7 5 --/r--47/1- = /\7 - -/;///c=_p/17/- + Environment Canada Environnement Canada Canada. Fisheries and Marine Service. Maritimes Region. Fisheries and Service des peches Manne Service et des sciences de la mer Resource Development Branch. DATA RECORD SERIES MAR/D

Preliminary Stream Surveys, Restigouche and Gloucester Countizs,s, , 1974


C A e- s L• ' r, P. R. Pickard and J. L. Peppar Li, 11

Data Record Series No. MAR/ D-75-11

Resource Development Branch Maritimes Region

44' • Fr4. r/ 1916 4w Mk( 9FFT. OF THE ENVIRONMENT FISHERIES SERVICE N. S. Editor - K.E.H. Smith Design - N.A. Whynot PRELIMINARY STREAM SURVEYS,







(5 CONTENtS INTRODUCTION 1 METHODS AND STANDARDS USED 1 STREAM DATA 2 Eel River 6 Middle Eel River 8 South Eel River 9 North Charlo River 13 Charlo River 14 South Charlo River -17 Louison River 19 New Mills River 20 22 South Benjamin River 24 Nash Creek 25 Louison Creek 27 River 29 Fournier Brook 30 Elmtree River 31 River 34 Millstream River 37 Grants Brook 39 Peters River 41 Middle River 43 Little River 46 South Little River 47 Pabineau River 49 Bass River 52 Miller Brook 54 Teagues Brook 55 Pokeshaw River 56 Rivare du Nord 57 Ruisseau des Prairies 58 Riviere 60 Adams Brook 62 St. Simon River 63 65 Little Tracadie River 68 Big Tracadie River 70 APPENDIX - SPECIES TAKEN BY ELECTROFISHING 71 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 73 REFERENCES 75 INTRODUCTION

In September, 1974, surveys were conducted by a biological technician and casual employee throughout Restigouche and Gloucester counties, in a preliminary attempt to document resource development potential of this area of northeastern New Brunswick. The field surveys included those streams of Resti- gouche County entering Chaleur Bay south of the town of Dalhousie, and those streams of Gloucester County entering both Chaleur Bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, south to the Northumberland County line. This area encompasses Fisheries Statistical Districts 63-68 (Fig. 1). A total of 35 streams (13 in Restigouche County and 22 in Gloucester County) was examined. On each stream, attempts were made to document area potentials by selecting accessible sites and gathering various physical, chemical and biological data. Data obtained included: stream and bottom characteristics (width, depth, bottom type and composition, extent of habitat types, extent of shade, aquatic vegetation, etc.); water characteristics (pH, conductivity, alkalinity, hardness and temperature); location, extent and dimensions of obstructions (natural falls, dams, etc.); and fish species present (by "spot- check" electrofishing). To supplement field data, information on characteristics such as mainstream length, was obtained from various published sources and/or directly from maps or charts.

METHODS AND STANDARDS USED Name of Stream: Name given in Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick.

Location of Stream: Location given in Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick. Length of Stream: Continuous flow, mainstream only.

Sampling Site: Size of each sampling site chosen to include approximately 280-360 m2 (350-450 yd2). Length: One measurement, taken in mid-stream, from upper limit to lower limit of each sampling site.

Width: Average of three measurements taken over the length of stream examined at each sampling site (upper and lower limits, and mid-point).

Depth: Average of three measurements taken at upper and lower limits, and mid-point, over length of stream examined at each sampling site. "Left" and "right", as defined when facing downstream. 2

Bottom Composition: (particle size defined by Harrington and Dunham 1967), Bedrock Slate Boulder (rocks >30.5 cm diameter) Rubble (rocks 7.6-30.5 cm diameter) Gravel (rocks 0.3-7.6 cm diameter) Sand and Silt (particles <0.3 cm diameter) Mud Hardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves, twigs, bark, etc.) Debris (rubbish, litter, etc.) Distance References: Measured from mouth of stream, unless stated otherwise. Water Temperature and Conductivity: Measured with a YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter. Alkalinity; Hardness and pH: Measured with Hach kits, Models CA-24WR and AL-AP. Measurements of alkalinity and hardness are in terms of CaCO3 and recorded in grains/gallon (gpg). Electrofishing: Conducted with a Dirigo Series 550 Electrofisher.

STREAM DATA Data on the individual stream surveys are presented in the following pages. The order of presentation is from west to east, then southward, around the northeast coast of the province (Fig. 1). Locations of sampling sites are indicated on the individual river maps by the symbol (o). FIG. 1. Key map of northeastern New Brunswick area, showing locationsrof streams surveyed. (Stream names, identified numerically, are listed on page 4.)




