Guiding Our Girls in and Beyond

July 30, 2021

No more homework, no more books. . .

Summer is for fun, and Bnos is all about fun with a purpose. The less structured and academic days of summer offer opportunities to reach girls in new ways. During the Three Weeks at the beginning of this year’s vacation, Bnos programming showed girls of all ages how to make a difference during this time.

Fast Day Events

It’s not enough to make it through a fast day without a headache. We need to help our children tap into the power and potential of the day. With that in mind, Bnos held three call-in events on our recent fast days.

On Shiva Asar b’Tamuz, high school girls joined Mrs. Chani Juravel for inspiration to take into the Three Weeks. We always hear about “working on our middos,” but what does that really mean? Mrs. Juravel gave practical tips and strategies.

On Tisha b’Av, high school and post-high school girls came on the line when Mrs. Tehila Gailer spoke about the power of tears. Sincere crying unleashes our emotions to supercharge our tefillos. Then girls in grades 2-5 listened to Mayer Erps tell a story about improving our middos to make a difference in the lives around us.

We had over 1000 participants each time, opening a second line on Tisha b’Av. Clearly, these events are filling a void.


Nationally, BBC (Bnos Bikur Cholim) encourages girls to connect with seniors. Since COVID’s onset, seniors are increasingly lonely and isolated. Even young girls can make a difference in a senior’s life with a visit, a letter, or a phone call. For the BBC Nine Days contest, any girl who called, visited, or wrote to a senior five times was entered into a raffle.


BBC also arranges day camp visits to nursing homes. This year, we facilitated over 30 visits to ten facilities during the 9 days . Some were in-person, some were virtual, but all made an impact on the residents.

And our new summer Pirkei Avos program was an instant hit. We developed a six-week curriculum, including the parsha, a perek of Pirkei Avos, a middah story, and a game. Over 10 sleep-away camps adopted the program, and many Bnos branches are using it for a summer Bnos session.

Would you like to be in on the action? Camps can still sign up for nursing home visits or the Pirkei Avos program. And this is the perfect time to think about starting a new Bnos chapter for next year. Email [email protected] or call 212-797-9000, ext. 353. Masmidei HaShabbos Week 1

July 30, 2021

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Bnos Summer Pirkei Avos Program

July 30, 2021 Bnos Agudas Yisroel is pleased to announce that they will be having a Pirkei- Avos-based summer program. The six-week program will run from July 3 to August 14, 2021. For more information: [email protected].

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel 58th Annual National Siyum Mishnayos al shem Harav Yehoshua Silbermintz zt”l and Shas Presentation

July 30, 2021

The 58th Annual Siyum Mishnayos al shem Harav Yehoshua Silbermintz zt”l and the annual Shas Awards Presentation took place simultaneously on Sunday, June 6th, at Agudas Yisroel Beis Binyomin.

Due to the current situation, this year’s Siyum was held in a much smaller setting than usual. The mesayemim were invited, together with their parents and grandparents, to a full seudah sponsored by Mr.and Mrs. Avigdor Fried. The 18 boys from around the country who received a peninim shas recited the hadran. As it is every year, the Kaddish was recited by Mr. Abe Eisner, who, along with his wife, sponsor the Kaddish at every year’s siyum mishnayos. Divrei brachah and chizuk were shared by Rabbi Yehoshua Grunfeld shlit”a, Rosh Iyun Hatalmud of Monsey, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president, Agudas Yisroel of America; and Rabbi Ephraim Levi, national director, Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America. The siyum also featured special guest, Rabbi Maimon Elbaz, creator of Torah Shows and author of the popular Torahific Series.

The Shas Awards were for participants in Pirchei’s popular Kesser Mishnayos program, which encourages boys to learn and review via multiple choice chazarah questions, with the goal of being mesayeim in time for their bar mitzvah. This year saw second generation mesayemim as some of the fathers themselves were past mesayemei Shisha Sidrei with Pirchei.

The program ended with fathers and grandfathers dancing lively with the mesayemim. Talmidim who would like to participate in the Kesser Mishnayos program should email [email protected] , or call 212-797-9000, extension 274.

