Silver Squelchers Fifteen & Their Interesting Associates

Media & Educational Manipulators

Take 32 seconds to hear what should be The Pilgrims theme music!

Presented June 2015 by Charles Savoie

This is from page 6 of the January 2009 bulletin of the English Speaking Union in New York, one of the numerous subsidiary organizations controlled by The Pilgrims Society. “Creating global understanding through English” is their motto and for global understanding, read “world government.” Worcester is the only one in the above group confirmed as a Pilgrims member, though perhaps two of the journalists mentioned may be outer circle members but are more likely members of lower groups. Worcester we’ll profile in an upcoming presentation, his impressive connections and the large castle he owns. Have any of you noticed Newsweek, the Associated Press, the Economist or Time magazine mentioning The Pilgrims Society at all? Note the Society’s interest in Presidential elections. How many Americans know that Presidential contenders occasionally attend Bilderberg? More I assure you than who know The Pilgrims Society maintains a “Presidential Election Panel,” and more than know that Presidents are made “honorary” Pilgrims members. So which group actually controls the President? The senior group, because the leading Bilderberg founder was in The Pilgrims at least 5 years before the B was even founded. David Rockefeller in fact founded both Bilderberg and the Trilaterals and mentions them in his “Memoirs” yet makes no mention of his Pilgrims membership dating at least to 1949. It’s important enough for his father and himself to have joined, but too secret to be stated. Page 557 of the May 1902 Review of Reviews identifies The Pilgrims as “the first organization,” meaning it is assuredly the ranking group. Why is a group which releases participant lists deemed of more concern than one which refuses to release lists? For one, researchers are way more familiar with the B and many haven’t even heard of the older group. Having concluded the B is the top group, pride prevents consideration of information pointing to the older group as the ranking group. I don’t anticipate any group being uncovered which ranks The Pilgrims as all mountains have a point of maximum altitude. The State of Texas should seize all HSBC branches in Texas and any HSBC subsidiaries if its gold isn’t returned timely; either the original gold or acceptable replacement. The State of Texas additionally should arrest all officials of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas unless the gold is returned. Please ask your Congressman and Senator to subpoena a roster of The Pilgrims Society, to include the London list, and post these to public view! We have a need to know for many reasons including that many important Ambassadorships to many nations are awarded to members!

As we progress through this series we’ll continue to see how members in specific categories could also fit into other categories. Major overlap of categories being unavoidable, we will proceed. Please bear in mind that information as to confirmable members remains very limited; around 88% of members in London and New York are currently unidentifiable as to unquestionable documentation. Therefore, the influence this group has in various spheres is far greater than what these profiles suggest! The one exception is that we know that all Ambassadors to and from England are members, plus all British UN Ambassadors. American Ambassadors to the U.N. are chancier and many may end up at the level of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and may not rise higher, with an occasional exception. This detail on U.S. Ambassadors to the U.N. is current as of this writing or till we find the Society has taken all these U.N. Ambassadors into its fold. Charles Lawrence Brock, to be profiled later in Silver Squelchers under Real Estate & Other Financiers, is a member of the 200,000 strong Association of American Publishers; it would be a mistake to regard him as rank and file, especially after digesting his eye- popping profile. In a real sense, all Pilgrims members are media manipulators---many command vast advertising revenues, and this is always a tool of editorial control. Witness Pharma advertising on TV and in magazines, and the refusal of media to mention psychiatric drugs as almost the sole cause of the gun rampages! Philip Lader, former Ambassador to England profiled in number 13, today chairs WPP London, the world’s biggest advertising agency. Any Pilgrims member if consulted by a media source, can be expected to exercise manipulation as to misinformation about finance, economics, education, foreign policy or anything else, as they are a rat pack of born liars. Jerome Lord, to be profiled in twenty-six under Royalty & Noble Hereditary Ancestry in The Pilgrims Society, could have been in this presentation. American Opinion magazine in September 1970 presented an article by Gary Allen, “A Look At Establishment Newspapers” and the following month, “Teleslick” both mentioning The Pilgrims Society’s control over the media. Allen had come into possession of a 1969 Pilgrims roster for both branches. That particular roster I obtained from one of his publishers, the California based ’76 Press. In these presentations Allen called The Pilgrims “the world’s most secret organization” (page 22) and “the super secret Pilgrim Society” (page 27, October 1970).

1) Lord Alan Watson, Baron Watson of Richmond (1941---; executive committee at least by October 2, 2004, The Times newspaper, Pilgrims of Great Britain); Commander of the British Empire; member, British House of Lords (member Select Committee on the European Union), holds three decorations from Germany and one from Romania. He is High Steward of the University of Cambridge, founded in 1209 AD and chairs the Cambridge Foundation. He is a member of the International Trade Council and is chairman of the Albanian-British Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the European Parliament’s High Level Group on Romania. During 1976-1980 Watson was in charge of media at the European Commission, and he holds the position of chairman of the Royal Television Society. He hosted “The Money Programme” on the British Broadcasting Corporation. Wiki states that “his political interests are the "worldwide use of English, EU enlargement and transatlantic relationship.” Transatlantic relationship means control over our economy and our foreign relations covertly by Britain, and eventual political reunification. Is the great David Rockefeller in reality a British agent? He’s been in The Pilgrims since at least 1949, and this is the only group he makes no mention of in his memoirs. Possibly; in any case, he’s been collaborating with them for more than 60 years! Watson is a former president of the English Liberal Party. Watson is chairman of Nexus Strategic Partnerships, which is involved with corporate communications and advertising. At commonwealth-network/ we read---

“Nexus is the only communications agency to be represented on the Council of Commonwealth Societies. As the leading Commonwealth publisher, this year Nexus inaugurated the Nexus Commonwealth Awards at a gala evening in London, attended by the heads of Commonwealth organizations, many High Commissioners, Lords, Baronesses and other Commonwealth VIPs. This website has been developed by Nexus, in association with Commonwealth organizations and over 50 heads of government, to meet the growing demand for information about investing in, trading with, and visiting the 53 member countries of this unique association. Over 20,000 organizations and 5,000 individuals making a difference to the economic, political and cultural landscapes of their countries are listed in this website, which makes it the largest and most up-to-date resource on the Commonwealth ever produced.”

Lord Watson is chairman of the Council on Commonwealth Societies. Did you know that no less than 53 countries are members of the British Commonwealth, also called the Commonwealth of Nations, formerly called the British Empire? And that they encompass 11.56 million square miles? And that India is still part of this perverse system? And that you must add in 666,000 square miles of British Antarctica, and another 386,000 square miles of offshore continental shelf? And another ten million offshore acres around the Falkland Islands, controlled by Britain, but which by rights should belong to Argentina? And that 2,276,651 square miles of Australian Antarctica must be added to this neo-British world empire? Due to the “Special Relationship” between the United Kingdom and the United States, which Secret Relationship is secretly managed by the twin branches of The Pilgrims organization, in effect, as long as this Secret Relationship persists, you can add to that 11,566,870 square miles all the 3.8 million square miles of these United States! It all adds up to about 18,700,000 square miles of British controlled Planet Earth! See “The Queen and the USA” (2012) co-authored by Pilgrims Society official Baron Watson! The book features photographs of the Queen with a dozen USA Presidents!

In an interview entitled “The Queen’s Reach” he barfs out---“As for India, the Queen is a compelling figure over there. It’s surprising, but many Indians have a benign harking back to their association with Britain.” At his site he is silent as to his Pilgrims Society activities, but we note his vice presidency of a Pilgrims front, the English Speaking Union---they want English as the world language in the aspired for and long planned world empire! He is former international chairman of the ESU. He mentions that for ten years he was European chairman of Burson-Marsteller, a public relations and communications giant which is itself a subsidiary of WPP Group on London, the world’s largest communications and advertising services group, with 179,000 employees in 3,000 offices in 111 countries; it is chaired by Pilgrims Society member Philip Lader, U.S. Ambassador to England (1997-2001). Watson’s site also mentions his chairmanship in “Raisin Social,” a wine importer. There is gargantuan money in the booze business, as the company “ships over 2 million cases of wine a year.” That’s over 5,500 cases of wine per day! He was co-chairman of the Jamestown 1607 – 2007 British Committee, commemorating the 400th anniversary of the BRITISH colonial settlement in Virginia.

Watson is also chairman of CTN Communications in London which says “We work with world leading businesses, brands, organizations and governments.” Watson’s personal income stream includes something as chairman of the European advisory board to Coca Cola (A Pilgrims United States interest). Another jewel in his personal treasure chest is that he chairs I-COMP, whose “members represent many thousands of organizations across industries as diverse as rights management, publishing, travel, search, mapping and E-commerce.” I-COMP is involved with the Burson-Marsteller division of WPP, further tightening this Pilgrims Society web over these sectors; there are separate USA based counterparts also run by Pilgrims members--- Baron Watson is also mentioned as chairman of the advisory board of Havas Media U.K., subsidiary of Havas, a French multinational with 14,898 employees. He’s former chairman of European Union U.K., which wants to merge all the countries in Europe with Britain---it seems a long shot, but these Pilgrims as we’ve seen, wield uncanny influence with off the scale wealth. He’s an advisor to Arcadia Publishing based in South Carolina. He is or was president of the British-German Association, which doubtless has Germany getting the short end of his Pilgrims stick. Confirming his status as a globalist, Watson is former president of UNICEF UK (United Nations International Children’s Educational Fund and is currently president of European Atlantic Movement---again, dreaming about and scheming political merger of Europe with Britain---same as they merge colossal corporations like Exxon and Mobil! As if all these credits aren’t enough, The Baron is a member of the very elite Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum, presided over by The Duke of Rothesay, also known as Prince Charles (Pilgrims Society London). PILGRIMS SOCIETY “SEIZES” AND “ABSORBS” WEALTH!

Lord Alan Watson became president of the Franco-British Society in 2012. More recently he became chairman of its governing council. It was founded in 1924 and has the British Sovereign as its patron. He holds decorations from Germany and Romania. Paul B. Watson and Sir Norman Watson appear in The Pilgrims London 1980--- possible relations.

In 2008, along with other Pilgrims members (Lord Robertson, Sir Christopher Meyer and Sir Robert Worcester), Lord Alan Watson was a big wheel at the English Speaking Union World Members Conference in 2008 in Edinburgh.

2) Rothermere, Viscount (The Hon. Lord Harold Jonathan Esmond Vere Harmsworth, Viscount Rothermere (1967---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined) is the son of the third Viscount Rothermere, Vere Harmsworth (1925-1998) who was in The Pilgrims London 1974 roster; see below photo of his son born in 1967--- Viscount Vere Harmsworth was chairman of the Associated Newspapers conglomerate and was a founder of the Rothermere American Institute, a Pilgrims Society front. He was a member of the British House of Lords. This Pilgrims member pictured above is the “inheritor of a newspaper and media empire. He has non- domicile tax status and owns his media businesses through a complex structure of offshore holdings and trusts which entail him paying almost no UK tax on his income, investments or wealth.” The Viscount owns pricey estates in London, southwest England and France. He’s rated by multiple sources as being worth north of the billion and a half mark---“Jonathan Harmsworth, better known as Lord Rothermere, is the chairman of Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT), which owns newspapers including the Daily Mail, the Mail on Sunday and Metro. A multinational group, DMGT's operations extend far beyond journalism and include risk management, events and ownership of brands such as Wowcher and property website Zoopla. Lord Rothermere appeared third on the Sunday Times Rich List "media top 20" in 2012, with an estimated wealth of £760million.”

His net worth, an uncertain sum to outsiders, may be more than is commonly stated, as his father was worth $1.7 billion by 1998 or before. The diversification into other sectors is likely an adaptation to newspapers becoming of less importance with the rise of the Internet. Viscount Rothermere 3rd also owned the Evening Standard newspaper and was called a “press giant” by , September 3, 1998. The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine was in publication over a century ago. The Society therefore we may sadly joke, gets its worth of harm to the world via their media misinformation and cover-up outlets. The fourth Viscount Rothermere has a degree from Duke University in North Carolina, and why not? It’s controlled by an important Pilgrims Society family even wealthier than his and these Britishers still view the United States as their colonies!

The 1974 roster shows an apparent relative, Sir Geoffrey Harmsworth, Baronet. Confirmed; Geoffrey was the elder brother. Again we encounter another wealthy member as he owned “sensational treasures” and unsurprisingly he’s listed in Burke’s Peerage which is “a genealogical survey of the Peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe.” It confirms he’s a member of this same Harmsworth family as he was also a top official of this media empire. In 1938 Geoffrey Harmsworth acquired Thorpe Hall at South Elkington, described as “a spectacular historic mansion steeped in legends.” This historic mansion dates to 1584---

Rothermere Continuation Limited, based in British Bermuda, was founded in 1965 and owns a chain of radio stations. In “Major Companies of Europe 1993/1994,” the Daily Mail & General Trust at Northcliffe House in London showed at that time it was 53.1% owned by Rothermere Investments. This holding company operated over 20 newspapers in the United Kingdom plus media operations in Canada, France, the Netherlands and Hungary, including television stations. “ROTHERMERE PLOTS GLOBAL DOMINATION FOR MAIL ONLINE” is a story on his expanding (“metastasizing”) empire, naturally with no mention of his Pilgrims Society activities. It would alarm too many of the small folks if they knew that so many powerful men are active in a secret alliance to drag the world back to medieval style feudalism! Viscount Rothermere 4th is lambasted as “a tax dodging thief who attacks the disabled.” As of 2012 The Viscount had 14,000 employees--- This one is alleged to help consumers get better deals in many sectors---

As this is written Zoopla has 653,644 property listings--- One of The Viscount’s estates---

The Rothermere American Institute is based at Oxford University in England which itself traces all the way back to 1096 AD--- 3) Thomas L. Phillips Jr. (1941---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined) is an interesting case. There’s a Thomas L. Phillips in the 1980-1981 Who’s Who in America, page 2630, who was born in 1924 who became a director of big defense contractor Raytheon in 1962 and chairman in 1975; he was a Pilgrims member and on the board of State Street Investments (Boston), today among the highest top tier investment firms in the entire Pilgrims Society constellation of immense financial entities. This older Phillips made no statement as to any wife or children; some omit such details. My best guess is that this is a coincidence as to T.L. Phillips Jr. and other Who’s Who volumes don’t show T.L. Phillips Jr. It’s probably a coincidence; perhaps not. Now to proceed with Thomas L. Phillips Jr.! Wiki states---

“Thomas L. Phillips, Jr. is an American businessman most closely associated with publishing ventures. He was the founding publisher of Spy Magazine. In 2006, he took a position with Google, as director of print advertising, running advertisements for Google clients in newspapers and other print publications. He was subsequently put in charge of the acquisition process in Google's purchase of Double Click and then served as Director of Search and Analytics at Google. He left in 2009 to become CEO of Media6Degrees (now "Dstillery"). Phillips received his Bachelor's Degree from Harvard University in 1977 and his MBA from Stanford University in 1981.” Spy Magazine ran from 1986 to 1998. Starwave had Phillips in association at its Seattle headquarters with a Microsoft tycoon, Paul Allen. Allen is very likely a member of The Pilgrims or it could be he’s represented by Phillips.

Hillary Clinton in a 1993 edition--- “For over five years, we’ve been in the business of helping brands connect to the right consumers: whoever they may be, wherever they may go, however they’re connecting online. At the core of this is CrossWalk: multi-device intelligence for optimal multi-platform delivery.”

. Phillips runs Phillips Publishing International which is or was located at 7811 Montrose Road in Potomac, Maryland near Washington D.C. This is/was a publisher of a conglomeration of newsletters. It had sales of $310 million in 1998 and as of then published over 100 magazines, newsletters and information services for individuals and businesses. It had 1,200 employees and was privately held. I’m not locating any specific website on Phillips Publishing or variation thereof which can be shown to be connected to this character.

Young America’s Foundation has this updated information---

“In January 1974, Thomas L. Phillips launched Phillips International with two newsletters, three employees and a $1,000 investment. From that entrepreneurial start-up, the company grew into one of the foremost print and online publishing firms in America with four subsidiaries and sales of more than $245 million. The firm produced widely respected newsletters and online information services for the consumer and business-to-business marketplaces. Tom sold the final Phillips International subsidiary in January of 2007. Tom is founder and chairman of Eagle Publishing, Inc., America’s leading source of books and periodicals with a conservative, free-enterprise focus. Headquartered on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Eagle Publishing provides a full range of products and services with perspective and solutions favoring traditional values of free markets, limited government, and individual freedom. Tom earned a B.A. in political science from Dartmouth College and an M.A. in journalism from The American University. He then held positions with two large national advertising agencies and a Washington, D.C., publishing firm. Tom was a founding member of the Newsletter Publishers Association and served as president of the Association. In 1989 he was honored as NPA Publisher of the Year. In 1994, he was elected as the first member of the Newsletter Publishers Hall of Fame. Tom is founder of The Phillips Foundation, a non-profit organization which sponsors two noteworthy programs: an annual fellowship program for young print journalists who work on a one- year writing project of their choosing, focusing on journalism supportive of American culture and a free society; and the College Leaders Scholarship Program which provides scholarships to outstanding undergraduate student leaders in the cause of freedom, American values, and constitutional principles. In addition to Tom’s service on the Board of Directors of Young America’s Foundation, he chairs the Board of Governors of the National Journalism Center and is also a member of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors. Tom was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fund for American Studies and chairman of the Board of Visitors for the Institute on Political Journalism. He served for many years on the Board of Junior Achievement of the National Capital Area and on the Board of the Boy Scouts of America National Capital Area Council.”