No. Stream name

1 Eel River 2 Middle Eel River 3 South Eel River 4 North Charlo River 5 Charlo River 6 South Charlo River 7 Louison River 8 New Mills River 9 Benjamin River 10 South Benjamin River 11 Nash Creek 12 Louison Creek 13 Belledune River 14 Fournier Brook 15 Elmtree River 16 Nigadoo River 17 Millstream River 18 Grants Brook 19 Peters River 20 Middle River 21 Little River 22 South Little River 23 Pabineau River 24 Bass River 25 Miller Brook 26 Teagues Brook 27 Pokeshaw River 28 Riviere du Nord 29 Ruisseau des Prairies 30 Riviere Caraquet 31 Adams Brook 32 St. Simon River 33 Pokemouche River 34 Little Tracadie River 35 Big Tracadie River 5

Eel River system, Restigouche County. 6 V

Name of Stream: Eel River Tributary to: Clialeur Bay

Location: 480011 N; 66°22'W. Flows east-northeast into Eel Bay, south of Dalhousie. Length: 26.4 km. Obstruction: Concrete dam, approximately 3-5 m in height, at 1.3 km; previously used for Dalhousie water supply; complete blockage, but provided with an apparently operative fishway.

Sampling Site #1: Date: 4/9/74 Location: 9.0 km Description: Riffle-run area through centre; pools not ex- tensive along shores. Streambed composition - 65% gravel, 25% rubble and 10% sand, silt and boulder. Tree shading; overhanging banks and shrubs; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of fields - trees along banks. Length: 23 m Width: 10 m Depths: Left side - 26 cm Middle - 23 cm Right side - 21 cm

Water Temperature: 10.7°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 92 pmhos Total alkalinity - 7 gpg Hardness - 6 gpg pH - 9 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 19 Atlantic salmon (parr) 4 Brook trout 7 Slimy sculpin 6 Blacknose dace 2 7

Sampling Site #2: Date: 10/9/74 Location: 11.0 km Description: Stream slow, narrow (1-2 m) and shallow (3-20 cm). Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand, silt and mud; shading not extensive. Surrounding country- side composed of fields - alders along banks. 8

Name of Stream: Middle Eel River Tributary to: South Eel River Location: 48°00'N; 66°25'W. Flows east-northeast into South Eel River. Length: 14.2 km Sampling Site #1: Date: 10/9/74 Location: 4.1 km Description: Stream slow, narrow (4-8 m) and shallow (8-30 cm), with areas of still water. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; alder shading. Surrounding countryside °composed of fields, alders and some trees. 9

Name of Stream: South Eel River

Tributary to: Eel River

Location: 48°00 I N; 66°25'W. Flows east-northeast for most of its length, then swings northeast into Eel River.

Length: 18.8 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 6/9/74 Location: 3.5 km

Description: Riffle area at middle; remainder, deep runs with a large pool along right side for three- quarters of width in upper third. Streambed composition - 78% gravel and 22% rubble, sand, silt, detritus, hardpan and a few boulders. Tree, bank and root shading; partially submerged logs and overhanging bank and roots on right side of pool; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside wooded. Length: 44 m

Width: 6 m

Depths: Left side - 25 cm Middle - 32 cm Right side - 24 cm

Water Temperature: 9.2°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 60 pmhos Total alkalinity - 7 gpg Hardness - 6 gpg pH - 8

Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 17 Blacknose dace 6 American eel 2 White sucker 1 10

Sampling Site #2: Date: 10/9/74 Location: 4.8 km

Description: Riffle areas at both ends; remainder, deep runs, with a large pool along left side for three-quarters of width in upper quarter. Streambed composition - 60% rubble, 35% gravel and 5% detritus, sand, silt and boulder. Alder and tree shading; overhanging alders on left; bottom algae. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods.

Length: 45 m Width: 6 m

Depths: Left side - 21 cm Middle - 19 cm Right side - 17 cm Water Temperature: 14.5°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 132 pmhos Total alkalinity - 6 gpg Hardness - 7 gpg pH - 9 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 17 Atlantic salmon (parr) 11 Brook trout 2 Blacknose dace 74 White sucker 10

Sampling Site #3:

Date: 4/9/74 Location: 6.3 km

Description: Stream slow, narrow (1-2 m) and shallow (5-20 cm). Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading not extensive. Surrounding countryside composed of fields, brush and alders. 11

Sampling Site #4: Date: 4/9/74 Location: 7.4 km Description: Stream slow, narrow (4-6 m) and shallow (8-30 cm); with shore dirt and debris from saw mill. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside composed of brush, alders and light woods. 12


Charlo River system, Restigouche County. 13

Name of Stream: North Charlo River Tributary to: Charlo River Location: 47°56'N; 66°26'W. Flows east-northeast into Charlo River. Length: 21.3 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 5/9/74 Location: 6.8 km Description: Riffle-run areas; pools negligible. Streambed composition - 75% rubble, 20% gravel and 5% boulder, sand and silt; tree and shrub shading. Surrounding countryside heavily wooded. Length: 55 m Width: 6 m Depths: Left side - 27 cm Middle - 27 cm Right side -.21 cm Water Temperature: 9.0°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 100 'mhos Total alkalinity - 6 gpg Hardness - 7 gpg pH - 8 14

Name of Stream: Charlo River

Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°59'N; 66°17'W. Flows northeast into Chaleur Bay.

Length: 38.9 km Obstruction: Concrete dam approximately' 76 m in height at 6.7 km; used for Dalhousie water supply; complete blockage with no fishway.

