The Aug. 28 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom — It was the biggest civil-rights demonstration the Capital ever saw. THE In Wake of Capital March: MILITANT No Let-Up in Rights Battle Published in the Interests of the Working People By George Lavan On Aug. 30 a rioting mob of schoolrooms being installed in the Where does the Negro people’s hundreds in Folcroft, Pa., pelted black ghetto to avert the transfer Vol. 27 - No. 31 Monday, September 9, 1963 Price 10c fight for equality stand now that and cursed a Negro couple which of Negro children to adjacent, the March on Washington has had bought a home in that pre­ white, school districts where passed into history? viously lily-white neighborhood. there are empty classrooms. Mean­ The Aug. 28 march, the largest More Danville Negroes were while, neighborhood Negro lead­ demonstration Washington has jailed Aug. 30. In Williamston, ers announced plans for citywide Continued US Aid in Vietnam ever seen, commanded the atten­ N.C., teachers accused the police of protest actions against widespread tion of the whole country — in­ “gross brutality” against 400 Ne­ school segregation in the city. deed, of the whole world. Between gro school children who were pro­ On Sept. 2 Gov. Wallace of 200,000 and 250,000 people — testing the earlier arrest of eleven Alabama used state troopers to Refutes ‘Freedom Fight’ Lie about 90 per cent of them Negro demonstrators. In Americus, Ga., prevent carrying out of token — made a sacrifice of time and where three Negroes face death integration ordered by the courts. On Sept. 4 in Birmingham, Ala., By Steve Graham money to journey to the nation’s sentences for demonstrating in In the face of growing world “religiously tolerant” any military capital on a work day to register violation of a pre-Civil War the home of Negro civil-rights at­ protests against the brutality of group that replaces Diem. by their physical presence the de­ statute, 32 more freedom fighters torney Arthur L. Shores was the Ngo Dinh Diem regime in The Diem family, fighting back mand for freedom and jobs. This were arrested. bombed for the second time in South Vietnam, the Kennedy ad­ against this tactic, published was eloquent and dramatic testi­ On Aug. 31, police in St. Au­ two weeks. Police attacked Ne­ ministration is frantically maneu­ charges on Sept. 2 that the U.S. mony of their feelings and their gustine, Fla., used dogs and elec­ groes drawn to the scene by the blast, opened fire on them, wound­ vering to dissociate itself from the Central Intelligence Agency had potential power. tric cattle prods on Negroes seek­ ing several and killing one —• w orst excesses of that regime. B ut planned a coup against the Diem But despite this tremendous out­ ing service at drug-store lunch shot through the back of the these efforts reek of hypocrisy. government on Aug. 28 but post­ pouring, nothing concrete appears counters. neck. Three Birmingham schools Washington backed Diem for years poned it when the dictator got to have changed in the oppressed On Sept. 1 state troopers and which had registered several Ne­ without qualms. It even planned wind of it and prepared to fight. position of the Negro people in sheriff’s deputies, mounted on gro students the previous, day and set up his system of concen­ It claimed that the CIA had spent this country. Consider the news horseback and using cattle prods bowed to Gov. Wallace’s order tration camps, supplied him with $10 to $20 million in bribes and events since. and tear gas, routed and pursued and closed. U.S. manned and machine-gunning other expenditures organizing the The day after the march 25 1,000 Negro paraders in Pla- The list could be elaborated, helicopters, napalm bombs, pois­ coup. more Negro demonstrators were quemine, La. but there is enough to show that onous chemicals, — even police Washington officials denied the arrested by the brutal, racist cops In Chicago Negroes resumed the situation in this part of the dogs, those famous American con­ (Continued on Page 4) of Danville, Va. demonstrations against the trailer “free world” hasn’t tangibly tributions to “democracy.” changed from what it was before It was only when the courageous The Muslim Trial the March on Washington. and dramatic protest of the South But if state and city officials, Vietnamese Buddhists aroused the their cops, school boards, etc., are world and the savage reprisal behaving pretty much as they did raids on Buddhist temples shocked before — possibly even more it into anger, that Kennedy broke 6 Jurors Reveal How Verdict Was Biased brutally, it should not be over­ silence, denounced Diem and be­ looked that the Negroes are dem­ gan to seek means of refurbishing By Constance Weissman They said that because of “the On July 16, ten days later, w ith ­ onstrating as militantly as before or replacing the regime there. A sensational revelation has conflicting testimony, provocative out mentioning the letter or the — possibly in larger numbers. For example, Washington makes just been made which should circumstances and the indiscretion visit to him of the jurors, Judge But if the great March hasn’t a great point of blaming Diem’s cause an immediate voiding of the of mostly all parties to the trial” Coleman handed down harsh sen­ altered the pattern of discrimina- it had been “difficult if not im­ tences. Instead of declaring a mis­ brother Nhu and Mme. Nhu for verdicts in the trial of the Black (Continued on Page 3) the Aug. 21 raids and imposition Muslims convicted last June in possible” for them to always trial, he imposed one-to-ten year of martial law. This is to give Los Angeles. So serious are these “maintain the highest degree of sentences on four of the defend­ Diem an out. Kick out your bro­ new facts that they call for an comprehension.” ants; five years probation with the ther and placate the Buddhists, investigation of the trial presided stipulation that the first year be says Kennedy, and we can go on over by Judge David Coleman and spent in jail on four; 90 days in In This Issue playing ball. of the Los Angeles police depart­ jail and five years probation on two; and one defendant, who was But so far Diem feels strong ment. shot by the cops and is paralyzed enough to buck Washington. He Six women members and al­ John Lewis' Speech from the waist down, was put on refuses to make his brother a ternates of the all-white jury probation for four years. Beyond scapegoat and fears that any con­ w hich sat on the case told Judge Censored at M O W P. 2 reach of the police frame-up and cessions to the Buddhists w ould Coleman that they “do not think harsh sentence was Ronald L. endanger his totalitarian rule. justice was done.” According to Stokes, the 29-year-old temple Report on Cuba Moreover, he knows Washington the Aug. 22 California Eagle, the secretary, who was killed by the will not crush him by the only six spoke of “pressure,” “confu­ cops during their savage shooting An Interview P. 3 certain means it has — that is, sion,” “wrong decisions” and spree. pulling out U.S. troops and fi­ “intolerance.” They said that on nancial aid. Such a step would two occasions, policemen ques­ Disclosure of the repentant jur­ Freedom Now Party mean losing the area to the peas­ tioned the honesty of Negroes in ors’ action was made by John ant guerrillas. the presence of the ju ry , once Hart, a news analyst on KNXT- Reply to N.Y. Times P. 4 Washington is following another while the jury was actually de­ TV in Los Angeles. He said that maneuver, fishing for Vietnamese liberating its verdict. three of the jurors had agreed to Sino-Soviet Dispute army officers who would over­ The trial ended on June 14, after come on his program, but then throw Diem and play better ball 18 days of deliberation by the backed out because they were A Statement P. 5 with the U.S. By officially absolv­ jury. On July 6, the six jurors ob­ afraid of “retaliation.” Hart quot­ ing the Vietnamese army of com­ tained a private meeting with ed one, Mrs. Josephine Byrne, as plicity in the Aug. 21 raids — Judge Coleman, who had then saying, “I do not think justice W.E.B. DuBois was done.” She reportedly stated whether it was so or not — Wash­ not yet pronounced sentences. A Tribute P. 6 ington is serving notice that it w ill They presented him with a letter that because of the pressure of whitewash as “democratic” and pleading for lenient sentences. M alcolm X (Continued on Page 6) Page Tw o THE MILITANT Monday, September 9, 1963 Why Speech Speech that SNCC Leader THE NATIONAL PICKET LINEL Of John Lewis Had Planned for D.C. March [The following is the text of the Was Censored speech SNCC Chairman John The best speech at the March Lewis was prevented from deliv­ on Washington was never deliv­ ering at the March on Wash­ The Railroad Labor bill passed an earlier “wildcat” strike. Among ered. That was the speech pre­ ington.] by Congress to head off a na­ these was Local 588 President pared by John Lewis, chairman tional strike on Aug. 28 is the Bernard Fox who took the unusual of the Student Nonviolent Co­ We march today for jobs and most flagrant move to hamstring (for modern-day union “leaders” ) ordinating Committee, which ap­ freedom, but we have nothing to organized labor since passage step of supporting the rank and pears in full in the adjoining be proud of. For hundreds and of the Kennedy-Landrum-Griffin file during their “unauthorized” columns. thousands of our brothers are not law. For the first time in U.S. his­ walkout. UAW officials, headed by Catholic Archbishop O’Boyle of here. They have no money for tory, it has legalized compulsory Walter Reuther, feared a “revolt” Washington, D.C., who had been their transportation, for they are arbitration and in effect outlaws in the ranks against the Interna­ Invited to give the invocation, read receiving starvation wages — or the right to strike. tional union and apparently went an advance copy of the speech and no wages, at all. The main features of the law, along with the firing of the local threatened to walk off the plat­ In good conscience, we cannot which was rushed through con­ president. This is the only ex­ form if it was delivered. support the administration’s civil gress ju st hours before railroad planation for their action of plac­ To their everlasting shame the rights bill, for it is too little, and workers were scheduled to strike, ing James A. Hanby, an Interna­ top civil-rights officials, with too late. There’s not one thing in are as follows: 1) An arbitration tional representative, in position Walter Reuther reportedly playing the bill that w ill protect our peo­ board is set up consisting of two of administrator of the local fol­ a prominent role, censored parts ple from police brutality. members from the unions and two lowing the firing of Bernard Fox of the SNCC leader’s speech and This bill w ill not protect young from the railroad carriers’ associa­ last May. dictated a rewriting of other parts. children and old women from tion. Together they will select If the March leaders had had police dogs and fire hoses, fo r three “neutral” members, making the courage, which it w ill take to engaging in peaceful demonstra­ a total of seven. If they cannot The Canadian Power Plant win full equality for the Negro tions. This bill w ill not protect the agree on the “ neutrals,” President Worker, official newspaper of the people in this country, they would citizens in Danville, Virginia, who Kennedy w ill appoint them. 3) Canadian Union of Operating En­ not have yielded to Archbishop must live in constant fear in a John Lewis The board w ill have 90 days to gineers, reports that four local O’Boyle’s arrogant demand. police state. This bill will not reach agreement on main issues unions of the International Broth­ Claimed Objection protect the hundreds of people administered by racist judges, in dispute. These are the carriers’ erhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Pa­ account who have been arrested on many of whom have been con­ allegation of featherbedding which per M ill workers have decided to of the censoring of Lewis’ speech, trumped-up charges. What about sistently appointed by President they intend to eliminate by laying form a new union called the Pulp undoubtedly reflecting the ver­ the three young men in Americus, Kennedy. off some 37,000 firemen and addi­ and Paper Workers of Canada. sion O’Boyle and the guilty civil- Georgia, who face the death pen­ I want to know, which side is tional thousands of train crew­ Some reasons given for this split rights leaders wish circulated, alty for engaging in peaceful the Federal Government on? men. 3) The decision on these of more than 1,000 workers are makes out that the principal ob­ protest? The revolution is at hand, and two disputes w ill not go into ef­ “ the bureaucratic' mismanagement jection was to an analogy to The voting section of this bill we must free ourselves of the fect for an additional 60 days dur­ and autocratic airs of the interna­ Sherman’s march through the w ill not help thousands of black chains of political and economic ing w hich “ secondary” issues lik e tional despots” and “lack of dem­ South. This is an obvious sub­ citizens who want to vote. It will slavery. The non-violent revolu­ wages, conditions, etc., w ill be ocratic representation.” The re­ terfuge. The objection was to not help the citizens of Mississip­ tion is saying, “We w ill not wait negotiated. 