P-0. Box 320! R0- Box 3201 B«fata»r>* ^.BerkalevCA T>r\RC

Jan./Feb. '92 >Trm The Spirit No. 11 For Revolutionary Resistance OpenBordersForAll!

As the East-West tensions of the "Cold War" era Inside the 12 EuropeanCommunity (EC) nations, disappear into the annals of history, Third World people there are residing at present, out of a total of some 340 arenow comingunder the even more chilling grasp of the million persons,only about 6.1 millionforeigners- less New World Order. After the dissolution of the "Cold than 2%. Nonetheless, politicians in Europe are scream War", we are seeing a new war being further developed ing about how "The Boat is Full!" But it's not only - clearly it has been in existence for decades, but it is now Christian Democrats and the parties of the right who are becoming more visible and defined - and that is the toblamefortheriseinracism.Criesfrompoliticians,very current North-South struggle. One aspect of this struggle often social democrats, for stricter immigration controls is the currentsituationfacingThird World refugeesand have led to tactic support for right-wing extremist vio immigrants in the northern industrializednations. With lence. Far-right political parties such as the National this issue of Arm The Spirit, we are focusing much Front in France, the Vlaams Blok in Belgium, and the attention on thenewasylum-policiesbeingimplemented Lombard League in Italy have actively campaigned on across Europe. We have reprinted documents and com anti-immigrant political platforms. Both the National muniqueson the issue of refugees and migration politics, Front and Vlaams Blok have openly called for the forced but as these issues are also of relevance to the current removal of refugees and immigrants and further cur- situation in North America, we would also like to offer an tailemnt of their rights. Recent electoral successes by overview ofthe ideological issues involved in the ques theseparties showsthat theirpoliciesare beingmet with tion of refugees and asylum-politics. As well, we touch growing acceptance. Indeed, the National Front, under uponthe organizingefforts of refugees/immigrants and the leadership ofJean-Marie LePen, recently captured an the autonomist-left to thwart both these specific policies averageof 15%of the votenationwidein recentmunici and the growing tide of right-wing extremism across pal elections,insomeareascapturingahigherpercentage Europe in general. thanFrance's rulingSocialists.In this atmosphere,other political parties are using anti-immigrant hysteria to Asylum Politics In The New Europe bolster their popularity. Rightist political candidtates Just by looking at the statistics, it's clear that the suchas ParisianmayorJacquesChirachave complained paranoid fear which is sweeping Europe with regard to continued on page5~. the present "flood" of immigrants has been carefully Oka Is All OfUs crafted by the ruling powers to serve their ideological needs. Most migration takes place within the nations of the Three Continents themselves; only a very few people ever reach the wealthynorthernmetropoles. Warriors Go Down But OkaAin't Over Although life in the northern metropolesprovides The so-called Oka crisis opened a new chapter in an all-white jury in the Quebec Superior Court found refugees withobvious materialadvantages overtheirlife thehistory ofindigenous resistance inCanada, igniting a Cross guilty of 20 of 40 charges, and Gordon Lazore back in the Three Continents, their situation is hardly prairiefireofangerandrenewal thatspreadto aboriginal guiltyof9 of 17charges.Bothwereconvictedoncharges enviable. They face new (and sometimes not so new) communities from coast to coast Other Nations were of assault causing bodily harm and several counts of forms of anoppression which manifests itselfwithinthe inspired to blockaderoads,topplehydro-electric towers weapons possession. Only Cross was convicted in rela entire social-political-economic framework of society. andtake theirownmilitantstandsin solidaritywiththeir tion to incidents during the standoff with the Canadian UponreachingEurope,many refugees and immigrants Mohawk sisters and brothers in that long hot summer of Army, on counts of assault and uttering threats against a run into immediate obstacles. For example, in many 1990. Canadian soldier (several similar charges were dis Europeancountriesthey are not allowedto havejobs for Despite the "military defeat" by the Canadian missed). The charges of rioting and obstructing Quebec anywhere up to 5 years. Denied any economic self- Army, the Mohawk Nation emerged victorious. They police (S.Q.) and soldiers were thrown out by Justice sufficiency, theyare forced to seek to State assistance. managed to put sovereignty firmly on the agenda and Benjamin Greenberg after the prosecution "failed to This economic assistance, which is minimal at best, galvanize other First Nations to up the ante in their properlydiscloseall evidence".The evidencein question invariably forces theminto camps runby boththe State negotiations withthefederal government. Atthattimewe involves hundreds of hours of videotape of the siege now andprivateagenciessuchastheRed Cross.Thesecamps thoughtnothingcouldstopus- ifthe Mohawks coulddo in the hands of S.Q. cut off their freedom of movement and ability to or it, so could we all. Despite daily courtroom support from solidarity ganize, and in some cases allowsfor their use as cheap After almost a year of court proceedings,the two organizations,the press-whiteout on the trials hasmade it labour. Outside the camps the situation is not muchbetter. Mohawk Warriors codename Lasagna and Noriega difficult to inform and mobilize people. The Canadian Institutionalized racism forces refugees and immigrants (Ronald Cross and Gordon Lazore) Were convicted of a left has been placative at best and at worst, unresponsive to assimilate into a European society that does not take total of 29 charges in relation to the defense of Kanesa- to pleas for support and donations for their defense. The into account their different linguistic and cultural back take MohawkTerritory in the summer/fallof 1990.On many political divisions which have rent the Mohawk grounds. Thismakes gettingjobs or job training, access February 19,Ron Cross was sentencedto 4 years and 4 communities before and since the crisis are exacerbating to proper education, seeking social assistance, etc., diffi months in prison. Gordon Lazore was handed a sentence the isolation of the detainees. cultoralmostimpossible to obtain.Women, in particular, of 2 yearsless a monthforhis role in the Mohawkrising. The rich legacy of Oka - where Mohawk women, must cope with the double oppression of being both Roger Lazore, who faced trial alongsidethe other children, elders and men overcame deep political differ refugees and women. Indeed, Europe's asylum-policies, two, was acquitted of all 10 charges against him. "We ences, and for a short time united against occupational in addition to their obvious racist overtones, are also wererightforwhatwedidoverthere,"RogerLazoretold forces in defense of their lands - was all but forgotten inherentlysexist.Women who seek divorce or separation reporters as he walked out of the courtroom."We pro during the first trial ofthose who fought, were vilified and fromtheirimmigranthusbands,forexample,cannotseek tectedour land,thepeople,andwe'd doit again if we had faced the possibility of death at the hands of the Canadian an individual asylumrequestif their initial entranceinto to." Army. Europewas grantedas the spouse of an asylum-seeker. Following five days of deliberations in St.-Jerome, continued on page 3... , Big Mountain Under Siege The Dine (Navajo) people of Big Mountain, Teesto, Hopi spiritual tradition. Despitea lack of support from MosquitoSprings,Coal Mine Mesa, Red Lake, Jeddito, many if not most Hopi, the Tribal Council continues to CactusValleyand other communitieson Black Mesa in press for the relocation of the Dine in the name of all the northernArizonaarefacinga criticaltimein their 17year Hopi. struggleto resist forced relocation from their ancestral Navajo traditional elders and spiritual leaders are lands. Harassment from Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) also excluded from their Tribal Council. While the Na rangers has been increasing significantly over the past vajo Tribal Council has paid lip service to supporting few months. Confiscation of livestock, upon which the theirpeopleresistingrelocation, itspoliciesoverallareas Navajo families depend, has become commonplace. pro-development and pro-mining as those of the Hopi Demolition of buildings and homes has also begun. On Tribal Council. Realizing they wouldnot receive support November 15th the community roundhouse at the Sur from the politicians in their tribal council, nor anywhere vival Camp at Big Mountain was torn down, and the else, in 1979 the traditional elders and their families at Big community roundhouse at Mosquito Springs and the Mountain declared themselves a sovereign independent Sundance Arbor at Camp Grey Hills at Big Mountain are nation. now threatened. This is justified by a ban on any new The creation of the Independent Sovereign Dine construction or maintenance of buildings on land af Nation (SDN) marked a key point in the people's resis fected by Public Law 93-531, the relocation order which tance to relocation. They had seen their relatives and Congresspassedintolawin 1974.Thislawalsospecified neighbourswhocooperatedwiththegovernment'sRelo thereductionof upto 90%of the livestockownedby the cation Commission moved into tract housing in the racist Navajopeopleon the formerJoint Use Area.PL 93-531 border towns surrounding the reservation and, lacking "THE WHITE MtM MAOff MANY MOUIIU TO U«WJT THEY NEVEftMPT iUT OMC: THEY MOMtttD TOTAKEOUH IANO. divided this land between the Navajo and Hopi tribes, anyjob skillsor experience,quicklylose the housesand AHO THEY TOOK IT.' ••aeimiii forcing all Navajo and Hopi people living on "the wrong what little money they received for moving. Knowing sideof the fence" to relocate from their traditional lands. that relocating would mean misery or even death for direct action. VPAT currently maintains and staffs a This relocationcampaignis the largestpeace-time many of the elders, they declared that they would never support house/ranch in Winslow, Arizona, located to the relocation effort in U.S. history. Over 2500 Dine and move, nor sign away the land that rightfully belonged to south ofthe Big Mountain area. This ranch has been used Hopifamilies are effected by the relocation order. This them and their children. As a sovereign nation who had as a base for organizing supply runs to deliver material lawwassupposedlypassed as a meansof settlinga "land never given up the title and claim to their land, they aid to the resisters, and is also used as an orientation base dispute" between the Hopi and Navajo tribes, despite the further declared that the federal government had no claim for supporters who wish to help the peopledirectly by fact that Navajo and Hopi have lived together as neigh to this land, and if the government wanted to negotiate working and witnessing the situation on the land. boursfor centuries, and inter-marriage between the tribes with them it would have to do so on a nation to nation Due to increased harassment the people at Big is not uncommon. While many Hopi, especially the basis. Mountain and otherareashaveput out a call asking for "progressives",do support relocation, many others, in PublicLaw 93-531 had set July 8/86 as the deadline self-sufficient peopleto cometo thelandtohelpsupport cluding many traditional spiritual leaders, strongly op for relocation to be completed. Families who did not the people and witness whatis happeningthere.Anyone pose relocation. They suspect, with good reason, that the relocated by this time would be denied all relocation considering this, however, must be self-sufficient; i.e removal of their Navajo neighbours is but a first step benefits, and it was also feared that these families would have sufficient transportation, food, money and be ableto towards the strip-mining and destruction of the land they be forcibly evicted by federal marshals. Between 1979 live withouttelephones,electricityor runningwaterin a hold sacred. and 1986 widespread support for the resistance was harsh environment. No one shouldtravel to Big Moun It has become clear that the real force behind the generated, with much of the support centred on the Big tain without receiving some orientation to the situation relocation order is the desire of multi-national corpora Mountain Legal Defense/Offense Committee. After the there. Interested people can contact Support for Native tions to exploit the rich coal seam and other energy relocation deadline passed without incident in 1986, Sovereigntyand/orVPAT(seecontactaddressesbelow). resources lying beneath the lands of the Dine and Hopi at much of the support for the resistance slowly dried up, People from Seattle are planning to travel to Big Black Mesa. Recent information has surfaced confirming with many people assuming that since no physical con Mountaininmid-DecemberandagainintheSpring.Both the plans ofPeabody Coal Company to open two massive frontation had occurred, the threat was over. funds and materialsare badlyneededfor these trips.The strip mines at the very heart of the Big Mountain area. The government, however, had simply bided its two most immediateneeds expressed by the people on Peabody plans to transport by water-powered slurries time, while continuing to carry out a drawn out campaign the land are buildingmaterials,particularlyroofingsup and by rail to Los Angeles where it will be shipped to of low intensity harassment designed to make it impos plies, to help winterize houses and hogans for severe Japan. Peabody currently operates two mines in the Black sible for the people to survive on their land. weather, and communication equipment, such as CB Mesa area, and since 1970 it has pumped 30 million By the late 1980's pressure began building to get radios and walkie talkies, to help people communicate gallonsof water out of the aquifer underlying these mines the relocation completed soon. Peabody is very anxious with each other and respond when harassment occurs. in order to slurry coal to the giant Four Corners Power to open its new mines in order not to lose out on the Another vital need is tools and handles for axes, picks, Plant near Page, Arizona. In 1970, Peabody claimed that lucrative Japanese market Since selling all this coal to etc. Other needs include good quality winter clothes and its pumpingwould have no effect on these nearby wells Japan will also help to moderate the trade imbalance blankets, and bulk non-perishable foods such as flour, and springs. Since that time water levels in wells and between the U.S. and Japan, the Bush administration has rice,beans, salt, coffee and oil. In general, if money can springs throughout the area have dropped from between also been pushing for the immediate completion of relo be donated instead of material, that is preferred. The 20 to 200 feet. The new mines would double or triple cation. Secretary of the Interior Manuel Lujan has called materialscan then be boughtin Arizona,therebycutting Peabody's water consumption in the area. This would for relocation of all the Navajo resisters to be completed down on transportation costs. All money donated toward completely dry out many wells and springs in the area by 1992. In Octoberof 1990, Secretary Lujan instituteda direct aid will be used only for buying and transporting which the Hopi and Navajo depend on, and its effect on new policy which denies families who have relocated any materials. the entire regional ecosystem would be devastating. oftheir relocationbenefits until all the remaining resisters Both Hopi and Navajo elders and traditional lead have left their homes. This policy is causing evengreater For more information or to donate contact: en have consistently opposed the mineral exploitation suffering among the Dine refugees who have already Support For Native Sovereignty/BigMountainSupport and environmental destruction of their sacred land. The been forced off their homelands. Group "land dispute" between the two tribes is in large part a Recent events indicate that the government's final P.O. Box 2104 fabricauoncreated expressly to gain access to the mineral push to relocate the last of the resisters is on in earnest Seattle, WA. 98101 wealth underlying both tribes' land. The Hopi Tribal now.Support for the people isthereforemore critical than (206) 547-3983 Council was, in fact, created by the federal government in ever at this time. In the last two yean there has been an 1936for the sole purpose of signing mining leases. Many increase in support activity. Much of this activity has For more information on VPAT contact: Hopi, particularly the traditional clan and spiritual lead been organized by the Veterans Peace Action Teams Veterans Peace Action Teams ers still refuse to recognize the validity of the Tribal (VPAT), a San Francisco based Veterans group dedi P.O. Box 170670 Council. Since none ofthe traditional clan leaders would cated to social justice and anti-militarist causes. VPAT San Francisco, CA agree to sign mineral lease agreements for their land, the has done much work aiding the people of Nicaragua and (415) 753-2130 Tribal Council has been and remains controlled by Hopi El Salvador, and is now attempting to aid the people at who have converted to the Mormon religion and rejected Big Mountain in a similar manner - through directaid and (Reprintedfrom OnIndianLand#1) Mohawks...... continuedfrom page 1 "My life is in sucha shambles," Ron Cross told Canadian Press."I just want peopleto forget aboutme." Cross was arrested several times during the course of the trial for failure to appear. Police said they found and arrested him at "a known crack house". His despair may well be due to a lack of support, a feeling of criminaliza tion and abandonment. DefensefortheMohawks provedproblematicfrom day one,OwenYoung and Julio Peris, Nativelawyers whoprovided defense for the firsttrial,havewithdrawn fromthe secondtrialciting unpaid bells. They claim the Mohawks owe them $80,000 and $45,000 respectively for their services. Some observers speculate that resent ment over fees was at the heart ofthe petering out ofthe sovereignty defense. There is some scepticism about the handling of first trial, concern about a lack of clear strategyand follow-through. In the beginning,a sovereignty defense was pur sued. The Two-Row Wampum Treaty was cited in con junction with theInternational Treaty onSovereignty and U.N. Convention on Prisoners of War, creating a clear political context forthetrial. These treaties were rejected bythecourt. Thethree defendants, inkeeping withtheir non-recognition of Canadian courts' jurisdiction, re fused to participate in the proceedings. Following the dropping ofsome ofthecharges, thedefense teamcalled no witnesses, but neitherdid they publiclychallengethe Ronald Cross Gordon Lazore courts'legitimacy. Ithas