4-H 280 Tropical Fish : Part of the Nebraska 4-H Small Animal and Pet Series
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University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Nebraska 4-H Clubs: Historical Materials and 4-H Youth Development Publications 1987 4-H 280 Tropical Fish : Part of the Nebraska 4-H Small Animal and Pet Series Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/a4hhistory "4-H 280 Tropical Fish : Part of the Nebraska 4-H Small Animal and Pet Series" (1987). Nebraska 4-H Clubs: Historical Materials and Publications. 372. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/a4hhistory/372 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 4-H Youth Development at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nebraska 4-H Clubs: Historical Materials and Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. RD2178 32444 cy~ Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service 4-H 280 s 633 r6~ 11/i:z. na. ~?0 Tropical Fish Part of the Nebraska 4-H Small Animal and Pet Series Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Ext ension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1 91 4 , in cooperation with the f e. ..e \ U.S . Department of Agriculture . leo E. lucas, Director of Cooperative Extension Service, University of Nebraska, : . · ; a Inst itut e of Agriculture and Natural Resources. ~• • • ... .... o The Coopera tive Extenaion Service providet information a~d educational programs to all people without rega rd to race, color, national origin, s ax or handic ap. A Note To Parents and Leaders Table of Contents · Welcome to an exciting project in aquatic Purpose of the Tropical Fish Project 3 -science. Raising fish can be an enlightening Planning the Project . 3 and challenging experience. Project activities are geared to allow considerable flexibility in Why a Tropical Fish Project . 4 choosing the expense and depth of involve Planning Ahead . 4 ment. A child may invest just a few dollars if raising goldfish or more if raising tropical fish. Choosing Your Fish . 5 The record keeping teaches scientific record Setting Up Your Aquarium . 6 ing practices and initiates good data collection. Getting Tropical Fish Home Alive . 7 This is not accidental but a planned and neces sary part of the program. Notice how the pro Filling Your Tank . 7 ject initiates "experience centered" activities Draining Your Tank . 8 (building the aquarium, selecting containers, buying fish, food, plants, etc.). Specifically, it Gravel............................. 8 is designed to help the child learn about pur Locating the Aquarium . 8 chasing, undertake experiences that help development, acquire responsibilities, make Plants . 8 decisions and care for living things. Reading Filters . 9 books and talking with other hobbyists will en Food.............................. 9 courage youth to expand their knowledge and interests. Snails ............................. 10 Light for the Aquarium . 10 Credits Fish Disease . 11 The content of this project was developed from several sources. Recognition is given to Salt . 11 Mrs. Mary Oberthur, 4-H volunteer leader, In Fish Care Habits . 11 dianapolis, Ind., Gary Garey, former Exten General Management . 11 sion Agent in Otoe County, Karen Kolb, General Manager of "The Pet Ark", Lincoln, Feeding ............................ 12 and others who have contributed to the Cleaning ... A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12 publication. Safety Rules ........................ 12 Preparing Fish for Exhibit .............. 12 Simple Equipment to Make Yourself . 13 Aquatic Science Lesson 1 What is a Fish? ..................... 13 Aquatic Science Lesson 2 The Parts of a Fish ................... 15 Aquatic Science Lesson 3 Identifying Animals & Plants .......... 16 Aquatic Science Lesson 4 Water ............................. 17 Aquatic Science Lesson 5 Fish Behavior. 17 2 Purpose Of the Tropical Fish Project 1. To interest 4-H youth in caring for tropi cal fish in the home aquarium by teach ing them: a. the proper handling of fish b. grouping of two or more compatible breeds in the same aquarium c. feeding d. breeding 2. To learn how to construct a simple aquarium. 3. To learn the principles of a balanced aquarium. 4. ro learn about environmental factors af fecting the health of fish. 5. To help 4-H youth expand their knowl edge of principles related to aquatic Planning the Project science. 6. To encourage 4-H youth to make new Youths taking this project can choose many friends and to learn to share with others. things to learn and do. You can learn, the The best way to learn about tropical fish is basics the first year, then look for new thmgs to own some and learn their habits by careful to learn each year after that. Check which of observation. This project can be as simple or the following you will work on this year. elaborate as the member desires. __ Set up an aquarium . 