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3-27-1979 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 082, No 117, 3/ 27/1979 University of New Mexico

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Page 12, New Mexico Daily LOBO, March 26, l979

fAMOUS QUIVIRA BOOKSHOP and phooography people needeQ In Caslnoe_s, Resta;ur~Jnts, Ranche!i, $19,QOO/yr. pos.liible: •.Call (505) 243-1907 for an s~tllcry b._locace~ Vt block from Johnson_ Oym 111. Ill Cruisers, River Ran$! Sc!ld 53.95 for iofo. to appointm~m. · 0)130 Comell, ttours 11~6 Mon-frl. Special order service, 03/26 I.AKEWORLDDZBox60129,$acoo,CA9l8~)/Z 7 S. MISCELLANEOUS EXJ'ERT TYPIST. IBM Selectric, Theses, papers, SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS ror prlvato camp dlsserlations, Cl!.'. 344·4953 or .345·7668. • 03/29 lo~aled i11 mountaim near Santa Fe, N.M. Candidates NEW WA.T!;RBED. ~IQ9,9$ buys you I) dark TYPING, ALL PHASES. college work, accurate, ~thould be proficierjl_ ira pn_e area of 1.he program and wah:nH~lll;;a!ned noor frame, 2) llafety liner, 3) finest fa". 344·5446 or 344·5859, 03/30 willing to live wllh children. Dates or employmen-t lap scam mattress, any !li~ with tf"!ree rear guar~nl~~. HAVE PAPERS, THESIS lo IYP< in a hurry! Call Junt: H. 1979 • Avg,ll, 1979, lnl~rview& held In Waoer Trips, 3407 CeooraJ NE. Q4/27 Albuqut;orque Monday March 26, Contact f;'arei:r eJ~~pcrlen_ced typi~t. 26!i-0023. 03/JO I.OQKING FOR GROUP .and B donors. Services, Mesa Vista Hall in person_ ror appo.intment. o ~lood Please contnct: Djyi~i9n of Tropi\;al & .Geographic 4. HOUSING 03/26 MCdic.:ine, 943 Stanford Dr. NE, M·6. 277~'3001 or WORK OVERSEAS IN !he Peace Corp,, 277-$907. 271~'2R 13 for or Larry Sax. · 04/02 03126 THE CITADEL··SUPERB locallon n20 Unlvcrshy Write: National Marketing Company, P.O. Dox 2:44- De.~pite a budget request of local businesses, is scheduled from UNM Alumni Association, NE, :l43·24'14. 04127 (•p, Dundec.lllhtoi<60118. 03/26 $8,250, the New Mexico Public 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the SUB ASUNM and GSA. Classified R,OOMS FOR ReNT in .super·clean C:l'i·sororhy hoiJs~ REACTOR OPERATOR TRAINEES. Th> Navy I tnerest Research Group will on campU!i. Ulilhies pa,ld. Parking and kitchen Re~t:tor Program is conducting interview.~ fqr nuclear privilc;ge~_; il:JS to$l2!i per month. 256·937), 03/30 rcn~ior o_perator trainees. Young men and women receive •.,nJHlt; frOIJl UNM 's WALK TO CLASS. $90 one bedroom near shopping. age.~ IR to 2rl whh good malh background. Salnrlcs to Gntdua.. ··•rlcnt Association. Private YPrd. 262-17.5! Vall_ey ~cn!~lsf $)~ fee. 03/26 GSA .i're \cnt Steve Maple said President calls APARTMENT TO SUB-LEASE bel ween Spring and his orgtmllation r~rused. to fund Advertising Su~nm~r ses~ions,. (:'all 25~-J6SD evenings, keep trying. 03/26 Pll~G because ''PJRG was not CHE.AP. C~~AN. TWO bedroom rlear campus. ·TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE doing a good job." Modern appliances; private y!lrd. $1()0. 26~-1751 special meeting "We didn't think we were getting Valley Rentals, $35 fee, 03/26 our money's worth," he said in STUDENTS COMB;NE, SAVE. four big bedrooms By MIKE HOEFT off Coal. Prlva1ely fenced. $195. 262-ml Valley ACROSS 45 Sharpest reference to last year's $14,560 Rcruals$35 fee, . 03126 1 Ports 48 Marry UNITED Feature Syndicate allocation. "We asked them to do A special general faculty meeting has been called for Thursday by GO A LITTLE fun her for a whole IQI mor~. Roomy 6 Russ. news 51 Contemn Fridey's Puule Solved: something ri~;~ht for a while, then to President William Davis in response to petitions asking the general faculty 2 bedroom, unfurnl~hed apt. on Pfmnsylvanla, ~~-~ ~,_~ to reconsider the repetition of course rule, Whhin) blo1.:ks of bu~, parks and clemen!ary _school. agcy. 52 Claim come to us for money. Outside storage! washer hook~up. Ghlldren OK, no 10 Conceited 54 Custodian "They didn't do anything, and 1. PERSONALS pcos. $180/mo. D. D. 26l-B648. 03/27 ASUNM Lobby Committee Co-Chairman Philip DePriest said he 14 Catkin 58 Peewee f still came · '" with· their ($8,250) NICE I BDR. UNFURNISHED. NE ~area. Ncar 15 Droop presented the signatures of 62 faculty members to Davis March 12 ACCURATE INFORMATION AUOUT cOn• UNM. $l65.00mo. $100 dscposit, No children, No 59 Hence budget rc4u~.1· · It·: said. trm.'Cpllan, stt'flllz~t{on, abortion. ltfgh~ to Choose. "Tom requesting a. reconsideration oft he coorse rule which takes effect next fall. dog.<;:, Available April 9, Quie! persons only. 255· 16 61- GableS; Earlier thi ~~:n~ster; PIRG ex~ 294-0171, 04127 Oll2, OJ/JO Thumb" Fla. perienccd >ever~ budget problems, PREGNANCY TESTING AND cpunscH!1t• Ph

