Black Power Movement, Part 3: Papers of the Revolutionary Action Movement, 1962–1996
A UPA Collection from Cover: Muhammad Ahmad (Max Stanford), founder and national field chairman of RAM. Photo courtesy of Muhammad Ahmad. BLACK STUDIES RESEARCH SOURCES Microfilms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections General Editors: John H. Bracey, Jr., and Sharon Harley The Black Power Movement Part 3: Papers of the Revolutionary Action Movement, 1962–1996 Editorial Advisers Muhammad Ahmad, Ernie Allen, Jr., and John H. Bracey, Jr. Project Coordinator Randolph H. Boehm Guide compiled by Daniel Lewis A UPA Collection from 4520 East-West Highway • Bethesda, MD 20814-3389 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The Black power movement. Part 3, Papers of the Revolutionary Action Movement, 1962–1996 [microform] / editorial advisers, Muhammad Ahmad, Ernie Allen, and John H. Bracey; project coordinator, Randolph H. Boehm. microfilm reels.—(Black studies research sources) Accompanied by a printed guide, entitled: A guide to the microfilm edition of the Black power movement. Part 3, Papers of the Revolutionary Action Movement, 1962–1996. Summary: Reproduces the writings and correspondence of Muhammad Ahmad (Max Stanford); RAM internal documents; records on allied organizations, including African Peoples Party, Black Liberation Army, Black Panther Party, Black United Front, Black Workers Congress, Institute of Black Studies, League of Revolutionary Black Workers, Republic of New Africa, and Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee; rare serial publications, including Black America, Soulbook, Unity and Struggle, Black Vanguard, Crossroads, and Jihad News; and, government documents such as the FBI file on Max Stanford, testimony about RAM’s role in the urban rebellions, and subject files covering key leaders associated with RAM including Malcolm X, Robert F.
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