Sampling Site #1: Date: 5/9/74 Location: 5.2 km

Description: Shallow riffle-run are ; pools negligible, but large pool (holding area) below site: Streambed composition - 77% rubble and 23% boulder and gravel. Slight shade on right; a few overhanging sticks and roots on right and a great number of large rocks in stream. SUrrounding countryside wooded. Length: 23 m Width: 12 m Depths: Left side - 23 cm Middle - 25 cm Right side - 23 cm Water Temperature: 15.8°C

Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 113 pmhos Total alkalinity - 6 gpg Hardness - 6 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (parr) 17 Blacknose dace 4 Slimy sculpin 5

Sampling Site #2:

Date: 5/9/74 Location: 12.6 km 15

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd)

Description: Large riffle area in lower portion; remainder, slow runs, with large pool (holding area) below site. Streambed composition - 70% gravel, 23% rubble and 7% boulder, sand, silt and detritus. Tree shading; rubble and overhanging tree cover. Surrounding countryside composed of trees and shrubs. Length: 38 m Width: 17 m Depths: Left side - 37 cm Middle - 34 cm Right side - 20 cm Water Temperature: 8.9°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 98 pmhos Total alkalinity - 7 gpg Hardness - 7 gpg pH - 8

Sampling Site #3:

Date: 5/9/74 Location: 30.7 km

Description: Riffle-run area; pools negligible. Stream- bed composition - rubble, gravel and a few boulders; tree and shrub shading. Surrounding countryside heavily wooded. 16



South Charlo R.

8km a a ass i

South Charlo River, Restigouche County. 17

Name of Stream: South Charlo River

Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°59'N; 66°17'W. Flows northeast into Chaleur Bay. Length: 32.8 km Obstruction: Natural falls approximately 9 m in height at 3.1 km; complete blockage with no fishway.

Sampling Site #1: Date: 11/9/74 Location: 2.7 km Description: Deep riffle areas at both ends; remainder, runs, with a deep pool along right side for half of width in middle half of site. Streambed composition - 78% rubble and 22% gravel, slate rock, boulder, sand and silt. Tree and deep pool shading; large amount of boulder cover. Surrounding countryside wooded. Length: 32 m Width: 9 m Depths: Left side - 31 cm Middle - 36 cm Right side - 47 cm

Water Temperature: 8.0°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 62 pmhos Total alkalinity - 4 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 7.5 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 5 Atlantic salmon (parr) 43 Brook trout 2 Slimy sculpin 4 American eel 1 18

Sampling Site #2: Date: 5/9/74 Location: 6.3 km

Description: Shallow riffle area in upper right; remainder, riffle-run with a large pool through centre for half of width and half of length. Streambed composition - 67% rubble, 25% gravel and 8% boulder. Shading in lower left half of site; boulder cover. Surrounding countryside wooded.

Length: 31 m Width: 13 m

Depths: Left side - 22 cm Middle - 25 cm Right side - 21 cm

Water Temperature: 13.0°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 67 pmhos Total alkalinity - 4 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 8 19

Name of Stream: Louison River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay

Location: 47°58'N; 66°13'W. Flows east-northeast into Heron Channel. Length: 1.0 km

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 11/9/74 Location: 1.4 km (beyond mainstream continuous flow) Description: Small riffle area in upper third of site; remainder, shallow runs with small pools through centre in upper third. Streambed composition - 50% rubble, 20% gravel, and 30% hardpan, detritus, sand, silt, eel grass and boulder. Eel grass cover; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of alders. Length: 50 m

Width: 4 m Depths: Left side - 19 cm Middle - 24 cm Right side - 18 cm Water Temperature: 10.4°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 61 pmhos Total alkalinity - 4 gpg Hardness - 3 gpg pH - 8

Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 17 Blacknose dace 75 Slimy sculpin 1 American eel 5 Ninespine stickleback 3 20

Name of Stream: New Mills River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°58'N; 66°11'W. Flows east-northeast for most of its NEFfi7—then swings north into Heron Channel, south of Heron Island. Length: 8.1 km Obstruction: At mouth, a series of dams - one concrete, approxi- mately 2 m in height; and two wooden, approximately 5 m in height - associated with salmon holding pond, operated by the Fisheries and Marine Service; complete blockage with no fishways.

Sampling Site #1: Date: 11/9/74 Location: 0.3 km Description: Deep riffle-run area; pools negligible. Stream- bed composition - 50% rubble, 37% gravel and 13% detritus, sand, silt and boulder. Tree and alder shading; partially submerged log and boulder cover; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. Length: 40 m Width: 6 m Depths: Left side - 30 cm Middle - 40 cm Right side - 24 cm Water Temperature: 10.0°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 45 pmhos Total alkalinity - 3 gpg Hardness - 3 gpg pH - 7.5 21

Benjamin River system, Restigouche County. 22

Name of Stream: Benjamin River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°58'N; 66°10'W. Flows northeast into Heron Channel, south of Heron Island.

