l«en-aD«ra, ehlldnn-'JllW ^^-'M iyoni banenii fromB.the Iho hjphlilah qualityqt bitanced prol>rn fn Maarfnui . RALPH HARDING F ------Ould Mo»-0»>-«

is D iiiiner an d Shov -.— ■ ■• ' > ■ ‘ 'v ''-i' I k A il W orking— for...... ^------1 -- ■■■■. ' ; • ------i


I I G R A N T .1 Governor

J r ' ' •' ^ ^ 11.-,--. Att.

!linii1««dow ______I ' ^ t»mlno,wlih I ' ort Qo failk; I ■ '''' ' ■'!' r : : ■ I ' : . JS P C I'-v ■ ,. > ■■ ■ ■ ,1. ------^______—_ " ■ . — :------. m m • .* , Sun

C o m bb i i i i i e ^^ ^ r i n g p ; a h e a r d1 olo f p r i cL e c s e s in aq u u ; a lit3 L :i

M m , ■ V v'i|^ H | .. A ' . . K - ^ - 4 ------______— .I W PRCo


.n o u b l. D r c m r • BBeveled o v o lo d Mirror ’ gM t / f f / j f A • Dookcase Bod V rSUomo Cho^, . • 0 ° '> ^ '‘ a m a z i n g , ^ « ^ F R E E ^ % VALUE...... ". . 0o > n l y I A i ^DELIVERY 1 lality for Lasting BeauB e a u ty ! ^ ^ True Quality i H - f - J J j i i B d l J 1^ ^ ■ .Inlold fl.nulnp.Wolnuf\ik vonoor.venoeri • Matching beaulywoortyweor plotfic pl lamindte ~~^|fM ANYWHERE A I IN j IMI • W «or-«ili»ont hofhot loequloequoi- IlniiR • All bWiM”'«iHiMj«..q|;e dove- . ' ^ogeny boHomi^Snerow- fll«d • All rfrowor. hoyoovo durtpiju itp rd o f partltlonf, mahogany b W-«»».r-t|uld..--«-F>ill-vi»w.-»ilUvlcw,-odiuitabJo_MirrqiLflUw;fl»»te^ larontead for 10 yean .. a _ M A G I G J I ogilnit lilv.r ipoliage. n ' s i i ' QEp. njP|^HH|| I k D »E e b ' |[ & ® ^:OM PLETE WARD^WARD' ^ ' ' N j tEDROOM ENSEMNSEMBLE ^



3® | WITHH SEA S E A L Y ^ » # STANDARiN D A R D ^ I j l ^ P ■ ■ M ATTRES:.TTRESS ...... I AS IITTU ASs 7 .0 0 P«r P*'' monBt''*

W I T H SEALY SEA LY A L L 4 ] P I B f e E S ra-Long MATTRESSESS...... ----- 1 8 99TM * 0 0 K t with Llfetlmfetlm e Lam inate T£ iS m ' W ITHr n . SEALY ' Q“ueen ®®” Sizq MATTRESSR E SS .. 1 9 9 *WO 0 0 ‘ 1 j ^ ^WITH w i i H SEALY |f King Sixe ^aH ress..ress . 2j 3 9 * 00 0 0 J : jc!189®* Tho ageless charm of Early' AmericcAmerican expertly An Qchicvemont in voluc! Tho agi ll' crafted with drawer frontsonts of scsolid maple combinedd with othero hord- IG C H E S T 4 8 . 0 0 ■ . ^ ^ s | ! woods in worm; honeytono^tono finish.finis "R esist-cverything"mg" laminate lorn tops » j — never heed waxing or polishing,polishing. Interiors oro dustprooftproof withwi center- r guided drowers. You gotot tho doudoublo dresser, fromed1 mirror^ chest, M ^ O N E Y ^ ^ ^ out panel bed— all 4 piocos!ioces! 8 a " ■ 1 t ^ - i ' ' W a^

■ 6 ONLY--SEALYY IH SiKlElllffll ^ QUEEN SIZEE ^" ^ - ^ 8 <------^..... ENSEMBLE-\—

-- O M O N T BEAUTY COMPLETE I . - • 54" DoubfOoubte Dresser ' d ■-r i f y • Full-Viow Tilt Mirror - ^ KB I ITH.SOLID WALNUT i ' - • Wide 4-Dr4-Drflwer Chest I \ \ : ; T 7 • Bookcflso'Bookcaso Headboard I QDEEN SIZE BED J • Bed with JSliding ----- ^ ■■'il Panels

<'*'«:•■'■', i L I h llll lu luxuriaUi.bvdroQin n u fio U i.l li • rail p'l^o fo r vv*lutl a lu ti Tl'«1 C ia u iy o f In * S ^ ’’ VI ‘ 0 »nv)n»nul/>t hnp»r]t )mp*r|«l Wtlnur v a n B tn li hlohlJQtiiaclhHolilad by bow-front uppar r,5 ‘n>^ d by tba brilll*nl bran cUlall .K.f.'nj'.. ■ 1 1 3 0 0 ^ k< duwtriiwari ofit*fwllyQracaful itulptured framino. «nd by bi ^ III VA. ol drtwardrawar htnd htndlai, trim -and (Jacorallont, Wircllta pli»’><: pl< »opi ’ — oraln, ketp beauty iljta naw. i- - : 11 \ ld*'hilcillv►'bllcilly mmmcli m d i tb a lln a Im p a rlil W alnur o '* !” . k«*P y . : ■% A f«»l»tiltt wwa*r. #»r. n«iRaici ara (luih lo ilia, door, 8^for (or maiiiva maiilvi Qood “I'd - ly claanlno- AAS S iiim i m e AS s!o e p*r » •"* — Choose From These Luxurousxurous Finishes 7 § § ^ . B l o n d e ■ ' *• W alnut • Blon< ■ M i L SEUCTCT FROMfRO OVIR l i iL ' , ■ ■ ■- • ' • Grey Mahoga^V> g a « y • ' • Flamewdod • ^ 45BEDROIDROOMSETS ^ ON DISD i S E l A Y ON 0UUR R FLOOR! • • ' I , . ■ ' , . ■ . : ■'• ''A _____ twin Falli'elU tImos-Nowttlmas- Sunday, ELEVISIO?5I0N SCHE]HEDULES rr^.------r-^— ^ BtjyPAy.jQCXLJa______UtONDAV, OCT. j j '~ ■ *‘Werld nerlti.*'tl” (Color.(Color, 6eU 8 a.m. NDdV—Fourthlurlb gameB«m. ofot lh. =WT«rtflsrwWp>»iv^™ fC.^tP»fm »7^is(rp357’RS5^::?H^^ ' or (H(Mg:lur. from u iu a l n"•‘“’“■•It . proiir.mmlnii Ion 1 ' >*« -Utuen and Aniwen,”Aniwere,”' (ll;3o a-m. AQC)—TliUnil. show.how mgeta u «n "I,»E> ADC "OM!,'"B6I, Iho " luMMoii 0(1 to an um i.unl . “ «w aiuw4)r to citnrgcsrgcs 'If right-'rlghl-wUig extremism frommi John nounMlot,Houw '■ll"», W”";lon Ploi." ,«rl.« .iwlc. w.tkl?: Noi'-JjSri public relnUonn)!i mnr. of ththe John Birch .society,»ly, .naand the n«v1 with llil-«« hnU-hourIf-hollr oome.lloomeill.., all of which tnko plnc^^?, «> Dr. .uilly Jnmeses Ilnrgls, leader of t)ie Christianin AnU-communUtAntl-commu 1'“““,u«. “ni " ilr.™ l " “ «'■.nd which nre .hown iL 'i' First comedy,, whicliwhich will bbo ahpwn wookly nt o ao nm '""'■I- BSTAIILEr int. V., th. D.11U rnt.rmounUIn1 Me.arm NDO theh.nn.l. u .‘Knron'. n» '"'•I" *‘Pra -Football,**II.** (13:30 p.tlp.m.' CBS)—H. Y. Olants vs, the Di ~ Cowboys. ager. rt will beb. foliowedfollow.ci aCIt T p.m. by "Ilurrlj Amliiit If,! "<=• - ^'Pro-Foolbalj;*ij;* (1<1'30 *30 p.m. ABO)—Kansaa OltyI Chl.t.Chiefs »«,vs. CnverDei (e.tlirhiB J.ckk .kluRuinnSClunui.n mu a llollywood miidlo VIP ■ i ' Qroncofl. — ifUosy-UJO'om.-DlcHi.na-Mm,-Dlclfl.na-M.ry.’vl,.vo1vhi,.ryoun"^ I feiAVTON ctlons,” (News special, 3 D.m, NBC)—TliUCI-TliW documim- docun »"‘l tholr ril.r. Tlio wny Ui. ..rl.,. I, planned, » " ,h I "RrltU h KleetlonR," (News tary (illmpHoa »tAt SirS ir Aleo Douglas-IfomoDi and HaroldliroW WIiMnWUson cnm-c (orono ot lh .1 oomortlo,,comoili™, th. th . nnlworlc will »lmplj' /•Wcrilij r pnlRnlng In London.ondon. •• • tenant ahd movelovo anothernnothor ftnmlly In to rcplnco ll-»iii| v !l'''‘'t ^ ^ ^ ■ 1 “Itonanxa,” (Color, 7 p.m. N nO —Rory CalhpunHin appeorsappears hi the trllog/format: and.nd tno anme«nm. nddrnji. '-•I'li Htpin,, story of a m an) whc whc^&nvos bnves Adam Ai from drowning. ' ■< -Tha Andy. Wllllamk.Wim.hlk..Show," Rhi (Color, promlot, B’nn. ' “ }y. • ' Andy's back on>n a1 weeklyw.okly Kolnoli.diil. nanln, with nn hoiir.j"L ' n i ^ t SUNDAY BUNI N ldllT MOVIES program . Tonight'silBhf. guput^iBUmU |includ. Jnok .Bonny, J.i ci l I ------!^h»-nilra«U-W«_\0jrker^clOB3Ju.AnnftJQWicti>It_antL_E»tty_E ^rkcr^U :t_aniL_Etttv Duke Jonathan Winters. The Osn (B p.m. k C P X nnd IC-rVB;IC-rVD; 0;300; p.m. KM VT and K ID )—T a u t dramdn n on again tHis seaffOnTni;>Agu nf tlio rnrlv vnanonn of l:'elfn]:>eifln Keller, Both Anne> an^ antf ^atty ?atty cojcopped *The AlfredI HUoVockIHIoVMcIi llo u r," (n p.m. N B ci^ H ltcfi riinm.v, : ■ oW nrs for .tijefrir |M5rij>rnittH0l>or^prniaiiC{lo.- - ' •- ', • . "' ' - ‘'Genllemen PreferP refer lilondi lilondei,** (IDKS) M arilyn Monroe M onroe and JaneJ which he’s famous. TOiilBMTonight , pbiiticnl jc“idor "i*ii 'tilt S S j l ' ■ • ■ •’ M ' ■'^ ' 2 nuflflcll .(10;20 p.m. K'tVD),—EntertainingK 'tV D )- musicalcal of a couphcouple of vpnaft by n countrymilt!. lad. 6 e( “ P«llllclnn imirilcred lu, i*,"; . hUAbnnd'huiuInging dollies takingtnl a trip to France.nee. -Marilyn singss ^ » barroom fight., •'Dlnfrionds Ar'r}end,” th e sbowstopper,wtopper, hith it song. so . n nfist sst MONDAYMONl n i q i i t m o v ie s "D fath of at Hales'mgn,"Hales’waM." (10S3). Frederick Mfareh arch an d MMlli ildred •‘Bnowflre,** (lOMI dOM) O C lB laire lr. K elly an d Molly .McQownn m u „ Dimnoclf 10:30 p.m. KCPX)—Moving, K C P X )- forceful fllmlsatlonImlzatlon of ArlArthu<‘ K6 L)—Excellent»nt fam fam ily ily ■plctiiro. plo a yoirotf girl 1. 11. i , „ ,i',,! '* • . Mlller'fl Pulitzercr prljxi-wlnnlngprljw-wlnnl play about a fadingding salesmsalesman-, an -an d she's "talket^" w ith a wild,* w ^ enjoUoiinllyly chftrflpd chnrflpd re relationships with hUIs family. A ggreat by ranchers In the area.- '» ta'iW % jm film wllh ^ superbuperb performperformnnce by March, onei..,o of our .r,.,..n few i ... . ilshet'. Htngo actors. ______M . ulnely distinguish,*?!', ntngo ai NDAY, OCTOBER 12, iI g T ^ i i s ^ ^ . . Informationm belowbelow IsIs givehgl the TimeuNews by uniinn. . MW' (lU.illon. .h.ula b. dinol . S U NMDAY, D A Y , OCTOBER 11,1. 1964 luld be directed\to the station eoncernei) /vi" J ( ’ ■ "111*" hlillo.l..lies croitramprogram I,k Tb B« Annnunceil.l . • p i " ______3ri.formatlonI below Is ggiven l ^ e Tlwes-Newsr. krby .t.llon,atatlens .na uld 1>e directed to Hie iitafl6 n” edH«emed.—(N ^V ^.ri_K llO |______KTVB-,______l i queslloni iheuld l>e direet '.6M.n«a.-(N6t.l ------t 5«ln » fllli FalU------Boise ■ BoUe F.iu k . ; W rrnA" IndleaUilei program proiram li Is To Be Announeed.)I-> Clunn.JlanneJ 11n Channel 01 I Channel t'h.n. ?? i i l i f f ------=—— . cSable .b i. 6 g • Cable < I Cable 3 ADc r n i ' MVT 1 K n m KTVB KID* il ABO-tlBC-30-HnC- ABC'CBS A ABC-NDO "“-CB3 'la.Falla,’ Bolie . Boise. lil.ho Idaho r.n,V OB8 ong ______f Y § innel 11 Channel t Channel IIY 1 Cli.nii.1 Cliaunel 1 ------!------able • Cable 9 t'abla S S ABO-OBB ABO-01 «!>• CronltllaiklU Naw. Naw Poicr PoUmu* r«„.u>n, ^ fmM W rn n lU Cronkit* i4aw ------l 5 .4 f l L ABC-NSO-C-NDO- CB8-AD0Cl ADO-NOO lie Vo»l“'.r Tlaar K:::Naw K: ft'a-T o yn y w i’ • I . I ------I — HS Yo«lL!!ui Haar ------N«wilii!------N.». .1:: 1:111;;;^ traffle engineer. 1 reading. T he tiptip- -alg airn n Isla ttha eld atandard and the lower algnalg U " NEW BIGN8S arenr* examined•<»mli by Blmer Kassens. traffle eni . ' lise IV* • • Raerat' Raerat' RKU RKUman Nawa }■«• > r.. * Inmascd ipeedieds onnn manyman reade ealf for largerf algnaalgne foifor easy | new alaiidard JnforinadonJn/onnatlon ilfn. (Tlmes-Newe photo)ihoto) *i;i llS I'y# ft ft Kaerat Kifl. Klflamaii Wa.ihar |-,* Z j!'"* r W * H 'k H* HVb * * * * « * w. !iS . I l l Nawa.a. Hptirtf Hp..rt» A"‘|M Anil f f l ‘h Vnvao* «o-R« N.«, ! , ■ ^ i , * * ■ u s ■ ■______141 N>w.i«, PPortt_: Pporit • Anilt Ami nilffltli Vnv^B,.- t„ Hf, iLampUnWFMtIL « m p U nU li«* l-n*rr Luay j-u*! ' Vovaaa lo H*a I.ur. . I l.ampLamp Unto Faat ill Lucy1 Luny Luo] Vuyaua m (!,» i ' |jlil'^iJ:r^^ PorUr Pl» lw«»V Up, iLJ« I3* To Tlm.Tlm* H*la. llappy llapj natiirna No nima Hjn., >j„ n „ . - , ____11!------. . . . M i VP. My*, , }». Tn„TlB>,.Hff.«.1uJllP]TH. ll,ri.r ll.liira. N„ Tlm. K,,.. n„ t,„; . su e lOr«l Rnb«rU inullwlnkl*> ______C Camara am ar* I S SieS Andyy Orirrilh . iHlalI Hlatlanr Andy Wllliam< Amlv nrlfn>k . l o r a l IU>b«rU lullw lnkUI ______C Ctmaia tm « i« S S il l Andyy OrUfitHOrUritH fiUlUry«Ut . Andy William. An I H ^ • - ise lFac« Nation | lUenvary______FaaaFaaa lha lha K Katinn til TpA jfllatjfllatury Andy, WllH^m. i » I ------__ »F«^*N.M' f «-« on ;]j>l.r^v*rr______rF«f» . f u th* t . W _------______2------M Andy wpiUm, V.-n. r.„l ' lilts inic rieliir* >'kllh lat To.liyTmlay ThU Iila LlfaI.lf flB* Happypy natuma TnTo Tall Truth I IliiiB Croaby llapny ll.u,«. ■ Ulf rietur* . Filth (or Tn n-'.._«LMry______Maniian fmtn_Un«uLll!L» c».ey ' ^'v.' ill#*. [MovliM flvla n ir* « tlo n i jTWAirn A Itioe nan Caaay Caaay Man Man fmm Unela Uau Cuay liru ru t. , /■'i ^ Its . ImhvilUiivla ' DIrMtlon* TifAITlfA ill Caaay Dan Caaay Xlkn _• from Unela lian Oiiay ll. u Ci.»r t 4 / lie lUiilllnMIlnM '• [MovliM ovI# - l.iiia a .... - - T TIIA H A ...... - . l i t . Outarir Limlla Umlu Naw* Nav5 |Olymplca-r (tuitr l.lmii, l^iHh rnr_To.ltylMQ!drr.r_Toa.ylM 0^ ______l£Sli22------_ ilU >THA A .___ - „ ■ HI Ouur MmitaJLU------el'15------klSU^\V*a iar-___ ‘ - Mi.vla . / '’' i i j r A *ii«* <■"»fo r Toiitr To*J«y W‘i*'iMuvJa /DI(r Phiin^'V fF<>oM>a]| >Fi)>«]| l lis t Outarir Limlla IMovjMovU Tonight Moyu ' /J f / / . «•» K.«iil.»ll>•11 NKI-NKI. Ilia IMctura• UnolUall Footuali III nularr Llmiu MovlaMov . Tonluht Mn>ia '/ i K / f «*• >■11 ViUM F<«>ll>*ll M lakiy FootballFootball 111 Nawaa M'*''*Mov Ton ght M»Ua '/•. JD /> Iii,t(. T ^ B / ' I«fl» K.>ciib«ll>■11 ' Footliatl F.wl Ktntitflky JonaaJonaa Footlialt Football MMn F I KCPX I KUTV KUl wm tli yiMiOiaiila/l h'tMit Utnluaky Jant*Jon*4 TilATJIA id.haIho jrajjg Fails sS ait Lake S alt Lake Salt Uki T V ' u e Kall>■11 Fi>nll>*ll Ki>nl Foolball TIIA ^ ii ■ I I4S Kih.Uilall«1I F.xithiU Fimt - FooU.»ll_ I • Channelsbannel 9 ClC hannel 4 C hannel I Cliannd | ...... ■ ' ■ ^ NBO t Cable 4 Cable 2 CabU | W ' T ' Foolball ABO ‘NBP CB3 B . I FiHitliall % >!• luirititIlf nfof TrtKhTni(h FoniljaJI „ ■4»_!lUr>l.li.I.if .If Tnith _ _ , ■lFo..iball .. . ,,-.l|M.i. I . .. ----- . _ s ,ts ---- I'aUir-l'otamua-iir-l’atamiiB- tiuparmanHupi ------^lovla------ijilew*— i lies J«rk I lldiny ld in y ' ' Foc.lltaU til I’aUrr 1‘olamtia1‘olamtia lliiek Miiel lluund Movla . Nrwi lU JBrW nminrKsiinr V Koolhali III Nawaa Hue liuek llnund Newa k . . Amaiviir«iir HourH our FoolUalJ ■ HI Nawa■a N«w» N«w Naw» WMih.r «-»r if o u r — F«x>ll?»» — ^ ^ t. IM -___ M ■ r. air.i'A ..JnivmDlti_ iMr, M _■ Ki *- ...... 1 fn # *ft WrUtnltrUtnl VoyaB*toHaa Voy, )00 UrUbd xUla I.MMU• Ltailt Olrmplei Laa»ia ill DO llrUtolIrUtol ■■ Voy< Voyaaa lu Haa iuii lirUtnl M. •,.... lu a v « « W DUnay'a IV«r)d W « W Kd W flulllvan flulljvaii ill Andyy V/tlllamaVVllllama WandyWar A Ma Andy WjllUma tilaiicrjr f f H ilS U UllII Ivan Ed (iulltvau Ulinay'a World Ed Eat M r L lvlna D oll llo n in ia ComCombat bat 111 Hluhrockhtock Hour Hour Ran Han Caaay llltehcuck lour Aiulr Citlfiik ' ------,11 - t'omba*, a t .■ My Mr U vlnir I>oil B o n a n w ------ComCombat bat ____ll» ll tchtoekhcnek Hoiir.nen Hour, Hen Catay liltehcoek lour Lucy /.■:THiBaWB!^o.:'j-.,. > . • . . \ 9 B B B H lie tat CumUt McHala'aNavy llonant* Combat ____ !« ___ iTiKn>'"*‘nM ^ir i-it^ , „ , HS ro whZt,.t Mfll MfHal.-iNVvy^inonania ------I g m b a t ------iiniii-'V ...... Paytonton Plaea. PUea. {Nawa jNaw Nawa Nch« LOCATION PLANSri.ANS AKEAlli niBOUBSED hy Itobertsrt MItehelMItehell, de- | Tankersley. MitchellVlltoliell polrpnlnta o u t th a t aerial workifork *U providingpro v l n ee Cin.uId.1 CaM«ri€•««* tCincllcttCtn Camara MovU Candld~Camar« CandM~Cai til Paytonton IMaca' IMaca' Waalhar Waa Waaihar N«»t partment of hlfhwayailfhwaya dlatrleitlJ« Joeatlon engineer,-left,,-left, and Dale ) more detailed mbps,mtipafor for fulfuture platininr. (Tlmei>News■N...PI..I.I phnto) .1. C.»,11JId C.n,j. C a m ira kI Candid Camara Moila , Candid Candid Camara Cai 111 Nawa'• jMov MovU Dlympira Movia i*t M y L ina f W hal’a M r U n t Movl* Whal'a W hat'a My X(y l.Ina H I 'Nawa______lUov _____ Impyii______... ..,.. . * * * W * * * * * « * !.. Wh..’.»l,I,ln.lyhlMy l.ln«iyh»r. My LIm I movI. . _ . (whM’aWhai'a MvMr Lina i- — » ■ I i.ilT I , „ j lf.j-l, ^ TonlihiIthk Mov Movla Tonlsht Movl* t Nunaa iMovla NawaNawa 111 Tonluhl,luht. .Mov Movia Toniola .M»vl« Slides Shownshown on( •;•• k:::> IS Nurta* MovU W««tharWaalhar HI TonlBittIsbt MovMovla Tonlsht Muvl. J Districtict HighwayH Open)pen House Gives • N u n aa . Miivla Mov|«Movia HI TonlshtIsht MovMovla Toniahl Movit ^ ArizonaI Missi(Mission !« ?!“>!:•____ K Nunm . I Mnv|» Mnvla .. Mn»l» - - - - WENDELL, Oct. io>1 0 — ~D D rr. and itiee - Mnvu• TallTi I i Man I N t» a Muvla Movl* • Tall M an Movla .Muvla Muvla 1 1 C itizens C /iU il Mrs. Harold HolnlniierIIolBlpner sl^Bhowod • "'J »]«»'• Nawi. I MovU Muvla Muvla ms Chance to Vie'^View Operation colored slidca and nnrrntod narrnlod their J’* m„vi.. lM Movl»o« iMovlw iM i.vU ' (Continued frofrom.Ftfe m .P ag e <31: 7116 d istrict mmaintains aintains every- district gets prettyretty good tr.mHcnge month’s uoricc at tho, ArizonaAi ' ' i« Mo'..a Mavla — MovU — a r e E YOUy o u MISSING-ANY •outh, U»o CMila-Powcrisla-Power countyc thing from complex;omplox inaphalt out of IBO employes.i^ployes. Whe W h?n one Q ranilo nusalonon for tha the Lions *>i** la H®: Movla Muvla MuvlaMuvia ' lino on tho eaat,ast, thetho Slmore-SI planu to slmplaJiandI Jiand lawlawnmow- totals up the numbernum ber of of ensl-* olub Indiivs nlight ls h t dinnerdlnnei* Mon- .‘JS u«dii„„tllnaa Movlam“v . MovU MovU Ooodlnff countyI line on thethi west ers and these aree maintainmaintained and n’eers, inspectors,tors, mnint4m aintonance day n t tho MoCoroCor Inn. u i i • \ MovUM»y • Mo»U Mnvl, ______O F TTHESE H E S E NEW SHOWS? •nd extend* nortliwardlortliward beyondb repaired at the districtdistrict shoshop here, men and admlnlstmtlveInlstmtlve taitaslu In- They also dtoplivyeaIsplnyed hnndmndehnnd Hit>i ho Ui'ouaBnd-mlle- articles, boolui nndand other memen-me Kll^i «KCPX , KUTVV KSL KSL Challta. ______■ During tlio.latoate aumm summer the solved over tho Uibuannd iho Falls Balt Lake Salt Lakaake . Salt Salt LakeU ahop crow la busynlsy workworking on . appears that the toc» from thetrlr stay In Arizona.Arl: J • M Iek ty taxpayer la getting I^obert Taylor, high i hannel t Channel 4 Channellel SS Channel Channel I , « „ equipment,- getting IIt ready taxpayer Is j ylor, high achool ‘'‘’Mnn i I Cable s My livingB Dell Care Willlami Show e of value. mathematics,, teacher, wiwas a NBO ^DO Cable ( i Cable I Cable I [ I 'l GymnasiumIS llX Ill for the coming sewoif season. During » mensure of value. iUJO NBOI CDS CDS Th* Rooueilei Bewitched th e w inter m o nth! tlis theyt^ y aiaw b 25 Progress forcce■CCS changesch/inges and « guest, d Jenalrlnrniow- P^ln^e examplelo of change Is In President WilburiVllbur Whitehead Whlti > — *— ------Voyage too fhsfhs BoffomBoffom Peyfon Piece If maintaining and r«palrlnt I. The atate Is In- presented Charlesvies Ircton,ircton, JuniorJ of thaha Sea Ths'Munslers k. J J 6 ia V Ing machines andana truevrucitatmckT jorfor control. The atate Annex Dels iny legal commit- P ^t preeldontr,;, with a pnst.pres-past, iis FariN Far R apart No Time forforSeroMnli SergM nli Balleya of Balboa J . summer use. ie various towna In Idents pinque nnd and pin nn'dnn^ a one .....‘5! ' ChrUiophara H|U ' I W e n d y a nnd d MMe e Denlol Boone A il In addition (hereth .,.« li »i com- s«i;vi;^cyr” ''“ ‘°"“ °' yeor perfect nttendnnce pin.pi ■ If .. —l■l,'^^^lll, l''lirH I Hr -'ii''-['— ------^______Is ReporteclU J, , piote vehicle aervlce cente lh .* .. H- 8 * Lamb nnd Wllllnm Dug- i im ralth Tkit fur Today ' Lamp I.amp UntoUnto F*«' -Blno Croibysby Show Jonny Queil-Filo the big trucks nnd light > the vocal music lor p.,,, , Kalih R" for Today Lamp Unto "nd^iV K hE ,/?„M ''tE^r't?:Hi?'*.rHfpUK “Si- ly rig ^ I’urky i'Iff Sctanca i Look a ‘'uH,':'?.Kv‘ Up, 1 i " " y ” * pppy p y Returni . Ttio Addami Family II the gymnnilum aro serviced 'andnd keptk.pl jm ^ .rr‘™;^l, m'nmmenu* " bigger £ , . 1 signs »>° cvcniuu.______JPor).v Plg ------Is.lanra ______■ U Uok sy Ur,l)n, HI i . . SUltery't Peoplol>aopi« Valentine's Dsy west aide of tho repair. ______. It‘ I . ------J j a 11. mu«inn *«Bhway ilgnsIS which could cot bo m ^ m » >vr» . 12 O 'c lo c k Hlffh gh school will be jGtO.mlderlng itaIta misalcmission, the HAk m m file luiiwinkuwinkU nii«IlliwlnkU (iaUnea o Oamara .« .„ nTh n . Bfl.lol Court Ilea per hour arc a C I M ■ MJ l n A J J B I ill liillwlnkUwInkU nn«IlliwlnkU ' tieitnca .« Camara Th . J«"»lH.nWlnUr.Winters Tho Enlertalners , . . . ___ __ blur at .70 milesnlles per hour. h< A F M |&i I IV v I IW W I | >9* Oltcovciyiivcry niirIHirovary Haertd llaart Uiih Trav< I TO MKfcT • blQger sign la m oto ote expensive.exp " w k l % l v l . tit I >l.r.'v».yL l l l l ______Ini.r ni.rovrry Fyirp ruhfiral1t.|ral|Lr>B j LPB Choir Choir ■ SpecUelelt U Oomor Pyle, USMC 0=lM en-A 7yiBrlcnn ThB—old—stnndnrd—Infonndnrri Informntloi) —r _ ------,aUJIou»— Taanata-Dabala -WarlA-fladaa:laa_----- Oplnlon-ln.Oplnlon-ln-C.pJ ThtTycoonon Tho Reporter______Botim, .,uipm .nt fUv(«| U nut~ T*Jr It Is doutiUul tho symr itllnry will meet at si«n used to coat cost about to.tl Now ~ M k ^ val Hoi^r Taanaga Uabala World KirUaUa Opinion In Cap. P e y f o n PfiiciTSee I ^ Sriffaen's Tsfand rixturea, accordlnB 7530 p.m. 'niesdny for a g n W B J fc ■flfc >S« KronlUrailUra F»l|)iFalih MwlMwllcally tip. World Barlaaaa VaeaFaea lha(ha NatlopN , U /«. I »nn«x to Uio ^veat aido < dny for a potUick tho Inrgcr sign1 cobUcosta closercloser to t24. C f l O l l - I4> ■ .||.,..F.|.> V.MhiNIH iM -lk.ll, BP, |gi:ill.M ~ !>■.., Ih.N •rl Mr. Broadwiy land, superintend- dinner and regular Ibii&lncHt T he increaseded cost make* make van- < Twin Tails hlah school ti from Flipper ♦ district No'. 411. meetings. Membersibers nro encpur* dnUani even more cosily. cosily One _ . _ * llll* Thh Il I> Aniwtr nir*ollona nir* World flarlaaiM Daltetlvaa...,..,i,„ 'f.'ii’xr. • 'com pleted by;.Nov, 15, tht ■ ^ A ill '>'lii* l>1< An*«r*rAn*«rar Olr*Olracliena World HtMaaaa Detacllvaanetaciivaa U .N .C•C.l,E. .LE. Mr. Meffoo whlcli U being to invite prospectlviprospective mem-, shot-up, largerT sign Is moremor co.st. ^ A t 1 fnr Today tiiuaa World KariMlaa PiiMilvaaUiia«ilvaa ClliM -■p^tled4n-tllo-contnict»-iirl Peck Oonitnic- bers. ______ly to replnce than two old signs. ENDAR H f"r_r»Hl>y linia» . IW nrld HaHaa__|p;i^|jvMiaa_ InaiZtliva. ■ S h l n d l o —. Konlucky Jone* ; ij ,* dirncultfea In^getllnitwas begun cqut In A u- ^------■ KB l l ISiOl Hticxitt a MinionManlon YouYour Govam. Worfd Harlaalaa Fnatbill Fno'tbail ' I * ftnd buUdlns llxtureo.d be completed acc for ...... - All Magicigic VallayVoll ij; , I a Manlon »;«Your Uovtm. World (Krlaalaa Foolball Foolball i I Autry Hollar Rkatlnv World Karlaalaa FooiUall Foolball I k , to S m e il lU B land.season. AUparl "Uie"'M > \ y , |..... “Salas LisJod. i s » e d H H« e r o ------■rtlllry-i____UlQUtr_Hit»UPK, m riddtrlaa■iss— r.».-il.al1 ______|i || «ni ot school ir district are roomsNo. for |\lf.-)V ______' l i«» |<«II ItolUr Ilolli Rkatlnt Movia F»oiLall '' III Tho annex, , whIcUfirst aid, la along tM O y W R E A D Y ! nail------— llolUi^Ukatinv- MnyU------Fnoiliall____ A —L im it'ed-T im e—QniyJ__ _ |i ' -I b u m by U)o E arl Peck Ooi i3« K.».ii)ijii)all FiHiiball »*iKii MovU -^'.f Kiioibali -3 — -For-A -Lim ihower room and ''^11...... ------1 MovU _ ( lF .>K h.l| , ' tlon ibompany, Uwas On bosun tha second a l J r ^ ____ ------Back by populorpepulsr damdemond our lummor *T Q C rTMtri n Sias n>i>ii>ti Fmi 1 eust and shouldU be oomplestorage space >al FiMlhali ' XIovU ^o Fooibil •• . dlieounf ^ok-up(lo e k -u p cho c h a r g e off o n ly :. the bukotba]] equipmentceason. snd a R l *1^ VtK>tl>«l■al FoAlWall FOAI MovU ^ Fnoibal ..., _ Included' In Uio 'M dltl i H ~ ISI V.«.tl..l>■1 . . Foclhalt Foci . MovU F m I j^slcAl.educaHon _____ PEUCiOUS j U f - « ^ rFo.th.li m Mnvu I f J.,;! i iFEiiiili ■ <■«»4.05 rPer t r KMonth Service Charge ^ T ~ %! ' Iho first tloor.rt#., ftw» roor - ' V. vivstllna- artd first aid, » - - 1 ®» — s<«« F.H>(t>«ri.all roo(FoolhaH , n rld ih Klaa.M. • TnA • T n * ’ Cable Vision reaerves reaerves th e rig h t to withdraw this olter- otora ire Home ■■ ' ' " lU Fixilloli Fiwl ••I Foolball nrltU h Klae!>0. , TIIA TilA wlthout wl notice. vlth onltrccd OArrel ihower Electric.; r<>o ------con ta c t the tho TlmeH-News'nmeH•^ >i* FimiU■■h II S'~lt*!! Fiwi >w| AmaiaiirAmai.iir Hour11 ' dres«ln« room. On tho r*arm &nles department depiirtment for ----- n» a l l ------F-K>u.int i s l i F tqqi u ------a il.,. |l.,,|'»l-_tAmaiaijr_Hoiir I An,.,.,,, II eiN aie>»aiBaaa««a• ■■•■■■•■(■■taaeiaieiBB"**'"'*"" ‘ floor thOM WlU bo sloraii complete advertisingi-erllslng covernge cove su e Fo..ih*ii r«,t I I for alhlotlo oqulpmentIxams _ Due 0 1 ^ of y-jur fnmii sAle, snle, hand hnnd blllt, J >>* FMd I lOlH Cantunr - .; ------1U -olaMToom tor-pnysicAl.fld S newtpapor )vernge coverage (over (over 70,- U ALSO) A L S O ) UNIVERSITYu n i OF UTAH . Ol end team sporU..ate Jobs 000 readers In Magle Valley)Val . Etyi::: aa ____ Ju Bub • contraatora iro IPPLES > advance billing.1(1. All at a t one spe- rman Hup«rnitn MovlaMod flpa^lal . ICATIONAL CHANNEL 'jj plumbing and MlUve04rr«l m Eloc erit e x a n u ^ ^ ^ clnl low rate.. Every salo lllisted |!i M“‘! “ r e d u c a t i o be“glven-for-thr«« --B l lC U I d - - ^ i-ln lhla.Form.i.culendnr Calendar folor W !J! liKi-; a |i K Porlrf MartlBH______' « 18 sUte deportment 0 ^ 3 1 *1 1 2 1 - lale at no cost, — ^ Uh the place amll mmrnmrn — eiaaa«»eafi*i«*n H E t $ ^ , 2 1 « » ni*n»r'i WorH Movl /nrld Fd flulllvaR 1 Merit Examsihiatlon .to be an*' , , CK 1 5 111 niinty'i Worl<{ M.»l /orlJ .Kd HullivaN 1 : f i *aV e i . . •>; I'll! n*''* W., • Fd flulllv*#' ’ll For Statenn are Jo director of, T'OU ' pickDlCi . I •nt Oct. U and IS — Uii-----tlHl., " i 2 i _ ------T,.lr ISmp... ■ ' Orwtn eowDOtltlvevices, hospltar m erit fire ■ • ' days before aaleJim at Measerimltb. no co< fus. n.inin» w«s prevention conaul- n,.jn„ elionerrs * 'I* Monim* Wav Bring Your Own-Gclintoinm’------^----- . O c t 15 li=:' !:I;I:!K ' r ' A I I , . poslUona in thomlnUtraUve aUt^B dept aMlst-l . , " ^ 5 Ht iuin«n»» — iiatli;—Jlr!!! Is:::::: . ^Mlsa:!: .V-ALL ' '' Sf!b®«lth. withlUl the or pla Institution m m . nv.Kr f Noiinr.4 m v f . i , " AilvrrffBcnient Oct. U and •> dft(4 of examination .to nt, Oct. IS and U • |i ! . r r r i l"1 l • J!"'! il,":!: ‘.1'“'',' ' =""'ii'iClandld c*"Camara iSor Uiese posltlonij John W ert JL rrt, Jim ^netlaneer Measeri { u i liing Oro«i,r mIm ■ “'^srli^uion.lived .r. by ths merit l|^ AiictlonerrsSt. 16 * -f— lilnn rn^tiy m..v| .... dior or postmarked HN BERTIE'S iS L J i____s -te«T ' volunteflr services, hospl K A ll. IFLD 1 11)0 .Niii-a«* \t ,L-i JlSiiS TODAY ftnd ftocldent prevention •• ! ~ WAI.Tnt NOHflrS Oci. 13 and 14 . m ' *♦ - - U"*1* . '.- ( M u v U ------fitf------Oaf.ndara .h d a r. ------.------^ , tfnt-ftnd admlnUtraUve f%w% ■ ■ H j AdvrrtUement,Jim Ocl. MeaMramlth. IS ami M . \WUmhvI N***-*. HpnrUrla lUl.ndaialUftndaia I «nt to hospital, OliANEOVr or Ini V/1% I I h , Lyle M n«trn,ttlonerre .*»etlaneei • ------HL-IN iimS" I'l:::!; MiM r:.:::"i-”'- s:!:"';;; ORCHARDI I E O ' , Oel. 1 T6 7 »'<*« i i - « , N.w, ^ -r /H O N E ; |. •“SSCuSS.wm^.t N01IL.K Al). IFLD «.r?. iNi*»' J mUil b e' receivedytotJniwS®!""- by th .. (Formorlyjrmorly f Fronk Dickorson Qrchord) I ^S^btueoMnt this, ^ k.i -s Advertlaeittenl Oci. 13 and John W ert 4 1 Jlni Meeserai _ iL “ L_Sg . lii .1^ r i l l S 2 i » n ****^ mUlnltftt. Oct. a» N o rIth i h Edge E-c of Hagerman I AuetlonerreirKisS” . '*!" I— ^ !i;:i -S — ' 733-623( Ocf.w nt 17 Oct. 10-17 '!! 1 ■ ■ M..VI ! c t a m c u o tiA N B D chnrH) ,I)ALE A AUCMucUon Service EOEf j . V** > ■ S ------— - T T T - T — : AdvertUem ent Ocl. IS and Ivrnon Auction Bervlee ' s r S f i S S sflHQII ■ "l^nNA I« KlRTLKli . . • 1 ■ SSiJmmSSJ* o' ““ Auvertlsenwnt Oet. ifl.i Tm u bSSI Mf'" ■<■11111 I J i . Iverson AuoUon Servlci , r ,.-■■■■■-- i ■ ‘ •'* ■. ■ ■ * 4 ■ ' ' ' ". ^ tM M<« ' ,

