MINCHA DIRECTORY Published by Agudath Israel of America Commission on Community Services 42 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Phone: 212 797-9000 ext. 274 Fax: 646 254-1630 Email:
[email protected] 1 NEW YORK METRO AREA MINCHA DIRECTORY This Mincha Directory is based on information available at the time of printing. Although we cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the data furnished us, we are most thankful for errors brought to our attention. Please note the following: It is always best to Call before going to a Minyan the first time to confirm the information herein. Minyanim that meet late afternoon often change schedules as the days lengthen. Fast days pose a special problem. Not every Minyan possesses a Sefer Torah, and those that do will often daven earlier Minyanim at Yeshivos and Day Schools often meet only on school days. Similarly, many business Minyanim do not meet on legal holidays. The fact that a shul is listed in this directory does not mean that its mechitzah satisfies all standards. For changes, corrections, or to list additional Minyanim, please contact: Agudath Israel of America Commission on Community Services 42 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Phone: 212 797-9000 ext. 274 Fax: 646 254-1630 E-Mail:
[email protected] We appreciate the efforts of Dr. Bernard Fryshman, who originated this project. Comments or questions may also be directed to him at 1-212-533-5335. Agudath Israel of America is part of the world movement of Agudath Israel, which was founded in 1912 to mobilize Torah-loyal Jews for the perpetuation of authentic Judaism.