Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria - Documentos de Trabajo DT-SEHA n. 11-02 Febrero 2011 ‘Hombres que entre las raíces’: Plantation colonies, slave rebellions and land redistribution in Saint Domingue and Cuba at the late colonial period, c. 1750 – c. 1860 Miguel Laborda Pemán * * This SEHA Working Paper is a slightly modified version of the dissertation, presented on September 1st, 2010, in the London School of Economics and Political Science, as final essay of the MSc. in Political Economy of the Late Development that the author pursued in that centre during the academic year 2009-10. I thank professors Tim Leunig and Colin M. Lewis, from the Department of Economic History, their advice, supervision and availability during the research and writing of this paper. Similarly, I greatly benefited from discussions with the professors Domingo Gallego and Vicente Pinilla, from the Department of Economic History of the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Trevor Jackson and Javier Diéguez equally provided me with highly valuable comments. Thank you all. All the errors and imprecisions are exclusive responsibility of the author. All suggestions are more than welcome. Contact e-mail:
[email protected]. Hombres que entre las raíces’ (‘Men who among the roots’ in English) is a verse of a well-known poem, ‘Vientos del pueblo me llevan’ (‘People’s winds carry me’), by the Spanish poet Miguel Hernández (1910-1942), whose birth’s hundredth anniversary is commemorated this year. Shall this work be our small tribute. © Febrero 2011, Miguel Laborda Pemán ‘Hombres que entre las raíces’: Plantation colonies, slave rebellions and land redistribution in Saint Domingue and Cuba at the late colonial period, c.