Artscajework. Or Iho Liquor Habit Poiulvflf Work, and Unsightly Pimples, Richmond Fr Franklin Nickerson, Marshall, and for Hr

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Artscajework. Or Iho Liquor Habit Poiulvflf Work, and Unsightly Pimples, Richmond Fr Franklin Nickerson, Marshall, and for Hr 85 NitiI ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. are receivers’ ■ 2* 60®2 17%c. The above quotations prices j Morpmne.. 25 i At at Moncton 16tb, sch Spring Bird, Cameron, MTEA3IEKM. ISLAND NTKA.LEBB, THE PRESS. MAINE TOWNS. Tar? bbl .. 3 26®8;bo RAILROAD*. Southern for lots. Jobbing 'prices _ and Western, via Boston and Maine strictly wholesale l(&2c Oil bergamot 60 Coal Tar_3 railroad (Eastern higher. 76ia4 on Almeda, Buck, Rockland. division)—Arrive, 11.30, a m | Cod liver.i f.(,h2 26 Pitch 3 PC?dl6tii,sell 5.00 aud 11.30 Close a. choice at 8%@0c;Western at 25,iwS SEBACO HUMMER FRIDAY JULY 19. p. m.; 8.00 in., 12 ni., 6.30 Cheese—Northern Wll. Pitch....8 LAKE ROUTE. ARRANGEMENT. BOSTON AND MAINE R A. HORNING, aud 9 p. m.; 12.15 and lower grades as to quality; sage at 0® ; 00®3 or Supplementary 10 p in 7%@8c; Spoken. TKAMEH la effect Jaae .'III, ISMS. Boston, intermediate offices and 9%c. %c higher. “:*"":S§SK! Rosin.aoofflioo IIAWTUOHNK will commeoce to A the connections' Jobbing prices 27 N. Ion 35 W. ship Standard, Per Circus at Corham Honors via Boston & Maine extras l7®18ci fancy Turpt’ne, gall 43® jq June 13, lat Portii&ud and THE railroad, (Western division)— Eggs—Eastern near-by Oakum... from for San b ranclsco. Steamboat Co. PRESS. Arrive at 12.30 aud 8.30 stock :Eastern firsts atl6.*18 ;exlra Vt and br’mde cy, Philadelphia iioollibay westekiTditisios. of an Old Performer. p. m.; Close 8 a. m, and higher Potass 40@lfl*» lat 6 8, Ion 82 W, barque Harriet S be obtained Memory 2.30 m. NH at fresh .Western at 14® June 24, §>on^53^rter£S2'gUiiSeo*ouaS! Portland. “Union Way at tlie Periodical Depots ol N p. 17@18c; _c; Bacon, from New Yor for East London. STEAMER ENTERPRISE. Trains leave Btatlon,’ H. Horse Railroad Eastern, via Maine Central Michigan cbolce;at,14%@16c. Jobbing prices lc Jackson, John E Br?d«t NofBrtd^ M2& Per He*tea 17.25. 18.45 a. m., Fessenden, Station: Marquis Railroad—Arrive June 19, lat 38 N. ion 40 W. barque one & *?g£ (12.40, 76 2 a. m. and 1 Close HS£!::""soo®8Ji &eu.:::::: Sil S2 Portland, way $2.00; round trip limited to 18.05 Healeu fer Portland Exchange St.; Chisholm Bros.’, Union De- p. m.; 12.80 and 9 p. in Quicksilver... from for Rosario. and alter steamer will leave 8.30, p. m. 7.80, — 39^44 Sperm. Chase, Portland three vis Lake, April 30,1889, ; 96y3 Portland John 12.46 and 10 in. killed spring Chickens,Northern Quinine.— ioo|, ?2 Ueo H Hoi days, $3.00; returning l>y rail 8.80 a. 1.00. 4.0O. p. m. For Mcarbere pot Hodgson, St.; Cox, 660 Supplementary, p. Poultry—Fresh fair 7&&1 B0 13, lat 28 N. Ion 74 40 W. sch good ou ot ON Franklin Wharf, Portland, every Tuesday 8.00, BU, Congress 7 In a Augusta, intermediate offices and and Eastern choice at 20@2Gc; to good at 16 July day sale, only *2.00. stYigo con’ Hrarh, Plae Petal, 7.26. 