beenventuredthatbytheend all sides wanted to fast-track the trial, as it had been drawn destroyanypossibility,for Mohawks andallotherNative nal charges faced by the 39 remaining defendants. Prose out to nearly a year by this time. peoples,of breaking outofthisstaleprocess." Theyhave cution says that this will "simplify and shorten" the TheRegroupement deSolidariteavecles Autoch- concluded that "solidarity with aboriginal nations re upcoming trial, safeguarding "the most important tones has said that "after ideological bombardmentby quires usto support Mohawk political detainees." counts" against the Mohawks.He explains that because governments, policeforcesandthemedia,itis necessary The Mohawk 39 will be tried on charges of ob the standoff was a "common venture" he did not want to tore-emphasize whatwasreally at stakeat Kanehsatake structing peaceofficers, participating inariotandposses break it up into a series of individual events.The with and Kahnawake, and what is at stake as Mohawks stand sion of firearms for a purpose dangerous to the public drawn charges singled out men and women charged with intheprisoners' dock...The issuewasland."Theymain peace.Jury selection beginson March 2 and willscreen assaults or uttering threats against members of the Cana tain "the Canadiangovernmenthas always tried to con 500prospective jurors foreach ofthe39defendants. It is dian Army or theSurete de Quebec. Defense for 37 of the fine the struggle of Nativepeople to a mechanism of unlikely thatthejurycomposition willdifferfromtheall- remaining 39 is being handled by a progressive Quebe- claims and negotiations. Through the trials of the whitejury that convictedLasagna and Noriega. cois lawyer. Defendant Kahn Tineta-Horn is handling Kanehsatake and Kahnawake prisoners, it is trying to Theprosecution haswithdrawn 16ofthe28crimi- her own defense, and one other is undecided on how to proceed. It is important to point out that no police officers, army personnel or white racists who stoned Mohawk ...AndLubicons OnTrial convoyscarryingchildrenandeldersoutoftheterritories werechargedwithcriminalconduct.Whitesupremacists The trial of thirteen Lubicon Lake Cree Nation years, destroying thecommunity's hunting andtrapping in neighbouring Chateauguay burned effigies of Mo members accused in relation to the torching of a economy and forcing 95% of the 500-member nation hawks, stormed police lines leading to the Kahnawake Buchanan Lumberlogging camp in late 1990has been onto welfare. The Lubicons have reacted with strong and Mohawk bridge blockade and were responsible for the delayeduntil sometimein the fall. effective resistance which has brought them recognition stoningswhichcausedoneMohawkeldertodieofaheart The thirteen werecharged witharson, possession of and supportacross the country and aroundthe world. attack. explosives, mischief and disguise with intent, after a The thirteen Lubicons charged with the Buchanan The racist trials continue. More Mohawk lives hang highly questionable "investigation" which involved raid were to have gone to court December7/91, but due in the balance, their fates to be decided by colonial courts storm troopertacticssuchasdenying theaccused access to procedural arguments raised by Lubicon lawyers the they do not recognize. Cross and Lazore—now political tolegalcounsel anddragging peoplefromtheirhomes in Lubicons haveagreed toforgoapreliminary hearing and prisoners-and the other Mohawksfacing trial in March the middle of the night and interrogating them in a proceed to trialin the fall. Theagreement was madein need all the support we can muster. garbage dump. The charges relateto the fire at an un ordertogivetheLubicons some breathing room andtime Two defense funds exist and are serving distinct authorized logging camp engaged in clearcutting toprepare. Thenationmaintains thattheCanadian courts purposes.Outstandingdebtsto theYoung-Peristeamare unceded Lubicon Nation territories. The loggers, operat have no jurisdiction on their territory, since they have being paid off by contributions to the Liberationof the ing under contractfor the transnationalpaper manufac never ceded their sovereignty in any treaty or war. Mohawk Nation Defense Fund, based in Kahnawake. turer Daishowa, had been warned that developments in Lubicon advisors say that the charges are being Funds generated towards the upcoming trial are being those territories not authorized by the Nation would be pursuedaggressivelyin ordertodivertLubiconattention administered by the Akweks Fund. Both funds need removed without further notice. After the fire, which from the highly successfulpublic campaign against the contributions desperately. Cheques and money orders caused between twenty and fifty thousand dollars dam transnational Daishowa. The Daishowa boycott cam can besent to: theAkweks Fundc/o the CanadianFedera age,loggingactivitiesin Lubicon territorieswere called paign,announcedlast Novemberat a pressconferencein tion of Rights and Liberties, 323 Chapel St., Ottawa, offfor the winter. Ottawa, has forced the transnational to postpone plans to Ontario KIN 7Z2 and the Liberation of the Mohawk Theconfrontation between the Lubicon Nation and clcarcut this winter in Lubicon territories. However Dais Nation Legal Defense Fund, Caisse Populaire Account logging interests isthelatest development intheNation's howa still owns leases to most of the Lubicon land base #80186, P.O. Box 1987, Kahnawake, Quebec J0L 1B0, fifty year history of struggle for recognition of their andplansgoahead nextwinter. Lubicon supporters have Canada. For more information about the upcoming trial, aboriginal land rights. Thenation's traditional territory, convinced severalcompanies, including CulturesFresh contact Akweks Defense Information, P.O. Box 633, locatedin northernAlbertajust east of Peace River, has Foods,Ho-Lee-Chow, Knechtcl'sGrocers,NOWmaga- Kanehsatake Mohawk Territory, Kanehsatake, Quebec been overrun by oil companies during the last twenty continued on page 4... JON 1E0, Canada. U.S. PoliticalPrisoners Update

Richard Williams Corrections CommissionerRussell Oswald and Attica's former warden Vincent Mancusi for the operation to Richard Williams, found "guilty" of murdering a retake the prison. The jury also ruled that the 1,281 NewJerseystatetrooperas reportedin lastissueof ATS, inmates who filed the $2.8 billion civil-liability suit in was sentencedto 30 years to life imprisonment on Friday 1974had provennot only that they suffered "cruel and February 6/92 in front of a courtroom filled with so many unusualpunishment"andreprisals,but alsothat the state cops that it was described by one supporter as a "pork- generally failed to provide adequate medical care. Ac fest". Despite the over-representation of police in the cordingto Akilal-Jundi,a formerAtticainmatein whose crowd, the courtroom was silentas Richard gave a strong name the civil suit was filed, "We'vegot a partial victory andpassionatepoliticalstatementto thecourt.In facthis in that we got Karl Pfeil. It would have been momentous statement was so powerful that the judge felt the need to to have gotten Oswald and Mancusi or one of the other spend ten minutes trying to refute its contents before big fish." Lawyers for both the inmates and the state pronouncing sentence. The judgewent to great lengths to officialshave saidthattheywillappealtheverdictsanda "prove" that Richardand Tom and their comradeswere new trial will be held on the claims on which the jury was not comparable to those who fought in the American deadlocked. Revolution because those people had no choice but to takeuparms,whereastodaytheU.S.has theballotboxas Puerto Rlcan Independence Movement a toolfor politicalchange.This statmentwasapparently made in all seriousness. On December 10, a Federal District Court in Hart ford, Conneticut ruled that Puerto Rican journalist Daisy Joe Doherty Sanchez did not have to surrender the original videotapes ofthe interviews sheconductedlastsummer with two un Irish political prisoner Joe Doherty lost an eight- derground leaders of the Macheteros, a Puerto Rican year legal battle with the U.S. governmenton Wednes guerrillaorganization.Sanchezhad refusedto to testify day, February 19th,and was deported back to Northern beforea grandjury orturnoverheroriginals.Herlawyer, Ireland, wherehe faces 30 years in a British prison for Jon Schoenhorn has said that the U.S. government has killinga Britishsoldier in NorthernIreland. Dohertywas beenharrassingSanchezbecauseit is embarassedthat it convicted in absentia in June 1981 by a British court for has been unable to catch the two independentistas, Filib- killinga Britishspecial forces trooper who was shot in a erto Ojeda Rios and LuisColon Osorio.Duringthe trial firefight between his unit and Doherty's IRA squad. He hundredsof peopledemonstratedin supportof Daisy at escapedBritishcustody and made it to the U.S. in 1982, theFederalBuildinginSanJose,PuertoRico.Ina related where he was arrested by FBI agents on June 18/83 for incident, on January13thPuertoRicanindependentista entering the U.S. illegally. The Supreme Court ruling Elias Castro Ramon had charges of conspiracy to rob and not attend and the judge refused to cancel the hearings. which cleared the way for Doherty's deportation over transport stolen money dropped by the courts, and a On the 12th the judge decided to let Dhoruba remain free turnedan appealscourt decisionthat Dohertydeserveda second defendant in the case, Isaac Camacho Negron, until another hearing in April. The aformentioned De hearingon his political asylum claim, based on "a well- pled guilty to minor charges in exchangefor a reduced cember 19th decision re-instated Dhoruba's conviction founded fear of persecution for his political actions and sentence of 5 years and a $10,000 fine. Both men had and paved the way for his possible re-incarceration. beliefs." faced sentencesof 15years in prisonfor their role in the While Dhoruba's 19year long imprisonment ended after 1983expropriation of $7.1 milliondollarsform a Wells it was proved that critical evidence had been withheld at Geronlmo Ji Jaga (Pratt) Fargo bank in Hartford, Conneticut claimed by the all three of the trials it took to convict him, the state is now Macheteros. The trial for the other defendents isexpected saying that Dhoruba must prove that the withheld evi Five former leaders of the to begin in April. dence would have changed the jury's verdict. For more brokea21-yearsilenceon January2/92 to demanda new information on this critical case contact: Campaign to trialfor formerparty member and presentpolitical pris Queens 2 Free BlackPolitical Prisoners and POWs in the U.S. P.O. onerGeronimoji Jaga (Pratt). Ji Jaga, who wasexpelled Box339 KingsbridgeStation,Bronx,NewYork,10463- from the party in 1971, has been in prison since 1972 On December 19/91, an appeal in the cases of 0339. U.S.A. when he was framed for a 1968 murder/robbery in Cali formerBlackPantherPartymembersBashirHameedand fornia. The five formerleaders stated that ji Jagahadbeen AbdulMajid was rejectedbythe appelatedivisionof the withthem at ameeting of the Party's central command on New York State Supreme Court. Both were framed in the ... Lubicons continuedfrom page 3 the day of themurder. The reason for the long silence was, 1981 killing of a police officer and zine, Safeway's, Mr. C's Donuts and the YMCA to according to KathleenCleaver,"a split in theparty, with received 30+ years, with recommendation that they boycott Daishowa paper bags, a move that has forced some party members banned from speaking to each never be paroled. Since his conviction,Bashir Hameed DaishowaVice-President To Hamaokato admitpublicly other. The whole organization was divided." In Novem has faced particulary harsh prison conditions, including that the boycott is hurting them. Friends of the Lubicon, ber/91,the stateSuperior Court in Los Angeles refused to a stretch of over two years and seven months in solitary the Toronto organizers of the boycott, state in letters to hearji Jiga's requestfor a newtrial,and in December/91, confinement - locked in a 6' by 8' cell for 23 hours a day. Daishowathat the boycott will continueuntil Daishowa thestateparoleboarddeniedhis releasefor the 11thtime. The reasoning behind this repression is obvious, accord makes a clear, public and unequivocal commitment not On a more positive note, however, early in January, ing to Mark Gombiner, attorney for both Hameed and to cut or buy wood cut in unceded Lubicon territories Amnesty International's International Secretariat called Majid, "The reason which they [the prison administra until a land rights settlement has been reached with both for a new trial. Formore informationcontact: the Interna tion] themselves gave, even in a written statement to Mr. levels of government, and a harvesting agreement nego tional Campaign to Free Geronimo ji Jiga (Pratt), P.O. Hameed, was that you are being held here because the tiated with the Lubicon Nation which lakes into account Box 3585, Oakland, , 94609. other people in the prison look up to you to much and we Lubicon wildlife and environmental concerns. think that you are a radical and have too much leadership The boycott has also been successful in uniting Attica Brothers ability." many different organizations behind the Lubicon struggle and spurring people into action for aboriginal On February 4th in Buffalo, New York, the jury in land rights. Its continuation and expansion is essential to the Attica trial relumed a mixed verdict as to whether bringing about a resolution of Lubicon land rights and New York State officials were responsible for the mas On February 12/92, Dhoruba Bin Wahad went to slopping the transnational Daishowa before the Lubicon sacre that left 43 dead and more than 90 injured when the court, facing a bench warant for a failure to appear at a society is wiped off the map. stale police retook the prison. The jury found Attica's court hearing on February 5th which could have resulted former deputy warden, Karl Pfeil, liable on two counts of in his re-imprisonment due to a December 19/91 New For more information contact Friends of the Lubicon having overseen brutal reprisals against inmates, but York Supreme Court decision. Dhoruba had refused to (Toronto) at 485 Ridelle Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M6B failed to reach verdicts on the responsiblity of former attend the February 5th hearing since his lawyers could 1K6 Canada, lei: (416) 783 4694. ...OpenBorden For All! continuedfrom page 1 But what will the effects of this harmonized policy nized external regulations, and also with the use of ofthe"noise andsmell"ofimmigrantsandformerpresi be? For one thing, Europe will indeed begin to resemble greater numbers of immigration police who will search dent ValeryGiscardD'Estaing has likened immigration a fortress, as the EC's outer borders become more and Europe's inner-citiesin an effort to gather up "illegals" to an "invasion". These sentiments are not exclusive to moremilitarized, likethe Rio Grandein America's south for deportation. And in an effort to stop people from the right, however. The French Communist Party, for west In fact, army units are already being used to aid in trying to enter Europe in the first place, the Schengen and example, supports tougher immigration laws in order to border controls across southernEurope, and the Austrians Dublin Accords seek to cut down on flight from the "protectFrenchjobs for French workers", and in many are leadingtheway outEast by increasingpatrols to stop nations of origin themselves. Already, there are visa countries it is the Social Democrats who have been the flood of East European immigrants. And in line with requirements for entering Europe from about 60 nations. soundingthe cry for stricter border controls and tougher the TREVI Agreement, international cooperation in data Also,Germany,for example,dressesimmigrationpolice asylum policies to crackdown on the "parasitic illegals" collection and policing efforts will be greatly intensified. in Lufthansa [German airline - ed.] uniforms so they can who are milking Europe's welfare system. Even the The goal of this is two-fold: firstly, to create EUROPOL, more easily check exit papers and stop certain people Greens have nottaken a resolute standonthe issue.Some a European-wide police network, united by a massive from trying to enter Europe before they ever leave their Green parties feel that the boat truly is full, and that computer system, the Schengen Information System nation of origin. Europe* salready fragile ecosystem can'tbear the burden (SIS); and secondly, to also use this harmonized data of thousands more immigrants. Despite their vague collection to strictly control immigration. Resistance to Europe's Asylum-Policies wishes for a "multi-cultural society", Greens across Soon, Europe will have in place a "one-shot"policy Again, the sudden prominence of the "refugee with regard to asylum applications. This means that a Europehave taken part in the parliamentary discussions problem" in Europe has unleashed a tide of xenophobia on curbing immigration numbers, and they have not person seeking asylum in the European Community must and racism which has manifested itself in countless at apply at the nation he/she arrives at, and the decision taken up the slogan of the radical-left: "Asylum Rights tacks by right-wing extremists upon refugees and immi handed down by this nation applies for entrace into all for AM". grants all across Europe. As a result, resistanceto these Europe,in fact, has been hit on all sides with the other nations. In other words, refugees and immigrants events has had to be two-fold: resisting the EC's new complexities of the refugee situation, a situation which will only have one chance to enter Europe, and if they fail asylum-policiesin general and also activelyconfronting makes clear the contradictions of capitalism. With the at one port of entry, they won't be allowed in at any other active neo-Nazi groups. collapseof theEast Bloc, the fallen State-socialistecono European port ofentry. This isdesigned to clamp down on Across Europe, refugees and immigrants have been mies have left in their wake high unemployment and the inter-European migration of "illegals". Currently, organizing and taking action against immigration poli economicdespair, and tens of thousands ofEast Europe "illegal" immigrantscan move between various nations cies, as well as actively defendingthemselvesfrom fas ans have begun heading westward. But no longer are in Europe in the hopes of finding one with a more lenient cist attacks. For example, in France, there have been over these people welcomed as political refugees; now they, asylum policy. This is soonto be halted, both with harmo 4000 self-help associations set up by immigrants,many like so many others from the Three Continents, are labelled as "economic refugees" and told to leave. On the order of the branch of the Refugee Ad With European unity just around the comer, ministration in Waterlooufer, refugees, against their Europe's rulingpowers have gone into high gear in their declared willand despite all of their legalrights,have attempts to successfullyprepareEurope for its role as a been "removed" to the former DDR [East Germany - world economic super-power. But their preparations for ed.]