equalities and to remove IfllHCfcLLANEOI Injustice as far as 8 bailboadn. financial pbess. possible. The new AMUIkKMKlkTIS. titi:e sources proposed are the _ taxation of collateral inheritances; increase MORNING. 8BPT. 12. in railroad FOR THE Prof. FRIDAY taxes by removing the three and THE Tripp s Grand Sffiw. one “Pro Ifestriplive quarter per cent, limit; the taxation of me mid I'urope since ININ.’* letters and column* HUNDRED do not read anonymous TWENTY-FIVE We the taxation Maine State Fair and address of the writer companies; of tele- 01 th« marvelous 0 callous. Tbe name phone A ‘MMriiiV lM>r,.r.aJal polltl- instruments leased or royalty-paying; -A.T- episodes an<* ,hr,,l,LK dramatic in all cases Indispensable, not necessarily tor wlfh viffifi?0!?* sre the taxation of insurance actors, °*th® prominent Ubllcatlon but as a guarantee of good faith. and guaranty com- Bank Eastern Casco National tlon aRaSSKVhl "?°»‘entou» gues- panies on We cannot undertake to return or preserve gross Instead of net premiums; by Illustrated taxation of thirty years' mor* i.muiunlcatlons that are not used. foreign and unlicensed insurance -OF- research'larveivViJL*1 tBa2and 12 and 13. original sources, and sav- Sept. 9, 10, 11, «oSt?mt£.? l>*r*f>na ot companies; taxation of accumulation of for romance with the raresthlstrirtnsi1*!* lDat1,5P Our and asso- and emphatically loan and ings and Children’s Suits -THE- Indorsed taxation trust Fall man banks; of Trade! the Wioter A says time Is not far dis- *nd,lenL£ZSdi!i1V,: Ceylon IN1 -, eminent authorities In Boys’ PORTLAND, Kuro* and in will ciations; taxation of franchises; Ame.?c.d tant when coffee cease to be a beverage corporate eluding ex-1'resldent Porter, ol Yale Barnes Sears. cotTeae^* tita of the people, because of the tax on enrollment and organization of cor- President t than but the cash. WE SHALL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO under by one of the largest ma- position any other, commission their PLEASE YOU. stations. fnrlilt ti Jsn0w 5" hut when the returns arc all presents some pretty strong arguments in its Account* of Individuals, Arms and corporation, A GRAND EXCURSION if the Tickets will be Republican placed on sale at Bun- on — — J* «,Iery doyhtful plurality favor. As regards the taxation of mort- Portland, received favorable terms. TO half tUe fl«ure 0( two years day morning, fv'iit. 7tli, and at other stations on ago^BelfartAge1‘ gages the commission recommends the adop- Monday, and will be good lor a return until Sept. The 151b. Bath, Sunday Kept. 14 returns are virtually all in and Bur- tion of the Massachusetts as on the system, Special low rate excursions from stations on Interest allowed on time leigh has nearly I9,00q plurality. Isn’t this whole the best plan yet invented. One of While on Thursday and Fri- II pleasant Strainer Merrvconeeg will leave her at Portland at 8.16 a. one of is that day, Sept. 11 tli and 12th. landing Pier, m. the largest pluraltles ever known In the most Important recommendations at m. IRA F. CLARK & Trains leave Portland as follows: Sunday, Sept. Returning 6.00 p. giving oie and a half In this State, isn’t It big enough to satisfy of the appointment of a permanent 7th, 8 a. m., 6.40 p. m. Monday, Sept. 8th, 8.85, deposits, “purs Bath. Her number will be limited to COMPANY, three fourths ol her afS?ssors to have 11.10 a. m., 1.20, 5.10 p. in. Sept. 9tb, loth, Cairting Capacity, every you, esteemed contemporary ? State board of one will be sure ol One 11th, 12th and 13th, 8.35, 8.16,11.10 a. m., 1.20. a good Seat. the oversight of State Price Cash Clothiers, 482 FAKK KOl’tlD S HIP Sit CENTO. Mr. general Spot Congress Street, Maine. 6.10p. in., and on these davs a special will return, K. Marshall Frank is very emphatic In declaring his Portland, Stephen Small. It. Coding. dlw commission has Fair Grounds at 6.10 m J2«» __ to be revenues. The dealt leaving p. opinion that, directly or Indirectly, money Remember—Trains of the Maine Central Rail- obtained for Mr. Reed every vote of his increased with a very difficult problem—a problem road run directly to the Fair Grounds, thus avoid «:»»hi*r. of lhts over that of 1888.—Bldde- President. plurality year the wisest at Lewiston. fnhli A 1 tord Standard. which aud ablest political econo- lug transfer PAYSON TUCKER, V. P. & Gen. Man. Fort mists have failed to solve in EXCURSION TO ALABAMA AND THE “NEW SOUTH” ! Popham This Is equivalent to saying that 2500 Dem- satisfactorily .CHEAP F. E. BOOTH BY, G. P. & T. A. sepSdtl2 all respects. The ocrats In tbe First Maine district sold their theory of taxation is but how FRIDAY, OCTOBER lOtb. votes for (money, about one In every seven. simple enough, to reduce it to Nourishing. mm TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA practice so as to citizen What a grand old party it must be, how impose upon every —a food and drink < $50,000 his On and after MONDAY, June 30, 1^90. proud Mr. Frank must feel to bave been its just share of the public burdens has train* will run a* fallow*: a A Pullman train leaves Portland tor a lour of the bow tbe must be puzzled our statesmen and economists for for prince. speiial “New South”, arriv- OEPAKTUHKM. BATH, candidate, and proud party back tn Particulars from South Dakota Water a ing eight days. U. P. GAITHER, Agent K. T. V. A G. Par 9.00 Company of the character given It by Its congressional century and is still puzzling them. The Auburn nud l.rwiviao, 7.20 and If R. R., 290 street, ; JOHN ANDERSON, WM. a. and 12.46 and 6.12 D. in. For Siiii'luy. Mt'pr. Utli, PfriiMunf, Maine commission do not to have Washington Portland, Me.; m., f*arLian>y nominee I Tbe party and the candidate pretend