Length: 23.7 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 11/9/74 Location: 0.9 km Description: Riffle-run in bottom two-thirds of site; remainder, deep runs with pools negligible; however, there are holding pools above and below site. Streambed composition - 60% rubble and 40% gravel and boulder; shading from trees on left side and deep water. Surrounding countryside wooded. Length: 27 m Width: 9 m

Depths: Left side - 51 cm Middle - 52 cm Right side - 34 cm

Water Temperature: 10.8°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 45 pmhos Total alkalinity - 3 gpg Hardness - 3 gpg pH - 8

Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 14 Atlantic salmon (parr) 27 Blacknose dace 9 American eel 4

Sampling Site #2:

Date: 16/9/74 Location: 17.4 km 23

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd) Description: Stream sluggish and swampy. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand, silt, mud and a few boulders; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside wooded. 24

Name of Stream: South Benjamin River Tributary to: Benjamin River

Location: 47°56'N; 66°111 W. Flows northeast into Benjamin River.

Length: 30.3 km

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 17/9/74 Location: 5.0 km Description: Shallow riffle-run mid-stream at lower end of site; remainder, runs, with pool areas created by boulders. Streambed composition - 75% rubble and 25% boulder, gravel and slate bedrock. Shading from deep water, trees and boulders; some algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of woods and steep ledge bank.

Length: 22 m Width: 14 m

Depths: Left side - 50 cm Middle - 30 cm Right side - 34 cm Water Temperature: 8.9°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 39 pmhos Total alkalinity - 2 gpg Hardness - 2 gpg pH - 7.5 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 4 Atlantic salmon (parr) 28 Blacknose dace 4 American eel 1 25

Name of Stream: Nash Creek

Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°55'N; 66°05'W. Flows northeast into Chaleur Bay.

Length: 11.9 km

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 12/9/74 Location: 1.2 km

Description: Riffle areas along upper and lower right side of site; remainder„ runs. Streambed composition - 50% gravel and 50% rubble; shading from scattered over- hanging bushes on left. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. Length: 26 m

Width: 7 m Depths: Left side - 20 cm Middle - 15 cm Right side - 14 cm Water Temperature: 10.0°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 78 pmhos Total alkalinity - 5 gpg Hardness - 5 gpg pH - 8

Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 20 Slimy sculpin 13 American eel 1

Sampling Site #2:

Date: 12/9/74 Location: 3.9 km

Description: Riffle-run area in lower half of site; remainder,runs. Streambed composition - 60% rubble and 40% gravel. Tree shading along right; some algae in still water along shore. Surrounding countryside composed of brush and woods. 26

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd) Length: 48 m Width: 4 m

Depths: Left side - 19 cm Middle - 22 cm Right side - 22 cm Water Temperature: 11.3°C

Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 68 pmhos Total alkalinity - 5 gpg Hardness - 5 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 63 Slimy sculpin 55 27

Name of Stream: Louison Creek Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°56'N; 66°04'W. Flows east-northeast for half of its length, then swings north into Chaleur Bay. Length: 14.2 km

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 12/9/74 Location: 4.6 km

Description: Shallow riffle-run in upper quarter of site; remainder, runs, with a pool along right side for half of width in lower quarter. Streambed composition - 65% rubble, 30% gravel and 5% bedrock and boulder. Alder and woods shading on left and lower right; over- hanging bank in lower right quarter of site and overhanging alders and brush in upper left half and upper right quarter; some algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of brush and woods. Length: 47 m Width: 6 m Depths: Left side - 24 cm Middle - 32 cm Right side - 38 cm Water Temperature: 12.5°C

Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 80 pmhos Total alkalinity - 5 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (parr) 15 Brook trout 43 Slimy sculpin 22

Sampling Site #2:

Date: 12/9/74 Location: 9.9 km 28

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd)

Description: Shallow riffle-run area in lower quarter; remainder, runs, with pools negligible. Streambed composition - 70% rubble, 22% gravel and 8% boulder; alder and woods shading on left. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. Length: 32 m Width: 9 m

Depths: Left side - 23 cm Middle - 18 cm Right side - 13 cm Water Temperature: 13.8°C

Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 68 pmhos Total alkalinity - 3 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 24 Slimy sculpin 52 29

Name of Stream: Belledune River

Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°55'N; 65°54'W. Flows northeast into Chaleur Bay.

Length: 13.9 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 13/9/74

Location: 3.6 km

Description: Small riffle area at bottom of site; re- mainder, runs, with pools negligible. Streambed composi- tion - 70% rubble and 30% boulder, gravel, slate bedrock, sand and silt. Partial alder shading in upper quarter, plenty of boulder cover. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. Length: 37 m Width: 8 m

Depths: Left side - 22 cm Middle - 27 cm Right side - 23 cm Water Temperature: 13.1°C

Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 65 pmhos Total alkalinity - 3 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 8

Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (parr) 4 Brook trout 23 Blacknose dace 27 American eel 5 Name of Stream: Fournier Brook Tributary to: Chaleur Bay

Location: 47°51'N; 65°46'W. Flows east-northeast into Chaleur Bay. Length: 7.1 km

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 18/9/74 Location: 3.2 km

Description: Riffle-run area created by boulders; a full- width pool in bottom quarter of site. Streambed composition - 60% rubble 20% boulder and 20% gravel, detritus, debris and slate bedrock; shade from overhead alders. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. Length: 30 m Width: 4 m Depths: Left side - 21 cm Middle - 29 cm Right side - 17 cm

Water Temperature: 9.1°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 62 pm?-c, Totalalkalinity - 3 g Hardness - 3 gpg pH - 7.5 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 26 31

Name of Stream: Elmtree River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°48'N; 65°44'W. Flows east into Nepisiguit Bay.