s 'lll.'.'- : THE'IREHAUli.VGUPnieMU.',caMopmfMUiky'M' ■ ~Mc>r»Esumm’>rH£SUpneMEmuMf>ncfi . ‘••!l jr V -apiis-i»-1.- - -~0pj>il:ja^i£4.ij,sijrs^e.^lti,"U i:iS_^ lA DVyVCOLDSTAPn,7HEOND/ COLDsrAPl. , . fimcs^Newsews-Comicsj fofor the EntiriMire Eamity=^* •7 - ^ ^ Ji ‘■jpW.-THAT-^OUVE.-tLDlRECTH - D i b e c t S TftesHEAresrMOMeniresTMOUMi^ m^TMoa/sTWH? 7 o u i) c 5 /s r w v o /^ s ^ ■ ', fl y : '■ It J^TEDM-/A\H£A>l S^ _nyiig^^ f r o m TWe. ^ tosv'.r- -.------’~~nmve/tesif/-,Y.i r< W M i6HTm’rnm ‘ IJcBBteH- =!==AVS«a>.

■— T h e ^ ^ f f l 'BOOOl«'S TJEM-. ' 6 '— ^ '^ywaifcTl^rt. {^1^ " ^ |. KCt/a* 4St»e«Up ^ ra ^ IMW*^IMWHMAH6H ^===;=== .'/ I K K * - r a s Tsftte '/ jilSSfispi Ei;"', 'S!W-r‘ r a

^ ■ . l>iy . - lOHItipralvHn 37 U m ro w l ' !& , SmUW*IIM «?,"■»11 VArioilnrtimt nilKuriU ■. j I — ' I iHOPt Vta VSNATsi« « i WSMn mNM'r r '\ 1 Is/ TOO mu »» *i*riKsis'nipi ]*tW I 'W 7FTT . V ' | { ^ OMB Mont),Bia tf Ho GRAWMppy# OirriHJriH! MOWKIIM*MOWKKM# J f WTB'C CHlie AlUTWItf! iV;, ' \ ------W»AKUfia4J?0R_fei-JilS.WA'a_^ in'” an ....- ^ i .ilTorpo/lcoll.) ^ iS9"'^\ jIS 'iSK:a iC h r-, 44Une

_____ ««H M «r0iH , M.O...... - 1 — ‘— z T # r : S i ' ~ yTHANKSTOVOU ^THANKS TO' ^ l ’ l YOU^DOeTTCROOONrCROOON ) (f 'to W m N O T y r r r A'^AS S F A FAR R R A31 S lW > A ~ ^ rlT v o iR C H W ^ ------H|p6 27 20 29 '------>s^ \ VANPAMS5 mt> AMS5 OALE,0 ) HOME AND GETOETSOMC SOME * -*^ v> ia U ^ lB THAT , S i COWCRNtBVOI rt 7 .y * WELL.VOU L O O K A S \-'S DOCTOR/ gisriir |||pr~ ■_^ UlWlbKt*.l4« TU I.; Ul >., 011 ^ 1 0 - 1 0 ,,^1 - ' S DOCTOR/ 5LEE(? JUNE/I'ULWVANAGCT;/m»AANA()tl lUKETIIAT/I ARC.MISSSAU J"-.] ^.V n .....OFFICE HOURS TODAY J ^RS TODAY J y TII0U0IITIWA5 WILLYOUMCOmWILL YOU BE COMING J V • ^ ^ BACK roHISH _ "Oh. Fr*ddle . . . y«a,8, I willl wllll EEngiiK«ment rlnst firtt ^ - floor, twotwq (liloialfl«f ovar!** n “ “ t»#WW** — b? — ^ oTTRb ~ J11^ | J ■ ^ (7 |« |¥'I io-—!i 62—— 62 BT-----; B------6Sis T ? 5? - ■ ■ '■ S 69 ~ T V' ObiqIIh* AIUv / iT-pn r~rr-1—I-J I- .,L',..I—W ^ I r'' Riaht, Pop; '^7 Where: are Joel Wa^'eh't eeen V It’sJt’6 not l^like' e Y.If theu aren’t jiers ' II Mondau ae dsri W and Rufus?jfus? Theu | I ithem since theg) Joelfoel to luelsh)luelsh w tomdrroiu I'm going -^- - ItVtearina doujn-the n haven’t-finished.: -finished left ujlth the l/oon n a deal; /A to make them b m a HJm .H i w I*______, ? y kitchen 6hed!>^learlng gour parlr-fHATLa CONiTEST/'trt I iio MEU.'OUR Pl^JA PR lM 'S lfy i'-, r X ffuY A // PURf^lTURC- IK TMl6 ^ 1 V / J 'foffcOMWETE' C^ 0 U £f l i AS A hreTTU&vrsr^r^ 1 ; • LCW efi T.1&« I‘i 3 IN C L U B \ U'.^ftCE5~'lH6 QILLCAW& V aS ? .\A uf^ p.« '.V LAPCADIO, I ODAy-^TO -TKe R ^ R f< / EAVES uft A tio y * 5 o -» a / k J^‘u c ?/ e ^ iy^T(^EA&U^^ * s ^

-SMOUtO—'*?—A-BEttUHFUL-J-1-I^LL.NEVaI.SEt.-T.‘LI-UEm;.l3ET ) IT WA3 JUST AS '[I WHERE WIIERg Y ' THE RACE TRACK. TO -(I < || l - ^ l ^ WE 0RIN6 ] AtilWM. 3117, PUT OVBR0 \ ^ R HAVIN&HAVING \WEtL, UL... - “ TCrnOrtiT C rnaiV — l-YAKE-UP-WHBRB-r-WAS-i----- ! _ ■ — W '~ ~ 1 0 - r ■ HOAIE WITH J I PON'T THINK I ALL THAT A\OHE\AlOHEY > P 0 6 5 ARE SIRP SIR? AJ WHEN SO RUDELY__ J J /o-/

0«< Ovr Wiy

J*VE ttOr BVCHYTHINa« 11 Y' mPL^MMU P X V«*,TH» \ -I ' 'A Ikorl nibi iC' 'Ji I cocn.no pc«i >ou;iI fw vjnjVJUJKNCWV- k J VAMILUA I «3THGR'96UPPEII*-- 7J f/ «ALT,f«ALT,rew*BR. M R TWI J i I S0U-1H\NHCSO7 \ I P /NatHEB OOI.SO \ | , WMM'SALL’THM \I W-AN'-WIia,W a'-, \ RICB < J AN'OTHEH I fuooiwa, ^ '■ n i i ^ ^ l o a ^ u i i E ] ^jlL s^iaist 1 J B0USHT-tHl5.9jrr,\ " a - PUAMDttJN'ef k AND - V ^ '-np—' ■DoN'f I m t IHE vflu. fw m l OfTHDR ^ F ddq" f j^ ■ ■ § IbStUXIOAPIET. J . k V^WINO^ I & U i L A^ liulcjillllll t S 'id «ll»» QJ» ______-, ' I :,.6l=l:Ma I U H w l H i n 'y B I ^ B ^ V^,Vt«l...lI^rY E dT T fsT 8T1U.6(3T V\lOULDNT !« Pt nia v iw u a c o m in q atAT ■ H V VI^'Nv o A pRCAMIN'I <3 iS h> 1thc / ^ mjv, \ A irnur t r ip t ME, SO I UP WITH MY^Y EHP J ABOUT V IX G6UESS UE^ PRrRlWClfai / TT WAS > TWCRff TM K HI TRUSTY BROAIiSWOtlP I I WA3! ^ ON VayR ( OWLY A NOW, WOULPJL MlM IN ^ ^ ,

xn.WiLuv<5t 7a-/o «{WifNI<.«w. , HBttOD5M«flMADff-SJM«flMADff-wrBOW>; •h£> ______1/ WDULDNT !« PIAW M iNe^0S***""^^Bi A Lrrrui trip rack y w bix, •*H« lift m* for a younKsryouni womant** TNCRff TM K HBTC / BLTT (JOWAVOU ] ■ t4» C.I.V Km/iWOULPJLJHpy\MEkmON

, lwy« Kapw ______t P — — LUMHLIM^ XY, iiQ^'OOLCSOK L(K8 A / I ^ "T ^ 5 c y OF THE u .s .a\ 7 ^ ® S S 11 FORWARP^^BM ING A LIFE-PRB56RVSR V COWOITION / \s[jOW IHSIOS TH£ CUfJJC6T T ^ ^ ^ ^ t e r c s t s M E I ^ H T h ^ U I to Z V i I J r^.^u/r^w j ------KR look; sow A-I MUT , ~EaBRK*rTtJB WAKT A R U B ^t^U / io n s AS rre -

I >UBi ’ * ^ K ^ HECEfECE COAAS pAA/iVBS PO ai^T 11 l k WffLLO^waKVt ^ Ik m ~ '^N0 V41^ ^ IPIOT..^ ■'1, THE•HE BW51 rrUL W ul FW ■ S ’ SA ■ < ■ X t i j v o u t a ^v n e ATTfeoTl^fO < ’ ^ ST I

■ . Tttw >nd «tf yir«tM ______EH 2^ W Tyr ■ Ife 1 H ■ i . h KI e'iuTw^iwjr*!!*

* ' •'..** • I , . ■ ■. J O Twin Falfif a l l t Tlma^Naw.. Tlmo*- - Sunday, Oct.M. 11 I I , K ).9A 4. ' . ■. . W eek^Ic^s s MMost o Active5 StockStocks TV^all Stre