M. PENNELL, Brunswick. Me. 9.00 a. m., and 1.30 and 6.12 p. m. For Itlan* COLD SIXES. — — ireu ■ ml I'hicnuu. Q AA u m miH 1 HA it m Off ought to bold a love feast. found the solution, they merely claim that One whole dav among the mountains of Northern Alabama, at the great mines For 1.3U ti:. For Buekllvld ub«I aDd Interest have suggested many Improvements of the “Iron at Bluffton. Ala. <*«’, p. Principal guaranteed. they Bluffs,” Cnuion, 9.00 a in., ami 1.30 p. m. STEAMER FOREST Hon. E. L. Pierce Is to contest with Hon sep3 dGw QUEEN. Id our existing system and have carried it AKKIVALM Cocoa Par and Interest. Leave Custom House at John F. Andrew ln the Third Wharf 9.30 a. m., stop- Congressional nearer to and undoubtedly ! Froiu Lcwixoa and 8.26 an< Price, perfection, they Auburn, at ir ~—- plug bath f dinner, Fnre 50 coals. District of Massachusetts this We HEST.” ■ Ml.AND srSANKHK. S'l'KAJIKBw. a. n>. 3.10 and 6.32 m. From €■•»*■ HIT FOK SALK BY year. are r'ght. Of course their report Is simply a 11.36, p. C. W. T. CODING. Gen. M inager C. b. 8. Co. ham, 8.25 a. m., 11.35 ami 6.42 p.m. From hope that with Mr. Pierce’s aid Massa- to sepll d3t series of recommendations the legislature ys used ”) was invented and j Cbicagu and 71 an treat, 11.36 and 6.42 p. m. chusetts will sucyceed ln getting young which must be accepted by that body before l by the most eminent doctors 1 From t|u«*b*r, 11.36 a. m. From Inland H. M. PAYSON & Andrew out of The in's Cocoa has undergone, the \ CASCO SAY STEAMBOAT 00. MINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY Poud, (Mixed) 7.00 p. m CO., Congress. young they can become operative. J Pullman Palace Car* oh ulgM Increased fifty per cent.* Bleeping . iubu is no uouot a gentleman ara J Per NEW YORK. train, and Parlor cars on day train between Port S«*pt5 » more palatable and digestible. ! Custom House Wharf. land and Montreal. a but scholar; when the son of John A. CURRENT COMMENT. d tuke no other. 67 J WEEK DAY TIME TABLE. Steamers leave Franklin Wharf on TICKET OFFICE. WE HAVE FOK MALE 157.000 Andrew sits in after aid- Wednesdays Coagress day day and Saturdays at 3 p. m. leave Pier Mnaday( Mept. steam- Returning, and of India Street and the filibusters from Commencing 14,1 *1»0, 38, East New York, on Wednesdays and 50 Eiohanga St., Oeoot Foot ing abetting Texas, THE MOST UNKINDEST CUT OF AI.L. ers will leave Vuatoni Home River, mhl W& Wharf, Port at 4 m. j. B. CANTON STREET RAILWAY CO. Arkansas and South Massachusetts land, Saturdays p. COYLE, Lowest (ares’from Yarmouth Junc- Carolina, [Providence Journal, Dem.] *ei)t21-dtf dHiirra! a.rent Portland, For Forest and Trefetheu’s tlou and Danville Junction as follows: To First Ohio. owes it to herself to stop the as City Landings, Chicago Mortgage 6s, Canton, performance The Democratic party in Maine is hardly Peaks Little and Great Diamond Islands $20and $19; Detroit $16.75 and $16; Kansas Island, Total authorized Issue. soon as possible. worth the powder it takes to shoot it. at 5.30, 6.40, 8.00, *10.30 a. m., 2.15. 4 2o, tt.io City $29.50 and $28.76; St. Paul $29 and $26; $225,000. Dated, May 1890. Due 1910. Interest and For Evergreen Landing, Peaks and St. Louis via Detroit $24.75 aud $21; St. Louis I, May 1, May THE GLOOM IN ATLANTA. Island, November. Trustee. Boston Safe and Ponce’s a. .BOSTON via $26.80 and $24.60; San Francisco, Deposit of chair- Lauding, Long Island, *10.30 m„ Chicago Congressman Dunnell, Minnesota, 8.00, Trust Co. and Interest at [Boston Journal.} 2.16 p. m. California, $90.25 and $63. These rates are sub- Principal payable man of tlie House committee on the Eleventh National Bank of Commerce. Boston. Any one who was present at the Faneuil Return- leave Forest City Landing, 6.20, 7.20, ject to change. STEAMERS. This was In 1884. with a census, has introduced a re-appointment Hall reception to Speaker Reed and wit- MILLETT, EVANSTCOT 9.15* *11 45, 3.30, 5.00. 6.30. Leave Trefetlien’s JOSEPH HICKSON, General Manager, Company organized stock of as a horse railroad. The the 6.00. 6.45. Leave may dtf capital $20i',0(i0. bill to fix the number of dis- nessed rapturous and irrepressible en- 12_ motive was converted into and congressional Little Diamond 6.10, 7.15, 9.10,| *11.40. 3.25, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. power electricity thusiasm of that great will be en- commenced under that the lat- tricts for the next decade. This new gatDering Leave Great Diamond 6.06, 7.10, operation system appor- the ter are tertained to learn from the Atlanta Consti- Have just received their fall importation of popular 9.1 6, *11.35, 3.20, 4.40,6.40, Leave part ot Feruary last. There at present tionment measure would twelve addi- Evergreen Fare over miles give tution that on that occasion Mr. Reed 8.56, *11.25,3.10. Leave Ponce’s Landing,Long Only $1.00 GRIND TRIM RAILWAY. 