4) Should the com­ port added that the International Lewis’ blunt criticisms of Ken­ pi, of Alabama, and Georgia, who for the courts to act, for we have pulsory arbitration board rule in leaders had acted “ as though both nedy and the Democratic Party. are qualified to vote, but lack a been waiting for hundreds of favor of the carriers, the company the organization and the treasury That is why the statement that the sixth grade education. “One man, years. We will not wait for the would have another 30 strike-free were personal possessions.” Republicans and Democrats had one vote,” is the African cry. It President, the Justice Department, days in which to begin laying off “betrayed” was stricken out, as is ours, too. (It must be ours.) nor Congress, but we will take workers before the law expires. was the declaration of non-sup­ People have been forced to leave matters into our own hands and 5) During the six-month period Baseball star Mickey Mantle of port of Kennedy’s civil-rights their homes because they dared to create a source of power, outside the law is in effect, it is illegal the N.Y. Yankees is on the wrong bills. exercise their right to register to of any national structure that to strike. Another provision of the side in a labor dispute in Joplin, SNCC, the organization Lewis vote. What is in the bill that w ill could and would assure us a Vic­ law is that the arbitration board’s Mo. He is president of a company heads and for which he was protect the homeless and starving tory.” To those who have said, “ Be decisions on the tw o main issues holding a franchise on the Holiday speaking, is in the foremost firing people of this nation? What is patient and wait,” we must say in dispute are binding and it w ill Inn Motel which is being picketed line of the civil-rights battle. there in this bill to insure the that, “Patience is a dirty and be illegal to strike against said by Local 135 of the Hotel and SNCC’s members, mostly from the equality of a maid who earns $5 nasty word.” We cannot be pa­ decisions for two years from the Restaurant Employees, which is 102 Negro colleges in the South, a week in the home of a family tient, we do not want to be free date of the law ’s passage. Rank- fighting for union recognition. are among the bravest and most whose income is $100,000 a year? gradually, we want our freedom, and-file rail workers w ill not have Plans are under way to give out self-sacrificing people in the For the first time in 100 years and we want it now. We cannot the right of voting to accept or union leaflets at all Yankee games country. They have to their credit this nation is being awakened to depend on any political party, for reject the arbitration board’s find­ in which Mantle plays. probably more arrests and jail the fact that segregation is evil both the Democrats and the Re­ ing. sentences fo r the cause than all and that it must be destroyed in publicans have betrayed the basic It should be noted that ever all forms. Your presence today principles of the Declaration of since the railroad carriers started other civil-rights organizations The basic problem of the Negro proves that you have been aroused Independence. their job-slashing campaign almost combined. These people have people is unemployment according to the point of action. We all recognize the fact that five years ago one of the principal risked their lives innumerable to Teamster president James Hof- We are now involved in a seri­ if any radical social, political and activities of the railroad union times. Their bodies are covered fa. Speaking at a meeting in Min­ ous revolution. This nation is still economic changes are to take place leaders has been to conduct ex­ w ith scars of the battle. They have neapolis on Aug. 22, he said the a place of cheap political leaders in our society, the people, the pensive lobbying in Washington won the right to have their March On Washington would not who build their careers on immoral masses, m ust bring them about. in the hope of winning “friends” spokesman say what they want solve this problem. Stressing the compromises and ally themselves In the struggle we must seek more for their point of view. On Aug. him to say, without any inter­ need for labor participation in na­ with open forms of political, eco­ than more civil rights; we must 28 they got their answer. The ference. tional politics Hoffa condemned nomic and social exploitation. work for the community of love, vote for the unprecedented anti­ Congress for not having this rep­ What political leader here can peace and true brotherhood. Our union Railroad Labor Bill in the resentation, and urged support for stand up and say “My party is the minds, souls, and hearts cannot U.S. Senate was 90 to 2 and in party of principles” ? The party of rest until freedom and justice ex­ the House 286 to 66. DRIVE (Democrat Republican In­ Kennedy is also the party of East­ ist fo r all the people. dependent Voter Education). This is the Teamsters plan to support land. The party of Javits is also The revolution is a serious one. “ friends” of labor in the tw in boss the party of Goldwater. Where is Mr. Kennedy is trying to take the A FL-C IO President G eorge our party? revolution out of the street and Meany, ILGWU president David parties. In some parts of the South we put it in the courts. Listen Mr. Dubinsky, Democratic Mayor Ro­ Outside the meeting a Socialist work in the fields from sun-up to Kennedy, Listen Mr. Congressmen, bert Wagner and Republican Gov­ Workers Party leaflet was being sun-down for $12 a week. In A l­ Listen fellow citizens, the black ernor Nelson Rockefeller marched distributed. It urged all-out Team­ bany, Georgia, nine of our leaders masses are on the m arch fo r jobs at the head of this year’s Labor ster support to the March on have been indicted not by Dixie- and freedom, and we must say to Day parade in and Washington and independent po­ crats but by the Federal Govern­ the politicians that there won’t be then watched the rest from the litical action by the labor and ment for peaceful protest. But a “cooling-off” period. reviewing stand. Despite the fea­ civil-rights movement. Referring what did the Federal Government All of us must get in the rev­ tured appearance of this motley in his speech to the SWP leaflet do when Albany’s Deputy Sheriff olution. Get in and stay in the crew of “labor-statesmen” and distributors, Hoffa said that the beat Attorney C. B. King and left streets of every city, every village “friends of labor,” only 103,000 future choice for the workers him half-dead? What did the Fed­ and every hamlet of this nation, paraded compared to twice that would be “them or us.” eral Government do when local until true Freedom comes, until number in the last parade held police officials kicked and assault­ the revolution is complete. In the in 1961. ed the pregnant wife of Slater Delta of Mississippi, in southwest Declining rank-and-file partic­ K ing, and she lost her baby? Georgia, in Alabama, Harlem, ipation caused the Wayne County I t seems to me th a t the A lbany Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia AFL-CIO Council to call off this indictment is part of a conspiracy and all over this nation. The' black year’s Detroit Labor Day parade on the part of the Federal Gov­ masses are on the march! for the first time since World ernment and local politicians in We won’t stop now. All of the W ar I. the interest of expediency. forces of Eastland, Barnett, Wal­ Moreover, we have learned — Reuther lace, and Thurmond won’t stop and you should know — since we this revolution. The time w ill come UAW International representa­ are here for Jobs and Freedom — when we will not confine our tives agreed to a settlement with that within the past ten days a marching to Washington. We w ill officials of the Ford Stamping spokesman for the Administration march through the South, through Plant in Chicago Heights, 111., fol­ appeared in a secret session be­ the Heart of Dixie, the way Sher­ lowing an eight-day strike. The fore the committee that’s writing man did. We shall pursue our own strike had been called following the civil-rights bill and opposed “scorched earth” policy and burn the company’s refusal to settle NEW YORK and has almost killed a provision Jim Crow to the ground — non- more than 200 health-and-safety Just Back from CUBA— Hear Charles that would have guaranteed in violently. We shall fragment the grievances. The company re­ P. Howard, Sr., correspondent for Afro- voting suits, for the first time, a South into a thousand pieces and portedly agreed to put a full-time American and Muhammad Speaks re­ fair federal district judge. And, I put them back together in the union safety officer in the plant, port on Freedom, Justice and Equality might add, this Administration's image of democracy. We w ill make but it is still not clear how many — Cuban Style. Fri., Sept. 13, 8:30 p.m. Adelphi Hall, 74 Fifth Ave. Contrib. $1 bill, or any other civil-rights bill the action of the past few months grievances are settled. Not part of (students, 50c.) Ausp. Militant Labor — as the 1960 civil-rights act — look petty. And I say to you, the settlement is the fate of 16 un­ Forum. will be totally worthless when WAKE UP AMERICA! ion men fired by the company in H offa Monday, September 9, 1963 THE MILITANT Page Three

