M B Boise Vi

M B Boise Vi

y ■ . ■ ■ - ‘..v'vVVv /'M‘ _____________ ‘" Sundayu nday-Editipn-^ Weatherlier M o r e N te w s V y j| M oore r e Spori> Fair, Warmeriritier riw K Fam ily Com ics ' I f er ,,*%F V Feature Section ' ■ TheT h Mnjric VnlJey Newspaperivspapci' DeillcniedD< to ServingBf »nd^nnd| ProuPromollnjr Iho Growth'ofb'of NNine ine IIrritated Iduhn CountiesN nm tlcH • n o ' ' ■ I ‘ _ ■ TTWIX w i : FALLSrro~AITOrSUNIUvsuNnA^^on‘t>H!'nt ’'\ 11. iQGA ' ^ ■ ~ 7 - ~ ^ TEN CENTS.. 1.' |j|| G o l d w aater t e ] Raps I M BBoise ViVisit - I U t t e r fD i i i s s r p g a r di W W i - Hannedied.;by ., I O f G o dI byb j Dem os f SAW LAICE CITY. OOct, ct.io 10 (U( ri)—Son. Barry. Gold- ■ ^ H . wiiwr »aiil toniprht tho10 pomiici'iDemocratic party and Proaldont -Johnson Hhowoil im t'utlci-‘uttor cdiaregnrtl laiv of Go’d” by Tgnor-ECnor- ^ . Preside!dent ■ inff tho scjiool pniyor* i»auoiaauo in th e ir l.OG^t-platforBi, HisH is | ntttick won tho iipproOnl-oOal' of TUuavufu. wciVay, ui-yojir- ~~m --------------T—JJOIS 1 0 K S K U ^ .^ T n ,( U PD n — = l(lnho_nomnrr»tfl ItllO lQ -ll niuiouncod i -j • ^ today I’reaiilont T.yudonn B. .lohnaoi.lohnaon will Bpend an hour -■olcl. hiiWl of th? .M ormmon on churcchurch/with whom tho GOPG O P I ^ to d a y 0-c0nfchriid-bafQi:e-flD0ftking in11 that h e _ ■ , ., ’ uL tlie UoiHo air lenninallal when ho .'brlnga hia campaipru ' - iioiirby M ormon tnbornnclo.*nacIo. ButR ut Golriwatoi:^)'ew noI out-o u t- | to ththo o tJem ntato Mondayay uiuht.niuht. KtKoiao attorney Cnrl P. right political ondoraomont I ^ ----------------------UU u i'Ui*U tv M dn lio -c h a 1 r-nuvh-Xuu-J-fuu-Julmaoii^umnhrGV. uluiaoii: aaid tho ' _ j j |[ || fromfr o tho ailinfi: churchm ai). I Preaidcjil-will deliver ono of the imajor apoochoa of a~ ^ M e cK ay wiahod Goldwator.v n to r I day’a'ennipaiKn t'winir through HotKocky Monnti^in atatea "aucccsa"“ ki juat aa ho aiml-B im l- I at thothe Hoi.^o term inal atartinKitartinj? at 0 p.m. Tlio announce- larlyla r told Preaidont John-lo h n - I ^ ment ruled out J.ho atalo-t a l c - . son recently: - . I - hhouae o u a e atepnt aa the aito5 ffor o r -Vi",........................................ ' „ . “As n Republican I wlah you I ththe o apoocli. Tlie Proaidont'a ' T well," He waa pictured ns trying I I n j u n c t i o n ' . N ‘ opponeopponeiil, Sen. Harry Gold- i' NEW YORIC. O ct. 10 Ifl to nvnid campaign cndort>ementii. I wwater ater apnkc at tho atato 1 _ ^ MclCny said uf th e nonntor's I u a l o 1 _ ^ federal Judro signed . ! a action eupitol early In SopttMiilicr.ih c r . .' nn prprollininary Injunction j. apeech, which called for' action I to reverse the' supromo court I I1 TheT he ItinhoII cnnipalitn chairmanrman ; BntinBnturdny restraining the ; | school prnyur decbilon ondI crltl- _ | , saidRaid frcofrci husis wiil bn providedivlded '•• API*aPL - CIO Internnilftonnl 1 iJ' clzed' the Democrnta *'I have I ■ ■ ------------ --------------------------- V-...... -rto-r to hftul-hnul-to'the nlri>‘'rl'A iln-eoun-coun- - i^inRnhoremen'Anakoolationi^>nit( -------->1- rend