8y, of track In operation occupying the principal streets of the city. Extensions of tional Republican members and five addi- "seemed to feel that he stood in the shadow Island, 8.45, *11.15, 3.00. THE ELEGANT NEW STEAMERS about four miles are being made which when of coming defeat, and his gloom communi- SUNDAY TIME tional Democratic members. The Increase in TABLE. completed will give the Company a monopoly of cated itself to the audience.” The “gloom” For Forest and TrefelUen’s the ten years of Republican States as compared City Landings, city. G. E. LOTHROP, Lessee and Manager. has reached the Atlanta Constitution by Peaks Island, Little and Great Diamond Islands, PORTLAND and TREMONT EXCURSION The road has now been In operation elee'rlcally with Democratic States has as this time. at a. 4 20 about five months net been two to 9.00,10.30 m., 2.16, p. m. For Ever, -TO and shows earnings of The Theatre In leave Fortland Only Open Portland. one. now green Landing, Peaks Island, and Ponce’s Land- alternately FRANKLIN WHARF, $3230 over all expenses. Interest included. It is as it ever has been. Republi- THE BOODLE CRY A PATENT LIFE PRE- 7 ing, Long Island, 10.30 a. m.. 2.15, 4.20 p. m. every evening at o’clock; ardviug In season Tor We have purchased these bonds alter a thor- can growth puts Democratic schemes to SERVER "Sot run In stormy or foggy weather. connection with earliest trains (or points beyond. ough personal examination ot the property. Three Niahts Only, C. W. T. guDINg, Hi rough tickets (or Provide*-, e, l.owell, naught. [Boston Transcript.] Price III] nnd i.itrtu __ sept ldtfGeneral Mauager. tVorcealer, New York, At. (acta 3 3-N per cewl.) 31ouday, Tuesday, Wrdacadar Krralags, to one from leave INDIA ev- Maine State Fair Politics According despatch Fortland “BIARRITZ” Returning, WHARF, Boston, Kepi. 13, Mi and 17. has too much for finally proved Mr. who was snowed under ] ery evening at 7 o’clock. Frank, Tuesday GLOVE, wi» wimviviiw igbHllw* FRED E. AT LEWISTON, one historic waterway in this country that has been dug out by a rescue party of report- Sunday Trips, commencing, Juno 15th at 7 n. m RICHARDS, unelltl J. B. COYLE, Manager. 98 Grand ■ has made many fortunes both financial and ers and has explained bis misfortune by say- and after June 30th Steamer Isis will run as Banker, Exchange Street. Special Matinee Wcdiesday. ing that Mr. Reed's plurality in excess of In all the new shades of Brown, Black, Tan, Slate, Beaver, &c. ON follows: 12th augl8 political In days gone by. This is the Cum- | SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Sept. 9th, IOth, ilth, _art First production here of the that given him two years ago was the result WEEK DAYS. great Madison berland and Onio canal which has done an warranted. The most street in the TRIP TICKETS Square Theatre Success, of the use of money. This patent explana- Every pair popular glove | Leave city. tt.OO, 6 60,7.46, 10.00 a. m., 12.16, ROUND $1.25. immense business up to within a few years, tion made for the use of defeated candidates 2.15,4.20, 6.16, 6.10 p. m.; leave island 6.26, STEADIER ENTERPRISE. market. Half with its rival had better be consigned to innocuous des- 7.20,8.16,10.30 a.m., 1.26, 2.46, 4.45, 5.46, Children, between 5 and 12, Fare. $85,000 keeping pace the Baltimore and 6.30 p. to. uetude, since the man who makes it indicts and after steamer will leave Ohio railroad as well as a canal can compete Dinner at the restaurant Including round trip May 24,1890, his own of The _ Franklin GOOD TO RETURN UNTIL SEPT. 15th. CRYSTAL party venality. Democrats ticket, 60 cents. ON Wharf, Portland, every Tuesday WATER CORPANY, with a railroad. For a and a at 8 a. “Booties’ year half the In the first Maine district an and Saturday m., for Island, must be unusu- Fifty minutes stop at the Island ou noon trip, Squirrel Including horsecar fare to and from the State Baby,” Heron Bristol and East of Staten canal has been idle for lack of with ally bad lot if thousands of them can be arriving at the on the return at 1.46. Boothbay, Island, So. Fair Park and one UtakalM s. the Park. Edgewater, Island, If. Y., As played 100 nights at Madison money city Boothbay. Square Theatre, bought up. As a matter of Mr. Reed is __ __ Trains leave Portland at 7.20. 9.00 a. m., 12.45, T*. and 360 nights at Globe Theatre, which to make needed For fact, J. P. WEBBER, at 8.00 a. lor 5* F.ondon. repairs. years so Every Thursday in., Pemaquld 130,5.12 leave Lewiston at with a Madison much bigger man than Mr. Frank that je30dtfCapt. and Manager. and all above p. m.; returning, First Gold 6 Per Cent Bonds, Square Company. Including the money that had been intended for use in landings. 7.15,10.05 A m., 2.00, 4.35 p. m; also a Mortgage beautiful child actress and when the latter ran against him it was a col- will leave East 4.20, vocalist, Returning, Boothbay, every special (rain at 6.00 p. m. on Sept, loth, 11th DIB IIMO, maintaining the canal had been diverted lision with the usual result to the and at 7.30 a. for Port- smaller, MILLETT, EVANS & CO., Monday Wednesday m., and 12th. This will be found a most desirable who now bears no semblance of land aud Intermediate into the pockets of politicians, and at last political Im- DAILY EXCURSIONS. Landings. route by wblcb to visit tbe Fair. redeemable after July lat, 1895, at 105 LITTLE JISEPHMI ARTHUR. Will leave at 7 a. m. • portance. Pemaquld every Friday sep8d5tJ. HICKSON, Gen’l Manager. _____ the people rose up in rebellion and refused with Boston boats at Portland. and «OOD ADVICE and after Sept. 1 st, the Harpsweli Steam- Connecting interest. Prices for this grand production, 50 and 75 TO MR. FRANK. 317 St. no received after 7.45 a. m. at 35, to vote aoy more unless the Congress ON boat Company will make dally excursions to Positively freight This has been in cents. Sale of seats commences management septc dtf Portland on tbe of Company operation six years Saturday morning,* [Blddeford Journal.] day sailing. MAINE CENTRAL R. R. and is satisfaction to Its sepll dtf could be divorced from politics. This could Harnswell, Bailer's and Orr's Islands. Freight received and delivered by H. P. Knight giving complete patrons. It is pardonable in the average Democratic The imputation of the towns supplied, exceeds not be done and Steamer will leave Portland Pier at on tbe wharf. Par Bar 81. John, lb. therefore the old canal once shouter to allege that the result of the elec- Merryconeag Hangar, ilarbar, TWBNTT riVB TniitMASD #.5|) >. in at Orr’s Island hours. my 21dtfALFRED