50 Houses Set Abqaiq Bypass Road Completed, for Dhahran 4Th

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50 Houses Set Abqaiq Bypass Road Completed, for Dhahran 4Th VOI. 10, NO. 4 Arabian briar Oil Co, Dbahnn, bud Arabia Anwry 26, 1955 50 Houses Set Abqaiq Bypass Road Completed, For Dhahran ~~ndbrwking fa thm flnt 4th Longest Aramco-Built Road of 50 h-bdmom unih in Corahuctla, mnflnhhd th25 1/2 mile Abgrlq-Dhohmn bp Dhnhmn wIIIatoll FA. 1. The d,buihwn (h. rmghrt dura emlmlld by th8 campany, 50 unlh, which am thm wln lmt Sundny and will turn It onr to hpiqDlshict kmamw. AH-I3 typ. ai wen built hm n* mwmad bypauaAbqalq and smkheaFmn (h Aln Dar kd lmt par, anrch.dulad to b. to a mile Eat d hC~oo Gud Station, midmy b.tmnAbqdq cnplatd by mxt kpt. 1. and Dhahmn. It h th fwfth ~kmwill b fan groupd Local Paper ~~t mad ta bm built by tlm th nw unlh, all of th ~npony. mmtypa. Construction am Sbmdahm 12, the road hmna~~bm.~art. ToPrintHere mehdh-pDltd the Flnt gmund braking wlll b. A nnr losol Amble mw- duw amlmt kphmbr, whm for a ~rmpd dght units nofth pap, mDhahNm,. Is dunr 35 fnt hlgh wan an- of 11th Avmua, hud.rlng on .sh.duld to bprinhd In about cwnhnd. Paving abwt 6th and Plm smh, and fa a a mthby a Danna printing thm wm tim, with a new gmup d 10 unlhddM plont. typa d +It pmdd at strat, badwingam 5th SM. Thpqorh pmnntly prlntd Rm Torum's aphalt mixlng Gmund braking w111 M in blrut on a fortnlghtly his plant. thm mlddh d Fhyon two bu) will b.sorn. a wnkly hr k rood N- m shoight 0% gtwp d 16 unih ash. Tku it lnwa to hm. pooible right ovr nnny d the wlil b. losohd In th hollow Ealta-in-chid of tho duw and i.r b.n w- bhnn 1st and Pinsmh and lllukokd mpopr Is 'AM pryI. Mahum b.~wOak and Plm streak. Allah hn 'AM aI-hhn d- d thm wide mod is Gmatul Offlee CahKtlon klhuq, a Dammom bu~lna- unda Flw per wnt. h hcrndllng tha bullding d thm I.LIII nnn. 'Abd Allah hh a* rennlnlng lob, which unlh, dmlgmd by Th nDpw ik. and Mn. helllhanm~, k., chck thrwk (hey followd mrnr In thm uniw d H. H. shwldbaflnbhd mxtwnk, is Offlce. G. 0. Camhuetia on thlr flying tour. Amlr h'ud lbn 'AM Allah Ibn htd mhlng (h. poar lim wplt Is ulng all fleld mtwbl Jllwl, Garnor d thm Emh adhr 11 fnt h (h. wrplrna available but that ih. L, Thomas, Jr, Shows Tibet Film ~mv~nce,lator abblhhing a mad at four pink to allox emel &h d eapietla, far rtm in Darmm. Mm h80v-y hucklng top. The mch group d unih will &- Lall lham, Jr., k glvlng a ttncdhklct rharin(l d hh ncantly, 'AbdAllah rtablbh- lim pllelsih. mod. pad on haw ktIt naim sdor mIed a kip h IAb to Tlbl wlth his fathw, thm wall- d (h. Swdl Publhhlng Offlm Durhg thm camtniction mterkl hth ord.nd. knmm radio -tator and had d (h. Chnmflrn pmnntly In bIW and pmvldd fd nnr pvh0110 wm put dam Fiftyohrunihcmtob. bulit Fllmlng In Ambk. fa camtruction da Sdl In thm patklngwa In fmnt d thhpw In hfidd, 25 in bb- k pun~wThons .hcr*d tlm fllm d a ntnnlng co1l.g. In L&mn, rdwduld (t* Comt GdS8utlan. 