Pug(' 2, New Mexico Daily LOBO, March 27, 1979 Page 3, New Mexi~o D;Uly LOBO, Mur(!h 27, l!J/!i Cancer Student projects to get .started Mideast accord reached~~, potential PIRG hires three staff members By Bll.L JOHNSON campus organizer, Lesley O.sias and· staff researcher, Rich&rd Moore he graduated in May of 1976, said "Future days will require the best the Arab section of the holy city in Michael Eatough. "We have won, at last, the first strstors,to a far.corner of Lafayette from us all to give reality to these The New Mexico Public l[\terest had been !ayed. off by PIRG's PIRG'.s members are realizing valid WASH JNGTON (UP I)-With Square across from the White the 1967 Middle East war meant discussed PIRG's boar\! voted to begin step of peace," Carter said. . even more to him than the peace Research Group's Board of bo&rd, Escher and Moore both gave criticism from UNM's student body "the man who performed the lofty aspirations." ·DAYTONA !3EACH, Fla. projects which will result in a Sadat said, "A new dawn ·~ House, but some. of the chants In an indication of. future treaty, 'Directors, during the last week and their concurrence to the board's that PIRO should become student­ miracle" looking on, old warriors (UPI). - The head. of the financial aid guide &lld st\ldent emerging out of the darkness of ~he could still be heard during the trouble, Sadat called for "the nation's war on cancer warned' half, hired three staff members who decision and left PIRG Feb. 28. oriented rather than corntnunity­ Anwar Sadat &nd Menachem Begin Carter, who met privat~ly with buyet's guide to stereo equipment, set aside decades of di ffercnce at past" and Begin told of a comlng ceremony. reinstitution of Arab authority in Monday !!gainst weakening the will undertake the task of getting Coles, a graduate of UNM's oriel\ted. them in his Oval Office before the student-related projects started. · Cole~ s&id Tuesday, 2:10p.m. EST Monday and signed time or "no more war, no more Carter conceded the signing will the West Bank and Gaza," but ceremony, tried to walk a thin line Federal law prohibiting the use School of Law who served as Having completed in 197 3 her the first peace treaty bet ween Israel bloodshed, no more bereavement.'' e.liminated a reference in his between their tough views. on the PIRG's new staff members are 'fhe new staff members were chairperson, vice-chairperson and a masters degree in education and not automatically bring peace to a in· food of substances linked to hired after the former director of and an Arab state. Carter allrubited the treaty to the lurbuknt land where Jews, prepared text to "statch'ood" for two most sensitive issues in the cancer in animals or humans. the full-time campus coordin&tor, board member from PIRG's in­ guidance and counseling at PIRG, B&rbara Escher, and the The Egyptian president and "dedlcation and determination of Asyrians, Babylonigany desk, Cancer Society symposium that company which transports constructive way, environmentally The signing euphoria was wheelchair-bound patrons, to and socially. He said he would help· ~igning page after page of the tempered however; by signs that there is no way to calculate the Anthropologist to speak voluminous treaty package in the tough Egyptian-Israeli treaty cancer risk to humalls of increase the number oF vans from PIRG by becoming in tunc with the English, Arabic and Hebrew. talks would seem like child's play four to at least eight. various issues relevant to UNM's Then a triumphant Carter, who World News something that causes cancer in on stofle age exploitation Increased fuel costs is another students. compared to the next stage in the laboratory animals. Therefore, cajoled, begged an arm-twisted · Universtiy of Chicago anthropology professor Richard Klein will discuss reason for DOC support, she s&id. Coles s&id that the board them. into ace. epting the pact during peace process-negotiations for an he said there is no way to weigh · six months of tortuous talks, put ovemll Mideast settlement. "Stone Age Exploitation of Animals in Southern Africa" tonight at 8 in Dono:van said a uses less ex- guaranteed him Osias and Eatough the benefits of a particular pensive-diesel fl)el. Fuel for a van is their jobs until the end of April, his name to the treaty as a witness. substance against its risks as a Room JOO of the biology building. · about $5.50 a day, she day. What happens then depends on t.he "Today we celebrate a vic­ And an angry Arab world turned· .A rafat vows· I revenge I potential cancer-causing agent.. Klein's .lecture is part of the Harvey Lecture Series sponsored by the · its back on the treaty. "I want · · · The Z4 lift-equipped buses are funds to be allocated to PI RG by tory-not a bloody military ''The soundest principle is that UNM anthropology department. He will also conduct a colloquium on campaign, but of an inspiring peace Carter, Begin and Sadat to know et• "Early Human Ecology" Wednesday at 4 p.m. in Room 178 of the UNM u • s thou shalt not add a carcinogen scheduled to begin operating Oct, I it~u~d.enitliMiA~~'IIiJ~ campaign," Carter said as that no one can burn our fingers," anthropology building. if the City Council approves the television \:ameras beamed the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat a g a ·n St· n It e tate·· S to the nation's food supply," bill. said in Beirut. "Begin should know · 1 · . · · Upton said. An expert on early man in Africa, Klein is particulary interested in the event live to millions of Americans, study of man-environment relationships through the analysis of animal Mayor Rusk, who opposes the • * Egyptians and Israelis. ' that l will chop off his hands." UPI _ PLO leader Yasser Beirut, unleashed a scathing attack side,'' Arafat told th·e cheering A National Academy of passage of the bill, said he prefers 3 112' copies Sciences committee has bones and artifacts from archaeological sites. His current research is on the ! ! Hundreds of Arab sympathizers, Arafat Monday vowed .Palestinian on the three signatories to the cadets. "We will revenge." fauna of sites from the Lower Upper Paleolithic geological period. increasing· the van fleet. • "'" J\t..,l I 1'\ • ~~JIU~ • HLOL !'IE!'!.• )! carrying banners reading "Begin Is · 1' p d 1' t r· 'd' 1 d · f suggested that the Delaney ! overnight ! c - A Terrorist Murderer" an d "reve·nge" aga1'nst the United Egyptran-lsrae 1 eace rea y. Ara at n 1cu e a, warnrng rom Klein will be on the UNM campus this week to talk to students and other The bill will come up for final 71 chanting "Long Live PLO," States, Israel artd Egypt for signing The chairman of the,Palestine Begin that Palestimarts who try to Clause, which bans the addition interested persons. · action in the City Council April Z. 11 2312CentratSE 26B·65151t • clogged lunch hour traffic with a· a peace treaty and said the $5 Liberation Organization recounted scuttle the treaty by unleashing a of cancer callsers to food, be ***************** New spring march on the White House. billion in American aid to the two an Arab fable of the man who wave of bombings will "burn their modified so that benefits of a fashions from Police restricted the demon- · former foes was a "joke." waited 40 years to exact revenge on fingers." certain substance can be weighed against ils risks. Paris & Italy In Tehran, armed Arab gunmen an enemy. "l want Carter, Begin and Sadat at discount Sc:tr ,\Jexico Daily l.ol.•y ., occupied the Egyptian embassey to "President Carter, (Egyptian to know that no one can burn our Vol. 83 No. 122 protest the treaty signing in President Anwar) Sadat and (Israeli fingers," Arafat said. "Begin Graduating Seniors prices Tlw .\c'IJ .\k.\tnl /JutiiJ tt~lu, h pnhlhlwd Washington. In Kuwait, army Prime Minister Menachem) Begin should .know that I will chop off his :\fmtdu\ liln-tli!h 1-'rnld\ t'\N\ n·c.• \\l'•:k troops fired tear gas into crowds of should know that time is on our hands." of tlte l' IU\N'II' wur wul n t'!.-l;h durmt: th~· The· 10% off an\' .,lllnmt·r 't''•••I•HI h\ till.· Bmltd. uf l.,;tudt:nt Palestinians who hurled rocks at J'ubiHalltl!t,ultlw"t·,u~•·r.,H\ nl \('\\ \lt•\it11, purchase ,~·ith Ulttli"llnt hlt.lllt'Jdlh .1.\"\lltHlh-lJ \\tth l'\\1. the Egyptian Embassey there. C:g~p t·ians .Irase•l"'le.d' ~l'l111td diL~~ Jll,•\l.t.~· Jt<.HI <1! -\Jimq~tt·ntllt·, Ararat addressing a class of C:::~ 1 1 v 1 VI student ID \t\\ \lt·\u·r• "~l U. !\ulM'riplwa rt~h• 1'> Palestinian guerilla recruits in ftoro ' till Apr. 14. 'Sill OJ lur l)b .J~.·;lilt·futt· H·.tt llu· "I 'lll•lll' '''Jift..,wtl 1111 lht· t •hturiul Eyegloasea or Contact Len••• colleague, who refused to give his l'".:'"' ul llu· IJwllr /,ulm .. m• tliiN' ul thl' Fast Set'VIce. Quo/tty and C:AIRO, Egypt (UP!) - ~ent Navy .mlhur \nhl~ l..l~~>~!!tJ HJ J hi• !l tF~t,r,• \l'i C'thl'\ . D'onovan in Marron Hall Room _f(lt•;<\1• 11t,PII Jt,. ·