RACE, Manager. While Jiouutninn, Montreal, so in in this was remaming 2Li and the population Is prominent the history of Maryland end tion district obtained by the use Fare-round 60c: and and tbe Weal. rapidly increasing. of don’t know trip—Harpsweli Bailey’s The Coni puny ia earning eipraoi, in the nation seems destined to become a money—he what else to say ONE CASE OF Orr’s Island60c. ISAIAH DANIELS. REPSIN fere.1 ,ii. thing TYCOON aubelnalial surplna. and don’t know any better than to that. On and alter June 1890, trains of the with the say 29tb, passenger We have made a personal examination of the PORTLAND_THEATRE. past, along national turnpike, But when a man of the of aug30dtf_Manager. leave Portland, as follows: intelligence ex-can- property and can recommend the bonds for Trust Geo. E. Lothrci*, Lessee and Manager. and the tavern. didate Frank as the Boston Boston i For POLAND SPRING, AUBURN and LEWIS Bladensburg says, Herald re- Funds. We the entire loan In Steamboat 8.36 a. 1.20 m. purchased July Harpsweli Co. TON. and 11.10 ni„ and 5.10 p. • mj ports him, that "he believes money bought amounting to five hundred thousand dollars and omy ineaue open in rortiand. Dark DIRECT STEAMSHIP LINE, LEWISTON via BRUNSWICK, 8.60 a.m., •t.0«, Governor have McCreary, of Kentucky, who is every vote of Reed’s increased plurality,” STEAMER sold all but the above amount, to some of Colors, MERRYCONEAG. 1.25, 6.05 and 111.20 p. m. the an most conservative Investors In New York a member of the present House of be betrays astonishing lack of candor or FOR THE LOW PRICE OF ROCKLAND and KNOX * LINCOLN R. R., 6.60 and ONE Represen- J. L. from BOSTON own WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. . Including several SOLID WEEK! the possession of a vast amount of misinfor- Capl. Long, а. m. and 1.26 and 6.06 p. m. Savings Banks, tatives, has started a little boom for the who before purchasing sent an to Staten mation. To assert that twenty-four hundred BRUNSWICK. BATH, GARDINER, nALLtv agent COMMENCING MONDAY, 8th. of the next TEN CENTS PER YARD, On and after Monday, Sept. 1, 1890, will leave From PHILADELPHIA aieri Tuasdai and Frida*. Island to Investigate the property. Sept. Speakership House, which, he citizens of the First district bartered their WELL and AUGUSTA, 8.60 a. m., *1.00, 1.26, We j Orr’B Island tor Portland, at 6 00 a. in., and have all the papers relating totbe Company is to be votes to Mr. Reed for a From Wharf, Boston, * б. 05 and tl 1.20 p. m. at tiraiMl Klaiinee confidently assumes, Democratic. money consideration •2.00 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 8.16 a. m., and Long our office, IncludlDg engineers' report and at- Fatally Saturday. OPENINC OF NEW FALL ■ vv. o. in. From Pine Street Wharf, FARMINGTON via LEWISTON, 8.35 a. m., The of the would imply that Mr. Frank has a very low 4.16 p. m. toumeys’ opinion and sh.ll be pleased to give correspondent Boston Post says at 12 m. m.: via BRUNSWICK, 1.26 D. m. The opinion of his own for if leave Portland Portland ial fXK&liv'x Philadelphia, 1.20p. lurthur Information It desired. Distinguished Emotional Actress, that of the party associates, RETURNING, Pier, insurance one-ball the rue of MONMOUTH, WINTHROP, LAKE MARANA- mauy Democratic leaders would the were for Orr’s Island at *9.30 a. m. and 6.00 m. l!WLwlB)lMvffW- FKIC8 PAH AND story true, none but Democrats p. vessel. COOK, READFlEI.Dano OAKLAND, 8.36 a- I3TKKBHT. like to select a Northern HUNDA Y Ting Leave Fort land Pier for oggwargmsMW"sailing man, but since the would be negotiated with. But it Isn’t trup. Freights for the West tne reun. E. R., at 0 ni.. 1.20 p. m., and for WINTHROP and OAK- MISS ADA Harpsweli at *10.00 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. oy GUAY, death of Messrs. Cox and Randall it is diffi- ana no man ol average intelligence has any GOODS « GREAT South by connecting lines, forwarded free of com. LAND 11.10 a.m. WOODBURY & DRESS a. VARIETY! Leave Harpsweli for Portland *11.46 m., MOULTON reason to “believe” it. Mr. it mission, WATERV1LLK via LKWI8TON. 8.35 and 11.10 cult to find one of the Frank, he 4 p. m. Suoported by a Company of Stars In the greatest requisite experience. wishes to 8HMK.1. Uouud 81* a. m., 1.20 p. m.: via AUGUSTA 6.60 A m., preserve bis own sell respect, can- •Not run In Stormy Weather. rsusge Trig of all plays, entitled Next to a Northern some think Meals aud Rocai tucluded man, that a not afford to allow hlB Dame to go on record, BANKERS, FA I, MOUTH FORE HIDE ROUTE. For freight or passage apply to SKOWHEGAN via LEWISTON. 1.20p. m.;vla member from one of the border States would coupled with such a statement damaging Alice. B. M. saqpMM, AUGUSTA, 6.60 a. m., 1.25 and 111.20 p. m. PORTLAND, ME. without a Nteamer As.-nt, best break the force of the vigorous protest. ildtr TO l.onir ’"<■»,«. Hsow, BELFAST, 1.20, 1.25 and tll.20 u m. alleged Republi- On and after 1st, 1890, will leave Towu ang3Q_11! EAST Aug. DOVER and KOXCROFT «a DEXTER, 11.10 a. LYNNE. can T. effort to the F. 451 Street for at 6.00 and keep party divided on sec- Landing Falmouth, Portland, m., 1.00. 1.26 and til m. HOMSTWS, Congress 7.46 a. and 6.00 p. m. 20p. Prices for this *3.16. 