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Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - U.S. Adds NATO Ally Turkey to List of Countries Recruiting Child Soldiers Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - Pentagon Rolls Out New Embassy-Based Military Command For Afghanistan Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - The Satanic Temple Buys Billboard Space Across America Posting Disgusting ABORTION Messages Health and Nutrition Jul 4, 2021 - A Horrifying Look At How Transgenderism Butchers People’s Bodies – And The Language We Use Jonathon Van Maren: As the transgender movement pushes the transformation of society, very few fields have been left untouched. The medical field, however, has faced the greatest number of challenges. Trans activists are demanding accommodation far beyond "transition" - or "gender affirmation surgery," as they prefer it. Language is as important to trans activists as treatments. Verbal recognition of their chosen identities is the social affirmation they crave, which is why we've seen the media, politicians, academics, and celebrities obediently fall into line and people's "preferred pronouns" pop up on social media like mushrooms after rain. Ron: Arguably individuals who want to be seen as transgender have NO RIGHT to demand that society as a whole, or anyone, MUST humour their desire(s). IF an individual wants to deny his/her biological sex or any other physical reality this is a free will world and so they can do that, but no other individual is under any obligation to accomodate their desire, agree with their assertions or accede to their demands in relation to their personal idio-centricity let alone provide or pay for medical or other assistance to enable them to act out their self mutilating fantasies. Jonathon Van Maren: Trans patients, Factora writes, are likely to face discrimination and thus need to "establish relationships with trans-affirming doctors" who can go beyond simply prescribing hormones and ushering the patient along on the path to transition. As you might have guessed, "trans-affirming doctors" are doctors who know "the vocabulary to properly discuss their gender identity." As the trans culture wars increasingly play out on the battlefield of language, how one speaks is of the essence. Factora, unsurprisingly, recommends Planned Parenthood, which has become America's second-largest supplier of hormones to people struggling with their gender identity. Ron: Typically our demonically controlled world encourages gender dysporia and other dysfunctional Identitarian and societal issues. Arguably the underlying motivation of the globalist controllers is the creation of a suicidal demonic dystopia but the proximate motivation for those who cater to the desires of folk with disfunctional transgender attitudes is monetary profit. See eg: Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry - Transgenders-Part-1-Manufacturing-an-Industry.shtml Exploiting Transgenders Part 2: Medical Engineering Origins - Part-2-Medical-Engineering-Origins.shtml AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 2

Exploiting Transgenders Part 3: The Funders & Profiteers - 3-The-Funders-Profiteers.shtml Trans Attack On Children - Children.shtml Jonathon Van Maren: In short: In turns out that attempting to "reconstruct your body" has real-world implications. Sex change surgeries don't actually change your sex, they just turn you into a life-long medical patient. Females identifying as male who practice "binding" - wearing a chest wrap to flatten the breasts and pass as male - need to be monitored as this practice can be very physically damaging. Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - Censorship Kills

Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - Time to end the COVID scamdemic Psy Op Health and Nutrition Jul 4, 2021 - Freedom Breaks Out as Australian Crowds Defy Lockdown Directives to Vegetate Health and Nutrition Jul 4, 2021 - Poll: Nearly One-Third of Americans Think Health Officials Are Lying About Vaccine Safety Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Approves Plan to Promote Hate-Based Critical Race Theory in All 50 States and 14,000 School Districts Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - The Culture War Has A New Target: Independence Day But make no mistake; there is no honor in what the would-be re-interpreters of America's holidays have in store for America. Their agenda is not about education. It is about indoctrination-indoctrination that would overturn how America is governed. Critical Race Theory as civics education offers, perhaps, the starkest example of a radical political agenda hiding under the guise of objective inquiry in search of a just society. This method of query AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 3 is rooted in Marxist ideology, whose primary purpose was never truth-seeking, but creating critical instruments to undermine political legitimacy and justify new political orders that are both harshly repressive and demonstrably unjust. James Jay Carafano Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - US Is Ill At Ease With Itself, But Bashing Independence Day as ‘racist’ Will Only Disunite the Divided Country Further

Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 4, 2021 - Dog Finds An Injured Parrot And They Become Best Friends | The Dodo Odd Couples This 3' 08" video was published by The Dodo on Mar 31, 2021: Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - COVID LOGIC: GO TO FOOTY, BUT LIMITS ON CHURCH This 2'57" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jul 4,2021: Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - FORGET HERD IMMUNITY: WE'VE HIT HERD STUPIDITY This 4' 21" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jul 4, 2021: Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 4, 2021 - Bee and Woman Become Best Friends After Garden Rescue This video was published by The Dodo on May 14, 2018: Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Jul 4, 2021 - Nederlands: DE GODDELIJKE ACHTERGROND EN HET HEILIGE WERK SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 452 door ROSIE Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - SPOTLIGHT REIGNS AMID VACCINE ROLLOUT This 6' 29" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jul 4, 2021: Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - State premiers are 'starting to crack': Paul Murray This 8' 02" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jul 1, 2021:

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Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - Successful GB News debut shows 'real hunger' for 'plain common sense': Dean This 10' 46" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jul 4, 2021: Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - Olympics Committee Softens Rules to Allow for Political Statements Environment/Science Jul 4, 2021 - EVs Must Drive Tens Of Thousands Of Miles Before Doing Less Environmental Harm Than Gas-Powered Vehicles Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - Orban, Salvini, Le Pen, and Others Sign Pro-Sovereignty Declaration Against EU Overreach "The cooperation of European nations should be based on tradition, respect for the culture and history of European states, respect for Europe's Christian heritage and the common values that unite our nations, and not on their destruction," the declaration states. Chris Tomlinson Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - Biggest US Teachers’ Union Adopts Measures to Promote & Defend Critical Race Theory, Controversial 1619 Project Proponents of CRT say it is just another academic concept, which teaches that racism in America is systemic and permeates the legal system, as well as policy. Critics of CRT see it as a dangerous ‘Marxist ideology' which is "inherently bigoted" and serves only to pit different races against each other. - Today

Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - Fauci Named Humanist of the Year Fauci, who "once identified as a Roman Catholic, he now describes himself as a humanist." In a 2003 interview he said: "Broadly and generically, I am not a regular church-attender. I have evolved into less a Roman Catholic religion person to someone who tries to keep a degree of spirituality about them. I look upon myself as a humanist. I have faith in the goodness of mankind." Then why is he so evil ? - Laurence M Vance Health and Nutrition Jul 4, 2021 - Are The Zombies Here Already ? The Truthseeker: You really couldn't make it up. People (in Eastern Europe ?) remain queuing for a jab while someone, who has just been vaccinated, is wheeled out to an

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 5 ambulance shaking with convulsions in front of them. See: Education Jul 4, 2021 - Iowa Supreme Court Allows State to Block Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Funds "Planned Parenthood's entire business model relies on separating kids from their parents, who are referred to as barriers to service," Cline, now the founder of It Takes A Family, said. "If Planned Parenthood is allowed in our schools, it means they are talking to your kids about sex, contraception, STDs, and their version of healthy relationships." Dr Susan Berry Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - Victoria gets ‘more like China every day’: Andrew Bolt This 11' 59" video was published by Sky News Australia on Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Victoria is "more like China every day" as Premier Daniel Andrews seeks to "control the media". Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - It's Official: Football is for Homosexuals Mike Stone: Its latest commercial has come out and said "FOOTBALL IS GAY. IT'S LESBIAN. IT'S FOR EVERYONE."... It's nothing I'm exaggerating or making up. They're boldly bragging about it...How will the players react? Some of them claim to be Christians. If so, how can they continue to participate in such a degenerate league? Tough to give up all the money and fame, but what good is money and fame when you're burning in the fires of hell ? Ron: There is no Hell as told to us by demonic religionists. The demons controlling the globalists running this planet have created a hell for humans HERE on this planet. Once our souls leave our bodies we can no longer be subjected to that hellish experience. Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - Australia’s leaders ‘drastically misled us’ while the world learned to ‘live with the virus’ This 8' 34" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jun 24, 2021: Sky News host Chris Kenny says it's "time to face up to reality" and see that our political leaders have "drastically misled us" and the National Cabinet has been an "abject failure". "We were told a year ago that we would ensure the coronavirus pandemic did not overwhelm our medical system, we were told we needed to lock down early to slow its spread, allow time to build up medical capacity, and ensure we could flatten the curve," he said. Over a year later, "paranoid political opportunists" have panicked and are adopting an "unofficial elimination strategy". "This is just nuts, take a step back. The media and politicians obsess over the number count," Mr Kenny said. "It is a simple truism to say we cannot keep doing this to ourselves, the 64-billion- dollar question is how long we're going to keep trying. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 6

"Until then, in this country we are prisoners of our own paranoia." Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - New research suggests 'deaths greater after lockdowns are introduced than before' This 3' 56" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jun 29, 2021: The Australian's Adam Creighton says the latest research which looks at the death rates before and after lockdown in 50 US states and 43 countries around the world finds "deaths are greater after lockdowns are introduced than before". "It suggests the deaths are a result of social isolation, drug overdoses, missed cancer screenings, and a whole range of things," he told Sky News host Alan Jones. "They also point out this is just in the first month after lockdown. Many of the problems from lockdowns will manifest themselves in the years to come. "There's not a single credible scientist before 2020 that has recommended lockdowns... so something happened in March last year when we all decided to copy China. Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - Medical experts may have degrees but 'they haven't graduated from the school of common sense' This 5' 27"{ video was published by Sky News Australia on Jul 2, 2021: Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - 'If you love your country, you're probably on the right': NY Times Panned After Suggesting US flag Now Represents Conservatism

The Daily Caller, a conservative news site, quipped, "Trump broke all of your brains." Other observers argued that itself, as well as other mainstream media outlets, are what's dividing America. "Why are you guys doing this to America?" the commenter asked. "You are all tearing it apart." R.T.

Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - The COVID Cult Has Been Slowly Killing America's Economy And There's Not Much Time Left Political Information Jul 4, 2021 - The Pacific Is Crowded With Unprecedented Number Of War Games Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - A telling day when 'Daniel Andrews is speaking more sense' than most premiers and half the media

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This 10' 20" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jul 1, 2021: Ron: I disagree with Chris Kenny's view that AstraZeneka is less of a threat to the health of young, healthy Australians than COVID-19. COVID-19 is just a corona infection that merely adds to the risk of death in people with comorbities. See eg: Is it COVID or Is it the Flu? Not Even Your Doctor Knows for Sure. the-Flu-Not-Even-Your-Doctor-Knows-for-Sure.shtml Be aware also that apart from blood clots and deaths therefrom, these so-called anti- COVID vaccines appear to be causing massive infertility and many other serious health problems. See eg: Shocking New Study Reveals Covid Vaccine TERMINATES 4 Out Of 5 Pregnancies via "spontaneous abortions" - Reveals-Covid-Vaccine-TERMINATES-4-Out-Of-5-Pregnancies-via-spontaneous- abortions.shtml And: Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 400,000 Following COVID Vaccines - CDC-VAERS-Data-Show-Reported-Injuries-Surpass-400-000-Following-COVID- Vaccines.shtml Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - Radio Host Says ‘Burn the Churches Down’ as More Church Fires Reported Human/Animal Rights Jul 4, 2021 - Save The Children Has Been Captured By Transgender Ideology. It isn't protecting youngsters, it’s endangering them

Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - Afghanistan is Once Again in the Taliban’s Clutches Viktor Mikhin: Indeed, the world has not heard this kind of overt demagogy, blatant lies, and slander about the situation in Afghanistan for a long time now. There is one simple, direct question that begs to be asked of these ladies: "And who specifically bears the responsibility for creating such an explosive situation?" Afghanistan - no; Russia - no; China - no. And, as many facts prove, the guilty party here is the United States. It was the US that 20 years ago, under a far-fetched pretext, brutally invaded the country, plunging the Afghan people into a catastrophe of poverty, multiple calamities, completely destroying the economy and government mechanisms. And, for some reason, no one asked what kind of government the Afghans

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 8 themselves wanted. Everything was decided in Washington, including the US representative to the UN. Back then the state was ruled by the Taliban, and now, occupying half of the country, they will come to power in the event US and NATO troops disgracefully take flight. Ron: The withdrawal of US and NATO troops is not disgraceful. It is necesary and appropriate. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan by the US, Australia and NATO troops is what has been disgraceful AND a war crime that has also resulted in crimes against humanity. Moreover, this article totally ignores the fact that the US was responsible for destabilising Afghanistan and its democratically elected government in 1979 by organising, arming and directing a terrorist puppet jihardi military force to overthrow the Afghan government. See eg: Politics, Profit, & Poppies: How The CIA Turned Afghanistan Into A Failed Narco- State - Poppies-How-The-CIA-Turned-Afghanistan-Into-A-Failed-Narco-State.shtml Viktor Mikhin: Officially, its reckless schemes in Afghanistan have cost the United States $2.26 trillion over the past 18 years, and the cost in lives includes 2,442 US military personnel and 1,144 US allied soldiers, according to Brown University. NATO does not keep records on those who die during its operations. The casualties suffered by Afghans drastically overshadow these figures, which include more than 47,000 civilians, up to 69,000 members of the national military and police forces, and more than 51,000 opposition fighters. Ron: These casualty figures are no doubt underestimates. Moreover they do not count the number of unnecesary deaths to children, mothers, old people and others caused by lack of clean water, adequate nutrition, destroyed healthcare infrastructure and lack of medical supplies etc. Viktor Mikhin: The unilateral decision made by Donald Trump to leave by May 1 stupefied US allies. Ron: This statement is ignorant or worse. President Trump is terminating the US policy of bombing, invading and occupying foreign nations all over the world including Afghanistan. THAT policy change was morally, politically and environmentally necessary and if any US allies were stupified by it that evidences that THEY remain part of the Talmudic problem which has oppressed our gentile world for the last couple of centuries. In any event those allies will be getting the message very soon IF they haven't got it already. Viktor Mikhin: This underscored the weakness running through NATO: its European partners and Canada simply cannot provide support for large-scale operations without logistical support from its largest partner. Ron: My heart bleeds for the 'European partners and Canada' who cannot mount large scale invasions and occupations of foregn nations on the other side of the world without support from the US. Perhaps they should ask their JOOish controllers to fund their 'large-scale (overseas military) operations' directly in future. Viktor Mikhin: "The US withdrawal will be seen as a victory for the Taliban, and a defeat for the United States," he stated. The consequence will be a blow dealt to American credibility, eroding deterrence, and the diminishing value of American confidence in other countries. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 9

Ron: WHY do commentators continue to deluge us with deceptive, meaningless, propaganda rhetoric such as this? HOW does the US ceasing to bomb and invade other nations 'erode deterrence'? And what needs to be deterred? The US hasn't been invaded since the British burnt the White House in 1812. Viktor Mikhin: The US Senate is also vigorously debating how the situation in Afghanistan will develop. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley spoke with trembling voices to senators about the risks of radical extremists emerging in the country, and that Al Qaeda and ISIS (both terrorist organizations are banned in the Russian Federation) could soon experience a revival in Afghanistan. Ron: Al Qaeda and ISIS were created, organised, financed, armed and supplied by the US and its military. President Trump is no longer allowing that to happen. In any event, IF Al Qaeda and ISIS could somehow revive in Afghanistan without US support, WHAT has that got to do with the US, the EU or NATO. The US is thousands of killometres away from Afghanistan as are most NATO countries. Viktor Mikhin: Officials expressed concern about the stalled negotiations, and said that the Taliban (this organization is banned in the Russian Federation) has not yet submitted a written peace proposal that could be used as a starting point for meaningful negotiations. Ron: WHY must the Taliban who are Afghanis who represent the Afghan people, submit a written or any peace proposal to nameless officials who presumably represent the US and NATO and other foreign interests? What possible right have the US and NATO et al got to make such demands. Afghan freedom fighters have every right to tell the US and NATO to PISS OFF! Human/Animal Rights Jul 3, 2021 - Police commissioner 'stops' SA lockdown amid zero community transmission: Kenny This 12' 44" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jun 30, 2021: Ron: Australian Government and healthcare and Police authorities MUST be held legally accountable for their imposition of Police State measures in relation to COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions. They must also be held legally accountable for the requirement that Australian adults and children allow themselves to be injected with experimental concoctions containing unknown substances. Prima facie, these government directives and the penalties for breaching them; and the requirement that Australians must accept the negative health effects and loss of businesses and livilhoods they cause, constitute crimes against humanity. The widespread negative and sometimes lethal health and psychological consequences of lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing and excessive hand washing evidence that imposition of those policies constitute crimes against humanity. Similarly, injuries and deaths caused by Big Pharma injections for which the manufacturers cannot be sued or held accountable, evidence that those responsible for requiring Australians to accept those experimental faux vaccine injections are liable for crimes against humanity. Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - Victory! Fourth Circuit Rules Baltimore’s Warrantless Aerial Surveillance Program Unconstitutional AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 10

The court also recognized the racial and criminal justice implications of oversurveillance. It noted that although mass surveillance touches everyone, "its hand is heaviest in communities already disadvantaged by their poverty, race, religion, ethnicity, and immigration status," and that the impact of high-tech monitoring is "conspicuous in the lives of those least empowered to object." The court further stated that oversurveillance and the resulting overpolicing do not allow different communities to enjoy the same rights: while "liberty from governmental intrusion can be taken for granted in some neighborhoods," others "experience the Fourth Amendment as a system of surveillance, social control, and violence, not as a constitutional boundary that protects them from unreasonable searches and seizures." Hannah Zao Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - Stumbling Toward Reality Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - HUGE! RSBN Trump Rally Viewer Numbers HIT 375,000 on Rumble Before Trump Hits Stage! — Brings Into Question YouTube’s Censoring of Trump Rallies! Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - Exclusive: State Department Funds Smuggling of Global Migrants to U.S Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - Biden's Bloated White House Payroll Is Most Expensive In American History Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - Rochdale Child Grooming Gang Rapists Still Appealing Deportation on Human Rights Grounds Others have used the ECHR to avoid being removed from Britain, with a 2017 report claiming that more than 40 convicted terrorists had used the HRA to avoid deportation. Some had used taxpayer-funded legal aid in their appeals. October saw two cases of criminal migrants using the HRA and the European human rights law to thwart their deportations, including a convicted drug dealer from Nigeria and a Sri Lankan failed asylum seeker who stabbed a man to death after he was supposed to have been deported. Victoria Friedman Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - Democrats Versus America's Founding Documents Health and Nutrition Jul 3, 2021 - If You've Had COVID You're Likely Protected for Life Education Jul 3, 2021 - Largest Teachers Union to Debate Demanding Vaccinations Before Returning in Person Human/Animal Rights Jul 3, 2021 - Actress Kirstie Alley Warns Hollywood Is Putting Society on a Path to Accept Pedophilia: ‘Protect Your Children’ "No other generation has had such easy access to the underbelly of humanity. SO many screens & chronic bombardment of images and concepts. Our current society would have been praising Caligula. Protect your children," she continued in the series of tweets to her 1.5 million followers, confessing to have a "heavy heart" over what she described as the "shit that's being crammed down our kid's throats." "A ‘moral code' is not old AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 11 fashioned. Morals are simply guidelines for better survival. Explicit sexual ‘education' and ‘select' ideals being forced on kids is NOT better survival," the Trump-supporting actress said before warning that society is on the path to accepting pedophilia. "People are becoming so ‘open minded' that down the road they will support pediphilia [sic] as people ‘just loving children' You think I'm kidding. I'm not. It's the direction this insanity is headed. You can ‘ok boomer' me all you want but this is where we will veer unless we change," Alley cautioned. Hannah Bleau Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - "Colossal": Latest Ransomware Attack Hits Hundreds of American Businesses - UPDATE: 800 grocery stores in Sweden unable to open Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - Facebook Deletes's Page with Half a Million Followers Environment/Science Jul 3, 2021 - The Evidence of Encounters With UFOs is Mounting, Uncontestable And, Thank Goodness, Being Taken Seriously For The First Time

The person who ran that secret program was identified as Luis Elizondo, a former military intelligence specialist, who had recently resigned from the Department of Defense. Later, in a TV programme, Elizondo described what he and his team witnessed: "Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 G-forces, that can fly 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and can fly through air and water and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we are seeing." ...... From my point of view, I believe that scientists and academics will soon have a choice to make. They either stick their heads into the sand and dismiss everything out of hand and ignore the mass of scientific data that's been recorded and continues to be collected on an almost daily basis by a vast array of military technology, or for the first time really open their minds to the possibility that ‘non- human intelligences' may have found us and are, in a limited way, interacting with humankind. Gary Heseltine

Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - One Nation Under God !