The Phillips Foundation at 1 Massachusetts Avenue NW in D.C., run by Phillips, is interlocked with Readers Digest and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting---both Pilgrims Society managed news outlets.

Young America’s Foundation merged with Young Americans for Freedom, which was founded in 1961 by a member of the Skull & Bones Society of Yale---William F. Buckley Jr. Young America’s Foundation mentions instilling in the younger generation the idea of “a strong national defense.” Whoops! This is code language for more globalist neocon warmongering. Alleged patriotic and free market groups cannot be trusted nor taken at face value when Pilgrims Society members (or Bonesmen) are back of them---they’re fraudulent and perpetrating hoaxes on the trusting. The National Journalism Center is a project of Young America’s Foundation. Sean Hannity of Fox News is associated with the National Journalism Center and he’s one of over 2,000 NJC associates in media occupation.

Eagle Publishing is actually named “Salem Eagle Publishing and is based at 300 New Jersey Avenue NW in D.C. and we read---

“Eagle Publishing was founded in 1993 by Tom Phillips to fill a void Mr. Phillips perceived in the leadership of conservative publishing. In creating Eagle, Mr. Phillips envisioned a company to spread the message of conservatism and self-reliance, and to do so on a profitable basis. Twenty years later, Salem Eagle now plays a significant role in influencing the national debate. Through its dozens of bestselling books, influential websites, large-circulation e-letters, interactive internet communities, or face-to-face gatherings, Salem Eagle effectively identifies and amplifies powerful voices for liberty, including experts in conservative public-policy principles, health and wellness, and self-directed investing.”

The parent company is the former Salem Communications, since renamed Salem Media Group and also owns around 100 radio stations. SMG has several directors who are connected to the National Religious Broadcasters group and other religious Christian groups. I suggest caution, because The Pilgrims Society is nearby in the person of Thomas L. Phillips Jr.

Why would an ex CIA official be making some statements the liberty and hard money community feels good about? Beware; I suggest this is attempt at “penetration” to slip in things that aren’t right. Yes; I am aware for many years that his uncle very briefly mentioned The Pilgrims in 1962, with virtually no articulation on this capstone issue.

A related article with some points about conservative Christians and alleged pro-liberty groups being penetrated by globalists is here. Bloomberg has this on Thomas L. Phillips Jr. ---

“Thomas L. Phillips Jr. served as Venture Partner of InSight Venture Partners. Mr. Phillips is a Business Executive and Entrepreneur who has spent 25 years creating and managing some of the most innovative media properties in the U.S. Mr. Phillips started his career as an Analyst in the Investment Research and Corporate Finance Departments at Goldman Sachs Group since 1978. He served in the Venture Capital Group of Rothschild Inc. He was a Member of the Management Team of Starwave Corporation since 1993 where Mr. Phillips led the teams that developed,,,,, and the first family of vertical Internet media properties. He served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of from December 1998 to March 2001 and sold it to Google and eBay in 2001. Mr. Phillips was the Chief Executive Officer of the New York Society of Security Analysts for six months during 2003 during which he redefined the core business and established NYSSA as a leader in the critical issues facing the financial industry today. He has been a Director of Juno Online Services, Inc., since March 2001. He serves as a Member of Board of Advisors of Ooyala Inc. Phillips serves as President of Midnight Run.” At we read--- “Rothschild is one of the top financial advisory firms in the United States, with offices in New York, Washington, and Los Angeles. In addition to our strong presence in M&A and financing advisory, we have become one of the premier financial restructuring practices in North America. Rothschild has advised on some of the most high profile and transformational restructuring mandates in recent years, including advising the US government on the restructuring of its motor industry. Rothschild’s Global Financial Advisory business is a world leader in the provision of impartial, expert advice to governments, corporations, institutions and individuals. With approximately 900 advisers in 40 countries around the world, our scale, reach and local knowledge is focused on supporting clients wherever they need us. An unparalleled network of global knowledge is at the heart of our business. We use our collective intellectual capital, specialist sector and product expertise, and wealth of experience to deliver the best long-term solutions for our clients. Having advised on more deals than any other adviser in our core markets, we have an unrivalled track record of advising clients on mergers, acquisitions and disposals, strategy, and corporate governance. We are also the market leader in providing independent advice on debt and equity financing, and on how to restructure a business.”

Insight manages $8 billion in investments---

Professional sports absorb vast wealth from the public--- Professional sports prevent people from supervising elected officials---

Same holds for auto racing---

In which Silver Users Association giants profit enormously--- With 9,000 members, does this group advocate shorting gold & silver miners?

Juno is part of United Online with over 100 million accounts--- Ooyala, founded in 2007 in Silicon Valley, provides online video services and has offices in London, Sydney Australia, Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo and Guadalajara Mexico. Its accounts include News Corporation, Telegraph Media, Bloomberg, Disney, The Times of India and others. It’s privately held and has over 200 million monthly viewers. Naturally Phillips expects a huge haul when it goes public---

Seizing control over information, news and opinion distribution outlets was a hallmark of The Pilgrims Society at its founding and remains true today. Railroads were among the few industries that had more members associated with it, and railroads did and do command vast advertising patronage revenues, translating to editorial control when combined with that of other major sectors all secretly united in The Pilgrims organization. No conservative or religious news source under the aegis of Thomas L. Phillips Jr., Pilgrims Society, can be trusted. He’s there to lead people astray in every manner possible as he wants to bring America under Royal family rulership like the rest of these Pilgrims operators. Human Events is among the publications he has input into and association with---

Philips is or was on board of visitors of the University of Maryland with its $963 million endowment and 38,000 students---

According to NNDB, Phillips has been involved with Americans for Truth in Politics; Bush-Cheney campaign; advisor to Claremont Institute; DeMint for Senate Committee; Ensign for Senate; Senator Fred Thompson Political Action Committee; Free & Strong America PAC; Friends of George Allen; Friends of Katherine Harris; Fund for American Studies; John McCain 2008; Lindsey Graham for Senate; chairman of National Conservative Campaign Fund; National Legal Center for the Public Interest (director); National Republican Senatorial Committee; Republican National Committee (regents program); Reagan Ranch; Rick Santorum campaign; Spirit of America; Steele for Maryland; and Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

The National Conservative Campaign Fund, founded in 1999, has several identifiable Pilgrims Society members in its roster, including General John Singlaub and a Bonesman, William F. Buckley Jr. in its chronology. The National Republican Senatorial Committee traces to 1916, just after The Pilgrims Society finalized their control over the United States Senate, wresting control away from State legislatures via the ill-conceived 17th Amendment. Its present name dates to 1948. The National Legal Center for the Public Interest roster of officials shows various connections to Wall Street law firms---Pilgrims Society associated firms---and continues to list the deceased Caspar Weinberger (Pilgrims Society), who as Secretary of Defense was a silver stealer and silver price antagonist, having drained 24,435,000 ounces from the former national strategic military silver stockpile, at the behest of his megabanker pals in The Pilgrims Society. That “leakage” of silver took place during 1981 to 1987. Americans for Truth in Politics has three Pilgrims members associated with it, more if an updated list were available; big money is in ATP. The Claremont Institute in California, founded in 1979, makes some nice sounding noises, but among them discordant notes are also sounded, including the “war on drugs.” William Bennett, associated with Claremont Institute, was director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy during the reign of Pilgrims Society member President George Bush the First. Please DON’T contribute money to bogus fronts like the Claremont Institute. Another Claremont associate is Mark Helprin, a hack who’s also a member of the CFR, subsidiary of The Pilgrims---

Phillips was a member of the Jim DeMint for Senate Committee. DeMint I do admit made some good statements, but why would Phillips have backed DeMint? The answer appears to be DeMint was willing to accommodate warmongers in The Pilgrims Society over Iran. The same aspect applies to former Senator Fred Thompson, who Pilgrims Society activist Thomas Phillips Jr. backed. Thompson was a Senator from Tennessee (1994-2003). This is the same allegedly smart man who appears on TV commercials wearing a dark suit coat and tie on hot summer days and he’s huckstering reverse mortgages (which aren’t entirely bad) however the firms he’s advertised for have been linked to numerous complaints! Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, was a Congressman (1995- 2003) before winning a U.S. Senate seat, which he still holds. Graham is well known as a warmonger and overseas military interventionist. No wonder The Pilgrims Society has supported him. Here you see Senator Graham joyously greeting Pilgrims Society member Henry Kissinger, with Senator McCain (son of a Pilgrims member) in the middle.

Rick Santorum was a Pennsylvania Congressman (1991-1995) who became a Senator (1995 to 2007) and made a Presidential bid. Santorum supports the “War on Terror” and is a Bush type neocon. I haven’t seen what specifically he did on Capitol Hill to enrich The Pilgrims Society. It’s there or they wouldn’t have backed him.

Mitt Romney, the globalist who lost to globalist Obama, has many globalists involved with his PAC including a former Goldman Sachs partner with the amusing name Peter Sacerdote which in Spanish usually means “Priest.” Romney’s being a Mormon doesn’t inhibit his globalism--- In looking up “Friends of George Allen” I see a notice “this site may be hacked.” NNDB shows a long list of wealthy globalists and warmongers backing George Allen, who went from the Virginia legislature to the U.S. House of Representatives (1991-1993) to Governor of Virginia (1994-1998) to the U.S. Senate (2001-2007). Wiki states, “In 1994, Allen's administration eliminated Virginia's water toxins monitoring program. Allen's Department of Environment Quality had withheld knowledge of high mercury concentrations in the Shenandoah River.” Allen is most likely revved up about mercury in vaccines too, that all the small folks that The Crown means to rule over, should get hit by many little poison laden spears!

Friends of Katherine Harris was/is a PAC backing the Florida politician by the same name. She married into big money and inherited much bigger. She was Florida Secretary of State (1999- 2003) and went to the U.S. House of Representatives (2003 to 2007) but fell short in a Senate campaign. This woman has been involved with some terrific scandals. If you want to see her dirt, click here. She developed a connection to IBM Corporation (Pilgrims Society). The Fund for American Studies at 1706 New Hampshire Avenue Northwest, founded in 1967 in D.C., is more of the same globalism; a Morgan Stanley associate is a trustee.

Spirit of America states “our mission is to support the safety and success of US troops and diplomats and the local people and partners they seek to help.” This group is interlocked with the Institute for the Study of War, the RAND Corporation and the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Pilgrims Society member George P. Shultz, who has access into the Obama White House, former Secretary of State (1982-1989) and former Treasury Secretary (1972-1974) is there. Michael Steele was lieutenant Governor of Maryland (2003-2007) was with the long established Pilgrims Society law firm LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, which has had multi-generational representation in history’s top Secret Society. In 2006 Steele made an unsuccessful Senate bid.

The tally of unsuccessful Senate bids backed by Pilgrims Society member Thomas Phillips Jr. is two, with both having attained other high posts; the tally of successful Senate candidates he’s backed is five. This doesn’t count those boosted by the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the Republican National Committee, both of which Phillips has been active with. Take note---this is only one example of a Pilgrims Society member helping to “pack” the national Senate with unprincipled sellouts working with their senior partners in London to bring America under United Nations control--- 4) Mark A. Angelson (Birth year not found; probably 1952-1953; Pilgrims membership perhaps for 10 years; not found in Who’s Who volumes) however you may watch this three minute video showing him with Obama near the end. While not helpful as to his ancestry or marriage or sons/daughters in law, this description at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Chicago suburb, Evanston Illinois is a good substitute---

“Mark Angelson serves as a Trustee and Treasurer of the Institute of International Education (IIE) and as Chairman of IIE's Scholar Rescue Fund and selection committee. In 2013 and 2014, he served as Chairman of NewPage Corporation, North America's largest manufacturer of specialty printing papers, and led its merger with Verso Corporation in a transaction described as among the most challenging and complex. In 2011 and 2012, Mr. Angelson served as the Deputy Mayor of the City of Chicago and Chairman of the Mayor's Economic, Budgetary and Business Development Council. He was credited by Mayor Emanuel with facilitating the creation of tens of thousands of jobs for Chicagoans and launching the largest municipal employees' Wellness Program in the country, among many other achievements. From 1996-2010, as Chairman and CEO of a variety of public companies, including RR Donnelley (Chicago), Moore Corporation (Toronto), Moore Wallace (NYC) and WorldColor Press (Montreal), and as a private investor, Mr. Angelson was a leader of the transformation and consolidation of the printing industry. The work of Mr. Angelson and his colleagues culminated in the creation of the two largest publicly owned printing companies, employing an aggregate of nearly 100,000 people, and in the creation of billions of dollars in value for equity and debt investors.”

“Mr. Angelson began his career in 1975 as a lawyer with Sullivan & Cromwell. From 1982 through 1995, he practiced with Sidley & Austin, serving as Co-Chair of International Operations and resident managing partner of the law firm's offices in Singapore, New York and London and leading the development of notably successful practices in each of those cities. He served as Chairman of MidOcean Partners, a New York and London-based investment firm 2007-2009.”

“Mr. Angelson is a trustee of Northwestern University, a member of Northwestern's investment committee and, since 2010, an adjunct professor of mergers and acquisitions at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and its membership committee, the Economic Club of New York, the Chicago Club and of the Pilgrims (London and NYC), and is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce. He is qualified as a lawyer (non- practicing) in New York, England and Wales. In 2005, Mr. Angelson and RR Donnelley received the Harold H. Hines Award from the United Negro College Fund. In 2006, he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Laws by the John Marshall Law School.”

“Mr. Angelson was graduated from Rutgers College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and from Rutgers Law School. In 2013, Mr. Angelson was inducted into the Rutgers Hall of Distinguished Alumni, the highest honor that Rutgers University can confer on an alumnus. In 2014, Mr. Angelson was appointed Richard D. Heffner Public Service Professor by Rutgers University President Barchi and later as a member of the Rutgers University Board of Governors by NJ Governor Christie. In 2015, Mr. Angelson stepped down as Heffner Professor for the duration of his service on the Board of Governors.” The Royal Society of the Arts, founded in 1754, is “a global network of 27,000 people who support the RSA’s mission of finding innovative and creative solutions to social problems.”

Reviewing this info we’ll cover it in roughly the order of the description. The Institute for International Education was founded in 1919 by Pilgrims Society members Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, longtime president of both Columbia University and of The Pilgrims, and by Elihu Root, Secretary of State who administered the foundations endowed by Pilgrims member Andrew Carnegie. We described Butler in detail in #5 Silver Squelchers, pages 17-29 and he was president of the warmongering Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and openly lambasted President Jackson for closing down the second United States Bank. Butler married into the old Schuyler fortune, large land grant owners from Dutch colonial times. Root was Secretary of State (1905-1909) and held many other positions in and out of government. Ulysses S. Grant III became his son in law. Root was among the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations and wanted America to enter World War I. It’s been observed in precious metals circles that while a New York Senator, Elihu Root denounced the Federal Reserve Act. This however is not the entire story! As this site states---

“One of the framers of the Federal Reserve Act, Senator Elihu Root, had considered making a gold backed dollar part of the legislation but concluded it was unnecessary. He told colleagues the U.S. government would never dare to issue paper currency backed by nothing.”

Root had issues with certain provisions of the Act included by the other “framers,” but The Pilgrims inner circle had its way as always, and got the Act as they wanted it, although yes, they did have to work at whittling down the gold reserve clauses over a period of more than a generation. Root was NOT against another central bank! The Nobel Prize organization calls Root “one of the most brilliant administrators in American history.” Today the Institute of International Education, of which our current Pilgrims subject, Mark Alan Angelson is treasurer and trustee, has annual revenue of $361 million and we are told that its mission is to “advance international education and access to education worldwide.” The IIE manages scholarships, trainings, exchange and leadership programs, conducts research, and helps facilitate political dialogue on global higher education. The IIE provides access to leading institutions of higher education and international experience, protects scholarships around the world, and will even provide support and safety to persecuted scholars and students in crises situations. The IIE sees this work as building and investing in global leaders to tackle global issues like climate change, renewable energy, terrorism, and interfaith dialogue in order to foster international cooperation through international exchange and advancing peace and prosperity for all.”

