'NEPTUNE TIMES AND TOE 10 CENTS 97 Years Old ...and NEW PER COPY ' r Every Thursday c c v n NO. 20 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1972 T E N CENTS Cite 90 Students Manasquan, Neptune & Raritan H.S,’s "Down Memory.Lane’' With Business Manager Edwin K. Williams iFjor Scholarship ■ - In Grove Band Festival on May 26th Dr. Harold V. Garrity., Sr. Leaves *»rove For < oodwill Industries Monday Night OCEAN GROVE - Two hundred Three Manasquan High School stu­ OCEAN GROVE — Edwin nue and Pilgrim Pathway. Charles high school bandsmen from Manas­ dents Marie Lord; Charles Barrow, arid K. Williams, business manag­ Ludwig, Ocean Grove architect, Miriam Steter will be heard as soloists NEPTUNE TWP. — Thirty-one quan, . Neptune and Raritan High er for the Ocean Grove Camp was hired last Friday to design in the Morrissey Concerto Grosso for Meeting Association since a new office building for the As­ Junior High School students and Schools will join together Friday even­ two trumpets, trombone and Band. August 1969, is leaving here sociation at the corner of Pilgrim '59* Senior Sigii students will l» ing, Afejf 26; .at 8i 15 in the Ocean Other program highlights include the June 9th to begin executive Pathway and Pitman Avenue. Con­ Jboiiored Monday night during tpe. Grove. Atfditontim; to present the third ‘ Light Cavalry Overture) ,hy von Suppe, training at Goodwill Indus­ struction is expected to start right Township school system’s 42nd Annuals Tri-Band' Festival as the open- ‘ American Sailing' Songs Fantasy,’ by tries, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind. after Labor Day. When the' new scholarship Recognition Night, f ingevent.mthe Memorial Day Week­ ; Clare Grundman, Excerpts from Die building is completed, First Mer­ The aggram , sponsored by the end Festivities in Ocean Grove. ^ e r d oCTsiucation, will be held in Meistersinger, by Richard Wagner, the chants wili enlarge its bank oper­ the Senior High School gymnasium The -Festival Band will he under Overture from Fiddler on • the Roof by ations into the entire Main, Ave­ the direction’ of Harry Eichborn, Tom j,t 7:30 P.M. Lisa Comelisse, presi­ Bock, and for the younger set the nue office. Mosheriand.’David Shoiwell who'have dent of the National Honor Soci­ Soimds of the Carpenters as arranged In other action last Friday, the ety, will preside and Joseph E. all long. heen . associated with the lead­ ty John Cacavas. business committee set in motion Bennett, Neptune Township muni­ ership of die Oc?a^ Grove Summer Marches on the program will include additional traffic controls. Central cipal administrator, will bring the Band.. V v :V;;V ’. ■ ■: Henry Fillmore's Americans W e, Bige*. Avenue and Pilgram Pathway will major address. Selections !'on 'the' .prograTn .\yilV in­ 'low's Oilr Director' and Miles’ Anchors be stop streets at their Main Ave-. The Neptune High School Con­ clude highlights, from; the Spring Con­ Aiveigh. nue intersection. cert Band, under the direction of certs of the three*High Schools involv­ The famed Auditorium stage will David M. Shotwell, will open the ed and several, favorites of the Ocean be enlarged because of the size of this — * - -------- program. Paul L. Scott, president Grove Iteai&front audiences. Festival Band. No tickets will be re­ of the Student Council, will lead Ocean Grove’s own David Stahl will quired for admission, a free will offer­ Barry Goidwater the flaeaalute. Rev. John B. Kirby, he the featured soloist as he performs ing will be taken at the end of die m inisttSjlf West Grove Methodist th e exciting Rimslcy-Korsakov Trom­ ^program to off-set the expenses of pre­ Church, will give the invocation. bone Concerto: senting Ais program.. ' Answers Queries Greetings will be extended by I ■ % i i M 0 Mayor Joseph Wardell and Ber­ \ im. nm-i c> i j Of Local Residents nard J. Bilek, vice president of Fort^Two Young Municipal 0 ticials the board of education. WEST LONG BRANCH — U. S. Junior High scholars, led by Al­ Senator Bnrry Goidwater, hailed by len Kramme who has earned Serve On Student Government Day Edwin K. Williams many.as "Mr. Conservative” made a straight A’s for high honors, will promised but belated appearance be citerl by their principal, Soy NEPTUNE TWP — A total of 42 Foreman, Tom Carsen; Refuse Mr. Williams . has long been in­ before a Monmouth College Lec­ E. Dunshee. They are Janice An­ students took part in the Town­ Foreman, Garry Keel; Chief of Po­ terested in the rehabilitation move­ ture Series audience Tuesday night. derson, Louise. Baston, Nancy Bey­ lice, Steve Kronegold; Treasurer, ment and sees in Goodwill Indus: ship of Neptune Student Govern­ The 1964 Republican candidate er, Linda Brice, Samuel Garter, Linda Olsen; Project Co-ordinator, tries an