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COMPUTER ENGINEERING Divls COMPUTER Q ENGINEERING DIVlSION AUGUST 1984 EDITOR: R. ARVIKAR In addition to sponsoring the Annual Computers in Engi- neering Conference and Exhibit with participation from around the world, the Division also has sponsored various regional and special conferences, and participated in the ASME Winter Annual Meeting and In conferences sponsored by other divisions. Also, several short courses in robotics, CADICAM, microprocessors, and finite differencelfinitewere offered. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many members of the Division who have given so freely of their time and energy during the past year. DR. RAMJIEE RAGHAVAN Chairman 1W1984 The fourth year of our Divfsion saw a continuation of the growth in depth and breadth of our actividies. Our membership is growing rapidly. We have over 1200 members and are still growing. Our Division rate of growth Is among fhe fastest sf any ASME DivisTon. ASME Membership kvelopment Council honored us with an award for our rapid growth. It is the primary goal of the CED to identify the oomputer enginerim needs of ASME and to inidfate means of com- municating to our members all of the developments in this exploding technology. As a technical division, and in support JAMES A. CALLAHAN of these goals#the Compu~terEngineering Diwisien is aGtively Chairman 1984-1985 organizing technical meetings. The 1- MME International Computers in Emginaering Conference and Exhibit, held in ChIoags on August 7-11,11W, under Ghairmon 6, Mulbert, INCOMING CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS Program Chairman, V.A. Tipnis anld Exhfbit Chairman, J. Cokanis, were both a technical and financial success. Over The Computer Engineering Division came into being in time 1000 people attended the conference and exhibit. It is expect- to offer a conference as part of ASME's Century 2 celebration ed that the upooming 1984 ASME International Computers In in San Francisco during August, 1980. This was certainly Engineering Conference and Exhibht, to be heid in Las Vsgas apropos since computer technology will significantly alter the on August 12-25, 1W,will be eratn more it IS way in which engineering is practiced in this second century. schedwled lmmediataly after the Olympic Games. in Los Since that time a conference was held in Minneapolis in 1981, Angeles. The Conference Chairman is Ewald Heer: Proaram and starting in 1982, the Division initiated international Con- chairman is Will~lanGruven, and Exhibit chairman is J. ferences with Exhibits-first in San Diego, then in Chicago, Cokonfs. and in 1984 in Las Qegas. Planning has now started for the 1985 ASME llnternational This is an impressive series of events for such a young Computers in Engineering Conferen~emci ExhibSa to be held Division, but certainly not unexpected. The ability of computer in Boston an h@ust4-8, lggg. technology to remove restrictions under which engineers For the past two years, the DbEsbn has been succ%ssful in labored for centuries has been a renaissance for engineering sponsoring exhiblts as.adjunas t~ the technical conferences. activity. Thomas A. Edison's classic 1% inspiration and 99% These exhibitions provkde an arena in which industrfal and re- perspiration has been significantly altered and unlocked the search exhibitor$ can dtsplay the$ wares and sewiees end creativity of engineers in the process. conference pa~t~icipantsfind the exhibit booths to be Fnter- The committee structureof the Division is still in.a formative esting and informative. CED has made a cmmifiment for swCh stage. As with most divisions, active technical committees are exHb$tsat all1our,future Inte~matlonalConfemncss. necessary as this is where the vitality originates. I encourage Division Hybrild .Pourr+al, "Computers Fn Mechanical Eng4- members and those considering becoming active in this Divi- neerfna ECIME1." has beoome well established with aver 10.DQO sion to participate in those committees. eubsc&tllons.'~~l~€provides in hybrid lfashEon timely nkws The Computers in Mechanical Engineering (CIME), edited by Items, program rrbstrtmts, and tmnswt$an papm of lasting Ali Seirig, is the journal for the division and is highly recom- interest. Thls journal has Wome the most imporpt part of mended as an ideal way to stay in touch with current items as Di~ieion'spullUshing activities, underr the able edlitolrship of well as research papers. Pmfeswr Ali Sdreg. Cont. next page Cont. from previous page In summary, there are many opportunities for participation within the division to enhance the professionalism of yourself REVIEWER'S DATABASE and your organization, be it industrial or academic. The pro- fession can only thrive through broad participation of its ASME needs competent reviewers. If you are interested in reviewing practitioners. See you at our next meeting! technical papers for this Division, or other Divisions of interest to you, please complete the form below and send it to the ASME Re- viewer's Database. The Database Manager will then contact you through a Reviewer's Profile Questionnaire, where you can indicate your areas of expertise and interest. Upon