This IIE has had quite a lot of Pilgrims Society members across the years as trustees; naturally, since this is another of so many globalist instrumentalities they founded. “Opening Minds to the World” is the motto of this IIE. Wiki states---“The Institute of International Education (IIE) focuses on International Student Exchange and Aid, Foreign Affairs, and International Peace and Security. In collaboration with governments, foundations and other sponsors, IIE creates programs of study and training for students, educators and professionals from various sectors. The organization says its mission is to "advance international education and access to education worldwide.” Currently, much of its work focuses study abroad programs, supporting students and scholars, policy research, and being a central resource on international exchange opportunities. Some of its most recognized programs include the flagship Fulbright Program; and Gilman Scholarships administered for the U.S. Department of State.” HQ of the IIE is in NYC but it has offices in nineteen countries with over 1,300 member institutions including universities and government agencies---

The Institute of International Education IIE Building in Seoul, South Korea--- IIE manages the globalist Fulbright Program (scholarships) for the State Department ---

Current IIE trustees include various prospective Pilgrims members. Thomas Johnson, chairman of the IIE, is a director of R.R. Donnelley & Sons---a major source of Angelson’s wealth as we shall see. Vice chairman of IIE is Dr. Henry Jarecki, a psychiatry professor at Yale. The fastest way to wreck something is to introduce psychiatry; paper money takes a back seat to it. In his profile at IIE we read--- “Henry G. Jarecki is Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Falconwood Corporation, an investment banking company managing investments in numerous businesses including PsychoGenics, Inc., a biotechnology company, and Gresham Investment Co., Ltd. (both of New York), the Guana Island Hotel Corporation, and Audubon Holdings, Ltd., a real estate holding and development company (both in the British Virgin Islands---BVI).” Dr. Jarecki's business career, which started in 1970, has included the management and, in 1986, the sale to Standard Chartered Bank of London, England of control of The Mocatta Group, an international bullion dealing enterprise with offices in six countries that was founded in London in 1671; the founding, management, and ultimate sale in 1995 to Societé Génerale of Paris, France of Brody White & Co., Inc. and Brody White (UK) Ltd., an international commodity trading and brokerage group; the management (as Chairman until its sale in 1999 to America Online, Inc.) of MovieFone, Inc., a public company engaged in the provision of information and ticketing services for motion pictures; and the founding and management of PsychoGenics, Inc., a drug discovery and contract research enterprise.”

In December 1973 the Dallas Hunt brothers had contracts for 35MOZ silver and silver was at that time being priced at just below $3 the ounce. This Henry Jarecki was a professor at Yale at least by the late 1960s meaning---there are Pilgrims Society members on the Yale trustee board at all times. He could have been started on his trajectory by any of them. He bought U.S. silver certificates (paper notes convertible into silver) for face value for some years and converted all of them into the slowly rising price. He had to have had large dealings with the large Pilgrims Society run New York megabanks in this endeavor, in order to have the activity amount to enough capital to launch him into larger silver related enterprises. In order to thwart the portended price rise in silver (Jarecki became a short due to The Pilgrim Powers That Be) he persuaded officials of the Bank of Mexico to dump 50MOZ silver onto the market because by February 26, 1974, silver was quoted on our crooked exchanges at $6.70 the ounce. The BOM made its paper windfall, and the Hunts were stymied again. Silver was expected to pass $8 the ounce, but the flood of silver from the Bank of Mexico knocked prices back to almost $4---they had accumulated it at about $2 the ounce (try doing that today). Jarecki during that subversive episode was running Mocatta Metals, which would not have been able to deliver 35MOZ timely! Jarecki may be a Pilgrims member today; this we cannot confirm. At any rate, he’s solidly in their orbit, and Mocatta has had a multi-generations long connection with the Bank of England. From 1979 to 1993 Jarecki was a director of the National Futures Association and his activities in the 1979-1980 silver run up are to say the least, suspect and shady as another big short. Jarecki was also a director of the CBOT, Chicago Board of Trade, 1993-1996. He chairs Falconwood, a New York investment bank and has been a director of luxury auction house Sotheby’s, often implicated in frauds. Jarecki’s office during 1979-1980 was three floors below the COMEX trading floor in the World Trade Center. He was short 30MOZ, and each $1 rise was costing him $30 million---he was among those having an interest in seeing silver crash, and the crony system at the exchange made it happen! (Sources---2014 Who’s Who in America and “Beyond Greed,” 1982).

We could continue looking at other IIE trustees; this is enough of a sampling as to who’s there with Mark Alan Angelson. Do you suppose the IIE in its “educational” programs in many nations, boosts return to gold and silver as money? Or International Monetary Fund SDR’s? They’re run by this gang who pushed PM’s out of the payments system! At Amazon using the search inside feature we find no direct mention of The Pilgrims Society, yet various names mentioned in the 360 page 1988 book “A Law Unto Itself---The Untold Story of Sullivan & Cromwell 100 Years of Creating Power and Wealth,” were/are members meaning that typically, the authors covered it up, or were unaware of it. This is where Angelson got his start in 1975 on his road to power and influence--- Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University near Lake Michigan where Angelson teaches mergers and acquisitions, which comes as no surprise. See also profile on C.L. Brock, Pilgrims Society, and Northwestern--- Kellogg School and Aspen Institute (Pilgrims Society) collaborate---

Angelson was deputy Mayor of Chicago with the Rahm Emanuel administration during which he was the real city manager insofar as municipal finances were concerned. Rahm was however at one time with Dresdner Kleinwort, a Pilgrims Society investment bank in London. Angelson was called Rahm’s “Jobs Czar.” He left in August 2012. Emanuel and Obama are good pals. Angelson’s career started as an attorney with Sullivan & Cromwell, probably one of the five most powerful Pilgrims Society connected law firms, long at 48 Wall Street where the Bank of New York had its earlier HQ. Bank of New York Mellon today is at 1 Wall Street. Sullivan & Cromwell moved to 125 Broad Street---

From 1982 to 1995 Angelson was with Sidley Austin’s Chicago office. Sidley Austin, based in New York, has Pilgrims executive committee member James Zirin as a senior attorney. Mid Ocean Partners of New York and London, of which Angelson was chairman (2007-2009 and director 2004-2009) sounds like a Pilgrims operation all the way, with offices in the two cities that are literally owned by members. MOP has to do with hedge funds, private equity investments in hotels, restaurants, diversified financial services, healthcare, leisure, staffing, transportation, commercial services, media and communications; and is involved in alternative credit strategies, collateralized loan obligations and leveraged buyouts and recapitalizations. It also has an office in Wilmington Delaware, strongly suggesting Du Pont (Pilgrims Society/Silver Users association) participation. Most corporations are “Delaware corporations” and that is a whole other deep story with over 60% of Fortune 500 corporations having Delaware incorporation. Delaware by the way is named for the Earls of De La Warr, represented in The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain.

Before that, Angelson maneuvered himself into the printing industry in a big way, becoming chairman of Moore Corporation (business forms and envelopes) in Toronto. The founder of Moore also founded Metropolitan Bank of Canada, which merged into the Bank of Nova Scotia (silver price antagonist). Angelson was also chairman of World Color Press (Montreal), Quad Graphics Inc. and R.R. Donnelley & Sons, today a Fortune 500 company in Chicago with 65,000 employees and almost $11 billion annual volume (2013). RRD was founded in 1864, a turbulent year as it was the peak of the Civil War and may have had some war contracting work. RRD is called “dominant in the printing business.” Please choose a small independent printer for your needs! At this link we read of Angelson--- “He combined RR Donnelley and other firms in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, creating the world’s largest provider of printing and related services. He retired from RR Donnelley in the spring of 2007. He serves as Chairman of the Board and Director of NewPage Holdings Inc. since December 21, 2012. Previously, he served as Deputy Chairman at Big Flower Press, and its successor, Vertis. At Big Flower, he was involved in approximately 30 acquisitions and related financings, and the $2 billion leveraged recapitalization and sale of control of the company. He also served as Deputy Chairman of Chancery Lane Capital in New York. He has been a Director of NewPage Corporation since December 21, 2012. He served as a Director of WorldColor from July 2009 to July 2010; Quad/Graphics from July 2010 to April 2011; R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company from 2001 to April 30, 2007 and Moore Wallace since November 2001.” He is a member of the Royal Society of the Arts (London) and graduated with a law degree from Rutgers University. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie appointed Mark Angelson to the board of governors of Rutgers University (term 2014-2015). Rutgers was opened in 1766 as Queens College, reflecting the then open British control here. Christie also selected Rahm Emanuel, Angelson’s associate in Chicago city government, and hellspawn Nevada Senator Harry Reid to be Rutgers governing board members. In 2013-2014, Angelson was chairman of NewPage Corporation. In 2012 NewPage achieved over $3 billion in volume. It’s renamed from Westvaco Corporation---West Virginia Pulp & Paper, previously represented in The Pilgrims Society by David L. Luke Jr. (Pilgrims 1957 & 1969); the family founded it in 1888 and members have been directors of National Dairy Products, B.F. Goodrich, New York Stock Exchange, American Enka Corporation, American Radiator, American Research & Development, Irving Trust Company at 1 Wall Street and more.

In 1992 Ted Ammon left Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) leveraged buyouts and started Big Flower Press. It merged with Vertis making a $2 billion company. Ammon also founded Chancery Lane Capital, of which Angelson was a director. Ammon was murdered in 2001, and who first found the body? Yes---Mark Alan Angelson, another Pilgrims Society member who moves about faster than ball bearings in a pinball machine. Of Ammon, the New York Times said, “He was discovered by a colleague at KKR, Mark Angelson, who found him naked in his bed, bludgeoned to death.” Angelson wasn’t a suspect. He’s just the kind that sends our soldiers overseas by controlling the President and Congress to fight wars so he and his Pilgrims Society pals can become wealthier. Bloomberg Business says of Angelson, “He is a member of the council on Foreign Relations and the Pilgrims and a trustee of Northwestern University.”

Naturally with his professorial post at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern, he’s also a trustee of Northwestern and as a Pilgrims Society member, a member of the university’s investment committee; will he choose silver bullion? ---

From the Wiki link on Ammon we discover that Angelson was part of the KKR leveraged buyout giant, completing over $400 billion of such deals since 1976. George Roberts and Henry Kravis are potential Pilgrims; we await a recent roster for confirmation on dozens of such men. Page 778 of the 2014 Who’s Who in the East shows Kravis as vice chairman of Rockefeller University! He’s supposed to be worth over $5 billion, and is wealthier than any Rockefeller? They view that sum as pocket change.

Chancery Lane Capital, of which Angelson was vice chairman and a director, closed down. Chancery refers to a court of law, or an office attached to an embassy or consulate. This site says Angelson is “director of each of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations and the Terra Foundation for American Art, and a member of the Pilgrims of Great Britain, The Economic Club of Chicago.”

Membership in either branch of The Pilgrims, London or New York, automatically equates to membership in both branches. The Economic Club of Chicago is a clone of the Economic Club of New York---both virulently anti-silver. The EC of Chicago lists Hilary Clinton (Pilgrims Society) as a recent speaker. The Chicago CFR is a clone of its parent in NYC. An image from 2008 shows Angelson with Her Royal Highness Princess Ghida Talal of the Kingdom of Jordan---

Angelson’s daughter, Genevieve Rose Angelson is an actress having appeared in three movies--- 5) Richard W. Carlson (1941---; Pilgrims Society post the 1980 roster; 1994 Who’s Who, page 548 ID’s him) is another “revolving door” Pilgrims member, having held many assignments doled out to him by the inner circle members. The 2014 Who’s Who in the East, page 210 shows no address; in 1994 it was 901 E Street Northwest (Eye Street) Washington, D.C. 20004. The 2014 info is as follows (adjusted for readability) --- Carlson got his start with such Pilgrims Society represented entities as Los Angeles Times, United Press international, ABC News and CBS. While with CBS, Carlson was under Pilgrims Society member William S. Paley, chairman of CBS, who first married into the Hearst newspaper fortune, then into the lesser known Tilford-Mortimer family (Pilgrims Society 1914 through 1980 rosters; Standard Oil inheritors). Carlson was in the devil’s favorite business--- banking---for seven years then headed the United States Information Agency. In 1991-1992 Carlson held the ambassadorial post to the Seychelles Republic, a group of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean with 90,000 inhabitants. The Seychelles are another bank secrecy haven for offshore activities. This site speaks of International Business Companies and tax exempt status. Upon return, The Pilgrims inner circle assigned him to head the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a propaganda fountainhead for everything that is harmful, especially globalism. Carlson was CEO of King World Television during 1997-1999. KWN had syndication rights to Jeopardy, Oprah Winfrey & Wheel of Fortune. In 1999 CBS announced it was acquiring KWN for $2.5 billion--- In April 2003 it was announced that Richard W. Carlson was joining the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies as a vice chairman. The FDD, founded in 2001, says of itself that it is a “non profit, non partisan think tank that promotes education about terrorism and the policies that can help democratic societies defend themselves from terrorism and the radical ideologies that drive terrorism.” We read---

“Carlson has a long distinguished career in media, government service and diplomacy. Prior to joining FDD, he was U.S. Ambassador to the Seychelles, the director of the Voice of America during the last six years of the Cold War, and the President and CEO of both the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and King World Television. Carlson is an experienced diplomat. As VOA director he led official U.S. delegations to the Soviet Union, People’s Republic of China and other countries. He also has testified numerous times before Congressional committees and before both the British House of Commons and the Israeli Knesset. He has been an adviser to the Institute for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence in Washington D.C. founded by Buck Revel, former assistant director of the FBI in charge of counter terrorism, and R. James Woolsey, former CIA director. Woolsey is a distinguished adviser to the FDD and a highly likely Pilgrims member; so likely that he’s the only one I’ll say is a member with a somewhat lower standard of proof; we’ll review him also. Richard Carlson has been a writer for Time and Look Magazines as well as a correspondent for ABC TV. He has won three Hollywood Emmys, four Golden Mike Awards and the prestigious George Foster Peabody Award.”

“Other countries” included Georgia (old world) and Moldova.

Next the FDD quotes Carlson---“This is a critical time in the world. The work of the Foundation is more important than ever. I’m gratified to play a role in combating terrorism and defending open, politically free societies.”

The FDD sponsors several projects including “The Long War Journal” which is alleged to be “accurate reporting on the global war on terror, the “Iran Project,” energy sanctions, the “Qualitative Military Edge Project,” and the Center for Sanctions on Illicit Finance. Richard James Woolsey is in our enumeration in a quasi sense, at the end as addenda; there we will explain why. Woolsey is ex CIA director chairs the FDD. He was a Rhodes Scholar in 1963 and graduated from Yale Law School in 1968. Obviously this FDD is another warmongering Pilgrims Society front organization still chasing the sick dream of a neo-British Empire running the planet. The FDD WANTS World War Three to be visited on the people of the world! The FDD is rightly regarded as “pro-Israel,” but I submit this is still another case of alleged Protestants militating for attacking countries unfriendly to Israel, for purposes of their own, including seizure of more natural resources and absolutely controlling everyone. Carlson (Pilgrims Society) is an Episcopalian, which most members in the U.S. are, and Woolsey, who chairs the FDD, is a Presbyterian, which is similar in the sense that this church is Scottish in origin and that country is also under Crown control; a fair number of Pilgrims have been Presbyterians. I submit that in their case these are labels only as none of them are Christians in fact.

Carlson is a member of the Council of American Ambassadors, another Pilgrims Society front in D.C. of which recent Pilgrims treasurer Robin C. Duke, a Biddle family (second United States Bank (1816-1836) relative, is a director. Other confirmed Pilgrims members there include Madeleine Albright, George H.W. Bush, William S. Farish III, Philip Lader, John L. Loeb Jr., Ogden Reid, Felix Rohatyn, Louis Susman and William Vanden Heuvel. Guess who else is there? Swanee Hunt, daughter of Texas oilman H.L. Hunt, father of Nelson Bunker and Herbert Hunt of the Hunt-Arab silver play, keelhauled by Carlson’s Pilgrims Society pals! She’s their half sister and like Ray Hunt who became chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and their half brother, went to The Dark Side. Swanee was Ambassador to Austria (1993-1997) and is a CFR member, The Pilgrims direct subsidiary. Ray Hunt, a prospective Pilgrims member, is a director of Bessemer Securities, run by the Phipps family (Pilgrims Society) tracing back to part of the Carnegie Steel empire. on WMAL Radio in Washington has Carlson bending public opinion for America to attack, invade and occupy probably the entire Middle East except Israel; he is quite the ardent warmongering Pilgrims Society member. May we suggest that he lead the boots on the ground deployment? At this link we also read, “Carlson has been chairman of the board of directors of InterMedia of Washington, D.C., the international research firm, for the past seven years.” This Carlson is a porcupine of many quills---all of them deleterious to Constitutional principles. We also read--- “He has hosted the weekly Danger Zone radio shows on Sirius/XM, WMAL-630AM in Washington, British Sky Radio and the World Radio Network in London, for ten years. In 2012-2013, he hosted the weekly Danger Zone TV shows on FIOS and Time-Warner cable. Lt Colonel Bill Cowan, USMC (ret.) of Fox News, has been his co-host on these shows and is his business partner in Tulip Hill Enterprises, LLC, which owns the broadcasts. Carlson also writes a regular newspaper column, often about terrorism and national security, for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and the Charleston Mercury.”

These are more warmongering efforts to influence public opinion! The Pilgrims Society dragged us into World War One--- (1915 book by Charles Collman, first outsider on record to discover The Pilgrims Society).

At InterMedia site we read of Carlson’s six year stint at Voice of America---

“He oversaw a network which broadcasts 24-hours-a-day in 50 languages to an audience of more than 130 million.” InterMedia has as their slogan “Research for Global Development.” We also encounter this---

“Globally, 2.5 billion people lack access to banks or other traditional financial instruments, either because such services are physically unavailable or fail to meet their needs. The world’s poor in particular have a vital need for financial services to help them build assets, manage household cash and survive emergencies. In partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Grameen and GSMA Foundations and others, InterMedia is exploring pathways to alleviate global poverty by learning how to help the world’s poorest people take advantage of widely available mobile phones and other digital technology to access financial tools and participate more fully in their local economies. Since 1996, InterMedia has conducted more than 800 audience and opinion surveys engaging more than 1 million people in 60 countries for the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and other U.S. and leading European international broadcasters. Current and recent audience research projects include nationwide surveys of China for the U.S.-sponsored Radio Free Asia; of Tanzania for the British Broadcasting Corporation; VOA audience research in Korea and Somalia; a study of strategies for enhancing VOA’s broadcast coverage by Direct-to-Home satellite services; and a study for the German-funded Deutsche Welle of the mobile phone news sectors in Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, India and Russia.”