~N Ew rY bmKTO crooi.^o' ot^O' liTv(^F^YeOtirTtignz^IOWr W66« $ r iiil 6i r closing pricerice and natnet eehanga b( the twanty moet aoUva b ^ ^ KIcftl/L S t t e t:/! r Utl arid roun.» ... for NKW YORK,IK , pot,Oot. 10lOniPB-Wll- fUPB LOkt, ..71,17;^— 48% FordP-ord M otor 671,100 83‘i 5T»t'6711' «1.U 81.U Ham R .'W hilel a ofOf IlornblowJlornblower ond 0«i»Ur Chryslerhryaler 1147,000 .eSH U'iM»i 9 \^-8l*i- — ,5i Weeks says'I' tiisttiiat Uie *narrow ai'-i TexOiiu)re x O iiU l ' 438,600' 65% ' ■ SOH 80H «3'« «3>i + l’i fluctuotlohs In the . moramore popu- r„i,... i...;* f l C A 304.800 S4U 1313 - . ’ 33*1' ’33*1' Ur Issues indicatendlcat« that ia con- ‘ PPac ac Tin 334JO0 ■ un 1010 ...... ‘13^- 1 3 ^- -l-4Wi oollddUon ofr .Uia Uia advohoaadvahoa Ito near' • 'Sunshinegunshlne Mini M in e' ‘ aiOJOo . S4 38^1-38^i- 3l.*i' 31*4' —1 highs Is In progress. . ------]03^--''>7*.--O«n«val-M0to;ClanwBl-Motora— 331.800- 103!t__-.MM '.i-.lOlTi '.i- -lOlTi . .+3Jh --Jiott’aWr,_Whlt«-afl*y stren g thiJi an and d Wlille Wlille clouds ' vLri' d r Ho^;. Tmrm nor r CCan an l&l,ftOO 44% 43*; 4 3 >« I T i v appaar on Uiahe horl7J>nhorl7J>n o^nalon-, w?. PPenn enn RRR R 143,000 41% 38%38% 41«b 41«t +3.* tljy, there appeal•ippeoi* toto be>be enough an'i Uimiv ** y iL'ilV / I f r ^ 1 1 >1 -sn^w—9 7 ^ ^ PP A A h --^h ^ m 143,100 80 38U38U 30% 30*4 *f \k momentum toto carrycarry' thethe jpresent cii.b i' llll ^^Jpj^^^^BUBjmj >0% ng^i^i n na> rt..t p g , , -...... — BiT^ AJm • Knff. Jj«^-t3irn4igh-th>,Wlt-i.f.ghrthavflrst >ih«it-nf Xerox.Xerox. Cp 135,000 '131% 130U138U I38'.i I38'.i lOOi. -“ - of kinilnaii. niM.lJI^' 'H' '' .33!i Mont.Ward\lont.Ward . 433J00-. «?i , , .3QU -3QU i 43 i ‘A nalyst Ellot-.JanawHot. Jonaw ay <1 expects .»"■* I'lamifui /lur.i . the stoclt market to. cocontinue w7n?ih2i "K‘‘*» ■ : . i - W ^ m AMBRICAN KXCMANGE backing andI filling unUl Itf has iu'^r.rkM nl* ' NEW YORK.K, OcU Oct. 10 un un—Y®»i’ly- high—low,. wweakly atkly aales.aale*,' high, had a chancese to form ao' realisticr< Tnr.„i,y v,,. . ; ' low, dosing prltejrUe and net chonge for tht flva.ihoata ihost aotlveootlva aatocks judgment off bbuslneu’ u s ln e e a ’ abla b i l i t y to irm>. fi*.j |0 HiCs^^l week. deal wiUi WashingtonV o s h ln g to n ofto f t e r t h e K a s o r t a . ~ _____ Fro otochr to ch r6 ma 840,400 iV’i lOS lOS 17*1 17*1 +8’4 election. ' . '1 PnnooBstPnnooBBtPeb Pet 340,700 9Vi 3% B raaras TrncTrBC 347,100 .-4W s ! t .3^4. 5’ ^ 4 ■+ % LEGXU-ADVERTIStMlDVERTISEMENTS : H g .. Mngell F « t' 107.100 BU 4^ 4 ^’ ’ 4U 4U — Ti — ------1------^------L- 4*: 4 8/18 —' M VIR8T HBCURITV HANK 3 3/18 N at P ete t - .- ' 134,600 4^- t 4U.*-* 48/18 twin rALUl : ■ . HKiriiialJ«r'« Ma«Uiiv T \ u »lv#n-4hB*. p I to It* iHraalnri, a apMri SH c M Strike t r i k e !Drags on DespilJ L / t ^ 0 U l i C 7 In. of lh« •h»-*hol|Ur* ot Fi Jl. tiiltr n«nk or Tw Turin in FFslli a lll wlUwill !.« hal.i J,*,*' i” T . * * ' c.'*^ --TI.. — ______, ____»1_1U-Unkln*, houn-tt_23: H 6 p ^s ffoFEaily o F l Setllemeiitlement tw.hl:,'' l : n“'V v '„JA " ™ ''V L fcw .;rrSsxnE ^ OntoUr 14; lOSI,0S4, aal t lOlOO A.M.,A. foV « « n v .lm .m '* " ,? 7 ^ NEW YORK,JC. Oct,O ct. 10 UTun—The BethlehemI St^lrcompanSt^LrCOmpany on- th* purpo«« ufif eondiUrlnveoniliUrlna «n< and «l#tar- hnmn. 34 hoyr nnt.lnj 14 w h ilh a r kn agraamint ^»"nabla and eornp;,'^!!*'*, General Motors:ora strike didragged nounoad It will«m .spendw nd 06“ tr million aal.l bank an .l tha F lra t »,'>«Pltal .,n y on during theI week despite hopea dollara Improvingroving ItaI U SpaSparrows iu«uriiK n«nw 1 or o f i.uiio. lilaho, Natin N allnnal A i- — * * *»"» 7 ]i.» n ii'*'•«* of early lietUement.emenU Point. Md.. plant,p lan t, theth e lilargest *n«i«iion, io»«taiitail inIn u UoUa, o u ., i.uhIdaho, Stata UAkTluU U tta c L iv .i IJ.' —«... th n world - o f 1er.pt*hri>er. Sean,S e a n , Roe- approval of th« Comptroll.r it: i ' r ' t ,A " '.i a *■■ ■■ ■■■ As tho CMt strike entei entered Ita buck and compani;;•om nanv's oaleaaales rose Curraney. WaihlnBton, D. C.. tnplled by offlelais nf tha ChalllsI, nnational > tlo n .l Inr.ul.f IWrH y . ' t ha effecta -w ere be- 13.6 t ^ r cen t to KOD^mllllor Itnlal 10 lha propoaid InvMim.nThMd^* Ch'.. *11'"^ ^ FouK H T p*ATROLMAN a t r o l m a : 'Wiillam W, Jamea, right, patpauses in a report compiled by ol I, Penney convpany narvar «f tha t«o jb»nk«. n was started ihls summer In the■ SuwlMlkSawtooth prlml- ji Ini ("H In QM OM dealers’ ohpw- lar*. J. O. Panpey con till* HnwlfintJiI primitiveprim tdv* areai to offer advice io a hiker, liback to The program waa starlet 1008 m odels w ara boosUd lalaa '19.3 p er ce eas is detailed in tlve area. (Forest'erest liervlcenarvlce phote) ______' ■ . rooms. Wheret IMS models ■ • •' cumrrii. Impffrlamttmrtanie of patrolmenp In remnte areas is deta ------becoming scarce.irce. 100 million dollars, Montgi , ^ il .WAA** * , * - iV . iV ONf. and the Unlt«(lUnltad Aut^o Ward and companylom pany aold V 36 m il- *ldlne for th«a margar,mamar, Ula on /lla at may h« lnipa«t«d durlnf Sa*',.”’' IwIIm orfli,,.^ I * I q ’ Workers Unionlon reached tan to - lion dollars w o rthrm o f goodjgoods. 18.3 ^ It* tlve agreemBnt ent on. a ninational per cant ovar>r laat lost year,yearr SMtion ii- iiiIll nfof th«tha Uw«law* of tha 'rilKK topplni, irlmmln. trolmen Help. TTho h o s e contract butt* dlsftffreama:disoffreamant on Hie threeI majorm ajo r soap r m an u - st»t« of Iit»h»» aatam u fcFTthfcFrth tha (Xilu.lva■ aarv ca. Fr«« ntlm.ia. jV l*!* 1 i PrinUdv;itive Area Patroli ram a d la .^ o f .IlM antlnu ro tt. Ifl04 (>■»• I I m I'l loctil issues atit the compan:company’s 130 facturera — ProctorP ro cto r and an d O G am ble *ifht? .•"■I jlQ lliglierL/J. Am X U C lll. plants kept Bwerpblysaierpbly linesUnas Idle, compony. . Colgate - PaliPalmolive •‘"nation ??'- siV. W h o V iisit s it Back Countm ntry of Idaho ’ . : ThB-nalianal-eontyaotrrnai-eontyaetr-paral- company and-AMnour-andId-Annour-and-com* - btook>iou>rru.'A.-a- aut* m bank s 8TANLEY, bbet. e t. ib 10 —Mann'go-— W tlve arcft patrolmenilmen begnbegan regU- tho m oii u taa l«1 u’«“ftnd ’s“ ftnd'i ■ prusont ^ X ^ C C lirAk. jS O------io r“ nhd“ ro r ad“ “ eorller,-“ eorller,-provldhnr pro tollet-Boap-S^^o•fl«'p.r-..nt; io-llva'per-ee -- m en t of tho BawtooUin Is Uie lar contact schedulediheduled tthe firat oampalte locaUons..tlons. With"With tthis in- . ^ O __ higher pensions,Ions, mofe hiholidays The CensusUS Bureau B ureau aastb s t h n a t a d war* «nt«i agalnat ■aainat a» margarman to " • , rofipotislbUlty of tho U.S.U.S, forest of July, tho officialsriclals poirpointed out. creascd use 'UieUie 'patrolme 'patrolm en find o ilI C A a o , Oct. 10 f(Urn — -,,,1 hl[ther»wagea.voges. that the raterate ofo f oonstr corutructlon r«uU In » i ta i tu U UnU,U n it, ataina g a ln il tb a H ljflliliU Hl A.Ml^S. cuiiom m.J T* ' these four mon that many of the favorite camp- Wheat futurea ended Uu BAnlAmltjrt. aaiArf fnr •onvanlon ofsf a* Itaitata ta bbank ank IntoI a n a tu ra l, d * .l|n i, «tc. C.II W nervlco nnd thnift area aren Is la managed m The duUes of these fo e» ended t-he week ,loc„, j„u„JS mainly eon concerned spending In fieptemberfleptamb^ aas lai la o f M ati. -/.I.Viin . mornlnV, ------to~mnlntnIn“lt-1t-|n-aa-primitlve Jn-jw-pj aro-lo aanlst Uie bockboclc-oountry altaa auch as ToxawayToxnway lakilake. Alice with clearly h higher ig h er gainB-galnt from working conditions,dltlons, Abt«-»it-oi«UntJally-ail-of-tha., -iiii|,«|]. i r» And near nnturalural statentnlo asi pon- imer by helpingg him untunderstand lake, Spangle lakes, ArdelArdelh lake, ingt weok's close1^ while whllo other oU ce- reachedI ot at aome plarplanu but New const^otlopuotlon wasw as up a t an nuta banVa■ aaiaU, ••••u. anil ■ml only OJ If aoniullanti Ly.u G .rJnlltJi' of the OhallU na- the scenlo surroundingsroundlngfl he has Sawtooth lake,ice, nndand aloialong the real futures closed mixed land tharaupon (• mada Av.nua Norih nhnrr^yr^J." » ilble. ofdclnls of the Oha cl^ d mixed on the i,i,ttoninff up) theth e matWm a tte r a t all an n u al ra ta Of |A»,004,000.« I ng lUta or natlona ’.r, ■•i',. , , ' tlonnl focoflt BitldBald heroh«ro today,t como to visit. QueenH river are lielngl)clng uiused re- Chicago Boardrd or of 'iTauo.Trade, ninnta wni a Blow andan d 1tedious fro m 188,077,000,000n,000,000 In /AUgllst i.,„u It anyiy tima within thirty In order toI do thisthU ondni still This InterpretaUon'varitaUon'varies from peatedly, whilele lake areas nenrby Compared tolo lalast st FFriday, riday, Wheat JJ.ocea(, an d »M,041,000,000.000,000 In July,July. dan afUr thatha affacUva affacUva «ti data of • |!h"*5' TsfVoV?*"^ mod tha noednda of the Increan-1 tree nnd geologicalglcal age Identlfl- and Just as scenloscenic are rereceiving woji up 3^ to“r,,'* ** cents na bushel;1 jjecnuse stooroge rag e apspace tca wiwii| fill- '' " ------marfar or cmnvamlonK>nvaralon aeeompanM aeeomi _ ' TJa-aBftH.__ ing vlnltora, fourur SawtooUi prlml- caUon to earlyy day hlihistory of little uso. soybeans off 3Vi to u p l'-. 1 V w by til* lurTaniUranilar ofof thatha itoilatock ear- CIllUOrUACTlC n«rv« u l " « f . 1*«<*• CJM workers a i« valua of auih iharaa Alma Hardin. U7 Nartb WiA.P : "njo fiawtootJj)t}j pntrolmer pntrolm en’dJrcct up u to off. Vj; oata up I arm lnaii; aa o f tba d a ta to n , phona 713.4741. ■» .1 ' . ^ *' Plnn^ which the union ha X TX C U . ,h . .toahhoWaw* maatlni . some of Uiia lUieuse lo tho lcleas Ire- ond rye off 1V41/4 to up -n. mltted to keep operating, Stockk MarkMarket ikitoldara maallng ap- **' ' i| ■ ■ ■ ■ lep oi>eratlng. These ^ _ proving tha »«*r*far or acmv« quonted placeau) and suggesuggest side Boybean pricestrices closed,closed. mixed plants built parU which ai ,prKZ.T,’".:'".i i»v“'y»«'°"‘ » trips over forest)roBt service main- and down Mondnyonday from extremee by oM to Ita competitors es Gain K ti'tyTr^o-t^'orthi-Jlia vot# o f th a ow n ira Bi fcClAL |& ptrm incnu iii.i~Z ■ / talned trails that will fa broaden early levels as commbialon Scores Gaii two-thlrdida of lha ahanaharM In- Mary flnicck, Upiown Uuui> a commbulon houses ^nd Chester,r. ______^ voWad at a ma«tlnvm aating c«1ImI tby th a 303 Snd a ir.* t Eait, Kroti fS I YOUR BIRTHDAY^?! BIRl ^ * a Uio enjoym entnt oof f ■ tha.^itha .^visitors, bought In steadyteady volumevolunn wlUi More th a n 378,000 OM vworkers i« on 10 daya nntlca.- I*'!*)**.?’ u ilS er/V/^ H i disbursementBinent of uiuKe also considerable selling offsetoff? in wern Idle andnd the buildingbuild of l l U S W C C K b oard o f .‘iS.ii dlraolora o f 733*4030. R uth nniwn, o w rim ^ 9 ici,LM. ------rollovea Ui4>-lmpactnpact-on-UiB-fragUfi on-Uit bulges, nodgo *cUlng Tuesi ^^eek th . rMultln,ng atata*UI. orhr national,1, manag.r.______t- w lu > *cUlng Tuesday_re- iwu modeU had-bean-ihut_of_fthad_bean-ihul ______. iSa, th lril_ b » _ U ia _ lw o _ - 4iUM A'a— IIKa u t v " B .U and HOROSiOROSCOPE ■ M f J g ran itic solbi of 'th Hie e SavSawtooths yoaied a IhnlUsdlied demand oa Uie uxw workerstars begBnbegan re do a bitb it bet« fair n ' for yciira. Thlfllla does notn o t m ean you m ig h t be> wlso to go It rectlons from. thetlie patrolmpatrolmen they changing operations. Wed m iAhu.ui,i .„..u . a Umt you uro a '‘Hurfaco""Hurfaco" typo of alone," eratlons. \Vodnesdny th^ dBnu knell for AnrAmerican „WiUi OananU Motors •naar tn. arllng bank •*.at tha tIma yard, a^crvUad pity. U««i, 4it w fulfill their desires In asome of wheat wns strong wlUi n iQue profit-sharing United Autoto WorkersW orkers reiraochlng or tha aloakholdar*’■kholdara’ maatln m aating a p . wa«W. Plinna 73I.«4DI.______. I, person, Iftclclnug dcpUi; dcptli; it merely 34-Aug. 3 itrong wlUi n large Motors' unique profit-■ 34-Aug. 33)—You tho lakes thatI need more fishing, commission house liouse buyingbuyin Dc- ^ith ItaI union vorkaiworkers, -nie an agreementint on a naUcnaUonwlde pwjna tha I mmarrar aw oror aonv.aonvanlon, <;iiri.n I., |,nm, uuautU means that you do not hoi pwulllng hank will pay for mjr cMldran. UlltllMi " ’'who m“ find ylr;r dwmcll distinctive per- Some of thee Rocky mmountoln comber wheatIt In (junntliy(junnUi and union rejecteda d a proposal to fl- controot and'tumtnvd-tumln» thaUie xrest of •UMkholdani of thal Avanua. 7I3.R00I. *eJf bnck fromrom onyononnyon who ^uncltniiictlng: UioUie wrong goata are harvestedrves(4 d annunnnufllly by a large interestrest Jn hard wheat nance fncreaaadisad peniJon pension a and Jn- the negotiationstlons over to ^thitha loc^ JmrIi antUM to paymant Jo makes half on' effort to I aoct of ptoplo.le. IC.cp JCeep a *’No'* perm its issued!d by thotha st«statOvflah Indlcaledl Tliursday the i laflU Uirough the bargaining agents. WallW all S treat Tha amount duad*^a*Tn'da*?‘ unilar auc .u“*h‘ *Je: JA C K a n j C . iiuraday the m arket durance b in aflU Uirougl •‘or und.? th*. TporalHl .K.r**,'*,-, >4 *-•' ' friend. - and fiame departmentepartment ItIn order wn.s mixed with-Ith trades firmfir and proflt-sharlnBIB program. A com- beffan to turn ts attanU Secause It U easy for r< tuta a d.bt of lha ra- j. m m it j l f. ■■' vm oo uu..Iff 24 «.scp.H«nt ^o maintain Uielr food ausupply at cotnmlsslon house buyingbuyin dla- p„ny spokesmansmin said hhe felt oUter factors.ri:;ii^C"ti: Influenolnj iS —a or'national S G bank. CHILD CAlt^i liuurly. d.llr im I know where you:or’.C5,’^S5'li° stand, o " )li will austaln tlie cloning limitedod offcilngs.offerings. Wheat profit aharlngrigr was dead. trend, aipansM of appraUal ningi. >'.nc*d yard. 144 Ilk 4na causa they knowI0«f thntthat youyoi m«an Tho cautlouj VlnjoIm^ o I. theth ,?cur. 'r,»‘ d h r th a raaulling a ta ta W w t. ph.m . 711.1144.______took ii.s much^ ns .03.02 uptuiu p tu n i J-Yl- q m strikeitrlk. againngiln cicut Inlo Thhwuliout lha w m Ii , tli« I wh.ra tha valua fU.d ciiii.n rAjiv, |n my h"twT trfin I I what you say., Uiatt^mt your aotlona Virgo. Use brain, not bi oth patrolmen have dny which tnpel-cd off u eclsely^tfhot they achieve your desirediMlrMliairM’^Jd!*"' and..ent Sawtooth patrolmi npercd off to close industry’a production which .tre .m of thought ri raliara doaa nol aiea«i Itaa.onal.lc. (24 lib SirMt, U ' stand for precisely y/hn ) lucky permit hold- firm to strong.'«♦ •■ . was estimatednil during durlnj thi th. week frouna Ui.I problemiproblem s of In fla- tha valua fUad fUa iJiw ij.S at ••p.rwMl »«• t.llO rilA rS entirely and the attracattractlvenens day and Friday and cot Jam «a e . with you. and'there ar iday an d corn was tjellverj* of a .econdsecond week', fl". .Ircjdyready iild sold tte the prob- . • . ph -«*• of Migle V.ll.y," III 8l«k- ...... Jcwer who wouldtuTZ. not c* Method from this IoaS would at«ndy in firmn. . ConiniLKSlorConini^lon house Bchedule of ttMlsteol ihlpm«nt«.shipmenl But «m of *h.Ui«r or not ^ » . 1 o . J7 ,.0.cU 4. 11, K » t. rh o n . 73:|.6I04. _ you for aid In,„,vln,ap.r.ona. solvlns a p , g r » 0 ^ reduced. Therem ere nreare thase tin who buying on rcatlng•atlng ordorrf Prldny. „^ni5 said they,h«y «»p«:texpect non cut- h m .uln*n'^c^idirwiSfh’i^i on crjdlt will ...... w ;-s,.o,, 'O Tm . Z o ‘ «is with o o cnmern. Oat.s were niilcinulci unlll u n li W ediics- bnck in operations to reau! .T H«lp W.nl.d->.w.l. II problem . V>1.» M W and Uiey are given direct Tvtlom to rejiull. >? “ >• I given directions by dny nnd -fnlrIr conmiislon house DethlehemI StoolSteel productionproi *1» wclu Will StisM ™ „JSlTS"rNT ?Jn"cS AND €inCUl.AT10N You have a moat met J, O ct. 10 __Alfred Uio patrolmBn en where w here a a certain buying lod to n -clo.se of , JntelllBence, approachingJnlTrOMhTnti^mS! ‘ HAOERMAN, Oct. 10 .0 a -clo.se Of stehdy during the WMH week role to > 1»- i«^d-W «u4 th« th e board. j. Data of (Illng, (Illng, O OetaUr c to U r S, I, lo«4. , • A S S IS T A N T CftBhler-HMl' lan of tho MeUi- l‘fUe band Jf of nnnny nanny goats go nnd to firm wiilch carried t decision comea th ere «. Tiiia of publication, pubfuation, TImwNawi. Timi I I lems from ann ^SlKtlcal naialytlcnl view- B ant^ chairman of th ch carried through jnanth high.. OutputO utput or of 5 3,, 5*3.000 UnUl the d»cl»lon cornu r ^ h f S r d Z i o d isf ch u rch off o f f IdI c Io a l board, kids werest seen. lost seen. most of Thursday.lur.sday. By Frldny ,ons loppedI .Iho .the provloujpwvlouji week will UndMbt«dly.Udly b.b . » .oo< Bood d«al J; f™ ?,J?,','?;VVl,'.'!; ol „uh. « . for part-tin., lirt |i i point. Always fair in you WSCa for Bervlng The work ofof UieUic potrolmen potrc Is mast of the oat intere.st ! Inffs. you expect.M o th ers nr/io to be 5S r tl'^nlced the WSCS for oat intere.st was In bv 3 3 p er cenl.enl of statistics Checking andan d aJan aly s- n*,iiun. lao end B irM t^a* 5*' u f. Sf.re ind ^^oUtt brcakfosl b re ak fa st fo r Uio ^^ot restrictedJd to to Interpretation Intorp spreading ns5 Uie mnrkettnarkct closed — ------:— ^------:------Ing of atstamentam ents made m ade by board' iuji».,Twin Kaiii C ountyi^b. . a i " . h n u . tl with you—and It Is hei ilslng drive, when directionalnl Information, Informatl but steady to firm, md top i«onoral»l., I,of tha haadquartara or . > liere only. Umt. occoslonn l^.ifJnoiw vou raU lng drlv ni. chnlc. inil prim*im« I002.in051002.1(105 IbIb, :4.st] m em bers an d 'to p econc laaa offleaa of tha puh* Apply In pinon on»f. afi*rlJ»»» “ t^ we*-It WodnesiWednesday eve- covers trail trail maintenance, main nye trade wna light fofor w nnt ■i.*»i »n-i-chok»I'choic* 32j.J.3535..3333.1.7 i! cow« creoUng onI atmosphere oiof cou- fuhar. iso and etraat Waal , \ ipny got "fltunjr."ig. NNot ot eveieveryone Is church.njrch. garbage anti debrisdebris cleanup,clean olgn of offejings wllll with prlcoprice cl.inscst capable ot lanorlna the ::.d :rr:„„t k a y 's s u p p e r c ™ > fl r I f f I ♦ ll w f ln s P“ ^*og, first- nid, old, search search for lost ranging fromm heavylioavy to strong nv tnii rnmm*reik|ri"aj.“dS%"i“'"n:rci»| u.oo.n. ii.oo.ti!oo:00: iHveaton. “> “«' “■> .d.™,.,r, est opportunity;fv ;?m^.Sbe?Ui^ rememb Mrs. noyd a?ptVrt rlffitl H nV n ^ m .rh P««“>nii. andi recording recording suggca- near week’s end to. cloae a naglng a nkati., .MinnMOta. A g . 36>3S. Hmavt drHicr. Ill ^ ' lilVBSjBStOCliL tOC : fomn«t.4romn*t*j 13.1 is.tos it.t , '^ ® y «ea little on th a ec>wpfnr. Mankat.., .MlnntaoU. jtoled”Prehch" author J“T 3no-yM T'if0 7"bsrr»iwi la-fro n t-io ^ p re v en t-fu rth e jMndhnld.n, mortgagiM, parltnc.d .»crcl«rT. Ilia. wrp,!t for th« „r „t tJi. bemnnlnilbeginning oof trnils „ ntiOKNm nv-v: .n.|-^ll;3nlJ-yMT-If07- -pr.v.nt^urther-M .; 8urlly~TidId*i-i—a w n ln r T ir — ■■nttal.— 44)-U va4n-w iiuilW ?i. '111 Thomas, conductor, com , ‘ V’. ' . . c r , ' . •"<1 Blit* lin.v*iT! InXancM ■( or to curuilCUrUll Uie th e bull m ar- holdlnv l parr rant or (flora of total rovm, -board and i \‘, TO ftnd What I* In store s r .V ’'- Icadhirf into th.the SawtooUa»wiooih pru,.i- ■ . i‘ V hlBhor: un**^n; btrri Idw ard H argreaves Uvo orea. ..(•III; ■l«i.itliicr*«ti'pr» „n „ j." Sim.aaSn 5 “r Ib. 't V tl.SJ a 5 ‘’;rmort’iJ10 projectionstlona on early sales amount of bundi,>ndi, murtgagaamurtcaiaa or I othar Evelyn WlUon lomorrow, Bclectscrjor'hl'r's.ss; your 1 71- n*:;;-. • ml hrlfpr* trnrff,«rr^, KixlK».l m<»l|y Rlra.lv: m.soj 1-1 100.2HOsno III, III, 1S,75.|(.1I| 1S,7S.U.J lo ^t of 1006 auIto to modelsmo(1«Ia leoil«aft tVi* aaauriliM. Cannaetliuttnaelliut Mutual LIfa In. jji Hhoihont Htrwi EaU ,, and read Uie correapondhcorrespondhig para, announced a training sesiiionsf for ------, ^------__ lll.t.i.fri j:. In,ver;I'vcr; tlhrvuhrve.i. rlu.. j.3 a00.«00 lb. J4.00.U,U. pany, Harlfonl, Connac- „ n j He flvo comnjiflslons 'ri^n w • .UP.-: few bull. •iHiut 7,800; r„mp«r»4 »i>b wll > BOS ^ belleveM i.r'.h;t«'‘.iiht;ffr- that an 1100 fo r rour SPAnB TIUK ) • “ II I ttrnph. U t your 4)lrthd .trr.. »1r.i|y y. i«n inil 7,700 Vtar agOT ■ ™ lt; «U salesm yyear . i r llIs «e n tire - b. rarairaphi)hi 77 aa n m d t l,fnB,in« M ii.!i, In only IO(t,Faliulmi. K ll«r > '' b» your dnlly Buioe.eulde. fonig MelhortistS t 'church i i S U . nitiate- f» vr. Mi.l.ni) hliilirr: i,n,|„ m~l.ril»lr»ir .»*llv« «aTir•• tIt I I •i»uih- ly poAslble an d TlewTlW th e l." J'T Initiate^■I. . . lUiivhIrr •irrra hUh Bx.’it «ii lor Unib.. ilFauk«IkwUi of tha p.r h.i»--any qiianllir. 1 M onday.ilay, O ct. 1*13 Tliese commlRslonsitlnslons Includehv ed- m IV A U / \ / l A t Y l l h i : *»»..»>•; »UuBht.r ht.lV ome sectors o f th a lompany ai tru.taairu.taa or In nlbirnib fldu. Hampla Outfit on appro” '; ' UBRA (Sept.ep t. 34-Oct34-O'ct. 3 J' — urotlm i, niemibershlp bfrslilp and ai evnn- ° ^ iU ] \ ^ t;illI6 n i D 6 r S I'Hf’rr* jmi.'Ji rhch..fr.i '.ir Miii.KilO III, Ib.; rn\»*4 ■ I eith er Inconsaquen- ilary ralatlon,, tha nama of tha thi p.non r»r..mali«.1 . .rinlul‘.‘t" «l»iBlilrr t r lew rtiolr* II.. ;o.2J.20.7Ri ■ tontrj'. forporatlon for whom auch ttruitaa la Htudlo., 101 No, IH». P*P>- I £,.* ' ■ rwr. iiilllly’ iinl imxI• 4.10.8. ll* aetln». al.o thaha itataniani*itat.mani* In lha two ra«ad«ni, (.illfur"'* —• ^ , lor everythlnBUB ond»««» everything finance, and Chrlntlan social into Tain vlllPalla P nlls Elk Elks Lodge inlll.y • n.n.l.u.jnI li; V .nt'rr Vn 'llvl'Iilil ■<«'■> IfiO.HS Ih. 4.08 ihow lha- a ffla n t'a full if a " . WfcKUl.V t-ir ------U In.m lace; order is UiP conrrrns, and also iiiethe lilny lender, }IM Timrsdayuirsday even evening ;irc b.lU r.illrr «■>R..I .i..ll[ly Uml* f.w .mftll |ut, ,„oJ sni :bi:i m oar'S m r,.".! i::».i:'.„ri:„.;‘:.II Uall.f at to Oia «lr«um. .irM.aa r»filv«i n ‘‘ira 10 day. Idaho State» universli;university has of* pharlen N. Alexander. V i». ifi.M-ji.oo.___ H Is merely ooniolU •ondltlnna iind.r wh oh lnva.tmint, ranv.kilnr nr keynote of tho day. 'i-; .n d '-.a o u rlly hijM."ra w ho n .c - .a r y . O .i ...... ''••’’'‘’■rS* V BCO RPIO (O otct. 34 a4-N<-Nov. -fpred-to-speBlc-tn-thp-ptic-m-thp-pulptr^ith; -“ ®'-'Allaji—Tr-P 4»vrlc»,- r m r i r i i ------ta.8J»ln» and.U iat Uia slow. i-« p o n -th # -b o o k a - n f -t h a “ n .r a r tm in t fl-»t»4.-Oi"»l»a*U-1** uuible, ovoid making Uielr deputationion team,team. mnclv Dunn?n^ R. Berpa,Serpa, Lynn 8 . iiarkur*• rh<.ir«fh.ilr. :isj ili,. Btrrr ntlCACiO. D«i. oJl.'^n^do—ro in c a -foiw lt in f.u Of ‘’iJ*th. populaJo S r ^ truilaai, hold alork and 4«jn3. ______r - In so far m possible, avoid i,i gn,t i.j hLfa.iS'*''*" •■3L- 'naVa:' JhT7r 1 I, tokes the prlzale today.t^«y* ■ I’'* wlien a date can bo “S,.'’' ’“i'l"™.h iu asm,. knMara e t ■ eorporatton wh(< which UiaJf UnnilJv Vr.. War"*- VJ B A am ’AUlUdllU d (Nov. 33-Dec. A dlscii«llonn on Biblinible. reading “‘'f"IB .'"c new niMnber* by ;‘n. ■ f»lrty I"**'' llh«ral ' ‘ Kriil.y 'fly fun , taclinlclsns,inlclans, thOSSthosa 'w ho ■* • »IO«kh»ld»r <>r hoUUr frl fi,. FuUoti.PuUou, .p-past-C aat. x altcd 4uit•• -ii..lli iu.in.u.i;u 1-1 -«S. Kll,I riimp«r*il. liit lilt FHitaj'' FHitay' tti ttMra IS> lOOK for clueS tO futurfl R I 33)—UKe yourir bo BoOd^ Judgment to In the echools waa held ’ .I ' I . . . 1 'iU«on’tDon't take a ------^ . ., . tlon of Elks lapel pins b f f ™ * " ' * xi'r, .tr. ir. ft; w^mii.i,. ' I ' third party’s word for Inpel pins by Jlenry "C/uhVor ly in wuk to tieia SO- P®” * «ow «xpectn » c t a Strongerstronger m ar- Intariala of mch Imllvlduali ar k S i l l f i P I l f ^ Wlll.s, exaltedtalted ruler. ruler. f,n .h,„„ A,i,i.,\.sfirf».a, of th e bMoklhnMKrh ^ p*** <^**'* ’"or* of t I I ■ buslncM partnerstn^a ara ore n(not "wUJi" Jerome Stuc „ , , , ket In view of theK.-U bwakUi . amount of lha itnek or McuHtU During thelie regular nircilng i»ni rhuic* amt r>n(y m /sTh^. "iTn"'b^iu t t ff * Mcord-ord high in lha th a Dow- pubiuhint corporation. i wero presented to , . I ^^OAPmOORNRN (Dec. 3333-Jan. 301 W in s N S F G i I rhnir* anlnen sand r Jnck F. in--\vv»' ‘ 37.^^, Ineliiillnrr niimb«r niimb«r ofof Ina4**lna enat- OWOlted mOVeove Isis cOrisldeicOrisldered a publleation*s airaptr.u'";hr«r,rK thma « Ulti!S» t’owird «/uicr UNIVERSITYrv op O P IDAHO P‘“tp ju t exnll«d exalted rulers. iiKNyKjt. o.i."iol.l.I 10 IP ip _ _ (tisM.o..., tn iu i — “• H.t4*ft I3’n7l Ih*. IU. 57.J S l i '"'Il'atoric.jor >lnc«ain« 11 It ~n! fs,,:!;:?. ;i'r.';Tvartlilng .A othir ".r‘, than tha nun l.akM Nnrlb, •PI"'' y. ^ : don’t-cora nttltuda towa 1 been “lo«t Elks" In <-i>ur. ' I your present, employmcnemployment or your Moscow, Oct. 10—Leslieio-Lt«ii. w. iii.a»-' M hl»li rh..lf» UOOM '!£: lh«; jn,J.S. chn ‘1« actionscUon of th.the 1 Indus- In iict|opi iis.iii, iia.iaa and 1» onn of.Mov.ii4in- moilntaliuliiis nnorth o rth oft Bilsfc, "’"'V/ - at.u. i„„u „Mi. trlala. ■ poatal manual. buslnws aasoolates.Delates. AppAppear cou- |fV> Jerome, In one of.M ■ e.Z. T .‘JL .-i .3*'3.'-^6.U. ■•v.ral'li*. uvmvo . dergraduate science sli ujkknr hunting trip, .r, tn.ii/ a lndujlTl.1 o r ' , „ r To* Id. Tom W llklns gave rbi.ic iiii.i.i::?!* Hi. :'.\- . ' 'I " T Q U A IU U a WMh .orr.,raroh In aci- •nriarii tnii lew «m <) new peak Of-876.08f-878.08 aand n d rrails a l ad- P*?>r u n ) ------|] ,J 4 I aoi"- Minn IP------— — v<' -rVour anjoy"'®"^i?.r-orioL .\^ f meeting a buffet U.:.s; ;Nurr'..^,t to a. naw hl»h nr "**'■ CirciiUtianilatlnn • , . -com fo rt m ay be BtuUirj • nif I,tllliy hull. IS.SI). tfl.uiht.r W If.r., C^ipU Joi luhaarlbara hy mall rant waa for chcm- w ith Jnm es Ntiddle- »«.'>'>chmr, fr,a..rrr. rr »lrrr. .t»rr, r.-s |l,., p ,,, i„„| Klgh (h.ilr* i!it| pril In. th. prtvioua hi,h — V.----- ^—«oolM“ «cttvltyr-OoJuld< irTeeTiVevrroni“ nie ‘^'-®»^d-ChaaUr-Ball-m ai Ivary or by oihar. __ . _ . ______c«ivM*r.O-),\il 11,., "!ijiii.iJ'n’'i*'' J—lnir||ntf-wi«*rt »huly-11.-UtllltlM e f J u ly -1 7,-Ul 3or^ National Sciencetnce foimdifoundation f 100 ...... — j J^Unnhlrr l»n.li. Aii.i, is-iiuo IU. .34.)(.34.ao, tapked on 0.831.M at a.t isijo. iR i^A -naund- , "• PIS C E S (t'eb . aO-Mai sem ester during tli ,L;;,r;;i sS 1 . 1!:! / . 'CHECK “ ■ • Tha PUoa« who work r meuiocuc- school yenr, too rwr wc oor’s more Inclusive t . »'r*a' tiuiriimtionrlhulinn (Including(inViVjdi . « r ; " r ' r "Becomesities NiiN urse, ndex gained 0.88'a t yamplu) by mail, rarrltr « oily con eaallyally mftltemalta »P ‘ the bummer session, taxto) free. Janet DallMr,iMr, daughtc dauBhtcr of Mr. .-h.? !- ...... : . ‘'T- , -V'"* q'*"** >»-«o.3i.oa. llvirjr or by olhir miani . •low start. YourYour peak 1hour* to- Jerome^e sUulentSUulent U obli- and Mrs. D.; H.n . Dalizer,BaltzDr, 371 Lo- .: 'these|1!1 ; avanlng. dated to put In nine h « to M,i»T,«7(i.h«r.i In nine hours work ciist street south,louth, waswns gigraduatod -.as. rin.i.-. t„ m“.m r.,!* J r “s; l.W iharM a wufc . “'"al. I..u.r n«.r«inaaraat . To tarm lubaarllMra hy mi f 'B . epuld t» oltoumvenwa give a presentatlcfti for.havIuB «1ietne neatest nppenr- ctu-jjo ‘ M8 iu u es advanced «»«lUa»T .or hy olb , r. on the^JVnperr aat t na ttechnieol e i once during the ihr : _ JUrrowi •»(! kIIui U.«. I ^^i>T5',”J„'ru«'‘idv’ r,".5i"';rh!;'.« '' • w™*'" ■" (April 31*M ^ 31)- meetlntj reporting the.. >g the three-year V,.,..;.n x i A i i i ' 2(10.231 II.C. IS.3&.14M ill* 71,7i."«V f ir lv i,' in'’''thV 7 ?i!? daolinad. o iod.y. w.ni*» >rtlng the.,resulta of course. She■ waswns editor of tho om aiia. ais •as, thl. ^ompaVt • ! ? ' issue* traded. 303 to , tuna for Jooking Into hts work, lie will begin his proJ- school's anniml. M ^ 5 'S !c iS 5 ith a r w lia ------Y4I [frsni of providing for ect .during ihe comint C.UI. «..|| r.lv«M 4»,|||)04N..H10; rrorljit.rrO,l, lip 7 y»»r Ifii. U.H, M |g0.]30 Ihi ilg h r w h la only 34 «ll«irlbuilonribullon . (Imludti(Iniludtng lhe coming summer Miss Qaltl7.er^.er' wns gi'aduatVdat 7 "‘ U.I '‘■•rk»rrk >.,iiami 22 p»r 16.3S, J.nO.SAO 'a IU.;* r»r?3o-7i..’v.'7s- i|.3A.|B7| hrn.'i^loi'**’*'s . • ismplaal hy mail, aarrlir dill n day* ahaad. M a^" session.^ orcording to ;Dr. Mal- from Ti\-ln Palls senli r jll* . n.l or^hlR h Ss Ur'T^n* n^*’ u.ulu.ul’ • / M * '' ’ t" '’ ’ a’',''*”.fc ® »>•. is.oo.i4.io. roTi'Siid«d u,. mo., mo.t Mtiv. D."'?„f.V!i„';'''.7r„r-';ii.rriof eoplaa dlitrib- lOW What youTa buy- colm M, Renfrew.hfrew, hoAd...ofhoA the school lu IMl.'^vhere l : •'"'•If'IIT *i»«r« Nkwii U.S. UiTi l aou.ain aou.ain iimiim. u ,os> H>t with a oaln or ati. , 5u» you know »>’*> ?* department of physics M l, where ^ l e wns i»w»r; r..wi i.imo «aln of lit at «iu '""i ------"J. rf;; tes'ii':;,';: ississ W i f t • a i a y - 33-Jun* -who-amiounoed-thnraoVd Li!>!LSL0 v>«». Ing tha week*^ BualnaMnualnaaa MansUanagar ~ . , j .•■ . L ,^ , . ’J. ' » - V ‘ : • \ '• ' : ^ ' i i : ; I h r — " • . .. 'v^r • - --2-,------;— ^ ;'T :~— ^— ;— -r-7^I ■. ■ ; .. ■ ■ s A bout yacicAaciancieis?*RehtdrAdsdF Rei kdsHRHr'IlitiI Fast fas Callr733-093i':;;|| 7 3 ^

