Species Type Common Name Scientific Name Tank Comments Amphibians Axolotl Black Ambystoma Mexicanum 128 Regrowing Limb

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Species Type Common Name Scientific Name Tank Comments Amphibians Axolotl Black Ambystoma Mexicanum 128 Regrowing Limb last updated on 24/1/15, check current stocks before making special journeys. Fish hilighted in RED are currently in quarantine Species Type Common Name Scientific Name Tank Comments Amphibians Axolotl black Ambystoma mexicanum 128 Regrowing Limb Amphibians Dwarf aquatic frog Hymenochirus curtipes 59 Barb Gold barb Barbodes semifasciolatus 27 Barb Rosy barb Pethia conchonius 2 Barb Albino tiger barb Puntigrus tetrazona 6 Barb Tiger barb Puntigrus tetrazona 25 Barb Green tiger barb Puntigrus tetrazona 25 Barb Cherry barb Puntius titteya 3 Barb Denisoni barb Sahyadria denisonii 48 Babies Betta Male siamese fighter Betta sp. various Betta Female siamese fighter Betta sp. 1 Catfish Thai glass catfish Kryptopterus bicirrhis 11 Catfish Jaguar catfish Liosomadoras oncinus 78 Catfish Bumble bee catfish Microglanis iheringi 55 Catfish Debauwi catfish Pareutropius debauwi 4 Catfish One line pim Pimelodus gracilis 55 Catfish Spotted pictus catfish Pimelodus pictus 32 Catfish Eeltail banjo catfish Platystacus cotylephorus 77 Catfish Cuckoo catfish Synodontis multipunctatus 60 Catfish - cory Bronze cory Corydoras aenus 28 Catfish - cory Albino cory Corydoras aenus var. 48 Catfish - cory Shultz's cory Corydoras haroldschultzii 79 Catfish - cory Bandit cory Corydoras melini 4 Catfish - cory Peppered cory Corydoras paleatus 122 Catfish - cory Schwartz's cory Corydoras schwartzi 11 Catfish - cory Venezuelean cory Corydoras venezuelanus 79 Catfish - plec Bristlenose plec (babies) Ancistrus sp. 44 Catfish - plec Spotted bulldog plec Chaetostoma thomasi 3 Catfish - plec Otocinclus Otocinclus affinis 36 Catfish - plec Sailfin pleco Pterygolichthys gibbiceps 23 Catfish - plec Orange spot sailfin plec Pterygolichthys joselimainus 22 Catfish - plec Sunshine plec L14 Scobiancistrus aureatus 76 Catfish - plec Cactus plec L24 Pseudocanthus serratus 80 Catfish - plec Gold dot baryancistrus L26 Baryancistrus niveatus 81 Catfish - plec Royal panaque L27 Panaque armbrusteri 77 Catfish - plec King tiger hypancistrus L66 Hypancistrus sp. 79 Catfish - plec Big spot plec L75 Hemiancistrus sabaji 81 Catfish - plec Leopard plec L114 Pseudocanthicus cf. 82 leopardus Catfish - plec Blue phantom plec L128 Hemiancistrus sp. 81 Catfish - plec Imperial tiger plec L134 Peckoltia compta 82 Catfish - plec Green phantom plec L200 Baryancistrus 82 demantoides Catfish - plec flash plec L204 Panaqolus albivermis 79 Catfish - plec Sultan plec L264 Leprocanthicus 79 joselimai Catfish - plec Rusty plec L310 Hypostomus 1 cochliodon Catfish - plec Rusty plec L L310 Hypostomus 61 cochliodon Catfish - plec Hypancistrus L340 Hypancistrus sp. 80 Catfish - syno Angel catfish Synodontis angelicus 74 Catfish - syno Clown catfish Synodontis decorus 65 Catfish - syno Clown catfish XL Synodontis decorus 32 Catfish - syno Syno notatus Synodontis notatus 61 Catfish - syno Zaire petricola Synodontis petricola 64 Cichlid - african Peacock 'ob' Aulonocara spp. 69 Cichlid - african Peacock red Aulonacara spp. 69 Cichlid - african Peacock tangerine Aulonocara spp. 69 Cichlid - african Peacock yellow Aulonacara ussissya 70 Cichlid - Gold peacock bass Cichla kelberi 79 american Cichlid - Regans cichlid Cichlasoma (veija) regani 47 american Cichlid - african Clown afra 'white top' Cynotilapia afra 63 Cichlid - african Frontosa Cyphotilapia frontosa 59 Cichlid - african Blue flash Cyprichromis leptosoma 74 Cichlid - african Rostratus Fossorochromis rostratus 71 Cichlid - african Ahli Haplochromis ahli 71 local bred Cichlid - african VC10 Haplochromis milomi (vc10) 71 Cichlid - african Malawi dolphin Haplochromis moorii 70 Cichlid - african Haplochromis nyereri red Haplochromis nyererei 70 red head variant head Cichlid - african Haplochromis obliquidens Haplochromis obliquidens 72 Cichlid - african Yellow labs Labidochromis caereleus 65 Cichlid - african Auratus Melanochromis auratus 62 Cichlid - african Albino auratus Melanochromis auratus 62 Cichlid - african Electric blue johanni Melanochromis johanni 64 electric blue Cichlid - african Red zebra Metriaclima estherae 62 Cichlid - african Multifasciatus shelldweller Neolamprologus 74 multifasciatus Cichlid - african Albino kribensis Pelvicachromis pulcher 10 Cichlid - african Yellow tail acei Pseudochromis acei 65 Cichlid - african Bumblebee cichld Pseudotropheus crabro 63 'nakantenga' Cichlid - african Demansoni Pseudotropheus demansoni 64 Cichlid - african Mpanga bay elongatus Pseudotropheus elongatus 68 var. Cichlid - african Polit Pseudotropheus polit 63 Cichlid - african Buffalo head cichlid Steatocranus casuarius 2 Cichlid - african Tropheus moorii red band Tropheus moorii 74 Cichlid - african Assorted large 60 haplochromis / peacocks Cichlid - african Assorted large mbuna 61 Cichlid - Firemouth cichlids Cichlasoma meeki 73 american Cichlid - Red head geophagus Geophagus bahia 79 american Cichlid - Madagascan cichlid Paratroplus kieneri damba 58 american Cichlid - Madagascan cichlid Paratroplus menerambo 51 In quarantine american Cichlid - Black angelfish Pterophyllum scalare 30 In quarantine american Cichlid - M/L angelfish Pterophyllum scalare 1 american Cichlid - Jack demsey Rocio octofasciatum 47 american Coldwater/ Black moors Carassius auratus 118 4" temperate Coldwater/ Pearlscale goldfish Carassius auratus 117 temperate Coldwater/ Chinese bitterling Acheilognathus 124 temperate macropterus Coldwater/ American flagfish Jordanella floridae 126 temperate Coldwater/ Paradise fish Macropodus opercularis 124 temperate Coldwater/ Albino paradise fish Macropodus opercularis 126 temperate Coldwater/ Rainbow dace Notropis lutrensis 123 temperate Coldwater/ Borneo sucker Pseudogastromyzon myersi 124 temperate Coldwater/ Checker barb Puntius oligolepis 123 temperate 20c+ temperate Coldwater/ White cloud mountain Tanichthys albonubes 125 temperate minnow Coldwater/ Gold white cloud mountain Tanichthys albonubes 122 temperate minnow Coldwater/ Royal white cloud Tanichthys micagemmae 35 temperate mountain minnow Coldwater/ Pinstriped butterfly plec Sewellia lineolata 123 temperate Crustacean Armoured shrimp Atyopsis gabonensis 11 Crustacean Red skunk shrimp Caridina cf. gracilirostris Shrimp tank 2 Crustacean Matano blue dot shrimps Caridina glauberchti Shrimp tank 1 Crustacean Amano shrimp Caridina japonica 37 Crustacean Towoti beauty shrimp Caridina woltereckae Shrimp tank 1 Crustacean Cherry shrimp Neocaridina sp 35/36 Crustacean Red bee shrimp Neocaridina sp. Shrimp tank 3 Crustacean Black shrimp Shrimp tank 1 Danio Zebra danio Brachydanio rerio 122 Danio Fire ring danio Brachydanio tinwini 53 Danio Giant danio Devario aequipinnatus 55 Gourami Dwarf gourami male Colisa lalia 5 Gourami Blue dwarf gourami male Colisa lalia var. 5 Gourami Banded bushfish Ctenopoma ansorgei 59 Gourami Pink kissing gourami Heliostoma temincki 31 In quarantine Gourami Pearl gourami Trichogaster leeri 31 In quarantine Gourami Gold gourami Trichogaster trichopterus 31 In quarantine Livebearer - Blue scissor tail male guppy Poecillia reticulata 54 guppy Livebearer - Endler male guppy Poecillia reticulata 14 guppy Livebearer - Pineapple cobra male Poecillia reticulata 26 guppy guppy Livebearer - Red blonde male guppy Poecilia reticulata 49 guppy Livebearer - Red blonde female guppy Poecilia reticulata 16 guppy Livebearer - Red cobra male guppy Poecillia reticulata 22 guppy Livebearer - Dalmation molly Poecilia latipinna 23 molly Livebearer - Saffron molly Poecilia latipinna 23 molly Livebearer - Black molly Poecilia sphenops 23 molly Livebearer - Silver molly Poecilia sphenops 23 molly Livebearer - Assorted platy maculatus Xiphororus maculatus 8 platy Livebearer - Assorted platy variatus Xiphophorus variatus 7 platy Livebearer - Red swordtails Xiphororus helleri 19 swordtail Loach Pakistani loach Botia lohachata 28 Loach Skunk loach Botia morleti 21 Loach Clown loach Chromobotia macracanthus 10 Loach Clown loach Chromobotia macracanthus 18 Loach Clown loach XL (6") Chromobotia