They are also involved in so-called global health initiatives (vaccines.) They named three foundations. Two I never heard of, the Gates Foundation is an iceberg. His name I completely anticipate in any roster of The Pilgrims year 2000 or possibly earlier. His stance as a globalist is confirmed in his membership in the Order of the British Empire and Bilderberg meetings. Pittsburgh TR has 188,000 daily circulation and the Charleston Mercury 49,500 for Carlson’s propaganda reach!

This newspaper of which Carlson is a columnist has a circulation of 22,000 and is focused on Congress and lobbying over many issues. It’s another tool for getting out of Congress what the Money Lords desire, including warmongering advocacy. Progressing through Carlson’s strings that he pulls for The Pilgrims inner circle, we find Radio Voyager we see their site they declare, “One world, one radio station…Radio Voyager! Broadcasting around the world, around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.” What do they broadcast? Globalism! They’re broadcasting in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa and work with the Visual Consultancy Corporation. Not in his Who’s Who info but found on the web is that Carlson is also vice chairman of the Bahrain-American Council at 1100 Connecticut Avenue Northwest in D.C. which says of itself “Bahrain is an important financial center in the Persian Gulf” yes and as such, plus the military implications, a Pilgrims Society member would have to be in the management of this Council telling the nominal chairman what to do, because as vice chairman, it means the chairman is the actual workhorse there insofar as commitment of personal time is concerned, with Pilgrims Society member Carlson allegedly being in the back seat, but with the chairman playing a role similar to that of a chauffeur. It was founded in 2011 and additionally mentions that “Bahrain is a tax free economy with no withholding tax, no corporate tax, no income tax, and no VAT” (value added tax) --- Their site shows the twin Bahrain World Trade Center Towers. The three objects between the 787 foot towers are wind turbines generating electric power--- The towers contractors include companies who’ve built for such Pilgrims interests as De Beers and Xstrata, a mining multinational and have boards interlocking with Central Rand Gold, Rhodes University (after Cecil Rhodes, who schemed The Pilgrims Society), and Northam Platinum. Gately-Carlson Consulting appears to have no site, but is mentioned at the Bahrain-American Council.

From 1981-1990 Carlson was a governor of Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, California. Carlson held many influential positions as of 1980 or before and wasn’t a Pilgrims member until 1981 at the earliest, and very possibly till later than that. But he could have been on their “waiting list” (to date, neither Van Der Reijden nor myself have ever come across one of these, which may consist of around 70 to 90 individuals in both branches). In any case Carlson was an early sellout to the globalist cause and deemed fit for Pilgrims admission---he didn’t get “one blackball in five” which would have excluded him (see #11 Silver Squelchers, page 36). Founded in 1924 out of the Scripps newspaper publishing fortune, La Jolla is one of a chain of Scripps hospitals; at this location over 130,000 patients per annum are admitted, with over 2,200 employees and around 800 doctors. Do you sniff a large sum of money? Sharp Hospital Foundation is connected to seven large medical facilities in the city of San Diego California. The Scripps Institute for Medicine & Science, usually called the Scripps Institution, is based in Jupiter, Florida, which is a high net worth area and many Pilgrims Society members have had luxury estates there going way back. Carlson says he’s a director of Scripps Institution however their site only lists a board of trustees where his name doesn’t appear. It may well be there is a board of directors anyway which isn’t alluded to. If his claim of being a director of S.I. were bogus, it would culminate in embarrassment to him and he’s smart enough to avoid such pitfalls. S.I. notes that its HQ is in La Jolla, but has an extension in Florida. Recall that Carlson was a big shot in La Jolla for many years; he probably maintains a residence there, but my sense is that he resides in D.C. so as to be closer to his communications system subversion for warmonger fomentation of manipulatable public opinion. See “Pilgrims Society---Warmongers and Metals Manipulators” released in May 2014.

Scripps Institution in Jupiter Florida--- We read of S.I. ---“the institute is home to 3,000 scientists, technicians, graduate students, and administrative and other staff, making it among the largest private, non-profit biomedical research organizations in the world.” Nonprofit is a hair splitting exercise, because just like the much larger Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute, controlled by lead trustee James A. Baker III, ex Treasury Secretary and former Secretary of State, the medical and bioscience patents developed there will be used to drain the middle class of their last remnants of prosperity---the same as The Wellcome Trust (Pilgrims London) and its “research.” While this purported nonprofit research will be used to suck the country dry of finances, we also read---

“The establishment of the Scripps Florida campus was made possible by a one-time $310 million appropriation of federal economic development funds and by the Florida State Legislature and by an economic package provided by Palm Beach County.”

Federal funds means, the taxpayers of these United States, plus the residents of Florida and doubly so, those of Palm Beach County were involuntarily siphoned of their finances to fund this “nonprofit” medical science research institution. Will any of these common folks get to share in proceeds of patent development and licensing of said patents? You have GOT to be kidding---they will be charged DEARLY for them! That’s The Pilgrims Society modus operandi---“seizing” and “absorbing” wealth from commoners who are being dragged daily nearer to a revived feudal system in modern times. S.I, gets funding also from the Bill Gates Foundation and the Larry Ellison Medical Foundation---two software kingpins whose names I fully expect to appear on any Pilgrims roster post 2000 or earlier! Remember we are handicapped as to current membership info due to the Society’s barnacle refusal to post rosters in the public domain! So we must do what we can with fragmentary details. There is also a Scripps Oceanographic Institution of Oceanography at the University of California at San Diego. Scripps Oceanographic traces to 1903 and says “The Scripps mission is to seek, teach, and communicate scientific understanding of the oceans, atmosphere, Earth, and other planets for the benefit of society and the environment.” It claims 235 professors and researchers and 1,472 employees and 629 volunteers. It’s entirely similar to Woods Hole, Massachusetts Oceanographic Institution, also controlled by assorted Pilgrims members, including Pilgrims executive committee member John Rozet Drexel IV. Scripps Oceanographic claims an endowment of $61 million and gets funding from a multiplicity of Pilgrims Society connected corporate giants who expect to be able to loot the seafloors of mineral wealth to the exclusion of non-aligned interests---it would be unsurprising if research compounds like these also have input into naval military strategy for “Allied” forces of NATO, the U.S. and the British Commonwealth of Nations--- As a former member of the San Diego Crime Commission (1984- 1985), Carlson is another elitist who has had involvement in “supervising” police activities from behind the scenes.

During 1988-1991 Carlson was a trustee of the Fund for American Studies in D.C. at 1706 New Hampshire Avenue Northwest, founded in 1967. It has a dual board---trustees and regents, confirming that these think tanks and/or research organizations often may have dual boards, as in the case of Carlson and the Scripps Institution. I notice Morgan Stanley represented here, meaning there is no special need to search deeper as to the elements this group is connected to. It’s another front organization for Pilgrims Society influence and it has been observed by Montana Congressman Jacob Thorkelson in 1940 that The Pilgrims constitutes the “wholesale” source of British input into our country. There is a Kathleen Rothschild on the board of regents of this wolf in sheep’s clothing group--- Carlson is former CEO of MBlast Incorporated, “an Internet software provider which aggregates and disseminates data for business and industry worldwide.”

Carlson lists himself as a governor or trustee of the Banff TV Festival since 1996 which is an annual event since 1980. “Described as "the Olympics of television", the festival provides a global platform for industry members to discuss and debate, and explore current issues, challenges and trends.” Present are such big names as BBC, ABC, Sony Pictures, HBO, Amazon Studios, Yahoo, Lionsgate Television, Disney Channel, Comcast, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and many others. It bills itself as “The Global Content Creation And Monetization Market”--- Carlson also says he’s involved continuously since 1996 with the American Center for Children’s Television, fairly ominous in that this One Worlder wants to influence children’s thinking (“vaccines are our friends” and “we have to be at war overseas most of the time” and “silver is only an industrial metal” and “the government knows better than mom and dad”). Carlson, are you reading this? Isn’t this assessment bullseye? I’m not finding a site for them besides this one which lists their location as 5400 North Saint Louis Avenue, Chicago 60625.

From 1985 to 1991 Carlson says he was involved with the Rosalind Russell Arthritis Foundation (rheumatology). It’s apparently part of the University of California at San Francisco and named after an actress (1907-1976) who was afflicted. They boost use of Methotrexate which is risky and we even find “adverse effects of low dose Methotrexate.” The Georgetown (or George Town) Club, at 1530 Wisconsin Ave NW in D.C. is yet another organization into which this British sympathizing Crown loyalist Carlson has major input into as a director---

“The George Town Club is one of the most elegant in-town clubs in the United States, patterned after the finest clubs in London and Paris. The warm, home-like Club offers a retreat to its Members, with superb cuisine, privacy, and friendly gracious service in a setting that fosters relaxed personal enjoyment. The Club was formed in 1966 for the purpose of bringing together leaders who had an impact on the United States and the world through their work in various business, professional, civic, social and political milieus. Since then, The Club has been a focal point for entertaining prominent Washingtonians, diplomats, socialites and leaders in business, government and academia. We are pleased that the Club family reflects a true cross-section of the leaders of the American and world communities.” This club is called one of “ten exclusive places in Washington, D.C. you’ll never get into. Membership is by invitation, and even after you score that invite, you still have to fill out an application that will be scrutinized by the Board of Directors.” Here is their image gallery and you won’t see some rickety outhouse in poor Appalachia. This very busy Pilgrims Society member Richard Carlson received the George Foster Peabody Award in 1976, called “the Pulitzer Prize of broadcasting.” Peabody (Pilgrims Society) was a financier with large holdings in Mexico and in General Electric and a director (1914-1921) of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, discussed in “The Silver Stealers” (excerpt on G.F. Peabody, Pilgrims Society) ---

The December 10, 1933 New York Times, section II, page 4, "Peabody Defends the President, Declaring Roosevelt Seldom Errs" --- "During his career in banking and policies, Mr. Peabody added, HE HAD A PART IN DEFEATING BIMETALLISM and reached the conclusion that it is absurd to depend on a metal not possible of expansion or contraction as a standard of value. The banker remarked that he called himself a radical. Mr. Roosevelt has made as few mistakes as any man I’ve heard of." When Pilgrims Society members (or future members as of 1976) get awards, they may easily be awards named after earlier Pilgrims Society members. What it all adds up to is just more strands thickening the noose these deep conspirators have placed around our necks! The Peabody Awards are interlocked with assorted Pilgrims entities---British Film Institute, NBC, CBS, Public Broadcasting System, National Public Radio, University of Pennsylvania and others.

Carlson belongs to the National Press Club in D.C., founded in 1908 and every U.S. President since then has been a guest at least once. Interior glance of the NPC---

Carlson is a member of the Mid-Ocean Club in British Bermuda, one of many Pilgrims members over the years there---

In 1913 “the Furness-Withy Steamship Company took an interest in developing Bermuda” and “Sir Frederic Lewis diverted one of his ships, the Moorish Prince, there.” Sir Frederic Lewis, Baronet, executive of FW Steamships, was in the 1924 Pilgrims London roster. Their development activities led to the formation of the elite Mid-Ocean Club--- Additional details on Carlson found on page 548 of the 1994 Who’s Who include president (1984-1990) of the Arthritis Foundation; director national headquarters, Boy Scouts of America 91984-1990); member California State Republican Central Committee (1982- 1985); director, National Conference of Christians and Jews 1980- 1983)---don’t anyone climb my tree, I only relay what I find; the NCCJ was founded in 1927 in response to anti-Catholic expressions and more recently renamed itself the National Conference for Community and Justice; chairman of San Diego Coalition (1980- 1981); director, California General Mortgage Assurance Corporation (1976-1984); director, California Community Bank (1983-1985); member, The President’s Council on the Peace Corps (1982-1984); member Capitol Hill Club in D.C.; fund raiser for St. George’s School in Newport, Rhode Island (1983-1987). The CH Club is actually the National Republican Club of Capitol Hill. It was founded in 1951 by Congressman James C. Auchincloss of New Jersey (terms 1943 to 1965), who was a good pal to the Silver Users association. He was a member obviously of the family by that name. The 1957 Pilgrims roster shows Charles Auchincloss. The 1969 and 1974 rosters show Hugh Auchincloss Jr. and the 1969 roster shows Reginald Auchincloss. Hugh became the stepfather of Jackie Kennedy (Mrs. JFK) who later married Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis (1968) who as with his competitor Stavros Niarchos, were both represented by Pilgrims members in London. Charles Auchincloss, 14 Wall Street, was treasurer of the Prison Association of New York, president of the important Links Club and director of National Biscuit Company (Nabisco), American Can Company, New York Casualty Company and Surety Fire Insurance and partner in the investment bank F.S. Moseley & Company. Charles married Rosamond Saltonstall, a cousin of Massachusetts Governor Leverett Saltonstall (1939-1945) and Senator from Massachusetts (1945- 1967) who voted for the Coinage Act of 1965, removing most silver from our coinage. His vote was supremely predictable, as he all along had been as fanatical a voice for the Silver Users Association as any they ever had in the Senate.

The Saltonstalls descended from a 13th century English landowner and became more prominent until Sir Richard Saltonstall became a director of The Company of Merchant Adventurers of London, the Muscovy (Russian) Trading Company, the Levant (Turkey) Company and the English East India Company, a member of Parliament by 1586 and Lord Mayor of London by 1597 and had other historically dazzling credentials (infamous!) His nephew became a “grantee” of the Massachusetts Colony (large landowner) and he was first assistant to Governor John Winthrop, whose descendants were related to the founding of the Federal Reserve and still have representation in The Pilgrims at this moment (John Winthrop, born 1936). The nephew also became a “patentee” (large landowner) in the Connecticut Colony and was Ambassador to Holland. “His descendants played a major role in New England history,” is disastrously true! He was on a tribunal that condemned a prominent figure to death in 1643. His son Nathaniel was a judge at the Salem Witch Trials, along with a Roosevelt ancestor! The Roosevelts and Saltonstalls were in tight with each other still after the start of the 20th century. Have you grasped a glimmer of what this Pilgrims Society network is about? Its roots are many centuries and in some cases, over a thousand years old, in royalty, nobility, wealthy ocean going traders, warmongers, opium “traders,” huge scale landowners, top level political figures, and they are highly connected by marriage. They formed the most tremendous influence network in history, and for its influence to be so enormous, its profile is astonishingly low. Richard Carlson I submit was highly aware of such matters when he joined the Capitol Hill Club, founded by anti-silver activist James Auchincloss, relative of the Saltonstall family with a huge history behind them--- How do you rate the prospects that politicians who are members of this club will ever take any positive action towards silver?

6) Stephen Grant Smith (1949---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined) has info in the 2014 Who’s Who in the East, page 1324--- 1015 15th Street Northwest, Washington D.C. --- This one may have some ancestry and marriage links, but he’s a typical example of an outer circle Pilgrims Society member. He’s a hack covering up for his superiors in The Society. The May 23, 1982 New York Times reported that Smith’s father in law was a brigadier general who went to work as an executive with Atlantic Richfield Oil (ARCO). Smith’s father was with the little known (outside Wall Street circles) investment bank of Fahnestock & Company, with Pilgrims Society connections. As of 1982 Smith was a senior editor at Time Magazine and his new wife Sarah joined the New York Times as a reporter. His mother was in media also with Family Circle Magazine. Naturally it was an Episcopalian ceremony---what else? Fahnestock & Company started in 1881 and eventually had over 100 branches in the United States, Canada and across South America. It merged with the Oppenheimer interests, well known affiliates of the Rothschilds (Pilgrims Society). The situation is convoluted---“Oppenheimer & Company division of Fahnestock operates as a subsidiary of Oppenheimer Holdings.” The Oppenheimer name has for decades been strongly connected to De Beers Diamonds, which has always had Pilgrims Society members from the London branch as directors.

S.G. Smith attended the Deerfield Academy, founded in Massachusetts in 1797. Deerfield is a word that occurs in a meaningful number of Pilgrims Society bios, and those of lesser elitists such as Bones. 2007 figures show it had an endowment of $415 million, or $680,000 per student. Its acceptance rate is 12% guaranteeing that only those with the “right” heritage (loyalty to The Crown) get admitted! Wiki listed a few notable alumni of Deerfield. Of that bunch, standing out the most was Ogden R. Reid (Pilgrims Society; Book & Snake Society of Yale) who voted for the Coinage Act of 1965, deleting most silver from our money system. Reid, a third generation Pilgrims Society member, was Ambassador to Israel (1959-1961). His grandfather Whitelaw Reid was Ambassador to England (1905-1912). Ogden’s brother Whitelaw was also in The Pilgrims.

During 2001 to 2007 Smith was on the board of Overseers of the University of Pennsylvania---

“Laws without morals are useless” hypocritical As these elitists don’t do as their slogans say.