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Health and Nutrition Jul 3, 2021 - Anti-porn Crusader Says pro-family Forces are Shutting Down Industry Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - YouTube Takes Down Right Side Broadcasting’s Video of Trump Rally with Over 2 Million Views — BANS THEM from Covering Trump Rally Tomorrow — WATCH ON RUMBLE! Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 3, 2021 - "Don't Lie to Yourself and NEVER Become a Field Agent for The Father of Lies." There are many mysteries afoot in these times. Given the negative effect that George Soros is having on the United States by FINANCING the mindless and violent in the cities, WHY...? Why... is nothing done about him, or even said about him? He works for The Rothschild Cartel and they print the money. That is all one needs to know. Who do The Rothschilds work for? They work for Self-Interest, and who is the King of Self Interest on the Inner Planes? Right you are! It is said, on pretty credible authority that The Rothschild clan ALWAYS has an extra chair at their dining tables that is reserved for His Nibs, Old Scratch, who has NEVER found an itch he can't profit from and that would apply to The Red Shield people also. Les Visible Political Information Jul 3, 2021 - Assange Turns 50 In Jail – a reminder of a Western democracy paradox he exposed, where non-freedom gives a sense of freedom

Health and Nutrition Jul 3, 2021 - Shocking New Study Reveals Covid Vaccine TERMINATES 4 Out Of 5 Pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions” The authors of this study should receive an award in the category of, "How to lie with statistics," because they apparently tried to pull a sleight-of-hand trick to make it appear that vaccines are safe for pregnant women. In reality, they seem to be killing more than 4 out of 5 unborn babies in the first 20 weeks of gestation, at least in this data set. (It's a small set of 127 pregnant women, so we'd like to see a larger review of many thousands of pregnancies in order to get a more clear picture.) Mike Adams Health and Nutrition Jul 3, 2021 - Is it COVID or Is it the Flu? Not Even Your Doctor Knows for Sure. True US History Jul 2, 2021 - Georgia Secretary Of State Seeking Election Takeover Of Fulton County: "Enough Is Enough"

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Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - Police To Target Americans For Their Ideological Beliefs And Behaviors Health and Nutrition Jul 2, 2021 - US Suffers Explosion In Urgent Mental-Health Cases As COVID Recedes "It seems like everyone has been holding their breath for a year, and now, it's just a total explosion of everything, both in terms of high volume but also the severity of cases," Dr. Sparks said. "You see a lot more people who were, pre-pandemic, kind of overwhelmed and stressed, and now they have full-on anxiety disorders or depression." Tyler Durden Human/Animal Rights Jul 2, 2021 - Hundreds Of Children in The Netherlands report Being Sexually Exploited During Pandemic True US History Jul 2, 2021 - NYC Mayoral Candidate Eric Adams Sues Over Botched Election Count Human/Animal Rights Jul 2, 2021 - Migrant Traffickers Running a ‘Criminal Business’, as Boat Landings Soared During Pandemic: Report Health and Nutrition Jul 2, 2021 - Vatican Hails Vaccinations As ‘one of the greatest achievements’ of Modern Science in Push Against Vaccine Scepticism However, some attending the virtual event complained that groups concerned with vaccine safety, including conservative and Catholic organizations, were not invited, noting that there were no skeptics among the speakers. The organizers shut down any such concerns, however, "strongly rejecting" any doubt in the vaccines' safety, the Associated Press reported. R.T. Environment/Science Jul 2, 2021 - Reality Check: Professor Pens Letter Explaining Natural Resource Drain Crated By "Net Zero Emission" Targets

The letter makes it clear that there are several "inconvenient truths" associated with the reality of all of the "clean energy" virtue signaling that has been taking place. The letter follows last month when we published an article reporting that EVs may offer a negligible difference from ICE vehicles in CO2 emissions. It was the topic of a blog post by natural resource investors Goehring & Rozencwajg (G&R), a "fundamental research firm focused exclusively on contrarian natural resource investments with a team with over 30 years of dedicated resource experience." Tyler Durden

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True US History Jul 2, 2021 - California Begs For More Electricity As Shift To Renewable Power Leaves State In The Dark "The short-term strategy needs to be centered around incentivizing demand reductions instead of increasing supply," said Abe Stanway, co-founder of Amperon Holdings Inc., which provides analysis to utilities and power traders. "The best way to reduce uncertainty around demand resources is to simply pay consumers more to use less during peak events." Because while electricity may not grow on trees in California but at least money still does. Tyler Durden True US History Jul 2, 2021 - EXCLUSIVE: The National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) Worked with the UN, Twitter, State Govts and Non-profits to Prevent Free Speech and Impact the 2020 US Election True US History Jul 2, 2021 - Arizona Auditors "Still Waiting" For "Missing Items" Subpoenaed From Maricopa County: Senate Leader Health and Nutrition Jul 2, 2021 - Natural Immunity vs Covid-19 vaccine-induced Immunity – Marc Girardot of PANDA Should people who have recovered from COVID take a vaccine? Epidemiology, immunology and the clinical data all say a clear "No!". There is no good reason to vaccinate the recovered...For over a year, mainstream media, health authorities as well as many "experts" have been downplaying the power of the immune system, dismissing natural immunity and proclaiming that immunity to COVID-19 was short-lived. Simultaneously, vaccines have been portrayed as the silver bullet to this crisis, an incidental procedure with no risk whatsoever. The data shows a different picture and many are coming forward, to challenge the official narrative. We will demonstrate that this is a fallacy. The human immune system is one of the most sophisticated achievements of evolution. The survival of our species has depended on it for millenia. And today, we are still very much relying on it. For the record, 99% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 recover without treatment. Only 1% of SARS-CoV-2 patients, who did not receive early home- based treatment, end up hospitalised. In other words, the immune system overwhelmingly protects. Even vaccines depend entirely on the immune system: vaccines essentially teach our immune systems what viral markers to be prepared for, they are not cures per se. Without a functional immune system, there can be no effective vaccine. Health and Nutrition Jul 2, 2021 - Norway to Pay Compensation For AstraZeneca Side Effects as Patients Who Suffered From Pfizer & Moderna Watch and Wait

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Many have received Oxford-AstraZeneca shots earlier this year but, within weeks of the launch of the vaccination campaign, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) recommended that the government stop using it, following reports of potentially fatal, rare blood clots. AstraZeneca was then completely removed from the national vaccine rollout, while NIPH has also expressed concerns over another, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine... R.T.

Health and Nutrition Jul 2, 2021 - Study: Rising CO2 IS a Deadly Problem — in Kids’ Bodies — Because of Face Masks Mask wearing to prevent SARS-CoV-2 contraction is an article of COVID Ritual faith among many and is still encouraged, if not mandated, by "health" authorities far and wide. This is despite indications that masks can become as pathogen-laden Petri dishes on people's faces, that they can restrict oxygen intake, and that wearers may be inhaling unhealthful plastic microparticles from them. Now we hear about serious research out of Germany and Poland on one of these perils: dangerously high mask- induced carbon dioxide levels in children...The journal is "right," the host continued. "More kids die in pool drownings every year than have died from COVID so far; according to the latest federal numbers, just .06% of all COVID fatalities in this country have been Americans aged 18 and under." Moreover, the CDC itself stated last October that people aged 0 to 19 who contract the coronavirus have a 99.997 percent chance of survival, and research out of Newcastle University in and elsewhere shows that the disease is notably less dangerous to children than is the flu... Would you give your kid chemotherapy even though he didn't have cancer? No medical intervention is justifiable - no cure is wise - if there's no disease threat. - Selwyn Duke Health and Nutrition Jul 2, 2021 - W. H. O. Uses COVID Delta Strain to Resume Mask Push "The Delta variant is a dangerous virus," said WHO's COVID-19 technical lead Maria Van Kerkhove. "It is more transmissible than the Alpha variant, which was extremely transmissible across Europe - across any country that it entered." ...... As for the delta variant, The Blaze's Daniel Horowitz wrote that "if people would actually look at the data, they'd realize that the Delta variant is actually less deadly ... India has one- seventh the death rate per capita of the U.S.; it's just that India got the major winter wave later, when the Western countries were largely done with it, thereby giving the illusion that India somehow suffered worse." Calvin Freiburger

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Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - White House Brags July 4th Groceries Cheaper This Year, We Will Save 16 Cents on Our Cookouts True US History Jul 2, 2021 - Israeli/Jewish Fingerprints Once Again All Over Another U.S. Building Collapse True US History Jul 2, 2021 - Why is the IDF on the Scene of the Disaster in Miami ? Does the United States not have enough rescue workers that we need to have benevolent jewish supremacists come in to help us inept goyim? This appears to be normalizing israelis acting in an official capacity on American soil. Perhaps they are also there to cover up evidence. ? - Does the United States not have enough rescue workers that we need to have benevolent jewish supremacists come in to help us inept goyim? This appears to be normalizing israelis acting in an official capacity on American soil. Perhaps they are also there to cover up evidence. ? - Renegade Tribune Education Jul 2, 2021 - Swiss Professor: Teachers, Students Should Watch Porn Together For ‘better sexual education’ Health and Nutrition Jul 2, 2021 - Arsenic in Baby Food — What the He!! Is Going on? reported that baby foods sold under the brands Gerber, Beech-Nut, Earth's Best Organic and HappyBABY contain up to 91 times more inorganic arsenic, 117 times more lead and 69 times more cadmium than the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's maximum allowable levels in bottled water. And mercury levels in baby food were up to 5 times the level established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for drinking water. C H D T True US History Jul 2, 2021 - Supreme Court to Decide if Barring School Teaching Christianity from Aid Program Violates Constitution Ron: Governments unlawfully use force and violence to levy income and other taxesand licence fees etc on individuals and communities and then corruptly and fraudulently decide how and by whom the monies so collected may be used. THAT MUST STOP. Parents and communities must be able to retain the wealth they acquire through honest labour and ingenuity AND be free to apply that wealth to whatever educational and other projects, activities and services they deem appropriate. Under the soon to be instituted Quantum governance and Financial Systems parents and communities will retain the fruits of their labours and be empowered, as sovereign beings, to decide how their wealth is to be used for the benefit of their children and local community. Proper unhackable Republican local and regional governance arrangements will be available to enable such localised decision making to be effected. The idea that some distant federal government or "supreme" court should be able to dictate to parents and communities what they can do as regards use of their wealth and resources to educate their children or to undertake any other community activity is ridiculous and a recipe for corruption.

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Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - Chris Whitty Gave The Order to Give Alleged Covid-19 Patients Lethal Doses of Hydroxychloroquine to Both Kill Them and Sabotage Trials In an interview with Vinay Prasad one of the world's top epidemiologists John Ioannidis stated the following about the mistakes made in the "First Wave": "... probably we killed about 100,000 people just with hydroxychloroquine as treatment globally"Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein, MD (Co-Authors of the book "Virus Mania") believe it could have been much higher: COVID-19 (excess) mortalities: viral cause impossible-drugs with key role in about 200,000 extra deaths in Europe and the US alone. -David James Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - Whistleblower And The Press Break The Code Of Silence In Australian Police State Steven Sahiounie: The Australian military was in Afghanistan to help the US military. Ron: The US attack on and occupation of Afghanistan was a war crime and SO IS helping the US military to do that. See eg: The Nuremberg Tribunal: 75 Years Later and Still the Basis for Humanity's Survival - 75-Years-Later-and-Still-the-Basis-for-Humanity-s-Survival.shtml Steven Sahiounie: The Taliban has long been condemned and dehumanized at the highest political and military leadership levels, in Australia and by the US allies. Throw in a bit of anti-Islamic bias, a desire to punish them for previous attacks, [Ron: ie, for attacks on US and Australian troops who were unlawfully occupying their country, killing Afghans and despoiling their nation.] and you have the climate that supports the charges in the Afghan Files Health and Nutrition Jul 2, 2021 - Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 400,000 Following COVID Vaccines Human/Animal Rights Jul 2, 2021 - Woke Mobs Rip Down Statues of The Queen, Victoria, Captain Cook in Canada Political Information

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Jul 2, 2021 - EU to Orbán: Back Gay Rights or Get Out ! Human/Animal Rights Jul 2, 2021 - Housing Trans Women Convicted of Sexual Offences in Female Prisons is Lawful, England’s High Court Rules

The ministry defended its policy, saying that it was necessary for "facilitating the rights of transgender people to live in and as their acquired gender (and) protecting transgender people's mental and physical health."...In his judgement on Friday, Lord Justice Holroyde said he accepted that female prisoners may suffer "fear and anxiety" if forced to share a cell with a transgender woman with male genitalia, especially one with violent convictions. However, he said that in the existing policies, the "need to assess and manage all risks is repeatedly emphasised." He added that the exclusion of all trans women from women's prisons would be to "ignore, impermissibly, the rights of transgender women to live in their chosen gender." R.T. Ron: Really?! Trans "women" are an infinitismal fraction of the population. What about the rights of women (ie HALF of the total population) to live SAFELY in their actual biological sex?! True US History Jul 2, 2021 - Barrett, Kavanaugh Join Liberals in Refusing To Hear Case of Persecuted Christian Florist Beyond what it means for Arlene's Flowers, the decision is another ill omen for conservatives who had placed their hopes in former President Donald Trump's judicial nominees to restore a more originalist understanding of the Constitution to American law. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch were the only justices who voted to hear the case, meaning Trump's other two appointees, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, voted to reject it. Calvin Freiburger Translations - Others Jul 2, 2021 - Italian_Seraphin Messaggio 452: Lo Sfondo Divino E La Santa Opera Seraphin tramite Rosie Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 2, 2021 - "Material Stardust Causes People's Eyes to Glitter. They are Like Children Watching a Movie. Then it Ends." My job is to remind myself of The Presence of God. As a result, my job is also to remind others. Whether others have any interest in this is not my concern. Some there are who have GREAT INTEREST in this and it is for them that I write. I would do this if no one were reading and when I began, that was the case. I realize that there is a small contingent of

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 19 readers who actively dislike what we discuss here. I seldom hear from them but I know they are out there. The World is a lot bigger than any of us think it is, and there is EVERY kind of delight and distraction for those in search of them. My job is not to distract but to direct (I've always wanted to direct!!! grin). I honestly don't mind when people go off on me or diminish what I do. I understand very well how they come to be as they are, but that changes nothing. I must talk about God. I must bring the conversation to talk about God, or I will go where I can. Les Visible Environment/Science Jul 2, 2021 - Underground Area of Rome’s Colosseum Open to Public for First Time Ever

Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - Hot Off The Press: Vaccines rejected by Palestinian Authority may end up in the UK Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - Bloomberg: Here Is How We Make The U.S. Look Great Health and Nutrition Jul 2, 2021 - COVID Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Are Secretly Buried Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - US-Taiwan: West’s Last Foothold in China Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - Tarot by Janine with Catherine Edwards & Rachel Russell 30th June Update This 1 hr. 4' 11" video was published by Catherine Edwards on Jul 1, 2021: Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - Xi Jinping Has Made It Very Clear: The Days Of The West Bullying China Are Gone For Good One of Xi's key messages to the West - which was condemned for its "sanctimonious preaching" - was that China will follow the dictum of ‘if it ain't broke, don't fix it.' He set the tone firmly that the country's development pathway - dubbed "socialism with Chinese characteristics," and mixing socialist theory with a methodological pragmatism - has been

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 20 hugely successful. It's very hard to dispute this, which is what makes it so ideologically threatening. This helps us understand a broader theme in Xi's rhetoric: that China is not out to conquer the world or expand its ideology to all nations, as many believe. Instead, it is focusing on the broader idea of national rejuvenation - that the CPC is reviving and restoring the country from a legacy of affliction and humiliation, as seen, for example, in the Hong Kong national security law, and that it is now sovereign and capable of defending itself, having been subjugated by Western powers. Tom Fowdy Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - The Scheme To Allow EU Nationals to Remain in Britain Has Exposed Just How Useless Our Migration Controls Have Been True US History Jul 2, 2021 - An Unflinching Guide to Biden's Immigration Fiasco Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - New French Law: State Will Pay For ‘medically-assisted procreation’ For Everyone Jeanne Smits: France's newly adopted bioethics law will give lesbian couples and single women access to medically-assisted procreation (called "PMA" in France), in procedures that will be paid for by the French publicly-funded Social Security. The new law involves a profound disruption of the traditional understanding of filiation: Under its dispositions, the female partner of a woman who gives birth will be able to "recognize" the child before it is born and will appear as its "second" parent on its birth certificate, to the exclusion of the father whose very existence will now be denied under the law. Only one hurdle is left before the transgressive law enters into force, namely its assessment by the Constitutional Court, which is not expected to change it in any meaningful way. The government has already said it hopes to promulgate the law very soon, and Emmanuel Macron called it a "major accomplishment" on the path to "more equality." Ron: How can denying a child the presence and even the knowledge of the existance of a biological father or mother provide that child with more equality? Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - Spreading 'human rights' At The Tip Of a Bayonet: The LGBT Agenda Has Now Become a Tool in Western Foreign Policy Across the Globe Glenn Diesen: An open and democratic debate is missing regarding the extent to which modern liberal values are universal. It is, for example, reasonable to ask whether gender reassignment surgery or hormone treatment for children is a universally held value spanning all cultures, and how different states balance parental consent and involvement. Ron: Arguably gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatment for children is NOT a universally held value in ANY culture, not even in the EuroAnglo-US cultures in which cultural Marxists appear to have captured the executive, legislative and judicial processes and are busy legislating for the enforcement of those immoral and criminal activities.

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Political Information Jul 2, 2021 - The Worst Is Yet To Come as Death and False Flag Threats Are Planned by the State Ron: This is fear porn in that it enumerates the accumulating negative factors that are seemingly driving our world over a cliff without seeing let alone appreciating the real factors that are preventing the demonic cabal's intended enslavement and destruction of humans on this planet from reaching fruition. For some discussion of the real sitution see my comments in Are We Overdosing On "Hopium"? Overdosing-On-Hopium.shtml Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - I Saw Up Close How Rumsfeld Deliberately Caused The Deaths of US Troops For Personal Gain. He Deserves a Special Place In Hell Donald Rumsfeld, in his letter, told me that the example I was setting to the people of America was "a proud one." I wish I could say the same about any aspect of his decades of service. There is a place in hell reserved for those who deliberately put the lives of those entrusted to secure our nation at risk for their own personal gain. Rumsfeld is one such person, and his seat should be right next to the Devil himself. Scott Ritter Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - America, Leader Of The Free World? How To Forget US Interference In Foreign Elections Education Jul 1, 2021 - Incremental Outrageousness Is Killing America Bruce Abramson PhD JD: Turns out, we've reached the endgame of a strategy the radical left put in play in the 1960s: the long march through the institutions. The onslaught began in higher education-an institution particularly well suited for a takeover because it functions without external market signals. Success in academia hinges entirely on peer approval. Faculty members make all decisions concerning the hiring, firing, and promotion of junior colleagues, curriculum design, publication in prestigious journals, the appropriate paths for research, and the availability of public and private research funding. Ron: Arguably the Rockefellers and their tribal brethren started the process of subverting US education over 60 years before the long march through the institutions began in the 1960s. It started with the dumbing down of primary schooling. See eg:Who's Miseducating America's Elites? - Elites.shtml

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Dumbing Down US Education: Part IIÂ Wundtian Psychology & Rockefeller Finance - an_Psychol_3877.shtml General Education Board, Occasional Papers, Issues 1-9, New York, 1913, 6, _ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America Part 1-Full. - Miseducation-of-America-Part-1-Full.shtml Dumbing Down US Education: Part I Background - und_3842.shtml Bruce Abramson PhD JD: The folks who provide cover and support for anti-American radicals despite believing quite deeply that they're supporting traditional American concepts of democracy, freedom, and equality. The folks we need to wake up if we're to secure the support necessary to sustain the American republic. Those of us committed to that republic must undertake a program of strategic education and commitment. Tools and techniques for waking them and changing their incentives are available and teachable. By all appearances, however, very few of our leaders or our fighters have mastered them. That's going to have to change-soon-if we have any hope of restoring America. No one said it was going to be easy. Ron: Arguably the program of strategic education and commitment will need to be a RE- EDUCATION process for almost everyone once the truth about our world is publicly disclosed. For instance, almost all judicial, professional and public service bureaucrats not actually removed because of malfeasance or worse will need to be retrained to understand godly divine law; and deprogrammed as regards belief in the monetary meme as being a core aspect of societal and economic activity. Health and Nutrition Jul 1, 2021 - Four Times As Many Troops & Veterans Have Died By Suicide as in Combat - study Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - Has The Military Lost Middle America ?

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Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - As Hungary Enjoys Resurgence in Marriages and Births, Will Brussels (Finally) Give Viktor Orbán Some Credit? More to the point, however, is that Viktor Orbán continues to show Brussels and the major Western capitals that there are better ways of managing the EU than simply taking the "one suit fits all" approach (which is what helped fuel Brexit, by the way). While Western Europe may have "lost its religion" and conservative beliefs long ago, it should keep in mind that countries like Hungary and Poland have not. Eastern European nations, with histories far different from their Western counterparts, still largely observe Christian teachings and conservative lifestyles that Brussels wishes to ignore. Robert Bridge Human/Animal Rights Jul 1, 2021 - Tolkien Society Goes Woke, 'Finds' Transgenderism, 'Antiracism,' and Queer-ness in The Lord of The Rings Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - Biden Signs Executive Order Promoting Race ‘bias’ Training, LGBT ‘equity’ in Federal Government Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - EXCLUSIVE: More Proof that Tech Giants Twitter, Facebook and YouTube Are Working with Democrat State Governments to Censor Conservatives Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - Big Tech Now Sending Warnings That Users May Have Been Exposed to Extremist Content, Dissident Voices Must Be Controlled On the positive side of this, the effort is resoundingly going to backfire amid a larger segment of the younger population, they are already using subversive accounts like Fleebook, Flinsta and Fleet to avoid detection amid their online activity. The rebel alliance will only become more slippery and more focused on the need to approach everything with the insurgency mindset. Regardless of how much Big Tech, Big Intel and Big Government synergize in their efforts to control human behavior, the Rebel Alliance ultimately wins every AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 24 long-term contest. History proves this to be true. The need for freedom is still an inherent and underlying human condition amid the majority. Sundance

Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - The Weird, Creepy Media Blackout on Recent Assange Revelations

Human/Animal Rights Jul 1, 2021 - UK Methodists Agree to Same Sex Marriages in Churches Christian Concern's head of public policy Tim Dieppe remarked on the two positions that the "Methodist Church decides it doesn't know what marriage is. It had decided to affirm two contradictory views on marriage. If you will affirm a formal contradiction, then you'll affirm anything, and you don't really have any convictions." Victoria Friedman Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - EU’s Covid Passport Goes Live Across 27-country Bloc, But Ireland Left Behind Due to health system hack Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - World Economic Forum Proposes Psychological Plan to Overcome ‘vaccine hesitancy’ Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - Q Proofs: King Trump Rising -- Demonrats in Decline

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Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Voting Reforms With 6-3 Ruling – Justice Alito: Preventing Voter Fraud is a “strong and entirely legitimate state interest”

Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines, Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore The alarming rapidity with which the U.S. and once "robust" Western democracies were able to implement "elements of a locked-in, 360-degree totalitarianism" was facilitated not just by a heretofore unimaginable level of global policy coordination but also by the public's complacency. The pressing question of the day, therefore, is whether citizens will continue to tolerate blatant efforts to memory-hole freedom. C H D Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 1, 2021 - "It's a Simple Concept, that The Thought is The Author of The Word and The Deed." If you look deeper into the present gender-bending trend, you will see what is really taking place. The Divine Feminine is coming into her rightful place in the cosmos of human understanding. Because, due to Materialism, most of us are of a carnal persuasion, this intensifying presence of The Divine Feminine is causing people to act out at the level of their understanding, which is not all that far above the beasts of the field, and who do things that even beasts won't do. Sometimes, I think it is only the hands that make them look different. Certainly, many of them act like particular farm animals would who can open refrigerators with their hands. Les Visible Human/Animal Rights Jul 1, 2021 - Another Canadian Church Goes Up In Flames, Amid Suspicion Arson Attacks Are Linked to Unmarked Graves Discoveries The crimes are suspected to be connected to the recent discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves at sites where Catholic-run residential schools operated in the last century. The system of boarding schools for First Nation children is now perceived as an oppressive and deadly government-backed attempt to eradicate the culture of native Canadians. The latest burial location, comprising 182 graves, was found via underground radar-imaging in British Columbia, with the discovery announced hours after the fire in Morinville. - Russia Today

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Health and Nutrition Jul 1, 2021 - UK Says Most People Dying From Covid are Vaccinated Kristin: In a stunning admission last week in Public Health England's technical briefing, it was revealed that most people dying in the UK from Covid had been vaccinated. Bad news for vaccinated who are 50+. Of the 117 recorded deaths in UK from Delta variant of Covid, 50 of them had been vaxed with two doses, and were all 50+. - Susan Chun (@schunnyc) June 28, 2021 It appears one-third of people in the UK who have died from the Delta variant had received BOTH "vaccines." - Kristin Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - It's Not Over: Contract Extensions for UK's Covid Test Centres Sold for £687 Million, Failed £22 BILLION Test & Trace System to Continue Health and Nutrition Jul 1, 2021 - MIT Scientist: How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health Environment/Science Jul 1, 2021 - Global Warming's 33rd-year Birthday: A Celebration Of Failures