'·• Pl!ge 4, New Mexico Daily LOBO, March 27, 1979 Page 5, New Mexico Daily LOBO, March 27, 1979 Petitions in forASUNM At least 23 people have obtained petitions to run for ASU NM Senate, six people for president, and four people for vice president. Candidates need 100 signatures Editorial to run for president and . vice president, and 7S signat\lres .are needed for Senate. The Elections Commisssion will determine Frightening tour whether the signatures are valid, Those who submitted signed The first reaction many of us had after viewing Scared Straight, the' petitions will informed of their documentary in which long-term convicts literally sea revisiting juvenile status at Candidates Day,. March delinquents into going straight, was: Would that program work in New 28, in the Second Floor of the SUB. Mexico? Candidates will also be informed The documetary was filmed at Rahway State Prison in New Jersey, a whether they qualify academically filthy, overcrowded, frightening hellhole, where juvenile offenders are and of the rules and regulations taken for a grueling three-hour glimpse of nasty, degrading prison which must be followed during the spring general election campaign. existence, Before the kids enter the prison, they are arrogant, cocky and tough - Nobody tells them nothin', When the are face-to-face with convicted killers, rapists and thieves, the smirks turn to trembles Disco Disco Disco and the smart-alec mouths are silenced. at the "I'm Qnly 26 years old and my life stops here," one convicted Plaza Hotel felon said. "If somebody would have done this me, I wouldn't be h"ere." 125 2nd street, N.W. Another inmate relates, "We was juveniles. one time ourselves. Friday, March 30th, 9 p.m. ·1 p.m. Everything you're doing now, we done it. We didn't get away with music by nothin', We're here. So what makes you think you're going to get away EASTERN CONNECTION with it?" Sp011sorcd by Natl_011al O.I.C, ol Afl'M:Jic:.a The kids are threatened with homosexual