51 Parmi IPer SaU 53S 2 ApartmoiAnartmonft-FurnUhed 70 SuncSunday, Opt. 11, 1964 la firm W°il<’W«nf.i M ®!bl!Otii.r Imtructlon • 4& Homgi Homii For SiU ■ SO50 0“*Oul of ^Town Aomei ’ 51 Z7~------^ — ;—r. TUuT U u W.uvluiuiMom. lli* lialit. la rg * , Twin T W in rails Tdl Timoi«Nows 3 1 ' * .'i» tw.», ■ ■ ■ ' ’. .NAM NAME E 7>0WN.' PAVM BNTP r, ' Uv- _ .pFarmi arm i TFor RonI . 84 ' MOTEL-RESORT - .w iy E S Ji "[• ifli) ACUKH. naar'J*.-oni* - las.min kTiTrnirT^ MANAQERS - ' ‘'V^^.'Ve:lV.'AH‘^.l^llluV'^und^ ! Can wT'AirUEioT'Airur/aloru-raofli loeliidlng u l H ’' | I.iui.iMki* i» n.alamallall • ’ lL,’«ru' laiiii< Llii'hrn, ra.paii'il Jlv h m 'lo omi m ■ ACillCli - noiih Jaioni* tU.uuOZ l t^.• l>eda. • wr TO 11 joi) A XlUNTII Irt bom’J''' offer woman |>ai-t'llm* work In. mo. arre. cropjr. land, llfi acreJ |riraal*> h»Mi* tout, i«iilliluT l>l>l y»».•I* ■ anilai.ll dlohi*• maiipf llill BO pirrptUnial - buy - b b i' A l '' I ' I'-’lio Molel, r i i f S - r - - ^ ^ ’— " , ...... V „ CAN QHAMFV FOK TIfK JlM.V.''*• ; XKlluWrji'Ui .i).' . hiuliaiiil may allll maiiM _ A Jr nrim*..N*we^^ ______i ' \ ;fl Huhl 648-4881“ nilKOH 1)1- FAHClNATINi; KXKC. *Hull.Irt , f,.i 111 l.iant Tlif. ri« Thi l..‘t..w I h ,- t u ^ i o d .tipri(4*.l " " ’x o„n TirnKiv'i.-.ma aixj l«lh." HlHUy i''“'>^ I;/'",' O thor Rantalt ______8 6 — gjVtESMEN-— ' V______— UTIV Imtll.^ii'foi/curuimai. llrli.B >il'Hlot ' Hllulii'lo u ll!'lo iy rr iniM-l pn** i;l cie.ilt,jlt III AClll’lH, Jai'om* area laO.iiOi) -J!!!l —r:------: ------TZ ._L S M 111* (looilai.lii fHO i.ainr .l.iwo pny*iy SO ACJIKH. ACll J*rom». a.aa .. IJS.iiu.i.Uii.l l"l^ li .n ■•n.l .-n.l Avenue Kaal. ’ ’ • IB- CUHTOM HTKAM CUAIM ?.?c^? w " ffi I"* P(rATIfKpninnh-nf-J*roma'llu,..i»t»—,m«»— ■iiir.«“-ViliUwk;..UHiin_lun.Uhuil-*P»‘‘* —8- 8 ------TIlA lLEna - -...... - 7 3 ------. - " * ^ 5 ,. limiu ‘^‘ ' • MATi:. KMl'I.OYMKNT'AHtilHT. Cl a|i| „„ v.Tjptv.r^:;z;;s^7zsr'z• ’—. tin AC11V:h, north of J.rom* I2l.miIMU0 downii*lra, front and liarU ------e a . , UOLLINO '''' ail.'* will U apiH.ulinairly IM.* HnACIII riilrmiee. H*nl..r illUeila only, Ju.l.s o"- ' ------f " - - -...... - 3 - . — v H ANCK IHVKN. I'UKI’AHK nowiS li;,v:K;i, Ib* fol •!!::::;«*«;*'• -•...-I,;;r'” 41) ACUKH. A im i north nf J.rom. ll7.HiU • A-Mer.- ‘l ^ H E N T I ft ' l | . 5 ] ' ' 7 - m e V *1 FOft A NFW CAUKKIl UPON No II.. ."•'‘I • A-Merr Inn. |.hiioe 7iia.02m*m, Inclu.lM la»*» S.-.l;T-miM ho <’.ll,.VJ«-,VW!_ 40 ^0 ACIIKS,Ai:ill miriln.f Jaroni. |ia.Ji«l.JWI tXTiVT;—;rilTi'T;' ’.r.rgi* '.P*rtm*nl, lUrn dl^ ;:^ i-:;I'.: ; - s t l . ' i *. YOUU UKTIHKMKNT ’(HI PIH-. J* ali'J, r,?a ii'iuiaiK'c. • •■ . «'“• itiiii juriiuiioii- ;; Ig CHAUr.K. W IllTKi MOTKL .\|l) V l..t. III. lltj|ll.t'.V T I.L'Bl lio ilU 30 90 ACIIKH ACitl Bouth-of J.rom* lU.ton.400 heal,h.ai, piltatap>| entrancaa. lialh, aoll. aoll* n H tocnl tOCt nnd NiUloii Witlo 3 ' |,y U. MANAIifc-MKNT. TUAININi:n)Ul)|. ■—ini,-:iiii:—ll".-: 1 |i<'ili'i>oni. «'»• aor« of h..iu.<. _ I l.»ai,...o.., J b a ib i, fauiilk'room ao ACIIKH. ” »ouih of Jei.im* llO.noil »u 1.1.1 s VIHION, i^iim) FAST COI,FAX,.X. .lan.l. lau.l. folly 173. L'.UK.IO.m'i"; oc fllrpla.'.-.. flo i.h rd b»ilio..m art A tlll Al'lliAiri'IVK-a nHun ami balhl s ..j-i,, 1 3 • I ? ! ' ""* S.. Vi» "J»" “ KJ:: , .«IM| locrj-alloM r.Kon In folly p a rll- w , »*|..i 4JJ. '"' I" l-l>* "I"" »» TniA I ^ A jnKNVKU. g COLOUAPn. W jll. —llH.IVuii.: _|i,t(i ’4 ' bP.In'ent. 'taiaga, il..|ir.l >Brll> \v« a*lao have aev.ral B>Hnl rattla• t‘ l* monllim onlh. V Nth Avei.ua Kaal. J*hona 42:i- ' ''"‘"■Jll i» r’'"’”"'"‘ “'''‘- va. .. Il.i|ir.l bNtroiriit, J i.iil.lr uaiaU','1?.“': . Vauchea,VanchM. IHU head and up. Hlop» hvbv d:i.i7. kIiKim berly. . ______n g ------^ ~ U .p , rej . -»wi», i'»ii.io.i. i7ft. . i>io.. l-hl.U-i. H .iuihv...! 10.-.H..0. H.lllnii•‘"V“ and vull II., w* aia In biMlneaa lo V, .:v-.iVT>': ^TTS:: I'llTATIl n.ooo ■ ' W'; ’ u.p, CIVIL servjce'Testbj • •„ •( |-i(A a|.i.r«(-al. KlU o-nin.lf j, |m,|i • “> U.sr. HKI>.ujl..i, ouialde aoiraiiee. oi : : - r « “ 7 " X(rn*wiimen. lK..^^ Htan' hlsU aaM ^IIO.II.M,•^IIO.ii ■> u.lr.«>m. lari*.JI»l»B“ ' -nn'nt tl.,,, it2fi,nmi. n u i .ni.KilHT, 'z .v ': i- : • "Moari^'ei;an.all elillil w alfom e, I U , 410 Mlu— * ■■- - ■ CUSTOM » y ; In-’. .ro.-m. unu>il«laaejln,"*:u": w»ni»d V l/a n lttd tn ii.nr aa > V QUAHANTESD ^ n.eaaiarv. n;™ FIIKK Inf.iini.lll.m ".!n on ^lU.au'i!—*»•».» •! aarau*,./U*. f •' |,oiln’>..nl>ndn>oni'-brirk h.mtea In Kiiiioarlk-.,.arly. ,. ' bViUVuV ^ “ 'III' VllllH .« Juba. aaUrle.. reoulremeiil.. Wiile ■'l"> fl.Ktr.I.Mllll\l»a, mJ. ■*, FullK.ill I.Al.il»pm.-nt.'ua)l lo wall carpal. .i Iriolik. I’hoi,; i'uOBia, afiaWr 7 p.m.!r Tii:ri,ii Wi-ii.ti ai.umi Al ,i.i,, ..iijii;— « ■,« mm Wumors- • P. IlnUtke , , -ropj y-ld»n Mandv. H.oUer «3l.2«77 ii.A'.iH itW J . ' ...... n.-.,arpat;.l. att'a'cT.TnVici,'^ Near N -r Hulil >" or Jemme. Caah rani, Mo ' ■ ■ ' ■ TOPAY Blvlng nBm*, addieaa . ami ____ iUi'ul.l Jank(iii.-»akaman aU.JitiW iHlUr- I. fm ln - I'* ;- J''" * ’- V leinlly nooifi-,,” W . n - " ^ . Phone* 733-1883 ' . Ph-'r" JIOIj-.VTAIN ^TA'l'ES ,■ M„ I . Two-way ladio eiiiiliiiia.i Mi «*rv* 1 _2____ 33<.4<«i, J«ron^i*.^BflJi-6r ^ w ! ; % ' ■ ■ ^ ( i . l 'K IIICDItODM boo..- i.n Itliil.W ay -ViTi!;!."..... tjrj. . . ---- IIEALTY . l>:«, l.«hs«en Hailey ami K.-irbuo..s ...... ' T w i s ; ______—------vWANTKPo.-i:iialom m m hay atraW aj^“ J COMIM C0M1'I.KTK „.„r I.Uh .,i,„„r „|u,.. W'riifl Hoa 217 o r phon* 7ill»*«n4.• 4174. ------— ■ - Ailull. 2' w; h „ . , Naw j,n„ al home In apar* time. lil.tlO r v.^niV „ n , 074 H olley. .•______' 301) jn o ACUF.H A( *Uh iloubU walar FalU. home, in Kiuibrrly. Iltiiaeii or loulh* Naw Mnnibly p.ymeni Includea'1 = ‘ all new S ' JiS A ------rluht, Mml.rii b.on.. eorraU 'I"'! and i.V, . 7 .7.;.^; I’ aid.- r-.', area, Hnve fli.anr- and new ( naw j; Moiitu ' ' 7j;i-Hi;n HAI lI M .d il A pB iim .nt, all UtllllU* _ *..IMII....,',,.. , Hnm. I...... sa.imn. II.,,..,,. laad. , ,t.ndard.le»tbo..k., all vouralo keep, V'*“ Farm n Por Salo 5 2 __ nulUtilldlnira, U.«..l Wallil.11 area. "fulViI.b.,fu A .l.b .d . UUl, K lm h.rly Uoail. « 3 . naiu'', iS V v l'm n a in i^ WaVdall. 8 BUfl-““' -j;,;";, -BUppllci, e».m.. dlpl.im.,vv'rh’i etc.-Writ* ‘'■'•"“•r ia3-3«;itf ___ _ liio.uuil for. -Qulek taU. *xcbU* 't n7nfl. . W AN'i KIJ W re n t .llill ai'.i* f*rm wTui ' ___ for free informallnn,irlcau American ■ ', ■ allirtmriit. ((avr rnulpment and ‘S K ': * f , .J S r .turn Bchool, l‘,0. Hot. No. BUI, Holer, ______L taioial TilllKi;THilKK rir.Mmi, bklh. ahowar, prival^ 'fhTanJe nilniho'*” ]!, u„,„», ^=■‘•'^*1',''“^ CuTTiTr Ma*^ ------^ ^ ------— ------JIKUMniillMAN OEN'my IB d 'a c i c 174H '7 * a ACIIKH, c 82i Irrigated.' Haavyaavy .iiivaiir...iitva.ir. |li..n| ar.a, rl.wa lo hua|. r.1. - a'liU.• ooiJil atiifl a.t un. Onl'' 111 ne«.n e » . 7.i:7,la..^:'K,^. A duln. W ANTKI)h v . f lii’ reiil — H'- TTuVXTC luioiinif for ri.'Ti.fiiuryiituiy Heavy, Heavy, '• * . hionr, l..r n , l.iafIH a• •h.-.l. ».17.liml- ' " ' "u'lii.IMl)'’ ACUKH aiiuili.iTu a re a .' H ava , Jo* ' 4i30 p.m. Anytime weak-rmla. . ahop, ahop, iH.noO ilown. wiHiwllll iiiR.iiiio dow n. Would lab*i"ln in HHAIII’,UHAIIi clean ] b.dnkim hom*,,oma, Oim N.nih Main. ______“ 'rh.U ne; - ‘L*'!?: 'i'”"* J*nim », , fidly m«cUt» ttUh rsi(»>nilH iil HACHKUHACHKLOU aiiarim e))!. e l.a n , *|iw** an-H. r r t.Z — “ 5 0 ------^ 620-A onits------—- ----—on-4^-ao»**—JiiiL_ll,.-mlla_fnim______In. rea*‘ HomVrFor Sal* “ 50 ^ Twin In *keellent nelBhlk.rho.i.l,fn im ------|,n^^reMonal!lf,_l*hPlie_7«:Mll_*“ B P.r ------^ 'fimWW-lw,lronm-hnm,-w|ttl-n.r.|(o. VnUtiiW------'i' Junr.* Ji'-p'*"'* WorkW o r t W m t t d ______j a _ _ _ )lana*n arra, i aat* Impnnramanla.2ml jjOLIIOLLAND REAL ESTATE I IN l.uUkiMr ,i.t .. w.it.i™kimi i! all- •t-'e'^ MAIAI.I. lunil.h*.! a p a iim e n i. la.lUa [j;’,;*';]; eal< *ho|i.' JUU ■ \^A . JnrU.on. Wemlnll, :,a«.2am arTd ' ,i *ioade pi.ipariy, tia.Omi. lA.AOO .wfil hall- .-J - - L. II. M rQulra. Ofl.lnn. aBS.Oi44 }^ , b, ithiy. Apir)m «nti~UnfurniihadI 71 lleht litnduilrlil Equipment 87 ,„tl«M tniPl;'!'"';' jn.iti.tFi«1I Ila. lU. general B.nar farming. n" P7'‘"£ •,' VETERANS ...... I n ln - K ia li Llalara of H.1,.C. ■ - i'o I.OW v " ‘i5ow. Cop. r,m. l'aeh.K>l aga chfW, haw* ra/er. ■■ Tins I^VELY , NICK elaan two.6*.llng. i y M aho. , , - ■ -Prin. , | center. A bargain at TAYLOR AGENCY tw Horn* Phone______4I3.5(m.SAAl TW^ll TW O I Wmk loHI im . eloaa-ln. gaa furnac*.“rnace. JOHN J O H N DEERE 040,. [ j[ ad* flAVki yiAnaalf th* fiua and muaa, Mr ,i,j KlmUrly ,• m-l>miJBB S—CUAtlK A dairy U rn.a, ------Wal.r -.aanllallon iurnUh* o •••;• InB. dial 733.4181.______OwnOwner moving to HAWAII and• ml P"nHon 1TayI.ir 4ai.fi4M 2U-CC i {jNlii IlkflHlOUM B|.arlmanl. water, walar. coclc COClC olcvHtliiR C scrnper ..*10,800 , I your waiila lu aell or Iraila bU incom*nm. KranUI-rank Mur.h ' '4Ja.B0«OiOhO le[' V all.y. 40 2.^^.0 a crei. 6208 IRRIGABLE Tnunn how Moinlxr of MulUpl* ft—IIU.Ml-;i} A-"< In T w in F alli. ■• haal. Ialov* and rafrl»*ralor fur* - sv.’sii:n il. prop*rty. Tbia pr.iperly will ahow ItflIta BhBhar** Twin FaU. Canal wat.r . - nnU\tr,l l.h r.l, I’hiMl* 7ia-2B2a.______JJOHN O l l h DEERE n40 'I Jiibn Cirfmee.______. you » "« a IwJfIc return If maoagadIB»lh Avenue Norlh. 783-liaai. ^ . furnUhad apartmrnii and >,3 un* ‘ LC lotei-Slale l.ialera of S.L.C, •ml• nd ol other oiitbulblli.ga, Hult*d (or. ------''?! WANTKVi irt.nlnga in my bom*. I'hon* fumUhed /„ni ^ipkrtmanli. Owner willwin I'w'''; ^ JOHN DEERE 040 . f I 4=i'“,;ir=/s'.;'r.™"■V =, ^ 7;i:l-7lHil. T w in Falla.______' aeeei uaa. 1. : Ixclroom, carpelail llvlnv room,.am »* Coiiiu'ial*I wIlli all lliiikeia”eia” farmlnfarming aml/or llv*iloek opara. UnuMft aeeenl car. pickup, trailer houae. ]. 2 b Uon. Varv nlea S bedr.w.m '■IVJ: ranih HouMHOUt«» i-rurnlthid ------73i z Dlonel trnctor with 72-E Hftn- | n '.'K .. «mfi------TTOT------llAl.Vl'l<^(i, In'urlor aniixU rlovriU■lUff r =bulld—bulWlnaniMa-ni—pap*r—toward*----- :---f,,| ------■ ------r-hmwa-ana-livaabU-UManl—hum*.— J bom a^ -OE^XWl Ult-UMKJJJUilUlLKtU-Una-Udnuim.. —ooekH ion ronfe. Ulll Denlort.'phoh*^7ai«7a4»,48,. yurchaaa. l>ur« To^al prUa~>U;BOQ—-----^------/»inJ)j^riH)mr'»ni)-fln«l-l>*ilr£Mim.------_ I’rlciHl Jeai lhan .MW) par aeM. an Qti n'"p."ir “ «®‘>*‘**'®''**tlnr"craper-7;|10,000— ;— r'l-f -^ro% T=xs'rJ JANITOUIAL^ or mahlunane* wntV,■»n»V, nualn*** nu*l ha* l»an gVeaT foVliloU-loU ■' Wilw'.Hi.lJUil f.nce.l yariirOiily •««..- ~F0R - F O ! "SAL^ Off RENT »"“-'■.onaiaar-ao',; .tUiwn. :,flwlwi!^d"7.Vee*'nl"a Io"''rv*»ailll _____ r*rt Hm* baaU, Vhnna 181.1147. Uaally )Ual ami we need gimd llatlnga.IB*- iOO. ..m No»*mb*r 81b. ObUr eoiipl»-pr»if*r. ------LIST with u. HiailT and yuu you MOUNTAIN STATES ' :Sr* *'•d 'llla , l»0.""454 *»lh A v*nui ------: PROTECT YOUIl ”7' 7aa.07HB. 733-B457 " 788.B04I*» 157 BlB»H«Wn* North ISl.RBfiS,RBA5 ------' ------■ - twTW Oo 'T baiiitHnn i Iiome. a t o k aT-Ti^. r heal. ' FARM li INVESTMENT fe^vvnlnni Call 04 04 A Ar eraa. (ioo.l a m all alock aet‘ “l’s up. C.ntralC e n trally ]oeala• „u»lH quality and dependability, , f*nc*d yard and pallo. ______•___ ■ 7J3.iyHR7j3.iy H74 Fil.rFilar . i;i.«CA«.Cl.«CA«.Tomiy. (julti hom* for on* or * ?NTE «,il, two edulla. CH7 »rd Avaniia W*.t.v*at- hfti hftrvent«r ' I . Cll tn, m.r,.tl.,i,. Irf.r I13.B0AI a 1-dronm brUlj hom*. r , v ti6 A C Itr.h lio» UhO. l.ir. a liarr. '• moeU '"d Dairy raneh. 1 wlU . f ‘1' v"u fi-ali- . , ^■ tillHly, Urg* lot. WIH eonald-:.7i ' BEAUTY & QUALITYI X wntai'. baallllful a b.druim Hod<1 llorklloek <""" ahar*a water.ir. 37J7 i;LKAi'<«;LKA« m./.lern thre* room furnialie^jrniahed CHAI CHAMPION ICVCl bed polllto > ■ AUTO-TERIA. INC, , vrnr«r homa, plenty uf Hna oul.,„a. ahare. Taylor iraaluB, dairy barn. houa*. houaa. i t i l.ola Btro*t, j|Ib d l c a e r . DOS ICaat W *ilfU ld Hlvd- *r tiad*. ThU n.r. bulIC loafltig aha.U, Bi»“a atorkaloek thruuuli plaea, Uodarn t UAii«ai - y A OKMCO a-row cart beijt Imr- i ------IWQOj Naat I bedro..n, hom* with.____ ^ U o l lieilroom r«mmi.l*«tS-m ilv^m -TwhrFillar-e-rom-rnm w n ------OOA8E-7ll-n-trftOtO|. A 81 ------, Ct"u. D.UUo, T .•P: . n c . V.ry nlealy Un.Ui-aM an.i _ H k i; houaa, garag*. full ba.emanl. Mia. INTI pllancaa, flnUh.d baaameni, ' fancd yar«l. I'r^e# I2H,«U0. TuoAClUil Acilicci Juat U mlla* from town. • MU. INTERNATIONAL M Shuc E r t U a t t i . TuMiUy, OcloUrir PROFITABLE J. , ili.ubl* garage. alectrUallyally inuIRU Iaba.ca Amarican FalU wal.n, ~ callana<.ua Imildlnga. Block aal'up.lai-up. rEROUSONnr'TTi 05 dtcMl tractor 1 4M.4WI*. Klmb*rly, . nt rt n »:3Q .-m. IU U m.o.. o r 7 i30■30 RESTAURANT R E I PUSINESBla heatail. eii'rnar lol. A fin* fam* 7A Incheaof wall walar. Laraaa7ui.il' iUbli. 433-m ______* OLIVER 770 tractor tt Ily-Jluiin.______L m w - Q Q i i ______- rmd land, corral rmim for 600 head1T*S A SLEEPER ] ’ R Wiiirr'i'HHlCK bedrcwm. aarpaied, oil lui. PARI »"■ »» > P "' ______;------^ «nd and EQUIPMENT for ialol “ ------fallirU vtfl-itnnrrB nary ai»i-tn>------■—I'UnflONNliL aElW lCK ** CHARMINGi > b*«lrom home. For- rh in a ahed, Naw CUId M1!^U edallionhC »I"X>". Acr«.* aoO umler eultlvallon C h o p p e r mal dining room, den, r**rea«r.T. REALTY ■ ££home. All (o r laitu an ac.-*, l.y.y own* and ppaitur*. halane* Hnaka lllv Ulvar er »"•'>*. ment. ^•"ead hack y a rd . Baay h a al. IU il.MB.m.nl-ir.lt.?.. Am 2«; will Will aall or Uaa*'th* building. 1^ . ing. lU U . LynwiK.ll D U trial,,1 . al.Ma, *1...*. J JOHN O H DEERE liny Chopper . [ lion room In finlihed baa*-Qa.*> im«|i) D),„i nivd. No. 7?S'0ail-9 a U . er.*>. I'hofipI' Han-221A, W and.ll. ffrontage, l'’"!** .ecaa* road, mtural l.aBclt • 11. Uuil m ~ l imlil c w tll. I;'. I-I IxKal*.! on bu.y U. B, Highway.•y< mant, lola of alorag*. aitrac -rr-TT- bleal for rarreatlon, a lot oft g.iod «i..,l >rade. high achool, Hbnpplng C*nt*r. q a s J">"' IH"ho|., llc«lioi KUK Vi„, .iAl.r. J,, or tiaa.i l-.O aetea 7 inilii 1..,?... "li-»- Mlldr*d M akli.aon, S21).&il3ll.Viut&u'u’ Jlny nntl Corn Chopper ' („r Belling du* to heaUh. Phon* or tl<'* I*R<>«r«plRg. KMalUntt )o-Jo- Jame. Pirnncr. 73a-;'240 wr.l ' I ThW iii.provemeiiU. -i modem lioiil.a, S»«*lT*"u»l. *U '‘uilkir *..r w m i «>f VVrndcrj on oileii r.>ail. Thieo ______, _____ aailon. lll.uoO. ilarnWr MultlpU L.Utln(i ' bi'iliooinI.uiIi.m homr, nicr.lrrn I.aa• heai.h,., '••• li l>edr.M.n.., olhari T 8 t. MOUNTAIN STATES . llTly ' !.l iirchar.1. Ita ,r.l, Ita »'Oit_J(>i.t'l. no la n .l. H ay. ijra ln , elovai- wn. walking dUlanca l<» lown, 3 bedr.nim.bldrrm' . IMPLEMENT “'"'■ n ily n w m o n . OROiaROOEnv BTORK DuaiNEsaE“S fl.iaS i Hlu* Lakua No. 7aa.A;i:i«1 ,^ ' IMM^KDIATE I*",','’,ie w>!‘ ‘'‘’"n* curp.lad "Vp'l" livina roon{. I’hona“n* aaui320. 120'2nd>>“ - Avonu* Houih 733-8431 .. » | BWW< atr««t KmI 7 a»-»8B>t8Bt_ Tt,[, I, an d,) ,(tablUk*d builnaiaHi »• H. < n. Maaaarantllh T33,00iiaiSuiio POBSESSIONI Pl» Uli^.m U ia. at tai.ina XvT. , TfYOUNSP A MINIMUM (aliati HU ACiti,'^. rral nict 3 hettmam. i\-j 731 for-o**r 10 y*ar*. Haa nia* bom* J. W UjtrpataJ, Ha fln(.l.».J NO At’ am. li-i 7a>>mi — *.'«nlng« 73<'fl77 . 'nua 'mia f North, IS4. Fur M o r m tiltin ' N O R E A S O N A B L E OP tlM-riiUB WEEIO.Y . . . and »n.l acr*aga wllh it.' ” • 'liaaamanl, i;:.™ Hour drain, atlarhiidI Bft.oa- ' - liatli*.liathi. 7H ihara* watar. tl> h*ad r«ni* eait Ilagarman.- 887»4480. ^ _____ raa*. fanca.1 »anl. aseall.nl lo<-a-loea. riaht rlaht for « moniha. Ownar rallrlna.i!il’uinV ——— ' eait II OFFER REFUSED trail* w anta to trad a fo r 17,000 to |B.auO FOU mCNT or aaUi Uoulhalde, thr** ^ -ni* MIer Bru«h Companyany QENE QEl LARSEN BALES CQ.Q. ------— ------^ lion. 111.300. taay tarma or trail* wanU m m aA T E D b*drooma, mwlam. Inqulr* a at t It8B8B COn tha followlns . . « . hu uublUhod route -avail-all* Cliff cnrr I’.leraon 824.3072 enn.ldarad. b..ma In Twin Falla, l^ric.d at 1...1U »*>'>• U“<^d torm a, Lynwoo.1 K .alty , . CATTLE BET-UI* ible 11 a reault of trannfcr.f c r Tw Jw in n KalU 733-BOnanfj OPPORTUNITY I (OWNKU WN MUST HELLj W.ll-hullt;.i o S 7:i3-93ll. ilarley Mathen. 7ia.a47«; ' TWO1 *>^*ii'^Ti!.'A HtkUnOOM. am Jaekaon, I ' oil„|| .1 J"fur.ju7. NEW MACIIINEriY ' .! »nni 834.6171 naat amallar hnm«, »7.R00. la.OilO L*** M alhara. 4Ja-B9<2, HO140 JAer«i,’ full walar rightt plua nae*. f*ne*d front yard. |4I.i, Phon* CABK, HlO f*rlllli*r dlatrlbulor. r/Nwe 7J3-«53- tor personnl ___ KNOCKS ApAINJ p«r«ha.* prlc*. tt-/ J jmj. loff” from w*ll, A/I f*nr*it lU U vary'wwork. ork. Knw Now available in thU area, 'niuUa»U* . . fur fur amuid apot wUh a w*ll anulp- nIK.aOO. fa t m down, ’whl'-l; m.n. ..r „w„.r-111 c.„.U.r ir’I^iV...... '■» offieal. full baaamant, doubl* gar. -Ni-«iwtlinci-necmiry,. 1*oAWAYJ w all c arnetlnir, llO.flllO. Cuoil tarm a. n i ? FO IIU b«rr.H>m hdm a. Oil heat,1, g a ra ga, e, MABHKY.HAHUIH. WABI Mo<]*| «0 eo n i' Ui. Wimn. I(m>m 0, Ualuxa UUhhIIbu*« .|»cU ducla. Check Chec wilh u« for orUa and to. REAL ESTATE ”>"■ClyiU i^teraon AaaneV, Wandall.IviS: THE,LANDTI OFFICE loe.llon. AvailahU )i.ivamb*r^ov*mb*r ’ ’ . il°i«l, Wn ph»n» f l u . HHoule 1—1. BBB Inveatment . callicallon. SERVICE sT^fi:ni-2H7l,______. ______III. 7aa-ll2ao, for appolntm*nt.,„l. CABK. CABl Bfift wlndrow*r. ' Uia ImUh ■partmtnt anti utimi**.mil,: » Uout* 8—II.7HB Invaatmant til’c:uiALi IUI> aci*4. 43 larminK^ acii'* OF IDAHO CU^V on* b*droom hom*. tilov*. iw- >lAHHEV.|IAnnJS/44 tr»clnr. l»> ilBfli m io tin pinaliin (<> drlva tirlva 8-ia,B70 Inveatment : rO niut 'LaU*« Nnrth 7ni-Ul« 7fl .hahaiea waler. (ioo.l fonee. tni»Urn ... . Jn* miU MAHrtKV-ilAUUia. 44 iracior, ^ and »«falUnt earnlnge, WIII fully In.,0. T W IN F A L L S Karl Krcaman, 7a5>4nfil z Kd mi«lern ^2# Main Avenue North 7SJ-0TUla-OTU frlgarator frlgeri furnUhad, 143. On* mil* *‘**‘1 (ir, laki car* nf im all U w n anti 3 bedroom h<.ma with full haa.maiit.'anarle * Dava Luti, Droker n o north rlh hug hnua». 788.1HIB. " uUl«U. (i.KH| .lc«l ror riBlil <.a?tv p a rty . a a iru rue e t, Kirr InU rvlaw , w rite. In- REALYY & INS. _____ fl.in MiiL.n, 7aa.ionr. saiaua and ahnn. Havoral aranarlra. ;«-W ii. ______el'l'llchiding phon* numt>ar U>i Boa ------apudapu.l cellar. T o ta l prle* laa.BOO.