Jt. It-is a good spe«c)}." I « - , >' ty resld'residents who havo no other- from striking Eaat and , ;1 Goldwntor flew into Saltt Lake ■ • \ IranHpoitrnnsporfntlon. • . CliilfGulf CottRt, porU Jn tho • i . J , pinnnlng to Mtenci to greet ■' next ncvt 70 days. j ^ J ^ H b Oily after denouncing Johnsonihnson I , ' tho prohldent will bo Jdnho’H two Th In the Pnclflc Norlhwe.st nn a I ■h two : T l.ni • lUx-kworkers, who , V j H i ' *'powur-hunRry, prideful mnn." I • Dotjtncrntlc'congre.sHmen,noi])ncn R*»lphRalph /ilruoniruol; Scpi. no, hnve been > '(■ I ilnrdlng Imd Ccnnpton I. Whito,IVhito. back at w.i>rk fnr 10 days ' 11 He snld the preKldent is offering I Jr. BurKBurke hiild an Invitationn hndhad undoluulor n rt-.stratiiluK nrdej* 1 ■ ' “a.-bho;]plnu list" .of promised I -b’ucn-CxlciLlciLl‘l.QPYLRohcry[^ bcneflth In nn effort lo gtt votes. I lert IS. ‘ th a t was l\’'Uf(l O ct. ____ j. yj I l E ^ Smyllo.''Smyllo.''u Republlcnn. The OOP candidaie campaign-ipaign- | .. - , .. ■' ■ 4 .■ prcKi('PrcKldent Harry a. Trumanrum an ••........................................................ m ed during the dny In Wa^ihlng-wihlng- * Fldon WUH thei IokI chief oxecutivo to ten. Oregon nnd U lnh —- which I’LANSINT, KPKAKINOO ASSIONMENTHASSIQNltl to explain thpt pro- lefl.lefl. nre John llepwnrth, Rulil:nuhl: Jack.Jack.Ramaey. T Flirr, and Eldon w«h the have n lolnl ot 10 electoralI votes p«poRcd Ttvlii rnlls com niunltynlty coUegecollege dialriclii ore five memliertiflru ofnf KvnrFvnns, Twin Fulla. The (kimmlltcn[''Ommlltce of- 25 apeakem bureau nro-pro- vlMtvlKlt IdiIdaho. Ho camo during hi>i Finall4 | | ' Plans f , nnd which went for vico presl- tlithe Cnmmlt|^^ nf 2.*}. Heatedieatfid 2irelire II.U I,. (Herb) - Derrlek, TwinTwln ' videilvideil ipeakent for 20 Twinvln FaUn oouicounty nrganfsaifonn ifurlnrurlnr Falla, Irfi, and Robert Ulastock, Jr., Filer, and standing, from HeptiHeplenilier, 27 are sclieduleillied fofor r OotolOotolifir. (Tlmes-Newn photo)hotoi DemoDemocratii nre hopefulI Uie • *M *• 1 <* SOIdent Nixon in lOfio. Fi president’spresldej visit will help Uio A |» i ilevard. Asked by GOP senntorinllatorial w tV ^ W * * * •■■■■• --------' naiinnn. ■ nallonal ticket carry the ".tK«tnto Ai’e M ade tor »r, died wtcnndidnte.1 Ernest L. Wllklriaon ' y j' for Uie first time alnco 104H. ^ n T^ln towhnt I "ndvlce or encouragment" # eel was he hnd for Ooldwator. McKny • 1, ;■ Device •. [j * ^ * * * C off l C Event an and Bpctold tho smnll group whoS met Committeetee ]Plans 27!7 SjSpeeches MOSCOW. Oct. 10 (^ - I g (flee photo on page 17) ganlsa- towith him In hl.t hotel suitefitilte _ , • Forest lookouts which hnve ;I M.President Is w- nclincro.sn the ctreet from tho M or- ^ t . il been largely replnced bybv [ii i Pinna nro bolna completed for, ^ i clz.mon temple nnd labornacle: I , the annuul Twin Falls Chamber III ^ “ o ! alrplnnes for fire detection t-fp i ren"I wl*J» him jjucccfis nnd to On^ Juniorior C ollege in COctober p»r|>osess jijny be ojj ‘SUio j }i• R estin p ; A fte;C r,l. j|T£mof ComipcrcB bniKiuet to be held pur I'Vldny evening nt tho Twin Falls cfitnnd true lo hlH princlplca,nclpica, niade to 20 T\\ Loe of • wny out with development ; o il le to 20 Twin Fnlla county orgiiniziitionirgiiniziitiona by the Committee of • hlBh pchnol cnfcteria. 