1'<1ge (),New Mexico Owly LOBO, March 27, !979 Page 7, New Mexico Daily LOBO, March 27, 1979 Student government games ~inevitable' Ily JEANETTE ~JNG Once in the White House, rhese such topics as missions and goals Student government may have aides were known as the "USC and positive leadership. served as a training ground for Mafia," the book said. Assistant Dean of Student White House staffers who were Glaser said that politics and Activities, Gary Golden, an advisor involved in the , political games arc an inevitable to the ASUNM Senate, said the warns Dean of Students Karen part of government at aU levels, workshops are helpful because Glasser. including the ASUNM Senate. "senators often lose clirection,... "I 'never want to see a UNM "The problem arises when these <1nd need to form reasonable ob· graduate who participated in our g!lmes are carried to an extreme," jcctives, student government to go on to she said. "I see a senator get into office, achieve Watergate 'fame,"' Glaser Glaser said she is sometimes and say 'I'm going to nail this or said. concerned about whether students that,"' he said. Golden s;~id, In "All the President's Men," active in ASUNM government, arc "Some senators soon lose their and Bob Wooc;Jward learning "good politics as opposed vigor when the realize the wheels of Football Bounces Back said a cllque of White House boys, to bad," government turn pretty slowly, By ED JOHNSON . there was nwthing wrong with hiS smasher), Andy Wieczorek do the pi ugging. including Ron Ziegler, Dwight "This why, each semester, we Those who have' been around and voke as he bellowed out in­ (linebacker), Jon Sutton (cor- Kevin Lin man is a 6-3, 270- Chpin, Donald Scgrctti and hold one or more workshops on mastered parliamentary procedure It doesn't seem to matter what str!lctions to the big men wearing ncrback) and rover Mark pound lineman who started playinjl Gordon Strachan had belonged to a student government," she saicl. have an edge." . happens in the two months prior to helmets and pads. Kosk'ovich. college ball at Georgia Tech. He University of Southern California Senators may recievc credit hours Karen Glaser said the biggest spring, football always comes back Charles Baker, last year's head Other key players lost include the then went to California to play at political party which specialized in for participating. problem the senate has is achieving to the major uni.ver~ities around the hunt"er-on the defensive line, was versatile Max Hudspeth ancl the Southwestern Junior College, dirty tricks, caUed "ratfucking." Associate Dean . of Student credibility with the UNM student country. there too, he had his hear on and dependable Keith Ellis. before finding his way to New Ballot boxes were stuffed, spies Activities, Karen Abraham, said body. Head coaches can be threatened was beginning his last spring With those p~ople gone, they Mexico. infiltrated opposition organizations the workshops acquaint students "However, despite the problems with the loss of their jobs, coaching. practice as a Lobo. obviously have some holes to plug Other transfers arc Tod Lafferty, and bogus campaign literature with the democratic process. Some ASUNM government has, I would staffs can be rearr;tnged and J-ey In all, 20 seniors, 27 juniors, 34 up and head coach Bill Mondt (6-2, 240) Lawler (6-3 180), Chuck- . . abounded. of the workshops have dealt with hate to be without a student players can graduate, ·but that sophomores' and IS freshmen are brought in some prert y big .guys to Esquivel (6·1, 235), and Steve - ¥¥¥¥Jt.Jt.¥Jt.Jt. Jt.Jt.Jt.Jt.Jt.Jt.Jt.¥1f}t·Jt.¥Jt.Jt.Jt.Jt.Jt..!f.Jt.Jt.¥¥Jf¥¥il-¥" government," she said. doesn't stop schools from fielding a listed for the 1979 squad. The Reymeyer (5-11, 180), , J!> $1 00 $1,00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 ~ CAMPUS BIK..E & MOPED 4C • "I don't think students ap- team, Lobos return 48 lettermen, 15 These are some of the people l' ~ ~ · · ~ preciate all the services student People can insult the program, starters and have five junior college responsible for the return of :;; FAR NORTH ' ..~ ~ Sekai, Fuji, Azuki • 3, 5, 10, 12, Speeds ~ government provides." ·~:C,_' IM Sets .....,.,.;...... ,..,...,_,- stop going to games and talk about transfers. football to UNI\1. These of course f"INEMA Ill 8 ALL MOPEDS- 5% Above Cost ~ Glaser said ASUNM provides ·' ~ ~AN MAtEO & ACADEMY :;; t this yearls basketball team, but Robert Rumbaugh, last year's are only a few names which have ii 1121-6769 +: 1718 Central SE • 243·9630 • Behind Okies ~ funds in part or in full for such Dean of Students Karen Glaser said student government there seems to be ·l!n unwritten law menace on the defensive line, was caused Lobo football to bounce 8 8 +: Dlocount Prlooo. Come in and Comppre. Open M<;n.: Sat.1Q·5 ~ services as the Speakers Committee, h d . h . • d.