A detailed review of the testimony from that hearing after 33 years of recorded climate history reveals a litany of the hearings flawed and failed speculation, conjecture and predictions of climate outcomes establishing the fact that the hearing got everything wrong from start to finish and in fact represents a celebration of an extraordinary number of failed predictions. Larry Hamlin Health and Nutrition Jul 1, 2021 - Top Experts Say COVID-19 ‘Delta Variant’ Symptoms Are Identical To ‘Hay Fever’, Common Cold True US History Jul 1, 2021 - A Tsunami Of Crises About To Swamp Biden Administration Environment/Science Jul 1, 2021 - 5,000 Burgers Per Day: World's First Mega Lab-Grown Meat Factory Opens Environment/Science Jul 1, 2021 - Underground Fiber Optics Cables Allow People and Cars to Be Tracked. Did You Know? AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 27

Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - Xi Calls For ‘complete reunification’ With Taiwan as China Celebrates Centenary Of its Communist Party

Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - The Chinese Miracle, Revisited Oblivious to waves of demonization coming from the West, for Chinese public opinion what matters is whether the CCP delivered. And deliver it did (over 85% popular approval). China controlled Covid-19 in record time; economic growth is back; poverty alleviation was achieved; and the civilization-state became a "moderately prosperous society" - right on schedule for the CCP centennial. Since 1949, the size of the Chinese economy soared by a whopping 189 times. Over the past two decades, China's GDP grew 11-fold. Since 2010, it more than doubled, from $6 trillion to $15 trillion, and now accounts for 17% of global economic output. No wonder Western grumbling is irrelevant. Shanghai Capital investment boss Eric Li succinctly describes the governance gap; in the U.S., government changes but not policy. In China, government doesn't change; policy does...... So China, historically, does represent continuous renewal and "rejuvenation" (Xi). We're right in the middle of another one of these phases - now conducted by a CCP dynasty that, incidentally, does not believe in miracles, but in hardcore planning. Western exceptionalists may continue to throw a fit 24/7 ad infinitum: that will not change the course of history. Pepe Escobar Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - The Deficiencies of Sinophobia, Bannon & the End of Geopolitics The End of Globalization Globalization is being wound down so that western elites can reinforce control over their current zone of hegemony. In technological terms, 3D printing, energy conversion into synthetic raw materials, roboticization, and the 4IR are driving factors at the base...It is American elites who made deals with China at the expense of American workers, not China that has failed to meet its obligations to American people: it has none. American elites have made these deals at the expense of standards of living for American workers and small business owners, even at the expense of national security and stability... China may be many things, but it was the corruption and misleadership of American leadership (not Chinese) that led to the destruction of the middle-class and the imbalances in bilateral trade. In pushing back against the austerity program of the great reset, Americans will be pushing back against their own elites, not China's. - Joaquin Flores

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Human/Animal Rights Jul 1, 2021 - Planned Parenthood Tells Middle Schoolers About Avoiding Parental Consent For Abortion, Contraception TACOMA, Washington, June 30, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - An eighth-grade teacher in a Tacoma public school distributed a flyer detailing Washington state laws allowing minors to get abortions and contraceptives without parental consent. The flyer, produced by abortion giant Planned Parenthood, was given to Stewart Middle School students as part of their science curriculum. The flyer said: ABORTION: You do not need to get permission from your parents or guardians at any age. BIRTH CONTROL: You are allowed to get a prescription for birth control without your parent or guardian's permission. CONDOMS: You can buy condoms at any age. EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION: You can buy Plan B Emergency Contraception at a local pharmacy without a prescription at any age. The flyer also mentions that there are exceptions to state law that says the age of consent is 16, assuring children they can lawfully have sexual intercourse "with somebody two years older or less" at the age of 11... Planned Parenthood, in addition to providing hundreds of thousands of abortions each year, is a big player in the field of sex education in schools. The organization and its allies have taught things like BDSM, including using whips, chains and gagging; have informed 11-year-olds about anal and oral sex; and introduced a chatbot that allows kids to go behind their parents' back to ask about sex and abortion. - Isabella Childs Political Information Jul 1, 2021 - Egypt Seizes Ancient Christian Monastery’s Land, Bulldozes Church Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Farage Astounded Bishop Downplayed Moral Dimension to Hancock Affair, More Concerned About Covid Rules In 2017, statistics from the British Social Attitudes survey revealed that for the first time, more than half of Britons declared that they had no faith, with just 15 per cent of those surveyed saying they identified as Church of England. Just four years before, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, warned that England's church is only "one generation away from extinction". The Church of England has embraced several left-progressive causes in the past few years, including espousing the gender neutrality of God, expressing support for illegal mass migration, and aligning itself with climate change activism. Victoria Friedman True US History Jun 30, 2021 - Navy Brass Forces Maintenance Unit to March with Gay US Flag on Mandatory Hike on the Highway — PHOTOS Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Top Academic Cancelled by Facebook After Discussing Own Research Work on Propaganda, Misinformation The veteran academic received an email from Facebook on June 26th informing him: "Your account has been permanently disabled for not following the Facebook Community

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Standards. Unfortunately, we won't be able to reactivate it for any reason. This will be our last message regarding your account." The tech giant did not provide any explanation of what the breach actually was. - Oliver JJ lane True US History Jun 30, 2021 - Biden Admin To Let gender-confused Decide Whether Their Passports Say ‘male’ or ‘female’ True US History Jun 30, 2021 - House Votes to Approve January 6th Select Committee 222-190, Cheney and Kinzinger Vote With Pelosi and 19 Republicans Did Not Vote January 6th Select Committee will be entirely run by democrats and their Lawfare operatives within staff. The purpose of the select committee will carry the same intents as the Mueller investigation in 2017 through 2019: to frame a narrative against their political opposition. The difference this time will be that President Trump is not the sole target; the Pelosi January 6th committee will be using Alinsky methods to target Trump voters. Sundance Health and Nutrition Jun 30, 2021 - Heart Inflammation Linked to COVID Vaccines in Study of U.S. Military, Department of Defense Confirms A total of 23 male patients (22 currently serving in the military and 1 retiree) with a median age range of 25 years were evaluated between January and April 2021 for acute-onset chest pain following vaccination with an mRNA COVID vaccine. - Megan Redshaw True US History Jun 30, 2021 - Half A Million Illegals Crossed Since Harris Named Border "Czar" Health and Nutrition Jun 30, 2021 - FDA Reverses Itself: Rejects Covid Antibody Test Results; Insanity Reigns After untold numbers of people have been given antibody tests to determine their COVID status, the FDA now states: "Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a safety communication informing the public that results from SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time, and especially after the person received a COVID-19 vaccination." Boom. I'm imagining just a small sample of people-perhaps 5000-marching in unison into a hospital, saying, "We tested positive for COVID on an antibody test...and then we had to isolate, and some of us were treated with toxic drugs...and NOW we learn that the antibody test is useless..." Digging a little deeper in the document, we have a statement referring to the COVID vaccine: "The authorized vaccines for prevention of COVID-19 induce antibodies to specific viral protein targets; post-vaccination antibody test results will be negative in individuals without a history of previous natural infection if the test used does not detect the type of antibodies induced by the vaccine."

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In other words, the FDA is saying, "Look, the vaccine creates specific antibodies against the spike protein, not the virus. If you take the standard antibody test after vaccination, it'll be useless, because the test isn't meant to detect antibodies against the spike protein. It only detects antibodies against the virus [2]."... This latest foray shows the FDA is both criminal and insane. - Jon Rappoport Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Conspiracy: Theory and Practice Other Spiritual Pieces Jun 30, 2021 - It's in the DNA! (Repost) Education Jun 30, 2021 - LIVE: DISTOPIAN TIMELINE WITH Jay & Jean- Claude@BeyondMystic This 1 hr, 3' 3" video was published by Jun 30, 2021: Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - The NATO-Ukraine Sea Breeze Exercise Could Ultimately Help Create The Circumstances for Real Conflict With Russia in The Black Sea

Sea Breeze 21 might just inject enough testosterone into NATO military planners to attempt a repeat - which would result in a sunken NATO ship, loss of life, and the kind of force-on-force conflict that all sides claim they want to avoid. - Scott Ritter

Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - "Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science" - Exposing The Truth About The Delta Variant However, if people would actually look at the data, they'd realize that the Delta variant is actually less deadly. These headlines are able to gain momentum only because of the absurd public perception that somehow India got hit worse than the rest of the world. In reality, India has one-seventh the death rate per capita of the U.S.; it's just that India got the major winter wave later, when the Western countries were largely done with it, thereby giving the illusion that India somehow suffered worse. Now, the public health Nazis are transferring their first big lie about what happened in India back to the Western world. Tyler Durden Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Canada’s Government Is Seeking to Silence Canadian Journalists At Home and Abroad With a Draconian Censorship Bill True US History Jun 30, 2021 - President Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott Hold a Border

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Security Briefing True US History Jun 30, 2021 - President Trump Is Back And Badder Than Ever Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - A Year On From Imposing Its ‘draconian’ New Security Law in Hong Kong, Has China ‘crushed democracy’ in The Former British Colony?

The idea that the west would ultimately have a "stake" in determining what Chinese sovereignty over Hong Kong constituted is for Beijing a reminiscent of this legacy of humiliation, peddling the idea the west has a right to "protect" Hong Kong from the China that it rightfully belongs to, and is not given a say over its future. Tom Fowdy

True US History Jun 30, 2021 - The Briefing: Democrats' Cop-Hating 'Defund the Police' Failure Is Complete Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jun 30, 2021 - Seraphin Botschaft 452: DER GÖTTLICHE HINTERGRUND UND DAS HEILIGE WERK Other Spiritual Pieces Jun 30, 2021 - "We Are Even One of His Disguises But We Have Hidden that From Ourselves." You simply have to let God do all the things you used to do, and do them well. It is like learning to dance and you are the clumsy one. It is like learning to fly and having the faith that wings will appear; allegorically speaking. Don't settle for a mess of pottage. It is ALL temporary here. It is fading for you as I write these words. Why hold so tightly to these things ? Les Visible Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - British Schools In Chaos as THOUSANDS of Covid-free Kids Are Sent Home To self-isolate, As Summer catch-ups Roll Out

A colleague tells me of his eight-year-old being put into self-isolation for 10 days

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after one child in a class of 30 contracted the virus. The same situation in the other class in her year group. That means a total of 600 school days, call it 3,600 teaching hours, lost for those pupils and this is just a single year cohort in one English school. There's no catch-up for that. Damian Wilson

Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Meet the New Health Secretary, Same as the Old Health Secretary As Sherlock Holmes might almost have said: "When two people use the same rubbish catchphrase, that's a coincidence. But when Tony Blair, Green MP Caroline Lucas, Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, President Bieber of Canada, Boris Johnson, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Kamala Harris, the Prince of Wales, Prince Harry, Sadiq Khan, and Jacinda Ardern all use the exact same rubbish catchphrase as the megalomaniacal globalist Klaus Schwab, that's starting to look very much like a conspiracy in plain sight." James Delingpole Human/Animal Rights Jun 30, 2021 - Man Crowned Miss Nevada USA Because Men Are Apparently Better Women Than Real Women Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - The Maricopa County Audit Completed Paper Ballot Examination. Here's What Happens Next Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - NSA Responds to Tucker Carlson Claim of Surveillance, The Generic and Very Political Non-Denial Should Alarm Everyone Fifth, this is not about Tucker Carlson. This NSA response is directed to the claim by Tucker Carlson, but the NSA response itself is now the story here, not the Carlson claim. This response should alarm everyone. Personally, I would never expect the NSA to be so transparently political in any external communication. The visibility is indicative of a more politically bold agency. We've been seeing that bold ‘in-your-face' approach a lot recently from the FBI, DOJ, DHS and Defense Department. As said, I have much more on this subject that will be released in the near future... In the interim this NSA "tweet" only highlights the baseline that Americans need to accept. There are now officially four branches of government. The modern and corrupt Intelligence Community, the proverbial IC, is the intelligence branch that supersedes the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government all defer to, and facilitate, the Intelligence branch. Sundance Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Biden Signs Executive Order that Mandates Race Training at Every Level and Lectures on ‘White Privilege’ and ‘Male Privilege’ Human/Animal Rights Jun 30, 2021 - Exposing The Top Medical Group Promoting Radical Abortion Laws Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Black Father Who Shredded Critical Race Theory Laughs at Left’s Attempts to Discredit Him Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 33

Jun 30, 2021 - Tucker Carlson Outlines the Biden Administration Logistic Program to Facilitate the Southern Border Invasion The process of fundamentally transforming the United States of America, per Barack Obama statement, is exactly this mass illegal migration process. The Biden administration has full control over the border, every crossing is purposefully accepted as part of the operational goal. There is no greater disconnect between DC and taxpaying Americans as the policy positions of Democrats and Republican in Washington DC surrounding illegal immigration. If congress really wanted to stop it, they could easily defund it. They don't. Sundance Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - San Francisco Homeless Camp Costs $60,000 Per Tent, Per Year

Health and Nutrition Jun 30, 2021 - Delta Variant – The COVID Sequel Health and Nutrition Jun 30, 2021 - US COVID Cases Tick Higher As Media Chokes On Dire Delta Variant Warnings True US History Jun 30, 2021 - Biden's Iran Policy Is Already At A Dead End Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Mao Was A Yale Man Crafted By The New World Order Elites– A Yali with Skull and Bones FreeSpeechFan: The New World Order have been crafting world disasters again and again then using them to take your tax dollars or steal your liberty. Who always wins when there is a disaster or a war, the elites?... The same actors keep appearing to fund the worst leaders in history, finding and funding individuals who kill millions of people. They funded Chairman Mao Zedong, they also covered up his crimes in the media when he created the "Great Chinese Famine" sending up to 55 million people to their death in 4 years, called "the Great Leap Forward". He ordered collective farming in communes and banned private farming. He created the largest famine in human history.

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Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Tensions Escalate around Israel due to the Ongoing Dispute Over the Golan Heights Earlier, Syria already officially stated on several occasions that it reserves the right to use any means to regain control over the Golan Heights, that no unilateral decisions taken by the United States can change the status of the Golan Heights. It remains Syrian territory, belonging to the Arab world. The occupation that took place in 1967 can never give the occupier the right to consider this territory as its property, and any state facing the occupation has the right to fight for the return of its territory by any possible means, including military force. The Trump administration's decision in 2019 on the Golan Heights showed that in this situation, the United States is a country that provokes conflict and that it is just pouring fuel into the fire, inciting further conflict. Vladimir Platov

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Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - A Sea Painted NATO Black NATO bills itself as committed to "transatlantic unity". Geography tells us the Black Sea has not been annexed to the Atlantic. But that's no impediment for NATO's goodwill - which the record shows turned Libya, in northern Africa, into a wasteland run by militias. As for the intersection of Central and South Asia, NATO's collective behind was unceremoniously kicked by a bunch of ragged Pashtuns with counterfeit Kalashnikovs...Imagine waiting at a bus stop somewhere in Kent and finding a soggy blob - nearly 50 pages - of secret documents in a trash bin detailing Ministry of Defense elaborations on the explicitly provocative deployment of the Defender destroyer off Sebastopol, in the Crimean coast. Even a BBC journalist embedded with the destroyer smashed the official London spin that this was a mere "innocent passage". Moreover, the Defender weapons were fully loaded - as it advanced two nautical miles inside Russian waters. Moscow released a video documenting the stunt. It gets better. The soggy blob found in Kent revealed not only discussions about the possible Russian reaction to the "innocent passage", but also digressions about the Brits, "encouraged" by the Americans, leaving commandos behind in Afghanistan after the troop pull out next 9/11. That would qualify as extra evidence that the Anglo-American-NATO combo will not really "leave" Afghanistan...Across the Global South, NATO promoting "global peace" in the port of Odessa, in the Black Sea, is bound to evoke shades of Libya cum Afghanistan. Austin Powers, self-billed Agent Double Oh! Behave! would perfectly fit in the Kent trash bin "secret documents" caper. "Oh. Behave!" totally applies to Sea Breeze. Otherwise, the opportunity might arise to say hello to Mr. Kinzhal. - Pepe Escobar Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - Vladimir Putin Gardening In the Eastern Mediterranean Political Information Jun 30, 2021 - By 2030 You'll Own Nothing And You'll Be Happy

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Health and Nutrition Jun 30, 2021 - Why Children Should Not Receive the COVID Shot Human/Animal Rights Jun 30, 2021 - Doctors Alarmed At anti-conservative, anti-white ‘woke’ Ideology Poisoning Medical Profession True US History Jun 30, 2021 - An American High Holy Day Ron: Arguably the hypocrisy of USans typified by their widespread worship of the US military, 'Intelligence' and Police services has been a root cause of the corruption of the US polity and the cause of much of its current karma. Is it really any wonder that many USans have become susceptible to the insane irrationality of cultural Marxist Wokeism when most older USans have celebrated US military domination and destruction of the rest of the planet all their lives? The widespread pretence that the US has 'sacrificed' its blood and treasure for the benefit of the nations it has destroyed appears to have nauseated the non-EuriAngo world as well as creating incredible cognitive dissonance in the hearts and minds of conservative USans. Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - The American Republikflucht Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - The Epistemology of Election Audits "Epistemology." Big word, that. Six syllables, in fact. Perhaps it was unnecessary or even a bit pretentious. But the term was trotted out to raise the issue of how one can know what the legitimate vote counts are in our elections. The government expects us to just accept whatever they say the count is. The government thinks the People aren't on a "need to know basis." Besides, to doubt the government is to believe the Big Lie. Knowing is not for you, dear citizen. Just take it from your betters that the election was conducted properly. John N Hall Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - Arizona's Maricopa County Will Replace All Voting Machines After Audit Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - Rumble’s Terms And Conditions Change To Ban ‘Hate Speech’ And ‘Anti-Semitism’ Same Day Trump Joins Platform

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Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - President Trump Spokesperson Liz Harrington Responds to Bill Barr Recent Statements Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - "Absolutely Shameless": WH Press Secretary Blames Republicans For Defunding Police Last year it was reported by that Gun violence is up 358% in New York City since June 2019 as police are being stripped of resources in Democrat run cities nationwide. The explosion in gun violence dovetailed with the disbanding of NYPD anti- crime units, a decision that meant around 600 plainclothes officers were taken off targeted raids and reassigned. Steve Watson Human/Animal Rights Jun 29, 2021 - Why Is The Biden Administration Still Allowing The Cartels And Their Coyotes to Smuggle Children Across The US-Mexico Border?

The American experiment was based on just laws that protected the weakest: the unborn, children and women. Under this administration, the weakest - the children, the women and

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the unborn - are being exploited. A tragedy is unfolding while the world is silently watching. Jani Allan

Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - Former NHS Doc Exposes Six Impossible (British COVID) Things Before Breakfast Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - When A President Lies Ron: The US also harassed and attacked President Sukarno and his Indonesian government in the late 1950s and 1960s and eventually overthrew Sukarno and killed over a million Indonesians in a bloody coup in 1965-66. See eg: America's Coup Machine: Destroying Democracy Since 1953. Destroying-Democracy-Since-1953.shtml US ‘Actively Supported' Indonesia Mass Killings in 1960s, Documents Reveal Indonesia-Mass-Killings-in-1960s-Documents-Reveal.shtml Australia, UK, US all complicit in Indonesian 1965 massacres, international judges say. - complicit-in-Indonesian-1965-massacres-international-judges-say.shtml Indonesia - torn apart, but glorified by Washington. See: but-glorified-by-Washington.shtm Happy 115th Birthday To Sukarno, The Anti-Zionist Founder Of Indonesia. Birthday-To-Sukarno-The-Anti-Zionist-Founder-Of-Indonesia.shtml Indonesia, 1957-1958: War and pornography. See: War-and-pornography.shtml World Bank Called to Acknowledge Role in Mass Killing of One Million Indonesians. See: Acknowledge-Role-in-Mass-Killing-of-One-Million-Indonesians.shtml Indonesia 1958: Nixon, the CIA, and the Secret War. See: the-CIA-and-the-Secret-War.shtml Time to End Impunity for Suharto’'s Crimes in Indonesia and Timor- Leste. for-Suharto-s-Crimes-in-Indonesia-and-Timor-Leste.shtml Nightmare in Indonesia: The Roots of the Bush-Cheney's Oil Government esia_The_Roots_of_the_Bush-Chene_1772.shtml Obama's Family Role in Indonesian Genocide Protected by Muslim Radicals. Role-in-Indonesian-Genocide-Protected-by-Muslim-Radicals.shtml

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Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - 'The real plague' is the 'madness and disproportionality' of politicians: Alan Jones This 7' 15" video was published by Sky News Australia on Jun 29, 2021: Ron: WAKE UP Australia! You're being conned! Alan Jones: They never tell us whether anybody is actually SICK. We have today ONE serious serious case in Austrralia, ONE!... 99.7% of the cases today are mild. 99.7percent! The Singapore Trade Minister said at the weekend: "The bad news is that COVID-19 may never go away. The good news is, that it is possible to live normally with it in our midst." ... The Singaporean Health Minister and Singapore have an outstanding record in dealing with Corona virus. Singapore City has 20 to 30 cases every day. What do we have in NSW? 19 new cases. Singapore have announced by their senior ministers including their Health Minister, Ong Ye Kung, is saying that: "Covid will be treated like other endemic diseases such as flu. There will be no goals of zero transmission. Quanantine will be dumpted for travellers. And close contact cases will not have to isolate. And it will no longer announce daily case numbers." "Every year people catch the flu. The overwhelming majority recover without needing to be hospitalised with little or no medication. But a minority, especially the elderly and those with comorbidities, can get very ill and some succumb. We can't eradicate it, but we can turn the pandemic into something much less threatening like influenza or chicken pox and get on with our lives." Alan Jones: We currently have out of 25.3 million Australians, 312 infected patients. ONE is serious. Human/Animal Rights Jun 29, 2021 - Facebook Censors Those Who Spread ‘misinformation,’ But Looks The Other Way While Pimps Abuse Children Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex Is World's Greatest Threat Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - Two-Tier Lockdown: Tory Govt Exempts Elite ‘Senior Executives’ From COVID Quarantine The response to the Chinese coronavirus has consistently seen the ruling Conservative Party carve out exemptions for elites, for example, by allowing 1,812 private planes to land in the country during the first month of the national lockdown all without health screenings, while the rest of the population were effectively imprisoned in their homes...... The government has also come under criticism for allowing G7 leaders to skirt restrictions such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and quarantining during the globalist summit earlier this month in Cornwall, despite Prime Minister Boris Johnson extending the lockdown restrictions on the British public to supposedly slow the spread of the so-called Indian variant of the virus. Kurt Zindulka

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Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - Behavioural Warfare and Covid-19: Why are Psychologists Advising the Government?

