85 NitiI ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. are receivers’ ■ 2* 60®2 Mi.re.. 17%c. The above quotations prices j Morpmne.. 25 i At at Moncton 16tb, sch Spring Bird, Cameron, MTEA3IEKM. ISLAND NTKA.LEBB, THE PRESS. MAINE TOWNS. Tar? bbl .. 3 26®8;bo RAILROAD*. Southern for lots. Jobbing 'prices _ and Western, via Boston and Maine strictly wholesale l(&2c Oil bergamot 60 Coal Tar_3 railroad (Eastern higher. 76ia4 on Almeda, Buck, Rockland. division)—Arrive, 11.30, a m | Cod liver.i f.(,h2 26 Pitch 3 PC?dl6tii,sell 5.00 aud 11.30 Close a. choice at 8%@0c;Western at 25,iwS SEBACO HUMMER FRIDAY JULY 19. p. m.; 8.00 in., 12 ni., 6.30 Cheese—Northern Wll. Pitch....8 LAKE ROUTE. ARRANGEMENT. BOSTON AND MAINE R A. HORNING, aud 9 p. m.; 12.15 and lower grades as to quality; sage at 0® ; 00®3 or Supplementary 10 p in 7%@8c; Spoken. TKAMEH la effect Jaae .'III, ISMS. Boston, intermediate offices and 9%c. %c higher. “:*"":S§SK! Rosin.aoofflioo IIAWTUOHNK will commeoce to A the connections' Jobbing prices 27 N. Ion 35 W. ship Standard, Per Circus at Corham Honors via Boston & Maine extras l7®18ci fancy Turpt’ne, gall 43® jq June 13, lat Portii&ud and THE railroad, (Western division)— Eggs—Eastern near-by Oakum... from for San b ranclsco. Steamboat Co. PRESS. Arrive at 12.30 aud 8.30 stock :Eastern firsts atl6.*18 ;exlra Vt and br’mde cy, Philadelphia iioollibay westekiTditisios. of an Old Performer. p. m.; Close 8 a. m, and higher Potass 40@lfl*» lat 6 8, Ion 82 W, barque Harriet S be obtained Memory 2.30 m. NH at fresh .Western at 14® June 24, §>on^53^rter£S2'gUiiSeo*ouaS! Portland. “Union Way at tlie Periodical Depots ol N p. 17@18c; _c; Bacon, from New Yor for East London. STEAMER ENTERPRISE. Trains leave Btatlon,’ H. Horse Railroad Eastern, via Maine Central Michigan cbolce;at,14%@16c. Jobbing prices lc Jackson, John E Br?d«t NofBrtd^ M2& Per He*tea 17.25. 18.45 a. m., Fessenden, Station: Marquis Railroad—Arrive June 19, lat 38 N. ion 40 W. barque one & *?g£ (12.40, 76 2 a. m. and 1 Close HS£!::""soo®8Ji &eu.:::::: Sil S2 Portland, way $2.00; round trip limited to 18.05 Healeu fer Portland Exchange St.; Chisholm Bros.’, Union De- p. m.; 12.80 and 9 p. in Quicksilver... from for Rosario. and alter steamer will leave 8.30, p. m. 7.80, — 39^44 Sperm. Chase, Portland three vis Lake, April 30,1889, ; 96y3 Portland John 12.46 and 10 in. killed spring Chickens,Northern Quinine.— ioo|, ?2 Ueo H Hoi days, $3.00; returning l>y rail 8.80 a. 1.00. 4.0O. p. m. For Mcarbere pot Hodgson, St.; Cox, 660 Supplementary, p. Poultry—Fresh fair 7&&1 B0 13, lat 28 N. Ion 74 40 W. sch good ou ot ON Franklin Wharf, Portland, every Tuesday 8.00, BU, Congress 7 In a Augusta, intermediate offices and and Eastern choice at 20@2Gc; to good at 16 July day sale, only *2.00. stYigo con’ Hrarh, Plae Petal, 7.26. 10.36, a. m.. St.; Costello, Exchange St.; Holden. Cloucester Men Indulge Fight connections from (Jonaives for New nects with at Harrison ami Saturday at h a. m„ for Squirrel Island, 2.1*, 47 Middle via Maino Central fowls,choice 16@16c: ice packed SC® den, Crocker, *prk. steamer for Waterford 8.30 D. m. Old Or, hur.l St.; Jewett, 604 Congress 8t.: Peter- railroad—Arrive at 2 and 9 a' chickens, fiSST: No date, off Babla, sch Lucy A Davis, Lorlng, BBBAGO Boolhbay, Heron Island, So. Bristol and Fast 3.31', 6.15, 6.45, Which Costs Them Money. m., 1 and 6.00 c; fowls, l%2c; live fowls ll®12c. lu22dtAugl STEAMBOAT CO. Mara. Hiddefevd 7.26, 8.46, 10.26 son,2 Exchange St.: Gould, corner Congress and p. m.; Close at 6.00 a. m„ 12.3o! SJOe; from Portland lor Buenos Ayres. Booth bay. Beach, Chestnut 4.30 and 9 Beans—Choice small N Y hand-ploked pea at 3.30, 6.15, 6.46, 8.30 Sts.; Chisholm, 109 Congress Bt.; Hod- p. in.; Supplementary, 12.46 and 10 p. SIT":::: 7« g at 8.00 a. m., for a. m., 12.40, 2.16, 8.06, do 05 ® bush; choice |New 8|» £«*•. Every Thursday Pemaquld 8.46 a. m. Itlns, Commercial, corner l’atk; Morrill, S4& Con- picked 2|60®2 York Canary seed.. *&*2g and all above p. in. Kraarbuah. 7.26. 