& . that says football must return. there, but he had already suffered Deadline back. :;; ~¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥Jf¥Jf¥·¥¥1f¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥tt. the Film Cominittee. the Child Care may ave serve as e tramlng groun ,or many persons m- :;; TODAY!!! t Monday at 3:30 p.m., football through his last spring practice and But at New Mexico the bounce of Cooperative, AGORA, and volved in the WCitergate scandal. · 8 Tuesday Special 8 returned to the University of New wore no helmet or pad. the football program is often much 1i :;; KUNM Mexico. The Lobos lost 15 lettermen, For Events like the bounce of a football. It's ALL SEATS PRAYER BREAKFAST The intramural program has $1.00 ~ There were some new faces in the including seven starters. Besides unpredictable. ~ ;;; SPEAKER: Archbishop Robert Sanchez crowd that gathered to~ conduct a Rumbaugh, the UNM starters from three different activities scheduled While the1·e are always players ;;; throughout this next week with all 8 FRIDAY, MARCH 30 practice on the field at the South last year that didn't have to go with exceptional talent, there arc ~ THE :;; Norman Cousins lecture· Campus. through spring football practice are· the entries due today i.n room 230 of always gaps which get in the way. ;;; SUB Ballroom, 7:30a.m. Tom Ryan (center), Ron Hegge Johnson Gym. But whether or not Mondt and CHILDREN · Offensive coordinator Walt ~ ~ Tickets: $4.00 Public $2.00 Students Klinker let everybody know that (guard), Mike Williams (record Intramural Super Team is his cast of players can fill the ;;; OF ;;; scheduled for Friday afternoon and cavities, the fact still remains that 8 SANCHEZ ~ On Sale at all ncketmaster Outlets, Saturday morning. Fridays events football has reutrned and there ;;; opens Travelstead series :;; 5:40 7:45 9:50 SUB Box Office, Popejoy Hall will be starting at 3:30 p.m. in the doesnt seem to be any end tn sight. Olympic pool with two events Sponsored by UNM WHICH Norman Cousins, the editor of of "Current History," a journal of scheduled. The team inner-tube ..~EVERY WAY~ "Religion in Life Week" Planning Comm~Hee world affairs founded by the New BUT LOOSE 8 "Saturday Review" from 1942-78, relay race and a wet t-shirt relay ~ ..: will deliver the first Chester C. York Times. race are the events involving the :;; 5:50 7:55 10:00 .. Travelstead Lecture April 2 at 8 During. World War II, Cousins pool. If time permits, the 8 ~ :;; ... p.m. in Woodward Hall at UNM. edited "USA," a magazine preliminary rounds of the tug-o­ Mahjongg ;;; RICHAUD l'IWOH Travelstead is a former -" distributed throughout the world. war will also be Friday afternoon. 5:40 7:40 9:40 . ~ provost and former chairperson of When he took over as editor of Saturdays events will start at 9 ~utili nl >-h'llhi, aixl hunu•s to ~hart• rrmii Sfi4UJIJ 111U. where she did her ·undergraduate.­ !~ QJ0-6Fri. local YWCA, is to be· held April 3 negotiations. Cousins 'has been a Scmrt's In· du·imr frhllh AU ~t'S', had.:j.\rctUtld.~. ,.}lfJ Concert wsork. She wil! spend 10 months in ~- QJ0-6Sol from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Carlisle regular member of the U.S. ta~h~;.. ~IC.'('ttputitius.- lh..ft.•rtnN.o,; dtN:krcl, j1l1ulm• p!F-:J a Far East A~ian C{)Untry. Gym. !diu~\'11 ~ !ot'lt'{·tHtu ~Wihi.nii.'t'cl. .!\ut iifflli:th."'(t \'1 itl1 delegation of scientists, Quarterback Brad Wright has returned along with the rest :111~ n·utal ~~~~·itt'} ~ \tC" htin,l.( rt'Mtll.!i. Sludt•ni ~ ,• 2il8 Central SE (actou ftom UNm) • 842-6678 "I haven't been assigned to a the founder fo the exercise (li:~t·otlllf, . . ___ . academicians and private citizens of ihe cast of Lobo football. · 2220 Central S.E 266-5959 UNM SUB Ballroom specific country yet," she said. "I Consultation Service or Glendale, who have held, informal meetings . . want to be in a metropolitan! area 'Mass., Lenna Payton, is organizing with their Soviet counterparts since and I'd like to observe a court the workshop. She has appeared in 1960. . Tuesday, March 27th system or the legal education every state in the country and in Cousins has authored to books system of the antion in which I am Canada. including "Dr. Schweitz~:r of placed. I am very interested in Paytori said she stresses the Lambarene," which is a ·brief 11:30-1:30 Singapore or Hong Kong." necessity of both fun artd hard account of his visit with physician Before for the Far East·in work to achieve fitness. She uses Albert Schweitzer in 1951. Cousins sponsored by:· music in all exercise routines to visited Schweitzer to persuade him *+: Kinko's**** *** stimulate movement through rhyth· to become invt>lved in an in· +: m and exercise. . . ternational effort lo halt ·nuclear·~ +: 3 112 c copies Dr. Mar.y .Jo Campbell of the testing. After Cousins' visit, Sch­ +: . HPER department said the the BAPTIST STUDENT UNION +: overntght weitzer issued his "Declaration·.or +: workshop is open tnall ages and the Conscience'' which asked ·world +: 2312 Central SE 268·8515 participants should come dres~ed to leaders to bring rniclcar weapons · cscrcisc, · · ...... * **** under ~onrrol.