After university S.G. Smith became a hack for various media; The Albany Times Union newspaper was founded in 1856---

Published by Library of Congress---

National Journal founded 1969--- In 2001-2002 Smith bounced to Winner & Associates, described as “Winner and Associates joined Publicis Group and became a Publicis Consultants Company in March of 2000. Winner & Associates is a full-service strategic communications firm that specializes in international issues management, public relations, crisis communications, corporate reputation enhancement, media training, litigation support, and image and issue advertising. The firm has served public affairs and strategic communications needs of corporations, trade associations, law firms and government organizations. Its current clients include Exxon Mobil Corporation, Edison International, Bechtel Enterprises Holdings, Phelps Dodge Corporation, Oklahoma Gas and Electric, the National Soft Drink Association, Inter-Gen Energy, Inc., the Gold Institute, Los Angeles Unified School District, Skanska AB, El Paso Electric, Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company and Grocery Manufacturers of America.” Other results under Winner & Associates were law firms; this is the correct one. In keeping with his habit of bouncing around, during 2003 to 2004 he was in charge of communications for the notoriously anti-silver Brookings Institution in D.C. This is among the world’s most dangerous “Illuminati” think tanks, probably among the top five. Bouncing elsewhere, during 2004 to 2007 Smith was Washington D.C. bureau chief for the Houston Chronicle. Founded in 1901, the paper has 1,042,000 Sunday circulation and 75 million hits per month on its site---

Henry Catto Jr. (Pilgrims Society, deceased 2011) who was Ambassador to England, married into the Hobby family that controlled the Houston Post; he had a fortune of his own beforehand. As of 2007 Smith has been editor of the Washington Examiner. I believe he bounced around to so many media outlets so as to do “housecleaning” and increase security measures against The Pilgrims Society being mentioned. The Washington Examiner is owned by Denver based billionaire Philip Anschutz, who may or mat not be a Pilgrims member; neither proposition can be presently confirmed; certainly he’s far wealthier than confirmed Pilgrims member Stephen Grant Smith, who edits the Washington Examiner. So what’s going on? Another Pilgrims member profiled in the series post the 1980 rosters, Donald Sands Rice, was/is involved with two billionaires, J. Christopher Flowers (who may be a member) and the Shorenstein family (who I feel aren’t members). As for Philip Anschutz and the clearly far less wealthy Stephen Grant Smith, if Anschutz isn’t a member, this signifies that he has a representative in The Society. The Pilgrims inner circle controls who is admitted, and the likelihood is this is composed of Rockefellers, Mellons, Astors, Vanderbilts, possibly a Du Pont and there might be a surprise there also. A Pilgrims roster by itself doesn’t disclose who controls the organization, besides the executive committee and other officials but---the executive committee would be the agents of the real powers leading The Society.

The Washington Examiner is a weekly news magazine with a circulation of around 45,000. The Washington Examiner endorsed incredibly radical, anti-civil liberties, anti-privacy warmonger Arizona Senator John McCain for President---the son of a known Pilgrims Society member from the 1969 roster. This media outlet has a regular feature called “Washington Secrets,” are they bringing The Pilgrims Society to the country’s attention? Hell no! During 2005 to 2011 Stephen Grant Smith was a director of the National Press Foundation, incorporated in 1975. Pharma giants including Pfizer (Pilgrims Society) and Lilly (Pilgrims Society) are among the funders of the National Press Foundation, so media types will be spurred on to continue raving about prescription “medications” and vaccines---

In 2005 to 2007 Smith was a director of the University of Pennsylvania Press (founded 1890) ---

Founded in 1922 by the son of railroad magnate James J. Hill (a possible Pilgrims member) of the Great Northern Railway, financed by Pilgrims Society member J.P. Morgan Senior--- The Overseas Press Club was founded in 1939 in New York. It has a Lowell Thomas Award and a Malcolm Forbes Award---both named for Pilgrims Society members---

OPC, 40 West 45th Street New York---

Stephen Grant Smith, Pilgrims Society outer circle member, is as expected, also a member of the National Press Club in D.C. founded in 1908--- The National Press Club Building, all 420,000 square feet of it, is owned by Quadrangle Development Corporation, with over $8 billion in real estate assets. This is an Episcopalian connected holding company, and give me enough information, it’ll have its contacts or direct representation inside The Pilgrims Society! Christopher Gladstone of Quadrangle is a definite prospect. S.G. Smith also states membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, the second most influential group in America after The Pilgrims. Smith is a member of the Royal St. George’s Golf Club in Kent, England, founded in 1887--- Smith belongs to this one in a silver users stronghold state, Rhode Island---

The Fourth Estate Golf Society was briefly described in the July 1, 1996 issue of Meetings and Conventions as initially a group of 20 of “some of the nation's most prestigious newspapers and wire services.” Wiki states “The Fourth Estate (or fourth power) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. "Fourth Estate" most commonly refers to the news media, especially print journalism or "the press.” Golf is harmless? Sure; and there’s significant money in it. Here’s the USGA hosting an event with likely Pilgrims member , ex Defense Secretary who was a silver stealer in the Nixon era Cost of Living Council, capping domestically mined silver at $1.61 the ounce! For details see “Rum And Silver” released originally at Silver Investor in October 2006. Other Pilgrims members over the years have been involved with the USGA---

Smith is a member of White’s Club in London, founded in 1693. It has significant Pilgrims interlock, especially with the London branch. 1693 must have been a great year for the British, Coutts Bank (private bank of the Royals) was founded in 1693 and the Bank of England in 1694, which became the world’s financial quicksand pit. Prince Charles (Pilgrims Society) and Prince William Duke of Cambridge (Pilgrims Society) are current members of White’s Club. Prince Arthur, also known as The Duke of Connaught, President of The Pilgrims London (1917-1942) was a member as was Viscount Wimborne; current Pilgrims also members of White’s include The Earl of Airlie, Edward Streator and Sir John Keswick (opium fortune). Other clubs Stephen Grant Smith belongs to are described in profiles of other members. This guy is a media/press activist for The Society to see to it that word doesn’t get around. He made a mistake by mentioning in his bio details that he’s a member. Maybe he just couldn’t stand to not mention it, since to those in the know, it’s an amazing thing to brag about. At we find that Smith has relationships with (probably as an article contributor) with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Huffington Post, Globe & Mail, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, New York Observer, The Marketplace, Texas Tribune, Contra Costa Times, Forbes, Charleston Gazette, Florida Today and Bloomberg View. Pilgrims member Stephen G. Smith has been handed many opportunities to spread the gospel of globalization---

7) Steve Forbes (1947---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined; second generation member). There appear to be two branches of the old-line Scottish Forbes family; the older branch has opium history; Steve and his father Malcolm appear to be from a newer branch. To provide profiles for Steve and his kid brother, Christopher Forbes (also a Pilgrims member) we’ll tap just a small amount of info on them from “Steve Forbes Bogus Gold Standard Concept,” released in January 2014. So if you want a more complete profile on these two, see that report. Malcolm Forbes, Pilgrims Society, left a widely read magazine that publishes The Forbes 400 richest Americans. These Pilgrims can massage the rich ratings any way they wish to paint the picture that the country’s biggest rich are almost all “new” rich. That friends I say, is an intentional lie calculated to suggest to anyone who overturns the rock covering up the spider hole down to The Pilgrims Society, will be misled into thinking they aren’t occupying the highest and mid level places on the totem pole.

Steve “Shady” Forbes with his face looking like it fell into a bowl of Quaker oatmeal--- second generation Pilgrims Society member, anti-silver activist and conniving gold conspirator---someday he’s gonna feel like he’s squatting with his spurs on when people start confronting him about The Pilgrims Society--- Shady Steve, posing behind the blinds of public unawareness, seems to be thinking “Hic Et Ubique”---Here And Everywhere---The Pilgrims Society motto! He owns the family estate in Bedminster, New Jersey, which is described as worth “up to $55 million.” I want you to think about all the full page color ads in Forbes Magazine over the years---ads by J.P. Morgan & Company---Chase Manhattan Bank---and later by JPMorgan Chase---Bankers Trust Company---HSBC Bank---Barclay’s Bank---Morgan Stanley--- Goldman Sachs---and other major precious metals antagonists--- all crawling with Pilgrims Society members---and ask yourself--- how is it possible all that patronage has had no impact on his real views on precious metals? Silver Users Association companies--- who can be expected to have Pilgrims Society members on their boards---are also Forbes advertisers---Du Pont and Dow Chemical in particular---hence the Forbes sponsored stance by Nathan Lewis that silver isn’t money! Here’s some info from the NNDB link on Shady Steve--- (condensed and reformatted) ---he was a member of the National Guard and TWICE got deferments to avoid going to Vietnam. He married Sabina Beekman (more on her to follow) in 1971 and has five daughters---Roberta, Sabina, Catherina, Moira and Elizabeth. He’s a director of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a Heritage Foundation trustee. Recall that Pilgrims member Richard Carlson in 2003 became vice chairman of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Steve backed Bush- Quayle 1992 and was a candidate himself in 2000. He’s a member of the Alfalfa Club in the District of Columbia. He’s a backer of both the Committee on the Present Danger and the Project for a New American Century.

The Committee on the Present Danger; Foundation for the Defense of Democracies; Heritage Foundation; Project for the New American Century---are all warmonger, foreign country interventionist organizations---and Pilgrims Society front organizations! He authored (March 12, 2012) “War With Iran is Coming” iran-is-coming/ The FDD logo looks like it was created by the same artist as the CPD logo---

Same similarity with the Heritage Foundation logo. Heritage advocates for vaccines. Steve Forbes is a Heritage Foundation trustee as is the son of Pilgrims Society member William Simon, the Treasury Secretary who drove gold down to $105 from $200 and who assassinated the Hunt-Arab silver play as a member of the COMEX governing board in January 1980. Heritage Foundation is a classic Timberwolf in sheep’s clothing---it must never be trusted nor contributed to--- More of the same similar artwork---this Pilgrims Society front was a raging warmonger. It dissolved in 2006 and its participants shifted into similar fronts---

In colonial times, some Forbes moved here from Scotland and became wealthy in the Boston area; one of them was William Cameron Forbes, profiled in “The Silver Stealers” as a major silver antagonist and another Pilgrims Society member. This earlier migration of Forbes to America took part in the Chinese opium “trade,” and was paid for the deadly narcotic in silver---they also had Winthrop linkage! So the grandfather of Steve Forbes who came to America in the 19th century may easily be---and highly likely is---another genetic offshoot Robert Bennett Forbes, so Wiki tells us, was an opium dealer but also involved with “charitable activities.” You do not gain wealth by harmful means, then give out a few percent of it, and call yourself charitable. Steve married Sabina Beekman in 1971, a typical pattern, as Pilgrims Society members keep fortunes in their Society by marriage---same pattern used by royalty dating back over 1,000 years. The leaked list of The Pilgrims dated 1957 showed Fenwick Beekman on the group’s executive committee tenure to start in 1958. Fenwick was an MD---a surgeon who was a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and treasurer of the New York County Medical Society and was president of the New York Historical Society---among many other positions, accomplishments and affiliations (Who’s Who, 1950-1951, page 184). Fenwick married Sabina Wood Struthers in 1912. The firm of Wood, Struthers & Winthrop had the same names as her ancestry---confirmed to not be coincidence. The Winthrops date back to colonial governors of Massachusetts and had a hand in the creation of the Federal Reserve System in the person of Senator Aldrich (Pilgrims Society), a Winthrop descendant. No wonder Pilgrims Society member Steve Forbes doesn’t feel it necessary to get rid of the Federal Reserve as part of a restored gold standard! Beekman Winthrop (leaked list of The Pilgrims 1940, a director of the huge National City Bank) and Robert Winthrop (leaked list of The Pilgrims 1969, director of First National City Bank and International Banking Corporation) maintained the interlock of these families. Fenwick Beekman was grandfather to Steve Forbes wife Sabina Beekman; their name was also well known as Beekman Downtown Hospital. That Hospital became New York Downtown Hospital and is associated with Beekman Tower in Manhattan---a skyscraper of 76 stories! In these ever more complex Pilgrims Society genealogies on Beekmans, Winthrops and related families we encounter that Moses Taylor (1806-1882), a top 19th century railroad and banking baron, figures in; and so does Tom Kean (Pilgrims Society) who chaired the 911 Commission! Fenwick Beekman wasn’t merely a wealthy doctor---he was inheritor of a fairly colossal fortune very likely larger than that left by Forbes Senior! Beekman, an ancestral Dutch name, was originally spelled “Beeckman.” In “History of the Great American Fortunes” by financial historian Gustavus Myers (1937) page 44—

“Henry Beeckman, the astute and smooth founder of a rich and powerful family, was made a magnate of the first importance by a grant from Fletcher of a tract sixteen miles in length in Dutchess County, and also of another estate running twenty miles along the Hudson and eight miles inland. This was a towering fortune for the period; in its actual command of labor, necessities, comforts and luxuries it ranked as a power of transcending importance.” pushes-modern-gold-standard ---

“Forbes acknowledges that this way of operating isn't realistic and proposes a different kind of gold standard. He proposes to set the U.S. dollar to a fixed rate in gold, say $1,500, when the price rises above that level the Federal Reserve must raise rates and when it falls below the Fed can loosen monetary policy. Gold, in essence, would act as a check for the central bank and help regulate the U.S. dollar.”

Yes! Says Steve Forbes---cap the price of gold at $1,500 per ounce! He said this at a time when gold was a few hundred dollars per ounce higher than the start of 2014---later you’ll notice Forbes lowered his suggested cap on gold prices to $1300 the ounce! I think Forbes wants to continue slashing at the gold price, until the marrow is on display! Does Steve Forbes not know a gold standard existed before the Federal Reserve System existed? Does Forbes not know that the world used gold as money way far back into history? Notice, he couldn’t stomach to mention silver---it would have made him seriously ill, like a brush with Brazilian lonomia caterpillars can make a person “bleed out” internally! Notice Forbes has no notion of a gold system absent the central bank! After Andrew Jackson forced shutdown of the second United States Bank---his second administration ended with a SURPLUS! No central bank was necessary! Jackson did however increase minting gold coins! He also practiced his belief that gold and silver should circulate among the populace and in business transactions. Not only do I not see Steve Forbes calling for abolishing the Federal Reserve, he doesn’t even call for it to be audited!

"We don't need to own one ounce of gold," says Forbes in an exclusive interview with The Street, "you just keep it in a narrow range. Forbes calls this gold standard modern. "I think this is the realistic one for the world to have today." Steve spent more than $66 million on his two Presidential runs. The Pilgrims inner circle apparently favored others, though he’d have been acceptable as the British sympathizing globalist one worlder he is--- Steve Forbes trashes the view that his uptown kind, with centuries of wealth interrelated by marriage and connections to big shots overseas are involved in any monetary conspiracies---

For much, much more on Steve Forbes, see “Steve Forbes Bogus Gold Standard Concept.” By way of interest, in the 1980 New York Pilgrims roster, along with Malcolm Forbes Senior, we see F. Murray Forbes, Order of the British Empire---a member of the older branch of the Forbes family. He lived to age 98 and we read--- “Murray Forbes Jr., a prominent Boston lawyer and civic leader for decades, died November 9, 2002, at his home in Manchester-by- the-Sea, Massachusetts, at the age of 98. Mr. Forbes was a partner in the investment counseling firm of Welch & Forbes. He was trustee emeritus of Parents' and Children's Services and had been treasurer of the Massachusetts Historical Society, a trustee of Fruitlands Museum, a director of the English Speaking Union of the United States, and manager of the Boston Port and Seamen's Aid Society. He also served in a variety of business enterprises throughout his career, including being a director of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Inc. which was cofounded by his father a decade before his birth. The company was a pioneer in the development of suburban industrial parks and was one of downtown Boston's biggest developers in the 20th century, with the Boston Co. building at 1 Boston Place and the Blue Cross, Blue Shield building at 100 Summer St. among its projects. Mr. Forbes was also a director of Commercial Wharf Co., State Street Trust and Vermont & Massachusetts Railroad. A man of many interests who gave time to worthwhile causes, Mr. Forbes had served as vice president of the Boston Athenaeum and the Children's Hospital Medical Center; as president of the Charitable Irish Society and of the Beacon Hill Civic Association (he used to live on the Hill’s Beaver Place); and as a trustee and secretary of the New England Conservatory of Music. Mr. Forbes was born in Boston. He graduated from Cambridge University in England in 1927. He received his master’s degree there in 1944. He earned his law degree from Boston University Law School in 1936 while working for the Welch firm, of which he later became a partner. During World War II, Mr. Forbes served as an officer in Naval Intelligence.” State Street Trust (founded in 1792) currently has $28 trillion in assets under management, including large holdings in the silver suppressing CME Group!