. Their subjection has been used as a means of the harsh realities of unity were in fact started years ago, showingthat lifefor themin West Germanyis impos behind closed doors. Their goal has always been - as sible. more andmore people are now beginning to realize at the Toleration of racist attacks is one ofthe clearest last moment - to establish a system of regulation, selec forms of the State's cold refusalto deal withtheprob tion, and control to safe-guard the European fortress. lem. And then there's the so-called "normal" living Through various treaties like the Schengen Agreement conditions which range from inhumane living accom and the Dublin Accord, Europe's member nations are modations to inadequate nursing care to the complete preparing to take the final steps towards harmonizing the denial ofmedical treatment And with the new meas asylum policiesof the various individual EC states and to ures - intern centres, quicker deportations, the record thereby put an end to what they see as the most pressing ing of police records, and the increased cooperation problem of the '90's: "uncontrolled" migration. between the police and social workers - the system of Again, this line of policy is not exclusively right- deterrence, control, and expulsion is being perfected. wing. In fact, what we are almost seeing is a crude re The repressive character of the West German state is definition of the social democratic credo, an attempt to Thebuses usedto transport refugeesflgainst their will, made clearby this attack on the weakest segment of the make the most of "the potential of society" (as RARA after a late night visit. population. note in their communique). Strict asylum-policies, Buttherefugeesare resistingallofthis, bystrug which are obviously racist, are not necessarily exclu Refugees are often transported, against their will, gling for concrete improvementsin their care, by or sively so. Again, Europe's ruling powers do not want to fromplacesdeemedtoodangerousfor themonaccount ganizingtheir self-defenseagainstracist attacks,and, eliminate the migration of cheap labour to within their ofthe rising tide of racism. like in Schwalbach, where they are resisting their borders, rather they want to control it better. Europe's Every day, in both old andnew parts of Germany, removal to the former DDR. Over the last few weeks, welfare abundance was built, to a large degree, thanks to there are attacks on refugess and immigrants. many groups of refugees have abandoned their ap the people of the Three Continents. In addition to the Before these recent incidents, such attacks and pointed residences and decided for themselves where obvious fact that the capitalist imperialism of European humiliations did not occur to such a degree in Berlin, they wish to live. We support these efforts. multi-national corporations has, for decades, been ex becuase most refugees are here for the first time. On the other hand, it's necessary to attack the ploiting the nations of the Three Continents to feed the We stand in principle behind the right to freely organs and functionaries who carry out this inhumane European production sector's insatiable need for raw choose where people wish to live; and this includes treatment of refugees. materials, also within Europe as well, cheap and illegal immigrants and refugees! That's why, on 21/10/91, we smashed the win migrant labour has been a widely-utilized base in the MannheimerstraBe, Wednesday night: dows of five travel agencies belonging to "Bayem- labourmarket, even if official statistics never record this Buses belonging to "Bayem-Express", the com Express" and made the offices unusable by tossing fact. pany which is primarily responsible for the transporta butyric acid inside. Bayem-Express has for the past Europe needs this expendable labour base now tion of refugees out of Waterlooufer [a part of Berlin - two years, and especially over the last two weeks, more than ever, especially as unification will bring in ed.] - these buses are burnt, and they won't be used carried out several "removals" of unwilling refugees creased demands for better production in order to stay again soon. to the former DDR. competitive in the global capital market. For one thing, Our action won'tend racism or the implementa Europe isfaced with a demographic time-bomb, namely tion of asylum policies. But hopefully we did help to For the right to stay and the free choice of where to live a declining birth-rate. Thus, the capitalist economy in disrupt things, because otherwise the whole racist ap for refugees1 Europe in the '90s will require migration, so the goal of paratus would operate without any friction. For a strong anti-racist struggle! Europe's ruling powers is to control and maximize the So let's attack this apparatus with a variety of efficiencyof the influxof foreigners. No longer will skin- actions! Autonome Groups colour alone be the deciding factor. What will be sought after, however, is flexibility, adaptability, and political ARAG (an anti-racist group) (Fond greetings to the anti-racist group ARAG!) submissiveness. with the explicit aim of fighting racism. Others have (Revolutionaire Zellen - RZ) in Germany, have been bats attacking foreigners, fire-bomb attacks on takendirectactionto protesttheirtreatment Duringthe attacking the Stateapparatus thatdictates immigration foreigner's houses and asylum-centres, etc. - became many attacks by fascists, policehave refusedto inter poUcyandiu implementation.ThemortrecertRZaction daily events by the end ofAugust 1991.The politicians vene, so it is only when they actively defended them wastheirattackontheRefugeeDivisionoftheprovincial did littlebut verbally denounce thesepogroms - indeed selvesmatrefugees havebeenabletorepeltheattackers. administration building in the town of BohUngen on the ruling powers tolerate the existence of neo-Nazi For example, in Norderstedt, in northernGermany, a August2,1991.Thisattack caused over$375,000 dam groups forueir functional value,inthiscase,ofaddingto group of 70 refugees who had occupied a churchin ageanddestroyed data fileson over 10,000refugees -a themediahype/hysteria around therefugeeissue-andall Neumunsterfor6 weeks in anattemptto halttheir forced concrete hindranceto the State's deportation schemes. the left could manage was whimpering cries for more transfertoarefugeeshelterintheex-DDRwereforcedto Andthere have been similar smaller attacks throughout police protection. So it was reallyonly the autonomist accept the offerof anallegedly "safe"refugeeshelterin Germany by autonomous groups on administrative tar scene which actively sought to provide real concrete the ex-DDR. Within one week this shelter was attacked getsdesigned tobothprotest Germany's asylumpolicies solidarity and support. by over200 fascists withfire-bombs andknives.The 15 and to expresssolidarity with all peoples of the Three The name Hoyerswerdahas become synonymous policemen atthescencefled,leaving therefugees to stop Continentsseekingmaterial aidin the wealthynorthern with asylum politics in Germany. In early September the fascist attackthemselves. The refugees then reoccu- metropoles. Indeed, theRZ quoterefugees whospeakof 1991,Hoyerswerda,a quietEastGerman citywhosecoal pied the church in Norderstedt, were again forced to a "migration war" being declared on the imperialist industryis aboutto gocompletelybankrupt,wasthe site leave, and have now sought refuge in Schalom Parish, northern powers by the refugees fromtheThreeConti of nightly attacksby rightwing extremists on an apart alsoin NorderstedtThisParishis alsodemanding thatthe nents. After decades of exploitation, the people of the ment building housing primarily Vietnamese immi refugees leaveimmediately,andit will not provideany ThreeContinentsarenow comingto claimwhatis theirs, grants. The attackswere so repeated andso viciousthat food or medical supplies to them. On February 8, the ajustifiable claimmadebymanyimmigrants. Andmuch the immigrantshadto be takenout of the city. But what refugeesbeganahungerstrike.This isjustof oneof many ofthe(white)leftmEurope,whilegladlyexprcs8ingfeel- wasmostfrighteningabouttheordealwasthefactthatthe initiatives that is being organized and carried out by goodsolidarity, hashadtrouble copingwiththis explic nightly attackshadthe silent,andalsothe activesupport refugees in their fight for the right to determine for itly anti-imperialist oudookonmigration. of Hoyerswerda resident This signifies deep-seated ra themselves wherethey shall live. EversinceGermany's reunification on October 3, cism, but it also points out somethingthe rulingpowers Within the radical-lefttherehave been many initia 1990,therehasbeen adramaticrisein right-wingnation actively try to exploit, namely the economic frustration tives undertaken in solidarity with refugeesand immi alistextremism. And more recently,this hasbeen spurred felt by so many working-class Germans,paiticulary in grants, on many differentlevels. The clandestinemove on by the paranoia surrounding the refugee "problem" the now-defunct DDR.This isaneffective meansofpre ment, most notably Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action decried by the politicians. Racistattacks by right-wing ventingmassprotestfromtheGerman proletariat against (RARA) in the Netherlands andthe RevolutionaryCells groups onforeigners - intheform ofgangs ofyouths with the State,namelyturningthe lower-classes ontothe only segmentof societymore vulnerableand exploitedthan them: the refugeepopulation. On September29, a huge Declaration OfThe Refugees In Norderstedt anti-racist convoy headedout fromBerlinandconvened a huge demo in Hoyerswerda. The march,,which was We are the Norderstedt refugees who have re that, we're political footballs without any willof our plaguedby internalproblemswhichresultedin confron centlybecomeratherwell-knownpublicly. own, isnotonly false butdeliberate distortion of the tations with the police, was nonetheless importantbe OurfightbeganonSeptember 12/91in the An* facts, We are woody** football We can think,far cause of the concrete cooperation which took place ssherChurchofl.THESEARE extremists were injured in the attack andno autonomists wtwchHdien,bavegone backtotheex-DDR. But with POLITICALREASONS! were arrested.Other effectiveeffortsinclude the publish THE RESPONSIBILITY ALSO UBS IK COLONS thesepeopleit wasn't« freedecision. They returned ing ofphotos, names, addresses,and car-descriptionsof ontyat1termn^mcmmsofresistance,underlfaestSYHig- ALISM AND IMPBRIALISM OF THB WESTERN known neo-Nazis. est physicalandpsychological pressure, becausethey INDUSTRIALIZEDCOUNTRIES1 The second thing to be avoided in an anti-racist/ couldn't withstand the combined pressure of the anti-fascist organizing aroundthe issue ofasylum poli churchand the governments* WBWAKTTHBIUOBTTOSTAYFORAtXBBFrj^ tics is the tendency (paiticulary of the white left) to Whathasbeensaidaboutus inthemedia,namely GEBSI continued on page 14... It's obvious,that the State's pursuitoftheominous "unknownRAF-members: Peterand Stefan" will lead to the arrestof comrades from the legal resistance - those Red Army Fraction peoplenotorganizedintheRAF.They'vc wantedthisfor along time, ever since they showed those city-maps whichthe VSdoctored uptosubstantiate theirclaimthat comrades from the legal resistance were to act as "look outs"for anactionagainsttheDaimler[Germancorpora tion - ed.] chiefs. There was so much fuss made about this Communique claim,however, thatthey eventually gaveup. That's one ofthe main reasons we have to continu ally expose these State lies: to prevent comrades from Thefollowing communique bytheRAFconcernsa getting arrested. number of developments that have occured recently concerning both thepoliticalprisoners and the counter- - Their claim that we are not actually illegally organized, insurgency against theguerrilla. TheVS(GermanIntel but rather that we are simply mixed into groups on the ligence Service) recently announced that an individual fringes of the legal resistancemovement,is used,on the namedNonnehad "defected"from theRAF.Theyclaim one hand, to simply degrade us, but more importantly, thathe participatedin the planning ofthe Herrhausen they use this claim to justify their massive searches in actionand was in a cell with two wantedRAFmembersas legal groups and establishments [ie., info-shops - ed.]. wellas twopersonsfrom theautonomistmovement. This sensationalistrevelationcamejust as the German press - They want to broaden the State evidence statute. The was also beginning to discuss justice minister Kinkel's reason why remains their secret. proposal to allow the early release ofsome RAF mem bers,particularly physically ill inmates such as Giinter Perhaps there's more, but that's all we want to say Sonnenberg, fromprison. Consideringthefact that the fornow -just to repeat once more what the whole situation Germanauthorities have not beenable capture any RAF been in the media), if, considering such results, they is regarding the press and the media. Even though this membersinvolved in some ofthe more recent successful really still need to release the prisoners. So there's only whole campaign of lies about spy contacts with Nonne actions (especially the attack on Herrhausen), the one possibility: everyone who is for the freedom of the just reeks of deception,not a singlejournalisthas felt the Nonne-story ispropbablybothanattempt bythesecurity prisoners needs to discuss among themselves, and of urge to question the State's motives or sincerity. apparatus to seemmore intheknowabout theRAFthan course with the prisoners, what we should make of this The simple question, which the VS confirmed, and theyreally are,toalsotojustifyStateraidsontheauton possibility of release, and which demands we should which everyone can't help thinking is: "Has the secret omist scene, especially on the network of info-shops, make and press through so as to stay on the path of service fabricated the entire history?" But no one asks since, as the RAF note in this statement, the alleged- demanding freedom for all political prisoners. this question. defector Nonne made mention of non-RAF members Who else but the secret service could have put the supposedly providing logisticalsupportforRAFactions. STRUGGLE TOGETHER FOR THE PRISON explosives in Nonne's basement? ERS'FREEDOM! The entire history ofthe State's "big pursuit" ofus 24/1/92 Red Army Fraction has been nothing but a bunch of lies from beginning to end. We never made any contacts with a VS spy named Nonne,nor did we live with any such person before the GRAPO Communique Herrhausen action,nor didany spyknowof it beforehand and help us with the preparations. This is nothing more : On October 16/91 our groups blew up the supposes a truequalitative leapin theescalation ofthe than a lie fabricated by the German secret service, de Campsapipelineas it passesthroughSant Vicencdels signedto haveobviousconsequences.OK, sothey made war. . Horts and the gas pipeline in Papiol; also, on October Forourpart, the GRAPO arealsopreparing our their attempt, and now we'll expose their liel 17/91,dayofthe inaugurationoftheTAV{highveloc selves on all terrains to confront this new situation and This method of the State is used against resistance ity train - trans.], various lengths of rail track were we will not permit any crime of the oligarchy to remain groups in order to make people uncertain by constructing blown up. : unpunished.We are not goingto impassivelyassistthe lies. Only in the last 2-3 years has this been used expressly With these actions we continue the struggle feast they prepare at the cost of the workers' blood and against us: the State's lie about an abortive action against against the economic interests of the financial oligar sweat.We willcontinuetohitthemwherewecancause, Kiechle; the claim that we held secret negotiations with chyand the Spanishcapitalist state. : them we rnost damage; we will continue toattack their the State; and the lie repeated a thousand times over : The banditsofthebig banksand industrieshave, most importanteconomiccentresandotherobjectives claimingthat we were following a Stasi-line; and also the for several months, launched the big business of merg ofstrategic interest. There is notrucel \ :.:j: letterlastsummerfrom unknown RAF"defectors"which ers and takeovers for the concentration and control of stated that we had split up due to internal divisions. the key sectors of the nation's economy, they are DOWN WITH THE CAPITALISTSYSTEM! What is the goal ofthese State lies? preparing new means for the intensive exploitation of ARMED RESISTANCE! We think they are trying to do several things at the workingclass andworkingmasses.Onceagain,the VENCESEMOS! once: "experts" talk aboutsavage reconversions, wage cuts, increasingtaxes... It is the logic of the new and pro Central Command of the 1st of October Anti-Fascist - They want to hurt the discussions around the release of found crisis that afflicts the capitalist system: only ResistanceGroups (GRAPO) imprisoned comrades. After 20 years of struggle against intensifying the exploitation and throwing intounem the torture and destruction of political prisoners, seg ployment andmisery millions of workers canit con 18/10/91 ments of the State apparatus are beginning to realize that tinue increasing its juicy benefits. .••': they need to find a solution to the problem of the prison : .This dark future can only be changed by revolu- ers, and at leastsince the '89 hungerstrike, they know that uon. Conscious of that, the Filipisu govemment is they can no longer resolve the contradiction of torture, preparinganauthenticwarplanagainstthepopularand quite the contrary, more and more people have come to workers' movement. The first phase of this plan has understand and support the demands of the prisoners. alreadybeen launchedagainsttheorganizedresistance The very fact that the question of the release of prisoners movement and guerrilla in a desperate attempt to get is now on the table is surely the direct result of all the ahead of the new situation, disorganize the movement struggles and initiatives for their regroupment and free and annihilate the mostconscious men and women of dom. But the State's still trying its hardest to find a way ourpeople. Thei'massive detentions; torture, the dis to bury us. guised death penalty aremeasures which together with When this smoke-screen of lies is presented as a the dispersion and isolation:of the political prisoners "pursuit", then the question should be asked (as it has Those regulationsare full ofbureaucratic and or ganizational possibilitiesforthosewhohandlethedepor tation. Revolutionary Cells We seethisasanattemptto pacifythereformistand Christian spectrumandto splitup andisolateanyresis tanceto these policies. Theonlyhopeleft forthoselivingunderthethreat ofdeportation istheirindividual casestudy.Manyrealize that this is virtuallyhopeless,and so they leave"will Communique ingly",usuallyto live illegally in another country.