'· ., .. Pag1• 8, N~w Mexico Daily LOBO, March 27, 1979

weekend~ and/or weekday~. expeiience with kids laundry, Aduil ~:ompkx, nQ· p-:t:;;. 1520 Urlivcnily J'AY ONLY WHOLESAI.E .p:rh;es llr le5~ for NE, 24J.2494, 04127 Jeans, L~vis, shins, lops, ~louses, T·shirt1i aJ prct):rahle. For more ioformmion call H73-0J99 or C'~liforni~ Fa~hlon .Outlet. ~24 Cenlfa_l SE, 87J.OJM. 04102 ROOMS FQI~ RBNT il) ~Hper·~.:l!~an CX·SOtorit)' 40 innocula.tions corner Cornell. 04102 COMMISSION SAI.ES·-STUr>ENT or~anil.ation hou~c on campu<,, Utilitlc; paicl, P+trklng ilnd !lCi.'i.h 'l~·lcsper~Ocll!i 10 sell lflemry/arts pitblicnlion. $1Js '" per rnamh. New Mexico ~n~;hefi, DAILY. APARTM£:NT TO SUH·l.I..:ASE belwecn Spring Crui'>tn~, Rh_er Rafls! Send $3,95 ror info. tO NEW WIITERUED. $)(1~.~5 lmYi you 1) !lork 11nd Summer Jicr,sions. Call 255.3650 evcniug~. 1 AI t.o prc1 cnt Valley l $35 r~c. 03/26 women n~~.-, HI to 26 with good' rnalll f • 04102 Center Director Joseph S. Beres said, "There is not an epidemic of I GO A l.JTTLE furth~r ror a whole Jot more. hHL'_kJ!.mund. Salaries 10 $_11),000/yr, pos~ibl~. C'alJ . ATTENi'ION! IF YOU'RE disabled und want to ·infectious. hepatitis. However, there is presently a higher incidence of the ~ Roiuny ~ bedroom, unfurnl~hcd upt. on l'enn~ (505) 243·1907 for an ~ppolntment. 03/JCI. get lnvol\ cd in a. Srtllln ·that really wam~ to move ., whnnin. · \VJ,hin 3 block~ of bu~. pnrk'i nnd ('OLJPLE NEliDED AS ~ubstituu~ houseparerm "omc barrlcr~·-t:ome to the- Di· R days (and night~) pcr m(l111h, · 03129 'l'ernas dy CHRIS MILLER are given to them by the law as "The laws are already written·, Beres S!lid the Health Center has treated six cases of infectiou.l hcpalJti1 · ) R648.NICE JBPR. LJNJ·URNISHED. NE nrt•a, IL1127Ncar -~r======:;-- An expert on Islamic law and /ou.tlined in the Shariah-a set of and these people cannot take away in the past three months. The Health Center treated three cases in 'the same UNM. $165,00mo. $100 d~epmit. No chil~lrcn. No society accused the American press laws based on the writings of the \ Jug,. AH!ilublt: April 9. Quic:l per'>om only. 2~5~ rights already given to the people by period last year. • l ()152. (]Jt]() TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE last .night at UNM of ''perpetuating Koran and the sayings of these laws," he said. · Two of the students treated for the disease lived on campus, Beres said. I caslt in advance ~Hi I. I OW PERSON TO ~>hnrc hou~e nr;ar Lorna'i and building on the ignorance of Mohammad-and these rights When asked if the Islamic slate One lived .in <1 dorm and one in a sorority house. I nnd San Mutet). $H(IImo. pitt\ 1·-:lllll. \ Phmo~r~phcr welcome l(l also share clarknmm un the Am.erican public" in its cannot be taken away by any has taken away any of the 'rq:edoms Beres said the center treated students that had come in contact with those 1 prt:mi~c'> for adUhioiHII $15/nHl. 266·8238. 03119 reporting of recent events in Iran. ·number of men," Shafi said, obt;~ined by Iranian women under people. COTT 1\Gb·ONE; 11EDR00M, ava.ilablu May· ACROSS 47 Slopes UNITED Feature Syndicate Dr. Mohammad Shan, a·former "No one person or persons can the regime qf the. Shah, Shafi The state Epidemiology Unit of the Disease Prevention Bureau said in a Aug.l!'i. Hc:rH ncgaliahlc. Torn, H84-94R4 c~·cning~. 1 Price 49 Blocked { OJrJO Monday's Puule Solved: faculty member at UNM, said the usurp· total power of the state, replied, ''That depends on the published report th!lt there has been a "striking increase'' in the number of . 5 Offers 53 Oranges \ SINGU; PARE!'IT NEEDS 4·0171. 04t27 17 Bible book: 63 1949 pact: away from them." vestigation and follow up of hepatitis ,cases, increase public awaeness of M\'1\TII)IIT Rl'VIEW Si'ONSORED by l'rc· .one only. $140/mo. indudc.~ utililie!i. Tel. 26R· the recent revolution which began :tra~~ons of s~n:e ,!raman women PI~F(jNANC"Y lL:STJNCi AND coumeling. flhnne ()760 p.m. 03127 Abbr. Abbr. 2.'17 1)811), 04127 He~lth Profc~siom Club stort~ April 2. 