TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION P 3 Our Skills P 9 Engineering P 10 Stainless steel and alloys boilermaking P 11 Lead foundry and machining P 12 Plastic machining and assembly P 13 Special Materials P 14 Research and Development P 16 Drop testing P 17 Site operations P 18 NUCLEAR SYSTEM INTEGRATOR P 19 Hot Cells P 20 Gloveboxes P 25 Nuclear waste treatment P 32 Transfer casks and shielded bells P 39 Shield doors and gamma gates P 40 Docking Systems P 44 Lifting and handling equipment P 45 Decommissioning P 48 Neutron and gamma radiation shielding P 50 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE CASKS P 55 ROBATEL Industries 2 INTRODUCTION From floating mills to steam engines, then to nuclear energy, the sense of the long term. - MICHEL ROBATEL - ROBATEL Industries 3 ROBATEL INDUSTRIES A little bit of history ROBATEL Industries 4 ROBATEL INDUSTRIES Key Figures French company established in 1830 Involved in the nuclear field since 1953 Family owned with a capital of 1,800,000 Euros Locations Genas (Headquarter) 12 rue de Genève CS 80011 69747 GENAS Cedex Tel. Fax
[email protected] La Hague Z.I. de Digulleville CS 703 50440 DIGULLEVILLE Tel. Fax
[email protected] Cadarache Zac du Pas de Menc 83560 VINON SUR VERDON Tel. Fax
[email protected] WEBSITE ROBATEL Industries 5 ROBATEL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Established in 2009 Subsidiary of ROBATEL SA In charge of the group development in the North American market Mechanical and nuclear engineering Location ROBATEL Technologies, LLC 5115 Bernard Drive, Suite 304 Roanoke, VA 24018 Tel.: 001 540 989 2878
[email protected] WEBSITE ROBATEL technologies, LLC Roanoke ROBATEL RT100 cask Industries 6 ROBATEL INDUSTRIES Our certifications ISO 9001 / 2008 • Quality Management System for : Design, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of equipment for the nuclear industry and research.