Other Spiritual Pieces Jun 29, 2021 - "And ALL OF THEM are LIT, and Nose-Rooting Through the Tunnels of Appetite." I'm mentioning certain features here because states of mind like Confusion, Anger, Resentment, Fear, Panic, and Despair are growth industries of the moment. It is due to the direction, the shift in humanity, toward self-pleasure and the attendant fallout that causes the need for The Avatar to come here, AND the age, the infrastructure, and the archetypes are all in transition as well. There WILL BE powerful currents moving through humanity and the elements at this time. If you have ever been caught in a riptide or high wind, and I've had that misfortune several times, then you know how strong these currents can be. I am talking about Emotional Currents and Mental Currents. Les Visible Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - ‘People’s PM’ Bob Hawke’s Slavish Service to US Intelligence Shows Australia Has Never Been Independent, Let Alone a Democracy True US History Jun 29, 2021 - Hunter Biden Invested In A pandemic Firm Collaborating With Daszak's Eco Health And The Wuhan Lab Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - Former Intel Chief Calls For "Larger Discussion" On UFOs, Warns They Display Technology US Doesn't Have The Pentagon established the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force last August to explore observations of aircraft of unknown origin. The task force aimed to "detect, analyze and catalogue" such events, and to "gain insight" into the "nature and origins" of UFOs, the Pentagon said. Tom Ozimek Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - Scientific American Magazine Removes Article Detailing Israeli Crimes Against Palestinians Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - Falsehood Rules

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James H Kunstler: When I wrote The Long Emergency, I expected we would be living through a period of confusion and disorder, but I didn't know what it would feel like to go through it: a nauseating existential disorientation, like being seasick on dry land... like living in a [Ron: Jewish concocted and produced] German expressionist horror movie of the 1920s (and we know what that led to [Ron: Yes we do! International Jewry declared war on the German nation in March 1933 and their puppets, Churchill and Roosevelt, manipulated the British empire, the US and many other nations into declaring war on Germany in 1939. In the result they genocided some 20 million ethnic Germans thereafter. See my comments on that aspect in: The Washington Post: Treat America Like a Conquered Nation Washington-Post-Treat-America-Like-a-Conquered-Nation.shtml Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - 542% Increase In Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested At Border Health and Nutrition Jun 29, 2021 - 5 Signs That Show That The Depravity In America Has Reached An Entirely New Level

Health and Nutrition Jun 29, 2021 - Shocker: Lisbon Court Rules That Only 0.9% of 'verified cases' Attributed to COVID In Portugal Actually Died of it Now comes news, via America's Frontline Doctors, of an actual judicial decision on the true extent of COVID deaths in Portugal. Mordechai Sones writes: Following a citizen's petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data, reports According to the ruling, the number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as claimed by government ministries. All the "others" died for various reasons, although their PCR test was positive. "We live in a fraud of unprecedented dimensions," wrote Dias. Thomas Lifson Health and Nutrition Jun 29, 2021 - Former FOX Reporter Says Media, WHO Are Covering Up Reports About Effectiveness of Ivermectin, HCQ to Treat coronavirus True US History Jun 29, 2021 - The Covid McGuffin THE PANDEMIC'S DEBUT PERFORMANCE

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In fact, they even had a rehearsal, known as Event 201! And if that's not galling enough, they gave the invitees souvenir plush coronavirus toys complete with little rounded "spikes" as party favors! Seems they couldn't wait to celebrate their psy-op that would pave the way to their utopian One World Government by destroying First World economies. And who were the sponsors of Event 201, you ask? Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Do you find that reassuring? Me neither. In a very real sense, they were the scriptwriters as well as the filmmakers of the Plandemic, bringing to mind the movie Wag the Dog about a deliberately faked "war" presented to the public as real-which, in retrospect, now seems like mere child's play... By the way, not only can we not see the virus, but some scientists are now saying it doesn't exist! That's right. This would mean that what they called Covid-19 was really just the seasonal flu! In fact no one, including the CDC, has been able to isolate and purify Sars-Cov-2, the virus supposedly responsible for wrecking our lives-I mean for causing Covid-19... It seems curious that although no one has isolated the Sars-COV-2 virus, scientists have been able to make a Covid-19 vaccine for the virus. Or have they? ... We know pregnant women were encouraged to get the vaccine though there were no relevant safety studies done. The result? The miscarriage rate for vaccinated women has skyrocketed to 82%. So far, in just a few months, it's been estimated that 25,800 Americans have died from these vaccines, and 1,000,000 more have been disabled-many permanently-though you won't hear about this on the evening news. - Cherie Zaslawsky Political Information Jun 29, 2021 - In a Viral Video, An Englishman Teaches a School Board About Our Constitution True US History Jun 28, 2021 - The Solution to Metastatic DC Corruption is Extreme Federalism, and Biden’s Crew Knows Exactly That State legislatures and State Governors taking back absolute control from federal overreach is a bottom up way for extreme federalism to have massive impact. Local congressional district elections are then fought-out based on the priority of the local community. Again, more original intent that is adverse to the federal collective. Those behind the Biden administration, those who worked within the corrupt system to put him in office, can see how they might well lose control if this continues. They are acting exactly as we would expect given this growing reality. They need a control tool quickly. They need a COVID variant now more than ever.... See it for what it is. Sundance Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - DEMS MUST BE TERRIFIED! Maricopa County Auditor Bob Hughes Shares How They Are Using High Tech Forensic Digital Cameras and OCR to Validate Ballots Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - Over 500 Election Fraud Cases Are Pending In Texas Courts: Attorney General AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 43

Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - Why Giuliani's Suspension Should Worry All Lawyers True US History Jun 28, 2021 - Host Tucker Carlson Reveals NSA Conducting Surveillance on His Electronic Communication, Texts and Emails Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - It’s Time For The World to Dump the US’ Failed Afghan Experiment In The Trash Can Of History and Learn to Live With The Taliban

Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - A MUST SEE!!! Leaked Docs On Permanent Lockdown Of UK In 3 Weeks. Environment/Science Jun 28, 2021 - Vandana Shiva: A New Wave of Colonization, Carbon Slavery Health and Nutrition Jun 28, 2021 - COVID Killed 26 Indonesian Doctors in June — at Least 10 Had Taken China’s Sinovac Vaccine Human/Animal Rights Jun 28, 2021 - Russian Orthodox Church Does Not Support Abortion In Any Scenario, Even When Pregnancy Is Caused By Rape, reveals clergy spokesman Human/Animal Rights Jun 28, 2021 - Catholic League: Vatican’s Fears of LGBT Lobby Are ‘Real’

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Human/Animal Rights Jun 28, 2021 - Some Western Children Are Taught That Jesus Was Bisexual As Part of ‘aggressive LGBT propaganda,' Claims Russian Foreign Minister Health and Nutrition Jun 28, 2021 - Mother-of-Three, 47, Dies After AstraZeneca COVID Jab Caused Blood Clots on Her Brain Which Led to a Stroke Environment/Science Jun 28, 2021 - Chinese Ambassador to France Suggests WHO Prioritizes US' Fort Detrick Lab In next-stage Investigation

Health and Nutrition Jun 28, 2021 - ‘Delta or Indian Variant – real-world impact ? We Now Have The Data’ Human/Animal Rights Jun 28, 2021 - U.N. Rights Chief Calls for End to ‘Systemic Racism’ – Seeks Reparations, Funding of Human/Animal Rights Jun 28, 2021 - Guilty Or Innocent, Ghislaine Maxwell is A Morally Bankrupt Monster & She’s Exposed in All Her Horror in ‘Epstein’s Shadow’ doc Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - Biden's Lawless Bombing of Iraq and Syria Only Serves the Weapons Industry Funding Both Parties But what is beyond doubt is that this illegal, endless war in the Middle East does nothing but harm American citizens. As they are told that they cannot enjoy a sustainable let alone quality standard of living without working two or three dreary hourly-wage, benefits-free jobs for corporate giants, and while more Americans than ever continue to live at home and remain financially unable to start families, the U.S. continues to spend more on its military than the next thirteen countries combined. This has continued for close to two full decades now because the establishment wings of both parties support it. Neither of them believes in

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 45 the Constitution or the rule of law, nor do they care in the slightest about the interests of anyone other than the large corporate sectors that fund the establishment wings of both parties. The bombs that fell on Syria and Iraq last night were for them and them alone. Glenn Greenwald Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - The US Has Bombed Syria and Iraq Again, Apparently Just Because It Can, giving little or no thought to the consequences Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - Biden Admin Creates ‘Vaccine Hesitancy' Map To Help Activists Target Vaccine Skeptics Door To Door True US History Jun 28, 2021 - An Open Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis, The December 1st Collusion Between AG Bill Barr and the AP Provides a Stark Warning It would be entirely understandable for President Trump to be exceptionally angry in 2021 about how Machiavellian and manipulative the apparatus of the justice department, the FBI and the aggregate intelligence apparatus are. Is it any surprise why President Trump keeps asking "Where's Durham?".... while We The People simultaneously accept Durham was meant as nothing more than a duplicitous ploy to quell outrage while advancing a coordinated background effort on behalf of DC interests. However, I provide this cited reminder to the larger public, and specifically to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as a warning for how entrenched and controlling those systems of government have become. The people in/around the executive office will even work against the White House if that's what it takes to retain the system. Sundance Rosie Jun 28, 2021 - Seraphin Message 451: THE TAPESTRY OF TRANSFORMATION "Transformation, if it is to be lasting and “complete” (though nothing is ever complete due to constant evolving), must involve dedication on a continuous basis. It is not one large decision or one momentous change in behaviour: it is continually adhering to HIGH MORAL PRINCIPLES AND WORTHY GOALS. It is not a sudden “sweeping away” of all evil elements (though this is also in the pipeline, arranged by your galactic brethren who hold you dearly in their hearts) but through concentrated and co-operative effort to PREVENT ANY BUDS OF EVIL BLOOMING AGAIN" (More inside) Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - ‘Many US Commentators Have Never BEEN to Countries They Comment On, see Entire World from Washington Perspective’ – Stephen Kinzer

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Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - Politics, Profit, & Poppies: How The CIA Turned Afghanistan Into A Failed Narco-State Alan MacLeod: This is a far cry from the 1970s, when poppy production was minimal, and largely for domestic consumption. But this changed in 1979 when the CIA launched Operation Cyclone, the widespread funding of Afghan Mujahideen militias in an attempt to bleed dry the then-recent Soviet invasion. Over the next decade, the CIA worked closely with its Pakistani counterpart, the ISI, to funnel $2 billion worth of arms and assistance to these groups, including the now infamous Osama Bin Laden and other warlords known for such atrocities as throwing acid in the faces of unveiled women. Ron: Afghanistan was already a reasonably modern, progressive nation in 1979 before the US unleashed its covert terrorist, mujahideen puppet army on that hapless nation. In fact female education was widely available and females enjoyed lifestyles akin to those in Western nations. See eg: From Afghanistan to Syria: Women's Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA - Afghanistan-to-Syria-Women-s-Rights-War-Propaganda-and-the-CIA.shtml Contemporary Liberalism Is Mental - Is-Mental.shtml This Before And After Image Of Afghanistan Is Hard To Believe: Syria-Women-s-Rights-War-Propaganda-and-the-CIA.shtml Afghan men and their women of all religions have the US to thank for their misery due to barbaric terrorists and their ideologies foisted on Afghanistan by Zbigniew Brzezinski and the US. See: CIA Was Aiding Afghan Jihadists Before the Soviet Invasion - Jihadists-Before-the-Soviet-Invasion.shtml Unknown to the US and global public, the US prepared Afghanistan for a US organised, funded, trained and armed jihardi puppet military invasion and occupation by spreading the teachings of the Islamic jihad in textbooks Made in America, developed at the University of Nebraska: The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books. The US was responsible for a US puppet terrorist invasion cum insurgency attempt to overthrow the legitimately elected Afghan government in 1979; and for over 40 years of continuous war and destruction of Afghanistan ever since! The US organised and arming a Jihardi puppet terrorist army to invade Afghanistan in mid 1979, ie looong before the Soviet intervention and over 20 years before the public US military invasion and occupation in 2002. The LIE used by the US for THAT invasion was that the Soviet Union had invaded Afghanistan. in truth the Soviet Union DID NOT INVADE AFGHANISTAN! It was invited by the elected Afghan government to assist it to fight against the PRIOR covert US proxy terrorist invasion of Afghanistan authorised by US President Carter. In fact the US was responsible for the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan by US proxy terrorist armies in 1979, followed in 2002 by the US military, and for the bloodshed and destruction they caused. See eg: The CIA's Founding of Al

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Qaeda Documented - s-Founding-of-Al-Qaeda-Documented.shtml Zbigniew Brzezinsk has said publicly that on 3 July 1979 'president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.' He also said: 'on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.' In other words the Soviet Union did not INVADE Afghanistan but was invited by its government to assist it to fight against a PRIOR covert US proxy terrorist invasion of Afghanistan just as subsequently occurred in Somalia, Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, Sudan and other countries. Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - With Growing International pro-Palestinian Support, Illegal Settlers May Drag Israel Into A War It Cannot Handle

Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - Russia Says U.S. Acted in Cahoots With U.K. Over Black Sea Warship Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - China’s Rapid Military Evolution ‘Shocking,’ Says Senior NATO Officer Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - PROPAGANDA Begins for War With Russia in About 48 Hours Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - World War III Imminent ? Through their control of the mass media, the Jews' Anger Campaign against China (12) (see note 13) is unrelenting, and successful, for at least the past two years filling the pages and airwaves with false atrocity tales against China, barrages of these lies occurring almost daily. These follow the same template used by the same people against Germany to stoke hatred and prepare the populations for World Wars I and II. It is the same - and based on the same kinds of lies - as those used to prepare for the invasions of Iraq, Libya and Syria. These people are utilising every manner of provocation against China, including increasingly outrageous and reckless military challenges in the South China Sea and near Taiwan. The entire world is being taught to hate China, Russia, and Iran. Attempts to convert India to China's enemy are becoming increasingly desperate. Larry Romanoff Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - Are We Overdosing On "Hopium"?

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Kratos: The lesson here, as I see it, is this: do not give in to hope. Ron: THIS is fear porn. We are in the final stages of a spiritual war in which higher consciousness is winning. Those who evolve to a sufficient level of higher consciousness will suvive and thrive on this planet. Those who fail or refuse to increase their consciousness and hence fail to grow spiritually, will simply go to different places more suited to their vibratory level (consciousness) after the coming planetary magnetic reversal and STAND STILL. The choice to know and grow is available to all. But this is a free will planet and so each one must choose whether s/he wishes to love, share and care for others more than self, or to live in fear and stay in 3D. Kratos: As Eomer tells Aragorn in The Two Towers, "Look for your friends, but do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands." It is a dark place to be, for sure. But many of us as preppers have long predicted these days, and they are here. They are here. Act accordingly. Ron: Although the destructive and enslavement situations and outcomes presaged by this author reflect the intentions of the globalists and their demonic masters, they will not manifest. This author has completely misread the situation on this planet. S/he seems to believe that the demons who direct the erstwhile globalist controllers of the planet have won the spiritual battle for Gaia and her inhabitants. They haven't. Christ Michael Aton (CM) the creator of this planet and local universe, has tasked the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and their global Alliance supporters to eliminate the demons who have been requiring their globalist minions and Talmudic enablers to harvest negative human energies which the demons feed upon. Their elimination is ushering Gaia into CM's Millennial Reign, declared on 5 February 2019. That task is almost completed. When it is, Gaia and all of her human inhabitants who seek to serve others more than self will begin to bask in positive energies that will elevate our world onto a trajectory bound for 5D consciousness. When the Triodity's task is completed the US and all nations around the world will enter upon a totally new, warfare free environment in which international co-operation rather than violent opposition and competition will become the norm. After President Trump is affirmed as the legitimate president of a renewed Republic of the united states of America, public disclosures about the globalist cabal's demonic, grossly criminal and genocidal activities and its impoverishment and enslavement of the global population will occur. Similarly, disclosure of the suppressed inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife and many others will occur. As those inventions become available physical life on this planet will be transformed. To free USans and everyone from mental and physical enslavement by demons and their globalist bankster and corporatist minions it has been necessary to liquidate the US, UK and Vatican corporations and the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) corporations and all Rothschilds' controlled Central banks globally, and to replace them with global Quantum governance and a Quantum Financial System (QFS) under which the US and every nation will be responsible for issuing gold backed money and currency in their respective jurisdictions. This initiative is currently being u ndertaken by the Trump administration and its global Alliance allies under the guidance of the Office of the International Treasury Controller (ITC).

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The monetary system reset in the US will be part of a global QFS Reset. That Reset is being organised by the ITC who is agreeing with every nation in the world, the "Pegging" of their currency to a replacement for the Petro Dollar which will be the INTERNATIONAL GOLD BACKED GLOBEC CURRENCY to be used for international trading. That process will establish the value of each national currency vis-a-vis the Globec. That will initiate global monetary stability and result in the existing currency markets being abolished. That process has involved the collection of numerous details and data so that a real and practical value can be assessed for each currency and agreed with the applicable country. See: DAVID CRAYFORD ------IT'S TIME THAT SOMEONE STARTED KICKING ASS SO THAT CHANGES TO THE CURRENT FINANCIAL SYSTEM CAN BE MADE TO BENEFIT EVERYONE, NOT THE MINORITY - KICKING-ASS-SO-THAT-CHANGES-TO-THE-CURRENT-FINANCIAL-SYSTEM-CAN- BE-MADE-TO-BENEFIT-EVERYONE-NOT-THE-MINORITY The QFS is said to be already operating in tandem with the SWIFT system but may not be fully implemented until after the coming Magnetic Reversal STAND STILL, and stasis period. The QFS will transform social and economic life on this planet. Problems associated with commercial banking and usury as we know them will be gone. Sovereign national treasuries will issue all local money and currency on an interest free basis. Also, the QFS will include an unhackable gold backed crypto money system. The elimination of usury will eliminate income taxation and pave the way for global prosperity and abundance. Gross inequality and poverty will be elimnated very quickly. This planet and its remaining inhabitants will then be ensconced in CM's Millennial Reign. Accordingly it is time to stop focussing on negative past occurances and seeming globalist control of our world because those appearances are deceptive, a mirage, a pantomime being played out by those tasked by CM to take back Gaia, his beloved seed planet. Why? Because CM and Universe Management seek to WAKE UP as many ensouled human beings on this planet as possible before this epoch draws to a close. Those who do Wake Up will be saved the tedious repetition involved in continuing their journey on 3D planets while Gaia is fast tracked into 5D. Accordingly those who seek to hasten the coming new world of freedom and abundance should seek to increase their consciousness by turning their attention and positive focus to visualising the loving, peaceful, harmonious and abundant global environment they wish to see. Dwelling upon the misery and machinations of the past and fearing the future as this author is doing, will merely create low personal vibrations and the resultant lower energetic frequencies impede the manifestation of the higher vibrational world we all desire. Once enough people look forward to our impending, loving and abundant future, it will manifest. So be it

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Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - Delta or Indian Variant - Real World Impact? We Now have the DATA! This 3' 06" video was published by Ivor Cummins on Jun 22, 2021: Ron: This video shows that UK government data demonstrates there is NO real world impact by the latest (Indian/Delta) flu "variant(s)" being used by the UK government and the MSM to scare Britons into FEARING the COVID scamdemic. Human/Animal Rights Jun 28, 2021 - New Documentary Exposes Extremist’s Agenda Binary: Among those interviewed, one mother recounted how medical professionals frightened her into believing that her daughter would commit suicide if she was not placed on puberty blockers. Ron: Arguably anyone, whether s/he be a child or adult, who wants to "transition" from one sex to another; AND any health worker, teacher or other official or authority, who uses the argument that someone intends to commit suicide IF his/her wish to self mutiliate is not acceded too, is using improper EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL! Noone should accede to such blackmail. This is a free will world and threatening suicide IF one doesn't get what s/he want contravenes the free will of anyone subjected to such threats. Such threats are little different from pointing a gun at a parent or other individual and demanding they accede to one's demands. The fact that governments are legislating to assist children to self mutilate in this way AND even forcing parents and others to allow or assist such self injury, is criminal. Such legislation is a crime against humanity and those responsible must be brought to justice in due course. For further discussion of the issues see eg: Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry - Manufacturing-an-Industry.shtml Exploiting Transgenders Part 2: Medical Engineering Origins - Part-2-Medical-Engineering-Origins.shtml AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 51

Exploiting Transgenders Part 3: The Funders & Profiteers - 3-The-Funders-Profiteers.shtml Trans Attack On Children - Children.shtml Human/Animal Rights Jun 28, 2021 - Nazinsky: Stalin’s Cannibal Island This 20' 34" video was published by Geographics on Jan 10, 2020: See also: Ron: See also: The Jews Favorite Method of Killing. Method-of-Killing.shtml Solzhenitsyn's Damning History of the Jews in Russia - a Review - History-of-the-Jews-in-Russia---a-Review.shtml The Three Holodomor Genocides - Genocides.shtml Bolshevik Jews Plotted The Ukrainian Holocaust! See: The-Ukrainian-Holocaust.shtml Food Is Being Weaponized for Use Against 0ver 100 Million Americans Weaponized-for-Use-Against-0ver-100-Million-Americans.shtml Famine killed 7 million people in USA - people-in-USA.shtml Documentary: Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps. A Deliberate Policy of Extermination - Eisenhower-s-Rhine-Meadows-Death-Camps-A-Deliberate-Policy-of- Extermination.shtml Eisenhower's Death Camps The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two - The-Last-Dirty-Secret-of-World-War-Two.shtml GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany - Costly-Attempt-To-Exterminate-The-People-of-Germany.shtml Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - "America Is Not America Any Longer" - Giuliani Rages After Law License Suspension True US History Jun 28, 2021 - Sidney Powell On How Election Can Be Overturned: State Legislators “have the power to recall the electors for fraud” [VIDEO] Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 52

