18, 1972 T E N CENTS Cite 90 Students Manasquan, Neptune & Raritan H.S,’S "Down Memory.Lane’' with Business Manager Edwin K
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'NEPTUNE TIMES AND TOE 10 CENTS 97 Years Old ...and NEW PER COPY ' r Every Thursday c c v n NO. 20 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1972 T E N CENTS Cite 90 Students Manasquan, Neptune & Raritan H.S,’s "Down Memory.Lane’' With Business Manager Edwin K. Williams iFjor Scholarship ■ - In Grove Band Festival on May 26th Dr. Harold V. Garrity., Sr. Leaves *»rove For < oodwill Industries Monday Night OCEAN GROVE - Two hundred Three Manasquan High School stu OCEAN GROVE — Edwin nue and Pilgrim Pathway. Charles high school bandsmen from Manas dents Marie Lord; Charles Barrow, arid K. Williams, business manag Ludwig, Ocean Grove architect, Miriam Steter will be heard as soloists NEPTUNE TWP. — Thirty-one quan, . Neptune and Raritan High er for the Ocean Grove Camp was hired last Friday to design in the Morrissey Concerto Grosso for Meeting Association since a new office building for the As Junior High School students and Schools will join together Friday even two trumpets, trombone and Band. August 1969, is leaving here sociation at the corner of Pilgrim '59* Senior Sigii students will l» ing, Afejf 26; .at 8i 15 in the Ocean Other program highlights include the June 9th to begin executive Pathway and Pitman Avenue. Con Jboiiored Monday night during tpe. Grove. Atfditontim; to present the third ‘ Light Cavalry Overture) ,hy von Suppe, training at Goodwill Indus struction is expected to start right Township school system’s 42nd Annuals Tri-Band' Festival as the open- ‘ American Sailing' Songs Fantasy,’ by tries, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind. after Labor Day. When the' new scholarship Recognition Night, f ingevent.mthe Memorial Day Week ; Clare Grundman, Excerpts from Die building is completed, First Mer The aggram , sponsored by the end Festivities in Ocean Grove. ^ e r d oCTsiucation, will be held in Meistersinger, by Richard Wagner, the chants wili enlarge its bank oper the Senior High School gymnasium The -Festival Band will he under Overture from Fiddler on • the Roof by ations into the entire Main, Ave the direction’ of Harry Eichborn, Tom j,t 7:30 P.M. Lisa Comelisse, presi Bock, and for the younger set the nue office. Mosheriand.’David Shoiwell who'have dent of the National Honor Soci Soimds of the Carpenters as arranged In other action last Friday, the ety, will preside and Joseph E. all long. heen . associated with the lead ty John Cacavas. business committee set in motion Bennett, Neptune Township muni ership of die Oc?a^ Grove Summer Marches on the program will include additional traffic controls. Central cipal administrator, will bring the Band.. V v :V;;V ’. ■ ■: Henry Fillmore's Americans W e, Bige*. Avenue and Pilgram Pathway will major address. Selections !'on 'the' .prograTn .\yilV in 'low's Oilr Director' and Miles’ Anchors be stop streets at their Main Ave-. The Neptune High School Con clude highlights, from; the Spring Con Aiveigh. nue intersection. cert Band, under the direction of certs of the three*High Schools involv The famed Auditorium stage will David M. Shotwell, will open the ed and several, favorites of the Ocean be enlarged because of the size of this — * - -------- program. Paul L. Scott, president Grove Iteai&front audiences. Festival Band. No tickets will be re of the Student Council, will lead Ocean Grove’s own David Stahl will quired for admission, a free will offer Barry Goidwater the flaeaalute. Rev. John B. Kirby, he the featured soloist as he performs ing will be taken at the end of die m inisttSjlf West Grove Methodist th e exciting Rimslcy-Korsakov Trom ^program to off-set the expenses of pre Church, will give the invocation. bone Concerto: senting Ais program.. ' Answers Queries Greetings will be extended by I ■ % i i M 0 Mayor Joseph Wardell and Ber \ im. nm-i c> i j Of Local Residents nard J. Bilek, vice president of Fort^Two Young Municipal 0 ticials the board of education. WEST LONG BRANCH — U. S. Junior High scholars, led by Al Senator Bnrry Goidwater, hailed by len Kramme who has earned Serve On Student Government Day Edwin K. Williams many.as "Mr. Conservative” made a straight A’s for high honors, will promised but belated appearance be citerl by their principal, Soy NEPTUNE TWP — A total of 42 Foreman, Tom Carsen; Refuse Mr. Williams . has long been in before a Monmouth College Lec E. Dunshee. They are Janice An students took part in the Town Foreman, Garry Keel; Chief of Po terested in the rehabilitation move ture Series audience Tuesday night. derson, Louise. Baston, Nancy Bey lice, Steve Kronegold; Treasurer, ment and sees in Goodwill Indus: ship of Neptune Student Govern