A MILITANT INTERVIEW Two Students Who Defied Cuba Travel Ban Tell Story By George Saunders souvenirs — a conch shell horn — around. They are men convicted that he had of the guerrilla fight­ of open acts, usually sabotage, NEW YORK — Three days after ing. against the revolution. They are their return to the U.S., a young “Through him we learned that well cared for, work eight hours, couple who had been part of the psychology in Cuba is starting are learning vocations, raise part student group which visited Cuba from scratch; there aren’t enough this summer, gave The Militant trained personnel. In the field of of their own food. They can live with their families on weekends, an interview. Clint and Dee teaching psychology, there are Jencks, 19 and 18 respectively, of only six persons with a master’s under oath to return. San Francisco, were, in fact, eager degree and only one has a doc­ “Their families are supported to get a truthful story printed. An torate. by the government, w hich does Aug. 28 UPI dispatch from Madrid “Two things that impressed us not believe the family should be had done a yellow-journalism, especially about the revolution punished for the man’s errors. In hatchet-job on Clint — even fab­ were the rehabilitation centers for fact, their children receive top ricating anti-Cuban “ quotes” from prostitutes and the reform camps priority in the granting of schol­ him — and he was anxious to set for counter-revolutionaries. arships.” the record straight. “There had been many prosti­ What comments would you make Accompanying the UPI story tutes in Havana. That’s where the on the trip now that it’s over? from Madrid was a telephoto tourists came. It was one of the showing Clint getting a shave and only ways a girl who was poor “We were personally very hap­ haircut. The story itself invented could live then. After the revolu­ py with the trip. Even if we such statements from him as, “The tion, when prostitution was hadn’t enjoyed it, it would have people of Cuba never lived worse banned, they set up rehabilitation been necessary. The citizen has a than they do now.” The impres­ centers that the girls could attend responsibility to learn and learn­ sion the story was designed to if they chose. ing isn’t always a pleasant thing. convey was that Clint had idolized “There they could learn to read “We feel we have struck a de­ Fidel Castro but, after seeing and write, to keep house and get finite blow for the right to travel Cuba, was shedding his “illusions” training in a profession of their and for constitutional rights in with his beard. choice. Their children are cared Dee Jencks general. It’s a precedent others can for in nurseries right next door, follow. It shows the State Depart­ How had the UPI managed to ment that it’s not so easy to re­ so they are not cut off from their writers; one is the head of a school fake such a story when Clint was strict travel. We’ve set a concrete Clinton Jencks, Jr. mothers, but the mothers are free city. But it’s still not good. There such an. enthusiastic supporter of to attend school.” example. It’s the demonstration of are cases, according to Che Gue­ the Cuban Revolution? the readiness to fight, the fight it­ and so, in fact, were able to do vara, of people complaining about “I was in a barber shop in our What was your impression of the self, that counts more than the this.” status of women in general? having women over them.” Madrid hotel getting a shave and theoretical argument for civil lib­ haircut when a UPI photographer Did you fear any reprisals for [Dee] “I got the impression that What about reform camps for erties. Practical .direct action is counter-revolutionaries? saw me. He raced in, saying, ‘May making the trip? women as well as men had a pur­ what gets results, as the Negroes I take pictures?’ and went click, “Any fears we had were over­ pose for living. More than bridge “A friend of ours dropped in at have shown in their present strug­ click, click. ridden by our sense of respon­ games and gossip. They’re in the a reform camp and talked to the gle. And that’s what we think “He kept trying to ask me po­ sibility, as citizens under a pre­ militia, they’re community leaders, men when there were no officials we’ve shown.” litical questions, although I told sumed democracy, to inform our­ him our group’s policy was not to selves. A citizen can’t sit back and make any political statements be­ consider himself intelligent if he fore our return, when we would just accepts the rumors and press ... Rights Battle Continues Without Let-Up hold a press conference. I told reports he gets on candidates and h im I w ould give him a personal issues. The issue here is foreign (Continued from Page 1) put in a brief appearance, Wash­ seized, and despite the shameful impression of the Cuban theater, policy relating to Cuba. Having ington newspaper quickly pointed censoring of SNCC Chairman since my interests had once been seen the contradictions of the press tion throughout the. country or out that their reporters were able John Lew is’ speech, the M arch in that direction. (The UPI dis­ on Cuba, we felt the only way to the relationship of forces on the various battlefields, what about to count only half that number. made two important achieve­ patches garbled that into my being inform ourselves effectively was ments. a ‘theater major in Louisiana’ — to go there and learn something its effect in Washington itself? In presenting the March’s de­ It brought to the Negro people, I was bom there, but I’m a psy­ about it.” Tremendous as the Aug. 28 mands the civil-rights leaders ap­ as nothing before had, a realiza­ chology major at San Francisco demonstration was, almost all parently were far from outspoken. tion of their own strength. The State College.) What did you see in Cuba? capital observers agree that it has Senate Majority Leader Mike sight of those hundreds of thou­ “ W ell, there were so many probably not changed any votes Mansfield told reporters after the “As for the beard, I wore one sands journeying to Washington in things — we were there nearly in the coming Congressional line­ March leaders had left his office long before going to Cuba. And common purpose had an electrify­ two months — all the details melt up on civil-rights. More than that, that they had served no “de­ I shaved because I’ll need a job to ing effect upon all who partic­ into a general impression. At first it does not appear to have pres­ mands” on him. help get through school this ipated and upon the millions who we used the Havana Riviera Hotel sured President Kennedy into The March’s title proclaimed semester. Besides, I’ll be wanting saw it on television. Here was a as a central point from which we strengthening the legislative pack­ that it was for jobs as well as to tell conservative people about revelation to all fighters against Cuba and I’ll get a better hearing radiated out to visit housing age he endorsed and which all freedom. Yet when the leaders Negro leaders have from the first visited Kennedy afterwards, he Jim Crow of their own potential if I’m clean shaven.” projects, the university, workers’ power. beaches and points around the declared to be inadequate. listed his legislative goals, con­ The March also fixed specifically How did you two get interested city. We met with President Dor- spicuously omitting the creation Protected by the built-in stabil­ in the minds of all Americans in the trip? ticos, Che Guevara and other gov­ izers of their rigged two-party of a Fair Employment Practices Commission. There is no report what the separate struggles and “We attended a talk by Levi ernment leaders. system from the anger of the Ne­ that the March leaders took Ken­ demonstrations in various cities Laub, a spokesman for the Stu­ “At one point, Fidel heard we gro people, the Democratic and nedy up on this. and towns had made generally dent Committee for Travel to were in the neighborhood and Republican leaders made a point known — that the question of full dropped by to see us — he played of practically ignoring the march­ Cuba, at San Francisco State. Showed Potential equality for the Negro people is When he explained it was feasible ping-pong with some of us and ing throngs. the paramount issue before Amer­ to make the trip without losing exchanged a few words. We made The Kennedy administration As far as the politicians in ica and the Negro people are de­ your passport and since we want­ longer and longer trips out of was conspicuous by its absence Washington — from Kennedy on manding its solution NOW! ed to see for ourselves what Cuba Havana until finally we made the from the Lincoln Memorial area. down — are concerned, the March was like, we decided to go. Part of long one to Santiago on the east­ No cabinet officers or White showed the potential political our reason was to learn how psy­ ern end. Along the way we House staff members attended. power of the Negro people — but chology is doing in Cuba. We met dropped off at farms, factories and Only a handful of secondary rank only the potential. That power JUST PUBLISHED a Cuban student of psychology people’s homes. In Santiago there executive branch officers showed has not been made actual, nor can were organized — I should say up. it while the Negroes are trapped disorganized — receptions for us. Though the March leaders in the two-party system. Then there was the July 26 rally claimed that 150 Congressmen They may get angry and dem­ N.Y. Meet to Hear and more traveling and visiting all onstrate, but Kennedy et al figure The Road Students on Cuba sorts of places back in Havana. that they have nowhere else to go “But the overall impression was — so why worry? Only by break­ NEW YORK — The Stu­ of an overwhelmingly magnanim­ A Critical View ing with the Democratic-Republi­ To Revolution dent Committee for Travel to ous revolution. I’ve been to the Of the March can flim-flam, could the Negroes Cuba, which sponsored the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, convert their potential political but the love and passion for the Louis Lomax, Negro jour­ power into actual power. This is visit of 58 students to Cuba nalist and author of The Negro In Latin America this summer, w ill hold a pub­ revolution that I saw in Cuba was what makes the recent call to Ne­ so much more fiery and heartfelt. Revolt, attended the March on groes for the formation of a Free­ lic meeting Sunday, Sept. 15, The people really seem to work Washington. Afterwards he told dom N ow P a rty so significant. at 2:15 P.M. in Town Hall, with love, not drudgery.” Scripps-Howard correspondent, But that movement, the politicians BY FIDEL CASTRO 113 West 43 Street. The Inez Robb, the following: figure, as yet is small — a cloud meeting, on the theme “Cuba What did you learn of your “I was disappointed in the on the horizon no bigger than a particular interest, psychology? march and the speeches. The 1963: An Eyewitness Report,” man’s hand. Complete text of major policy will feature a panel discus­ “A young Cuban, who had read whole thing lacked the fire and militancy that is needed to ac­ Consequently, the Washington sion by the students on their in the Cuban papers that two of speech delivered on tenth an­ complish the freedom that I politicians, despite the March, impressions of Cuba. Mod­ the American students were stu­ have decided to follow their cus­ want for my son. niversary of the historic July 26 erator will be independent dying psychology, sought us out. tom ary pattern: Kennedy is se­ His name was Armando; he “I can come to Washington journalist I. F. Stone. Present cretly making deals — not to worked in a factory making IBM for a stroll under the trees or attack on Fort Moncada. as guest speakers w ill be a picnic any time. I want to strengthen the civil-rights bills cards and studied psychology in now pending but to allow them to Carleton Beals, authority on see Negroes march right up to night school. He had fought in be weakened further; the Con­ 50 cents L a tin Am erica, M a x w e ll the Sierra Maestra. He took us all the H ill and Congress. I was disturbed to know that John gressional committees are giving Geismar, literary historian around Havana, introduced us to the bills the slow treatment; and and Truman Nelson, novelist people, had us attend psychology Lewis’ speech had been cen­ sored by general agreement of the Southern Democrats are PIONEER PUBLISHERS of the abolitionist movement. classes. the leaders. planning their filibuster. “He had been one of the literacy 116 University Place Tickets are available for $1 “However, I must say that in Despite the lack of concrete re­ or $2.50 by calling OX 5-2863 brigadistas, a tremendously sin­ terms of numbers, the march sults of the March, despite its N ew Y o rk 3, N . Y . in New York. cere, generous and impressive was very impressive.” missed opportunities which a more person. He gave us one of the last militant leadership would have Page F o u r THE MILITANT Monday, September 9, 1963

