Haverford College Bulletin, New Series, 40-41, 1941-1943
CLASS LJJ 2. "2- 06 BOOK X) ^ THE LIBRARY CF HAVERFORD COLLEGE THE GIFT OF HAVBRFORD COLLEOE ACCESSION NO. \15 no. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/haverfordcollege4041have -for 1=^4 1 --^2. P^eS\cleT^t's report issu^ , No cvtV'.eti" .--•• -^^JMi•sKe<:| HAVERFORD COLLEGE DIRECTORY 1942-43 HAVERFORD COLLEGE BULLETIN Vol. XL,I October, 1943 No. 1 Entered December 10, 1902, at Haverford, Pa., as Second Class Matter Under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. Accepted for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in Sec. 1103. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 3, 1918. FACULTY, OFFICERS, ETC. Addresfc. Telephone (Haverford unless (Ardmore Exchange Name otherwise noted) unless otherwise notedj Asensio, Manuel J. 2 College Lane 9428 Babbitt, Dr. James A Tunbridge & Blakely Rds 7950 Benham, T. A 45 S. Wyoming Avenue, Ardmore, Pa 6044 Bernheimer, Richard M 225 Roberts Rd., Bryn Mawr Bryn Mawr 1427 W Blanc-Roos, Rene Lancaster & Garrett Ave., Rosemont Bryn Mawr 0489 R Cadbury, William Edward, Jr. 791 College Avenue 0203 W Chamberlin, William Henry.. Clement, Charles A Woodside Cottage 3109 J Comfort, Howard 5 College Circle .3732 Comfort, William W South Walton Road 0455 Dixon, Jonathan S Government House 9613 Drake, Thomas E 2 Pennstone Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa Bryn Mawr 1534 Dunn, Emmett R 748 Rugby Road, Haverford Bryn Mawr 2662 Evans, Arlington 324 Boulevard, Brookline, Upper Darby P. O., Pa Hilltop 2043 Fetter, Frank Whitson 5 Canterbury Lane, St. Davids, Pa Wayne 2449 J FitzGerald, Alan S Warick Rd.
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