Length: 22.2 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 18/9/74 Location: 4.4 km Description: Shallow riffle-run area in upper half of site; remainder, scattered runs with pools negligible. Streambed composition - 50% gravel, 40% rubble and 10% sand, silt, boulder and slate bedrock. Shading from woods on right in bottom three-quarters of site; scattered overhanging alders on right. Surrounding countryside composed of fields with some alders and woods.

Length: 27 m Width: 10 m Depths: Left side - 11 cm Middle - 19 cm Right side - 27 cm Water Temperature: 9.9°C

Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 38 pmhos Total alkalinity - 2 gpg Hardness - 2 gpg pH - 9 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (parr) 2 Blacknose dace 30 American eel 2

Sampling Site #2: Date: 18/9/74

Location: 7.3 km 32

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd) Description: Shallow riffle-run area in second quarter from upper end of site; remainder, runs. Streambbd composition - 70% rubble and 30% gravel, boulder and slate bedrock. Shading from overhanging alders; algae on rocks. Surrounding country- side composed of alders.

Length: 31 m Width: 7 m Depths: Left side - 33 cm Middle - 36 cm Right side - 26 cm Water Temperature: 9.5°C

Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 29 pmhos Total alkalinity - 2 gpg Hardness - 2 gpg pH - 6.5 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (parr) 19 Blacknose dace 4 American eel 5 33

Nigadoo River, Gloucester County. 34

Name of Stream: Nigadoo River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay

Location: 47°45'N; 65°43'W. Flows east into Nepisiguit Bay. Length: 33.9 km

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 18/9/74 Location: 5.0 km

Description: Riffle-run area through centre of lower half of site; remainder, runs, with a large pool along right side for three-quarters of width in upper third. Streambed composition - 60% slate bedrock, 30% rubble and 10% gravel and boulder. Deep water of pool, rubble and boulder cover; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside wooded on right.

Length: 20 m Width: 9 m

Depths: Left side - 32 cm Middle - 44 cm Right side - 37 cm Water Temperature: 12.7°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 160 pmhos Total alkalinity - 5 gpg Hardness - 6 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 1 Atlantic salmon (parr) 10 Blacknose dace 2 American eel 2

Sampling Site #2: Date: 18/9/74 Location: 10.2 km 35

Sampling Site #2, (cont'd) Description: Shallow riffle-runs in upper and most of left areas of site; remainder, runs, with pools negligible. Streambed composition - 68% gravel and 32% rubble, sand and silt; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside wooded beyond shoreline.

Length: 23 m Width: 17 m

Depths: Left side - 14 cm Middle - 19 cm Right side - 26 cm Water Temperature: 12.7°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 90 pmhos Total alkalinity - 4 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (parr) 12 Brook trout 3 Blacknose dace 16 36

...is ... .■ 37

Name of Stream: Millstream River

Tributary to: Chaleur Bay

Location: 47°42'N; 65°42'W. Flows east-northeast into Nip iiiat Bay. Length: 33.9 km Obstruction: Natural falls, approximately 5 m in height, at 4.0 km; complete blockage with no fishway.

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 19/9/74 Location: 1.7 km Description: Scattered shallow riffle-runs; remainder, runs, with beginning of a pool at lower end. Streambed composition - 48% gravel, 40% rubble and 12% sand, silt, boulder, detritus and debris; some boulder and debris cover. Surrounding countryside composed of a high bank and a few trees on left.

Length: 22 m

Width: 11 m Depths: Left side - 29 cm Middle - 37 cm Right side - 27 cm Water Temperature: 7.9°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 76 pmhos Total alkalinity - 5 gpg Hardness - 5 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 5 Blacknose dace 19 American eel numerous

Sampling Site #2:

Date: 18/9/74

Location: 4.1 km 38

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd) Description: Riffle-run area; pools negligible. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand, silt and a few boulders; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside open with brush and light woods along shores.

Sampling Site #3: Date: 18/9/74 Location: 6.6 km Description: Riffle-run area; pools not extensive. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand, silt and a few boulders; shading not extensive. Surrounding countryside composed of fields with trees on right and alders on left.

Sampling Site #4: Date: 18/9/74 Location: 9.1 km Description: Shallow riffle-run at upper end of site and above pool; pool runs along right side for half of width at lower end and below site; remainder, runs. Streambed composition - 60% gravel, 35% rubble and 5% sand, silt, boulder and detritus. Alder and bridge shading in pool area; overhanging alders and scattered spots of overhanging bank on left; some algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of alders on right, beyond shoreline, and on left. Length: 37 m Width: 6 m Depths: Left side - 34 cm Middle - 32 cm Right side - 24 cm Water Temperature: 13.1°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 94 pmhos Total alkalinity - 5 gpg Hardness - 5 gpg pH - 8

Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 8 Blacknose dace 3 American eel 1 39

Name of Stream: Grants Brook

Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°42'N; 65°42'W. Flows northeast into Nepisiguit Bay. Length: 17.4 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 19/9/74

Location: 4.0 km Description: Riffle-run area; pools negligible. Stream- bed composition - boulder, gravel, rubble, sand and silt; alder and woods shading. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods.