N.Y. Times Offers Negroes Free Advice THE MILITANT Takes Dim View of Freedom Now Party Editor: JOSEPH HANSEN Managing Editor: GEORGE LAVAN Business Manager: KAROLYN KERRY By Tom Kerry Published weekly, except during July and August when published bi-weekly, The rich and influential New by The Militant Publishing Ass’n., 118 University PI., New York 3, N.Y. Phone Y ork Times is opposed to the Uninvited Guests at Justice D e p 't CH 3-2140. Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: $3 a year; launching of a Freedom Now Par­ Canadian, $3.50; foreign, $4.50. Signed articles by contributors do not necessarily ty. It is against what it dubs: The Washington Monument represent The Militant's views. These are expressed in editorials. “Racism in Politics.” It frowns and the Lincoln Memorial upon any movement which threat­ didn’t witness all the action V o l. 27 - No. 31 * @ » 3 4 5 M onday, Septem ber 9, 1963 ens to upset the political status at the March on Washington, quo. It strongly urges a continua­ the Department of Justice tion of the practice of Negroes got its share as well. supporting candidates of the two Wilkins Talks Tough major parties for public office. It All through the night of Aug. 27-28 marchers from Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the NAACP, recently would be strange if it were other­ wise. the Student Nonviolent Co­ used some very bold and, in fact, sarcastic language towards gov­ For the Times is generally re­ ordinating Committee picket­ ernment leaders. This might surprise those who are fam iliar with cognized as the country’s most ed the building in which At­ the moderate, indeed soft-spoken and timorous, language custom­ diligent watchdog guarding the torney General Robert Ken­ interests of the ruling capitalist nedy’s and FBI Chief J. arily employed by Wilkins (and old-guard civil-rights leaders class. I t has a keen nose fo r Edgar Hoover’s offices are like him) in addressing government figures — Kennedy, for in­ sniffing out any danger that might located. They were protest­ stance. undermine the “white power ing the federal prosecution structure” which rests upon that The paradox is explained by the fact that Wilkins was giv­ of civil-rights leaders in A l­ unique American institution — the ing the rough side of his tongue to government officials in C hina, two-party system. It vows upon bany, Ga., and the lack of in response to their messages — including one from Mao Tse-tung its editorial soul that its only in­ federal protection for voter - — supporting the American Negro struggle. terest in warning the Negroes registration workers in the J- EdSar Hoover W ilkin’s courage in addressing government officials varies in against “racism in politics” is — Deep South. direct proportion to their distance from him and to the side they of course, of course — its concern On Aug. 29 a group of national committee members of the occupy in the cold war. What earned W ilkins’ wrath in the Chi­ over the welfare of the Negro newly-announced Freedom Now Party accompanied William people. nese messages were use of the term “U.S. imperialism” and a Worthy and Conrad Lynn to Hoover’s office for “a symbolic denunciation of Kennedy’s record on civil rights. Distorts History sit-in” there. Forewarned by the press, nervous FBI officials W ilkins felt obliged to defend Kennedy, to declare that Ken­ To this end, the Times does not immediately ushered the group of seven into the presence of nedy “welcomed” the March on Washington, and to assert that hesitate to distort the history of the almighty J. Edgar himself. Thereupon he and his top as­ Negro struggle, nor to offer a the March was called in support of Kennedy’s civil-rights pro­ sistants tried to answer the delegation’s charges that the FBI recipe calculated to give every posals. was uninterested or incompetent in bringing white-supremacist conscious freedom fighter an acute crim inals to justice. The session ended when the Freedom N ow In contrast to this exaggerated appreciation of Kennedy’s case of political indigestion. The Party spokesmen had to leave to catch their trains. efforts in behalf of the Negro struggle, Wilkins showed no ap­ proposal for a Freedom Now Par­ preciation at all for the open declaration of support for that strug­ ty, says a Times editorial of Aug. gle from representatives of the most populous nation on earth. 26, “implies a total misunderstand­ ing of the nature of our political the Times editorial puts it, “Negro shall be no further repetition of Everyone knows that Soviet criticism of American racism parties and the great flexibility of voters have worked through our it. has provided leverage for Negroes in their struggle here. Chi­ the American political system. The major political parties as allies of If, to paraphrase Patrick Henry, nese criticism should prove no less helpful. The first rule of the progress Negroes have made in whites of good w ill.” To what end? the Freedom Now Party consti­ freedom struggle should be to welcome aid from whatever quarter. this country in recent years has This grotesque political mon­ tutes treason to the so-called The fight is not so easy that any support can be spurned. been possible precisely because strosity has served to bolster the “whites of goodwill” who have racist Dixiecrat power in the solid The attitude of W ilkins and his ilk betrays a subservience to Negro voters have worked through hitherto insisted upon retaining our major political parties as allies Democratic South and elevate to the white power structure of this country and is a disservice to political leadership of the Negro of whites of goodwill.” (M y em­ key positions in Congress the most freedom struggles, let them make the struggle they claim to lead. phasis.) rabid spokesmen of white su­ the most of it. On the contrary, the movement premacy. To attribute the “pro­ gress the Negroes have made in (Note: in the same editorial the for a Freedom Now Party is given Times urges upon the Negroes, as A Contrast its greatest impetus by a growing this country in recent years” to the policy of supporting Republi­ an example to follow, the political We have never yet heard of a capitalist being fined or sent understanding “of the nature of policy of the leaders of the Amer­ our political parties,” which have cans and Democrats is due, either to prison for firing or laying off workers even though it meant to abysmal ignorance or deliberate ican union movement. We shall misery and deprivation for his victims. Official moralists even served as the medium through discuss this aspect of the question which the Jim Crow system has deception. justify a boss’ “right” to fire workers to keep up profits. next week.) been maintained and is being per­ What progress the Negroes have But let workers refuse to work for any reason and every petuated. Responsibility for the made in recent years is due capitalist stooge in the country w ill scream for their scalps. betrayal of the aspirations of the primarily to the fact that they are no longer willing to rely upon That’s what happened in St. Lawrence County, New York, Negro people for freedom and the “whites of goodwill” in the ...South Vietnam where five unemployed workers walked off a work-relief job last equality has been shared by both major parties for a whole his­ major parties but have taken the (Continued from Page 1) Jan. 3. Because that benighted county makes relief recipients work torical period. struggle for freedom into the bribery charges or that the CIA for their pittances, these men had been put to the task of cutting streets. Reliance upon “whites of The reforms of the Reconstruc­ was planning such action “at this brush along the sides of county roads. tion period following the Civil War goodwill,” that is, white liberals, point,” but there is little doubt has led only to frustration and When a blizzard hit the area, producing deep snowdrifts, the were scuttled by a deal between that such efforts were going on. despair. These are the don’t-rush- men asked to be taken off the brush-cutting job. The flint-hearted the industrial and banking mag­ And when Diem makes such go-slow boys who counsel patience county officials refused and the men walked off. For this they nates of the North, operating charges, he knows whereof he after 100 years of betrayals and through the Republican party, and speaks. He himself was brought were charged with the “crime” of interfering with the admin­ broken promises, of barbarous in­ the Southern Plantocracy, which to power with the aid of Col. Ed­ istration of relief, dropped from the relief roles, and — unable to dignities heaped upon searing seized upon the Democratic party ward G. Lansdale, chief CIA raise bail — were jailed for several months before their trial. humiliation, of economic, political as its instrument of oppression. In agent in Vietnam in 1954, and CIA A backwoods jury found them guilty last month and they now and social discrimination that is the period of American imperial Director General Allen W. Dulles, an affront to the human race. face possible sentences of a year in prison and a $500 fine. expansion at the turn of the cen­ brother of then Secretary of State This episode illustrates several facets of our “democratic” and tury, Republicans joined with Born of Revolt John F. Dulles. “affluent” society. It shows how relief recipients are degraded and Democrats in erecting the mon­ W hat the Times cannot under­ Washington now wants to move harassed in many sections of the country. It further shows how strous Jim Crow edifice which stand is that the movement for a Diem out the same way it put him the full “majesty” of capitalist government and law is used to codified the pernicious doctrine of Freedom Now Party is born of in nine years ago. The adm inis­ punish the jobless and poor. white supremacy. revolt against further subordinat­ tration’s moves have nothing to Until the advent of the New ing the Negro struggle for Free­ do with “democracy” or saving In a just society those who fired workers out of greed to Deal in the 1930’s, Negro voters dom Now to the time schedule the Vietnamese people from hav­ increase or maintain profits would be jailed, not their victims. in their great majority — those fixed by the “whites of goodwill” ing “minority rule” imposed on who could vote — supported the who presumably are outraged that them. It only wants a guarantee Republican party under the care­ the Negroes insist upon taking that “its man,” devoted to preserv­ fully fostered myth that it was their destiny into their own ing private property and following the party of Abraham Lincoln, hands. its cold-war line, rules the coun­ Local Directory author of the Emancipation Pro­ The Times also chooses to m is­ try. And if the regime there gets clamation. understand the meaning of the too discredited, the solution is to Upheaval of 1930s emphasis placed by the sponsors switch around and change a few faces. BOSTON. Boston Labor Forum, 295 NEWARK- Newark Labor Forum, Box With the labor upheaval of the of the Freedom Now Party — 361, N ew ark, N ew Jersey. Huntington Ave., Room 200. 1930s, following the election of William Worthy, Conrad Lynn and Meanwhile, hundreds are dying NEW YORK CITY. Militant Labor Pernella Wattley — upon “All- every week in the struggle of the CHICAGO. Socialist Workers Party and Forum, 116 University Place. AL 5-7852. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the rise bookstore. 302 South Canal St., Room 210. of the CIO, there was a massive Black Political Action” and an Vietnamese peasants against W E 9-5044. OAKLAND-BERKELEY. Labor Book “All-Black Slate.” Their state­ Diem’s swollen, marauding armies, Shop and Socialist Workers Party, 563 switch by Negro voters to the CLEVELAND. Eugene V. Debs Hall, 16th St., O akland 12. C alif. T E 6-2077. Democratic party. The social-re- ments and records make clear that which are trained and led by 16,- Room 23, 5927 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 3, I f no answer call 261-5642. white allies will not be spumed 000 U.S. troops. Washington is Ohio. form measures of the New Deal, PHILADELPHIA. Militant Labor Forum coupled with the fact that organ­ and rejected. Not at all! They w ill spending $1.5 m illio n per day to DENVER. Militant Labor Forum, 1227 and Socialist Workers Party, P.O. Box ization of industrial unions in the be welcome, providing they act as keep up this “dirty” war in which California. 