Malcolm Forbes with Elizabeth Taylor (center) at his mansion at Tangiers, Morocco (now known as the Forbes Museum) --- --- “Forbes served as chairman of the bipartisan Board of International Broadcasting, which oversaw Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, from 1985 to 1993. He is a past chairman of the Board of Directors for Empower America and was Honorary Chairman of Americans for Hope, Growth and Opportunity. He also serves as a Trustee of Princeton University (his alma mater) and on numerous other boards.” Empower America helps place returning war veterans into renewable energy jobs--- This one with Steve Forbes back of it alleges advocacy for a gold standard (NO MENTION OF SILVER) but again I refer you to what is documented by his own statements as his concept of a gold standard---it’s so deeply flawed as to be a tragic joke---

Founded in 1746, Princeton University today has a $21 billion endowment and is bursting at the seams with Pilgrims Society connections---

8) Christopher Forbes (1951---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined) is Steve Forbes younger brother. Christopher is a Pilgrims Society member like his father was and his older brother Steve. Christopher married Baroness Astrid M. Von Heyl Zu Herrnsheim as mentioned on page 25 of the 2006 book, “Masterpieces of Twentieth Century French Jewelry From American Collections.” Christopher and his aristocratic wife are both friends of The Queen, Royal patron of The Pilgrims Society Astrid is also a niece to the famous Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a longtime Bilderberg Conference personality While Bilderberg is to The Pilgrims what a small black bear is to an Alaskan brown bear grizzly, it again shows the cross-linkage between the two globalist groups, Bilderberg being started in 1954 as another subsidiary to The Pilgrims Society, existing largely to indoctrinate transitory politicians like Presidential contenders John Edwards and Rick Perry. Steve Forbes and his kid brother are even dirtier than I thought, and his family is involved in globalist intrigues more bizarre than Halloween. Christopher has the nickname “Kip.” In “The Billionaire’s Vinegar: The Mystery of the World’s Most Expensive Bottle of Wine” by Benjamin Wallace (Three Rivers Press, 2009) we find on page 71---

“All the Forbes children had taken up collecting; Steve was into historic documents. Kip embraced the mania most fully. It was Kip who became curator of the family’s collections and it was to Kip that Forbes senior would later dedicate “More Than I Dreamed,” his memoirs of collecting. Kip wrote his senior thesis at Princeton on Victorian art, and had an abiding passion for English paintings of the late nineteenth century. As a young man he seemed to pine for a bygone world of aristocrats. At age twenty three he married the thirty eight year old German baroness Astrid Mathilde Cornelia Von Heyl zu Herrnsheim and for a time took to wearing (start page 72) Edwardian three piece suits with a pocket watch and chain. In 1976 Kip encouraged his father to buy the Social Register. By 1985 Kip’s Victorian painting collection had grown to some five hundred paintings, most of which he kept at Old Battersea House. The Forbses also collected Presidential memorabilia. They owned one of Abraham Lincoln’s stovepipe hats and the opera glasses Lincoln was holding when he was shot and they owned three letters from Jefferson on the subject of wine. One was to the chief of the Seneca Indians and said how alcohol is for them. In the third, Jefferson invoked presidential privilege to bring wine into the country duty free.” Christopher Forbes wife is/was the niece of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1911-2004), of the much ballyhooed Bilderberg group. And it should be; many more times so, this evil Pilgrims Society! The Forbes Museum in Tangiers, Morocco, North Africa, became a residence for diplomats visiting the country---

9) Sir Francis Christopher Buchan Bland (1938---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined) has this description at Wiki--- “…a British businessman and politician. He was Deputy Chairman of the Independent Television Authority (1972), which was renamed the Independent Broadcasting Authority in the same year, and former Chairman of London Weekend Television (1984) and of the Board of Governors of the BBC (1996 to 2001), when he took up a position as Chairman of British Telecommunications plc. He left his position with BT in September 2007. We notice this on page 180 of the 2002 short run book, “The Pilgrims of Great Britain”---

“Bland has also held a wide range of concurrent Chairmanships and Directorships, including Chairmanship of Century Hutchinson Group (1984), the Edinburgh-based Canongate Publishing, the National Freight Corporation, known as NFC PLC (1994), and Life Sciences International PLC (1987), and Directorship of National Provident (1978), and Storehouse PLC (1988) among others.” (Some of these have merged or had name changes).

“Bland has a long-standing interest in the cultivation of good wines, and in 1995 bought a 19th Century house with a large wine cellar containing numbered alcoves to accommodate 1,000 bottles of Bordeaux, 100 bottles of Champagne, and 120 bins of white Burgundy. Two years later, he bought a small vineyard next to his home in Gascony in France, planting Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, producing about 1,000 liters a year. He is Chairman of Leiths School of Food and Wine.”

“He worked as a management consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton. Bland was elected as a member of the Greater London Council for Lewisham from 1967, and later became Chairman of the Schools committee of the ILEA (Inner London Education Authority). He was elected chairman of the Bow Group think tank on 10 April 1969 to 1970 and also edited its magazine Crossbow. With his business career demanding more time, he stood down from the GLC at the 1970 election.” Founded in 1951---

“During the 1970s, Bland ran the construction and engineering firm Beyer Peacock and printers Sir Joseph Causton & Sons. On 29 June 1972, it was announced that he was to become Deputy Chairman of the Independent Television Authority (later the Independent Broadcasting Authority) from 1972 to 1976. Afterwards he moved from Booz Allen Hamilton to First National Finance Corporation (1973-74). Bland retained his involvement in politics and was critical of changes made by Margaret Thatcher to Conservative Central Office staff shortly after her election as Leader in 1975. In 1976 he put his name to a supporting statement issued by the National Campaign for Electoral Reform. He was given a second four-year term at the IBA from 1976 to 1980.”

This was a World War One propaganda poster printed by Sir Joseph Causton & Sons Printers, conning the English commoners to divest of silver coins for The Pilgrims Society’s pursuit of World War One which they entirely planned--- “In 1981, Bland married Jennifer Mary Denise May, now known as Lady Bland (from 1963-1981 married to Viscount Enfield, when she was titled Lady Enfield), and the daughter of William May, the former Ulster Unionist Party MP for the Ard constituency in County Down, and Minister for Education for Northern Ireland in the 1950s. The Bland family, consisting of the couple, their son, Archie Bland, and four stepchildren, lived at Abbots Worthy House, the home of Lady Bland and her former husband, later the Earl of Strafford, in the village of Abbots Worthy in Hampshire, with a London flat in Catherine Place, near St James's Park, moving their main residence to Blissamore Hall in the village of Clanville near Andover (also in Hampshire), in 1998.”

“From 1 January 1982, Bland joined the board of LWT Holdings and on 1 January 1984 succeeded John Freeman as Chairman of the main board of LWT. He was a Director of ITN and GMTV, and Chairman of Century Hutchinson, an LWT subsidiary When, after the 1993 franchise renewal, LWT was taken over by Granada in a hotly contested hostile bid, Bland became a millionaire.”

Independent Television Network---

Good Morning Britain TV--- “From 1982 to 1994, Bland was Chairman of the Hammersmith and Queen Charlotte's Hospitals NHS special health authority, subsequently chairing Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust, including Charing Cross Hospital from 1994 to February 1997. He was knighted for his work in the National Health Service in 1993. He was Chairman of the BBC Board of Governors between 1996 and 2001. He was Chairman of the Royal Shakespeare Company between 2004-2011, during which time the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford upon Avon was completely transformed at a cost of c. £113 million. Bland has held other public sector roles: as Chairman of the Private Finance Panel from 1995 to 1996 and as a member of the Prime Minister's Advisory Panel on the Citizen's Charter.”

Charing Cross Hospital in London of The Pilgrims World Hospital Trust--- “Bland became chairman of the BT Board on 1 May 2001 and left in September 2007. He is a former senior adviser at Warburg Pincus (a private equity firm), Chairman of and a substantial shareholder in Canongate Press and Leiths School of Food and Wine, and was appointed Chairman of the Royal Shakespeare Company in April 2004. His first novel, Ashes in the Wind, was published by Head of Zeus on 11 September 2014. Bland is the father of print journalist and now Deputy Editor of The Independent newspaper, Archie Bland.”

Founded in 1966, Warburg P has $50 billion assets as of 2014---

To close Bland’s profile, note the name “Buchan” is part of his name. This is a Scottish clan who were known as “staunch royalists” since the 1600s. The Pilgrims London 1957 roster showed David William Sinclair Buchan of Auchmacoy; the Sinclairs are also quite the important Pilgrims Society dynasty. Lord Tweedsmuir, also known as John Buchan, was British Governor General of the Dominion of Canada (1935-1940) and a member of The Pilgrims Society. He was a member of British Intelligence in World War I and before that he was part of the British Colonial government of South Africa, overseeing the near boundless bonanza of gold, diamonds and platinum---in this pose, the Lordly One with his egotistical regalia shows the typical British leaders attitude of being God on Earth--- 10) Sir Simon David Jenkins (1943---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined) became chairman of the National Trust in 2008, a post he held till November 2008. Among other activities, it works to maintain the ancient castles of the British Isles. Jenkins writes columns for The Guardian and the Evening Standard. He’s former editor of The Times of London, which traces to 1785. He was previously associated with Country Life magazine. Jenkins was a director (1979-1990) of British Rail and London Transport (1984- 1986) and was a member (1994-2000) of the Millennium Commission and is a former trustee of the Architecture Foundation and the English Heritage organization. He appears to be an outer circle member--- The Independent (London) for July 5, 2008 remarked---

“Sir Simon Jenkins is so grand that he really should be bought and preserved by the National Trust, so that successive generations can admire the wondrous architecture and exquisite furniture of his mind. Instead, the trust has chosen him to be its next chairman. After more than 40 years in journalism, Sir Simon will now become the public face of an organisation with a membership several times the combined size of the Conservative and Labour parties – a £300m a year charity that ranks with the Ministry of Defence and the Church of England as one of the country's three biggest landowners. Seven hundred miles of coastland, 615,000 acres of countryside, and 10,000 buildings housing 5,000 tenants, including 300 palaces, 4,300 employees and more than 52,000 volunteers will have Sir Simon to speak for them.”

Buses, underground electric railways, conventional railroads, subway systems--- This one was funded by the National Lottery and dissolved in 2006---

The Architecture Foundation U.K. has Crown Prince Charles as its Royal patron. It has perhaps a half dozen likely Pilgrims Society members on its board. Jenkins profile is brief contrasted to that of many other members; he has spent a great deal of time writing. I wouldn’t anticipate finding any suggestions in his newspaper columns as to remonetizing silver---or gold either. 11) Sir George Russell (1935---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined), Commander, Order of the British Empire. At the site of Newcastle University in England (of which Russell became a governor in 2004) we find--- “His industrial career has spanned ICI, Welland Chemical in Canada, Alcan Aluminum Ltd in both Canada and the UK, and Marley plc until his retirement as Chairman in 1997.” Management Today said---“Sir George Russell - From building to broadcasting to banking - the breadth of the 3i chairman's achievements are remarkable.” ---

ICI or Imperial Chemical Industries of London was a very large silver user for chemical catalysts. In 2008 it merged with Akzo Nobel, an Anglo-Dutch multinational Pilgrims Society interest. ICI had over 30,000 employees. Welland Chemical had an entire regiment of workers beseiging it over mesothelioma claims due to asbestos exposure. Alcan Aluminum merged into Rio Tinto (RTZ) in 2007 in a $38 billion deal uniting one Pilgrims Society colossus with a still larger one---

Marley PLC was a large roofing materials interest that also disappeared by name through merger. Reading more of his bio from Newcastle University we find---

“Media involvement began in 1979 with the Independent Broadcasting Authority, after which he was at various times Deputy Chairman of Channel 4, Chairman of Independent Television News, Chairman of the IBA (later the Independent Television Commission) and Deputy Chairman of Granada plc. He was formerly Deputy Chairman of ITV plc. Sir George’s other non-executive roles have included serving as Chairman of the Northern Development Company, 3i Group plc and Camelot Group. He has served as a non-executive director on the Boards of Taylor Woodrow, Northern Rock and the World Board of Alcan Aluminum Ltd in Canada. He is currently a director of the Wildfowl Wetland’s Trust.”

“ITV is an integrated producer broadcaster, operating the largest commercial family of channels in the UK. In addition to traditional broadcasting on our channels, we deliver our content on demand through numerous platforms, both directly and via ITV Player. Through ITV Studios we produce content for both our own channels and third parties in the UK and increasingly overseas. Our distribution business sells finished programmes and formats worldwide.” ---

Based in London, Independent Television News has markets in “Beijing, Brussels, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, New York, Paris, Sydney and Washington DC.”

Granada merged in 2004 to become ITV--- Northern Development Company may have merged with another interest. 3i Group has an “illuminati” motif in their logo. It was founded in 1945 as Industrial & Commercial Finance Corporation by a British banking syndicate. Though reporting only 266 employees, its recent annual income in USD terms is most of $1 billion. Its current CEO, Simon Borrows, has other credentials adding up to strong candidacy for Pilgrims membership--- Camelot Group operates the UK National Lottery. BBC News quoted Sir George Russell, then chairman of Camelot---"I don't think Camelot is seen as bad or evil, just greedy." Huh? You can be greedy without being evil?

Taylor Woodrow Holdings, founded in 1921, was a large home builder since merged--- Wildfowl Wetlands Trust has 200,000 members. In addition to probable good, are the rank and file being fed doses of globalism? ---

.Newcastle University was founded in 1834; today with 22,874 enrolled. The Duke of Newcastle was a charter member of The Pilgrims London in 1902. This title traces to 1665 and William Cavendish who was “born into the very wealthy Cavendish family.” The 8th Duke of Newcastle, a charter member in 1902 of The Pilgrims in London, inherited among much other great wealth, the famous Hope Diamond (steel blue; origin India) from his grandmother. The diamond is now in the Smithsonian Institution. 12) Sir David Nicholas (1930---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined), Commander, Order of the British Empire has info at Families of the Fallen, a service organization for families of British soldiers killed in Pilgrims Society sponsored, planned and caused wars (Sir David is co-founder of FOTF) ---

“Sir David Nicholas had a distinguished journalistic career which spanned over three decades at Independent Television News (ITN), culminating in twelve years as its Editor and Chief Executive and a further two years as the news organization’s Chairman. He was the first producer of ITN’s News At Ten, which introduced the concept of a full half hour news programme to the UK audience in 1967, and which went on to transform the face of television news. He oversaw the television coverage of numerous major events, including the Apollo moon landings and six General Elections. A graduate of the University of Wales, he worked as a journalist on the Yorkshire Post, the Daily Telegraph and the Observer, before joining ITN. Now retired, he maintains an active interest in the news business, and it was his monitoring of reports on the Afghanistan conflict that identified the need for Families of the Fallen.” Note in the profile of Sir George Russell, #11, he was also prominent in Independent Television News. The Daily Mail & General Trust, controlled by Pilgrims Society member Viscount Rothermere 4th, owns 20% of ITN, as does Thomson-Reuters, controlled by Lord Thomson, who is very likely a member---his father was a member and he’s Canada’s wealthiest resident! ITN is “the world’s leading supplier of archive footage” and operates globally in such far-flung locations as Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. At this link we find about Sir David Nicholas, who appears to be an outer circle member--- “One might imagine that when you've just been honoured with a lifetime achievement award by an illustrious collection of your peers, you would have to provide an anecdote or two about an achievement of a lifetime. But not Sir David Nicholas. Then again, a question like that to someone whose career is virtually a witness testimony to contemporary history is, perhaps, vaguely counterfeit. After all, how does one choose one golden needle in a great stack of them? Instead, Sir David chooses to reflect on three semi- connected events that he says have changed the world. Sir David Nicholas was born 71 years ago and was to become throughout his life one of the key television news figures of his age. Not because he stood in front of a camera delivering the news under fire from the enemy. Sir David was never a household name instantly recognized whenever he went to his local supermarket. No. Sir David’s contribution to broadcast news was as a key thinker behind the rise of ITN as one of the world's most recognized TV news brand names. He was the producer of the first ever News at Ten, when a show that was meant to last 12 weeks became part of the national fabric. He went on to become editor of News at Ten, ITN's editor- in-chief, it's chief executive and its chairman. Sir David had a ringside seat at the epoch-making moments of late 20th century history. He followed the space race, organized coverage of the Apollo moon shots, covered US presidential elections, UK elections, Vietnam, various Middle East conflicts, oil crises, industrial unrest in Britain, the Falklands War, more industrial unrest and the wedding of Charles and Di. He was awarded the CBE in 1982 after the establishment of Channel 4 News and gained a knighthood seven years later. "I was in the ITN newsroom for 31 years and there were many, many occasions when we handled great stories really well, but there were only two stories that changed the world,” he said. From that vantage point and the 20-20 vision of hindsight, none of the above have for him the same resonance as the Cuban missile crisis of 1963 or the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989. And although he was not directly linked to the events of September 11 as a working newsman, Sir David says there is a thread that joins all three. "The world will never be the same after September 11,” he averred. "For the first time the American mainland is under threat in a very real way. These terrorists are people who have got, or are trying to get, weapons of mass destruction and want to use them on the United States. "Until September 11 there had never been a terrorist attack on the US mainland. It has shattered old certainties."