9 which 1 know he hns done." nt Uio UiUversity of Idnho ■ I r i l in minute 25 apeakera bureau durinf?[lurinf? SeptemberSep to explain1 the ]iropo]n*opo8Cd community cnileRC of ' nn InexponMve Infra-'B ,; L atest T rip, "'“iuFeatured guest at tho yearly li • “pcOoldwnter wnn a one-minutepersons dialrict2fi for the county,y, it waHwaa reportedn Siilurilay. Twenty-aovenTwenty-so\ additional apeechea(cchea ,c<i,„<i fh-o-doUJcUng device. ': ,n affair will Im nnlronnut Roger i Heovntlon from the B.OOO persons di .lOHNSON CITY, Tex.. Oct.• nv,.rt 10 chaffco. national aeronautics Loover- jp-o Hchedulod duringj; October, .Jack Shaw, chairmanrman of th<the Committee of 25,:5. re-re - ;* . iDevelopm ent b y tw, o f.f «m,‘,airii _— Pi-esldcnt Johiuion stn y cd - * _ ?-‘a.who filled tho tnbernaclo lo o v er- jjj- a to rv ; ProfcKxiora. the de- ,,»# fi,- space admlnlstrntlon, Hous- . beiflowing while Mivttral thousnndo°”open and ho eatimaled“CO»Rorile(l“conRorvatively-that-tho-commuiutj-community-cullcKQ_illatrict-HUuT 1 • off the cnmpiilRJi trail nnd rosUsdn o m Cliaffeo la preDoiitly ; :■ vice - Is-n-wlnlftlurl/JtUon-U1 Tnnay-twfore lnvnding sen.-Barry aa othern1 stood outside thonise open 14 will• have been preaentedsenteil * ' ' ■ '■? of Bimilar equipm ent ii.sed [ nnU iau T>hfu> worklng on‘communlcBtlonn.-<leop-ji}- eddoorway. Ho drew npplauae>ia pre- 14 perannallyW to ;J,500 county ' aoldwHter's hometown of „Phoo- spaco Instrumenlnllon facility, Infl t : ou nlrcrnft to doloct 4,^;*fire ;,i nix, "JArlz.. to htart a 30-hour "P"" ‘ 600 Blue terlimes nnd BtrcnRlhcnftl hia pre- p( II the Apollo branch of the natro- i-J I chal- rcaidontft wh.cn tho apeak- I from n great dlstnnce. The I;i’ through teven Westernvoaicrn ^ j,j sr Twin h«1’'^'’'='* linylnR. "I chnl- yc s 1.000 toI AttA ttend ' %,! coulpm cnt in u.se. however, ! •48 am nm congrcs.s'' to p/is.? thom,»?nn” pro- injr campaifi-n ia concluded, iiuiion- „pc,,sj^ny jo r nctlon to isn't economical to opcrntoirnto nijo P resident nncl hU. wife.„,,f. Boise Thursday night witl\ Ffed,ff'|B BERT A. SWEET, BU.a Clinic i|eiPOficd school prnyer conslltutlon- nnd is u.scd only on limited >. ji tVii Assolln. officer of pubUo anftlr?j3 M • . , 6(» niUB t«UM Imiilevard. nlj nmendment. expand educntlnnnl facUltlcn In I ‘"®“ : Lady Bird, relaxed nl their LBJ [»t ‘ the nrea was .■iirL^^.‘'Cd by Bhiiw. .1 .scalcs. ■ • I ranch Ihomn aflt-T Kipnrate voto.«^in branch of the HABA ond will boT^ J | formerVTwIn FaUn mayor,Oct. lUeil 10, cmTho senntor ndded that “tho |"£ lE A M eetet irin T. F. ii 1 ^ trnn.‘iportcd to Twin Palle by !H Hi 3:45 «.m. Hnlunlay Innttended T ^Jn wliUmn hns jiurely come" for con- "Tlierc nre nmin Umn Bon Jun- M'ekliigM'ckliig trips th n t ended lo- , V, FMU Cllnle hmipiUI.

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