STATEMENT CONCERNING THE ATTACK IN War Against the Selectionand DivisionofImmigrants BOBLINGEN and Refugees As theSchengenAgreementcreepsevercloser,life Tomorrow morning you listen to the news: "Inte for refugees and immigrants in EC-nations growsever rior Minister Schaeuble says mat Western and Eastern more difficult. European countriesshouldgettogetherto draftaharmo France, forexample,wantsto initiateraidstoround nized, all-encompassing defensive strategyto stop the up anddeport morethan70,000legalandillegal immi influx of refugees." grants. One spokesperson for the French government You walk by the bakery. Inside, you hear as the termedthis policyagainst illegals "aninevitable war." shopkeeper tells her customer:"You have to watch out There's a war goingon in Italy at present as Al forthem,they alwayssteal"Shemeansaman with dark banian refugees fall victim to brutal repression. The skin who is standingin front ofone ofthe shelves. Italian officials didn't think twice about herding thou In the afternoon,you open the newspaperandread abroad pay them a visit. sands of Albanians into a football stadium in Ban. The the headline: "Fire-bomb Attack on Refugee Centre." Immigrants andrefugees continually feelasif they deathsandinjurieswhich resultedfrom poorliving con Some of those insidewere admittedto hospitalsuffering arenot wantedhere.The prevalent normsin the metro ditions,alackof medicalattention,andthe police'suseof from smoke inhalation. poles do not speak to them, because they can't fulfil weaponsdidn't upset them much. Thenyoutravelintothe city-centre.Thereyoumeet certain criteria: theydon't havetherightskin-colour, or Refugees oftenfindthemselves in a war-like situ a Kurdish woman friend. She tells you how her friend, they'renottheright gender, theydon'tlivetheright way ationwhen they areforcedto flee life-threateningcondi who was deporteda week ago, was taken into custody orconform to the rightpolitical convictions, maybeit's tions in Mahgreb and crossthe seato Spain. backin Turkey andtorturedfor severaldays. theirfalseculture andreligion, ormaybeit's the useless Prettysoon,the borderbetween North andSouth In the evening you go to your favourite bar. A labour they perform, orthe factthattheirbackground is will be a war-zone,much the way it hasbeenin the ILS., poster there reads: "International Awareness Festival in theThree Continents. where for years shots have been fired at immigrants with ForeignFoodand African Drum Music." The mechanismsthatstrengthen imperialist,racist, trying to crossthe Rio Grande. This is just an out-takeof what we hear, see, and andpatriarchical hierarchy reach to thelowestlevels: In the meantime,it's plainlyvisible whatthis spe readjustabouteveryday.Examplesofday-to-dayracism The bureaucrats admit refugeesaccordingto how cial warlooks like andhow it's developingin the metro- andgenocide, thingswhichrefugees andimmigrants in useful they canbe madeto be. pole-states. mis country face on a daily basis. The bureaucrats control the day-to-day political The mainstreammedia arepropagating the fright These are situations which have also angeredus activities. ening view of the ruling powersthat we are facing a andcausedustohatethoseinpowerwho areresponsible. The bureaucrats deliver the deportation notices "flood of refugees",asifit wasn't known thatdiemajor Nonetheless, throughour politicalwork we know whentherefugees andimmigrants arenolongerservice ity ofmigrants(80%ofwhom arewomenandchildren) matconsternation alone is not sufficientreason for con able. are in flight within the Three Continents themselves. tinuingpolitical action.Rather,firstyou haveto analyze Even the occasional, socially-mindedbureaucrat Only a handfulof peoplewho areon the runmake it to doewayhierarchy isputtogether,to see,forexample,that can't changethe factthathe/sheis enforcing animperi Europe.Justthe same,it's well known thatthe imperial racismis anintegralpartof imperialistexploitation,and alist migration policy. ist, patriarchal, andracistpoliciesof exploitation of the mat throughthis racist socialization,everyone lives in metropole-states leads to massive disruptions of the theirownlittlesafe-guarded society.But allofthismakes Thought Is not anonymous. It has a name and an subsistence economies of the countries on the Three itpossible forusto findastaiting-pointfor revolutionary address. •Brecht Continents. resistance. Beingmotivatedby angeralonecanleadyon On22.8.91,wedetonated anexplosivedeviceatthe That is one of the major causes of world-wide toonlyseetherefugeesasvictims,insteadof seeingany RefugeeAdministration Centre intheSteinbdsstraBein migration. significance in theirown formsof day-to-day resistance Boblingen. The consequences of this exploitation affectboth against repression andthe establishedpowers. men andwomen.Women, however, have lesshopethan It's necessary that we lay aside our own racist The Attack on de facto Refugees men of finding paid work in another country, or on outlook and broaden our perspective.Whether it's in With die implementation of thenew so-called for anothercontinent.They arelessmobile, becauseusually crowded asylum-centres or villages in the ex-DDR, eigner regulations on 1.1.91,the rulingpowers in Ger they arerequiredto carefor families.When they do flee, whether it's in die administration buildings or on the many took anotherstep against peoplesnot from EC- it's usually to a neighbouring region or to a bordering streets- everywherethe refugeesare struggling against nations. nation,wherethey vegetatein arefugeecamp,orthey try discrimination and for the chance to lead decent human This was die foundation for thedecision on3.5.91 to survive in the slums of the big cities. "At best" the lives.They areorganizingdemonstrations, occupations, atthe conferenceof interiorministerstobeginexcluding youngestandhealthiestof these aregiven workin some hungerstrikes,and other protests. de facto refugees. corporation's factory. Manywomenhavenootheroption More than 50,000 people,who had been admitted but to become prostitutes. Often they have to cater to Safe-guarding Power at the Lowest Level to Germany"on accountof specificconditionsin their white sex-tourists. Immigrationofficials play a centralrole for immi- nationoforigin",areto be deported, only to be hunted Inthe lastfew years,more women havereached the grantsandrefugees.Immigrantsandrefugeesareforever down and killed. rich metropoles from the Three Continents and Eastern confronted withthe institutionalizedracism whichthese Christian and humanitarian groups protested die Europe.Herethey find a patriarchal societywhich treats officials represent. plannedmass-deportations,so much so, that a new inte them as a mere appendageto a man with no individual Requests for entrance into the country are sorted rior ministers conference was held on 15.7.91. rights,andasexist climatewhich forcesthem to prostitute into three categories:those that may stay, those that may The ruling powers changed the modality of the their bodies and minds to die sexist interests of white work here for a while, andthose that areto be deported. deportation and concentrated on another strategy. The men. Alongside this administrative racism, the refugees virtualprohibitionagainstdeportations to certaincoun Even inthemetropoles,the womenhavethedutyto andimmigrantsalsohave to cope with the racismof the tries was done away with. "reproduce" their men. typewriter-bastards, who subject them to despotism, The fact that this policy only appliesto those de Women-specific grounds for flight arenot recog harassment, and humiliation. These bureaucrats often factorefugeeswho camehereafter1.1.89doesnotin any nized in present asylum-regulations. As wives, they are like to play with their own sense of power by denying way alterGermany'scynicalconductofdeponing refu- not entitled to their own guaranteed,individual right to refugees the necessary right tohave family members I gees back to war zones and nations in crisis. asylum. Very few men and women have the good luck to producersatMcDonaldsorasCzechoslovakianorPolish clude people. make it to the rich nations ofthe North. seasonal workers onfarms orin the construction orfood Anti-imperialism has only withdifficulty cometo Theyareconcreteresultsof imperialistplundering, industryorasforced-labourers workingfor $2.50anhour play a fundamental role in leftisttheoryandpraxis,but ecological devastation, and the resulting wars and na in the forests near Bayer, or as erotic-exotic prostitutes thepatriarchalandracistfoundationsofglobal,exploita tional liberation struggles. and/orhouse-wives, or as service workers catering to the tive relationshipshave,in the lastfewyears,becomepart Of this, immigrants write: needs of tedious Germans - in these capacities they are of the left-radical spectrum of concerns. more than welcome. We are struggling for a non-hierarchical society. "Today, as more than 20 million immigrants are The selection criteria are nothing more than invis To achieve this we must point out the different presentlyresidinginEuropeancountries,no onecan any ible parts of a politics of selectionand exclusion. forms of oppression and social contradictionswhichwe longerignorethe realitythat poverty leadsto migration; All across Europe, refugees and immigrants are seek to abolish. We connect freedom to the abolition of amigration towards wealth. Thecausesof thismigration beingsortedout,assigned tocertaintasks,utilized insex- the global exploitation of people and the ending of vio are 500 years of colonial history, neo-colonialism,and specific ways,exchanged,and controlled. lent patriarchal and racist conditions. thepresent-day exportandwar-oriented economies. This It* simportant thattheirpotential usesbediscovered We are struggling as a white organization for an centuries-long history of colonialist and imperialist ex as quickly as possible - the Europeanselection-experts anti-racist society, and we seek to develop this through ploitationhasledtohungerandpovertythroughoutmuch are standing by, ready. our own discussions and praxis. So we're more con of the world. Ithas also allowed people in the metropoles Those that are sorted out, like the Roma, will hardly cerned with asking questions than providing ready an to live in privileged welfare-societies. Therefore, those ever be able to enter a rich European metropole-state swers. peoplethat live in povertyhave every rightto migrate to again. Therefore, ourpointof departure, our political goal, places where thereis wealth andto livethere.Period.It Roma are always the last to be brought here, they and our daily political praxis must be continually dis doesn't matter whythey're there. This migration can be are the least wanted and they are always the first to be cussed and reviewed. Our credibility can't merely mani seen as a type of war. It's a sort of manoeuvre against deported. fest itself in writings, but must also be shown in our thosethingswhichcausedthepoverty,andithelps ensure That's how, along side sexism, a multi-cultural, but praxis. that centuries of injustice become to some degree re nonetheless hard-hitting racism functions as an instru We are in solidarity with the refugees and immi dressed." ment of power. grants, and we see our position accordingly. Mistakes (fromRadikalNo. 142) and contradictions will always be present, of course. The Helplessness of the Left We aren't struggling on behalf of the refugees and This old 'new' world order, which is allowing the veneer The immigrantsand refugeesthat come here have immigrants. Nonetheless, we hope that we can develop a of the ruling power's treatment of refugees and immi to worryabouttheirchancesfor survival,theirhealth, and political force along with them, as well as with other grants to be stripped away, points out, to anyone willing their dignity. social groups. tolook,just exactlyhowtheimperialistplan functionson The ruling powers, unlike the metropolitan left, We see our autonomous organizing and praxis as a global scale. have known this for some time now. the basis for this perspective. Those that can work to The status quo in the rich and relatively pacified Of this, immigrants write: gether and work in coalitions and mixed groups will be metropoles can only be maintainedif 3/4 of the world is victorious. The question for us is, how can we add to this, madedependentSystematic destitution and extermina "Unfortunately,most of the anti-imperialist, anti- and what initiatives should we take from our side? tionareagiven.Thefactthat,meanwhile,severalnations capitalist leftinthiscountry can't cometotermswiththis As white leftists and white feminists, we profit from and halves of continents just get written off hardly both anti-imperialist approach. This process of migration, racist oppression and we realize that it's simplistic to ers any citizens in the metropoles. which is the result of the banishment and uprooting of think that by pushing back against the system we can InEurope,Germany'spoliticssetsthestandardsfor millionsof people,andwhichmustalsobe understoodas automatically be on the other side. As white men and the deportation-war which the other European states an inherited rageand declaration of waragainstcapital, women wehave to be conscious that we are partof a long have to try and match. has left the German left in a state of helplessness and history of colonialist and imperialist plunder and that we The rulingpowers are preparingfor this war:judi paralysis". are part of a diverse resistanceof people againstthis. cially,politically,ideologically, and militarily. (from: Radikal No. 142) We see the difficult, but unavoidable task ahead of Theywantto pick out thosepeople from the Three us, in our simation as a metropolitan left, of rooting out Continents, and soon from the Soviet Union and Eastern When the left "only" concerns itself with the off this history and approaching it critically. Europe, whose ideas, language, and appearance make shootsofthismigration-politics andmerelymakesselec This is both a theoretical and a practical process, thempossiblyacceptable,andthen excludeall therest,so tive adoptions into its post-modem life-style, then it's one which is not individualized and easy, but one which far as they can't be made use of temporarily. actually helping toreinforce global exploitative relation will have to be developed along with people from the Reuter of Daimler-Benz [German multi-national - ships. anti-imperialist resistance and with the refugees and ed],and Geibler,of the CDU [Christian Democrats - ed.] "Profit', which is always lacking, corrupts and immigrants themselves. In this way, international soli agreeon the GermanandEuropean restrictions:"letting throws a smokescreenover our view of patriarchal, racist, darity can be given real life, and if it's practical, we can inimmigrants inthecorrectproportions"isthe wayofthe and imperialist interests. direct this against those responsible for imperialist de future. As to what proportions they think are correct, we Itallowsprotests againstdeportations tobereduced struction, without denying our own metropolitan history. can only guess. to crocodile tears, and it hinders the development of an To bring about this internationalist understanding, Immigrants andrefugeeswouldn't be any problem authentic, radical approach. wesee the need for, and we work toward, the abolition of if theyjust resign themselvesto a "profit-making life racist control mechanisms aimed at splitting up and style". What to Do? What to Do! exploitingpeople.This ispartof bothourownliberation, Either as under-paid non-troublesome hamburger- The seeds of division which the ruling imperialists and the liberation from all the power structures. Sure, the are sowing in the refugee- road will be long and full of contradictions, but we have policy resistance move no alternative. ment are the practical re Thai's why we have to break through our daily sult of our own anti-impe acceptance of racist and sexist attacks, and be sensitiveto rialist understanding. and active on all levels of political development. That Solidarity does not means bringing those in charge of refugee politics out of end with supporting na anonymity, to bring to light and attack the daily forms of tional liberation struggles, racism that refugees and immigrants arc continually but rather it also manifests confronted with. The work of the pigs seeking to deport itself in our practical soli asylum-seekers must be practically hindered, wherever darity with refugees and possible. immigrants in this coun We must realize that few people in the metropoles, try. It finds its natural ex at present, feel themselves to be in solidarity with the pression in attacks against refugees and immigrants. Nonetheless, our struggle has those responsible for de as its goal the development of such solidarity, and to portations, attacks on the therewith confront the divisive and exploitative devices typewriter-bastards, at ofthe ruling powers. tacks on the white-collar bastards who seek to ex Revolutionary Cells Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action Communique