1-'orm~ the series of dramatic changes in the gal st ~hom~m1 .. They repres~nt Shafi said the foundation for an the disease, and work closely with local physicians to devise controls in the uvailallle Ut SUU infornmJion .boolh, Arts &, ROOMMATE WANTED TO share 2bdrm. apt. 18 Churn 64 Instrument: PIIS'I'OI!T au!l IJli.,NTIFICA fiON PIIOTOS. J ·ountry · · only a tmy mmonty of the I raman Islamic state is now being laid. community, Beres said, Sci~:,,~;c~ udvi\Cmcnt center, and Mc~rt Vi in I own!' Fn'il, plcnshlg 1 04102 Fred, 21)J·R7lfl, 04/02 65 Flower c •. •. women," he said. Shafi charac- "Whatever happens, it can be no Beres said the dhea~e is tran$mitted by mouth. Frequent washing of ncar liNM. Cull 265·2444 01 come to 1717 Gimrd 20Take- -: s p l H,e sa1d the Islmmc state of Iran terized American women rights lll'!l. NF. 04/27 Travel 66 Evince P R E worse than the regime under the one's hands is the best preventive measure. is not a theocracy ruled by a priestly activists such as Kate Millet and CONTA<'TS'I'!? I'OliSIIINO & SOI.UTIONS, 2. LOST & FOUND 5. FOR SALE 22 Abstained 67 Tastes R U II T Shah, but 1 do believe it has a good Symptoms of infectious hepatitis are loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, C'u\cy Optkul Compuny. 265·fl846. 04127 24 Closer· DOWN A E class, ''No such concept exists in BeUa Abzug, who have spoken out chance of succeeding," he said. abdominal pain, headache, and fever, he said. FOliNO: JACKET IN Rm. 2018' of Fine Am s p WIU'fERS: AN I.~Ncpt.·'ipon'iorcd 1968 MERCURY COUGARv•good coitditlon··but 26 Lots 1 Latin T E A R .Islam," he saicl. for Iranian. women 1ahlt1id i\ tiow tu:ccpling poetrY and prO<,C ffi'ilion ("crucr. Call 265-9154. lfln need'" some work. Call 24_3-7387 or 261'.·6475, till~ non·fh.:tion) ~ubrni~:>.sium. We n:'qucr,t that YASIIICA IJSGX STOLEN, if found please $500,00 or VW of cdmparable value. tfln 27 Spur 2 Reduce city 43 Cover "The of all Islamic peoples of the "lunatic 1111'""' work bt: Jypcd llild .delivered I() HuJnnnilic~ return to 12_4 Marron Hall. No quc-~lions. a~kcd, ELECTRONIC IGNITIONS SAVE g.,olln<. 29 Pigpen 3 Tropical fish 23 Rodents 45 Tarry Rm.2?2. Contributor; must be UNM 'iiUdent'i. We tf/n New M8xicans urged Model"i for most can with poin1s. Free: In· 30 Smite 4 Uproot 25 Gypsy 47 High-strung C!1111101 rcwrn munuscripts. 1rtn FOUND: VERY SMALL, very young, bla~;k formalion or lileralure 268~5490. Elccnonic 33 Usages 5 Haircut 28 Portrayals 48 Isaac's WOOD you bcllcvc ... JOI9 c:entral NE J doors pUppy uear Sih·cr tfnd Vas~nr, 266·7026. tf/n Jgnhloti Sales, OJ/29 CIHI of I. 000 Thcmrc. OJ/30 37 Muslim '6 Operatic 3.0 Meat cuts mother· I.OST: llli\CK I.EGI\l. No!Obook in SUn. l/21. '69 CHEVY lliSCAYNE. R1ms excellent. Some judge prince 31 False god 50 N.Z. native PUPPY NI.·J~os like !iUnuner JlD! plus !Opci, Coli 293· domestic cigarettes, pipc'i, pamphenmlia. A.M. ably 11 Celebrity 37 Some win- 55 Fuzz Submarine Base in Washington J945. of Washington and New Mexico. QA TYPING SERVICE, A complete. lyping and 4656, OJ/29 ncw~pap~::r $.1.5 Mm\·Fri. Oo you have something 44 Negative 12 Relieve editorial system. Tcchrlii::al. general, legal, medical, 1971 DATSUN 240Z. Good condition, S2800 or dows 56 Japanese state. "The Navy wants to build 30 of There, he said, the Pentagon's most to ~ell or advcrlhc7 l,o51 it on our tJufletin board 45 Resin o;cholasti.c. Charts & tables. • .345~2125. 04/27 bcsl offer. 266-1027. OJ/29 13 Luge, e.g. 4.0 Transfer premier · At a lecture sponsored by the these submarines, at a cost of $30 obvious presence is in the form of -'II Pipe & Tolm!:co RU. 1071J Corntll Sl! Mon·Prl 46 Rodents 21 Australian tJnm·fipm, Sat I0-4prn. OJ/30 TYPIST .. TERM PAPERS, Thesis. Rc~Umcs. · ONE TEN SPEED men'~ bike In good condition. 42 Soapstone 60 Moo War· Resisters League Monday, billion apiece." the Trident, while New Mexico's 29')·8970. 