equalities and to remove IfllHCfcLLANEOI Injustice as far as 8 bailboadn. financial pbess. possible. The new AMUIkKMKlkTIS. titi:e sources proposed are the _ taxation of collateral inheritances; increase MORNING. 8BPT. 12. in railroad FOR THE Prof. FRIDAY taxes by removing the three and THE Tripp s Grand Sffiw. one “Pro Ifestriplive quarter per cent, limit; the taxation of me mid I'urope since ININ.’* letters and column* HUNDRED do not read anonymous TWENTY-FIVE We sleeping car the taxation Maine State Fair and address of the writer companies; of tele- 01 th« marvelous 0 callous. Tbe name phone A ‘MMriiiV lM>r,.r.aJal polltl- instruments leased or royalty-paying; -A.T- episodes an<* ,hr,,l,LK dramatic in all cases Indispensable, not necessarily tor wlfh viffifi?0!?* sre the taxation of insurance actors, °*th® prominent Ubllcatlon but as a guarantee of good faith. and guaranty com- Bank Eastern Casco National tlon aRaSSKVhl "?°»‘entou» gues- panies on We cannot undertake to return or preserve gross Instead of net premiums; by Illustrated taxation of thirty years' mor* i.muiunlcatlons that are not used. foreign and unlicensed insurance -OF- research'larveivViJL*1 tBa2and 12 and 13. original sources, and sav- Sept. 9, 10, 11, «oSt?mt£.? l>*r*f>na ot companies; taxation of accumulation of for romance with the raresthlstrirtnsi1*!* lDat1,5P Our and asso- and emphatically loan and ings and Children’s Suits -THE- Indorsed taxation trust Fall man banks; of Trade! the Wioter A says time Is not far dis- *nd,lenL£ZSdi!i1V,: Ceylon IN1 -, eminent authorities In Boys’ PORTLAND, Kuro* and in will ciations; taxation of franchises; Ame.?c.d tant when coffee cease to be a beverage corporate eluding ex-1'resldent Porter, ol Yale Barnes Sears. cotTeae^* tita of the people, because of the tax on enrollment and organization of cor- President <i| Brosva Uafverslti^ ravages of MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD Bishop Harrlugtno, of New York; parasite of the coffee porations ; and taxes on private and special Incorporated 1834 laMBlstsL' plant. It this Is the to to Haven, of Michigan University; A rchbtshoo Rider acts of The most of these Suits for all hinds of boys, Long Pant Suits, ages 14 19; Short Pant Suits, 14 16. MLilt Suits, Velvet Vest Front to will sell excursion tickets front of Cincinnati; Rev. Dr. B. M. Palmer, case It Is order for the to the legislature. Suits, Suits for boys 4 of New Or. people rise up S. Vest Suits 1A to 16. Double Breasted suits for boys 1A to 13, something new. If you want a Hen. Sir P. of appear to be Three piece School Suit this is Till’ nlnce to Forilitud nt $1.25, Including 'cans; McDougal. formerly Halifax against the parasite. judicious selections, perhaps all the LARGEST of Children’s Suits to be lound In Hie State of N. and more than ten thousand others come to. We hnve stock itlaiue. and you will llnd it for your advantage to visit admission to the Fair—cor- 8., among of them are. The tax on accumulations of stock and Profits lire most Intelligent and discriminating mines in our store before purchasing. Also an immense of clothing for men. Also Hnts and Gent’s Goods for the rates Capital $1,100,COD. When Thompson was nominated Fiiruisliiug multitude. Goods respondingly low all parts of the country. Particulars hereafter. Republican savings banks will perhaps excite more op- and that are not are to cu he and resubmisslon cheerfully shown, nsiy persons purchasing gooods perfectly satisfactory reqfuested return them and receive back of fare from other seplO dSt« wouldwnnbMi* be snowed * lll>t than but the cash. WE SHALL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO under by one of the largest ma- position any other, commission their PLEASE YOU. stations. fnrlilt ti Jsn0w 5" hut when the returns arc all presents some pretty strong arguments in its Account* of Individuals, Arms and corporation, A GRAND EXCURSION if the Tickets will be Republican placed on sale at Bun- on — — J* «,Iery doyhtful plurality favor. As regards the taxation of mort- Portland, received favorable terms. TO half tUe fl«ure 0( two years day morning, fv'iit. 7tli, and at other stations on ago^BelfartAge1‘ gages the commission recommends the adop- Monday, and will be good lor a return until Sept. The 151b. Bath, Sunday Kept. 14 returns are virtually all in and Bur- tion of the Massachusetts as on the system, Special low rate excursions from stations on Interest allowed on time leigh has nearly