completion of the Ques- tionnaire, your name and interests will be recorded on a computerized database. Access to your name will be strictly limited to Division personnel responsible for identifying appropriate reviewers for tech- Mr. Callahan has been active in ASME affairs for sixteen nical sessions at ASME conferences or for technical papers for the years. He served as Chairman of the Design Automation Com- ASME journals. Your colleagues in other professional societies have mittee of the Design Engineering Division and then as a been participating in similar databases and have been able to expediate member of the Executive Committee, having been Chairman the review process as well as distribute the review responsibilities more during 1983-1984. He served as Member-At-Large on the Policy equitably among their memberships. Assist your Division and Board, Communications and its successor, the Board on participate in the ASME Reviewer's Database. Communications. He served as a member of the Computer Technology Committee of the Policy Board, Communications which was the predecessor of the Computer Engineering I am interested in reviewing technical papers Division. He has served as a member of the Executive Com- mittee since its founding and served as an organizer of Century 2 meetings and Editor of a volume of the Conference Proceedings, as General Chairman of the Division Technical Conference in Minnesota in 1981, and as Exhibits Chairman of the 1982 Conference and Exhibits In 1982 in San Diego. Name: Mr. Callahan received his B.S. in Geophysics and his M.S. in Engineering Mechanics from St. Louis University. He has been with McDonnell Douglas since 1957, serving as Project Address: Dynamics Engineer for the Mercury, Gemini, and Orbital Work Stations in McDonnell Aircraft (MCAIR), as Director Computer Sciences and Director of CADICAM Services in McDonnell Douglas Automation (MCAUTO), as Director of Corporate Di- versification at McDonnell Douglas Corporate Headquarters, and currently Director New Business Development at McDon- nell Douglas Electronics Company (MDEC). ASME Member Number: 1984 ASME INTERNATIONAL COMPUTERS IN Please return this response to: ASME REVIEWER'S DATABASE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT 345 East 47th St., 7E LAS VEGAS, NEVADA New York, NY 10017 While going to press with this newsletter, the 1984 ASME ICEC&E was slated to be held at the Las Vegas Hilton in Las Vegas, Nevada during August 12-15. The main theme of the Conference was to be "Advanced Automation: 1984 and beyond." A total of 84 technical and panel sessions and 3 YOUNG ENGINEERS AND STUDENT AFFAIRS plenary sessions were planned concurrent with a technical exhibit where about 40 industrial and consulting firms were COMMITTEE FORMS planning to exhibit state-of-the-art CAD/CAM hardware and At the International Computers in Engineering Conference a software. Drs. Ewald Heer, Jet Propulsion Laboratories, CED committee to coordinate young engineers and student Pasadena, Calif. and T. James Cokonis, General Electric Co., affairs was announced. Joe LoPresto, committee chairman, Bridgeport, Ct., were to serve as the Conference and Exhibits gave a brief presentation on the objectives of the committee. Chairmen respectively. Among the three plenary sessions, The objectives are: one will focus on the "Trends in Computer integrated Manu- facturing" and will be addressed by Donald K. Grierson, Sr. VP -to become a national focal point for young engineers and & Group Executive, industrial Electronics Business Group, student activities related to the Computer Engineering G.E. Co., Charlottesville, Va. The second plenary session will Division. deal with "Computer Aided Engineering -Will there be any?", -to promote ASME and the CED by establishing close and will be addressed by Dr. Ralph E. Miller, IPAD Manager, contacts with educational institutions and industry. Boeing Commerical Airplane Co., Seattle, Wa. "Trends in -to increase technical paper publication by continually CAD/CAMn is the topic of the third plenary session and will be monitoring activities on-campus and in industry. presented by Robert P. Tiel, Director of Engineering, IBM Corp., White Plains, NY. Committee members are from diverse educational and The technical and panel sessions will offer numerous industrial backgrounds. This establishes a network of papers covering the broad spectrum of topics such as artificial contacts to obtain activity information. intelligence, robot sensinglvision, CAD instruction, software If you would like to join the committee or submit sugges- engineering, CAD/CAM integration, computer simulation, tions that would expand the committee's network of contacts, finite elements techniques, computer aided manufacturing please contact: and process control, to name a few. Joseph F: LoPresto Copies of the Conference Proceedings will be on sale during IBM Corporation the conference or can be purchased from the ASME Order Dept. 20U101 Dept., P.O. 60x3199, Grand Central Station, N.Y., N.Y. 10163at 1001 W.T. Harris Blvd. $45.00 per volume (members) and $90.00 per volume (non- Charlotte, NC 28257 members).
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