Tonight, November 12/13,there were mysterious social organizationsconcerningthe Agreement's stipu explosionsattwo locations,andthecauseofthese explo lationson refugeerightsand asylumpoliciesare hereby sionsis being looked into by the Ministryof Justice and neutralized. StateSecretaryKostoinparticular.Aninvestigationwill The cabinet accepts the recommendations of the reveal that after repeated warnings to the police, fire Mulder Commission. It isbecoming clear that the cabinet department,andtothetargetsthemselves(theMinistryof is following its own line with regards to advice on such Justice in the Hague, and State Secretary Kosto in weighty matters. Whenever social organizations try to Grootschermer), a series of explosions were detonated. put their feet in the door, the entire cabinet, and especially The results of a poll are published: one-half of the That these were only intended to cause material damage Kok [leaderofthe social democrats - ed]and Kosto, slam Dutch population thinks that foreigners should be sent is clear from the times and locations chosen. With these it in their faces. back to their land of origin. The government's policy is actions,we wanttoput an endtotheasylumpolicywhich bearing fruit: just like with advertisements, if you hear writes off, excludes, and dehumanizes people. A policy June '91 something over and over again, you eventually begin to with a signature, but without a face, a policy made by Under the judicious leadership of the socialists, believe it yourself. loyal civil servants and political functionaries. Visible France decides to immediately load illegals onto planes and open to attack. and kick them out. September '91 The Amsterdamchief police commissioner, Nor- At the end of August and the beginning of Septem A Chronology holdt, finds the climate right enoughfor him to add his ber, debates are held about asylum policies. The Depart own words of wisdom. Amsterdam should be wary of ment of Justice and WVC have much input. The rights of March '91 race riotsas have recentlyshakenBrusselsandAntwerp. asylum-seekers should be exchanged for quicker depor According to a new policy, the Dutch people are to Something needs to be done "with those illegals", he tations: customs officers should decide on the Schengen berequiredtoprovethemselves.Butthisshouldn't betoo says. And wasn't it predictedsomeyears ago that Am boundary between Schipol [Amsterdam's airport - ed.] much of a hassle, because this won't concern white sterdam could explode into another Brixton, since the andthecountryfled.Euphemistically thisisdubbed"pre- Netherlander, rather there are to be more vigilant patrols area has a reputation of beingone whereit's usuallya flight control". Asylum-seekers are divided between for illegal immigrants. So the Dutch can breathe easier foreigner that gets hit by a policebullet? those who have a chance of being granted asylum and now. The new policy won'tinfringe on their privacy. The Holland's zealous adherent to the faith of the red those who don't. Luckily, not everything the government new policy is just one in a series which singles out a rose and the raised fist [symbols of the Dutch Labour wantedhas been put in place.There are stillnot separate particular segment of the population - those damned Party- ed.],Kok,decries theparasitism of illegal immi refugeecentresfor those with a chance of being granted illegals - to be followed and eventually captured. grants. asylumandthose without.Butthepolicyhas prettymuch Some Netherlanders may recall the surprise of the been pushed through nonetheless. The Ministry of For post-warhistorianswhentheydiscoveredwithwhatease July '91 eign Affairs will continue to provide reports on the the Nazis were able to track down Dutch Jews. The very Switzerland celebrates its 500th birthday with, countries that "export" the most refugees, thus providing samebureaucraticapparatusand bureaucraticmentality among other things, a fire-bomb attack on a refugee the Ministry of Justice with a stream of information to inthemindsof ourpoliticianswhichmade it possiblefor centre. Such attacks are common here. It seems there's justify its asylum policy. the Jewishproletariatand the Jewish intelligentsiato be more to thesepeoplethanjust a diligentstriving after All-in-all, it's become a non-debate. Lots of words handedovertotheEndloesungisineffectagaintoday.Of money in the nameof neutrality. but little content, and as for a debate on the causesofflight course it's not concerned with setting up a thousand-year A member of the United German government and the results of deportation...forget itl By failing to reich, free of undesireables. Quite the contrary, the pres mentions, not entirely by accident, that the German develop any political vision, Dutch politicians have ent-day barbarismof Northem/WestemEurope clothes people want the army to be used to stop the flood of fallen victim to a tendency to develop wholly techno itself in the modernist garb of progress, comfort and immigrantsinto the country. "The peopleare callingfor cratic means of dealing with a serious problem. This also welfare. There are no hysterical shouts of the need to order troops." goes for the DutchFukuyama,Bolkestein.In an attempt "cleanse the populace". Instead, very reasonable prob We haven't heard such language used by German to play the visionary, Bolkestein has tried to define a lemsareput forwardfor our consideration.Isn't Holland governmentcircles in quitesome time... refugee - andminority - policy forthefuture. With thefact too small to receive all of these refugees? Isn'tour white that in 2010 about 34% of the Dutch population will be welfare-state under a lot of pressure? The man [sic] on August'91 composed of minorities in the back of his head, he argues the street has to be convinced, so the wheat and the chaff The United German government wants to change that white Western values are universal and must, bydefi must be sortedout amongthe refugees.The present-day the clause in its constitution which guarantees universal nition, be taught toimmigrants. He embodies the Western politicalestablishmentis secondto none in rigidnessand asylumrightsto refugeesonGermansoil.Thefact is,this fear of a society with a large minority population. This bluntness. The only question is what makes them so clause, which was made by the Allies to keep alive a large minority will want political rights; it will make zealous. memoryof the past, is being sweptunder the carpet. At economic demands and try to create it's own rules in our Who or what are they serving anyway? the same time the European establishment is gearing up democracy. In other words, it will leave its mark on this for the implementation of the Schengen Agreement. society which will necessarily differ from the liberal May '91 In Italy, the army has in fact been put into use relief which Bolkestein would like to see in our northern State Secretary Kosto and his associates make a against immigrants. Albanian refugees are herded like communities. recommendation to the Council of State concerning the beasts into a soccer stadium and held as prisoners. When But, with his appeal to the universality of Western Schengen Agreement. The Parliament should give in and they try to resistthis inhumanetreatment,a battleensues white values and his adapl-or-leave mentality, he is, acceptthedefinitive-yetto besigned- version.Withthis, with the army. Because this is embarrassing for such a above all, trying to create a light in which the "foreigner every shred of democratic legitimacy surrounding this "polite" country like Italy, the refugees are given a question" will be viewed in future. It's a clever attempt. monstrousdecree disappears. The criticisms of several gratuity,put on a plane, and flownhome. It's trying to take the sting out of the debate surrounding asylum-seekersby positing a logical argument of just The Potential foreignerwho has come to stealour food;to undermine how manyrefugeesHolland can standto acceptandjust ourwelfare system; the fool, huckster, prospectivecrimi how thoseadmittedto ourcountryshouldconductthem On November 13 there's yet anothermeeting of nal, in short,a modem version of the archetype of the selves. European JusticeMinisters. The goalof thismeetingisto EternalJew. It's obvious that any open associationwith Quotas of just how many foreigners can enter, further harmonizethevarious European asylumpolicies. this idea is to be avoided; butit's just as obvious thatthat ccmbmedwithpressuretosdapttowhitelawsandmorals For some time now, opinionated elements in the threatmustbe put forwardas truly possible. - that's the strategic concept of Bolkestein. And now media have been asking the question, why does this That goes as follows: Kosto bean from Van den Dalesfromthe Ministry ofInternalAffairs wants to take cabinet, and Kosto in particular, seem sovehement in its Brock [Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs - ed.] that up this concept and organize a"broad social discussion" campaignagainstforeignersandin its wishes fora white, there's been a decision to harmonize asylum politics on under the motto: "concerning you, without you". controllable Europe? aEuropeanlevel But how do you sellthat?Some sugges From various sides it has even been suggested that tions are made at a council of ministers, some mumble October'91 the politicalestablishmenthas gone a bit wild Not that about controlling the "problem", they readsome reports InFrance, Giscardd'Estangtriesto reelinLe Pen's you seemem zoomingthroughoutthestreetsofthe inner- from policecommissioners;then they pick up thereports right-wing influence,and he succeeds.By phasingin a cities frothingat the mouth asthey hunt down illegals• from the Ministry ofForeign Affairs and conclude:they "blood right" as opposed to a "constitutional right", but you cansee it intheireyes. The paranoia,thelook that hadno reasonto flee m the firstplacel The tone is set;the France wouldbe ableto deprivemigrantsandrefugeesof seems to tell die camera: "You all don't know what's projectcanbegin. Kosto goesto his officeandmeets with alltheir rights. goingonl You all don't seem to understand, THEY'RB Nawijn (director of the refugee division). Things are In Germany, countless attacks take place on refu COMINGI" movingalong;both men agreethat they need to come up gee centres and the homes of asylum seekers. These But their sense ofreality hasn't totally lapsed into with a policy thatcan easily be made to look good Kosto attacksusuallyhave the passive, and sometimes active, the paranoia whichwouldcausethemtoactuallysaythis. gives his staff ofloyal, apoliticalcivil servantsthe order supportofthe population. But we areslowly being drawninto theirhysteriaasthey to develop a policy given the necessary statistics and New streamsofimmigrants, addedto the numbers tryto manipulateuswiththeirsayingsandtheirstatistics foundations. Excited, the bureaucrats begin their work: of foreigners already inGermany, createlastingpolitical asthey try to convinceus of theirparanoid world-view. improvisation and selective presentation have been the problems forindividual politicians andpolitical parties, Andjustliketruepoliticians,they'vemadeanartof stateof the artofpolicy making for yearsnow. and this has dramatic results. their abnormality as they try to rob the population of But then one of them looks up in amazement; he The politicians finallylosetheirmoralqualmsand reality. It almostleavesus breathless. We areseeingan double-checks the statisticsandthe reports,andhe sud shed their veneer of civility as more and more of entirely new interpretation of the social-democratic denly realizesit's allbull-shit.Ms. Aalbertsof theminis Germany's pressing social problems getblamedon for credo; this whole tot are taking the "potential of the terial Scientific Research and Documentation Centre eigners. Housing shortages; highertaxes;soaring unem society"literally1Only this doesn't mean protecting the hands in her resignation. Shehas brokena golden rule of ployment since the Re-unification; all of this is being weak or creating possibilities for those people on the thebureaucraticestablishment:don't castdoubtuponthe caused by the arrival of somany asylum-seekers, added bottom:thishas allbeenerasedby the new spirit Not all ordersofyour superiorpolicy maker, andcertainlydon't tomorerefugees fromtheThreeContinents [Africa, Asia ofthis is that new, but its abruptness and absoluteness make these doubts public. andLatinAmerica-ed]alreadypresent.What betterway shouldbe grounds for shame.What kind of societyis it Butnow we'vedescribed the political mechanism, to drawattention awayfromthe CDU's failure to live up that,withoutathought, candenysomeonetheirveryright but we still haven't dug up a political rationale. If this to its dection promises! Promises whichdid not leadto to exist? In which those peoplewho have worked them- xenophobia,whichhasbeenelevatedto a political style, u^Re-unirtcaticubrmgingaboutaparadisec«Earm,but seh/esto death,suddenlygetstuckon welfareandtreated were only limited to The Netherlands, then we might rathertothebrutal reorganization ofEastGermanyunder tike dirt? simply wonderifthefoodthey'reeatingatthe Birmenhof die leadership of the Treuhand (governmentagencyre- The similaritybetweenthecampaigns against(ille [theDutch parliament- ed] is OK, all the more so since sponsible fortherestrocturing of theEastGermanecon gal) foreigners and on welfare recipients is that both they often use such dumb excuses themselves. omy -ed]. groups areeasy prey.The onebecause it helpsrelievea But there's really only one logic we can find, and These samepoliticianswho arethemselves respon genual feeling of discomfort; and the otherbecauseit that is the coming of European unity and the political sibleforthepogromsagainstforeigners now turnaround makesa good financial sacrifice in favourof the aggra crisis in general (both ideologically and administra andblame the risingtide ofhatredto foreigners on the vated middle andhigherincomes. But haven't the lower tively). If we look at it in this light, then we can see how Stalinistpastof the EastGermans. The fact thatmost of incomesalwaysbeentheonesto pay?Afterall,whogave these inexplicable happenings can come about. Such as the racist attacks occur in West Germany is not men us oureconomicgrowthandproductivity? Not the ille their hard-headeddefiance ofall protestsagainstwelfare tioned gals,atbestthey cansimplygive(withoutrights) cheap cut-backs.Thecasteofmodempoliticianscouldcareless ItcanallbetracedbacktotheStalmistpast;it'stheir labour; they arejust used to keep production costs low, if corporatism, so carefully constructed in the SO's, is common brownpastthatneitherthe Bastnor the West but this, as far as the State is concerned, doesn't mean tossed on the garbage heap. The politicians are on a Germanshavereconciledthemselveswith.TheStalinists they deserveanyrights. Andyou'dneverseetheirlabour collision course with the unions and other organizations m the DDR had the same roots as fascists. figured into any official statistics. for the simple reason that there exists the concept of a Andnowthesesamepoliticians aretryingto down- So this is die way to solve the administrative and modem state in a united Europe. When viewed in this playthebrownstain ontheirowncoatof arms. Theyjust political crisis; thisis how Holland looksinsideaunited light,it becomes clearwhy the Europeanpoliticians dare seeit as abunchof 16-17yearolds gettinga littleout of Europe. to play with fire in their mobilization of right-wing handastheyventtheirfrustrations. Justgive mem alittle extremist sentiments. Naturally it's better if foreigners spanking andeverything will be OK. Too badnot more The NewWorld Order Inside The Parliament are attacked (by groups of people only slightly higher parents dothis,butthen,maybethey'retoobusytryingto than the foreigners themselves in the socialhierarchy) survive intheparadise-jungle, ormaybetheydon'tseeit The historians ofthe future will kill themselves in than that riots should break out ofnee-paupers demand asa problemtoo beginwith. tryingto figureouthowthisgrowthof political xenopho ing theirshareofthe nationalwelfare. Thesepoliticians who wouldlike to present Ger bia came about many as a true (proven)democracy are the same ones But here andnow there areplenty ofus trying hard It's Paytlme whoinourcountry utilizeracism andhatred of foreigners