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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11968-0 - Shakespeare and Manuscript Drama: Canon, Collaboration, and Text James Purkis Index More information Index A boke of prayers called ye ordynary Byrne, Muriel St Clare, 35–6, 53, 55, faschyon of good lyuynge, 241 187, 246, 282 Alexander, Peter, 7 Arden of Faversham, 246, 249, 285 C., J. Attridge, Derek, 146, 185 The Two Merry Milkmaids,79 Campbell, Nicole, 100 Bald, R. C., 147, 154, 166, 209–11, Chambers, E. K., 32, 137, 287 238–9, 254, 287 Chambers, R. W., 16, 195–6, 198, Barker, Richard Hindry, 118 224–31, 238, 244–5, 252, 265, Baskervill, Charles Read, 98–9 279 Bate, Jonathan, and Eric Rasmussen Chapman, George, 125, 198–9, 213 Collaborative Plays, 286 Charlemagne, 32, 53, 242 Bateson, F. W., 241 Chettle, Henry, 139, 232–4, 241, 246 Bayfield, M. A., 205–6, 216, 239 contribution to John of Bordeaux, Bennington, Geoffrey, 133 183 Bentley, Gerald Eades, 23, 47, 94, 99, contribution to Sir Thomas More,149, 125, 131, 139 156–63,170,173,179,181,184, Blayney, Peter W. M., 15, 145, 149, 187–8, 192, 205, 233–4, 263, 154, 157–60, 163, 174, 178, 270, 275, 277–82, 290 180, 184, 186–8, 254, 270, Kind-Harts Dreame, 278–9, 281 278–9, 281, 289 revision of Friar Rush and the Proud Boswell, Eleanore, 98, 100 Woman of Antwerp, 139 Boswell, James, 50, 56 The Tragedy of Hoffman, Bowers, Fredson, 7, 100, 172 246, 279–82, 290 ‘intermediate fair copy’,85–6 Chillington, Carol A., 157, 166, 187, Bradley, David, 99 229, 255 Brandl, Alois, 238 Clare, Janet, 155 Brathwait, Richard, 132–3 Clavell, John Braunmuller, A.
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