Sir David Nicholas knew far more than he ever announced over the televised news. He knew his Pilgrims Society pals, higher up than himself, planned, caused and directed the 911 Attacks and perhaps loosely so. Meaning---these fiends who also own Big Pharma don’t have to specifically plan mass shooting incidents to create more pressure against gun ownership. They realize that a few of those on psychiatric “medications” their interests manufacture cause some to go berserk and unleash rampages. Perhaps the 911 Attacks weren’t directed at close range, but they were allowed to happen---the same as Pearl Harbor was which gave their puppet President FDR the excuse to drag America into the war so; again we went to war after 911, the excuse having been created and the public propagandized by newscasters. More on Sir David--- “For an idea of those certainties you have to reach back to the early 1960s, says Sir David, when people knew where they stood. "I think people will remember the Cold War with a kind of nostalgia for its grave certainties,” he said. "The great thing about it was that you knew your enemy and they knew you. You knew that if you did a certain thing to them, then they would do a certain thing to you." Sir David was working as a journalist for ITN during the Cuban missile crisis of 1963. Nuclear meltdown threatened if the Russians did not remove missiles from President Castro's Caribbean island. President Kennedy's line in the sand was cemented when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev finally withdrew. Today, mutually assured destruction doesn't seem as mad as it once did. “Today we’ve terrorism in a suitcase. If you've got a bomb, you can deliver it,” said Sir David. ”It's completely unpredictable." That comfortable predictability came crashing down in 1989, when the people of Germany brought the Berlin Wall crashing down. Amid the dust of torn-down masonry and celebrations few, at first, realized that it signaled the beginning of the end of the Soviet empire and the communist-capitalist standoff that had lasted half a century. But a cash-starved Soviet Union, imploding on its own improbable march to a kind of democracy, was in no position to maintain a grip on its satellites around the world. While the United States proclaimed Cold War victory for capitalism, Eastern bloc alliances crumbled and into some parts of the power vacuum came long-repressed religious fundamentalism. One such place was an impoverished, unimportant country called Afghanistan. Sir David says that September 11 touched everyone in some way. "My personal experience was that my daughter and son-in-law first met in the World Trade Centre 10 years ago. “They were not there on that day, but they had so many friends there who were.” If the world has changed since September 11, the world of news has changed beyond all recognition over Sir David's lifetime. Chief among them, he says, is the advent of 24- hour news, though he prefers to describe it as continuous news. "An American diplomat complained to me that government officials there don't have time to think before CNN or someone else is demanding a comment,” said Sir David. "But I don't think that's wrong. The main thing is that continuous news programmes are getting information to the public. But if the role of news in the life of a nation is changing because of continuous news broadcasting, so is the nature of journalism and journalists, claims Sir David. Journalists have always taken risks to find out what is happening. But the disintegration of Cold War certainties has produced a new volatility where factionalism and terrorism has combined to make working life abroad much harder for journalists to predict. Quite often they have become targets themselves, sometimes as hostages or even as victims of summary executions. "More than 80 journalists have been killed in the line of duty this year,” lamented Sir David, "four of them only this week in Afghanistan." How many people who normally would be at the Twin Towers on that catastrophic Monday morning knew in advance to not come in? There is no more key question to investigate about 911 than this. As he says terrorism is unpredictable but what we know is that these Anglo-Americans do manufacture it. They incite, inspire and motivate it by heavily biased, aggravating foreign policy.

"I've always believed that one of the functions of a journalist is to scout ahead of the wagon train, to warn of trouble ahead, “said Sir David. It's an analogy that can be applied in political and social terms as well as the physical activity exploring no-man's land ahead of the combatants of war. But the latter is as dangerous an enterprise as it's been for many years, says Sir David. "Terrorists working from suitcases put journalists in the firing line in a way that's very unpredictable." Pioneering journalist Sir David Nicholas's Lifetime Achievement award came from the News World organisation at its annual conference in Barcelona this week. News World membership includes some of the most recognized and respected news organisations in the world, including Reuters, BBC, ITN, CNN and all the other major US, European and Asia-Pacific networks. Sir David's citation said he was being recognized as one of the pioneering journalists who helped ITN earn the international reputation it enjoys today. News World has given the award three times before, and last year's winner was CNN founder, Ted Turner. Sir David said, "I felt very privileged to have got the award and to have led a great team of talented people over the years." Notice him beat the drums about terrorism. That foments more acceptance of warmongering. The Pilgrims Society has massaged public opinion for more than five generations with shocking success. Here is Sir David Nicholas giving a brief speech. He has nothing to say about The Pilgrims Society and it’s doubtful he ever mentioned it in the course of his so-called “investigative journalism” and had he done so, would have been removed by members who delegate power to outer circle members like himself.

13) James Samuel Younger (1951---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined), Commander of the British Empire like Sir David Nicholas, fits the description of an outer circle member who’s been delegated some important positions. During 1994 to 1998 Younger was managing director of British Broadcasting Corporation World News Service. As of 2010 he became head of the Charity Commission for England and Wales “and was the founding chairman of the United Kingdom Electoral Commission.” He headed the British Red Cross during 1999-2001. He currently chairs the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and as of 2001 became chairman of the governors of the University of Sussex today reporting 14,000 enrolled. “Younger is the son of Kenneth Younger, a Labour Minister under Clement Attlee.” J.S. Younger’s grandfather was a Viscount “who came from an upper-class background” (apparently one does not become a Viscount without being upper class, does one?) Younger’s father was an administrator for The Earl Clement Attlee who was Prime Minister. Attlee was mentioned on eight different pages of “The Pilgrims of Great Britain” (2002, short run book). Attlee was a raving warmonger.

Heading the CCEW today is the son of Lord Shawcross (Pilgrims Society) who was England’s Attorney General. This link off their site shows they promote vaccines--- Founded in 2001 by Parliament it “regulates” political spending (suppresses politicians not in step with Pilgrims Society objectives) ---

The QAA promotes vaccinations which we may cynically call “Satan’s stingers” --- 14) Edward M. Lamont Jr. (1954---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined) is among those members whose fathers were members as of the last complete roster found (1980) ---he’s a Yale graduate and is almost certainly a member of one of the super- fraternities there. He’s been a candidate for Governor of Connecticut in 2010. Edward M. Jr. and wife were estimated in 2006 as worth up to $332 million, most likely a lowball, in a home appraised 9 years ago at $9.8 million; appraisers are often in the vest pockets of the wealthy so as to get lower tax assessments by lowballing the value of their properties. William Hoffman in “Paul Mellon---Portrait of an Oil Baron” (1974) reported a tax assessor fired for “incompetence” for overvaluing Mellon estates.

Labouisse was Ambassador to France and Greece and director of the International Cooperation Administration (foreign aid) and the United Nations Children’s Fund. Stephen C. Clark (Pilgrims 1957) his father in law founded the Baseball Hall of Fame and inherited a fortune from Singer Sewing Machine Company. He was a director of New York Trust Company, Fulton Trust Company, Chartered Investors and was a member of the Jekyll Island Georgia Club; he owned vast wealth in old art masterpieces. Labouisse was the great grandson of Leonidas Polk, a Confederate General in the Civil War and second cousin of President James K. Polk (1845-1849). Lane was an executive (1973-1994) at J.P. Morgan & Company (including J.P. Morgan Futures) and more recently became a director of First of Long Island Corporation, Toyo Trust Company (at 666 Fifth Avenue), Winthrop South Nassau University Health Care System and Winthrop-University Hospital. The Winthrops are an important old- line Pilgrims Society family with obvious Federal Reserve connections.

Inheritor, political demagogue, media manipulator E.M. Lamont Jr. --- Edward Miner Lamont was also in the 1974 roster (and Gordon Lamont). Gordon Lamont shows in the 1969 list. The 1957 list shows Thomas Stilwell Lamont and Gordon Lamont; Gordon also appears in 1949. Thomas Lamont shows in 1914, 1924, 1933, 1940 rosters. Robert P. Lamont appears in the 1940 list. We read that Edward M. Lamont Jr. “is the great-grandson of former J. P. Morgan & Co. chairman Thomas W. Lamont. His mother was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to American parents. His father, an economist, worked on the Marshall Plan and later served in Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Nixon administration. Lamont attended Phillips Exeter Academy, where he served as president of the student newspaper, The Exonian. After graduating Phillips Exeter in 1972, Lamont earned a Bachelor of Arts from Harvard University in 1976 and an M.B.A. from the Yale School of Management.” Pages 13-16 in #5 Silver Squelchers profiles Thomas W. Lamont Senior (born 1870). T.W.L. was a man of extremely immense power however---it was a power that was delegated to him by the dominant dynastic families represented by J.P. Morgan & Company. That power allowed him to become very wealthy, though it’s questionable if he was as rich as any single family in the dynasties he represented which included Campbell Soup (Dorrance family) as just one for instance. John T. Dorrance Jr. was in The Pilgrims 1969, 1974 and 1980 rosters and was admitted to be worth $1.5 billion as of a 1987 Forbes statement, but that was most likely a typical intentional lowball estimate. Thomas Stilwell Lamont, son of Lamont Senior, was born in 1899 and was a director of J.P. Morgan & Company; International Minerals & Chemicals Corporation; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway; Phelps Dodge Corporation; Morgan & Company of Paris; North British & Mercantile Insurance; Mercantile Insurance Company of America; Texas Gulf Sulphur Company; Nestle Company and he was a director of the Academy of Political Science. T.S.L. was also a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (promotes globalism and vaccines) and of the Philips Exeter Academy, of which his son Edward Miner Lamont and his grandson Edward Miner Lamont Jr. were also graduates. T.S.L. was also a member of The Harvard Corporation “which holds the deeds to all University land and must approve the budgets of the College and all the graduate schools.” Harvard today boasts a $36.4 billion endowment---Pilgrims Society controlled as members will be there at all times with no gaps! (1950-1951 Who’s Who, page 1407 and Who’s Who in the East 1957, page 519 on T.S.L. board memberships).

Robert P. Lamont was United States Commerce Secretary (1930- 1932). He held interests in contracting, engineering, railroads and steel and was president (1932-1933) of the American Iron and Steel Institute. His son in law Charles Eskridge Saltzman Jr. (Pilgrims Society) was a Goldman Sachs partner whose father was an Army General. (R.P. Lamont---page 1528, 1940-1941 Who’s Who in America). Gordon Lamont, who also graduated from the Philips Exeter Academy, held interests in beryllium mining, deep sea fishing, and the Nestle Company of which he was a director. He was a director of Lamont, Corliss & Company (Who’s Who in America 1966-1967, page 1207). Gordon became mayor of Jupiter Island, Florida in 1967, a high priced retirement haven for Pilgrims Society members and wanna-bees in their influence circles (page 1812, 1976-1977 Who’s Who in America). Corliss Lamont (1902-1995) another son of Thomas W. Lamont Sr., was apparently never a member, but represented by others like his elder brother Thomas Stilwell Lamont. Another son of T.S. Lamont Jr., Lansing Lamont (not a member so far as can be determined) authored “Breakup--- The Coming End of Canada and the Stakes for America” (1994). No mention in the book of The Pilgrims.

Edward M. Lamont Jr.’s mother met Edward M. Lamont (Senior, Pilgrims 1980 list) at the University of Geneva Switzerland. She was on the staff of Tennessee Democrat Senator Estes Kefauver (terms 1949-1963) who conducted investigations into organized crime while ignoring The Pilgrims group, which is like a policeman going after a litterer while ignoring someone who blew up 5,000 elementary schools. “Kefauver was named chair of the U.S. Senate Antitrust and Monopoly Subcommittee in 1957 and served as its chairman until his death.” No issue with the Federal Reserve having a money monopoly, with the Senator! Mr. and Mrs. Lamont with their Pilgrimized son Edward Jr. resided in the super-expensive Laurel Hollow area of Long Island. Camille Lamont, Edward Jr.’s mother, was active in his Senate campaigns in Connecticut. Camille had a grandson by a daughter who enrolled at Drexel University--- Drexel was the original mentor and senior partner to the original J.P. Morgan way back in the 19th century!

Edward M. Lamont Jr.’s father, a third generation Pilgrims member, was “an economist, worked on the Marshall Plan and later served in Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Nixon administration.”

The January 3, 2014 Daily Voice of Greenwich Connecticut reported on Edward Lamont Jr. ---

“Lamont, who has a home in Greenwich, turns 60 on Friday. The businessman and politician was born Jan. 3, 1954, in Washington, D.C. Lamont began working for the Black River Tribune, a small newspaper in Ludlow, Vt., in 1977. He founded his own cable television company, Lamont Digital Systems, now known as Campus Televideo, in 1984. It provides satellite and telecommunication services to colleges and universities. He was elected and served as a selectman in the town of Greenwich for one term. Lamont also served for three terms on the town's Finance Board and chaired the State Investment Advisory Council. In 2006, he defeated then- incumbent U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman for the Democratic nomination to run for the U.S. Senate. But Lieberman, running as an independent, defeated Lamont in the November election. He is currently a faculty member and Chair of the Arts and Sciences Public Policy Committee at Central Connecticut State University, where he was named by the Board of Trustees as a Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Philosophy.”

Bloomberg Business Week says of Edward M. Lamont Jr. ---

“Edward M. Lamont, also known as Ned, Jr. founded Lamont Television Systems Inc. and serves as its Chairman and President. Mr. Lamont founded Lamont Digital Systems, Inc. (Campus TeleVideo) in 1984 and served as its President. Mr. Lamont serves as Chairman of Lamont Digital Systems, Inc. He has been a Director of Conservation Services Group Inc., since 2007. He is a twenty-year veteran of the cable television industry and assists in the management of over one hundred and fifty systems nationwide, including Lake Las Vegas, Morgan Stanley, Pennsylvania State University, Kent State University, and the University of California at Los Angeles. He managed the start up of Cablevision of Connecticut's 50,000 subscriber addressable system in Fairfield County, Connecticut. As a former democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, his campaign focused on energy independence and the War in Iraq. He joined CSG's board in 2007 and has extensive expertise in local and national energy policy issues. He is a past member of the Brookings Institute and has taught at the Kennedy School of Government. Mr. Lamont is a graduate of Harvard College and Yale School of Management.”

First Stamford Place, HQ of Lamont’s media interests---

A 2010 story reported Lamont bought X Wires Broadband.

Bloomberg Business Week says---

“Campus Televideo, Inc. provides cable television solutions for the delivery of authenticated entertainment, educational, and custom content to colleges and university campuses in the United States. It offers television programming services, IPTV, authentication with CTV stream, content, maintenance, integration, and annual customer seminar solutions. The company was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut. Campus Televideo and Mutare have successfully integrated their products to deliver emergency notifications through on-campus cable television Emergency Alert Systems (EAS) using FEMA adopted Common Alerting Protocol (CAP). Campus Televideo and Mutare successfully deployed this integrated solution in cooperation with St. Joseph’s University, located in Philadelphia. Safety administrators benefit from CAP Code integration by allowing them to enter a single message through one platform, and have it delivered across multiple devices, now including on-campus television systems. EAS messaging to televisions previously required accessing a separate platform, creating potential issues with delivery time and consistency.” Edward M. Lamont Jr. is also a director of Conservation Services Group which “attracts some of most influential, creative and dynamic thought leaders in public policy, technology, clean energy and environmental and legal affairs.” Its clients include American Electric Power; Alliant Energy; Anaheim Public Utilities; Arizona Public Service Company; Boston Housing Authority; California Energy Commission; City of Austin Texas; City of Nashville Tennessee; City of Portland Oregon Water Bureau; City of Tucson Arizona; Columbia Gas of Ohio; Consolidated Edison Company New York; Dayton Power & Light; Energy Trust of Oregon; Green Mountain Power; Kentucky Housing Corporation; Liberty Utilities; Long Island Power Authority; Mid-American Energy; Missouri River Energy; National Grid; New Jersey Housing Authority; New York Housing Authority; Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Philadelphia Gas Works; Public Service Commission of Wisconsin; Public Service of New Hampshire; Puget Sound Energy; Resale Power Group of Iowa; Rochester Gas & Electric; Salt River Project; San Diego Gas & Electric; Southern California Edison; Southern California Gas; Springfield Missouri Utilities; State of Tennessee; Tennessee Valley Authority; Texas Utilities Energy; Tucson Electric Power; Uni-Source Energy; U.S. Department of Energy; Washington State University; Western Massachusetts Electric. Lamont is on this board with among others, the curiously named Mary Beth Gentleman. Lamont “serves on the board of directors of Mercy Corps, the Norman Rockwell Museum, and the Connecticut Council for Education Reform.”

Mercy Corps, founded in 1979, “is a global aid agency engaged in transitional environments that have experienced some sort of shock: natural disaster, economic collapse, or conflict. People working for it move as quickly as possible from bringing in food and supplies to enabling people to rebuild their economy with community-driven and market-led programs. To lay the groundwork for longer-term recovery, Mercy Corps focuses on connecting to both government and business for the changes they would like to see. "We actually focus on access to financial services as the critical element for helping to move people out of poverty", Nancy Lindborg, Mercy Corps President. Mercy Corps serves an area for extended periods of time to foster local entrepreneurship, rebuild social capital, and stimulate markets through work programs and a variety of lending models. Mercy Corps, in the last 14 years, has founded 12 different finance institutions. Since 1979, Mercy Corps has provided more than US$1.95 billion in assistance to people in 107 nations. Supported by headquarters offices in North America and Europe, the agency's unified global programs employ 3,700 staff worldwide and reach nearly 16.7 million people in more than 40 countries.”