04/12 Ext'ellcn_l Sprlng riding for $75,00. Pal 265·7688. VI'TERIINS! TH~RE WILl. be n mccling of 1l1c Douglass said he wants New Douglass preached a mixture of "nuclear legacy" is long and S111dcnt Vcu.~rttn!; As~oc. Tues. 3·.2.7•79 at 8!00fllll GUITAR tESSONS: ALL 'lyles. Marc's Guilar OJ/JO in f{oom IOS4 Mesa Vista, H;.U Notth. All in· Studln, 26l-lll5. 1fln LIKe NEW PIMENTEl. gul!ar, sacrlfi« at Mexicans to hold similar outings. in philosophic, spiritual and continues with the government's terc\ICd \'CiWIII'S ure invitell 10 llltend, 03127 24 IIOUR TVPIN(l mvke. 2ll·9426, 842-1383, 14.00.00. Mall 843-7059, 03/~0 non-violent resistance to "our" "common-sense" resistance to plans to locate three of se\'en CASU 1'1\ID H>R u~cd women's clothing-•currel11 Jean. 04111 LEICA MJ: 50MM f2 Sumkcon. R«ent rac1ory nuclear weapons plants, such as nuclear militarism at Aquinas_ "Mobile Experimental" (!\IX) \lylt ... 2123 Sun M:uco NE. (bc:hirtd RAG SUOP). FREE INCOME TAX asslstllncc provided by overhaul and con\'ersion lo single stroke• .$350 or T'Ur;~. lhm SUI. IOJm~Jpm. 268·2823. • OJIJO ATM ll1i~incs.~ Or~anllatfon, MWP 9·2, M 2·5~ be\1 offer. 262-0379 evenings nnd weekends. tf/n Sandi_a and· Los Alamos Labs and Newman center . on the UNM _missile systems in southern aud INTI'HES1HJ IN TRYING 0111 fnr the UNM Th·F .1·5. ISIS Roma. or by appoinimcnt 277- MAMIVA C·JJO, SS. 80, 180mm, lcn1cs, White SandS Missile Range. campus Monday. His message was eastern parts of the slate. 4816. 03129 crwvarral~? Meet fn Johrlson Gym March lOih a1 porrofinder. Bogen spcd;li enlarger w/50, 7Smm. ''The Trident submarine," clear: if we allow our govenment to "The MX is yours, whether rou ,, 4~00pm. 0.3130 I!XPElR.T TYPIST. IDM Selectric. Thc~e~. J1ilpers, rodcn51ock. Package $675, 255·1084. 04102 ' ('ONL'ci'TIONS-SOUTfiWEST COMING Soon! di'l.~crlnlion'!;, etc. 344-4953 or 34S-76(i8. 03/29 ROSSIGNOl. EXHIBITION "S" s~is, 190,m., .Douglass said, "is 560 feet long. It continue developing so•called like it or not," he said. "It's like Wah;h the tobo fdr ftnthcr cftn TYPING. ALL I)HASES collt"gc work. ncl."urntc. Solomon 444 binding.(, Nordica hurricane boot!i, will carry 24 missiles, each with 17 "defensive" nuclear weaponry at e<>ntlnuodon pogo6 ' f"L 344·$446 or J44·lBl9. 0)/JO Scott poles. V01hje $430,00, v.·ill sell for S2SO,OO, Call 299.0329. 04/02 !Hl' [;S'!'AilUSIIMI:NT, drillk, dine & dance BAVE I'AI•ERS, THESIS to l)'pe in n 'hurry? expcricnl.'C pre~eming ttJe hapJlic!ll happy hour o.nd Call eKperienccd 1)'pht. 265-0023. 03130 llONDA CIVCC ~TATION wagon, 1917, CK· dam:mgc~t mu~tc dowmutir"i: -:.tho 'cr"ing the ccllent l!ondition. Call 262·0379 evenings or l'iuc\t in 'teak\, prime. rib & $cafood up<;Utirs. f<'or 4. HOUSING weekend~. lfln y~1Ut dancing pleasure, it'1'1 Soundmtgc Tues.Sat; LOBO· photo contest winners pages 10-12 LEVIS S8,9l, WIULE lhon't buy aulo in'lurttuec tltllil downtown. Oood bus ~crvicc ever)' JO minulcs. i c:orncr Cornell. 04t02 .·.#lfP' tmr check our new rale\, Helghh oflict Ui6•8211, bcdroDtri or efficlencyl S18S-S2JO. All utiliti~:s fASIIION JEIINS FOR Guys & Gals, S7.95 on mid·town 243·$528, Gallego'!: Agency. 0.31.10 paid. l>duxe kitchen wlcl1 disfiwa~hcr & disposal. :;ale this week. California Fashion 0\.ltlet acros~

recreation tt10rl1 1 ~wlmming pool. TV room & UNM, 2324 Central SE. rorncr Cornell. 04102 •

PElJGEOTBicycles Best Prices in Town'

.LJ...,.,...oped Makers of Hootd M.ole 3222 Central 268-39+9 Indian Jewelry Expert Repairs OLDTOWN.

Ne~ Mexico Daily Lobo

Please place the foUowing classified advertilement in the New Mesko DaUt/ Looo. . times(s) beginning , under. the heading (circle Gne): 1. PeQOnals; 2. Lost & Found; 3. Services; +. Housing; 5. For S~l!: 6. Employment; 7. Travel 8. Maeella11eous. Want Ads say it ·in a Big Waylt : i i i ;.)'

'·j . ~

Hours: 8:30A.M. to 4:30 P.M. I, ., Monday thru Friday '

Marron Hall, Rooni 105 i ·':, Mail To " UNM Box 20, University of·New Mexico . ' Enclosed $.· ____ Placed by --~-~ TelephO'ne:~----- Albuquerque, _New Mexico 87131 . . Photo by Linda. DeVries