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Cincinnati’s Hasmodah Program Celebration

July 30, 2021

Before Shavuos over 120 men and boys joined to celebrate the Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Cincinnati’s incredible Hasmodah program. Young boys accompanied by their fathers, joined in a BBQ seudah recognizing the boy’s accomplishment of learning over Pesach in their own free time.

This Pesach, Rabbi Shai Scherer, Pirchei Agudas Yisroel director and event/program coordinator, celebrated the 75% of the boys in Cincinnati Hebrew Day School who spent collectively over 350 hours learning Torah over their school break. “The school doors may be closed but the learning never stops,” he exclaimed.

Mr. Melech Mann, proud father of three boys who participated, shared a story about how Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld z’l, used a bein hazmanim trip to a pizza restaurant in the Lower East Side for a higher purpose.

Rabbi Weinrib, the Morah Di-Asrah of CZE, followed that story by sharing the following message with these boys; “Mesiras Nefesh is giving up what’s important to you. Giving up free time, for a boy, is an act of mesiras nefesh and demonstrates their love for the Torah and for Hakadosh Boruch Hu.” He commended the boys for the mesiras nefesh that went into learning a record-breaking 350 hours voluntarily over the Pesach break.

The boys enjoyed a delicious BBQ Gala Seuda and were then presented with awards, as well as gift certificates to the local Seforim store, Yaacov’s Place, Kinneret Grill or Play it Again Sports.

Rabbi Scherer and Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Cincinnati hope to continue on this monumental accomplishment and to grow even further over the next Bein Hazmanim.

Beyond the Blintz: Bringing in Shavuos with Bnos

July 30, 2021 Are we counting up to Caramel Macchiato Cheesecake, or is there more to Shavuos?

High-school girls and women, join Bnos Agudas Yisroel on Wednesday, May 12 at 8:15 PM EST, for a virtual Pre-Shavuos evening of inspiration. Mrs. Sarah Isaacson, dynamic principal of Bais Leah, will speak about preparing ourselves, as women, for kabbalas haTorah.

How does Shavuos pertain to women and girls? How can we ready ourselves to grow from the yom tov? Mrs. Isaacson will be sharing practical tips and insights.

3,000 girls called in to our virtual Lag Baomer event this year, and we are looking forward to record participation at the pre-Shavuos program, too.

Enter Shavuos this year will something richer and sweeter than even Brownie Bottom Cookie Dough Cheesecake. To participate, call 425.436.6277, PIN 244274#.

For more information or questions, email [email protected]. Two Exciting Bnos Programs This Week!

July 30, 2021

It’s almost the end of the year, but Bnos Agudas Yisroel isn’t slowing down!

Here are two exciting programs happening this week for girls in grades 1 – 8:

1. Be a Part of the Bnos 49:

Chessed. Hakaras hatov. Shmiras halashon. Simcha. This year’s Bnos Sefira contest encourages girls to practice one middah each week. To participate, you fill in a chart, checking off each time you use that week’s middah.

If you need some motivation during the week, call the Bnos Hotline and listen to that week’s Sefira program. You’ll hear an inspiring story and suggestions for practicing the middah. Dial 720-721-4724 and choose Option 13.

At the end of 4 weeks, you can email your completed chart to [email protected]. You’ll be entered into a raffle for an amazing prize!

The 4-week contest started on April 13th, but feel free to jump in any time. After all, it’s always a good week to work on our middos! And it’s always a good time to call the Bnos Hotline. The Hotline still has stories, parsha riddles, Tehillim contest and more every week.

Email [email protected] to get your Bnos Sefira contest chart! 2. Light up your Lag Baomer with our pre-Lag Baomer event:

Here’s some news that hot off the press. We’re all fired up for our virtual pre- Lag Baomer event! Girls in grades 1-8, come join us this Thursday, April 29, at 6:30 PM EST. Rabbi Mayer Erps will be our guest storyteller. He’ll fire up your imaginations with a Lag Baomer tale. Then comes an exciting Bnos trivia game. Players will be burning with curiosity as they call in their answers to win points for their city.

Call 425-436-6277, PIN 244274# to join the fun on Thursday night.