35 tional lines the »epo eodtf it., 1.16, PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY BANGOK via 11,10 a. m„ 1.20 performance, 25, and 50 cents. Among Representatives from leave Portland Pier at 7.00 and LEWISTON, p. Seats on sale at box office RETURNING, via and to-day. —LINK FOB— „. in.; AUGUSTA, *1.00,1.26 tll-20 p. these States Governor of 10.00 a. m., *2.20, 4.16 and 6.16 p. m. For Buck- ^ McCreary Kentucky m.: and Sundays only at 7.20 a. m. JULY ITOTMEm num’s and is one of those most IfisoraW Point, Yarmouth, Mondays, Thursdays BANGOK & R. via DEXTER frequently mentioned. II«» Its California, Jaoan, China, Central PISCATAQUIS K„ NEXTWEEK : origin in most r.w.i in c- ■ Saturdays at *10.00 a. m. and *6.15 p. m. indigestion, tfjtf jxfccjflb- at 11.10 a. m. 1.00 and tll.20 p. m.; via OLD- we st'BJKr r Governor McCreary is a polished Leave Yarmouth for Portland at *1.00 p. m. and South America and Mexico offeu, toih*lk^ gentleman, work, exhaustion, and mental These are not TOWN at 11.20 p. m. nmar, Taod.T »d tb. worry. —•Not run In weather. Wrd.«.dai, with a record. He has served a illd stormy ELLSWORTH and BAR HARBOR at 11.10 a. great Madison Square Theatre long term culling for dangerous sedative drugs, hut foi From New York, foot of Canal North City of Portland • 4>g success, pier 8t., m„ *1 oo and tll.20 p. m. In the Ohio for a for Ban The of • penitentiary being one of wholesome, warming stomachic like PORTLAND General Manager. President. River, Francisco via liihmua AROOSTOOK City of Portland 6’g NATIONAL VANCEBORO, COUNTV, ST. Psanun. Morgan's raiders, a confinement whi.:h im- BANK,! aug30dtf JOHN, HALIFAX, and the PROVINCES 11.10 Bncksport 6’g COLON.sails noon. a. and • • yuco uu HciBujjiu No. 89 Saturday, Sept. 2Q, in., *1.00,1.20,1.26 tll.20 p. m. Damariscotta 4 “BOOTLES umgrbce nowever, two Me. FREEPORT STEAMHOAT COMPANY. 1-2’s Lwr* BABY.” Sanford’s Exchange St., Portland, For and •Runs dally, Sundays Included. Utf terms as of Ginger Japan Chinn, Anson 4>g Speaker the Kentucky House of which — tNIgbt with cars attached | determines the blood to the stomach, relieves Via Victoria, B. C., express sleeping School and two the Steamer until further runs every night, Sundays Included, but not to Kennebnnkport, &>g Representatives, terms as Governor bruin and nerves,assists and Phantom, notice, will From digestion, promotes leave Portland San Francisco, 1st and Brannan Sts. Skowbegan Monday morning or to Belfast and Daviess County, Indiana «N of All u»U Pier, Portland, dally, (Sundays Kentucky. this record will not hurt sleep by safe, agreeable, natural means. Con- Dexter or to Bar • INCORPORATED, SEPTEMBER 25,1889. CAPITAL $300,000. excepted) at 0.65 a. m. and 4.50 p. m., touching CITY [OF RIO DE JaNERIO sails Tuesday, beyond Hangor except Harbor Holmes County, Ohio o’s him If the taining, among its the best of Falmouth 111. Sunday mornings. Democrats get the next House. ingredients, import! d at Forestde.Couslns Island, Littleiohu's, Sept. 23,1 p. Portland Water Co. • «’g sciimoiw mi caie elizibetb ginger mid the of medicinal Great Cbebeagne and Wolf’s Point. Arrive at For Freight. Passage, 01 geueral Information WHITE nUVNTAlrsR’ I,IKE. But that is an “if” which Governor Mc- purest French brandy, Portland Water Co. • • • 4’s South 11.60 a. m. and 6.60 p. m. apply to or addt ess the General Eastern Agents. Sanford’s Ginger relieves cholera Freeport For CUMHEK1.AND MIL 1.8 ami 8EBAU friends want to instantly FRED E. Leave South 6.40 a. m. and 1.55 Calais Water Co, »>s Creary’s take Into consider- RICHARDS, Pres. W. W. Vice-Pres. Freeport p. m., If. A. ADtills 4k CO., a. 2.46 and 6.16 FAIR . and MASON, LAKE, 8.46,10.30 m., 1.06, p morbus, cramps pains, and every summer ill, touching at the above named landings. Arrive in Blddeford & Saco Water Co. • ation. 113 Miale Mtrret. Car. Broad Ml., Bootoa 5’s The Fifteenth Annual Exhibition _ breaks Portland 8.40 a. m. and 3.60 p. m. ot the prevents indigestion, up colds, chills, and dtf BRIDGTON at 8.46 a. m.. 1.06 and 6.16 p. m. St. Stephens Water Co. .Vs C. Fare to Sonth Freoport. including a drive of five jelQ_ Mcarboro and The Providence Journal serves on simple fevers, and wards off €r. ALLEN, Cashier. FRYEBURG, NORTH CON WAY, GLEN, BART- Water Co. 5’s Cape Elizabeth Farmers’ notice malarial, contagious, miles, an excursion of 38 miles for f 1.00 Palmer, Mass., and making LETT. CRAWFORDS, FABYAN8. WHITE- the officers of the revenue marine that the epidemic influences. No household or trav- the round trip. Des Molues, Iowa, Water Co. ti’s Association, DIRECTOR* FIELD, LUNENBURG and ST. JOHNSBURY will be eller is safe at this season Passengers taking the 9.65 a. m. boat for Free International Co. Omaha Horse held at their Fair Grounds relief for which they have petitioned and for without It. Steamship 8 45 a. m.. 1.06 and 6.15 p. m. Railway 1st Xort., IPs will arrive In tune for trains East. — — and often HENKY port going FOB MONTREAL, 8.46 a. m., 6.16 p. m. Cleveland Cable 1st Mort.. PLEASANT the cheap, worthless, dangerous r. COX, JOHN E. DeWITT, bv all a. m. trains Railway S’s HILL, SCAKBOKO, accomplishment of which a bill has al- LIUDpuynrpOf Passengers coming West can The 8.46 a. m. tram for Montreal connects lor rTCll which aro as J- M- mason. L. M. Westbrook Co. 1st ON- Ggingers, urged substitutes. • yKy££,Sv,9,1.^AVi£S’ COUSENS, have a delightful ride and sail by our car- Calais. St. John. N. Haiifai. If. X’I’g Xort., &’g ready passed the House, will not be E. T. BUKEOWE8, A. F. Vf. W. MASON. takiug Eastport, B., all points In Northern New Hampshire, Vermont, granted Ask for Sanford’s with CROCKETT, riages at for 1.66 p. m. boat in Ginger, Owl Trade- Freeport arriving and all parts of New Nor a •- Chicago and the Great West. The 6.16 p. in. train Also TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. 