to figureouthow andwhy therabidanti-refugee attitude aspolitical toolswith the greatestof ease. of our politicians has come about; we're searching for The mother of all battles gave birth to a monster The following quotation from the Suddeutsche somepoliticalrationale. Butthevery ideaoftheexistence whichis mostdifficultto grasp It's calledthe New World Zcitung... ofapoliticalrationale seemstounderscorethenotionthat Order, and one-third of the word is greeting it with mere's some logic behind h. A logic which can be elation; the rest with fear and trembling. The monster "(...) In the meantime, attackson foreigners occur reasonably struggled against,dial is, with arguments. portrays an image of justice. Justice for the world No almostdaily.Nevertheless, Germanpoliticians continue Something which shouldoffer us hope at being able to country inthe world will againseek to take what isnot its to speak endlessly of 'fraudulent asylum-seekers*. influence the decision-making process as it plays itself own. Expansive dictatorships will be punished Human Ratherthan curbing discussion, this just heightens the out inside the parliament. That would be nice. But the rightsaresuddenlyanissue whenit comesto considering debateandmakes it more poisoning(..) hystericalnatureof the refugee-phobia of the parliament military intervention. The United Nations hasobtaineda and die governmenthas surpassed the bounds of delib self-proclaimed and dangerous policing power. ...certainly appliesnotonlytoGermanpoliticians. If you erative democracy. The decision-makers don't offer up No one should have any illusions about what sortof comparedierecentstatementsby Wim Kok, Aad Kosto, their"product" for discussion.They mystify the "prod rolethe U.S. intends to play in this New World Order.The Louis Toback, andGiscardd'Estaing, then the only thing uct", their asylum-policies: the immigrant is a strange concept is as follows: wealthy nations that arethreatened thatdiffers is the languagethey speak in; in allcases the entity, outsideof reality.It's the foreigner that everyone foot the bill for the militaryoperations, with Japan in the content is the same. knows andpointsto andsayshe's goodfornothing.The background as permanent financier. Europe,in her role astheoldcontinent,handlesthediplomatic sideofthings; culture perishes. Anyattempt tomakea positive contri reverse.The reactionis now in control,and everything the U.S. intervenes in accordancewithits strategic inter butiontowards a multi-cultural societyis smothered the left hadmade taboofordiscussion isonce againbeing ests.The New World Orderis actuallyjust the continu Itisthispolicy thatdismisses people, thatexcludes discussed Suddenly everyonethinks it's reasonable to ationof present-day international political andeconomic and dehumanizes them, that we wish to expose and make demandsofrefugees; you cancallthem profiteers relations. stigmatize. That's why we visitedthe work-place where and bums without being placedin the same categoryas And that's why two-thirdsof the world areafraid thecffligemJustice Departmentdailybuildsupthispolicy Janmaat[headofa Dutch neo-fascist party - ed], Prins Military interventicnsbymeNormmtheSottmaren'tthe bitby bit,andthat'swhywevisitedoneof thosewhois Bemhard,orJoseph Luns.Ten yearsago,thethoughtof beginnings ofthisprocess, butrather theclimax.Military politically responsible forthis.We wanted him to mo invading Suriname wasjust oneof Frans Weisglas' wet interventionby the North is simply another means of mentarily experience humiliation for himself. So we dreams, but now it doesn't seem like just a fantasy. carrying outaneconomicpolicy.Thebeginnings of this visited him at home; we damaged his property and in If youtranslate historyintothe question, Whathas war of the North against the South lie in economic vadedhis privacy. Hewashimselfturned out,youcould gone wrong with the revolutionary and radical left in policies. say, albeitfor just onenight Europe?, thenthe answerhasto be thatwehavetoo long So the crux of the matter is this:international poli By exposingthesepeople, we wanttocontribute to held faith in the correctnessofthe left and neglected the tics decides the rules and limits ofnational policy-mak (thestruggle for) analternative andto movethe discus middle whichisnow reaping the politicalsuccesses. The ing. sions pasttheir presentpositions. mastersof compromise,inthecentreofpower,havetime As longasthe conditionswhich leadpeopleto flee No, of course The Netherlandscan't accept all of andtimeagain succeeded inmakingsocial developments their countriescontinue to exist, refugees will continue the world's refugees.There aretoo many of them, and go their way. Sometimes with deceptionand cunning, coming. Consequently the welfare gap between North Holland is justtoo small acountry. Buteveryorganiza like with the cruise-missiles and the broad social discus and South will become bigger and bigger. tion whichitselfbeginsby separating"the wheatfromthe siononnuclearenergy.Sometimes with bloodyviolence The continuingeconomic decline in countriesin chaff in the hopethatin this way"only genuinerefu as partof a complicatedpsychological strategy, tike in theSoumoverthelartfewyearehasbeenonecfmemajor gees"will come in, findsitself in the danger-zone. The Italy(thebombingof Bologna) andinWest Germany in causesoftheflightofmigrantsandrefugees.Butthereare definitionof a"genuinerefugee" changes alongwiththe the fallof 77 (the Stammheimmurders). difficulties if the person falls in the category of"eco politicalwinds. The belief in the certainty of (militant) left-wing nomicrefugee". Thatthishasbeennoticedathighlevels The point is, that along with war, environmental correctnesshasledtoimportantpoliticalterrainbeingleft canbe seen fromthe signsthathavebeen given lately. disasters andsex-specificreasons, povertymust alsobe to the forces ofthe middle and those only slightly to the Inside OESO circles there's being more thought put consideredgroundsforflight The solutiondoesnotliein left So, for example, a united Europe could really be towards opposing migration. A good exampleof this the deportationofrefugees,but in making fundamental important for the left since many artificialbordersare dunk-tankis the U.S. The accordthe U.S. hopes to sign changesin the international economicorder. now beingput in question.A unitedEurope of peoples with various South Americannations contains a number Towards that end: would standin directcontrastto aunitedEurope ofmulti of "rules"whichapplyto refugees. The U.S. wouldbe - refugee policy must be taken out of the handsof nationals.One ofthe mostimportantweak-points of "the required toinvestaportion of itsincomeinSouthAmer thepolice,customsofficials,andtheJusticeDepartment; middle" is thedemocraticlegitimacyofthe systemwhich ica,on the conditionthat these nations see to it thatthey • refugeesmust not be forcibly placed in camps, they representAnd no referendum or"social renewal" usetheseinvestments to stopthe floodofrefugeesleav they must notbe guarded, andwe must scrapArticle 18a can hide the factthatthey areheaded for big problems. ing thosecountries. But it's to be expected that corrupt which makes its possible to internrefugees; Stepby step,theforcesof themiddlewillbepushedback, andhalf-feudal militaryregimes will not suddenlybe -refugees must be allowedfreeaccessto allneces and forus, this is one suchstep.We want,alongwithall come"enlightened" andseekwaysto solvethe "social sary financial, judicial,social,educational andmedical others involved, to turn around these politics, to ask question". The money will be used for more border questions that aren't being asked, and to pull at the patrolsandmore controlofrefugees- repression,thus. boundaries. Boundaries Even we don't have the answer, but what we do In Progress know isthatwe don't wantto be partof a societywherein The political simation atthismomentis screaming a large portion of the population is pushed aside and The problem: fora clearanswer.Theincreasein race-hatredinWestern deniedallrights.Meanwhile,the silentmajorityaremade State Secretary Kosto: "Our borders need to be Europe is being shoved in the faces of migrants and complicitby theirinactivity. opensothatwe canincreaseourwealth.Don't dunk that refugees;there'stoomanyofthemandthey don't wantto The only solution lies in a common fight for a wecanclosethemto peoplewhohopeto makeaprofit" integrate, so saythe officials. different future.That canandmust be achievedin many The solution: The political policy-makers aresowingdieseedsto ways. StateSecretary Kosto:"WhereverIcan,Ishallstem make more fertile ground for them to utilize hatred of With these actions, which we see as necessary thetideof refugeesenteringourcountry,by turningaway foreigners to harvesta passiveapproval of their general counter-violence,wehavesoughttoaddourcontribution illegals,and by punishingthose who try and bend the politics.The so-called correctness ofthe rightis directly to the direction of fundamental change. restrictions." (Elsevier, 12/10/91) proportional to theweaknessof theleft,andpoliticians in The refugeequestion seems trappedin ideological the middle are using right-wing sentiments to realize Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action terms.Itshufflesbetweenthepolicydecisionsinline with thingswhichwouldotherwisecausetoomuchresistance. the comingof European unity, the reportsfrom Foreign We ourselvesareverymuchawareofthe weaknessofthe ^.continuedfrom page 15 Affairs, and the eventual refusals ofentry and deporta leftatthistime.Weareconsciousofthelackofa common Iter17th guerrillaorganizationattacked a riot bus with tions. political project andasubsequent strategy. Andwhilethe missiles. One policemanwas killed and six more were A policy with a signaturebut without a face. Put left here in the West has suffered great setbacks, we wounded. together at international conferences and implemented realize as well that ourcomrades intherest ofthe world The next day,November2,33 peoplewerearrested by ever-loyalcivil bureaucrats. Look at die Zeevallring have hadto adjustto shifts in the balance of power.Old for posting fliers and handing out leaflets againstthe Report. This commission (March '90) hadthe following answers no longerapply,but the questions remainthe police and fascists.They were all taken to police head task:"To giveadviceaboutstoppingthe useofcollective same. In the seventies it was still true that the most quarters, both at the anti-terrorist departmentandat the resources by illegals residing in The Netherlands and significantdevelopments wereexecuted in the liberation department for the protection of the State. They were aboutstartingupaprogramofdomestic refugee control." struggleson the Three Continents,but now we see this brutallybeaten andtortured One ofthe girlsis pregnant, The investigation resulted in proposals for an ac positionseverelyweakened,andtheCuban,Vietnamese but they kept bangingher head againsta wall. They beat tively discouraging policy in all terrains and manners and Palestinian people seem wholly isolated since the up the boys while the girls were made to watch. On whereby illegals "support themselves". This includes collapseofthe Bast Bloc. November 3, they were taken to the DistrictAttorney's excluding them from "practically all" welfare benefits. We aren'tmourningthe failureof revolutionfrom Office, and charges were pressed against them. These "Practically all" because "it can't be avoided that the above;the changingofsocietyby decree; diebelief inthe charges can lead to a conviction of up to IS years in illegalswillmakesomeu8eofthepublic8ector."(page 19 easeof changinghistoryjustbyhavingacoupleof people prison,ormore. All 33 showed visible signsofthetorture ofthe report) announcethathistoryis over,the sum-total of uncertain they underwent There trial was on November 4. Atthe Refugees, thus, are degraded to non-existence. ties. time they had not been allowed to talk with lawyers or After the gloomy experience of leaving behind both There aredefinite certainties.There is the certainty friends and were refused any medical care whatsoever. hearth and home follows the systematic experience of that progress fortheWest (orrather, the North)meansa On November 13, 1991, all 33 comrades were humiliation.It doesn't matter what your story is, the pre declineforthe South(andatpresent,theEast).And there convictedandsentencedto 6 months in prison,butthey programmed bureaucrats still shove a deportation order areothers. But what we can't do is immediately attacha have filed an appeal,and asofNovember 25,1991 they in your face. If you makeit pastthem, you still come up certainpolitics or moralto this. The waves of '68 have were free. against a wall of hostility and mistrust Your whole certainly passed, and in fact are now flowing in the (from comrades in Greece) News Briefs OutIntoRealLife In May, 1990,violem«mfroxttattouser«ptcdbe- The following is reprintedfromtheBerlin auton were applied to this faction? Whatexpectations of the Groningenas cityofficials pflftfffftdtrrftTiM lawandan.- guerrilU liebdundthU?Aren'tthey allowedtocauseless omist weekly, Interim, andisa continuationofthedebate worizedthett«o/om4ethaldos^ anddiscussion thathasappearedinprevious issues of than 100,000DM ofdamage,or to make a rather tight the WNC squatcomplex.When the squatters ffiwren- ArmThe Spirit. action?Or does the factthat avigil was nearbymake the dered,well<)va 100weraarrwt^danddetainedforup whole communiqueinvalid and bankrupt? Or should to several weeks in isolation. All those arrested were A response to'This Isnot a LoveSong" from an RZ- these over-zealous formulations only serve to provoke chargedwith Article140,a Duu&"anti-terrorist"law group of the traditional line. (shoot and we all fall in together)? whichmakessympathy ibr^nembeniup hi anIllegal Howeverthis may be, for us, the guerilla is not a organization apunishable offence* But onNovember We alsothink that a discussionabout politics and mythof thatwhichweshould tiketo see,alevelatwhich 26V a Dutchcourt ruledthat the "crimes" counting morals, andnotjustaboutthe praxis, aim,anddirection most of us are not involved, but rather the guerilla is ie,,miltant squatdefense)wereotte-off deedsandthat ofmilitant and armed actions is unavoidable. struggling people,peoplewhosometimes makemistakes the"illegal organization" tie.,the group of squatters) Nevertheless, weregard thediscussionandalsothe andwhocanchange theirmethodsof action. And that's wasnot*crfn»Mially"aeuveatothertmtes»mu8 Ait140 oftenwell-aimed critiques of actions rather differently; something we would love to see, if they would adjust could not apply. Likewise, all 115 persons; charged thesechanges anddifferences, asbroadly as possible a forus, it is impossible to lumptogether andnegatively with Article141{pubUcvioleoce) wereaquitted dueto criticizeactions which are,for very basicreasons, quite little more. lack of evidence *everyone had been masked during distinct In our opinion, the RAF attack on the U.S. Wedon'twantto writeanymoreaboutthisnow,but confrontations with the police! Unfortunately^ 8 embassy inBonn,theRZattacks ontheVictoryPillar and rather we'd like to leave this discussion be. people were givensentences rangmgfront3-4 months theReichstag, andthemurderof Hanno Klein,havevery forViolating Art141,probablybecausethey kaVCSelf- tittle in common. Concerning the attempted attack of an RZ on the mciutunating statements tothe police while in deten So we would tike to briefly sketch out what these Victory PQlar In Berlin,1/91: tion.(N.N.