PACIFISM as PATHOLOGY Reflections on the Role of Armed Struggle in North America Ward Churchill with Mike Ryan Winnipeg Arbeiter Ring Publishing DEDICATION 2-91 Albert Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3B 1G5 for the fallen warriors of the armed struggle, (204) 942-7058 and for those now in cages -
[email protected] Susan Rosenberg, Sekou Odinga, Dylicia Pagan, Ray Luc Lavaseur, Malik El-Amin, Leonard Peltier, Kathy Copyright© 1998 Boudin, Raphael Kwesi Joseph, Marilyn Buck, Printed in Canada by the workers at Hignell Printing Sundiata Acoli, Dave Gilbert, Carmen Valentin, Luis Rosa, Hanif Shabazz Bey, Linda Evans, Edwin Cortez, Jalil Muntaquin, Mutulu Shakur, Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data: Tom Manning, Haydee Beltran, Cecelio Chui Ferguson, Ricardo Jiminez, Herman Bell, Lucy Churchill, Ward. Rodriguez, Albert Nuh Washington, Luis Colon Pacifism as pathology Osorio, Larry Giddings, Abdul Aziz, Bill Dunne, Alberto Rodriguez, Tim Blunk, Bashir Hameed, Abdul Includes bibliographical references and index. Majid, Richard Williams, Oscar Lopez-Rivera, ISBN 1-894037-07-3 Sylvia Baraldini, Alicia Rodrigues, Yi Kikumura and the others . 1. Peace movements. 2. Pacifism. 3. War—North America I. Ryan, Mike, 1957- II. Title. liberation will come. JZ5538.C48 1998 327.172 C98-920110-4 The publishers have made every effort to contact the copyright holders of all text and images in this publication and believe they have met all conditions of copyright. If anyone knows of these conditions not being met, they are urged to contact the publishers. Contents "For Diana Oughton" 9 PREFACE 11 by Ed Mead INTRODUCTION "Pacifism as Pathology" Revisited: Excavating a Debate 18 by Ward Churchill Pacifism as Pathology: Notes on an American Psuedopraxis 29 by Ward Churchill On Ward Churchill's "Pacifism as Pathology": Toward a Revolutionary Practice 131 by Mike Ryan Index 169 FOR DIANA OUGHTON Sometimes There is only bullets and hate self-sacrifice dismembered bodies and blood - And all I can see are the lines of cruelty on our faces.