Jun 28, 2021 - Thousands Converge on London for Anti-Lockdown Rally. Ignored Again by MSM Political Information Jun 28, 2021 - Debunking the Scaremongering Over The ‘delta variant’ of COVID Thomas Lifson: By specifying that the object is "our attempt to eliminate COVID-19," Fauci is positing an impossible goal. We haven't eliminated the common cold or any of the flu variants that plague us every year. The best we can hope to do is minimize their impact as they burn themselves out. Fauci knows that the delta variant is less lethal than the first viruses, so he highlights its transmissibility as the "greatest threat" to an unrealistic goal of complete elimination. The headlines all feature the scary words "greatest threat" with no attention to the diminished lethality. In fact, greater transmissibility of a milder variant helps natural herd immunity, rendering potential hosts nearly immune to further viral infections. Ron: This video shows that UK government data demonstrates there is NO real world impact by the latest (Indian/Delta) flu "variant(s)" being used by the UK government and the MSM to scare Britons into FEARING the COVID scamdemic. See: Delta or Indian Variant - Real World Impact? We Now have the DATA! This 3' 06" video was published by Ivor Cummins on Jun 22, 2021: Health and Nutrition Jun 28, 2021 - More Lethal Fentanyl Found Along the Border This Year Than All Of 2020 Health and Nutrition Jun 27, 2021 - Make-A-Wish Foundation Backs Down And Decides NOT To Mandate Vaccines For Wish Kids Health and Nutrition Jun 27, 2021 - US Ruling Class to Peasants: No Babies For You! Via Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology: "The spike protein also has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer's biodistribution data show it accumulates in women's ovaries. Data suggests the miscarriage rate among women who get the COVID ‘vaccine' within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is 82%." Ben Bartee Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - HERE WE GO: WHO Recommends Masks and Social Distancing For Everyone – Vaccinated and Unvaccinated – Due to Covid “Delta” Variant Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - Two More Churches Razed in ‘suspicious’ Fires in Canada’s indigenous Areas; Trudeau Urges Pope to Apologize Health and Nutrition Jun 27, 2021 - FDA Adds Warning About Heart Inflammation To COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

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Environment/Science Jun 27, 2021 - A "leap" Toward Humanity's Destruction Like other Wellcome Leap programs, this technology is being developed with the intention of making it mainstream in medical science within the next five to ten years, meaning that this system - although framed as a way to monitor children's brain functioning to improve cognitive outcomes - is a recipe for total surveillance of babies and very young children as well as a means for altering their brain functioning as algorithms and Leap's programmers see fit...... It should be clear how sinister it is that an organization that brings together the worst "mad scientist" impulses of both the NGO and military- research worlds is openly planning to conduct such experiments on the brains of babies and toddlers, viewing them as datasets and their brains as something to be "pruned" by machine "intelligence." Allowing such a program to advance unimpeded without pushback from the public would mean permitting a dangerous agenda targeting society's youngest and most vulnerable members to potentially advance to a point where it is difficult to stop. Whitney Webb Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - Predictably Bondo Barr Covers The Rot Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - German Envoy On Ukraine Joining NATO: Everyone Afraid of Direct War With Russia Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - 'Leaked' Documents: British HMS Defender Stunt Near Crimea Was An Intentional Provocation Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - ‘007 agents aren’t what they used to be’: Russian Foreign Ministry Mocks ‘discovery’ of Docs Linked to UK Navy’s Crimea Incursion

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Human/Animal Rights Jun 27, 2021 - Partners in crime: Dog in China helps girl keep a lookout so she can watch TV This 4' 07" video was published by South China Morning Post on Sep 18, 2020: Kryon: "Whatever I was born with doesn't matter. I am in control of my biology, my immune system and my awareness. God created me as a divine creature able to claim the past energies within my Akash... and to totally shift my biology and my countenance and strengths into whatever I desire."... If the storehouse of who you used to be, which is contained in your own DNA, included a beautiful, young, healthy Human Being, it is, therefore, still there! Perhaps it included the ability to do certain kinds of things, being an artist, being the orator, the writer, the warrior, the self-confident one, the one who could stand tall and walk straight? Do you understand that this is all "you?" It's all still there. But, you say, "That's a nice thought, Kryon, but it's in the past. You can't touch the past." I say, how linear of you! For the new gifts are you, in a nonlinear attitude towards cellular structure. Delinearize your life and you will find that not only can you touch these things, you can mine them (extract them from the source). You can glean them easily! "I like the idea, Kryon. How do I do it? I'm ready." Repost.shtml Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - Does Welfare Breed Poverty ? The Dark Man: The evidence that welfare does indeed breed poverty is superficially compelling, but a closer look reveals this not to be so. [Ron: I disagree. ]. In the United States, this issue has been heavily racialised. Left wing extremists claim blacks are held down by the racist system, while many of those at the other end see them getting hand-outs and free stuff galore. Ron: It is true that since President Johnson initiated welfare for single mothers Democratic US governments have used welfare to obtain the Black vote. Arguably it is also true that welfare payments to single mothers have substantially destroyed family life in poor Black communities AND that the War on Drugs has substantially increased that destruction. To achieve and maintain sovereign human freedom we need to accept the responsibility entailed in individual and community self governance. In particular, each individual needs to learn to govern self and share with and care for everyone else. That requires that we deprogram ourselves from the current socially engineered, ego-centric, materialist, money meme based atheistic globalist ideology because it entails selling our ingenuity and labour (ie ourselves) for money and treating everyone else as equally expendable. It also requires that we eliminate dependence on Big Governments to provide for our safety, prosperity, welfare and sense of identity. We must stop allowing others to make our core life decisions without us having any meaningful input into the process. To be sovereign humans need to take personal responsibility for their lives and contribute to their own and the community's welfare as much as possible. The Dark Man: The solution to this is Universal Basic Income which destroys the poverty trap. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 55

Ron: I disagree. A Universal Basic Income (UBI) would NOT address underlying issues relating to growing unemployment and underemployment; and the destruction of individual morale, independance and the sense personal responsibility needed to maintain a healthy society. Rather, it would exacerbate the situation by giving everyone the same dole, ostensibly to destigmitise government assistance. That would mean that wealthy people including banksters and corporatists who hide their incomes behind charitable foundations, off-shore corporations, and 'not for profit' organisations etc, might get the same stipend as everyone else. The result would be that the prices and the cost of living would escalate in proportion to the quantum of the UBI and the wealth gap and inequality would continue to increase at the same time as the burgeoning unemployed and increasingly underpaid slave class expands. Moreover, criticism of the true exploiters, the banksters and their favoured corporatists, would decline as the UBI dependant masses would be increasingly encouraged to blame governments and not the covert bankster controllers of governments for growing mass poverty and misery. A UBI could be calibrated so that it is just enough for people to survive. That will institutionalise poverty and dependence. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machines take over more and more jobs the life prospects for the ever growing unemployed and underemployed masses* will shrink and they will become people without a purpose living from government pay cheque to pay cheque. They will become easy dehumanised cannon fodder for the New World Order and its pedophalic and cannabalistic controllers.* See eg: The Permanent Unemployment & Underemployment Economy - Unemployment-Underemployment-Economy.shtml The Dark Man: Clearly, no government can simply print money and hand it out because without a corresponding increase in goods and services, this will simply cause inflation. But putting money directly into the hands of ordinary people is far more effective that bailing out banks because it stimulates production, especially at the local level. Ordinary people spend a much larger percentage of their incomes on day to day needs while the wealthy tend to invest their capital. Ron: I disagree with the proposition that a UBI would be effective. Rather, a UBI would complete the enslavement of the global population. It would become welfare for capitalists as people could drive for Uber and work for Task Rabbit and Amazon et al for even lower wages than is currently the case because UBI would subsidise the meager pay cheques of everyone especially those in the sharing economy. The Tech companies and mega corporations generally could keep increasing their profits while facing even less pressure to pay living wages to what will increasingly become 'non employee' employees. Be aware that the corporatists can determine the nature, scope and eligibility for a UBI because they have controlled most governments and have literally owned the US Corporation since 1871. See eg: The USA Isn't a Country, It's a Corporation! - It-s-a-Corporation.shtml . Similarly private individuals have owned the Commonwealth of Australia corporation and the corporate governments of New Zealand, Canada and many other nations. Accordingly they are able to have governments reduce corporate taxation and to turn a blind eye to tax avoidance, use of transfer pricing and overseas tax havens etc. To add insult to injury corporations often demand government subsidies AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 56 for industries they operate within nations even if they pay little or no taxation. That is done on the somewhat specious grounds that they provide employment opportunities to citizens when in truth they are continuously replacing human workers with AI, robots and mechanisation. Citizens must regain control of their governments and require them to stop subsidising corporations. Communities must require their governments to ensure that all corporations operating within their jurisdiction pay adequate wages and proper taxes. Failure to do that will result in mass unrest, starvation and chaos. Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - Russia Launches Mediterranean Drills With Hypersonic-Armed Jets At Moment UK Carrier Is In Area True US History Jun 27, 2021 - Maoist Thought Reform Imposed On First January 6 Defendant To Be Sentenced Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - NATO Openly Identifies Russia as Target of Impending Black Sea War Games Health and Nutrition Jun 27, 2021 - 40-50 Percent of Israelis Infected With New Covid Strain Were Vaxxed, Official Says In a related development, newly appointed Israeli Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton, a former Likud lawmaker who quit the party and joined the centre-right New Hope party earlier this year, sparked a scandal this week after reportedly accusing health officials of exaggerating the danger of the new coronavirus wave. "There are officials in the healthcare system who are deliberately spreading hysteria and intimidation," she reportedly said in private comments leaked to Channel 12 on Thursday. The minister accused the Health Ministry of exaggerating the Delta variant's threat to pressure parents into vaccinating children before an old batch of vaccine doses expires in July. Ilya Tsukanov Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - The DOJ is About To Wage Lawfare Against The State of Georgia Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - One of America’s Largest Voting Machine Makers Admitted in 2018 To Dem Lawmaker REMOTE-ACCESS Software Was INSTALLED In System Used To Count Election Results Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - Death Jabs, Fear Masks, & Corona Communism: This is Exactly How Every Bad Idea From the Establishment Has Been Defeated in All Human History, Just Stay the Course Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - US Shuts Down Iranian Websites For Confronting Imperialism & Colonialism; Uncle Sam Wants You To Only Watch The News He Approves

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By taking down these news sites, the US sends a clear message that it will harass and silence publishers whose work runs counter to their official narrative. Even if you live outside the US, Uncle Sam insists you listen only to news he approves. State media is fine as long as it's American or British, but not Iranian. Richard Medhurst

Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - COVID: Martyrdom Meets Fascism Health and Nutrition Jun 27, 2021 - TRUMP Defends The Unvaccinated After Doctor Behind Covid Vaccines Said Refusing The Vaccine is a “Fundamental Right” Health and Nutrition Jun 27, 2021 - “More Than Half of Positive PCR Tests Unlikely To Have Been Infectious” – Journal of Infection Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - Investigative journalist Harry Vox filmed 2014 This 12'51" video was published by J 4x4 M on May 3, 2020: Ron: PLEASEEE watch this video Pilgrims. It was originally aired on October 21st, 2014 in New York City. Harry Vox: Even after the pandemic faded this more authoritarian control and oversigth of citizens and their activities stuck, and even intensified...At first the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval...Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty and their privacy to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Ron: YEAH RIGHTTT!!! Normies who give up their freedom for security end up with neither. Moreover, the politicians, and expert medical, scientific and MSM perps who organised and fomented the COVID scamdemic and associated vaccine crimes against humanity would have been eliminated in due course by their demonic masters if Trump and the Alliance had not emasculated COVID-19 and most vaccines and eliminated the demonic controllers. When will perpetrators and Normies wake up?! In the classic historical case of the International Jewry organised Bolshevik Jews' COUP in Imperial Russia in 1917, Lenin and Trotsky eliminated the ruling class and Stalin and Kaganovich eliminated the kulaks and anyone else having more than a few neurones to rub together. THEN Stalin eliminated his Jewish enforcers and executioners. WHY do today's cultural Marxist agitators and assorted mass murderers for the Talmudists think they could avoid a similar fate?

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Trump and the global Alliance have emasculated the COVID scamdemic and minimised the vaccine damage intended by the demonic cabal BUT the perpetrators of the COVID-19 hoax and attempted vaccination mass murders will still face prosecution for crimes against humanity. Political Information Jun 27, 2021 - Boris Johnson’s Food Policy Strategist Says Meat Tax ‘may be necessary’ But Warns of FOOD RIOTS If Brought In Too Soon – reports

Health and Nutrition Jun 27, 2021 - Johnson and Johnson Agrees to End Sale of Opioids in $230 Million Settlement Health and Nutrition Jun 27, 2021 - Big Food’s Massive Junk Food Ad Campaign Targets Kids, Especially Blacks, Hispanics Human/Animal Rights Jun 27, 2021 - UK’s Largest People Trafficking Gang Shipped in Hundreds of Polish Migrants, Enslaved Them A report released in July 2020 estimated that some 100,000 slaves are working across the UK, while a March 2021 report claimed there were 10,000 suspected cases in the preceding year alone. Victoria Friedman Human/Animal Rights Jun 27, 2021 - Texas Supreme Court Rules Facebook Can Be Held Liable for Child Sex Trafficking Recruitment Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - US Threatens Sanctions On Gulf Allies If They Normalize Relations With Assad Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Massive Narrative Fail By Progressives On Election Integrity Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Snowden Declares 'end of case Against Julian Assange' After Newspaper Reveals LIES by Key Witness In US Extradition Case

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At the beginning of June, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer called on the UK government to release the journalist, condemning his incarceration as "one of the biggest judicial scandals in history." R.T.

Environment/Science Jun 26, 2021 - Technocrats Want Us to Pray to Machines Call me old-fashioned, but these digital demi-gods strike me as utterly profane. They're the product of cynical minds with no sense of the sacred. And yet, their technophilic boosters pose a serious question: if divinity transcends the physical realm, what's the difference between the corporeal human form and an articulate machine ? As a free-thinking Christian, immersed in various spiritual communities, the answer seems obvious to me. These creatures have no soul. Look into their plastic eyes, and a yawning abyss gazes back. It's like a smartphone incarnate with nobody on the line. Or maybe it's just me. Joe Allen Health and Nutrition Jun 26, 2021 - Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be "Right-Wing"? Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Concerns About Foreign State Spying on UK's Gov't Emerge After Video of Matt Hancock Kissing Aide Environment/Science Jun 26, 2021 - "Enough Is Enough": Los Angeles Sheriff Urges State Of Emergency On Homelessness Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Orbán: “Christianity Has Created the Free Man, The Family and the Nation” Viktor Orbán: A cultural, nay, civilizational struggle is taking place right now. The struggle for the soul of Europe and for the future of Europe is here, it is happening. Theological debates are seldom held in the trenches, and we are all under attack. That is why prayers are needed for the complete unity of all Christians, including the Orthodox, because without cooperation we cannot sustain Christianity in Europe.... Srdja Trifkovic Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Do You Hear The Bells Ringing ? Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Precursor 1 – MAGAnomics vs JoeBamanomics Understanding Inflation Environment/Science Jun 26, 2021 - ‘What if we’re the ants in this network of civilisations?’ Asks UFO Expert, As He Says We Should Prepare for Imminent ET Contact

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Sightings and speculation around UFOs began in earnest in the 1940s. ICER believes this is not by chance, as it was when the first nuclear weapon was detonated. "What a coincidence," Hesletine opines. "I think when we detonated our first atomic weapons, it sent an invisible shockwave out into space that was picked up by other civilisations who then realised that this creature on this planet had reached a level of technical achievement that it was able to split the atom." Continuing the theory, Heseltine explains how the 509th Operations Group of the US Air Force was the first squadron to have nuclear weapons. It was their pilots who dropped the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs. And their HQ ? Walker Air Force Base, which is near Roswell in New Mexico and where the infamous alien crash incident allegedly occurred in 1947. Chris Sweeney

Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - 70% of US Voters Say Gov’t Covering Up 'UFO' Info as Pentagon Report Confirms Over 140 ‘Sightings’ Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - President Trump Opens a Verified Account on RUMBLE — Picks Up 45,000 New Followers in an Hour! Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - President Trump Speaks in Wellington, OH – 7 PM ET – LIVE- STREAM VIDEO — 181,000 Watching Before Trump Even Hits the Stage! Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Club Moves, Pence and Haley Coordinating With Establishment GOP Here's the rub. The RNC club has a visible set of priorities and an invisible set of standards that apply only to the top donor class, the BlackRock Republicans within the party, and they work intentionally and willfully to keep those standards and priorities clouded from the electoral base. The RNC actively works against our interests, and yet so many within the MAGA community cannot see it, even though they feel it... they know it to be true, but they cannot accept it. Sundance Environment/Science Jun 26, 2021 - Small Mod Nuke Reactors Fuel New Waste Debate Ron: This article appears to be fear porn. Although nuclear power plants may continue to be used, Tesla tower type power generation will rapidly provide cheap, pollution-free energy once President Trump is publicly returned to office. Once the Republic of the united states is restored many power creation and other advanced technologies suppressed for up to a century by the demonic globalist controllers will rapidly become

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 61 available for use by the global population. As regards nuclear waste from power plants, I note that Russia already builds nuclear power plants that produce no nuclear waste. See eg: No nuclear waste: Fuel of future produced at Russia's high-tech underground plant. See: Fuel-of-future-produced-at-Russia-s-high-tech-underground-plant.shtml Russia develops hybrid fusion-fission reactor, offers China role. See: fusion-fission-reactor-offers-China-role.shtml If necessary Thorium reactors might also be developed to provide power. Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - HUGE anti-lockdown Protest Hits London, As City Braces For Weekend of Demonstrations (VIDEO)

Human/Animal Rights Jun 26, 2021 - MARK ATTWOOD SHOW WITH JEANETTE ARCHER ON SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE AND THE SRA RALLY LONDON 26/6/21 This 47' 45" video was published by EnzymeDom on June 19th, 2021: See also: TRUTH BEHIND THE BIG DAY FOR THE DARK CULT - JUNE 21ST & THEIR MAIN CENTERS WORLDWIDE! archer-sra Rosie Jun 26, 2021 - THE COMPLETE SERAPHIN MESSAGES, Volume 5 THE COMPLETE SERAPHIN MESSAGES: Volume 5 is now available (E-book to follow) In an extensive question and answer session, the angel Seraphin provides answers to over 90 questions posed by seekers of truth. This fifth volume of The Complete Seraphin Messages also includes Seraphin Messages 431 - 450, the most recent to date. These assist us in desperate times, urging our creation of a better world which will inevitably result from our own spiritual progress. Earth is an unprecedented emergency operation - an experimentation ground for the rehabilitation of humans. We are witnessing a struggle against a worldwide orchestration of minds, a battle between “dark” and “light” leading to ultimate separation. The angel Seraphin examines the causes of the problems on our world, stipulating that the “icy blast of truth” will shatter our previous beliefs. Earth will

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 62 become a place of peace and beauty if we recognise our Divine origin, live our personal missions and surrender to Divine Law. (More inside)

Other Spiritual Pieces Jun 26, 2021 - "The POWER Within is ALWAYS Greater than the Power Without, IF... One Knows This." We have NOTHING to fear from The World unless we are inattentive. The POWER within is ALWAYS greater than the power without IF one Knows THIS. "If God is for me, who can be against me?" "Greater is that which is within you than that which is in The World." We get hamstrung by fear of The Unknown, when we, ourselves, in fact, are that undiscovered country. All that is said here are only words unless the meaning accompanies them, and it is our Understanding that accounts for that. Les Visible Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - QAnon Conspiracy Theories of Trump Becoming President in August Really Worry DHS - Report Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - That Sinking Feeling: Boris Johnson’s Decision to Send A Warship to Contested Crimea Shows Lonely Brexit Britain is Lost At Sea

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Human/Animal Rights Jun 26, 2021 - US Marshals in Georgia Rescue 16 Children Believed to Be Victims of Sex Trafficking Since 2015, operations conducted by federal authorities with the assistance of the USMS have resulted in the recovery of more than 1,800 missing children, the agency said. Alexa Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - A Winter Lockdown For Flu? That’s Incredible Mission Creep from Boris Johnson & Matt Hancock "We do expect this winter to be challenging," said Health Secretary Matt Hancock. But he wasn't referring to yet another 'wave' of Covid. "Almost nobody has had flu now for 18 months. The flu vaccination programme this autumn will be even more important." He went on, "I hope with a booster shot we get that protection against Covid very, very high, and we get the flu jab to a very, very wide proportion of people. The combination of all those things I hope will give us protection, but that is, that's a big task for the autumn." Translation: ‘We're in for a bad flu winter and we can't rule out locking you plebs down again.' ...... Unless there is increased opposition from within the political system - and greater non-compliance from the public and businesses - you really don't have to be Nostradamus to predict how the next few months are likely to pan out. Neil Clark Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Russia Wants to be Relevant, Feels Squeezed by China and Other Popular Delusions of a Dying Technocracy Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Money From Home: Richest US Families Keep Wealth To Themselves Instead of Generating More, study reveals Russia Today: A majority of the richest American families have opted to hold their assets rather than create new wealth, according to a survey from the Institute for Policy Studies, which tried to discern how rich families keep their riches. Titled "Silver Spoon Oligarchs," the new study showed how the top 0.01% richest Americans retained their wealth in spite of what are supposed to be high taxes levied on the ultra-wealthy. Spoiler alert: they aren't producing useful goods, running factories, creating jobs, or any of that nonsense - they're hoarding what they have and cashing in on the capital gains from their parents' or other ancestral estates. Thanks to the US tax structure, which heavily favors the beneficiaries of inherited wealth, the scions of rich families have had no trouble cultivating their hoards in full view of the tax man. The tax structure of the US has mutated over the last three decades to favor the rich even more than it did previously, putting the lie to the myth of a "trickle down" economy. Money in the US doesn't just trickle up - it gushes upward with the force of a geyser. "America's dynastic families, both old and new, are deploying a range of wealth preservation strategies to further concentrate wealth and power - power that is deployed to influence democratic institutions, depress civic imagination, and rig the rules to further entrench inequality," Ron: The primary wealth preservation method used by the uber wealthy are their tax free foundations pioneered by John D Rockefeller. The methods of the less wealthy are many and varied. See eg: How Interlinked Corporations Rule The AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 64