8412, Philadelphia 1, Pa. mass-production industries com­ allies and do not presume to lead American GIs have already suf­ SAN FRANCISCO. Militant Labor For­ DETROIT. Eugene V. Debs Hall, 3737 pelled the admission into the un­ and control. fered over 300 casualties. And the W oodw ard. TEm ple 1-6135. um meets second and fourth Fridays at Pioneer Book Store, 1488 Fulton St. ions of large numbers of Negro That is a role to which the white events of the war are kept W E 1-9967. LOS ANGELES. Socialist Workers Par­ workers, cemented the Labor-Ne- liberals and labor leaders are un­ shrouded in secrecy. ty, 1702 East Fourth St. AN 9-4953 or ST. L O U IS . Phone M ain 1-2669. Ask for gro-Democratic-Party-a 11 i a n c e, accustomed and from which they A ll of Kennedy’s maneuvers — W E ' 5-9238. Open 12 noon to 5 p.m. daily Dick Clarke. and Saturday. which persists to this day. recoil in mock horror. Too long whether they be to rebuff de SAN DIEGO. San Diego Labor Forum, MILWAUKEE. 150 E. Juneau Ave. P.O. Box 1581, San Diego 12, Calif. For From the Roosevelt sweep of has Negro subjection to white lib­ Gaulle or to appoint a Republican labor and socialist books, Sign of the 1936 to the election of Kennedy in eral and labor leadership led to Ambassador to South Vietnam to MINNEAPOLIS. Socialist Workers Party Sun Books. 4705 College Ave. and Labor Book Store, 704 Hennepin 1960, Negro voters in their great frustration. Negroes want no more maintain bi-partisan solidarity on A ve., H a ll 240. FEderal 2-7781. Open 1 S E A TTL E , 3815 5th N .E . L ib rary , book majority have supported the La­ of it. They are in revolt against the issue — are aimed at keep­ to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, Sat­ store. Open 12 noon to 5 p.m. Saturdays. urday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Phone M E 2-7449. bor-Democratic Party coalition. As it. They are determined that there ing the slaughter going. Monday, September 9, 1963 THE MILITANT Page Five

Statement by Secretariat of Fourth International Moscow-Peking Dispute Enters a New Stage

[The following is the text of a the discussion is now finally tak­ Algerian war; the Italian Com­ statement on the Sino-Soviet dis­ ing place out in the open, and that munist Party’s revisionist theory pute adopted by the United Sec­ the ridiculous spectacle of Khru­ that a capitalist society can be retariat of the Fourth Internation­ shchev concentrating his attacks transformed into a socialist society al on July 25, 1963.] on Albania and Mao directing his by “structural reforms” by parlia­ ire against Yugoslavia is finally mentary means, without having to The interruption of the “ideo­ over, when the main debate fo r overthrow the bourgeois state and logical conference” which was held years was between the CCP and without the conquest of power by in Moscow between the represen­ the CPSU. workers and poor peasants. To that tatives oí the leaders of the Com­ Public discussions on ideological extent we support their general munist Party of the Soviet Union differences within the world rev­ criticism of these CP leaderships. and of the Chinese Communist olutionary movement are far from We question at the same time the Party opens a new phase in the being alien to the Marxist-Lenin- consistency of the CCP position Sino-Soviet rift and in the crisis ist tradition. A ll great ideological when Peking maintains silence of Stalinism. The new phase be­ discussions in Lenin’s time, either over the Indonesian CP’s oppor­ came clearer from the publication before the October Revolution or tunist support to Sukarno’s bour­ on June 14, 1963, of the “ 25 after it, were waged by Lenin and geois regime. Points” concerning the general line the Bolsheviks in public, for the be­ of the international communist nefit of all workers and Marxists, I l l movement issued by the Central in the tradition of Rosa Luxem­ On the other hand, when the Committee of the CCP and the burg’s struggle against the reform­ “25 Points” of the CCP contend “Open Letter” in reply given by ist leadership of the German So­ HOW TO CONTAIN HIM? A basic dividing issue between Peking (point 23) that Yugoslavia has the Central Committee of the cial-Democratic Party before 1914, and Moscow is how best to hold back Washington’s war drive. ceased to be a w orkers' state and CPSU a month later. or for that matter, the struggle of Chinese fear Khrushchev would make deal with Kennedy at their has become a capitalist country, The Fourth International, the the Left in the Socialist Interna­ expense. or when the Chinese (point 19) world party of the Socialist Rev­ tional from 1900 onwards against say that “ some people” exaggerate olution founded by Leon Trotsky, Bernstein and Millerandism (re­ the problem of a “certain person’s considers it necessary to state terests of the Soviet bureaucracy working-class movement. Nor does garding participation of socialists role” in the past, when they ask publicly the stand it takes on the which had usurped power in the the discussion center around the in bourgeois governments). for a discussion on “the criticism questions raised in the discussion Also all the discussions during Soviet Union. Servile submission destructive potential of a nuclear of Stalin,” we certainly cannot ap­ between the Communist Parties of of the leadership of all Commu­ war. This again is not a problem the first four congresses of the prove their positions. the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist International, in nist Parties to the Soviet bureau­ of “tactics” but a scientific fact. Peoples Republic. This is all the Lenin’s lifetime, were conducted cracy was likewise introduced in THE REAL DISCUSSION DOES Non-Marxist View more necessary as the CPSU’s publicly. The minutes of these the world movement by Stalin. We NOT RELATE TO THE POLICIES “Open Letter” explicitly refers to congresses were published. These call upon all communists, and OF WORKERS’ STATES (neither The CCP is correct when it re­ the positions of the Trotskyist discussions involved questions con­ particularly the communists of of the Soviet Union nor of the fuses to attribute too much im­ movement and accuses the C hi­ cerning the tactics of mass parties China who say that they are fight­ Chinese Peoples Republic), BUT portance to the rôle of a single nese Communist Party of “acting in Germany, Italy, France and ing for equality between Com­ TO THE POLICIES OF THE individual and refuses to accept as real Trotskyists.” It also ac­ Czechoslovakia, and also questions munist Parties, and the commu­ CO M M UN IST PARTIES AND the non-Marxist thesis of Khrush­ cuses the Chinese representatives concerning many tactical problems nists of the Soviet Union who THE REVOLUTIONARY MOVE­ chev that the terrible crimes, com­ in Ceylon of being in “close con­ posed in the process of the build­ claim that they are “liquidating MENT IN THE COLONIES. mitted under Stalin against com­ tact with the faction of Edmund ing of the Soviet State. the consequences of the cult of Nowhere in their “25 Points” munists and workers in the Soviet Samarakoddy, which is an instru­ Stalin’s personality,” to eradicate have the Chinese asked the So­ Union and against the internation­ ment of the so-called Fourth In­ Nothing to Fear these bureaucratic methods once vie t state to initiate an armed in­ al working class, were due to the ternational (Trotskyists),” and If the international communist and for all from the international tervention in the anti-imperialist so-called “personality cult.” The states that the Trotskyist Fourth movement could conduct such communist movement. struggles of the colonial people. Chinese are also right when they International has sent an Open public discussions when it was re­ Do not hide differences from What they do ask is that the Com­ criticize Khrushchev for wanting Letter to the Chinese Communist latively weak and when the first your militants and the working munist Parties of the imperialist to “make one person responsible Party “completely approving Pe­ Soviet State, encircled by enemies, class! and the colonial countries should for all faults and glorifying him­ king’s activities.” was involved in a civil war, with Do not replace ideological dis­ not use the slogan of “peaceful co­ self with all merits” (point 19). The position of the Fourth In­ its economy nearly broken down, cussion by secret diplomacy! existence” between states as an This criticism of the Khrushchev ternational on the Sino-Soviet rift surely the international movement Fight for an international con­ excuse for “peaceful co-existence” leadership is valid only if it is used is embodied in a document adopt­ has nothing to fear from such dis­ ference of all organizations which with their own bourgeoisie and as to push the so-called “de-Stalin- ed at the Reunification Congress cussions when it is immensely owe allegiance to Marxism-Lenin- a cover for their abandonment of ization” process fu rth e r than of the Fourth International, held stronger and when the Soviet ism! Such a conference must in­ revolutionary strategy and tactics Khrushchev has. This criticism in Italy from June 21 to June 26, Union is the second industrial clude all Communist Parties, the in favor of reformist and revision­ becomes irresponsible and incor­ and just published in a special power in the world, surrounded Fourth International, the Fidelista ist opportunism of the crassest rect if it is used for combating type. issue of the magazine Quatrième by workers’ states both in Europe forces in Cuba and Latin Amer­ the process of de-Stalinization as Internationale (No. 19, 21e année). and in Asia. Moreover, the world ica, the Yugoslav League of Com­ Armed Struggle such. We summarize the ideas developed relationship of forces has deci­ munists, “pro-Chinese” commu­ The crimes committed against nists expelled from the official The Chinese are absolutely right in that document, and clarify our sively changed at the expense of in drawing the attention of the the entire old-guard leadership of Communist Parties. It alone can stand on the essential problems imperialism, in favor of the anti­ communist movement to the well- the Soviet Communist Party, the thrash out all the problems of posed both in the “25 Points” of capitalist forces. known fact that all victorious rev­ majority of whom were physically strategy and tactics of the world the CCP and the “ Open Letter” of The argument that such discus­ olutions so far (not only in the liquidated by Stalin; the crimes revolutionary movement today, not the CPSU. sions help the imperialists to know pre-nuclear era, but also since the committed against the interna­ in a bureaucratic manner but on I what is going on in the socialist development of nuclear weapons) tional working class by the Stal­ camp is not valid. The bourgeois the basis of the rich revolutionary inist leadership, which tried to The Fourth International is of had to be fought with arms fo r press has kept itself “informed” experience of the last twenty sabotage and prevent revolution­ the opinion that the discussion the overthrow of the enemy as about the Sino-Soviet differences years. ary struggles in many countries initiated in the world communist was demonstrated by the Viet­ for many years. Imperialist powers II are very real and very concrete. movement as a result of the Sino- namese, the Cuban, and the Al­ The Khrushchev leadership en­ And these crimes live today in the Soviet rift is a healthy develop­ and the colonial bourgeoisie have gerian revolutions. freely speculated on the extent of consciousness of millions of com­ ment. Far from “weakening the deavors to cloud the issues by It is a monstrous slander, there­ the rift and tried to profit from it. munists, revolutionary workers socialist camp” and “objectively pretending that the Chinese com­ fore, to identify revolutionists The only force misled was the in­ and peasants in many countries, helping