•aa.Boo! ______— TWO m IlklDUOUM kom*. eamatwl Uv. C-R P-T EQUIPM ENT CO. iJSwT »-A. c/o Timea-Newa, . U. K. Haney, Jr., Proker tIO.UOO dow n. Uooillna lU a ltyty. . 034. •- ^ Ing '"5 ,^' riHim, baa*m*nl. SSO Klk.oik. 718. ,i,_h jiiBbway 27. »i mil* H,.uth of Paul itA hm ii ^:.p«rlrne«il .!.» • .a lM » » H . —— 1«0B Addlaon Kaat 7l3-8fi«a — — aaia nr writ* no» 4A8. K*tehum, ^<>■1 bl m at and nanunalil*.1. Op^Op> KKLDTMAN PKALTORS , . .8«M ------BY OWNER JiS'u42ni. FARMS ^ “iJS:------1‘hon* 43H.2211 ^ . Alas Coleman Sa4*44ai•*«ai }j,w I b*.lr««im homo, 27* llvlnir HO'un Aa Cci U M , 4 licilriMim L 'ahiilol alyj* T W O bMlr.H>m eoltag*, a u lu.abl* b l* fo r ■■■ — - ' ' ' • ' e — »angnliT (or ailvancemfnt f,i* maaier bfdr.H.m. h.mie. Oil fnrnaeo. dairy barn, loaf. ,„n , ern nnn family. N.wly lUeoralad. larg* Tlm»4.N»w.,______' " T w Iona fllamant nyl.m carpotliiB In T,™inu , aho.l, marhln* abtd. HQ aharea ;, liS'i.mj f*ne*.l.in yard, BIB llh Avenu*“ ■ Nortl,. N.ojji,- H A R V E S T T I M E ______UiaTHlll.-KANTAHTIC I’UOFri" ______livingllvlni room and 2 hetlrooma, rnaniieiani. w*i*r , plua fro* water. Thun* irii* . l>SOii» ONK HKDHOOM al BB7 llarrUon. lUA. VAnjfciJi iian Jor ■ icuiim lii«~I anil an.l OjtMyOttlii for Hwtawi.l* Bub A D.aler).aler ------Jcic 11 tllad tub an.l ab.iwcr comblna. 7om IJil ACUKSi i;.M.dlng lUS.OliO ONK I I I'm ral offlrt , wnrk. M iial ImowKPOw NN«.t« etwork I A m aaing naw 4 apeeil. i>0 tlon. larB. kitehen and •.llnlon ; I*. W.A. «o ACUEH I J.nima 131,000laAOOO Innuir* BSJ N o rth W aahlnglona * uo r; fFA a si t APPROACHING I •uiumobll, .efoiinlinir. A n'.v/arar littn MI'G. M IT Jeop-typ*. Am*rlran CAUS.I'l'n's TRADE UPl! . crea.t*""* Carport wllh outild* alorairo. f f l;," . «i» :ACUKHi : ' Jo.-.me . l2 l.Miu 78a.»8B4 ” i ” after 4 p.m, ______o»n hinilwtltlnif, itiviiis mfiroHco,.rence,----dumpluid* from IB#|l. Wlr*. writewrlu Ow. Own.r of thla IIB.OOO homa■ on *" On oll*d atraal with curl, and aid*. TUI’ 10}’ *>HU~Acrca, clo.a ui Twinn KalU. 4iiACUV:Bj 4H > H ara------H4.000M4.000 AtTUACflVi:ATT»IAi naw dupUi. TwoivTpdT U.l- PLACEPLAl YOUR ORDERS NOW I «!<■. W’rtt* »,.« UA Timtt-Ntwt. ftir .rrl.le KilJmora Blr**l wlIJ trad* /or a IBMI'O room*. Gooil lo«atlon. H ullt.ln alov* ■/*w*.----- for "no. (nv*nlory. bon«e. overrl.l. H»> .r„I At»rnlnif.|.J« ffta.UriaiU W*"'’N*arJy new mon hum*.' •seallanlaseall.nl 30 20ACtlV:H j 1 Lixury hom* IBU.Ui'O rooma 13.4«lt?’" • POTATO JfarveaUra and PJUn „ f ----plan”. Myn.n. Ine.. 143K B. La-U- hom*. 8i.m*lhlng wllh larga r t 40a 1 llanehelt* .... 126,0(10126,000 and «nd oven. o HO, 7ia.2»101—7I3.4IHT, * PO ^tlUKt^^CKI) U..ly man. J'I.nty «f P}*n' acliool. 112.860. Down paymani 1409 V‘"i‘“ tf;j“ • I'OTATO Dulk H*«U Salary guaranlM d plua e.,m c im . ----Clenega, U a Angela; HA. Callfnrnl.. l.'t fllA llari, may palnl. for>r all Irrluatlon wall. 17 aera b*Met allot. a a ACIIF.Hi 1 Cl.-e.|n $IS,DIH1 UUUU CoOU" aV.ail, alaady J.ib, buya thl« * PO .miulun. tlarbaush &fiitnr Cn.. Doilaa,D.idaa, UIHTII UIHTIIIIIUTOUH wanla"l- J’rlred a t liifl.'IOO. fi.iodifiijsr'”" term *. Gl'^M STATE REALTY.LTY Call lmm*Hiilalr torr riatalU. ft*talU. • AI. ALL.MKTAL lleet Peda tjjgtl.r. riym innh. Cio.Hlinif. Idaho, I.laho, --- Maid Mal>l biillt-ln vacuum eU anare. HkIbIIHirtBlI (Aeroaa from Baaral dayadayat 7a3>B4eO avenlnir* and Uun«Hun. ♦'ariiF arm era lle alty . Huhl. B4:i.4nAU. i l l ', Uaal r .a u i* Barvic*. 7IW.14IB. a .HKAN ijy Culler* H A M tLi Call .lrlv.r», U6 y»ar«tra o..f f---- Invealmanl. ‘nvai aacur*.! wllh invanlory.niory. Ab AbeggUn 788-BBaa King, 733-74R774R7 dayadaya. (0iO ACACiCKN, Ira n w ater w ith 'ai','r'(?u: aprliiui ’ 73;H33I NICK two MMima and bath, gaa heat, • j \ Hauer I’utaio llarveaUr, lU a l B»od la n d . el.*a lo lla a a rm a n . ______•M or olilrr. Ai.ply fn |iavaiin.0. 10.1---- V/rll*i W rll WaaUrn Am*rlca Inc.. 2H7H2B7H Knuda.m, 7a3.HBH0 ______lUal ______—------— I. — ISB.ia», BIBI W aahlngtoB Blr*«tIt N/onr Pr**. HmH Lak* City. Utah, r rr r ------T b ie * ...... room houaa Will aec apt , . ■ HA Adulla, 783.7IBI. Jl* Plah, badroom brick h..ma, Jtiit WFI Vafuaa lolf «nd AtrMfl* 5 4 3— HydrftuJJe Hosm RepalrW . ------or phon* JTH-aOKS. - n -r N»?.W Hnlihed. Fully carpata.l. Plrehh *up. WE*'*'r.fr* nOlI.T nnwar 2 badroom.room S'>f pWiparty In Iluhl or Twin FaUa a* lO>* < ____ l ! TW* m«l.r« .nd W Hiip-MtU «nd Femilft ao 20 MiiNKYi )N?; M.L. »i.i, ihii-n.c KiMiarda, ; bulIMn ov*n and rang*.ranu^ full baaamant. nica I.u. »ll,UOO.l,a00! trade.Uad. Joa T. Hailey. llaBarman. ------— ------^niiurinatural gaa, Imiulr* IIII Prlmroa* ; "' ■“ ” '■ ■— occupancyoepui motel. AUo vary pluih garbage -.^i dUpoaal. iVj' hatha, ullllty,utility! MKANKAItUY NRW apllt-Uval. U laroa ro a -..-.-y ^~ Drlv*,Drlv*. ‘“'J'"'"" ' PAPAUL EQUIPMENT & ' apartment r*nlala. Proparty la alio ia ,i , caih AI.KX i:Ol.k:.MAN aay. — he® mo for ' • 1A3II aU IlKNl* IIANHKTTi Nlea 2 b*d- ^ PART TIME - ;Cplumliad and aet im for trailer 'v.J taras*. t>r trad* and tak* over loan. Iba flneat farm and ranoh llatinua. ’n.V'^M • WELDING SHOP auUI*tl. baa*m*»t. ■ doubl* garag*. "r ^ . Or If you want your farm and raiirh ING I nMtm miHlem hom*. n e arly naw. la a OI«n Campa,.y. C l.lf,u„, nM .t. n.r. P .r - KVi*parking. l..oeal*d on Highwayf »*>■80. lawn la in. 1442 Ileyburn Kail. 7dJ- BHA llF;te HOLDHO EVERYTHING!‘ ‘'"“m" fuiuace. I’hona 42J.640H.______p .u l, (ilobe U eallv, 733.2023. ______J,**, It. 7dJ. nilAIlP apadoiii 4 bedroom withr'"* aold." m" Twin TalU JUaliy * iiiauranc*,lauranc*. ______Paul. Idaho______Phon* 438-4571 — - fluia JiJV.Jy /inl.).*(J Ixf.m.ni- KlrepUca, SI!!,":,7.'t.'l.flfiil3. ? ______P rU i •<)« an TWO nW)JtOOM lona In l.aaamarUi. — leaa. tYnS c OMK IMIo F k UTV ^ur aala liy'.mn- TTTT -#*t™-h.iio-r.rp*t.-»n.oiio------______PrU* RLABflBO tor quick *<)* <»« TWO J „lZ't ilKSH atyle al low*rad price. P«lu»e 141) ACIliiH'. a bomei, l.K-altd"4l“JUnf.41-jOnr. —|hl.- —IhU"11-ierf»-Hmith*a.»-«#-TpU------flLJy •"I- liT.itli.l,le, Kor local (t.iay.„ter. ena n Four 2 bedroom imlta (duplex, P<<'"home In Lynwmxi aiilidlvUlon., a-w.y2-w.y 4 nEDnooifni brick, .ll on gmuml SPECIAL P.RICEI • B / "'Bl'^nal Manauar. HH2I)HHSi) fram*fram houa* and my home). 4 ear ‘V‘" B ar«a Kamlly rwirn. I'.j bathi.rounti Jl , J major hlshwaya. llaneh y.,,i, llih. Mtictr lal.n' m.»t a.*ded to all hay and ■ pa'.'luVi paaliii. TWo 1 Dftlhmixn Potftto iiarventcr. ler. Call 7-li.n07H fm- appointment. an.l •{"' family room, mod*rn lTuilt.il> built-in liivh aehool araa. I'45.1I00. •' a t Ibla tlm *. |:iB.OO(i. |i,OilO0 «lown.ilown. room hom*. fruit treea and Jol*lo u of o f g,„,| Kller.“ "|llo’. *C. 'L o ^ n ay " ' klirh*n. a bath*, finiihtil baaamant. lver»on lle alty . li;i4.4.^A4. fi.iodlng,Hiding. ahada.' ahad^ Prle* lU.ROO, gou.1 tarm tarmi. *. ' ^^UeaJUin U*alt< 7 » .4 0 « l. ^ ^ -. ’ ■ mOV mounu for John Deere 4010. ;------______liABUAH HTATION.I lUalaurant and H.r. Magic »u^ Valley Ueally. IHI IH.ie Lakea «['■ «r MH«. .Sm.JJ-^nm-n^or n.ralru ra l *[ rm, .)»«iify. M ,i.i Uv* Inn Ilu r, 51GTiluTu c K. 7—2 l«dr«*d y.i CLUAW i>i ^ a Udnwm briek. IBOlUO par veye.a; veye one L.ickwoo.U croae pller I M-JwW („,rrlvOrilo*-l035rTuca.' -Tlh>l >« Vm* — lurreha*.-'0«r«ff*.—on—(rraunii-ffreun.1 ’ • Only .AUiirff/ Klja* ,».«) _p,„, / on* PaJdwlii noialif pfirr; on* 14* -JTV irc.V r\„S*AJS-85#H, .»; p|,„ cnmpi.t, b*dr.«.m|>*dr«Mim KKita atal*. call *v*ninu* 7III.fiBlO. -rsi,-sv.".i^\r;vR mrlii u/,;^ -montfa.-Phonf-7H-«»»»t/-^ . j — — ...... - I75I?rHoliTilRinK WMfklnif Yird. bynwn*-nwn* —* —KTVnlng*-TW8.r;r ■ITue*----- : |i1A,oao.^nr.h Farm *ra R .a lty . n uiri«: h l, 143. ALUI-..AIim...... i ac>«a padura.. guml !<». J*"*? ly and 7a3'7Bia, befor* 7i4B a.m. or afler ICom- Uy olt*. Vhon* 73H.pBAa.______•• ^^1‘ie* 4nf,n.______,______^ ALHk,, I Av*nu* B P-m,______- ____ with pallo. Aaaum* 4‘i',i Jimn. he.lr ; cation, a |»*.lroi.ni mtuUm hom*. wel J l Vhnn* 7a;i-OI7l afl*r 8 p.m. kitcl * r.'ioni!!' MAUKICJ.; K f.A A « U • t I. KmUUI in prea^.ra ayal.ni. •la.OOO •((th a j'fcc u w NOW O.N I W*w 2-row W aa- II on Invaitmenti 91 " F a rm , a H neclalty.” I'honar,T 7a;U ’ • t*rm. " £ or will cmaliUr trail* on'imirtl tirnBV;iii.aw-:.w. iu ,.i.i...i. « .mI. . privKia “ '.S.ji cnifW eei haryealar. Ba* T w in Fall* ;------PRBKI No- -charg*- or' obllgalloH ' li?, SOT dIi. —B"*|* -Jlan>iU MrUlul,- Bal.aman.-7ja. — ♦mi,|„y,.l , i alon! ^(KAL t,„n i-:HfAVK ' ^ e'ciirlllei Oorp.tfa'-'rpora- *■' ^.),cn «y, .hhw you Ihl* n*at II bad. ■'fBrm7~PlTft»n-A»#ney.-.-Jwnmi*.—1»4- — aal** tlon «lU*purehai* nuallfUd eonlraci* “ Av.nua ICjiat,______3HI1X^****'*~ - - — ------— 6J.’I2 BJ.’i2.______iao*! room hom* wllh fulkbaaamant and — ■ ,.I ' HUY OF tba aeaionl MU aerea, 41) 77—77: •ara* and Inial * T lm ei.N *w .,______;______^ Termi, HamUll Ueally. 7n:i-407C.in70. trio. trio, a i>*..m hom*. full baaamant.»hi.rea waler...... w .ll.n w.n »o.nl AC l*y. 1»6 of f»a* apring walar. S lAM LAHOI .y-IUm., h..m. ■ lad m..i.meaU tore. Call Mountain Hiaia* Implx ------ai>d l>i|IU-ltt •ppllanta..V ! r I'bouai { ’ 7a;|. iOMCi. 1^.000 i M i \ . -W .n. J**'} Hln, G*n- ment. 138 2nd Avmu* Houlh, 7a}« I r WANT, * dividend rherk KVfc«V - r r r )rlva ilrll Itaally . B-1H.2274 o r f.aW-a4aM,?i4lil •■ b« r«..m. m.Hlarn h.ima. «.mhI Im. North. H4ia. ______"■"C. I. ^ Conlaet K. W- MoUoU.la!^u 4 WHA WHAT A,Comblnatfcml Top location py^Tj C747> or aa* at »{l K.,iUnil f)rl^. _ :212i __ I.iiiv^manla. wifh t*rm.. ■I'wr. c*droom hrlekr rariialiHl.nTaaa-FAKMH, l(aneh.*,-Ilualneai Uppohun-■pp..rmo. I’- i.aMoynam , Heally, Jl#!) IHiaia tak**takaa UAUlilUAUiOllA C*iit*r Hot*l | Cleao.ean. com* luBH luBH (iLh:AMi.U • P^.iwin combllic. • ------■ ' I ■ ~ I3l .—__ lom lom bulll wllh all th* •xtraa, ull and / 1 r»rl*rn *how*raDW*r» and com complei* wllh 2-r«iw c o m hea.I am i aom. Iniuranc* 33 now — tr*m*ndnu* valu*. Ca I for'"f ,ii,' aebool. I4S0 down pl>u cloiloii tual. Hnak. Ulv*r Ueally.- Huhl. B4H. TWO - 77?— ACUKa^with^u^^^ • iMditumi, vaa haal. uaiaua.LmlniMi A<6 ‘“‘/.nli', fen e ad .a h ae p llo h i. A n Ideal amall *«»«■ M'*vd U oU raon Aireney, 7ia.BIBB. ixHim. lota of .ablnaii. full flnlih-flnlih* Mad Madlaon. Cail 7aa*4nHlt, for appoint* al amall .■ia4.ft3Hn. Jar^.ma. '______, ______— Ball fu r pric*. C h trU y C raig, Ba4- j!gi!iT^!;X.V^&:^ai!;’' _jg a ppoint- ,^000 Ivaraon rrTrT - Jn"J/in.‘ O'jlAlLKil apaeaa f.lf r*ni, IlBIB m.mih.m .m th. 44HI,4%l J^rom *.______—■ ■ ' *d apartment aa|bl>. 6i7llfiK H.y- uiii- lla lln u . ” :?■ a u p .il.;;"7r afarm. "rm . S Ho„ih " ;,‘ )||n. or aawioolha, John JJ. «•••;Main Blr*et on truck roul*.i»l*. Duhl.n u h l. 'V v*aior*j j; On* »-t«W Uemeo. JCIIIoli’*, ang ranehaa, W* hav* Idaho'*10* vary WoH Wolf*. 7aa.JA0A, ______B4a.fiB4a.fiH7. ______, ■ - . . Y,^ Hurley. ITK-AAKA.______. ' . . e.mt. rmrn Avnua,- j — r ^ 7«a-lHlill. beat and prle*.l lo .* 11. C. I.ooney, Joh'n Trrp*i..‘i r “ riT .‘ : .i^ * - liiK^lcl! aei.^u'eT’an.i rivar frtint.g*.,frtintaga*. TTSaIT?! IDAliO’b N.w*al—F|n*.l I Urg* lu*. •CiijffJCO.Ml‘r t t K Ciirl iHiiato harv**l*r, . W**' for aala, with ..ri^ owlihourior^ ii* 7:i:Ml'Hl. 117 Hhoahon* N orlh. la. Aca nllHra, 4M «lh-ATam.a Norlh. ,I'hon* wj-n^ , 1V ,l1i' PuphamiPunham —1’/';.,; .pae**. All *onv.nUne.*,■a, Adulla. ArtuHa. ^ t Tbreo,* iiolat.t bulk beda. L*«>' anil ^ fon.n.nrcl.r"J'r~fT»-~ - r ^ ir;; ler—Parkr — n.ranyii. T lltr.'...... ______7:p.nHm. —,------*' inua. lliia. IA a e i« bvet a ll./trii.n l.Soio: |3B,OUO. m*1'* * Hufnay. 1. “it’K.™ *"■' '»""«■ I’I"*- "i*. lIKN JhWULL. U n.iw •elllou; »'"m l»H»i«J a-row *‘ir‘* r'.m ! Jijll;,",'’' 1 H.1* at Faliliman lliallnrt. Call him him a at t fo fomi m p an y , a2<-a!t;i4. Jrrom *. ‘‘ W IlUh achool ar«a. IW.BOfl, Sia. ----Wl*'oUy"t7tIiilV. Il^SOO.“'KaaV^^m ..V'f.SSi: Builp Builnan-OW Iw a.ntilti<_____ *0a o [S Verdiman llaaHnn. 7A8-10IIH. _ i ” '- 7ii-ld-a ‘aTv Aganey, 7>J.2lt4, ------E l P S t t J ! I *.i*i* riiip faima Ihrouihnut MauU Vallay, ■M i j ! I, VOJl ALL your ii**da m real ••lal* ci"P m o " FOiiH lie.lnMima. larg* yard, naw KOU , H u t* T avlor A ganer. 4aH>liaHn. KIm barly. 7, BUaiNKBfl DUILDINO ..Uvlnln,-,--a “ , 0«id “n'l i>ptliina. . fontaet C»n» Hlata Tavli AU . I'hi.ue Hurla/ a78.744(l. , Kt'V'c'.'i'i K K ,n*aUy. naally. 7 l» -B .a jii.______VltlN^VUINKIMI .if aellinu your farm7 Wa .iK ' "• AUraallv* 40’«I0' building. Air ■ . >'h» l™l»«. ■ PLAN NOW T O HAHN , [:»> hav* Ih* biiy*rai C*|| |h* Land Of. .. ______■.ondlllon*d offU*. W*ll. ' U ilghUd hU d t U i i m liU r. U U U a . com7 51 fir* of Idaho. 7an.ll7in. iv \/ m «h nuiN fluir* l>*l«raon jKirnliur*. «*»•" ’Tl- m ill* kima ^pr you at th.; ;.rmanl VOR a»'*'J."“ 'Ulroumw L-m*. lioma, ■• I’.V"t«r ayaUm la now avaliablit. yar imqT—I JSSpirra: ua«u plima-«H m*k** and mijTil*, • -JPlrhl'i. vihni IIJ lilf ______mwUrn *««*pl h**t. |*,0000 clown. |nfo» jh'-'i ?s; HEW onpirni .p.». COT "030. »n;nd^v*rywh*r*. n*«uty-Oullur* Bii V»lUy ^ l<7arn.***Photi‘* clown. Information uhoh* or wrlUi 481 . r I J}?: < r 1.. Ha4.4IAB, Ja ro m * . ______Main North, fita.07U______ti^i'W i;*«‘*> i..^i!'7a7T "‘- in^— TlKAliVlFUL *lha^~ yar ACI from 'llAL^lV~ VJkW In Kalehum. naw a _J!---- o lh a r PI1).pro. thlaIhH •lagant homa at 131-Flilmora.lllmor*. •natch*.!alia varAt*. built-lu applUnraa.ilUiicaa. Twin Kalla. Uood ...... nl*. onlyly i,p,|ri bedrtmm. 3 bath*, firanlaoa. har> F Panni a n n t l> « r R « n l . » 4 ' Are Uealtv. 788^817. - J______Call n84.t4B7r^ . ’ I______tIH.Oiiii.tl«^ Ilae k n av A g.ney. 7iia.. \ |,.Mia. ^ \ u l.aa*mint. ilmiht* ■ g«r*g*. 1*1!!!! hy Aem*. fiUr, ;;;n 3 r. ^iW TIltilllk 4U. «I.;..| bullulm/a.j;. tr«a tl.al »!l«r Near Daldy Road, Mra. Oarl1 Uulllni, m OOOiT ioi) th r.. m»l.rn "2}S1 BEAUTY ARTS ACADEMYWY iiuAillltANP apanking n*w 8 |.*tJroon\njhnm*. hnma. DV DV OWNKU O i Tw.f ba.l^M.iw'hnm*. 1^. i l ™ f Moun- Ketchum 7l8>ii6a, >0a> ll, flun | uilw-?* "-=■------.»BB MAIN WEST PaiPainI for down paywiant. Ilaal Kauta tra ...... • sS*rvU*. * r 7I8.U1I. __ .Inga /, ^ ^ .> !.'™■ V ‘ ' 'V S ' ^ s«a , •' ' ' . • . ‘ -1 - Sumthinthin'bldSun tie^Suintliin tefTSiimthm'in' forfo YpiiI iniiiJ JWlKO o ...... -...... ~ . BhowlnVr vraniiptranta:—eb ■_____Home tnnkor HOB ni vsiue *14.4111. J.mwa. Ik. Spocinri • Naw.porlabU rollarU wIlh'mAJi tuT'faa'I'r'""* r ^ q , ^ _ P T T V ^ ?'lllkVj.AOJO w«.r"n2.M •. l«ni,.n ,i> ■ P R I C E S ' rnmpUla Mvlnif HoorwRaow Group. In- Naw laellon w|U np.n atarti: ' . MONEY-rd'^BU'i■ J - '- ' ■OU X ll>r,ra«l. I'boiia 7M-iail.711.3811.______- I lha Ai'iaiiurlaa. Katur tur*>AII ahoU.r |R t6. r - ...... $ 1 0 0 - $$ 8 8 month o n th No Hun.Ur lal*^- • • ,kU -ni.iio. ■ ■ ...... T..-...., *"• - ALQERQ MILLING Iroupa' Avallabl* MTll^WIIKIIllli^Hi n Ifie . galloii,...... U-i aun.-«liU-ni.ilo«_ . COAL alokar furnaea with pIpM, v i iNTEnNTj 2-rowo w P ootato t a t o CD IB - T n ifkla-I.a______^743.4341 I'KKINOeHKi Small,ta.ll, wblta.1,11. ar i.~ , ■ Dillvary Il'.aS pleUad. ftI north of I'aiI'arrina . Camtoro«—Saddlesla-^addlM t ,„.j „p.ra»* air’r‘ra,:'i5.s)arss; lan. 1386.Tail . « « « • Do„bi, . J, l>rM«a. "na waatraal lo JlartT)JlartTAM'ra *»_ < i ^ m r «cr. jJXiTlC VALi.KY MIIIIlIllnBhb H*rvU*l HarvUi Fa**i . 3a4.iaHB, Jaroma. . l*roj«ctorfl—TVstorfl—TV ’ ' Utar* i p.m.,»,™., 7l3.J/un. p tir g n ^ a nm nrQ | lyem—Watchcs your^ dialar,^ J.^ MondraBoh,^ ^ " '...... ' iu^knna,ifv8i’iB.,„,M .in.-Como..,Sae Qu,. ^ JOHN DKISRB.;. flOO.B-bftr tSide Htrln,f lUd. r..ck .^**,^ln at 'vikltnlalurM. Fr.. trim, an.l f.yry HalurJay II A.U. jiJcorueca”"^"^^^ ^ . f|*lil. ^fllm .laail CkltHll..n.,„ I*. Cu,. 737J,l-ll7t». 7 .•.r!r« Ch.r . CALL 713.77(14 • UHKD ToUmin latural-Baa natural- bbb floor floor fur. ’^'-^1 Rftk*. ;i;iUna;.'[)<.ul.la' rail • ' Muslo InntriimenHnatriimenta n.oa in lood .conilltlim,conilltliin, Iharmoilat lharm< . , luu ‘ii>r< rli'iica thirdI Ird eueuttlnB ttln bay. Miller K*nn*U. mal lladeaplt.7«n «. Vva i't** 1‘l.u.in ftf«f HaUblaHaUbla llama Kama DOUHi.fci »»*1 Jonathflnai IX.ubla UimlMrltf 433.B1U4-- 1^70ibarly KlmbarlK lload Il0«i. I'lxm.h»»a sst.aiS34.6167, Ja. „» Jilvhway 80, KImbarly. Ulmbarly. 4Jl.Blo«43].| fum'lmr. au.r#iKira opinoi»r> avarydayavaryc |tnm*«, Oetoitir 30.wrlt.r. 433.6138. . - , ^ .------.tab (Srrharil. I north, north, II waat waai of Blnocumrffloculttra Sporting O oodi______] ' INTERN'L ni Powar Unlo iTOood iiuallty.hay, IIOXKII pupplaa fur aala,. a wiah d ;______js» ■ t r a d in g CENTPii l**reedflr^'^'°*'^*'I r e e u e r . WANifcH to itiiyi7*i'>-»i Huaii fir aaU.,* vr..U. JliT. SPOT' CASH - .. Wa.t^ INilnli. ______------— IHU Klml,.,!, |,..J Inu Box and Feeder. rutllnit. 7.1 7a.V8«BM, Phr.ii* 733.3H67.------^------. r« r rjirnUiiT*• — Appllanaa* yaail. - «Ba. .. lb.II,. HPiflah ' »r "WM'I"!!2 ‘else I”" of V«Uvalue1» GBIIL Porane Tlnrve"lerIlarvealer »with . .vanlnn.. WIIIU Smiih. : . J Thln»a of Valiii , corn Head orir Hayl!ny nnnd.Hnnt ■ \ v a n t ^.i> i-, buyi iii«..}Iiim.l quBlliyquaiii hay. LIvaalock W antodttMl 114 . . DANNER FURNITUREFURNITURE m i! w a n ^ll*Blih*‘’poo.7*Uior*.* L O A N S e l k ■ al'KciALi i.n Jo,' ,rh.n.ir:—-*.* n I 1 TVTV> lialail. .Mrrlln Aik*>v,•«v. W*ml*ll,W.mUll. phon. — ■■ ■ 1 Waat 7»a.W3i Main WmI. T33.H311. ■ b & b loans CABE Ito Deann Bpeclal,Special, rPTO 137 Hml A»«n»ia Wm I 7»»1 rairular IJU.U5-..S\1 i!'*' 'elW L—f ror prompt ; CAllllAtiii '‘‘f atoriaa. at«riBa. kraut, or- (Nant to Yallowallow Cab Co.) jL .„^v., v.v • Haal rooflnv ciinii>,.unri' ' . drive. M TnrhTANU .Millliiii HalVlcai rnWr BUY-SELL-TRADELL — TRADE Iruilan. Any amount. . AUo rail On Bh^hona» fitraitfitnit al.al Main DEER OABE 78 Bean Tliroafter,'niriiiift*v r PTO i»rlndii>K'‘ur mnla»¥»r^-mfx.-SJ.Ji'SwV-rJJnJ . REMOVAL —------Anrtl.lnr-«>rr-of Valii.Vain* ' 4B73« d.r.i Floyd Mill., ) . an ti-freeze-FREEZE _ , ^ blnatlon alacirle tinl ,t ' FARMHAND 3*rowJ.rotv Beet liar-1 “uHuI'^iraffii!" wtii i ■ai aiaoiii n...i.« vafja. Iluhl llarvalnlarvaln Cantar. Cantar. llB «ni J»rk«nn Htraal. 