I9,00q plurality. Isn’t this whole the best plan yet invented. One of While Mountain Division on Thursday and Fri- II pleasant Strainer Merrvconeeg will leave her at Portland at 8.16 a. one of is that day, Sept. 11 tli and 12th. landing Pier, m. the largest pluraltles ever known In the most Important recommendations at m. IRA F. CLARK & Trains leave Portland as follows: Sunday, Sept. Returning 6.00 p. giving oie and a half In this State, isn’t It big enough to satisfy of the appointment of a permanent 7th, 8 a. m., 6.40 p. m. Monday, Sept. 8th, 8.85, deposits, “purs Bath. Her number will be limited to COMPANY, three fourths ol her afS?ssors to have 11.10 a. m., 1.20, 5.10 p. in. Sept. 9tb, loth, Cairting Capacity, every you, esteemed contemporary ? State board of one will be sure ol One 11th, 12th and 13th, 8.35, 8.16,11.10 a. m., 1.20. a good Seat. the oversight of State Price Cash Clothiers, 482 FAKK KOl’tlD S HIP Sit CENTO. Mr. general Spot Congress Street, Maine. 6.10p. in., and on these davs a special will return, K. Marshall Frank is very emphatic In declaring his Portland, Stephen Small. It. Coding. dlw commission has Fair Grounds at 6.10 m J2«» __ to be revenues. The dealt leaving p. opinion that, directly or Indirectly, money Remember—Trains of the Maine Central Rail- obtained for Mr. Reed every vote of his increased with a very difficult problem—a problem road run directly to the Fair Grounds, thus avoid «:»»hi*r. of lhts over that of 1888.—Bldde- President. plurality year the wisest at Lewiston. fnhli A 1 tord Standard. which aud ablest political econo- lug transfer PAYSON TUCKER, V. P. & Gen. Man. Fort mists have failed to solve in EXCURSION TO ALABAMA AND THE “NEW SOUTH” ! Popham This Is equivalent to saying that 2500 Dem- satisfactorily .CHEAP F. E. BOOTH BY, G. P. & T. A. sepSdtl2 all respects. The ocrats In tbe First Maine district sold their theory of taxation is but how FRIDAY, OCTOBER lOtb. votes for (money, about one In every seven. simple enough, to reduce it to Nourishing. mm TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA practice so as to citizen What a grand old party it must be, how impose upon every —a food and drink < $50,000 his On and after MONDAY, June 30, 1^90. proud Mr. Frank must feel to bave been its just share of the public burdens has train* will run a* fallow*: a A Pullman train leaves Portland tor a lour of the bow tbe must be puzzled our statesmen and economists for for prince. speiial “New South”, arriv- OEPAKTUHKM. BATH, candidate, and proud party back tn Particulars from South Dakota Water a ing eight days. U. P. GAITHER, Agent K. T. V. A G. Par 9.00 Company of the character given It by Its congressional century and is still puzzling them. The Auburn nud l.rwiviao, 7.20 and If R. R., 290 street, Boston; JOHN ANDERSON, WM. a. and 12.46 and 6.12 D. in. For Siiii'luy. Mt'pr. Utli, PfriiMunf, Maine commission do not to have Washington Portland, Me.; m., f*arLian>y nominee I Tbe party and the candidate pretend M. PENNELL, Brunswick. Me. 9.00 a. m., and 1.30 and 6.12 p. m. For Itlan* COLD SIXES. — — ireu ■ ml I'hicnuu. Q AA u m miH 1 HA it m Off ought to bold a love feast. found the solution, they merely claim that One whole dav among the mountains of Northern Alabama, at the great mines For 1.3U ti:. For Buekllvld ub«I aDd Interest have suggested many Improvements of the “Iron at Bluffton. Ala. <l«i•*!><*«’, p. Principal guaranteed. they Bluffs,” Cnuion, 9.00 a in., ami 1.30 p. m. STEAMER FOREST Hon. E. L. Pierce Is to contest with Hon sep3 dGw QUEEN. Id our existing system and have carried it AKKIVALM Cocoa Par and Interest. Leave Custom House at John F. Andrew ln the Third Wharf 9.30 a. m., stop- Congressional nearer to and undoubtedly ! Froiu Lcwixoa and 8.26 an< Price, perfection, they Auburn, at ir ~—- plug bath f dinner, Fnre 50 coals. District of Massachusetts this We HEST.” ■ Ml.AND srSANKHK. S'l'KAJIKBw. a. n>. 3.10 and 6.32 m. From €■•»*■ HIT FOK SALK BY year. are r'ght. Of course their report Is simply a 11.36, p. C. W. T. CODING. Gen. M inager C. b. 8. Co. ham, 8.25 a. m., 11.35 ami 6.42 p.m. From hope that with Mr. Pierce’s aid Massa- to sepll d3t series of recommendations the legislature ys used ”) was invented and j Cbicagu and 71 an treat, 11.36 and 6.42 p. m. chusetts will sucyceed ln getting young which must be accepted by that body before l by the most eminent doctors 1 From t|u«*b*r, 11.36 a.
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