Sampling-Site #2: Date: 19/9/74 Location: 5.5 km Description: Scattered riffle-runs over rocks; pools negligible. Streambed composition - 70% slate bedrock, 20% rubble and 10% gravel and boulder. Tree shading; rock cover; some algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside wooded.

Length: 40 m Width: 5 m

Depths: Left side - 21 cm Middle - 32 cm Right side - 23 cm Water Temperature: 7.3°C

Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 76 pmhos Total alkalinity - 4 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 8 40

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd) Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 19 Blacknose dace 18 American eel 2

Sampling Site #3: Date: 19/9/74

Location: 7.1 km Description: Stream narrow (6-8 m) and shallow (15-30 cm). Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading not extensive. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and some trees.

Sampling Site #4:

Date: 19/9/74 Location: 11.7 km

Description: Stream narrow (1-2 m) and shallow (10-20 cm). Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; some alder shading. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and fields. 41

Name of Stream: Peters River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°41'N; 65°41'W. Flows east-northeast into Wejaajilit Bay. Length: 5.5 km

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 19/9/74 Location: 7.3 km Description: Stream slow, narrow (2-4 m) and shallow (8-25 cm). Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; woods shading. Surrounding countryside wooded. 42

Middle River, Gloucester County. 43

Name of Stream: Middle River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°36'N; 65°40'W. Flows generally east-northeast into Bathurst Harbour. Length: 51.5 km Obstruction: Proposed rock-fill dam, approximately 1 m in height at 1.3 km; to be used for Bathurst water supply; complete blockage but to be V-notched in construction to allow fish passage.

Sampling Site #1: Date: 20/9/74 Location: 8.8 km Description: Scattered shallow riffle-runs over rocks; remainder, runs, with deep run in lower left and upper right, below one foot falls. Streambed composition - 60% slate bedrock, 22% boulder and 18% rubble and gravel. Tree shading; boulder and deep run cover; some algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of woods beyond shoreline on right and lower left. Length: 20 m Width: 11 m Depths: Left side - 30 cm Middle - 25 cm Right side - 25 cm Water Temperature: 9.1°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 120 pmhos Total alkalinity - 3 gpg Hardness - 3 gpg pH - 7.5 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 21 Atlantic salmon (parr) 39 Brook trout 1 Blacknose dace 3 American eel 2 White sucker 2 44

Sampling Site #2: Date: 19/9/74 Location: 15.7 km Description: Riffle-run area; pools negligible. Streambed composition - boulder, gravel and rubble; tree and brush shading. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods.

Sampling Site #3: Date: 19/9/74

Location: 25.8 km Description: Deep riffle in bottom half of site; remainder, runs, with beginning of a pool on right side at end of site. Streambed composition - 65% gravel, 30% rubble and 5% hardpan, sand and silt. Overhanging alders on right and woods shading; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods.

Length: 23 m Width: 10 m

Depths: Left side - 17 cm Middle - 26 cm Right side - 29 cm Water Temperature: 8.5°C

Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 55 pmhos Total alkalinity - 4 gpg Hardness - 3 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 34 Atlantic salmon (parr) 30 Brook trout 1 Blacknose dace 4 45

Little River system, Gloucester County. 46

Name of Stream: Little River

Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°36'N; 65°40'W. Flows generally east-northeast into Bathurst Harbour. Length: 39.3 km

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 20/9/74

Location: 0.4 km Description: Stream heavily polluted; stream banks and surrounding brush and alders a rusty-copper colour from base metal mine pollution. Streambed composition - boulder, gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside open - brush along banks.

Sampling Site #2:

Date: 19/9/74 Location: 17.4 km Description: Scattered riffle-runs; pools negligible. Stream- bed composition - 65% gravel, 30% rubble and 5% sand and silt. Tree shading; overhanging alders in lower two-thirds of site; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. Length: 34 m

Width: 5 m Depths: Left side - 19 cm Middle - 21 cm Right side - 23 cm Water Temperature: 9.4°C Witer Chemistry: Conductivity - 49 pmhos Total alkalinity - 3 gpg Hardness - 3 gpg pH - 7.5

Biological Sampling:

Species Number Brook trout 7 Blacknose dace 20 47

Name of Stream: South Little River Tributary to: Little River Location: 47°32'N; 65°48'W. Flows northeast into Little River. Length: 4.4 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 19/9/74 Location: 1.0 km Description: Stream heavily polluted by base metal mining effluents; stream banks and surrounding alders and trees were a rusty copper colour from mine pollution. Stream- bed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; alder and woods shading. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. 48

Pabineau River, Gloucester County. 49

Name of Stream: Pabineau River Tributary to: Location: 47°32'N; 65°40'W. Initially flows southeast, then WIRTi—gast and finally northeast into Nepisiguit River. Length: 34.0 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 13/9/74 Location: 0.0 km Description: Riffle-run area; pools not extensive. Streambed composition - boulder, gravel and rubble; shading not extensive. Surrounding countryside composed of trees and shrubs beyond shoreline.