1 topplntf unita ■ Miiiinii n.rvif*. 7.i;i.«'j7a..i;i.ilj7a.______Twin Fall* 733-IBIS-87l-a411*»-«7l-a4M nnurlar Bo'ith llroa.iway. 64B.imi. Freah, Halted or dry venter! with topping u '1 ,______«/ll(il.ta*l.ir>.( -■I- uh price. ^ . i.l » Tr.ii., I'.'i «. «>. »;IIAJN -ollli'Ui Uryy I.r«ir molaiiimolaaiaa m^*. •• ,' HWlVfiJ. nwkar, nwkar." giniil »<«>d brown euUhUt »)‘*ubla wrappad. North 1 ■ .$1.3919 G al.a l , a lA — a.».ai TllUy'i MllllnB, lUmin, phui aionabla. J'liona 733- Utkar. rhona 7a3. jrilijjlj & "aioT ,5r,i'”t";.'r,'i '“■nte '.'''V'i,5S“ "i5:v'i;li'i'l ■ . * T A L L O W CO.- Im lrunf ntt and Topplna2 Unit.U n i t . ' ' In fUlil, 120 ton. Phnna 4; LOW CO. Muileal im .n u 114 y,;,';:; “ * allly Di.cou„U loo. TA LLOW,0 w CO. k;."""’ v.';i.‘’ii,“:,"£ INTERN'L 411-n Lata nil il."“ n:;Bd' ion lu: WAnV:Ui Your iUa ’ ragularj alio aitra aarly blrai unll. ran'.. Jm ima. l^fionaM.n* a34.2>l77.aU-JUr Huhl. ^ varlatla* /<*r MamorI.Iimorlal Day. Wa.Waatarn ------■ IIUNTKUH Attanlloni Itlfla amm ai'lftr-'l ■ VIANOi. Want ri.pon.lbl.tMpoi Nuri.rv. 8tr._yilarUr Avanua. Aynua. 133.01711. 133^1 , j'l.,, i . a . tlon, 13,60 par Iwx; ihot«un. 13 JOHN DEERE Beet Cart t iria to aiiuma imall j'^ONY nwU, plant tham bow. ' . 4X8 1>DX. Uia<| rlflaai 2 flOO Uavaaii i “ “?l!:' A n.n.,.rB r..dlng"B ^ ° 0 A p p llin w « HHI^H Equip.Edulo. 120 party In thli ana to aiiuma Iflh Panellnir 3*': * ao.oflj i u*a Pnn.ll„i, af'P*. rhona 423-6BOO,■ . k Klmlnrlv ~ - nd Plow H ! or OAi:ilK VAl.l.hV ^Iraadlntf llraadlntf VAaiiicU- OOUI) mad Inmrlla,Ila, I y«aryiar aoaranta*.Buai Manatir, CopalinUn PUno-Company,I’lano 'Uom \ wnt nt Wait » rolwU. (• j reel ennnectedea Plow,now, FI!i-it or ^ uiuh.l.altch. iiui llubi 613. Uav* |300. Kaiy tarma.tarmi. Wlln.n Wllion ilata*. 30H «nu«h lOlh. I’nc«t«|ln. Maht ------D R IF T W O Q D MAUBICU BO,oa with naw aloek. 3-polnt. 4r..'.H. Kllaf. K n talarpriia rp rii* B67 i Jim 733-»ll4fl.______T------c------r— OlJAUAK'l'jikillJ n.« a'na uia-1 t WhMlliiwauiI te r SiU fala ~ 140 LAUANlU A N Phon. 423.81C0, ______Hanicn. K 'a T L 'S ;;^ -”'*’^'' ■' w ,7 f ; INTERN'L 30 roll-overroii-ov.r PlPlow, Urvlnif Fll.r, T»ln Vi’,u HAriTi W*itlnBl*o».*"I/Mtln*h..ii«a waihir» anil hanil initnimanU.■tnimanl*. CnnCnmplita -■ ' nar aheet UIIOroON, ModalI 13 13 WInehaitarWInehaitar pump,pt — phiina 7aa*ll02, Hun* ■•Itellan. Clauilaa Ilrown'a 141 Main 1 4 .6 0 per aneet.aheet. ,2 17a.733.46113 Ta3»4aIB«1 r o n n fordor la^an. Mnunj.i PLYWAYr COMPANY aH’^to.C T . mclai g<. 1 IliI.i, li.Hilling, Hhoahona.Z S , IdU HAl,m I.a.^1,.4 M c..... l . l , .1. t i . > l<... SO'* I i a M M O N U tirvan traiia.lni, lOO.Myllndir.r" rorfSm”roniomklU u VllOO 111 lit niua LakaaI 8 Boutl.outl* 733.0811733.0860 for aaU. Phona, 7733.Q1B0. jijiiii. ------^ Phona 7ia-0J5H ami liaUiwin, Htmmonii. illaUlir ^ ■ |? V ’ C1 A l n ll- ic iA L iiiii'^K.TOll U iN ii ln III Ai.».,.ai aJi S';,,""'"- p?liai. Whlti'a MuVli | —1#58 CJIBVnOLmHloor aa-ii ANIZED PIPE * Aircraft Por Sala. 1. 1i6i> PICKUPS - • M c Vi E2iX Y ’S Q pr.iyrn alr*i. lhaa natlon’anatlon'a hluhiit man* ^ oti.r. ^ c'**"*' '***•**•* ______Whlta a *.*yllndar. Powar GIM#owar — ujwa |: — ij»d ' y OJU.VANIZED PIPE -. 4- ___ _iyn« iiriwlucilnn ilr»a.Ir*a. AUo all braada MAYI'All conv.ntlonal waihir. ll. 100* or mora . 1«1 I H AT^nVii VfMl------■ril.fii-tH i ~„VVfr-avaiiBbi*rniihrpnif,irnilhrpnlf.ft.“ 64»- r -«nnillllun*_30J._JIU»nn_VUu.jli;ll.rvfc_l?qt T T O W T pM nAKKn Champion Wa atoek all aliaa , 1M3 DODOE '.-to n Al nj : Jariinia fl'J4.3(lfi3.3(163 :llaiollon: lla io ll 829. "417. _____. Wnih. • li3&. Vhona TI3.0SK7; ; ovan!rlva-~taoo - KOPPELS DIBCOUNT-CENTsoo^-^ENTEn ------^ ^ ^ P p W E R : — ------»„f|ay'a7fl.Pafi0. ■OafiO. : WmilLl’OOI. aulomitlelAmitle waihar. waihar tooil -W ait Tllar. - ^.lflB pUkup, i . ua Baiond Avanuanua Uouth 733.7441133.74- TIIATS WANT ^ S . ■^77=------eondltion. IBO. Phonarh.ma 733-auail733-aii«fl. DAflLO MlCiiLI.I, ^ i l violin. i«hool orthaalrm. iUaao Hnr* •"‘I War- — ■— ■' ' ■ ' PJlQna'733^00Jl■■733-l»3i ' ■ ■ “ reVnOLET .i-l™ SPECIALL, PPRIC: R I C E S IH O oodl 122 prlfa.i. B4H Wnarhirka BtrMt.BtTMt. 713-7a3»4144. >"*• ------r----- — —— • ------•>’» L I C N L E O P T O H LE ES SL IN EUcClu'rii! E P O L EIU4U. tltO, uTO. n.«mw maiormalar ai.J 'i- 'W ' ~ ,.,1 ..... n.,11^ rurnltur. t HH OwkI. ------: On ______- l'UltK|ll(^:i) Mania (iartrudli b' ...... f iLUWilUY ortani,I, atudloatuillo moilalmodaU.. at J—10U4 DODO*; dump InuiiInuk .IHS-ll 118.081.08 Sat naw Caconlla onn wlngi.wingi. Small ililown, 1001 INTERN’L ‘i-ton lali. Llmliad numbar,'aiicall*rib«r,’aiic*ll*nt <]UB|. r«.lua*.|-p»UM.-iluila~Raa,-Ldriilu*la_Bfl»,-Lynw«)U |.lonomo -iniiW—|. |on— -w lii.- KOPPEL'S DISCOUNTSCOUNT CENTCENTER —uka-ovar-p*rm«nU.,.nl„ 7..-..1.. 733.8011. _„„^,NTEnNT, lU™ - Kvary major llv*. Hhnpplnit Cantar. ------|«>v,'l'arraellonaUkaba«ilonalakaba«i Il49t11 163 Hwond Avanuaanua Houlh .733.74< 7a3.744l_ SalO ^ Beet H arveateii i ' v e s t e r s atu'ok m aflailna la l»ii>itlnic tli QRNITUKE liijnTTOminiEnTririr^ •______If? .'MI SCOUT 4-wh„l drl,, Cartrudla, llaratonlrlrs"'A or Anuu ni,:.“‘r';i; u s e d f u r n i t u r' i - nuTfhaia plan..*^L}mllad Limll» Ii.iivi winlar .loraBa for vour outboa I S P E C rA L ...... ^*$11 0 “ 1|„. A lot of artlflcUlliriclal brvd brvd halfarB jri.llywowl Iwl lau.BO; I2U.B0 ; hiBhhlah eehalr, ». Warnir Muile, 131 ------* on niw ami niAii uml furnluirafurnltura, Tba miitor. Wa will',’is ehvck, h elaan, wl ““ POMTIAO T.mp.,1 - eliahnna I. North. ______I-K30 UTOUilNEAUiNBAUrlppar rlppar 1111000 Kmporliim, 309 i'tokot'ta, ilhoabona South, 'm . <•»« ."1 M C 0 lay liilfan. Two initflU to financa „ ju . drwi.ar. It ' G E M C O oak «lr«i*r. |l4.B0t LIKK naw ilahlwln Aeraionle 4 >-»™ " »A«y.»aTEi..ui.oii,^KBTEn wllh Ollvar - J liii______------r - b u d & MARK’qMARK'S VTCTOniA ? * J?i vanity. 134.96t3(.DBi i DlnU DIriU Kym plann. Itubitanllai tlllcounl. Cal r ««no liiu UUOIJ to yciurialfl llifora you ‘ rail. “ »0 INTEKNX .Tr.,.lAll Lifter LouderLoader K‘lB^^^a^ Hmthaa.*Jaromy*?ar.nimr. ;ia«-24lB.4-: ,|r,„,r, 146:I4fi: 3-plaea 3-pl««a i*<- ■»<-liiin- - >740, adarnooni or avinlngi. an appllanca. 'tv TV ..ilait. radio,;i;ii;,,'“,Voni rai . T .i. r . I S P E C I A L ...... ____ ...... ______$27B UlTALlTY CALVISH,H. (or (or ia1« ib1« dallvtr- »l, |39; platformn rocUar. meUar. 114; Ib|. raa*. Is'sO; walnutalnut dtnlns«llnl«* ttaMa. Initrumanti. lUntal plini anil t e l l a ujTo t o PARTS P A R T I r:r.'.,’Tjti;.i'“z*'.tlmlT.1 Iln. at Cam.r. |e., MeCglloek "T anJ k John.onS S mo ; 2-TON3 , . nTTYPPP alaln it**ra. halfan,n, baafb**f eroii calvaa. IU,60: cornar eupltoard.eupl>oar.l. IllIiu.fto; urmi. Muila Hr.*, L*nwoo.l. JO H N D E E R E Lvnwowl. Wfal AddUoa Canirriporium. and ICmporium. UarviR* on all makaa..abM. DEAN DEIAN HOTOllUO j , , , j h t EBNX IIOO ]i;.ic, UlijLiUUj -Alwaya at your larvlea larvIca at tlth* Calf amall mntom, 34.10 upi aalra rJ"; iiniin "A..uniii.n.I, mUD ibail , . . ~ Kipranl^ TWO-WAY raillo.10. r«lueaarailucaa opirallnBoparai COMPANY.______------: ------BeetrHarventer,-carl-ont e r . - c a r l - o n l y r ^ ------J ^ ia c a . Ju m B iy -C *lallin. iiiu ._ 4 433-6960. 2 M i! day «.placa l**pt lulla; ilaaki; „Llka,n»w. Ca11 B30-<017. Haialillaialion...... - ______i______«oita. 1114.76 and up. Unltad Klae. k ------JJZ , IMD CHEVROLET J.lon ------IriB~Wi»h1n*«7“ naW“twkarBT- rittiH - loan-of-aarpit—ahampuua i S P E C IA L ...... $: il ~li«l/ar..' Iraih'oV fatal bnakfait a.UJ Duncan T larpit-ahampijuar- or _lmnle*.-.7aa.7324.-ai7_2nd.,24.-ai7_2nd. AvinuiAvi .'Moforcyclaa ...... DAlilY tuW rt anil li»lf*n, I « « » » « n d t v s « i i lamponar for only ll North. ,l „ „ .ll ...I. n*. -l»»«-U raK IlN l J.to„ ------[ 1 ______—>_ aprlnoira. 100^1, auaranla*ilituarania*il. Will riroplraf .xlamlnn tabUi dl i S"r‘a:';'"i.vS:;;K'c!°m:."'lurckaaa of niua U i- bltAl'fciUlkii > Complita w. JuH fr«ab«n*.| wllh »*ro ...... m;cuKAnnu pn,i,..»..rxthlimiT LalI... t:‘i L'ilarii. KInir filurai and Klns'a In Lyn« b>iM*r f a t taat 4. \-all C all FrBt^‘’oa*nar',F ra n k I.ynwcHxl .^hopnlnifunif «Cmlar. >nlar.------brUhton a j.n id KlnB a In Lynwood Cvfi* Bhnp. OLIVER 77 ir altar 4 p. m. 324. 'l»lK""llK.-.r IV., raillii.raillu. al«r»i>7ai*r».>. tTaif ,uom. Kraa «oniulialli>n.brUhtin a L’l I’n'.'''®.'" *"'• .Sli.>i.plii(r .Canirr. I l l I TUI UM I'll. 1UU4., Too {,uu cc. cc. Lika Lika” naw. *uU alr,.fllnBle ula MASSEY ITERaUBONR O U S O N 81«5 S ; ! r . i ; ” ,m ."’ ...... 33T .'v u Ul-ibAitV .t,»l,.».«nl.'"i'u.nt.Ur.piiiunli iuinblor. t.lniI |„w mlloaa*.hi.n. Phon* iMRna. 73».7linA.__ ;----- INTERNE ACOP.IH i-yiiNiTuiiE AUo rhtck tul>aa frii J«rnmi>. ■3._I-6.IIIK|.K:IAK------^BTlniiin, landar and bu A »uua bulla,tniu. 1.IM ...... H A Y E S F U R N IT U I U.i;£7H. -----'rV'a, Ihl bail avor. Ihl bail .vor. h./n.i ui.lt, dl.play e" f " . ‘■•J C. f."‘‘ Jt. Orlt llAi:i')\vl(^ Trail cycle b hor.*|»i FOR D OOi • ml xl.liT. Fo.iuuhuuh tol.> rho.xarh. at L.A TK m.Mlrl l-lilIcir'lillco IV, V, Cl"C l" awlv»ri , III,, nrw. All All warrantad. warrantad. Joai c*.», C. lUi.lli.n. Jt. OrlUon, lajg. Phona 7«.7.;<7Kfl,1..T7&, m W t 'Uon t t S r ‘" 'I 'l '" ' I Uiml.rily. 4iia.a065 nar .43.11417.______/ tv. |413 KImbarly H»ad. T — r s ----- ;------1001 INTEUN’L DCMM INTERNATIONAL>«*;■ MDm d p.m. m."larvlrr PllKhTONt: .ml 2a,« lirlil-fra.,. ^ INTERNATIONAL II 131 T A WANl'KOi Ht.ni Fiirnliuri'. ri.ul ------7:n-fl37H fur hi.ma lamlrp. ma yrv rr. ------„ ? ^i.bott'a S Auto o t , Ac«.i..ri.. .ind n d «.p.irB ap alr 182 tandem drive )NAL II 13• WAtJl' TU IlllV; a■J c»ri..a.Ucnrioa.U I:I>1b llo). antluur*. baby thlnui, fo*l to Eaf I3 J MACIC VAi.LKY'b”b laaillnBlaadlns farm dli. ply. Wi .anu* flrd Avanu* Wan. Wait. TUNK UP - AilBnmant - tram - OLIVER Buper>r 77 atflin aprlnurr hvifiM.hvlfiM. ^i^u lia n a Havi'i 1‘urnllura,„l'”,T.Vi, (40ih yaar! o°od Thino. >» t . i “Ja^ToV; l^lm V rin: lOM ip E R N ’L CO-m UNION.S: ll for iO puumli. 6 noi ——77—;——rr alon larviea by factory Iralnad 1 !» JOHN DEEREc A lluuhai, Janinii.. JlJt-'.IU!'.______4»H»' ^ Th* Kmporium "o9 Mllrany. tlulck-Qldi.•Qidi, 733.8731. 733-8731. ilngle axle ------'lll-JllD~orM ai>y >'"»>.vi.. UUmi ban'll,ba.'il, 4U1I uaN KKNMtllllJ- au»««*ita—waihar,Haaila— w uhar.— 161U — I!cillni_llrlilM. *,ont.jrM oni.jTMt t to T ' lod bulk lank, UoLavaljLaval pipallipipalina milk. mahoBai.y Duncanncan ,Phyfa i'hrfa tllnlna mot. cornar. Wayar.ayar. aai-228632 •— . a- IrriBatlon anil *ar Oui*k ini ^ A L L S IlAllV HULL calvaa at lha far !ikrni Ml irica f f i Kllllnt” Kl*«trle. phona finr':irtotevad* baek homa for aarv. >01 Ini Avanua Wnt 7H MII ... ..iinn. . 11..; .lai >"s;p U porlabla Warilroha. . llallo»a«n pumpUlna, ^ PHca I Bfl'.r a n.m. ' TAKIC.your Ford back homa for i TRACTOR)R & IMII P. i!;!*,."*"-' *■“ niy iao.08. Hannar thnr lait. B7B Jaehinn.Jaeliian. No BiSunday , - — lha m..U monTT^ <«.. Union Motora.ora. Ina.inc. ---- ' Uai. Ball. OillNCKlLLA har.11*r.iV.1 forfurfnr aala.BBla ~i>knna Ihona1' _,p,ij,|„g WU WILL, o/,valua. loan lha 0 motl * D monayLoan. "Vour X(ai««y*r»miiton.r*muBon. )l»liMltOB Fivu Janry, I Uui-rniry.,.7..7;rt;.r<.r. half* n.ir Fumiiur*. 733.1121.______m •n>i N*w llolUntIollanil DI)Ml*r' aa U r" .U , m llkar. 100 IIOO *ach. *ach. nirnard UKLUXt >iwa«a 100% . rayon Dl'MJOIOUH applaalaa atal tilau.laClauUa tImltC J.roma, III.4JT4.______® ”» Camparc______] AUo. WMfon IlHtIlH t liarVIUrvMt< M tar . F ly n n . 334.43*17. JaromJaroma. a. ruBB Bk12'. 139.96.l.tt. AUaAlia avail•vallabla In Orchinl, I mllaailiaa aoulkaoulh of Huhl, UHKD >U nallon laaraa watar haatar, good i.ino .L. L.-Lrh country .-'.fand ’C*, brinit LQVliUmU plekup eampan. A ' aonditlon, 117.80. 7 7II.017T.0 7 1,1 > EqiilpmintIpmint , - TWO liiuffvla^r.lii^lnBarirlnuar halfari.halfar Oim^ jfardas*. Danaar>r Furnltura.Purnltura. 7aa>143l.71 Cloxr roail. I. II. J T. a«k ^»-« ^aXra^-Si^^iha^S: “? READY TO GO! ' . K1mb*rlv Hot.l 1117IB-aaiT .^,, , ,^han Oclobir 19th a - I f';nmrom MoVayi,MoVa»i, lna.Ine. XIajrnolla •19*8616’.’. front and raar %• I 1 lobir 19tb and 18th’. ' ' ' ’ r h o n * 783.3416. i b b s j b e p F c m PTM Fa TWCTViS lloUiiiu i'lVrlnu.; ^ TraiJ».|n any olif*Bun* on thaaa in’a Moblla llomai. KitclUnt (undlilon. I II COMBINESWiWl-iO mim.r and phi • day at Ttid'a TraillnBa.; Pnat. ^ ar.;. IRE 46 Combine -*701. i»uhi.______TK^ i:Ati)t':il'x‘ nlicB In tha worlii , M JOHN DEERE 45 Oomi Sil«n*Motn'r."'‘’ph„n^ Pa LL CLKaIiAKJcK on on .'all'cim " t a m p ... iflG l IM T E R N 'L ', $I8Si (A nnT n in< tu«An V'OU SAl.Ul ltaBUuia.l ll.rafo Diliin Motora. J hona nl.kup eavaraira In n itAck.itock. 16 16 modilami -- a.inn 2..r%W Nir iik ^ ' V MASSEY IlARniSl A R R l S IT 13 M i m 7SS.7BHT. C harla. OT)all, nick Actionion Servicesl L i > o 7^“r.T?oo?‘ " to ehooaa from.fl. PrlraaPrlcaa draaticallydraitii " ,5 and ffraln M comblns 'nbln. TWA r.al.i.r..l |l.,l.i.l„Olalain l,„li., bulli, U yaaii ' ^ IIAilllACKU builillnailillnfli for^or aall,aali, ialia raducaii. FnanclnBInB avaiUbla. avallabl*. 0 O * 0 S t l n n «)1d. Phona M 3.6u:il,'»:il. lluhl.______, •, 80«80’. Movad to your location. D. ManufaeturlnB. Paul. I'aul. 438.48B0. 438.4SB0. condition. , Use this handy Directoiy■y aslrguideaslrg ii to dependable[jj(j n. Mlllir, ptiona1. 733 733.0076..flm6. ______- —I .1.. ■■ ■ ■ TRACTORSCTORS i;;;;;;;; ------J5 5 U s o t h i s #»ia' THitI»TKXC IfnoUum rutri,rusi. Spa.t Moblfo Hom efI M 1DB2 CHEV. $13»5 V JO H N DEERE ‘B* (3) . . and every day cl^y^ 18.08. Ilannirnnar , Furnltura. 1 133. — — — —---- '.{('ton pickup, 4ip««4. t- luj T'ur*”br*i| York. 'service Today . . . and e cyllmi.r, :n,MO mh4 ¥ INTERN'L 400480 Utility with BhlraT-i^-iSp nuality. duality. PhonaPhi 4;!3. Al'AllTMENT ranaa: U cubic 1 {.:> duala. gaa. *B7«. rtfrlaarator; Vtw'".M.r‘.‘a„''"‘,iii,.'"i Mortan filly, MOBILEE HOMESH O M E S ' 'l M JO H N r^PERBCRB 00 00 (3) (3) T,------yiari nld. Phonala 483.B87I.4:3.s87i, Ilanian.Ilaniat A m erican - NewNnw Moon SEVERAL OtDER PIOKOTJ H o r i a a 104 FOU BALE 2 wWl alaapins'lral . It '■ • ¥ INTERN'L ‘M' 2 4 HomJHomr .Vite Tri.n.WW.il-WW. FROM . iT.U irnfl n_1A f o u S A L U i 'B U haad haad hon*a: horai Kl.U ISO. <74 niua Lakai Buuth. or ^ $99 II V ALLIS OHALMERSUiMElUi D-U-IO Udlaa urr nitrima« rhllnurUIIni horm. A 3iaa. dleael '*'ii «">>*■ a uB.nll* b*oii * and and brok*. 4 TWO.wiuiUL utilityim„ . iralUr...... Ic, ^ r a TRAILER: SUPPLIES ' ^ , , ,, r V PORD all dleiiel mil* writ, li north X a flaa at 1083 'Maurira Htrwt. . I M IN TER N l* 450490 Fftrmitlm.rmiiU, •• S 'r .r .'S .'" ‘ Aesweringtag S*<-Ib1I n.-i Hu*»laV. OMo • i ’‘V our 34Sa.6iai r ALI. paatur. andr wlntarwlntar boar.llMBboai for • I 'I ChMUr UhtrnU 111,..■ ...0 h,^^. K^.l.rr FiiUl. n. 1.1 . 876 . Falla Now buylngrIni culla, B'aD 'l ’ B AKER'S K E R ’S Brand-New l.tu H l 'i hor»* ~ir.ll.r. trallar, .i.ar."iit.iii ----- AutemcbH»i-R»polrl[>ll»-R»PQlrlno— — LondscoplngJ s c o p l n g------^------R em n ttols a l s ------inl_j3roccaacd_8rada_ccaacd-Brada------^MOBILE-IIOME&-E-HOMES ------^ • trierT..j d and «h*al. 733>7110:7110; 733-301: 733-3033, D. A. Auiomaita tranimUilunaimlMluni a a)a|>aclaliy. ^4ow> tha" llmt I'I Naw lawna 'pl planted. }'olillns chalra. tablM.kbiM. any numb*numbir for potatOea. llomat Prk**I • Fair Daallnsinaallnsa lU O J U*®*! M fllulra. ______HlBhway 30 Garasa,,ara«a. 31 mll*tmllu *aal of Klna (irtlliiar,, top mlj.lull. VraiVraa aaiU all oaeailnna; alio Iraihtraih haullns.hai FriandlyIly UarvicaU*rvlca ,| l FARM MACHINE]:A CH IN ER Y ■•Al.milW. m... f.ir r„r .al.. lal*. Call, 7aj. Twin FalU lioipiiat.apicat. 7a*.2IH4. a Lafiii«apln»,Lanilicaplnr, 73J-* ~~>nt«rmo«ntaln Fiitl, 7,1S’/H13I. , 4ilH6 a fla r B p.m . Ka* a t 20 . « « . 413 AildUon Waat 113.33 ' lUOl Itami for rant.a ■•Uanl-All" Phono: Jerom•ome; e;324-4501 324-4600 ______■ GM C Pickup J* l| We BUY, SELLLL or SELL FOR bath, ______a^nulUSV; tm lU r, n»w- cual iof |ibIiiI, Carp.iitar I I’alloi. r*modilkni Moblla Homaimn TransportTransp f.K!;; r.""..'""* *‘" Si*AN.O.V/ll>t~Dalroitir.)alroitir. )«il3.19112. ai4U‘.a -J' Vh; VOU.,.;'U • • • B»od tlr r .. ilK uUtl* aaula ila Iraltrallar. •423. work, cablnaii, aamant (I ,, IROO iliiwn. aiiuma paym*nta. anvllma. '______K,aa Ulmataa. 7»3.»40U. Septic Tank S.rvlc. llun-. anpllanc**. any «3«.30J4, W.ndall.•::r only ?1897 I ’ Molynoux c Mnchinc M n c h i n c r y c,: ank Servica .‘.“."'“Kii,__CbII "u-m'"' 7».77B4. ‘ Tm tjAaHuA irV trallartrailer kouia.houia. ItiutHi ai. ami cnll.- Waal ------r --lem.nt - .„T.,„in.i...T.,„ln.l «li.»ua. y,.,|. 'I'.nk. Itanad, „n.lr.. WritaWrIta aai 4tli4th >Av*. eundlllun, moiUrn. For lala or t X HI.7I47 ______TwinT w in r« IU M.mr..*. K im W rly.•ly. \V.w. II. niadaa.T uem enT Inipactlon. Lloyd nua W*ii. 7aa.0(iia. ' O N K VVaUb r. iia'Jiri'iia'llri- )»bi.>ir. )iiir Fi»Uhlntf, l«rkb.«.b.». rar|.anl.rrarpanlar »..rU. MotOrCVclelorcvciei . ' I'OlJia. for amall campar. 324.2108, Jar C A R L E S 0 N ’S__ Vj f a r n i S u p p l l «g —------— ;'------______.7 1 Jc n n v -n a tW - but>in...T.13.aaill. »n. .T a s .a a ti . .ril!L>t. ‘lr|»ai., baiamant. KraaFr a.»|. itrtm --- 1-----j thla-liflndav . ------VU.- 4T cyela Hol«.iluut*r aiwirT r.-.rti.Vi.,,.,;, Vcrvlea fur ■ EMMV LOU®LOUiB) By Miorty a rty LLlnkl in k . loi UaIn Ent riioni 71MIH ~,',~r~|-;.n'.i.- mat... *I.O.l4Jsr423 n. AUa lapila tanii' C l rH U IHHIIV ______^ — W llLi’KCk■-«^2■^■ - fl all . y KlTa“r.‘ . ~ C hiIn-5ow& o l n - I S ^ ''TTTmV Bit^rtr,rniaiiu —ton,- I’ollci Har'vUi fnr huil...... ^ . .■Ktrock t r o c k ______- m \ l f ianra In aarvlnv lha ph Ilurl'r. ijfil.ii., Ib a r niabt Bhaalroek tapingr an.l ia»lurlno.'ukturlng. )l*. \0 o I I W i N j ~i'nii'’*v”'.a ' A.r a .la .------eoncreto-FofiYiinjite-POfminp — •arvUa.-CaU-73a-44(0. —Siirinv^encM Diutir>_&Uk, sr* * h.1i> «|« to u n JiM U n a -----;------^----- will. Flka naw. Vhona T33-8B42. - i = = = J - «TobI«m«. I f you Mr* «on»l In JaiiUHO_. I ramp Concrala formlnBi1)1 ; Uiamant*. l>aiamant». (ounila^ PnlrtMn/i .hurliitf ■ farm, mablnc im ivli'v. i..Hu||iig. f.HiilnB. ilialdintlaliifaiiUniiai oor lom. Koinring tole^hon^AAgswar inw er ServServica I— ° I j ininl«, burins m*ehln»nr oi >*«.. Alaiandir llanuttlnt vour (arm moTiaai I I l \ V n il "“ •'"•."