macracanthus 55 Loach Small clown loach Chromobotia macracanthus 13 In quarantine Loach Siamese flying fox Epalzeorhychos kalopterus 8 Loach Sand loach Noemocheilus sp 27 Misc Black ghost knifefish Apteronotus albifrons 78 Misc Gold cobra snakehead Channa aurantimaculata 46 Misc Peppermint pikehead Luciocephalus aura 77 Misc Ornate birchir Polypterus ornatipinnis 52 Misc Albino dinosaur eel Polypterus senegalus 32 Misc Teugelsi birchir Polypterus teugelsi 52 Misc Pearl arowana Scleropages jardini 79 Rainbow Red rainbow Glossolepis incisus 12 Rainbow Red rainbow Glossolepis incisus 56 Rainbow Threadfin rainbows Iratharina werneri Shrimp tank 3 Rainbow Boesemani rainbow Melanotaenia boesemani 29 Rainbow Neon dwarf rainbow Melanotaenia praecox 4 Rainbow Paskai red neon rainbow Pseudomugil paskai Shrimp tank 2 Rasbora Red scissortail Rasbora caudimaculata 41 Very nice fish Rasbora Harlequin rasbora Rasbora heteromorpha 42 Rasbora Swallowtail harlequin 27 rasbora Reptile Map turtle Graptemys TURTLE Babys pseudogeographica Reptile Common musk turtle Sternotherus odoratus TURTLE Adult, 2 only Reptile Common musk turtle Sternotherus odoratus TURTLE Babys Reptile Razor back musk turtle Sternotherus carinatus TURTLE Babys Reptile Yellow belly turtle Trachemys scripta sripta TURTLE Babys Shark Redtail black shark Labeo bicolour 9 Shark Albino rainbow shark Epalzeorhynhus frenatus 56 Snail Assassin snail Anentome helena 41 Snail Rabbit snails Tylomera sp. 35 Tetra Annostomus ternetzi Annostomus ternetzi 55 Tetra Normans lampeyes Aplocheilichthys normani 36 Tetra Silver tip tetra Hasemania nana 10 Tetra Rummy nose tetra Hemigramus bleheri 50 Tetra Glowlight tetra Hemigrammus erythrozonus 17 Tetra Rosy tetra Hyphessobrycon bentosi 20 Tetra Columbian tetra Hyphessobrycon 40 columbianus Tetra Black neon tetra Hyphessobrycon 11 herbertaxelrodi Tetra Lemon tetra Hyphessobrycon 9 pulchiprinnis Tetra Red eye tetra Moenkhosia 24 santciaefilomene Tetra Emperor tetras Nemotabrycon palmeri 82 Tetra Cardinal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi 18 Tetra Cardinal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi 43 In quarantine Tetra Diamond neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi 34 Tetra Congo tetra Phenacogrammus 1 interruptus Tetra Gold pristella tetra Pristella maxillaris 15 Tetra Green pristella tetra Pristella maxillaris 15.
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    Volume 56, Issue 4 December 11, 2012 London Aquaria Society Ho! Ho! Ho! www.londonaquariasociety.com Merry Christmas Everyone & have a safe and Happy New Year POECILIA RETICULATA This is a very prolific fish, must do the choosing for them. The Guppy/Millions Fish easily bred in the aquarium. If Guppies are a good com- proper attention has been paid bination along with your favour- By: S. Pollard to water conditions and diet, ite kind of plants in a show tank. January 1990, London Aquaria these fish reach sexual maturity While Guppies do pick away at Society in just a few months. The ges- the micro-food which flourishes Submitted by: Annette & Ron tation period, (depending on upon plant leaves they do not Bishop temp.) is from 4-6 weeks. The eat the plant itself; neither will spawn sizes range in number they move the gravel around the The original basic colour from 20-100, (another good way some other species do. of P. Reticulata was a brownish reason for a large tank). The Beautiful, lively, easily bred, olive but with a wide natural fry are large enough at birth to hardy and non-aggressive; all variance of the iridescent lateral accept newly hatched brine points in favour of the Guppy. scales. The intensive in/cross shrimp and should have the breeding by experts for many protection of dense vegetation There are many Guppies years has now produced Gup- as their parents often develop a Societies around the world and if pies of almost every conceiv- taste for them. you are a serious amateur who able colour, pattern and fin would like to learn more about As mentioned before, the this interesting fish; why not shape.
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