imperialism,” a frank and munists “desire a nuclear war,” or who state these undeniable truths ternational working class which “ are indifferent to the danger of a above all in the Soviet Union and public debate on all the basic prob­ with people wanting to provoke a was prevented from intervening nuclear world war breaking out.’’ in the workers’ state of Europe. lems and the strategy of the nuclear war. On the contrary, the in the debate. Once again it has This is nothing but pure and sim­ world socialist revolution can only Chinese are generally justified When we criticize Khrushchev’s been proved that the methods of ple slander, objectively helping the contribute to ideological and po­ when they state that only the policies on these problems we “secret diplomacy” within the litical clarification in the working- anti-Chinese and anti-communist successful — including, if neces­ must say: these crimes were not working-class movement can only propaganda of American imperial­ class movement and the anti-im­ sary, armed — struggles of the the personal responsibility of Stal­ help imperialism and capitalism. ism. perialist movement of the colonial colonial masses against im p e ria l­ in alone but were the collective countries, and thereby strengthen A clear distinction should be It is true that the Chinese CP ism, and successful proletarian responsibility of the entire lead­ the struggles of all the anti-cap­ drawn between a discussion on in some of its old documents while revolutions in the imperialist ership of the CPSU of that period. italist and anti-imperialist forces the problems of strategy and tac­ supporting the Soviet Union in its countries can, in the final analysis, These crimes can be explained in in the world. tics of the international working fight for the destruction and ban­ disarm world imperialism, destroy a Marxist way only if we see them It is indeed a step forward that class and revolutionary movement ning of nuclear weapons, which nuclear weapons and guarantee as the expression of the interests on the one hand, and the prob­ constitute a great danger to the definite and lasting peace for of a bureaucratic caste which had lems of mutual relations between working class of the world, some­ mankind. usurped the power of the workers various workers’ states on the times used formulas which implied Inasmuch as the Chinese Com­ and poor peasants and had sup­ other. While we favor frank and an underestimation of the destruc­ munists more or less advocate the pressed Soviet democracy as a real Moscow public discussions between par­ tive power of these weapons. above general line, we support instrument of proletarian power. vs. ties, we stress the absolute neces­ When the CPSU’s “Open Letter” them against the right-wing op­ In order to prevent a revival of sity of maintaining unity of action in reply to the CCP’s “25 Pqints” portunism of the Khrushchev ten­ such crimes, it is not enough to among the workers’ states in the continues to argue on the assump­ dency on the question of world denounce Stalin as a person. It is Peking military, diplomatic and economic tion that the CCP would be “in­ revolution. The Chinese now share necessary to destroy the political, fields. In order to ensure this, it different” to nuclear war or that the Trotskyist criticism of the ex­ social and economic privileges of is necessary to establish the rela­ the Chinese even wanted to un­ treme right-wing degeneration of the bureaucracy, to restore real The Meaning tions among workers’ states strict­ leash such a war, it is clear that some CPs, i.e., the Dange leader­ Soviet democracy on the basis of O f the G reat Debate ly on the basis of equality, and do the Soviet leadership deliberately ship’s treacherous support [in elected workers’ councils, to re­ away once and for all with the distorts and falsifies the CCP’s India] of its own bourgeoisie store the right of communists to By W illiam P. W arde theory of the “state-guide” and positions clearly stated in points against not only the Chinese work­ form tendencies within the CP the “party-guide.” Common action 15, 16 and 17 of the CCP’s docu­ ers’ state but even against the rev­ (for, as the Chinese CP itself has The first comprehensive appraisal of by the workers’ states must be at­ ment. olutionary workers and peasants stated, a minority can be right the Sino-Soviet dispute from a tained by mutual consultations and In reality the discussion in the put in jail by Nehru; the Amer­ within a CP), and to restore the Marxist standpoint negotiations without any state world revolutionary movement ican Communist Party’s scandal­ right of workers to form new 50 cents having the possibility of dictating does not and cannot center around ous appeal to the Negroes and working-class parties within the to the others. the “advisability or not” of un­ workers to support the Democratic framework of Soviet legality and PIONEER PUBLISHERS Secret diplomacy between Com­ leashing the nuclear war, for no party of monopoly capitalism and on the basis of the socialist con­ 116 University Place munist Parties was introduced in one outside a handful of madmen of the most rabid segregationists; stitution. It is necessary to re­ New York 3, N. Y. the world revolutionary movement can defend such a suicidal pro­ the French Communist Party’s establish the rule that the “party by Stalin to defend the narrow in­ posal inside the international ignominious passivity during the (Continued on Page 6) Page S ix THE MILITANT Monday, September 9, 1963 Major American Figure Gone Demonstrations Held Throughout World With Death of W.E.B. DuBois In Solidarity With March on Washington Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, one of the few great men born in this coun­ Solidarity demonstrations with try in modern times, died at 95 in the March on Washington were Accra, Ghana, Aug. 27, the eve held in various parts of the world. of the great civil-rights dem­ In Great Britain, the Committee onstration in Washington. That of Afro-Asian and Caribbean or­ was a milestone in the struggle to ganizations, made up of nearly 40 which DuBois had devoted his organizations representing people life and talents. from nearly every country in There were many aspects to those areas, staged a march DuBois’s greatness. He achieved through London. Since a principal literary greatness. Had he written purpose of the march was to link no more than his early book, The the struggle against racial dis­ Souls of Black Folk, his literary crimination in the U.S. with that reputation w ould have been se­ in England, the route of the march curely established. was through areas of London His second great achievement noted for discrimination and riot­ was in the field of history. He ing against Negroes. singlehandedly opened up the Some of the slogans carried by whole field of Negro History, Dr. W. E. B. DuBois the demonstrators were: “Support which had been buried under Negro Struggle” ; “U.S. Negroes— piles of neglect and the muck with a movement of white lib­ Your Fight Is Our Fight”; “No written by anti-Negro Southern­ Imperialism—No Racialism” ; and ers. His crowning achievement erals and socialists to form the “Racialism At Home—Aggression here was Black Reconstruction, NAACP. While DuBois’s efforts Abroad.” the first work to really examine made the NAACP an important the Reconstruction Era and show Statement national organization, it was men its true importance in the unsuc­ The following statement was cessful struggle for democracy in of lesser stature and more limited presented to the U.S. Embassy: this country. horizon who inherited it and still DuBois is great not only as a run it today. “We, the undersigned, wish to associate ourselves w ith the cause historian of the Negro, to whom There was another feature of CANADIAN SOLIDARITY. Several hundred Toronto residents the whole school of younger his­ note in his life. DuBois saw the for which many thousands have marched in the rain to U.S. Consulate where the presented declar­ torians in this field is indebted, need of allying the Negro struggle marched to Washington, D. C. — ation of solidarity with the March on Washington. Demonstration his achievement goes beyond that. in the U.S. with the world move­ the cause of the Negro people of Without an understanding of Ne­ ment for socialism. In line with the United States in their just de­ was organized by Committee for Solidarity with the Washington gro history, American history is this idea, he ran as candidate for mand that all forms of racialism Marchers. Declaration was presented by Jack White, New Demo­ incomprehensible. Historians of U.S. Senator for the American La­ and discrimination should end cratic Party candidate for legislature, Mrs. Jean Daniels, Presi­ American society in general, es­ bor Party in New York. fo rth w ith . dent of Anti-Apartheid Ass’n, and Mrs. Anne Olsen, secretary of pecially those of the materialist Such left-wing activity brought “ We urge the United States Gov­ committee. school, are tremendously indebted government retaliation in the form ernment to take all necessary to DuBois. of an indictment as a “foreign steps at once to implement with­ fundamental rights of citizenship In Tel Aviv, Israel, some 50 There are two other great agent” in 1951, a frame-up that out reserve or qualification, in which have been theirs on paper Americans marched to the U.S. achievements in his life. He was was later dropped. Although the every part of the United States, for 100 years, and we pledge them Embassy with banners reading, a founder of the Pan-African yellow press vilified him as a the full equality — economic, so­ our support in their struggles to “The Civil War Is Over” and movement even before World War “ Communist stooge,” DuBois op­ cial, political and educational — to which American Negro citizens turn constitutional guarantees in­ “Black and White Together.” I. And he broke ground in the bat­ posed the CP line of supporting to social facts. tle for Negro equality in the U.S. the Democratic Party and in 1958 are entitled. In Accra, Ghana, about 50 Ne­ He led the Niagara Movement he supported the Independent So­ “We believe that the profes­ “We are convinced that the groes picketed the U.S. Embassy against the Uncle Tomism of cialist Party campaign in New sions of goodwill and offers of word of the United States Gov­ with placards calling for “Equal Booker T. Washington, which be­ York. He left this country in 1960 assistance which the United States ernment in international treaties Rights Now.” fore DuBois dominated Negro in­ to live in Ghana, where in 1963 government extends to the newly- and agreements can only be trust­ In Jamaica thousands marched tellectual life. In 1905 DuBois de­ he took up citizenship. Late in independent countries of Asia, ed if faith is kept with all citizens in solidarity with the D.C. trek. clared: “We claim for ourselves 1961 he announced he was joining Africa, Latin America and the in its own homeland.” every right that belongs to a free- the Communist Party as a dem­ Caribbean, w ill count for nothing Other demonstrations in support born American — political, civil onstration of solidarity with the as long as 20 m illio n Am erican of the March on Washington were and social — and until we get CP against the McCarran Act per­ Negroes are subject to exploita­ held around the world. ...Muslim Trial tion and humiliation in the land those rights we w ill never cease secution, which had just opened In Munich, Germany, some 30 (Continued from Page 1) of their birth, to protest and assail the ears of up. Negro and white Americans, led time and the complexity of the America with the story of its Upon DuBois’s death the gov­ “We feel that the Negro people by A1 Hoosman, a former profes­ case, wrong decisions were made. shameful deeds toward us.” ernment of Ghana declared a na­ have been forced to wait far too sional boxer, marched on the U.S. The Niagara Movement merged tional state of mourning. long for the realization of those