“".■.'iu T'TnV. .1*1 mor* favorabU t.rm a . .. Coi S , r 3 ‘’E rr p«u.nd p.t suppii.,suppu.. no •;y''ri„r*‘l ^ !? lirnmmiui 74U h..urh.iur leWlea,icVvIca, com. TelevlslOrtilon RoDOlr R opoir ” I------1 J dfi Ul. Wa AInt To tiarv* You raild.nil.l p.inilof. XF rrrn")* ra.lk YV. phoJi.,,. W, / // ' } ' !;^,”ii:!r'HJr'ii^.ri.£^ ^ * T T A XTTA W ANTKO hui.llUBi> ,t..g..i.ia FarVariM k.ima wrapp*:ipirlanci>:ipirianciil. ra. .d*o*A^ T\r!fl7rvki.*‘;aj'.T}ilV.***.'^*■ici. laj.Tma, . * ' I B A N K A S ss’N S ’N ;r.,5i;'"S»,S:;“ na'.‘Irn.“iVr;..‘' '‘ C ustom GGun un M akioklnfl *. 73Moa7y Televisionon Sei^iceService , T w m r A i X R c o o p m q UTUI> .a tv lc* ! IWdlaa: i'.M dlaai 'l-oyT< black Hi,,alnB.< Htork flnUhlnB.tlnUhlnp. KxpartK»P« biml* - I' i» W. 11- NuUlnB■■ • A. MoCowMiCombt Paklniir.*; tirliiiny;Itlany; Mal Maliaa*. All it>aillnB. llaloaiilnB alippltn, Ut“ _ 6 al Uull.rri*l.l'i Ti* tV iiirvki. Jimka. 24 1 yMre ([ p —— IC. J31 4th Av*-AKC rcBl.tar.d. J*annta'a I im oing . a1aetrt>nU awtng______Tnwinn • "------I (lU n )(iinau ------‘ JXnlwrt fi. “ p; ’ -S’l »»-• CFm^*^^kr/i**-w«k: loia-ftuinpr llaAhoaa tractorir moun^a moiin^a.I.1 ra.il.. ra, .11.. »»»«>"»• »t40-Hb.at40-llb.a i.akaaU k,. North.1 * OWinfl ' - 1I4B Ovarlan.l 4»43a V. HUHtr^),, . »U9 afur » p.m.f.m. waakilai waakilayi, w**k. p,„h,d: ir*nchlnB,nchint, bark t'lrk fllilna. Milt ■ flumlilntf tiarvltt.. 24 hour larvlr^ A.idUon Av*. ^ 0 ^ ^ " i f i.i. .11.I7U. ..— n T C lS rboM I J*honi4ll I'hona 48|.|«il ,n.1i anvilma. - ' iiBiamant illaBinBi.Blnvi. complala eomplai. •♦ptlf li^. All wOrk.' BUkrani»a<1. 1 ia 7.V1.Ha4. . SMALi. rauuiarvilii mipplaa,~pnupplaa, pal prieaa. ivtiami, Haiiiffcilon• riello n a a.iura. .iiirad . (il.i. >part~i:«part traa. f / T ^ ^ ! VINYI. PLABTIOhSTIO 00\COVEna Avanu* Fait. • ' .... I . tank and drain fUld Imn . Tnpplhf. nmnvlnv. // 'S. ^ anil Oflrrt I*U Rlloa, PU IIK IIItV l) Toy V'ln Tarrla: IJakan »*w*r «*rvka, 7S3.2& . . . w M n ,: I’ wlda « 100' Una. (tlud aarvlca avallabl*.tvillabl*. PI i'hon* 73.1...... — -.■ ------. 73:i.»lll, 733-33I8. / f *V jo( Qfi , . Kppinir ami ramuvatt t / I IU .II p.r,r«ll ("iM.(•Itaa to U42' w lda). . 70ll>. . • ____ . •. • ___■ Fuel o n mlngr. Fra* . aillmataa. , 's // • 1 ruCLsn M M *>*0 >rvlc>. 713.6040, // / f ^ A IOM 'J.V, DuW ...... jwoUi’ I, t>„vU'a 1 ".Tu'naTim , ^ »“** * Karylca. 713^040, 7 ll IIOUB »urij-v.°“I.I P p t "rJka‘’lJiCua.*’Yll‘"Mvl«a. 711 M«ln ,|'n‘ W«i. ^ ihhary — Irlmlirlmmini // I ' l \ ■StsS ^ ______r- i-h-ma 7J3.»aGa.I. . ’ ' • lopplnt. ramoval.al. napanilablaDapamlabla work I ■ |J All.. itu.l .arvlca ------hr ralfibla mm. Hall 73I.338B. • tt ArrawnoN T »rd. 100 i;ra.idvi*w Jonitorioiiriol Sorvicfl.Servic< •. 1. Call 73I.333B. l_BTOOKMSM n.l... _____L SSSP?^ I '• WAMflERS—>870010 —TTTTI----- ‘rr----r-sr-^ K..ft Janil.,r har«ir,< ln.u.a,l 5 S i° ! ______Upholstniv ■ lOistciy raaUiirad Toy and uphol.i.ry rlaaplmr, \V*I 2*. ,111 .„d •7S"VlnV""r.?ml1d'i‘’*^ T* «,* ^ Tia*4t41 b'ACllUIlUNP puppy,.nippy, ba. had ihnia ‘Jf.* f»»*. aconomical>n..mlral j-h. j.-l.. Call, C 7SJ. . __ lailfitlnB.’ Fraa ‘ai"lU ' Tni.HW -!! I I T~ • aUn (Unnan ahappard•happard i>u:i«uj>pln. .inb ’ ______Inc.. phi.lna 731.7111. B»l. aift.3317. Wan.lall, ' -—^—— . Romodeling ^eutV, kill.- ii.itf. ){.d TJIE,E WANT AD AD3 ’ •‘•"'♦wratim nn.mi.>ii^i. a.iaini..U n. bulk. • V acuumn Cieoners C l.o n e rs ' '1 ‘hethe fifilTHfinrnlKlit in, a month“ * /I »haven’ « v e n Y ■r n wftTT m<’‘i»rnUlnf, Jol« lart lu olJ. IIO. 113 Union IIELP14* YOU S2’.‘l'i.»*’*'“ 0'*»t'la.' For atlii •"** R»P*li' all makM).a). auppllMjauppii*ar.ii».vi llo 7 PhpttcB Dmk.)ink. No ute.Ul KivihB'hiraI looteo muchmud .n.". I liS.lOJO. •bla.' For «air«Ma«. Aalaa .nrl, l lm |,r ‘’‘^ 7 n,r - -—^-• -—--- Ukaa,:— - Ind- Avanua;-inua- Kaal.lUal!^:_ 7aa.K7*33.10^71**— ■ - _ _ eencouraBeinentr’ n c o u r I■ " u ■ ■ " ' ' ■ V ' . ,..1 ake Poildrsrs W^ hen Inventedlnv< InI n VW ant AdsAdsl PT^neSe^T3iW 7 )9irrW l Novv!^ at ■------H ------r — ’ ■ . J C en tS jW y S ! a o o Sunday,- Ocl. 'l 1, 1 ?Aomsoo i Aulemoblloi ror S»l« ’ ft"***” * ’HHAItl'KHr W V ORJ^AN Aulomobll.i Automol for S .i. 200[00 AuloiSobll.iAuloiri for S«l* a o o ■| ' |i ' llieil rai> in town /- y. :------■ ■ ■ ■' ' i ; X C E P T I O N A LV ’ ’ ' . TTOl^RUGK , ,, „SAFEBUY” VUtlllKK-.MOTOU CO. ■ ' ' ' ' iBROTHERS . ------Carleson’s , VALUES! ^ " PONTIAC-CADILLAC ■ I S y S _ ; ' ~ ~ HIIAIU'i:aT P O N ’ 'AC ■ GLENJENK^ J E N K I N S ' ' '> 1 Used C a r s . , ^ . GMC • . , Home of the 1003 loo; CHEVnOLET call in town ’ J ' iiiiliaU ljiij.er H|kiri f.mpa, , pg Yoimtci-; Morou co. . nup4»rnu p irl, Idaho ■ 43H-3«0 atidTi-ucks ^ Iliiill.., i i r a i a r . 4.M >r«.l, U'JT 'o:i O i ) (niKV i:.-ton S1705 '' ' CHEVROLET,ROLET, INC. I Wide Tracks " V n , - ii')w/r pow."*;• 1 |„...... will# ■ »«kIM ------^------^------T*------*r limU.'?. new Whlla.||iUil'l* ' iili KuU i« t «ylnn: »Um . MAlilC VAl.l.KY iJ FRONK MOTOR CO. . , ' $2078''5 ■ ■ Wall lilt,, hi.cU Wllh rrjl rr.r ------'--- -n.i'im n - V.«ir* I , Vt>ur-l’lyiiiuuth U.MC Uialfr / | 410 * o f f o r a . • intcihr. > ,,| TUAUINU' I)1-;aI.I';U" ' ir , UsedCar_ancLTm(incLTruck_Center_._,„:___| I •62 FORP In ) fi*'"'* llJl. HihiU***- •'» » $'J005fiOa niCKH 111 jai'oni* IJU-UU',!I7U .1 )5 Bonnovllle Unrdlop coupeB lll..'a>iM- J.,U,r. Jk’l VH.Vn, o'l luili.. n'R iiim lixloi) ci>n»' .rrnW $1395 Uon> ih ' ■•'■■iilrHei railici, hcnior.lor. ■' I'l ivliiillt. llunlar* lo. llMUiUiil. flnUli with . H|'iii'l,>l I . , rt Coupo ■ '-'ll 'J iry , tnRtelilna InUiliir. 'JhU I*.ll HIihi |i. ' Hi ■'V ■'WILLS'^^riLLS' ■' 1%:19G2 IM PA L A 'Spnrt Coupo -1 ' -‘SUT Vll tuotnr. 4-iippod•lippoil floor ahlftal IrannmlMilon, r A •, „ , 7,!. . ■■ • ..-CGI. 'e r. (-I1EV Panel. $505'•95 f ' Bhown oxtrt'inol;?' Hootl cure.cnre...... |aa05 1 1. IrS'. ' ’ :r;“li',^ 4-;i>iv.| iinniiniL«i(«n. m o l» r ; * ' tlr«« •lilt lulliur «klr«». Viiw'll IIU«!“■ 19G2Jflfl CIIKVROLF.T . ■ <■ uality Select jq„. ''••‘Air .U ll ,.11 WLUiin, .1:7, , , , ■• j,| n i 111 p I r i «• I y roliMill,- r ii»w ' ' ^ T o p Q u a lit y S .1002 COMRT 2-doorr SRodiin'''' e d a n '’ > i W ' ig—I'f!,., - ^ j V I'Ufiii, li.jiiv «lr»». I')*'*- -.'ninrI ’ " ! 1. flnUH wl‘h #5; Oiifi «nVli)o 0-cyIlHdoriHdor motor, alundardal t^nna- ' ^ . — ■ Ji"''''.l,l!'i!fe------— ------citrlv npw ^ml'i’ilrin' llrfw. .iubt riulln. ntihrlvillQB npw lire i ' . 1902: CADILLAC ■ , JMwcr IxaUr*. |.|ka n.-w.f f 'Bi"l''OUlV 0»* pTcl(ui>» (i!> ------——— u s eb d b '- c a a i r s . -foil • . . •IinmacuUl* J 'w t.ii. « A rl..r wllhIh S inn 05 o syy »)n.-J> u tili ria t W l. I I . . , . hiliuM' i.a u m i 1raiiHii>li»i»iii.olll. ;1. , 19lii 1911 ('Tn'',VROLET’'nrooIiwoocl’’^Brooltwnod ’ ’ . • YOUR CirOIOIS -....8245 •' 4-door Rt.illonwanou.(loit. fl-cylh»ler motor, alnrtd*^->‘—•• • ’ ■ $80^5}5 *uVn II i,.. TffTOiy Mr rim.llii(m nil J9GJ 9 B 1 CHEVROLET ' li)031 CHEVY II ' - Hi. ■ liikiiil ii«w rromliim "1‘H* w*llii r . —7 ' ' ------tlliraiTT* {Uilin, ' ^ urd triinniulBBlon with overdrlvioverdrive, a Veal aharp llr«i. Don't w*ii on ihli fin* cir, licalcf. n.i'vllmlrr. iivrr*f,": , " ‘f * ■* . «0 cy:cylinder 4-door ^rduu. Radio, nndlo, heater, heatci atandnrd trnns- >' • , ;^car. ONLY ...... •-...... $1405 ll uitUyi, , ihlvi' ){r«J ~ mJ^uiJon. npRj C leijn...... $350{» • ...... V...... ; 100 '" 5 - Good Selection ■ ' • 19G1 liMPALA. 4-door)or SedanSo'dan , . ' • ,iH 5 .- G ■ 10G2 CHEVEV Ihipnln Impala Waittin , . • . Vfl inntor (luto. irnnninUiilon,IrnnBniUiilon. power ateerlnB 1003 CORVAIR Monzn . Power 6t«?rlnK, power brnkca,rakca, nidlo,.lnullo,. heater, power neat nnd brakcrt. nonutlfulutlful red nndand white finish .... $io05 T O R Y ’S ' ■ '■ •. guo» Conn#. ThU cur .U ,ln.[J . . 19C1900 PLYMOUTH . (Of Used .Cara ' S lOOB •vory-r*«P»el. tl U .aull'I'e't wl}h nnd power'wlndowv N lcet...... |,ucbc»» w h i l t A,(111 tii- Tluciio, h'entcr nno ena »nvinn;ivlnir overdriveoverdrlv ...... $17031103 chi'omo wlicolB, aolUlsolid ChcfryChefry nRod finish ...... ' $005 1 9 5 7 f o r d $1005 • tarlnr. $10051005 D & S 19Q2 RAMBLERILER AMBAMBASSADOR S 19G110 BU ICK E loctrn r 'VO 4-rtoor CviKiom 400. ivtrtlo,IVtrtlo. hentcheater, power KteoiilnB, S f„ ro v « . Hurry on tht.h ls JI«r.ll..u Cmip# ftnlilm l In Arctid>i< 195919E CHEVROLET ■ F T O R D S A L E S ► power brnkM, nutomntlcmntlc trnnsniltrnnsnilKHlon ....;.;.,r^..,$l703 wlilla with Ui-BUiifiil tnlarlur. n o s ■ ,. _ t h i s W EEEK’S E K ’S sSPEC : IA L^,- Kiillv iMiw«ioit, Incluillnu «lr con- liUcaviia 4-d.»>r nc.Un. VB.VR. JanmiJ.ro m * IS4-SS4B 111111 U:ENAtILT E N A tIL T ‘1-door' ■ : . «llllunlna.» AUti I*romitim whil*lla ' rAillii, tiraier, I'liwi-r (liiiln,Hiln, —- I'v n iln a Phona* — .'>■>"> f l i i U h . A iv n l U niiilV. t i i y . JJo o hlm n CnilNhii ■ 7a 3>OIBT gp ,l; leiitflr ...... ;■•••;...... $ 505805 .. ^ . . . •■1080 BUICK LoELoSabro ■ "'ONLY $395 • SwnU ' tlri>». , Scdtvn with rndlo nnd h e iiter...... , • ^-(Tooj* fic(lflj). DyJtn/Jow trnnsmlaaloij $2205 IV trnnsmlssloi), poiver ateeriDff and , w ,„ i • 19G1. WILLYSW IL L Y S W iiKon • , ' brnlbrnkcii. h ur ry ON TllISn n a . . . . i 19G0 M ERCU R'^ ------H-whcel drive oni* ownerr ...... :...$1705^-nos,- ■ .. . .■ ■ ' JUST $895 . 1 I jMr coiiilltiiin*il. pfTwnr «lo|icpil. niw 1959 CHRVROLETr.Biflcayno Biflcayno • |IJ 9S llrci, Krciiufil hllch. on npproved crcdit •19G1 RAMBLERlAMBLER Super ' $13051305 dn nny cnr In atock( . ^ ii -l-donr sodrttJ. (I-cyUtiderd-cyliiider mmotor, atandard Kfl a,1959 QIIEVROLET 4.door. Rndlo, heater, overdrive ...... ■...... $1305 •' trniiiimlRBlon, rndlo, white wal ,lon, li'llu- A top buy. rarUwoiMl Hiailim Waann wllh ra- i r q 74 cart lo cl..ioa..frot» idlo, white wall Urea ...... $805' ■ '5 3 CHEV Pickup lirlcril fnitn illii, li«ai*r. pnwar atM rlns Rnil lOGO T R IU MA?IX P H TTR3 h s 1ROADSTER . "l959 "lof CimVROLETr BiflcayneBiacayne I n>< utiwar liraloi. Hm tl toiUy I %-t»ir IflfiOI FORD Fo Fordor trnns,,. ao.uoo octunl:tunl vinllcn.,mllea. LULike new...... OKLY $0D5 R| 1900 CADILLAC owt> c.Miirac-t. fo r ■{■ dow n. Wa imilr hir Fr*i)er iD^., 0fl Oicylincler cnftiiie, Ktnnclardlard LfimnmlBjtfimamlaalon ...... ,..$-805 jq1959 j JJ’OHD W Tudor Scd/j j Fully ^nulppwl Ineliiillnir powtr , R IC E-'-^ a';;I.lvr>lnck. C..mnir'relal lola or Tudor Scd/jn 95 aeal. pijwer winiloui, |ii/w«r ilo^r- . / i t Idcnllal loU ia and Ready for your drlvlnu Cnn Bo Youra ■ Iliim a I'hona ia3955 , Ne.r p.rr.ct .On anry todnyl ' ^raBBTJDDGE‘V8-Stntion-Wni ll Stntion-WnBon-.v.—; ...... ~ -$p395— 3 9 5 ------wlMlQii._PoaUrQctlon-renr_flrQctlon.renr_flnfl_...... r,.-ll6 9 5 „ 1 l.lon. :.«?••<> •xl*. ^ 110B6C FORD V8 Stiitiontttion. WWngo ngon ...... :.i..;..$395[1395 1! 195G IN TERN A TIO‘lONAL NA L t vn motor, 4-spcedipeud trnnbmlstrnnSmlulon ______$301 '02 CHEV Corvan • ~ 'ING SPECIALS— . 1! Chryuler—Plymouth—valiantimnt ^ HIGH ------—HUNTING SP 195:J CMC i/:!’to n1 p ick u p E . S i r ______I'J t-llT in i t ' B1.1. .Inori. Cl Hy(lrnm(»tlc trnn.snilshlon.Lrnn.snilshlon. atocki rack. ALL plU ______Olrtci Resultn — Low cost D o iIm anil Duilua tnick*. Uiract ioGl VOLKSWAGEIL,ICSWAGEN DELUXE, FOR JU S T ...... :•...... $305 ,s; ■ - , [>=faelory daalar. Uriva a lltlla■ aand n d Tliat'B Wnnl Ada .$1550 m n .“ w -______T s i - 'io■Io*!! m '59 GMC 1/ 0-ton ■ ava a lot. llarlikUgh M otor• Co., PHONE 733-0031 Btntlon St ^ B o iv ...... f a U .n S ------1..P fioio 4>«P««<1 pickup. Knirln* ovarhaiiliil.■ la d. Ine.. CoodlnK, idahu. Afllc for Cln.HBlflod______WILLYS WAGON , ' $1005 ______'lOBG WILLYS V OrfflEVENTNaS . l-w htcl drive. Enslno comploWli;completely ovorhauleiloi ------% BOS ' GLENCN JENJENKINS ____ *59 DODGE «'|.-lon. " 20 YEARSi^EARS AT 1953 WILLYS PICKUPI • ^ '4-apMfl, Vll pickup. ,5 0 , CHEVROLE'^ROLET, INC. ,1 $805 4-wheel-drlv...... (ClosedClosed SundSundays) * DODGECDGECITY 1981 UNIVERSAUNIVERSAL’.lEEP , j '58 CHEV. V-ton“ •$ BALESKfEN’S iflOME5 PHONES: C Charles Hatch, 733-8017— You’ll Be P ro ut d t l 4.l fariiiry air conillUunliitf...... ;....003..$ 003 , —2 TONS— ‘ N O W $707 "W a. IIH05 . . . lloclt-out a liuba ...... - ...... One of T hese! NOW 11747 1947 UNIVERSAU N IV E R S A L J E E P ' . 1 9 5 2 1050 R A M B L E R IHC 4 !ab, lock-out h u b s...... $ 405 . A m eriran 2.r hardtop. !!!ITIT’S ’SBI( B IG !!! '« WLCON F ordor «m »- a w i t h ( f v e n l r l v , W « * . C 1946 UNIVERSi^UNIVERSAL JEEP fulur*. BlaniUnI Irinim li- I „ t&OO . . . * IIllaill.i. hcalcr. autumallc tiaiii* Hon. W«ll t^r hardtop, . Clearance ruMxr unilar It. ItU' whlto0 JnIn Thara'i 1 (ha raiilo, healer, j»«w W I L L S uJSED s e d CCAR DEPT. '61 MERC W agon ooiflOl M a in E a s t 733-10231023 ;ciiior and ilon'l forucl —- llU . , ar• ileerlnir and hraUr*. J’tiwer i n F u l l S w i n g <>ilnir. titaniUnl tran im■mil- li* mcnliona paa only in • whlc/hie windowa « and aoaU and. of 35* , 4Hi Ave Wost—TrucUlnnetucklane (acroa*donr Hanllop. 'Va anjiine,' aulomatle tranim,„u". la- 1001 VOLKSWAaEN;n ., ______I. __ OOIC powi'r al««r(n(r. raillu and ItiicliBtI aaaU, 4.«i>aa U * 1 us TODAY for ... . I '59 FORD Galaxio *61’03 OLDS $3295 U'a real iharpl Waa alon.a radio, hialar and nevr Check w ith •us TOD Tuilor h»rdli><.. KuH power,nwer. anlDor aporly wlilla convert-vort- I13UB ... ttlrsa . W t t in u R . . . netl «||irp. IbU wllh all puw«r. N O W $1107 .NOW $1177 THEISENlEN FllFIN E CARS'- * B-I-G-G-E-S-T: Trndea * B-E-S-T Doals i I . - — '03 ' g : B U IC K ’ $2995^995^ jjoo im p e r ia l ' , 1061 CHRVSLER , Whtla fini*h 4> w a r a to < irinr>nu. ir. Hharpj ai » ritw ona. Waa Deautlful Pticlflc b lu e ^ r i ■ -655 M MODI 0 D E L S ------I>an«ll)^tnin;------»ow »-lr*kaa.------______l>raks«,-uilndowa..and~ie4U_Uc:______i ______with beige, all vinyl»yl In- ■ on Br«?en and white top ,895 J;.;,';-.—. w.Waa jjoW $lOOt *;------W riom indio—h «-ar « t -te e r------ancLLContta4!ng_h^-__ j____ '65 FORD Pickup '61'62 RENAULT $895 ramU- nor. VB, CrurMOTtIoi o s w b — ^------^Pickups—a— Tracks—Trac Cars ------4.»prr.l. w ith »lr«i. 4.,io,,r r**l Dauphint. and standard tronsmU- Liitt ihkrp. N O W « n i 7 lOOrnAMBLCR transmlaalon. R a d io , Sladon Wauim. fl eyilndiriind.r ' »lon. heater, p a d d e d doah, »62*6 ' OLDS $1595595 I 1001 FORD 1with uverdrlve, Bharftl Waa ;»C! 3-^liwr r*J FBB. n»JI CltBYSLER $2405 »2405 . MOTOR CO. fl-JUS ... lOCO PLYMOUTH[ tana «hlt« with beautl-“ • “ H. Newport 4-door. «edan^aedan; “ JkTaglc VVnllcy’a alley 's TTruck r Center" ’ 'Gl BUICK , • ’ $ 1595 5 9 5 NOW »1017 jRtatinn WaBon. VM anBlna.i.Bine. lul Breen Interior.ilknd. V8 Jtladlo, hB|ilor, auto- , H3 D. A. McQUlre, 733-71S0 B“Hl, phon« M3-431B “■ 4*ili>or Ivory anil ti>rniml«a •utomaile (ranamUiloii, radio,redio. ,. with soa aavlns atand- „ ; manC SUndley, 733-1043 3>Uin<>. Itailio. hiaU r, aiiti*- . ^ • hca(er. power ilaorlns and ; ■ri; • ' Ptn'-many,'• many ' . Drucouco CaiJBliey,Caugliey, 733-8851 . 1003 DODOE ■k, , ■ hrakn.j T:v*n haa air coiidlllun-lllh.'!. •» * #rd tranamlaMon. Tlila mRli« tranamiiiltni arid P«)W- pow- ■ • T,T S-dftor hardinp. Ulamtard , car U Jn very. ixceUentieUent . . more ■ acwiiaorlei. ------.r_i«.rtn«,------. tiiB. W aa iia ita . . . ------— NOW-11077------—:------' edndlllpn; •—------■ — IW flJU ------^______— — — ------’(S2~MCRGUnV^------IW flJU ------' ...... ------. u.'-— -'O-' gi O -F O R 0 ------— $;0 9 9 5 5------—— .^-NOW _$I3i7_- ______------1001_IMPERIAL,_ Comet 4 - d o o r aodan. ___ • ______4.dmir bill* (laUle. itadlii,ta d lii.. ■ 4>donr hariUop. Nirthlni^ariSfi— lefi ' — 'fll^CUEVIlOLET * ______"I10P5------Fftwa_wJ-t.U_nura»ndyiruundy__ I r I • V I htatsr, aulnmalic' iranim,amla. ii- 1003 C H E V R O L E T , off ihU ^ar. ricaa* rrada cn.on. oreenbrlar stationitatlon top, radio, heater,e a t'e r, ------V'«r »«thoiii.;,| u.nii.ur ll*iUliar r for , .alun. rxiw nr' alaaring • anil nil Impala Hiipar Hporl. Oonvort-ivert- . ' lUdio, haaler, power alrarlnvraHnv WBBon. R a d 1 o, heater,neater, • • ntfludml tranamlaalon.mlaalon. M. 178. » iw w .r i.rakta. ___ ^______ll,lP.^.a|irad floor ahi/l, 4ill>l> an-en< ai»l hrakei, power acala anil -ctin ------— w|n«l«w»i—a lM lrle —iliHvr—loaka.-;------automatic tmnamUHlon,ilsHlpn, vV______VBry clean. Low mile- ___ —^ *59 OLDS 88 $996< 9 9 6 dlllo'nlnir, radio, heater, powerlower •uloniailn tran*mU*lon and ' pV-acncalljrhe^tf-flTVK’tTVK—------ngo. —^ — ------^NEED ^AA TTRU R U C K _____ iirM 4r«lo 5 J / I,ook Ihfa a cylinder pickup , '■ealiant 4.r Falrlaii# wUh‘ll*tiina * fl ryllnitora Jdlh a-eiice.lI anil»nit or. radio, heater, auto- too5 1059 CHEVROLETjE T 2-TON ...... $1708 ^ «iver; ■ Il' ttai •n-»p»ed-anil » a - ovBrdrU*." . t*i||o-»nrt healarieaiari ------mnt\c. hill powerr‘‘ (»udnml • *00 PORD... • ^ W05 tadlo, ’ teieidiiin*. IxiK. ,Waa IHU6 . . . ,(Ull. W a4 IlfiUU . . . Rndlo, VB, 6*apeed Lon«Lonff whcolba?wheelbase. ' • " " —-— haatar, auiomalla atxl ptrwar ^ , "NOW $007 air condlllonlnB. Renl Real . ' Onlftxle fordor. Rndlo, V»,-. Iiirm trlv «i( Mo* N O W $1307 ■' hentcr. automatic trnns- , m l T . '^L- ■ 'l l i n u K o n l C a n ___ ieSV 1900 CHEVROLET,ET 2-TON 2-t o n ...... $2095 , « n * H r e nIt t baimBiiu. , We'r. Op«n Until n p.m. • -'•nraM O -C T « ------^------ntlBfllon, poivpr ateerln«. J 4P.ed '03 POnD Pickup •] m'B car vn. !-»p«ed, 3-«peoa.a - s ■„.. p c e a . . — rm- “AT ACTION OOnNltnS",a"n I.cinir. wl'i* Plrkiip. 4.ipead '> 'fiO PORD tn05in05 Locnl buslhenaman'R car tian'n'lxelon. VH enfina and .«ii»»d _ Country a"d»n. Beautl-leautl- ■ traded on '<15 Mercury. »J1|' *<* M»si4a. aud • u „„ VH wliwl trallar al.icl. it,,. ISO. ‘ “ ■' 7—2-TON2-TON- TI TnUCKS . - ■ ■■ M - r^HEISEN^VEO^lN 4^0TG RSrIN a' ^ ^ II randl^ LKO iUUK MOTOU 0 6 .. OUOl)i»Ju7 ' . EQUIPMENT CO. OflOO. Horn* of th t famoui OK uiaen Byery NlBN lB ht‘tu 0,' ISaSiBiZ-]!31' ■ 1- toilV K 'I'thj tor aal* ur iiaiia.ff e Kual r . ------0 6 n — JOffl BUTLEn ...... s/U am an |. ' O P E N T I I i’X y ! " s y j.K S i!.!'"’- 'I*- 1 • OPEN TIL a * ■ I / . ■• - - y " • ______

