October 23, 2000

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October 23, 2000 Caroline County Board of Supervisors Agenda Executive Summary Meeting Date: November 12, 2020 Title: Public Hearing - TXT-10-2020 & TXT-11-2020 Subdivision Ordinance – Section 6 Approval of Plats (Check Mark) Consent Closed Meeting X Action X Public Hearing No Action (Information Only) Ordinance Resolution PowerPoint Presentation Summary: Staff is bringing forward for public hearing two text amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance related to preliminary & final plat requirements. The Board conducted a first reading of the proposed amendments at the September 8th meeting. The Planning Commission forwards both amendments to the Board with a recommendation of approval. Budget Impact: None Action(s) requested of the Board of Supervisors: Conduct public hearing for TXT-10-2020 and TXT-11-2020 and take action if appropriate. Presenter: Michael A. Finchum, Director, Planning & Community Development STAFF REPORT CAROLINE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NOVEMBER 12, 2020 REGULAR MEETING CASE NUMBER: TXT-10-2020 AND TXT-11-2020 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE – SECTION 6 APPROVAL OF PLATS REQUEST STAFF IS BRINGING FORWARD TWO TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE RELATED TO PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS. DISCUSSION THE BOARD HELD A FIRST READING OF THE PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 6 OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AT THE SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 MEETING AND AUTHORIZED ADVERTISEMENT OF A PUBLIC HEARING. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TXT-10-2020 ADDS A REQUIREMENT FOR A DIGITAL COPY OF THE PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT AT TIME OF SUBMISSION AND AMENDS THE NUMBER & TYPE OF COPIES REQUIRED FOR A FINAL PLAT. THIS AMENDMENT ACCURATELY REFLECTS WHAT IS NECESSARY FOR THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCESS, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF STREET ADDRESSES IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS. TXT-11-2020 IS IN RESPONSE TO THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (USPS) NO LONGER DELIVERING MAIL TO INDIVIDUAL BOXES WITHIN ANY NEIGHBORHOOD PLATTED AFTER 2016. THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT REQUIRES THE LOCATION OF CLUSTER BOXES BE SHOWN ON THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION. THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AMENDMENTS AT THE JULY 23RD MEETING AND FORWARDS BOTH AMENDMENTS TO THE BOARD WITH A RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL (6-0). THE COMMISSION REQUESTED STAFF CRAFT STANDARDS FOR CLUSTER BOXES TO ADDRESS ADEQUATE PARKING & SAFE INGRESS/EGRESS. STAFF PLANS TO BRING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT FORWARD AT A LATER DATE, BUT WILL REVIEW ANY PENDING PLATS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING ARE INCLUDED WITH THIS STAFF REPORT. THE TEXT AMENDMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: TXT-10-2020 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF CAROLINE COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION 6-3 PRELIMINARY PLAT, PARAGRAPH 1 AND SECTION 6-9, PARAGRAPH 1, TO 1) REQUIRE A DIGITAL COPY OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND FINAL PLAT, IN A FORM AS SPECIFIED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING, AS PART OF THE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL AND; 2) AMEND THE NUMBER AND TYPE OF COPIES REQUIRED OF THE FINAL PLAT. TXT-11-2020 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF CAROLINE COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION 6-3 PRELIMINARY PLAT, PARAGRAPH 1.C , ITEM XXVII TO REQUIRE THE CLUSTER MAILBOX LOCATION BE SHOWN ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. A COPY OF SECTION 6 WITH THE PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS IS ATTACHED FOR REFERENCE. TXT-10-2020 & TXT-11-2020 2 November 12, 2020 EXCERPT FROM SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TXT-10-2020 AND TXT-11-2020 6-3 PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. The subdivider shall present ten (10) twenty-one (21) copies of an engineered preliminary plat and a digital copy of the Preliminary Plat in a form as specified by the Director of Planning. The preliminary plat shall include the following information: a. A completed land development application along with the review fees. All checks shall be made payable to the Treasurer of Caroline County. b. If the proposed subdivision is part of a larger lot, a map of such lot and a narrative description of the development plan(s) for such lot. c. A preliminary plat, drawn to scale of 1 = 200 for tracts over fifty (50) acres and 1 = 100 for smaller parcels, on a sheet(s) no larger than twenty-four (24) by thirty- six (36) inches, prepared by an engineer or surveyor, in a standard format prescribed by the Planning Commission including the following information; i. Proposed name of subdivision; ii. Name, address of owner and applicant; iii. Name, signature, license number, seal and address of engineer or surveyor, as applicable, involved in plat preparation; iv. Title block denoting type of application, tax map sheet, lot number, street location, and date of original; v. A vicinity map at a scale of 1 = 2,000 showing location of lot with reference to surrounding properties, streets, municipal or county boundaries, etc., within one-half