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel Chol Hamoed: Starting Chol Hamoed Day with Torah

July 30, 2021

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel’s Yeshivas Chol Hamoed program continued this Pesach with much success. Whether or not in person, programming was available, as Pirchei made sure that there would be a way for talmidim to have set a time for learning, being able to start the days of Chol Hamoed on the ruchniyus side.

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of New York coordinated nine locations for their ever- growing Yeshivas Chol Hamoed program. Every day of Chol Hamoed saw nine batei medrashim filled with boys and their fathers setting aside one hour of their day for limud hatorah. On the final day of Chol Hamoed, participants from the various locations were invited to join a special Amazing Torah Show given by Rabbi Maimon Elbaz at Torah Vodaas.

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Montreal coordinated a Chol Hamoed learning program which featured special guest storytellers each day including the Menahel of Yeshiva Gedola of Montreal, Rabbi Mendel Karmel.

Although not all locations are yet able to host in-person learning, Pirchei’s national office ran its popular biannual Hasmodo program providing incentive for extra learning over the Yom Tov vacation. Talmidim from Yeshivos across the country participated by learning at home and adding up their hours and submitting them to the Pirchei offices for prizes.

Bnos Leaders, We Can’t Wait to “See” You

July 30, 2021

Bnos Agudas Yisroel takes care of our Bnos Leaders with inspiration, motivation, and, yes, fun! A huge part of that effort is our annual Bnos Leaders’ Convention. It’s a highlight for Bnos Leaders from around the country.

This year, we couldn’t host a convention. Still, we want to keep our Leaders connected and knowing how much we appreciate them. They’re working harder than ever on virtual Bnos programs.

So, Bnos Leaders, you are invited to a jam-packed virtual evening of inspiration and fun! We’re not pretending that it’s instead of Convention – that’s irreplaceable. But this is a way to show that we’re thinking about you. It’s a venue to give just a taste of the encouragement and practical learning at Convention.

Our event is happening on Thursday, March 11th, at 7:00 PM EST. Rabbi Labish Becker, Executive Director of Agudas Yisroel of America, will start the event with divrei bracha.

Second is Mrs. Chaya Aviva Katz, principal of Bnos Chaya Academy, and our keynote speaker. She’ll be offering chizuk, inspiration, and food for thought on the importance of Bnos Leaders this year more than ever.

Next comes an exciting storytelling workshop by Rabbi Avi Frank, director of Camp Agudah West. Storytelling is the backbone of every Bnos group. But how do you add details to bring the story alive? What are tips for building suspense? How can you bring in a lesson without sounding too overbearing or predictable? Rabbi Frank will address those questions and more in this hands-on workshop.

Finally, we’ll end with a super fun, interactive game.

This event is open by R.S.V.P only. Email [email protected] to register and get the call-in information. Everyone who registers will also get a “Welcome Packet” with more real-life tips and ideas.

We’re excited to host our valued and dedicated Bnos Leaders on March 11th! Sign-up to reserve your spot. And if you’d like to get involved in Bnos, we’d love to hear from you! Email [email protected] to find out how to start a Bnos group or volunteer in any way.

Fresh Food for Holocaust Survivors from Bnos Bikur Cholim

July 30, 2021

Bnos Bikur Cholim (BBC) is expanding its senior programming again! Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, BBC has been extraordinarily active, creatively looking to meet senior citizens’ new needs.

Now, BBC, together with Ahavas Chessed, offers fresh, home-cooked food to Holocaust survivors each week. This demographic is especially isolated and may not get out to buy food or other supplies. Volunteers deliver the food packages before Shabbos.

Do you know a Holocaust survivor who would appreciate this service? Please reach out to Mrs. Hass at [email protected] or call 212-797-9000 ext. 330. This program currently services Brooklyn, NY.

Reach out to Mrs. Hass, as well, to get involved in any of BBC’s other senior programs. Thanks to a generous grant from the Elie Wiesel Holocaust Survivors Initiative, sponsored by the City Council of New York, BBC also arranges senior phone-mates and distributes Corona safety supplies and food and clothing vouchers.