consulate. Mrs. Yvonne Magaris is quoted in the California Eagle as stating that she thought “being shot a number of times was quite a bit of punishment in itself.” Another • • • Moscow-Peking Rift Enters New Stage juror, Mrs. Donna Huber, com­ plained of the pressure and of (Continued from Page 5) direction. We firm ly maintain that order to prove that as long as perialist countries. being hurried. Still another maximum” (maximum income of only a political revolution will classes exist, the state w ill also We critically support the Chi­ thought that just being at the restore real Soviet power in the a party member in administration) exist, they seem to “forget” the nese call for a revolutionary scene of the trouble made the de­ Soviet Union. The liquidation of orientation of the CPs in the cap­ fendants guilty and she found out be not higher than the average in­ other dialectical part of this fun­ the abuses and privileges of the damental truth, also developed by italist countries as the only means too late that this was not so. She come of skilled workers, as under bureaucracy w ill immensely Lenin in State and Revolution: the of effectively fighting imperialism offered to testify for the prisoners Lenin. Above all it is necessary to strengthen the Soviet Union and dictatorship of the proletariat is and imperialist preparations for at their probation hearings. entrust the workers .with real international communism. a “state of a special type,” a a nuclear war. Mrs. Helen Hinds was quoted power in the factories by estab­ We also reject the Chinese cam­ “state which begins to wither But contrary to the tendencies as saying that she believed “ jus­ lishing workers self-management paign against the Yugoslav com­ away,” because more and more of Khrushchev and Mao the tice was not done because of in­ through workers’ councils. munists and their characterization state functions should be ex­ Trotskyists defend the principles tolerance.” Such a criticism of Khrushchev of the Yugoslav state as a capital­ ercised collectively by the mass of Marxism-Leninism against any ist state. The Chinese are correct News analyst Hart commented would be very welcome and very of the working people. The Chi­ attempt to revise them to suit the that since the trial, one of the popular among the communists in their denunciation of the ex­ nese do not seem to insist, as Le­ immediate interests of any bu­ treme right-wing deviation of jurors has apologized to the de­ and workers in the Soviet Union nin insisted, on the necessity of a reaucratic group or caste, or to fense attorneys. Yugoslavia in her foreign policy. constant development and increase distort them to reflect the tem­ and other w orkers’ states. The A M ilita n t story of June 17 CPSU’s Open Letter correctly But the nature of the state in of socialist democracy, on the nec­ porary advantages of any workers’ Yugoslavia as elsewhere is deter­ essity of fighting again and again state. We strive to develop the described the attack on the Mus­ states that the mass of the Soviet lims as having begun as a “ police people certainly support de-Stal- mined by the property relations. against bureaucratic deformation theory of Marxism-Leninism so The property relations in Yugos­ and degeneration by placing real that, within the great revolution­ rousting” and then developing in­ inization. Any attempt by the to a police shooting spree in which Chinese to fight de-Stalinization lavia are those of a workers’ state power in the hands of the mass ary upheaval mankind is passing the unarmed Muslims were re­ w ill only cut them off completely as much if not more so than in of the workers. Why? Perhaps through in the present epoch, it peatedly fired at, clubbed, kicked from the rank-and-file workers 1948 when the Chinese CP also because it is the Yugoslav “re­ can reflect the general historical in the groin, then arrested and and communists in all workers’ considered Yugoslavia a “socialist visionists” who have made the aspirations of the international country.” greatest progress in this field? Or working class and of mankind as charged with assault. It started states. when two Negroes, delivering dry The Fourth International can The Chinese communists are, of is it because in China itself .there a whole. We repeat, mankind’s cleaning to the temple, were set under no circumstances support course, justified in their denuncia­ are powerful bureaucratic deform­ only way out of the present crisis upon by the race-prejudiced po­ the position of the Chinese CP on tion of Khrushchev’s non-Marxist ations and the mass of the work­ is a successful international so­ lice. When they protested the de-Stalinization. We seek to de­ theory of “ the state of the people” ers do not exercise direct state cialist revolution. cops’ rough handling of them, velop our criticism of the Khrush­ as a substitute for the dictatorship power as elaborated in State and The present crisis reflects the more cops were called and a chev leadership in the opposite of the proletariat in the Soviet Revolution? urgent necessity for the world frenzy of police violence followed Union. They are right in denying IV communist movement to come out the validity of Khrushchev’s — of the morass in which Stalinism against members of the temple. also Stalin’s! — theory that a This in brief represents the had sought to drown it in order Seven unarmed Muslims were classless society has already been Trotskyist position in the present to answer the demands of the shot, some inside their church. How Cuba Uprooted established in the Soviet Union. “great debate” within the world present period. We repeat our con­ It is a strict policy of the Mus­ They point out correctly that communist movement. crete proposal to all communists lims not to carry arms — even Race Discrimination there are s till tw o classes [w o rk ­ The Trotskyists extend whole­ throughout the world: pen knives are forbidden — but By Harry Ring ers and peasants] in the Soviet hearted but critical support to the Forward to an international con­ to defend themselves if attacked. Union, thereby exploding the the­ Chinese and the left-wing ten­ ference of all organizations owing Muslim leader , who 16 pages 15 cents ory that the building of socialism dencies within the various CP’s allegiance to Marxism-Leninism! attended the trial, declared that which fight against the right-wing Pioneer Publishers has already been accomplished in Forward toward revival of it was the Los Angeles police, not opportunism of their pro-Khrush­ 116 University Place that country. But when the Chi­ Marxism-Leninism through work­ their wounded and beaten vic­ nese quote extensively fro m L e ­ chev leaderships in the colonial ers’ democracy and international New York 3, N. Y. tims, who should have been on n in ’s State and Revolution in countries as well as in the im- debate. tria l. Monday, September 9, 1963 THE MILITANT Page Seven

Letters From Our Readers

The Universal Language that announce, “Spanish Spoken report of Aug. 27 stated that the ing. Rollbacks in rents and food fascist-dominated Fort Wayne. Here.” cost of living has reached the ashore so you can once again be One needs occasional relief from New York, NY. I will say that from the busi­ highest point in the history of the Union Men, not slaves, in order to the lying capitalist press, which I was glad to see Richard Gar­ nessman’s point of view one USA. Jobs are getting scarcer in live. their comic sections alone cannot za’s letter commenting on the ar­ Greenwhich Village shop has got­ our industry because of your You, yourselves, get involved provide. Keep up the fight for rogant New York Times editorial ten to the heart of the matter willingness to cut out jobs by with local politics, religious freedom! which denounced the current pro­ with a sign that reads: “Money working overtime and this falls in groups, civic organizations and put R.P. posal to end the English-language Spoken Here.” line with the big plan of the com­ some heat on the landlord, banks literacy requirement for voting by J.B. panies and present Union officials and chain stores who are picking The Young Democrats U.S. citizens of Puerto Rican birth. to cut manning scales, such as your pocket while you work 12 to St. Paul, Minn. The Times editorial was “clever­ Esso has already done on its 15 hours a day. Dislikes Our Rights Stand An article in the August 20 ly” headlined in Spanish “English tankers. F.L. Garden City, Mich. Minneapolis Tribune reported that Spoken Here.” But I have not seen Please cancel my subscription. Big business and these labor a recent convention of Young the Times express any criticism Thinks W e Missed a Point Your civil-rights issue is more fakers have gotten together and Democrats from 13 western states of the numerous businessmen in than I can take at this time. It’s agreed with President Kennedy’s Brooklyn, N. Y. urged resumption of U.S. diplo­ the city who are quite willing to about time you championed the plan of no more wage increases, The first item in your column, matic relations with Cuba, lifting tolerate the language limitations w hite man’s cause. only fringe benefits that you’ll It Was Reported in the Press, re­ travel restrictions to Cuba and of potential customers as indicated A.G. never see as automation comes ported that the city of Vandalia, China, and withdrawal of Amer­ by the many shop window signs more and more into this industry Ohio, had adopted an ordinance ican troops from Vietnam. The [By fighting for their freedom, and all others. Wages are frozen m aking it illegal to escape from convention, held at Berkeley, Cali­ the Negro people are performing and you had better realize it, if jail. The last item in the column fornia, also demanded a non-ag­ a service to all who are exploited, you and workers in other indus­ was about a New York Times re­ gression pact between the North 10 YEARS AGO regardless of skin color. When the tries are going to do anything port that jails are badly over­ Atlantic Treaty Organization and Negro fights against job discrim­ to counteract this Big Sellout. crowded. As a Marxist paper, the socialist nations of the Warsaw ination he is laying the basis for It would be good to start by don’t you think it was your re­ Pact and condemned compulsory IN THE Ml LI TANT ending the “divide-and-rule” sit­ refusing to work overtime and sponsibility to tie together these arbitration in labor disputes. uation by w hich the boss holds thereby make Meany & Co. two obviously related facts? The political polarization occur­ “Another rise in the cost-of- down the wages and conditions of start living up to their state­ living index between mid-June all workers. When the Negro J.H.B. ring in this country appears to be ments of the Miami convention driving some of the Young Demo­ and mid-July gave more than a fights the slumlords he is strik­ about the shorter, 30-hour work [We just wanted to see if our million workers who are protected ing a blow for better housing for crats to the left. In fact, a few of week. It would also put pressure readers were on the ball. Editor.] their stands are further left than with an escalator clause in their all. When he fights against Jim on Joseph Curran to carry out the those taken by some Socialist Par­ contracts an additional one cent an Crow schools he is helping to im­ part of the union constitution W e're a Relief in Ft. W ayne ty members. A ll of these positions hour in their paychecks. No mat­ prove the entire educational sys­ which says it shall be the duty Fort Wayne, Ind. stand in direct conflict with pre­ ter how inadequate the escalator tem. In brief, the Freedom Now of the union to seek shorter hours; clause is, as it has been formulat­ movement is making this country Although my pocketbook is sent policies of the Democratic then you will get that dream of somewhat short, I cannot resist Party. If this trend continues, ed by the labor bureaucracy, it a better place for everyone to live the four-watch system. More jobs your special offer. Please send me many Young Democrats may be still constitutes a measure of pro­ in. In giving full support to the for everybody, including mates and The Militant at the above listed forced to follow the logical con­ tection against inflation. About fight of the Negro people The engineers. 