Sampling Site #2: Date: 20/9/74

Location: 11.1 km Description: Shallow riffle-runs at middle and upper end of site; remainder, runs, with area of slow to still water in upper right. Streambed composition - 60% gravel, 25% rubble and 15% sand, silt, detritus and boulder. Shading from overhanging alders on upper right side of site; some clumps of eel grass cover; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods beyond shoreline. Length: 34 m

Width: 7 m Depths: Left side - 26 cm Middle - 30 cm Right side - 20 cm

Water Temperature: 10.1°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 90 pmhos Total alkalinity - 2 gpg Hardness - 2 gpg pH - 7 50

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd) Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (parr) 5 Blacknose dace 12 Common shiner 5 White sucker 1

Sampling Site #3:

Date: 20/9/74 Location: 20.4 km Description: Stream narrow (4-6 m) and shallow (13-30 cm), with slow to still water. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading from alders and woods. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. 51

Bass River, Gloucester County. 52

Name of Stream: Bass River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°40'N; 65°35'W. Flows north into Nepisiguit Bay. Length: 37.4 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 3.2 km Description: Small riffle area near lower left of site; re- mainder, runs, with pools negligible. Streambed composition - 75% rubble and 25% bedrock, gravel and boulder. Rock and tree shading; scattered grass tuft cover; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. Length: 24 m Width: 10 m Depths: Left side - 13 cm Middle - 32 cm Right side - 22 cm Water Temperature: 8.0°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 35 pmhos Total alkalinity - 2 gpg Hardness - 2 gpg pH - 7 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (parr) 7 American eel 3 Blacknose dace 12 White sucker 1

Sampling Site #2: Date: 23/9/74 Location: 17.3 km 53

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd)

Description: Fast riffle-run across upper end of site; remainder, runs. Streambed composition - 80% gravel and 20% sand, silt and rubble; shading and cover from woods and overhanging grass and alders on right and upper left. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods.

Length: 27 m Width: 10 m Depths: Left side - 24 cm Middle - 31 cm Right side - 36 cm

Water Temperature: 11.0°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 40 pmhos Total alkalinity - 2 gpg Hardness - 2 gpg pH - 7 Biological Sampling:

Species Number

Atlantic salmon (parr) 5 Blacknose dace 19 White sucker 8 Common shiner 15 American eel 1 54

Name of Stream: Miller Brook Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°40'N; 65°30'W. Flows north-northwest into Nepisiguit Bay. Length: 10.1 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 0.6 km Description: Stream slow, narrow (5-8 m) and shallow (7-15 cm), with possible tidal influence. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside composed of marsh and light woods. 55

Name of Stream: Teagues Brook Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°41'N; 65°27'W. Flows north-northwest into tigioiggat Bay. Length: 13.5 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 0.3 km Description: Stream narrow (2-4 m) and shallow (7-15 cm), with possible tidal influence. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading not extensive. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. 56

Name of Stream: Pokeshaw River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°47'N; 65°15'W. Flows generally north into Chaleur Bay. Length: 9.0 km Obstruction: Old, collapsed, wooden mill and dam, approximately 3 m in height at 1.3 km; visual appearance indicates possible partial blockage to fish due to debris.

Sampling Site #1: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 1.3 km Description: Riffle-run area; pools negligible. Streambed composition - boulder, gravel and rubble; shading not ex- tensive. Surrounding countryside composed of fields on left and trees on right. 57

Name of Stream: Riviare du Nord

Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°47'N; 65°05'W. Flows generally east into . Length: 16.2 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 6.9 km Description: Stream sluggish, narrow (1-2 m) and shallow (7-20 cm). Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; poor shading. Surrounding countryside composed of fields - alders along shorelines. 58

Name of Stream: Ruisseau des Prairies Tributary to: Riviere du Nord

Location: 47°47'N; 65°08'W. Initially Flows east-northeast, then iirairgirTsiorth-northeast into Rivibre du Nord. Length: 7.1 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 1.4 km Description: Stream sluggish, narrow (2-3 m) and shallow (13-25 cm). Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside,alders. 59

Riviere Caraquet and Adams Brook, Gloucester County. 60

Name of Stream: Riviere Caraquet. Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°47'N; 65°04'W. Flows northeast into Caraquet Bay. Length: 35.4 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 12.4 km Description: Riffle-run area; pools negligible. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand, silt and a few boulders; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside open - brush and shrubs along banks. Length: Approximately 30 m Width: 9-12 m Depth: 17-38 cm

Sampling Site #2: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 20.0 km Description: Majority of area riffle; remainder, runs, with pools negligible. Streambed composition - 90% gravel and 10% sand, silt and detritus; shading from trees and scattered clumps of overhanging bushes on left of site. Surrounding countryside wooded. Length: 25 m Width: 10 m Depths: Left side - 30 cm Middle - 21 cm Right side - 10 cm Water Temperature: 7.5°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 68 pmhos Total alkalinity - 4 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 8 61

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd)

Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 3 Atlantic salmon (parr) 20 Brook trout 52 Slimy sculpin 26 62