10.36, a. m.. St.; Costello, Exchange St.; Holden. Cloucester Men Indulge Fight connections from (Jonaives for New nects with at Harrison ami Saturday at h a. m„ for Squirrel Island, 2.1*, 47 Middle via Maino Central fowls,choice 16@16c: ice packed SC® den, Crocker, *prk. steamer for Waterford 8.30 D. m. Old Or, hur.l St.; Jewett, 604 Congress 8t.: Peter- railroad—Arrive at 2 and 9 a' chickens, fiSST: No date, off Babla, sch Lucy A Davis, Lorlng, BBBAGO Boolhbay, Heron Island, So. Bristol and Fast 3.31', 6.15, 6.45, Which Costs Them Money. m., 1 and 6.00 c; fowls, l%2c; live fowls ll®12c. lu22dtAugl STEAMBOAT CO. Mara. Hiddefevd 7.26, 8.46, 10.26 son,2 Exchange St.: Gould, corner Congress and p. m.; Close at 6.00 a. m„ 12.3o! SJOe; from Portland lor Buenos Ayres. Booth bay. Beach, Chestnut 4.30 and 9 Beans—Choice small N Y hand-ploked pea at 3.30, 6.15, 6.46, 8.30 Sts.; Chisholm, 109 Congress Bt.; Hod- p. in.; Supplementary, 12.46 and 10 p. SIT":::: 7« g at 8.00 a. m., for a. m., 12.40, 2.16, 8.06, do 05 ® bush; choice |New 8|» £«*•. Every Thursday Pemaquld 8.46 a. m. Itlns, Commercial, corner l’atk; Morrill, S4& Con- picked 2|60®2 York Canary seed.. *&*2g and all above p. in. Kraarbuah. 7.26. 13.40, ■■ landings. Ross 198 Earminaton, intermediate large hand-nick 2 49®2 50: smalt Vermont'hand- Cardamons. rACiPIC HAIL STKAHSIIF 8.30,,8.30 p. in. Welle Beach, greys Bt,; Congress Bt.; Beardsworth offices and connec- 0s* COVPAm lteturning, will leave Boolhbay every Monday 87 via Maine ptcked 2 oo®2 76; choice Yellow Eyes at 3 Neatsfoot. — a. 8.30, 5.16 m. North Brr- India St.; Abbott, 248 Bt.; Barter tions, Central railroad—Arrive;at 12.46 7C@ Soda, bl-carb.S64iB 80® 100 LINS rflit— and at 7.30 a. m., for Portland and 7.25, 8.46 m., p. Spring 19(5 Farmers Taking Advantage of the 3 80. Elaine........ Wednesday 8.46 a. to. 18.40. S Bracket! St ; Elliott, 243 York It.; and of p. m.; Close at 12.30 p. in.; Supplementary 12.45 62® bo Intermediate wick, Derei 7.26, SO, 'chu! hay »18 00@$19 fair to rsisu. Landings. 6 6.C6 ra. Palta, 7.26, 8.46 a. on all trains out Good Weather.; Hay—Choice prime OO; Bu^dr.'.-- Cjiifofaia, Japan, China, Will leave Friday at 7 a.m., 16. p. running of Haying Eastern fine Pure gro no THE Pemaquld every no. Barter. Barer at SHAKERS $16 00®$17 00; 6.16 hoto^Bros.’agents Rockland, intermediate offices and connections, good $14@$16; «|g»* Pure ld660®7 26 (or Portland and Intermediate Landings, arriving m., 12.40, 3.30, p. to ordinary $14®$16: East swale: dry lead« BO®7 vk N. and South America ar.2 ft«xi«. l.awreace. and Lowell, 7.26, 8.46 a. Auburu. Haskell A via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive, 1 and 6.00 poor 10®$—; OF MOUNT LEBANON, Y., in Portland at about 2 p. m. hill, Reynolds.3 Rye straw, choice, at $17@17 60; Oat straw $7® 0.05 m. Becheeler, far. Bath, J. 0. Shaw. p. m.; Close at 6.00 a. m. and 12.80 p. m. j Supple- From New York, pfer foot ot canal 8t., Noun Lounecunn with Boston Boats at Portland. m., 12.40, 3.80, p. 12.46 u. 8 00. »10®»13 aw lngloa, Alina May, 8.46 a. m., 12.40, 8.20 Blddeford, F. M. Burnham. mentary m. vlSSlk-tt ff£ ttlver, tor The fmhinu. of Puhbs, iV.’ii, 'y no (relght received alter 7.45 a. ra. Potatoes—Norfolk, choice at $1 76®3 00 p p. m.. Worcester (via Gruat Falls aud Rochet A- L. Corham. Skowhegan. intermediate offices and connec- bbl; on th« day of sailing. Jellerson. common to good 76c®1.60. KocneUe the Secrets COLON, sails Saturday, July 20, Noon. ten 7.25 a. ui. Manchester and Osscsrt c. F. tions, via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 12.46 Yeilow°!a72^’ Have Learned ">ddeUvered by W. R. Hoha- Boothbay, Kcnnieton. IIOW THE MEMORY OF A CIRCUS PEBFORM- Kice. Sts. (via l-awrence) 8.46 a. m., (via So. Newmarket m.; Close at 12.30 p. m. Supplementary »o....r OF THE From Ban Francisco. 