Automotive Selector Guide
SG187/D Rev. 7 Automotive Selector Guide Quarter 3, 2001 Product information for: Automotive SMARTMOS™ Automotive Sensors Automotive Microcontrollers: 8-Bit 68HC05, 68HC08, and 68HC11 16-Bit 68HC12 and 68HC16 32-Bit 683XX, PowerPC™, and M•CORE™ LIN Technology for Automotive PowerPC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ™ DigitalDNA, M•CORE, and SMARTMOS are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Quarter 3, 2001 3, Quarter Automotive Selector Guide Selector Automotive WHAT’S NEW! Section Description SMARTMOS Addition of MC33889, MC33989, MC33394, MC33099, MC33794, and MC33888 devices Sensors Addition of MPXA6115, PPXy8010, PPXY8020, and PPXY8030 devices Removal of PPH6700A6 device 68HC08 Family Removal of PC68HC908EY8 device Upgrade of XC68HC908AS60A, XC68HC08AS32, XC68HC908AZ60A, and XC68HC08AZ60 to MC qualification status 68HC12 and 68HC16 Families Removal of PC68HC912GA32 device Upgrade of PC68HC912D60A to MC qualification status LIN Removal of PC68HC908EY8 device 683XX/Power PC Families Removal of MMC2103 and MMC2111 devices System Example Diagrams Revision of direct injection system example E-SWITCH Higher reliability for instrumentation and body control may be achieved by automakers with the replacement of traditional electromechanical relays by an electronic solution that is flexible, cost effective, and intelligent. E-SWITCH is the ideal answer for today’s automakers seeking reduced cost, weight, and size for electronic control modules. With the E-SWITCH products Motorola, Inc., is introducing a new family of intelligent power switches for automotive applications. The newest member of the E-SWITCH Family is the MC33888, a fully integrated intelligent lamp and inductive load driver, is currently available. Product samples and data sheets are available upon request.
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