1 qdqand 25 In &Tonum.Schd- -taryat Dhahmnm h- toopnro~n. An rtinnkd 1,500,000 uleddahforth818unihirJuly I, hy. YaMd.r, ha gon thm King in Qatar d thmmrpcp.r eublcprdrdmndwaonnwd d.p.ndmtonncelptdnnkrId~ hawln Rm ~anum, and ha w H. M. Klng b'ud lbn 'Abd and pllm In (h printing duing (h mad buiidlng, to wlnd q~ha tour In hiq 01-'Azlz wm npDmd to I*m wtun Is AMUI Karnm ibn which nnwultot8d th8 uu of SPECIAL MOVIE tanlghtat8:30lnth8 h.mtlon lwft Rlpdh lait kdnyla his Jhrlmn. Thapcp.r Is publih- almot 100 phu. d hwvy YJULIUS CAESAR," with Contmr. vhit to H. H. All lbn hlm dbyal-Klmtt Prlntlng, Publlh- qulpmnt, imludlng mms krlon Bmndo and bnm Th movie's tltie, 'Out d al-Thonl, thm Skikh d Qbr. Ing and Tmnrlotion Coqmny. 50 Cukrplllan. Maon, wlll h .hDm In th8 This Wald," hello th. titie d Th King ro *-tad to Sun ad Flam -tula(n Th proled w hnndlad by DhokonSenku SbK Tkkr a a book by th8 hthmr-and- slop at Dhohmn for an Mlchl th.u mm on hlr enkrpriu G8noml Office CmhKtim Thundny, Jar. 27. at II p.m. hom,whichslshdwt for Tlbt vhlt to (h US. Air Forse 8rm and whha thm every rucca and Gmeml Offlw Enginwr- In hly, 1949. Th8O-mlnuh on hk mtum flight to Riyadh. In (hir m &va. Ing . film is nporkd thm bat enr mxh d Tibt. M. ~b,J~., and hil John Farrow, Hollywood Writer-Director, Here wifa am pnuntly & In Famarr xrun dimetor and a flylng nwld (aa in a slngla- wrth hhn Farrow h pnuntly f.Flw I -in Cam180, plld by in thm fkld to anlam thm M. Thmn. hyldt Nw wp.d tho Ambbn uqumu Yak lot F8hmry. piekd q~ d thm Cimram. fllm, "Th thm plan In Europ. and hon km Madm Wad.n d thm flom thmgh France, Spln, Wald: blfilmlng ro North Africa, lurkmy, lmn and slahd fathlr waked. other ~nirdnea thmn. Thmovie,b.lngpm&d by Thlr hlp aera~~th wld. Lnnll~RuductIa,w1II North Afrlmnbull lna single- haw H. M. Klng Sa'ud in 8ngln plow h a that Idt Ripdh, and various - in Ammo wiatlm mm hklng th d-rt d at sarpony lmbllatia. hpung couple -bath am Th film wIII taka thm rnhn - am mpating for audience cnound ih. wld oml "had&. Dlpltmand 'knrl- ask th. vimnplsk thm Vhm M Wakly' and ham bm S- Madm Wanbn.. L ,.: 'Ilhoorlng for Ndaml Brad- M. Fam ro mlld from Well-kno*nnarkdimtorJdnfi~(rlght)~hH.M.Kingh'ud AnmY cmtlng Conpany Telavhlon. Wulu fa thm id d lbn 'AM al-'Adz (left) 1nRI)adh todllcup (h. Clmmfilming in Fmt oetlm wm mn in thm Sun and Fbm's ace dmm dinsting thm Clmmnn pm- Ambla, kddup by Farrow. In emm, left to right, am H. E. Dhnhm-Ab~Iq bmkatball crltlc, Ed Panla. b wltlng ductla, and anidvk Nw ShalkhI bml limalni, Mvhor b th. Klng; H.E. Shoikh Abddlah 0011* Frkby. (kldltlaml a mvkr d (h haw fa thm hR lat wrk. He hod lut ibn Mvmn, mly-inhd Dputy Mlnlster d Finance; and H.E. plehnaond story am pnga 7). nut IUD. (Cantinuad a Pag. 8) Shalkh Abduliah hi.-Khair, Rlvak Smtory to H.M. thKing. - I %n and Flam - 2 - r CROSSWORD PUZZLE Calendar- ( THIS WEEK'S MOVIES 1 Of Week's Events TIDING SHOTGUNm 'WEL IN WE JUNGLE" Abqalq w,4mdalphSwtt,Woym Mmls w/J.onm Cml~lhno Andrmn western cn ~ood Mnnhrm (0 Good' Thur., Jon. W - king RT Jm. 2h 1:30; 3:30; 7; 9; 12 Ab Fmb. 2: 3845 p. m. ant. Cia, Pabblm No. 3, 8 p.m. RT Jm. W: 3:30 and 8 p.m. Ab Fmb. 1ll:3Q.m. 14Sp.n; Frl., lm. ?B - Crarp,lrlpmHdI&& lar 'EAT THE DEVIL. &In S(op,7:30o.m+ Spsbl vhmpkmy Bw~~ikMIfmrhn FoolbDll fllm, Senlor Stdf bn*dy tn bum~lmnt Thwhr, 12mmj lnhr-Dbtrkt RT Jm. 2& 1:3& 3:30; 7; 9; 12 Bdcdbdl oA.. k Tanw RT Jm. 29: 8 p.m. n. Abqalq, Abqnlq BmkmMl Court, 4p.n.; Wonn'l Gmup 'KNOCK ON WOODa FollAILlOn, PatidmNo. 