16 this year, to the Portland at m. llrua*wick, Vnri.u. Nntiaanl Honk Klerk.. September and 17. owing opposition developed mark on the and take no .4.00 p. lilt. Fnner KHwnrtiM falmiH. rnarf « has Canadian Pacltlc sleeping cars attached con- wrapper, other. H. B. SOULE, Senate by Senator Sherman and oth- Manager, is recta* The favorite route to Vamp* r*e necting via Soo Line (or Minneapolis and St. Paul. THOTTING IIOHNMi i^the je28dtfFreeport. and Hi. IV. B. Arrivals lu Portland (rom &c., 8.30 a. ers, and formulated In his Andrews, Montreal, DA¥--2 p. bl, three-year-olds, open to substitute for the m.: Lewiston 8.36 a m.; from Augusta, Bain ana Sanford’s SA VIJSGS DEPARTMEAT. 54 to first, $h to to 8.40 a. SkjW&fi25*' second, $5 House bill. This is 1890—SUMMER ARRANGEMENT—1890 Rockland m.; Farmington, inird. «• 30 unfortunate if true, for Ginger skowliegaD p m., 2.35 class, open to all hones. Is sold by all druggists and grocers. On aDd after 6, and until further notice and Lewiston, 11.60 a. m.; St. John, Vanceboro, the officers are This bank bas established an May, $40 to first, $25 to second, to unquestionably entitled to l*otter Interest Department for tbe purpose of receiving deposits of Indi- STEAMER “GREENWOOD" the steamers of this Hue leave ltailroad Dexter, Dover. Foxcroft, $10 Drug and Them. Corp’a, Boslm. Firms and Societies Wharf, Bangor. Rockland, etc., the relief Prop’s, viduals, seeking Income from money In abeyance or at rest, and to furnish a safe at 11.66 a. Bar Harbor 12.06 SWAJ 4- for which have Portland, WEDNESDAY and m.; express, p. m.; they petitioned, knd profitable of for the and CAPT. BYRON C. DEAN. MONDAY, m* to horses place deposit savings accumulations of all classes of depositors. FRIDAY at 6.00 for and St. Sebago Lake 12,10 p. ro.; Si. BAKKETT, owned P* p. m., Eastport Johusbury. Kaby- and kept wltnln the limits the whether that is to be secured These deposits are not received by tbe Bank in a Trust but constitute a loan the of Society by annexing capacity, by of John, with above connections; returning, leave ans, No. Conway and Bath, 12.16 p. m.; Sebago thirty previous to to tbe on demand and at a rate. Long Wharf, Foot Exchange St. BANKERS. days contesting for purses. the service to the as depositor Bank, payable bearing interest stipulated St. John and same Lake. 4.46 p. m; Bath, Augusta and navy, the House bill As for its Kastport, days, Watervllle, *° *15 10 to security engagements this institution offers the advantages of its capital and the UN AND AFTER DEPTENBliB Rockland, 6.26 in.: 6.30 £*{r®e> ?»*24> second, $10 proves, or by retention In the r, IS90 Thrvagb tickets issued and baggage checked to p, , p. m.; *or treasury with Watervllle ana 6.48 • •Kn(iP«In” m*l2*cIas9’free ftl1- purse W eek Days : Leave Portland for Peaks d-istimitiuu. fcgP'Frelght received upte 4.00 v. M Farmington, Lewiston, p. in.; 186 Middle ififtS*$100; $60 to first, $3o to a Books of account will be issued iu tills Department upon which interest at such rates as be Street, Portland, Me. second, $15 to third, $5 semi-retired list without provision for may 12 OO For Tickets and Staterooms, apply at the Unlo Montreal, 7.66 p. m.; Night Pullman 1.40 a. m. Je28 drf to fourth. Above Board will le credited to on the first I 5.43, 0.40, 9.00, 10.30, a, m.; m.; purses best three In five, mile flxS*lib*y Directors, Depositors days of January and July, Ticket Office, 40 or for other lnfc-r> heats. corresponding promotions, as is contem- and this interest will twice in •A.15, 3.13, 3.00, 0.10 p. m.; for Cushing's at Exchange St., compound every year without trouble or care to the depositor. ■nation at Office. Railroad foot lt interest and 10.30 a. m.; ’A. 13, 3.15. 5.00 n. Company’s Wharf, Conditions—Entrance fee, 10 per cent of purse, plated by the Sherman bill. The revenue Receipts bearing payable on demand, will be Issued uto such as prefer this of State street! J. B. COY! K. MT. MAILK «|>, ormof deposit. m.: Keturning—Leave Peaks at O.’AO, 7.15, PORTLAND, INSERT and MACUIAS not less than live lo enter and three to start. is augi4dtf marlSdtf *4on’l Manager. marine an important branch of the gov- 9.30, 10.30 a. ■>.,1.00, 3.13. 4.13, 3.AO. STEAMBOAT CO, Trotting to he conducted by rules of National 6.30 Leave at 9 ‘AO Trotting Association. Entries to close ernment and It is p in.; Cushings 7.00, ■Steamer City of Bicfaiuand, Win. E. Saturday. service, extremely unjust 11.00 a. 3.30 m. Capt. Sept. 13, 181)0. Any horse n>.; 3.43, p. H. MINKS*** {<-’ s> Dennison, (weather permitting) leaves Portland PUHTUHD & distancing ihe Held to all parties concerned to its Sunday time table same as week days, commen- WoMSTEiuT takes only nrxt money. All entries must be made keep position !or Rockland, Bar Harbor and Machlasport, via cing with the 9.00 a. m. and ending with the 5.00 to STEPHEN sCAMMAN, longer undefined. It can only result In a isual landings, Tuesdays and Fridays at 11 p. m., Secretary, p. ni. trips. WILLIAM 'eturning, leaves Machiasport Mondays and Portland & Rochester R. second experience similar te that ^ATODYHt Telephone No. 781. LUCAS, H. HTII stormy the fair will through rhursdays at 4 a. m„ connecting at Portland with commence'"first' Vair which the weather sept6dtf F. N. WKEK8. Manager. da>- septlldlw bureau passed while In Mtrly morning trains lor Boston. STATION FOOT OF PREBLE STREET. the transition manufacture of Box Shook and Boxes. PAYSON TUCKER, stage between the war depart- Uu aud after June :lo, HOTELS. Vice Pres, and General Manager. Mend*,, l»«o, CITY ment and the department of F. E. BOOTHBY, Gen’l Pass, and Ticket Passeuger Trains will l.eare ferilaadi HALL. agriculture. Ageut. Ear V Fnxagemem DESIRE to Inform friends and the Portland, June 25, te28drf arrr.lrr, Cliaiaa, A,er Juucliea, Extraordinary I Good men are discouraged from §3 my public 1890,_ Ma.hua, Wiudkan. aud accepting I that 1 have fitted oil Eppiag at V.30 Just up, Seavey Street, a. at. and 14.40 iu. Two Mights Onlj, 12th and positions In a service which Is neither one Cumberland with the latest p. Scptwmbar ?3tft. Mills, Improved Ear nn.rhf.irr, MATINKJC SATURDAY. nor co A Box and Box Shook where Ceacard.