Name of Stream: Adams Brook Tributary to: Riviare Caraquet Location: 47°42'N; 65°10'W. Flows northeast into Riviare Caraquet. Length: 13.8 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 5.8 km Description: Stream sluggish and backed up, due to rock damming by camp owner. Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside partially open with brush along shores. Length: Approximately 38 m Width: 5-8 m Depth: 20-46 cm 63

Name of Stream: St. Simon River Tributary to: Chaleur Bay Location: 47°45'N; 64°52'W. Flows east-northeast into Baie Saint-Simon-Nord. Length: 10.4 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 24/9/74 Location: 5.6 km Description: Stream sluggish, narrow (3-5 m) and shallow (15-30 cm). Streambed composition - gravel, rubble, sand and silt; alder and woods shading. Surrounding country- side composed of alders and woods. 64

Pokemouche River, Gloucester County. 65

Name of Stream: Pokemouche River

Tributary to: Gulf of St. Lawrence

Location: 47°40'N; 64°48'W. Flows east-northeast into Baie de Pokemouche.

Length: 61.1 km

Sampling Site #1:

Date: 25/9/74

Location: 29.2 km

Description: Riffle-run area; pools not extensive. Streambed composition - boulder, gravel, rubble, sand and silt; shading negligible. Surrounding countryside open with brush and shrubs along banks.

Sampling Site #2:

Date: 25/9/74

Location: 43.7 km

Description: Riffle-run area in upper quarter of site; remainder, runs. Streambed composition - 80% gravel and 20% sand, silt, rubble, mud around shores and detritus. Shading from woods and overhanging alders; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods. Length: 26 m Width: 8 m

Depths: Left side - 22 cm Middle - 26 cm Right side - 22 cm Water Temperature: 11.2°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 66 pmhos Total alkalinity - 4 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 8 66

Sampling Site #2 (cont'd) Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 1 Atlantic salmon (parr) 2 Brook trout 39 Slimy sculpin 13 Threespine stickleback 1 67

Little Tracadie River, Gloucester County. 68

Name of Stream: Little Tracadie River Tributary to: Gulf of St. Lawrence Location: 47°31'N; 64°54'W. Flows northeast into Baie de Tracadie. Length: 28.7 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 25/9/74 Location: 12.8 km Description: Riffle-run at upper end of site; runs throughout remainder. Streambed composition - 82% gravel and 18% rubble, detritus, sand and silt. Shading from woods and overhanging alders; algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of alders and woods with a landing along most of right side. Length: 27 m Width: 7 m Depths: Left side - 32 cm Middle - 27 cm Right side - 20 cm Water Temperature: 8.0°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 79 pmhos Total alkalinity - 4 gpg Hardness - 4 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (parr) 3 Brook trout 21 White sucker 11 Slimy sculpin 38 American eel 2 69

Big Tracadie River, Gloucester County. 70

Name of Stream: Big Tracadie River Tributary to: Gulf of St. Lawrence Location: 47°29'N; 64°52'W. Initially flows southeast,then swings east into Baie de Tracadie. Length: 75.6 km

Sampling Site #1: Date: 25/9/74 Location: 50.9 km Description: Riffle area at upper end of site; remainder, runs, with areas of sluggish water on right and left below riffle. Streambed composition - 65% gravel, 20% rubble and 15% sand, silt and detritus. Shading not extensive; partially submerged log cover at end of site and in sluggish water areas; some algae on rocks. Surrounding countryside composed of woods beyond shorelines,with grass and brush on left bank and grass on right. Length: 20 m Width: 13 m Depths: Left side - 29 cm Middle - 27 cm Right side - 35 cm Water Temperature: 7.1°C Water Chemistry: Conductivity - 52 mhos Total alkalinity - 3 gpg Hardness - 3 gpg pH - 8 Biological Sampling:

Species Number Atlantic salmon (fry) 8 Atlantic salmon (parr) 5 Brook trout 24 Slimy sculpin 21 White sucker 1 Threespine stickleback 2 71


Atlantic salmon - (Salmo salar)

Brook trout - (Salvelinus fontinalis)

Common shiner - (Notropis cornutus)

Blacknose dace - (Rhinichthys atratulus)

White sucker - (Catostomus commersoni)

American eel - (Anguilla rostrata)

Threespine stickleback - (Gasterosteus aculeatus)

Ninespine stickleback - (Pungitius pungitius)

Slimy sculpin - (Cottus cognatus) 73


The authors wish to express their gratitude to S. Allen, the casual labourer employed in the field surveys, for his most ambitious support in all phases of the field activities. 75


American Fisheries Society. 1970. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Spec. Publ. No. 6, 3rd ed., Wash., D.C. Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names. 1972. Gazetteer of Canada - New .Brunswick. Surveys and Mapping Branch, Dept. Energy, Mines and Resources, 2nd ed., Ottawa. Herrington, R.B. and D.K. Dunham. 1967. A technique for sampling general fish habitat characteristics of streams. U.S. Forest Service, Research Paper INT-41. Walker, C.E., R.F. Brown and D.A. Kato. 1974. Catalogue of fish and stream resources of Carmacks Area. Dept. of the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service, Northern Operations Branch, Pacific Region, Vancouver. PAC/T-74-8, 55 p.