Mercy Corps is another arm of the Money Power masquerading as do-gooders, who doubtless do some good else they’d lack cover for their deeper motives. MC has founded Xac Bank (Mongolia); Partner Microcredit Organization (Bosnia); Asian Credit Fund (Kazakhstan); Bank Andara (Indonesia); Ariana Financial Services (Afghanistan); and seven other banks or lending agencies. Here’s someone complaining of exploitation by Mercy Corps. They also are vaccine pushers---

CCER is funded by globalist interests like Bank of America. Will they fund textbooks to mention silver’s history as money? Edward M. Lamont Jr.’s profile must include a description of his wife---Ann Huntress Lamont---yes! That’s her actual name! The New York Times, October 16, 2006, “Not-So-Hidden Asset, His Wife, Is Force in Lamont’s Senate Bid” had this on A.H. Lamont---

“GREENWICH, Conn., Oct. 15 — Over the past two decades, she has made an ample fortune as the impresario behind young companies with big ideas. They count on her for money, market intelligence and moxie. When these high-wire acts soar, she reaps financial rewards. Ms. Lamont, one of the most successful women ever in the lofty realm of venture capital, is the not-so-hidden hand behind her husband, Ned, the political novice who managed to topple a three- term incumbent in the Democratic primary. He counts on her for money — the couple has contributed $8.7 million to the campaign — and for message, and even sometimes to manipulate his schedule. If he beats Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, now running as an independent, again in the general election, Ms. Lamont may have to adjust her high-powered career to avoid conflicts of interest and accommodate his commuting to Washington. “I don’t have any desire to be public or famous,” said Ms. Lamont, whom friends nicknamed “the bashful nobody.”

The neocon warmonger Lieberman, very unlikely a Pilgrims member, won the election. All’s well---he was in their orbit. “He counts on her for money,” more likely considering his ancestry, he set her up to make money to free him for other activities. The story mentions her lower middle class origins. More---

“The filings show that $54 million to $193 million of the family’s wealth stems from Ms. Lamont’s work at Oak Investment Partners in Westport, Connecticut. “He’s from a wealthy family,” said Catherine Chalmers, a classmate of Ms. Lamont’s at Stanford University. Ms. Lamont is one of four managing partners at Oak, which has $7.73 billion in venture capital funds spread among hundreds of companies, and recently raised the largest fund devoted to venture capital ever, $2.56 billion. She supervises dozens of the firm’s investments in health care and financial information technology and has been behind some of Oak’s fatter paydays, including investments in Cephalon in the late 1980’s and Odyssey Healthcare in the mid-1990’s that had returns of tenfold or higher.” Chairman of Cephalon for its first 13 years was a Du Pont exec---

Odyssey was bought out in a $1 billion deal in 2010---

“She currently sits on 11 corporate boards, and competitors estimate — because she will not say — that she takes home at least $15 million a year from the roughly 2 percent management fee her firm is entitled to collect annually from investors on the $7.73 billion. The firm also collects 25 percent of the profits on recent investments, up from the 20 percent it once charged. Asked whether her vast portfolio might trip up her husband’s efforts on, say, health care, Ms. Lamont pointed out that Senator Dianne Feinstein’s marriage to a financier had not torpedoed her career. To a similar question, Mr. Lamont said, unruffled: “She’s hardly a lobbyist or anything like that. She’s a woman who has had a wonderful career.”

“Investors and entrepreneurs who have collaborated with Ms. Lamont said they would happily team up with her again. “She’s wise and practical and doesn’t talk when it’s not important and does talk when it is,” said Jonathan Bush, the chief executive of Athena Health Inc. in Watertown, Mass. He ended up with Ms. Lamont on his board after Oak plowed more than $20 million into his health care company six years ago. Mr. Bush, a first cousin of the president, vacations on the same island in Maine, North Haven, as the Lamonts, and ordered a “Republican for Lamont” bumper sticker for his car, but did not consider donating to the campaign. “Money?” he thundered. “That’s like giving coal to Newcastle. He probably needs a lot of things in life, but one of them is not money.”

Athena had 3,525 employees & $539 million revenue as of 2014---

“With two-thirds of the campaign’s money by Sept. 30 coming from the Lamonts, and a donor list peppered with names from his wife’s business circles, Ms. Lamont’s influence is not to be underestimated. One sign of her significant role was when she joined the candidate and campaign manager for a private meeting with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Mrs. Clinton’s top strategist, Howard Wolfson. Ms. Lamont has cleared her schedule on Monday to accompany Mr. Lamont to the first of three scheduled debates with Mr. Lieberman and the Republican candidate, Alan Schlesinger.”

Notice the Lamonts associating with top Republicans and top Democrats. At Pilgrims Society level, both major parties literally merge into one vile monster.

“Campaign literature does not even mention that Ms. Lamont works for a living, let alone how successful she is. One brochure features a casually dressed Ms. Lamont in the kitchen helping her husband, as he uses a mixing bowl, under the heading, “For as long as I’ve known him, Ned has been stirring things up.” Inside, the mailing shows a beaming bride being dipped by her husband at their 1983 wedding. The text’s description of how Ms. Lamont “grew up in a big family with a small budget — and one Coke a week” was her idea. “There was so much talk about the Greenwich millionaire at the time, and I said, ‘People don’t understand my upbringing,’ ” she explained in an interview.”

Which people don’t understand how she came from a one coke a week family, while he descended from a line of elite Pilgrims Society members? Just occasionally a promising commoner makes it into the charmed circle. Henry Kissinger is another such example. The conclusion--- “Ms. Lamont said she was particularly proud to have financed two companies run by women — Oak Tree Health Plan, a health maintenance organization that was bought by Oxford Health, and Care Medic Systems, a purveyor of hospital software that is still private. The Lamonts live in a 16-room home here valued at $9.8 million, built on five acres they bought for $900,000 in 1992. Most mornings by 5:45 a.m., Ms. Lamont is out on the back roads, running two miles on weekdays, five on weekends. She lives in the rarefied world of the super-rich, once ferrying college friends from Los Angeles for a weekend in Santa Fe, N.M., on a private jet, yet has a low-key style, carrying a $70 canvas handbag she picked up in Maine. Ms. Lamont and her friends say she owes some of her business success to her husband. Because he planted his cable company just a few miles away from their home, she was able to jump on planes and work long hours without fretting that her children did not have a parent on hand. That would change if he wins: Mr. Lamont plans to commute to Washington so his younger two children can remain at their private schools in Greenwich.”

Bloomberg Business Week has this on Mrs. Pilgrims Society Ann Huntress Lamont--- “Dr. Ann Huntress Lamont, also known as Annie is a Managing Partner at Oak Investment Partners. She joined Oak Investment Partners in 1982 and served as its General Partner from 1986 to 2006. Dr. Lamont co-founded Oak HC/FT Partners, LLC in 2014 and also serves as its Managing Partner. She serves as an Advisor at Mansa Capital. Since September 1983, Dr. Lamont has been a General Partner or Managing Member of the General Partner of four other venture capital partnerships affiliated with Oak Partners. She leads the healthcare and financial services technology teams at Oak. She focuses on enterprise software and services, healthcare, information technology and financial services. She is integrally involved in assisting companies at a variety of development stages to become leaders in large and expanding new markets. She developed a number of biopharmaceutical, information technology, and healthcare related investments. She was employed at Chase H&Q. She served as a Research Associate at Hambrecht & Quist. Dr. Lamont has been a Director of HCA Holdings, Oak Tree/Oxford, xG Health Solutions, Odyssey Healthcare, Clarient, Inc. since March 26, 2009, Benefitfocus, Inc., since July 2010, HCA Holdings, Inc. since May 2013, Independent Living Systems, LLC since March 13, 2012, Castlight Health, Inc. since August 2009, and Netspend Holdings, Inc. since June 2004. She is a member of The Advisory Council for The Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI and JP Morgan Chase). She serves as a Director of Acculynk, Radisphere National Radiology Group Inc., Franklin & Seidelmann, LLC, CareMedic Inc., American Esoteric Laboratories, Inc., @hand Corporation, Argus Information & Advisory Services, LLC, Precision for Medicine, Inc., FreshBooks, Health Dialog Services Corporation and United BioSource Corporation. Dr. Lamont served as a Director of Harbor Payments, Inc., iHealth Technologies, Inc., ViroPharma, Inc., NextPage, Inc.,, Inc.,, Inc., Tengion, Inc., and TxVia Inc. She served on the Executive Board of National Venture Capital Association. Dr. Lamont is a member of The Advisory Council for the Financial Solutions Lab. She served as a Director of PharMEDium Healthcare, Point Carbon, BMJ Medical Management, Inc. since May 1996, Psychiatric Solutions, Inc. from March 31, 2003 to May 2006 Dr. Lamont served as Director of United Messaging Inc. She served as a Trustee of Stanford University. She was recognized as one of the top 50 investors on the 2008 Forbes Midas List. She was ranked number 46 in the Forbes Midas List of 2014. She is ranked the number one healthcare investor on the Forbes Midas List. Dr. Lamont received a B.A. in political science from Stanford University.”

Oak HCFT has a $500 million fund--- Healthcare tech investments; $360 million in realized gains---

Ann Huntress Lamont is an HCA director; she now flashes “prospective Pilgrims Society member.” John Alexander Hill (Pilgrims Society) was chairman of HCA starting in 1974 (1980 Who’s Who in America, page 1552) and was associated with the huge Wells Fargo interests. HCA is today the world’s largest enterprise of its kind. As of 2013 HCA had 225,000 employees and owned 166 major hospitals with 43,356 beds (including psychiatric) and 113 “surgery centers” and an unspecified number of medical office buildings. The fact that it’s based in Nashville Tennessee where Vanderbilt University is based suggests Vanderbilt (Pilgrims Society) capital is back of HCA. In fact many of the symbols below are based in Nashville! The Vanderbilts were probably the biggest dynasty represented by J.P. Morgan & Company. Naturally HCA is neck deep with Big Pharma (Pilgrims Society interests) and HCA may be conceptualized as an immense monster bristling with thorns (vaccine hypos) ---

“Risk-based payment arrangements are becoming the new norm, and we help our customers succeed under risk- and performance- based payment arrangements” -

Clarient merged into Pilgrims Society giant General Electric--- Ann Lamont is a director of---

Ann Lamont is a director of---

Ann Lamont is a director of---

Ann Lamont is a director of--- CFSI is an affiliate of Shore Bank “specializing in serving unbanked and underbanked consumers” ---

Ann Lamont is a director of---

“Radisphere continues to partner with health systems to establish measurable quality standards and accountability for diagnostic accuracy, appropriate utilization, service level excellence and patient care. As a result, health systems are able to reduce clinical variation across their hospitals and deliver higher quality and lower cost care.”

F & S specializes in “teleradiology” --- CM Systems was acquired by Ingenix---

AEL was acquired by Sonic Health Care Limited---

Argus was acquired by Verisk---

“Precision for Medicine’s industry experts offer decades of experience in the research and clinical development of targeted therapies, diagnostics, clinical solutions, biomarker analytics, and regulatory guidance. Through the integration and analysis of patient-centric data, we accelerate research and support the success of our client’s products from discovery through commercialization.”

“Online invoicing, billing and accounting software” ---

British United Provident Association acquired Health Dialogue--- Pay Flex, another Ann Lamont healthcare investment, was acquired by Aetna (Pilgrims Society) ---

Esperion, a pharmaceutical, was an Ann Lamont investment reporting $78 million assets---

Medco Health acquired United Bio--- Harbor Payments was acquired by American Express (Pilgrims Society) ---

“IHealth Technologies is a healthcare analytics company that derives meaningful insight and delivers effective solutions to help clients optimize performance. IHT is a leader in payment integrity solutions and leverages business intelligence, technology and operational excellence to improve the effectiveness of healthcare.”

Shire PLC, a huge Pilgrims Society Pharma company based in Dublin Ireland, acquired the wildly profitable Viro Pharma in 2014 for $4.2 billion--- “NextPage Print offers one of the most complete print manufacturing facilities in the Midwest” ---

Acquired in 2003 by Global Healthcare Exchange---

This is a You Tube downloader--- “Tengion is a leader in the field of regenerative medicine. We are using a patient's own cells to develop products that regenerate, repair or replace diseased and dysfunctional human organs and tissues.” It’s what I expected. The Pilgrims Society can soak up everyone’s net worth via the medical system---

Tx Via was acquired by Google---

400 plus members---

Bad news, this one is owned by JP Morgan Chase (Pilgrims Society) ---

“PharMEDium is the national leader in customized pharmacy sterile compounding for hospital intravenous and epidural therapies” --- Point Carbon was acquired by Thomson Reuters (Pilgrims Society) ---

Psychiatric Solutions Incorporated operates 90 psychiatric “hospitals” (“quasi-medical prisons”) in 32 states. It’s owned by Universal Health Services. A director of UHS is portfolio manager at JP Morgan Chase. Yes! They have psychiatric solutions! Just define everyone opposed to mandatory vaccines, foreign aid, globalism, the North American Union, police state, Federal spy agency surveillance, state interference in parental rights et cetera---as mentally ill! In psychiatry, anything they wish to label as an illness---is an illness! Psychiatric Solutions is known to have caused patient deaths and to have placed patients in “jeopardy.” Defrauded shareholders of PSI received a $65 million judgment in January 2015. Psychiatry is as evil as anything that ever came out of hell and must be aggressively legislated against--- One of the symbols of Stanford University--- Edward M. and Ann Huntress Lamont are what you could call a “power couple.” They’re included in this presentation on media manipulators because of his cable system investments. All of her investments can be considered media manipulations, because any advertising revenue they spend contributes towards editorial influence in all media in which they advertise. A news item released on May 4, 2015 stated---

“A failed Democratic U.S. Senate candidate is reinventing himself as the face of U.S.-Iranian commerce, traveling to Tehran with a group of American business leaders and promoting investment ahead of a potential nuclear deal that could lift sanctions against the regime. The April 11 trip was sponsored by the President Action Network chapter of the World Presidents’ Organization, a global invite-only group of executives over the age of 50. Becoming a champion for trade with an anti-American regime may be an unusual career move for someone who has twice run for public office. However, Lamont noted that he has long business ties in that region of the world. He spent time working in the Middle East designing cable television systems about 25 years ago, and, after losing Senate and gubernatorial races in Connecticut, Lamont has more recently worked with Mercy Corps, an NGO that supports economic development in the region. Lamont said he is not focused on any personal financial benefits that would come from the lifting of Iranian sanctions. However, his own businesses—a telecom company called Campus Televideo and a renewable energy company called the Conservation Services Group—are in industries that are expected to draw significant investments to Iran. “There’s enormous market potential there in telecom and other things,” he said. His next plan is to try to establish a satellite link between Central Connecticut State University, where he currently teaches, and the Tehran Business School. He said he also offered to teach a class at the school.”

Sure, Pilgrims Society member Edward Miner Lamont Jr. and his “huntress” wife are “not focused on any personal financial benefits” that would come from trading with Iran. I get the sense that he’s ready, in typical Pilgrims Society style, to start companies in Iran and reposition as a short just before the outbreak of a war which he as a member of history’s most well connected organization would be in a GREAT position to know! Sure---how many companies have the Lamonts and their cronies made bundles on by shorting--- including those which went bankrupt?

15) John Micklethwait (1962---; Pilgrims Society as of undetermined) is editor in chief of The Economist Magazine, London since 2006. Very recent update---Micklethwait has now become editor in chief at Bloomberg News. Micklethwait worked for Chase Manhattan Bank for two years---a significant part of his history. During 2015 he was a trustee of the British Museum and in 2010 he attended the annual Bilderberg Conference. This guy is an outer circle Pilgrims member who like others at his level, has been delegated powerful positions by the inner circle members. With Micklethwait as new editor in chief at Bloomberg News, does it seem likely that while he’s a Pilgrims Society member, his new boss, ---who is far wealthier than him---is not? Locate a recent Pilgrims New York roster---Bloomberg’s name will surface. Micklethwait was at Bilderberg 2015---his BOSS, Bloomberg was NOT. And this is the reality that shows the skewed thinking of “Bilderberg is the top group” believers are so hopelessly wrong about! It’s an indoctrination and information sharing session with key persons, but the fact that their bosses are often not there is totally disregarded. The Pilgrims Society is more than slippery enough to launch other groups to distract attention away from itself. These series on The Pilgrims Society are being denied coverage for a hodgepodge of reasons, all the way from the “there are no conspiracies” to vanity---these sources who’ve been hollering for years that Bilderberg is the top group are too egotistical about it to admit they were wrong---that an older, higher, and far more powerful group lurks in dark clouds above it. Many transitory figures and who end up being actually almost small-timers have been to Bilderberg, including a Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia. If a current Pilgrims roster for both branches were available, you’d realize what the interlock consists of such as Douglas Flint head of HSBC, is almost certainly a Pilgrims member whereas the Mayor of Atlanta will never attain that level. There are more king makers, numerically, than there are kings, a matter Bilderberg enthusiasts do not come to grips well with. Prominent Pilgrims Society factions in Chase Manhattan Bank included the Rockefellers, Astors and Warburgs. Since the historic merger with J.P. Morgan & Company into Morgan Chase Bank, it represents the most of the top Pilgrims Society families in America---

Micklethwait is part of the annual Buttonwood Conference, which started in 2009 as a miniature Bilderberg Conference---see the ten minute video. The Economist was founded in 1843--- To close this presentation, consider this letter opposite page 8 in “Pilgrim Partners---Forty Years of British American Fellowship” by Sir Harry Brittain (Hutchinson & Company, London, 1942) ---

“Pilgrims and Pioneers” by the same author shows in its index (page 282) the media consolidation taking place across the British Commonwealth by 1945; the book came out in 1946 as another Pilgrims specialty---a VERY short run and tough to locate volume (Hutchinson & Company, London) ---

"A Secret Society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world." --- Last Will & Testament of diamond monopolist Cecil Rhodes “HERE AND EVERYWHERE” Please ask sites to link this free research. Restore your arteries for small sum (supermarket item).