The next step carsharing in every neighbourhood

Graz, 6th May, 2010

Friso Metz, KpVV Topics

1. carsharing in NL 2. operators 3. new questions 4. governments and carsharing

5. vision 6. discussion Carsharing in The

March 2010: 1865 sharing cars


1500 heavilyzeer sterk urbanized stedelijk stronglysterk stedelijk urbanized 1000 mediummatig stedelijk urbanized notniet-/weinig / low urbanized stedelijk 500 totaltotaal

0 2002 2006 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Top 10 of carsharing municipalities

Top 10 autodeelgemeenten sharing cars(tussen per 100.000haakjes: aantal deelauto's)inhabitants (# cars)

111 120 100 80 62 59 55 53 49 60 34 32 31 30 40 20 0 (46) (14) (180) (5) (15) Haarlem (12) Zutphen (855) (9) Culemborg Landsmeer Amsterdam (16) Diemen (13) Diemen Wageningen 12345678910

deelauto's per 100.000 inw oners Bunnik (province of Utrecht)

3 villages (province of Utrecht) - Bunnik 6.642 inh (7 cars) - 5.454 inh (3 cars) - 2.358 inh (0 cars)

Wheels4all - national organization - regional and local promotors - members form a community Carsharing operators

The Netherlands Province of Utrecht

1400 250 Greenw heels 1200 Connectcar 200 Greenw heels 1000 Wheels4all Connectcar 150 800 Diks Wheels4all Diks 600 Drive carsharing 100 Drive carsharing 400 Friendly cars NS Easydrive 50 Friendly cars 200 NS Easydrive Studentcar 0 0 Studentcar 2002 2006 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2002 2006 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 New questions

- market issue vs governmental initiatives - many operators, all asking for the same public space - collaboration with operators - good operators vs the bad ones

- does car sharing solve parking problems? - what if an operator gets parking space but doesn’t use it? Governments and carsharing

“car sharing only has advantages for governments”

“the only problem is the neighbour”

“car sharing is the easiest way to promote sustainable travel”

“it works everywhere, even in small towns”

So why not support it? Municipalities: 3 models

basic operator asks for dedicated parking space model municipality - delivers parking space - supports communication

(alternative) municipality supports communication

growth municipalities and operators collaborate model active promotion of carsharing

advanced pro active car sharing policies model carsharing is part of sustainable urban development Collaboration with operators

Amsterdam: agreements

- policy support - definition of car sharing - clear rules - quick delivery of parking space - spread of sharing cars - rules if different operators want the same parking space - operators provides data about use - communication about road works; remove of cars etc. Vision: carsharing in every neighbourhood

If it’s possible in Bunnik…

- in every neighbourhood car sharing should be available - residents must be able to select the operator which fits them best

NL: 50.000 neighbourhoods 2010: 1.865 sharing cars Utrecht: from 400 cars (2010) to 7.500 (2020)

What do we need? Discussion

Carsharing in every neighbourhood: - the idea is very logical - is it possible? - how to realise?

Opportunities? Threats? Target groups? Thanksforyourattention

Any questions?

Friso Metz KpVV Jaarbeursplein 15 3521 AM Utrecht NL

+316 2054 3902 [email protected] Realising the vision: tools

1. campaigns 2. financial support 3. combining PT and carsharing 4. quality label 5. e-cars 6. company cars 7. new urban areas Campaigns

- show where carsharing is available - if not: ask for it! - clear information (not glossy) - how does it work? - special target group: the neighbours - social networks - maps! Financial support

Amsterdam: vouchers: € 300 reward if parking permit stops

Nijmegen: financial support for new cars

Who should give support? > municipalities > provinces > national government PT and car sharing: win win

Carsharing supports PT companies: freedom of choice!

Integrate carsharing in PT tickets/ memberships E-carsharing

Electric vehicles & carsharing!

> e-cars available for large target groups > carsharing is more attractive! Quality label

- competetence between providers - this needs good regulation - how to cope with multiple operators?

Make agreements with operators!