1. Obtain: Identify and tell the origin of at least five a. One or more large glass jars (gallon -- breeds of genera (plural for genus) of size or larger). The diameter of the fish mouth of the jar should be at least Learn what kinds of fish are compatible eight inches. in a community tank b. At least three fishes Learn about diseases that tropical fish c. Some aquatic plants -- are susceptible to and the treatment of d. Gravel and sand the diseases e. Pump and other accessories, if __ Identify at least three kinds of water needed or desired plants that are used in aquariums . , f. Commercial fish food __ Explain what "balanced aquanum 2. Build or purchase an aquarium means 3. Make a catch net Maintain an aquarium and take care of If desired, larger aquariums may be built at least three breeds of fish and a great number and species of fish may be Successfully breed live bearing fish obtained. After obtaining some knowledge of -- Successfully breed egg laying fish the life and breeding habits of each species, a -- Give one or more demonstrations and breeding program may be started. Here the -- talks on the Tropical Fish Project and 4-H member will encounter new problems such as: Aquatic Science Lessons 1. The need for additional aquariums Suggested Presentation Topics 2. The need for different kinds of food 1. How to make a catch net such as infusoria, brine shrimps, worms 2. How to place sand and water in the and others aquarium 3 3. How to place plants in the aquarium what you do the second year. If you want to 4. How to construct a redwood aquarium try breeding, you will need a year for results. 5. How to transport tropical fish Your library has many interesting books about 6. How to test aquarium water tropical fish; ask the librarian to help you. 7. Fish behavior Raising tropical fresh water fish is quite sim ilar to raising farm animals or a dog, cat or parakeet in the home. They all respond to pro per feed, good care and a sanitary place in which to live. The proper care and raising of all animals requires: 1. An interest in living animals. 2. An understanding of their living habits. 3. A keen sense of observation and interest in how they live and reproduce; interest in rela Why A Tropical Fish Project? tionship between the animal and plant life in volved. Fish are lovely to look at and, with a little 4. The learning of skills as each new subject planning, they can be inexpensive, easy, inter becomes a new learning experience for the esting, soothing, and educational. Of course, 4-H'er. They can consult with their 4-H leader, they can be expensive, troublesome, and messy parents and others in the community for infor . it's all up to you! mation . Fish are completely dependent upon you for 5. The reading of books and magazines to their food and living conditions. If you devel further broaden his knowledge. Much has op regular fish-care habits, your fish will been written on the topic of tropical fish and thrive. They tolerate occasional neglect if they books on the subject may be borrowed from li are in good condition, but continual neglect braries or bought from stores. will show clearly. Remember: they are living The proje~t helps develop an inquiring creatures! You may select this project if you mind. It helps to satisfy the desire for new give your fish regular meals, clean water, and knowledge and adventure in the world of liv interesting surroundings. How would you feel ing things. New knowledge, new experience, in a bare bowl, swimming in dirty water, hun new interests aQd understanding help boys and gry and not knowing when or if you would be girls find themselves, their likes and dislikes fed? Your fish will be a reflection of the real and often their life's work. you ... careful or careless. When you get to know your fish, you will Planning Ahead find they have personalities. Even in a large aquarium, individuals will stand out and earn Let's think about the "home" you will have names for themselves such as Baby, Grandma, prepared for your fish when you get them. Try Head Wife, Grumpy, Scaredy Cat, Big Papa. to allow one or two days for the fish tank to Classes are divided by equipment and exper "season." This means: ience. Some of you will be caring for tropical • dissolved chemicals such as chlorine can fish for the first time while others may already leave the water; have equipment and some experience. Equip • bacteria have time to break down any de ment will control the kind of fish you have tergents; while experience will suggest what you do with • the plants can get their roots settled; and them. Beginners who want to continue their • rock dust can settle, leaving the water work with fish should start planning this fall.