&nd points Nor'b thing another, and the and Macliiuery, Factory, at I'MO ia. discipline 1 PORTLAND TO liKIIHfTON p. WEST END shall manufacture, from my own lumber, first Ear esprit du corps which are essential to LINIMENTUnlike at Keckr.irr, Nprlagralr, Alfred, Wairr the Any Other. m class goods lowest possible prices. bare aud Mare Hirer at 7.30 a. iu t j. m well being of any organ! zation fall to a As much Orders solicited. For further information as to low __ HOTELj and 3 10 a,. p. and to or address. In about 2 Hours! For INTERNAL as EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN. prices etc, apply Ear fiarharoat 7.40 I ebb under such circumstances. EXTERNAL use. GO W. J. aud lO.OOa. a... 4.110, WHITE, Manager, 0.40 and If.OO Many people do not know this. ■ One minute’s walk from Union Port- I Me. 1.13,3.10, t p. a.. Station, atigl5dlm* Box31t>, Cumberland Mills, VIA MAINE CENTRAL Ear Master Th! Hort Maine. Cafe connected Narrarappa, Caoiberlaad mil.. Weal, aJbA Workman land, with Powderly is still pro- Wonderful Txaily Eemedy Ere: Inero. hotel. Large, braak Ju.riioa and — — Waadfard’. at l.;ui airy rooms, closets, fires, electric hells etc in i AND 1 claiming that the strike Is still on on the New GEO. MILIalKElV, aud fO.IMIa. a>„ 14.40, 3.13, 3.40, 0.40 In Our Stock Wlav Be Found room. new and andtli-OOp.nl. York Central and that succcess Is about to •very Everything first class. Bridgton & Saco Kiver K. K.’h. wore., straar (Urrrlu), 0.40 p. an. perch on the banners of the The 14.30 p. na. train from Knights. He Stop* Inflammation in Cuts, burns, SWAN, Proprietor. I COMMISSION Portland connect, Relieves all and Chills P^H. MERCHANT, A M |> |» St Ayer J ■Ionian with lloo.n, Taaarl says this probably because he is paid a Cramps like HARD LEATHER and ELASTIC salary RUBBER, 167 Commercial Street, .eave Portland. (M.C.R. R).8.45 1.06 6.1& Route,” for the West and at 'uioii Miatiou, of $5,000 a year to direct the affairs of the ■&“Yaaw i'&tfsjL tsar Arrive Bridgton. 11.(0 3.18 8.32 Wo, cooler, for Pravtilaace and New of every kind. Our enables us to furnish TRUSSES construct- Vara, long experience practically Molieited via “ProTMtenra l.ior,” for Norwich Knights of Labor, and it Is for his interest ed of the best material I'tin-iKniucniN and money ad- and vanced on merchandise. Iridgton, Leave.o.io 10.06 6.4o’ »ta Norwich Mar" with Haalaa __ !*T.yarl«, tf) nifltfP nut O a nnnd a f_ ik.l- L.k.ia A- MflO dM A. m. p. m. p. m. Albany R, K. for the Weal, and with the A PERFECT FIT IS GUARANTEED IN EVERY INSTANCE OR MONEY REFUNDED.' OTTAWA Arrive.8.30 12.16 7.5 Nrw V orb nil ’ortland, rail, via. he can. There are some HOUSE, “Npriaattrld.” among the Knights We Would call special attention to our J. A. BENNETT. Trains arrive at Panland from VVorcc.h however who do not at 1.30 from swallow this bombast, CUSHING’S ISLAND. JJ4UMOU|IU P. 06 O. ft. IV. A, p. u>.; Machealrr III h.33 n. na., CREAM* BALM 1.30 and 3.3i> p. na.| From Varhaiu at but who would be glad to see Mr. IMPROVED 0.40, Powerly aprj® PAD. N.33 and 11.30 a.m., 1.30, 4.30, 3.30 ami to BOSTON & MAINE R. ft. relegated the background in their Cleanse, the Wm 1 *7 33 p. m. councils. L4TApR“ By their use the most difficult forms of (HERNIA canlbe retained. ■ u e ffect J one aw, I>1(0, The window glass and bottle *a«l tSaturdays only, blowers of PREBLE ThrouKii Tickets to all West Pittsburgh threaten to leave ■gPLDlNHE^0] HOUSE, WEMTKKN DIVIMION points and soutL tho order if he Allay* Pain and W#* Ms Hew ow may be had of S. H. HKLLKN, Ticket Agent. should be re-elected Master § & 1 Regained, Trains leave Portland, (Union Station) for Portland. Workman. So.ton They laflaatmatiaa, ME. t7.U0, t8.46 a. III., $12.20, 3.30, t0.05, p. W, PKTEHM. Si.m, are a strong body of ten thousand PORTLAND, l. Konivn tar Poclanil 8.30a. oct7iitf_,1 men, well WAYFEVER®^ 3orner Congress and Franklin Streets, • He. 7.30, 8.00, m., & Portland, Send for •00.4.00 p.m. For Mcaraoro Pine supplied with funds, and their defection Heals the Sores. 4?HB JeS dtf Circular. Bench, •oint, 7.00 10.16 a. m., 1.46, 3 30, 6.15, would be a serious blow to 6.50, NEVER the Knights. Kc.t.re. the .15,p. ill. Old Orchard Beach. Mace, 7.0P, BEFORE ATTEMPTED. declare that under his -L'^ecline, N a uj larkrt Junction. MAINE In the difficulties as in the ■frlMUfclHU 6« Fxctcr, CENTRAL R. R. prolonging present Warren House, and • llnreih,ll, St.. New York. I'hyaical of the Blood. Debility, Imparities .nwrrore, ovirll 7 00, 8.46 a. Ul., 12.20, via its White so as to a the offi- Q<>d&wnrm ly Mountains Una and connections on case, give show of general -______BOSTON. .30, 6.05 p. m. Horhratcr, Faitulxi'iou, tllon Bay, Walfboro a. cers earning their salaries. If the Knights of Near Boston and Fttcibui. 