...... ■■■ - i ' ' ' - • ' ^ . ‘'V ’■ . m , — — ™"' w . . ' J'J':' ; ' • ' •

' i • ■ ' ihBlB nnd Clev® B. B ln- n nd Jo«eph W , R atlei ^ BUiiprndod for^nafotyfor lutety nrtnpomlbll- erl Sch»nli«lii «n1 Ole« « ^"nT‘*Pr.^dl': ®i?.; i.«5«.o,yui.,conul of WUIard L. Mur- 7oJ“ *drwitor‘ ,7^" «l«J M»rl» O. Bnldenu ond Hinton, »)Jijj Durloy;'nurlcy, Leroyi R. dienns Verrf, a n d * Sunday, Ocf. 11. Ity wora M nrla O. Bai itomnill.. -. fW. ooodlnj,jdlnj, wW .luialupondcd lor Manuol "JBI Oiv«iiliy.‘. both Dulil; nrumll« Ntftry a . ■WWliltakor, lillator. noM ' 6 . 'Wlilmnor.. EiiMi,Ellm...... - LloenMS of RUlph Me il of Jnme» ‘E, Cnro- er, MountainlUlB Home,Hotn», anand BonnlB Jo. Oonia.nia .J, Jr„,ir„, WlUlam.\ -E, Albert uT om b 1 AtOMjley nndinii UriioeDruoo J ... .Tilnoil. jill LlciinM» of JBiniM 1 Vanderbvl. Mountain Morton and JameaJame* 'E, E Pnic. all aeoriro w ! Di’iver’s liicenseslio o a Twin’f^Us.1«. and K«nn( K«nniiUi Jornld thor«. Daryliryl D. DllleDlllo «nnd WUlU B teven Vanderbyl. ' 1 Jr.. nil wire luupended Home airIr ' force foroe baM, Iboth 'a'ere Ooodlng,-, were smpendodBUiip4 for P o& n both E ,“''<1 S3 n Bureau P*’|' nny E. arim e«; »wtli KJmberJy.m rnberly, B, Bnplon. Jr.. all wdra i S for wck£« drMHjt. M foly «wponjilblllty.rwjponjilblJlty. a Hoscm. j ] - J u i i m D rivers llconflnsIcehnes of 1ieVernl Ma- ahd Joimny E. On a county fof ' recklens Buapended for recklMC Bill llH nnd Jnmfl« D- Ro- 'Uio IlcAhuinw of JameiJnmei I. Chnn- In Cnwja county xof 0, iJAra^tSVop Snd ^ Jeromee county residents re.ld- whose Llci'rucs of ' . I C ^ a . (lie Valley roMdentsresidents were aua- Twin Fnlls,.nnd Jnm /un. WM HUimondcd In drlvlnii iindLnd John W.w ., Compton. LIcehw* ofS Terva Lal iwndod (lurlniiurlnii BoplemlKir' by mnns,'Buhl,jhl, nil woreworn Mwpondcd «y. Hollovun, w m »u*i lul hlA UcenM luipcnded Pnul ReJnlnaer,dnlnaer, both MounUln I were euipendod for veil, James n ^ J C I l l C l Ser DU drlvlnff Htnlnfl countyunty for druidrunkon drlv- Durley, hnd . .drlvlnjr Include. Uiioiil L, Crysti" 1 tho Idaho dppurimonidppurtmont of law en- for .reckless driving. the llccnuo of M|li« T. for, ptufilnuHB ovefovflf thotno ceriterc< Une. Home, wore..r. Buapended.u..«„d,d ,or «tf.ty 5 Banquet 1 LicensesA of HoydMoyd W.V D«lo*ler. •”«. and the llccnw o whowj . llceniw* were re«pon»lblUty. rfy D. Mulllnlx nnd WIU nil nunJrt and WlUlnin il. fltnrulll- UherUftKn,,. KolalmKolahnm, m , wna «us- Others whoMj . icer IB eoun tv resldontir llnm.K. Q Qunlls; unlls; nil Jerome.*Je reckle-w d rlvinu” j i o s l i o n c ' ' ’Tw ln'''l-’iill«alls -count county residents Hansen, nnri Wllllnm or wckloJiK driving; • mwpflndedci for safiaf<{rVespon^bIl- f« y p ^ . qoodlns o o u n ty who,sn .llccn!-e-i:n!-e.i were suspended Filer, were™ iuaimponded w S (o^ .in,in. poniM for Ijck { d«-Jnck -Bylnaton, Deo- who*e lloenMSloenMB were .lUBpendod i iJcienijM(M of.anryoj .a^Y D. AlborUon. Tho llco:u« nl i • T ' — At SIiosIk nendfid lIcenMi. llconMn.o n w io of f .Will wmm-sEi Pi**^ Hy m clude-Jnck .pymfl *«n d rlvlnn Include .Fr«d Ilijjllo nr ; LeslieL«« lo O.O, Dnnloll, «nl««. m S f “• d fjNi:. Oct. 10 — rinn\ for drunkenn drlvln«drlvlnii IInclude Ivnn on n libspended llcenw lihona, wris AUfipomlod In 4o: Ivun_E.E HaniLon.Hansoii. iD elm ar .R> fo** drunken d riving Ino s im .s ir 'oplnicd N i:. o for n . thoi Lincoln niicon, Han.im:in.ien: VerVerla M; V/es- County’ rnjddenurojildenu whw,fl 11- ftonii, Showhona, wns »ui ion Alvin Fenateitanket B. Booor., D*nnljDwnls O. Oomr.CoH Walt- Reno, Jr.. nnd David W. drlvinit W'lth a ore MUiD«n‘l«d drlvoivi Lincoln countyounty fo fr rodrockl«H> drlv- Deckor, Leon Alvin Fen • V. ir '. i.iiipli'U’d.UIM n ur.eau.for t nmuml coit and. Mclvln. E. Cbrlfltonson, cenMa-Wflre_wuiMn‘!«^ - - -...... - .------und'Antonlol)nlol Ortl»,-BlI OrtUi-all-aurley.- er-J.-aoodwln.-Adrianood«iln,-Adrlan A. rlill- Soll.,aU .Joromo.-Wore Joromo, woro auspondod -Lleenses o f^ n a ^ 'r''* ''«« ...... CuLiiiiy J-.inMH«!iiiui n u when r.fl th e bonrd jjoth Twinn Pnlln;Pnlls; Charles K. Improvementnent IncludeIncliido Lnrry D Jujf- , . ^ ‘I, rAfildenta whose llcem ea Hp«. aU O oodlns;00dln«; IUIlaymond ] E. lor rockloMkles*^ drlvlnadrlvlnn an d Jutly rlqiiez, 3L S 8 B Wftlt«r J. RodebaUKh n^nldentJilUi Ii\Ji\ ' CniulCnMltv ooluuy Elmore renldenta who a, IlaBormari; Dalo.pion- Ann MfNoyln,.Neyln, Eden,Edon, for snfety L nouiitoS I l,.il,'|U rl J1H-«!UIUC:L(>r« nuil WhCJ W ednctday crlttcn d enI. . Cn-stlefoiCii-stleford, nnd Jo- Fairbanks, Wnlter.J. cenM* Wflvo nUBponded wero nuspondedwnded for ddrdnken ^ i drlv- ElorrlnRft, nagerman: t i (pf <11.1 <■ cil»r‘ I (> I ciiUniKMi.'-v. K iiu 'l • Ii«ph M. Day,3ay, roulo 1, Kknber- Joe W. Roundy andfl'nd Wllllan. J . ‘If lifde a e rn ld Lem leux. ard an d LLester esU r U BSpanBJer, p jn bolh resiionJijbl\lly. nil Twin rails. for drunken:en drlvlntr.ln drlvlntr.lncUidft Ellis lna Inclifde O cri^ ,~nnd Jimmie J. Pruett. ’ Mlnldokn county Hi. .>1 uiual m cetinu -will bo jy. . Tlielsen, all Twin Fa end, O rn D. Dtyvln, R ob- M ountainMiomc; Home; yr^dFree n . Love Wendell, nnd Jimmie ■ lokn 'county, residents Lfoty%Yp”^isibiiiu^^ I lllll umuiul:l() .p.nj. mcctt Oct. 20 ut Ihe Licences of flolwrRolMtrt W. Aalett ’R esidentsnU who.mwho-m lUllcenaBi wdrgiP. TjPck^Ktid, O rn p . C ' , jKiii ,>i II Ciifp, Ocla u e U r.pcnkor ------V . M.uili.itMii, cu ciifp, t will' Gu bo V. W. Cn.i- * , • * (.'.I Ihc. (‘VfMit w ill'1)0-ft' former /.luic - • , , V . ' , 7 ■ ' - ■ ~ ^ ' reau hlaf'f -ft; /(»nonihfr nnd ' . J ‘ I , 1 .iiiii Iiuri^im' 11 v,'«.Hleni hlaf'f »i rciilo n ar dl-, ’ , . . i)H‘.4'iiLly‘ 11 v-'oslorniHf tiw^vrm' ' ■ ^— ' m ■...... '■T:» f 'rliHriii(r tKirbvlded " i iir byrWiinnlc 'I , WlU lM< prbvldedjrrul. He Is tho Canins ' •1 .' hli.tw , C ori'ul.'iirm Hureau H f 'In prej>ldont. f 'BEC AIR by Air Step In OutfordOuliford ’ ^ ! ' cdiiiit.v' l-'iinnfnvor» H u nndre ia ,prizes nre ■ ' ; ■ B E C ^ 'r.iM o . irovldcd fa v o r« . aii fiov(!ral rn in ry m erchnnia nt rlv rii- loI. fiflv(!ral Dietrich. n' Hhofchnnc, nichllolcJ. otlirr Dlolrlcb. hofiored' uuasLs. rtiici (o nre f id iron r snlo hoci In Rlchflcld 'i'lc:l(clA :r«, lire o a n r a fvnle n t aieveoH, nt / ' V.II.U' MrH,w llh O Cilenn n m t L. BoriuiMtn, iJic-rrlcli li w U Hh<^‘.hnu« h CIUmui V/lth Mr.s. 111 iioi'Miiraiin Hh -,[■[• I’’il*-r. iiiKll::viin Uic Halo. f.lHio J ’ocatellu. f. ■ I 'P l IlaJc. —— —^Reportport (Given ------J ^ ^ 1 On RotaRotary ib-Project- —:------j & i w —z : ;iIONE. Oct. 10-noports . SlIOKirONE..'ci.H were Octglvoit durlnic tho y uA f i g f P . on jjiiijfci.HI nieetlni; wt’ro b I atv Rotary club .STEPS bUMiio.'.sday inp noon. etln i; nlHarrell 'fliorne • W t'dnrsihiy1 In noon. the al),senco II of P res- ^ pi«‘-Sl(llHl III llm IlljM -A ' > - ■ Dope reported Jk'ivJJi on flndlnifs / f c , ,'• - j r i i i C fcIl Ctipvl)ro])i)sed n ’p o ilewindbreak pru- . W ' ' , ' : MID TOWN by Air Step .- I ' L . ou r »aUl th o the l)l'OJ)HM‘(l Xl.sh and wll siuue \ FORTH ■ . Black patent, . I HHint, u MiUl will tiui XI-provide— th e ------,------: U .99 _ ...... < (lo p iirU u(I d nplant i w illthem - free. Hecur- j luuiCT pliint for then Uio plantlnRA is A I ' In it u u lcT.problcut fo r U jo nnd must be I tho blif cd.pi'oblcut further boforon definite .'V»* I . cnn.sltlcicilau furihcr1x1 taken. b ■ I - a c tio n c at^wus-mudu-on—Uio-po£- n Ixi tak en . ------______w / ■ ’ ------i;*ipoi-Uwus-mttJuif hi|iliilllnK ft perm anent ■ RlbllUy Ilficrecn hi|iliUllnK hi the Memorial 7 ^ ^ I . / inovlo .screenbu - used hi -for t! -prfmruiHhi------X. J ...... Lf-- JnUl--to Rev. bo-uscd John -foi' T\ 'Pulk wus I ^ I by JlioJo h nclub for «ervuut SPRITE I b y A ir S tep f f ' ^ 1 1 lh a u k c rtinniin by ilio of cUi Ladle.s nitthi The finest in welking comforl. ' ' if r I iW clialnniiu of ; lack Clove and Wet Sand. ^Q v|jj| I l \ .luM. wet’ll.it-m voted fo nK*i»ti ha-.t Whether it's walkingwalking shoes, dressyssy sho(shoes or evening sh6es| I } i ' MfdibfmII ^chl)ol vo(cci f.enlorf boys for •1 2 .9 9 ' I ' ' ni04ol fiCi UirouKhout tho j • •• dinner intn'llnBs U» I your. Shnw Imported on the ^ L‘. I. Sfield h a w lYpn llKhtlntt projcct _____ you can findJl it it in^ in^ aqur completete selecselection. The proonslp j >1 ba.scball5d field bv Iho liKh LcRlon...... ’______J ' iiiwnsorcrtr Wbv hiio. Iho U Claudo .Wll.son Arthurllo While. Bnlley C nre program nnd .Diilon for Bnlley tha rest of the chhlrnicn for th« V' I m o n th . trying themm on. MatchingW handbag:landbags by Berne JET HEELS f o r th o s a III Crash 1 r- , . -- — jl ■■ Jl" BiihTc^ »flr»f dress up occaslbn*.1*. a f . 2**T'CV BlaclBlack' and Brown. Patent.n t. i “ i,, Damagesmages Car / Ocl. 10—DnmnRos over ______I . i HUHL.ro Ocl. reported lO-I when Jo h n C. ------' \ ^ V ! V ; WeleomWelcome $100 worolh, rpporled37, Duhl. > momentnrlly 1 V H o p w o rlhH , eyofi 37, D offu h l. J h fc A id w n y V ter e a a d c a h r s I took hl») imii ryi's ro rdoff hiwlm i drlvhm r [ luul (he imilwllh Fordtho brear of a 1050 ' - ’ 1 . t’oilUlcd a.swKh tho tho driver. r Ralph As- : llnstitdtellnstitdtei . > P ‘Hli!o H.I>. 5L\ th oroute drive 4. B uhl, ^lowcd 1 , hrndrup.rflc 51’, Inroute front <1 of him n t 8 •• •*, . *i for trnflloedne.sdny in front In tho 100 block 1- .[ I* p i n . Wodno.Hclnyh Iirondwny In avenue. ‘ }, I ‘ on southPollco Iirondwny Chief Chnrlea Bur- ■ j 1 Huhl PollcodImated Chief damnccs nt tI35 / \ ' V. I . bank estimated•'ord nnd dm $25 to th e Dodrte. / X ~ w u f e N k . ROULETTE b y G a la x la. , i L J l , r duinaRe.s nlno wore ro- . f *11^ Minorfrom diunafic.s ll two-ciir : ml.thnp nt / I ' ^ B m Black Cru&hed - ■ r , - ! J . L polled n.from 'niesday ii two- nt MaURhan'n I p ® ftX Calf and f l * ! I*::i p in . ’n ic sd a v i 0 \ .In mihl. A 1051) rord i \ ‘IK ^ Hayride Brown5 w n ■ , , I K ' drive-inby ,JnL’tht'l Huhl. D. Vou Wcllor. , V ^ fli' dilvrn II. hy niut„n L'tht'l D loiio C hevrolet ' > ii. . C a l f - 7 .999 9 . ^ : I m. Ihilil.by niut„n Mis. Ediih 1 Ensunsa. 1 - "iw ' I " d riv e n Mlef..rd, bv Mr.s. collftled Ei 11.1 M1b.i ' DieV u <(Bur convenWporehHe ' ■' ll ' CaMU‘f<*rd,eller pulled col In front of the ‘ 'I ^ ■ V oii Wvehicle i’llrr pulled In nu a ttem p t to , ' , ^ ______.. ' .' •______pUni ~ 30 Day Charge I, iM hi'r vi'hU 'lr in r - - 4 : ------r„rlrT,^^h,^m T-. 90 DiyD Hand/ Sheppei^ lek-Tractor PIPER by Galaxle , - , -— la]lay Awayi — Plus v' i I] |l || Truck-Tn s^- popular patenl» withI th»(h » ndent Probed . ' newaV,navi &ubba Heali.■ R^d R id. ' S Ik H Oraan siampi (j I .'’i'i AccidentI FalU roiinty deputy sher- . W m MKB H |u k patent, .Brown paten) and I ' 'iV invesdrtatrd F alU connt a truck-trnctor I ■ BBlaek l « < patent. 'B Iffs lim-st|(TfttrdIt nt I0;n0 u n.m. Thursdny B ^ H n m S S > , 7.99 : V - ' ni'i-ldcnt ntnorlhennt in:no i of ^he city. ____• , . '______' , 'j ■« - . ■ • flvr nUir.i'norlhenirleh wero reported. ; , ,, , I \S •'» - Inlurlehi> M. wero Myer^, re 521 r o u t ^ l , . ------— ■------— - . , ■ ” '■ Clydeln (‘^ll|:a(lU|;M. Myei> deputle.i he '■ ■ ' ■ ‘ ^ ■ fold lnv^•^ll^:a(lu^r-ii~4>lt>^i>wiied-in(13-Do.-s church ij in Nampa. V l ' I Kl <'VUlinellfi(.o.^n, who p rio Is r nn accoinpll^i- IH H r I If lit Piistor of.Itnblsi, the chur iil,so will nppbnr on \ \ ' v H \ ■ ' \' ' FANCYiNCY. BOOTS 'ii V[ ll iPr Mrjs. no.^>ffnimr1, w h o Mho Is n Is n Rrndunle ' ------^ri»-Uke,tl«n-ihoM^fi f I , II I I <*d jiiftrlm■pnton b ls i, iil.so colloije, W ltenlon, ‘ ------—------kp,dtatt.thourlM\------...... viJ ' ------U -I If - - U i6. p ro ffn im r Mho •uw " « booM.beefi. In iMdetu»4 • 'I? rt I't'Celvcd her master's . . ' *' ■ end etlf.Mif. BlueHue iu«(ilutcJe, Ui I • iJ/- I ' ' Nyi'PiHonIn muslo colie from the Amerl- • iu«

M ... . . r . : i ■ ■:! I d ' . liri(. ■ j^yyyv ^ j

IAM-M«w k 600PLY ggOWD -/^^li'm W % y ' -- *^0. / SSST.PST-S'tM IS5g@jl% HA6 TUR> £0 OUT tO HEAR I

1 /^ TUESaOBERLlNs N ...... ^T^' T" RI5KT NOVT,LE^'roReET '1 ( WlUQETl^OUlF YOU I raM H ii^H ^iaB r^ * ' ^ T J ,^c!7v,?l^, 1 P ANUTBUTTERi PJSUOTY I V n u T ' J AepODSPORTTO TaWFEEUN65 0N I -ANOPROTOCOUt J TAKE-THE 6 (NEm^l^ MVCW F^^ j

l^ ' , ' "j I • 1 ■ ^ ______•i _

/ n ^ s ^ ^ ' T i w e A T S QFCO'URS; : have n o o s j e c t q n s t o .- .I I . low / r FEEUttel-^MT S n w IKIE PKINTIMS •mESOOgeR

■ iiff.Wiir>2 U A ,jg ^ r^ ^ ^ |KigtTugQ/->=-g^A/>//-Jt ag*4.M T > gr.l^^^*^^T ^ ‘

■ B V m E ‘^V ,V O U KNOW \ ~ f T-^ff PF^'>« V ~ , / V ~ ^ , W ^OT THE KATFELTS AM) ^ ABOUT/W FOUNDATION KRTHE r . a , - - ^ / COMSTRUaiON \ ■"■■=— ^ B L A Z tS ! V f - (E At=KEYS, EASVlGET I

■ / ■ ■ i . ' ; 1:- '..'^ ..; i ,1 J I - ; ; ■ ^ ■ ■ / -■ - .. - - ' ■:: V. -

TIME r SE T O O T ) 1 1 6l^'m /.../tl^-r GASO... Y ’ W i T H S < ^ B A 6e Nd REMEMSSkI t MAV C fH E K E / ySZ^y CL06« © 5EP \ .pSePIACUEL-QUICK/J VA AlMT / teLV ON MV E

' ■' t i ^ B W. Boy.lW KUwTSllll tjta^ p en X T T ABE-*U \ \( iURE.'l ^ f~~7T^~^^ '-'QfT'i : H iH B i»»‘w«»J>m-^^^M . » NcrmNffi7; ■( sooFYfMo*’) finwxrn>BE) . . ( wwrta) ; .^.-b? b=jS

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i llVWULDKr 6EUEVE ! THSiE IS NO V«A1H ll I MAVB& yER fesKT, BUT ( FT ALWAYS h£s MV ir IFT PIPNT ^ ir/j ©K^TH^TWAN: take JvT/AWbTCE an’, , V • lM^?i£SSiON THAT MX) VAwa^ocKEO- " /^ssvcacrfe, oa^ BE a& ^p ^ i> B^^ffS Ccou? RUN/) BLrcooB'tOLTKf^ ...voLf GOT INth'hh^i ■ ■ ,ttXJ PEST/ THATGAZOOKUS NO RIGHT TO ) HAVENT? I . XG \m OlSZ. L—^



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