mile; vi. A list of revisions and dates; vii. Signature block for the Director of Planning, Director of Public Utilities, Virginia Department of transportation and Virginia Department of Health. viii. Preparer's certification blocks; ix. Boundary survey showing bearings and distances with error of closure that meets current surveying practices as administered by the Commonwealth of Virginia. x. Total acreage of lot to be subdivided (or square feet, if less than an acre); xi. The location of any required or proposed improvements or easements. xii. Size and location of any existing structures, applicable setbacks and building lines; xiii. Conceptual phasing plan of development, if any; xiv. Topographic contours with a minimum of two (2) foot contours from USGS map or other more accurate source; xv. Water bodies and USGS perennial and intermittent streams; xvi. Watershed boundaries; 1 xvii. Wetlands boundaries based on a field delineation in accordance with Federal standards. xviii. Historic landmarks, historic district boundaries, Virginia natural heritage sites, and known historic features, including without limitations (Civil War resources, such as, earthworks, trace roads, stonewalls and fences); xix. Cemeteries, Graves, objects or structures marking a place of burial shall be delineated clearly within a conservation easement and a minimum of a ten (10) foot access easement. xx. One-hundred-year floodplain boundaries as shown on FEMA maps, dated December 1, 1987 or latest maps or revisions; xxi. Location and description of wooded areas, hedgerows and tree lines, including individual freestanding trees greater than eight (8) caliper and individual trees greater than fifteen (15) caliper in hedgerows and woodlands, and significant physical features; xxii. Location and area of any buffer area required under the County's Chesapeake Bay Act Ordinance (including RPA designations on each lot). xxiii. Existing and proposed street layout; xxiv. Existing and proposed street names and widths; xxv. General description of water supply system; xxvi. Description and approximate location of proposed sewer system; xxvii. Existing and proposed easements, alleys, rights-of-way or land reserved for or dedicated to public use and/or areas to be held in common ownership; and the location of cluster mailboxes. xxviii. Existing and proposed points of connection with public water and sewer; xxix. The approximate location and area of any sewage disposal site, including required reserve areas, and confirmed by a field investigation by a soil scientist together with the approximate location of the house site, and two (2) copies of the soil reports prepared by a soil scientist with the AOSE certification number and original signature or VDH certification letter, provided engineering has been complete. xxx. Areas with slopes exceeding fifteen (15) percent based on existing topographic data. xxxi. A schedule of applicable zoning districts and requirements, including lot area, width, depth, setbacks, building coverage, open space, parking,, curve data table etc.; xxxii. Lot lines, zoning and principal uses of all existing lots or parcels within one hundred (100) feet identified on the most recent tax map sheet; xxxiii. Soils data, indicating at a minimum the existence of any highly erodible or highly permeable, moderate and/or high shrink/swell or hydric soils. Shrink/Swell soils data shall include a report prepared by a soils professional; xxxiv. Provide appropriate notes for properties in the CBPA as follows: This property is subject to the requirements of the Caroline County Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Overlay District. Any future activity may require a site specific RPA determination. Activities within the RPA are subject to the criteria regarding encroachments, modifications, or other allowable activities, as specified by the Caroline County Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act program. Onsite septic systems are subject to the septic 2 pumpout and reserve drainfield requirments of the Caroline County CBPA program. Additional/optional note: If RPA is shown on plat, include a note regarding the basis of the RPA: Existing RPA, wetland or other map sources Site Specific determination (include the approval date) Designated as RPA on CBPA map xxxv. Note for properties not in the CBPA Subsequent action by Caroline County may result in this property being designated as being subject to the Caroline County Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Overlay District If the application involves a major residential subdivision, the final preliminary plat shall contain the following additional information: i. Lot layout including lot numbers and setback lines ii. Minimum lot width at street; iii. Total number of lots to be created and minimum and average area of lots in square feet and acres; iv. Table of minimum yard requirements; 3 6-9 FINAL PLAT 1. The subdivider shall provide ten (10) copies of the engineered final plat to the Director of Planning for his approval. A digital copy of the final plat in a form as specified by the Director of Planning must accompany the submittal. Upon approval, the Director shall forward copies to the appropriate agencies and the applicant. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit the final approved plats to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recordation 1. A The subdivider shall two (3) Mylar and one (1) paper copies of the engineered final plat to the Director of Planning for his approval.
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