13.40, ■■ landings. Ross 198 Earminaton, intermediate large hand-nick 2 49®2 50: smalt Vermont'hand- Cardamons. rACiPIC HAIL STKAHSIIF 8.30,,8.30 p. in. Welle Beach, greys Bt,; Congress Bt.; Beardsworth offices and connec- 0s* COVPAm lteturning, will leave Boolhbay every Monday 87 via Maine ptcked 2 oo®2 76; choice Yellow Eyes at 3 Neatsfoot. — a. 8.30, 5.16 m. North Brr- India St.; Abbott, 248 Bt.; Barter tions, Central railroad—Arrive;at 12.46 7C@ Soda, bl-carb.S64iB 80® 100 LINS rflit— and at 7.30 a. m., for Portland and 7.25, 8.46 m., p. Spring 19(5 Farmers Taking Advantage of the 3 80. Elaine........ Wednesday 8.46 a. to. 18.40. S Bracket! St ; Elliott, 243 York It.; and of p. m.; Close at 12.30 p. in.; Supplementary 12.45 62® bo Intermediate wick, Derei 7.26, SO, 'chu! hay »18 00@$19 fair to rsisu. Landings. 6 6.C6 ra. t.rent Palta, 7.26, 8.46 a. on all trains out Good Weather.; Hay—Choice prime OO; Bu^dr.'.-- Cjiifofaia, Japan, China, Will leave Friday at 7 a.m., 16. p. running of Haying Eastern fine Pure gro no THE Pemaquld every no. Barter. Barer at SHAKERS $16 00®$17 00; 6.16 hoto^Bros.’agents Rockland, intermediate offices and connections, good $14@$16; «|g»* Pure ld660®7 26 (or Portland and Intermediate Landings, arriving m., 12.40, 3.30, p. to ordinary $14®$16: East swale: dry lead« BO®7 vk N. and South America ar.2 ft«xi«. l.awreace. and Lowell, 7.26, 8.46 a. Auburu. Haskell A via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive, 1 and 6.00 poor 10®$—; OF MOUNT LEBANON, Y., in Portland at about 2 p. m. hill, Reynolds.3 Rye straw, choice, at $17@17 60; Oat straw $7® 0.05 m. Becheeler, far. Bath, J. 0. Shaw. p. m.; Close at 6.00 a. m. and 12.80 p. m. j Supple- From New York, pfer foot ot canal 8t., Noun Lounecunn with Boston Boats at Portland. m., 12.40, 3.80, p. 12.46 u. 8 00. »10®»13 aw lngloa, Alina May, 8.46 a. m., 12.40, 8.20 Blddeford, F. M. Burnham. mentary m. vlSSlk-tt ff£ ttlver, tor The fmhinu. of Puhbs, iV.’ii, 'y no (relght received alter 7.45 a. ra. Potatoes—Norfolk, choice at $1 76®3 00 p p. m.. Worcester (via Gruat Falls aud Rochet A- L. Corham. Skowhegan. intermediate offices and connec- bbl; on th« day of sailing. Jellerson. common to good 76c®1.60. KocneUe the Secrets COLON, sails Saturday, July 20, Noon. ten 7.25 a. ui. Manchester and Osscsrt c. F. tions, via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 12.46 Yeilow°!a72^’ Have Learned ">ddeUvered by W. R. Hoha- Boothbay, Kcnnieton. IIOW THE MEMORY OF A CIRCUS PEBFORM- Kice. Sts. (via l-awrence) 8.46 a. m., (via So. Newmarket m.; Close at 12.30 p. m. Supplementary »o....r OF THE From Ban Francisco. 1st and Urannan non'oifuaewhart^ Boston, Mass., American House. 2.46 No .. ii Junction) 3.30 p. m. B. J.. ER IS KEPT GREEK. ?. p. in. Chicago Cattle Makert. 2; For Japan aud Chian. RACE, Manager. Brunswick, Dennison. Auburn and No 10. ?2 apr29dtl_ALFRED Cumberland Mills. Our citizens Lewiston,—Arrive 2 and 9.00 a. m. By Telegraph.i Munilaj Trains From Union Station. K. 8. Ravmond. pronounce the entertainment aud 12.45 6 oz. {£££:: Mountain Herbs CITY OF PEKING sails Monday, August 13, and p. Close, 6.30 a. in., 12.30, 8 Damariscotta, E. W. Dunbar. m.; CHICAGO, 18.1889—The Cattle market— 20 Isaleratiu.. 3 p. m. For (leeiea 1.00 and 6.80 m. Sever which came off in Gorham village Wednes- 4.30 and 9 p. m.; 12.45 and 10 July 1 ‘"b® 6Vi p. Deeribg, C. M. Kecord. supplementary, p. r—S S • t. a CASCO BAY 6.30 m. Mcarbere Beach, Plae m. Receipts 12,600; shipments 5000; steadyjbeeves Via n p •wd'e aid Hade New For r eight, Passage, or geaeiai luturmatioo STEAMBOAT "CO! 1.00, 4.16, p. W. A. Mitchell. Freeport, day evening, July 17th, as cne of the >6; Stockers and feeders 2 10@3:e0; cows or Eastern A cents, Point, Old Orchard, Saco, Biddefard 10.00 being Bangor.—Arrive at 2 a. in. and 1 and 6 p. m.; »pp!y to address the Genera! Custom House Fryeburg, J. c. Gerry. most EiS0@4ulls and mixed 1 26@3 CO; Texas caflle Blasting..SlSfJso25®6 50 Wharf. a. in. 2.16, W3.10, 4.16,6.30, a7.00 p. m. respectable, civil and orderly demon- Close at 10.30 a. m.. 12.80 p. m. and 9 p. m.; Sup- 166® Sporting.6 iu n Medical jp.
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