World Corporations-Rule-The-World.shtml The Hidden-in-Plain-Sight Mechanism of the Super-Wealthy: Money-Laundering 2.0. See: Sight-Mechanism-of-the-Super-Wealthy-Money-Laundering-2-0.shtml Leaked IRS Data Show America's Super-Rich Pay "True Tax" Of 3.4% - America-s-Super-Rich-Pay-True-Tax-Of-3-4.shtml Corporate Transnational Warlord Pirates Are On the Run- Vanguard - Warlord-Pirates-Are-On-the-Run--Vanguard.shtml The corporate stranglehold on food and agriculture. - stranglehold-on-food-and-agriculture.shtml How Billionaires Become Billionaires - - Billionaires.shtml Which Companies Have The Most Tax Havens? - The-Most-Tax-Havens.shtml How Did CEO Pay Get to 500 Times the Wages of Ordinary Workers? - to-500-Times-the-Wages-of-Ordinary-Workers.shtml Russia Today:... the report declared, warning that "this tax avoidance means less support for the infrastructure we all rely on to preserve our health, safety, and quality of life." Ron: The debate about tax avoidance is a deliberate 'smoke and mirrors' diversion of attention away from the core problem. US money did not lose value causing price inflation (ie devaluation of the value of money) until the banksters foisted the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) upon the US at Christmass time in 1913. That resulted in the creation of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when Congress legislated to levy Federal income taxation to pay interest charged by the Fed for currency that Congress started to borrow from the Fed instead of authorising the US Treasury to issue money as required by the US Constitution. The underlying cause of inflation, ie the reduction in the "value" of money or currency, is usury combined with the fractional reserve banking system. Inflation results from the imposition of interest charges (usury) on the provision of fiat debt tokens fraudulently issued electronically out of thin air and called "money"; AND the fact that about 97% of all "money" in circulation is issued by private banks using the fractional reserve loan process under which they purport to loan at least nine times more currency than they hold. Moreover, the banks issue loan amounts subject to interest payments but NEVER create or issue any currency to pay the interest charged on the currency loaned. By far the biggest "TAX" on everyone except the super rich has been usury, the interest rates charged by the private banksters (ie, the people who form the core of globalist super rich families). Until the current fiat currency (debt token) monetary system started to collapse in recent years causing interest rates to head towards zero, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 65 usury probably extracted about 40% of all the productivity of most societies on this planet. Why? Because interest was extracted across all societal activities, enabling interest to be charged multiple times throughout the economic activity spectrum. On this issue Anthony Migchels says: 'As we know, today 40% of prices is Usury passed on by producers.' - A Crucial Lesson Of History: Why Do We Have Usury? - IMO Migchels rightly states that: Usury prohibition is not enough: interest-free credit is needed, or there will be bottlenecks in economic development. It will help to have the Government print debt free money, but there will still be a need for credit in the economy, and debt cannot be entirely avoided. Especially in industry and commerce. And there is no need to entirely avoid it, because we can simply create all the credit we need in the same way banks do today, but without the Usury. The solution to interest on loans of money is not to end credit, but to have no interest on loans of money. However, assuming that, apart from directly financing infrastructure and public services, governments also issue interest free loans for industrial and commercial purposes, it is essential that the activities of enterprises receiving such credit MUST operate in the public interest and make all excess enterprise profits available for community purposes. In addition to wealth extracted from the community by usury, governments like the US corporation, the UK corporation, the Commonwealth of Australia corporation and many others, are covertly owned and controlled by the banksters and those governments levy personal income taxes and other taxes, licence fees and charges to pay interest on bank loans. Those government levies extract another 40% of global productivity. Sooo, can you guess why this planet is a dystopia ravaged by poverty with most people competing in a race to the bottom and destitution, such that they have become open to the Universal Basic Income (UBI) scam? For a discussion of UBI see eg: The root of the problem is the money meme itself. The money meme was foisted on humanity many millennia ago by demonic forces as a means for controlling and enslaving humans on this planet. Humans here have been socially engineered to believe that money, or fiat debt tokens called currency which banksters pretend is money, is essential for human life and societal existance. It isn't. All of the needs of human societies are actually met by the exercise of human ingenuity and labour using the physical, God given resources made freely available by this planet. The money meme is a fiction that only exists due to its acceptance by the population. A spiritually mature human population does not need this mechanism which is, at best, cumbersome and creates much unnecessay work in accountancy and other activities, even if usury is not involved. A major downside of the money meme is that its use creates a tendency for materialist thinking and it encourages people to hoard money in order to erroneously feel secure and/or to give them power over other people. Real security is created by spiritual individual and community living in which everyone seeks to serve others more than self as is typical in loving families, extended families, clans and tribes. Once Presidents, Trump, Putin and Xi and their global Alliance supporters eliminate the demonically controlled banksters and Deep State elements in this world who have AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 66 controlled its monetary and banking systems, we can eliminate usury and begin to wean the population off thinking they need money to live.

Whatever is used for "money" is merely a lubricant; a means to facilitate the production and exchange of goods and services. IF governments issue interest free "money" to buy goods and services to build a road or a hospital or to pay health care workers etc, some tangible good or usful service is produced. Those being paid money for producing those tangible goods and services can then exchange their money tokens for goods and services produced by others. In a healthy economy where the government issues enough interest free money to ensure full employment and money dispersal, everyone can acquire and use that money to obtain other goods and services. The net result is a rapid transfer of money as people use it. IF money is issued interest free there is no reason to hoard it and that increases the rate (VELOCITY) at which it circulates which begets further activity and so on. Our current dysfunctional global economy is due to the fact that private banksters have been granted an EXCLUSIVE, free, uncontrolled and unaudited licence to create and distribute currency, ie fiat debt tokens, fraudulently called money. Moreover, that exclusive monopoly on so-called money creation, supply and distribution, is guaranteed by governments using FORCE AND VIOLENCE to require everyone to use that privately created counterfeit "money". To top it off, for over a century the banksters have routinely and grossly abused their monopoly for personal profit. The current fiat debt token currency system is dysfunctional and certain to collapse. WHY? Because the banksters charge interest (usury) on the currency they create out of thin air to fraudulently "lend" to everyone while at the same time they do not create any currency (money) to pay that interest. Accordingly, there is always a shortage of 'money' in the system which can only be remedied by creating more loans which, in turn, require interest payments but the currency for those interest payments is NEVER issued. Eventually the system MUST collapse because the population reaches a point where it cannot afford to pay interest on any more loans. Such systems usually collapse in 45-50 years. The current Petro-dollar system is 50 years old. To solve this planet's current problems arising from monetary policies and usurious banking; money creation must be removed from control by private banksters and exercised by public community organisations that are properly constituted, supervised and audited. Moreover, money must be created and distributed interest (usury) free so that there is no incentive to hoard it or to use it to manipulate and control other people. Once global governments accept sole responsibility for the honest creation and issuance, for value, of money to be used as legal tender in the acquisition of goods and services within their jurisdictions, while ceasing to give free (or any) licences to private banksters to create and issue currency, the whole argument about needing to tax incomes and/or to borrow from the private sector, becomes redundant. Economic welfare and community productivity is only forgone when private banksters charge interest (usury) for issuing currency. That injury to community welfare and productivity is increased when banksters curtail the amount of currency in circulation which they do periodically by restricting the issuance of loans or by hiking interest rates so that fewer borrowers are able to afford to pay the interest demanded. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 67

Banksters do this this regularly in order to create recessions or depressions which enable them to foreclose on loans and they, or their corporate brethren, obtain land, houses and property for pennies on the dollar. The banksters conceal this truth by getting governments, the MSM and the commercial and "economics" commentariat to pretend that the resultant BOOM/BUST cycle is a necessary part of the business cycle and hence a natural adjuct to commercial life. It isn't! IF governments (however described) issue interest free asset backed money to pay for goods and services, and credit for necessary private enterprises, they can issue sufficient money to ensure such FULL EMPLOYMENT as the communuty requires thus avoiding the need for commercial banking, Big Government, Welfare State mechanisms, and UBI etc. This positive scenario is about to occur. On 5 February 2019 Christ Michael Aton (CM), the creator of this planet and local universe, decreed the commencement of his Millennial Reign here. CM was a dual incarnation with Esu Immanuel Kumara, one of his sons, when they overshadowing Christ Jesus 2000 years ago. He has returned to Gaia to reclaim her from the demonic Luciferians banksters who, as servants of the demons, have controlled and enslaved this planet and its inhabitants for centuries. CM has tasked the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and their Alliance supporters around the world to eliminate the globalist bankster cabal which will effectively eliminate the demons who have been directing them to harvest negative human energies which the demons feed upon. Their elimination will usher Gaia into CM's Millennial Reign along with all of her human inhabitants who seek to serve others more than self. Accordingly, the US and all nations around the world will shortly be entering into a totally new, warfare free environment in which international co-operation rather than violent opposition, competition and alienation will become the norm. After President Trump is affirmed as the legitimate president of a new or reactivated Republic of the united states of America, public disclosures about the globalist cabal's demonic and grossly criminal and murderous activities and its impoverishment and enslavement of the global population, including suppression of the inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla and others, will occur. To free USans and everyone from enslavement by demons and their globalist bankster minions it has been necessary to eliminate the US and UK corporations, the Vatican and the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) corporations and all Rothschilds' controlled Central banks globally and to replace them with a global Quantum Financial System (QFS) under which the US and every nation will be responsible for issuing gold backed money and currency in their respective jurisdictions. This initiative has been undertaken by the Trump administration and its global Alliance allies under the guidance of the Office of the International Treasury Controller. The monetary system reset in the US will be part of a global QFS Reset. That Reset is being organised by the International Treasury Controller who has begun the process of agreeing, with all countries in the world, the "Pegging" of their currency to a replacement for the Petro Dollar which will be the INTERNATIONAL GOLD BACKED GLOBEC CURRENCY which will be used for international trading. That process will establish the value of each national currency vis-a-vis the Globec which will initiate global monetary stability and result in the the currency markets which being abolished. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 68

That process has involved the collection of numerous details and data so that a real and practical value can be assessed for each currency and agreed with the applicable country. See: DAVID CRAYFORD ------IT'S TIME THAT SOMEONE STARTED KICKING ASS SO THAT CHANGES TO THE CURRENT FINANCIAL SYSTEM CAN BE MADE TO BENEFIT EVERYONE, NOT THE MINORITY - KICKING-ASS-SO-THAT-CHANGES-TO-THE-CURRENT-FINANCIAL-SYSTEM-CAN- BE-MADE-TO-BENEFIT-EVERYONE-NOT-THE-MINORITY The QFS Reset may not be completed until after the coming Magnetic Reversal STAND STILL, and stasis period. It will transform social and economic life on this planet. Problems associated with commercial banking and usury as we know them will be gone. Sovereign National Treasuries will issue all local money and currency on a usury free basis. Also, the QFS will include an unhackable gold and asset backed crypto money system. The elimination of usury will eliminate income taxation and pave the way for global prosperity and abundance. Gross inequality and poverty will be elimnated very quickly. This planet and its remaining inhabitants will then be ensconced in CM's Millennial Reign. Accordingly those who seek to hasten the coming new world of freedom and abundance should now turn their attention and positive focus to visualising the loving, peaceful, harmonious and abundant global environment they wish to see. Dwelling upon the misery and machinations of the past and fearing the future as this author is doing, will merely create low personal vibrations and the resultant lower energetic frequencies impede the manifestation of the higher vibrational world we all desire. Once enough people look forward to our impending loving and abundant future, it will manifest. The reason that transition to Quantum global governance and the QFS is taking so long to manifest is that humans need to develop genuine spiritual values and attitudes. Spiritual values are needed to eliminate the tendencies that create materialism and banksterism. To enable the Millennial Reign to take hold a critical mass of humans needs to develop higher consciousness, ie a genuinely spiritual, fear-free state of mind, to enable the Millennial Reign to take hold. Higher consciousness will ensure that we never allow banksterism and materialism to rule our world again. Eventually it will also enable us to let go of the money meme and live without money.

The 27 "dynastic families" in question have seen their wealth mushroom at ten times the rate of regular families over the past 37 years, exploding a whopping 1,007% from $80.2 billion to $903.2 billion, adjusted for inflation. Meanwhile, the taxes paid by the wealthiest 0.01% of American billionaires dropped - factoring in inflation - a whopping 79% as a percentage of those oligarchs' wealth. R.T.

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Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Narrative Soup Translations - Others Jun 26, 2021 - Italian_Seraphin Messaggio 451: L’Arazzo della Trasformazione Seraphin tramite Rosie Human/Animal Rights Jun 26, 2021 - George Floyd’s Brother Responds After Chauvin Sentencing, ‘Not Just Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter’ Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Freedom vs. The Machine; Geneticists And Their Weapons Human/Animal Rights Jun 26, 2021 - EU Targets "Religious Extremists" The EU voted Thursday to make child murder a so-called human right, affirming the EPF's statement that "everyone, everywhere has the human right to sexual and reproductive self-determination." But the "religious extremists" and "enemies of free choice" - otherwise known as staunch pro-lifers - blacklisted by globalist leaders in the EPF will presumably continue to fight for the dignity of life, marriage, and family. The EPF's quasi investigation "Tip of the Iceberg" seemingly reveals one fact; the globalists pushing anti-life policies while slandering pro-lifers are the real extremists. Aidan O'Connor

Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Biden Taps Activist Professor To Be US Envoy for LGBT ‘rights’ Worldwide He also advocates passage of the so-called "Equality" Act, which would force a broad range of public and private entities to accommodate pro-LGBT dogma at the expense of their own constitutional rights, such as forcing religious adoption agencies to place children in same-sex homes; photographers, florists, and bakers to participate in same- sex "weddings"; employers and businesses to accommodate cross-dressing and sex- change treatments regardless of their own values or policies; and women and girls to share sleeping quarters, showers, changing areas, and bathrooms with gender-confused males. Most recently, the White House chose Wednesday's 49th anniversary of the passage of Title IX, the longstanding set of rules against sex discrimination in public education, as the occasion to declare that the federal governent intends to force schools to privilege boys who claim to be girls over actual females.- Calvin Freiburger Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - VIDEO Released by Bobby Powell of Jan. 6 Protests Shows Violent Hoodlums in Black Smashing Windows, Damaging US Capitol — But FBI Refuses to Look for Them Despite Iron-clad Evidence! Weird, Huh? Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - How An Obscure App Turned Millions Into Unwitting Spies For The US Military Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Long-awaited UFO Report Mentions No Aliens, But Asks For More Money For US Spies

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Health and Nutrition Jun 26, 2021 - Surgeon Fired From College Of Medicine For Voicing Concerns About COVID Shots For Kids Health and Nutrition Jun 26, 2021 - CDC, FDA Prepare Mass Distribution of a Merck/Sanofi Six-in-One Vaccine for Kids, Turning Blind Eye to Safety Signals Political Information Jun 26, 2021 - Emails Show Biden Campaign Pressured Facebook To Censor Trump Before The Election True US History Jun 26, 2021 - BREAKING UPDATE: HISTORY MADE AS FINAL ARIZONA BALLOT INSPECTIONS COMPLETED – Huge Preliminary Report Expected Monday When True Number of Ballot Totals Announced On Monday, we will know the true number of ballots that were cast in Maricopa County. If it is drastically different than the number of certified ballots, as expected with the discrepancies found, there will be severe consequences for Doug Ducey and Katie Hobbs. Jordan Conradson True US History Jun 26, 2021 - What is Behind Gen. Mark Milley's Righteous Race Sermon? Look to the New Domestic War on Terror. Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Kremlin "Regrets" EU Rejection Of Putin Summit, Blasts Poland & Baltics' "Groundless" Fearmongering Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Biden Administration Walks Back US Recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli Territory Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - The Syrian War Is Over: now what? Environment/Science Jun 25, 2021 - BUILDING TEN STOREYS IN ONE DAY, BROAD Living Building This 4' 51" video was published by Broad Group on Jun 13, 2021: Ron: It's time to stop 'bashing' China Pilgrims. Under Xi Jinping China has eliminated the demonic CCP and is transitioning into a godly Republican form of governance.

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Proof of that is the fact that China is rapidly moving its 1.4 billion citizens OUT of poverty and into a humane and abundant human enhancing societal environment in which scarcity, poverty and want foisted upon our world by demon Talmudists will cease. Already it should be becoming obvious that tired Talmudic rhetoric about lack of resources and ever growing unemployment causing inadequate wages and lifestyles are part of the mind control mechanism used to impoverish and enslave humanity here. The truth is that, even before the impending release of the suppressed advanced technologies discovered by Nikola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife and many others, humanity has long since solved the production problems needed for a prosperous, abundant lifestyle for everyone on this planet. The real problem is not scarcity of labour and resources but the tyrannical demonic control mechanisms imposed upon our world by its covert globalist controllers. All that is needed for our world to be transformed is for a critical mass of the global population to develop a sufficiently higher level of consciousness to realise the truth about human nature and capabilities. THEN, fears about inadequacy and scarcity that breed alienation and competition will dissapate as humans rise above ego-centricity and become unified so that everyone begins to care for others more than self. For instance, once we realise that our world provides more than enough for everyone to live well and without fear, and that Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics and technology are rapidly making human labour largely redundant, we can start focussing on how best to share the resultant productivity so that we can develop and use human creativity and talent in positive ways instead of fearing unemployment, competing with each other and fighting wars in a race to the bottom economically and socially as our erstwhile globalist manipulators have brain washed us to believe and behave for millennia. Human/Animal Rights Jun 25, 2021 - The Silence on Canada’s Indigenous Deaths Shame Shows There Are Double Standards on Global Human Rights

I have previously written about this human rights stand-off at the United Nations and Beijing's reaction to it. But the irony is that if these graves had been found in China, with such explicit evidence, it would have been universally decried by all the usual countries as a ‘crime against humanity' or even ‘genocide'. Tom Fowdy

Health and Nutrition Jun 25, 2021 - Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 7,000 in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines Health and Nutrition Jun 25, 2021 - Scientists Worry Next Flu Season Will Be a Disaster

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Health and Nutrition Jun 25, 2021 - UK: Flu and Pneumonia Deaths Now Over Ten Times Higher Than Coronavirus Deaths Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - The Covid Lockdowns Showed Us How Dangerous Social Engineers Have Become

Health and Nutrition Jun 25, 2021 - Thousands of Flights Cancelled as Vaccinated Pilots Fall Ill or Die Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - UK MP Says "Important People" Shouldn't Need To Quarantine Under COVID Rules Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Matt Hancock Caught Snogging Mistress In Breach of His Own Coronavirus Rules Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - From The Pandemic to Aliens, The Evolutionary Narrative Towards Global Order

One is hard-pressed to understand how the Israeli government can trust aliens even as it wars with its immediate neighbours. Perhaps Eshed had anticipated this question with the following rationale: "They want to make us sane and understanding first. They waited until today for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will understand what space and spaceships are." If Eshed had been discerning the signs, it would have been clear that

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"sanity" and the "US government" no longer gelled in the same sentence. Dr. Matthew Maarvak

Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - DOJ Announces a Lawsuit Against The State of Georgia For Demanding Voting Integrity in Elections – Feds Fearful States Will Deconstruct Election Fraud Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - John McAfee's Instagram Account Cryptically Posts Letter ‘Q' Within Minutes Of His Death Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Do Not Miss This – President Donald Trump Full “Wake Up America” Interview with Ric Grenell on Newsmax Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - US Fake-News Media Ranks DEAD LAST in 46 Country Survey on Media Trust — Meanwhile Trust in TGP Soars

Other Spiritual Pieces Jun 25, 2021 - "A Song in Your Heart and A Good Attitude, Don't leave Home Without Them." When you can see God in everything all around you, you are right there on Serendipity Road. When you can speak to God, no matter who it may appear that you are speaking to, you WILL BE speaking to God. These are all basic elements of Light Magic. You have NO BETTER FRIEND than God. He is with you in every moment through every defeat and triumph. He glistens in every tear and he shines in every smile. This is the place we have to get to and our very souls tell us that we shall. Giving up is NOT in the arena. Doubt has left the building. Les Visible Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - NATO Is Completely Refusing All Military Cooperation With Russia, Despite Moscow’s Offer Of Dialogue, Says Foreign Minister Lavrov AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 74

"NATO does not want to communicate at all through the military," the minister said. "Our constructive, concrete proposals aimed at reducing military danger along the line of contact between Russia and NATO have been on the table for almost two years, but there has been no answer." Jonny Tickle

Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Facebook's New Announcement on Satire Doesn't Bode Well for the Babylon Bee... Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - "It won't be pleasant" - Mark Carney Unveils Dystopian New World to Combat Climate 'crisis' Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Two Canadian Catholic Churches Reduced to Ashes in What Police Say Were ‘suspicious’ Fires Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Washington Getting Israel to Condemn China over Xinjiang is An Astonishing Act of Hypocrisy And Projection Coming just weeks after the sustained bombing of Gaza and condemnation around the world, Israel's incorporation into such a "coalition" is an astonishing act of hypocrisy, projection and double standards. It makes a mockery out of international human rights, not least regarding Muslims, and is a huge strategic blunder on Washington's part which will backfire in the Islamic world, and even amongst some in the West. As this saga takes place in Geneva, the biggest irony was that not a single Muslim country, be it in the Middle East, Africa or Southeast Asia, joined the statement regarding Xinjiang. In fact, most major Islamic nations actually joined a counter-coalition of at least 65 countries supporting China's position. Tom Fowdy Human/Animal Rights Jun 25, 2021 - The Systemic Con Behind Wokeism Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - They Are Gaslighting Us! Nightmarish Inflation Is Already Here But The Fed Is Denying That It Even Exists Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Judge Delivers Ruling in Fulton County, Georgia, Ballot Audit Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - The "Conspiracy Theory" Charade However, the CIA did conceal a wide range of assassinations and foreign coups it conducted until congressional investigations in the mid-1970s blew the whistle. The New York Times,

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 75 which exposed the CIA memo in 1977, noted that the CIA "mustered its propaganda machinery to support an issue of far more concern to Americans, and to the C.I.A. itself, than to citizens of other countries." According to historian Lance deHaven-Smith, author of Conspiracy Theory in America, "The CIA's campaign to popularize the term ‘conspiracy theory' and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited...with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time." (In 2014, the CIA released a heavily-redacted report admitting that it had been "complicit" in a JFK "cover-up" by withholding "incendiary" information from the Warren Commission.) James Bovard Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - John McAfee’s Lawyer Says anti-virus Tycoon Showed No Indication He Would Take His Own Life

Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Iran’s Ahmadinejad Reveals Why Iran Doesn’t Need Nukes, Says World Should Know Truth About 9/11 Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Biden Admin ‘celebrates’ Title IX by Turning Sex Discrimination Law On Its Head For Trans Dogma Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - Turkish Forces Escalate Their Bombing. Displacement and Clashes in “Manbij”, Northeast of Aleppo. Political Information Jun 25, 2021 - The Uyghur Tribunal: Inciting Hatred Against China So there we have it, another propaganda exercise masquerading as a search for justice and accountability, But it is about time these propagandists be held accountable for their actions, for manufacturing hatred and hostility towards a nation that has brought its people out of the poverty imposed on them by the west during the colonial period and which the west wants to impose again. Christopher Black Environment/Science Jun 25, 2021 - Solar Panels Are Creating 50 Times More Waste Than Predicted, and Much Of It Is Toxic. Our Race To ‘net zero’ is Madness

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As the authors of the article point out, that could lead to a tsunami of solar panel waste: "If early replacements occur as predicted by our statistical model, they can produce 50 times more waste in just four years than IRENA [International Renewable Energy Agency] anticipates. That figure translates to around 315,000 metric tonnes of waste, based on an estimate of 90 tonnes per MW weight-to-power ratio." And that estimate is just for domestic solar panel users. Throw in commercial users, too, and the mountain of waste will be enormous. Rob Lyons

Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Green New Deal Illinois Style: Unions Battle Greens Over How To Screw Taxpayers Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Trudeau Govt Sneaks In ‘incredibly dangerous’ New Bill To Tackle ‘hate speech’ on Last Day Before Recess Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Western Sahara: Morocco’s Long (and mostly forgotten) Occupation Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Gen. Michael Flynn: “Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. They’re Going to Have to Do Something” As I said at the beginning of the show, now repeat after me, the 2020 presidential election was stolen. There is no doubt in my mind anymore. There is none... And the truth will continue to come out. Something is going to happen. I don't think we're going to have to wait until the end of summer. I think it's going to happen here fairly soon...because they must create noise prior to the Arizona audit starting to really bubble out. They are gonna have to do something. Jim Hoft Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts, 61% of US Counties Now Protect Second Amendment Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Mexican Cartel Gunmen Cross into Texas Brandishing Weapons Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - The NED’s New CEO: Atlantic Council Warmonger Damon Wilson Over the years, as the NED and parallel organizations, institutions, and agencies have attracted more scrutiny, the once "transparent" nature of their work has been increasingly covered up, with key opposition groups receiving NED money removed from public disclosures on the NED's website, and the NED becoming increasingly covert - defeating the entire purpose of its creation and existing simply as a redundant extension of the CIA itself. With

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Wilson's appointment as president and CEO of the NED - the velvet glove is coming off altogether. Brian Berlectic Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - The Mainstream Media’s Manipulative Language Is the Real #1 Threat Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - EU Approves Report On ‘reproductive health,’ Presents Abortion as Human Right Environment/Science Jun 24, 2021 - Creator of mRNA Vaccine Technology Tells Tucker Carlson: ‘Government Not Being Transparent’ About Vaccine Risks Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - What is Biden’s “Build Back Better World” (B3W)? Instead of actual development, US "development" agencies like these often channel money into political opposition groups specifically to block the construction of national infrastructure that would solve issues like energy, water, and food shortages - often predicated on false socio-political pretexts like "human rights" and "environmental" concerns. In Myanmar for example, US government-funded opposition groups have worked for years to block the construction of Chinese-led projects including dams that would generate electricity, contribute to flood control, and aid in agricultural irrigation. Brian Berlectic Human/Animal Rights Jun 24, 2021 - Does First Transgender Olympian Signal The Death Knell Of Female Sport?

Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - TRUTH BEHIND THE DS MOVES! WHAT'S GOING ON WITH CHINA? WHERE IS THE DS AUSSIE PREMIER? DS MOVIES! This 15' 28" video was published by Tarot by Janine on Jun23, 2021: Ron: Victorians may be interested to know that Janine thinks that Kim Jong-Dan has been removed and probably processed; and IF he returns it will be a double. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 78

Last year JC Kay "saw" him being involved in SRA activities and subsequently being monitored by White Hats. I think it's probable that he has been or is being "processed". So if he does "return" it will probably be a double, but I suppose its possible he has capitulated and agreed to play out the pantomime under White Hat direction. As regards China, President Xi Jinping has eliminated the demonic globalist controllers of the CCP and is establlishing a godly Republican form of governance there. Arguably Trump's anti-China criticisms are largely redundant anti-CCP rhetoric. Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Creepy Whispering Joe Returns While Announcing Possible Infrastructure Deal Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Two Million More EU Migrants Living in the UK Than Government Claimed Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - More on Domestic Terrorism: Who Will Be the Target? Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - As Expected Political Pelosi Announces January 6th Select Committee to Support Mid-Term Election Roadmap As we always note, watch who wants to participate from the GOP side of the aisle. Those are the DeceptiCons, the implants into the system purchased by larger elements like BlackRock financial. DeceptiCons are essentially interchangeable with BlackRock Republicans. The system, the administrative state, is designed this way.... The parties are clubs presented to give the illusion of choice. Those who control the outcomes of government are never on a ballot. Sundance Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - One Nation Under Greed: The Profit Incentives Driving the American Police State John W. Whitehead: With every new tax, fine, fee and law adopted by our so-called representatives, the yoke around the neck of the average American seems to tighten just a little bit more. Everywhere you go, everything you do, and every which way you look, we're getting swindled, cheated, conned, robbed, raided, pickpocketed, mugged, deceived, defrauded, double-crossed and fleeced by governmental and corporate shareholders of the American police state out to make a profit at taxpayer expense. Ron: This enslavement is about to cease as the Trump administration eliminates the demonic bankster cabal that has controlled the US since 1871. The new Republic will eliminate income and most other Federal and State taxation, licence fees and charges, and remit responsibility for local governance back to locally elected representative organisations. THEN local communities will be charged with oversighting, auditing and controlling those appointed to perform public infrastructure creation and maintenance functions, and local health, educational, societal and social services. Local communities will then get what they fund, organise and condone. Quantum computerised governance and financial systems will ensure that all public service functions and ALL financial transactions throughout the nation and beyond, are

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 79 transparent, secure and easily traceable. Quantum computerised oversight will include all federal, state and local governance arrangemments. John W. Whitehead: The overt and costly signs of the despotism exercised by the increasingly authoritarian regime that passes itself off as the United States government are all around us: warrantless surveillance of Americans' private phone and email conversations by the FBI, NSA, etc.; SWAT team raids of Americans' homes; shootings of unarmed citizens by police; harsh punishments meted out to schoolchildren in the name of zero tolerance; drones taking to the skies domestically; endless wars; out-of-control spending; militarized police; roadside strip searches; privatized prisons with a profit incentive for jailing Americans; fusion centers that collect and disseminate data on Americans' private transactions; and militarized agencies with stockpiles of ammunition, to name some of the most appalling. Ron: Our world is now in Christ Michael Aton's Millennial Reign and once the final skirmishes needed to take down the demonic globalist controllers are concluded there will be no more wars on this planet. Similarly, Police State governance will cease with the elimination of the demonic controllers. John W. Whitehead: Meanwhile, the three branches of government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) and the agencies under their command-Defense, Commerce, Education, Homeland Security, Justice, Treasury, etc.-have switched their allegiance to the Corporate State with its unassailable pursuit of profit at all costs and by any means possible. By the time you factor in the financial blowback from the COVID-19 pandemic with its politicized mandates, lockdowns, and payouts, it becomes quickly apparent that we are now ruled by a government consumed with squeezing every last penny out of the population and seemingly unconcerned if essential freedoms are trampled in the process. Ron: Once the demonic globalist controllers are removed the US and all nations around the world will completely revamp their constitutional, administrative, and judicial structures to accord with divine law principles. The enslavement mechanisms currently obtaining everywhere on this planet will be gone. John W. Whitehead: When you dig down far enough, you quickly find that those who profit from Americans being surveilled, fined, scanned, searched, probed, tasered, arrested and imprisoned are none other than the police who arrest them, the courts which try them, the prisons which incarcerate them, and the corporations, which manufacture the weapons, equipment and prisons used by the American police state. Ron: It has been said that money is the root of all evil. Certainly the money meme has been the basis for the demonic mind control of humans on this planet and, allied with usury and fraudulent fractional reserve banking, it has been the mechanism for the mental and physical enslavement of most of the population. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the elimination of usury and income taxation will be the first steps in releasing human consciousness from the mind controlled enslavement imposed on the global population by its erstwhile demonic controllers. Once people get used to using money merely as a convenient means for exchanging goods and services and NOT as a store of value, humans here can dispense with its use altogether. John W. Whitehead: Unfortunately, in the 200-plus years since we established our own government, we've let bankers, turncoats and number-crunching bureaucrats muddy the waters and pilfer the accounts to such an extent that we're back where we started. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 80

Ron: To achieve and maintain sovereign human freedom we need to accept the responsibility entailed in individual and community self governance. In particular, each individual needs to learn to govern self and share with and care for everyone else. That requires that we deprogram ourselves from the current socially engineered, ego-centric, materialist, money meme based atheistic globalist ideology because it entails selling our ingenuity and labour (ie ourselves) for money. It also requires that we eliminate dependence on Big Governments to provide for our safety, prosperity, welfare and sense of identity. We must stop allowing others to make our core life decisions without us having any meaningful input into the process. Environment/Science Jun 24, 2021 - On The Verge Of The Unthinkable True US History Jun 24, 2021 - “TAKE BACK AMERICA!” Trump Releases Statement After Giuliani Suspended From Practicing Law in New York Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - The Aliens Are Coming: Here’s What The Movies Tell Us We Should Expect From the Pentagon’s UFO Report

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jun 24, 2021 - Seraphin Botschaft 451: DAS GEWEBE DER TRANSFORMATION Other Spiritual Pieces Jun 24, 2021 - "The Shroud of Appearances is Thinning Due to the Intensity of The Light." At first glance, The World seems about to go off its axis, as civilization deteriorates into a snatch and grab extravaganza. As long as Self-Interest prevails, they've all got a bucket full of starlight with no bottoms in their pails. Appearances are DECEIVING, we are on the doorstep of a Golden Age, should that shared intention live in us. In some places, it will not come. Some places will be no more soon. Les Visible Health and Nutrition Jun 24, 2021 - Recordings Of Moderna Representative Making Horrific Admission About The Jab Health and Nutrition Jun 24, 2021 - Leaked Airline Documents Reveal Horrific Details About ‘Vaccinated’ Pilots by Stew Peters Show AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 81

Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - These Uppity Brits Need A Slap-like Lesson

Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - John Coleman -- 4 Billion "Useless Eaters" to be Culled by 2050 John Coleman: To the people who own and run the planet, humanity has become dead weight except as servants and sex slaves. Ron: Arguably the demonic global controllers intend that most of the population they allow to survive will be used for adrenochrome, blood and food production and associated torture activities. They intend that robots controlled by AI will perform almost all activities currently performedd by their human slaves. John Coleman: Below, MI-6 whistleblower John Coleman describes the covid end-game, a return to feudalism. People lining up to get vaccinated remind me of lemmings throing themselves into a gorge. A pandemic with a minuscule death rate is not a pandemic. We hardly see anyone sneezing any more yet we're supposed to be in a pandemic? We are passengers on the Titanic, dancing while the ship sinks. Ron: If the demons that used to control this planet were to be allowed to have their way, the fate of passengers on this planetary craft would be much worse that the fate of the passengers on the Titanic (Olympic). As ensouled human beings are immortal spirits there are worse things than dying... John Coleman: In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One-World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. Ron: Arguably this scenario about humanity's future is misleading. IF the demons were to gain control of this planet as they intend, the current dystopia would become an absolute living hell for those beings allowed to survive. Their situatiion would be entirely analogous to that of the slaves being freed from captivatity in the DUMBs and tunnels by the US and global Alliance military, assisted by personnel from Christ Michael's Star Fleet. John Coleman: The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 82 to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them... Ron: I disagree. At best the scenario this author proposes will be the interim situation prior to complete enslavement, dehumanisation, torture and slaughter of humanity in ways not even used in the callous slaughter of animals and chickens in our current despicable food chain slaughter houses. The interim situation is presumably intended to be governed in accordance witth the Noahide laws. See eg: Public Law 102-14 and the Jewish Noahide Laws. See: the-Jewish-Noahide-Laws.shtml NOAHIDE LAWS AND DECAPITATION FOR CONFESSING JESUS IS LORD. See: DECAPITATION-FOR-CONFESSING-JESUS-IS-LORD.shtml. THE CASE AGAINST NOAHIDE LAW - NOAHIDE-LAW.shtml" THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR KILLING GENTILES: GUIDE-FOR-KILLING-GENTILES.shtml" Interview with rabbi abraham Finkelstein - abraham-Finkelstein.shtml What the stupid human 'elites' currently running our world for the demonic controllers don't realise is that they too will eventually become grist to mill for the demonic controllers. See eg:#1 WHAT'S HAPPENING UNDERGROUND IN AUSTRALIA? AUGUST 2020 _xTozT3Qi3PjrBM0PN-IavLik9BEnh&index=1 #3 WHAT'S HAPPENING UNDER THE VATICAN - AUGUST 2020 - ANTARCTICA, TRUMP, UNDERWORLD REMOTE VIEW by JC KAY! ˜EXPLOSIVE!˜(Part 1) IavLik9BEnh&index=5 #76 ANTARCTICA JC Kay As indicated above, arguably these negative scenarios were only intended as interim measures to be implemented as part of the demon's intended total annihilation of humans, as they are known, on this planet. Their intended ultimate fate of humans here is much worse. Fortunately this future WILL NOT HAPPEN. While this analysis is accurate as far as it goes, it fails to appreciate that the demons directing our Talmudic globalist controllers have been defeated and the process of eliminating the remnant Deep State minions will be completed this year. On 5 February 2019 Christ Michael Aton (CM), the creator of this planet and local universe, decreed the commencement of his Millennial Reign here. CM was a dual incarnation with Esu Immanuel Kumara, one of his sons, when they overshadowing Christ Jesus 2000 years ago. He has returned to Gaia to reclaim her from the demonic

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Luciferians who, as servants of the demons, have controlled and enslaved this planet and its inhabitants for centuries. CM has tasked the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and their Alliance supporters around the world to eliminate the globalist bankster cabal which will effectively eliminate the demons who have been directing them to harvest negative human energies which the demons feed upon. Their elimination is ushering Gaia into CM's Millennial Reign along with all of her human inhabitants who seek to serve others more than self. Accordingly,the US and all nations around the world will shortly be enterring into a totally new, warfare free environment in which international co-operation rather than violent opposition and competition will become the norm. After President Trump is affirmed as the legitimate president of the reactivated Republic of the united states of America, public disclosures about the globalist cabal's demonic and grossly criminal and murderous activities and its impoverishment and enslavement of the global population including suppression of the inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla and others will occur. To free USans and everyone from enslavement by demons and their globalist bankster minions it has been necessary to eliminate the US and UK corporations, the Vatican and the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) corporations and all Rothschilds' controlled Central banks globally and to replace them with a global Quantum Financial System (QFS) under which the US and every nation will be responsible for issuing gold backed money and currency in their respective jurisdictions. This initiative is currently being done by the Trump administration and its global Alliance allies under the guidance of the Office of the International Treasury Controller. The monetary system reset in the US will be part of a global QFS Reset. That Reset is being organised by the International Treasury Controller who has begun the process of agreeing, with all countries in the world, the "Pegging" of their currency to a replacement for the Petro Dollar which will be the INTERNATIONAL GOLD BACKED GLOBEC CURRENCY which will be used for international trading. That process will establish the value of each national currency vis-a-vis the Globec which will initiate global monetary stability and result in the the currency markets which being abolished. That process has involved the collection of numerous details and data so that a real and practical value can be assessed for each currency and agreed with the applicable country. See: DAVID CRAYFORD ------IT'S TIME THAT SOMEONE STARTED KICKING ASS SO THAT CHANGES TO THE CURRENT FINANCIAL SYSTEM CAN BE MADE TO BENEFIT EVERYONE, NOT THE MINORITY - KICKING-ASS-SO-THAT-CHANGES-TO-THE-CURRENT-FINANCIAL-SYSTEM-CAN- BE-MADE-TO-BENEFIT-EVERYONE-NOT-THE-MINORITY The QFS Reset may not be completed until after the coming Magnetic Reversal STAND STILL, and stasis period. It will transform social and economic life on this planet. Problems associated with commercial banking and usury as we know them will be gone. Sovereign National Treasuries will issue all local money and currency on a usury free basis. Also, the QFS will include an unhackable gold backed crypto money system. The elimination of usury will eliminate income taxation and pave the way for global prosperity

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 84 and abundance. Gross inequality and poverty will be elimnated very quickly. This planet and its remaining inhabitants will then be ensconced in CM's Millennial Reign. Accordingly those who seek to hasten the coming new world of freedom and abundance should now turn their attention and positive focus to visualising the loving, peaceful, harmonious and abundant global environment they wish to see. Dwelling upon the misery and machinations of the past and fearing the future as this author is doing, will merely create low personal vibrations and the resultant lower energetic frequencies impede the manifestation of the higher vibrational world we all desire. Once enough people look forward to our impending loving and abundant future, ot will manifest. So be it! Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Years of Watching General Mark Milley Finally Make Sense – The Chairman of The Joint Chiefs is a Political Operative

Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - US Supreme Court Overturns ‘permission slip’ For Cops To Enter Homes Without Warrants In New Ruling Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - WHO Official Says Mask Mandates & Social Distancing Should Continue Indefinitely Health and Nutrition Jun 24, 2021 - Dispatches From the War: The Pharmaceutical/Medical Troops Occupy Planet Earth Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - EU To Take Legal Action Against Hungary’s anti-pedophilia Bill

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The European Commission's initial action comes as left-wing governments of several European states clamour for retaliation against Hungary. 17 countries have joined a letter initiated by Belgium calling on the Commission to take Hungary to the European Court of Justice, if necessary, to negate the anti-pedophilia bill, the Belgian government announced yesterday. Historically Catholic Ireland, Italy, and Spain have joined the statement, as have France and Germany. Raymond Wolfe Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone – Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - The Republic Is Preserved – But The Democrats Will Try Insurrection Again Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Teach a Man To Acquiesce Ron: Like his uncle Sigmund Freud, Bernays was a crucial Talmudic agent in the dumbing mind controlling and dumbing down of gentiles on this planet. Political Information Jun 24, 2021 - Indictment of French Execs For Supporting African Dictatorships Exposes Paris’ Hypocrisy & double-dealing Ever since, France has attempted to uphold this clout via expansive political, commercial, financial, military, and intelligence networks spread across the continent, sustaining compliant, corrupt, and repressive governments in power by way of rigged elections, coups, assassinations, and military action. Between 1960 and 2020, Paris launched 50 separate overt interventions to protect its chosen leaders in Africa. Figures for clandestine activities conducted during this time are unavailable...... As former President Jacques Chirac said in 2008, "without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third [world] power" - a perspective reaffirmed by an official 2013 French Senate report, titled ‘Africa is Our Future'. Kit Klarenburg Human/Animal Rights Jun 23, 2021 - The Genocidal Jihad on African Christians: A Byproduct of Economics? Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - DeSantis Signs New Laws to Protect Freed Thought, Educate Students On Evil Of Communism Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - U.S., EU Profess Support For Belarus Then Launch A War Against Its People Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Covid Crisis Caused Wealth Inequality & Created Millions of New Millionaires – Credit Suisse

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Education Jun 23, 2021 - Activists Outraged at UK Education Committee Report Finding Children from Ethnic Communities Do As Well As or Better Than White Pupils True US History Jun 23, 2021 - Late Stage Globalism: When Anything That Is Not Censored Is A Lie Matt Taibbi recently posed the question "Why has ‘Ivermectin' become a dirty word?" He cites Dr. Pierre Kory in his testimony to a US Senate Committee hearing on medical responses to COVID-19 in December 2020. Kory was referring to an existing medicine that was already FDA approved that he was describing as a "wonder drug" in treating COVID-19, that drug was Ivermectin. This Senate testimony was televised and viewed by approximately 8 million people. YouTube removed the video of this exchange. They later suspended the account of the United States senator who invited Dr. Kory to speak. (Kory also appeared on Brett Weinstein's show and they took down that as well). Associated Press for their part "fact checked" the senate testimony, and because, in their words "there is no evidence that Ivermectin is a ‘miracle drug' against COVID", they labeled it as false: CLAIM: The antiparasitic drug ivermectin "has a miraculous effectiveness that obliterates" the transmission of COVID-19 and will prevent people from getting sick. AP'S ASSESSMENT: False. There's no evidence ivermectin has been proven a safe or effective treatment against COVID-19. First, I find it a little presumptuous for a wire service to be fact checking senate testimony. Isn't the job of the committee holding the hearing largely that of fact- finding? Isn't that the entire point? The ostensible role of the press should have been to simply report on what happened. What we got instead was an editorial wrapped in a logical fallacy (appeal to ignorance) that was passed off as some sort of objective truth. The coronavirus has accelerated the timelines on a lot of tectonic shifts that were already in motion. It's pulled forward effects that would otherwise would have taken years or possibly even decades to play out. One of those dynamics is that the

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 87 mainstream corporate press has self-immolated their own credibility in the eyes of their rapidly dwindling audience. - Mark E Jeftovic Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Jibberish Joe Announces Crime Prevention Program for Chicago Inner-City Violence by Eliminating Gang Access to F-15 Fighter Jets and Nuclear Weapons Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - ‘After the Apocalypse’ is A much-needed wake-up Call For All Those in Washington Who Have Drunk The ‘Build Back Better’ Kool-Aid Bacevich not only provides a sound diagnosis of what ails America today, but also harsh and necessary prescriptions if we are to be able to heal ourselves. One of the most difficult to confront is his contention that, in order to responsibly co-exist among the nations of the world today, the United States needs to end its military alliances. Calling NATO an "exercise in nostalgia" that fails to live up to its promise of collective security, Bacevich believes that the dissolution of the trans-Atlantic alliance is the first step in restructuring the US away from the role of empire it currently plays, to a posture more in keeping with the notion that the US is but one of many nations struggling to exist in a world plagued with shrinking resources, increasing populations, and worsening climate. Scott Ritter Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Be Afraid: U.N. Report Warns Post-Coronavirus World Could Feature Massive Heatwaves Capable of Killing Millions

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Jun 23, 2021 - Syria is Suffering A Devastating Wheat Shortage The Media Claim is Due To Drought – but the truth is a lot more complicated Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Xinjiang shakedown: US anti-China lobby cashed in on ‘forced labor’ campaign that cost Uyghur workers their jobs Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Voters Dodge A Bullet: Mitch McConnell's Senate deep-sixes Democrats' naked power grab on elections Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Survey, 55 Percent of American Voters Support Election Audits, Including 57 Percent of Independent Voters With that many Americans now holding the opinion Biden cheated, you can bet the Democrat machine, BlackRock Republicans, Intelligence Community, DOJ and other vested interests are paying close attention. The system cannot sustain itself with almost half the country organically believing the president is illegitimate. Considering how the media drumbeat a narrative that is entirely the opposite, the results of this survey are quite remarkable. Sundance Health and Nutrition Jun 23, 2021 - Kudos to WSJ Editors for Publishing Op-Ed Saying ‘Politics’ Not Science Behind Failure to Acknowledge COVID Vaccine Risks Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - WHO Quietly Edits COVID-19 Vaccine Page, Removes Section Advising Against Vaccinating Children Health and Nutrition Jun 23, 2021 - CDC Reports 1,200 Cases of a Heart Inflammation Condition After Receiving Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Health and Nutrition Jun 23, 2021 - Inventor of mRNA Interviewed About Injection Dangers Other Spiritual Pieces Jun 23, 2021 - "It seems like Eternal Vigilance got a Rohypnol Cocktail." Let us say that EVERYTHING is making love. It is being done badly, in most cases, or it is being done with some refinements, in a few cases. The whole universe is making love to you, but it is meaningless unless you reciprocate. Hate... and there is much of it in such times, is Love Suppressed. Love is the currency and the blood that runs through the body of God in which each of us is a single cell. This cell is either vibrating in concert with the body it is in, or it is at war with it. When your breathing comes into union with The Great Breath of God, then God comes in an awakened resonance within you. Les Visible Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Russia Demands US Scrap ‘aggressive’ Black Sea Naval war-games, Warning Drills Fuel Tensions & Increase Risk of Deadly Incidents

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The war games will run from June 28 to July 10 and, according to US military chiefs, will see sailors rehearse "multiple warfare areas including amphibious warfare, land maneuver warfare, diving operations, maritime interdiction operations, air defense, special operations integration, anti-submarine warfare, and search and rescue operations." R.T.

Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Diversity v Public Safety Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Change in the Middle East ? Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - The Biden 'No-Go' Zones

Human/Animal Rights Jun 23, 2021 - Founder Of Non-Profit To End Sexual Violence Against Youth Sentenced To Thirteen Years In Prison For Child Pornography, Enticing A Minor To Have Sex Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Vatican To Host Interreligious Climate Conference Ahead Of UN Summit Once again, even if Pope Francis is seen as taking the lead in the support for the religious fight against "climate change," the insistence upon the common factors between different

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 90 faiths regarding the so-called "sacredness" of nature with work towards yet more relativism, where all denominations and beliefs will be deemed equal or at least equivalent in their understanding of nature. Such relativism is deeply misleading, for different religions see the world around us, and the distinction between the Creator and the created very differently, while the nature of man who is body and soul, and invited to share God's bliss in the hereafter, is hardly understood by the oriental belief systems. Jeanne Smits Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - A Sovereign Iran Will Move Closer to Russia-China Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Media Continue Fake News Campaign Against Mercola Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Georgia Conducting Secret 2020 Ballot Review — Keeping Plaintiffs in the Dark Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - Watch: US Patrol In Syria Blocked By Line Of Russian Commandos Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - So Much Of What The CIA Used To Do Covertly It Now Does Overtly

Human/Animal Rights Jun 23, 2021 - Activists: Vatican is ‘meddling’ in Italy’s LGBT Rights law Associated Press: A gay-rights group, Gay Party for LGBT+ Rights, called on Premier Mario Draghi's government to reject the Vatican's interference "and improve the law so that it truly has, at its heart, the fight against homophobia and transphobia." Ron: Really, what about "the fight against the vicious heterosexual phobia and anti- social, anti-rational gender transition propaganda by LGBTQists and their cultural Marxist supporters"? Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - They’ve Done This Before: Five Past Cases of FBI Incitement Political Information Jun 23, 2021 - America's Largest Landlord Just Got Bigger: Blackstone Buys 17,000 Houses For $6 Billion Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - The West Has No Right To Preach to Muslim Countries About Human Rights in China While the US preaches the mantra of ‘human rights' and its media suggests that China is the enemy of Muslims, Islamic countries are conscious that this very same rhetoric has been

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 91 used to pursue the wholesale destruction of Muslim lands across a massive scope of time. From whitewashing Israel's bombing of Gaza just a month ago, to events in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia and more, why should Imran Khan take this kind of questioning seriously? Comparatively, it's ridiculous to suggest China is the problem for the Muslim world when history speaks for itself. Tom Fowdy Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - The War On Afghanistan Is Lost But The U.S. Still Tries To Keep A Foot In Its Door Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - US Government ‘SEIZES’ Website of Iran’s Press TV, Multiple Other Media Outlets

Human/Animal Rights Jun 22, 2021 - Canada’s House of Commons Passes Bill Criminalizing ‘conversion therapy’ Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - Senate Republicans Block Advancement of Democrat Federal Election Takeover Bill, Schumer Vows to Keep Trying Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - German Politicians Draw Attention To The NGOs Activities and Get a Stormy Reaction Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - Leaked ‘confidential’ Intel Reports on RT DE Only Prove That German Media Are Working With Special Services

Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - WOW! MI Citizens Told Gov. Whitmer Can’t Accept THOUSANDS of Affidavits Demanding Forensic Audit: She “hasn’t been in her office for 2-3 years!” Political Information

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Jun 22, 2021 - Kamala Harris Trains Activists To Pressure People Into Getting Vaccinated Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - With Marching Orders From Obama The Senate Prepares to Ram Through The Federal Takeover of Elections Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - FBI Monitoring of Social Media Posts Before Jan 6 Raises More Questions of How Much It REALLY Knew Prior To Capitol Hill Riot

Other Spiritual Pieces Jun 22, 2021 - MICHELLE FIELDING DISCUSSES WHITE HATS CONTROL EVERYTHING WITH NICHOLAS VENIAMIN This video was published by Nicholas Veniamin on June 16, 2021: Ron: Michelle Fielding explains why the military created "vaccine" concoctions are benign except where they have been tampered with. This is very interesting and relevant. The Black Hats have no operational control over the jabs but there may be some covert interference. Tesla healing and nano tech will be interlinked with the Star Link satellites. The 'mR' in the 'mRNA' stands for magnetic resonance which could, in appropriate circumstances, be triggered for benign purposes by Tesla towers. No climate emergency, it is a "distraction". Collective consciousness has to reach 60% before the new energies and the new world can start to manifest. Probably the EBS won't happen because bombardment with major truths could have a shock effect that might be negative for too many people. True US History Jun 22, 2021 - IT WAS A VOTER FRAUD FACTORY: 2nd Carter Jones Report Describes Complete Breakdown of GA Election Systems — BALLOTS EVERYWHERE, NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY, COMPLETE DISARRAY and WE HAVE THE VIDEO Ron: Obviously the Georgia ballots are in the very best of hands... Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - 4 Times As Many US Soldiers and Vets Died By Suicide Than in Combat Since 9/11 War On Terror – study

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Human/Animal Rights Jun 22, 2021 - ‘We do not have a pandemic in Australia’: Pauline Hanson This 7' 02" video was publicished by Sky News Australia on Jun 18, 2021: Related Articles: More Aussies Have Died From AstraZeneca-related Clots this year than from COVID - From-AstraZeneca-related-Clots-than-COVID.shtml Political Information Jun 22, 2021 - The Washington Post: Treat America Like a Conquered Nation Gregory Hood: Michele Norris describes the countless memorials that immerse Germans in shame. Ron: Germans have no reason to be ashamed. In his letter to Mazzini in August 1871 Albert Pike predicted WWII and confirmed that International Jewry would orchestrate it. Hitler was a Rothschilds' bloodline puppet whose handler was probably Martin Bormann. See eg: Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati for-the-Illuminati.shtml See End Note 1 The German people were the victims of Ashkenazi machinations just as the French people were during the destruction of the Ancient Regime in France in the mislabelled as the "French Revolution" in 1789 and USans were in the American Civil War in the 1860s. Similarly, International Jewry created WWI (also predicted by Albert Pike) and the take-over and subsequent destruction of the Imperial Russian empire in 1917-1918 by the Bolsheviks. In other words Hitler and the demonic aspects of the Third Reich was the work of the Ashkenazis, NOT the German volk. WWII and its war crimes and crimes against humanity were orchestrated by Churchill and International Jewry at the behest of their covert demonic controllers. Having instigated and orchestrated WWII, Churchill and International Jewry concocted the Holocaust narrative. to conceal that fact and their war crimes and crimes against humanity by blaming them on Hitler and the German people although neither of them wanted WWII. Hitler and the German nation merely sought to overcome the devastation and truncation of the nation wrought by Ashkenazi machinations at Versailles; violent communist social agitation within Germany; and genocidal Bolshevik attacks on ethnic Germans in Prussian areas of Poland. Once Allied victory was assured Britain's Talmudic controllers began to focus on how to blame the Germans for everything and hence conceal the truth about WWII's origins, perpetrators and effects. Having been dumbed down by Talmudic mind control for

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 94 generations and traumatised by the hardships, misery, injuries and deaths inflicted by WWI, combined with the Jew bankster orchestrated Great Depression and WWII, the Anglo-European world was easily persuaded to blame the WWII losers for everything. So the Holocaust idea was born and slowly insinuated into Western consciousness See eg: British Ministry of Truth Said in 1944 That the Holocaust Must be Created to Distract from USSR Massacres - Said-in-1944-That-the-Holocaust-Must-be-Created-to-Distract-from-USSR- Massacres.shtmlz The truth, as always with Talmudists, was the polar opposite. See eg: Official German Record of all Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp from May of 1940 through December of 1944. - all_Prisoners_in_Auschwi_2737.shtml OFFICIAL RECORDS FROM INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS PROVE "HOLOCAUST" WAS A FRAUD - Repost - FROM-INTERNATIONAL-RED-CROSS-PROVE-HOLOCAUST-WAS-A-FRAUD--- Repost.shtml HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE II - DEPROGRAMMING-COURSE-II.shtml The gigantic Holocaust Blood Libel of the German nation was essential to conceal the truth that the Jew controlled Anglo-US and Soviet entities caused WWII and the Allies were responsible for horrendous war crimes and crimes against humanity typified by: A Real Holocaust: Dresden, 13 February 1945 - 13-February-1945.shtml The truth is that International Jewry, Churchill, Eisenhower and the Allied and Soviet military had a vested interest in promulgating the Holocaust narrative in order to paint the German nation as the dastardly perpetrators of WWII, which International Jewry and Churchill had created. The Holocaust LIE was also needed to conceal the Allies' monstrous genocidal crimes against the German people during and after WWII. The true instigators of WWII were thus concealed and their genocidal crimes buried in a welter of lying Holocaust propaganda which has afflicted not only Germany but the rest of this world for the last 75 years and counting. Between 1945 and 1950 some 12 million ethnic German civilians and POWs were tortured, murdered and/or starved to death by Allied military forces and their Jewish "interrogators". That was a deliberate and egregious genocide far exceeded the small number of Jews killed (as disticct from dying from typhoid) by Germans during WWII. See eg: DACHAU CONCENTRATION CAMP - LIBERATION: A Documentary - U.S. Massacre of Waffen SS - April 29,1945 - CAMP---LIBERATION-A-Documentary---U-S-Massacre-of-Waffen-SS---April-29- 1945.shtml

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Dachau - The fraudulent stories of "extermination" and "homicidal gas chambers" _The_fraudulent_stories_of_extermination_a_3963.shtml Torture and Testicle Crushing at Nuremberg - Crushing-at-Nuremberg.shtml German Victims : How the Allied Victors of WWII tortured and killed their German prisoners (Part 1 of 2) - Allied-Victors-of-WWII-tortured-and-killed-their-German-prisoners-Part-1-of- 2.shtml German Victims: How the Allied Victors of WWII Tortured and Killed their German Prisoners of War (Part 2 of 2) - Allied-Victors-of-WWII-Tortured-and-Killed-their-German-Prisoners-of-War-Part-2- of-2.shtml The Zionist Destruction of Germany - Germany.shtml PART 11 OF 11:HELLSTORM THE DEATH OF NAZI GERMANY...CRIME OF THE AGE - HELLSTORM-THE-DEATH-OF-NAZI-GERMANY-CRIME-OF-THE-AGE.shtml Documentary: Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps. A Deliberate Policy of Extermination - Eisenhower-s-Rhine-Meadows-Death-Camps-A-Deliberate-Policy-of- Extermination.shtml Eisenhower's Death Camps The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two - The-Last-Dirty-Secret-of-World-War-Two.shtml Buried Alive Screaming In The Night: German POW Survivors Describe Eisenhower's Extermination Camps After WWII Had Ended - In-The-Night-German-POW-Survivors-Describe-Eisenhower-s-Extermination-Camps- After-WWII-Had-Ended.shtml In 'Eisenhower's Death Camps': A U.S. Prison Guard Remembers. See: Other Losses - Search domain an2/uploads/1/Other_Losses_4.pdf GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany - Costly-Attempt-To-Exterminate-The-People-of-Germany.shtml The Deliberate Starvation of Germany - of-Germany.shtml

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Documents on Real History: Col (retd) Gerhart Schirmer. See: History-Col-retd-Gerhart-Schirmer.shtml Did the Allies Starve Millions of Germans? Starve-Millions-of-Germans.shtml The Jews Favorite Method of Killing. Method-of-Killing.shtml Moreover, that genocidal starvation and killing of 12 million ethnic Germans between 1945 to 1950 does not include the German civilian deaths caused by Churchill and Bomber Harris' ordering of deliberate genocide fire bombing of German cities. See eg: Churchill And Hitler...And History. - History.shtml The pilots of Bomber Command cannot be called heroes - Command-cannot-be-called-heroes.shtml A Real Holocaust: Dresden, 13 February 1945 - 13-February-1945.shtml In addition to concealing the truth about WWII and the HoloHoax, International Jewry has used its control of global governments and the MSM to forge a narrative that has enabled them to totally control, enslave and exploit the German nation for the last 75 years and to assist their efforts to control and enslave the rest of the world as well. See eg: Holocaust Museum Head Explains How The Complete Lack of Physical Evidence Of The Holocaust Is Proof It Happened - Explains-How-The-Complete-Lack-of-Physical-Evidence-Of-The-Holocaust-Is-Proof- It-Happened.shtml Faurisson's Exposure of the Holocaust Hoax - the-Holocaust-Hoax.shtml The Nuremberg Tribunal: 75 Years Later and Still the Basis for Humanity's Survival - 75-Years-Later-and-Still-the-Basis-for-Humanity-s-Survival.shtml Needless to say, the Nuremberg trials were part of a gigantic Allied PSy Op designed to blame Germany for WWII and to conceal the primary responsibility of International Jewry and its goy minions and enablers for it. So its little wonder that the mind controlled Western "democratic" masses who have accepted this pastiche of lies now find themselves mired in a Talmudic dystopia that has required divine intervention to assist the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi to eliminate. Gregory Hood: We should pay attention to what she's saying. It's not enough that statues to our heroes are torn down and that even the dead are dug up. Instead, presumably every part of America will have little monuments meant to disgrace white Americans. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 97

Ron: These suggestions are ridiculous. Such initiatives would have no end. For instance the Jews, not white gentiles, were the dominant slave traders in the Atlantic slave trade between Africa and the Americas. See eg: Jews and the Black Holocaust: - Holocaust.shtml Who Brought the Slaves to America? s_to_America_3632.shtml Who Brought the Slaves to America? And who was responsible for the HOLOCAUST of African slaves during that trade? - _America_And_who_was_resp_3631.shtml This is not surprising since today's Talmudists, ie those who say they are Jews but are not, in their guise as the Venetian empire, controlled the slave trade berween the Mongolian empire and Europe for many centuries before Christopher Columbus, a crypto Jew, "discovered America". See eg: The Venetian Black Nobility - A History Nobility-A-History.shtml Celebrating Genocide - Christopher Columbus' Invasion of America Christopher-Columbus-Invasion-of-America.shtml And what about the fact that the first slaves in the American colonies were whites from Britain? See eg: The Irish Slave Trade - The Forgotten "White" Slaves. Forgotten-White-Slaves.shtml White Slaves: White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America.- Cargo-The-Forgotten-History-of-Britain-s-White-Slaves-in-America.shtml More to the point. What about the fact that virtually ALL Britons have been covertly enslaved since 1666. See eg: Democracy, Deception, Deceit - they're all the same - Deceit---they-re-all-the-same.shtml Similarly, all USans, other than those "in the know" have been covertly enslaved by Jewish banksters since the US bankruptcy in 1933? See eg: An Investigative Report Re the US Strawman UCC/Redemption Process By Barton A. Buhtz - he_US_Strawman_UCC_Red_3358.shtml Anglos and USans would have to spend all their time creating memorials all over their respective countries for everyone other than Jews. The joke that keeps Jew banksters laughing all the way to the(ir) bank(s) is that they are the real slave masters who have unleashed this tidal wave of Wokeian Identitarian, intersectionality, transgender racist bullshit upon the US and our world. WHEN will Anglos and USans WAKE UP and get a clue?! Fortunately President Trump and his supporters around the world have sussed out the reality and have done somenting about it. Trump, the Triodity and the Alliance have bankrupted the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) and moved its functions into the US AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 98

Treasury thus "freeing the slaves", ie everyone other than their "owners" (ie International Jewry) and their goyem minions and enablers. Moreover, Trump and Co are confiscating the globalists' ill gotten gains and will be redistributing the stolen pelf throughout our world using the Quantum Financial System (QFS). At which point all this Wokeian nonsense will cease. Gregory Hood: Confederate soldiers didn't fight only to defend slavery, and the Union would have lost the war if all the slave-holding states had joined the Confederacy. Ron: Arguably confederate soldiers didn't fight "to defend slavery", they fought to defend their states and communities from rapacious Northern capitalist exploitation. The North was imposing unreasonable tariffs on imported goods forcing Southerns to pay much more for imports or to buy the expensive goods that Northern manufacturers were selling. Incidentaly those Northern capitalist manufacturers were exploiting their wage slave workers just as viciously as Southern slave owners were using their slaves. See eg: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain - America-and-Industrial-Britain.shtml Historical Statue Topplers Finally Meet Their Match in Ongoing Culture War, Defeated By Befuddling British Bureaucracy - Finally-Meet-Their-Match-in-Ongoing-Culture-War-Defeated-By-Befuddling-British- Bureaucracy.shtml The underlying reality was that the European and Northern Talmudic banksters and capitalists wanted to change from the chattel slavery system to a free range serf (wage slave) system because they knew it would be cheaper . See eg: The Matrix, the Strawman and WHO You Are - re_3030.shtml Gregory Hood: Leaving aside the question of why a foreigner gets to explain what Germany "has to" do, is Germany "whole and strong?" Ron: Actually the question of WHY "foreigners", namely Jews domiciled elsewhere, get to tell gentile nations what to do, is a core issue. And the answer exposes the reason WHY Germany and our world is stuffed. Jewess Barbara Spectre tells us: 'I think there's a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural and I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation which MUST take place. [Ron: WHY? The Jews' so- called homeland is not only NOT multicultural BUT IT IS A VIRULENTLY RACIST, STATE.] Europe is not gonna be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. JEWS ARE GONNA BE AT THE CENTRE OF THAT. Its a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode. And Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation Europe will not survive." DO YA get the impression this arrogant 'Spectre' is THREATENING Europe ... not just Germany? I do. See: . Gregory Hood: Michele Norris admits this torturous process has not been able "fully [to] extinguish the forces of racial and ethnic hatred inside Germany," however she defines it. Germany's politically correct "unity" is maintained by repression. Even AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 99 referring to crimes committed by migrants can be dangerous. There are more than 5.5 million Muslims in Germany, about 7 percent of the population, and many live in what is essentially a parallel society. They don't share the blood guilt imposed on actual Germans. Ron: WTF?! The German people are not guilty of the faux Holocaust or anything else! In any event NOONE can be made responsible for the crimes of others let alone people who left the Earth plain years ago! IF they could, today's Jews would have to accept blame for what their forebears did in WWII and for millennia before that, and since. Arguably it IS appropriate for these sanctimonous Jews to accept responsibility for the crimes of their current brethren and their promulgation of them. Also, on that basis, the large Turkish migrant group in Germany could be said to be responsible for the VERY REAL Armenian genocide of Christian Armenians during and after WWI. And although that genocide was instigated by Donmeh (crypto) Jews, many individuals who carried it out were Turks. Moreover, the Armenian genocide DID HAPPEN, unlike the faux Holocaust. See eg: Syrian Holocaust: Turkey Copies The Armenian Genocide Game Plan Copies-The-Armenian-Genocide-Game-Plan.shtml The Syrian Holocaust: A Preplanned Genocide And Forced Exodus - Preplanned-Genocide-And-Forced-Exodus.shtml Kemal Ataturk was a Donmeh Sabbataen (a pretend Muslim) when the Donmehs were subverting the Ottoman Empire and instigating the Armenian Holocaust a-Donmeh-Sabbataen-a-pretend-Muslim-when-the-Donmehs-were-subverting-the- Ottoman-Empire-and-instigating-the-Armenian-Holocaust.shtml Jewish Young Turks Were Murderers! Turks-Were-Murderers.shtml The Armenian Genocide. - Genocide.shtml Gregory Hook: Germany endures humiliation because it was a defeated, conquered nation. The [Ron: covertly Jew controlled] German government does not endlessly brood over the firebombing of Dresden, the Soviet occupation of the east, the expulsion of millions of Germans from Silesia and Pomerania, and the mass killings of Germans in Prussia. It doesn't demand reparations for war crimes the Soviet Army committed as it raped its way to Berlin. Instead, a monument to the Red conquerors stands in the German capital, part of a complex of monuments to homosexuals, gypsies, and the larger Holocaust Memorial. Germany endures all this because it was occupied and, to some [Ron: very large] degree, still is. Ron: Germany has been occupied and covertly controlled by Jews using US military muscle since May 1945. THAT is why it is forced to celebrate monuments to homosexuals, gypsies and Jews. International Jewry has used the rest of the white gentile world to conquer and genocide the German nation and to repress and exploit the German survivors of the that genocide that occurred during and after WWII. The US AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *90 -- Page 100 and some Anglo and European nations continue to assist the Jews to occupy and exploit Germany and to have globalist German governments brain wash and repress their own populations with fallacious and obviously ridiculous Holocaust propaganda. The reason that Germans accept the trappings of Jew victory over them is that the survivors of the genocide have been physically tyrannised and psychologically and socially brain washed since 1945. In effect the German nation has become the subject of a collective Stockholm Syndrome run by Talmudically mind controlled Manchurian Candidates for the last 75 years. Gregory Hook: Germans will be a minority in their own country. That may be a triumph for some people, but not for Germans. Why must America, which ostensibly "won" the war, suffer the same treatment? Ron: the reason is obvious. USans didn't win WWII, the Talmudists did. Gregory Hook: Thus, even Winston Churchill's statue is not safe in London, and the Confederate battle flag that American Southerners carried proudly even in the Second World War is a "hate symbol." Ron: Churchill was a Jewish agent, puppet and war criminal whose crimes against humanity make Hitler look like a sunday school teacher. Gregory Hook: Blacks are a massive liability for this country. They commit a vastly disproportionate amount of crime and use a disproportionate amount of welfare. Ron: While that is true, it needs to be acknowledged that the welfare state introduced by the closet Jew, Democrat President Johnson, combined with the requirement that welfare payments only be granted to single mothers not living with a man, combined with the 'War on Drugs', are the prime causes of continuing societal dependance and criminality in US Black communities. In other words welfare dependance and social dysfunctionality in the US Black community has been socially engineered by over 50 years of deliberate US federal governance primarily driven by bsnkster controlled Democrat governments. Gregory Hook: Michele Norris argues that "our future as a united country of people ever more divided depends on" the kind of historical "reckoning" she wants. Ron: Really? Sooo, the US can only become unified IF the majority of USans pander to the needs and demands of the 13% of USans who are Black?. YEAH Righttt!!!

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