#97),>. On12/01/92* guerriUasoftheCorn- various actions meant to us and what thoughts they brought tomind,and we'dliketoexamine thecriticisms Of coursethisactionwill hardlymake theTop Ten shot down* with surface-to-air missiles, a helicopter List of Actions for 1991,andthe statement releasedwas which you raised: carrying 3 U.S. militaryadvisersandamemberofthe alsonotexactlywhatweexpectinanexplanation which Peruvian NationalPolice. The helicopter, owned by Concerning the shots firedby the RAF at theVS. em is supposed tohaveamobilizing, clarifying, andadjust DyrtMip^aU&corpHatiojitmta bassy In Bonn, 2/91: ing effect But does thisjustify suchharsh words tike State Department, badjusttaken.offromthe 13JS. base "misplaced in time and space" and"inappropriate and atSantaLuciawhenitwaadownedThkbaae, wbJchU We werevery pleasedwhen we heardaboutthis, ridiculous"? Isyourcynical,authoritative condemnation located in the UpperHuallaga valley* is home to a because we saw that our comrades from the RAF were justified? We don't think so, and we don't think you number ofU.S,military personnel whoareallegedly adding theirpartto the anti-war mobilization, andsince describedthe situationcorrectly.TheVictory Pillaris not involvedin"anti-drag" operations intheregion, rrnm theywereprobably astakenby surprise by eventsaswe just any old crumbling statue which you might find reality are part of V>& eounterinsurgettcy efforts m were,thatthey soughtto do something fastandwiththe standing in someone'sgarden, butrather adefinitesym Peru, Afterthe attack the Andeanembassy released meansthat weremost easily availableto them. bol and token of Berlin. And it's not only a symbol of a brief statement claiming thatIhelwlicopter "bad to Of course, the shots were "only" of a symbolic militarism, which,you're right, did not disappear after land due to tecjmkai cu^tculties^ despitecomTicting nature, butshotsfiredonanAmericanembassyareinline 1871,butitalsorepresenuapure glorification of warand reports from various press agencies who claimed with othersortsofactions,both in andoutside the metro especially of German imperialist domination, pure and heavy weapons lirawasheard before thehelicopter poles, against embassies andother U.S. concerns. The simple. AndtheRevolutionary Cellresponsible pointed crashed At the same time this incident was barely factthatthe shots were fired on an American embassy in to this continuity, which showed itself in the military mentioned m the North American media*With, the the Federal Republic of Germany wascertainly some- build-upof 1936and inthecrowning glory [the GulfWar situation inPentrapidly deteriorating* theUS. isin dung which musthavebecome knownoutside ourbor •ed] ofthispastyear. Youall.however.neglectthis point creasing military aidto thePeruvian government and ders. And in this way, peopleon the ThreeContinents, and refer to them as "ridiculous". Ifthe attack had been Armed Forcesand atthe same rime t5 sendingmore and especially in Arabterritories, couldbe shown that, successful, thencertainly it wouldhaveroused people's "advisers"Intothe junglesto fightthe growingiosur- evenindiemetropoles, there arepeople insolidarity with attentionoutsideof Berlinandeventuallypeoplecould g^cy.Tuerearecunentiytwoguerrilkorgauizations them. Such was this action, and though perhaps just a have taken note of this continuity, and social disorder wagingarmed struggle in Peru: the Iftipat Attarn minor one, it must nonetheless be seen as a way of [because of the war- ed] couldhave spread RevolutionaryMovement(MRTA)andthePCP-SL. expressing international solidarity. Todoanything more SendenmanorurocuxMauistgrcupwui^ atthetimewas impossible. If pig'sbloodhadbeenspilt, The fire-bombing of the Reichstag by an RZ, 6/91: itselftobetheonlyvanguard ofthePeruvian struggle or if the attack had been a lot more serious, then we and consequently they seekto eUrnhmtc anyother wouldn'thave found it quite so appropriate. But their The question whichcomestoourmindshereisnot sector of the lefttbatis in opposition tothenw.On action was appropriate, andweimprove of howtheydid oneof afalseobject; rather weseetheproblem primarily October4th* 1991,6 Germans and 1 Dutchmiliunt it, andasfortheirassessmentof the anti-warmovement, in afalsegrounding. The goalwe foundcorrect, because weresenteoced toiyears for their part intbeMay 11, the Reichstag, situated as it is underthe Brandenburg we thinkthey wrotea damn goodandunderstandable 1989 occupation of the European Commission for communique. Gate, is a symbol of the Reunification and all of the Internal MarketsandinternalAffairs in Brussels,Bel Mostpeople, it's true, probably hadnegative asso developments associated with that An attack against gium.TheJ werepartofaninternational group of53 ciations inmind whenthey heardthe nameofthe group this, we feel, speaksfor itself. militants which occupied this office laOrder lacall responsible. (Why dowegethung uponmistakes?) Butnonetheless,how dowe interveneagainstplac attention toihj&19B91iungerstrike^^ Andwhydoyouallgetsohungupontheallegedly ingthe seatof government in Berlin? And how do we RedArmyFractioitTuegroupwasttbsequenflybn> endangered peopleat the vigil?With your remark that cometo gripswiththe factthattherehasto be somecity tallyevictedby theBelgiauccpsundertheauitorityof "by means of apointless shooting people from the anti somewhere for them to sit their fat asses down in? The meB.C,Th&7weiecriguiallymiienctdm warmovementwereendangered" you make it seemasif entire campaign wasoneof self-interest to beginwith. 1991to 10 month*andweregiven heavy fine*which the vigil was right in the line of fire. The fact was, Our Kiez, our city, we must demonstrate against every were payable to the E.C, and 1? corporations. The however,thatthetracerbulletswouldnothaveresultedin pigthatcomesourway...Butforthosepeople hereinthe prosecution appealed what they considered to be "fatal shots", ratherthey were mixed in so that no one united Europe, in Eastern Europe, and on the Three "tight" sentences which resulted in this recent trial would runinthewrong direction, thatis,intothe tineof Continents who are being exploited and oppressed, it (Rote Hilfe V92}~. On DecemberWh m a high* fire. And whether someone finds the communique cor really makesnodifference tothemwhetherthedecisions security barracks infatanbul,Turkey ,21hlgkranldng rectornotresults fromlooking closelyandinterpreting it are made in Bonn or Berlin. And the wealthy and the military officials succumbed to poisoned Soup and after-the-fact (Something wedidourselves.) Inanycase, speculators, flanked bytheirOlympia horror, hurlthem coffee. In a communique, the Workers' Party of an"unsurpassable cynicism" it certainly wasn't! selves into this city regardless. In other words, our Kurdistan (PKK) claimed responsibility for thepoi Besides, wedon't inanywayseehowthe shooting struggle against restructuring, rents, andthe Olympics sonings, warning, thatthis, action shows theyhayewo must be orientedtowardsother points and societaldis- was supposed tobethe"invalid and bankrupt expression continued on thebackpage,.. of a united faction of the armed Left". What standards continuedon the back page~. ...continuedfrom page 6 objectify refugees andto down-play theirownorganiz ingefforts. Whatthe autonomist scenehas triedto do is tocarryoutitsactions not"onbehalfof'therefugees, but ratherin support of the refugees' own struggles. Such was the case for example, with the attack on the buses in Berlin. Likewise attacks on neo-Nazi groups are a con crete way the autonomists can provide solidarity and support for the refugees, without using the refugees' cause to further some other political agenda. Auton omists in Stuttgart, and in otherGerman cities as well, have also recentlybegun actively supportingthe immi grants' own organizationalefforts by working together with refugee organizations, immigrant-youth street gangs, etc.OnOctober 10,1991,afterameetingbetween some 30 autonomists and another 300 or so primarily Turkish youths, the groupsplitup and beganpatrolling ing his blatantly racist anti-refugee stance, speaks to the streets in order to find and attack neo-Nazis. Such racist sectors of white American society. What's more, cooperation between autonomists and street gang mem with his "respectable" history as a CNN talk-showhost bers causes the police great concern, of course. measures camein that "Preventionofarrival is as impor and newspaper columnist, as opposed to Duke's past as The lefthas a grosstendencyto bepaternalisticand tant as removal in reducing demand upon the refugee a Nazi organizer, Buchanan has succeeded in becoming even racist when it comes to comprehendingthe prob determination process." a legitimatepolitical contenderwho is ableto get plenty lems faced by people of colour. The only way to both For those refugeesalreadyinCanada,andfor those of TV interview time to spread his conservative rhetoric. overcomethis and to provide concrete political support attempting toenterthecountry, therisetoprominence of Buchanan feels so confident in his ability to develop a as well is to organize alongside these groups, using political parties suchastheReform Party andofneo-Nazi following thathe has statedthat if the Republican Party means which fit the conditions under which they live. organizations such as the Heritage Front gives much continues to "stray from its most basic values" and not causeforconcern.TheHertitageFront,basedinToronto, dump Bush and nominate him instead for this year's The Current Situation In North America Ontario, an explicitly racistorganization with a strong presidential election, then he has vowed to form a new While conditions are the samehere in North Amer anti-immigration platform, isledbyWolfgang Droege, a conservativeparty to challenge the Republicans in the ica, they havenot yet reached the levels that we see in former Ku Klux Klan recruiter who was arrested a few 1996 elections. Europe. Recentchanges to Canadian immigration policy yean agoafteranattempt bya handful ofKlanmembers The current refugee policy of the United States is in thelate 80s are designedto make it more difficultfor to overthrowthegovernmentof Dominica. The Heritage already forboding, with most impetus for "change" Third World peopletoseekrefugee statusin Canada. For Front has strong ties with fascist skinhead groups, and coming from forces like Pat Buchanan on the right, while example, Canadamaintained a list- whichhasnowbeen last year it tried to bring Holocaust revisionist David most of the liberal-left has been wholly silent on the issue. eliminated - of countries which they would not deport Irvingto Toronto to speak. The Frontalso runsa racist President Buch continues to justify forcibly deportating refugeeclaimantsto. CalledtheB-1list,it includedcoun "hateline"calledthe"Anti-Immigration Hotline",which Haitians who have entered the U.S. as "economic" refu tries such as El Salvador and Guatemala. While this list has been targetting Native peoples and refugees. The gees. Bushhasalso comeup withan interestingnew way provideda certainmeasure of protection,thefact that an Reform Party,Canada'sfourth largest political party,isa to implement the "peace dividend": using Gulf War entryvisawasnecessary madeflightdifficult, oftenwith right-wing party which on the question of immigration trucks and jeeps to patrol the Rio Grande border. All of tragic consequences. Upon reaching Canada, refugees argues that"immigrants should possess thehuman capi this,combinedwith a new work-permitcard whichoffi have to meet a narrow definition of what constitutes a tal necessaryto adjustquicklyand independently to the cials claim is forgery-proof, should help the Bush ad refugee,one which stresses individualizedpersecution, needs of Canadiansocietyand thejob market". Clearly, ministration achieve its predicted goal of one million asevidencedbyan immigrationlawyerwhohas stated"a suchapolicyexcludes mostThirdWorldpeople. Further, deportations in 1992. villager who is shot at because of his or her political theReformPartysupportsan immigration policythathas opinioncanbearefugee;villagerswhoare bombedfrom as its focus only Canada's economicneeds. In a recent Open Borders? No Borders! the air becausethey live in guerrilla-controlled territory development, several members of the Heritage Front The visible trend in refugee policies when looking are not thereby considered refugees". who had joined the Reform Party were expelled This at bothWesternEurope as well as North Americais one Another deterrent in Canada's immigration system expulsion wasnodoubtbasedonthedesireoftheReform of prevention, detention, and selection. It's botha racist is one which,althoughnot yet implemented,could have Party to presenta cleanimagefor mainstream Canada, program designed toprotectwhitesocietyandwhilejobs severeconsequences for refugeescomingtoCanada.The but, as HeritageFront Leader Droege stated, "The Re as well as a capitalistmanouevreto insurethe continued Safe Third Country concept declares as ineligible for form Party is perfect for us. We stand for the same economic domintation of the North over the South, with refugeestatus all claimants who, after having fled their things." those refugees which are allowed to enter the "fortress" country of origin, have lived in a country which the The simation facing refugees and immigrants is becoming optimally utilized to achieve total economic Canadiangovernmentdeclares"safe" (that is, a country similarly grim in the United States.On January 31, the efficiency so as to increase the living standards already which,in Canada's opinion,is not in the habit of return SupremeCourtvoted8-1to allowtheforced repatriation enjoyedby those in Northern metropolitan society. In inglegitimate refugees to theirhomelands). Thislistisas ofHaitianrefugees fromtheU.S.navalbaseatGuantan- deed, since the motives behind Northern refugee policies yetpartly empty,dueingreatparttothefactthatwhilethe amoBayinCubabacktostrife-torn Haiti. Although U.S. are both racist and capitalist, and not soley one or the USisa signatoryto the UNconventionand an ally,at the governmentofficials claimthere is no evidence to sup other, has resulted in a viscious circle of hate and exploi sametimeitrejects over96%ofSalvadoran refugees and portclaimsthatforcibly returned refugees facepersecu tation:theplunderoftheSouthsendsa streamofrefugees a United States District Court decided in 1988 that the tion, all returningrefugeesarephotographedandfinger to the metropoles of the North, where immigrants are U.S. is unsafe for Salvadoran refugees. Clearly, if imple printedby Haitianofficialsandthereareno U.S.officials confronted with racist hate and fascist violence, which is mented, refugees coming to Canada through the U.S. in Haiti to follow up on brutality claims. tacitly supported by the State and fed with government- couldconceivably beprohibitedfromlivingandworking In the U.S. presidential primary elections, debate generatedparanoia in attempt to win public supportfor in Canada, due to their having resided in the U.S. hasfocussedaroundjobs andthe 'middle class', withnot increased controls over refugees, and this is to further Further, undera new law, it is an offenceto organize a single one of the DemocraticParty contenders speaking protect the North's economic superiority which is the refugees to come to Canada, to aid or abet a person outagainstBush'sdeportation policy. Butconservative root of the problem to begin with. without valid travel documents, or to aid persons coming RepublicanchallengerPat Buchanan has madehis senti Our response to all of this has to go beyond calling into Canada without documents. This is an obvious hin ments known: the U.S.should literallybuild afence along for a more "humane" refugee policy. We have to help drance to refugees in that many refugees fleeing persecu iu border with Mexico to stop the flood of illegals from bring an end to the domination of the North over the tion and repression do not or cannot have valid travel "stealing Americanjobs". Indeed,Buchanan's abilityto South and part of this is demanding that all borders be documents, or destroy them for their own protection. regularlygamerat least30%oftheRepublicanPartyvote open to everyone! Clearly then, the Canadian immigration system is isinmanywaysmorefrightening thanDavidDuke's -the activelypromotingdeterrentsas a meansof dealingwith former Klan leader and founder ofthe National Associa Thefollowingisaparliallist ofsourcesusedforthis refugees. And in a statement which seems to parallel tion for the Advancement of White People - ability to win article: Radikal, Konfrontatie, NN, Interim, TATblalt, those made in the Schengen Agreement, the Immigration over 40% of the vote in Louisiana's gubernatorial elec Toronto Ecomedia, Latin American Connexions, Com Commission told its employees just before these new tion. Buchanan's far-right stand on most issues, includ munity Charge,Nicaragua SolidarityNetwork... Student Uprising In Greece

