Direction De La Programmation

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Direction De La Programmation DIRECTORATE FOR THE PLANNING OF PARLIAMENTARY BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 08/A-2003 Directorate-General for the Presidency EN EN ABBREVIATIONS USED Political Groups PPE-DE Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats PSE Group of the Party of European Socialists ELDR Group of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party Verts/ALE Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance GUE/NGL Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left UEN Union for Europe of the Nations group EDD Group for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities NI Non-attached Members Committees AFET Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy BUDG Committee on Budgets CONT Committee on Budgetary Control LIBE Committee on Citizens’ Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs JURI Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market ITRE Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy EMPL Committee on Employment and Social Affairs ENVI Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy AGRI Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development PECH Committee on Fisheries RETT Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism CULT Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport DEVE Committee on Development and Cooperation AFCO Committee on Constitutional Affairs FEMM Committee on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities PETI Committee on Petitions ENQU Temporary Committee of Inquiry (Intranet) (Internet) \\Epades\public\bulletin\Activités Closed on : 25.08.2003 CONTENTS 3 PRESIDENCY Main decisions of the College of Quaestors .......................................................................................6 MEMBERSHIP OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Appointments/resignations/end of Members' terms of office.............................................................8 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES Written questions ..............................................................................................................................12 Question Time (B-0098/2003)..........................................................................................................37 Summary of Questions time (July 2003) .........................................................................................40 Written declarations..........................................................................................................................41 COMMITTEES Appointment of rapporteurs and draftsmen......................................................................... 44 OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS Commission documents....................................................................................................... 52 GENERAL INFORMATION Common Foreign and Security Policy Declaration on the presidential election in Togo................................................................. 58 Declaration on violations of the Somalia cease-fire agreement ......................................... 59 Declaration on the cease-fire agreement in Liberia ............................................................ 60 Declaration regarding the Armenian Parliamentary elections ............................................ 60 Declaration concerning the Council Decision implementing Common Position 2003/297/CFSP on Burma/Myanmar ................................................................................. 61 Declaration on the situation in the East of the democratic Republic of the Congo ............ 61 Declaration regarding the media situation in Russia .......................................................... 62 Declaration on the Release by the Malaysian Authorities of six ISA Detainees ................ 63 Declaration on the formation of the transitional goverment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ............................................................................................................................ 63 Declaration concerning the situation in Haiti ..................................................................... 64 Declaration on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism .......................... 65 Declaration on the abolition of the dealth penalty in all circumstances ............................. 65 Bulletin 01.09.2003 - EN - 4 CONTENTS Declaration on the latest military attacks in Bujumbura (Burundi) ....................................66 Declaration on Article 23 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong ................................................67 Declaration on the peace process in Somalia ......................................................................68 Declaration on Bhutanese Regugees in Nepal ....................................................................68 Declaration on the military rebellion on 16 July 2003 in S.Tome and Principe .................69 Declaration on the developing situation in the Solomon Islands ........................................70 Declaration on the peace process in Liberia ........................................................................70 Declaration on the peace process in Liberia ........................................................................71 Declaration on Military Mutiny in Manila ..........................................................................72 Declaration on ad hoc Human Rights Tribunal for crimes committed in East Timor ........72 Declaration on the reform process in Turkey ......................................................................73 Declaration on the peace process in Sudan .........................................................................74 Declaration on possible construction of a High Observation Tower in Bagan ...................75 Declaration on the recent violations or the blue line ...........................................................75 Declaration on the new violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories ...........................76 Declaration on the suicide attack in Jerusalem................................................................................76 European Economic and Social Committee Plenary Assembly of 16 and 17 July 2003 ..........................................................................78 ACTIVITIES OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT This document is available at : (Intranet) (Internet) Bulletin 01.09.2003 - EN - PRESIDENCY 5 PRESIDENCY Bulletin 01.09.2003 - EN - 6 PRESIDENCY MAIN DECISIONS OF THE COLLEGE OF QUAESTORS The Chairmen-in-Office of the College of Quaestors, have circulated the following communications to the Members of the European Parliament: No 17/03: Use of email in the European Parliament; No 26/03: Accreditation centre in Brussels; No 27/03: Bicycle parking at the European Parliament in Brussels; No 28/03: Main provisions of the national rules governing the periods of notice to be granted in the event of the termination of employment contracts concluded with Members’ assistants; No 30/03: Opening hours of newspaper shops during summer holidays. Further information may be obtained from the Secretariat of the College of Quaestors in: Strasbourg : Salvador de Madariaga (SDM) Building, 6/20 Tel. 74195 Brussels : Paul-Henri Spaak (PHS) Building, 8b/66 Tel. 43722 ____________________ Bulletin 01.09.2003 - EN - MEMBERSHIP OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 7 MEMBERSHIP OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Bulletin 01.09.2003 - EN - 8 MEMBERSHIP OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT APPOINTMENTS/RESIGNATIONS/END OF MEMBERS' TERMS OF OFFICE Official notification of the election of a Spanish member of the European Parliament At its sitting of 30 June 2003 Parliament took note of the election of: Mrs Ana Clara Maria MIRANDA DE LAGE to replace Mr. Carlos WESTENDOPR Y CABEZA (PSE/ES), with effect from 20 June 2003. ______________________ Resignation of a Spanish Member of the European Parliament Pursuant to Rule 8(3) Mr Carlos WESTENDORP Y CABEZA (PSE/ES) has resigned as a Member of the European Parliament with effect from 18 June 2003. Parliament took note of his resignation at the sitting of 30 June 2003. _______________________ Bulletin 01.09.2003 - EN - MEMBERSHIP OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 9 Resignation of a Spanish Member of the European Parliament Pursuant to Rule 8(3) Mr Carlos BAUTISTA OJEDA (Verts/ALE-ES) has resigned as a Member of the European Parliament with effect from 7 July 2003. Parliament took note of his resignation at the sitting of 3 July 2003. _______________________ Bulletin 01.09.2003 - EN - 10 MEMBERSHIP OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF OBSERVERS FROM THE PARLIAMENTS OF THE NEW MEMBER STATES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION At its sitting of 1 July 2003, the European Parliament took note of the appointment with effect from 30 June 2003, of the following observers by the parliaments of the new Member States of the European Union: POLAND Chamber Mr. Maciej GIERTYCH Mr. Witold TOMCZAK Mr. Marcin LIBICKI (replacing Mr Kazimierz Michal UJAZDOWSKI, who had resigned) Senate Mr. Adam BIELA ____________________ Bulletin 01.09.2003 - EN - MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES 11 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES Bulletin 01.09.2003 - EN - 12 MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES WRITTEN QUESTIONS (Situation at 25.08.2003) Author Subject No Konstantinos Hatzidakis Use of clophen in Greece E-2049/03 Konstantinos Hatzidakis Harassment of a Greek passenger plane by Turkish E-2050/03 warplanes Caroline Jackson
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