8.45, III., 12.20,3.30 Maine, Eastern, Wo.ccxier (Via Ureat Falls and Roch- Labor are md Lowell centres and Thursday, Sept. IStli, to continue to be a power in the depots, of buslues* places f ster) 7.00 a. in. Manchester nnd $ otirord >f amusement. rl» by train affairs of too MITCHELL'S the Lawrence) 8.45 a.m„ 12.20 p. Soulb regular leaving Portland 8.43 a. m. Lord organized labor they cannot standard m., (via Doctors of all classes are remedy daily I I lewmarket, Junction,) 7.00 a. ui, a.Sop. m. FaontleroyMurceaa of soon rec.,mnl"& lh> l.rrnifO Sferlcia dispense with salaried officials. Many Cure at once all In Handsomely and Fare from Tlan. tliem. pa.ns back, or Furnished, Homelike Portland S8.00the side, Sunday Trains from Union Station. the of T. H. city governments and nearly all of the secret Comfortable. Kept on the Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Round Under management French of the breast,such “Pleurisy, the For Bo.lon 6.30 m. Dorn Trip. Broadway Theatre, Grand Opera Mouse and orders BELLADONNA Overtaxation, Enervating arid unfitting victim 1.00, p. 1.00, have with their offi- and all colds and 6.30 ill. Tickets Madison Square Garden, New York adopted this plan rheumatism kidney troubles. for Work, Business, the Alurrieilor .Social Relation. ; .15, p. Meurboro Beach, Piue limited for return until Sept. 30th. ■ and old, grave and cials, occasions for whose arise only at (Ise no other- Ask for Mitchell’s. Sold by EUROPEAN PLAN. Avoid unskillful nretetiders. Possess this great •oint, Old Orchard Beach, Maro, Hiddc- Lomyaratively low rates from all statlous on the Kverybody, youug gay, should duty * see and euioy this all druggists. Price 25 cents. ••v .rk. It contains &N> pages, royal 8va Beautiful ord 8.00, 11.00 a. m„ 1.00, 2.00, EF“3.80. road. Parties desiring tickets other than fnun charming Intervals; and it ** yet is doubtful whether there PLASTERS Booms alt large and comfortable: elegant suites, tun ling, embossed, full gilt. Price only $1.00 b/ 16, 6.30, 6.20, {7.16 p. m. Portland and all wanting sleeping car accommo- performance. was ever a lack of rlth baths attached; gentle mail, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus- 1 dations, should address the Geueral Passenger candidates for any such ample public parlors; lastern Division from Union Ar- Reserved seats 35 and 60 neu’a cafe and billiard room and Hrst-class in trative Prospectus Free, if you apply n<>w. The Statlou Agent at Portland and arrange therefor. cents; admission 25 positions when a For rates at :ents; children 20 and 36 cents. Matinee they became vacant, or novl3 MWPftwly svery respect. distinguished author, Wm. 11 M. IX, re- Boston a. m. tO.00 a. m. rangements wilt be made for reduced re. Parker, ({2.00 dally) irrved 26 and30 ceuts, children 15 and in ROW ns ceived the (.'01,0 AND JEWELLKD MEDAL 112.83 p.m. daily) 16.00 p. m. Boston for Hotels. car rates $3.C0 per berth-each 25 cents thelr performance of /EIS. FROM 91.00 A UAV CP. j Sleeping Sow on sale at iaxlty NEW \ from tlio Nntionnl iUcdicai * •orilund 7.30 a.m., a. m. Stockbridge’s. ?hoirPtheir official «r°iUi Association for (tt9.00 dally) 12.30 way. duties. Gcu. Halt fare on M. C. K. It. and O. T. in hereby riven, tbat tbe this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and l m. (“7.00 p. in. dally). For Biddcr.rd, PAYSON TIICKEK, V. P. & Mauager. R’y to all been and D Ell I LIT Y.Dr. > P. & T. A. loldlug Fauutleroy tickets. Late tralos on G. T. Noticesubscriber lias duly appointed I. F. MKRKOW & PHYSICAL Parker and acorp? •ortHuiouh, Newbury port. Malm, l.ynu F. E. BOOTHBY. G. The Tax the trust of CO., Proprietors. of Assistant be ^ 18Ui>. t.’y. Half fare on P. & R. R. R. to matinee. Commission. taken upon himself Administrator, FSTntlm Pliysicians may consulted, contl- «•» P- '»• -* rotc.hu ry Portland Sept. 9, _septlOdtd mail or in * ,00 ft. o.oo Di i?'33> »fP° An outline of the of the estate of fet>7_’ dinitially, by person, ut the office of in., m. dtd report of the special tax of THE PEABODY MEDICAL From SAMUEL KOUNDS, late of Portland, ri 11*n< •« our New Foil Assortment WEST INSTITUTE, Commercial Street Station Rumford Falls & Ruckfield Railroad, commission appointed w-‘k MAINE* No. 4 BulHnch SI., Poston, Mum-., to by Gov. Is and VELVETS und are now |»re- AUBURN, whom all Jl AIN K (liSTKAt. K. K. CO. Burleigh In the County of Cumberland, deceased, nnred to orders for books or letters for advice ““U w»y Stations, 4.10d. m. IMMI. published. The gentlemen All iV.«w^i:OI5ED bhould ba * ■ a S' f fee, iVIii v 14, who composed elven bonds the law directs. persons hav- BEST BARGAINS in these directed as shove. nn‘l Mcnrhoro an due act which lbim. lw11 detention from business. Also a nd West** ■*ta«k falling August 1, created it PLEASE SPECIAL ■ the Portland, Jnly 3lst, aug2i)dlaw3wF» CALL AND BATES FOB JUNE AND SEPT. p Minot fur Hebron Academy; Ruckheld for W. 11HR1890, and win be paid at ma- commission was EXAMINE THEM. 1 A11 diseases of the {Connects with Sound subsequently empowered and instructed «kand view ILLv rectum. N Llues for New York. Simmer and Turner; Canton tor Peiu, Dtxlleld urlty on presentation at the Treasurer’s Office of to make rioc«Kri,w,«dd.rT‘1 or harmless tar-Stops at; Old Orchard Beach 30 general inquiry into the Auburn. Me., nr P- ®* ?aln risk; operation and complete minutes. aud Mexico, also for Brettuu’s Mills, Livermore, Maine Central K. H. Co., Portland, Maine. systems of Box J417. Knaion. Orchard Beach 45 minutes. b. L. taxation of the different Je213m relief. Cure guaranteed. Consultation free. “Westerni-n?Ps*a* Division myiodtf LINCOLN, Supt. J. A. LINSUOTT, Treaa. States of the Union After September 11, ’90, By from North Berwick. July and "to Or. C. T. FISK, 344 Main street, ttWestern Division North Sundays 24.1890._ly25dtf provide for a more equal be Lewiston Send Berwick just the Stand will or At 0 illy. of Hay pamphlet. U. 8. Hotel, Boom 18, equitable system taxation of all every All trains arriving and from Uuh n IIUYLER’S IIIJYLKK'S kinds of from 9 a. to 4 u departing Stove Saturday p. m. tattoo run via Scai- property in this State for State, found at tbe Portland Western Division between county and "IV1>)___ eod b irough Crossing and Portland. Eastman 7 Wes: municipal purposes." The Bros. NOROSIN Tickets to and commission foot of Chestnut & Through all poln's South has Foundry, -- snrec' Bancroft. IN _ ir sale at Union been at work over since FJENSIONTS. Mtaiinn, l .u«r

l 4