The 1964 Republican candidate er, Linda Brice, Samuel Garter, Linda Olsen; Project Co-ordinator, tries an opportunity to serve this ment activities yesterday. Twenty- for President was presented to, the Douglas Child, Peter Dundas, Rob Joanne Bennett; Court Clerk, Bev course. Over 40,000 physically han seven, students served as municipal crowdcd auditorium as "one with ert Foster, Nancy Green, Barbara dicapjped are being trained annual officials for the day and 15 held Mix; Code Enforcement Officer, faith in America, faith in our Con lieinri^i Rose Hernandez, Bar-, Don Brown; Curator, Lind,; Dietz; ly for positions in industry and positWnsYwithi;' the Neptune Edu- stitution, faith in our institutions, bara K&r£, Donna Kasyan, William Office Public Works, Doreen Fluhr; trades. Their slogan is “Not Char cation'al.Systcm. faith in government by laws, but no LeiftrArcfiie Lockamy, Dawn Mo* Office San. Land. Fill, Debbie Kal- "&.J ity, But a Chance.” The- entire.program was planned faith with those who wish to tin tenson, Wayne McKinney, James i / the . Student Council inow ski. Dr, Harold V. Garritjr, Asbury Park-dentist and schoolboy resident Mr.' Williams, ; who has served ker with the aims of the founding Meklin, Cynthia Miller, John Mill of Neptune Township,; Recalls early years. ; and i in leetings .with! Sec, . Health Dept., Brenda Can- Ocean Grove under two presidents, fa th e rs.” er, Barbara Moeller, Rod Morter, I tie -Miinilci^il,(Business Adminis-! nady; Se :. Town Clerk, Eleana Hoi Dr. Charles I. Carpenter and the By Peggy G o o d ric h ' On mining North Vietnam wa Suzanne Mousaw. Ann Patterson, ' trator/Joseph\E/Bennett, and Ted, land; iClerk Vital Statistics, Karen bles, Schlossbach’s Dry Goods Store, present leader, George L Herge- Neptune Township Historian te rs . Teray Petillo, Mary Sacchi, Robert Bea’, advisor to Ihe Neptune Stu- . Hulse; Receptionist Switch Board, Hurley's Tinsmith (later DisbrowV'-.^iieim'er, first came to the Groye and Curator '• “I made this suggestion eight or Seidentop, Katherine Talmage, dent Council. ' ' Melinda Holl, Candy Store), Gates Mission, Gooden in O ctober *368 as m an ag er of th e John Wheeler and Lisa Williams. ough Restaurant, Palaia's Barber Shop nine years ago, to President John Mrl Bennett,'reported that th e: Superintendent .of Schools, Nor N E P T U N E T W P . -Have you Motor, Inn and the North En,d He These students earned A’s and B’s. (where the ipool table often lured sortie son. It was essential that we deny Studekt^ve^m ^nt Day activities man Eptsng; Asst. Supt., Sharon ever heard of Ocean Grov^ Heights?’ tel. The fallowing August’he as Dougls E. Sibole, president of of the high school students to play the fighting man liis only source beg ■ .. the;tegular meeting of the DreW; Asst. Supt., Lynn Frazier; asked Dr. Harold V. Garrjtyj Sr. when sumed the business manager- post the board of education-, will give there at lunch time), Woehrer’s Shoe of- supply.” Nepturiel'ownshipmumcipal com- j Dir. Special Projects, (har- Gua: I interviewed him last, week. He re when the former manager, Rich the sajutory address and present Store, Hummel's pharmacy, Doran's The Moscow conference next m ittee Tuead.ay.night, when' the se- > ino; Sup. Special Education, Barb called it’was an area s^udp of Corlies ard F. Gibbons, resigned. award^jymh Dr. Victor J. W, Meat Market, Treat’s Grocery Store, w e e k ......... lected student governing body, .sta Stahley; Reading. Supervisor, .Ber Avenue, where Gorman’s;} pond was A veteran hotehnan, Mr. Wil Christie, superintendent of schools, tha Johnson; Drug Abuse Supervi and Park Grove Photo. • Across the “This may be tbe most important then locatecl,' and n e a ? ;^ fl^ e ;’A3berta liams was general manager of the io the. Senior, s^tfi’qlars who sor,1^A ndrea' Zsw adzkj’j ^ u r s ^ J e jn ta k e r s street .smarting about where, Dr. Ted. Hotel Astor in Milwaukee, Wiscon meeting since World War 2. Tlie achieved a grade of SO or inore in to assist in conducting the normal. Siddes;! Dir, .School Communiiy •Schltrssbach’s office is now located, was sin, before coming .to the Grove. conference in Peking set the stags all their major subjects. They are: Looking out die window Sx Neptune: municipal business;. lathms, Greta Wilson; Cafeteria Dr. Dish row, the physician, Taylor's He had also served on the man for the Moscow visit.- It was time Class of 1972 — Joanne Bennett, High.School from the Neptune Histori Yesterfay, moming, the students Co-ordinator, W arren: Cobb; Se c , Milk Dairy south of the gates, and agerial staffs of other hotels in the for the United States to show.:v/e Carol Boeseh, James Branigan, Su cal Museum' (in the Neptund Munici acting as . municipal officials re Board of Ed., Debbie King; Attend the old Neptune High School, with U.