4, w/Dmy ibp,lvbl Zmthrllng 8 p.m. Cannh, (n vmty Good Sat., Jan. 29- Wcqon'c RT hl. 30. 1:30; 3:39 7; 9; 12 oroup swing ond Knlning RT Jm. 31: 8 p.m. Cla, Chttuh, 2 p.m.; hrlngClor, PandmNo. 2, WAGNIFKENT 0116ESS10Ng 8 p.m. w/hWyman,bck Hh Sac., h. 29 -- Worn's bW 6Kellmt Grap welcar 6Rr. Th Ab hn. 24 145 p. m. cant. Pdn, 9:r) a.m.; Glrl Scda, Ab Jon. W:lI:3Q.m 1Upn. Part&lmNo. 2, 4p.n.; by ACROSS IT FA42 1:3Q 390; 7; 9; 12 Scda, WmNo. 3,7 p.m. I - Stod RT FA. 51 8 p.m. *LIVING n UP= Ma., h.31 - Wonm'r 6 - Exhnt w/ O.on MnrHn, Jury Lrrls Grpp Boo& kvlw, Smn& 10 - Foohmy 'DEAD RECKONING" CQmdy (F) Excmllmt Stuff Thakr, Paktblm No. 3, 14 - Pmltln krmlml 28 - Gad af thsky: Babylob +phmy ~rt,llrbeth Scott Dh Fmb.2: 3:30;51*7:30;% 30 4 p.m.iCub Scda hllk 15 - Ymmt fordm hwlq 30 - Fmnch sllk Dm"'! (n V-YW Dh hb.3: 11:3Q.m. a15 p.m. Mrtlng, Cha(kbox,7:30 p.nj llpuon n - kmiti- mdmnd Ab hn. 28: 3:45 p. a. cant. Dupllsb. CIQI Tournmt, 16 - k barfin (h. *P Ab Jm. 29: 11:30em. 3t45p.m. EdLounp, 7:Wp.n. 17 - Annlm ta womn 34 - krwltmm COMING ATTRACTIOM Tur., hb. 1 - Imwnta 19 - Spmnirh nobl.mn n - N~WO~ 'DWN AT S0COR11Og .kwn Mdnfw knnlrolh.19 Mrth, PdmNo. 2, 3 20 - Skke W - ChWdcltydkbDb whyCalhan, Plpr bwlm .Knlghh d hRaund Tablm. and 4, h30 p.m.; Glrl Scda, 21 - hhrd an Indamion Qlb) (0 Good 7h.OmnS~ MleNo. 5 530 p.m.; tribe d Mlnh 41 - lndbn dbemy Ab- Jm. 31: 145 p. m. cat. Fmclng Clam, WmNo. 2, 23 - Ra*nt 43 -cum Ab Fab. 1: 8p.m. (A, &Mh; F, Farnlly) 8 p.m.# WSkpprr.
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    Future Saudi Cities Programme Disclaimer City Profiles Series: Qatif The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of © 2019. Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-publication Data United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Views expressed in Qatif City Profile./ Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Ministry Riyadh, 2019 of Municipal and Rural Affairs, the United Nations Human ..p ; ..cm Settlements Programme, the United Nations or its Member States.Excerpts may be reproduced without authorisation, on ISBN: 978-603-8279-02-1 condition that the source is indicated. 1-Al-Qatif (Saudi Arabia) - Description and travel ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2- Eastern region (Saudi Arabia)- History City Profiles Series Editors: I-Title Herman Pienaar 915.3135 dc 1440/8075 Salvatore Fundarò Costanza La Mantia L.D. no. 1440/8075 ISBN: 978-603-8279-02-1 Contributing Authors: Luis Angel Del Llano Gilio (urban planning & design) © 2019. Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and United Costanza La Mantia (content editor) Nations Human Settlements Programme Rama Nimri (regional planning) All rights reserved. Anne Klen-Amin (legal & governance) Samuel Njuguna (legal & governance) Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs Dr. Faisal Bin Sulaiman (legal & governance) P.O. Box : 935 - King Fahd, Riyadh, 11136 Giuseppe Tesoriere (economy & finance) Tel: 00966114569999 Elizabeth Glass (economy & finance) www.momra.gov.sa Mario Tavera (GIS) Solomon Karani (GIS) United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Layout Design: P.O.
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