1st and Urannan non'oifuaewhart^ Boston, Mass., American House. 2.46 No .. ii Junction) 3.30 p. m. B. J.. ER IS KEPT GREEK. ?. p. in. Chicago Cattle Makert. 2; For Japan aud Chian. RACE, Manager. Brunswick, Dennison. Auburn and No 10. ?2 apr29dtl_ALFRED Cumberland Mills. Our citizens Lewiston,—Arrive 2 and 9.00 a. m. By Telegraph.i Munilaj Trains From Union Station. K. 8. Ravmond. pronounce the entertainment aud 12.45 6 oz. {£££:: Mountain Herbs CITY OF PEKING sails Monday, August 13, and p. Close, 6.30 a. in., 12.30, 8 Damariscotta, E. W. Dunbar. m.; CHICAGO, 18.1889—The Cattle market— 20 Isaleratiu.. 3 p. m. For (leeiea 1.00 and 6.80 m. Sever which came off in Gorham village Wednes- 4.30 and 9 p. m.; 12.45 and 10 July 1 ‘"b® 6Vi p. Deeribg, C. M. Kecord. supplementary, p. r—S S • t. a CASCO BAY 6.30 m. Mcarbere Beach, Plae m. Receipts 12,600; shipments 5000; steadyjbeeves Via n p •wd'e aid Hade New For r eight, Passage, or geaeiai luturmatioo STEAMBOAT "CO! 1.00, 4.16, p. W. A. Mitchell. Freeport, day evening, July 17th, as cne of the >6; Stockers and feeders 2 10@3:e0; cows or Eastern A cents, Point, Old Orchard, Saco, Biddefard 10.00 being Bangor.—Arrive at 2 a. in. and 1 and 6 p. m.; »pp!y to address the Genera! Custom House Fryeburg, J. c. Gerry. most EiS0@4ulls and mixed 1 26@3 CO; Texas caflle Blasting..SlSfJso25®6 50 Wharf. a. in. 2.16, W3.10, 4.16,6.30, a7.00 p. m. respectable, civil and orderly demon- Close at 10.30 a. m.. 12.80 p. m. and 9 p. m.; Sup- 166® Sporting.6 iu n Medical jp.
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    The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine History Documents Special Collections 1910 Hay's Guide, Portland, Summer 1910 H. H. Hay Sons Follow this and additional works at: Part of the History Commons This Monograph is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine History Documents by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hay's Guide PORTLAND SUMMER 1910 Compliments of The Rines Brothers Company, 529 to 535 Congress St, Portland, Maine. TIME TABLES SUBJECT TO CHANGE 1896 - PUBLISHED EVERY SUMMER - 1910 FOR OUR VISITORS COPYRIGHT BY H H. HAY SONS. 1910 DO YOU WEAR SOROSIS SHOES They are the most economical, because they are made of the best materials. They are the smartest and yet the most health­ ful, because they are made by men who have given their undivided attention to this matter for years. Women’s Sorosis Shoes and Oxfords Misses’ Sorosis Shoes and Oxfords THE RINES BROTHERS COMPANY Children’s Sorosis Shoes Takes pleasure in offering to its friends and and Oxfords patrons a most complete and up-to-date stock of Infants’ Sorosis Shoes Dry and Fancy Goods, Suits, Waists, Skirts, Style particularizes our Shoe Depart­ Underwear, Corsets, Shoes, Etc. ment. Rest Room on Second Floor for your convenience. Small prices are popularizing it. Meet your Friends here—Come in and rest. Make this store your headquarters. Ask questions in regard to trips around Portland. All information will be cheerfully given.
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