opportunity to serve this ment activities yesterday. Twenty- for President was presented to, the Douglas Child, Peter Dundas, Rob­ Joanne Bennett; Court Clerk, Bev course. Over 40,000 physically han seven, students served as municipal crowdcd auditorium as "one with ert Foster, Nancy Green, Barbara dicapjped are being trained annual­ officials for the day and 15 held Mix; Code Enforcement Officer, faith in America, faith in our Con­ lieinri^i Rose Hernandez, Bar-, Don Brown; Curator, Lind,; Dietz; ly for positions in industry and positWnsYwithi;' the Neptune Edu- stitution, faith in our institutions, bara K&r£, Donna Kasyan, William Office Public Works, Doreen Fluhr; trades. Their slogan is “Not Char­ cation'al.Systcm. faith in government by laws, but no LeiftrArcfiie Lockamy, Dawn Mo* Office San. Land. Fill, Debbie Kal- "&.J ity, But a Chance.” The- entire.program was planned faith with those who wish to tin­ tenson, Wayne McKinney, James i / the . Student Council inow ski. Dr, Harold V. Garritjr, Asbury Park-dentist and schoolboy resident Mr.' Williams, ; who has served ker with the aims of the founding Meklin, Cynthia Miller, John Mill­ of Neptune Township,; Recalls early years. ; and i in leetings .with! Sec, . Health Dept., Brenda Can- Ocean Grove under two presidents, fa th e rs.” er, Barbara Moeller, Rod Morter, I tie -Miinilci^il,(Business Adminis-! nady; Se :. Town Clerk, Eleana Hoi Dr. Charles I. Carpenter and the By Peggy G o o d ric h ' On mining North Vietnam wa­ Suzanne Mousaw. Ann Patterson, ' trator/Joseph\E/Bennett, and Ted, land; iClerk Vital Statistics, Karen bles, Schlossbach’s Dry Goods Store, present leader, George L Herge- Neptune Township Historian te rs . Teray Petillo, Mary Sacchi, Robert Bea’, advisor to Ihe Neptune Stu- . Hulse; Receptionist Switch Board, Hurley's Tinsmith (later DisbrowV'-.^iieim'er, first came to the Groye and Curator '• “I made this suggestion eight or Seidentop, Katherine Talmage, dent Council. ' ' Melinda Holl, Candy Store), Gates Mission, Gooden in O ctober *368 as m an ag er of th e John Wheeler and Lisa Williams. ough Restaurant, Palaia's Barber Shop nine years ago, to President John­ Mrl Bennett,'reported that th e: Superintendent .of Schools, Nor­ N E P T U N E T W P . -Have you Motor, Inn and the North En,d He These students earned A’s and B’s. (where the ipool table often lured sortie son. It was essential that we deny Studekt^ve^m ^nt Day activities man Eptsng; Asst. Supt., Sharon ever heard of Ocean Grov^ Heights?’ tel. The fallowing August’he as­ Dougls E. Sibole, president of of the high school students to play the fighting man liis only source beg ■ .. the;tegular meeting of the DreW; Asst. Supt., Lynn Frazier; asked Dr. Harold V. Garrjtyj Sr. when sumed the business manager- post the board of education-, will give there at lunch time), Woehrer’s Shoe of- supply.” Nepturiel'ownshipmumcipal com- j Dir. Special Projects, (har- Gua: I interviewed him last, week. He re­ when the former manager, Rich­ the sajutory address and present Store, Hummel's pharmacy, Doran's The Moscow conference next m ittee Tuead.ay.night, when' the se- > ino; Sup. Special Education, Barb called it’was an area s^udp of Corlies ard F. Gibbons, resigned. award^jymh Dr. Victor J. W, Meat Market, Treat’s Grocery Store, w e e k ......... lected student governing body, .sta­ Stahley; Reading. Supervisor, .Ber­ Avenue, where Gorman’s;} pond was A veteran hotehnan, Mr. Wil­ Christie, superintendent of schools, tha Johnson; Drug Abuse Supervi­ and Park Grove Photo. • Across the “This may be tbe most important then locatecl,' and n e a ? ;^ fl^ e ;’A3berta liams was general manager of the io the. Senior, s^tfi’qlars who sor,1^A ndrea' Zsw adzkj’j ^ u r s ^ J e jn ta k e r s street .smarting about where, Dr. Ted. Hotel Astor in Milwaukee, Wiscon meeting since World War 2. Tlie achieved a grade of SO or inore in to assist in conducting the normal. Siddes;! Dir, .School Communiiy •Schltrssbach’s office is now located, was sin, before coming .to the Grove. conference in Peking set the stags all their major subjects. They are: Looking out die window Sx Neptune: municipal business;. lathms, Greta Wilson; Cafeteria Dr. Dish row, the physician, Taylor's He had also served on the man­ for the Moscow visit.- It was time Class of 1972 — Joanne Bennett, High.School from the Neptune Histori­ Yesterfay, moming, the students Co-ordinator, W arren: Cobb; Se c , Milk Dairy south of the gates, and agerial staffs of other hotels in the for the United States to show.:v/e Carol Boeseh, James Branigan, Su­ cal Museum' (in the Neptund Munici­ acting as . municipal officials re­ Board of Ed., Debbie King; Attend­ the old Neptune High School, with U.
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