The educational system in our days is one of the nical schools and universities, and which had gained sup other and blocking all exits ofthe school. peak issues,not only of education itself, but also of the port, thusseriously threatening the government. During Six people were arrested that night, during the whole social evolution. It therefore becomes a question the summer, the government tried to gain the consensus clashes. Some of them were arrested just because of their of highest importancefor all social movements and its of theoppositionparties andstarteda "nationaldialogue appearance. Their names: Basilis Xanthis, 17; Basislis solutionis continuously dealt with within the ideological on education". The opposition, but also the teacher's Kapnisis, 27; Nikos Gougostamos, Iasonas Papadimi- context of every single group or individual. union, and, above all, the students, rejected the triou, Irini Koutsogiorgou, and Thanassis Haldoupis. The educational system in Greece is one of the government's proposals. In the meantime, clashes continued all night long, worst in the whole world. It is obsolete, formalislic and In September, the government wenton imposing outside the Polytechnic and in the streets nearby. The anti-humanistic. It complies, of course with the rest of moreoppressive measures, suchas exams attheelemen atmosphere was choking with gases. Late at night the Greek society, which is highly alienating, especially tary schools, exams at highschool year, more ancient Dean of the Polytechnic, Nikos Markatos, pleaded with under the present economic conditions. Greek and religion lessons, etc. Starting in October, the the police to stop throwing gas and tried to escort the In spite of the above, however, Greek society has students once more began occupying schools to protest demonstrators out of the Polytechnic and the police got a much higher degree of "sociality" than other Euro and opposethis simation.The governmentmobilisedits cordon. But, as soon as they came out, the cops surted peancountries have.This"sociality" loses grounddaily, followers and incited them to attack the occupied throwinggasatthem,whilethe"enragedcitizens"(plain due to theEEC standards which are being imposed on the schools. On October 10 the pro-government press an clothes cops, governing-party followers and all kinds of country bytheIMFandall theother internationalinstitu nouncedthat a boy of 15had rapeda 12year old girl at fascist, organized into groups), threw stones at the people tions of the kind. anoccupiedschool!Thisstorywassoonprovenfalse, but and hit them with sticks and iron bars. Some of the Childrenare thefirst- and themain - victims ofthis this fact never reachedthe frontpages. This was the signal demonstrators ran back into the Polytechnic, seeking kind of "modernisation". They are losing their play formore attacks of "enraged parents and citizens" against safety. grounds and their playtime. They are also losing their theoccupiedschools.Itischaracteristicto mentionthata At about 3:00 a.m. the cops and fascist set fire to a "sociality" dueto theirbeingobligedto liveandgrowin teacher at a high schools in Corfu subbed one of his historical building of the polytechnic school (the tear-gas flats,thusbeingdeprivednot only of friends, buteven of pupils with a pair of scissors,just because the poor boy and choke-gas bombs that the police use are extremely thevery ideasof friendship, community, solidarity,etc. was fighting against the government's measures. On dangerous and can cause fires as well as severe bums) For them, the only room to develop a social personality October 18, schoolchildren in Athens organized a march early in the morning, the police asked for permissionto and to maintain these ideas/values, is the school. During to the Ministry of Education. They left the Polytechnic enter the Polytechnic and evict the occupants. In Greece the years that followed the fall of the military junta School (a historicalplace, wheremost afler-junia-dem- all University buildings have some sort of "immunity." (1974),wehave witnessed an "intensification"of studies onstralions suitfrom and end up) and they headed to the The police cannot enter these buildings without the per which were claimed by the different governments to Ministry. The Minister,Souflias, refused to received a mission of the Dean and the Board of Professors. This "cover new sectors of knowledge", like electronics, biol committee of demonstrators. Instead, he ordered the immunity had not been violated since 1973 when the ogy,nuclearphysics,etc. in an effort to combineeduca police to violentlydispersethe crowd (more than 2,000 Junta sent the Army to evict the occupants from the tional and economic needs and perspectives. young boys and girls). Police started tear gassing the school. At 9:00 a.m. the Board gave permission and riot So far, the situation is reasonable, at least from a children,whoset fire to garbagein orderto try toprotect cops entered the school. 28 people were arrested and purely capitalist pointofview.Irrationalism beginswhen themselvesfrom the gases, as they weretrying to retreat taken into custody. thenationalistaspectsof Greeksocietyappear.Religion to the Polytechnic school. Many demonstrators were The next day, after the eviction, Saturday, October - and homeland - matters deeply influence our educa seriously injured. 26, the arrested people were taken to the District tional system. Last year, after a short interval (1981- The next week, on October 24, the children organi Attorney's Office where charges were pressed against 1989)of an "educational reform", the ministry of educa sed another march to the ministry. As the demonstrators them. Many people came to express solidarity with the tion announced its intention to force schoolchildren to were approaching the Ministry, they were attacked by arrested, but the riot cops who guarded the building did prayevery morning andto wearuniforms. This wasthe groups of plainclothes copsandgoverning-party follow not let anyone come close. start of the unrest. It was soon followed by other oppres ers, who threw stones at the children and beat them with On October 29, the trial against the first six surted. sive measures, such as more school hours, re-insertion of sticks and iron bars. The children retreated to the Syn- Once more, the police did not let anyone come near the ancient Greek lessons into the curriculum of high ugmasquare, where the Housesof Parliament are. There, building. One of the six youngsters, Thanassia Haldou schools, etc. Schoolchildren reacted, occupying their theywereprovokedbythecrewof a privatesecurityvan. pis, fell unconscious in the courtroom as a result of a schools (in January 1990, more than 90% of the schools The van was stoned and kicked and then a massive riot brutal beating by the police while in custody. His life was throughout the country were occupied by their pupils). policeattackforcedthedemonstrators toleavethe square in danger, yet the District Attorney Athanassopolous,and The government organized an operation- mainly based and head back to the Polytechnic. As they were heading the Presidentof the Court,Ionna Louka, did not allowhim on the mobilization of parents against their children's there, the demonstrators were once more provoked by a medical care. Finally, an ambulance came, but they will and interests - which led to the assassination ofNikos TV crew, which tried tovideo them.A couple of molotov- would still not allow him to be taken to a hospiul. Finally, Temponeras, a teacher who was supporting the cockuils were thrown at the ANTENNA TV-van, 4 hours later, he was transferred to the hospital, under children's struggle and 4 other people who were burnt (ANTENNA is one of the most fascist TV channels in police surveillance. aliveby the cops during the demonstrations that followed Greece.ItisownedbyKiriakou,ashipowner.Itisknown The trial ofthe other 5 continued until October 29. the first murder. as the Cop's TV), and it was set on fire. The demonstra The witnesses testifying against the defendants were The outbreak of the GulfWar, finally, put an end to tors finally reached the Polytechnic and some of them cops, who said things like "He was in a group of people the unrest- ifnot revolt- which had already infected tech seeking safety entered the school, but the that threw stones", or "He was put a cardboard box in a ^** M majority andotherpeoplefromthenearby burning barricade". The 5 people were convicted with Exarchia square region barricaded extremely high sentences ranging from 5 to 7 years. the streets and prepared them On October29, the trial against 27 of the28 arrested selves to resist the policeauack. during the evacuation of the Polytechnic started. The Other demonstrators went on courthouse was still surrounded by a massive police and occupied the ASOEE presence. Finally on October 31, the trial ended. Six (Commercial and Economics people were declared not guilty and setfree. Two persons University). It was about received 3 years in prison, two others received 2.5 years, 16.00 hours when the police twelve received 1.5 years, and five got 1 year. On No started their attack using tons vember 1,the District Attorney said that it was wrong that of tear, smoke, and choking the six were declared not guilty and that the others were gas. The people (about sentenced to "extremely short times in prison". He also 1,000) were forced to take cover in the prosecuted the 27 people for the burning down of the Polytechnic or to retreat to the ASOEE. Polytechnic school building. The police then formed a ring around the Shortly after midnight of the same day, \heNovem- Polytechnic,isolatingoneschoolfrom the continued on page 12... We now have a FAX number. It's (416) 5272419 (for the Canadian address) „&**$Brief* continued stftawth andability to strike anywhere. TheTurkish ~.OutIntoReal Lye continuedfrom page 13 thewholeLeftscertemgenerd, responsible. Othertea- governb«^^anew* blackout on thlsae- sonsforourthinkingthisarethemetalfragments, which As for questions such as, 'Where should we locate the tton,neither denying oracknowleding thatit actually could not have provenharmful(according to the state capital?',we need not waste our energy. U>c4cpkce.lti8tiwughttbatthe21 rrulitary officials, Ja- ment), but which lacerated Klein's facenonetheless.So eludmg.Creneral DofianfiureSrareeither dead, orin that would make it seem u though the authorsof the About the letter-bomb attack on Hanno Klein, 6791: *tom(FATbtott !#&}«* TJwChilean Senateiccenuy statement were not die same ones who builtthe bomb; to approveda ftatnte wWcltwouldpwdshti*murdersof our knowledge,the pressmadeno mentionpreviously police wltit the death, penalty. The same night mis The murder of Hanno Klein is so full ofparticular about metal fragments. Moreover, mere was no signa resolutionwasvotedon,membersof ukManuel Ro- circumstancesthat it's absolutelyimpossible to discussit ture, and the statement was notevenreleased untilthree dr%uezPatriotic Front(JPPMB) assaaraated apolice inthe samebreathasotheractions.Inourminds, ithasby days later.Now, we don't wantto do the pig's work for no means been proven that the attack came out of our them, but we'd like to make a call that such things be spectrum.Onthe contrary,we hardlythink it couldhave examinedmore closely in future. the police (BrechaFebruary14,1992).,. A courtin been; and to be honest, we would have very little desire hi short,then, we opposehow you lump all of the Brazil,afterhearing an appeal from stateprosecutors* to workalongwith suchfolks andto be considered inthe aboveactionstogetherunderthetitleof"totallyirrespon samebunchasthem. Not becausethey killed the bastard, has substantially increased the sentences of2 Canadi sibleactivism,militarism,andalossof political morals'*. but ratherbecause ofthe matter-of-fact way with which ansconvictedtnthe kidnapjxagofawealthyBrazilian This does apply to the Klein action,as we said,but the businessman in 1989. Christine Lamont and David they dealt with a human life, hi this instance, we fully other actions, because of their context, and because of Spencer Were originally sentenced to 8 years and 10 agree with you and with the other criticisms written how they turnedout, cannotbe lumped togetherin this years respectively, andbothhavenowhadtheirsen conceming this attack. way. In principle they were,especiallythe shots firedat tences extended to28 years. Thebusinessman, Ablllo But like we said, we don't think this attack came the U.S. embassy, goodand weU-directed actions. DtnJz, was freed unbanned after beingheld in Sao from the Left Our main reason for thinking this is the In a phaseofrelativestagnation, such as we pres Paulo housewhereLamont andSpencerhadrooms, communique itself. It is written in such a cold and hard ently find ourselvesin,it isnotonly advisableto develop tone, and if you examine it closer, certain absurdities and hetestifedthatwhilehewasheldhe had not seen a thoroughcritique,but this shouldbe a central activity. become clear.The beginning bit about the press, words theCanadJans andhadxtodtrectevidencetbattheytook And we shouldalsodefendandcriticallyanalyzeattacks partintheltidnsppmg». OnFebruary7/92, acarbomb, which we arenot used to seeing used in such statements, andarmedactionsandgroups. (Puckworn-outrhetoric, believedplantedby the Basqueguerilla organization andthereis no unity in style either.It readsasifthey had which barely expresses more than what was meant.) ETA, destroyedapassingmilitaryminibus,killingits pastedtogetherlittle bits from variouspostersand state We detectlittleofeitherinwhatyou allwrote.Yon five occupants and wounding seven people on the ments.We satback and considered whether papersfrom all write about the utter necessity of militant actions street andinnearby buildings. Theblastcameseveral theleft-radicalresistanceareusually sorhetorical,andso which arewell-aimed andunderstood And yet reading daya afterreports mat ETA was preparing to stop we went back and read a bunch ofpast statements. We your text gives the impression that you have wholly foundnothingthat resembledthe Klein communique. So attackaforseveraln«ntt1«ltttop^ofpronwungnego- sworn off militant activism. That's because you take tiatiotuu. Two leftist Creek urban guerrilla groups we think that whatever happened was, there was a mur three actionsand criticizethem so harshlythat nothing claimed responiibility onFebruary 27/92 forabomb der,forwhateverreason,andthose responsiblesoughtto redeeming remains.You don't mention a single action covertheirowntrailby seemmgto makecommunistsand attack matwounded 13policemen anda civilian by- that you approve of. Instead, you paint a picture of stander. The anarchist organizations May 1st and "cynical, ridiculous,militarist,foolish"militancy. Rev work. ofthese forms ofaction. tuttu* A itatuarattack was-carried out fa Padua on Shit! We stillhaven't come out into real life! La Lucha Continual Actually we hadn't only wanted to criticize your thoughts on these things, but we ourselves wanted to AnnThe Spiritis co-publishedwith theU.S.-based closely examine when and where we think militant ac totheSeptenux*3tdattackaswell** withplanning an AutonomeForum.TheeditorialgroupisbasedinCanada tions can be most effective. But it would probably be attack against a fascist tally* The two comrades, and all correspondence, subscriptions and literature better just to say in general what mistakes we have CdeSteGlacottflnd RobertoCapellua, werereleased shouldbe sentto the Canadian address.Subscriptionsfor observed As fordie functionof politicalassassinations, from prison us November20/91 (BCN Bulletin)*. In tinsbi-monthlybulletin are$12 for 10issues. Donations we'd like to say something,but, alas,it's late and we'd thewake ofthela^GlBLAPOhungerstrike,tbeSpanidi arealwayswelcome.Weacceptcash(concealit well) or like to be donewith tinsby morning.So, we aren'tgoing government appears to-be CUtuuiuing itspolicy ofbar* money ordersbut no cheques. If sending amoney order to put any more ofour thoughts on paperrightnow. awmtnt ofGRAPO andPCE(r) prisoners. On No do not put 'Arm The Spirit', just leave it blank. But we hope to write somemore in the future,and vember15/91,PCJEOf) ffMiftnt LudoGarcia Blanco Arm The Spirit Arm The Spirit hopefully drawmore peopleinto this discussion. was tried, accused of coJlabaoration with an "armed c/oWild Seed Press c/oAutonomeForum m dosing..,don't getmadatus ifwe seemedsnotty barj^thattf,wiwGRAPO.Accordingtothesentenc- P.O. Box 57584, Jackson Stn. P.O. Box 366 attimes.We think it's greatthatyou initialedthis discus Hamilton, OnL Williamstown, MA sion,raiseddrequestiorayou did, andpushedforamore OUt activities directed at subversive goats within the L8P4X3 CANADA 01267 USA careful approachto dungs. OK? area of propaganda and labour mobilization, and SOUNDTHB MARCH FOR THE LEFT! through the spreading ofa radical critique oftheeeo»s FAX Number for Canadian address: 416 527 2419 FOR COMMUNISM!I nontic, fmanctaL and corporate systemin place in Spain andthegovernmentWhich supports it".Thetrial Editor: Gabriel Dumont nutia and kowskl recognizedihatthePCE(r) supports thearmedrevolu-

Caution: Protected Private Property! pntctfee itaspart c^thwJunction.Ludo received a6" This publication remainsthe propertyof the senderunless and/oruntil it has been personally and materially monti^acttt^ce^i^hehasal^dyspentwerayearin acceptedby die prisonerto whom it is addressed Indieevent thatdie prisonerUdemeddirectpersonal accessto jaiLAlthough^isfreenow,hi?lawyerisappealingthe thispublication,itmustbereturned tothesenderwithnoticeofuwreason(s)forfailingroddWerftrotheaddressee. sentence {Arm CritkaJarUFeb '9Z).