98 per cent of the w orking class address. In four months I w ill try clusion of their position and disen­ M ilita n t is championing the cause Let’s start a campaign in local has not won even the principle of of all whites except those who to scrape up more. Your colorful gage themselves from the Demo­ union halls to get these union of­ automatic wage adjustments to profit from racism. Editor.] style and socialist truth are great­ cratic Party. accompany increased liv in g costs. ficials to work on the cost of liv- ly appreciated by this victim of D.J. That means that the overwhelm­ Sold on First Sight ing majority of workers took an­ Philadelphia, Pa. other cut in their real wages with Please find enclosed a money the new rise in the cost of living. order for $1 and a coupon which “The need to fight for protec­ was in the current issue of The It Was Reported in the Press tion against inflation is empha­ M ilita n t. sized with every new wave of Kindly send the introductory Note to HUAC — The following posed mostly of scientists, dis­ mines, for example, are owned by price increases. But in this strug­ four-month M ilita n t subscription story is reprinted in its entirety closed that the amount of radio­ U.S. corporations. Almost all have active iodine falling on the test- received U.S. loans, which, as in gle the working class w ill not get to us here fo r this is the firs t issue from the Aug. 25 New Orleans site region far exceeded govern­ the case of the Southern Peru Cop­ the help of the American Stalinist we have seen and we fin d it more Times-Picayune: “NOME — An newspaper, the Daily Worker, than interesting. Thank you. Alaskan Eskimo has been found ment safety limits. The commit­ per Corp., are used to claim a which has opposed the escalator who claims to have seen Russian tee said that an estimated 3,000 higher investment so as to make P.G. clause from the very beginning... troops in the United States.” children received heavy doses of profits seem proportionately smal­ And naturally they try to ridicule Notify the Man — When book­ the radioactive poison in their ler. Naturally, not one of these From a Merchant Seaman milk and that ten or 12 of them mines ever runs short of the an automatic wage adjustment to ing arrested sit-in demonstrators San Francisco, Calif. would probably be afflicted with water it needs for its operation. rising liv in g costs as a ‘T rotsky­ at a Jim Crow housing tract in I’m a member of the National cancer of the thyroid. But in Peru’s Comas region, four ist’ invention. The argument of the Torrence, Calif., police asked them Maritime Union and have been or five children die every day Daily Worker has been that the who to notify in case of sickness Crazy, Man! — Twenty future since 1937. As of late, I’ve begun just from lack of water.” — From escalator clause constitutes a or death while in jail. Police Cap­ managers of fallout shelters in to feel nothing but shame instead The Great Fear: The Reconquest ‘wage freeze.’ However, the W all tain John Maestri reported that of Charlotte, N.C., spent the last night of pride in the carrying of this of Latin America for Latin Amer­ Street Journal, which is also op­ 154 arrested, 95 per cent replied. of their study course in a “shel­ posed to the escalator clause, com­ union book that once was a badge icans, by John Gerassi. of honor amongst w orking sea­ “John F. Kennedy.” ter” which was actually the base­ plains that just the opposite is the Our Rational Society — Madi­ men. Working men the world Dangerous Digging — The Pub­ ment of the local Red Cross build­ case . . . The opposition of the ing. When their quarters got son Avenue enjoyed a record year around recognized it as such. lic Health Service reported Aug. Wall Street Journal, spokesman stuffy they turned on the air con­ in 1962 with the nation’s 100 top Now Joseph Curran and his 25 that radiation apparently caused for big business, is to be expected, ditioning. During the course of advertisers spending nearly $3 bil­ stooges have turned this once a high rate of fatal lung cancer for every pay increase the work­ their incarceration, reports the lion to peddle their wares. strong union into a branch of among uranium miners in seven ers win comes out of the profits Charlotte Observer, some of them big business, with the Pension western states. The service said a Our Flourishing Free Enter­ of the capitalists. But the opposi­ “faked going crazy.” tion of the Daily Worker shows Plans that we must finance with 12-year study showed eleven can­ prise System — O f the 30,000 res­ how far removed the Stalinists our next two pay increases — that cer deaths among 768 miners who Who Watches the Watchman? — taurants opened in the U.S. each are from the real interests of the we w ill never see — even though worked underground for five years Wilmark Service System, Inc., year, 27,000 fa il, according to fig­ American workers.” — Sept. 7, we were on strike almost a month or more. This is ten times the which checks on the honesty of ures compiled by industry sources. employes in mercantile establish­ 1953. a couple of years ago for said in­ normal lung-cancer rate. Inflated Bodies — The human creases. We have now been sold a ments was brought into court by Helpful Herbert — Herbert S. body, once chemically price-tagged new contract until 1969, which the Department of Labor and ad­ Walter, the millionaire building at 98 cents is now w o rth $34.54, was ratified in all ports last Mon­ mitted it had violated minimum- contractor appointed to succeed according to scientists. This is due 20 YEARS AGO day with little protest. Because wage, overtime and record-keep­ the late Estes K efauver as U.S. to the present high cost of chem­ of the camouflage that was given ing provisions of the Fair Labor “Big business made more profits Senator fro m Tennessee, is de­ ical compounds. The scientists on retirement and fringe benefits, Standards Act. after taxes in 1942 than it did in scribed by the Memphis Press- didn’t say if the new estimate in­ no pay increases were discussed 1929. But it is now certain that Scim itar as possessing “ a conserv­ The Alliance at Work — “ A l­ cludes the going price of stron­ or asked for during such contract. 1943 w ill go down as the year in ative businessman’s approach to most all of Latin America’s big tiu m 90. Well, this all sounds good, but which the corporations made the government.” Says Walters: “I let me clue a few of these over­ don’t want anything out of politics. highest profits in the history of time-hungry guys that are satis­ the country . . . corporation pro­ My interest has always been to fied with these conditions. There fits were 14 per cent higher, after help the fellow who couldn’t help are changes coming and you had him self.” taxes and other deductions, during better get off your cans and start SPECIAL 50c INTRODUCTORY OFFER the first six months of this year looking around. You can see what More Fallout Facts — Accord­ than during the same period in has been done to you and what is ing to an Aug. 24 Washington AP 1942 . . . It is figures such as these being done to most of the rest of dispatch, “ The Public Health Serv­ which provide the key to the A Four-Month Subscription Labor. ice is trying to determine if there drastic drop in Wall Street stocks Overtime that once was a penal­ is any connection between certain To The M ilitant for only 50c in the period following the down­ ty for working you over eight types of cancer and birth deform­ fall of Mussolini. The Exchange, hours is now being used to keep ities in Nevada and Utah and organ of the New York Stock Ex­ you in line by forcing you to work radiation from the Nevada nuclear Name ...... change, attempted this week to it in order to supplement your test site.” The Health Service explain away this slump in stocks wages and to meet the cost of liv­ began looking for the connection by attributing it to the market’s ing ashore. The Huntley-Brinkley after a citizens committee, com­ practice of jumping suddenly Street Zone whatever the news, provided it is unexpected.’ The truth is that the stocks took a nosedive after Mus­ Thought for the Week C ity State solini’s fall because of Wall “ We w ill not stop until the dogs stop biting us in the South, and Street’s fear that the huge flow the rats stop biting us in the North." — From message to the M arch Send to The Militant, 116 University Place, of war profits might be discon­ N ew Y o rk 3, N . Y . tinued in the near future.” — on Washington by James Farmer, national director of CORE, then in Sept. 11, 1943. the Donaldsonville, La., jail. Page E ight th e MILITANT Monday, September 9, 1963 NSA Condemns Hearst Columnist in Smear Prosecution o f Of Black Muslims and SWP Young Socialists By Clifton DeBerry BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — At its Socialist Workers Party Candidate Sixteenth National Congress, held for Brooklyn Councilman at Large here from August 18 to 29, the Hearst’s New York Journal N ational Student Association Am erican carried a column Aug. passed a resolution on academic 31 by Jack Lotto which was en­ freedom strongly supporting the titled, “Reds Split on Black three Young Socialist Alliance Muslims.” And to add a nice members at Indiana University ominous touch to it, a subtitle who have been indicted under In­ warned: “On Your Guard.” In the diana’s “anti-subversion” Act of column, Lotto dishes up a stink- 1951. bomb type “inside dope” story The National Student Associa­ hinting that a secret, dangerous al­ tion, the nation’s largest student liance has been forged between organization, speaking for student the Black Muslims and the Social­ bodies at 300 colleges and univer­ ist Workers Party. sities, declared that “USNSA be­ As one peg for his “revelation,” lieves that the action (indictment) Hearstman Lotto exploits the re­ taken against the IU students cent shameful attack on the Black (YSAers) and the pressures put Muslims by leaders of the Com­ upon the University administra­ munist Party. He quotes Com­ tion are in fact based upon pre­ munist Party spokesman James judices against the students’ po­ Jackson who made the slanderous litical views, rather than because assertion on July 7 that “The of any criminal action.” Muslim organization in general, Tom Morgan, James Bingham and Malcolm X in particular, are Clifton DeBerry and Ralph Levitt, officers of the ultra-reactionary forces . . .” DEFIED CUBA TRAVEL BAN. Students, who visited Cuba this YSA at IU, were first indicted in Lotto doesn’t quite know what summer in defiance of State Department ban, landing at Idle- May of this year by a Monroe to make of the fact that the Com­ called for closer SWP orientation wild Airport Aug. 29. On landing, 45 of them sat down in air­ County grand jury after a three- munist Party leaders are trying toward the Muslim movement. The port immigration section for four hours, refusing to yield up their month “trial-by-newspaper” car­ awfully hard to win the approval co-operation resolution won near­ passports which Immigration officials had threatened to stamp ried on by the zealous county of the “respectable” Negro lead­ ly unanimous endorsement.” prosecutor, Thomas A. Hoadley. “not valid.” Finally officials gave in and let them through with­ ers and think they can make head­ Let me make just a few com­ That indictment was thrown way in that direction by doing a out stamping passports. But several have been subpoenaed to ments on these assertions. First, out by the County Circuit Court hatchet job on the Muslims. I can state that none of the del­ appear before HUAC, and FBI has threatened to grill all of them. for faulty wording. However, the But Lotto apparently feels he egates were Black Muslim s. Sec­